
TheSheepcheeseboy: no idea, it works for me out of the box00:02
cheeseboywats the opengl dev package called?00:04
cheeseboyconfigure: error: *** OpenGL header file not found!00:18
cheeseboywha i need to install?00:18
billeniumWhen i try to install my 8800GT drivers through xubuntu with Envy it says that it does not support my Operating System... It supported gnome, but not this... Why?00:24
cody-somervillebillenium, should work :/00:24
billeniumwhat ever :P00:25
billeniumill be back on Monday00:25
TheSheepcody-somerville: envy came back from the grave?00:49
cody-somervilleI guess so :)00:49
=== platyhelminth_ is now known as platyhelminth
Genelykrelease Interpred?01:34
cody-somervilleGenelyk, hmm?01:39
snurdle Can i translate xubuntu desktop's words into my language anyway by myself? because there are some words missing01:40
Genelykdate of  alpha 101:41
cody-somervillesnurdle, certainly :)01:41
cody-somervilleGenelyk, I dunno. It got delayed.01:42
cody-somervillesnurdle, https://translations.launchpad.net/01:42
Genelykok , i will wait...01:43
cody-somervilleGenelyk, There are daily builds if you're looking to test01:43
snurdleok ty01:44
Genelykdownload opensuse...  my space hard disk is short..01:44
cody-somervilleGenelyk, hmm?01:46
Genelykuse 4.5  gb  , free space 300 mb01:48
HiedraVenonataI have a new computer with Xubuntu, and was just wondering if it is normal that you cannot drag on the desktop and create a box which you can use to select multiple icons? Trivial, but I was just wondering. I'm used to Ubuntu...02:48
cody-somervilleHiedraVenonata, correct :)02:49
rodents210I am on 8.04, upgraded from Gutsy Gibbon, and now once I log in all I have is a light blue screen and the cursor. The desktop never comes up. How do I fix this?03:23
cody-somervillerodents210, Hi03:36
cody-somervilleThis is a known bug03:36
cody-somervillebug #23236403:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 232364 in dbus "dbus-launch hangs at session start waiting on socket output in libxcb" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/23236403:36
rodents210ok thanks03:46
rodents210Sorry about this but I'm new to linux. I'm assuming what I do is boot up and go to failsafe terminal, right? But what do I type?03:49
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cody-somervillerodents210, no04:34
cody-somervilleThe easiest solution is to press ctrl + alt + backspace to kill the x server and attempt to login again04:34
cody-somervilleYou can also press ctrl + alt + F1, login, and type: ps x04:34
cody-somervilleFind the process "dbus-launch --sh-syntax --exit-with-session" and its corresponding process id04:35
cody-somervillethen type: kill -9 <process id>04:35
cody-somervillereplacing <process id> with the pid04:35
cody-somervilleUs ps x to verify that the process was killed and then you can logout by typing: exit04:35
cody-somervillePress ctrl + alt + F7 to return to your desktop04:36
rodents210okay I'll try04:36
anushahai i am using xubuntu.in my pc when i am using firefox it just closed by itself.can anyone tell me the reason behind that and what shoud i do for that.04:39
rodents210I don't have that process04:39
rodents210there's only 5 and one of them is ps x04:39
cody-somervillerodents210, what are they all?04:42
cody-somervillerodents210, this may be very important, apologies for making you type it out :)04:43
cody-somervillerodents210, I have to run but please e-mail me those details :)04:45
cody-somervilleI'll be back online in roughly 30 minutes.04:45
nubuntuhello guys.  anybody know why 'take screenshot' and it's related packages aren't showing up in my menu after installation?04:46
nubuntuhello guys.  anybody know why 'take screenshot' and it's related packages aren't showing up in my menu after installation?05:19
nubuntuor how to launch it from terminal?05:21
nubuntuwish someone could help, i got a google earth screen i really need pic of05:32
nubuntuoh, well, gotta go get a walmart fix.  check in laters.05:53
anushahey my firefox is getting close by itself.is there any problem in my pc.what is the solution for that05:59
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solotimany Empathy user here?08:11
solotimtoo quiet here08:46
ubottuIt's the middle of the night in the US and Europe, and surrounds.  This means that a lot of people are likely asleep, therefore there are less potential people who can answer your question.  Please be patient, and consider asking at a time when more people will be awake.  This is particularly true in the quieter channels.08:46
solotimok, i see. sorry for my complaint08:48
zoredacheno nead to be sorry... just was letting you know08:48
solotimok. I'll keep waitting...08:49
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JannoTTanybody here?10:03
JannoTTanyways i need to change log in screen reso. It fucks up my splash screen10:03
JannoTTmiddle of spash screen it changes the reso. But spash screen does not soo i will see only part of it.10:05
JannoTTso i gotta get log in screen reso down10:05
xbj9000try editing xorg.conf and removing references to resolutions you don't intend to use10:05
wasabi_does xubuntu have a config editor for the desktop effect?10:05
wasabi_i wanna make it completely minimal to increase fps10:06
wasabi_avant windows manager does not work unless i turn on desktop effect. but it's slowing down my laptop considerably10:07
JannoTTwhere is xorg conf? :D10:07
xbj9000save a copy for backup first10:07
xbj9000and know where it is: a broken xorg can keep you from logging into your desktop until you fix it10:08
JannoTTthere aren't any resolutions inside it10:09
xbj9000xorg has been kind of broken since Hardy10:09
xbj9000here's the work-around I suggest to people:10:10
xbj9000boot up an older 7.10 CD and copy the xorg.conf from there and save it to a floppy or whatever, then use it to overwrite your broken xonrg.conf back in Hardy10:10
JannoTTi dont have 7.10 CD i only have 8.04 i started using ubuntu when it came out10:11
xbj9000yeah the old ones are still available though10:12
JannoTTi gotta download old ubuntu to change log-in screen reso? Something is realy wrong here10:12
xbj9000yup   :/10:14
xbj9000nobody seems very concerned over it though10:14
xbj9000anyway it's an easy fix aside from all the time you have to waste10:14
JannoTTstrange. Im gonna test my conf now. Added few lines i found from internet10:14
JannoTTworks like a charm10:17
JannoTTfew lines from xorg configuring tutorial10:17
xbj9000awesome glad you fixed it ok10:17
xbj9000however I still suggest my fix if you have the time10:18
xbj9000or if you have further xorg problems10:18
nubuntuhello guys.  anybody know why 'take screenshot' and it's related packages aren't showing up in my menu after installation?10:30
OlgemI thought there isn't a very configurable xorg.conf because the new xorg release in hardy "doesn't need" it anymore.10:30
JannoTTnubuntu,  u mean xfce4 screenshoter plugin or what?10:34
nubuntunot sure, it's the one that gets included if you select disk usage analyser, or that disk usage analyser gets included if you select take screenshot.  but it doesn't appear in the menu after installation and the command screenshot does not launch it.  talking about the add/remove function, not synaptic...10:37
JannoTToh :df10:38
nubuntui know the command baobad launches the disk usage analyser, is there some other command to launch screenshot?10:39
nubuntubaobab, i mean10:40
JannoTTgnome-screenshot --interactive for gui10:40
nubuntugnome-screenshot-interactive ?10:41
nubuntucomplete ?10:41
JannoTTno with two --10:41
nubuntuok, i go try; thanks10:42
nubuntudo you know why it doesn't appear in the accesory menu?  i've installed on other machines and i think usually appears no prob?10:42
nubuntu(not that important if i know how to term it)10:43
hyppiasnetworkManager or wicd ?12:09
Paulaohow i can install gnome without screwing or changing my original xfce xubuntu files ?12:36
Odd-rationalePaulao: just install ubuntu-desktop (sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop)12:58
andreas3045has anyone else had the problem that two windows open when a removable medium is inserted?16:36
andreas3045(in xubuntu 8.04)16:36
TheSheepno, not in 8.04, but it happened in dapper16:41
TheSheepcan't remember what coused it16:41
andreas3045jup, I found that thread: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=20286216:41
andreas3045but can't really see a solution16:41
TheSheeptry killing all thunars and trying again16:42
andreas3045ok, great: -> killing all Tunars solves the problem: media is inserted and no window opens, but icon appears on the desktop - ok16:45
andreas3045-> exactly one tunar open -> one window opens, as i want it16:45
andreas3045now how can I make sure only one tunar is opened at the start?16:46
TheSheepandreas3045: it's the norm16:46
andreas3045yeah but the problem exists even right after starting the PC16:47
andreas3045but maybe its part of the session and will be remembered?16:48
TheSheeppossible, just save your session after killing those thunars16:48
TheSheepor clear the session by deleting ~/.cache/sessions16:48
andreas3045ok ... thx for the help16:48
TheSheepI wonder what made thunar start two times16:49
andreas3045btw everything else works really great -> scanner, printer, digital camera, mp3 player16:49
andreas3045no idea ...16:49
TheSheepit normally only starts one copy, and just opens new windows when you start more16:49
andreas3045I think there were three Tunars even :)16:50
andreas3045well anyways - thx for your help .. I will try restarting and see if only one Tunar appears ...16:51
partylib I want to login to my active directory domain, in ubuntu18:21
partylibis it possible18:21
TheSheeppartylib: it is generally possible, but relatively complicated to set up18:26
partylibthier nO gui way i.e. easy way of doing it18:26
partyliboh k18:26
magic_ninjawhats a good filesystem for data storage18:29
TheSheepmagic_ninja: what kind of data18:29
magic_ninjajust music movie and stuff18:30
magic_ninjabackup partition18:30
magic_ninjai went with ext318:30
TheSheepmagic_ninja: just use ext318:30
TheSheepit's a good universal solution :)18:30
magic_ninjawhat ya been upto TheSheep i havn't seen ya for a while18:30
magic_ninjajust got a new 500 gb hdd and a new computer18:30
magic_ninjaos[Linux 2.6.24-19-generic i686] distro[Debian lenny/sid] cpu[2 x AMD Athlon(tm) 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 5200+ (AuthenticAMD) @ 2.70GHz] mem[Physical: 756.7MB, 62.3% free] disk[Total: 23.3GB, 42.7% free] video[nVidia Corporation GeForce 7050 PV / nForce 630a] sound[Audigy - Audigy 1 [SB0090]]18:30
magic_ninjawanting a new grahpics card now18:31
TheSheepwhy new graphics?18:31
magic_ninjathis onboard sucks18:33
magic_ninjaits not bad but not what i want18:33
magic_ninjagood god18:33
magic_ninjathis sata is fast18:33
magic_ninjagoing from ide to sata18:33
magic_ninjalike 3 minutes to label and format a drive18:33
TheSheepI guess if you play games a lot, it makes sense18:35
magic_ninjai was dumb i ordered an IDE dvd burner and forgot the mobo i was getting was sata18:35
magic_ninjaits all good i'll sell it on ebay and order me a sata one18:35
magic_ninjabut i still got the ide hdd i was using18:35
magic_ninjai'll use it for something, keep it in18:35
magic_ninjaits going bad though18:35
magic_ninjathats odd18:42
magic_ninjafor some reason my computer just restarted18:42
magic_ninjacan you help me with some permissions real fast18:44
TheSheepmagic_ninja: I'm sorry, we obey the rules, you have to ask the question18:45
magic_ninjai know18:46
magic_ninjaseein if you were still around18:46
magic_ninjai got it now though18:46
TheSheepsometimes just formulating the question helps18:46
magic_ninjahow would i chown so my regular users will be able to copyt he fiels18:47
TheSheepchmod -R a+rX directory18:47
magic_ninjawhat is the a+rX18:49
magic_ninjaif you don't mind me asking?18:49
magic_ninjathe man pages on those commands confuse me, always have18:49
magic_ninjacp: cannot stat `/media/disk-2/My Music/Drowning Pool - Desensitize/07-drowning_pool-love_and_war-gti.mp3': Permission denied18:50
magic_ninjai did the command with sudo, thats odd18:50
TheSheepadds read rights for everyone to files and directories (a+r) and execute rights (aka. enter rights) for everyone to directories, -R does it recursively18:51
TheSheepwhat filesystem is on that disk?18:51
magic_ninjaext3. for the new, reiser for the old18:51
TheSheepshould work :/18:52
magic_ninjai was reading in #hardware, man they make a 10 ft. long 8000 dollar speaker cable18:54
magic_ninjathats just absurd18:54
magic_ninjaNO reason for that18:55
TheSheepmagic_ninja: there is a good (although pretty old) article about that: http://www.acmqueue.com/modules.php?name=Content&pa=printer_friendly&pid=98&page=118:56
TheSheepalas, it's offtopic18:56
magic_ninjaTheSheep, thats a good artcile19:02
magic_ninjaTheSheep, thats being caused by bad blocks on the disk19:03
ALPSINChello all19:05
ALPSINChow can i make all my updates get installed automaticly19:05
ALPSINC(it's for a server enviroment)19:05
ALPSINCwith xfce desktop installed, and loads of other software19:06
TheSheepALPSINC: system->software sources->updates19:07
ALPSINCand will that restart automaticly also?19:07
ALPSINCerr, is there an option for that?19:08
ALPSINCok thanks :)19:08
magic_ninjafor some reason i try to delete certain fiels my computer reboots19:10
TheSheepthat's bad, it shouldn't do that even with fault hdd19:10
ALPSINChahahahha i had windows 2000 instaled on my other server19:12
ALPSINCmust format quickly19:12
magic_ninjathis sata drive flies compared to this ide19:15
ALPSINCohh can you install xubuntu offf of a UFD?19:20
=== The_Compiler is now known as The-Compiler
lara0101is there anyway of making the keyboard act as a mouse? I don't have a USB mouse on my HTPC but would like to navigate some menus19:29
lc2lara0101: yes there is19:30
=== ubuntu-laptop is now known as gnomefreak
lc2lara0101: hit alt+shift+numlock19:31
lc2press numbers on your numeric keypad19:31
lara0101nice! thank you19:33
lara0101actually that's not working.19:34
lara0101how can I get to the top right pull down menu without a keyboard?19:34
xboxmancan anybody help me with my SSH server problem ><19:37
lc2lara0101: control+esc19:37
lc2lara0101: it works here, xubuntu 8.1019:37
lc2lara0101: did you hear a beep when you hit alt+shift+numlock?19:38
lc2from your pc speakar19:39
lara0101no I didn't19:40
lara0101control-esc worked19:40
lc2well, shit19:40
lara0101yeah, weird19:40
lara0101oh, it just worked19:40
xboxmananyone here good with ssh and stuff?19:41
lc2xboxman: depends, why19:41
xboxmani can connect locally but not externally19:41
lc2xboxman: what happens when you try19:41
xboxmanand i know my router is doing its job and the correct ports are open19:41
xboxmanone sec19:42
lc2does it just hang and time out?19:42
xboxmanit first says Connected to server running SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_4.7p1 Debian-8ubuntu1.219:42
xboxmanthen it hangs, and says error in key exchange19:42
xboxmanbut locally it connects in a snap19:42
lc2xboxman: make sure you don't have any old ssh keys for that host stored on the machine you're trying to connect to19:43
lc2you're trying to connect from*19:43
lc2failing that, you might also want to run a packet sniffer to see what's being exchanged19:44
lc2if nothing's being exchanged, then you've got some unresolved router problem19:44
xboxmanhmm ok ill go try it now19:44
lc2to me, that sounds like it's connecting, but not exchanging anything at all, which implies a problem with your router (i.e. if you have a naive port forwarder accepting the connection, trying to connect to the host, then dropping the connection when it can't)19:45
lc2most likely explanation: you have a firewall set up on the server machine which is silently dropping connections from either the router (if it's a naive port forwarder) or from the remote host19:45
xboxmangot rid of old ssh keys and nothing >>19:47
lc2xboxman: packet sniffer time19:47
xboxmanive never used a packet sniffer :P what do i do19:48
lc2hell if i know19:48
xboxmanthis will be fun19:48
xboxmandoes ssh use ipv6 or 4?19:50
lc2it depends19:50
lc2if you're connecting over intarwebs, then it's more likely to be ipv419:50
xboxmanbah this annoyes me too mcuh19:51
lc2xboxman: this may be quicker if you give me the ip of the server19:51
lc2i might be able to debug the problem19:52
xboxman24.80.199.158 port 10319:52
lc2xboxman: add a fake login for me19:53
lc2---> pm19:53
lc2give me /bin/true as a shell if you don't trust me :P19:53
lc2(p.s. it worked for me, it was a problem on the client machine)20:02
MoHi how can i deactivate the desctop icons from my mounted home partition?20:05
lc2heh, no idea20:05
* lc2 has been wondering that too20:05
Mo/mnt hides the desktop icon, but the mount point is /home/  :-(20:07
LetsGo67I cannot use my Kodak EasyShare C340 as a card reader in Ubuntu, but it is detected in lsusb.  Can someone help, please?20:08
lc2LetsGo67: define "cannot use"20:08
lc2what happens when you plug it in?20:08
LetsGo67lc2: plugging it in, the computer doesn't react whatsoever.  I am using Xubuntu.  I know that lsusb detects it, but I cannot use it as a USB storage device.20:09
lc2hold on, plugging in my camera to see what it *should* look like20:09
LetsGo67My camera's green light blinks constantly, the screen is off... the cable is right, afaik.20:10
lc2(by the way, digital cameras suck, get a film slr ;D)20:10
LetsGo67How come?20:10
LetsGo67Film SLR?20:11
lc2(because used film cameras still give you more for your money)20:11
lc2okay so20:11
LetsGo67I don't have that kinda cash!20:11
lc2LetsGo67: i recently got a fujica with four lenses for $50 US, it's not big cash20:12
lc2when you plug your camera in, you don't get an icon for the camera appearing on your desktop?20:12
Mothats what i want ^^20:12
LetsGo67Nor do I get it in Thunar, or /media/20:12
LetsGo67Yo MO20:12
LetsGo67Yo mo20:12
LetsGo67Yo Mo20:12
lc2Mo: what, a fujica? :D20:12
lc2LetsGo67: the only thing i can think of, is that it isn't detecting the camera as a USB mass storage device20:13
lc2(if the camera is configured such that it'll be expecting to hook up to a printer, that would happen)20:13
LetsGo67[   45.011042] ACPI: Video Device [OVGA] (multi-head: yes  rom: no  post: no)20:14
lc2LetsGo67: yup, it's detecting it wrong20:14
LetsGo67How do I change that?20:14
lc2LetsGo67: that's a problem with your camera configuration20:14
lc2LetsGo67: i can't tell you how to fix that20:15
* lc2 wouldn't know how to set up your camera, doesn't like anything with more than three dials ;D20:15
lc2LetsGo67: lemme think for a sec though20:15
lc2LetsGo67: okay, so that's all you get when you plug it in? nothing else?20:17
lc2LetsGo67: random question, you say you're trying to use your camera as an SD card reader, is it just photos you have on that SD card?20:18
* lc2 has smuggled MP3s into work on a digital camera before, so could understand if that wasn't the case ;D20:19
LetsGo67Yes, afaik.20:19
lc2LetsGo67: in that case, you might want to look at something like gphoto220:19
LetsGo67I removed the memory card, doesn't show up as a USB device.20:20
lc2LetsGo67: actually, gtkam would be better (i got the two mixed up)20:20
LetsGo67What do I do?20:21
lc2LetsGo67: sudo apt-get install gtkam20:21
lc2LetsGo67: if that works, then you can look at getting some software that doesn't suck for the same purpose (it just means that for whatever reason, your camera is not showing itself as a usb mass storage device)20:22
LetsGo67It shows, thanks!20:22
MoOkay, other problem. Since the last Update my Wireless AND Wired Lan is not available, i have eeexubuntu 7.1020:23
lc2LetsGo67: in that case, you want to find some other software for the same purpose that doesn't suck20:23
LetsGo67But in Ubuntu, I never needed this.20:23
lc2LetsGo67: yeah weird20:24
LetsGo67Sure is.20:24
lc2LetsGo67: anyway, install gthumb or f-spot20:24
jmichaelxi know this is a bit of a big question, but is xubuntu really that much lighter than ubuntu?20:24
lc2jmichaelx: yes20:24
lc2Mo: (i'm thinking about your question btw, not ignoring you)20:24
LetsGo67lc2: and remove risettro?20:25
lc2LetsGo67: no, ristretto has its purpose20:25
Molc2 thx :D20:25
lc2jmichaelx: i run this on a 1.4 athlon with 384mb of RAM, it's plenty fast enough (apart from firefox, but what can you do)20:26
LetsGo67lc2 if I install gthumb, it will show up as USB device?20:26
lc2Mo: run ifconfig to see if it is detecting the device20:26
abc1230Hello, could somebody help me set the resolution of Xubuntu to 1024x768?20:26
LetsGo67lc2: Opera is better.20:26
lc2LetsGo67: no, but gthumb will allow you to access your photos, and will look less shit than gtkam does20:26
LetsGo67abc1230 appp > settings manager20:27
Molc2 i can see the devices eth0 and lo. Before a make the update there was wifi0, ath0, eth0, lo20:27
jmichaelxlc2: i believe that, i have just had my doubts that xubuntu is all that much lighter than ubuntu. i ran kubuntu on a 500Mhz P3 with 512MB RAM for a long time, btw.20:28
abc1230LetsGo: I've tried that, but the resolution doesn't show up under the display preferences20:28
lc2jmichaelx: i'm sorry to hear that ;(20:28
LetsGo67Why does iTunes run awful?20:28
lc2abc1230: are you using an older CRT monitor?20:28
LetsGo67acb1230: is your gfx card/monitor supported?20:28
cheeseboyi broke apt :(20:28
LetsGo67sudo apt-get install apt20:28
cheeseboy(Reading database ... dpkg: error processing /home/greg/Desktop/libsdl-net1.2-dev_1.2.5-6_i386.deb (--install):20:29
cheeseboy files list file for package `libsdl-net1.2-dev' is missing final newline20:29
cheeseboyErrors were encountered while processing:20:29
cheeseboy /home/greg/Desktop/libsdl-net1.2-dev_1.2.5-6_i386.deb20:29
cheeseboyhow i fix that?20:29
LetsGo67GTHUMB IS SLOW!20:29
lc2cheeseboy: oh shi-20:29
lc2LetsGo67: welcome to gnome ;D20:30
LetsGo67lc2: error message: Une erreur est intervenue dans la bibliothèque d'entrée-sortie ('Erreur indéfinie'): Pas de description d'erreur disponible20:30
LetsGo67!language | lc220:30
ubottulc2: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.20:30
lc2cheeseboy: apt is not broken, it's a bad package20:30
abc1230I've done it before about a year ago, but I can't seem to figure it out anymore20:30
lc2abc1230: you didn't answer my question20:30
=== Quincunx is now known as Quin55555
cheeseboywell it was fine but my laptop dies during install20:30
abc1230I'm not sure if I am20:31
LetsGo67lc2 error message20:31
lc2abc1230: do you have a large non-flat-screen monitor?20:31
LetsGo67undefined I/O error.20:31
abc1230Yes, I do20:31
LetsGo67lc2 abc1230 fat screens are ugly!20:31
cheeseboyhow do i fix?20:31
lc2LetsGo67: i have a 21" CRT that weighs as much as me20:31
LetsGo67cheeseboy just reinstall Ubuntu20:31
lc2cheeseboy: don't install that package20:31
cheeseboyi need it20:32
lc2abc1230: anyway, your problem is that you need to manually set the horizontal sync/vertical refresh rates for your monitor20:32
abc1230How do I do that?20:32
lc2cheeseboy: then don't install non-official packages, as i suspect you're trying to do20:32
LetsGo67lc2: laptop 15.4 WXGA LCD.  :)20:32
cheeseboyi need it'20:33
LetsGo67lc2 didja see my error message?20:33
lc2abc1230: first of all, go to pastebin.com and pasta the contents of your /etc/X11/xorg.conf20:33
lc2abc1230: and then tell me what monitor you have20:33
lc2LetsGo67: i did, i'm thinking :P20:33
lc2abc1230: btw, i had the same problem, xorg refused to believe that my monitor could do more than 1152x864@56hz :P20:34
* lc2 can do 1600x1200 at a higher refresh rate than that20:35
LetsGo67lc2: error only happens when camera turns off by itself, never mind20:35
lc2LetsGo67: oh :)20:35
LetsGo67Thanks lc2, ttyl.20:35
Mofc :D20:35
lc2does that stand for something offensive? :D20:35
abc1230lc2: Should I send you the link of what I pasted?20:36
lc2abc1230: yes20:36
lc2what monitor do you have?20:38
agahnimNeed help .... where do I go in xubuntu to know which material is working fine and which isnt!!! like in windows with the System - Hardware window20:38
abc1230A Trinitron...Dell...20:39
lc2agahnim: not that simple, but we can help you narrow down the problem20:39
abc1230Let me see if it says anything more specific somewhere on this thing20:39
lc2you do that :)20:39
agahnimmmmm okay ... I don't know if I have a problem LOL ... jsut don't know how to know what is working and what is not20:40
agahnimis it easier under Gnome20:40
lc2agahnim: define your problem and we might be able to tell you what's causing20:40
lc2inb4 "wireless card", i don't know anything about those20:40
abc1230lc2: UltraScan 1000HS Series Model D1025TM20:41
lc2abc1230: give me a few moments20:41
lc2abc1230: does it have a service number where you found those details?20:41
lc2(would make it a load simpler)20:41
abc1230Let me check20:42
abc1230I don't think it does20:43
lc2alright, let me see what i can do for you anyway20:43
lc2abc1230: what resolution do you think your monitor can handle20:44
lc2abc1230: can it do more than that?20:44
abc1230Probably, but I've never really used a resolution higher than 1024x768 on this monitor20:45
agahnimmmm example how do I put volume up :P20:45
lc2agahnim: gimme a sec while i work out this for abc123020:45
lc2abc1230: okay, then give me a while to find out your monitor specs, <320:46
abc1230lc2: Thanks a lot20:46
lc2abc1230: okay, first of all20:48
lc2i warn you, you use this strictly at your own risk20:48
lc2replace your /etc/X11/xorg.conf with that20:49
lc2tell me when you've done that20:51
lc2agahnim: back to your question, if you're still here20:51
lc2agahnim: does sound work at all for you?20:51
agahnimyeah it is20:51
agahnimbut can't change volume or don't knwo how to20:51
abc1230lc2: I get the error "Cannot open file to write" when I try overwriting20:52
lc2agahnim: okay, right click on the big bar on the top, "Add new item"20:52
lc2agahnim: select "volume control"20:52
lc2agahnim: you now have a volume control for the bar thing at the top20:53
lc2abc1230: save it to a file in your home directory20:53
lc2and open a terminal20:53
agahnimso their is no place like in windows in ubuntu where you see which drivers are install and which material is working properly or not20:53
lc2agahnim: not as such, no20:53
lc2agahnim: there *are* ways to figure out if drivers are working right or not, but it's not as simple as that20:54
agahnimdo you know if it is easier under gnome or is it pretty much all the same under ubuntu20:54
lc2agahnim: dunno, never used gnome20:55
abc1230lc2: Ok, I have the .txt file in my home directory20:55
lc2abc1230: okay, first thing20:55
lc2cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf backupxorg.conf20:56
lc2sudo cp whateveryoucalleditgoeshere.txt /etc/X11/xorg.conf20:56
lc2but for the love of god use tab-completion to make sure your filename exists so you don't nuke your xorg.conf20:56
lc2there's one more step after that20:56
agahnimokay so if I understand good ... I have to test every functionality so I know that they work20:57
lc2agahnim: well, usually stuff works, if it doesn't, finding out the problem is somewhat more involved20:58
lc2abc1230: did you do that?20:58
lc2abc1230: okay20:58
lc2abc1230: just to make sure20:58
lc2abc1230: cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf20:58
agahnimokay ... its just that I'm on a hp pavilion dv6000 and they are made pretty much only to work under Vista20:58
lc2to make sure you actually have something in there20:58
lc2agahnim: and you're using xubuntu now?20:59
abc1230Yup, there's something there20:59
lc2go to applications -> settings -> settings manager20:59
lc2make sure your resolution is set to default20:59
agahnimyeah im on xubuntu ... got so mad after trying for month to pass from vista to xp so I decided to try ubuntu and it seems to work pretty good20:59
lc2it *has* to be set to "Default" for this to work20:59
lc2then log out21:00
lc2profit thereafter21:00
lc2agahnim: linux either works or doesn't work, if you're using it now that's a pretty good sign things are A-OK21:00
abc1230Alright, thanks a bunch :)21:00
lc2abc1230: come back and tell me how it went21:00
agahnimhehehe its all good then ... except the volume button on the laptop keyboard ... everything that I have tred works21:00
arigoldhi, I ran into a problem with our freebsd 4.6 server, and decided to go with ubuntu server, but wanted to configure it quick and dirty - MY command line is weak these days21:01
lc2agahnim: oh21:01
lc2if you want the volume key to work there's probably a way to do it21:01
arigoldcan I just load xfce or xubuntu-desktop package on here (256Megs) and configure it then make the default x stay off after boots?21:01
lc2arigold: hello fello freebsd exile :)21:01
agahnimokay if you know let me know ... worst case I'll try to look around21:02
lc2arigold: and yes, install ubuntu server edition21:02
lc2agahnim: let me think, okay21:02
lc2agahnim: applications -> settings -> keyboard21:03
lc2"shortcuts" tab21:03
lc2hit "add"21:03
agahnimtheir is no keyboard in setting21:04
lc2the command to lower volume should be: aumix -v-1021:04
lc2the command to raise the volume should be: aumix -v+1021:04
agahnimin setting manager?21:04
lc2yes, sorry21:04
lc2i think i killed abc1230 :\21:04
* lc2 is glad he gave the "at your own risk" disclaimer... :/21:05
lc2.. ;\ :D21:05
lc2in after monitor on fire21:05
arigoldlc2: hi! I can complain for hours about freebsd but I have to build a replacement. So I will load the GUI and give it a try.. I already loaded ubuntu-server21:05
agahnimYou are the man lc2 ... works as a charm ... do you know how to do mute also :P21:06
lc2agahnim: hm, one sec21:06
arigoldwhat are the requirements for RAM on xubuntu ?  192+ for stable GUI?21:07
lc2agahnim: aumix -v021:07
lc2arigold: i believe that's about it21:07
agahnimman you rock!!! just love it when thing just work that easily21:08
lc2agahnim: :) you're welcome21:08
arigoldlc2: finally, my ATI is integrated, so I suppose lspci will not show the ATI chip, right?21:08
agahnimI'm be sure to remember your nick if anything else pop around!!! Thanks21:09
arigoldwhere can I see the integrated ATI chip - to see if it was recognized?21:09
agahnimmy first day VISTA FREE ahahahahahah what a grand day21:09
lc2agahnim: yay :)21:09
lc2arigold: an integrated chip will be detected the same as any other chip21:09
arigoldlc2: so if lspci dows not show it, then it is not recognized, right?21:10
lc2arigold: lspci *should* show it, integrated or not21:10
arigoldok, RageXL, it shows it!21:11
lc2arigold: there is no reason, under *any* circumstances, that any video card will not be found by lspci, even if it's not supported by the kernel itself21:11
lc2(or rather, the advanced features of such)21:12
lc2lspci does some very low-level system calls, it doesn't ask the kernel "hai, wut graphics card u haz", it queries various bits of hardware itself21:13
lc2(via the kernel, but it doesn't depend on the kernel supporting what's there)21:14
lc2but wat do i no lol21:17
lc2*uncomfortable silence*21:17
* lc2 is still worried about abc1230 ;\21:18
abc1230Hey lc2, it fixed the problem. :)21:22
abc1230Thanks a lot21:22
lc221:19  * lc2 is still worried about abc1230 ;\21:22
lc221:21 -!- abc1230 [n=admin@207-225-245-195.tukw.qwest.net] has joined #xubuntu21:22
lc2thanks, i won't lose sleep anymore ;D21:22
abc1230Sorry for the delay21:22
lc2arigold: no problem :D21:22
abc1230The top and bottom bars decided to go invisible on me21:22
lc2abc1230: no problem21:22
lc2oh :D21:22
lc2are they back?21:22
abc1230Yup, I got it fixed21:22
lc2abc1230: okay well21:23
lc2abc1230: if you want more resolution than 1024x768 you can have it at a comfortable refresh rate21:23
abc1230I think I'm just going to keep it at this resolution. Thanks lots, though.21:23
lc2:D any time21:24
abc1230If I run into anymore problems, I'll come running back :P21:24
lc2look forward to seeing you! :D21:24
abc1230See you!21:24
lc2well, that's nice21:24
chris13could someone help me find the commands to install the proprietary nVidia drivers from the command line?21:26
chris13I just installed 8.04 and when I log in the graphics are all messed up.21:27
lc2sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx21:28
chris13I'm going to go try that and see if it fixes the problem21:29
chris13one more question: If I'm in graphics mode what is the keyboard shortcut to switch to command line?21:32
lc2f1 through to f621:33
lc2alt+f7 to go back to X21:33
lc2i think, hold on21:33
lc2yes, ctrl+alt+f721:33
lc2wait no, alt+f7 when you're in the console21:34
lc2forgive me21:34
chris13thanks again21:34
lc2any time21:34
agahnimLOL I really need to get use to linux ... took 20 min to understand how to use a program like a IRC client21:37
lc2agahnim: it'll grow on you21:37
agahnimLC2 : I have another question for you ... do you know how to make rct lcd button ... I normally use fn + f4 but it aint doing anything21:37
lc2make rct lcd button?21:38
agahnimjust learn that I should never close the terminal lol ... crashed the program!! sorry LC2 did you get my question21:39
lc221:38 < lc2> make rct lcd button?21:39
lc2i did, but i didn't understand it21:39
agahnimthe combination of fn + F4 doesn't make my computer switch from my laptop screen to my TV21:40
lc2haven't a clue21:40
agahnimokay ... I hope I'll be able to make this one work!!! so much better watching a movie on my tv screen compared to my laptop screen21:42
chris13well I tried to install the nvidia drivers by logging in using failsafe terminal21:42
chris13it downloaded them and then got to setting them up and then it crashed21:42
chris13I think autoconfig detected my monitor incorrectly21:43
chris13not sure how to change that21:43
agahnimso your stuck with the same problem ... if I understand right21:43
chris13yeah when I try to log on normally it starts to render the desktop but it has graphical artifacts and doesn't show any of the bars or the clock or anything and it appears to hang the system21:45
chris13it is like it starts to render the graphics ad then it dies21:45
chris13the keyboard shortcuts to get into a terminal aren't working either21:45
agahnimokay what laptop are you using I have a HP pavilion dv600021:46
chris13I'm pretty much stuck with failsafe xterm right now21:46
chris13I have a desktop21:46
chris13I built it myself21:47
chris13I had similar problems with previous versions of this OS21:47
chris13had to reconfigure xorg server or something like that21:47
chris13can't remember21:47
chris13basically I had to specify my monitor settings manually21:48
agahnimI'm looking on the forums and I can't seem to find anything on the subject ... cannot come back to vista caus I don't have CD anymore!!21:48
agahnimis their a way to send to command to the pc withought passing by the fn + f4 combination21:48
chris13even the failsafe xterm is failing :(21:53
lc2wait wat21:54
chris13it lets me type a command and then the redereing of the text messes up and it hangs21:55
chris13I think I need to do something like: dpkg-reconfigure xserver or something like that21:56
chris13is that the package name?21:56
chris13xserver or xorg or something21:57
lc2try them21:58
chris13I think it is xserver-xorg21:58
agahnim:( wish I could switch screen22:04
chris13hmm.. I finished going through the options and it only asked me about keyboard stuff this time22:05
chris13no graphics configuration settings22:05
chris13I need to get to the part where I can change my monitor settings22:05
lc2gonna go22:06
chris13anyone have any other ideas to fix my graphics?22:26

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