
uwsOk, so I'm trying to branch mysql-server/5.1 from launchpad00:00
uwsI've set my launchpad login using "bzr lp-login" previously00:00
uwsbut now the branching fails with a   Permission denied (publickey)    error message00:00
uwsI just want a checkout, nothing fancy.00:01
lifelessuws: its using bzr+ssh00:01
Jc2kuws: the lp: foo doesnt know whether your pulling or pushing, so always goes through bzr+ssh00:01
lifelessuws: and your public key is either not registered with lp, or no available to your local ssh00:01
uwsnote that I'm not involved with mysql, is that a requirement?00:02
mwhudsonmkanat: having fun yet?00:02
mwhudsonuws: not at all00:02
lifelessuws: 09:01 < lifeless> uws: and your public key is either not registered with lp, or no available to your local ssh00:02
uwsmwhudson: I thought it might be trying my login first, and failing in falling back to anonymous checkout.00:02
uwsanyway, I'll check my ssh keys\00:02
uwsah, there we go. Launchpad only knew about my laptop's ssh key00:04
lifeless_argh_ evolution00:16
awilkinsgcc -version00:17
awilkinsjelmer: Those C extensions are not compiling for me.00:19
lifelesspoolie_: I'm going to try to finish stacking-kints today00:21
=== rockstar_ is now known as rockstar
jelmerawilkins: what errors do you get?00:25
lifelessmwhudson: I get00:26
lifelessFirefox has detected that the server is redirecting the request for this address in a way that will never complete.00:26
awilkinsinitializer element is not constant00:26
jelmerlifeless: Hmm, looks like it's failing to do proper caching in the case of bzr-search00:26
lifelessmwhudson: when trying server-branches00:26
jelmerlifeless: Looking into it further...00:26
lifelessjelmer: thanks00:26
lifelessjelmer: its lock_read'd, and fast on bzr branches00:26
mwhudsonlifeless: hm00:26
lifeless500MB/hour now00:26
awilkinsjelmer: core.c (73) ; looks like it doesn't like the sizeof call setting the initial value00:26
awilkinsjelmer: This is gcc 3..4.500:27
mwhudsonlifeless: more details?  which directory are you running from, what url are you trying to view?00:27
lifelessmwhudson: http://www.robertcollins.net/00:27
lifelessmwhudson: I cd'd to that dir on the fs; ran python ~/source/loggerhead/bzr-search.integration/serve-branches.py;00:28
lifelessmwhudson: clicked on config-manager00:28
lifeless(note my html pages are woefully old; ignore that aspect :P)00:28
lifelessconfig-manager/ has a subdir trunk that is a branch00:29
lifelessconfig-manager/ is not a repository00:29
mwhudsoni wonder if this is dir -> dir/ redirection going strange then00:29
poolie_lifeless: hi00:30
lifelessthe url that it wanted was config-manager/, yes00:30
lifelesspoolie_: ho00:30
jelmerawilkins: Hmm, that's an old version00:30
jelmerawilkins: core.c is not there anymore00:30
jelmerawilkins: What branch are you using?00:30
jelmerawilkins: the mirror is probably out of date00:30
* awilkins pulls00:31
mwhudsonlifeless: i can't reproduce here00:31
mwhudsonlifeless: are there proxies involved or anything?00:32
lifelessmwhudson: not yet00:33
awilkinsjelmer: Darn, more setup.py blues00:34
mwhudsonlifeless: paste version?00:34
mwhudsonlifeless: as in, which version of python-paste00:35
awilkinsjelmer: apr-config naturally doesn't run on Windows so I have this awesomely bad patch to make it work :-|00:35
lifelessmwhudson: 1.1.1-100:35
mwhudsonok, that's definitely older than what has been tested so far00:35
* mwhudson goes to try to find a changelog00:35
lifelessits on my todo to upgrade00:36
lifelessbut, time.00:36
awilkinsjelmer: Right, It's too late to hack this into shape, I'll get back to it. Gnight00:38
mwhudsonlifeless: changes from 1.1 -> 1.2:00:38
mwhudson* Regression in 1.1 fixed, where Paste's HTTP server would drop00:38
mwhudson trailing slashes from paths.00:38
lifelessmwhudson: fuckers.00:39
lifelesswhy can't all software have /tests/00:39
mwhudsonlike loggerhead, for example...00:51
lifelessmwhudson: this is a bit of a show stopper though ;P00:53
mwhudsonlifeless: i don't really have any good ideas00:53
lifelessfor starters, document paste 1.1 as fuxored and check it at startup00:54
mwhudsonpython-paste is pure python, there's a good chance the deb from hardy will install fine i guess00:54
lifelessmwhudson: na-uh, python-central00:54
lifelessmwhudson: pure python doesn't mean what you think it does in a binary distribution world00:54
mwhudsonwell, perhaps00:55
mwhudsonbut getting a newer version installed somehow shouldn't be difficult00:56
=== mark1 is now known as markh
lifelessit would be a backport00:57
lifelessI'm not terribly interested in doing that; I'll just not play with loggerhead for a while00:58
mwhudson'for a while' -- until you get around to dist-upgrade?00:58
lifelessprobably august or so00:58
lifelessdoing an adhoc backport is a nuisance; its a local delta, the package manager will try to uninstall it under various circumstances, i need to setup a temp archive, or build it in a ppa01:04
mwhudsonwell, you could probably just untar a paste release and use PYTHONPATH01:05
lifelesswhich then becomes a sysadmin thing-to-remember01:05
lifelessand for my home server I want as close to 0 of them as possible01:06
lifelessits not a _high_ burden, but they sum01:06
lifelessand it deifnitely raises the effort past what I'm willing to do to experiment with loggerhead01:06
lifeless- its not 'easy' at this point01:07
mwhudsonwell, ok01:09
lifelessmwhudson: I guess I should note that having spent days+ of effort on loggerhead for squid-cache.org, I'm not enthused about more time01:09
mwhudsoni can't really see anything i can do to help here01:09
lifelessmwhudson: as a consumer of it, its a different feel to a developer01:09
lifelessmwhudson: I don't think there is much to do; I guess loggerhead could in theory ship a fixed paste function and monkey patch affected versions; but thats quite a lot gross01:10
mwhudsongutsy has paste 1.4 that i suspect will work01:11
mwhudson_my_ interest in supporting feisty is not so large01:11
lifelessI have a sinking feeling about freebsd though01:11
lifelessI'm not looking forward to finding out what version it has01:12
lifelessfullermd: feel free to give me good news about now01:12
fullermd[19:12:09] mortis:/usr/ports/www/py-paste                                       (ttyp9):{550}% make -V PORTVERSION01:12
lifelessok, thats good news01:12
fullermdIt's usually pretty good about being up-to-date on things.  It's just the occasional exceptions like TG that really monkeywrench things   :|01:13
mwhudsoni'd like to monkeywrench tg01:13
lifelessfullermd: to be fair, I suspect that's tg's fault01:13
mwhudsoni guess it's not a problem for me any more01:13
lifelessmwhudson: what would it take to make bb not need tg ? :)01:13
mwhudsonlifeless: oof01:14
mwhudsondon't know, probably quite a bit i guess01:14
lifelessbecause BB is still not properly operational for squid01:14
abentleylifeless: It would require an alternative identity layer.01:21
mkanatmwhudson: Sorry, was away for a bit there.01:21
mkanatmwhudson: I'm back now, I'll try that patch.01:21
lifelessabentley: thats a tg supplied thing ?01:21
abentleyYes, it handles users, groups, permissions, passwords, that sort of thing.01:22
abentleylifeless: believe me, I've thought about it.01:23
lifelessabentley: :>01:23
mkanatmwhudson: Yep, that does it. I have to make webpath = '', though, not actually comment it out.01:24
mwhudsonmkanat: hm, strange, but glad you've got something working01:25
mkanatmwhudson: Without it I get: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/22252/01:27
mwhudsonmkanat: with this patch? http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/22228/01:28
mkanatOh, hmm.01:29
mwhudsonbut anyway, it works, good :)01:30
mkanatmwhudson: Ah right, when I use teh *actual* patch it works, yes. :-)01:30
mkanatNow let's see if I can figure out what's causing those tracebacks.01:31
mkanatmwhudson: Unfortunately GoogleBot doesn't send referers. :-(01:37
mwhudsonmkanat: yeah :/01:37
Verterokabentley: hi, did you notice the mail/branch about BB on mysql? :-)01:38
mwhudsonmkanat: can you see what the file id in the url is for?01:38
abentleyVerterok: I see it now.01:38
Verterokabentley: in case you want to migrate it to mysql, I already have the env setup, etc...and I'm willing to do it ;-)01:39
abentleyVerterok: I want to migrate to postres01:39
Verterokups :P01:39
mkanatmwhudson: It's for a file.01:39
mwhudsonmkanat: any particular one?01:40
VerterokI can abstract the scripts to have multiple dest. engine01:40
mwhudsonor is it a variety?01:40
mkanatmwhudson: It's a variety.01:40
mkanatmwhudson: However, they're all in the same branch, which might actually have errors in it, since it was made by cvsps-import.01:40
mwhudsoni can't really imagine how a branch could be _this_ broken :)01:41
markhabentley: re that "Trivial UI Change" patch - it seems to me that the 2 strings are actually 2 params - so the spacing was correct in the initial patch01:42
mkanatmwhudson: Hmm, might be a race condition--I can open that URL fine.01:42
mwhudsonmkanat: ??01:42
mwhudsonbut i thought you said it was a file id for a file?01:43
abentleymarkh: You're right.  I saw what I expected to see, not what was there.01:43
mkanatmwhudson: I picked out one of the URLs that caused a traceback, and when I open it, there's no problem.01:43
markhand while I'm here :)  In my case at least, that message really means "your bzr package is missing something that allows you to do successful ssh" - but strangely, the log in that case does mention that the 'ssh implementation is Putty's plink.'01:43
markhif I use a bzr.exe from a binary package, it works correctly01:44
mwhudsonmkanat: that's really odd01:44
mkanatmwhudson: Hmm, or something is wrong with logging--my on-disk debug.log contains no tracebacks, I only saw them with -f -- that could be coincidental, though.01:44
markhmy bzr is probably not finding paramiko - is there a recommended way to enable debugging messages for that kind of thing?01:44
abentleymarkh: So the problem is that the orig_error param is being misused.01:45
markhabentley: yes, that that seems true01:45
markhwell, that is *a* problem, not *the* problem ;)01:46
abentleymarkh: There are other problems remaining?01:46
mkanatmwhudson: Well, it's not causing any visible problem anyhow.01:47
mwhudsonmkanat: ok01:47
markhwell - the original problem was simply the recommendation to "-D..." - thats independent of the orig_error abuse :)01:47
markhA possible remaining problem is that bzr is being less than helpful - the problem appears to be some inability to auth or otherwise do something related to ssh.01:47
mkanatmwhudson: So let's take the one last visible problem that I see--my auto_publish branches have their on-disk path as their bzr URL on the frontpage.01:47
mkanatmwhudson: My non-auto-publish branches have the correct URL.01:48
markhI do see a message "No supported authentication methods left to try!" so putty is trying to do someting01:48
mkanatmwhudson: Because I specified it, of course.01:48
markhbut my "connectivity and permissions" are fine (which is what bzr suggests I check)01:48
mwhudsonmkanat: this is probably my url_prefix fix being wrong01:49
markhabentley: so even if that isn't really a bug in bzr, any suggestions how I can diagnose what is missing myself?01:49
markh(to be clear - putty etc is all setup fine - it works perfectly if I use 'bzr.exe' instead of a source distro)01:51
lifelesshave you tried -Dtransport?01:54
markhhi lifeless - tried nothing yet, still fishing for clues.  I'll try it!01:54
markhOutput appears identical with -Dtransport01:56
markhlog too01:56
lifelesspython -c 'import paramiko'01:56
markhyeah, I'm confident that will fail01:56
markhbut how could I have bzr tell me that? :)01:57
markhie, I'm not sure what else I don't know I don't have!01:57
abentleymarkh: the suggestion to use D... was orig_error abuse.01:58
markhabentley: yeah - I was just saying that the original error was the text itself with is largely independent of the abuse that was uncovered while looking at it01:59
mwhudsonmkanat: try this: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/22255/01:59
markhas usual, take one bug, get a few for free!02:00
abentleymarkh: If you want to act clever, that's fine.  But I don't need to be involved.02:01
markhabentley: sorry, that wasn't my intent02:01
mkanatmwhudson: Yes, that works! :-)02:02
mwhudsonmkanat: cool, i'll commit it then02:03
* markh gets back in his box...02:03
abentleymarkh: If you want to diagnose why putty can't make a connection, I'd start by running putty.02:03
mwhudsonmkanat: i'll try to work on the server.webpath thing too, that's going to take a bit more thinking though i expect02:03
markhputty can connect fine02:03
mkanatmwhudson: No, that works.02:04
mkanatmwhudson: I just had read the patch wrong (I did it manually).02:04
abentleymarkh: I wasn't even aware that putty could be used for this.  I would have thought plink02:04
mwhudsonmkanat: i'd like to remain compatible with old loggerhead.conf files02:04
abentleyBut I guess the next step would be to find out what line bzr is emitting to connect.02:05
markhyes, putty's plink02:05
abentleySo to be clear: plink can connect just fine?02:05
markhyes, plink can connect fine.  Putty's pageant is the only program with my ssh key loaded02:07
markhso when bzr.exe successfully does ssh, I expect that is also via plink02:08
markhbut when 'python bzr' does not connect via ssh, the bzr log still indicates it is using putty's plink02:08
abentleymarkh: I wouldn't be surprised if bzr.exe is using paramiko.02:09
abentleybzr can use pagent.02:09
markhyes, which uses plink :)  I'm not aware of enough of the internals to know if bzr will attempt to use putty *without* paramiko.  I'm not even 100% sure paramiko missing is the problem :)  I was hoping to find something that might tell me so I'm not playing a game of trial-and-error is all.02:10
lifelessmarkh: we use paramiko for sftp logic, not encryption02:11
abentleymarkh: What makes you say pagent uses plink?  I would have assumed that plink uses pagent, not the other way around.02:12
markhI meant paramiko uses plink (or at least it has *some* interaction with putty's suite - it talks to pageant's window iirc)02:12
abentleymarkh: It interacts directly with pagent AIUI.02:13
abentleyIt does not have to invoke plink to do it.02:13
markhok - but I'm confident pageant/plink/putty etc are all configured correctly02:14
lifelessabentley: how does make_mpdiffs returning a dict sound to you?02:15
lifelessabentley: (that or (key, diff) tuples)02:15
=== timely is now known as timelyx
abentleylifeless: I'd prefer key, diff tuples, so the API doesn't demand loading many file versions in memory at once.02:17
lifelessabentley: ok02:19
abentleymarkh: So you probably want to look at bzrlib.transport.ssh.PLinkSubprocessVendor02:19
lifelessabentley: I won't guarantee to get to it; but it irritated me to have to zip() in bzr-search over the weekend02:19
lifelessabentley: and as we have a massive api break occuring this would be timely02:19
abentleylifeless: If we're breaking the API, maybe it should accept keys instead of revision ids.02:22
lifelesspoolie_: can I call ?02:48
lifelesshmm EAFTP I guess :P02:49
ToyKeeperWhat's this?  API changes which could reduce memory use?  :)03:34
ToyKeeper(last time I did a "bzr branch lp:bzr", it failed until I allocated 200+MiB RAM for it)03:34
lifelessToyKeeper: heh. I have test cases that chew up 3-4GB of ram03:35
ToyKeeperI finally got around to setting up a bzr server on my openvz host, and was surprised to see branching fail due to memory limits.03:41
ToyKeeperIt's easy to bump up the limit, at least.  :)03:41
beunohey mwhudson_03:55
mwhudson_hi beuno03:55
=== mwhudson_ is now known as mwhudson
beunoI did notice it. Scratched an itch I had  :)03:55
beunohow was your weekend?03:55
mwhudsonfine, fine03:56
mwhudsonwe're moving this week, so lots of packing and tidying03:56
beunoah, and maybe a better ISP?   :)03:56
mwhudsonwe shall see03:56
mwhudsonbeuno: i played with the merge proposal stuff in launchpad, you probably got some mails about that03:58
beunomwhudson, ah, yes. I was about to ask if you really wanted me to review it or it was a proof-of-concept03:58
mwhudsonbeuno: i'd like you to look at it, yes03:58
lifelessthe big thing remaining for gnome seems to be branding?03:59
lifelessJc2k: ^?03:59
beunomwhudson, cool. That reminds me, now that I can commit to trunk, how would you like the workflow to be?  Commit trivial stuff directly, review bigger changes?  Review everything?  I don't want to step on any toes  :)04:00
mwhudsonbeuno: i think trivial stuff is ok to push directly, but if in doubt get it reviewed04:01
mwhudson(not necessarily by me, i suppose)04:01
Suigintouanyone have any experience serving a repository over bzr+ssh on a chrooted shell?04:01
lifelessnot directly; but in theory yes04:02
lifelesswhats up04:02
SuigintouI tried setting it up with jailkit, but bzr doesn't like the new root directory permissions enforced by jailkit (the root dir must be owned by root)04:03
lifelessI don't see why bzr would care about that04:03
Suigintoume neither, hehe04:04
lifelesswell, why do you think it is the root dir owner thats the problem?04:06
SuigintouI was getting an error message along those lines in auth.log04:06
Verterokjelmer: around?04:07
lifelesswhats auth.log04:07
lifelessits not a bzr file04:07
Suigintouit's the log file that ssh logs error messages to, located in /var/logs04:07
Suigintouer, /var/log04:08
beunomwhudson, I get OOPS-905EB7 when reviewing your merge request  :)04:08
lifelesssounds like ssh is having the problem then04:08
mwhudsonbeuno: :)04:08
lifeless[I need more detail - I can't guess at what an error message I haven't seen means]04:08
beunomwhudson, seems it works if I specify the *optional* subject04:09
mwhudsonbeuno: oh that04:09
lifelesspoolie_: ping04:09
mwhudsonit's a known bug, to be fixed soon04:09
beunodoes this merge automagically?04:10
* igc lunch04:10
mwhudsonbeuno: no04:10
mwhudsonoh, this does remind me04:11
mwhudsonserve-branches.py currently just sticks the cache in some temporary directory04:11
mwhudsonthis probably isn't totally smar04:11
beunoserve-branches.py doesn't use anything from loggerhead.conf, right?04:12
Suigintounow that I'm looking through auth.log, I see that someone has been trying to brute force their way into my server, time to run ssh on a non standard port :)04:13
mwhudsonbeuno: right04:14
beunomwhudson, is that out of choice or just "was faster at the time"?04:15
mwhudsonbeuno: a bit of both, but mostly the former04:15
beunoso the plan is to use something else for configuration?04:17
mwhudsonbeuno: you perhaps do me a bit too much credit to assume i have a plan :)04:17
beunoI may be still a bit naive, I'll get over it eventually04:18
mwhudsoni guess the first thing to decide, in fact, is: what configuration do we actually need?04:18
beunowhat port to run, where to cache, and what to publish, for starters04:19
beunoI suppose then it would get expanded to *what* to cache (search, ie), and new features like exporting tarballs and serving repos04:20
mwhudsonproxying details04:20
beunois there something very wrong about the current conf file?04:21
jameshmaybe it still has some turbogears stink on it04:22
mwhudsoni find it's way of listing which branches to show and where in the url hierarchy to show them to be almost entirely bogus04:22
mwhudsoni think that's my main complaint04:23
mwhudsonand yeah, it's a bit tg-ish04:23
beunoright. I've been avoiding getting into some parts of the new code because I'm not sure where it's headed.  Is there some config file you where thinking of making it similar to?04:25
mwhudsonto be honest, the main use cases i've been thinking around are04:25
beunouhm, my X restarted for no apparent reason04:27
mwhudsonbeuno: wb04:27
beunoso, last I read was what you where thinking of04:27
mwhudson(1) zero configuration (serve-branches.py)04:28
mwhudson(2) Launchpad (custom WSGI glue)04:28
mwhudsoni'm less sure of a good answer for a middle ground04:28
mwhudsonsomeone who has a bunch of branches they want to serve using ProxyPass from their site and who doesn't really want to write code04:29
beunoI think that's a bit too drastic. It should be easy to enable/disable certain features, at least if we want to keep building on top of it04:31
lifelesspoolie_: whhat do you think; committing against a revision only present in a stacked-on repository; should it delta [always], delta[usual algorithm], never-delta?04:32
beunoadding per-branch configurations seems to me like a normal operation04:32
beuno(2) Implies coding, right?04:32
beunotweaking a .py file?04:33
mwhudsoni'm not saying that these are the only things we should support04:34
mwhudsonbut rather that these two cases are where the bulk of my thinking has gone so far04:34
beunoah, ok. Well, maybe we can work something out on a wiki page or something04:34
beunozero configuration is good to have, will get people using it faster04:35
lifelessmwhudson_: I believe you can buy it in a box04:46
beunoit's a bit odd to get an email for a merge request, and then for a review request04:58
beunoisn't a merge request a review request by itself?04:58
igcreviewing jam's iter_references patch now05:03
beunomwhudson, LH is misbehaving in LP again.  "Please try again" pretty often05:03
lifeless14:03 < beuno> mwhudson, LH is misbehaving in LP again.  "Please try again" pretty often05:04
lifelessmwhudson_: who is your ISP05:04
=== mwhudson__ is now known as mwhudson
mwhudsonlifeless: ihug05:04
mwhudsoni think it's problems with the line, but i'm moving in three days05:05
lifelessI don't know that it is :P05:05
mwhudsonhm, it's codehosting that's bashing vostok currently05:06
mwhudsonbeuno: so re bug 240512, i think your change will sort symlinks after directories and files05:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 240512 in loggerhead "Files view should show/sort directories before files" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24051205:08
mwhudsonbeuno: is that what we want?05:08
mwhudsonbeuno: and also, i don't think we want to still put directories first when the user is trying to sort by name05:08
lifelessI don't think we want that05:08
jmlSo I've been working on a thread in a loom.05:09
jmlAnd I've realised that the top thread should actually be the next-to-bottom thread.05:10
lifelessmake a new thread over it it05:10
lifelessmerge -r thread:thing..thread: . into it05:10
beunomwhudson, well, ideally, no. A more complex ordering way would be better, but I cherrypicked that off my new-theme branch, since it's so ugly to see it ordered as currently. Nautilus orders directories before files by name ordering, so that seemed natural to always have05:10
lifelesscombine-thread the one you want to get rid of05:10
lifelessup-thread and commit till its all resolved05:10
lifelessget on wif ur life05:11
jmllifeless: that merge will lose my commit history, right?05:11
lifelessactually, I think you need to do a reverse merge too into the one you're removing the change from05:11
lifelessthere is a TODO about making this easier05:11
lifelessjml: yes, see under 'its a cherrypicking problem'05:11
jmllifeless: just checking. I'm ok with losing history this time, I think.05:12
mwhudsonbeuno: well i think that's crazy :)05:13
lifelessI think matching nautilus is ok05:13
beunomwhudson, all other applications I've fired up do it that way05:13
beunowhat kind of ordering is "directories first then"?05:13
beunoas in, how would I go back to it once I order by name?05:14
mwhudsonthe finder doesn't put folders first :)05:14
mwhudsonbut i guess i don't care very much05:14
beunomwhudson, it doesn't order directories first by default?05:15
beunoand that doesn't feel wrong to you?05:16
mwhudsonwhen you order by name, it put things in ... name order05:16
beunoand how do you go back to ordering by directory-first?05:16
mwhudsoni have to admit, i don't use a graphical file browser very much at all on any system05:16
mwhudsonbeuno: you don't05:16
beunothat's what I was worried about  :p05:17
poolie_lifeless:  oh my client had disconnected that's why i didn't see it05:24
lifelesspoolie_: ah05:24
lifelesspoolie_: you use a irc poxy?05:24
poolie_ssh to a server05:24
poolie_running screen05:24
thumperhow do I make a thread in a loom between two?05:25
thumperdoes create-thread make it directly above the current thread?05:25
PengWith PrefixMiddleware in serve-branches.py, shouldn't there be arguments passed to it? Is it just example code?05:28
mwhudsonPeng: no, it works off x-forwarded-server05:30
mwhudsonyou might need to add a prefix05:31
PengI am using a prefix.05:31
mwhudsonthen yeah, you need to edit code05:31
mwhudsonif you can tell me how you'd like to specify this sort of thing, then i can see what i can do :)05:32
PengOh, I dunno.05:33
PengMaybe just a "prefix = None" line you can edit.05:33
PengThough, since I need the prefix middleware, I'd probably take out the try...except to force it to error out so I'd see it.05:34
* Peng wanders off. 24 is on!05:35
thumperwhen I up-thread in a loom, should I commit?05:35
thumperstatus seems to indicate I should05:35
lifelessif there were unintegrated changes, yes05:36
lifelessup-thread is 'switch and then merge '05:36
Suigintouahh, I fixed my problem with getting bzr+ssh working from a chrooted shell, I forgot to make python available to the shell, lol05:36
lifelessSuigintou: that would cause bzr some trouble, yes.05:38
thumperlifeless: I am quite enjoying my first use of looms-in-anger05:38
lifelessthumper: great05:38
* thumper makes note to write about it05:38
igclooking at spiv's patch re Remote-2 tests now05:53
beunomwhudson, sorry for the spam on merge-proposals. It confuses me a lot06:27
PengHmm, I think the latest changes caused Loggerhead to use more RAM on startup.06:45
Jc2kmorning lifeless06:46
beunoPeng, how "latest"?06:46
Jc2kthe guadec-web module seemed to choke bzr index - it was at it all night06:46
Pengbeuno: trunk as of an hour ago vs. trunk as of...a few hours ago.06:46
Pengr166 vs. r171.06:48
beunoPeng, interesting. Can you revert to 169 and see if the problem persists?06:49
lifelessJc2k: interesting. how big is that modules .bzr/repository ?06:49
Pengbeuno: It used to use 11856 KB. 171 uses 12544 and 169 uses 12244.06:52
spivigc: thanks for the review06:53
igcspiv: no problem06:53
beunohrm, so it's not the author bit. mwhudson_, any idea what could of caused the jump since rev166?06:53
beunomaybe urlparser import, but 1mb is quite a jump06:54
PengThis is odd.06:55
Peng166 is using 12244 too.06:55
beunodid your repos get bigger?06:55
PengDoes Loggerhead end up importing Bazaar's plugins?06:55
lifelessI don't think it loads them all06:56
lifelessbut it will try for ones it uses itself06:56
PengI upgraded bzr-svn recently..06:57
PengNothing else though,06:57
PengAnyway, there was still a 300 KB increase between 169 and 171, I think.06:57
beunoit may be due to trying to get the author, if there is one. It may be a fair tradeoff  :)06:58
beunoI'm off to bed07:00
beunog'night everyone07:00
PengIt's right after startup, without any hits.07:01
PengGood night. :)07:01
vilabeuno: don't go to bed yet ! Just send me a quick reply :)07:02
PengDid someone forget to write a template for the directory index page?07:03
beunodamn! I knew I should of closed the laptop  :p07:03
beunovila, I'll get to it now07:03
beunoPeng, directory index?07:04
vilabeuno: great :)07:04
beunovila, chmod bits?07:04
vilayup, working version already pushed07:04
Pengbeuno: Like, when you're outside of a branch, and it just lists directories. http://bzr.mattnordhoff.com/loggerhead/07:04
igcthat's it for me today - off to see a doctor07:04
igcsee you all tomorrow07:05
beunoPeng, ah, that's mwhudson_'s black magic. We probably will need to wrap that around a template07:06
beunovila, sent07:10
* beuno is off07:10
lifelessbye beuno07:11
beunoPeng, could you file a bug for that07:11
lifelessbeuno: also any word on theming for gnome-mirror?07:11
Pengbeuno: okay07:11
vilabeuno: thanks, sleep well :)07:11
Jc2kx469yq@isshin:/srv/bzr/guadec-web/.bzr$ du -s repository/07:12
Jc2k338308  repository/07:12
beunolifeless, not yet. It turns out that the current theme is a bit sucky to edit. I will get something reasonable in the next few days, if Jc2k can wait that long  :)07:12
lifelessbeuno: cool07:12
* Jc2k can't wait07:12
PengTheme of what?07:12
lifelessJc2k: how many commits is that in ?07:13
mwhudson_Peng: the directory listing was written at about 1am i think :)07:13
lifelessJc2k: (bzr revno in the branch you were indexing)07:13
Pengmwhudson_: Heh.07:13
Jc2klifeless: only 96207:13
lifelessPeng: loggerhead, for http://bzr-mirror.gnome.org07:13
Pengmwhudson_: Want me to file a bug?07:13
Penglifeless: Ah.07:13
mwhudson_yes please07:13
Jc2klifeless: 964, even. but still. it indexed gtk+ with ease, and just gets stuck with no progress bar on guadec-web.07:14
lifelessso, it was indexing 300MB of content in one go07:15
lifelessJc2k: try dropping the group count down to 10007:15
lifelessthat will give it 30MB chunks07:15
Jc2klifeless: not right now, the git stuff is repacking so they can claim its "smaller and more efficient"07:16
* Jc2k skuttles off to make an lzma(7z?) repository format for bzr07:16
lifelessJc2k: :P07:17
PengJc2k: With no fulltexts!07:17
PengFiled as bug 242270.07:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 242270 in loggerhead "Directory listing page doesn't use a template" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24227007:17
lifelessmeh, we will do better on size over time; but I really find it hard to credit that that is a significant objection07:17
lifelessbecause, its like claiming gnome 1.2 is what gnome should be judged on07:17
lifelessrather than (e.g.) focus on usability, direction, responsiveness07:18
Jc2kyou would think that bzr would be GNOMEy07:19
Jc2ki mean it just works07:19
Jc2kif GNOME had as many dials and sharp edges as Git, for example, the HIG people would cry.07:20
Jc2k(actually, someone had the nerve to complain that bzr-gtk could do more to adhere to the hig :P)07:20
lifelessand if you want contributors to a friendly system, I think its reasonable to expect the toolchain to be friendly too07:20
lifelessJc2k: turn it into a bug :)07:20
Jc2ki think if bzr had rebase -i and the everything-in-one-dir repository format, we could turn a few big names at guadec.07:22
Jc2kregardless of whether they are good ideas or not.07:22
lifelessjelmer: ^ what are your thoughts on -i?07:24
lifelessJc2k: how hard is -i?07:24
Jc2klifeless: i dont think too hard. the rebase plugin generates a script - we just need to make the script human readable on the -i path and have actions like edit, squash and kill07:25
Jc2klifeless: if you edit though.. you need to be able to commit07:25
Jc2kso you can break a commit up in to pieces07:26
lifelessI'd like to have everything that gnome folk are calling showstoppers filed as bugs07:26
lifelesson the relevant bzr components07:26
lifelessif you think its a good idea, also tag them gnome07:26
Jc2ki was just going to say :)07:26
lifelessbut if we have the bugs, we can track their acceptance/progress more coherently07:26
Jc2ki have to head off in a bit, first day at codethink woo, but i'll make sure its done before sleepy time07:28
mwhudson_Peng: thanks for the bug, but if you think loggerhead's current look is nice and slick i want some of what you're smoking :)07:41
Pengmwhudson_: Hahah.07:51
Pengmwhudson_: Want me to change it to "hideous, overcomplicated, bloated and slow"? :)07:51
PengIn all seriousness, I do like Loggerhead's theme.07:55
PengBut, I like hgweb's too.07:55
eMBeegood afternoon09:08
* eMBee is looking for help on using bzr on an svn repo. is there a howto or manual somewhere? (i am new to bzr)09:12
RAOFeMBee: Hi!  It should be pretty simple.09:13
eMBeemy main concern is that i need to get the trunk and a branch from the svn repo, then commit my changes to the branch and then merge into the trunk (all on svn side)09:14
RAOFHah!  there it is. http://bazaar-vcs.org/BzrForeignBranches/Subversion?action=show&redirect=BzrSvn09:14
RAOFThat should work, with the bonus that you get to use bzr for the merge :)09:14
eMBeeoh, nice09:15
eMBeeis there a way to get all branches from the svn repo?09:15
RAOFI don't believe so, no.  Unless the multi-pull plugin works with bzr-svn.09:15
eMBeeah, ok, so at least bzr knows about the concept :-)09:16
* eMBee is used to git, where this is the default09:16
RAOFRight.  Whereas bzr has quite a different idea.09:17
RAOFYou really, really want to create a repository to store the branches you check out from svn, though.09:17
RAOF(Basically bzr-init repo svn-branches-go-here; cd svn-branches-go-here; bzr branch svn://mysvn.com/svn/branches/foo)09:18
eMBeeso i make one repo, and add the branches as i need them?09:19
eMBeeand then they all live in the same place09:19
RAOFThe bzr repository is just a space and time saver.  You don't _have_ to have one, but they make it much faster and much smaller.09:19
RAOFBranches are everything, one branch per directory.09:20
eMBeeyes, well, i like the idea of having everything in one repo. that's one thing that is nice about git09:20
eMBeecan you explain this: http://bazaar-vcs.org/BzrForeignBranches/Subversion?action=show&redirect=BzrSvn#python-subversion-1-509:20
eMBeewhat does that mean? (don't answer if it's in the faq, didn't read that yet)09:21
RAOFWheras I really dislike git's branch handling :)09:21
eMBeeok, i don't want to do a git-bzr comparison now, just enough to get me started with bzr :-)09:21
RAOFThat's about bugs in subversion's python bindings.  Particularly, there's a huge memory leak IIRC.09:21
lifelessjelmer just committed branch new python svn bindings to bzr-svn trunk09:22
RAOFOh, that's right, true.09:22
lifelesseMBee: bzr svn-import will get all branches09:23
* gour dislike git's all-in-one as well09:23
RAOFlifeless: Cool.  Learn something new every day :)09:23
* eMBee will leave the git-vs-bzr discussion for another day :-)09:23
RAOFAwww :)09:24
lifelesseMBee: please excuse us vis-a-vis that discussion; we get some advocates here that are +convinced+ there is only one true way09:24
lifelesseMBee: svn-import will give you all the branches, and I think it creates everything sensibly for you - e.g. cd /tmp; bzr svn-import svn://blag output09:25
RAOFGah.  Why must clutter's svn be down when I want to branch clutter-sharp?09:27
lifelessis clutter gnome?09:28
eMBeelifeless: i prefer to convince myself of the better way after i have tried all of them09:28
RAOFNo, but it might be soonish.09:28
eMBeeor at least studied someone else try09:28
lifelessRAOF: it might be on bzr-mirror.gnome.org09:28
lifelesseMBee: I think thats a good idea09:28
RAOFlifeless: No, but thanks :(09:29
strkhelp help help !  :)09:34
strkmoving from cvs to bzr for gnash project09:34
strklifeless: glad to see you up :)09:34
lifelesswhats up?09:34
strkso, I used your suggested init-repo; checkout09:35
strkthen I've been offline09:35
strkso I tought to try 'unbind'09:35
strkto commit locally09:35
strkand I did09:35
strknow (I guess) my changes are in my local repo, right ?09:35
strkbzr status doesn't tell me anymore what's different between my copy and the online one09:35
lifelesslocal branch specifically, because you've unbound09:35
lifelessas you're working in a checkout style, you should bind again09:35
lifeless(just 'bzr bind')09:36
strkbzr: ERROR: No location supplied and no previous location known09:36
lifelessok, bzr bzr bzr+ssh://..../trunk09:36
strkcan it --remember ?09:36
lifelessit will after this09:36
lifeless(note that you could just have done 'commit --local'09:37
strkbut it *was* bound before...09:37
strkwhy did it discard in the first place ?09:37
asabil_strk: you can use bzr missing in unbound mode09:37
lifelessyes, I smell a bug I think :P09:37
lifelessasabil_: thats more of a branch-branch workflow09:37
strkah, maybe it's bound already09:37
lifelessasabil_: strk is just been thrown in the deep end :P09:37
strkafter 'bind bzr+ssh...'09:37
strkif you 'bind' again (no args)09:37
strkit'll give you taht message09:38
asabil_lol ok :)09:38
lifelessstrk: ok09:38
strkconfusing message09:38
lifelessstrk: so, 'bzr update; bzr commit'09:38
strkrequest-for-improvement: could it tell you 'already bound to xxxxy' ?09:38
lifelessstrk: sure; care to file a bug?09:38
strkurl ?09:38
strkrob suggested 'pull' in the past, what's the difference between 'pull' and 'update' ?09:39
lifelesspull maintains a mirror09:40
lifelessbut you have local changes09:41
lifelessso you need to integrate those with trunk09:41
_zouhow to uninstall bzr? I'v no experience with python.09:42
lifelessthere are two ways to integrate - 'update' when you have a checkout(aka bound branch), and 'merge' when you have separate branches09:42
lifeless_zou: setup.py uninstall I think. Not sure how good it is09:42
lifeless_zou: if you installed via apt/synaptic/rpm use the package managers method for uninstalling09:42
strklifeless: after 'update' I got that message telling me that local commits are now shown as changes, and I have to commit. sounds good.09:42
strkproblem is, I seem to have 'pending merges'09:43
strkno idea what they are09:43
lifelessstrk: thats your local commit09:43
lifelessstrk: do 'bzr st'09:43
gourjelmer: there will be new bzr-svn release soon?09:43
_zouI installed it with "python setup.py install".  "python setup.py uninstall" doesn't work.09:43
strklifeless: unfortunately not only09:43
strkI issues a 'merge' before, and got something else09:43
strk(things from nelson)09:44
strklemme pastebin 'bzr status' output09:44
_zouerror: invalid command 'uninstall'09:44
lifeless_zou: oh.09:44
lifeless_zou: you can just remove the bzrlib directory it created, and the bzr binary then09:45
_zoucan I just reinstall again? I just want to do a uninstall + reinstall.09:46
strklifeless: from that output above, modified and added are my duty, pending merges I'd like to ignore :)09:46
lifeless_zou: sure, just install09:46
lifelessstrk: ok; uhm.09:47
strkexcept for a thing: pending merge include (twice) my own commits :?09:47
lifelessstrk: I think update should warn then :P09:47
strkfile another bug ?09:47
lifelessstrk: lets dig a little deeper irst09:47
lifelessyou are Sandro ?09:47
strkFYI: bug for the other is https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr/+bug/24228409:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 242284 in bzr "confusing error on 'bind'" [Undecided,New]09:47
strkyes, I'm Sandro09:47
* strk belives he made too much noise shooting in the dark09:48
lifelessI think we should peek behind the scenes a little09:49
* strk is all ears09:49
lifelesscan you start up python?09:49
lifeless$ python09:49
lifeless>>> from bzrlib import workingtree09:49
lifeless>>> tree = workingtree.WorkingTree.open('.')09:49
lifelessprint tree.get_parent_ids()09:49
strk['nelson@nelson-desktop-20080623043405-tklw4wtrzmdazxkn', 'nelson@nelson-desktop-20080623043405-tklw4wtrzmdazxkn', 'nelson@nelson-desktop-20080623043405-tklw4wtrzmdazxkn', 'strk@keybit.net-20080623082147-9m1vg0o54uotuxfv']09:50
lifelessstrk: ok, you are suffering a bug that is fixed in trunk09:50
* strk has no idea how did the nelson's desktop got in09:50
lifelessstrk: it was committed to trunk already09:50
strkwhat was committed ?09:50
lifelessstrk: nelson's change09:50
lifelessstrk: 'bzr log bzr+ssh://bzr.savannah.gnu.org/gnash/trunk -r -109:51
lifelessstrk: bet you his change is the most recent09:51
strkehm... I'm on a gprs connection, would rather avoid bandwidth intensive things09:51
lifelessstrk: anyhow, see the three duplicates - thats the symptom of the bug, it should just be: ['nelson@nelson-desktop-20080623043405-tklw4wtrzmdazxkn', 'strk@keybit.net-20080623082147-9m1vg0o54uotuxfv']09:51
lifelessstrk: shouldn't be that intensive :P09:52
lifelessdo this09:52
strkops, got out of python09:52
strkdoing the 'log' thing09:52
lifelesstree.set_parent_ids(['nelson@nelson-desktop-20080623043405-tklw4wtrzmdazxkn', 'strk@keybit.net-20080623082147-9m1vg0o54uotuxfv'])09:52
eMBeein order to branch from svn i need to prefix the svn url with svn? or will the original svn url (which is https://...) do?09:53
strkok, killed the log and did the set_parent_ids09:54
lifelesseMBee: for most svn repositories the original url will do09:54
strknelson things are gone from 'status' now09:54
eMBeemost? :-)09:54
lifelesseMBee: sometimes (due to bugs/code interactions) you need svn+09:54
strkpending merges only contain my own now09:54
lifelessstrk: 'bzr commit'09:54
strkwhy are then nested ? (mine)09:54
eMBeeso the svn+ can't hurt? how will i know if it fails?09:54
strkhttp://rafb.net/p/zvJQ3Z11.html <-- this is output09:54
lifelesseMBee: it will error at you09:54
lifelessstrk: they are nested because they are from one parent09:55
lifelessstrk: if you had two parents, with 5 each you'd see09:55
lifeless  nested209:55
lifeless  nested309:55
lifeless  nested409:55
lifeless  nested509:55
lifeless  ...09:55
eMBeehmm: bzr: ERROR: Unsupported protocol for url "svn+https://...09:55
eMBeeam i missing the bzr-svn plugin?09:55
lifelessyou have more than 2 parents when you do what git calls an octopus merge09:55
lifelesseMBee: do 'bzr help svn'09:56
eMBeethis is debian etch with bzr from backposrts09:56
eMBeeno help found, looks like it's missing09:56
strklifeless: I find that indenting confusing too :)09:56
eMBeewhere do i get the svn plugin for etch/backports?09:56
strkit looks like 'nested2' is somewhat 'contained into' 'merge1'09:56
lifelessstrk: hmm, we'll need to look at making it better. but that is what it means09:57
lifelessstrk: merge1 is the tip of the branch being merged; neste2..nested5 are other commits on that branch09:57
strkbut the change log for first-level (what you call 'merge1') only talks about a change which is on the same level of the change advertised in log for 'nested2'09:57
lifelessstrk: topologically, merge1 is a child of nested2; and nested2 is being indirectly merged, rather than directly referenced09:58
eMBeelooks like bzr-svn is not in backports yet. can i risk installing the lenny version?09:58
strkindeed 'Add test for global/local registers09:58
strkwas committed locally *after* 'Make registers access safer and more general09:59
lifelesseMBee: I would say it should be fine; you'll want svn too09:59
lifelessstrk: right09:59
lifelessstrk: thats what its showing you09:59
eMBeelifeless: what do you mean? i want to update svn?09:59
strkconfusingly :)10:00
lifelesseMBee: bzr-svn needs certain versions of the svn python bindings; many bugs in those were found while writing the plugin10:00
eMBeeah, right, i was asking about that earlier (maybe missed the reply then)10:00
lifelessif you are running packaged bzr-svn, its dependencies sould force this update anyway10:01
strkcommit is taking a lot, should transfer ~ 120 kb for a new file and 4/5 Makefile.am change10:03
strkand, mmm.. I guess 2/3 lines of commit log10:03
lifelessstrk: check ~/.bzr.log10:03
_zouWhat I did at step1: bzr branch  bzr+ssh://zoulunkai@bzr.savannah.gnu.org/gnash/trunck10:03
_zoustep2: I modified a local file named MatrixTest.cpp10:03
lifelessstrk: there is a thing called autopack which will kick in about 1 time in 10 (and in the next release of bzr hopefully never)10:04
lifelessstrk: that may have occured10:04
_zoustep3: bzr commit MatrixTest.cpp (seems succeeded)10:04
strk63.403  Using fetch logic to copy between KnitPackRepository('file:///home/strk/src/gnash/bzr-local-repository/.bzr/repository/')(<RepositoryFormatKnitPack1>) and KnitPackRepository('bzr+ssh://strk@bzr.savannah.gnu.org/gnash/.bzr/repository/')(<RepositoryFormatKnitPack1>)10:04
lifelessstrk: oh yeah, waht version of bzr do you have ?10:04
strk_zou: I guess you've committed to local branch, not remote10:04
strk_zou: bzr info should tell you the kind of tree you have10:05
strklifeless: 1.3.110:05
lifelessstrk: right, 1.5 is substantially faster; 1.6 should be even more so10:05
_zoustrk: "Committed revision 9422"   I guess so, I haven't see any mail notifications.10:05
lifelessthat reminds me10:06
strk_zou: mail notification doesn't work yet it seems10:06
lifelessI was going to nag10:06
lifelessspiv: ping10:06
spivlifeless: pong10:06
lifelessstrk: centralised ones are tricky, *decentralised* work just fine - the bzr-email plugin :)10:06
lifelessspiv: ^ email notifications && smart server && HOWTO10:06
strk_zou: I guess you should 'bzr bind' to make commits go to the master repo10:06
strklifeless: I don't have a working outputing mail system10:07
strkit's easier when done centralized...10:07
lifelessstrk: sure, and there are a couple of answers for it10:07
strkwe likely don't want to get mail on each local commit anyway10:07
lifelessfirst I interrogate spiv10:07
spivlifeless: first server-side notifications need to work :(10:07
lifelessspiv: you had a patch I thought ?10:07
spivThey're close, but when I did a quick experiment they aren't there yet.  Probably fixed by accident by one of my push-acceleration patches in BB atm though.10:08
lifelessspiv: ah10:08
_zoustrk: There should be a commands list to follow. And some feedbacks to confirm if I have done it successfully.10:08
spiv(IIRC the current problem is that the client does not actually invoke a set_last_revision RPC)10:08
lifelessstrk: I'll mail rob and sylvain the alioth solution tomorrow10:08
strk_zou: we're all trying to find out :)10:09
strk_zou: the simplest seems to be 'checkout; add; commit;'10:09
spivlifeless: the next issue after that is making sure the configuration isn't terrible :)10:09
strk_zou: warranty void since you did 'branch' instead of 'checkout' I guess :P10:09
lifelessspiv: I want it to be 'install bzr-email on the server; set a config just like you would on your own machine'10:09
spivlifeless: me too, I think.10:10
* strk commit is still hung with high network traffic10:10
lifelessI think mtaylor has some stuff for email on push/pull with bzr-email10:11
spivlifeless: I'm sure that's a great first cut at least, and no doubt user feedback will help refine from there.10:11
_zoustrk: "bzr branch  bzr+ssh://zoulunkai@bzr.savannah.gnu.org/gnash/trunck" that's what I did.10:11
strkis an upgrade of bzr planned in Feisty ?10:11
lifelessstrk: we'll probably get something into a backport10:11
strk_zou: that should have created a local repository, to which your commit would go (I think)10:11
lifelessstrk: but we already offer a ppa10:11
lifeless_zou: that has made a new branch10:11
lifeless_zou: and your commits are isolated in that branch until you merge them into trunk10:12
lifeless_zou: to merge them into trunk:10:12
lifeless'bzr co bzr+ssh://zoulunkai@bzr.savannah.gnu.org/gnash/trunk trunk; cd trunk; bzr merge OTHERBRANCH; bzr commit'10:12
lifeless_zou: or, do exactly what I did with strk above - bind the branch, then update and commit10:13
strkouch, sounds expensive10:13
_zoulifeless: tree.lock()?10:13
lifelessstrk: well, a shared repository - which you all should have - means that that has almost no network overhead10:13
strk_zou: no, that's just debugging stuff10:13
strk_zou: bzr help; bzr help bind;10:13
lifeless_zou: what bzr version do you have10:13
strkbzr bind bzr+ssh://zoulunkai@bzr.savannah.gnu.org/gnash/trunk10:14
_zoulifeless: 1.510:14
strk956.587  Auto-packing repository <bzrlib.repofmt.pack_repo.RepositoryPackCollection object at 0x85efbcc>, which has 33 pack files, containing 9971 revisions into 26 packs.10:15
strkit kicked in, it's my day !10:15
lifelessstrk: congrats, you get a prize10:15
lifelessstrk: its going to be combining 7 packs, should be 1 commit each and small - but if you want to cancel, just hit ctrl-C10:16
lifelessstrk: actually, don't10:16
_zoulifeless:  "bzr merge OTHERBRANCH" I don't know any other branches. I want my commit to be in head.10:16
lifelessstrk: I just remembered, you're commiting :)10:16
lifeless_zou: you made a new branch when you ran 'bzr branch'10:16
lifeless_zou: the 'branch' command always makes a new branch10:16
strklifeless: how should the /etc/apt/source.list line look like to get a new version ?10:17
strkdeb https://launchpad.net/~bzr/+archive <-- this is reported to be malformed, never learned exact format10:17
strk http://bazaar-vcs.org/DistroDownloads <-- this page doesn't tell exactly10:18
lifelessstrk: click on the ppa repository link10:18
strkbeta ?10:18
lifeless'ppa repository' I think it says10:18
strkthe intrepid stuff ?10:19
lifelesswell, there is a drop-down10:19
lifelesschange the drop-down to feisty :)10:19
strkis that 'bzr' specific ?10:19
strkor would I get new versions of other packages too ?10:20
strkor, what does 'ppa' stands for ? :)10:20
Kinnisonpersonal package archive IIRC10:21
* strk Committed revision 9422. (hurray)10:21
* strk_ hates gprs ...10:24
strk_9422 committed ...10:24
strk_so, I was asking, will the ppa addition in source.list pull-in other experimental packages beside bazaar ?10:25
lifelessstrk: no10:26
lifelessstrk: only what we upload there, and we only put bzr + plugins10:26
strk_is there a way to tell apt-get update to only fetch from the new url (to reduce bandwidth)10:26
lifelessstrk: no, but it does HEAD's anyway10:27
strk_safe to upgrade to 1.5 ? any preparatory work I need ?10:27
lifelessgo for it10:28
strk_uhm... Get:6 http://us.archive.ubuntu.com hardy-updates/main Packages [258kB] <--- my day.. taking time10:28
strk_is it normal to have 'hardy' stuff in a 'feisty' system btw ?10:28
=== yacc_ is now known as yacc
lifelessstrk_: uhm, thats unusual indeed10:29
lifelessstrk_: are you sure you haven't upgraded to hardy already ? :)10:29
lifelessstrk_: 'lsb-release -a'10:29
strk_I guess I did, I tought feisty was more recent10:33
strk_what's this fever to give releases a name ?! gah10:34
lifeless'f', 'g', 'h'10:34
lifelessyou should use the hardy line for the ppa too :P10:34
strk_oh, that helps, thanks :)10:34
strk_alright, I hope it won't break everything (pm are so weak)10:35
strk_30minutes to go...10:36
strk_so, about 'bind/unbind' .. is that a good habit for switching between online-offline work ?10:37
lifelessits designed to support that10:37
lifelessa better one would be to create a new branch10:37
lifelessand work in the branch all the time10:37
lifelessthen when you are online and ready to put your work in trunk10:37
lifelesscd $trunk10:37
lifelessbzr update10:37
lifelessbzr merge ../your-other-branch10:37
lifelessbzr commit10:37
strk_good. I guess the alternative would be keeping two different trees, which would mean reconfiguring all build trees10:38
strk_bzr merge $mybranch.10:38
Ngif I have two branches, one of which is suppoesd to be a clone of the other but has somehow diverged, can I get some useful information as to how they have diverged? or should I just diff them?10:38
lifelessNg: bzr missing10:38
lifelessNg: bzr diff -r branch:other10:38
lifelessNg: bzr merge --preview other10:38
strk_but all the build trees point to a single source tree10:38
Nglifeless: hmm, missing is interesting, thanks :)10:39
lifelessstrk_: ok10:39
strk_if I have the build trees point to my own branch I'll have to keep it up to date too when it seems safe. sounds too complex atm.10:40
lifelessstrk_: you might find having the build tree not be a branch at all10:40
lifelessstrk_: consider this:10:40
lifelessbuild/treea,treeb etc etc10:41
strk_working symlinking to trunk/mybranch as needed ?10:41
lifelessif you create source/working by doing 'bzr checkout --lightweight10:42
lifelessand in repo/trunk and repo/mybranch there is no source code files at all10:42
lifelessyou would use the 'bzr switch' command to point working at either trunk, or mybranch, as you desire10:42
bob2lifeless: how crack-headed do you think a git-ish-all-branches-in-one-dir repo format would be?10:42
lifelessbob2: I don't think its crack-headed, but I think its really less nice to work with10:43
Kinnisonbob2: my 2Ā¢ is that it'd be nasty :-)10:43
strk_I don't get the 'no source code files at all' part10:43
lifelessstrk_: ok10:44
strk_you mean no 'working' files, but 'in-repo' only ones ?10:44
lifelessstrk_: I think doco is the best thing at this point10:44
lifelessbzr help working-trees10:44
lifelessstrk_: I mean that there would only be a .bzr diredctory at repo/trunk and repo/mybranch10:46
strk_there would be two repos with no working trees in them10:47
lifelessstrk_: 1 repo. 2 branches. no working trees10:47
strk_or, two branches10:48
lifelessit might be easiest to show you10:48
lifelessyou made a repo already correct?10:48
strk_yes, and I just tried 'remove-tree'10:49
strk_unfortunately, it didn't clean everything up (./autogen.sh created files left)10:49
strk_would a rm -Rf * be safe ?10:49
lifelessyes (as long as .bzr stays around, its fine)10:50
strk_then I'm doing:10:50
strk_cd ../gnash-head; bzr checkout --lightweight ../bzr-local-repository/trunk10:50
strk_now, the local branch10:50
strk_cd bzr-local-repository; bzr branch trunk mybranch ?10:51
lifelessexactly in fact10:51
lifelessbecause your repository is set to create trees you'll want to remove-tree right away10:51
strk_what tells me when the repository is set to create trees ?10:51
strk_and how to change it ?10:51
* strk_ running remove-tree in 'mybranch' meanwhile10:52
lifelesstouch .bzr/repository/no-working-trees10:52
strk_alright, I have trunk and mybranch with no working trees now10:52
lifelessand your builds all can point at gnash-head. (actually I'd rename it gnash-working or something)10:52
strk_I'll need multiple 'working' trees10:53
lifelessstrk_: you will?10:53
strk_with cvs, I had one each branch10:53
lifeless(I got the impression you wanted just one)10:53
strk_usually only using head and release branch10:53
strk_well, just one each 'set' of build trees10:53
strk_I usually work with 2 ones, head and release branch10:54
lifelessyou can have as many working trees as you want10:54
strk_actually, I also have a third one, which I used to call 'gnash-head-backup'10:54
strk_that's for when I made local changes and wanted to use plain trunk10:54
lifelessnow there is a new command that you can use10:54
lifelesscd to the working tree10:54
lifelessand run 'bzr switch mybranch'10:55
strk_ok, gnash-head is now my working tree:10:55
strk_Lightweight checkout (format: dirstate or dirstate-tags or pack-0.92 or rich-root or rich-root-pack)10:55
strk_Switched to branch: /home/strk/src/gnash/bzr-local-repository/mybranch/10:55
strk_Switched to branch: /home/strk/src/gnash/bzr-local-repository/trunk/10:55
strk_nice :)10:55
lifelessnow when you commit the commits will go to mybranch10:55
lifelessand now trunk10:55
lifelessso to work offline:10:56
lifelessswitch mybranch10:56
lifelesshack commit hack commit hack commit10:56
lifelesscome oneline10:56
lifelessbzr shelve/revert/commit (so that 'bzr st' shows no changes)10:56
lifelessbzr switch trunk10:56
lifelessbzr update10:56
lifelessbzr merge ../bzr-local-repository/mybranch10:57
lifeless(run any tests etc)10:57
lifelessbzr commit10:57
lifelessmake sense?10:57
strk_I guess so10:57
strk_this is assuming 'commit' on a trunk-bound working tree will push online ?10:57
strk_even if 'trunk' is local...10:58
lifelessits assuming trunk is still a bound branch10:58
strk_trunk info: Repository bound branch (format: pack-0.92)10:58
strk_mybranch info: Repository branch (format: pack-0.92)10:58
strk_bzr @ 1.5 now10:58
strk_now, lemme try to do the 'gnash-head-backup' equivalent10:59
strk_that'd be a working tree bound to the local 'trunk' which is bound to the online 'trunk'10:59
strk_which I'll use for in-source-tree building10:59
strk_still --lightweight ?10:59
strk_bzr checkout --lightweight bzr-local-repository/trunk11:00
strk_can I give an additional arg to name the created dir ?11:00
strk_bzr checkout --lightweight bzr-local-repository/trunk gnash-head-backup ?11:00
strk_I guess last thing would be release branches11:04
strk_is there a command to query a repository for the list of branches available there ?11:04
lifelessbzr branches11:04
lifeless(with URL for a remote list)11:04
strk_with no URL what does it use ?11:05
lifelesshmm, probably could give it some heuristic love11:05
lifelessmake it aware of being in a checkout11:05
strk_mmm... I guess I have no branches locally, since I only have trunk...11:05
lifelessstrk_: and mybranch11:06
strk_still bzr branches lists nothing when issued inside 'trunk' or inside the working tree11:06
lifelessyeah, its a very literal commanda t the moment11:06
strk_it does when isued from top-level dir11:06
strk_makes sense11:06
strk_trying it remotely11:07
strk_sloooow :(11:08
strk_bzr branches bzr+ssh://strk@bzr.savannah.gnu.org/gnash11:09
strk_isn't it just 10/15 strings to transfer ?11:09
lifelessthere is no specific RPC for it yet11:09
lifelessso its listdir + open_branch per dir11:09
lifelesswhich is another way of saying 'no but it will be in the future'11:10
strk_still not done fetching branches...11:15
strk_6 minutes later11:15
lifelessits recursed into the tags and branches dirs11:15
lifelessyou're paying GPRS latency :(. This is all predictable (and frustrating)11:16
strk_? how many ssh connections ?11:16
lifelessone connection11:16
lifelessand it should be one round trip per branch/tag11:16
lifelessback in a sec11:17
* strk_ realizes he didn't pipe to less :!11:17
* strk_ gets the videocam ready ;P11:17
strk_nah, I kill, don't care about branches now anyway11:18
strk_thanks for your time lifeless, I'll be offline11:20
shai_huludhi. how do I merge pending merges. I did bzr merge --pull <repo> and had a conflict on the way. now I'd like to continue merging, but I get a message that i have uncommited changes12:09
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mlhwhat's 1.6 got over 1.5?12:27
mlhI'm about to d/l for windows and curious about the difference 1.5 -> 1.6b212:27
mlhand didn't find release notes / roadmap12:27
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mlhhrm, never mind, there is no 1.6b for win12:31
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mlhyou just got mail on a trivial wiki change12:38
mlhBialix's last name12:38
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jelmerVerterok: hi13:12
Verterokjelmer: hi13:39
jrb_In a shared repository if I don't need some branch anymore: is it enough to just delete the branch (rm) to remove all traces of the branch?13:41
radixjrb_: the revisions that the branch pointed to will still be in the repository13:41
radixjrb_: mostly that's fine since generally those revisions become a part of trunk or whatever13:42
Verterokjelmer: while playing with bzr-svn new bindings (I must say, cool!), before building the mac OSX package/installer I encountered with a known bzr tests problem in os x, http://rafb.net/p/MbdV9D77.html13:42
radixif you've got a branch with a commit of a 8GB file and you don't want that sitting in your repository, though, it can be a problem13:42
jrb_radix: So what happens if I create a branch with the same name later on? Is there no remove-branch command?13:43
radixjrb_: the name of the branch won't matter at all13:43
lifelessjrb_: just delete the directory, that gets rid of teh branch13:43
radixjrb_: what's your concern, exactly?13:44
nysinIs there a way to bzr diff (without making basically a shell program to use --using or --diff-options with) ignoring certain files and directories? Mainly certain big ones that are in one branch but not another and just clutter up a diff uninterestingly.13:44
jrb_since the name of the branch does not matter it isn't much of a problem to me. I was just wondering.13:45
lifelessnysin: well you can use filterdiff13:45
radixjrb_: cool13:45
nysinoh IIRC in difftools or something, a separate package, right?13:45
lifelessnysin: but there is a bug option to support --exclude or some such as part of bzr diff13:45
nysinAh, well, I look forward to that, in the meantime I'd forgotten about filterdiff13:46
jrb_radix: thanks for the info and bye13:46
nysinlifeless, have a link to that bug?13:47
lifelessnope, just remember someone talking about it last week13:47
lifelessnysin: if you can't find it, feel free to open another13:48
jelmerVerterok: what sort of thing were you pushing?13:48
nysinyup; I'm sure someone will mark it as a dupe, but that's just as good13:48
Verterokjelmer: the bzr-eclipse, just for testing....it contains ~160 mainline commits13:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 53992 in bzr "diff should have an -x option (exclude certain files)" [Wishlist,Confirmed]13:49
jelmerVerterok: you seem to've hit an endless loop somehow13:50
jrb_radix: oh wait. one more question. since the history of the deleted branch is still available in the repository how can I get it back after I have deleted the branch. just in case I ever need that.13:50
jelmerVerterok: _dir_process() should be run for each level of directories that's being committed13:50
lifelessjrb_:  there is a heads() plugin13:51
radixjrb_: If you've merged the branch into another, it's much easier13:51
radixor maybe you can use something called the heads() plugin, but I have no idea what that is.13:51
lifelessjrb_: you can just run heads --all (IIRC) and it will list the revision ids13:51
radixI know how to get a branch that's been merged into another13:51
jrb_lifeless: okay I look into that, thx13:51
lifelessjrb_: I think there is an option to list only the invisible heads, which will be your deleted branch13:51
Verterokjelmer: oh, I see. bzr-eclipsse structure conatins lots of empty and nested, directories, i.e: core/org/vcs/bazaar/eclipse/foo/bar,java13:52
Verterokjelmer: could that be a problem?13:53
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jelmerVerterok: that probably explains why svn needs that many open file handles13:56
jelmerVerterok: if your limits are very conservative atm you may want to consider increasing them13:57
Pilkyis bzr pull --overwrite just meant to replace what is on my branch with whatever is on the branch I'm pulling from?13:58
Pilkybecause I tried it yesterday but got conflicts13:58
lifelessPilky: you shouldn't have, unless a directory with non-versioned files in it was deleted13:59
Verterokjelmer: ok, thanks. I'll try to increase the limits14:00
Pilkylifeless: all I'd done was change some files, and then want to replace them with the ones on my server14:00
lifelessPilky: had you committed those changes?14:00
lifelessthen thats why14:01
lifelesspull preserves local edits14:01
lifelessthey were local edits (as opposed to commits which can be overriden)14:01
Pilkyso in future, revert and then pull14:01
Pilkyif I want to replace what I have14:01
lifelessfor this scnenario, yes14:01
Pilkyok, thanks14:03
nysinIt appears that using --diff-options doesn't even work14:06
nysinbecause bzr seems to special-case new files14:06
nysinso if e.g. I tell it to use --using=cat, then most files are just cat'd, but wholly new files are done internally (because they still look vaguely diff-like)14:07
lifelessand --diff-options14:07
lifelessare mutually exclusive options14:07
lifeless--diff-options says 'pass these options to diff'14:08
Verterokabentley: the script to move from sqlite, now also works in postgres :-)14:08
lifeless--using says 'use this script to do diffs'14:08
nysinEr, right. Whoops. Well right now I'm acutally only specifying --using14:08
nysinSo my comment above still applies except just to --using I guess14:08
lifelessI'm not sure they /should/ be mutually incompatible, but thats what I recall reading in a bug report14:08
Verterokabentley: sorry, to move BB db from sqlite14:08
jelmerbeuno: hi14:16
nysinAnd --diff-options seems problematic because it (as determined by forcing it to throw an error to see commandline) uses randomly named files in /tmp and just --labels them so -x and -X don't seem to work (I've tried the very simplest cases, where it's not in a directory, has no spaces in the filenames, etc)14:16
Jc2kbeuno, lifeless: lo14:17
Jc2ki was talking to robtaylor and we wondered....14:17
Jc2kcould we have a "wall of outstanding"14:17
Jc2ke.g. get all fixmes in the whole of gnome :p14:18
Jc2klaggy laggy14:18
* Jc2k back to work14:19
abentleylifeless: Well --diff-options is unnecessary when using --using14:23
abentleyAnd what are you doing up?14:23
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mlhis there anyway to get a branch over http if the http server hides dot files?14:48
mlh(Im thinking maybe bzr has an alternate name for .bzr - _bzr perhaps?14:48
jelmerJc2k: that sounds like a nice idea14:49
mlhif not,  thats ok , I can get via ftp with password14:50
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nysin(filterdiff ended up working fine, though there would be substantial network win if the filtering could be done before retrieving megabytes of stuff...)15:03
nysindoing it locally for the moment means it doesn't really matter though15:03
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Pieteris bzr under windows really slow or is it possible it hangs without giving any output?15:29
jelmermlh: you should be able to fetch that branch even if it's not included in directory listings15:49
Pengmlh: Server-generated directory listings really don't matter. They're nothing magic, just another HTML page. Of course, the server could actually access to dot files too...16:01
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beunojelmer, hey16:25
jelmerbeuno: I'm still interested in uploading bzr-upload's Debian package16:28
beunojelmer, ah, yes. I have an email about no bein able to branch that...  can you give me the URL again?16:28
jelmere.g. bzr builddeb http://bzr.debian.org/pkg-bazaar/bzr-upload/unstable16:32
james_wyou might need nosmart+ to access bzr.debian.org until 1.6 is out.16:33
james_whi jelmer16:33
james_whi beuno16:33
beunohowdy james_w16:33
beunojelmer, thanks, I'll pass that on now16:33
jelmerhi James16:34
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jelmerjames_w: Ah, bzr builddeb nosmart+http://bzr.debian.org/pkg-bazaar/bzr-upload/unstable fails for me atm because the tree isn't locked16:49
jelmeradding a lock in cmd_builddeb() fixes it. I'll send you a patch16:51
jelmerbeuno: so it may be necessary to create a local copy of that branch first16:57
jelmerrather than using bzr builddeb on the remote url16:57
beunojelmer, ah, ok. Just sent that off in another email too.16:58
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emgentfog: hi17:26
lamontNo handlers could be found for logger "bzr"17:30
lamontwhat's that mean?17:30
fogemgent: hey17:30
quicksilverif you did a bzr update (or bzr pull) which yielded some conflicts17:34
quicksilverand you decide you don't really want to resolve them now17:34
quicksilvercan you undo it?17:34
beunoquicksilver, bzr revert17:40
quicksilverI don't think so.17:40
quicksilverI think bzr rever will throw away my local changes.17:40
jelmerquicksilver: You mean, commit with conflict markers?17:40
quicksilverprecisely the opposite of what I wish to do.17:40
quicksilverjelmer: rollback the update/pull.17:40
quicksilverpreviously my local copy was on revision 10 (say).17:41
quicksilverI had local changes.17:41
jelmerquicksilver, maybe something like "bzr merge --force -r43..41"17:41
quicksilverpulling revision 11 lead to lots of conflicts I don't wish to resolve today.17:41
quicksilverinstead I wish to return to my previous situation17:41
jelmerif the changes you merged in were revno 41 to 4317:41
quicksilver(revision 10 + local changes)17:41
jelmerhmm, I doubt that'd help with conflicts though17:42
beunocan you merge with uncommitted changes?17:42
beunoif so, you shouldn't  :)17:43
beunoand then use revert17:43
jelmerbeuno, you can't merge17:47
jelmerbut you can pull17:47
quicksilveryou can both pull and update with uncommitted changes17:49
quicksilveras long as you're tracking fairly closely it's quite a sane thing to do17:49
quicksilverbtu I believe it lacks the ability to undo if it goes wrong17:49
quicksilverwhich is why I asked the question here ;)17:49
quicksilverit's a bit unusual since most bzr operations are undoable.17:50
jelmeryeah, reversibility ftw17:55
jelmerquicksilver: I wonder what the sanest UI for this would be though17:56
strklifeless: so I did 'commit' when bound to 'mybranch', then 'switch', 'merge ../mybranch', cleanup stuff, commit18:21
strktaking forever as usual :)18:21
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awilkinsOnce again, win32 packages lag behind the bleeding edge....19:57
* awilkins waves his neatly set up win32 build environment that takes about 10 seconds to build both Python-style packages19:58
jelmerhi awilkins20:02
awilkinsjelmer: Hello jelmer, after dinner I can spend some time trying to get those extensions to build20:08
awilkinsI think maybe I should install a 4-series GCC in my MinGW20:08
awilkinsAnyhow, time to cook some chicken soup ; back later20:09
cr3how can I reverse a commit between release 530..529? too late for an uncommit20:35
beunocr3, you want to go back to the state of 529?20:35
cr3maybe bzr diff -r530..529 | patch -p1 or somesuch20:35
beunocr3, bzr revert -r 52920:36
cr3beuno: only reverse that commit, not all the commits since then20:36
fullermdNo, you don't want that...   merge can do it.20:36
fullermdbzr merge -r530..529 .20:36
cr3fullermd: excellent, thanks!20:36
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melat0ninhi all20:47
melat0ningot a simple question.. how do i download a branch from a revision other than the most recent?20:48
beunomelat0nin, bzr branch -r revno20:48
melat0ninbeuno: then the branch url?20:49
beunomelat0nin, yeap, the order doesn't matter really20:49
melat0ninbeuno: great, thanks :)20:49
beunoas long as -r is followed by the revno20:49
quicksilverjelmer: bzr backtrack -r123 ?20:50
quicksilverjelmer: meaning backtrack repo to revision 123, keep uncommitted working changes20:50
tethridgewhere is the mailing list for bazaar?20:56
tethridgefound it20:57
tethridgeI was looking on launchpad20:57
tethridgeit's not on there.  :-)20:57
awilkinsjelmer: Ping?21:11
jelmerawilkins: pong21:11
awilkinsWhich compiler are you using on these extensions?21:11
jelmerquicksilver: Hmm, what if you do two pulls in a row and then want to back both of them out?21:11
jelmerawilkins: I'm using gcc21:12
awilkinsWhich version?21:12
awilkinsThe MinGW 4-series GCC is marked as "Warning: This is an alpha testing release.  That means the build may21:13
awilkinscontain major missing functionality and serious bugs, including silent21:13
awilkinsincorrect code compilation.21:13
jelmerawilkins: 4.3.121:14
jelmerawilkins: I'm on Linux though21:14
awilkinsI think some of the C idioms you are using are not liked by the 3 series compiler21:14
jelmerwhich ones? Can you pastebin the output?21:16
awilkinsjelmer: Going to be a little while, the last revision busted my windows setup script21:26
jelmerawilkins: k21:26
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awilkinsjelmer: Are the PAR ldflags very important?21:34
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jelmerawilkins: depends on what they are exactly :-)21:34
jelmerhere on Linux, they're actually empty21:35
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awilkinsjelmer: On windows, it's hard to tell because apr-config is a bash script :-)21:38
jelmerawilkins, ah :-)21:39
jelmerawilkins, I think you should be able to get away with ignoring them21:39
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lifelessJc2k: interesting ide21:41
lifelessabentley: it was 23:20 or so;21:41
lifeless*now* its 0640 and wtf am I doing up is what I'm asking myself21:41
Jc2kthinking about implementing the wall of GNOME ;)21:42
beunogoooooooood morning lifeless21:42
beunoJc2k, if everything goes as planned, I'll get to theming for Gnome in about an hour or so21:43
beunothen we have to see if that actually brings any useful results  :)21:43
lifelessbeuno: cool!21:44
beunoseƱor mwhudson, good morning21:46
Jc2kbeuno: awesome :)21:46
beunoI have a few things to bounce off you when you're past your morning coffee21:46
beunoremember=revid is bugging the hell out of me21:46
mwhudsonah haha21:47
beunoit doesn't seem to work, the UI for it sucks badly, and it breaks the beautiful new theme21:48
mwhudsonhm, if it's broken it broke recently21:48
beunoso it's down to "fix it" or "remove it, make plans for something much better soon"21:48
beunomwhudson, well, it's broken on LP21:48
mwhudsonit's a terrible terrible ui though21:48
mwhudsonbeuno: oh21:48
mwhudsonmaybe it works in trunk then21:48
beunolet me try, I think not21:49
beunoit does not!21:49
beunoit does21:49
mwhudsoni think it may just be even harder to use than you expected :)21:50
beunoit works on LP too21:50
beunoit's an extra step21:50
beunoworse UI then I thought then21:50
beunough, ok, I'll change the bug si it's "make it better"21:51
quicksilverjelmer: I don't know. I don't know enough about how bzr stores stuff.21:52
Verterokabentley: hi21:52
quicksilverjelmer: I don't even know if the data exists to unmerge the local changes.21:52
Verterokabentley: done, the migration scripts now support postgresql ;-)21:52
quicksilverjelmer: or if you'd have to explicitly 'save' state when doing a 'bzr update'.21:52
abentleyVerterok: Thanks.  I saw that this morning.  Haven't had a chance to try it.21:52
quicksilverjelmer: maybe that is the simplest solution; have 'bzr update' (or pull) explicitly save the local diff and the revision number in an undo history.21:53
Verterokabentley: np, glad to help, in case you find any problems with the scripts drop me an email or ping me21:53
beunoabentley, that would be a cool link to add to "merge request" in LP. A link to the diff between the missing revisions.21:53
abentleybeuno: Yes, showing diffs is on our roadmap.21:55
beunoabentley, cool  :)  That would make it much more BB-like21:55
abentleybeuno: In fact, today I've been working on adding the ability to show a diff of "x merged into y assuming z is already merged into y".21:56
beunoabentley, It's getting more advanced, yay!  :)21:57
awilkinsjelmer: Ok, first problem, no svn_client_commit_item_2_t in 1.4.6 (although now 1.5 is live I suppose I ought to use it ...)22:02
jelmerawilkins: Strange, it works fine here22:02
awilkinsIs it in the headers?22:02
jelmerahh, it's a typo22:03
jelmerawilkins, please pull from the 0.4 branch22:03
jelmerIt was part of an assert() that wasn't being compiled on my machine22:04
* awilkins pulls22:04
jelmerbecause I was using -DNDEBUG22:04
awilkinsBugger, more conflicts :-(22:04
mwhudsonbeuno: your update of the description on 242469 made me chuckle22:04
beunomwhudson, some frustration may of passed on to there  :)22:06
awilkinsjelmer: Same error, line 85 of client.c22:08
awilkinsjelmer: Ok, typo fixed22:09
awilkinsjelmer: And now back to our friendly "initializer element not constant"22:10
awilkinsI think it's the sizeof()22:11
jelmerawilkins: You may want to change the &PyType_Type to just NULL22:12
awilkinsjelmer: Same in editor.c:[63,135,139,35-,354,444]22:14
awilkinsjelmer: Changing to NULL fixed some of those (where the &PyTYpe_Type was)22:17
awilkinsBut not all22:17
jelmerawilkins: you may want to try setting tp_dealloc to NULL in some of these cases where I've set it to PyObject_Del22:19
awilkinsjelmer: Wahey, next .c files worth of errors :-)22:21
awilkinsSame things again , methinks22:22
* awilkins hands out the NULL pointers22:22
* awilkins updates paste22:24
awilkinsOK, C errors fixed, now back to Python ones :-)22:26
mwhudsonif the objects go through PyType_Ready you can leave ob_type and tp_dealloc to null (and maybe some other fields too)22:28
awilkinsDistutils is choking now :-(22:28
lazy1is there a way to preview what "bzr push" will do?22:41
mwhudsonmissing, sorta22:41
mwhudsonlazy1: what sort of answer do you want?22:42
mwhudsona diff?  a list of revisions?22:42
lazy1bzr push --preview22:42
lazy1is there a shortcut for "last pulled revision"? (so I can use "bzr log")22:43
LarstiQlazy1: yes, but what would you like the output of that to be? (Ie, are you after `bzr missing push/location`?)22:43
awilkinsjelmer: Would you happen to know whether you need to build things with the same compiler used to build the SVN and APR libs... because it's become VERY unhappy now22:43
lazy1I about to push my changes and would like to know which revision will get pushed22:43
jelmerawilkins: I'm not sure22:44
LarstiQlazy1: I'd recommend `bzr missing` for that scenario22:44
awilkinsjelmer: From the output, SVN and APR I have were built with MSVC22:44
james_wlazy1: hi, "bzr diff -r submit:" will show you a diff of your changes compared to the branch "bzr push" will push to22:44
james_wbzr diff -r ancestor:.../wherever will do it for other branches22:44
james_w"bzr send -o-" will show you something like the first.22:44
awilkinsjelmer: MSVC hates you because you used stdbool.h though :-)22:46
lazy1james_w: is there a way to set the submit branch? (not with bzr pull --remember)22:46
jelmerawilkins: heh, ok22:47
* awilkins pastes in a simple stdbool.h22:49
awilkinsHeh, MSVC also hates you for using those funky dot things (sorry, my C is virtually absent) on client.c:72422:50
lazy1works like a charm, thanks22:51
beunomwhudson, downloading bundles from LH (trunk and LP) seems really broken. It outputs a binary file which is unmergeable: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~loggerhead-team/loggerhead/trunk/revision/argentina%40gmail.com-20080622180415-9ognqtaiptt58z7p?start_revid=argentina%40gmail.com-20080623155739-je1svgi6ikjyudfq&remember=argentina%40gmail.com-20080623052141-lr31t9rjdbsuqfib&compare_revid=argentina%40gmail.com-20080623052141-lr31t9rjdbsuqfib22:51
beunoam I doing something wrong this time too?22:52
mwhudsoni wouldn't be at all surprised22:52
mwhudsonit's a bit of a crazy feature really22:52
jelmerawilkins, wow, that's quite an old C compiler22:52
awilkinsI'm using the VS2003 compiler because of all the warnings in the distutils files about having to use the same compiler that Python was built with22:53
* beuno files a bug22:53
mwhudsonbeuno: here is somewhere where i really think "delete the feature" is a viable choice22:54
awilkinsjelmer: I had a terrible time finding a package for it, and poking all the magic values into the registry that the full Visual Studio install shoves in so msvccompiler.py can read them and set it up22:54
jelmerawilkins: It's not very easy to work around that :-/22:56
beunomwhudson, fair enough. I'll clean it up after I finish going through the last bits for today for the new theme22:56
jelmerawilkins: Specifying these member values in the right order is a pain22:56
awilkinsI suppose I can keep trying the mingw compiler22:57
awilkinsjelmer: Have a shufty at the mingw output23:00
beunojelmer, bzr.debian.org seems to hate people, so I'm going to send a tarball to the DD23:01
jelmerbeuno, ah, ok23:01
jelmerbeuno, there's also a tarball and all that up on my site23:01
beunodoesn't work with nosmart either  :/23:02
beuno(it does for me)23:02
beunojelmer, I don't see it on there, but I sent it off anyway, so no worries23:02
jelmerawilkins, yikes23:04
jelmerawilkins, yeah, that doesn't look like it's going to work23:04
jelmerawilkins, you don't have a newer msvc?23:04
awilkinsjelmer: Yes, but is that going to link properly with Python?23:05
jelmerawilkins: Not sure :-/23:05
awilkinsI have the latest windows SDK, which is MSVC 923:05
awilkinsPython 2.5 was built on MSVC 723:05
* awilkins has very few clues as far as C goes23:06
awilkinsI mostly stick to languages that link dynamically and don't whine about it.23:06
jelmerI think it's worth a try to check with MSVC923:07
awilkinsjelmer: I'm not convinced IU've got the libraries right ; they all have different names on Win3223:08
awilkinsBut I got the object files to build23:08
jelmeralternatively, you could avoid the dot notation, but that's quite a lot of work23:09
tethridgeanybody know the size of the mysql repository?23:12
awilkinsjelmer: MSVC 9 hates that syntax too23:14
jelmerhmm, it's standard C9923:14
jelmerawilkins, what's the error exactly?23:14
mwhudsonmsvc will probably never support c9923:15
awilkinsI'll paste23:15
mwhudsonfor fun and games echoing down the years23:15
* awilkins switches back to mingw23:16
awilkinsHmm, are warnings like "defined locally after being referenced with dllimport linkage" relevant?23:20
beunoanyone know what this could be:23:28
beunobeuno@beuno-laptop:~/bzr_devel/loggerhead.no_bundles$ bzr push lp:loggerhead23:28
beunoServer does not understand Bazaar network protocol 3, reconnecting.  (Upgrade the server to avoid this.)23:28
beunobzr: ERROR: Pack '13c6ba3d1a8d731ec8f18bfb908585d6' already exists in <bzrlib.repofmt.pack_repo.RepositoryPackCollection object at 0x89eb72c>23:28
beunoI've never seen that  :/23:28
beunohm, while autopacking...23:29
mwhudsonbeuno: try again i think23:30
beunoabentley, I see you worked on a bug related to that, is this what it fixed (I'm running bzr.dev, but maybe it's on the LP side): http://paste.ubuntu.com/22456/23:33
beunomwhudson, that worked, thanks23:33
beunomornin' igc23:38
igchi beuno23:38
beunoJc2k, incidently, while working on the gnome theme for LH, I found you have an unclosed <li> in the header:    <li><a href="http://live.gnome.org/BzrForGnomeDevelopers"><span>Bazaar wiki page</span></a><li>23:40
lifelessbeuno: oh!23:45
lifelessbeuno: that bug is biting pqm for launchpad developers23:45
awilkinsjelmer: Look like libraries ; I don't the the auto-library-finding is quite so luxurious on Win32 ; you can look at the horrible pathes I've had to do afterward23:45
lifelessmthaddon: ^^^^23:46
lifelessbeuno: could you make sure there is a bug exactly matching that, and grab all log details possible etc23:46
beunolifeless, sure. I see two of them, but it could be related to either23:46
beunobug #165293 and #21290823:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 165293 in bzr "collisions through uploading same-named .pack files not handled correctly" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/16529323:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 212908 in bzr "fetch all from a repo with identical contents fails with pack repos" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21290823:47
mwhudsonneither of those bugs mention autopacking23:49
lifelessbeuno: the thing is, push shouldn't trigger either under normal circumstances23:50
beunoalright, new bug, here I come23:50
lifelessbeuno: either we're hitting md5 collisions in loggerhed (a possibility)23:50
lifelessor, something is funky23:51
lifelessmwhudson: can you grab a copy of the launchpad data for the branch beuno was pushing too23:51
lifelessbeuno: can you take a copy of your branch & repository that you pushed from, so we can reproducce23:51
mwhudsonlifeless: i think when beuno pushed again, it worked23:51
beunoit did23:51
lifelessmwhudson: we can rollback one push23:51
mwhudsonlifeless: ok23:51
lifelessmwhudson: through the magic of robert23:52
jamabentley: I have a question about bzrlib.merge.transform_tree23:52
lifeless(but only if we have the obsolete packs etc). Its not guaranteed but should be doable23:52
mwhudsonbeuno: which branch was it?23:52
jamabently: If I do: merge.transform_tree(tree, tree.basis_tree(), [file_id]), shouldn't it revert that text to the value in the basis?23:52
beunomwhudson, a branch I did lh.dev -> lh.feature -> commit -> push to trunk23:53
mwhudsonbeuno: can you not push over non-lefthand parents to trunk please?23:54
mwhudsonif that's what you did23:54
mwhudsonlifeless: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~loggerhead-team/loggerhead/trunk, er, interesting23:54
lifelessmwhudson: set allow_append_revisions_only=True (or whatever the setting is - 'bzr help configuration')23:55
beunomwhudson, you mean, merge in trunk and push?  Ah, yes, I can see how that's annoying, sorry23:55
lifelessmwhudson: you'll want to uncommit the tip23:55
beunomwhudson, that's now what I just did though23:56
lifelessmwhudson: or push --overwrite, to restore it23:56
mwhudsonbeuno: can you clean it up?23:56
mwhudsonfeel free to push --overwrite or whatever23:56
lifelessmwhudson: did you get a copy of the repo already ?23:57
beunomwhudson, sure, I'll clean it up now and overwrite23:57
mwhudsonlifeless: so i have two tarballs of the branch, one from the push area, one mirror23:57
beunowell, after you copy whatever you need to debug  :)23:57
mwhudsonlifeless: ye23:57
mwhudsonlifeless: what did you want me to do with them?23:57
lifelessmwhudson: thanks, drop them on devpad23:57
lifelessbeuno: can you mail me the copy of your repository & branch too23:57
beunomwhudson, sure, on it's way23:57
mwhudsonbeuno: thanks23:58
beunoer, lifeless23:58
=== eMxyzptlk[away] is now known as eMxyzptlk
lifelessbeuno: thanks23:58
beunojust finishing filing the bug23:58
lifelessI'm so tempted to repeat by mini-python-dbs-suck rant23:58
tolstoyIf I tag in a repo, push it to a server, then, from somewhere else, pull  from that server, how come I don't get the new tags?23:58
* mwhudson gets confused by network reachability in the data centre23:59
bob2tolstoy: iirc push doesn't push tags unless it also has some other data to push23:59

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