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snadgeaka ubuntu hardy cant burn dvds ;)06:05
snadgenormally pretty tolerant of bugs.. except this ones long standing, unresolved, and has cost me money in the form of coasters06:06
techno_freakbug #20033706:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 200337 in nautilus-cd-burner "CD/DVD burning problem in hardy" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20033706:06
snadgethe only remotely useful advise in the whole thread.. is that downgrading to gutsy works fine.. also an interesting suggestion to try the use_generic_ide option06:07
snadgewhich one person reported didnt work for them either.. i personally havn't tried it (doesnt seem like much of a fix), and got an I/O error about 25% way through burn myself06:08
snadgei want to help resolve this issue, but i obviously dont want to waste blank dvds06:11
sbeattiesnadge: are you able to successfully burn dvds from other tools?06:15
sbeattiee.g. k3b?06:15
snadgei dont know, have been reluctant to try it sine the problem (from the bugreport) seems to affect all burning programs06:23
snadgei suppose i could try doing a "pretend" burn06:23
snadgeinstalling k3b now06:24
snadgethis bug probably should've got more focus06:33
snadgeso far k3b test burn is taking forever07:06
snadge@ approx 3x (was set to auto)07:07
snadgelooks like its having trouble keeping the buffer full07:07
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bliZZardzHi, can someone correct me w.r.t Bug #242275 ?08:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 242275 in pidgin "problem with any contacts..." [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24227508:45
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bliZZardz/join #ubuntu-bugs-message11:12
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LimCorehow to tell damn dpkg to not idiotically cut columns when displaying dpkg -l ?13:14
james_wLimCore: dpkg -l | cat13:24
james_wor COLUMNS=largenumber dpkg -l13:24
LimCoreis this a known bug?  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox/+bug/24232213:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 242322 in firefox "invalid rendering of pages - wrong size of some links" [Undecided,New]13:26
james_wnot sure, you may want to ask -mozillateam13:28
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bliZZardzhi - would be this the right forum to ask for some help w.r.t a bug. I can see the fix(or the lack of it). need some help in structuring it16:14
bliZZardzw.r.t Bug #189515 - i see that this is present in the gcalcli code. But it looks like more of an enhancement than a bug.16:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 189515 in gcalcli "No international times" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18951516:25
bdmurraybliZZardz: Okay16:26
bliZZardzbdmurray : any comments?16:27
bdmurrayWhat do you mean by you can see the fix?16:28
bliZZardzit is present in the code as a comment - line 993 : "elif (opt == "--mon"): Usage() #calMonday = True # not ready yet...)"16:29
bliZZardzthe usage of 'calMonday' across the script denotes that the author are planning to introduce it - hence it doesnt look like a 'bug'16:29
bdmurrayIt'd help to add some information like that to the bug and add which specific version of the package you found this in16:30
bdmurrayOkay, it might not be a bug, rather a missing feature, but that is still fine to have in Launchpad.  Do you know if upstream has a bug trackign system?16:31
bliZZardzthey are using code.google.com16:31
bliZZardz(am a n00b here,, hence am just learning the policies - and hence the questions here)16:31
bdmurrayDoes code.google.com have a bug tracking system though?16:32
bdmurrayMaybe there is an existing bug regarding that this lack of functionality then.16:32
bliZZardzthere is no existing bug in upstream - checked it. How do i forward it there?16:33
bdmurraybliZZardz: In general terms you would report the bug in the upstream bug tracking system and then add a 'bug watch' in launchpad to keep an eye on the upstream bug report.  This will update the launchpad bug with status information about the upstream bug.  I'm not certain if Launchpad can watch bugs at code.google.com though.16:35
sectechbliZZardz, if you are going to ask a triager a question in a bug please remember to change the status to incomplete?16:35
bliZZardzso i can comment and change the status to 'incomplete'. and i shall mention the issue# from google in the comment.16:38
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sectechbliZZardz,  Sure...  It just helps when triaging issues to know if the bug has been touched or not...16:40
bdmurraysectech: I think it can be confirmed since the functionality is not there and no other information is needed.16:40
bliZZardzbdmurray, sectech : 'confirmed' or 'incomplete' ?16:41
bdmurraybliZZardz: confirmed16:43
sectechbdmurray,  I think I was referring to one of the other bugs he touched....16:45
sectechI'll go back and find it16:45
sectechBug #24237616:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 242376 in revelation "Crash on save as " [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24237616:46
sectechthat was the one I was referring ot16:46
sectecherr to16:46
sectechI'll see if I can reproduce the reporters problem in a VM16:46
bliZZardzsectech : are you looking into Bug #242376 ?16:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 242376 in revelation "Crash on save as " [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24237616:48
sectechI can, unless you don't want me to....16:49
bliZZardzyou can :)16:49
sectechIt looks like a dup of bug #134323 though...16:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 134323 in revelation "Can't save file" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/13432316:49
sectechthat bug is quite old though16:49
sectechand is still marked new at that...16:49
bliZZardzyea...Dup :)16:50
ScottKbdmurray or heno: Are either of you around?16:50
sectechbdmurray,  Since the original wasn't dealt with, should we leave the new bug open and deal with it?16:50
henoScottK: I am16:50
ScottKheno: Since there was so much excitement about wiki page editing before, I want to bring something to your attention ...16:51
ScottKThis response should point to SRU, not to backports.16:51
sectechbliZZardz,  might as well mark it as a dup but put a comment in the original bug that this is still occuring16:51
bliZZardzsectech : k..will do. will look into the fix tomm.16:52
ScottKheno: As one of the people that approves backports, I will won't fix a backport request that fixes an SRU worthy bug.16:52
ScottKBackports is for features not fixes.16:52
ScottKheno: Can I edit that or would you rather?16:53
bliZZardzsectech : status changed to 'Invalid' in the new one?16:53
sectechbliZZardz, no mark it as a dup of the original one16:54
henoScottK: sounds like a reasonable clarification; go ahead16:54
ScottKheno: Thanks.16:54
bliZZardzso the original's status changes to??16:54
bdmurraybliZZardz: The one that is a duplicate should be invalid and the one with a duplicate should be confirmed16:57
bdmurraypedro_: are there logs from a recent traiging class you have given for https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BugSquad/KnowledgeBase16:57
pedro_bdmurray: yep, i'll update the page in a bit16:58
bdmurraypedro_: great, that particular class has a bit about bug assignment that was confusing16:59
bliZZardzbdmurray : thanks for the hints.. solved some bugs today :)17:00
techno_freakbdmurray, have a doubt, should we ask people reporting bugs in gutsy or feisty to check it in hardy, or should ask them to confirm it in intrepid?17:01
bdmurraybliZZardz: No problem, thanks for helping out!17:01
bdmurraytechno_freak: Ideally Intrepid but w/o an alpha image it is harder17:02
techno_freakbdmurray, so we first check it with hardy, if they can reproduce then it needs to be confirmed with intrepid as well?17:02
bliZZardzbdmurray : got a quick Q, from the wiki i read that Ubunteros are newbies in the kingdom and they go on to become Members - right?17:02
bdmurraybliZZardz: ubunteros are people who have signed the code of conduct.  Ubuntu members have made a contribution to Ubuntu.17:04
bdmurraytechno_freak: recreation with hardy is enough to confirm a bug17:05
bliZZardzbdmurray : what kind of contribution you mean there?? does Triaging,QA,packaging constitute members?17:06
techno_freakbdmurray, ok, got it. thanks :)17:06
ScottKheno: Updated https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Responses?action=show#head-246b9a0b2091d7aee70afd2b0579dbbc986eb51b17:19
henoScottK: looks good, thanks17:20
ScottKNo problem.17:21
bdmurraymvo: I seem to recall and update-manager bug re ftp is bug 160166 related to that?17:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 160166 in update-manager "repos via ftp - update-manager checks for updates instead of upgrading" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/16016617:56
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zulhow do you get an upstream bugtracker registered in launchpad/19:00
bdmurrayzul: jcastro is the man there19:01
zulbdmurray: thanks19:01
mvobdmurray: looking19:17
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thekornbdmurray, hi, I prepared a ibtrepid.merge-branch over the weekend,21:02
thekornI think I commited almost all pending patches21:02
thekornIt still needs some more polishing,21:02
thekornbut if you have some time for testing,21:03
thekornor can use it for your scripts,21:03
thekornthis would be cool21:03
bdmurraythekorn: okay, I'll poke at it this week21:04
thekornthanks alot21:04
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