
=== Zic_ is now known as Zic
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=== ogra_ is now known as ogra
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popeyis the missing gpe-announcer a known bug for gpe-clock and thus ubuntu-mobile package install?16:33
loolpopey: gpe-announcer?  I don't think I recall seeing this miinstalling17:51
loolpopey: How are you installing?17:51
popeyits a dependancy of gpe-clock17:51
popeywhich is a dependancy of ubuntu-mobile17:51
popeyso ubuntu-mobile fails to install as a result17:52
* ogra bets popey misses a repo 17:52
loolpopey: How do you install ubuntu-mobile?17:52
loolpopey: apt-cache policy ubuntu-mobile? :)17:52
popeyI did a base install of jeos and apt-got a few bits and bobs, including ubuntu-mobile17:52
loolpopey: These packages are definitely installable in the hardy images if you use the ubuntu-mobile ppa17:52
loolpopey: Right, so you miss the ppa in your sources17:53
loolBut then we shouldn't have leaked this in the main seed17:53
popeyi have the ubuntu-mobile ppa17:53
ograhardy-updates ?17:53
popeyone mo, will spark it up17:53
popeyproposed seems to be the only one missing17:58
loolpopey: Are you using some vm?17:59
popeyya, qemu17:59
popeywith the root fs on an sdhc17:59
loolpopey: So after apt-get update, what's the version of ubuntu-mobile you get in apt-cache policy?18:00
loolpopey: And what's the apt-get install error again?18:00
loolpopey: Also, not really an answer to your problem, but we provide a script to create qemu images of UME18:01
popeyit's not really a qemu image I am after tbh18:01
ogralool, a dep on gpe-announcer18:01
popeyI am using qemu on my big laptop to install onto an sdhc, which i will put in the eee pc18:01
popeygpe-clock deps on gpe-announcer18:02
loolpopey: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/Cases/UMEinstall-kvm is an old version I think18:02
loologra: There's a broken dep?18:02
popeycandidate is ubuntu-mobile 1.103~804um1418:02
ograno idea18:02
ograbut its the second ime i see that complaint in here from different persons18:02
popeythats me trying to apt-get install ubuntu-mobile then gpe-clock18:04
ograroot@osiris:/# apt-cache show gpe-clock|grep announce18:07
ograno direct dep at least18:07
ograroot@osiris:/# apt-cache show ubuntu-mobile|grep clock18:07
ograsame for u-m 18:07
ograroot@osiris:/# apt-cache policy ubuntu-mobile           18:08
ogra  Installed: (none)18:08
ogra  Candidate: 1.10218:08
ogra  Version table:18:08
ogra     1.102 018:08
ogra        500 http://ports.ubuntu.com hardy/universe Packages18:08
popeyi dont have ports.18:08
ogralpi is on ports.u.c18:09
loolPerhaps it needs porting18:16
ograi wonder how it worked at all without ports18:16
ograa.u.c doesnt (or shouldnt) have any lpia packages 18:17
loolHe's not using lpia18:18
persiaume-announcer is one of the packages that isn't in the archives: it's only in the PPA.18:18
persiaNeeds REVU, not just archive reorg.18:18
ograume-announcer == gpe-announcer ? 18:19
persiaThe Ubuntu Mobile gpe-clock depends on ume-announcer, if I remember correctly18:19
* persia checks18:19
* lool goes for dinner18:20
popeyso it's a typo in the deps of gpe-clock perhaps?18:21
popeygiven it says gpe-announcer instead of ume-announcer?18:21
* lool pushes smb's packaging18:21
persiaFor me, it says "gpe-announce" on intrepid, no announcer for vaniilla hardy, and ume-announcer for Ubuntu Mobile hardy.18:23
persiaWhere do you find "gpe-announcer"?18:23
popeygpe-clock 0.25-3 doesn't have the dependancy, but 0.25-4ubuntu11 does18:24
popeyVersion: 0.25-4ubuntu1118:24
popeyDepends: at, gpe-announcer, gpe-icons, libatk1.0-0 (>= 1.20.0), libc6 (>= 2.4), libcairo2 (>= 1.6.0), libglib2.0-0 (>= 2.12.0), libgpelaunch0 (>= 0.14), libgpeschedule0, libgpewidget1 (>= 0.115), libgtk2.0-0 (>= 2.12.0), libpango1.0-0 (>= 1.20.1), libx11-618:24
persiaRight.  That's just insufficiently tested for !=lpia.18:25
persiaLooks like you have the PPA, and are running i386, which is currently likely to be broken.18:26
popeycorrect :)18:26
persiapopey: There are unfortunately a variety of other hacks that make Ubuntu Mobile Ubuntu Mobile, that depend on the architecture being lpia.18:27
persiaThe plan is to remove these, but until then I recommend you run lpia.18:27
persiaIf you can't get the lpia kernels to boot, I believe you ought be able to use an i386 kernel and lpia userspace (although I've not tested it).18:28
persiaOtherwise you're better off with a custom matchbox-based GNOME for now.18:29
ograshould work given that lpia is simply i68618:29
persiaThe reason being that quite a few apps won't be hildonised on other than lpia, which isn't ideal.18:30
popeywill give that a go, thanks!18:30
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loolwow something wicked happened when I launched the kvm and switched desktop18:46
loolI'm scared18:47
loolAnyway, I'm happy to report that the virtual-mobile-package WFM18:47
loolpopey: If you use the script I mentionned, it wil pull lpia instead of i386 by default18:48
davmor2popey: not causing waves I hope :P18:51
* lool discovers dget-lp18:53
loolHackish, but might work, interesting at least18:54
persialool: It mostly works, although dget off ppa.launchpad.net is cleaner.18:55
loolpersia: I'm using a custom dsc lister here which throws ppa.l.n URLs at me18:56
ograwhere is that hidden ? (which package) 18:56
loologra: ubuntu-dev-tools18:56
ograi only have dget18:56
loolI find it handy to get .dsc lists for Debian, Ubuntu, and any other repos I care, whatever the dist18:57
persiaogra: Same place we keep all the extra-hacky-dev-bits :)18:57
loolIt simply queries the pool18:57
ograheh, i never have anything but devscripts and build-essential installed :)18:57
persialool: The entire PPA pool, or just ubuntu-mobile?18:57
* ogra tries out the ubuntu-dev-tools package18:57
loolpersia: Only ubuntu-mobile; I simply hardcoded which repos to query in the script18:58
persiaogra: If you have any handy dev hacks, please share there...18:58
loolI could make it more generic I guess, but it wouldn't really be useful to me18:58
ograpersia, well, i tend to do things manually very often but will keep that in mind18:58
* lool has hacks, but like giving them in secret18:58
persialool: Is that based on your apt-cache, or something more complex?18:59
loolIt's like sharing a cooking recipe, I wouldn't blog about it, only if I ever make it to someone would I tell them how to make it :)18:59
loolpersia: It's querying the pool itself18:59
loolpersia: As in, directory index of http://archive.fo18:59
ograi have uploaded my classmate builder bzr branch though ... since its likely not to be used anymore in the future but probably someone can get deas out of the code :)18:59
* lool => drives home ²19:00
* lool &19:00
ograhttps://code.launchpad.net/~ogra/cmpc/cmpc-gen1-installer in case anyone is intrested 19:00
loolI've pushed vmb to the ~vmb ppa; if you know what that means, you're welcome to give it a try when it's built ;)19:03
=== emgent is now known as emgent`
=== matt_c_ is now known as matt_c
beckywhen is ubuntu mobile set to be released?23:23
beckyI am wanting to get a nokia n81023:23
stgraberNokia n810 has an ARM cpu, not x86. You can't use Ubuntu mobile on it (yet)23:35
beckystgraber: do you think it will work when it is compiled for ARM? it only has 128MB ram23:39
stgrabermy test VM for UME has 128MB of ram23:43
beckystgraber: great! any idea on ARM release date?23:54
stgraberno but that won't be soon. AFAIK ARM was discussed in Prague last month so I don't think much happened since then23:56

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