
kostmoit looks like there are only symbolic links in the /usr/bin directory - no subdirectories00:04
kostmoaside from the executable files, of course00:04
RAOFkostmo: Your first .py file requires the second to exist before it works?00:09
neversfeldedo I have to run the full pbuilder procedure every time, or ist there a way to get a shorter build?00:10
kostmoRAOF: that's correct00:10
RAOFThen you'll need to make a rather more proper python package.  You can check out the specto package for an example.00:11
lifelessneversfelde: 'ccache'00:15
neversfeldelifeless: thx, I'll take a look at it00:17
neversfeldeah, got it in the pbuilder howto00:19
directhexneversfelde, use a chroot rather than what pbuilder does (extract a base chroot, install all build-deps every time)00:19
neversfeldewill try it tomorrow, gn8 now and thx for your help00:22
=== rockstar_ is now known as rockstar
nxvlsiretart: around?00:41
RAOFHm.  Something's strange in our python/gtk stack; Miro has a broken folderchooser on Intrepid, but it works fine on Sid.02:32
RAOFThis may be due to havinrg 2.13.3 in Ubuntu and 2.12.10 in Sid.  Interesting.02:34
borschtyhi, how can i configure pbuilder to include updates from updates and proposed?02:43
RAOFborschty: pbuilder login --save-after-exit (or similar), edit the appropriate files, aptitude update.02:46
RAOFAh, right.02:49
RAOFSomething of that kidney.02:49
borschtyah ok, thanks02:49
StevenKAlso, 'apt-get clean' before you logout.02:49
StevenKOtherwise pbuilder happily includes /var/cache/apt/archives/* in the base tarball02:50
AnAntHello, when is the next sync with Debian ?03:34
RAOFAnAnt: All the time?  Or, rather, when an admin next runs the autosync script, I think.03:37
AnAntgpm needs to be sync'ed , the current package in Intrepid has some issues03:37
RAOFOh?  You're one of those crazy mouse-on-the-console users?03:38
RAOFHave you filed a sync bug?  Is it a sync?  There are currently Ubuntu changes.03:39
AnAntwhat does that question "is it a sync" mean ?03:41
RAOFAnAnt: Is it a sync, or a merge?  Can the current Ubuntu changes be dropped?03:42
RAOFAlso, what are the current bugs, and are they actually fixed in Debian?03:43
AnAntyes, gpm_1.20.4-1 & -2 fixes several bugs in Debian03:44
AnAnt-2 is now in unstable03:44
AnAntas for Ubuntu changes, I dunno what is -D_GNU_SOURCE for03:44
AnAntbut that Ubuntu change is not in Debian03:44
chubs_Hi, I'm not entirely sure if this is the proper place to be asking this, so feel free to scream at me (or direct me to the right area). I'm trying to build a package in pbuilder against a hardy chroot, but the package requires yamp .7, which is in the intrepid repos. Even if i set the mirror to the intrepid universe it won't update the package, and I can't build it03:46
RAOFAnAnt: Heh.  apt-cache showsrc gpm suggests that Debian's gpm package has been merged, but not yet built, or possibly FTBFS.03:50
RAOFchubs_: You'll need an Intrepid chroot.  Alternatively, how did you set the mirror to Intrepid?  It's entirely possible that change didn't stick.03:50
chubs_raof: I don't want to build it againts intrepid packages, as it's intended for use on hardy. I guess I never considered that that might be alright (would it?). Anyways i set it in the pbuilderrc and i'm positive the change has stuck03:51
chubs_it gets packages from the mirror every time03:52
chubs_just won't upgrade any03:52
RAOFAnAnt: In fact, looking at https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/intrepid/+source/gpm/1.20.3~pre3-3.1ubuntu1 suggests that the new gpm package FTBFS.  Feel free to fix this ;)03:53
AnAntRAOF: well, maybe they should try 1.20.4-203:53
PMantisHi. I struggled to create a couple packages, but it works! However, when the package is upgraded, the config file is replaced w/o question. I've seen some packages ask if it should overwrite, option to diff, etc. How?03:54
RAOFAnAnt: Maybe.  Again, feel free to merge ;)03:54
AnAntRAOF: I built it on hardy without any problems03:55
RAOFBut it (presumably) still needs the _GNU_SOURCE change.03:55
RAOFUnless you know that's not needed...03:56
RAOFAlternatively, ask in #ubuntu-devel.  gpm seems to be in main.03:56
StevenKI daresay _GNU_SOURCE was added due to a libc change03:57
StevenK(Difference in toolchain between Ubuntu and Debian)03:57
StevenKPMantis: Is the config file marked as one?03:57
PMantisStevenK: Probably not, I don't know how.03:58
StevenKPMantis: If it's installed under /etc, and you're using debhelper > 5, it should be automatically03:58
RAOFAnything installed under /etc should be automatically marked as a config file.03:58
PMantisHmmm Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 5), cdbs03:59
RAOFOr, listen to the more-experienced StevenK :)03:59
AnAntRAOF: where should I put it after merge ? REVU ?04:04
RAOFYou should attach the debdiff against the debian version (and possibly one against the previous Ubuntu version) to a merge bug.04:05
RAOFNote that gpm doesn't seem to be up on merges.ubuntu.com; I'm not sure why this is.04:05
AnAntwhat does that mean ?04:07
RAOFPossibly that merges.ubuntu.com hasn't been updated since gpm 1.20.4 entered Sid?04:07
RAOFPossibly some other problem.  It's easier to pull merges from m.u.c; there's a bunch of stuff already done for you.04:08
* StevenK notices his name on 3 manual merges04:15
StevenKEr, make that six :-(04:15
chubs_Is it okay to build a package intended for hardy installation inside intrepid? Is it just a dependency thing or will it screw stuff up?04:17
chubs_intrepid chroot*04:17
StevenKchubs_: If it's intended for Hardy, build it against Hardy, otherwise you might depend on a toolchain package version that isn't in Hardy.04:18
chubs_stevenk: I figured i should, just building the package requires yasm .7, which is only in the intrepid repos.04:19
StevenKWhich means you should start by back-porting yasm04:19
chubs_I'll go off and learn how to do that. I saw a backporting section and figured it didn't apply. Thanks for the help!04:22
StevenKchubs_: No trouble.04:22
AnAnt1.20.4-2 is building in PPA04:24
AnAntStevenK: _GNU_SOURCE is needed if package does not build, right ?04:25
StevenKAnAnt: May be needed, it depends on the error04:25
PMantisI'm not going to worry about the config file issue right now... but I *really* wish my apt repo was secure. When I add a Release.gpg, apt-get cannot download Release...04:27
kostmoIf I have a python application that can be installed with a "setup.py" script, how can I wrap that as a .deb package?05:01
RAOFkostmo: By calling 'setup.py' in debian/rules.  Or using the CDBS magic.05:02
kostmook, I tried that, but I get a 'permission denied' when I run debuild.05:03
kostmoit seems to be actually installing the python application into my system, when all I really want to do is roll the .deb package05:04
RAOFRight.  So, you'd need to set the install path when using setup.py.05:05
AnAntRAOF: ok, gpm built on my PPA (https://launchpad.net/~aelmahmoudy/+archive) how do I file a merge bug for gpm ?05:06
kostmothe line that gets permission denied is: copying build/lib/rocket_backend.py -> /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages05:07
kostmowill setting the install path via setup.py make some kind of chroot environment?05:07
RAOFkostmo: Yeah, you need to set the install prefix to something that isn't system-wide.05:07
kostmook, once I do that, is there an easy way to grab the list of files that setup.py installed and pass them to dh_install?05:09
RAOFkostmo: You won't have to.  You should get setup.py to install the files to where they need to be (generally $(CURDIR)/debian/$pkgname)05:10
RAOFAnAnt: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Contributing or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Launchpad/Guide05:11
AnAntRAOF: thanks05:22
kostmook, now I'm running this in my debian/rules: python setup.py install --prefix=`pwd`/debian/`dh_listpackages`/usr05:28
kostmoand it gets past several commands after the line "running install_lib"05:29
TheMusoThose backticks probably won't get properly expanded. Since debian/rules is a makefile, you probably want something like $(CURDIR)/debian/05:30
persiakostmo: I suspect you want $(CWD) in place of `pwd`05:30
kostmobut then it stops at this:05:30
kostmorunning install_data05:30
kostmocreating /usr/share/pyrocket05:30
kostmoerror: could not create '/usr/share/pyrocket': Permission denied05:30
persiaor $(CURDIR) is even better :)05:30
persiaIf you get that error, it usually means your setup.py isn't honoring your prefix request.05:30
kostmoit honored it for the py_modules keyword, but not for the data_files keyword, it seems05:32
ScottK-laptopWhere do you tell setup.py to install it?05:44
ScottK-laptopkostmo: ^^^05:44
kostmothis was the line from setup.py: data_files=[('/usr/share/pyrocket', ['joystick.svg', 'pyrocket.png'])]05:46
kostmomy rules file says: python setup.py install --prefix=$(CURDIR)/debian/`dh_listpackages`/usr05:47
ScottK-laptopkostmo: IIRC for data files in distutils /usr is assumed.  Try leaving that off.05:48
kostmowhat if I want the same installation behavior whether my application is installed via setup.py directly or via a .deb?05:49
RAOFThe same thing applies; 'python setup.py install --prefix=/foo/bar' should stick _everything_ under /foo/bar05:50
RAOFkostmo: You might want to pastebin your setup.py; that's likely to help people to help you.05:51
kostmoi'm going to try omitting the usr part quick05:52
kostmoI'm also getting a lintian error: E: pyrocket_0.5_i386.changes: bad-distribution-in-changes-file hardy05:55
ScottK-laptopYou'll want to call it 0.5-0ubuntu105:57
RAOFYou'll also want to make it arch: all rather than arch: any05:57
kostmoRAOF: in my control file, it already does say Architecture: all06:08
kostmoI'm not sure where that i386 is coming from06:08
kostmoHere is my setup.py: http://paste.ubuntu.com/22286/06:12
kostmodebuild now completes, but the files that the setup.py installed do not copy into my system when I install the .deb file06:13
kostmodo I need to respecify all the files in the *.install file for dh_install?06:14
kostmoand here is my debian/rules file: http://paste.ubuntu.com/22289/06:17
nxvland where is the package itself?06:28
nxvlalready in revu?06:28
bliZZardzis it necessary that i have to fix some bugs(etc) before i can apply for a team?06:30
nxvlbut the administrators won't accept you if they aren't sure you are woking06:31
nxvlso you need to show some work06:31
nxvland make you known06:31
nxvlfor example06:32
nxvli started working on the server team on my early stages06:32
bliZZardznxvl :i was looking at some bugs in Pythonista, but wasnt sure of teh fixes as most of them require some expertise in the modules06:32
nxvlbut i didn't get approved on the LP team until i demostrate some work on the team06:32
bliZZardzi am comfortable with Python, and hence am looking at contribution on the same lines. Can you guide me to some suitable starting points?06:32
ScottK-laptopbliZZardz: If you can find bugs in python packages worth fixing (you figure out the python) we will help you learn to package the fix.06:33
nxvlthat is quite a big horizont06:33
nxvlthe python guy here is ScottK-laptop06:33
nxvlbut it's more important to find the type of packages you want to work with06:33
bliZZardznxvl : exactly. that is where i am going berserk.06:34
bliZZardzScottK-laptop: can you give me a few good starting tips. I did not quite understand " If you can find bugs in python packages worth fixing"06:34
nxvlbecause to be comfortable with python doesn't mean you will be comfortable with pygtk or pyqt (if it exists)06:34
ScottK-laptopbliZZardz: Perhaps have a look at Bug #241352 and tell me what you think.06:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 241352 in enthought-traits-ui "mayavi2 willnot run" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24135206:34
bliZZardzok..give me few mins - let me have a look at it06:35
nxvlso you need to focus on your packages of interes06:35
nxvlfor example i'm also comfortable with python, but i work on C packages because im interested in server stuff06:36
bliZZardzso - most of the problems are with python packaging? ultimately leading to upstreams?06:36
nxvlwell yes06:37
nxvlwe use to work with upstream a lot06:37
nxvlbut not always06:37
nxvlso you will need to code also06:37
nxvlScottK-laptop: btw, i finally started my nm process06:37
ScottK-laptopnxvl: Great.  You may beat me at the rate I'm going.06:38
nxvlScottK-laptop: my advocate will be kees, i'm really happy06:38
bliZZardznxvl, ScottK-laptop : i would be more interested in development than packaging06:38
nxvlScottK-laptop: we are not far away in the list :D06:39
ScottK-laptopbliZZardz: OK.  What are your interests?  KDE, Gnome, server?06:39
nxvlin developing what?06:39
bliZZardzScottK-laptop : anything in python. would prefer something on server, also applications are fine.06:40
ScottK-laptopbliZZardz: Do you use KDE or Gnome?06:40
nxvlso python is your new toy and you want to play with it?06:40
nxvlor something like that?06:40
ScottK-laptopnxvl: Are you writing your centralized server admin stuff in Python?06:40
nxvllucas: hi!06:40
nxvlScottK-laptop: not yet06:41
bliZZardznxvl : nope. i have been doing lots of application programming, which is like lot more boring stuff. not want to build more on top of that06:41
nxvlScottK-laptop: i'm writing lenses now06:41
pwnguinhey, if anyone's into python packaging06:41
nxvlScottK-laptop: and i think augeas will have enought lenses for intrepid+106:41
pwnguini have a fun bug06:41
nxvlScottK-laptop: so i will start writing it then06:41
bliZZardzpwnquin : share it, let me try06:41
nxvlyou will have to package a lot06:42
pwnguinits fixed in debian06:42
nxvlbut also to write code06:42
nxvlso is not so packaging oriented06:42
pwnguinso a novice might be able to figure it out06:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 234865 in gnome-games "Package glchess fails to install and ask removal of gnome-games" [Unknown,Confirmed]06:42
pwnguintechnically, i think its part of main :/06:43
ScottK-laptopLooks like python-support needs to be updated in Intrepid then.06:45
bliZZardzpwnguin : am a n00b on it, but can you guide me as to how one goes on fixing it(so that i can get a flavour of it)06:45
pwnguinwell, this one's got a patch in debian, so you'll need to look there06:45
pwnguinbliZZardz: from a packaging perspective, have you done anything like read the guide yet?06:46
bliZZardzpwnguin :this one : https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide ?06:47
pwnguinI think so. there's also a video by dholbach06:48
bliZZardzpwnguin :i went though the video - one in youtube.06:48
bliZZardzlet me read the guides more and ask Qs(if i have any)06:49
bliZZardzquick Q -> is packaging the first step for a Ubuntero?06:50
pwnguinuuh no?06:50
pwnguinif i remember correctly, you just need to sign the CoC06:51
bliZZardzpwnguin : CoC?06:51
ubottuThe Ubuntu Code of Conduct to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/06:51
FlannelSee also: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SigningCodeofConduct06:52
bliZZardzand after that?06:53
pwnguinafter that you live by the code?06:53
bliZZardzi meant - CoC -> Packaging -> and then?06:55
persiabliZZardz: It's not really a direct progression.06:57
bliZZardzpersia : Hi. ok.. i understand that some time is required in it06:58
persiaThere are lots of different ways to help Ubuntu.  Those participating in the community are encouraged to sign the CoC.  After that, it's best to do as much as you like.06:58
pwnguinbliZZardz: we try to avoid declaring a hierarchy06:59
pwnguinexcept maybe sabdfl06:59
persiaThis can be packaging, it can be artwork, it can be documentation, it can be testing, it can be community work, or really anything else.06:59
persiaThis channel mostly concentrates on packaging.06:59
pwnguinthere is a percieved Ubuntu developer path of Ubuntero -> Member -> Motu -> Core Dev07:00
bliZZardzpwnguin : what is sabdfl ?07:00
pwnguinMark Shuttleworth07:00
ubottuMark "sabdfl" Shuttleworth is our favourite cosmonaut, the founder of Canonical and the primary driver behind Ubuntu. You can find pieces of his thinking at http://www.markshuttleworth.com07:00
* pwnguin thinks the bot should know more about "Self Appointed Dictator For Life" and less about astronauts07:01
nxvlsabdfl the nearest we have to a Big Boss07:02
* nxvl HUGS persia 07:02
bliZZardzaha... bdfl and sadfl!07:02
* bliZZardz smiles07:02
bliZZardzthis forum has been amazing...thanks for the members patience. i will read up more and contribute to the max.07:02
bliZZardzq: request for a mentor can happen only after i contribute something? I am clueless sometimes and need some experienced eyes to correct me :)07:04
ScottK-laptopbliZZardz: You can ask anytime, but it's not mandatory to have one.  You can also just work with various people here in the channel.07:05
* ScottK-laptop thinks that is actually better because you learn more from different people.07:05
* bliZZardz concurs07:05
* bliZZardz hopes to get some nice tshirt with ubuntu on soon ;)07:06
ScottK-laptopMy upstream project update that I hoped to get released/uploaded to Debian prior to DIF is done and uploaded.07:08
nxvlScottK-laptop: i have a doubt on the debian-policy07:08
nxvlScottK-laptop: a package can Suggest a package outside of main?07:09
pwnguinafaik, universe/multiverse were enabled by default a while ago07:09
persiapwnguin: It's a somewhat false perception.  While that sometimes happens, there are people who each any of those states directly07:10
pwnguinpersia: of course07:10
nxvli mean in debian-policy, not the ubuntu adaptation of it :P07:10
ScottK-laptopnxvl: You mean can it suggest something non-free or contrib?07:10
persianxvl: Suggest is OK, Recommends is not OK.07:10
pwnguinsome of the core devs are now approved on a "dont touch the kernel" basis etc07:10
bliZZardzcan i suggest a package to be included?07:11
nxvlScottK-laptop: yep07:11
persiapwnguin: There's been a couple now.  It's not just kernel.07:11
RAOFpwnguin: "Self Appointed"?  "South African", right? :)07:11
ScottK-laptopnxvl: Then what persia said.07:11
ScottK-laptopActually one of them was you may touch ONLY the kernel.07:11
nxvlpersia: yes, i know that Recommends, Depend and Build-Depends aren't ok, but i was unsure about Suggests07:11
pwnguinhence the etc07:11
persiaSCottK: I suspect the policy will move back into alignment, with Recommends-by-default.07:11
nxvlpersia: i'm reading the new policy (3.8)07:13
nxvland i think it's post-default_Recommends07:13
persianxvl: It is.  Debian had recommends-by-default much earlier than Ubuntu.  Ubuntu currently allows main to recommend universe, but that will likely change.07:14
nxvlpersia: intrepid will we a nightmare07:15
wgrantIs it allowed, or just not explicitly forbidden?07:15
persia(unless main/universe ceases to mean anything before such a rule is implemented)07:15
wgrantWhich may well happen.07:15
persiawgrant: It was explicitly allowed at one point, which is part of why recommends-by-default was delayed.07:15
wgrantpersia: Ah, I hadn't realised.07:16
wgrantIs such policy actually documented anywhere?07:16
persiaNot as such.  There was a mailing list thread about it some long time back, and it basically reached consensus as "doesn't matter".  When recommends-by-default came in Debian, it was blocked in Ubuntu due to that consensus.07:17
persia(As I remember and understand: ask someone more intimately involved with apt packaging to get a better story)07:17
ScottK-laptopslangasek suggested MIRs would be required for stuff to stay recommends if it was in Universe.  Not sure if he was speaking policy or perspective.07:19
persiaScottK: It's a result of the current implementation of main.  Without either an MIR or recommends-removal, it's hard to make a CD.07:20
persiaWhether such an implementation accurately reflects intentional policy is a different matter.07:20
ScottK-laptopBTW, not all installs have Universe enabled.  It was just enabled for new installs.  Upgraders may not have it enabled.07:21
persiaThat's not such a huge impact.  Even with recommends-by-default, apt will allow installs/upgrades cleanly (but with a different package set).07:21
dholbachggood morning07:21
persiaIt's about how packages are selected for a CD, or for the images.07:22
nxvldholbach: guten nacht mein freund!07:22
dholbachnxvl: sleep tight :)07:23
nxvli still have some time here07:23
nxvlbut it's funny how you wake up at the same time i go sleep07:23
nxvli didn't told you (i think)07:24
nxvlthey confirm me the next Packaging Jam07:24
geserGuten Morgen dholbach07:24
nxvli will have a 4 hours session07:24
dholbachhi geser07:24
dholbachnxvl: NICE - that's great - is there a lot of excitement in your loco?07:25
nxvlthey are really exited about the GBJ07:26
dholbachROCK :)07:26
* dholbach hugs nxvl07:26
nxvlso they are making me run some packaging jams to have more people be able to fix some bugs :D07:26
* nxvl HUGS dholbach back07:26
RoAkSoAxhi guys!! anyone know which package provides mozilla-xpcom07:26
nxvlfor example RoAkSoAx is in charge of running he's city GBJ07:26
RoAkSoAxnxvl, still can't build after doing the patch by hand, now it shows checking for MOZILLA_COMPONENT... configure: error: Package requirements (mozilla-gtkmozembed >= 1.7 mozilla-xpcom >= 1.7) were not met:07:27
nxvlusing pbuilder?07:27
RoAkSoAxnxvl, i'll do the GBJ if i get my things done by that date07:28
RoAkSoAxnxvl, yep07:28
ScottK-laptopDebian accepted my upload, so I think it's time for me to go to sleep.07:28
ScottK-laptopGood night all.07:28
RoAkSoAxnxvl, what could be wrong?? i'm guessing have to add a new build-dep?07:29
nxvldid you merged the build-depends as i told you to do?07:32
nxvlthen dunno07:35
RoAkSoAxmaybe it is because i have to make a change in the patch or maybe i missed something i'll check T.T07:35
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RoAkSoAxlol it built with a supposed old library07:47
nxvldholbach: i'm just going to sleep, can you please help RoAkSoAx07:49
RoAkSoAxi'm going to sleep too07:49
RoAkSoAxi'll take a look at it tomorrow :)07:50
dholbachsleep tight RoAkSoAx and nxvl07:50
RoAkSoAxthanks dholbach, have a nice day :)07:50
RoAkSoAxchau nxvl07:50
nxvlwell good night!07:51
nxvlread you tomorrow!07:51
* nxvl HUGS everyone07:52
siretartnxvl: now im around :)07:52
nxvlsiretart: i'm just going07:54
nxvlcan you please take a look at augeas?07:55
nxvlsiretart: if you have some comments on it please send me an e-mail or comment there07:58
nxvlsiretart: i will be really thankful if you give it a look07:59
nxvlnow i'm gone07:59
bliZZardzScottK: looked at Bug #241352 in enthought-traits-ui (Ubuntu) . Quite interesting.08:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 241352 in enthought-traits-ui "mayavi2 willnot run" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24135208:28
bliZZardzcan someone correct me w.r.t Bug #242275 ?08:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 242275 in pidgin "problem with any contacts..." [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24227508:39
bliZZardzScottK, persia, pwnguin : anyone there?08:41
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persiabliZZardz: For myself, I'm not more likely to check an IRC channel for being pinged.  That said, I'm not the best person to answer that: you likely will find help in #ubuntu-bugs for the best way to help with triage.08:44
=== LucidFox is now known as LucidFix
=== LucidFix is now known as LucidFox
Pasteurizedhi all09:16
PasteurizedI want to request a sync for Midori web broswer 0.0.1809:17
PasteurizedI was building my own deb package for Hardy when a Midori dev told me to ask for a sync here09:17
dholbachPasteurized: make sure you follow the steps on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SyncRequestProcess09:18
persiaPasteurized: Have you reviewed the Ubuntu changes, and confirmed they are no longer required?09:18
persiaGiven our preference for not implying Ubuntu is Debian, I suspect it needs a merge, rather than a sync.09:18
persia(or maybe just a backport)09:19
elmargolPasteurized, does flash work now using midori?09:20
PasteurizedI didnt try yet the .1809:20
persiaPasteurized: There's an .18 in intrepid (and a different one in Debian experimental).  You might want to try one of those first.09:21
PasteurizedI could use the .18 Intrepid version on my hardy ?09:22
elmargolno epiphany-webkit  package jet :(09:22
PasteurizedOr maybe it'll better to finish my package building of v0.0.18 and install it09:23
persiaPasteurized: Only if you really want.  As two other people already packaged .18, I'd think you might save yourself some effort if you used one of theirs.09:24
Pasteurizedok, so now I just need to know where to find it (I was hoping to find it one getdeb.net)09:25
Pasteurizedfind it on getdeb.net*09:25
persiaPasteurized: You can get source from launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/midori09:26
persiaThere are binaries compiled for intrepid, but they may not work if you are running hardy.09:26
persiaIf it works for you, please request a backport so others may also share.09:26
ubottuIf new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging09:26
PasteurizedI have a dependency error (libpango1.0-0) while installing .18 on my hardy09:35
persiaPasteurized: Try recompiling the source against hardy then.  That might solve it.09:38
Pasteurizedi'm going to try it09:40
amikropI guess dustutils' deb packages, are not "valid", right?09:43
amikrop* distutils09:43
RAOFamikrop: Does distutils actually have a deb target?09:43
amikropRAOF: Hmm... it seems not....09:44
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ianm_hi RainCT10:09
\shemgent: bug #227859 I'll take care of it when my buildds are updated10:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 227859 in esperanza "Please merge esperanza 0.4.0-2 (universe) from Debian unstable" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/22785910:09
ianm_RainCT: should screenruler be showing up in hardy at this point?10:17
RainCTHi ianm_10:20
RainCTianm_: not yet, I'm looking for someone who can upload it to Debian. Then it'll be for a while in the "NEW" queue (this can be just some days or up to a few weeks) and finally it will be in the Debian sid repos and will be copied into Intrepid's (once it's there you/me can request a backport for Hardy).10:22
ianm_wow what a process :)10:22
persiaianm_: There are also shorter processes, but that one is used to increase the number of users who will benefit from the new package.10:23
amikropIn debian/rules, what entries are necessary?10:25
amikropI mean, which "make" entries are required?10:26
persiaamikrop: http://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-source.html#s-debianrules10:27
persiaPlease do include get-orig-source and patch if they have meaning for your package (non-native or patched, respectively)10:28
amikroppersia: ok, thanks10:28
amikropDo I need the dh_test* commands?10:41
persiaamikrop: If you do.  What are you trying to accomplish, and how would the presence or absence of dh_test* help?10:45
RainCTyes, dh_testdir and dh_testroot10:45
amikroppersia: Alright, I understand :-)10:46
persiaRainCT: Those are certainly not required (although they are likely to be helpful)10:47
RAOFIf a package has an ubuntu revision, do we append build1 for rebuilds?10:49
* RAOF looks at the uninstallable monodevelop10:49
amikropDoesn't dh_clean call the clean debian/rules entry?10:50
RAOFamikrop: No10:50
amikropI ask this, because I don't see $(CURDIR)/build deleted after each package generation.10:50
persiaRAOF: No, just bump the Ubuntu revision.  "build1" is code for "We built this too soon, and need to rebuild, but still want to sync, and Soyuz still doesn't support binary NMUs".10:50
RAOFpersia: Thought so.10:50
* RainCT would say "dh_clean is called as part of clean", but better doesn't say nothing as he only knows cdbs :)10:51
\shamikrop: dh_clean is being called inside clean: target10:51
Tooba1hello. Some days ago I created a package for Debian, but I'm not finding any sponsor. What should be changed in it to try to get it uploaded in Ubuntu Universe? (Is there any useful link?) (I just joined the REVU Uploaders team)10:53
persiaRainCT: dh_clean can make clean: easier, but one is free to delete all the modified files differently if one prefers.10:53
persiaTooba1: In 95% of cases, the change is to switch the version to -0ubuntu1, the target to intrepid, and the bug closure syntax in debian/changelog.10:54
RainCTpersia: yes, I know it's possible to create a package without debhelper at all, but that doesn't really make sense in most cases :)10:54
persiaRainCT: Why not?10:54
amikroppersia: I have this http://paste.ubuntu.com/22316/ debian/rules but $(CURDIR)/build stays on, after the generation, and I can't see why.10:54
Tooba1thanks, so I'll take a look at other package for those points10:55
RainCTTooba1: and change the Maintainer to be MOTU if the current address isn't @ubuntu.com10:55
wgrantAnd also think very carefully about whether you want to do it.10:55
Tooba1You mean, remove my address?10:55
RainCTTooba1: you can keep it in a XSBC-Original-Maintainer field10:56
RainCTpersia: well, because it's doing the same work yourself (and note the "imho" :))10:57
amikroppersia: Neither $(CURDIR)/debian/files is removed (although I have removed -k from dh_clean). It seems the "clean" entry is never called :-/10:57
persiaRainCT: Where it is indeed the same work, I agree with you.  I can imagine a package construction where it isn't, but perhaps I'm thinking too deeply :)10:57
* RainCT syncs the REVU keyring11:00
persiaamikrop: What happens if you call debian/rules clean?11:00
amikrop$ ./rules clean11:00
amikropdh_clean: cannot read debian/control: No such file or directory11:00
amikropmake: *** [clean] Error 111:00
RainCTamikrop: cd .. ;)11:01
persiaamikrop: That would be the issue.  debian/control is definitely required.11:01
amikroppersia: debian/control is present11:01
persiaRainCT: Is dh_clean so broken as to only work from that location?11:01
RainCTpersia: iirc, yes11:02
amikroppersia: http://paste.ubuntu.com/22317/11:03
amikroppersia: The logs say that the "clean" entry was called, but neither dh_clean, nor my custom "rm -fr" had any effect.11:04
amikropThe logs didn't output any error message, though.11:05
RainCTamikrop: it calls it *before* building, to ensure that the source is clean11:05
RainCTbut not afterwards11:05
amikropRainCT: http://paste.ubuntu.com/22316/11:05
RainCTif you want to clean-up after dpkg-buildpackage you've to execute   fakeroot debian/rules clean    manually11:05
amikropLook here, I have "clean" after "build" next to the "install" entry.11:06
persiaYeah.  That would fix it.  Looks like the source isn't clean.11:06
amikropinstall: build clean11:06
persiaCould also try with dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot (or debuild)11:06
amikropfirst "build", then "clean"11:07
amikropDid you understand what I say?11:07
amikropI mean, I think I tell it, first to build, then to clean.11:08
RainCTpersia: uhm.. isn't fakeroot now used by default with dpkg-buildpackage, when it's enabled?11:08
persiaLooking at your log, it's doing clean before build.11:08
RainCTamikrop: ah I see, yes, it does it twice11:08
persiaRainCT: Is it?  I still see people suggest -rfakeroot (and have been using debuild alone for some time now)11:08
RainCTbut it's doing it before install11:09
RainCTpersia: from the manpage, «if  none  has been specified, fakeroot will be used by default, if the command is present.»11:09
persiaAha!  That's a sane improvement.11:09
Tooba1even if I'm not the maintainer, I still have to sign the package with my GPG key, right?11:10
RainCTamikrop: try:    binary-indep build install clean11:10
RainCTTooba1: if you are not going to upload it to Ubuntu yourself, not really11:11
amikropRainCT: Why? In debian/rules, in the "install" entry, I have written build, and *then* clean. Why does it reverse order?11:11
Tooba1I know11:11
Tooba1I mean to upload to REVU11:11
RainCTamikrop: like now it's doing:   build, clean, install, binary-indep11:11
RainCTTooba1: ah, indeed11:11
persiaamikrop: There's no requirement that make enforce dependencies in a given order.  Additionally, dpkg-buildpackage calls several rules, rather than just one.11:12
amikropThe order is defined in .PHONY, you say?11:12
amikropRainCT: How can I change that order?11:12
RainCTamikrop: uhm.. if you move the clean to binary-indep it woul be     build, install, clean, binary-indep     but I'm not sure if binary-indep also creates files, so it might still not work11:13
amikropOK, I will try it.11:14
RainCT(in which case, if I'm not wrong, the solution would be to move the dh_* stuff from binary-indep to real-binary-indep or something and have     binary-indep: build install real-binary-indep clean)11:14
RainCTbtw, why do you want it to clean up automatically? I can't recall any package doing this11:15
persiaRainCT: Not cleaning up tends to cause the failure-to-build-twice-in-a-row bug11:15
amikropOK. What do you recommend me to do? Cleaning up automatically? Not doing so? And how to do the right thing?11:16
RainCTpersia: no, dpkg-buildpackage calls the 'debian/rules clean' before building11:16
persiaRainCT: Right.  Different definition of "automatic" :)11:18
amikropI mean, if you recommend to clean up automatically, how should I do this, and if you don't recommend to clean up automatically, where to place my clean commands, and how to act?11:18
amikropIn a word, what do you suggest?11:18
persiaamikrop: If you have a well defined clean: rule, the build tools should take care of it.11:18
persiaDrop the dependency from install:11:18
amikropThe entries nect to someentry: are dependencies?11:19
amikroppersia: And how "dependencies" work? If we have "someentry: foo bar", that means for "someentry" to work, "foo" and "bar" must be defineD?11:22
amikrop* defined11:22
persiaYes, and then make will ensure foo and bar are present before processing someentry (unless foo or bar are defined in .PHONY, in which case they get processed regardless of presence)11:23
RainCTpersia: btw, what is .PHONY for?11:27
persiaRainCT: .PHONY indicates to the make processor that the rule should always run, regardless of the presence of a file of that name.11:28
persiaWhen processing dependencies, make will ensure that if any dependency is updated, the rule will be rerun making the newer file, although .PHONY complicates this.11:28
persiaThink about the case where there is a .c file, and an executable.11:29
persiaThe rule to make the executable depends on the .c file, and generates the executable file.11:29
bliZZardzanyone lookedat Bug #242303?11:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 242303 in firefox-3.0 "Indeterminate font selection of firefox 3.0" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24230311:29
persiaIf the .c file is newer than the executable, it will be run again.  If the .c file is older than the executable, it will not be rerun.11:29
persiaIf you add a .PHONY clean rule, it will always run clean, even if there is a file called clean in the target directory.11:30
amikroppersia: So, how do you recommend to have my debian/rules file?11:30
persiaamikrop: I tend towards CDBS, but you've not gone that way, and I don't suggest you change now.  Just don't have install depend on clean.11:30
amikropIs that alright?11:30
RainCTpersia: thanks for the explanation11:31
RainCTamikrop: if it's a Python package, you've to make use of either dh_pycentral or dh_pysupport11:32
RainCTso that they take care of byte-compilation11:32
amikropOK. What about the .PHONY? Do I really need it?11:33
amikroppersia: So, you recommend CDBS? Is that https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/Complete#head-3111e8aa0617da09b4fb3f0f2b1df8fa19f5d33d enough to read to get started? Will CDBS integrate well with Python's dustutils? Is it easy? Will it cover my needs? Sorry for the many questions :P11:39
persiaamikrop: I don't do much with python, but I believe there's a simple example in the CDBS documentation11:40
amikrop* distutils11:40
RainCTamikrop: with cdbs, you just have to include a file for distutils and that will do everything11:40
amikropSo, you guys, recommend CDBS over manual DebHelper?11:41
mok0amikrop: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/Howtos/CDBS11:41
RainCTsee http://wiki.debian.org/DebianPython/NewPolicy11:41
mok0amikrop: For simple stuff, yes11:41
amikropOkay. Thank you, all.11:43
persiaamikrop: Be warned: CDBS is magic.  When it works, it's nice.  When it doesn't work, it can be difficult to understand.11:45
amikroppersia: Yes, from what I 've read, that is what I thought, too :(11:46
bliZZardzpersia : CDBS more used for Py modules?11:48
persiabliZZardz: There's a wide variety of packaging methods.  Take a look at those in the Python team SVN repo11:48
LucidFoxFarewell, OOXML.11:52
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* TheMuso is going to see if he can get the sponsors queue down to 75 or less by the time he goes to bed. Anyone care to join me to make things happen more quickly?12:18
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bliZZardzWhat is sponsors Q?12:25
TheMusobliZZardz: The sponsors queue is a team in launchpad that gets subscribed to bugs that ubuntu contributors file when they want to get a package change uploaded to Ubuntu.12:27
bliZZardzTheMuso : link please12:27
TheMusobliZZardz: http://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-universe-sponsors12:27
bliZZardzhow does it work?12:28
TheMusobliZZardz: I suggest you read the links that are given on that page, to apges on the Ubuntu wiki about the sponsorship process.12:29
TheMusotjaalton: Re bug 239915, it seems that the latest Debian revision builds successfully on amd64, without needing a merge. Granted I can't test on ia64 for example, but I'm wondering whether this change is still needed.12:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 239915 in vdr-plugin-console "Please merge vdr-plugin-console 0.6.0-37 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/23991512:30
directhexTheMuso, honestly, who runs vdr on itanium?12:33
TheMusodirecthex: Yes I know, but if we can avoid an FTBFs even on an architecture that isn't officially supported, its a bonus.12:34
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Tooba1the list at http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/ should be automatically updated after uploading with dput, right?12:47
directhexTheMuso, well, i don't have anything vaguely debianish on ia64, so can't help with that. want some sles rpm's building, i can see what i can do12:48
TheMusodirecthex: I don't really think its worth worrying about.12:49
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siretarttjaalton: hey, I've noticed that you seem to care and maintain the vdr packages in hardy and intrepid, is that right?13:07
TheMusoYay! 8 more merges to get below 100 in the queue!13:48
TheMusoWell, some of those are bug watches, but meh.13:50
Nitrofuranohi! i'm looking for people may get interested on packaging wxBasic!13:54
dholbachTheMuso: we have 41 people in Ubuntu Universe Sponsors - it should be no problem to get the queue cleared :)13:54
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TheMusodholbach: Should be, yes I agree. Is... Not at the moment.13:54
directhexi'm waiting for a package or two to hit unstable before i can get merging dealt with13:55
Nitrofuranopeople used to package projects using wxWidgets may be skilled enough to package wxBasic?13:55
directhexTheMuso, a few packages listed on merges.ubuntu.com appear to only need syncing now. is there a proper way to mark them as no longer needing merging?13:56
TheMusodirecthex: Not on MoM.13:58
TheMusodirecthex: What is supposed to happen is that they vanish from MoM once they are synced, but MoM doesn't appear to be updating.13:58
Tooba1forget my last message; now my package appears in http://revu.tauware.de, I just had given wrong dput arguments14:00
Nitrofuranobtw, i registered over 100 projects on launchpad.net - how can MOTU people see them and check the possibility of packaging them?14:05
directhexNitrofurano, IMHO, a very important rule of packaging is "only package things you personally use"14:06
TheMusodirecthex: Totally agree.14:09
sistpoty|workhi folks14:11
TheMusoHey sistpoty|work.14:11
sistpoty|workhi TheMuso14:11
ScottKNitrofurano: Most MOTU are pretty busy.  They've no shortage of stuff to work on, so if you want something packaged, the most reliable way to get that done is learn how and do it yourself.14:13
Nitrofuranoi'm having difficulties to packaging even following the usual documentation (from debian and ubuntu documentation webpages)14:17
Nitrofuranothe reason of some projects i registered at launchpad were projects were only available as source and i had difficulty on compiling them, as well having them officially packaged would be easier to newbies istall them, as well would make them more visible, at least from Ubuntu users...14:19
Nitrofuranobut the most i were using were wxBasic and sdlBasic anyway...14:19
NitrofuranoMiriam Ruiz tried to start packaging sdlBasic, but she has lack of time and with some specific difficulties compiling it...14:20
NitrofuranoMaybe people used to package wxWidget-based tools could help packaging wxBasic as easy, since they used to have preinstalled wxWidgets libraries, and have the experience enough, than me constantly getting frustrating on hugelly trying and getting no results...14:22
Nitrofuranoa goal would be if some wxWidgets-based packager would enjoy somehow wxBasic, and getting interesting on help packaging - what do you all think?14:23
Nitrofuranothanks! :-D14:24
NitrofuranoPersonally i had some very naif experience on making .deb files from .sh scripts with 'ar' command - but the result is hugelly amateur - and my make/configure experience is completelly disastrous...14:25
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Tooba1I'm not a big Launchpad expert, but does it even make sense to register on Launchpad projects that 1) you don't develop 2) use none of Launchpad's features and 3) already have an official site? I'm looking at https://launchpad.net/sdlbasic/, and don't understand how it's useful.14:39
TheMusoTooba1: If it already has an official site/version control repository with code, the only real use is to store bzr branches for ubuntu-specific changes if any. Otherwise, yes IMO it is useless.14:40
Tooba1sure. I'm afraid this is the second case.14:41
broonieDon't the project pages get created automagically for anything with an Ubuntu package?14:41
* TheMuso does one merge before turning his attention elsewhere, like a meeting he is attending, then bed. :)14:42
TheMusobroonie: No afaik.14:42
Tooba1broonie: I think what you say applies only on apps' packages14:42
broonieInteresting. There were certainly an awful lot created in that way at some point in the past.14:42
Tooba1not on apps themselves14:42
broonieTooba1: I'm not sure what you mean by an "apps package"?14:43
broonieObviously, the automagic creation is based on the name it's packaged with...14:43
Tooba1maybe I used the wrong words, but I mean the difference between https://bugs.launchpad.net/blender and https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/blender14:45
Tooba1AFAIK, the first is not created automagically14:46
TheMusoOk, thats enouh for this evening. The total number of entries in the uus queue is now below 100, at least for a while.14:47
Tooba1Nitrofurano: are you sure all those 100 and over projects registered on launchpad have a sense?14:48
sistpoty|workexcellent TheMuso!14:48
TheMusosistpoty|work: Thanks, the queue still has a fair bit of stuff left to be processed, but its size is hopefully reduced somewhat.14:48
broonieTooba1: No, the first one appears (or used to appear) all by itself too.14:59
mouzcan someone please nuke touchfreeze on REVU? It was intended for my PPA.15:00
TheMusomouz: Simply log into revu, and archive it. As simple as that.15:00
dholbachTheMuso: THANKS for sending that mail :)15:01
TheMusodholbach: wow that was quick, np anyway.15:01
Tooba1broonie: you're right. They are (were?) registered by http://launchpad.net/~registry15:03
lukehasnonameoh my GOD Brainstorm isn't slow anymore15:06
Nitrofuranoall those 100 and over projects have sense, specially when i'm seeing some of them becoming packaged anyway...15:07
Nitrofuranoa personal project i registered there, https://launchpad.net/bitmapdump, is dependant on both sdlBasic and wxBasic - be welcome running it! :-D15:11
mouzTheMuso: I don't understand: I'm logged in but I can not find the option to archive the package15:11
Nitrofuranoregistered there also a game, depending on sdlBasic: https://launchpad.net/bwekamba15:12
TheMusomouz: Its on the index page.15:13
sistpoty|workTheMuso: iirc only reviewers/admins can archive a package15:13
sistpoty|work(but I'll archive it right now)15:14
TheMusosistpoty|work: Right.15:14
mouzTheMuso: there is a link to archived uploads, there is a paragraph about nuking and archiving, but there is no option to do the action of archiving. I do not see it. Is a package 'accepted' (see mentioned paragraph) when it is in the list? If not: maybe I can not archive because of that?15:18
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TheMusomouz: As sistpoty|work said above, only reviewers/admins can archive. I'd forgoten about that.15:19
wgrantmouz: You lack the privileges to archive things. By 'accepted' it means accepted into Ubuntu.15:19
mouzTheMuso, wgrant: thanks.15:19
sistpoty|workmouz, TheMuso: I just nuked it15:19
mouzok :)15:20
huatsI am merging a package with 2 patches named 03_XXXXX and 03-XXXX (one of them is from debian the other from ubuntu). Would it be a good idea to rename the ubuntu one ?15:21
huatsand in the changelog, do I explain all the ubuntu changes that I drop (because added in debian or upstream) or just the remaining ones ?15:31
bliZZardzhi - would be this the right forum to ask for some help w.r.t a bug. I can see the fix(or the lack of it). need some help in structuring it15:38
geserhuats: I'd rename the Ubuntu one, just to avoid confusions15:42
geserhuats: I usually only mention the remaining changes15:43
huatsgeser: thanks geser15:45
huatsthat was my opinion too :)15:45
jdstrandzul: re bug 239129, I don't think there is a way to nominate for release just one of the several packages16:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 239129 in net-snmp "[CVE-2008-0960] Multiple SNMP implementations HMAC authentication spoofing" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/23912916:28
zuljdstrand: gimma sec16:31
zuljdstrand: dont think so16:31
jdstrandzul: I am responding to the comment you made in the report16:31
zuljdstrand: heh I didnt make that comment though :)16:32
jdstrandoh heh, of course you didn't :)16:32
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Kopfgeldjaegercould somebody have a look at bug #240191 ?17:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 240191 in postr "Please backport or SRU postr 0.12.2-1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24019117:37
ScottKKopfgeldjaeger: What is the problem with the current version in Hardy?17:38
KopfgeldjaegerScottK: It does not work because of authentication problems with flickr AFAICS.17:38
ScottKOK.  To get this in as an SRU, then you need to edit the bug to include a test case.17:39
ScottKDescribe in detail how to demonstrate the problem and then how to test if it's fixed with the new package.17:39
ScottKAssume the person doing it knows nothing about the package.17:39
ScottKAdd that and then ping me.17:39
YannigCan someone help me?17:51
YannigI'm coming here on part of Martin Pitt: there is an Occitan dictionary (myspell/hunspell) and I'd like it to be packaged for Ubuntu (in order to have it in language-support-oc).17:52
* sistpoty|work heads home17:57
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dholbachYannig: try talking to pitti on #ubuntu-devel18:36
dholbachYannig: you could try ArneGoet1e too, although I guess he'll be asleep18:36
YannigThanks dholbach18:44
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emgentTheMuso: ping19:50
jpdseven' norsetto20:02
norsettojpds: hi there20:02
norsettoCan everybody please shut up for a second? I'm getting confused with all these talks.21:04
DktrKranzbla bla bla21:04
gesernorsetto: it's so entertaining right now21:04
norsettoah, I knew you two had to keep talking :-)21:05
* DktrKranz hides21:05
* norsetto takes the bus to DktrKranz lost tiny village somewhere in Padania21:06
DktrKranzwe have just fog, really hard to discover21:06
lukehasnonameWhere is the root FTP folder by default in Ubuntu?21:06
DktrKranznorsetto, if you lose yourself along the way, stop in maranello and ask Raikkonen, he will tell you21:09
norsettoDktrKranz: hey, I might even get a lift ;-)21:09
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DktrKranzbetter, you will have your ride pimped :)21:10
devfilDktrKranz: call Xzibit21:10
DktrKranzdevfil, Xzibit is for U.S. version, we should call GdV21:10
devfilDktrKranz:  then call Fat Joe and Lil' Jon21:11
lukehasnonameWhere is the root FTP folder by default in Ubuntu?21:26
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bdossIf anyone has a spare moment, would they be able to take a look at this? It would be much appreciated: http://paste.ubuntu.com/22428/21:37
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Kopfgeldjaeger2lukehasnoname: I guess that depends on the FTP server. But maybe it's /var/ftp or so21:38
lukehasnonameI realized that Ubuntu doesn't have an "official" ftp program like it does with web21:39
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norsettobdoss: and what can we do about your problem?22:05
bdossnorsetto: was wondering if anyone else had experienced the same problem22:05
directhexlukehasnoname, nautilus22:05
directhexoh, you mean server22:06
norsettobdoss: if you tell us at least the name of the package, we might be able to check22:06
lukehasnonameya, I figured out what I need to know I think22:06
lukehasnonamethanks though directhex22:06
bdossnorsetto: it's an internal package hosted by our department that's not kept on the main ubuntu mirrors22:06
directhexthen your debian/control is wrong22:07
norsettobdoss: ok, can you paste the control file? Is your archive consistent?22:07
ScottKbdoss: It's hard to know exactly what the problem is without the actual package.22:08
bdossnorsetto: can do, one second22:08
bdossnorsetto: the problem originated when we changed the "Section" field in the debian control file22:08
norsettobdoss: so you may need to change the archive override22:09
bdossnorsetto: here are the current control files, the base package first and the dependency listed second: http://paste.ubuntu.com/22432/22:11
bdossnorsetto: i'm not familiar with changing the archive override, for the most part everything in the Packages and Sources file in our mirror's directory seem up to date22:13
ScottKWhat is the exact (and complete) error you get when you try to install.22:13
bdossScottK: http://paste.ubuntu.com/22433/22:15
bdossScottK: additionally, I have checked the incoming folder in mini-dinstall can nothing was in it22:17
ScottKAnd you did apt-get update before the install so apt knew about the current versions of everything in the archive?22:17
bdossScottK: yes22:18
norsettobdoss: what does apt-cache say about lcsee-mail-setup?22:18
ScottKDid you look in /var/log/dpkg to see if there were any hints about it there?22:19
bdossbdoss: apt-cache policy can find the package in our repository with 500 as the pinning22:19
directhexis that apt-get or aptitude?22:19
bdossnorsetto: apt-cache policy can find the package in our repository with 500 as the pinning22:19
norsettobdoss: and the correct version?22:19
bdossScottK: I didn't think to check there, but I will next time I encounter it (going to replicate ASAP)22:20
bdossnorsetto: yes22:20
bdossnorsetto: everything I've looked through seem fine, and I've even searched some of the config files in the repository but could find nothing -- my gut tells me there's something wrong with our database? maybe was corrupted somehow? mini-dinstall has been failing periodically on our mirror recently22:21
norsettobdoss: I can't pinpoint any particular issue with this info, try to regenerate the whole archive, it can't make matter worse22:27
RoAkSoAxasac, ping22:27
bdossnorsetto: ok, thanks for the help22:28
lukehasnoname£68 today22:28
norsettobdoss: np22:28
asacRoAkSoAx: ?22:29
RoAkSoAxasac, need your help :)22:29
RoAkSoAxasac, you merged blam the last time right?22:29
bdossScottK: thanks for the help as well22:29
ScottKSuch as it was ...22:29
RoAkSoAxasac, im trying to merged it fro intrepid, and i have some questions about it... in the Build-Deps you changed libxul-dev (>= 1.8) for xulrunner-1.9-dev right? the thing is that now, i updated the autotools rerun patch, but if i use xulrunner-1.9-dev instead of libxul-dev in the Build-Deps, it won't build... and it builds when using libxul-dev22:32
asacRoAkSoAx: did you keep the patch (if any)?22:33
sebnernorsetto: ping my big bear22:33
RoAkSoAxasac, i kept 10_xul1.9.patch and updated the 99_autotools_rerun.patch22:33
asacRoAkSoAx: how does it fail then?22:34
sebnerasac: will annoy you tomorrow with a question about monodevelop =)22:34
norsettosebner: big and hairy ...22:34
RoAkSoAxasac, when using xulrunner-1.9-dev in the build-deps instead of libxul it shows: checking for MOZILLA_COMPONENT... configure: error: Package requirements (mozilla-gtkmozembed >= 1.7 mozilla-xpcom >= 1.7) were not met:22:34
norsettosebner: good news I hope? Shall we call you doktor already?22:34
sebnernorsetto: PASSED!!! :D22:34
RoAkSoAxbut when using llibxul-dev (>= 1.8) it builds22:34
asacRoAkSoAx: most likely the autotools rerun patch isnt right then22:35
norsettoi.e. sebner sounds good22:35
sebnernorsetto: thanks22:35
sebnernorsetto: btw22:35
asacRoAkSoAx: do you see libxul-embedding in the "patched" configure.in ?22:35
asacRoAkSoAx: if so. look in "patched" configure and see if its in there too22:36
sebnernorsetto: you konw. *I* am an ubuntu contributor so don't even *think* about it that I just copy&paste the last changelog entry. have you even looked at the flightgear debdiff? I suppose no ;) I usually paste the old changelog entry so the sponsor can look at the changes exactly22:36
asacsebner: whats up with monodevelop?22:37
asacyou gecko-cli merge missing?22:37
asacgecko-cil ;)22:37
sebnerasac: bah, have to look closly. I'm really tired. passed today my exams aka abitur in germany ;)22:37
RoAkSoAxasac, yep i see them im both22:37
norsettosebner: What are you bubbling about? what is the problem?22:37
asacRoAkSoAx: post config.log22:38
sebnernorsetto: Your comments (flightgear). You complained about things that aren't in my debdiff ^^22:38
asacsebner: congrats !22:38
sebnerasac: thx :D22:38
norsettosebner: and what would that be?22:39
RoAkSoAxasac, asac, autotools_rerun patch: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/22439/ ...  xul1.9 patch  http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/22440/22:39
sebnernorsetto: debian/control: we can keep the debian standards-version and also remove the relative changelog entry22:39
norsettosebner: yes?22:39
sebnernorsetto: remove config.sub config.guess from debdiff22:39
sebnernot in my debdiff ...22:39
asacRoAkSoAx: config.log ;)22:40
norsettosebner: what, the config files?22:40
RoAkSoAxasac, and there's no config.log (or where can i find it) ?? (im a newbie :P)22:41
asacRoAkSoAx: build the package. if it fails there should be a config.log :)22:41
asaceither in the top level dir (next to the configure.in file) ... or otherwise run find -name config.log in the build tree ;)22:41
asacthere should be one22:41
sebnernorsetto: one of your comments was: "remove config.sub config.guess from debdiff" <-- but in my debdiff aren't that files to delete ....22:42
norsettosebner: ok, anything else?22:42
sebnernorsetto: I'm suprised why we now go back to debian/menu and debian/copyright because you changed that22:43
norsettosebner: yes, its not worth to keep that delta22:44
sebnernorsetto: ^^, you should have told me earlier :)22:44
norsettosebner: why? What is the added value of a contributor brain then?22:45
RoAkSoAxasac, ok this is the error showed: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/22443/ and there's no config.log generated22:45
sebnernorsetto: well, it's true that I'm brainless today (at least) ^^22:45
leleobhzgn8 guys!22:47
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sebnernorsetto: what's now worth keeping? the .xpm? what else?22:48
norsettosebner: just read it again tomorrow with a fresh mind22:49
sebnernorsetto: kay ^^22:53
=== effie is now known as effie_jayx
sebnergn8 folks =)23:02
RoAkSoAxasac, the error showed is: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/22443/ and there's no *.log generated23:06
asacRoAkSoAx: looks wrong :)23:09
asacRoAkSoAx: did you merge debian/rules too?23:10
RoAkSoAxasac, nopee, this is my debian/rules: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/22450/23:10
asacRoAkSoAx: yeah. that should be auto discovered23:11
asaccant tell if you dont find you config.log :)23:11
asacmy guess is still that configure or so isnt applied properly23:12
asacas it doesnt try libxul-embedding-unstable ... which would be available if xulrunner-1.9-dev is installed+23:12
asacand libxul-embedding-unstable comes before mozilla-gtkmozembed in configure.in for me23:12
asacRoAkSoAx: go in the patches build tree and run:23:13
asac./configure --help23:13
asacand paste the output23:13
RoAkSoAxasac, here: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/22451/23:15
asacRoAkSoAx: look at line 8923:15
asacthe autoconf rerun patch is not properly applied23:16
asacor even configure.in is not properly applied23:16
asacthere should be libxul-embedding-unstable in the options23:16
asacif you look at the xul 1.9 patch you should see that23:16
asacRoAkSoAx: ok i think i see whats going on. its indeed that mozilla-gtkmozembed is tested in configure.in before libxul-... is tested23:25
asacso flip that order in the xul patch ... and update autoreconf patch23:25
asace.g. move the test for mozilla to test end of the tests23:25
FalkenHi, my package needs to be reviewed : http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=flabber23:25
RoAkasac, sorry lost my inet connect for some secs, the last thing i read was <asac> if you look at the xul 1.9 patch you should see that23:25
=== RoAk is now known as RoAKSoAx
=== RoAKSoAx is now known as RoAkSoAx
RoAkSoAxasac, in both patches that's changed23:27
RoAkSoAx-  --with-mozilla[=mozilla|firefox|thunderbird|xulrunner|seamonkey]23:27
RoAkSoAx+  --with-mozilla[=mozilla|firefox|thunderbird|libxul-embedding-unstable|xulrunner|seamonkey]23:27
RoAkSoAxand here:23:27
RoAkSoAx-       [Whether to use mozilla, firefox, thunderbird, xulrunner or seamonkey gtkmozembed (default: mozilla)]),23:27
RoAkSoAx+       [Whether to use mozilla, firefox, thunderbird, libxul-embedding-unstable, xulrunner or seamonkey gtkmozembed (default: mozilla)]),23:27
RoAkSoAx(sorry for flooding)23:28
asacRoAkSoAx: thats all ok . the order of the tests further down is what matters23:28
asacin the patch you see that firefox is tested before libxul-embedding23:28
asacif you look in configure.in you will see that mozilla i even tested before23:28
asacmove mozilla test further down23:29
asacor pass --with-mozilla=libxul-embedding-unstable to configure in debian/rules23:29
RoAkSoAxasac, this one? +elif test "x$with_mozilla" != "xmozilla" -a "x$with_mozilla" != "xfirefox" -a "x$with_mozilla" != "xthunderbird"-a "x$with_mozilla" != "xxulrunner"-a "x$with_mozilla" != "xseamonkey"-a "x$with_mozilla" != "xlibxul-embedding-unstable"; then23:29
RoAkSoAxi should move xlibxul-embedding-unstable before the xxulrunner?23:29
asacRoAkSoAx: no before the "mozilla" even.23:30
asacits mozilla that causes issues here23:30
asacRoAkSoAx: better pass --with-mozilla=... as configure flag in debian/rules23:30
asacmoving things in configure.in is an ugly hack if you can just use --with-mozilla :)23:30
RoAkSoAxasac, oh so i just pass --with-mozilla=... in debian/rules and that should be good enough?23:31
TheMusoemgent: Hi. What can I do for you?23:36
tbielawahey RoAkSoAx long time no talk23:36
RoAkSoAxasac, so i would have to left my debian/rules like this?? http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/22458/ _(adding the build, is it ok??)23:37
RoAkSoAxtbielawa, heya!! yeah pretty long time, how ya doing?23:37
tbielawaRoAkSoAx, good! playing WoW is not condusive to getting MOTU things done23:37
RoAkSoAxtbielawa, hahaha yeah i'm back to packaging after a Few weeks of playing NFS Pro Street and finishing my thesis :)23:38
asacRoAkSoAx: if you pass just one option it could work :)23:39
RoAkSoAxasac, so i should just pass libxul-embedding-unstable, right?23:40
asacRoAkSoAx: y23:40
asacRoAkSoAx: oh. it wont work23:41
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asacRoAkSoAx: figure how to do that properly with CDBS23:41
asacbut you dont need me for that I guess ;)23:41
RoAkSoAxasac, haha yeah, but just to be sure i just need to create a new patch, patching debian/rules by adding " build: ./configure --with-mozilla=libxul-embedding-unstable "23:42
asacbut you will find a way to add that configure option ... i am sure23:44
asachint: you never patch debian/rules23:44
asacthere are hundreds of packages that add configure flags through cdbs :)23:45
asaclook at one of the none-trivial gnome packages for instance23:45
RoAkSoAxasac, oh ok :) i'll investigate then :D thank you very much for your help23:45
LaneyRoAkSoAx: You just need to set DEB_DH_CONFIGURE_EXTRA_FLAGS23:46
RoAkSoAxLaney, thanks :D23:47
rawlercan someone help me figure why pbuilder considers libqt4-opengl-dev to be "a virtual package" ?23:49
rawler(for hardy)23:49
emgentTheMuso: if you have time please see bug #229097+23:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 229097 in ikvm "Please merge ikvm (universe) from Debian unstable" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/22909723:50
TheMusoemgent: Ok I'll probably get to it some time today.23:50
rawler$(dpkg -L libqt4-opengl-dev) seems to have some files installed at least, so not sure what pbuilder means by virtual?23:51
emgentTheMuso: nice, thanks :)23:51
rawlerI've tried adding universe to the fakeroot, but that doesn't seem to have helped.. anyone's got any ideas?23:55

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