
neil_dI am going to be setting up a LTSP system for a company soon :)   What I am wondering is if instead of using Gnome would it be better to use XFce for the desktop ?08:47
ograneil_d, thats totally up to you :)08:50
ograit will save you small amounts of ram08:50
ogra(usually we say you need 128M on the server per running session, xfc would likely lower that to something like 90M ...)08:51
neil_dnot enough to make any difference.  thanks for the response.09:17
zoonHi guys, I'm stuck with edubuntu 8.04. /etc/ltsp/dhcpd.conf is set to give dhcp from a certain range, and when I start a thin client, it gets the same IP as my server ! Duh ?09:41
zoonKarma points for those who have an idea...09:41
neil_dzoon: could there be two dhcp server (e.g. a broadband modem)09:46
zoonyes indeed, but they don't have the same range09:46
zoonand my server has a static IP09:46
zoonthe thin client gets the same (the static one)09:47
* neil_d oh!09:47
zoonany idea ?09:48
vtkixIm trying to get a local bluetooth usb dongle to work on a ltsp client09:49
vtkixis this possible?09:49
vtkixlocal usb memory stick works ok09:49
zoonI've no idea, I'm trying to get an dhcp problem fixed...09:49
neil_dvtkix: you might have to make sure the ltsp image has the driver installed in it (not user me ltsp newbie)09:53
vtkixok, seems quite silent here09:53
vtkixWell even if I don't have the driver, the device should show up when doing lsusb, right?09:53
vtkixI tried googling but can't find any good info on it09:54
vtkixsame goes for local webcam support09:54
vtkixthat sould be possible, I just can't find any good directions09:54
neil_dvtkix: tried doing the lsusb on the actual terminal in a 'screen' terminal.09:55
vtkixIll try!09:55
vtkixsame, shows no usb devices09:55
vtkixmmm it also doesnt show the usb memory stick that does actually work09:56
vtkixwhat I see with lsusb are the devices on the server09:56
vtkixYou maybe know how to show the client usb devices?09:57
neil_dI have a "SCREEN_02 = shell" in lts.conf and then I can access this via <ctrl><alt><F2> on the client to get a local shell (not a shell on the server)09:58
vtkixwhat are the default credentials?09:59
ograzoon, disables the dhcpd in your router09:59
vtkixlogin / password for the shell you mentioned09:59
ograyou are logged in as root if you use the SCREEN_02=shell parameter10:00
neil_dits a root shell, auto loged in.10:00
vtkixok thanks, rebooting test client now :)10:00
zoonmy server is set to 'authoritative', and on the thin client login screen, I can see on the bottom right that the ip is good ! but when I log in and do and ifconfig eth0, it's the server IP...10:01
ograzoon, if you run two dhcp servers in the same network and one is used for netbooting you cant guarantee the one having the netboot info answers first10:01
neil_dzoon: thats because the ifconfig is being run on the server, the client is just a remote keyboard and screen for the server.10:02
zoonok so it's normal ?10:02
neil_dyes! same happens here.10:02
vtkixok, now lspci shows the device10:02
neil_dvtkix: lspci?   don't you mean lsusb ?10:03
ograzoon, the desktop session runs *on the server* imagine the client as additional keyboard/mouse/monitor/etc, not as a separate machine10:03
vtkixi mean lsusb10:03
ograzoon, so if you are logged in you will only see the server HW10:04
ogra(is in turn only seen the servers NIC and its IP)10:04
zoon... ok... so the IPs are just there for remote control ?10:05
ograthe IPs are for the actual machines on a low level10:06
zoonokidoki... Was it different on gutsy ?10:07
ograthe sound, usbdisk and display forwarding use them on the lower layer10:07
zoonit seems to me that before I could see thin clients IPs when running ifconfig eth010:07
ograno, hardy is just an improved (with lot of bugfixes and small improvements) gutsy ltsp .... we kept the changes at a minimal level for the LTS release10:08
zoonogra: ok many thanks for your help10:08
ograyou culd never see the client IP from a desktop session10:08
neil_dzoon: no, only if run used a ifconfig in a shell on the client (see above)10:09
ogra(you cn if you use the SCREEN setting and do it in the rootshell on tty2 on the client though)10:09
zoonok guys, I'm daring another question then :)10:09
ograand its shown on the bottom right in the login manager on the client10:09
zoonHow do I 'lock' a thin client (remove terminal, menu items and stuff) without changing the main user layout on the server ?10:10
vtkixok orga, so I should recompile the kernel in chroot with the correct bluetooth driver?10:10
ogravtkix, i dont know a way how to forward bluetooth between client and server10:10
neil_dzoon:  have a seperate login for when using the client10:10
zoonso if I have 30 students, I need to login on each one of them and change the settings ?10:11
vtkixok, but you know how to get this to work for a local webcam?10:11
ogravtkix, to get it working on the client you first need to install the bluetooth stack of apps, we dont have that by default in the client environment10:11
vtkixor do you know where I could search for this?10:11
vtkixok, ill do10:11
zoonI thought I could have one generic image for all ? And I'm wondering how to modify this particular image...10:12
ograthen you need to find a protocol to froward the output of these devices somehow ... there is no code or anything supporting that, if you implement it, feel free to send me a patch :)10:12
vtkixok, too bad, I only can code some perl and php :)10:13
neil_dzoon: if by image you mean login  (not the image sent to the clients for booting) you can as far as I know.10:14
ograzoon, the image is the same for all clients but i guess you want settings in the desktop which is sitting on the server and works per user10:14
ogravtkix, python isnt to hard if you have that background though :)10:14
* neil_d likes python10:14
vtkixOk orga, so for example a bluetooth keyboard or mouse is currently not supported?10:14
vtkixWhat im trying to do is using the wiimote to control a ltsp client. On default hardy it works perfectly10:15
ogravtkix, well, thats different since they are handled by the local setup on the client, there is nothing to forward to the session10:16
zoonogra: huh I don't get it, what I mean is on the server, I have a user, say 'zoon' with access to a terminal and all the menus items. And I want the student not to be able to see some menu items for example.10:16
zoonogra: without modifying the 'zoon' user10:16
zoonogra: but the common kernel boot image or whatever10:16
vtkixok, so if I setup the local bluetooth and wiimote driver, that should work?10:17
ogravtkix, keyboard and mice apply to X on the client ... but you want the output of your webcam in the session on the server so you need something that forwards this stream and something on the server side to connect to10:17
neil_dzoon: have another user defined says 'terminal' and change the menus etc. for this user, then only use that user (i.e. teminal) on the clients.10:17
vtkixFirst I want the wiimote to work, webcam is for later :)10:17
ograzoon, you have to configure the desktop settings on the server then10:17
ograzoon, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/kioskGnome might be helpful10:18
vtkixI saw some succes story on ubuntu, they used amsn as a local application to get the webcam to work10:18
ograsabayon and pessulus might be helpful apps as well10:18
ograand i'D suggest a look at the gnome administrator guide which has plenty of helpful tips how to lock down the desktops10:18
zoonogra: So I'll lock myself out and won't get access to a terminal ? I'll check your links10:19
vtkixvtkix: ok, so if I setup the local bluetooth and wiimote driver, that should work?10:20
* neil_d thinks it will10:21
vtkixthat would be great10:21
vtkixgoing to try it :)10:21
vtkixthanks for your help guys :)10:25
=== RichEd is now known as RichEd-x
Mary_uxhi every111:43
Mary_uxjust a qst11:46
Mary_uxi am using ltsp11:46
Mary_uxI want to create an user who can only login in a specific machine11:47
Mary_uxyou know how can i doit?11:47
vtkixyou could use the autologin feature, then you can specify what machine uses what username?11:48
Mary_uxhow can i specify this?11:48
vtkixin lts.conf11:48
vtkixyou put something like this:11:48
Mary_uxbut this doesnt restrict others to login in the machine11:49
vtkixit does11:50
vtkixyou won't get a login screen11:50
vtkixon that machine11:50
Mary_uxbut i want askin for that11:50
vtkixthen I dunno, sorry, also new user here ;)11:51
Mary_uxthanks anyway11:51
Mary_uxand dot answer qst that u dont know pls11:51
Mary_uxu confuse plp even more11:51
vtkixHave you looked here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuLTSP/11:51
Mary_uxhave you??11:52
vtkixJust tried to help you out11:52
Mary_uxk thanks11:53
Mary_uxany1 here knows...11:54
Mary_uxhow can I create a user who only can login in a specific machine?11:54
Mary_uxI am using d LTSP11:54
Mary_uxany1 out there??11:57
=== RichEd- is now known as RichEd
mary_lixhi every113:29
mary_lixhow is it goin?13:29
mary_lixHow can I lock the "edit menu" option in gnome to an user??13:29
stgraberogra: I have an iTalc package with that ICA crashed fixed (well, workarounded). Do you think we should upload it or wait for the final 1.0.9 ?17:47
stgraberas I said, it's only a workaround and we hope to get a fix from x11vnc upstream.17:47
ograwell, given that ltsp likely wont work yet in intrepid i dont think its urgent17:47
stgraberok, I don't like uploading pre-versions anyway :)17:48
ograbut if oyu feel better havig a fixed version in, tell me and i'll upload :)17:48
ogras/fixed version/version with a workaround/17:48
stgraberI'll probably blog about it, giving a link to the testing packages (I can't use the PPA as it doesn't give you the -dbgsym) for people interested in getting a fixed version ASAP17:49
stgraberand asking for more testers, AFAIK it's the only iTalc bug that was reported17:49
stgraberso I'd like people to make sure we don't have another VNC bug before 1.0.9 is released17:49
ograwell, then lets upload, thats what devel releases are for17:50
ograif you need feedback, alpha1 might be a good opportunity17:50
ogra(if alpha1 ever happens :) )17:51
stgraberthe changelog is minimal, ask me if you want something better17:52
ograuploaded (in case yu didnt notice the accepted mail)18:10
stgraberogra: We have an upstream fix for the x11vnc issue !!!21:25
stgraberthat was fast, only 4 hours to get one :)21:25

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