
seelemaybe?  i dont think it is the distros job to do that since a lot of them aren't tied closely with kde4 development00:00
seeleit might help to have someone clarify that they are developmen screenshots and probably wont be in production until the next release00:01
seelebut at what point can we promise that feature x they saw on a blog post will be there?  we cant00:01
DaSkreechAh right :) I thought that anyone reading the blogs would have gotten at least that much :)00:01
seelea lot of people assume that.  and you know what they say about assuming..00:02
seelenormally, i wouldnt see it as an issue.. such as when 4.0 was released00:02
seeleit was clear that kde4 was a developers release and wasnt ready00:02
seelebut 4.1 is supposed to be the big release and more and more normal users are trying it out thanks to kubuntu and suse making such nice live cds and beta backages00:03
seeleit's just easier to get it and try it, you don't have to be terribly advanced to run a few commands00:03
seelebut what are these previews doing to the users who wouldnt normally put up with shit from their computer?00:04
seelein the case that i quoted.. the user sounded pretty frustrated with what he thinks will be 4.100:04
seeleand it wasnt the crashes, that is what you expect from beta software00:04
seeleit was the lack of content00:05
seele4.1 is also the big peek in to what Ibex is going to look like00:05
seeleso, excuse me for being cynical or paranoid, but my primary interest is in protecting the kubuntu brand00:06
DaSkreechNo I get that now. So it's more a matter of education or exposing functionality?00:07
seeleafaik the functionality doesnt exist00:07
seelei've been messing with 4.1 for the past week and i can't seem to do anything besides put a widget on my desktop00:08
seelecan you move widgets you add to your task bar around?  that's one thing that has been bugging me00:08
seelei add a clock widget and it gets added in the middle and i can't move it00:08
seelebut that's besides the point00:08
seelei dont know what it is, normally it is a non-issue like during kde 4.000:09
seelei guess as long as everyone delivers on their promises, there will be no fallout00:09
seelebut what happens at the end of july when users still can't do what developers are doing with their desktop?00:10
* seele is going in circles now00:10
DaSkreechseele: Which is why I'm asking would it make sense for distros to be adding in UIs for the stuff the devs are pushing around in the config files?00:13
seeleis that how they are doing it?  hacking config files since the UI's don't exist?00:13
DaSkreechFor some of it yes00:14
DaSkreechAaron has said as much on his blog for somethings00:14
JontheEchidnaAre we talking about setting FolderView as a containment?00:14
seeleyou would assume the UIs would be added in since 99% of users configure their desktop via the UI.  it would be impossible to discover functionality otherwise00:14
seeleJontheEchidna: no, kde 4.1 in general00:14
DaSkreechFor example he can make the folderview containment his desktop (getting KDE3 icons) but he has to do it in the config00:14
seeleaaron write 3 blog entries a day and i dont get through all of them.  must of missed it00:14
DaSkreechhe expects to have a GUI in 4.200:15
seelehum, nothing like forward thinking00:15
JontheEchidnaRight now Desktop Settings is only accessable via right click menu. I think that it should go in the desktop toolbox and preferably also in a systemsettings module00:16
DaSkreechwell that's all plasma is isn't it? :)00:16
DaSkreechAaron actually has mentioned 4.3 in his blog00:16
DaSkreechI was kinda shocked00:16
DaSkreechseele: Did your commenter mention what they were trying to do?00:17
seeleconfigure their toolbar, they were having the same problem i was trying to get widgets in the correct places00:18
seelei went and tried it to see what he meant, you can't place anything, it just gets thrown on the bar00:18
seeleer, taskbar.. whatever it's called now.  Formarlly Known As Kicker00:19
JontheEchidnaI believe the buzzword is "panel" now :P00:19
DaSkreechdamn you JontheEchidna!!!00:19
JontheEchidnaIt would seem that drag 'n dropping widgets is somewhat undiscoverable...00:20
DaSkreechYeah I'm still confused about that. I don't know when Panel stuff will be gooeygood00:20
DaSkreechIt is00:20
DaSkreechBut there is no graceful way to code around that right now that I know of00:20
JontheEchidnaYeah there is00:21
JontheEchidnaPut a label at the bottom saying "drag and drop to panel n00b!"00:21
DaSkreechktip the add widgets dialog? :)00:22
JontheEchidnaHopefully SuSe will re-do their move-things-on-panel patch for post Widgets-on-canvas Plasma...00:22
JontheEchidna...preferably before Intrepid00:23
JontheEchidnaBtw, do you guys like my Plasma theme so far? http://i31.photobucket.com/albums/c355/Woremar/oxyconnex.png00:28
seeleis it mostly just a light version of the dark theme or are you changing other things as well?00:29
JontheEchidnaI have "focus" "hover" and "minimized" elements for the task manager done00:29
JontheEchidnaI took screenshots of some Oxygen buttons00:29
JontheEchidnaand made them in to task manager entries00:29
JontheEchidnaMy goal is to sorta look like the Aya theme but look more Oxygen-ish00:30
JontheEchidna"Ozone Grey" came close00:33
yuriyseele, DaSkreech: maybe once 4.1 comes out we can start cataloguing missing options that didn't make it in and try to add them. shouldn't be too hard to implement if it's already doable via config files00:33
DaSkreechyuriy: Yeah but stuff like being able to drag the widgets to the panel is not trivial00:33
seeleyuriy: that is certainly a good idea if we have the manpower00:34
EagleScreeni am starting to think KDE servicemenus system is less porwefull than nautilus-actions01:44
yuriyEagleScreen: did you get the packaging figured out?01:47
EagleScreensorry yuriy but i don't understand what you mean01:48
yuriyweren't you trying to fix a service menu in dolphin?01:53
EagleScreenyes yuriy01:54
EagleScreeni already dominate packaging and patching system, now i have problems making the servicemenu correctly01:55
EagleScreeni have two main problems:01:55
EagleScreenfirst: i need the way to pass to ark an argument for ark to compress archives in the folder where dolphin is located01:57
EagleScreenif i use ark -add-to % U archive.zip, archive.zip is always created in $HOME folder01:58
EagleScreenyuriy or someone, please, some help01:59
Jucatothis is exactly the reason I gave up on that service menu for Ark... the fact that both Ark and D3lphin are pretty much broken doesn't help the cause...02:00
yuriyhmm yet this works fine in konqueror?02:02
Jucatoit's not a service menu02:02
EagleScreenkonqueror uses konq-plugins, i think it does not use a servicemenu for this02:02
EagleScreenbut, dolphin in KDE4 will need also a good fixed servicemenu for compress... dont you think?02:02
Jucatohard coded plugin.02:03
JontheEchidnaI don't believe that Ark-kde4 has the necessary functionality for a service menu atm02:04
JucatoEagleScreen: as for your earlier question in #kde-devel... <EagleScreen> i want mu servicemenu action to apears when folders and files are selected at the same time, is it possible? <--- of course... at least for Konqueror... I could never figure out why D3lphin couldn't.02:04
EagleScreen%d variable is not working well, it is deprecated, i'd need it for indicate the rute of the compressed archive02:04
JucatoJontheEchidna: this is KDE 302:04
JucatoD3lphin.. which terribly sucks because it stopped being maintained months ago02:04
EagleScreenyes, i know02:05
JucatoEagleScreen: I was telling that to JontheEchidna02:05
EagleScreenmay be in Dolphin KDE4 to be possible servicemenu appears with both: files and folders???02:06
* Jucato first has to figure out where they are placed :)02:06
EagleScreeni supused d3lphin and dolphin have the same functionality for servicemenus02:08
Jucatowell basically D3lphin is just trying to use Konqueror's.... not sure if in KDE 4 they reimplemented the whole system to work on both Dolphin and KOnqueor (though Konq uses Dolphin)02:09
EagleScreeni only have by the moment a possible servicemenu for integrate ark ocmpression in dolphin02:10
EagleScreenthere is to use Exec=ark -add   % U02:11
EagleScreenthis opens a dialog to type the name and extension for the new archive, or for an existent archive in which to add the new files02:12
EagleScreeni think it is well02:12
EagleScreeninitially i only used that option02:12
EagleScreenbut kubuntu users dislike the method because it is necessary a dialog and most of then use wrongly that dialog, they think extension filter it for choose the extension of your new archive02:14
JucatoKDE 3 and KDE 4 servicemenus are not directly compatible... porting needed... so I can't test directly about selecting both files and folders02:15
Jucatothe good news: servicemenus work in both Konq and Dolphin. the bad news: can't figure out which MimeType to use to make the servicemenu available when both files and folders are selected02:19
Jucato(in KDE 3, all/all worked)02:19
Jucatooh wait all/all also works in KDE 4. :)02:20
EagleScreenin d3lphin all/all is not working for me!!02:24
Jucatoyes I already mentioned that02:24
EagleScreenis working in dolphin?02:24
JucatoDolphin = KDE 4. yes02:24
Jucatoisn't it frustrating desperately trying to make a horribly broken app usable? :(02:25
EagleScreenyes it is lol02:28
* JontheEchidna will be glad when d3lphin is dead02:28
EagleScreeni said i have a way to add compression support for d3lphin: the dialog option02:28
Jucatoyeah. but were you able to get it to appear when both files and folders are selected?02:29
EagleScreennegative it is not possible in d3lphin02:34
EagleScreenall/all not working02:34
Jucatoyes. that's one of the things "horribly broken" :)02:35
Jucatothe other thing was that it didn't have a Restore <Item> or Empty Trash originally02:35
EagleScreenwhere can i read about servicemenus specific for KDE4??02:38
jaldharhello. kapptemplate-kde4 4:4.0.80-0ubuntu1~hardy1~ppa2 can't seem to find its templates.  Is this a known problem?  Is there a workaround short of compiling my own?02:55
nixternaljaldhar: #kubuntu-kde4 please03:00
jaldharah ok03:01
gnomefreaknixternal: are the PPA packages working for Intrepid by chance?03:36
gnomefreaknixternal: for kde4-desktop package03:36
nixternalgnomefreak: no, ppa is hardy only04:19
nixternalanyone else have problems with compiz and kde3?04:19
nixternalI have tried it now on a laptop with an nvidia driver and an intel driver, and both really suck04:19
crimsun_well, by default, yes.04:20
crimsun_you have to enable a crackload of unsupported options04:20
nixternalit is really bad04:20
crimsun_thereby making the X Window System crash-happy04:20
nixternalinstalling Ubuntu now to try it04:20
nixternalI have tried it on 4 systems total, and all 4 were garbage04:21
nixternal1 nvidia, 1 ati, and 2 intel04:21
DaSkreechX sucks04:21
ScottKRiddell: Before you copy anything from hardy-proposed to hardy-updates today (your archive day I assume) you'll want to know about the status of bug 242554.04:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 242554 in aptoncd "hardy-proposed packages built against python-central uninstallable in hardy-updates" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24255404:22
nixternalcompiz + kde sucks04:22
nixternalalias sha256 sha256_generic04:24
nixternalgotta remember that cuz luks spits out that error04:24
ScottKSo I just got to file my first critical bug. ^^^04:25
nixternalI am about ready for file computers under junk :)04:26
nixternalI am going to have the company buy me one of the laptops with Kubuntu pre-installed04:27
nixternalthey are the only ones I know that do that04:28
ScottKThat or get superm1 to hint you on which Dell to buy.04:30
ScottKMy D430 is flawless.04:30
nixternalScottK: Mario and I are really good friends, but he could never sucker me into one of their dells04:31
ScottKOK.  I like Dell laptops, but to each his own.04:31
nixternalhe is doing a lot of great work though, so hopefully one day soon I will be able to easily install Kubuntu on one w/o him holding my hand showing me where they hide their binary drivers :)04:32
ScottKD430 doesn't need any binary drivers.04:32
nixternalScottK: ya, I have a Dell D830 for work and it is fantabulous04:32
nixternaleither does this one :)04:32
nixternalIntel all around04:32
ScottKWorks flawless out of the box with Kubuntu.04:32
nixternaluntil you enable compiz04:32
ScottKThere is a simple solution to that problem.04:33
nixternaldon't enable compiz04:33
crimsun_see xserver-xorg-video-intel.04:33
nixternalI haven't had the time to compile kde4 on the lappy yet04:33
ScottKLast week I wrote a prototype stunt DNS resolver for a consulting gig I might get (kind of an audition piece).04:34
ScottKI could do 500,000 DNS anwers/hour with the laptop.04:34
nixternalwell, I have been trying to get lbdb working with our ldap servers and it had me cussing all morning04:35
nixternalwhen it comes to IMAP and/or Exchange04:35
nixternaleverything but Mutt sucks04:35
nixternaltheir motto is true04:35
nixternalAll email clients suck, we just suck less04:35
* ScottK is actually a big fan of Kmail. It works well for me.04:36
nixternalI love KMail with POP304:37
nixternalfor IMAP, I use Mailody04:37
nixternalit is tops04:37
* ScottK can't stand IMAP. Every time I've tried it I've had mail vanish. Doesn't matter what MUA I use.04:37
nixternalI have never lost 1 mail with Mutt04:37
ScottKI don't care if it's ancient.  If I pop the message, then I've got it.04:37
nixternalquite a few with KMail, and a bunch with Evolution04:37
nixternalfor some reason, Evolution flags @cleversafe.com as spam, so interoffice emails get removed and I don't even know about it04:38
crimsun_I've never lost mail with mailx(1).04:38
DaSkreechnixternal: damnit I don't need to hear that04:38
DaSkreechI'm trying to move to an E-mail client04:38
nixternalDaSkreech: mutt ftw!04:38
ScottKSo now they want to take my nice maildirs and shove them into some kind of mysql abomination (the PHP of relational databases) and expect me to be relaxed.04:38
nixternalalpine is OK, but lacks quite a bit04:39
nixternalyou don't have to use mysql04:39
ScottKAkonadi has choices?04:39
nixternalI thought there was the postgresql choice04:40
DaSkreechnixternal: Kmail ft?04:40
nixternalsomeone was telling me recently about sqlalchemy and how it rocked, but I haven't had a chance to check it out04:40
nixternalDaSkreech: FTW no doubt when compared to other GUI based PIM solutions04:41
nixternalgive Evolution a shot, and I guarantee in 1 hour, you make up new cuss words04:41
nixternalEvolution about caused me to install Windows on my work lappy04:41
nixternalbut I don't think it is a good sign if the Linux Packaging and Development Engineer is using Windows and not Linux :)04:42
nixternaloh, and JEOS ftw04:43
nixternalCentOS, Fedora, and Red Hat all suck for Appliance machines04:43
ScottKnixternal: Outlook on WINE.04:45
nixternaldoesn't work04:46
yuriynixternal: as they do for end user desktop and laptop machines04:46
nixternalbut IE 7 does :P04:46
yuriywhich leaves enterprise desktops and servers... hmm what's RH targetting again?04:46
ScottKnixternal: What version of Outlook.  I bet Outlook 2000 works fine.04:46
nixternalheh, but outlook 2000 doesn't work with the newest exchange server04:48
nixternalactually, according to hq, none of the outlooks work with wine, and if they do, not all that well04:49
nixternalfedora is a good desktop and laptop os04:49
nixternalI was debating on using it with the lappy because I work on RPMs all day long04:49
nixternaland then I come home and cut myself as the pain is less04:49
ScottKI used Outlook 2000 with crossover office a couple of year ago and it basically workd.  Just slow.04:49
yuriyperhaps, i haven't actually used it for more than a minute, mostly judging by RHEL04:50
nixternaloh, I totally forgot about xover04:50
nixternalbut I would be violating the EULA on a company machine04:50
nixternalthat is why I haven't really gotten into it04:50
DaSkreechI thought the Evolution was trying to be a Outlook replacement04:50
nixternalluckily we have IMAP setup, so I use Mutt now04:50
nixternalEvolution is a replacement bag for a wastepaper basket04:50
nixternalthat's about it04:50
yuriynixternal: you seemed pretty impressed with it at first04:51
nixternalit doesn't save its views, its ui is garbage, and its mail handling is slower than outlook express with 10000 nntp server subscriptions04:51
nixternalyuriy: I was actually04:51
nixternalbut for 2 weeks I thought my job was useless as I wasn't getting any mail04:51
ScottKI think I got flashblinded from all my IRC channels flashing red in Konversation when I rebooted my laptop just now.04:51
nixternalcome to find out today, it was all in the trash flagged as spam04:52
nixternalScottK: lol04:52
nixternalI did that with irssi using that web based irc at school a while back04:52
nixternalRiddell: I am going to do a fairly large bike race this summer and would like to be sponsored by Kubuntu...no need for money, just the jersey :)04:56
* ScottK learns about Python Threads.04:59
nixternalI need to do the same04:59
nixternalI am writing a script that reads in 6 or more links and parses them...4 yum repos and 2 svn repos05:00
DasKreecHdamn FF and Flash05:07
DasKreecHand X too05:07
DasKreecHIt sucks :(05:07
DasKreecHAnyone wanna pastebin the convo after nixternal: I thought that you were praising it not too long ago05:07
DasKreecHOr some such from yuriy05:07
DasKreecHnixternal: Still up?06:43
\shRiddell: are you planning to backport 4.0.83 to hardy? :)07:20
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Riddellstdin: can I move the existing beta 2 packages in your ppa to kubuntu-members-kde4 ?11:43
stdinRiddell: probably, I haven't actually tested them yet though11:44
Riddellstdin: copied11:48
Riddellstdin: are you working on any at the moment?11:48
stdinnixternal: we don't still need kde4-wrapper-creation: in debian/rules do we?11:49
nixternalstdin: no, because it is in cdbs/11:50
nixternalheh, I am looking at the themes and what not on gnome-look, and one of them is GPL and in the notes the developers states "please do not touch the directory structure"12:06
gnomefreaknixternal: thanks for answering my question sorry i went to bed12:09
nixternalno prob...I did the same12:11
Riddelloh rollocks, I moved the packages from stdin's ppa to kubuntu-members-kde4 but into intrepid12:24
etretyakHello Everyone!12:47
Riddellmorning etretyak12:49
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Riddellstdin: kdebase-workspace is compiling for intrepid in your ppa13:58
stdinah, pants13:59
Riddellstdin: I'm working on kdegraphics for hardy14:05
Riddellstdin: onto kdemultimedia14:46
Riddellstdin: onto kdesdk15:04
Riddellstdin, txwikinger: by the way, openstreetmap meeting in birmingham this evening if that interests you15:04
txwikingerwhen? where?15:05
Riddelltxwikinger: http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/index.php/OSM_Midlands,_UK_User_Group15:08
txwikingerthanks Riddell15:08
seeleis anyone who hasn't seen kgrubeditor later keen on trying it out for a few minutes while i ask questions?15:11
Riddellseele: interested, but currently a bit busy15:12
seeleRiddell: maybe later then15:14
seeleanyone else? i'll try to keep it to 15 minutes or less15:14
txwikingerseele: I can do that15:15
Nightroseseele: 15 mins should be doable15:18
seeleNightrose: ok.. will you be available in a little bit?  I'm talking to txwikinger atm15:20
Riddellstdin: onto kdeadmin15:27
peller_hello all. i have both qt3-dev and qt4-dev installed, but i'm curious is it possible to change the default to qt4? (eg calling qmake -v returns 4.4 and not 3.3.8 etc)15:29
Riddellpeller_: update-alternatives --config qmake15:30
Riddellor something similar15:30
peller_great, thanks. say i wanted to do that for all kde4/qt4 applications.. is there a batch way to do it or will i need to do it on a per package basis?15:32
Riddellon a per alternative basis15:32
peller_ok cool. thanks for your help!15:32
Riddellqtconfig and designer are the others15:32
smarterRiddell: could you please upload gpm, kks and webkitkde?15:57
Riddellsmarter: was waiting for kdebase-workspace and bindings to compile15:58
* Riddell checks15:58
smarterah, ok15:58
Riddellgrr, bindings failed15:59
* Riddell uploads a hopeful fix16:01
apacheloggerRiddell: I'll create a debdiff for my bindings changes tomorrow16:03
apacheloggerthat should fix the FTBS as well16:03
Riddellapachelogger: what changes?16:04
apacheloggerthe ones I made to the beta1 packages in order to get kross and stuff16:04
Riddellhmm, we're onto beta 2 now16:05
apacheloggerwell, let me rephrase ... I'll port my bindings changes to beta2 and create a debdiff tomorrow16:07
* apachelogger has to leave for partying - finished exams :)16:07
Riddellapachelogger: for beta 2 I failed to get smoke to compile (and thus qyoto, ruby etc)16:07
stdinright, -workspace finally build16:20
Riddellstdin: phew!16:20
Riddellstdin: going to do kdebase next?16:21
RiddellI'll do kdeplasmoids, I suspect that's what the masses want16:22
stdinjust as long as they have their bling16:23
smarterRiddell: kdebindings still FTBFS :/16:53
smarterdh_install: python-kde4-dev missing files (usr/share/sip/PyKDE4/*), aborting16:53
smarteroh, I didn't see the ubuntu416:54
* smarter tries again16:54
smarter(BTW, you should bump Standards-Version to
Riddellsmarter: yeah, evil missing comma16:57
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txwikingerRiddell: still here?17:27
Riddelltxwikinger: hi17:27
txwikingerI will try to come by tonite17:27
txwikingerHope I make it in time17:27
txwikingerSee you then17:27
Riddellmy phone number is on jriddell.org/contact.html incase you need to call17:28
txwikingerOk thanks17:28
seeleooh, forgot about that17:32
* seele adds looking at Leonov to her TODO list17:32
daskrEEchlol Microsoft wants the ODF committe to move to Redmond?17:53
stdinRiddell: libkipi5 probably shouldn't conflict with libkipi0 (kdegraphics-kde4)18:33
santiago-vefinally goodbye pulseaudio...19:40
* Nightrose pokes yuriy for having forgotten her in that email :P19:44
yuriyNightrose: ah, so I did. sorry. it was a quick glance through the list for familiar names19:51
Nightroseno prob19:51
jjesse_hrmm i think i ran into a problem with an update of the kde4 ppa20:10
jjesse_kdebase-wrkspace-date won't install20:10
jjesse_trying to overwrite /usr/lib/kde4/share/doc/kde4/HTML/en/kcontrol/screensaver/index.docbook which is also in pacakage kdebase-runtime-data20:10
stdinnew kdebase-runtime went in 10 mins ago, update20:11
jjesse_hrm ok20:12
jjesse_when i booted up this VM adept updater showed updates so installad them... probablly should have waited :(20:12
stdinkdebase-kde4 still has yet to build20:13
stdinand the PPA builders are backed-up20:13
jjesse_ah should have checked the ppa first20:13
jjesse_live and learn i guess20:13
seeledoh, Artemis is gone20:18
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harolddongare the beta 2 packages broken?22:07
harolddongis this a known thing?22:08
stdinthe packages are still being built22:09
stdincan't be broken if it's not build yet ;)22:09
harolddongok thanks22:10
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