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DanaGHmm, what can I do about the 2.6.26 kernel missing nvidia driver?00:55
RAOFUse nouveau? :)00:55
DanaGI can't seem to even manually install the driver.00:55
DanaGI've gone back to 2.6.24 for now.00:56
DanaGI actually had to roll back to the Hardy repo temporarily to get it, though -- the 2.6.24 have been removed from Intrepid!00:56
RAOFThere's a patch on ubuntuforums.org to allow you to build the nvidia kernel module against 2.6.26, though.00:57
DanaGOddly enough, /sbin/lrm-manager is entirely MISSING.00:57
DanaG!find lrm-manager00:57
DanaG!find lrm-manager hardy00:57
RAOFBut you won't need lrm-manager?00:57
ubottuPackage/file lrm-manager does not exist in intrepid00:57
ubottuFile lrm-manager found in linux-restricted-modules-common00:57
DanaGStill, it's bad that it mysteriously disappeared.00:58
DanaGAnd the failsafe-X thing doesn't actually show what caused the failure -- that's bad.  You have to look for Xorg.0.log.old .00:58
DanaGAnyway, can you link me to that forum post, please?00:59
DanaGfound it.00:59
DanaGOh, 173.14.09?01:00
DanaGI currently have 177.13 installed.01:00
DanaGLuckily, I don't actually NEED that new of a driver.01:00
DanaGT'is good not to have bleeding-edge closed-source hardware.01:01
DanaGI currently have old closed-source hardware.... and next time, I may have semi-bleeding-edge open-source hardware.01:02
DanaGATI 3-series or 4-series.01:02
DanaGI like the new numbering.01:03
DanaGNow I can just say, "3-series"01:03
* DanaG goes off to init 3 temporarily.01:04
DanaG... and install a new kernel.01:04
* DanaG opts to just reboot, instead.01:07
darkreactionis this the room in need to be in if i need help?01:09
LaneyHelp with Intrepid, yes01:09
darkreactionwhere would i go for network help?01:10
jacobdarkreaction: in here, if you are using Intrepid (to be 8.10), the development series01:11
jacobguess not01:11
emmaI have a question about updates I recieve. I am always interested, why I am getting those updates, and what they actually portend.01:16
emmaI seem to have gotten quite a few compiz related updates recently here.01:16
emmaDo those updates actually add new features, even well into the Hardy life span or what exactly are those updates likely to be doing?01:16
emmaMost of the time I notice the updates are for obscure things, or things I certainly never use.01:16
AmaranthRAOF: lrm-manager and lrm-video went away because there is no use for them without nvidia or fglrx modules01:19
AmaranthRAOF: but they forgot to remove the modprobe rule to call them01:19
AmaranthI just uninstalled lrm and did my nvidia thing (that DanaG was looking for) so I didn't have a problem01:20
emmaHi Amaranth I haven't seen you about in a while.01:20
Amaranthyeah, been busy01:22
emmaCool nice to see you back. :)01:23
emmaYou work on compiz so you might have some insight into my question or maybe you can tell me a better ubuntu channel to ask it in :)01:23
AmaranthI have been away, I have no idea what is going on with compiz01:24
DanaGOdd, usplash is all screwy on the new console.01:24
DanaGImagine cutting the screen into 8 vertical strips... and then removing every other one and shoving the remnants leftwards.01:25
DanaG... and then when X failed to start (due to lrm-video missing!)... I was left with a totally black screen.01:25
DanaGAnd if I loaded nvidiafb.... the screen was shoved halfway off to the left... and didn't wrap around to the right.01:25
DanaGwtf?  pcsp stole index 1!01:26
DanaG... and it doesn't even work on my laptop, anyway.01:27
AmaranthDanaG: edit /etc/modprobe.d/lrm-video01:27
Amaranthcomment out the nvidia stuff01:27
DanaGYup, did that.01:27
DanaGI just wonder why lrm-video is missing.01:27
DanaGIs it accidental?01:27
Amaranthno video drivers, no need for lrm-video01:27
DanaGBut then it breaks manually-installed ones, too.01:28
emmaAmaranth: well I'm not specifically asking about compiz really. I would just like to know generally speaking when we get a list of updates in our pannel, what is usually going on there.01:28
Amaranthemma: *shrug*01:28
DanaGThey should also remove that modprobe.d file, then.01:28
Amaranthemma: bug fixes01:28
AmaranthDanaG: I thought they did, I guess not01:28
emmaDo release cycles actually continue to add features to software or are those mostly minor patches or..01:28
DanaGI read changelogs.01:28
Amaranthemma: during hardy you'll get no new features01:28
DanaGAnd if something doesn't have a changelog, I try not to install that package until it DOES have one.01:28
emmaAmaranth: So in the case of something big like Firefox or pulseaudio or the major troubles such as that, it is conceivable that something just not working at all could magically start working some day after an update?01:29
DanaGThat keeps me one upgrade cycle behind -- so I get advance warning of major breakage.01:29
Amaranthemma: sure01:29
AmaranthDanaG: my rule is if I can't boot without it I wait 24 hours and see if a new update came out01:29
Amaranthexcept the kernel, since you can boot an old one01:30
Amaranthand soon the kernel will never be a problem with last-known-good01:30
DanaGI also keep around at least one previous major version kernel.01:30
DanaGAnd update it periodically, too!01:30
emmaAmaranth - No new features after any release or just the LTS ones?01:31
Amaranthyou're more likely to get new features in the LTS releases, actually01:31
Amaranththey may put in things during their 6 month updates01:31
Amaranthbut in general you get security and severe bug fixes01:31
DanaGI wonder why snd_pcsp autoloads now.01:33
DanaGI wonder why PulseAudio uses index instead of CARD=01:35
DanaGlike, front:0 and surround51:1 instead of front:CARD=Intel and surround51:CARD=Audigy201:36
DanaGThat'd make it a bit more human readable.01:36
Amaranthit really isn't meant to be human readable01:36
DanaGI like the idea of PulseAudio thingies in the windeco.01:37
DanaGEven better if you can go from app->checkboxes for each device01:38
DanaG(with a hotkey to move and unset the old)01:38
DanaGHmm, is there anything actually majorly new in 2.6.26?01:46
DanaGMajorly, as in, visible to the end-user.01:46
AmaranthDanaG: http://kernelnewbies.org/LinuxChanges shows the changes in 2.6.2501:50
Amaranthsince we had 2.6.24 those should be new to you01:51
Amaranththey won't do 2.6.26 until it is actually released01:51
DanaGOoh, latencytop.01:51
DanaGGood for tracking down those damn audio dropouts on lid close, and such.01:51
DanaGOh yeah, how about ext4 stuff?  Do you know anything about that?01:52
DanaGPlease enable the CONFIG_LATENCYTOP configuration in your kernel.01:53
DanaGWhat's up with that?01:54
=== DanaG1 is now known as DanaG
DanaGDang, my laptop doesn't use the iwl3945 LEDs.01:58
DanaGThe only LED is a BIOS-controlled LED that supersedes all drivers -- and even toggles at the Grub screen.  :(01:58
* ethana2 reaches for snippers02:00
ethana2no wait02:00
ethana2ohhhhh, wireless card02:01
ethana2not keyboard, I was going to say I didn't think that was still the case after bootup02:01
ethana2now I getcha02:01
RAOFDanaG: The scheduler no longer sucks in .3602:04
ethana2they fixed the issues with nicing and CFS?02:04
RAOFThey certainly fixed the issues where audio would crackle under tiny burst loads.02:06
Amaranthalthough that also went away if you stopped using pulseaudio02:08
AmaranthI stopped using pulseaudio02:08
DanaGI use PulseAudio because I have, and use, multiple audio devices.02:08
DanaGI need the niftyness of PulseAudio.02:08
DanaGBut why is latencytop not enabled in the Ubuntu kernel?02:09
Amaranthbecause it slows down the general case (not caring about latencytop)02:10
DanaGIt actually slows things down?  Bummer.02:12
DanaGReminds me of schroedinger's cat.02:12
DanaGObservation affects it.02:12
ethana2I use PA as an intercom system02:13
Amaranthit's not something you can just watch every couple of seconds like wakeups02:13
ethana2and on a dual seat setup to split my stereo into two mono02:13
ethana2for two simultaneous users02:13
Amaranthyou have to add instrumentation to all the code where you want to check latency02:13
ethana2I also use the niftiness of it02:13
Amaranthbasically a "start timer, do work, end timer" thing02:13
DanaGHeh, I wouldn't like having just mono.02:19
ethana2with dual seat on a netburst celeron with 768MB of RAM02:19
ethana2it's not exactly about 'like'02:20
ethana2no 3d acceleration for instance02:20
ethana2because I had both seats on one gpu02:20
ethana2because x can't handle what I needed to do02:20
ethana2one seat intel, one seat ati02:20
ethana2a crying shame as compiz would save a lot of cpu02:20
ethana2with simple proper compositing02:20
RAOFEnable metacity's compositor?02:20
ethana2......no 3d acceleration02:21
ethana2at all02:21
ethana2X needs a ground up rewrite02:21
ethana2.....I wish linus took up an interest in it02:21
ethana2that would be amazing02:21
RAOFethana2: You don't need 3d accel to do compositing.02:22
RAOFethana2: Also, multi-user DRI is now available on Intel.  If you're an X hacker :)02:22
ethana2well that's good02:22
ethana2but I had no EXA or anythign either02:22
ethana2simply no acceleration02:22
ethana2the cursors would lag02:22
ethana2I'm always a corner case02:22
ethana2part of why I alpha test02:23
ethana2I run into odd bugs02:23
ethana2that nobody wants to fix after freezes02:23
ethana2for instance, I use a dark theme02:23
ethana2breaks every web site on the internet02:23
RAOFHm.  I thought you should be able to get 2d accel on two different servers.02:23
ethana2that hardcodes one color, and uses your theme for the other02:23
ethana2both or neither to work02:23
ethana2I don't know if I was running two servers or one02:24
ethana2whatever userful does02:24
ethana2I tried attacking it manually with the terminal02:24
ethana2gave up02:24
ethana2had to use propietary software02:24
Amaranthethana2: if you can't mix an intel and an ati gpu that is because you are using fglrx02:26
Amaranthand thus you fail02:26
ethana2I use radeion02:27
ethana2but it's an old card02:27
ethana2with specs just coming out now02:27
ethana2the driver sucks so bad I just took it out02:28
ethana2using the integrated02:28
Amaranthethana2: specs just coming out now? that'd be r50002:28
ethana2half the power02:28
ethana2radeon 9200se02:28
ethana2specs for 'educational purposes'02:28
Amaranthwe had specs for that long ago02:28
Amaranththat's r20002:28
ethana2I got a different idea from an amd employee on phoronix02:28
Amaranthwell they gave the specs to a couple people and stopped giving them out so no current developer had them02:29
Amaranthbut they do now02:29
Amaranthand they mostly had everything done for it already02:29
ethana2except like02:29
ethana2forgot what it is02:29
ethana2some param gives decent performance02:30
ethana2but its unstable02:30
ethana2the windows driver performed over twice as fast02:30
ethana2tremulous as test02:30
ethana2super-z sound familiar?02:30
ethana2whatever it is, it's crucial to performing decently, and it's off by default02:30
AmaranthIRSeekBot got k-lined?02:31
ethana2I do hope the driver continues to improve..02:31
Amaranthsuper-z is only useful for saving bandwidth in 3d games02:31
ethana2large scenes were a killer02:31
ethana2PCI card02:31
ethana2I should just recycle it02:32
ethana2probably on like02:32
ethana2180nm node anyway02:32
ethana2anything above that, instant recycle02:32
ethana2when we start seeing 32 nm, I will recommend02:32
ethana2that all 180 node silicon be recycled as well02:33
ethana2when we hit 22, all 130nm node, including this cpu here02:33
ethana2people act like they're being resourceful when they're wasting watts02:33
gnomefreakethana2: can you please move this to #ubuntu-offtopic as it has nothing to do with Intrepid AFAICT02:34
ethana2oh sorry02:34
ethana2(I have a tendency to go offtopic..)02:34
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teamcobrahi all :)06:38
LycusHas Intrepid diverged that much from Hardy yet?07:25
AmaranthLycus: Not visibly07:25
RAOFBut in terms of packages, yes.07:26
RAOFBazaar -- a free distributed version-control tool07:26
Amaranththanks RAOFbot07:29
LycusHas anyone seen any GNOME themes that are mock-ups of what Intrepid is supposed to look like?07:39
ethana2I saw some that were simply awesome07:41
Lycussuch as?07:41
ethana2but there's no way to know where they came from07:41
ethana2I don't remember, I don't have a url either sorry07:41
Lycushttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Incoming/Intrepid/NewWave - ?07:41
ethana2ooooh, newsplash07:43
ethana2very close to what I've been thinking07:43
Amaranthyou want a screenshot?07:44
LycusNo, I07:45
Lycuswould like the theme.07:45
Amaranthit's just the ubuntustudio theme modified to be brown07:45
Amaranthlooks like crap, really07:45
Amaranthit was more "we're going dark, get used to it"07:47
Amaranthit'll be changed later07:47
ethana2firefox still ships with separate navigation and menu bars, status bar turned on07:47
Lycusoo, I got it installed and I approve.07:47
ethana2still those worthless arrow things at the ends of scroll bars....07:47
RAOFAmaranth: Are you talking about the ubuntulooks-murrine engineything?07:48
LycusNew Wave 0.4.3 is nice.07:48
AmaranthRAOF: yes07:48
RAOFSorry, Human-murrine.  Yes, it's very ugly.07:48
AmaranthLycus: that's not the theme we're going to have07:48
RAOFAlso, transparent widgets sound much much cooler than they actually are.07:48
CoiotesAmaranth: I see, well, it's the theme I'm going to  have. ^_^07:49
CoiotesAre you going to stick with something orange/brownish?07:49
AmaranthRAOF: yeah, the logout and screensaver dialogs and just weird07:49
* RAOF thinks we should break into something showing our roots, like Debian magenta :)07:49
CoiotesSo, why does New Wave exist? Just something that is getting scrapped?07:49
Amaranthand they fake compiz animations07:49
AmaranthCoiotes: Just something a user made07:49
CoiotesAmaranth: Ah.07:50
RAOFIs the screensaver dialog transparent?07:51
* RAOF finds it hard to tell, sitting as it does on a matte black background.07:51
Amaranthi think it looked like it once07:52
Amaranthbut I guess not07:52
Amaranththey need to use the compiz plugin for the logout window though07:52
Amaranthmy fade code sucks07:52
RAOFOh, is it _your_ fade code that's terribly, terribly slow?07:53
RAOFOh, that time it worked better.  Although it _did_ bring in some windows from the other workspace in the fade :)07:54
* RAOF plays with breaking metacity's compositor.07:54
Amaranththey may have dropped my code07:55
Amaranthit seems to be the non-composited version again07:55
Amaranthprobably because that dialog is fake transparent07:55
RAOFIs it really non-composited?  Because I seem to be able to pick up fragments of other windows with it, like composite fun.07:56
Amaranthyeah, it looks like the old "grab a screenshot and darken it" code07:57
Amaranthyou can tell because the whole thing doesn't darken evenly07:58
Amaranthmy code would sometimes stutter (damn fade plugin) but would evenly darken the screen07:58
RAOFIs there some reason not to create a great big black argb window and fill it with progressively more solid alpha?08:00
* Amaranth wants his MB 13.3/2.4/2X1GB/160/SD-DL:WHITE-USA already08:00
AmaranthRAOF: that's what my code for the logout dialog and gksu does/did08:00
RAOFAh, right.  And it interacted badly with the fade plugin?08:01
AmaranthRAOF: instead of filling the window with a screenshot and darkening it with gdk it would make it transparent black and up the opacity in a timer08:01
RAOFOh, because of dueling alpha values.08:01
Amaranththe fade plugin would fade my fade :P08:01
ethana2man, we've got some interesting stuff in the pipeline08:01
ethana2the thing about humans08:01
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ethana2is that we're all different08:01
Amaranthso it would be in the middle of fading and i'd change the opacity again08:01
ethana2I hate all colors longer than green08:02
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RAOF"Longer" as in wavelength?  That's a pretty large swathe.08:02
ethana2it is08:02
ethana2white, black, green, blue, purple, violet are all awesome08:03
ethana2the others I dislike very much08:03
Amaranthdo you like x-ray?08:03
ethana2my display does not produce it08:03
ethana2it probably does08:03
RAOFThat's what _you_ think.08:03
ethana2I'll have an lcd soon..08:03
ethana2you know what I mean though08:04
RAOFHuzzah for accelerating electrons to relativistic speeds!08:04
ethana2also, there are two theme families: white on black, black on white08:05
ethana2the former breaks half the web08:05
ethana2but it is my preference08:05
ethana2and there's always greasemonkey08:05
ethana2I actually chose ubuntu studio instead of ubuntu08:05
ethana2because of the theme08:05
ethana2I should go to bed now08:06
ethana2good night08:06
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DanaGRandom thing I just noticed:09:09
DanaGAudio capture now works!09:10
DanaGMy onboard audio device didn't used to have working capture.09:10
* DanaG uses this theme: http://picpaste.com/pics/screenshot-orange-nodoka.1213694702.png09:11
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LaneyBah, my Intrepid VM has screwed up. Mouse is stuck in a tiny square in the top left :(13:32
bluecakewhen is 8.10 test version coming out?13:41
gnomefreakbluecake: first alpha should be soon but i dont suggest you test until beta releases13:41
bluecakegnomefreak, i heard new GUI will be there for 8.1013:42
gnomefreakbluecake: there is a very big chance all the alphas will be broken at one time or another and if you cant fix it you might be without a working system13:42
gnomefreakbluecake: that wont happen until last alpha13:42
bluecakei have a test machine, i wipe it out every 6 months13:42
teamcobramorning all:) has anyone successfully gotten intrepid to act as a xen dom0?14:06
teamcobraor is it still unsupported in 2.6.26? (I know it isn't supported in 2.6.25, and I need to run 2.6.25+ to have working wireless :/)14:09
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humboltwill sound be fixed in ibex?18:16
humboltit seems default like sampling rates of alsa and pulse are not set to the same value18:16
humboltI have incredibly bad sound quality when recording!18:17
h3sp4wn_pulse makes terrible quality or latency in my experience18:50
h3sp4wn_even when its set to just pass through#18:50
Laneyh3sp4wn_: Have you reported a bug for this?19:09
ASULutzyHeh, so how unstable is Intrepid?19:52
ASULutzyI certainly am not going to use it for production work, but just curious if it's even possible to install and fool around with in a VM19:53
ethana2VM should be fine19:53
ethana2but it's not exciting and unique yet19:54
ethana2it's just like debian sid19:54
daekdroomDoes it still use Hardy's kernel?19:54
ethana2it'll get more intrepid-ish as it goes on..19:54
ethana2...i don't know19:54
ASULutzyethana2: I was talking to someone earlier that said it was still using nm .6 instead of .7... Is Intrepid going to use nm .7 when it ships in the fall?19:55
ASULutzyethana2: I know it's most speculation at this point, but just curious if there's any idea whether or not it will still be using nm .6.619:56
ethana2if .7 comes out before code freeze19:56
ethana2it'll probably be using it19:56
ethana2unless they do some odd number unstable thing19:56
ethana2like the kernel does19:56
Amaranthethana2: I think you were thinking of broadcom, btw20:12
Amaranththe broadcom driver team had two groups20:12
Amaranthone did documentation, the other wrote code based on that documentation20:12
ethana2I'd give my money to an effort like that with nvidia hardware20:13
ethana2equal to the cost of the nvidia gpu I bought20:13
ethana2evidently you're in #nouveau20:13
ethana2Amaranth: we need organization20:16
ethana2someone needs to take donation pledges20:16
ethana2and set up this effort20:16
Amaranthethana2: afaik they have all the hardware they need at this point20:16
ethana2but labor wages?20:16
Amaranthand they aren't doing documentation, just writing the driver20:16
Amaranthwell no20:17
Amaranthhopefully marcheu will be hired by someone to keep working on it20:17
Amaranthhe is the main guy that started the project20:17
ethana2we could do that20:17
ethana2as a community20:17
ethana2employ him full time at $20 an hour to work on it20:17
^Ocean^I am trying too upgrade too Hardy,   I did a dist-upgrade and cron, failed too install...   What did I do wrong20:44
ASULutzy^Ocean^: This is for Intrepid Ibex not Hardy Heron?20:53
mvo^Ocean^: file a bug please and include the files in /var/log/dist-upgrade/ to the bugreport20:53
=== Amaranth_ is now known as Amaranth
YokoZarIs there an intrepid cd image yet?22:01
ethana2maybe dailies, no alpha yet22:02
YokoZarethana2: Yeah that's what I wanted22:02
* ethana2 looks22:03
YokoZarhmm...broken links22:03
YokoZarguess not22:03
YokoZarhttp://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily/20080624/ has downloads though22:04
YokoZarwhich is odd that's not in current...22:04
RAOFYokoZar: iso.qa.ubuntu.com has alternate CDs for testing.22:06
mcquaidnot inrepid related but i'm upgrading a gutsy box to hardy.  i know i've changed config files.  i'm going to run the upgrade unattended and i'd like it to default to replace when it encounters changed config files.23:11
mcquaidIs this possible?  I'd rather not come back to a half-done install awaiting a keep/replace23:11
mcquaidi would this would be possible for an unattended upgrade, but can't find anything on this23:12
ethana2mcquaid: I hear you, find the name of the app that does all that23:29
ethana2and go to those folks23:30
ethana2because they'll know more about all of it than anyone else23:30
ethana2you may end up filing a feature request23:30
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