
Cimihi kwwii00:39
=== DanaG1 is now known as DanaG
pwnguinanyone have ideas on how to make that screenshot nicer?02:50
pwnguinfor example, deluge has an svg somewhere03:00
BHSPitLappyart does not work!03:28
=== BHSPitLappy_ is now known as BHSPitLappy
coz_hey guys I readmitted my membership last year  but dont see me listed as amember..apparenlty it didnt go through12:25
kwwiicoz_: the automatic unsubscribe is not something that I can change12:37
kwwiisorry for the trouble12:37
coz_kwwii, oh  well thats ok I just resubscribed again12:37
coz_lets see if it takes this time12:38
coz_kwwii, i think there may be an issue since there are two "coz' ;s  on there12:38
coz_one in new york and me in pennsylvania12:39
kwwiicoz_: ouch, that sucks12:58
coz_kwwii, yeah lol   but its no biggie   lets see if the resubscription goes through    the only thing is I have been a memeber for nearly 4 y ears  so its a bit puzzling  but  anyway   lets what happens :)12:59
kwwiicoz_: hrm, freaky...good luck! :p13:18
kwwiilet me know if there is anything I can do to help13:18
coz_kwwii,   ok cool will do "_13:18
pwnguinwhat color is the debian logo?22:11
FlannelRed or red + black, depending on whether you're talking unofficial or official logo22:12
pwnguini was thinkin hex, silly22:12
Flannel#D70751: http://www.debian.org/logos/22:13
pwnguini gotta say, I wish there was something close to omnigraffle22:15
=== andreasn_ is now known as andreasn

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