
cjwatsonAlt-F2 probably runs things through a shell so that you can do pipes and suchlike00:02
cjwatsonjdstrand: ack, though I'm sure there must be cases where that goes along with other ability to insert shell configuration; being able to set aliases is just as good00:03
kirklandslangasek: wrt to your point about .profile, we could easily add a line to: eval PATH="$PATH"00:03
Tyrone_man*sigh*, can anyone get this kernel to boot up? Ubuntu keeps spiting it out. It swears profusely00:03
cjwatsonjdstrand: all you need to do is write a program in ~/bin that, when called, writes some shell configuration to ~/.bashrc and then rewrites itself to erase its trail. This is standard, crackers have been doing that kind of trick since practically the dawn of Unix00:04
kirklandTyrone_man: i've been trying Intrepid's kernel's in KVM's, no success yet, seems it's a known issue (at least on KVM at the moment)00:04
cjwatsonand then just wait for it to be called00:04
cjwatsonintrepid's kernel works in qemu but not kvm00:04
Tyrone_manvirtualbox here00:04
cjwatsoneval PATH="$PATH"> urgh00:04
kirklandcjwatson: i thought you'd say that :-)00:05
Tyrone_manI actualy got it going, but the system only installed part ways, not up to pkg select. So then I manualy rebuilt it from cd, and it seemed fine, killed it to reboot, and bam. can't handle it, not synching00:05
cjwatsonI suspect this swamp might be why nobody has done this properly yet ;-)00:05
kirklandcjwatson: yeah, you noticed the bit above where pam_env documentation says stuff like $HOME probably won't be set yet, huh?00:05
kirklandcjwatson: that sort of knocked me off the horse (again)00:06
cjwatsonkirkland: yeah00:07
cjwatsonI alluded to that earlier, as a wild-ass guess ;-)00:07
cjwatson22:55 <cjwatson> kirkland: /etc/environment makes sense if $HOME expansion is possible there and if PAM clients actually handle that properly (i.e. have set $HOME when they run pam_env)00:07
kirklandcjwatson: ah, so you did ...  :-/00:08
cjwatsonI don't suppose you could draw a diagram of all the possible routes into the system?00:08
cjwatsonannotated with the configuration files read at each step00:09
cjwatsonthen we might at least be able to look at it and figure out something better than we have now00:09
kirklandcjwatson: by routes into the system, you mean, login/ssh/etc?00:10
cjwatsonright, each thing that reads a configuration file and sets environment variables00:10
cjwatsonso sshd -> pam_env -> bash, that kind of thing00:11
cjwatsonif that makes sense00:11
kirklandcjwatson: and the eval PATH="$PATH" is completely unacceptable?00:15
* kirkland saw cjwatson redirect stdout to "urgh" :-)00:15
kirklandwhich wasn't quite /dev/null :-p00:15
slangasekaugh, gvfsd-smb-browse is going to be the death of me00:16
cjwatsonkirkland: I'd be worried that the potential behaviour change is rather worse. wanting a literal ${...} is pretty unlikely, but I can imagine somebody putting an environment variable containing (say) ` in /etc/environment ...00:19
cjwatsonor indeed "00:20
cjwatsonkirkland: also, doing that in .profile takes you right back to where you started; now the environment variables are only properly expanded for things that descend from .profile00:20
cjwatson-> might as well not have bothered00:20
kirklandcjwatson: hmm, except that the desktop managers handle this properly somehow00:21
cjwatsonlike I say I bet Alt-F2 goes through the shell00:21
cjwatsonstuff actually execlped by a program straight from the desktop not through a shell probably goes wrong00:21
kirklandcjwatson: agree with the latter00:22
cjwatsonshoving command lines through shells is so common that you may have to look reasonably carefully to find real counterexamples, but I'm confident they'll exist and they'll be basically unfixable00:22
kirklandcjwatson: okay, well, i suppose I'm going to need to politely concede this bug outside of my present fu :-(00:26
kirklandcjwatson: the change adding ~/bin to the end of PATH is present in Intrepid's PAM, ... That change was sponsored on Friday.  You may want to back that out, and bug 64064 needs to be reopened00:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 64064 in pam "would be nice to add ~/bin to the default PATH" [Wishlist,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/6406400:29
jdstrandcjwatson: certainly-- that is what I am talking about. ~/bin first in the path makes that easier00:35
jdstrandcjwatson: oh sorry, I only caught your 2nd comment00:35
jdstrandcjwatson: anyway, I am not advocating many users' scripts to protect the few with an open ~/bin00:37
jdstrands/many/potentially breaking many/00:38
cjwatsonjdstrand: (I meant a typo-squatting script more than anything else, really)00:38
cjwatsonsl is probably a good candidate ;)00:38
jdstrandcjwatson: that would work too of course00:39
jdstrandcjwatson: so I guess, really, the best thing to do is nix ~/bin from the PATH completely :P00:41
cjwatsonah, now you're twisting my words ;-)00:42
jdstrandthat wouldn't break anything00:42
jdstrandheh-- only teasing00:42
kirklandcjwatson: i took a look at documenting entry points to the system, i jotted down some notes.  it'll need to be a wiki document with contributions by others, in that my pam understanding is somewhat limited compared to a few others01:04
cjwatson(er, confirmed; not meaning to slur your PAM understanding :-) )01:05
kirkland"jotted down" = pen and paper ... i'll have to move them to the wiki01:05
* kirkland didn't take offense ;-)01:05
kirklandand by "a few others" i mean "lots of others" :-)01:05
cjwatsonhmm, now why is http://people.ubuntu.com/~ubuntu-archive/testing/intrepid_probs.html broken01:06
jdstrandcjwatson: how so? (I've never looked at it, but it popped right up here)01:06
* TheMuso noticed that it was out of date yesterday but wasn't sure how regularly it was supposed to run.01:06
jdstrandah Jun 1901:07
cjwatsonright, out of date, it's supposed to run hourly01:07
cjwatsonfails with no output :-(01:07
jdstrandcjwatson: probably a PATH problem :P01:07
kirklandjdstrand: LoL01:10
cjwatsonTheMuso: did you get as far as merging initramfs-tools? it's in the updated merges section, but only because I had to fix it up a bit for the new busybox and some others touched it in intrepid too01:12
TheMusocjwatson: I hadn't looked at it, as I wasn't the last one who touched it in hardy, but I can have a look if you'd like.01:13
cjwatsonjust because IIRC you did some Debian bug forwarding for it01:13
TheMusoYes thats right, some of which got into Debian.01:13
cjwatsonif you could have a go, it would be very helpful01:14
TheMusoOk I'll take a look today at some point.01:14
cjwatsonooh, a new parted upstream too01:17
slangasekfwiw, I've gotten a private inquiry from a member of the Debian kernel team (maks) about initramfs-tools resyncing, he was interested in seeing that get done01:20
slangasekTheMuso: so I'm happy to hook you two up on this if you do take it01:21
TheMusoslangasek: I've already had some contact with an initramfs-tools maintainer in the past when I filed bugs in Debian to get some of our changes back to Debian.01:24
slangasekok :)01:24
slangasekprobably the same one then01:24
slangasekI don't think anyone besides maks is taking care of it in Debian right now01:25
TwigathyIf you're fixing initramfs-tools stuff, could you poke at the NFS boot stuff in 8.04? :)01:25
Twigathyipconfig or something is broken, so getting IP by DHCP for NFS boot is full of fail01:25
TheMusoslangasek: Right, he's the one.01:26
=== cjwatson_ is now known as cjwatson
TheMusoslangasek: I've also noticed that alsa-lib/plugins 1.0.16 is still in proposed...01:39
slangasekyah, I'll pull it today yet01:39
slangasekTheMuso: how are you coming with targeted fixes?  Any progress with bisecting?01:40
TheMusoNp, was just wondering whether something else came up that I didn't know about.01:40
TheMusoslangasek: I have to work out a way that won't take too much time, yet allow users to test revisoins. Note that I don't experience any issues myself, so I need affected users to test revisions taken from the upstream git repo...01:41
slangasekwell, the nice thing about a binary search is that it reduces the number of iterations you have to go through to find the fix log2(n)01:42
slangasekhow many commits are there between 1.0.15 and 1.0.16 upstream?01:42
TheMusoYeah I know. The fun bit is running a bisection test for several kinds of bugs, both of which will likely be fixed by different revisions01:42
TheMusoJust a sec I'll check.01:43
TheMusoslangasek: 74, so when I start the bisect, it starts off cutting that down to 36.01:47
TheMusoto deal with after the first bisection.01:47
slangasekTheMuso: well, log2(74) < 6, so 7 is the maximum number of builds you'd have to get any one user to try in order to pinpoint their bug fix01:48
slangasekuh, < 7 I mean01:48
TheMusoslangasek: Yeah I figured. What I am thinking is to publish one package, get several users to test, and keep two trees, so I can track bisection for different issues, so I can mark one as bad and the other vise versa if I have to... Unless a better idea is forthcoming.01:49
slangasekthat sounds like the right track to me01:50
* cjwatson bets the problem with testing/intrepid_probs is that that timestamp was about when drescher was upgraded to hardy02:16
crimsun_TheMuso: which symptoms?  The ones in 221673 or 191027?02:19
cjwatsonI've rebuilt its Python extension and with any luck it'll work now02:19
cjwatsonnext run will probably be in 40 minutes or so02:19
crimsun_TheMuso: note that 1.0.16 is insufficient for at least one comment in the former.  That's a dmix issue fixed in -lib hg.02:19
TheMusocrimsun_: We are not going 1.0.16 wholesale any more.02:22
crimsun_yes, I advised that doing so would be a bad idea some time ago.02:23
crimsun_which specific bugs will you attempt to address in alsa-lib?02:25
TheMusocrimsun_: Well bug 191027 is known to have a fix in 1.0.16 at least for some users.02:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 191027 in totem ""Failed to connect stream: Invalid argument"" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19102702:26
TheMusoAs for bug 221673 I actually prepared an SRU which is shown in that bug with diffs against plugins and lib.02:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 221673 in alsa-plugins "ALSA failing with PulseAudio in Hardy" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/22167302:27
crimsun_TheMuso: wrt 191027, which comments?  There are too many unrelated comments cluttering the report.02:30
crimsun_for instance, the maudio one(s) are not alsa-lib; they're pulseaudio not handling channel mapping.  Difficult issue that can't really be addressed aside from altering /etc/pulse/default.pa02:31
TheMusocrimsun_: From https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/totem/+bug/191027/comments/75 downwards.02:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 191027 in totem ""Failed to connect stream: Invalid argument"" [High,Confirmed]02:31
TheMusocrimsun_: Yeah I'm aware of the m-audio stuff.02:31
crimsun_sigh, again, nastiness with snd-hda-intel02:33
crimsun_that's not alsa-lib; that's l-u-m-2.6.2402:33
crimsun_(referring to comment 88)02:33
TheMusoThe more I work/look at this stuff, the more of a pile of dung I consider alsa to be...02:33
TheMusooh ok02:34
StevenKIt's not audio, it's computed gotos!02:34
gnomefreakDont we have skype in repos? all i can find is skytools but im not sure if that is full skype type package02:39
gnomefreakoops wrong channel02:39
TheMusocrimsun_: So, do you think 191027 is not worth pursuing in a manner I described above?02:47
crimsun_TheMuso: afraid I can't answer ATM, haven't finished reading all the comments and possibly related commits02:48
TheMusocrimsun_: ok02:48
brycewow, this is sweet - a color blindness extension http://kaioa.com/node/7503:08
pwnguinwe had a SoC that did that in compiz03:38
pwnguinI mean, its a display only affect (unlike inkscape?) but its' been there for ages =/03:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 237848 in compiz-fusion-plugins-main "colorfilter colorblind simulations not accessible in CCSM" [Undecided,Confirmed]03:41
brycepwnguin: well cool regardless :-)03:41
pwnguinits even cooler to try out games / webpages / presentations with03:42
pwnguin"does my graphic work for colorblind students?"03:42
gnomefreakbryce: have you heard of an issue with Intrepid nvidia drivers not working after the update of the restricted kernal package? For me i had to re write my xorg.conf to get it to work and others have stated they had issues?03:43
pwnguingnomefreak: you mean besides xen stuff?03:44
gnomefreakatleast for me03:44
pwnguini wasnt aware xen was fixed =/03:44
gnomefreaki dont use xen03:44
pwnguinme either03:44
pwnguinbut its in -generic now?03:44
gnomefreakoh it is?03:45
brycegnomefreak: hmm, not with intrepid so far (a couple reports with hardy, but were probably just mixed installs)03:45
brycegnomefreak: is it a kernel ABI mismatch perhaps?03:45
pwnguini dont think you'll get many nvidia broken reports until alpha103:45
gnomefreakbryce: i didnt have issue in Hardy03:45
gnomefreakbryce: not sure bug i will look at logs tomorrow and see if anything in there helps03:45
crimsun_bryce: (for hardy-*, I've heard of people missing l-r-m deps for linux-image-* dist-upgrades)03:46
* bryce nods03:46
kirklandTheMuso: ping03:46
kirklandTheMuso: hey, I have another round of the yaboot-installer merge03:50
TheMusokirkland: Ok I'm around.03:51
kirklandTheMuso: okay, let me push03:52
kirklandTheMuso: okay, pushed, waiting for LP to catch up ;-)03:54
TheMusokirkland: ok03:54
TheMusokirkland: kirkland I see it, I'll pull it down and have a look in a bit.04:05
kirklandTheMuso: i'm not sure it's clean yet04:05
kirklandTheMuso: i'm very bothered by an error 500 on: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~kirkland/yaboot-installer/intrepid2/revision/25904:06
TheMusoAye. I get it also.04:06
ScottKslangasek: I have an SRU regression I need to report.  Are you around?04:06
* ScottK guesses the tech board is sleeping.04:07
TheMusokirkland: However, I have managed to branch it to my machine here.04:08
kirklandTheMuso: interesting, okay...  maybe there's a stray character in the changelog or something?04:08
TheMusokirkland: Did you consider getting MoN's help to do this merge?04:09
kirklandTheMuso: you mean MoM?04:09
pwnguinScottK: which package?04:10
kirklandTheMuso: I did it that way originally, but cjwatson asked me to use the bzr merge method.  This is the first time I have used bzr for Ubuntu package merging.04:11
* pwnguin isn't on the tech board or anything like that, but if it's about glchess / gnome-games, I think slasgsek knows about it04:11
TheMusokirkland: Right.04:13
pwnguinScottK: i think you're supposed to highlight trigger everyone on the TB if its important04:13
* ScottK is writing mail currently.04:14
pwnguinthat too04:14
kirklandTheMuso: i'm up for about another 45 minutes or so before I call it a night04:17
kirklandTheMuso: if you review, and figure out what's wrong, I'm all ears :-)04:17
TheMusokirkland: Whats the current problem with it?04:17
kirklandTheMuso: oh, just the wierdness with the changelog not being visible04:17
kirklandTheMuso: the error 500 problem, i meant04:18
TheMusoWhat do you mean not being visible?04:18
TheMusooh right.04:18
slangasekScottK: mmm, moderately around04:18
TheMusokirkland: Whats with the empty commit?04:18
ScottKslangasek: bug 24255404:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 242554 in aptoncd "hardy-proposed packages built against python-central uninstallable in hardy-updates" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24255404:18
kirklandTheMuso: thought that might solve the 500 error04:19
kirklandTheMuso: I can uncommit that if necessary04:19
ScottKJust sent mail to the tech board, devel-discuss, etc.04:19
TheMusokirkland: Right.04:19
kirklandTheMuso: not that I have extensive bzr experience, but i've never seen this sort of thing04:19
TheMusokirkland: It may have something to do with that revision being a merge.04:19
TheMusoat a guess04:19
ScottKpocket copies aren't so great when the pockets have different versions of the build-depends.04:19
slangasekScottK: ok; I'll see if I can't get python-central verified and copied over tonight04:20
=== shadowxp is now known as shadow
ScottKslangasek: Thanks.04:20
kirklandTheMuso: okay, i just uncommitted the empty message04:24
TheMusokirkland: One thing that you should do is document the maintainer field change.04:25
* ScottK ponders if he should add 'ping the archive admin who is most likely to be awake' to the SRU regression procedure.04:25
TheMusokirkland: in the changelog.04:25
kirklandTheMuso: right, okay04:26
kirklandTheMuso: committed/pushed04:27
TheMusokirkland: Ok.04:28
TheMusokirkland: It looks ok to me, I'm just pulling your previous branch to see what Colin was getting at with his comments.04:28
kirklandTheMuso: sorry, i usually use "update-maintainer", which fixes the maintainer and adds a changelog entry04:29
kirklandTheMuso: the last one was a mess... i misunderstood his instructions, and did totally the wrong thing04:29
TheMusokirkland: Thats fine, but in this case it would not work as the maintainer is already changed.04:29
TheMusokirkland: Oh right.04:29
kirklandTheMuso: right04:29
TheMusoSo its just as easy to put the entry in by hand.04:29
TheMusodch -a04:29
TheMusoType text04:29
TheMusosave, exit.04:29
kirklandTheMuso: I'll add that to my list of things to do differently between a deb/bzr merge04:31
TheMusokirkland: Its not a matter of doing things differently. Even when doing a merge, the changing of the maintainer field should be documented in the changelog entry for the merge.04:31
TheMusoRegardless whether its a deb only, or involves a vcs branch of some sort.04:31
kirklandTheMuso: understood.04:35
TheMusokirkland: I see what you mean, that original branch is quite big. :)04:36
TheMusokirkland: Anyway, it looks fine to me, bar that entry in the changelog.04:36
kirklandTheMuso: pull revision 26004:36
kirklandTheMuso: I reverted the empty commit, and added the changelog entry you requested04:37
TheMusokirkland: gotcha.04:37
TheMusokirkland: bzr: ERROR: These branches have diverged. Use the merge command to reconcile them.04:37
TheMusokirkland: I suggest you push --overwrite04:37
TheMusosince you reverted a commit that was pushed04:37
kirklandTheMuso: "No new revisions to push." ...  this was why I made an empty commit earlier04:38
TheMusokirkland: hrm ok.04:38
wgrantTheMuso: YOu'll have to recheck it out.04:38
wgrantOr remove some revisions from your branch.04:39
TheMusowgrant: Yeah thats my thought.04:39
TheMusook pulled the empty commit locally and now it pulls successfully.04:39
TheMusokirkland: Ok that looks fine to me.04:41
kirklandTheMuso: cool, what's next?  you merge into main?04:41
kirklandthe main branch i mean?04:41
TheMusokirkland: The next thing is for you to update the changelog from UNRELEASED to hardy, then I'll merge it into the core-dev branch and upload.04:42
kirklandTheMuso: hmm, okay...  at what point do I do that?  cjwatson asked me to set it to UNRELEASED...  was that just long enough to get it vetted by you guys?04:42
TheMusokirkland: Hrm ok. He told me to upload once I was done, so I guess me merging and doing that myself makes sense.04:43
kirklandTheMuso: okay, so you pull my branch, fix the target release, and you'll push to the main branch?04:44
TheMusokirkland: Yes.04:44
kirklandTheMuso: awesome, thanks for the lesson04:44
TheMusokirkland: You're welcome.04:44
kirklandslangasek: superm1: laga: mythbuntu amd64 8.04.1 installed fine for me ;-)04:53
superm1thanks kirkland04:54
superm1just need to generate our live disks then and make sure those are still good too04:55
kirklandsuperm1: no prob04:55
superm1kirkland, hows the ppc build working?04:55
superm1does your ppc have altivec?04:55
kirklandsuperm1: the ppc frontend is working for the first time in months!04:56
kirklandsuperm1: how do i tell?  is it in /proc/cpuinfo?04:56
superm1should be i believe04:57
superm1what generation of PPC is it?04:57
kirklandsuperm1: mac mini, g4, i believe04:57
superm1oh yeah that'll have altivec04:58
kirklandsuperm1: i'm checking04:58
superm1its the earlier ones that didn't04:58
superm1w/o altivec, i believe video is practically unplayable on there04:58
TheMusoG3 == no altivec, G4-G5 == altivec.04:59
superm1there's the info i was looking for04:59
TheMusokirkland: Note that the Minis, even the 1.42 model can't play HD video, since the CPU just can't hack it.04:59
kirklandTheMuso: yeah, sadly i know05:00
kirklandsuperm1: yeah, it does have altivec05:01
superm1kirkland, i was actually considering an apple tv for a frontend until i heard the obscene specs that are going to be necessary for HD-PVR support05:02
superm1oh well05:02
TheMusosuperm1: Obscene? What do you mean exactly?05:03
kirklandsuperm1: yeah, the form factor is just so attactive05:03
superm1TheMuso, well people are saying AMD64 5000+ minimum, and high end geforce 9xxx cards w/ hardware assistance05:04
superm1to be able to handle decoding05:04
RAOFThat seems to be substantially above what I've read.05:04
pwnguindepends on the quality05:05
kirklandsuperm1: i have an amd64 3800 that renders HD just fine05:05
superm1HD-PVR files are x264 spit out05:05
pwnguinthe super high res stuff i wouldnt doubt05:05
superm1that's reassuring to me to hear RAOF.  i've not kept up the last week or two05:05
RAOFI seem to recall benchmarks of the 8xxx/9xxx hardware assistance taking some 10% CPU on a not-too-super core2 with h.264 1080p05:05
pwnguinRAOF: i wonder how much that falls with say a 6xxx05:06
* TheMuso is thinking of using an intel mini for his frontend when he moves, as long as his server will have a tv port nearby.05:06
RAOFThere just isn't any hardware assist there.05:06
superm1i'll look for some more accurate benchmarks as the hardware becomes  more prevalent05:06
kirklanddo the new mini's have digital sound out?05:06
TheMusokirkland: Yes.05:07
TheMusoShared with headphone/line out.05:07
RAOFsuperm1: Also, these were Windows benchmarks; it's likely that you'll see close to no hardware assist on linux.05:07
pwnguinRAOF: my x2 4000+ with a 6600gt does okay, but drops frames / stutters05:07
kirklandTheMuso: 5.1 coax or optical?05:07
TheMusokirkland: Optical.05:07
TheMusoAmd 5.1 afaik yes.05:07
kirklandTheMuso: nice!05:07
pwnguinRAOF: and that's just on 720 =(05:08
TheMusokirkland: As I said, only if I don't need to have the tuner card in the frontend.05:08
RAOFsuperm1: Unless you'd like to hack on the gallium video decoder state tracker :)05:08
TheMusoI don't trust USB for anything but keyboard/mouse.05:08
superm1RAOF, oh! yeah linux requirements are much higher unfortunately05:08
RAOFpwnguin: Right.  dual-core isn't very useful for decoding, so you're better off with really fast single threaded performance, which is expensive.05:09
TheMusoI would also get a mini only if they were updated with better GPU chips, even a higher/more recent intel chip.05:10
TheMusokirkland: heh won't be uploading it just yet, need to set up a PowerPC build environment for intrepid, something I've been meaning to do for a while now. :p05:13
TheMusoSo I can test build.05:13
kirklandTheMuso: so that's another question i have for you...05:13
kirklandTheMuso: if this was deb merge, i would have debuild'ed ...05:14
kirklandTheMuso: what's the build process for this?05:14
TheMusokirkland: IMO its better to always build in a chroot, unless you need to step through a package's build process step by step to find an FTBF.05:14
TheMusokirkland: What I'm doing for this, is fixing the branch up appropriately, i.e UNRELEASED to intrepid, and committing. Then I use the bzr-buildpackage ocmmand to export to a source package format, i.e .dsc file and .tar.gz file.05:15
TheMusoThe exact command I'm using is 'bzr-buildpackage -S --native'05:15
kirklandTheMuso: ah, cool!  that's the part I was missing....05:16
TheMusokirkland: Ok build environment set up, test building.05:25
TheMusokirkland: Uploaded.05:33
kirklandTheMuso: cool, thanks for working me through this one05:34
TheMusokirkland: np05:35
kirklandTheMuso: I'm calling it a night ;-)05:35
TheMusokirkland: Good night then.05:35
=== Zic_ is now known as Zic
orbisviciswhy suddenly so many kernel updates ?06:20
RAOForbisvicis: Because 8.04.1 is nearly done? :)06:21
orbisvicisoh. ?06:22
pwnguinthe "now its really stable" release ;)06:25
bluefoxicyok, evolution just erased my calendar.06:27
orbisvicisheh thanks06:27
bluefoxicygood job06:27
bluefoxicyso will have a feature in it to prevent anything from STEALING FOCUS ever?06:30
RAOFbluefoxicy: Evolution isn't capable of doing that to me; it's google-calendar support doesn't work well enough for me :)06:30
bluefoxicyRAOF:  I tried to type a note and the keyboard stopped working, then pasted a date field.  I hit ctrl+alt+arrows and couldn't switch desktops.  I couldn't click other windows.  I hammered around on alt/ctrl/shift/etc to see if a key was stuck, no such luck06:31
orbisvicisis there a roadmap ?06:31
bluefoxicyevolution then closed, said it couldn't access my "memo" until it restarted, and then came up with a blank calendar.06:31
bluefoxicyblank as in tasks from 3 days ago were gone even.06:31
RAOFbluefoxicy: That sucks a lot.06:32
bluefoxicyyou're telling me?06:32
bluefoxicyI've had numerous incidents where some application locks up my mouse and keyboard and I can't do anything in X06:32
bluefoxicyI added one new appointment and it ressurected all lost data by magic.06:37
bluefoxicyI have no way to reproduce this or describe the original bug, or provide explanation for WHY it happened06:37
RAOFYou probably could have rescued it with a magic-sysreq combination;  Whatever it is that switches the keyboard back to "raw" mode would probably have let you VT switch.  Where you could have made a guess as to what was holding things hostage.06:40
AmaranthRAOF: I thought it switched it _out_ of raw mode06:40
Amaranthbluefoxicy: Do you use compiz? If so, did it happen during a focus change?06:42
bluefoxicyno compiz06:42
RAOFAmaranth: It's a _magic_ sysrq key.  Maybe it swiches me to raw, and you out of raw? :)  I'm really not sure, though.06:44
bluefoxicyI can vt switch06:45
bluefoxicyand when I switch back to X i'm stuck again06:45
Amarantheep, my sysrq is a prtsc06:45
bluefoxicythe problem is having 20-30 windows and effectively killing random ones and/or X, depending.  If you kill a holding program it might not return control to X; Qemu for example does this (hence why I don't run it anymore)06:46
bluefoxicyfor the misfortunate soul who kills qemu when it freezes, you have to run 'DISPLAY=0 qemu <something>' in a real terminal to start a new one to get your mouse back <_<06:47
bluefoxicyimagine losing it to something that doesn't normally grab, and thus won't be nice and reset control for you06:47
AmaranthX grabs are broken06:50
pittiGood morning06:51
bluefoxicyAmaranth:  is there a program I can run to tell X to reclaim?06:51
Amaranthbluefoxicy: I don't think so06:51
AmaranthOtherwise they wouldn't be quite as broken :P06:51
bluefoxicyheh I was going to suggest watching the event device but whether it's /proc or /dev or actually works anymore i can't tell06:52
bluefoxicyyou used to be able to read raw keyboard (console) events from some interface, and so pick up key combinations like alt+sysrq+x ;)06:53
DasKreecHIs there a public list of Canonical Paid Devs?07:05
dholbachgood morning07:05
slangasekCanonical employment records are not public information, no07:06
DasKreecHIs there a number?07:07
DasKreecHWe employ 28 People?07:07
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slangasekCanonical employs more people than that, but I'm not aware of any public head count, either07:08
DasKreecHIt's not a public company is it?07:08
DasKreecHWould have been fun to own a bit of history ^_^07:09
pwnguinthere are some LP teams that might suggest some status of employment07:11
pwnguinbut there's likely a few other groups that dont need LP etc.07:12
Amaranthpwnguin: Not really07:12
pwnguinwebmasters? sysadmins? lawyers?07:13
slangasekwell, there's at least one LP team whose members consist entirely of Canonical employees (canonical-kernel-team), but that doesn't give you a very good overview of the on-staff developers :)07:14
pwnguinthere's also canonical-qa07:14
pwnguinbut i dont think it would be healthy for canonical to publish a list of "people to hire away to cripple our company"07:14
DasKreecHpwnguin: Or  how many people you would have to attempt at doing so07:16
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wgrantslangasek: Can you please look at bug #206912 and convince Soyuz that vlc really should be in multiverse?07:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 206912 in vlc "Demote vlc and rdepends to multiverse" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20691207:17
wgrantIt didn't go anywhere.07:17
wgrantMuch like nagios2.07:17
wgrantIt did get demoted.07:18
wgrantBut then bounced.07:18
wgrantThe next upload decided to go into universe.07:19
wgrant(some 12 hours after it was demoted)07:19
DasKreecHrepos are considered demotions? :)07:19
slangasekDasKreecH: well, being relegated to the archive for non-free software is definitely considered a demotion...07:19
RAOFUniverse->Multiverse is considered a demotion, yes.07:19
wgrantOnly the source changed.07:19
pwnguinwell multiverse is ;)07:19
wgrantThe binaries are still multiverse.07:20
persiaDasKreecH: There's a concept of mutiverse -> universe -> main being "promotion", and the reverse "demotion".07:20
slangasekwgrant: yeah, source and hppa... nice :)07:20
wgrantThis is interesting:07:20
wgrant2008-04-15 01:02:03 INFO Override Component to: 'multiverse'07:20
wgrant2008-04-15 01:02:03 INFO 'vlc - 0.8.6.release.e+x264svn20071224+faad2.6.1-0ubuntu2/multiverse/graphics' source overridden07:20
wgrantThe source looks like it was multiverse initially.07:20
wgrantSo it got overriden to the same place, and then forgot about it 12 hours later.07:20
slangasek2008-06-24 06:21:02 WARNING 'vlc' has no binaries published in intrepid07:21
wgrantI did just upload a new one which depwaited.07:21
slangasekis 0.8.6.release.e+zdebian-2.3ubuntu1 yours?07:21
wgrantThat's why I noticed that the source was in universe.07:21
wgrantIt is.07:21
slangasekwell, I think the source override has been fixed now, which should unstick the dep-wait (?)07:22
wgrantI'll throw it back now.07:22
wgrantHopefully it will work.07:22
wgrantI suppose this deserves a Soyuz bug.07:23
wgrantI wonder if the binaries will go into the right place now (particularly hppa).07:23
slangasekthey might have to be kicked again once they're up-to-date, given the above warning07:23
slangasekI don't think the "source+binaries" override took effect on the binaries because soyuz couldn't see that they were related, I guess07:23
wgrantThe hppa binaries that existed when you overrode it all last time are odd.07:24
wgrantThere are only two of them.07:24
wgrantWhen they should be a dozen or so.07:24
slangasekI see the full set here07:24
wgrantRight, those are only the arch: all ones (the names confused me), as hppa failed.07:26
wgrantShall I file a bug about the source promoting itself?07:26
slangasekby all means; I don't have a clue how to track that bug down, but it certainly appears to be a bug07:28
wgrantRight, will do.07:29
wgrantslangasek: Thanks. It's building fine now, and I've filed the bug.07:40
dholbachhi mvo07:47
wgrantUrgh, of course it all failed to upload. Forgot about that bug.07:49
mvohi dholbach07:58
slangasekbryce: I wonder if you might be familiar with a bug which, when closing the lid on a laptop with a monitor hooked up to the VGA port of the 945GM, causes the machine to hard-lock... :)08:15
bryceslangasek: ah you mean the pipe-a quirk bug?08:16
bryceone sec08:17
slangasekso is that what that pipe-a quirk thing is about08:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 138256 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "laptop hangs on lid close unless ForceEnablePipeA option enabled" [Undecided,Confirmed]08:17
pwnguinheh, i saw that on LP and wondered what on earth it meant :)08:18
slangasekbryce: ok; so I should test out the option, and if it fixes the problem for me, file a new bug with all my details for quirking?08:19
bryceslangasek: yepamundo08:23
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dholbachthekorn: woah! activity log reading in pylpbugs! :)08:52
thekorndholbach, worked for ages, but was not documented ;)08:53
dholbachthekorn: I didn't know! :)08:53
* wgrant notes that it might be more useful if the activity log itself was actually a proper log of the activity.08:54
thekornwgrant, I agree, it is unfortunate that not all events are listed there08:56
wgrantthekorn: I suppose we'll see some happenings there post-2.0... for the moment one has to check archives on ubuntu-bugs@l.u.c if one wants to work out what happened to a bug.08:58
szonekhow can i get SHARE tab in properties of folder (nautilus) i know it's in ubuntu.. i wan't to get have this on Gentoo..09:06
szoneki know it's not support channel but can't find this package09:06
wgrantszonek: By talking to the Gentoo people, I would presume.09:06
szonekwgrant: right, but i'm looking for a package/project(or something) name and that's universal i think..09:07
wgrantszonek: You might be looking for nautilus-share.09:08
szonekwgrant: okay, thanks09:11
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sebnerseb128: are you uploading ipe or waiting? Because at least the colormap change was refused several times by the debian maintainer11:06
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wgrantHmm, I see that nagios2 was promoted to main and then removed fairly soon after - should nagios3 be promoted in its place?11:28
seb128sebner: I just commented on some of the bugs, I didn't mean to upload those11:35
seb128sebner: any reason why we need this change if debian refuses it? I'm just trying to reduce the useless deltas11:36
jdstrandcjwatson, kirkland: fyi, I reverted the patch for bug #64064 , and adjusted the bug accordingly. Please add additional comments as necessary.11:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 64064 in pam "would be nice to add ~/bin to the default PATH" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/6406411:57
jdstrandcjwatson: hi btw! :)11:58
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sebnerseb128: ah ok, because you uploaded lasso (maintainer already responed =)). To behonest I have no idea why the maintainer refuses it. Some time ago we sent an ubuntu patch for icon,desktop file and this colormap and in the changelog he mentioned: "   * debian/rules: Install desktop file and icon.  Note that I'm not applying the stylesheet part of the patch.12:01
siretartsebner: is there a corresponding bug about that in the debian bts?12:17
sebnersiretart: debian ##45102212:18
sebnersiretart: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=45102212:19
ubottuDebian bug 451022 in ipe "ipe: missing icon and desktop file, standard color palette quite limited" [Wishlist,Closed]12:19
mvois someone looking at powernowd?12:20
mvo(the merge)12:20
mvoif not, I will take it12:20
sebnersiretart: yep ^^, you may want to upload my merge then or anything else todo?12:21
james_wseb128, asac: any opinion on http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=46069112:34
ubottuDebian bug 460691 in gnome-system-tools "network-admin incompatible with network-manager" [Important,Closed]12:34
ogra_cmpcjames_w, not sure we care in intrepid with NM712:36
asacjames_w: we have worked around that bug12:37
asacjames_w: err, cant really identify how the upload fixes it (at least from changelog)12:38
ogra_cmpcwell, he talks about the etch version of NM12:39
ogra_cmpcthast years old12:39
ogra_cmpcasac, you culd just ask lool who made that upload ;)12:40
asacogra_cmpc: the upload closing that bug happened in may12:40
asacogra_cmpc: i didnt ask about that bug ;)12:40
dokoheh, somebody must have an alarm set for sync requests ;)12:46
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cjwatsondoko: just reloading the page after doing the last lot ;-)12:56
cjwatsonsoren: vgabios looks syncable?13:02
sorencjwatson: Let me check..13:05
sorencjwatson: Yup, looks like it.13:06
* soren just realises he never finished the iptables merge13:09
sorenHow odd.13:09
cjwatsonvgabios done13:09
sorencjwatson: Thanks very much.13:10
seb128james_w: the split should be no issue for ubuntu, we were speaking about deprecating network-admin if network-manager 0.7 does every required anyway13:14
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dholbachbryce, soren: Laney could confirm the "mouse-cursor-only-moving-in-the-top-left-corner" problem in intrepid13:42
james_wseb128: hi, so I should not take that change from Debian?13:45
sorendholbach: Mkay.13:48
* Laney nods13:49
* ogra wonders if pitti and Q-Funk shouldnt better talk by IRC that geode bug explodes :)13:53
pittiogra: we do, on jabber13:54
pittibut I think it's sorted out now13:54
ograthat'd be cool13:54
ograwe have so many unhappy ltsp users13:54
pittijust waiting for slangasek's sru freeze exception yay or nay now13:54
seb128james_w: either way, that doesn't make a big difference13:54
seb128james_w: the split doesn't create an issue, we just need to install the new package if we want it13:55
seb128james_w: I would take the change for ubuntu13:55
james_wseb128: ok, thanks.13:55
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seb128zul: hi14:16
zulseb128: hi there14:16
seb128zul: you did this socks4-server upload right?14:16
zulseb128: yep14:16
seb128zul: did you consider bug #241012 before uploading?14:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 241012 in socks4-server "Please sync socks4-server 4.3.beta2-16 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24101214:16
zulseb128: no I didnt14:17
seb128zul: the bug states it could have been synced because the shlibs already adds the depends14:17
zulseb128: sorry about that14:17
seb128zul: would be a good idea to look at open bugs before uploading something ;-)14:17
seb128zul: no problem, could you comment on the bug and close it now?14:17
seb128maybe verify if the package can really be synced next time14:17
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dholbachbryce: just drop our patch on xserver-xorg-input-vmmouse (a similar fix was applied upstream already)14:53
dholbachsoren, Laney: ^14:53
sorendholbach: Oh, cool.15:03
dholbachLaney: so building just the debian version of it and using that should make it work again15:05
jcastroslangasek or pitti: wrt. SRU discussion at UDS, at the time it was pending approval by the TB or something, has that been resolved?15:07
pittijcastro: hm, which discussion in particular?15:10
jcastropitti: the one we had with murray, the glom maintainer15:10
jcastrobasically, the new policy meets all his needs but it hadn't gone official yet15:10
pittiAFAIK, the current wiki page is fully TB-ack'ed15:10
pittiadmittedly we have been pretty liberal in the interpretation of "non-critical fixes which do not have the potential to ruin your system" for hardy so far15:11
pittijcastro: since we had so many people to throw at hardy SRUs15:11
* jcastro nods15:11
Laneydholbach: That seems to work well, nice one!15:16
ograpitti, are you playing the NEW queue jockey today ? i just split ldm into binary and theme package, the theme package will need NEWing (once built) and main promotion15:18
pittiogra: not normally, only when being asked nicely :) (my archive day is Friday)15:19
ograah, k15:19
pittisounds easy, though15:19
pittiis it already in NEW?15:19
ograjust uploaded i only wanted to check my opportunities ;)15:20
ograits binary NEW ... source is still ldm15:20
ograbut ldm depends on it and i want to avoid uninstallability15:21
cocoa117hello, any idea how to contact ubuntu backports developer in IRC?15:31
cocoa117to asking questions about the issue15:31
jdstrandpitti: hi!15:33
pittihey jdstrand15:33
jdstrandpitti: pam-pgsql needs to be sync'd from debian in intrepid. however, the base version is 0.6.3, but the orig.tar.gz is different in intrepid and debian. is the proper procedure to update the orig.tar.gz then use a build1?15:35
jdstrandpitti: well, just rebuild the source pacakge using build1, use -sa and upload15:36
wgrantjdstrand: You want to grab the Debian source package, extract that, replace the Debian upstream tarball with the Ubuntu one, create a build1 fakesync changelog entry, and build the new source package.15:38
wgrantDo not use -sa.15:39
pittijdstrand: exactly15:39
jdstrandasac: ok cool15:40
pittijdstrand: right, -sa won't help; you can't overwrite the one in the archive15:40
pittijdstrand: I usually unpack the Ubuntu orig.tar.gz, apply the debian diff.gz (zcat ../diff.gz | patch -p1), debuild15:40
pittijdstrand: but wgrant's approach works as well15:40
asacjdstrand: huh?15:40
pittijdstrand: oh, before debuild, of course dch with a build1 changelog15:41
jdstrandasac: sorry15:41
jdstrands/asac/pitti and wgrant/15:41
jdstrandKoon: ^15:41
jdstrandpitti: right15:41
Koonjdstrand: we'd do that even if the Ubuntu 0.6.3 orig.tar.gz is badly done ?15:42
cjwatsonKoon: Launchpad (rightly) won't let you overwrite it with the same file name, no matter what15:42
Koon(includes a whole debian/ dir)15:42
pittiKoon: unfortunately we have some broken stuff like that, yeah15:42
pittiweird, I had that two or three times when doing merges15:43
cjwatsonthere are some edge cases where you might want to change the upstream version number (0.6.3fixed or something), but bear in mind that that will mean you won't get the benefit of merge-o-matic any more15:43
cjwatsonso that should be reserved for when you have no other choice15:43
pittijdstrand: in this case, wgrant's approach is definitively more robust15:43
* wgrant had to do that this evening.15:43
Kooncjwatson/pitti: ok, thx15:43
wgrant(rename the upstream tarball)15:43
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* ogra scratches head about LPs interpretation of long changeogs like https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/intrepid/+source/ldm/2:2.0.6-1ubuntu115:57
ograseems it wipes all contributor names and just attaches my name at the bottom ?15:57
ograthat seems wrong15:58
cjwatsonogra: is that bug 55795?15:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 55795 in soyuz "+changelog includes misleading information related to package versions and authors" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/5579515:59
ograyeah, looks like it, thanks16:00
ograi was just about to file a duplicate :)16:00
ograwow, thats old16:01
Keybukbryce: can't update -intel due to conflict on -i810 (dep of -all)16:08
ograsholdnt that be a recommends ?16:09
ogranice, only 68 merges left16:16
cjwatsonwe're getting there ..16:25
cjwatsonArneGoet1e: are you already part-way through your fontconfig merge?16:25
* ogra wonders if tedg will do rss-glx (its tagged with slangasek's name though)16:26
ArneGoet1ecjwatson: let's say I have it on my plate right now16:28
Keybukquite annoying16:28
Keybukafter an upgrade, my laptop panel no longer works16:28
cjwatsonArneGoet1e: ok, cool16:28
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SEJeffHow are seperate distributions created? In porting oVirt (http://ovirt.org) to Ubuntu we need a livecd-creator ish command for Ubuntu16:32
cjwatsonthe livecd-rootfs package in Ubuntu is what we use to build our live filesystems16:33
cjwatsonthough of course you need to wrap an ISO round it too16:33
cjwatsonhttp://people.ubuntu.com/~cjwatson/bzr/cdimage/mainline/ (and the stuff in configs/devel having checked that out) is our CD creation software16:34
SEJeffcjwatson, Is that packaged?16:35
SEJeffBecause I'm porting scripts over to create oVirt appliances so they can run on Ubuntu. Having them apt-get a package would be nice16:35
cjwatsonSEJeff: no, I'm afraid it isn't16:38
cjwatson'bzr get' it for the meanteim16:38
cjwatsonit's not really in packageable form at the moment (hardcoded paths) and the obvious ways to fix that would make other things awkward, so it's not made it very high up the to-do list ...16:39
siretartone might want to give 'live-helper' a shot. I was told it at least used to produce working live cds.16:39
cjwatsonArneGoetje: (m17n-db is also on your list)16:40
ArneGoetjecjwatson: yep16:40
cjwatsonsiretart: I'd just like to completely disclaim any interest in supporting people building Ubuntu CDs with live-helper; they can sort themselves out16:40
cjwatson(simply because I haven't looked at it, I expect it's missing lots of little bits and pieces that will cause subtle issues simply because it's not actively used by Ubuntu)16:41
dokoseb128: how familiar are you with scrollkeeper? The unmodified package from hardy ftbfs in intrepid16:42
siretartcjwatson: right, ok16:42
Koonpitti: for a fake sync do you keep the combined changelog ? the Ubuntu Original-Maintainer ?16:42
seb128doko: not so much, what is the issue?16:42
seb128doko: let me try16:43
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seb128doko: weird, no idea about this one16:47
MacSlowdholbach, so from https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/planner/+bug/219109 I take that debian suggests to have gda/database-support enabled again?!16:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 219109 in planner "please sync planner (main) from Debian (main)" [Wishlist,Incomplete]16:48
dokoseb128: yeah, will look at it tomorrow again16:48
dholbachMacSlow: yes, the trouble is that it does not build right now in the pure debian form16:48
MacSlowdholbach, there's a fix in in place (in Ubuntu now) due to the merge that makes it compile16:49
dholbachMacSlow: nice16:49
MacSlowdholbach, the cdbs-based patch for that is tiny16:49
MacSlowit belongs upstream so I'll send it right there instead of debian?!16:50
dholbachbest to both16:50
MacSlowso soon we should be able to just drop it and debian will add --enable-database=yes to their debian/rules again too16:50
MacSlowdholbach, ok then16:50
* dholbach hugs Daviey16:53
bliZZardzgot a quick Q on python : is it possible to encrypt the py files(modules) and load them dynamically(and hence decrypt at run time)16:54
bliZZardz(am not sure about the relevance of the Q with the forum, but would be interested to know as there are many devs around)16:55
ion_The topic’s got a quick A.16:55
cjwatsonKoon: I wouldn't bother keeping the combined changelog, and keeping Original-Maintainer isn't necessary (dpkg-source only enforces it if the changelog contains 'ubuntu')16:57
Kooncjwatson: yes, and pitti did it this way with an openvpm fakesync.16:58
Kooncjwatson: thx for the advice.16:58
cjwatsonno problem16:58
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kirklandpitti: ping17:27
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jdstrandkirkland: pitti left a little while ago17:34
kirklandjdstrand: ah, okay, thanks.  i'll catch him later.17:34
keesslangasek: heads-up, we need to get bug 219914 fixed before 8.04.1 goes out17:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 219914 in apache2 "mod_disk_cache enabled globally by default" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21991417:35
ogragone dancing :)17:35
kirklandpitti is a regular Patrick Swayze :-)17:35
tedgOkay, so why doesn't apt know the number of files it's going to get on an update?  Why can't it cache that value?17:42
seb128tedg: does it matter?17:51
seb128tedg: what do you call files? the packages content? or the number of updates to download?17:52
tedgI don't know, I'm guessing they're indexes.  I know when I click update manager it starts with "1 to 55" and changes to "154 of 154" when complete.17:53
seb128ah, right, that's a well known issue17:54
seb128dunno why it's hard to get the correct count17:54
seb128but I've been bugging mvo about it almost every cycles ;-)17:54
tedgHeh, good.17:54
mvoseb128: that reminds me, have you seen anything like: bug #240806 yet? it seems to make gconf crash and that in turn makes update-manager crash :/17:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 240806 in gconf "Upgrading Dapper Server to Hardy Server crashes" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24080617:55
seb128mvo: no, that seems to be local corruption or something17:57
* mvo nods17:58
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slangasekkees: mm, tagging 219914 for .1; who's taking responsibility for the update?18:51
keesslangasek: I'm volunteering zul or mathiaz for the moment, but I can do it later today if they don't have time.18:51
keesslangasek: when is freeze again?18:52
slangasekkees: in the past?18:52
slangaseki.e., anything you ask me for is an exception here18:52
keesslangasek: that's what I feared.  :P18:52
keesslangasek: we'll get something cranked out before EOD.18:52
keesslangasek: the reason it's important to get in is that it's really only triggered by dapper->hardy upgrades, and there isn't a good way to automatically fix the problem afterwards.18:53
keesanyway, I'm out for a few errands, back in a bit.18:53
slangasekkees: right, understood, that's why I'm marking it for .1 without further quizzing ;)18:54
bryceKeybuk: I've got a change pending for xorg that I think will fix those -all settings.18:56
cjwatsonsiretart: can you confirm your ack on bug 242711?19:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 242711 in ubuntu "Please sync pam-fprint (0.2-3) from Debian experimental" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24271119:03
cjwatsonthe activity log doesn't currently allow me to verify emgent's comment19:03
slangasekkees: gar why is that bug marked as a security vuln19:04
mathiazslangasek: is there any alpha1 iso required to do iso testing ?19:09
mathiazzul: are you working on bug 219914 ?19:09
slangasekmathiaz: I'm going to be sorting through the alpha1 ISO status today, so I don't know the answer to that yet19:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 219914 in apache2 "mod_disk_cache enabled globally by default" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21991419:09
mathiazslangasek: ok - I'm writing up the server minutes, and I mentionned there that we're doing iso testing for alpha119:10
slangasekmathiaz: last I saw there were some uninstallability problems in general yet, which may not affect -server but in any case need to be resolved before we go for widespread ISO testing for alpha119:10
mathiazslangasek: ok - so there is no point in asking for alpha1 testing now ?19:11
mathiazslangasek: better focus on 8.04.1 testing ?19:11
slangasekthere are no candidate ISOs posted currently...19:11
slangasekaside from the alternate CDs, but I don't know who posted those or how usable they actually are19:11
slangasek8.04.1 testing is a good focus for today; tomorrow would be good for focusing on alpha1, if everything goes well :)19:11
cjwatsonI've been working on alpha-1 installability; we're mostly there, but there are one or two open issues19:13
cjwatsonI wouldn't object to testing so that we don't have to serialise it all19:13
cjwatsonxserver-xorg-video-all being uninstallable ain't gonna help19:14
* slangasek nods19:14
cjwatsonbut I think that's a trivial archive issue and I'll fix it now19:14
ograMithrandir, do you plan to do the matchbox merge ? (seems easy and small, i could quickly do it)19:14
cjwatsonoh yes, waiting on NEW19:14
cjwatsonogra: hmm, I looked at it briefly and it looked enormous, but maybe I misread19:15
ogracjwatson, well, tollefs changes got cleanly carried over, all that changed in debian is the dep on xsettings ... the merge is actually only to clean up control and add a changelog entry19:15
cjwatsonright, accepted xserver-xorg-video-intel, so I think that should leave us with no uninstallables that cause ISO problems19:16
ograi can cleanly unapply the 1.2-1ubuntu1 patch apart from these two files :)19:16
ograbut i dont want to just grab it in case tollef wanted to do it19:17
cjwatsondesktop CDs are, I think, unlikely to be ready for alpha-119:17
cjwatsonogra: at this point, I suggest just doing it19:17
* ogra does19:17
cjwatsonthe mobile team can clean it up afterwards if they want/need to19:17
cjwatsonI think Tollef was doing that in his capacity as mobile tech lead rather than out of personal interest19:18
ograyeah, thought so19:19
slangasekcjwatson: what are the problems with the desktop CDs right now (so we make sure we're on track to resolve those for alpha2)?19:20
cjwatsonslangasek: ubiquity, ubiquity, and ubiquity19:21
slangasekok :)19:21
cjwatsonslangasek: evand is working on updating it for the major state machine rework in localechooser, but isn't done yet19:21
* slangasek nods19:21
cjwatsonslangasek: that's the only major problem I'm aware of so far, though it's not impossible that there are others19:21
pittikirkland: pong19:22
kirklandpitti: hiya...  you had a bit of feedback on mount.ecryptfs_private.c, asking me to use fputs() rather than fprintf()19:23
kirklandpitti: i think you had suggested fputs() such that I would have to append '\n19:23
kirklandpitti: which is somehow troublesome for i18n19:23
kirklandpitti: but in my testing, fputs() doesn't not append a newline character, (though puts() does, strangely)19:24
pittikirkland: right, I mixed that up, sorry19:24
pittikirkland: but another reason is that fputs() runs much less code than fprintf(), thus it's faster and less prone to injection of % macros19:24
kirklandpitti: okay, so i left the fputs(), but I did have to append the '\n', for readability19:24
kirklandpitti: fair enough, i left the fputs()19:25
mathiazkees: re bug 219914 - I agree with you - the best option is to not enable any caching by default19:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 219914 in apache2 "mod_disk_cache enabled globally by default" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21991419:28
mathiazkees: I don't think we should fix the upgrade code - the mod_disk_cache module still has to be enabled (as mentionned in the debian bug)19:29
mathiazkees: we should remove the CacheEnable directive in disk_cache.conf and mem_cache.conf19:30
* slangasek solicits a second opinion on bug #9948919:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 99489 in avahi "avahi-autoipd gives me an useless default route" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/9948919:44
SEJeffslangasek, Maybe a avahi-autoipd should have a special case?19:51
SEJeffTo not add a route when no other ones exist?19:51
ScottKslangasek: I don't suppose just nuking avahi is an option?19:51
SEJeffThat doesn't help a mobile user, but would fix one case19:51
slangasekSEJeff: the route in question is added *only* when there are no other routes on the interface19:51
ScottKPersonally I don't consider my computer hunting around for other computers to talk to a feature.19:51
slangasekso I agree, it should not add a route when no other ones exist :)19:51
ScottKslangasek: I agree.19:52
slangasek"just nuking avahi" - that's not a very satisfying solution, given that it's a recommends of ubuntu-desktop19:52
slangasekand I am in favor of the ad-hoc functionality in general, just not this particular feature19:53
slangasekScottK: agree enough that, as core-dev, you think we should deviate from upstream's (Trent's) opinion here?19:53
ScottKI guess I don't see the point of adding an infinite route when there is no one to talk to.19:55
ScottKIf it's interfering with other packages, I think it should go.19:55
slangasekthe point is that it means you can magically reach any host on the local segment, regardless of its IP address19:55
slangasekbut not without its down-side19:56
SEJeffmagic is bad19:56
ScottKSince almost everything these days seems to have link-local, I think it's OK.19:56
slangasekwell, I have older Linux hosts that don't19:56
ScottKHow old?19:56
ScottKThe one Windows 2000 box we still have will do it.19:57
slangasek3- to 4-year-old installs; server installs without avahi19:57
slangasekyes, Windows has actually been doing link-local for yonks19:57
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ScottKI don't think it's unreasonable to assume that anyone not doing link-local doesn't really care to talk that way.20:02
slangasekwell, that doesn't help sorting out this bug20:03
slangaseknote that it's only the hosts that *do* have link-local turned on that are reachable by this method20:03
slangaseksince hosts without link-local addresses will return their packets via their default route, not to the host that sent them20:03
slangasekhrm - except, the host that Patty was IRCing from doesn't have avahi, so now I'm confused :)20:04
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[Relic]Hello :)20:53
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[Relic]Anyone know if they will add the coretemp.c from the 2.6.25 kernel to the 2.6.24 one ubuntu uses in the very near future (next kernel update) so we 45nm users can watch our coretemp and use very heavy load programs w/o worrying about burning out our cpus?21:08
joaopinto[Relic], have you checked for bug reports about it ?21:18
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keesrun avahi config defaults past lennart -- he's the one that originally specified them.21:57
mathiazkees: what's the reason to not enable cache on / ?21:57
keesmathiaz: because it saves all kind of things like cookies, etc without additional tweaks, AIUI.  elmo might be able to speak more to this21:58
elmomathiaz: wtf - seriously?21:58
mathiazkees: one of the debian maintainer commented on bug 219914 and suggested another approach21:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 219914 in apache2 "mod_disk_cache enabled globally by default" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21991421:58
mathiazkees: https://bugs.launchpad.net/debian/+source/apache2/+bug/219914/comments/821:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 219914 in apache2 "mod_disk_cache enabled globally by default" [Undecided,Confirmed]21:58
elmomathiaz: a2enmod cache should not start caching all my sites21:59
elmomathiaz: the fact that it does so currently is insane21:59
elmomathiaz: apache has a very powerful vhost-based config system for a reason21:59
elmomathiaz: (have you got a single counter-example of 'a2enmod' that globally changes behaviour?)22:00
elmo(and FTR, Debian #407171 doesn't require CacheEnable /, it simply requires that the module be available22:02
ubottuDebian bug 407171 in apache2 "proxy stops working after upgrading from sarge" [Important,Closed] http://bugs.debian.org/40717122:02
mathiazelmo: right - I still think that we should *not* enable the cache by default22:02
mathiazelmo: just trying to figure out why it's so bad22:02
mathiazelmo: most of the modules enable things globally - such as negociation, etc...22:03
mathiazelmo: but this highly depends on the type of modules22:03
elmohmm, ok true22:04
mathiazOTOH the proxy.conf disables proxy requests by default22:04
elmoright, for similar reasons22:05
mathiazfor security reasons IIUC22:05
elmothe reason it's so bad to enable caching is because it has security implications22:05
YokoZarWhy is http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily/current/ empty with broken links but http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily/20080624/ has isos for download?22:05
mathiazelmo: right - that would is the main point then - disk_cache should treated as mod_proxy because of the security implications22:05
mathiazkees: what do you think about the debdiff: http://people.ubuntu.com/~mathiaz/apache2_2.2.9-2ubuntu1.debdiff ?22:13
keesmathiaz: I like it.  Good changelog.  :)22:15
mathiazkees: ok - I'll upload a new version of apache2 in intrepid22:15
keesmathiaz: okay, great.  From there, SRU for slangasek?22:16
mathiazkees: yop22:16
* kees hugs mathiaz22:16
elmoFWIW, in intreprid, it'd might be nice to do what sf suggested22:17
elmosimply because enabling (in the mods-enabled/ symlink sense) disk cache means htcacheclean gets run22:17
elmowhich is surprising for folks who used proxy but not disk cache (the majority of folks coming from dapper where mod cache was essentially useless)22:18
elmobut maybe sf will do that in Debian and so it's moot22:18
norsettokees: do you know why debian bug 374568 has been marked as won't fix?22:21
ubottuDebian bug 374568 in eggdrop "eggdrop: SSL support" [Wishlist,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/37456822:21
keesnorsetto: openssl isn't compatible with GPL.  code needs exceptions, and eggdrop author doesn't want it.22:24
keesnorsetto: if it could get ported to gnutls we'd be golden.22:24
keesnorsetto: I haven't had time to do that, so I just compile it myself every release.  one of these days I'll get fed up with it.  ;)22:25
norsettokees: yes, I was wondering about that :-)22:25
norsettokees: I guess having two flavours of eggdrop doesn't make any sense then (one with and one without ssl support)22:27
slangasekkees: how do I reach lennart to run this by him?  Another member of upstream is tracking that bug, but I don't see that Lennart subscribes to the ubuntu bugmail22:27
pittislangasek: mezcalero in #avahi22:28
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slangasekwhen's a good time to catch him?22:29
pittislangasek: he just seems to do some commits, so I think he might still be awake22:29
slangasekhmm, I'm on my way out the door in just a minute, though :)22:29
slangasekI'll try tomorrow22:29
emgentcjwatson: i think that Reinhard confused bug to ACK, see Bug #24255022:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 242550 in ubuntu-flybook-support "Flybook V5 Fingerprint Drivers not avaiable (now) in Ubuntu." [Wishlist,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24255022:44
cjwatsonemgent: look, I'm sorry, but some MOTU needs to put an ack in the actual sync bug itself or else we have to review it ourselves and personally I don't have time22:46
cjwatsonsiretart: would help if you used full sentences rather than "ack" :-)22:46
emgentsure np :)22:46
cjwatsonemgent: I'm more than happy for us to process properly-formed bugs, but the thing is that dealing with ones that aren't properly-formed takes time away from the others and I don't think that's fair22:47
mathiazkees: here is a debdiff for hardy-proposed - http://people.ubuntu.com/~mathiaz/apache2_2.2.8-1ubuntu0.3.debdiff22:49
mathiazkees: this one includes sf suggestion to not enable disk_cache on upgrade if it's not used in the configuration22:49
mathiazkees: as suggested by elmo, even if we disable / caching by default, htcacheclean would still be started every time22:50
mathiazkees: I'm not sure if it's acceptable for an SRU22:51
cjwatsonpitti: if you're still around, apparently chiark is having problems with piware.de's slave NS arrangements22:53
cjwatsonpitti: I'm told piware hasn't responded correctly since 24 May22:54
keesmathiaz: I'd like to slangasek's input on it, but if it's tested, I'm happy.22:58
mathiazkees: ok - I'll attach the debdiff to the bug and ask for review by the SRU team23:01
keesmathiaz: thanks :)23:01
mathiazslangasek: pitti: could you have a look at bug 219914 and comment on whether the changes in the debdiff are acceptable for an SRU ?23:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 219914 in apache2 "mod_disk_cache enabled globally by default" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21991423:05
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mathiazkees: I'm about to leave for the day - do you plan to finish the apache2 sru today ?23:36
mathiazkees: or this is work from tomorrow ?23:36
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keesmathiaz: I can work with slangasek to finish it up -- thanks for getting it prep'd23:47

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