
darkreactioncould someone help me out with a network issue?01:13
Picidarkreaction: This isn't a support channel.  If you are looking for Ubuntu support I suggest you ask in #ubuntu01:15
LetsGo67Whtat's this?03:28
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sommerhello, was wondering if I could get an ubuntu irc cloak?14:12
Picisommer: Are you an Ubuntu Member?14:16
sommerPici: yep, for only a couple of weeks :)14:16
sommerjust now getting around to setting everything up14:17
Picisommer: Make sure that you follow all the steps here: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#nicksetup14:17
sommerPici: sure will do14:18
PiciPriceChild, nalioth: cloak ping for sommer14:18
=== sommer is now known as sommer_
PiciI can't set the cloak, so you'd need to wait for either of those people to get back to irc14:19
=== sommer_ is now known as sommer
sommerPici: cool no problem, thanks for you help14:20
naliothsommer: please identify to services before making requests16:35
sommernalioth: didn't I do that with "/msg nickserv identify" ?16:36
Picisommer: you probably need to check your email for a registration email... plus you seemed to have created account sommer_, which isnt probably what you wanted.16:37
sommerPici: ah gotcha, will do16:37
sommerI think I may have it now ?16:48
naliothfreenode recommends setting up your nick in this fashion: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#nicksetup sommer16:52
sommerI enter: "/msg nickserv register pass email" and nickserv says I'm already logged in, am I doing something wrong?16:56
naliothsommer: /msg nickserv info sommer    you need an email and an altnernate nick grouped.  please check for these16:59
sommernalioth: ah thanks16:59
=== sommer is now known as sommer_
=== sommer_ is now known as sommer
sommerokay I think maybe now everything is squared away?17:14
sommererrr, not quite maybe17:14
naliothsommer: /msg nickserv help group17:17
sommerya from "sommer" I do identify sommer_ ; then group ; and I get:  Nick sommer is already registered to sommer.17:19
sommerinfo sommer_ looks correct, but info sommer doesn't have sommer_ as a nick17:19
sommersorry I'm not very familiar with irc commands17:19
naliothsommer: drop sommer_   and then group it to sommer17:24
=== sommer is now known as sommer_
sommer_nalioth: thank you... I think now?17:32
=== sommer_ is now known as sommer
naliothsommer: is it the right color?17:57
sommernalioth: color?18:11
naliothsommer: your cloak? does it fit right?18:12
sommerheh gotcha, thanks18:16
Myrtti"does my bum look big in this"18:16
Myrttisuits you sir18:16
Myrttithethethethethethe Chris Waddle18:17
sommerawesome, thanks again for your help18:17
Ekusheyhey Myrtti!18:17
Myrttihiya Ekushey18:18
Myrttihttp://www.bbc.co.uk/comedy/fastshow/characters/suit_you.shtml :-D18:20
Ekusheyi need to swtich my ISP! i'm lagging like hell!18:21
=== dan_ is now known as dantalizing

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