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Belutz@schedule jakarta10:08
ubottuBelutz: Schedule for Asia/Jakarta: Current meeting: Bugs for Hugs Day | 24 Jun 18:00: Asia and Oceania Ubuntu Membership Approval Board | 24 Jun 22:00:  Server Team | 25 Jun 01:00: LoCo Council | 26 Jun 00:00: QA Team | 26 Jun 05:00: Platform Team10:08
jsgotangcooh there is a meeting today?10:08
Belutzjsgotangco, yup10:09
jsgotangcocool :)10:09
Belutzjsgotangco, shall we move the meeting to Plurk? :)10:09
ubottuRafik: Current time in Etc/UTC: June 24 2008, 09:23:50 - Current meeting: Bugs for Hugs Day10:23
* elky lurks around for about 6 minutes...11:54
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amachu_Belutz: elky: TheMuso: persia: lifeless: Hi11:57
persiaGood evening11:57
Belutzamachu, hi11:58
elkyi suppose i should find the agenda page...11:59
amachu_hello every body11:59
TheMusoelky: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Membership/RegionalBoards/AsiaOceania?highlight=%28oceania%2911:59
elkythanks :)12:00
amachu_here we go12:00
amachu_Welcome every body to this meeting of Asia Oceania Membership Council12:00
=== ubottu changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Current meeting: Asia and Oceania Ubuntu Membership Approval Board | Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 24 Jun 15:00 UTC: Server Team | 24 Jun 18:00 UTC: LoCo Council | 25 Jun 17:00 UTC: QA Team | 25 Jun 22:00 UTC: Platform Team
e-jatzarul, yes12:01
e-jatevening all ..12:01
amachu_Shall we start calling participants as per https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Membership/RegionalBoards/AsiaOceania12:01
e-jatzarul, im not sure ..12:01
zarulhe is not applying?12:01
amachu_nbliang: Please introduce yourself to the Board, explaing your activities12:02
nbliangHi, I am Nicholas Ng from Malaysia. I am an evangelist and supporter for Ubuntu and actively involved in educating and promoting the usage of Ubuntu to public, organizations, businesses and government12:02
e-jatmaybe he did not notice bout the meeting12:02
nblianghttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/nbliang [wiki] & https://launchpad.net/~nbliang [launchpad]12:02
nbliangI am also the co-founder and a committee member of Kuching Open Source Community (http://www.kuchingosc.org/) where we introduce, promote and support Ubuntu to public around Sarawak, mainly in Kuching, Malaysia12:03
zarulwelcome BuffaloSoldier12:03
e-jatwelcome BuffaloSoldier12:03
nbliangI have been involved with Ubuntu for few years now and do contribute as much as I could during my free or spare time. My contributions includes (1) translation via Launchpad for Malay language, (2) promoting & supporting Ubuntu usage in Malaysia, especially in Sarawak by giving talks, demonstration and installation and so forth. You can see my contribution list from my Launchpad (https://launchpad12:03
jsgotangcohi :)12:03
Belutzjsgotangco, hi :)12:04
nbliangalso a member of Malaysia Ubuntu Team12:04
* BuffaloSoldier here to give my support to nbliang 12:04
nbliangthanks BuffaloSoldier12:04
elkynbliang you seem very active. do you hold events often?12:05
zarul+1 from me12:05
zarulhe has been with ubuntu Malaysia since day 112:05
amachu_nbliang: is that all you have to say, and shall we take it for questions now?12:05
zaruland should already become a member years ago12:05
nbliangyes, i am ready for question12:05
Belutznbliang, what would you do if you become an ubuntu member?12:05
nbliangi actually applied long time ago, but not my turn until last meeting, but i am sick12:05
elkycan cheer squads please wait until introductions and questions are done? thanks :)12:05
TheMusonbliang: Has there been much female interest in Open Source/Linux in your area?12:05
nbliangwell, i will continue my support and providing help to public especially around my area12:06
nbliangwill follow the Ubuntu CoC as well as contribute as much as I can to Ubuntu and the community12:06
lifelesshi, I'm here, but really tired; I'm going to pass on this meeting - sorry.12:06
lifelessare we quorate without me?12:06
elkyi believe so, lifeless. go rest :)12:07
Belutzlifeless, I think it's ok, you should have to rest12:07
* elky hugs lifeless12:07
lifelessk, later all12:07
nbliangcurrently I am in the talk with local OEM to distribute Ubuntu in the PC12:07
TheMusonbliang: Ok let me put it another way. What are you doing to get females interested in free/Open Source Software?12:07
Belutznbliang, do you cooperating with the member from KL ?12:07
nbliangand in process of converting a local company into using Ubuntu12:07
amachu_nbliang: Malasian Team yet to become Approve LoCo Team?12:07
elkywhoa... one question at a time!12:08
nbliangto get more females coz nowadays most females are afraid of Linux12:08
amachu_nbliang: a local company? can you be specific12:08
nbliangubunu-my not yet Approved LoCo Team12:08
* elky raises an eyebrow12:08
nbliangthat's what we going to do after become member12:08
e-jatnbliang, we may approach females in loco university ..12:08
nbliangok, I am in process of converting a local company "Balka Approach Sdn Bhd"  to fully using Ubuntu as their hardware is quite old and they do not want to spent much $$ on updating the machines12:09
nbliange-jat: yes12:09
nbliangAlso, my friend's company (forgot the company name) is producing new PC (low cost) and seeking for the OS, so I am in talk with them to use Ubuntu12:10
nbliangmy local community (www.kuchingosc.org) will be providing supports on it as well12:10
amachu_nbliang: are you with Ubuntu Malaysia since its inception?12:10
Belutznbliang, is that the local vendor you mentioned in your wiki?12:10
e-jatpreviously when ubuntu-my doing activity in 1 of university .. got +ve feedback from the students especially the females12:11
nbliangI am with Ubuntu Malaysia since day 112:11
amachu_nbliang: thats good :-)12:11
nbliangyes, the local vendors r in my wiki, except that not much info in there yet as i still in talk with them12:11
nbliangi also involve with local university at East Malaysia in providing training, talk and seminar to their staff and student12:12
nbliangcan see from my wiki page12:12
Belutznbliang, are you also involved in development of Embun?12:12
TheMusoYes, your wiki page is very well done, and goes into some great detail IMO.12:12
TheMuso(in my opinion)12:13
nbliangmy (and few other ubuntu-my members) next move will be getting approval for ubuntu-my to be approved LoCo Team12:13
nbliangBelutz: not really, but i do give comments and suggestion12:13
amachu_nbliang: what difficulty have you faced with people of Malasia in switching over to Ubuntu or GNU/ Linux?12:13
nbliangi have mails between them12:13
nbliangamachu_: hardware support12:14
nbliangand well as lack of Linux knowledge12:14
nbliangalso, found out that those r well in Linux tend to not share their knowledge to others at my area12:15
elkyso guys are also scared?12:15
nbliangEast Malaysia12:15
elkyof linux, that is?12:15
nbliangnope, Linux is fun and challenging12:15
purserjhi nbliang, you involved with myoss?12:15
nbliangalthough i am not that techie on it but i provide good training and guidance on what i know12:15
nbliangi am in myoss as well12:16
e-jatcurrently me and ubuntu-my loco team trying to approach the ministry of education for students awareness about linux especially ubuntu12:16
purserjso you'd know kauru and co :)12:16
Belutznbliang, have you held an ubuntu release party in kuching?12:16
nbliangyes i know kaeru12:16
zarule-jat cool down12:16
e-jatzarul, sorry ..12:16
nblianghe is with our government OSCC, open source competency centre12:16
purserjnbliang: yeah I chat with him from time to time12:17
purserjover in iosn12:17
nbliangBelutz: yes we did, if not mistaken is for 7.1012:17
nbliangpurserj: :)12:17
* elky notes that we need to pass a judgement. already 17 minutes gone12:17
nbliangBelutz: not a big party as most of them not familiar with it yet12:17
Belutznbliang, you got +1 from me12:18
zarulthe longest Q & A I ever see ... hehe12:18
nbliangBelutz: tq12:18
zarul+1 from me12:18
nbliangzarul: tq12:18
Belutzhope with ubuntu membership you can keep spreading the OSS spirit in Malaysia12:18
nbliangofcoz i will12:18
jsgotangconbliang: you know colin charles too?12:18
nbliangand going to get ubuntu-my approved as LoCo Team as well12:19
nbliangi know him through e-mail, blog, etc but not personnaly12:19
nblianghe is with MySQL atm12:19
amachu__Ooof! I lost..12:20
amachu__nbliang: how deep the transaltion contribution you people do reach people?12:20
nbliangamachu_: still a lot to do12:20
nbliangand i am encouraging more people from MY to do the translation so that we can have Malay version of Ubuntu someday12:20
elkyi must admit i'm personally torn. while you seem to be doing good work, your response to TheMuso's question about women is very disheartening, as women are no more scared of linux than men are.12:20
amachu__just to have a feeling! how do people feel in malaysia when they see Ubuntu in their language12:20
nbliangEmbun is using the Malay version, but due to not complete translation, so part of it still in EN12:21
amachu__elky: :-)12:21
zarulelky: it depends on the places and the level of exposure of linux OS12:21
nbliangelky: i mean woman around my area12:21
nbliangwell, personally, i talk to few of them about it, but they said English is better because the translation of EN to MY may lead to different meaning12:22
jsgotangcoi agree12:22
amachu__nbliang: ok. are there people here to suppport you?12:22
nbliangeg. the word "Burn" to burn a CD is hard to translate to correct meaning in MY12:22
nbliangthey have been "huh hah" from the beginning12:23
nbliangand all the participants are from ubuntu-my12:23
nbliangand we know each other12:24
amachu__zarul: BuffaloSoldier: e-jat: can we know you all by Name12:24
amachu__nbliang: ya.. ya.. witnessing them :-)12:24
nbliangeerr... r they off?12:24
e-jatamachu_, hi my name is Khairul Aizat Kamarudzzaman12:24
e-jatnbliang, im still here ..12:24
zarulamachu_ I ma the founder of Ubuntu-my and BuffaloSoldier is in ubuntu forum team...12:24
zarulzarul shahrin is my full name12:25
nbliange-jat: good, coz u will be next :)12:25
zarulI am through mibbit..12:25
zarulsorry for that..12:25
zaruland just as side note12:25
zarulnbliang and ejat will be taking over the leadership of Ubuntu-my12:25
elkynbliang, i'm going to give you a +1, but i really hope you take the time to be less dismissive of women in IT in the future and dont dismiss them as 'scared'.12:25
* Belutz agree with elky 12:25
nbliangelky: that's will be one of my task to built confident for woman at my area12:26
zarulI think we are getting too long here12:26
* TheMuso agrees also, +1 from me also.12:26
elkybecause to be quite frank, if guys were not scared of linux either, there'd be alot more using it.12:26
e-jatelky, we won't .. and we'll try out best to get them(females@women) get involve12:26
jsgotangcomaybe for lack of a better word12:26
nbliangelky: it's not targetted to all woman, just that most of the girls i met never tried Linux12:26
nbliangthey know about it, but don't want to try it12:27
elkynbliang, no males in my family use linux. all the women in my family do. the males dont want to try it.12:27
persia+1 from me for advocacy, supporting comments, and expectation of new tasks taken to heart12:27
nbliangelky: wow, i hope most MY girls are like that too12:27
nbliangbut my wife started to like it now12:28
elkynbliang, you'll be pleasantly surprised :)12:28
BuffaloSoldierhi all.. sorry if my attention span is really short today.. still at the office :) anyway, I'm Firdaus bin Aziz12:28
nbliangpersia: tq12:28
nbliangelky: tq12:28
zarulsorry, but if you guys don't mind.. I would like to suggest to the board... can we vote and move to the next candidate?12:28
TheMusoWe are doing so now.12:29
BuffaloSoldier+1 for nbliang12:29
nbliangsorry guys, cause of me, the meeting is dragging up12:29
e-jat+1 for nbliang12:29
zarul+1 for nbliang12:29
nbliangBuffaloSoldier: tq12:29
nbliange-jat: tq12:29
nbliangzarul: tq12:29
persiaIt tends to help the voting be clear when only board members vote.12:29
elkyhmm, i'll sift back through all the chatter for the votes...12:29
TheMusoIn case it was missed earlier, +1 from me.12:30
BelutzIt was +1 from me too12:30
nbliangTheMuso: tq12:30
nbliangBelutz: tq12:30
nblianghave been waiting for few months to get the membership12:31
nbliangwaiting is hard12:31
amachu123+1 from me for nbliang12:31
elkypersia, i agree12:31
persiaI count five, and missing from lifeless and zakame12:31
elkypersia, same12:31
Belutzlifeless is having his rest12:31
persiaamachu: Are you satisfied with quorum?12:32
nbliangso, am i approved?12:32
Belutzso I think nbliang is approved to be an Ubuntu member12:32
nbliangtq guys / girls12:32
nbliangelky: will not let u down in trying to convert all the girls' mind in my area12:32
nblianghope more of them r like u12:33
elkynbliang, good to hear :)12:33
amachu123ok we will move further12:33
elkyamachu123, good idea12:33
nbliangagain, tq to all12:33
amachu123apogee ?12:33
BelutzCongratulations nbliang12:33
nbliangBelutz: tq12:33
zarule-jat:  where is he?12:34
e-jatim here ..12:34
zarulI mean apogee12:34
nbliangcan't contact him though12:34
e-jati've already remind him through sms ..12:34
e-jati didnt get replied from him ..12:35
elkymove on to the next one, we can deal with him when/if he comes12:35
* Belutz agree with elky 12:35
* TheMuso agrees.12:36
elkythat person seems absent too12:36
nbliangfenris = e-jat12:36
Belutzi think fenris == e-jat12:36
nbliangyes he is12:36
e-jatsorry ...12:36
e-jatis my nick confusing12:36
TheMusoe-jat is mentioned on his wiki page.12:36
elkyi was reading the meeting agenda, where his nick is allegedly fenris.... :Þ12:37
e-jatelky, it was in webchat ... in here ... thats nick belong to others .12:37
TheMusoelky: Yeah I know, but I'm reading the wiki page. :)12:37
e-jatthanks thekorn12:38
elkyTheMuso, i missed that bit :(12:38
persiae-jat: It's a good idea to strive for a consistent nick, so we can know who you are, and better see everything.12:38
* Belutz will be right back for 10 minutes, need to do my prayer12:38
e-jatpersia, in here ill use e-jat12:38
e-jatu mean .. for my wiki n launchpad ?12:38
persiae-jat: As a goal, yes.  For now, it's not important.12:39
elkyok, lets keep this discussion streamlined for Belutz's sake. e-jat would you like to give a quick explanation of yourself? :)12:39
e-jatHi, I am Khairul Aizat Kamarudzzaman from Malaysia. I am IT exec and supporter for Ubuntu and actively involved in educating and promoting the usage of Ubuntu to public, organizations, businesses and government12:39
* elky hands amachu_ a voucher for one internet.12:40
e-jatmy wiki page, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/fenris12:40
amachu_elky: :-)12:40
e-jatmy launchpad, https://launchpad.net/~mohdfenris12:40
e-jatmy participant & contribution : https://launchpad.net/~mohdfenris/+participation12:41
e-jatCurrently i was assign to manage Ubuntu Malaysia Website, Forums & Activity12:41
amachu_e-jat: how long have you been doing this?12:41
nbliangyah, e-jat is one of the members to manage the website, forum & activity12:42
e-jatoct 200712:42
elkye-jat, what is one activity you've done recently that you can describe for us?12:42
e-jatsince the domain up back12:42
e-jatrecently ... i spreading the knowledge to my big familys, friends and government officer12:43
amachu_e-jat: government officer?12:43
amachu_be specific12:43
e-jatit officer in Ministry of education MY and their CIO12:44
elkycool! what about expos or conferences, do you do much at those?12:44
e-jatthen i planning with them to organize event with the loco schools n university & college12:44
* Belutz is back12:45
e-jatelky, actually the cio was my dad ..12:45
nblianghe is quite active in the ubuntu-my forum12:45
elkye-jat, details details ;)12:45
e-jatso we always having discussion at home if he having problems12:45
e-jatdetails for the event : previously we held an event at UiTM12:46
amachu_e-jat: beyond that?12:46
elkye-jat, what part of malaysia are you in?12:46
e-jatelky, im in KL12:46
e-jatkuala lumpur ..12:46
e-jatamachu_, im also  Running & manage Ubuntu Destkop & Server for internal office for task/working environment12:47
elkyaha. you might know someone who wants to help the singapore team get on their feet?12:47
nbliange-jat also help in organizing the ubuntu-my activities12:47
e-jatin my company were im working ..12:47
e-jatsuch as samba n ldap using ubuntu server12:47
zarulelky: singapore and KL is very far away12:47
e-jatand proposing to my client12:47
zarulunless they are online12:47
e-jatusing ubuntu for server solutions12:48
Belutzyup i haven't heard a thing from singapore team12:48
elkyzarul, i know that. but KL is quite better connected than other parts of malaysia ;)12:48
nbliangelky: SG team? i wll be going to SG end of this month, maybe can meet with them, but still depend on my schedule12:48
e-jatim also12:48
Belutze-jat, what will you do if you get an ubuntu membership?12:49
elkynbliang, #ubuntu-sg has had e-jat hiding in there for a few days now ;)12:49
elkythis is why i asked him12:49
e-jatelky, i was waiting to know the SG loco team12:49
nbliangi see, will talk to e-jat on that12:49
e-jatBelutz, Help Ubuntu community to develop better Operating System in order to give end user the best experience.12:50
elkye-jat, they are missing any active people unfortunately. the irc council is waiting for a recipient to give the channel to12:50
Belutze-jat, also a regular person in #ubuntu-id :)12:50
e-jathope to see 50% of Malaysian use linux as main Operating System.12:50
nbliange-jat: or more12:50
e-jatesspecially in primary n 2ndary schools12:50
elkyBelutz, the South East Asia teams do alot of work together then?12:51
Belutze-jat, what do you think about ubuntu-my should malaysia and sarawak have different team or not?12:51
e-jatBelutz, 1 team ..12:51
Belutzelky, not yet, but i have been chatting with e-jat since a long time12:51
nbliangBelutz: although we r separated by South China Sea, but we can work until 1 team12:52
e-jatelky, but we plan to do ..12:52
e-jatwithin ID , MY and SG12:52
elkyexcellent. inter-team cooperation always helps alot12:52
Belutzit's not easy to manage a lot of islans in Indonesia :(12:52
zarulBelutz, ubuntu-my will remain one12:52
zarulwith 2 leaders12:52
zarulone will be managing Sabah/Sarawak12:52
Belutzzarul, that would be a bad idea in my opinion12:53
zaruland the other person in Peninsular12:53
zaruland anything that needs a whole team decision12:53
zarulthe two leaders will have to talk with each other12:53
Belutzzarul, we'll discuss that later12:53
amachu_Belutz: we are deviating12:53
nbliangactually not leader in ubuntu-my, but leader to manage the area12:53
Belutzamachu_, yes :)12:53
zarulamachu I agreed12:53
elkyok, i think it's time to vote12:54
nbliangcan i vote? +1 for e-jat12:54
elky(please only council members, so we dont get lost!)12:54
Belutzone more question from me12:54
elkyBelutz, sure?12:54
Belutze-jat, how many ubuntu events have you held in KL ?12:54
amachu_e-jat: i felt you wiki should have reflected more12:54
amachu_nbliang: its upto the Board :-)12:55
TheMusoamachu_: I agree.12:55
e-jatBelutz, since im quite new to my community12:55
nblianghehee... k, just wantd to give support to my team12:55
e-jatjust 1 : http://www.flickr.com/photos/sumardi/sets/72157603969964943/ some photo12:55
amachu_nbliang: i understand12:56
e-jatplan to have more in da future ..12:56
Belutze-jat, how many participants in that event?12:56
e-jatalmost 100+12:56
e-jatlooks more gals in the event12:57
elkyamachu_, i think he covered what he needed, but some fluffing so we didnt have to go on a click frenzy would have been nice12:57
* Belutz give e-jat +1 for his contributions to ubuntu-my team, looking forward for more events from ubuntu-my :-)12:58
elkyeveryone ready to vote?12:58
e-jatBelutz, tq .. we will .. and if possible we arrange combine my n id ..12:58
elky*cough* Belutz amachu_ persia TheMuso *cough*?12:59
TheMuso+1 from me.12:59
* persia can vote12:59
e-jatTheMuso, tq12:59
persiaReviewing the log, it's a little tricky to cleanly separate e-jat from ubuntu-my on some of the questions.  I'M voting +1 based on work with forums, website, mailing list, etc.12:59
elkywe can still finish in under an hour if we hurry! :D12:59
e-jatthanks persia12:59
elkyewwwww lag!12:59
persiae-jat: Please do bulk up your wiki page to better show your activities, which otherwise only become clear in discussion and reviewing many websites.12:59
e-jatpersia, thanks for the comment .. yes i will13:00
nbliangcheers e-jat !!13:00
e-jattq nbliang13:00
elky+1 from me too based on the services and work with his government contact ;)13:01
e-jatelky, tq13:01
e-jatim also working close with kaeru as he in OSCC13:01
* Belutz congratulate e-jat 13:02
nbliangyeah, hope to see entire MY government converted into using FOSS13:02
e-jatplan to do more ubuntu marketing with OSCC to MY government13:02
amachu__e-jat: best wishes, and work together will all around you now, to take ubuntu to more people in Malasia13:03
e-jatthanks amachu_13:03
nbliangok then, gtg home fetch my wife. congratulations e-jat !!13:03
e-jattq again nbliang13:03
e-jatnbliang, drive carefully13:03
nbliangsure do, u too13:03
amachu__Belutz: elky: TheMuso: persia: lifeless: is that all ?13:04
amachu__shall we conclude the day's meeting13:04
Belutzamachu_, I think that is all13:04
TheMusoI think thats all yes.13:04
amachu__i should get better internet connectivity next time :-(13:04
persiaI have one minor administrative item13:05
amachu__persia: yes13:05
elkypersia, which is?13:05
persiaCould we put the time of the next meeting on our wiki page a little more in advance?  I feel like we're not giving potential candidates much notice.13:05
nbliangpersia: agree !!13:05
nbliangok, bye13:05
nbliangagain, thanks to all13:06
amachu__persia: agree. But i do mail participants personally too.13:06
e-jatagree with elky13:06
amachu__persia: we should do that13:06
amachu__any thing else?13:07
* elky cries at the lag13:07
TheMusoI think thats it.13:08
elkyi think we're done?13:08
* Belutz hugs amachu_, TheMuso, elky, persia and zarul 13:08
* e-jat hugs Belutz amachu_ TheMuso elky persia zarul n all in here13:09
Belutzelky, i have a question for you13:09
elkyBelutz, hmm?13:09
Belutzmake it 2 questions13:09
amachu__fine then. Thank you everyone for participating and best wishes for our new Members nbliang and fenris13:10
* elky refrains from hmm'ing again, as it makes questions multiply :)13:10
Belutz1. is there any FOSS events in Australia around October/November ?13:10
e-jatthanks amachu_13:10
BuffaloSoldiercongrats nbliang and fenris13:10
e-jattq BuffaloSoldier13:10
Belutz2. why you change from elkbuntu into elky? :-)13:10
amachu__Belutz: add me also to that question13:11
elkyBelutz, 1. not that i know of, OSDC is early december... 2. each time my bip proxy reconnects to freenode. havent gotten around to fixing it since it's not entirely broken ;)13:11
BelutzI see :)13:11
Belutzelky, do you have a link for that OSDC event?13:12
elkyCFP is until the end of this month13:12
Belutzelky, thanks for the info13:13
elkyBelutz, no problem13:13
Belutzelky, we are going to held a World Summit on Open Source next year, I hope you can come :)13:13
elkyBelutz, that'd be cool. what part of next year?13:14
* elky hopes for 'mid'13:14
* e-jat brb ... praying .. 13:14
Belutzelky, it's around October, so we could have an Ubuntu 9.10 release party too13:14
Belutzbut the time is still tentative13:15
elkyim hoping for Intrepid to be released a day late... so it can be a birthday present for me :Þ13:16
elkyalthough, the release will likely happen -au 31st anyway13:16
lukehasnonameelky: It is on my birthday13:16
elkylukehasnoname, no fair.13:17
* elky wants a refund :(13:17
* Belutz wish to invite sabdfl to come to the event13:18
elkyi'd be hurrying to get a date confirmed asap then13:19
elkyhe's a popular fellow for some strange and unbeknown reason13:19
Belutzelky, I will13:19
e-jatBelutz, dont want to invite us frm MY :)13:22
Belutze-jat, I don't have to invite you, because you have to come13:23
e-jatai have too ??13:24
e-jatongkos nya mana ?13:24
Belutze-jat, start saving from now :-)13:25
ApOgEE-hi all13:25
ApOgEE-hi e-jat13:25
e-jathi back13:26
BelutzApOgEE-, you are late, the meeting is over13:26
ApOgEE-i see...13:26
ApOgEE-i'm workin13:26
e-jatApOgEE-, :(13:27
ApOgEE-it's okay, i'll be here later13:27
ApOgEE-just got email from nbliang13:27
* Belutz did postponed his work for the meeting lol13:27
e-jatApOgEE-, tadi dpt x sms ??13:28
ApOgEE-;) anyway, thanks... i'm goin home now13:28
ApOgEE-lol... aku punya henset mana da13:28
ApOgEE-ya... ya... e-jat , ada13:29
ApOgEE-erk... 6:30 ka?13:29
e-jatApOgEE-, owh .. wheres ya hphone ?13:29
ApOgEE-i miss placed my hp13:30
ApOgEE-due to my extremely busy day13:30
ApOgEE-sorry everyone13:30
e-jatwelcome sid13:30
zarulI will leave now13:34
zarulcongrat to nbliang and e-jat all the best for you guys13:34
zarulI will send an email soon13:34
e-jatthanks zarul13:34
zarulno prob13:34
* elky notes that one should not be rejected from other regional councils just because they're more convenient. choose the one that best suits your schedule.13:42
=== ubottu changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Current meeting: Bugs for Hugs Day | Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 24 Jun 15:00 UTC: Server Team | 24 Jun 18:00 UTC: LoCo Council | 25 Jun 17:00 UTC: QA Team | 25 Jun 22:00 UTC: Platform Team | 26 Jun 10:00 UTC: MOTU School Session - Apport retraces
* lukehasnoname joined #ubuntu-meeting15:11
=== Zic is now known as Zic[NRV]
=== Zic[NRV] is now known as Zic
lukehasnonamea few people missing15:58
ubottulukehasnoname: Schedule for Etc/UTC: Current meeting: Bugs for Hugs Day | 24 Jun 15:00:  Server Team | 24 Jun 18:00: LoCo Council | 25 Jun 17:00: QA Team | 25 Jun 22:00: Platform Team | 26 Jun 10:00: MOTU School Session - Apport retraces15:59
sorenlukehasnoname: It's not 4 o'clock yet.15:59
zulits not quite 15:00 yet15:59
sorenEr.. Right, 3 o'clock.15:59
sorenIt is now, though.16:00
lukehasnonameit's 9:59 CST here16:00
=== ubottu changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Current meeting: Server Team | Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 24 Jun 18:00 UTC: LoCo Council | 25 Jun 17:00 UTC: QA Team | 25 Jun 22:00 UTC: Platform Team | 26 Jun 10:00 UTC: MOTU School Session - Apport retraces
ivokshi all16:00
lukehasnonamemathiaz: ping16:01
dholbachI didn't know the server team was such a party crowd :)16:01
Koondholbach: party on !16:02
mathiazhiay folks16:02
ivoksan ipv6 guy! :D16:02
nijabamathiaz: !!!16:02
krautivoks: yep, my NS aren't working correctly ;)16:02
mathiazlet's get started16:02
krautis there any agenda online?16:02
mathiazmeh - no Mootbot16:03
ivoksdamn robots16:03
krautlukehasnoname: thanks16:03
mathiazso today's agenda: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/Meeting16:03
mathiazlast week meeting minutes: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/Server/2008061716:04
mathiaz[TOPIC] Ebox and augeas16:04
mathiazso we had some discussion about augeas and ebox16:05
mathiazI sent an email to the ebox developers about this issue16:05
mathiazthere has been some discussion about this and the ebox developers seem open to the idea16:06
mathiazthey've started to look into using augeas and experiment with it16:06
mathiazon a related note, nxvl has packaged augeas for ubuntu16:06
* nealmcb cheers16:07
mathiazhe uploaded it to REVU and is waiting for feedback - http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=augeas16:07
mathiazso I think that all I have to report from the ebox front16:08
* lukehasnoname claps16:09
mathiaz[TOPIC] text browser on the server cd16:10
mathiazso I sent a reply to the thread with the official decision from the server meeting16:10
mathiazand the discussion is still going on - also it turned into a broader subject16:10
mathiazbut I don't think there anything more to say in this meeting about it.16:11
mathiazanyone wants to add something wrt to last week meeting ?16:11
nealmcbwell it seemed to me to relate well to scottk's blueprint16:11
lukehasnonamenealmcb: pretty close, ya16:12
lukehasnonameOne idea is making custom ISOs from a javascript web-app16:12
mathiaznealmcb: right - so I'd suggest to update the blueprint with ideas that emerged during the thread16:12
* nijaba not sure FAI is the right approach though, if we are talking about the same blueprint16:12
mathiazand continue the discussion on the blueprint16:13
mathiaznijaba: we're talking about this blueprint16:13
nealmcbdo we have consensus that it should be easy for folks to either install some sort of bare-bones server, or a comfortable more friendly server16:13
lukehasnonamenealmcb: Looks like it from the ML16:13
mathiaznealmcb: from what I read from the thread, it seems so16:13
ivoksbare-bone server is waporware...16:14
mathiaznealmcb: that may be included in the blueprint rationale16:14
mathiaznealmcb: to explain the reason for doing so16:14
nealmcbivoks: ?16:14
kirklandmathiaz: i think it's essential that Ubuntu provide a mechanism for a bare minimal CLI-only system16:14
kirklandmathiaz: I say Ubuntu in that it may or may not be the Server Team, but I think it would suit well for our team to provide that sort of install16:15
ivoksnealmcb: there will always be people considering it not so bare as it should be; just ignore me16:15
mathiazkirkland: agreed - I like to the approach of installing a bare-system and then having a way to turn it into a specific type of machine16:15
nealmcbI think the question is how bare bare is...  there are lots of utilities in unix that are helpful but not essential16:16
kirklandmathiaz: right...  and if that's JEOS->real hardware, or Alternate CD, or mini.iso+CLI ...  whatever16:16
ivoksthere can't be bare bone server; there can be bare bone linux system16:16
nealmcbjust give 'em busybox :)16:16
mathiazkirkland: right - but at least we start to have some general idea about where we'd like to head for16:16
ivoksso, as i agree with kirkland; this should be ubuntu project, not ubuntu server project16:16
kirklandnealmcb: if it can run apt-get and connect to the network, it's minimal enough for me16:16
mathiazok - let's move on16:17
nealmcbivoks: in the sense that you can give them a platform for putting their own services on it, with a good kernel etc, you can give them a jeos with hardware support and let them build from there16:17
sorenkirkland: apt-get? Sheesh! What's wrong with telnet+ar+tar+gzip?16:17
lukehasnonamesoren: ha16:17
mathiaz[TOPIC] Relocation of web pages from /var/www/ to /srv/www/ in future releases16:17
lukehasnonameAh, yes16:17
mathiazlukehasnoname: why ?16:17
sorenWhy, oh why?16:18
zulmathiaz: no no no no no16:18
ivokslet's all agree - no16:18
krautmay i say something to that?16:18
nealmcbsoren: :)16:18
sommerseems like that would cause issues16:18
lukehasnonameSimply consider it, though I know chances are slim. But it would conform much better to logic and the FHS if we did16:18
* kraut would prefer that idea and lean the directory hierachie completly to FHS16:18
kraut(FHS: http://www.pathname.com/fhs/pub/fhs-2.3.pdf)16:18
lukehasnonamesame with mysql and ftp16:18
lukehasnonameI've spoken with some people who agree on principle16:19
lukehasnonameit's up to you guys to put it into practice... let me very quickly grab a quote16:19
* nealmcb always puts server stuff in /srv - what would the impacts be?16:19
krautmany people would cry after the change, but after everybody knows the "issue", it would be much better16:19
lukehasnoname /srv contains site-specific data which is served by this system.16:19
krautand FHS is just the best standard i think16:19
lukehasnoname /var contains variable data files. This includes spool directories and files, administrative and logging data, and transient and temporary files.16:19
lukehasnonamethose are from the FHS16:20
nealmcband what do other distros do?16:20
lukehasnonameIf you read the page kraut linked to, just the two paragraphs on those two dirs, you'll see the logic I'm looking at.16:20
sommernealmcb: /var/www/*16:20
krautnealmcb: redhat and suse does the same16:20
nijabaSuse - /srv16:20
ivoks'Therefore, no program should rely on a specific subdirectory structure of /srv existing or data necessarily being stored in /srv.'16:20
kirklandnealmcb: RH is /var/www/html16:20
zulgentoo is /srv if I remember correctly but they dont count ;)16:21
krautah, sorry, redhat uses /var/www/html16:21
krautblame on me, i've just watched it out :)16:21
lukehasnonameivoks: That is talking cross -platform, but from an Ubuntu perspective, it would be much more logical to have static web files in its own directory, in a different area from logs16:21
lukehasnonamezul:  aw16:21
krauti'm a friend of standards and best practices and FHS is at the moment the best choice.16:21
* soren points at ivoks16:21
krauti'm out. need to work. just highlight me.16:22
lukehasnonamekraut:  thanks.16:22
sorenkraut: Certainly. And the FHS itself says why it's a bad idea, as ivoks pointed out.16:22
emgent@schedule rome16:22
ubottuemgent: Schedule for Europe/Rome: Current meeting: Server Team | 24 Jun 20:00: LoCo Council | 25 Jun 19:00: QA Team | 26 Jun 00:00: Platform Team | 26 Jun 12:00: MOTU School Session - Apport retraces16:22
lukehasnonamethink about it16:23
zulI dont agree with this at all besides this should really be done in debian16:23
* sommer agrees with zul16:24
ivoksthere are some benefits of change, but are they so big to really do it?16:24
lukehasnonamezul: I can see your debian argument16:24
* ivoks agrees with zul and soren 16:24
* sommer also agrees with ivoks 16:24
nealmcbhas debian discussed it?16:24
krautFHS: http://www.pathname.com/fhs/pub/fhs-2.3.pdf - Point: 3.16.1. Purpose16:24
mathiaz /srv seems to be targeted at site customization, ie the local sysadmin is reponsible for figuring out the layout - as the package maintainers, we can default to /var/ww16:24
sorenEven if this was a good idea (which I don't think it is), it would have to be an *extremely* good idea to justify the horror of maintaining a delta for each and every debian package that ships stuff in /var/Www16:24
ivoksi mean... there's a lot of packages, we would have huge delta just cause of location change16:25
mathiazthere are a lot of packages that relay on /var/www and also common knowledge16:25
krautsoren: so pointing to that, it would be a good idea to use /srv/<protocol>, for example /srv/www16:25
lukehasnonameSo the consensus is: If it were ever to happen, run it through deb?16:25
sorenkraut: "that"?16:25
mathiazit's not fundamitally wrong to use /var/www16:25
krautsoren: why to use /srv/www instead of /var/www16:25
lukehasnonameI'm also the guy who thinks that /usr is redundant16:26
zulits just a nightmare to maintain from a developers point of view16:26
ivokslukehasnoname: if debian changes it, i would accept it; i'm not strongly oposed, but i am oposed to big delta for no gain16:26
krautmathiaz: of course not, but /srv/www is more a "best practice"16:26
sorenkraut: "unspecified and there is currently no consensus on how this should be done"16:26
lukehasnonamehowever, I will run it through Debian if I write up a formal proposal that I think has strong case points.16:26
krautsoren: that's business as usual16:26
sorenAnd if we start shipping stuff in there, we might *very* well overwrite user's stuff that they already put in there.16:26
ivokskraut: there a tons of tutorials with 'place the website into /var/www'16:27
krautsoren: it's more a guide for "best practisces", and /srv/<protocol> sounds reasonable16:27
mathiazlukehasnoname: that seems like the best course of action16:27
krautivoks: only while years ago somebody choiced that, we need to choice it also in our future, also if there is a better soloution?16:27
mathiazlukehasnoname: we won't change the default location if debian is against it because of the huge delta it would introduce16:27
lukehasnonameAlright... I know it's a change, and change is harsh, but bad habits are formed out of archaic standards that never get moved around.16:27
BrazenThere can also be a transition period with /var/www symlinked to /srv/www (sorry I'm late, don't know if this has been mentioned)16:27
lukehasnonamemathiaz: That is the only point I completely agree with here,.16:27
lukehasnonameDebian has to be aboard16:28
sorenkraut: I don't think so, actually. I order stuff in /srv by domain.16:28
ivokskraut: as you can see, we aren't very sure it's better; FHS is very... hm... blur about /srv16:28
ScottK-palmSorry for being late. Did we talk about specs already.16:28
zulScottK-palm: no16:28
lukehasnonameno ScottK-palm16:28
mathiazwe have to balance these issues (delta, history and common knowledge) with the best practices (which aren't so clear according to the FHS)16:28
ivoksi use /srv for smb shares :D16:28
=== ArneGoet1e is now known as ArneGoetje
krautivoks: that's correct, but if i understood correctly, /srv/<protocol> or /srv/<department>/</protocol> would be the best choice16:28
zulivoks: you are weird ;)16:29
krautivoks: i use /home/kraut/mobiledisk for samba, so should that be a worldwide standard? ;)16:29
lukehasnonameHell with you guys, I'm going to gobolinux. :p That's that then. I'll discuss the possibility with Debian if I feel I have a case, otherwise I'll just manually do it for me.16:29
kraut(just kidding)16:29
nealmcbkraut: common, yes.  "best"?  ymmv...16:29
ivokskraut: 'such as' - FHS doesn't have a strong opinion on /srv16:29
ivokszul: we all are :D16:29
ScottK-palmOn /var/www we should definitely follow Debianm16:29
kirklandi definitely do not see how this change would improve the Ubuntu experience for anyone--sysadmins or users16:29
mathiazallright - let's move on16:30
Brazendefinately follow Debian, but strongly encourage Debian to move to /srv16:30
ivoksleave it to debian16:30
nealmcbScottK-palm: or perhaps lead them, but be in sync....16:30
mathiazI think we've got some opinions on why not to do it16:30
krautBrazen: *5*16:30
mathiazand why to do it16:30
mathiaznext topic16:30
lukehasnonameWelcome Brazen. I got slaughtered, heh.16:30
mathiaz[TOPIC] Intrepid spec status16:31
Brazensorry lhnn, I meant to be here16:31
ScottK-palmI'm not saying don't try to convince them, but don't diverge over it.16:31
mathiazdendrobates is the last steps of getting things approved16:31
mathiazScottK-palm: which specs are looking for ?16:31
* ScottK-palm got one comment from dendrobates. thanks. how does it look on getting approved?16:32
mathiazScottK-palm: I think that the two specs about email are quit straightforward and could be implemented16:32
ScottK-palmIt's the flavors spec I'm most interested in.16:32
mathiazScottK-palm: right - there has been some discussion about it16:33
mathiazScottK-palm: during this meeting and on the w3m thread16:33
dendrobatesScottK-palm: I have been delayed while canoncial worked some things out.  I will be starting the approval process this afternoon.16:33
mathiazScottK-palm: so it seems that there is more work to be done on the spec16:33
nealmcbScottK-palm: fyi, (09:06:48 AM) mathiaz: on a related note, nxvl has packaged augeas for ubuntu16:33
ScottK-palmI saw.16:34
nijabaScottK-palm: how would you consider replacing FAI by augeas in your spec (or supplementing it?)16:34
ScottK-palmComments on the flavors spec please. I'll fix it up.16:34
ScottK-palmnijaba: one step at a time.16:35
ScottK-palmI think with FAI will be hard enough.16:35
mathiazI haven't seen any new specs subscribed16:36
ivoksssl thing?16:36
mathiazso make sure that the specs are in a pending aproval state16:36
ivoksmaybe i didn't do subscribing right :/16:36
mathiazso that dendrobates can go through the list16:36
ScottK-palmPlus one on thay one.16:36
mathiazivoks: I saw it16:36
ivoksok, thanks,16:36
ScottK-palmSSL v2 needs to die.16:37
mathiazanything else on the spec front ?16:37
ivoksScottK-palm: we'll kill it16:37
ScottK-palmNot from me.16:37
mathiazlet's move on then16:38
mathiaz[TOPIC] Iso testing - 8.04.1 and 8.10-alpha116:38
mathiazwe're gearing for 8.04.1 and 8.10-alpha116:38
mathiaznew isos have been created and testing the ubuntu-server isos is welcomed16:39
mathiazslangasek: are there 8.10-alpha1 ubuntu-server isos ready for testing ?16:39
mathiazthe iso testing tracker (http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/) has 8.04.1 isos16:40
mathiazslangasek: but I don't see any -server isos for intrepid alpha116:40
ScottK-palmWasn't that delayed?16:41
mathiazScottK-palm: we've started the alpha1 isos now16:41
mathiazScottK-palm: the new kernel has been uploaded16:41
mathiazScottK-palm: so alpha1 isos are being prepared16:42
mathiazanyway - -server isos for 8.04.1 are already ready16:42
dendrobatesit will be interesting to see if installing Recommends by default causes us a problem.16:42
dendrobatesIt has already been problematic on my dev vm's16:42
mathiazso iso testing is much appreciated16:42
nijabadendrobates: that's not in 8.04.1 though...16:43
ScottK-palmWe need some clear policy if Universe recommends need MIR.16:43
lukehasnonamedendrobates: I assume packages have been getting worked on to have reasonable recommends?16:43
zulnijaba: no it isnt16:43
mathiazwe're targeting a release of 8.04.1 next week16:43
dendrobatesnijaba: the topic includes 8.10 alpha.16:43
nijabadendrobates: my mistake, did not notice16:44
ScottK-palmFortunately Debian has had reccomends by default for some time so they've done a lot of work.16:44
mathiazScottK-palm: right - well it depends on the package16:44
dendrobatesbzr will install X  :)16:44
zuldendrobates: ergh16:45
mathiazScottK-palm: I guess dropping to suggest if needed16:45
ivoksdevscripts installs... well... a lot :D16:45
lukehasnonameI had trouble with this recently, since the C# compiler is "recommends" for mono-develop and it didn't get installed16:45
mathiazScottK-palm: other wise, MIR will have to be filled for each recommends16:45
sorendendrobates: What?16:45
mathiazScottK-palm: since main has to be installable on its own16:45
mathiazScottK-palm: why would you think MIR should be avoided for Recommends ?16:46
ScottK-palmYes, but install won't fail on missing recommends.16:46
dendrobatesif it is too large of a problem, we can push the change back in server to intrepid+1, but only if we have too many problems to handle.16:46
ScottK-palmNot saying either way.  It's a lot of MIR though.16:47
mathiazScottK-palm: hm - good question then. You may wanna ask about it on ubuntu-devel16:47
lukehasnonamesudo acronym-define MIR16:48
ScottK-palmMaybe someone could make a list for the server packages.16:48
ScottK-palmMain Inclusion Report16:48
kirklandlukehasnoname: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MainInclusionProcess16:49
lukehasnonamethanks ScottK-palm kirkland16:49
mathiazScottK-palm: good point. that would give us some real data on the amount of work needed16:49
ScottK-palmmathiaz: MIR is more of a Canonical question than Ubuntu.16:50
ivoksScottK-palm: how come?16:50
ScottK-palmBecause it affects their support contracts.16:50
nealmcbwell, it affects the support contracts of anyone who supports main16:51
nijabaScottK-palm: it affects mainly Ubuntu maintenance commitment16:52
nijabathe support contract is a separate thing16:52
ivoksthe moment we don't include something in main cause it affects somebody's contract, i'll leave :)16:52
nijabaif canonical decides to support a subset of main, nothing forbids us to do so16:52
nijabaand that is not really something that we should consider here16:53
nealmcbnijaba: right16:53
ivokslet's eliminate fear of canonical and move on :)16:53
nijabahowever, maintenance of packages has some impact16:53
mathiazmaintenance has an impact on the Ubuntu Security team16:54
nijabaand the security team is not the last one impacted16:54
ScottK-palmSomeone please get a policy and let us peons know.16:54
nealmcbmoving right along....16:55
mathiazlet's move on16:55
mathiaz[TOPIC] Open discussion16:55
mathiazanyone wants to add something ?16:55
ivokspostfix-dovecot is on it's way16:56
zulmathiaz: thanks for getting openldap uploaded btw16:56
sorenivoks: Cool.16:56
mathiazivoks: \o/16:56
mathiazzul: np16:56
sorenivoks: I'm looking forward to seeing the implementation.16:56
sommeryay for openldap :)16:56
ivokssoren: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/dovecot/+bug/16483716:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 164837 in tasksel "Dovecot SASL for postfix" [Undecided,Invalid]16:57
ScottK-palmDo we have people who watch upstream support forums for dovecot,openldap, etc.?16:57
ivoksfunny... invalid means something completly different in croatian :D16:57
mathiaz[TOPIC] Agree on next meeting date and time16:58
kirklandivoks: there's an alternate meaning in English too16:58
mathiazsame time, same place, next week ?16:58
sommermathiaz: sure16:58
ScottK-palmUbuntu specific stuff comes up on postfix-users mail list frequently.16:58
* kirkland is on vacation next week ;-)16:58
ivoksScottK-palm: like?16:59
ScottK-palmI think someone should be watching other upstream venus too.16:59
zulkirkland: nyeah nyeah nyah :P16:59
mathiazallright - so same place, same time16:59
ivoksScottK-palm: i'm on bacula's dev list16:59
mathiazsee ya next week and happy iso-testing16:59
ScottK-palmThe latest was a dovecot sasl configuration issue.17:00
sommerScottK-palm: I'm on the openldap dev list :)17:00
nijabathanks mathiaz17:00
zulScottK-palm: im on several mailing lists17:00
mathiazScottK-palm: I think most of us are one upstream mailing lists17:00
ScottK-palmPostfix chroot by default comes up frequently.17:01
=== sommer is now known as sommer_
ScottK-palmMaybe we should check and see if everything is covered.17:01
ScottK-palmMaybe a wiki page .....17:02
nealmcbScottK-palm: then we can harvest good addresses to spam postfix lists :)17:03
nealmcbnot that there aren't much more effective ways.....17:04
ScottK-palmAnything else?17:05
* ScottK-palm guesses not. See you all later.17:07
=== sommer_ is now known as sommer
=== ubottu changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Current meeting: Bugs for Hugs Day | Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 24 Jun 18:00 UTC: LoCo Council | 25 Jun 17:00 UTC: QA Team | 25 Jun 22:00 UTC: Platform Team | 26 Jun 10:00 UTC: MOTU School Session - Apport retraces | 26 Jun 13:00 UTC: Desktop Team
=== Rafik_ is now known as Rafik
ubottupopey: Schedule for Etc/UTC: Current meeting: Bugs for Hugs Day | 24 Jun 18:00: LoCo Council | 25 Jun 17:00: QA Team | 25 Jun 22:00: Platform Team | 26 Jun 10:00: MOTU School Session - Apport retraces | 26 Jun 13:00: Desktop Team18:00
=== thekorn_ is now known as thekorn
ubottuboredandblogging: Current time in Etc/UTC: June 24 2008, 17:23:21 - Current meeting: Bugs for Hugs Day18:23
popeyboredandblogging: I will be a bit late for the loco meeting, putting kids to bed18:32
boredandbloggingpopey: thats fine18:48
boredandbloggingdoesn't look like there is much on the agenda18:49
lukehasnonameboredandblogging: I thought you were a bot18:50
boredandblogginglukehasnoname: i've been called worst things :-P18:50
slangasekmathiaz: hum, I see intrepid ubuntu-server dailies building just fine; I haven't been the one posting any of these to the tracker yet for intrepid, I don't know who has done that for the ones listed18:53
=== ubottu changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Current meeting: LoCo Council | Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 25 Jun 17:00 UTC: QA Team | 25 Jun 22:00 UTC: Platform Team | 26 Jun 10:00 UTC: MOTU School Session - Apport retraces | 26 Jun 13:00 UTC: Desktop Team
boredandbloggingjuliux: ping19:01
boredandbloggingeffie: ping19:01
boredandbloggingJanC: ping19:01
JanCpong  ツ19:01
boredandblogginghi JanC19:01
boredandbloggingJanC: guess when Popey shows up we can start19:07
JanCyeah, I saw about the kids  ツ19:08
fetovahi, i have a little ask...19:12
fetovahere says "The next meeting is scheduled for [WWW] 25-Jun-2008 at 00:00:00 UTC"19:13
fetovaand just be sheduled there19:13
fetovait's fine?19:14
JanCthe kids wanted to hear stories about a farm?  ;)19:16
boredandbloggingfetova: should be on the fridge calendar, but its not19:17
fetovayeah... i was thinking that...19:18
fetovathat going to be?19:18
boredandbloggingfetova: I'll add it19:19
fetovaok, thanks! :D19:19
* fetova a candidate... and be nervious... :P19:19
JanCboredandblogging, popey : we're only the three of us?19:20
boredandbloggingJanC: looks like it19:20
popeylooks that way right now19:21
boredandbloggingthat ccHost thing has been on the agenda, but doctormo isn't around to talk about it19:21
JanCany other people around who wanted to talk about that?19:22
JanCor any people around from the Macedonian team?19:22
boredandbloggingthe only person I've seen mentioning it is doctormo19:22
boredandblogginglooks like its going to be a short meeting :-P19:23
JanCarangel (the team contact) seems to be in #ubuntu-mk, will I try to wake him/her?  ;)19:26
JanCor do we say that's not our task...?19:27
boredandbloggingits not our task19:27
boredandbloggingthe agenda says to show up at the meeting in bold letters19:28
boredandbloggingat the last meeting we did talk about getting the ubuntu-arabic team a mailing list19:28
boredandbloggingshould we just put in a request at rt@ubuntu.com and see what happens?19:28
popeyneed someone from the arabic speaking world to manage it tho19:29
JanCI think we can even *approve* this in rt, except nobody told us how  ;)19:29
boredandbloggingpopey: we can probably assign Syntux to do that for now19:33
boredandbloggingsince he seems to be the driver19:34
popey+1 )19:36
popeyAAARGH my eyes!19:37
popey:) ah, there they are19:37
boredandblogginghuats had asked about the twinning stuff we talked about19:37
boredandbloggingdo we want to come up with some ways to move that along?19:38
=== ubottu changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Current meeting: LoCo Council | Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 25 Jun 00:00 UTC: Americas Ubuntu Membership Approval Board | 25 Jun 17:00 UTC: QA Team | 25 Jun 22:00 UTC: Platform Team | 26 Jun 10:00 UTC: MOTU School Session - Apport retraces
huatshi guys19:39
boredandblogginghi huats19:43
boredandblogginghuats: did you have any ideas on twinning?19:43
huatsnot really so far19:43
huatswell appart from the fact that it is a good idea19:44
huatsand that it is something that we can help with (speaking with the ubuntu-fr hat on)19:44
boredandbloggingright, there are definitely some good teams out there19:45
huatsbut I really thing it is something to work on...19:49
huatsto define a spec and to deal with it all together19:49
JanCdo we need a spec for it?19:51
JanCI think twinning can be very useful, but how it happens might be very different depending on the case?19:52
huatsmay be to define what with expect of the twinning19:52
boredandbloggingyes, thats a good idea19:52
huatssince I sure nobody will have the same idea19:52
huatsI was thinking of a wiki page for starting19:52
boredandblogginghuats: did you want to work on it?19:55
JanCmaybe just start one with your ideas and invite people to add comments?19:55
huatsboredandblogging: sure20:02
huatssorry for the delay20:02
huatsbut we are currently having our regular meeting in the french loco20:02
huatsand since I am the new leader I am leading the meeting :)20:03
huatsbut I will start that20:03
huatsand send it on the loco-contacts list as soon as I have something20:03
juliuxsorry for being late20:03
juliuxi had to buy my new kitchen20:03
juliuxboredandblogging: JanC popey sorry20:06
popeyno worries, you didn't miss much20:06
huatshey juliux20:07
huatsthanks for inviting us al for testing the great food of the new kitchen :)20:07
JanCright, I guess we can say the meeting is closed now?  ;)20:14
boredandblogginghah, yeah20:14
=== ubottu changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Current meeting: Bugs for Hugs Day | Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 25 Jun 00:00 UTC: Americas Ubuntu Membership Approval Board | 25 Jun 17:00 UTC: QA Team | 25 Jun 22:00 UTC: Platform Team | 26 Jun 10:00 UTC: MOTU School Session - Apport retraces | 26 Jun 13:00 UTC: Desktop Team
arangelping JanC, i know im late (a few hours) but if you need any more info on that application let me know..20:57
JanCarangel: you'll have to come back next time...20:58
arangelin a month? :)20:58
JanCprobably, keep an eye on the agenda20:59
JanCand if you can't come, maybe other people from your team can come20:59
arangelJanC: well from what i see you hold the meetings every month so probably next month21:00
arangelJanC: can you give me some more info about what needs to be done at the meeting?21:00
JanClast meeting was 2-3 weeks ago, but I suspect it will be a month this time21:01
arangeli mean, you have all the info, we are obviously functioning okay as a team without being an official team.. what else do you guys need (just asking)?21:01
arangelJanC: okay, cool, i ll try to make it for next time21:02
JanCarangel: you will be asked to give a short intro about your LoCoTeam, then we'll look at the info (or we'll have looked at it before the meeting) and ask questions21:02
JanCit's up to you and other team members who attend the meeting to answer them  ;)21:03
JanCand if we like what we see, you'll be approved, otherwise we will ask you to come back21:04
JanC(this is the procedure in general lines)21:04
arangelJanC: okay, thanks for the clarification.21:04
JanCI saw the team started working on HOWTOs, probably next meeting you will be able to show us some   ;)21:06
arangelJanC: it's more of a passive team, most of the people have full time jobs and usually join when we need to do something (e.g translate/import applications on Launchpad before a release), but there are some HOWTo's being produced on the forums..21:10
JanCyeah, I read about the free t-shirts for 4 howtos (or something like that)21:11
arangeljust an idea to motivate people. :)21:11
arangelit's actually down to 1 detailed howto these days :)21:12
ubottufetova: Current time in Etc/UTC: June 24 2008, 20:26:06 - Current meeting: Bugs for Hugs Day21:26
RoAkSoAx@schedule lima21:46
ubottuRoAkSoAx: Schedule for America/Lima: Current meeting: Bugs for Hugs Day | 24 Jun 19:00: Americas Ubuntu Membership Approval Board | 25 Jun 12:00: QA Team | 25 Jun 17:00: Platform Team | 26 Jun 05:00: MOTU School Session - Apport retraces | 26 Jun 08:00: Desktop Team21:46
pwnguinis @schedule chicago21:54
pwnguin @schedule chicago21:54
pwnguin@schedule chicago21:55
ubottupwnguin: Schedule for America/Chicago: Current meeting: Bugs for Hugs Day | 24 Jun 19:00: Americas Ubuntu Membership Approval Board | 25 Jun 12:00: QA Team | 25 Jun 17:00: Platform Team | 26 Jun 05:00: MOTU School Session - Apport retraces | 26 Jun 08:00: Desktop Team21:55
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ubottufetova: Current time in Etc/UTC: June 24 2008, 21:49:08 - Current meeting: Bugs for Hugs Day22:49
ggomez91uhm ya hay gente aqui23:15
=== sbeattie_fud is now known as sbeattie
=== effie is now known as effie_jayx

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