
RoAkSoAxone question, in build-depends, is it ok to put like this: mono-gmcs (>= 1.9.1+dfsg-1ubuntu1) or could it just be like this: mono-gmcs (>= 1.9)00:17
RoAkSoAxasac, is this ok for debian/changelog??: - debian/rules: Added configure flag to pass libxul-embedding-unstable as default00:24
asacRoAkSoAx: does it work?00:24
RoAkSoAxasac, yep00:24
RoAkSoAxit builds00:25
asacRoAkSoAx: yes, document remaining changes00:25
asacand add that youa dd ed the configur flag to fix build-bustage :)00:25
RoAkSoAxasac, is it ok like this: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/22463/ ???00:28
asacRoAkSoAx: why not. maybe make one sentence out of the last changelog entry00:32
RoAkSoAxasac, ok thank you very much for your help. i really appreciate it :D00:33
asacRoAkSoAx: welcome00:35
asacRoAkSoAx: are you here regularly?00:35
LaneyRoAkSoAx: The LP syntax should be (LP: #xxxxxx)00:35
asaci am about to update gecko-sharp ... once that is done blam might need a respin or something00:35
asaccannot tell for sure right now ;)00:35
asacjust wanted to let you know00:36
RoAkSoAxasac, yeah i'm usually around... just ping me when you update gecko-sharp to check it then.. i'll wait before i suscribe it to u-u-s00:36
asacRoAkSoAx: no, go ahead and get your merge in now00:37
asacwe can fix it once the gecko-sharp update gets in00:37
RoAkSoAxok cool then ;)00:38
RoAkSoAxLaney, ok ;)00:38
RoAkSoAxasac, oh btw.. would it be better to have  mono-gmcs (>= 1.9.1+dfsg-1ubuntu1) or  mono-gmcs (>= 1.9) in Build-Depends?00:38
asacRoAkSoAx: depends on what the requirements are. if you need at least the 1.9.1+dfsg-1ubuntu1 package then you need to specify that00:39
asacif you just need any package build from >= 1.9 upstream release00:39
asacuse the latter form00:39
RoAkSoAxasac, the build-depends in hardy was mono-mcs (>= 1.1.17) and in debian is mono-gmcs (>= 1.2.6), so i guess i just can leave it like the newer debian... without raising it right? or it would be better to change it to >= 1.9.100:43
RAOFUnless you know that it'll fail with < 1.9, you should leave it at >= 1.2.600:45
asacRoAkSoAx: depends on whether it would build with 1.2.67 ;)00:45
asacerr 1.2.600:45
asacmost likely thats a theoretical question00:45
RoAkSoAxyeah, so i'll leave it with 1.9.100:46
asacwhy 1.9.1?00:46
asaci'd say if you are unsure, just leave it at whatever debian maintainer says00:46
RoAkSoAxasac, ok, will do, thanks :)00:46
RAOFThe pkg-cli-apps team is generally pretty good about that :)00:47
emgenthi RAOF00:55
RAOFemgent: Howdie.00:56
emgentRAOF: have you time for one fast upload ?00:57
RAOFemgent: Not right now, but I may later?00:57
emgentok np00:58
emgentBug #24251700:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 242517 in tmsnc "Stack-based buffer overflow in tmsnc CVE-2008-2828" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24251700:58
emgentfor intrepid it`s ready.00:58
emgenti go to work for other ubuntu version00:59
emgenthi persia00:59
rawlerok, I've got this software I want in Ubuntu... I've registered a packaging-request (bug#242481) and created an amateurish package that seems to include the most important stuff (I.E SHOULD be basically ok to include as-is)... is there anything else I should do to ensure MOTU doesn't miss it before Intrepid?01:25
persiarawler: Upload it to REVU for comments and corrections.01:27
ubottuREVU is a web-based tool to give people who have worked on Ubuntu packages a chance to "put their packages out there" for other people to look at and comment on in a structured manner. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Packages/REVU01:27
rawlerpersia: ok, thanks.. will look into it..01:29
rawlerok, the REVU-page tells me to ask here for keyring-sync.. someone awake with a quick-button? :)01:32
sommerhey all, I was taking a look at the ldapscripts package and had a question about the debian/patches/help-options.patch file01:38
sommerthe file references several bin/*.patch files that aren't in the original source... should those be there?01:39
sommernm, they're in the bebian package as well... so I guess they belong :)01:44
rawleroh, well.. no REVU-admin awake.. I guess I should go to sleep anyways.. see you all in the morning.. :)01:53
persiarawler: I'll do a sync: sorry for being distracted01:53
rawler*ahh* no probs at all.. :)01:54
persiarawler: sync complete.  Try an upload...02:04
rawlergreat! thanks.. :)02:04
rawlerbut, ehm.. I already did an upload before, and that "worked" (as in, I was allowed to upload).. will that create problems?02:05
persiarawler: Which package?02:07
rawlerwell, it seemed to have worked anyways.. I'm in.. thanks a LOT.. :)02:12
rawlerbtw, is REVU the same system that MOTU uses for uploads?02:13
ScottKrawler: No.  MOTU upload direct to the archive.  REVU is for package review.  dput is generally what we use to upload to the archive though.02:18
rawlernevermind.. i MUST go to bed.. I'll move my apartment in two days, so quite some things to do the next days..02:18
rawlerok, thanks for the help.. see you!02:18
SpookyETI find this annoying, yet useful02:26
SpookyETbzr tag $(head -n 1 debian/changelog | sed -e 's/[^(]*(\([^)]*\).*/\1/')02:26
persiaSpookyET: You might also find the parsechangelog script useful.02:27
SpookyETpersia: link?02:34
gnomefreakdont we have skype in repos?02:40
pwnguingnomefreak: medibuntu does02:41
StevenKI didn't think it was distributable?02:41
gnomefreakpwnguin: thanks02:41
pwnguincannonical might02:41
SpookyETpersia:  dpkg-parsechangelog | grep Version | sed 's/Version: //'02:42
SpookyETA little more readable, I suppose02:42
StevenKcut -d\  -f202:43
StevenKSpookyET: You can use 'cut -d\  -f2' instead of sed 's/Version: //'02:46
crimsun_pssht, awk '/^Version/ {print $2}'02:47
SpookyETI had a fail push to launchpad. Now, I got a lock until 2:3102:47
SpookyETalways wanted to learn awk02:48
SpookyETI suppose you can use perl and python as well02:49
StevenKI was suggesting cut since it's a little more light weight than sed02:49
RAOFSpookyET: You can't just bzr break-lock?02:59
SpookyETRAOF: the lock is on the server03:00
StevenKSpookyET: That's what break lock does03:03
SpookyETdid nothing03:03
SpookyETbzr break-lock;bzr push03:04
StevenKNo, you need to provide the remote repo03:04
StevenKbzr break-lock <URL>03:04
SpookyETshould not it use the default03:04
SpookyETbzr push --remember03:04
SpookyETfixed. thanks03:06
kgoetzhi motus. i tried to dput a package to a ppa on LP, but forgot to specifiy a target. dput uploaded and (amidst other messages) told me: "Uploading to ubuntu (via ftp to upload.ubuntu.com)". does this mean i've accidentally attempted to upload to ubuntu?04:52
kgoetztrying again with correct config loads to ppa.launchpad.net, so i'im guessing i did. :( is there some action i need to take to de-clutter the build cue before itgets around to rejecting the upload, or just leave it be?04:54
ScottKIt means you tried to upload to Ubuntu.  It'll get rejected.04:55
ScottKIt's not a problem.  Everyone has done it.04:55
TheMusoI would think that if your key wasn't in one of the keyrings, it would reject it outright, before anyone saw it in any queue.04:55
kgoetzthanks both. do i wait for a rejection email, or it'll throw it out silently?04:57
kgoetzoh, emails here04:57
kgoetz" Signer has no upload rights at all to this distribution.: \o/ thank you!04:58
kostmoI'm trying to get debian/rules to use my setup.py to prepare the package, but the resulting .deb will not install the python files05:03
kostmodoes anyone have experience rolling .deb's of python applications?05:03
kostmomy setup.py: http://paste.ubuntu.com/22513/05:05
kostmoand debian/rules: http://paste.ubuntu.com/22514/05:06
wgrantsuperm1: Around?05:07
superm1yeah.  wgrant05:07
superm1glanced over vlc and nothing stood out, but i was holding off a response until i could more throroughly look05:07
wgrantRIght, thanks.05:07
wgrantIt seems to work fine.05:07
superm1i say push it, and if we catch something we'll fix it05:07
wgrantSounds good.05:08
wgrantI'll mangle the version, as our upstream tarballs are named oddly.05:08
superm1how are you going to handle that?05:08
wgrantHopefully we can fix that once they finally get around to releasing 0.9.005:08
superm1i was wondering about htat05:08
wgrantI just need to throw a 'release.' before the 'e' in the Debian version.05:09
wgrantAnd take not to merge it manually.05:09
superm1ah didn't realize you'll have rights to fix it in debian05:09
wgrantNo, I don't.05:10
wgrantI'll just rename the tarball in Ubuntu.05:10
RAOFkostmo: You should, at least, be using one of dh_pysupport or dh_pycentral05:10
superm1oh okay05:10
wgrantArgh. The tarballs differ, of course.05:10
wgrantBecause of the embedded x264 and co.05:10
RAOFWhy is it so hard for AV guys to release and use _libraries_?05:11
superm1maybe can you get siretart to change the name in debian?05:11
superm1or add an epoch possibly05:11
wgrantNo point.05:11
wgrantIt'll be for a few months at most.05:11
superm1RAOF, everyone goes around and adds support for their own set of patches05:11
superm1it sucks05:12
superm1but everyone's come to live with it05:12
wgrantI'll just make the tarball 0.8.6.release.e+debian or something.05:12
wgrantAnd hope they upload 0.8.6h at some point soon.05:12
wgrantOh blergh.05:17
wgrantOurs has a +x264... at the moment, so it'll have to be +xdebian or so.05:17
superm1this is getting worse and worse05:18
superm1i am really starting to think epoch's sound more attractive05:18
wgrantUpstream has 0.8.6h though, so this shouldn't be for long.05:18
wgrantBut the .release will be here for a while.05:18
kostmoI am also getting a lintian error: file-in-etc-not-marked-as-conffile05:18
wgrantAn epoch is overkill if we just have to wait for a new minor upstream version...05:18
kostmothe details of that error message don't tell you how to fix it05:19
wgrantkostmo: You probably want to use CDBS' distutils support which makes debian/rules trivial.05:19
kostmoI don't know much about CDBS.  Thanks, I'll look into it.05:20
superm1wgrant, have you asked siretart when he is getting 0.8.6h in debian?05:20
wgrantsuperm1: I hadn't. As it has had a number of NMUs lately, I don't think it likely it will be soon.05:21
superm1wgrant, okay well just make sure you document what to do in the cases of merges/updates until 0.8.6h then i suppose in a README.Ubuntu or something05:22
wgrantI've got it in the changelog.05:22
wgrantAs it fits in two lines, and the changelog is fairly long otherwise.05:22
superm1k :)05:23
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moosepantsHi Masters. I am currently building a package for the new Subversion 1.5 for Hardy. When I'm done is there a repo where someone would be interested in having this put, considering it's not going to be an official upgrade path?06:50
nxvlyou can use ppa06:51
nxvlor try to upload it to intrepid06:51
persiamoosepants: Which version of subversion?06:51
persiamoosepants: Looks like there were still some issues with perl, Java, and ruby on Friday.  I'd probably recommend a PPA for now.06:54
man-dimoosepants: Debian has subversion 1.5.0 already. What dont you just sync it?06:54
persiaThe official upgrade path is likely to be a merge with Debian 1.5.0dfsg1-1, and then a possible backport to Hardy.06:54
moosepantspersia: When is that likely to occur?06:54
persiaman-di: Are the issues that keep it in experimental resolved?  I thought the candidate was a work in progress.06:54
man-diI dont know, I'm not involved in that. I just thought that its ridicolous to start another packaging of subversion06:55
persiamoosepants: I'm not sure of dates, but I'd suspect that the remaining issues with 1.5.0 will be resolved in the next few weeks.  That will push past DIF, but it's a sufficiently high-profile pplication as to when it gets merged.06:55
persiaErr.  It's a sufficiently high profile application it will likely be merged in a few weeks.06:56
persiaWere I you, I'd start playing with the Debian revision, and see how well it works for you, rather than duplicating the work.06:56
persiaman-di: That I'd agree with06:57
man-dipersia: I hoped so. :-)06:57
moosepantsHrm. Well, we need it nowish (I have been holding off some big merges awaiting merge-tracking), so I'll have a go with the Debian version, although I'm 95% done making my own package, provided it tests OK06:57
persiamoosepants: You might look at the changelog for 1.4.6dfsg1-2ubuntu1: it likely has fairly clear hints about what ubuntu modifications are useful.06:58
RAOFThe merge is likely to be fairly awkward; I looked at merging a not-1.5 version to fix the libsvn-perl-rebuild-against-5.10 problem, and there was all sorts of fun awaiting.06:59
RAOFBut if you're just interested in a working svn 1.5, simply building the debian package against hardy should be reasonable.07:00
moosepantsRAOF: Cool, thats what I'm in the middle of now.07:01
dholbachgood morning07:05
moosepantspersia: Where did you look to see that there were issues on Friday?07:09
nxvldholbach: good $TIME_IN_YOUR_TZ07:10
dholbachnxvl: and the same to you :)07:11
persiamoosepants: I was reading the changelog on the version uploaded to Debian experimental on Friday: indicated some issue with Java, and a couple extra patches for perl and ruby.  There is often benefit to looking at the code referenced by the changelog entry if one plans to extend it.07:12
moosepantspersia: Cheers, I will have a look myself. I am pretty new to the debian/ubuntu packaging world, so have little idea. Thanks anyway07:14
siretartwgrant: superm1?07:51
siretartmorning folks!07:51
siretartwgrant: if you want to work on vlc, I very much welcome you to prepare the latest upstream release as maintainer upload to debian, which I'll happily sponsor for you. xtophe, the vlc guy caring for the debian package seems to be pretty MIA and we badly need a fixed vlc in debian rather soon07:53
wgrantsiretart: Evening.07:53
wgrantsiretart: Sure, I'll see what I can do about preparing 0.8.6h tonight.07:53
wgrantIt has had 3 NMUs since the last MU :(07:53
siretartwgrant: yeah, that's really unfortunate07:55
wgrantOh dear. It has a few bugs open.07:57
siretartbut it seems xtophe touched the team's svn last week07:58
siretartvlc (0.8.6.f-1) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium07:59
wgrantThat's still rather prehistoric.08:01
siretarthm. I see08:02
YokoZarWill update manager install a (new) recommends to a package?08:03
persiaYokoZar: Yes, unless the user has configured it otherwise.08:04
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YokoZarpersia: umm, how does one configure update-manager?08:05
wgrantsiretart: Well, it looks like he's onto it, so I won't interfere.08:06
siretarthe's onto it since quite some time. feel free to poke him as well ;)08:07
persiaYokoZar: Either fiddle with apt.conf, or use arguments to apt-get to set policy.08:08
persiaupdate-manager uses either python-apt or synaptic internally, depending on the type of upgrade.  In either case, it accepts base apt configurations, and in the synaptic case, it also follows synaptic configuration.08:08
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dholbachlet's do some sponsoring - who's in for it? :)09:59
* dholbach looks at wmifs09:59
DktrKranzI did some earlier, about ten bugs09:59
* dholbach high-fives DktrKranz :)10:00
* DktrKranz hugs dholbach 10:00
* wgrant is a bit busy trying not to strangle vlc developers.10:00
dholbachwgrant: sponsoring will make you think of something else - voilà! :)10:01
wgrantThey don't bother to release security patches, and they've recently moved to git, so the SVN revision references in the tickets on their bugtracker aren't useful to find patches :(10:01
DktrKranzelegant way to say: "stop what you're doing and go processing u-u-s queue" :)10:01
* dholbach looks at windowlab10:02
wgrantI was going to do some yesterday, but then realised I was no longer in u-u-s, so couldn't unsubscribe them.10:02
dholbachwgrant: adding you10:02
wgrantdholbach: Thanks.10:03
* dholbach hugs wgrant10:03
directhexi wonder if i have anything awaiting sponsorship in universe10:03
directhexjust main, i think10:03
dholbachat least the sync requests should be easy to ACK10:04
directhexi'm awaiting a couple of packages to go into debian before sync requesting, too10:05
persiaWhy are sync requests easier to ack than other diffs?  Oughtn't one be reviewing past Ubuntu variation?10:05
* persia encourages sponsoring, just doesn't understand that point.10:05
DktrKranzright, syncs merges and standard debdiffs need the same attention. I'm focusing on merges/syncs right now, just to be sure to get rid of them before DIF10:06
wgrantpersia: It's easier to trust Debian than a Contributor. It's pretty easy to check if the diff is incorporated in Debian, not so easy to check that a Contributor diff is correct.10:07
dholbachpersia: I wasn't trying to say that one thing deserves more attention than another.10:07
persiawgrant: I guess.  I'm more worried about useful Ubuntu variation going missing, but maybe my experience isn't typical.10:07
dholbachalso the description in sync requests is often more explicit10:07
* dholbach looks at lasso10:08
* dholbach looks at giftrans10:13
* dholbach looks at memaker10:24
directhexhm, nope, i got nothin' in universe currently10:26
directhexor nothing waiting, anyway10:26
directhexxsp i want to see updated in debian first, but i could put out a 0ubuntu1 package if pushed10:28
persiadirecthex: Better to wait for Debian to ensure the same orig.tar.gz,  If you want to prep a debian update candidate, ask the maintainer if help would be welcome.10:29
directhexpersia, done and done. he's just busy.10:30
directhexi'll take a peek at monodevelop, that would be useful10:31
directhexehm, looks like it's unbuildable on intrepid right now10:33
* dholbach looks at planner10:37
directhexhm, uninstallable, not unbuildable. automatic versioned dependencies are old. just needs a rebuild10:37
directhexbleh! someone already did it, as a 1ubuntu2 package. stupid merge-o-matic10:44
directhexthat was a waste of time10:44
siretartwgrant: oh, I see you uploaded a new vlc 3 hours ago. I've refreshed the patches for version 0.8.6h in the debian svn11:10
wgrantsiretart: I did, so we can easily merge from Debian now.11:10
siretartwgrant: moreover, I think we agreed on dropping the x264 and faad copies so vlc can be promoted to universe again11:11
wgrantsiretart: x264 is in multiverse, and we now depend on it.11:12
wgrantSo unless we can promote it, vlc can't go back.11:12
sebnerDktrKranz: ping11:13
DktrKranzsebner: 150 euros... ehm... pong11:13
sebnerDktrKranz: rofl11:13
sebnerDktrKranz: my libnxml merge. What sense does it make to keep the versioning on cdbs? I introduced it to fix gutsy backport but how big is the change that this version gets backported intrepid->hardy->gutsy?11:14
* sebner winks mok0 11:14
mok0Long time no see11:14
sebnermok0: you or me? ^^11:15
mok0Long time no see me11:15
DktrKranzsebner: bug number?11:15
sebnerDktrKranz: bug #22562611:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 225626 in libnxml "Merge libnxml 0.18.2-3 from Debian(Unstable)" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/22562611:15
sebnermok0: then welcome back ^^11:15
mok0sebner: thx. Not quite back though11:16
mok0sebner: working on a manuscript11:16
DktrKranzsebner: current cdbs version is higher than the one you mention, but if you try to backport it in the future, you'll get FTBFS11:16
DktrKranzsince we keep merging clean-la.mk11:17
sebnerDktrKranz: for gutsy but not for hardy11:18
DktrKranzwhat if someone wants it for dapper?11:19
DktrKranz(or any supported series <= gutsy)11:19
sebnerDktrKranz: then we reintroduce the fix. But the chance isn't that high since no one requested a backport of the hardy version to gutsy11:20
DktrKranzI agree, usually backports requests are for current stable release11:21
sebnerDktrKranz: so go and upload it and stop complaining :P11:21
DktrKranzbut I'm not a backporter, maybe you can ask them advices :)11:21
wgrantsiretart: Is x264 in multiverse purely due to patent concerns?11:22
* sebner --> lunch11:23
* directhex patents frivolous software patents11:23
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Laneydholbach: re: giftrans. Does depending on a non-existant package as part of an alternative matter?11:24
DktrKranzsoren: network-manager-{vpnc,openvpn} are out-of-date looking at GNOME SVN, mind if I have a look at them?11:24
mok0Hmm, how do you configure terminator?11:27
sorenDktrKranz: Not at all. In fact, I'd be thrilled if you did. I been neglecting them big time.11:27
DktrKranzsoren: sure. I'll have a look (since I had some crashes with vpnc), not sure when, though.11:28
cbx33hey guys11:28
cbx33can someone tell me why11:28
sorenbecause, I mean.11:29
cbx33ocsinventory-server appears on http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/o/ocsinventory-server/11:29
cbx33and on pacakges.ubuntu.com11:29
sorenAw... Too bad. :)11:29
cbx33but apt-get can't find it11:29
wgrantcbx33: Because you haven't got your sources.list setup properly, I would suggest. But that can't be right.11:30
sorencbx33: How exactly can't apt-get find it?11:30
wgrantThere's an arch-indep binary published in both Hardy and Intrepid. All looks good to me11:32
siretartwgrant: it is an mpeg4 encoder, so yes11:32
wgrantsiretart: Lovely.11:33
siretartwgrant: I think it even was in debian at some point but got removed11:34
* cbx33 found the problm11:35
cbx33this box is a gutsy box11:35
wgrantcbx33: Heh, that would do it.11:36
cbx33damn box11:36
wgrantsiretart: Yep.11:36
wgrantHow I love software patents.11:36
wgrantI guess we'll have to carry that Debian diff forever.11:36
siretartwgrant: however we can and should work on minimizing it11:52
siretart(the diff)11:52
wgrantsiretart: It's pretty small now.11:53
siretartoh, cool11:54
wgrantThere's pulse, and x264.11:54
wgrantAnd xulrunner 1.9.11:54
siretartwgrant: would you mind uploading backports of vlc to the motumedia ppa, at least for hardy?11:54
wgrantAnd no iceape.11:54
wgrantsiretart: If you add me to motumedia, sure (I probably should join anyway). I left a while ago due to bugmail, but I can route that elsewhere now.11:55
siretartwgrant: done11:56
wgrantsiretart: Danke.11:56
wgrantsiretart: Apart from the pulseaudio plugin diff itself:12:01
wgrant 9 files changed, 64 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)12:01
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wgrantSo it's pretty small.12:01
siretartwgrant: oh, nice12:03
siretartis the pulseaudio plugin diff something that would be applicable to debian as well?12:03
wgrantIt's in the 0.9 branch upstream.12:04
siretartthen please file a bug with the patch attached12:04
wgrantWill do.12:04
wgrantsiretart: Ah, it's already there. Debian bug #471069.12:06
ubottuDebian bug 471069 in vlc "[patch] pulseaudio support" [Wishlist,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/47106912:06
siretartwgrant: excellent. thanks12:15
siretartnow we "only" need some hands to actually integrate them in the debian branch12:15
* siretart really should focus more on ffmpeg12:16
wgrantsiretart: The Debian vlc maintainer doesn't seem tooo inactive.12:16
siretartno he isn't. I see xtophe from time to time in #videolan12:17
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siretarthi sistpoty|work12:18
sistpoty|workhi siretart12:18
wgrantsiretart: I'm currently rolling an update to fix all vlc CVEs open in Hardy...12:18
wgrantI think it builds now.12:18
siretartwgrant: cool. thanks12:19
wgrantIndeed it does.12:19
sebnerhuhu sistpoty|work12:19
sistpoty|workhi sebner12:19
sistpoty|workwoohoo, maybe we'll do a FAUmachine release soon, thanks to your ideas siretart :)12:19
siretartsistpoty|work: cool! :)12:20
rawlerhey.. REVU complains about my tetzle-package, says that lintian thinks the Standards-Version is to high.. (3.8.0).. my local lintian on Hardy does not complain, should I still downgrade Standards-Version?12:22
sebnerrawler: no12:23
wgrantrawler: No. I'll throw a newer lintian on there some time tonight.12:23
rawlerokies.. great.. :)12:24
rawlerbtw, how long is it usually before someone has time to review a submitted package? hours, days or weeks?12:25
sebnerrawler: depending on how much you pay and how annoying you are12:26
wgrantsiretart: Any objections to me installing a backported 3.8.0-compatible lintian on spooky?12:26
rawlersebner: I don't pay, and I'm mildly annoying? :)12:27
sebnerweeks then :P12:28
wgrantIt is recommended to ask in here no more than once a day.12:28
wgrantSomebody will likely take notice of one of your requests.12:28
rawlerheh.. allright.. I'm just asking since I'm in the process of moving my apartment, so got lots of other stuff to do as well, and wants to know roughly what to expect, for planning.. :)12:30
LaneyI generally just put stuff in the queue and wait, normally takes a few days12:31
rawlerLaney: great.. thanks.. :)12:36
rawlerbtw, how important is the manpage of a single-binary game? (a QT4-puzzle-game)12:44
rawleror rather, how important is the missing-manpage lintian complaint?12:44
wgrantsiretart: It looks like vlc 0.9.0 will be out in a month, so the Pulse addition in Debian may not be necessary.12:49
RAOFrawler: I, personally, wouldn't sponsor a package at this stage without a manpage.  They're easy enough to write.12:49
Laneydholbach: Did you manage to fix that mouse problem you were having on Intrepid?13:40
dholbachLaney: no - do you have it too?13:41
Laneydholbach: Yeah, I just booted it up and it's stuck to a tiny area on the top left13:41
dholbachLaney: regarding the "| xf86-common" - having it shouldn't matter13:41
dholbachLaney: did you find anything out about it already? any bug report or anything?13:41
Laneydholbach: No, doing a bit of poking now13:42
Laneyand I'll get you a new debdiff in a sec13:42
dholbachLaney: take your time - I have a bunch of other things to finish first - but I'll get to it13:42
dholbachLaney: keep up the good work! :)13:42
LaneyThanks :D13:42
gnomefreakfor backport packages how is archive admins related to the process?13:54
jpdsgnomefreak: they do the backporting with their sscripts13:56
sebnerpersia: \o/ for the uqm-content sync but what about the merge :P13:56
gnomefreakjpds: so i would have one of them spin it and push?13:56
persiasebner: As soon as I can figure out git packaging properly, Debian will have a new revision with those changes.13:57
sebnerpersia: ah true you told me. YEAH sync :D13:57
sebnerember: ah gratulation!!!14:00
jpdsgnoeif you're in the ~ubuntu-backporters team, yes14:01
jpdsgnomefreak: ^14:02
gnomefreakjpds: thanks14:03
jpdsgnomefreak: otherwise, file a bug and wait for a backporters to approve it.14:03
gnomefreakjpds: its been there for over a month and they were subscribed14:04
gnomefreaknoone touched it and i would really like to get my plate cleaned up a bit14:04
wgrantgnomefreak: Filed against <release>-backports?14:04
gnomefreakwgrant: no i tried but it wouldnt allow me14:04
gnomefreaki tried caps and no caps14:05
wgrantgnomefreak: There is no restriction on filing bugs against projects...14:05
gnomefreakwgrant: Launchpad doesn't know of any source package named 'hardy-backports' in Ubuntu.14:06
sebnerpersia: when is the new u-u-c emblem introduced? or isn't that possible since the election escalated ^^14:06
persiagnomefreak: launchpad.net/hardy-backports/+source/foo14:06
jpdsgnomefreak: lp.net/hardy-backports14:06
persiasebner: Err.  Right.  I'll go look at doing that now.14:06
wgrantgnomefreak: Project, not sourcepackage.14:06
geserHi *14:07
sebnerpersia: *thanks*. wuhu. new icon for me \o/  xD14:07
gnomefreakwgrant: thanks so i can mark gutsy and hardy as invalid once *-backports is set?14:08
persiamok0: I'm looking at the wrench: it's 16x16, and I need 14x14.  Shall I trim one pixel from each edge, or do you want to resize in a more complicated way?14:09
mok0persia: the other emblems I have looked at are also 16x16, but displayed as 14x14 in the html14:10
persiamok0: OK.  LP tells me it wants 14x14.  If you're sure, I'll put it as is.14:10
mok0Yes, try it and see what happens :-)14:11
mok0persia: I presume the browser scales it14:11
sebnermok0: congratulation =)14:11
mok0sebner: thx :-)14:12
mok0I guess the wheel emblems can be used for something else14:12
persiamok0: It rejects it because it's not the right size.14:12
sebnermok0: I totally agree that a wrench represents me ^^14:12
mok0persia: do you have imagemagick?14:12
persiaI've tried a couple crops, and either it looks funny, or the proportions are wrong.14:12
persiaYou want the results of an imagemagick resize?  OK :)14:13
mok0persia: 2 secs14:13
wgrantgnomefreak: Please do.14:13
gnomefreakwgrant: i am14:13
gnomefreakpulseaudio isnt default in gutsy right?14:16
sebnergnomefreak: nope, since hardy14:17
gnomefreakthats gonna be an issue than :(14:17
gnomefreakgutsy+flash 10=not gonna work14:18
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sebnerDktrKranz: so, new debdiff for libnxml?14:19
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persiasebner: https://launchpad.net/people/+me14:33
sebnerdholbach: I found the mistake what caused the linkchecker FTBFS. README.txt should be README, Now it the question how I change that in debian/rules (cdbs). or I annoy upstream to cut this .txt thing ^^14:34
sebnerpersia: looks wired ^^14:34
sebnerdholbach: ah wait. the workaround is to comment out binary-post-install/linkchecker:: in debian/rules ^^14:35
persiasebner: When does it seek README?  You can probably get away with a custom hook (and it's not worth bothering upstream about, although Debian may be interested)14:35
sebnerpersia: I can comment out rm $(DOCDIR)/README  since it seems that it doesn't get copyed there. neither with nor without .txt14:36
persiasebner: Ah.  That works.14:38
sebnerpersia: HRMPF maybe I should add it in debian/linkchecker.docs   -.-14:38
persiasebner: Not if it was previously deleted post-install.  Are the contents interesting to users?14:39
sebnerpersia: written in this file: See doc/en/index.txt14:39
persiaThat would not be interesting to users, so it doesn't belong in debian/linkchecker.docs :)14:40
sebnerpersia: so I can comment out this binary-post-install/linkchecker:: rm $(DOCDIR)/README.txt   in debian/rules?14:41
sebnerpersia: sure since this file isn't there -.-14:41
persiasebner: As long as you understand what it was supposed to do, and why it isn't needed anymore, you can comment it out.14:43
sebnerpersia: I'll write a super long and great changelog entry :P14:44
sebnerpersia: btw, xgalaga got orphaned now14:45
directhexis it a big loss? </blasphemy>14:47
sebnerdirecthex: dunno, I just merged it last time (persia forced me :P) but I don't know if it's good or bad ^^14:48
persiaBeing orphaned just means that it's maintained by the Debian QA team, rather than anyone else.  it's not  poor reflection on the package.14:52
persiaWe *really* ought merge/sync orphan notices though, as it changes the appropriate contact point for questions about packaging.14:52
sebnerpersia: I never merged a package before that has only the changelog entry with "Orphaned" ^^14:53
persiasebner: It's pretty easy.  Just changes to changelog and control.14:53
sebnerpersia: I know. But it's somehow funny ^^14:55
persiaWhy funny?14:55
sebnerdunno XD. Don't try to understand me ^^14:56
sebnerpersia: do you want to upload my fix for linkchecker?15:11
persiasebner: Maybe.  It's late here.  I've promised myself to do a review of the sponsors queue tomorrow, so if the queue is slow, it may be me.15:12
sebnerpersia: ah sry, I didn't look at the time for your timezone. Well, I subscribe u-u-s then15:14
joejaxxanyone know how to get pbuilder to not cancel a root tarbal creation because it runs into problems (specifically the package state of intrepid)15:14
AnAntpersia: Hello15:36
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norsettosorry ...15:49
amikropHello. I am packaging a testing/toy Python application I made, with CDBS, for practice/experimentation/experience. The source files are: "setup.py" (the distutils setup script), "bar.py" (a dummy module), "main.py" (the main python script that imports "bar") and "foo", a bash executable for executing "main.py". How will CDBS handle "foo"'s case?15:50
amikropI think I need everything to go in /usr/lib/foo, apart from foo that will go in /usr/bin (in order to be in the PATH).15:51
amikropOr, is it made otherwise? I mean, bar.py goes into /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages and main.py does into /usr/bin?15:53
cocoa117hi, does anyone know when will this issue solved with Ubuntu hardy 8.04 on AMD64 platform?15:59
ubottuDebian bug 484758 in openoffice.org-gtk "openoffice.org-gtk: Menu displaced after the last gtk upgrade" [Important,Open]15:59
amikropWhat do I have to install, to use CDBS with Distutils?16:00
amikropGenerally, what do I need to install to use CBDS?16:00
cocoa117ubottu, u know about it?16:00
ubottucocoa117: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:00
amikrop* CDBS16:00
ubottuFactoid cdbs not found16:00
amikrop(I found out, the package "cdbs".)16:01
bliZZardzcocoa117: were you able to reproduce the issue?16:04
cocoa117just don't know where and how to report16:04
cocoa117i was hoping the bug has been fixed16:05
cocoa117blizzardz, i have to remove the openoffice.org-gtk package for my oo to work16:05
cocoa117can't really use it when it can't open a file16:06
sebnernorsetto: with fresh mind I'll fight flightgear soon =)16:09
norsettosebner: remember to lower your flightgear before landing16:10
cocoa117i have got ubuntu 8.04 on AMD64, with apt manger i have following repository clicked, hardy-security, hardy-updates and hardy-backports. The system is all up to date16:11
cocoa117the openoffice.org is version
sebnernorsetto: ^^ yes, thx for the hint with the lintian warnings. It's just that I won't change things like bumping the s-version to 3.8.0. Our goal is to *reduce* the delta :P16:12
cocoa117the OpenOffice works fine without installing openoffice.org-gtk package, which is 2.4.1-1ubuntu116:13
cocoa117after install it, the open file menu hung after click it16:13
sebnercocoa117: this isn't a support chan. try #ubuntu16:13
amikropDuring `$ dpkg-buildpackage` (CDBS and Distutils) I got this: `error: package directory 'bar' does not exist`. The setup.py is here: http://dpaste.com/58842/ ("setup.py", "foo" and "bar.py" are in the same directory).16:14
amikropThings worked just great, straightforward and simply, with CDBS (and Python's distutils). :-)16:24
tbfthere is a tool for comparing debian package versions on command line....16:31
tbf....what's its name again?16:31
ogradpkg ;)16:33
DRebellionHi! Could someone spare a minute of their time to review my package: http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?package=monkeystudio ? Thanks ;)16:33
* tbf reads the man-page of dpkg again16:33
ogratbf, dpkg --compare-versions 1 gt 2 || echo false16:33
tbfogra: oh! thanks alot.16:34
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* sistpoty|work heads home... cya18:03
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norsettoDktrKranz: any news about dudus and dcordero ?20:20
DktrKranznorsetto, unluckyly no :(20:21
norsettoDktrKranz: ok, this means we should consider them MIA?20:21
DktrKranzI guess so20:22
sebnernorsetto: what about Update of the Builds-Dependence to debhelper to >>5.0.0 ?20:35
norsettosebner: leave it as debian did20:36
sebnernorsetto: so I suppose also debian/watch  <-- since debian maintainer complained that we put extraload on the main mirror since we comment out the other mirror20:36
norsettosebner: who complained and where?20:37
sebnernorsetto: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=48050220:38
ubottuDebian bug 480502 in flightgear "Fix include ubuntu changes" [Unknown,Open]20:38
mandarinhi, i have a question. why is the eclipse package so old? it's still version 3.2.220:39
ScottKNo one was interested to update it.20:40
norsettosebner: you would have to ask huats why he made that change. If I remember it correctly, it just wasn't working.20:40
sebnerScottK: wasn't that a java issue? since debian is also waiting for the newest version to come out and package20:40
huatssebner: what is it about ?20:41
sebnernorsetto: kay, I'll check. And I decided to fix all the lintian warnings and give him a nice debdiff20:41
norsettosebner: check with him also with the file extension (yes, it should be png) and the download location20:41
norsettohuats: ^^20:41
huatsnorsetto !!!20:42
norsettohuats: its about flightgear, do you remember why we changed the watch file?20:42
sebnernorsetto: but isn't his reaction funny: What's wrong with the .desktop file xD20:42
huatsnorsetto: I changed it ? sure ?20:43
huatsI don't remember I did...20:43
norsettosebner: yeah, don't be bothered by that20:43
sebnernorsetto: ok ok, we'll fight down the delta :)20:43
norsettosebner: if the default mirror used by debian works, don't bother to change it, its not worth a delta20:52
sebnernorsetto: so all in all we'll just keep the icon thing, hmm?20:53
norsettosebner: possibly, but check if it can indeed be downloaded and change the extension in copyright20:55
norsettosebner: and don't forget the desktop change20:56
norsettosebner: IMHO also the docs change its worth keeping20:56
KopfgeldjaegerScottK: I now think there's no need for an SRU for bug #240191 . The authentication and uploading images works fine here, probably the problems appeared with a later version20:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 240191 in postr "Please backport or SRU postr 0.12.2-1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24019120:58
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ScottKKopfgeldjaeger: Please say so in the bug.21:04
sebnernorsetto: Newest version on remote site is 1, local version is 1.0.021:06
sebner => remote site does not even have current version21:06
sebner  xD21:06
ScottKIs this a sourceforge watch file?21:07
norsettosebner: which one is that? Check the regex and check directly what is the name of the tarball there.21:07
sebnernorsetto: mirror -> FlightGear-1.0.0.tar.gz21:08
sebnerScottK: nope21:09
ScottKOK.  If it was, then I'd blame the Debian sourceforge magic.  It's been funky lately.21:09
norsettosebner: ok, so it is likely the regex21:09
sebnernorsetto: I suppose a "version=1.0.0" is missing, hmm?21:10
norsettosebner: its not worth fixing this, just keep the one from Debian and alert the DM about the problem21:11
sebnernorsetto: great :) I will prepare a debdiff soon :)21:12
sebnerScottK: for courier we can't say "it's not worth fixing this", hmm :P21:12
ScottKWhich bug?21:12
ScottKWe just say it nicely.21:12
sebnerScottK: sry I mean:" just keep the one from Debian"21:13
sebnerjust a joke ;)21:14
norsettohuats: do you remember about the flightgear icon?21:14
sebnernorsetto: at least the download link isn't working anymore21:15
norsettosebner: yes, thats why I would like to hear from huats if he remembers anything about it21:16
huatsI might remember a few stuffs21:16
huatsthere was no icon at all21:16
huatsso I went in the sources of the flightgear and I found in an old version that icon21:17
huatsthat I've converted in xpm I think21:17
norsettohuats: ok, so it was in an old tarball? hmmm, the link we have in copyright doesn't work anymore21:18
huatsit was  the good link...21:18
huatsno way to find it in google cache ?21:19
norsettosebner, huats: Josh Babcock is mentioned in the changelog and also in emails in the flightgear-devel list (http://www.mail-archive.com/flightgear-devel%40flightgear.org/msg35007.html)21:28
sebnernorsetto: so?21:29
huatssebner: so you can contact him :)21:29
huatsnorsetto: sorry for not being really helpful21:29
sebnernorsetto: 2 days left ;)21:29
huatsI am in the middle of the regular meeting of the french loco... and since I am the new leader I am leading it :)21:30
norsettosebner: so, what are you waiting for?21:30
sebnernorsetto: finding the correct words :P21:30
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norsettohuats: hey leaders always say they have something urgent to do and leave the meeting to go and smoke a cigarette ;-)21:31
norsettosebner: you can also check if the icon is in the tarball already, or if it is only included with the windows package; in both cases there should be some documents about it21:32
norsettosebner: it doesn't hurt to show some initiative, don't expect there will always be somebody to tell you what you have to do21:34
sebnernorsetto: understood, thx21:35
sebnernorsetto: for W: flightgear source: debian-watch-file-missing-version21:55
sebner  I'd need the next flightgear version right?21:55
sebner+ to know21:55
norsettosebner: I don't know by heart, what lintian -i says?21:55
sebnernorsetto:  The first non-comment line of debian/watch should be a version declaration.21:56
norsettosebner: ok, thats the version=3 whatever line21:57
norsettosebner: if you check man uscan it says what that should be21:57
sebnernorsetto: ah I see, I was just wondering if I should write the next programm version there xD21:58
norsettosebner: no, no, its the watch file format version21:58
sebnernorsetto: yeah ^^, so now fixed all lintian warnings. just the icon thing is missing. I sent a mail to Josh Babcock since it's not in the tarball and my wlan sucks so I can't download big things22:00
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norsettosebner:ok, thx for all the work, lets wait for Josh now22:01
sebnernorsetto: well, I just try to show some initiative ;)22:01
norsettosebner: please do ;-)22:01
sebnernorsetto: I'm just really surprised that some debian maintainers doesn't want icons -.-22:02
norsettosebner: I don't think he doesn't, he needs to make sure that the icon is licensed correctly22:03
sebnernorsetto: maybe in this case but I think generelly22:04
norsettoemgent: any news about eggdrop?22:14
emgentnorsetto: not now, i worked in flybook for ubuntu intrepid these days22:16
emgentif sebner dont work to it i will do this night22:17
RoAkSoAxwhat's need to be done to eggdrop?22:17
norsettoemgent: ok, please lets try to have it before tommorrow night22:17
sebneremgent: hmm norsetto forgot to told you. eggdrop is yours. so I assigned it to you ;)22:17
emgentok norsetto sebner np i will do.22:18
RoAkSoAxwhat's need to be done to eggdrop? add the ssl patch and that's about it?22:19
* norsetto thinks that adding a statement about why debian bug 374568 won't be fixed was not a big effort22:19
ubottuDebian bug 374568 in eggdrop "eggdrop: SSL support" [Wishlist,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/37456822:19
rzrI just submitted a debian sync, should I do something more before the debianimportfreeze  day ?22:34
ScottKDid you subscribe ubuntu-universe-sponsors to the bug?22:34
rzrjust did now22:35
ScottKThen you're done.22:35
ScottKWeird.  Someone just /msg'ed me on a completely different IRC service about Ubuntu clamav packages.22:35
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rzrScottK: how long could it take now ?22:39
ScottKDepends on how much time sponsors have available.22:40
ScottKLots of requests, not so many sponsors.22:40
* ScottK would guess days, but not weeks.22:41
KopfgeldjaegerScottK: Added it to bug #24019122:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 240191 in postr "Please merge postr 0.12.2-1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24019122:55
norsettoScottK: did he check if that works in Intrepid?23:00
ScottKnorsetto: The bug was filed against a previous version, so I don't think it's needed.23:05
norsettoscottk: what I mean is that there is a chance this is just a sync (assuming python-nautilus is not needed as a dep). If (as I suspect) is needed than yes, we need to merge.23:06
RoAkSoAxemgent, what's need to be done to eggdrop ?23:10
emgentadd new ssl patch23:11
directhexssl? check for security holes!23:12
RoAkSoAxi think i did that already, would you take a look at it?23:12
emgentwe know directhex23:12
emgentRoAkSoAx: Bug #23662023:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 236620 in eggdrop "Merge eggdrop 1.6.19-1 from Debian(Unstable)" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/23662023:13
emgentif you like work to it, for me sounds good.23:13
RoAkSoAxemgent, should i attach my debdiff there?23:13
emgenti should work in other package too23:13
emgentRoAkSoAx: sure.23:13
emgentRoAkSoAx: you like work to it or not ?23:14
emgenttell me now if you like, i should know it :)23:14
RoAkSoAxemgent, i just attached the debdiff23:15
emgentok nice.23:16
emgentRoAkSoAx: tested ?23:16
ScottKnorsetto: I was more worried about do we need an SRU than the merge.23:16
RoAkSoAxember, just builded it23:16
emgentnorsetto: can you take a look for upload it ?23:17
RainCTemgent: ping23:18
emgentRainCT: pong23:18
RainCTemgent: what's with pam-fprint's libpam-dev dependency?23:19
emgentlibprintf-dev and other stuff23:20
emgentjust a moment launchpad is very slow23:20
emgentRainCT: https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/intrepid/+source/fprint-demo23:22
emgentdone :)23:23
emgentRainCT: thanks for ACK23:23
emgentQueued:  4 hours ago23:27
RainCTemgent: yeh, but it resolves the libpam-dev dependency correctly, or?23:27
emgentEstimated build start: 2008-06-2823:27
emgentRainCT: sure, it`s correct23:27
RainCTokay :)23:27
emgentlibfprint include libfprint0 and libfprint-dev23:27
* RainCT guesses he should get an intrepid pbuilder :P23:28
emgentheheh :)23:29
emgentanyway all package is in Ubuntu Flybook TEAM PPA23:29
emgentbuild and work fine23:29
emgentsee also my post in planet.u.c23:30
RainCTuhm.. that's evil, the pbuilder chroot hasn't nano instaŀled and I've to edit the sources.list with vim :(23:32
emgentRainCT: in pbuilder search libfprint-dev deps.23:33
RainCThow can I save with vim?23:33
ivokssounds like heaven to me :)23:33
emgentRainCT: :wq!23:33
ivoksi've tested fprint-demo on hardy23:34
ivoksworks great :D23:34
emgentsure :)23:34
ivokslooking forward to usable pam module ;)23:34
emgentpam-fprint too23:34
RoAkSoAxemgent, should i suscribed it to u-u-s or wait till norsetto takes a look at it?23:36
emgentRoAkSoAx: feel free so subscribe u-u-s now23:38
RoAkSoAxok cool thanks :)23:38
RainCTwell, good night23:38
emgentif norsetto have time, will upload it :)23:38
emgentRainCT: thanks and good night.23:39
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