
Nostahlanyone around?00:00
Hipsto1Nostahl you need to enable it in the video driver00:04
Nostahldo i have to enable restricted driver?00:06
Hipsto1I did. but your mileage may vary.00:07
Nostahlk enabled and restarted computer00:07
Hipsto1what brand video card are you using?00:08
Nostahlati allinwonder 9600 xt pro 128 meg00:08
Nostahli get video on the tv from bios post to splash screen great00:08
Nostahlah neato00:09
Nostahllooks like i got video just by enabled restricted driver heh00:09
Nostahlhave you encountered black and white s-video output?00:10
Hipsto1it may be a little fuzzy00:10
Nostahlit does it on my laptop for some reason00:11
Nostahlbut my new myth box looks like i got color00:11
Nostahlhard to tell with the grayscale theme lol00:11
Nostahlbut just seen colored box pop up as i was typing and i let out a squeek lmao00:11
Nostahli dont do that too many times in my life00:11
Nostahlyep i got color!00:12
Nostahlnow to see if sound is working00:12
Hipsto1i like the blue mythtv theme00:12
Nostahlthere we go got resolution all set00:14
Nostahltv's lookin smokin! heh00:14
Nostahlbe neato if my 5.1 surround worked out of the box heh00:14
Hipsto1whell how is the sound hooked up?00:15
Nostahlto soundblaster card00:15
Hipsto1i meant is there a cable for each speaker?00:17
Nostahlit goes through the sub00:17
Nostahland then out 3 cables to the soundcard00:17
Nostahlgreen black orange00:17
Nostahlhow well can you play movies through usb?00:20
Nostahlie on an external hd00:20
Hipsto1you may need to adjust the volume for each speaker00:20
Hipsto1front vs rear00:20
Nostahlgah i think it locked up?00:21
Hipsto1give it a minuet00:21
Nostahlcan i play movies from an external hd00:22
Hipsto1i dont know. in therory usb 2.0 should handle it.00:23
Nostahli'll let it sit a bit see if it comes through heh00:23
Hipsto1ok min is up. is it still locked?00:26
Nostahljust hit ctr alt backspace00:27
Nostahli think i forgot to install the codecs lol00:28
Nostahlgotta take it upstairs to connect to the net00:28
Hipsto1dont forget to download the tv listings00:30
=== tgm4883_laptop_ is now known as tgm4883_laptop
Hipsto1help! I cant get /usr/bin/mythbuntu-control-centre to open since the last myth update.00:46
Hipsto1it asks for my password, then flashes on the screen for less than a second and closes.00:48
tgm4883_laptopHipsto1, start it from the command line, see what errors there are00:48
Hipsto1i did. no errors00:49
tgm4883_laptop32-bit or 64-bit00:49
hadsTry with sudo00:49
Hipsto1denny@mythgate:~$ sudo /usr/bin/mythbuntu-control-centre00:50
Hipsto1[sudo] password for denny:00:50
Hipsto1Reading package lists... Done00:50
Hipsto1Building dependency tree00:50
Hipsto1Reading state information... Done00:50
Hipsto1Segmentation fault00:50
tgm4883_laptopwhat version of mcc do you have installed?00:50
Hipsto1now theres an error00:50
Hipsto1how do i tell?00:51
tgm4883_laptopuse synaptic00:51
hadsdpkg -l | grep mythbuntu-control00:51
tgm4883_laptop^^ works too00:52
Hipsto1denny@mythgate:~$ dpkg -l | grep mythbuntu-control00:53
Hipsto1ii  mythbuntu-control-centre                   0.28-0ubuntu1                                      Mythbuntu Configuration Application00:53
tgm4883_laptopHipsto1, i'm guessing you got that from proposed?00:55
Hipsto1no proposed is not enabled00:56
tgm4883_laptopwhere did you get it from then?00:57
Hipsto1update manager :-$00:58
tgm4883_laptopdo you have the ppa enabled?00:58
rhpot1991pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list00:59
rhpot1991!pastebin | Hipsto100:59
ZinnHipsto1: pastebin - Please use paste.ubuntu.com for all configs or multiple line output00:59
* tgm4883_laptop is leaving for dinner in 2 minutes01:01
* rhpot1991 is leaving for tv in -2 minutes01:01
tgm4883_laptoprhpot1991, does that mean your already watching tv for 2 minutes?01:01
rhpot1991its on, just waiting for my wife to show back up with the dogs01:01
Hipsto1# deb cdrom:[Mythbuntu 8.04 amd64]/ hardy main restricted universe01:02
Hipsto1deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hardy main restricted universe multiverse01:02
Hipsto1deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hardy-updates main restricted universe multiverse01:02
Hipsto1deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hardy-security main restricted universe multiverse01:02
Hipsto1deb-src http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hardy-updates main restricted universe multiverse01:02
Hipsto1deb-src http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hardy universe multiverse main restricted01:02
Hipsto1deb-src http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hardy-security main restricted universe multiverse01:02
Hipsto1deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hardy-backports restricted main multiverse universe01:02
Hipsto1deb-src http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hardy-backports restricted main multiverse universe01:02
rhpot1991pastebin that01:02
Hipsto1deb http://packages.medibuntu.org/ hardy free non-free01:02
tgm4883_laptopyea, that should be in a pastebin01:02
tgm4883_laptopplease don't dod that01:02
tgm4883_laptopon the other hand, i still don't know where you got it from01:02
tgm4883_laptopactually i take that back01:03
rhpot1991is my hardy01:03
tgm4883_laptoprhpot1991, sec01:04
tgm4883_laptop.28's in there since the 3rd01:04
rhpot1991I wonder why I don't have it yet01:05
tgm4883_laptopi don't have it either01:05
* tgm4883_laptop jabs superm1 with a poking stick01:05
Hipsto1ok is in pastebin01:06
rhpot1991ok leaving now01:06
Hipsto1may be a good thing you dont have it yet. since its giving me problems01:07
tgm4883_laptopHipsto1, I'll be back later to troubleshoot some more.  If you need MCC now, I'd recommend using synapic and forcing .2701:08
Hipsto1so what was the pastebin for?01:17
Hipsto1hello! anybody else here?01:20
kirklandsuperm1: ping02:19
kirklandsuperm1: I downloaded the mythbuntu iso to test; its md5sum looks good, but I can't for the life of me get it to burn cleanly.  it's failed for me 8 different times, on 3 different cd burners, in both k3b and brasero :-/02:20
* kirkland wonders if he has a bad batch of media....02:20
Nostahlhi all02:24
Nostahltrying to play dvd for the first time but its choppy02:24
Nostahlcan someone point me to a link where i can fix this02:24
kirklandsuperm1: okay, nevermind... bad media it is...  i have a spindle of 100 evidently worthless cdr's...  i burned to a dvd and it checks out fine02:26
Nostahlhow do i fix choppy dvd playback?02:26
kirklandNostahl: http://people.ubuntu.com/~kirkland/search.html?cx=003883529982892832976%3Aly2fmeg302s&cof=FORID%3A9&q=choppy+dvd+playback&sa=Search02:29
kirklandNostahl: a number of hits there02:29
kirklandNostahl: i'd start with https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs02:29
kirklandNostahl: see the trouble shooting section02:29
kirkland    *02:30
kirkland      Jerky Playback02:30
kirkland          o02:30
kirkland            If DVD playback is noticeably choppy or burning a CD/DVD is slower than it should be, then you may need to enable DMA transfer for the DVD drive. See the DMA (Direct Memory Access) page for details.02:30
Nostahlquick question to get me goin02:31
Nostahlwhats easyest way to find out what my rom is labled as ie hdc sda that type of thing02:32
Nostahlk its sayin Hdio_set_dma failed : inappropriate ioctl for device02:39
tgm4883_laptopHipsto1, the pastebin was so you don't flood the channel02:44
frozenskunkHello all! Can someone help me out getting my CommandIR working with mythbuntu 8.04? I had it working fine with 7.10 and when I upgraded it (among other things) stopped working. I have tried just about everything that I have found online, and think that I may have a problem with my hardware.conf file, but don't know for sure. It seems like it has been ridiculously difficult when the command IR site says it should 'just work', s03:17
killerbeesatemewould anyone be able to help me troubleshoot a connection to a remote mysql server issue?  I've already verified permissions, checked my configs, and i get a success in the mythbuntu config app03:28
frozenskunkI don't know if I can help, but I had an issue like that once. did you make sure to change the config ip from to whatever your actual ip is?03:29
killerbeesatemeyea, i've got the bind address on the server set to the external IP, and in the program itself it's registering the correct remote server IP03:30
killerbeesatemepermissions are set to allow the mythtv user connection from the host, and I manually checked the mysql.txt file in ~/mythtv/03:30
frozenskunkdid you set the ip in the myth config also, not just the mysql?03:31
frozenskunkThat was where I went wrong03:31
killerbeesatemeyea, the frontend config is looking good03:31
tgm4883_laptopHipsto1, ping03:31
frozenskunkWell, that's the extent of my knowledge on that one... Sorry.03:31
frozenskunkDon't suppose you know about getting a CommandIR to work with 8.04?03:32
killerbeesatemei don't actually.  my LIRC skills aren't going so well either.  i've can't seem to get my Hauppauge PVR150 blaster working on my Dish Network box either03:33
ShiftyPowersanyone know how why i have an extra encoder when i go to mythweb?03:33
ShiftyPowersi have 3 encoders but only 2 capture cards in my system03:33
Egghead2problem playing music from mythweb when i password secure it, plays mp3s fine without password, any ideas on what to try?03:33
Egghead2killerbeesateme, is your blaster led blinking? if so then its just probably the remote code03:35
Nostahlhrmm my am i not getting sound playing a video but i did when i was in dvd:rip ?03:36
killerbeesatemei can get it to blink via the command line, but past that i'm not getting anything during actual use03:36
frozenskunkI had it working just fine for a long time under 7.10, but the 8.04 upgrade killed it, and I can't figure it out for the life of me.03:37
Egghead2kellerbeez8u, hmmm it doest change chnls when whatching tv, but will chnge chnls via irsend?03:37
killerbeesatemeI haven't played with it for a week, but if i remember correctly it didn't change the channels, but it did actually blink while using the command line03:38
killerbeesatemeusing irsend03:38
Egghead2ahh then probably remote code, i might have corrct code, what ird do u have?03:39
Egghead2ie 2700, 2800, 380003:40
Nostahlanyone available to help me get sound up03:40
killerbeesateme301 i believe03:40
killerbeesatemesorry i'm not in front of it right now03:40
Egghead2ahhh no problem03:41
Egghead2i had a hella time finding right code to work with my dishnet 2800 and the haupauge pvr15003:41
frozenskunkEgghead2: Can you give me a hand figuring my commandIR out when you get done with helping killerbeesatme?03:42
Egghead2oh well i dont think 2800 is same as 30103:42
frozenskunkkillerbeesateme: Did you try the config ulitity from CommandIR? That worked fomr setting up my hauppage with my dish receivers. http://lircconfig.commandir.com/03:43
frozenskunkUnder 7.10 anyway...03:43
Egghead2killer, i finally gave up on the pvr150 blaster and solder to gether a simple serial blaster, worked like a charm, if you can solder and have an old remote control for the led, i recomend going that direction03:44
Egghead2frozen, sure03:44
Egghead2if i can, kinda a newb myself :)03:44
frozenskunkThanks, I had everything working just fine with 7.10, the upgrade to 8.04 killed my remote commands, I have reinstalled 8.04 from scratch to make sure I didn't have any files that just didn't get upgraded correctly. According to the commandIR website, 8.04 shold pretty much 'just work', so I think I'm missing something03:46
killerbeesatemeEgghead, thanks for the idea.03:46
Egghead2kilerr, no problem, had alot of issues with pvr blaster, been there myself03:47
Egghead2frozen, what remote and lirc setup03:47
killerbeesatemei'm ready to freak out at this frontend though.  i can do a command line client and connect to the stupid database, i can see the ports are open to the database, mythbuntu config says Success to the database, and mythfrontend has just decided it doesn't want to be my buddy03:47
frozenskunkI have tried all sorts of stuff, I can see input with mode2, but can't get irw going to check it, or see lircd running, I may have a problem with hardware.conf, but I'm not sure of anything03:48
frozenskunkI'm using a hauppage remote that came with my -350, It's the grey 'dog-bone' A-something part number03:49
Egghead2frozen have u tried purging the lirc? and install again?03:49
frozenskunkno, just do sudo apt-get purge lirc?03:50
Egghead2u said irw doesnt work right?03:50
frozenskunkyeah, can't get irw going, everything I see online tells me to check /proc/bus/input/devices to get the remote number, but I don't see anything there03:51
Egghead2killer, when front end starts up it barks about not being able to connect to be?03:51
Egghead2frozen, is /dev/lirc0 there?03:52
frozenskunkand in hardware.conf my REMOTE DRIVER="'03:52
frozenskunkno, for some strange reason I don't have a /dev/lirc0, I have a /dev/lirc1, which is what I have to use for mode2 to show me the raw data03:52
Egghead2frozen, apt-get purge lirc, then delete /etc/lirc or anythting in it03:52
Egghead2hmmm, not sure maybe your is on lirc103:53
frozenskunkoh, and when I try to start the lircd it fails.03:53
Egghead2i think u can try irw /dev/lirc103:53
Egghead2u did a /etc/init.d/lirc and it pukes?03:54
frozenskunkYeah, I tried that with irw, I have just lived with the lirc1 and forced that as an option when needed03:54
Egghead2u did a /etc/init.d/lirc restart03:54
frozenskunkdidn't restart, let me try that03:54
Egghead2yea it sounds hoosed, purge and reinstall03:54
killerbeesatemeEgghead, it doesn't bark until i try to enter any of the menu items03:55
killerbeesatemeEgghead, i ran it from the command line and it's saying the backend server is listed as localhost...so now i'm on a config file hunt to find out where to set that...any idea?03:56
Egghead2im no, but when u run mythsetup is the ip addys or the 192.168.x.x?03:57
frozenskunkwell, after the restart, irw seems to run, but don't see any input from the remote, let me play with this for a minute03:58
Egghead2im not sur eif its a problem, but the remote include files in lirc.conf didnt work so great for me...03:59
Egghead2so if you have a copy of the old files used in 7.01 use then and rem out the include files03:59
Egghead2or failing that, go to the include file, haupauge something or other and grab only the remote u need from that file and add that to the /etc/lirc/lirc.conf file04:00
Egghead2ie pvr_350 i think its called04:01
killerbeesatemeegghead, this may be a stupid question, but i'm trying to run only a frontend, do i need to install a backend?  it doesn't give me a mythsetup option, and the only way to do that is to install the full mythtv package04:02
frozenskunkno, don't have the old ones, they were overwritten by the 8.04 upgrade :-( I have new ones from the same place I got the old ones.04:02
Egghead2killer, yes, either on same puter sa fe or on a remote computer04:02
Egghead2but yes u do04:02
frozenskunkDoesn't seem like those are my problem yet, since I can't run irw. I think anywat.04:03
Egghead2frozen, hang on a sec ill find the location04:03
frozenskunkok, I I'm thinking that it's my hardware.conf file. I don't have a remote listed there it seems.04:05
Egghead2look in /usr/share/lirc/remotes/hauppauge/lircd.conf.hauppauge, grab the entire remote haupauge 350 and then add it to /etc/lirc/lirc.conf, and comment out the include file04:07
Egghead2then u have to run the lirc generator04:07
frozenskunkok, comment out which include file?04:07
Egghead2and u should be good to gooo04:07
Egghead2at the top of /etc/lirc/lirc.conf u will see a line that starts with include04:08
Egghead2put a # infront of it04:08
frozenskunkok, I was in the wrong file (hardware.conf)04:09
Egghead2kiler,u dont have a backend anywhere?04:09
Egghead2frozen sounds like hardware is working, so its sounds like remote is config correctly04:10
frozenskunkyeah, thats what I thought since I could see the mode2 data... should that be lircd.conf instead of lirc.conf?04:11
Egghead2no after u mod lirc.conf, well runn a script to generate the lircd.conf04:12
frozenskunkok, I don't have a lirc.conf file04:12
frozenskunkthere is an include statement in the lircd.conf file04:12
Egghead2in /etc/lirc?04:12
Egghead2oops sorry ur right04:13
frozenskunkyeah /etc/lirc has hardware.conf lircd.conf lircmd.conf harware.conf.old lircd.conf.dpkg-old in it04:13
Egghead2frozen put a # infront of the include file(s) in lircd.conf04:14
Egghead2then open http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/22503/ and copy/paste into the lircd.conf file04:17
Egghead2then run sudo apt-get install mythbuntu-lirc-generator as whatever user myth starts up as04:17
frozenskunkok, I was trying to copy the file out of the /usr/share/ directory you sent, should I use the pastebin instead?04:19
Egghead2i just made it alittle easier for ya :)04:20
frozenskunki like easy! ;-)04:20
Egghead2after u run lirc generator get out of mythfrontend and the restart the frontend04:22
Egghead2and with any luck ur remote should work04:22
frozenskunkok , the apt-get says I have the most current version of gneraotr04:24
Egghead2oops just run it, my bad , mythbuntu-lirc-generator04:24
frozenskunkok, did that, it told me I have a .lircrc file now, where shoudl I move it? or di I have to?04:25
Egghead2ummm u should need to04:25
Egghead2are u loged in as root?04:25
frozenskunkno, as my user04:25
frozenskunkdidn't sudo the command04:26
frozenskunkthe 'normal' user that is, the one that will be running everythign04:26
Egghead2ok then just restart the front end and press some remote keys04:26
Egghead2yea the user mythstars as?04:26
Egghead2oops the user myth starts as04:26
Egghead2exit out of the front end04:27
Egghead2then restart the front end04:27
Egghead2or run /etc/init.d/lirc restart04:27
frozenskunkwasn't in the frontend when I did that, but when I strated it, it still won't work :-(04:28
frozenskunkdo I need to restart lirc?04:28
Egghead2yea do04:29
Egghead2or run /etc/init.d/lirc restart04:29
Egghead2and then run irw in bash04:29
Egghead2and see if u get anything04:30
frozenskunkrestarted lirc, and ran irw, get nothing...04:31
Egghead2any errors when restarting lirc?04:32
frozenskunkno, tells me it stopped, loaded, and started lirc daemon ok04:32
frozenskunkwait, just saw that it is looking at lirc 0, how do I start lirc to make it look at lirc1?04:33
Egghead2try irw /dev/lirc104:33
Egghead2frozen i dont know how to do that04:34
Egghead2also i made a mistake, u should run   mythbuntu-lircrc-generator  to generate the files04:35
frozenskunkyeah, no luck with that either, when I do a ps aux | grep lirc, I see that /usr/sbin/lircd --device=/dev/lirc0, when it should be lirc1, any idea how to change that?04:39
Egghead2im not sure u can04:41
Egghead2y do u think it should be lirc1?04:41
frozenskunkhm.. that's no good. This is the most difficult 'just-works' install I have ever done...04:41
Egghead2hmmm i donno04:42
frozenskunkgoing to have to give up for tonight (yet again)... Thanks for all your help!!! I now know another dozen things that won't make it work...04:42
Egghead2oh well good luck04:42
Egghead2try reinstalling04:42
Egghead2purge then install04:43
Egghead2it seems that the hardy motto04:43
frozenskunkwill give that a try. I might just try wiping the disc again and going from scratch, maybe I missed something the first time through. I just can't see it being this hard when the documentation says to plug it in, click here, set this, watch tv...04:44
frozenskunkthat must be the 'long term support' they were talking about ;-)04:44
frozenskunkThanks again!04:44
Egghead2problem playing music from mythweb when i password secure it, plays mp3s fine without password, any ideas on what to try?04:45
kirklandsuperm1: i have not succesfully generated a usb thumbdrive for the diskless client... i was playing with that (unsuccessfully) last weekend04:55
superm1laga is the one that has done most of the work on that04:56
superm1so you should pester him tomorrow european time04:56
superm1and tell him to fix $stuff :)04:56
kirklandsuperm1: ;-)  i'll chat with him tomorrow about that, then04:58
kirklandsuperm1: i had to upgrade my root disks to 4GB flash, instead of 2GB flash04:59
superm1just to make the diskless chroot i take it?04:59
kirklandsuperm1: oh, no, the machine i'd generate them on has multiple TB04:59
superm1kirkland, ah05:00
kirklandsuperm1: i switched my frontends to amd64, which has larger footprints05:00
superm1kirkland, by that much though?05:00
superm1i dont think my frontend takes up more than 2gb05:00
kirklandsuperm1: and i figured with intrepid installing "recommends", the install base is going to get bigger05:00
superm1yeah hopefully we'll trim that down05:00
superm1well actually my frontend is a bad example, doing 'du' on it will be skewed because i run sbuild on it too now05:01
superm1it used to be very pristine05:01
Egghead2superm1, do u know if there is any issues with password protecting mythweb?05:05
superm1there may be a bug with the scripts for doing it?05:07
superm1but i wouldnt know it offhand05:07
Egghead2k thanks05:09
darthanubissuperm1, don't you maintain the myhttv totem plugin?05:15
* superm1 hides05:15
superm1i packaged it for hardy05:15
superm1its waiting for some updates in intrepid though05:15
darthanubisit does not ....oh...work for me. Is it supposed to?05:16
darthanubis Or not until the update?05:16
superm1it should be working05:17
superm1it's kinda clunky to set up05:17
darthanubisit seems straight forward to setup05:18
darthanubisenaable the plugin05:18
darthanubisdone right?05:18
darthanubisit loads mythttv contentt05:18
superm1well you need to go into gconf-editor05:18
superm1and turn on the right info there05:18
darthanubisbut errors 3111 on the play05:18
darthanubisI did that already05:18
darthanubisits enabled05:19
superm1oh so it lists the shows05:19
superm1just doesnt play them for you05:19
darthanubisbut it just does not paly05:19
superm1did it ever and just stop?05:19
superm1or never worked05:19
darthanubisI thought it was a cool feature05:19
darthanubisbut never been able to see it worked05:19
darthanubisI have since wondered has anyone seen it work05:19
superm1okay so do you currently have any remote frontends?05:20
superm1okay then that might be your issue....05:22
superm1if you go into mythtv-setup05:22
superm1make sure that yo uare listing your network adapter's IP in both boxes for general05:22
darthanubiswill do, but it says not content in stream or somethign like that05:23
superm1yeah, everything streams from the backend05:23
superm1so if the backend isn't actually broadcasting on the right ip05:23
darthanubislet me check it05:23
superm1(it defaults to
darthanubispretty sure its set to the ip address of the backend and not localhost05:24
darthanubisok so the address was wrong05:26
darthanubisit was set to the routers address05:26
darthanubisnow the moment of truth05:27
darthanubisStream contains no data.05:31
darthanubisI should restart the backend05:31
darthanubisbut I thought mythtv-setupdpes that for me\05:32
superm1mythtv-setup should do it for you05:32
superm1as long as you didn't launch via mythtv-setup.real directly05:33
darthanubisthen I'm back to square 105:33
superm1well have you started totem again since yo udid this05:34
superm1or that same run05:34
darthanubisthis is maddening05:41
darthanubiswhen things only reak for ne05:41
superm1well it's gotta be something else silly likely05:45
superm1i'd recommend setting up a remote frontend if you can, and ensuring you can get that to work first05:46
darthanubisI try to catch  you05:46
superm1it provides a significant more debug info amount05:46
darthanubiswill do05:46
superm1even doing it off a live cd05:46
superm1if you dont want to install the remote frontend05:46
superm1mythbuntu 8.04 can run frontend on live disk05:46
darthanubisgotta sleep, I have one05:46
darthanubisjust not active05:46
Hipsto3help i keep getting a Segmentation fault when i run mythbuntu-control-centre06:56
Hipsto3i left and yet here i am07:01
Hipsto3tgm4883 ping07:02
tgm4883Hipsto3, does reverting to .27 remedy the problem?07:19
tgm4883i'm going to bed so if it fixes it, we need to know07:19
Hipsto3havnt tried that yet07:19
Hipsto3afraid to break dependency07:20
tgm4883what dependency would you break?07:20
Hipsto3dunno synaptic just gives a generic warning it may break dependency07:22
tgm4883by forcing the old version?07:22
tgm4883well i'll manually install it tomarrow and see if I can reproduce the error, then see what happens when reverting07:24
tgm4883i'm on the US west coast, so i'll probably do it around 9:00 my time.  So in about 9.5 hours07:24
Hipsto3"If you force a different version from the default one, errors in the dependancy handeling can occur."07:25
tgm4883I myself wouldn't worry about that, but I like to break things so YMMV07:27
Hipsto3am in phoenix so same timezone07:27
Hipsto3eh I'll try and force it07:28
tgm4883alright, well i'm going to bed, so report back soon07:29
Hipsto3nope didnt work still get Segmentation fault07:32
lagakirkland: yeah, let me know about your problems with -diskless.08:25
lagakirkland: i'll be back in 4-5hours08:26
=== Penfold_ is now known as Penfold
MammothHi all, I have a Mythbuntu setup with diskless frontends. The server is placed in the cellar, and i would like to place my frontends in the attic. Is there a  universal RemoteControl that can control both my MythTV frontends (via RF, Bluetooth, WIFI, ?) and my TV, Receiver, Xbox360 via IR?10:35
tplagueir dont think has enough range from celler to attick11:09
tplaguenot sure if there is a rf/ir remote11:09
MammothI only need to be able to control my frontends. Logitech Harmony 895 uses both IR and RF - but it has it's own extender. If I have more than 1 frontend, would it then be possible to differenciate the signal (not controlling all everytime i click the remote) ?11:16
MammothI would like to be able to power-on, control and power-off the frontends.11:20
tplagueshoot you know more on the sibgect then i do ..lol i didnt even know they had dual RF/IR remote ...lol11:20
Mammoth:-) - i have really been looking for a remote that could meet my needs, but I haven't been able to find one :-(. here are my findings uptill now...11:23
Mammothhttp://www.logitech.com/index.cfm/remotes/universal_remotes/devices/374&cl=us,en / http://www.logitech.com/index.cfm/remotes/universal_remotes/devices/374&cl=dk,da11:38
MammothI think my best bet is going for the Harmony 890/895 with multiple extenders... Is this supported in Mythbuntu 8.10 ?11:40
Mammothis it possible to power-on / power-off frontends via the extender ?11:42
Mammothsorry 8.04 :-)11:44
MammothI have posted my question here if anyone knowns how to do this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=83927014:47
MythbuntuGuest53I know my tuner cards work, because I can record TV from the command line using cat /dev/video0 > tmp/test.mpg* and watch it with mplayer.19:17
MythbuntuGuest53However, when I try to 'Watch TV' in the Mythbuntu frontend, it blanks for a second before returning to the main menu.19:18
MythbuntuGuest53Let me know if you have an idea on what to do or what information you'd like.19:19
MythbuntuGuest53Thanks for your time.19:19
jphillipMythbuntuGuest53 it would help if you told everyone what kind of tuner you have19:26
MythbuntuGuest53Oh, I'm sorry.19:27
MythbuntuGuest53I'm using 2 Hauppage PVR-150's.19:27
MythbuntuGuest53The video card is a 6600 GT AGP NVidia card.19:28
jphillipdid you check your logs for anything in there?19:31
MythbuntuGuest53Give me a couple minutes and I'll give you the exact text, but if I remember correctly they said something about failing to switch to TV watching.19:32
MythbuntuGuest53Wow, that's really vague.19:32
MythbuntuGuest53Let me get the actual log.19:32
MythbuntuGuest53Sorry for the wait, I'm connecting a monitor instead of the TV so I can actually read the stuff.19:34
jphillipMythbuntuGuest53 you should just ssh into it if you can19:40
jphillip!logs | MythbuntuGuest5319:40
ZinnMythbuntuGuest53: MythTV logs are stored in /var/log/mythtv/19:40
MrChapendihey, this is mythbuntuguest53 from the actual mytbuntu box.19:43
MrChapendiok, here seems to be a problematic excerpt from the log19:44
jphillip!pastebin | MrChapendi19:44
ZinnMrChapendi: Please use paste.ubuntu.com for all configs or multiple line output, pastebin is preferred for large amounts of output as it cuts down on spamming multiple lines.19:44
MrChapendiI'm new to IRC, could you walk me through that?19:45
jphillipopen paste.ubuntu.com in your web browser, paste things in there then send us the link to it when youa re done19:45
MrChapendisorry about that19:46
jphillipdon't put recording in your home dir19:47
jphillipcan run into some pesky permission problems that way19:47
MrChapendiWhere is the default location?19:47
jphilliplet me double check, as I don't use the default19:47
MrChapendiWould a bad recording location cause my problem?19:48
jphillip /var/lib/mythtv/recordings19:48
jphillipMrChapendi it looks like it can't create the recording, sounds like your problem19:48
MrChapendiLet me change it to the default and test.19:49
MrChapendiThank you!  I get TV now.19:50
MrChapendiI appreciate the help immensely.19:50
MrChapendiOut of curiosity, where do your recordings go jphillip?19:50
MrChapendii'm just curious because i'll be getting a new harddrive for my box later and i'm wondering how settinng up a harddrive as a dedicated recording drive works20:03
jphillipMrChapendi I have a /mythtv folder that I keep things in20:05
jphillipmainly left over from my days of using LVM20:05
MythbuntuGuest53Isn't that a kind of software RAID utility?20:05
jphillipalso no problem on the help, glad it worked20:05
MythbuntuGuest53Thanks again!20:05
jphillipit lets you join multiple drives together and so on20:06
jphillipits neat, but no longer needed with the fancy storage groups we have now20:06
MythbuntuGuest53My next task is to get the box set up as a fileserver as well...20:06
MythbuntuGuest53I have little experience with that, but there's only one way to get it20:07
MythbuntuGuest53Is it possible to run a Myth frontend on a Mac?20:09
jphillipit used to be, check wiki.mythtv.org20:12
MythbuntuGuest53i will20:13
MythbuntuGuest53thanks for a third time, i really appreciate it20:13
MythbuntuGuest53off to configure20:13
DrMossHi, I have trouble with installing Mythbuntu.  I get the "initramfs" prompt23:03
DrMossI read on several forums different ideas, but I can't seem to get a solution.23:04
Nostahlhi all23:04
Nostahli got an ir receiver usb and a remote from a hp laptop23:05
DrMossI used an iso, and then changed the boot option, deleting "quiet splash",...23:05
Nostahlas well as the pcmcia tuner card too that goes with it23:05
DrMossand adding "all_generic_ide".23:05
Nostahlwhat is needed to start using the remote and ir receiver with my mythbuntu system23:05
DrMossIt then installs.23:05
DrMossBut upon reboot, hangs on the Mythbuntu startup screen...23:06
DrMossand then after 5 minutes, back to the 'initramfs' prompt..!23:06
DrMossAny ideas anyone??!23:06
Nostahlhey drmoss23:07
Nostahlhow tuff is it to setup a usb remote23:09
DrMossSorry - no idea.  I was explaining something I was trying to do when you came onboard, so my post isn't releated to your new usb reciever sorry!23:09
Nostahlwhat kind of hardware are you setting up23:10
DrMossI've just bought new kit, and trying to install Mythbuntu.  I'm a newbie!23:11
DrMossFrom what I've read, I might have trouble because I'm using a...23:11
DrMossSeagate HDD... and a blu-ray optical drive.23:11
=== tgm4883_ is now known as tgm4883

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