
=== asac_ is now known as asac
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mptGoooooooooooooooooooood morning Launchpadders!08:00
wgrantHi mpt.08:00
Hobbseehey mpt!08:02
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Ngmatsubara_: your oops analyser seems to be driving devpad to the limits of its virtual RAM10:22
Ngit's 2.9GB resident atm, and the machine is teetering on the edge of having no swap left10:23
kiko__Ng, yeah, I'll work with him on this today -- that sucks.11:01
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matsubarathanks for letting me know Ng. I thought I had disable the weekly script13:24
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Ngmatsubara: np :)13:37
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wgrantCodebrowse is dead again.14:43
elmoworks for me?14:44
wgrantelmo: Blurgh, it works now too.14:44
wgrantBut it was doing its usual broken thing for several minutes at least.14:44
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Hobbseeooh!  launchpad is navigatable for finding old debs!15:32
wgrantHobbsee: Is this a new feature?15:36
Hobbseewgrant: i don't think so.  i haven't had to try it in a while, and last time i tried, the past debs weren't available at all, short of searching librarian somehow for htem.15:37
wgrantHobbsee: Right, that fix was cherrypicked in 1.2.3 or something like that.15:39
Hobbseei try not to mass-downgrade as a regular occurance, y'know :P15:40
wgrantProbably a good policy.15:40
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vadi2Hi. I've did "bzr init" in a folder I'd like to push into a branch, and did "bzr push lp:gui-ufw" as launchpad told me. But I get a "bzr: ERROR: Transport operation not possible: http does not support mkdir()" error, and this is on Linux. Any idea why?16:31
wgrantvadi2: You need to run bzr launchpad-login16:31
beunovadi2, you need yo set your launchpad username with:   bzr launchpad-login your_username16:31
beunothen it will default to bzr+ssh, which can write16:31
vadi2Are you sure? I already did that a long while ago16:32
vadi2(and used to push to another project okay)16:32
wgrantIt wouldn't try to use HTTP otherwise.16:32
vadi2Oh. ok16:32
beunovadi2, did it work?16:34
vadi2I don't know, waiting on launchpad to update16:34
vadi2here's what I got: http://pastebin.com/mf73c9ec16:35
wgrantvadi2: That worked fine.16:35
beunothat's because it creates the repo through HTTP (lp does), but it can't write to it16:36
beunoso yes, it's normal when you try to push through http first16:36
wgrantbeuno: Or is that because the branch was registered on LP first? I've not heard of it creating a new branch over HTTP...16:36
beunoalso, if you're using Ubuntu, I'd recommend upgrading to the latest version: https://launchpad.net/~bzr/+archive16:37
wgrants/on LP/through the web UI/16:37
beunowgrant, it does create it over http, not sure why16:37
vadi2ok bueno16:37
beunothis happens to every single user that runs into this problem16:37
wgrantbeuno: Because of a bug, I would suggest.16:37
beunowgrant, probably  :)16:37
vadi2But 'https://code.launchpad.net/~gufw-developers/gui-ufw/gufw-devel' is still empty, and launchpad isn't usually this slow..16:37
wgrantvadi2: Have you actually committed anything to the branch?16:38
wgrantIf so, give it a few minutes for the branch scanner to unbusy itself.16:38
vadi2I did forget to commit, and it appears there fine now. Thank you very much!16:41
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kikoedge's been updated, please hammer it out17:28
vadi2Is it possible to change the owner of a project? and if so, change it to a team?17:39
beunovadi2, sure, if you're the owner you can change it to a team or person17:40
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vadi2Where is the option for that? I can't find it17:40
vadi2It's not in projectname/+edit at least17:40
beunoit's +reassign17:41
beuno"Change maintainer"17:41
beunowhich isn't as obvious as it could be...17:41
vadi2Oh I see it now. "owner" made more sense to me since that's how it's referred to in the launchpad help files17:42
vadi2standardizing that term would help the confusion. got it, thanks again :)17:42
beunoyes, it's confusing. You're welcome again  :)17:43
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vadi2I'm trying to add a project file for download. The instructions say this: "To upload files you must be a project owner (done). Each file must be registered against a specific release of your software, as registered in Launchpad (done, I think? I made a 'release'). Visit the relevant release page (which?) and click Add download file in the Actions menu (can't find it). "18:37
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joost_opi'm here22:39
eMxyzptlkHey guys, The trunk of out project is at Testing since 2 weeks now, any progress ?22:40
seb128does somebody has an idea why people commenting on launchpad get "Undelivered Mail Returned to Sender" bug spams or could look at the issue?22:42
elmoseb128: pastebin an example?22:42
seb128elmo: I got that mail from an user, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/22959/22:44
seb128elmo: I got lot of similar bugs this afternoon but deleted those, let me look if I still have one to get details22:45
seb128I though they were spams first22:45
seb128the desktop bugs go to the desktop-bugs list22:46
seb128I would expect such delivery errors to go back to the list and not to the sender though22:46
seb128sender being whoever commented on launchpad22:46
elmoseb128: the envelope from and sender for bug mails is bounces@canonical.com which is a /dev/null address22:48
elmoseb128: this guy's got a very broken mail system22:48
seb128that's on thing I really dislike about launchpad22:49
seb128it sends mail as coming from you when you add comments22:49
seb128which means you get spams, list moderation messages, etc22:49
seb128ie when you subscribe some translation team you get a mail saying that you message is waiting for moderation, which is really confusing because you never tried to contact this list, you just used a back tracker22:50
seb128how do we fix the issue than any bug commenter gets a such mail every time a comment is added?22:52
elmowith difficulty; this clown isn't obviously subscribed22:53
elmoseb128: can you find me a direct example, if possible?22:54
elmoi.e. the nex time, you comment on a bug22:55
joost_opCan anybody tell me if https://launchpad.net/sabayonlinux/trunk is being checked out?22:56
seb128elmo: http://people.ubuntu.com/~seb128/spams22:57
elmoit's from desktop-bugs22:57
seb128well, it's doesn't land in my desktop-bugs box22:58
seb128I don't get what's going on there22:59
elmoseb128: the user is subscribed to desktop-bugs, and his MTA is broken.  22:59
elmoseb128: I've unsubscribed him from all our lists; that should fix the problem22:59
seb128well, I didn't find him in the subscribers list22:59
seb128weird that the MTA replies to the submitter rather than the list though23:00
=== kiko-phone is now known as kiko

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