
=== ubott2 is now known as ubottu
james_wpleia2: hi, I just sent a reminder mail about tomorrow's session if you would like to moderate it.18:11
pleia2james_w: sure, just nudge me like 5 minutes before you start18:11
pleia2thanks :)18:11
pleia2james_w: oh yeah, added your address to the "accepts" list too18:15
pleia2so it won't be held for moderation next time 'round18:15
james_wgreat, thanks pleia218:16
persiaWhat is moderation?18:28
persiaI'm a big fan of interactive lessons.18:28
pleia2persia: moderation is optional, decided by presenter18:29
pleia2some people like interactive, others don't like being interrupted18:29
persiaOK.  I think I'd like to try without then.  I've had a few sessions now about apport and stacktraces, and have yet to have querants significantly distract.18:29
pleia2works for me :)18:30
persiaFurther, as I don't really have a script, other than having a selected example, it's nice to have people ask questions.18:30
* pleia2 nods18:30
persiaOf course, if james_w is incredibly successful with marketing, and I'm presenting to a crowd of 10.000, I may change my mind :)18:31
james_wpleia2: ah, sorry, I meant moderate the mail, not the session. They are normally small, so it's not necessary, but it's obviously up to persia.18:32
james_wpleia2: also, it may not be the best time of day for you18:32
pleia2heh, I'm always around18:33
persiapleia2: At 10:00 UTC?  Don't you like to sleep once in a while?18:33
pleia2I was up then this morning :)18:34
pleia2but FWIW - the access list allows any ubuntu member to give themselves ops here18:34
pleia2so if you guys need to change the topic, get ops during the session, etc, you can with /msg chanserv op #ubuntu-classroom18:35
* persia tries to remember not to make presumptions about the preferred diurnal habits of others18:35
pleia2s/ubuntu member/ubuntu member with an ubuntu cloak18:36
persiaRight.  Ubuntu Members who pay attention to IRC.  Those without cloaks may not know exactly what to do with ops :)18:37
pleia2well, some people don't *want* cloaks18:38
pleia2I've considered getting rid of mine because I like my rdns ;)18:38
persiaSure, but people with that much -fu are likely to be able to arrange ops in other ways :)18:38
jp88hi err where do i ask for help23:14

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