
=== asac_ is now known as asac
* davidm is away: 02:52
=== persia changed the topic of #ubuntu-mobile to: is This channel is for conversations about Ubuntu Mobile development | Info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileAndEmbedded | Please read the FAQ https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileAndEmbedded/FAQ | hardy images available http://cdimages.ubuntu.com/mobile/releases/hardy/
josch|nsnhello thar!09:48
josch|nsnare there package repositories for ubuntu mid edition?09:53
davmor2josch|nsn: yes10:02
davmor2in the repos10:03
josch|nsnoh let me have a look10:03
davmor2there are some on ppa still too I think10:03
josch|nsnhrm... can you hand me a link?10:10
davmor2josch|nsn: most of it looks to be in the repos now10:35
davmor2but type ume ppa into your search engine of choice and it is listed10:35
josch|nsnhttp://ppa.launchpad.net/ubuntu-mobile/ <= this is it, thanks!10:47
asaclool: so which moblin projects do we need write access to (at best) ?10:54
loolasac: moblin-image-creator plus the list which you saw would be best10:54
looldavmor2: Hey10:55
davmor2lool :)10:55
looldavmor2: We have a new mechanism to build images10:55
looldavmor2: Would you be interested in testing it10:55
loolIf it works for you, we can upadte the wiki page10:55
davmor2np's amung everything else10:55
asaclool: you mean "saw" like in bobs mail?10:55
loolasac: Yes10:55
asaclool: what changes do we do to mic?10:56
loolasac: Sorry, I intended to go back to this email, but it would have needed me being in a calm state with plenty of time :)10:56
loolAnd I was busy with misc other stuff10:56
asaclool: me too10:56
loolasac: To MIC we have a pile of patches which are in the BTS10:56
asaclool: i just have that mail in my not-so-zero-inbox :)10:56
davmor2lool: where is it?10:56
loolThings like adding the released archive as new platforms, fixing grub menu.lst generation and other things10:57
josch|nsnpackage mobile-basic-flash10:57
looldavmor2: So the new way is to 1) add the virtual-mobile-builder ppa to your sources.list 2) install virtual-mobile-builder 3) run "sudo simple-mobile-builder"10:57
josch|nsnhow much flash is in ther?10:57
looljosch|nsn: Some flash files, practically unused; why?10:57
asaclool: congrats btw to the release :)10:57
loolasac: ah thanks10:58
loolWell it happened on the 11th10:58
loolBut it's official now :)10:58
* josch|nsn simply does not want binary blobs on his system :(10:58
asaclool: good. just thought that i have a mail problem ;)10:58
=== lool changed the topic of #ubuntu-mobile to: UME released! http://cdimages.ubuntu.com/mobile/releases/hardy/ | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileAndEmbedded/FAQ | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileAndEmbedded
asaclool: ill answer his mail then :)10:59
loolHmm is there a difference between http://cdimages.u.c and http://cdimage.u.c?10:59
loolLooks like not11:00
josch|nsnthere should be none11:00
looljosch|nsn: The blobs are the "source" so to speak11:01
looljosch|nsn: These files are the files you would open and edit from a Flash editor11:01
loolThey are binary just like you would save and load a .xcf in gimp11:01
josch|nsnah so they are only flash files but with their source included?11:02
josch|nsnand only unused files and no executable binaries?11:02
looljosch|nsn: The package is an home screen applet which can display either a HTML or Flash home UI (well it's always HTML and you can have Flash in your HTML)11:03
loolThere are some sample Flash files in there to demonstrate how it works, but I think these are currently broken11:03
josch|nsni fugured this from the package description11:03
loolBut the Flash files in there is what was saved from the Flash editor which created these files11:03
loolAnd are what you would load from it11:04
lool(So they are the preferred form of modification and distribution)11:04
josch|nsni was just trying out to compile the source for arm - this is why i asked11:05
loolWhich source?  the mobile-basic-flash .dsc?11:05
josch|nsnthe source packages from the repo11:06
loolAnyway, this should work fine if firefox built for you11:06
davmor2lool: building :)11:06
loolHmm wait, it's xulrunner 1.8 though11:06
looljosch|nsn: It should soon be easier to port :)11:06
josch|nsnwill a port be official?11:06
looljosch|nsn: armel?11:06
josch|nsncurrently i run debian eabi11:07
looljosch|nsn: It's not going to be official in intrepid, but there's going to be a port to armel yes11:07
lool(a ports.ubuntu.com one, not an archive.ubuntu.com)11:07
josch|nsnshould i wait then?11:07
loolWell do what you like :)11:07
josch|nsnwell if there is currently nobody running the ubuntu hildon stuff on arm then i should give it a try11:08
josch|nsnand may it only be for the lolz to see ubuntu mobile on a neo1973 :D11:09
samjamI'm interested11:09
samjamI have an xda universal11:09
samjamI've just been adding gtkbuilder/glade support to vala so I can write my armel phone apps in vala11:09
josch|nsni currently run debian sid on my device so compiling is easy (native compilation yeah!)11:10
samjamHave you looked at titchymobile ?11:10
samjamIt's debian sid based afaik11:10
josch|nsnbut my only armel device is a neo1973 and a freerunner soon11:10
josch|nsnas i dislike hardware not fully supported by linux11:11
samjamI really want one with a keyboard hence finally going with the xda11:11
samjamIf the tytn had a slightly hgher res screen and linux support it would be tops11:12
samjamif the freerunner had keyboard it would be tops11:12
josch|nsnyeah but it is designed to be a phone not a handheld or tablet :/11:13
josch|nsnbut iu agree with you11:13
samjamtytn isn't really a handheld11:13
josch|nsni only use my neo for hacking so i always have it connected via ssh - so a keyboard is not rly missing for me now ^^11:13
samjamyou may be right, I keep thinking I want to hack on the move, like while waiting for my children to finish youth night etc11:14
samjammaybe its just fanciful thinking11:14
samjamlack of camera kills freerunner.11:14
samjamxda cam doesn't work either:-) 11:15
samjamwill you post your hildon progress to titchy mobile forum from time to time?11:15
josch|nsnwell if i achieve something i will report back here and write a tutorial on wiki.openmoko.org11:16
josch|nsnbut i expect massive fail on building the stuff from source :P11:17
samjamwhat sort of reasons?11:17
josch|nsnyou never know before - i did a lot on arm and some things are a little bit strange when the app was written for i38611:18
josch|nsnfor example i compiled the sphinx search engine but i just returns 0 results on a search - i'm currently in touch with the dev but he cant think of a reason either ^^11:20
davmor2lool: I am right in thinking that it set's up in ubuntu-vm-hardy-lpia11:20
looldavmor2: Yup, something like that11:22
looldavmor2: How do you find the new instructions?  I expect it's easier for you to install11:23
davmor2easier yes but not completely happy with the end result.  The image only has all for a menu option and not all the apps are installed.11:24
davmor2I'll try again11:24
samjamI guess sphinx may have related to non-symmetric byte-order conversions. i.e. missing in some places but not others11:26
davmor2lool: right trying again11:30
looldavmor2: Ah sorry11:35
looldavmor2: You need to pass --platform ...11:35
loolJust like in the past11:35
loolI forgot this part11:35
davmor2lool:  right re-building ;)11:43
davmor2lool: That's better :) still got lpia module warnings 12:11
looldavmor2: Cool, so we should move to this new procedure in the wiki page12:12
davmor2lool: I'll take care of that in sec.  Do we know what is causing the lpia module issues and is it anything to worry about?12:13
josch|nsnhm... as i didnt find any - is there a prefered audio player for ume?12:15
looljosch|nsn: The pulled one is moblin-media, but you might be interested in trying our elisa if you have good graphics12:17
josch|nsnoh? url?12:18
looldavmor2: ogra had a proposed fix in form of an initramfs hook; I'm not too sure what originally causes them (compared to regular builds), nor where to push a clean fix12:18
josch|nsnhttp://elisa.fluendo.com/ ?12:18
looljosch|nsn: elisa package12:18
ograjosch|nsn, and last but not least there are al theses "normal" media players in the archive you could just install i.e. banshee rhythmbox etc but ymmv depending if they handle the screensize :)12:19
josch|nsnyeah i tried rhythmbox and sonata on my debian armel12:19
ograaudacious might be intresting as it got a quite small UI by default12:20
ogra(xmms successor)12:20
ogralool, the kernel still has module support so expects modules.dep to be there even though it doesnt need/use modules in the initramfs (i doubt that gais us anything btw, the 4 secs we gain in the bootprocess are lost on decompression time for the kernel image, it seems to just move the prob around)12:22
josch|nsnwoooo - elisa seems way to much for my little arm device ^^12:23
anipyguys, i love you for the Mobile And Embedded edition! good luck!13:18
asaclool: when was connman first announced? 13:31
asacFeb 2008?13:31
loolasac: Some months ago13:31
asaclool: haha13:31
asaclool: well. there is no news histroy on moblin.org :(13:31
loolIt was announced on the list13:31
asaclool: can you figure the date?13:31
asacok got it13:32
loolasac: http://www.moblin.org/pipermail/dev/2008-April/001663.html13:32
davmor2lool: will the package pull in the other dependencies or not do you know?13:49
looldavmor2: You mean MIC and ubuntu-vm-builder?  it does13:50
davmor2cool what about kvm?13:50
loolasac: rocks13:50
looldavmor2: Hmm good point, I should make that a Recommends too13:50
looldavmor2: Currently, kvm and MIC should be recommends as MIC is only used if you pass --platform and kvm is optional13:51
loolubuntu-vm-builder pulls qemu13:51
davmor2lool: Okay np's for now I'll add it to the install list :)13:51
looldavmor2: Because these are Recommends only, I think it's best to have them in the instructions13:52
loolespecially since hardy doesn't isntall recommends by default13:52
davmor2lool:  I wish it bleedin did sometimes :)13:52
looldavmor2: kvm recommends added13:53
lool(in bzr)13:59
davmor2lool: Hows that https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/Cases/UMEinstall-kvm14:01
looldavmor2: Looks good!  I personally create /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ppa-ubuntu-mobile.list instead14:02
loolBut that's fine14:02
looldavmor2: Hmm you still get that java issue with the new ubuntu-vm-builder??14:02
looldavmor2: And you also get that sound issue at the bottoM?14:03
davmor2lool: I don't have any sound issue14:03
looldavmor2: I think the instructions at the bottom were merged in vmb14:07
looldavmor2: Check the .kvm file, I think it passes the correct args already14:07
looldavmor2: Same for java, do you still get that issue?14:07
davmor2lool: which Java issue14:08
davmor2removed the sound one14:08
looldavmor2: The one for which there are fixup instructions on the page14:09
lool"Once in the vm of ume go into terminal and type in the following to get rid of the java chroot issue "14:09
davmor2yes got it looking in the wrong section :)14:10
davmor2hang on and I'll quickly double check14:11
davmor2and there we go gone14:14
looldavmor2: So we can remove the fixups?14:26
loolAh it's gone, great14:26
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joschhello again18:17
joschjust modified ubuntu-mobile package to build for amel - now it's compiling hildon-desktop18:22
joschthe build deps are the pain :P18:22
joschdo you recommend an easier way for such a task than doing18:23
joschapt-get source *package*18:23
joschcd *package*18:23
joschdpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -b18:23
ograapt-get source -b <package> :)18:23
ograthat should just build it right away18:23
joschokay if you want to do it in one step...18:24
joschbut this fails if there is to fix something :)18:24
ograbut eases the pain a bit18:24
joschjust wanted to ask the pros if i'm heading in the right direction with this ^^18:24
ograwell, we'll likely have an arm archive within the netx months i heard18:25
ograso the other option would be to just wait :)18:25
joschah... waiting is for pussies :D18:25
persiajosch: You may also want to consider an automated build system.  rebuildd might work (I've not tried any build-daemons, so this is just a guess, rather than a recommendation)18:26
ograor sbuild or so ...18:27
joschcan you give me a link for this stuff?18:27
persiaogra: rebuildd can use sbuild, I think.  can sbuild automate building sets of packages?18:27
persiajosch: aptitutde install rebuildd18:27
ograno idea, i'm no buildd specialist 18:28
ogralamont would know18:28
* persia uses sbuild, but manually18:28
* ogra is pbuilder user18:28
ograbut thats definately not made for automated builds18:28
joschyeah i used pbuilder once18:28
stgraberogra: I have an automated pbuilder here :) push using ftp, receive build notifications by mail and generates some testing repositories18:29
stgraberok, that's an ugly python script but still, it's possible :)18:29
ograsure, its software :) but depends if you want to put effort in or just use a pre made setup 18:30
persiastgraber: You might be interested in deb-o-maticm which is likely much of what you have, with a bzr repo to share.18:33
stgraberpersia: cool, I'll have a look at it18:34
persiaOK.  When you do, drop the final 'm' :)18:34
joschwow it rly builds just fine on armel18:36
joschon to the next package18:36
loolBTW people I read that gconf was dbus in GNOME SVN now18:39
looljosch: The software used at Debian is sbuild and wanna-build18:40
looljosch: If you google this up, you will find random bits of documentation18:40
joschlool, thanks :)18:40
joschbut dont i only need auto builder if i were to start an armel port on my own?18:41
persiajosch: Depends.  You might just want to build a bunch of packages without either writing a one-line script or doing it manually.18:42
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looljosch: It all depends on the complexity / stability of the setup you like19:13
loolone shot or permanent etc.19:13
joschthanks for your help guys19:15
joschfor now i think it's a one shot as i want to see how it looks/works19:15
joschand wether it all compiles nice19:16
joschcould it be that the resulting packages i build from source have no install dependencies???19:18
persiajosch: If you don't change the packaging, you ought get mostly the same dependencies as an autobuilder.  If you use debuild or dpkg-buildpackage locally, you might get a couple additional dependencies, but only if those packages are installed.19:19
joschwell i just buld ubuntu-mobile meta package19:20
joschand it seems to have no dependencies when i tried to install it via dpkg -i19:20
joschhildon-desktop deps work19:22
joschnever mind19:22
joschhildon-desktop depends on maemo-af-desktop-l10n-mr but this is not in the repos19:27
joschhow can this be fixed?19:27
looljosch: Probably a virtual package19:27
looljosch: You want maemo-af-desktop-l10n-engb19:27
lool(source is maemo-af-desktop-l10n)19:27
joschi already searched for it19:28
joschbut there is no maemo source package19:28
looljosch: Hmm I'm not sure you're attacking from the right angle19:29
looljosch: The ppa is just an overlay on top of hardy19:29
joschso this package should be in the hardy repos...19:29
looljosch: The actual UME archive is made of three suites with 4 components at archive.mobile.ubuntu.com19:29
lool(at least the hardy one)19:29
loolThe intrepid one is just, well, intrepid19:29
joschright... http://packages.ubuntu.com/hardy/maemo-af-desktop-l10n-engb <= here it is19:30
joschi the collection of repos anywhere documented?19:30
joschit sucks to bother you guys here ^^19:30
joschand why is there only maemo-af-desktop-l10n-engb and not maemo-af-desktop-l10n-mr19:32
loolIt's a virtual package, maemo-af-desktop-l10n-engb provides it19:32
joschah okay19:33
* josch adding even more repos...19:33
GrueMasterdavidm: ping - is there anyone online that I can talk to about getting a terminal window open in the compal image?19:46
joschomg xulrunner is HUGE19:47
persiaGrueMaster: I'm completely unfamiliar with that image, but does Ctrl-Alt-F2 work?19:49
GrueMasterThat should drop to a text console, but I was hoping for a terminal window.  Older images had one linked to System Info.19:50
davidmGrueMaster, I see tonyespy and tremolux are online here, they might be able to help or get someone that can help19:53
davidmalso pmcgowan is here, he might be able to help19:53
tremoluxGrueMaster: <Fn><n> should do it for ya19:54
GrueMasterah, there's pat.  used to be patm.19:54
GrueMasterpmcgowan:  ping - how do you open a terminal window in the compal 0618 image?  Not a console (alt-fn).19:55
tremoluxGrueMaster: ^^  doesn't <Fn><n> work?19:56
GrueMasterI don't have the unit, but I thought that would switch modes.  I'll pass that along.19:57
tremoluxGrueMaster: ah19:57
joschargh xulrunner problems... :/20:40
joschconfigure: error: iconv() not found.  Cannot enable native uconv support. <= anybody knows this?20:48
ogramissing build dep 20:52
ograiconv.h should be in libc6-dev20:53
looljosch: apt-get install build-essential20:55
joschas i already compiled for some hours i think bulid-essential and stuff is correctly installed20:56
joschi even build myself a linuxkernel on this device20:56
looljosch: AFAICS, xulrunner 1.9 built on armel in Debian http://buildd.debian.org/~jeroen/status/package.php?p=xulrunner&suite=unstable20:56
loolDebian's xulrunner might have armel fixes20:57
loolhttp://packages.debian.org/changelogs/pool/main/x/xulrunner/current/changelog mentions some20:57
lool   * (was: debian/patches/38_armel.dpatch)20:57
lool     configure.in, configure: Force to not use -fshort-wchar where it fails.20:57
lool     Closes: #476303.20:57
joschi just removed the configure option for now20:57
josch   * debian/mozconfig: Enable iconv support.20:58
josch   * debian/patches/01_native_uconv.dpatch: Fix for the build to succeed when20:58
josch     iconv support is enabled.20:58
joschso i disabled it - hope nothing will explode :P20:58
joschconfigure: error: Your compiler does not follow the C++ specification for temporary object destruction order.21:01
looljosch: That's fixed by the patch I mentionned above21:08
loolSee Debian #47630321:08
ubottuDebian bug 476303 in iceweasel "iceweasel: ftbfs on armel: temporary object destruction order" [Normal,Closed] http://bugs.debian.org/47630321:08
joschyou are one step ahead of me it seems...21:10
suihkulokkijosch working on armel?21:12
joschsuihkulokki, debian armel on neo197321:12
suihkulokkicool :)21:12
joschcool if it builds correctly ;)21:13
suihkulokkifaster to apt-get install from debian/unstable :)21:13
loolYeah :)21:14
suihkulokkinow that finally we managed to get all necessary fixes to a) build b) make it run on armel21:14
ZDeedlithallo, a question: does Ubuntu MID come natively with the core Xiph codecs (Theora, Vorbis and Speex) like standard Ubuntu does?21:14
loolZDeedlit: Most things in Ubuntu are an apt-get away21:14
loolUnless when some lpia porting is needed, but that's uncommon21:15
ZDeedlitlool: thanks for the reply, but I meant natively, as in no need for the casual user to apt-get it21:16
ZDeedlitanyone knows for sure?21:16
joschsuihkulokki, there is xulrunner-dev in the armel repos?21:17
suihkulokkijosch: xulrunner-dev and iceweasel, in unstable21:17
suihkulokkinot yet in lenny21:17
joschah no21:17
suihkulokkilibxul-dev is depreceated21:17
joschbut obviously gets required by the ume packages i loaded21:18
joschspecifically by the package mobile-basic-flash21:18
loolZDeedlit: For which framework?21:18
suihkulokkijosch: you can, possibly, replace the depend libxul-dev with xulrunner-dev, if mobile-basic-flash is compatible with xulrunner1.921:19
loolit's not in UME right now21:19
loolThe fixes are ready and are waiting for someone to merge them upstream21:19
joschthere seems to be another error21:20
joschthere is the source package xulrunner-1.9 in the ume ppa repo21:20
joschand this builds xulrunner-1.9-dev21:20
joschbut nevertheless mobile-basic-flash depends on libxul-dev21:21
joschanother meta-package?21:21
loollibxul-dev, in Ubuntu, is xulrunner 1.8 stuff21:22
loolWe use xulrunner-1.9 for everything except mbf21:22
suihkulokkiand xulrunner 1.8 does not have arm eabi support21:24
joschseems so21:24
suihkulokkiso, you seem to have painted yourself to the corner M)21:25
* lool introduces josch to the joys of porting21:25
joschheading to bed now21:27
joschthanks for all the help and patience!21:27
ZDeedlitlool: which framework?  I don't understand.  Do you mean there are different versions of Ubuntu MID?21:36
loolZDeedlit: Which player to you care about?21:36
ZDeedlitwhich player comes by default?  I assumed something with a gstreamer backend21:37
ZDeedlitor are there no applications set by default?21:38
loolZDeedlit: Exactly, by default moblin-media comes preinstalled and it's GStreamer based21:58
loolAlternatively you can install any other player you like, a popular one seems to be Elisa21:58
ZDeedlitall right, cool22:03
ZDeedlitare the gstreamer packages for the codecs I mentioned available by default?22:03
loolZDeedlit: ogg theora and ffmpeg packages are installed by default22:04
loolSo providing at least two decoders for each22:04
loolspeex is too22:04
ZDeedlitneat, though the ffmpeg stuff should be considered due to its patents22:05
ZDeedlitre-considered*, I mean22:05
ZDeedlitanyhow, thanks, that's what I wanted to know.22:05
loolZDeedlit: The ffmpeg in question is the Debian/Ubuntu stripped one22:07
loolwell Ubuntu in this case, as they differ IIRC22:07
ZDeedlitoh, okay then22:07
loolgstreamer0.10-ffmpeg is in universe; would it have patents issues I guess it would be in multiverse instead22:07
ZDeedlitI suppose22:09

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