
zul /msg kees wth with the mod_cache stuff?00:02
keesI need to sort it out with slangasek00:03
keeszul: ^^00:03
=== asac_ is now known as asac
moosepantsHi guys. I see someone has published Subversion 1.5 for Intrepid. I downloaded the source this morning and built it for Hardy. Is there a place I can chuck this for people to test/etc? Should I bother?01:54
moosepantssource package etc that is01:55
zulmoosepants: you can place it in your ppa if you wish02:00
moosepantszul: Yes might do that, at least for the guys here at work anyway02:00
=== Marce_ is now known as Marce
pwnguinhey, if i see a change log that goes (in increasing chronological order) unstable, feisty, unstable, feisty, does that mean debian pulled from ubuntu?02:48
ScottKpwnguin: No.  It means it's been merged from Debian multiple times.02:52
ScottKIf you want to see a package where Debian pulled from Ubuntu, look at klamav.02:54
ScottKYou won't be suprised when you see who did it.02:54
pwnguinklam or clam?02:55
pwnguini see02:55
moosepantsHi, perhaps someone here can help. I downloaded a package source for Intrepid, and pbuilt it under Hardy. I have discovered a problem now, and would like to build it against a different library02:58
moosepantsThe source.orig doesn't have the /debian directory, so do I edit the .dsc file?02:59
moosepantsor can debuild create the /debian from the dsc?02:59
Laneymoosepants: You can use dpkg -x <.dsc file> to unpack the source package.03:02
moosepantsLaney: Thanks, I'll give it a whirl03:04
arvind_khadrihi...i wanted to know that how do we create a *.deb out of say a text editor code written in C03:06
moosepantsLaney: Sorry, I think I already have the contents of the source package - the source.orig.tar.gz, the source.dsc and source.diff.gz file. However, the source.orig.tar.gz file doesn't contain a /debian directory. I presume the debuild process creates the .dsc from the /debian directory - I want to do the reverse03:07
Laneymoosepants: The diff.gz will contain the debian changes.03:07
LaneySo if you unpack the source package using the command I gave you then you'll get a package-version directory which will have a debian/ subdirectory that you can edit03:08
ScottKmoosepants: dpkg-source -x FILENAME.dsc will unpack the source package with the debian dir in it.03:08
ScottKLaney: It is dpkg-source though, not dpkg.03:08
LaneyScottK: Yes, of course.03:08
RAOFarvind_khadri: By making a source package based on the C source code.  You probably want to check out the PackagingGuide.03:09
moosepantsScottK, Laney: Thanks, I'll give this a go and see how I fare. Cheers03:09
arvind_khadriRAOF thanks...can you please direct me there03:09
RAOFarvind_khadri: https://help.ubuntu.com/6.10/ubuntu/packagingguide/C/index.html03:10
arvind_khadriRAOF, thanks a lot03:11
RAOFThere may be a newer version; that was just the first one I stumbled upon when browsing wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU03:11
arvind_khadriRAOF, oh ok...i would check out for the new version03:11
ScottKRAOF and arvind_khadri: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide03:12
ScottKThat's the most current.03:12
arvind_khadriScottK, thanks to you too03:13
moosepantsScottK: After changing the library in the control, rebuilding the dsc and trying to pbuild it again I get a unmet dependency because the library I have changed to is a virtual package.  Why is this failing?03:20
ScottKWhat library?03:20
moosepantsScottK: libneon26-gnutls-dev (the package source I originally grabbed from Intrepid uses libneon27-gnutls-dev, and am backporting to Hardy). The package is Subversion, and I have seen a bug (that I am experiencing also) that is likely caused by libneon27-gnutls03:22
arvind_khadriis it necessary that we have a make file in *.deb too...it is only meant for the *.tar right??03:22
ScottKarvind_khadri: It's not needed unless you can't use the upstream one.03:23
ScottKmoosepants: What is the exact error you get?03:23
persiaarvind_khadri: debian/rules is traditionally a Makefile, which often makes an additional Makefile unnecessary.03:24
ScottKIIRC it's required by policy to be a make file.03:24
arvind_khadripersia, oh ok...03:25
moosepantsScottK: Well I run pbuild and it does the thing where it grabs the deps. And I get the line "E: pbuilder-satisfydepends failed." before it cleans up and exits. Further up I read "The following packages have unmet dependencies:  pbuilder-satisfydepends-dummy: Depends: libneon26-gnutls-dev which is a virtual package."03:25
moosepantsI can epaste it (or whatever its called if you like... ?)03:26
persiaScottK: Thanks.  I've seen packages with different interpreters, but hadn't realised those were policy violations.03:26
moosepantsScottK: ;)03:26
ScottKpersia: There are a few of those.  I can't remember for sure if it is policy or it will soon be policy.03:26
ScottK!pastebin | moosepants03:27
ubottumoosepants: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)03:27
persiaScottK: It's listed as "must" in
ScottKThere we have it.03:27
* persia hasn't checked diffs to determine when it became policy03:27
moosepantsScottK: http://paste.ubuntu.com/22762/03:28
* ScottK wrote his first README.source this week.03:28
ScottKThe short version is see man cdbs-edit-patch.03:28
* ScottK looks03:28
ScottKmoosepants: My recommendation is modify your pbuilder to use the 'classic' version of satisfydepends.03:29
moosepantsScottK: Thanks, I'll look into it (I only started using it yesterday =] )03:29
ScottKLook in /etc/pbuilderrc03:30
crimsun_libneon26-gnutls-dev is in universe.03:30
ScottKAh.  moosepants Is universe enabled on your pbuilder?03:30
moosepantsScottK: Ah.. probably not. I'll have a look in the rc file03:30
ScottKcrimsun_ may have it figured out better than I do.  I'd look at that first.03:31
* ScottK wonders why "Launchpad Design and Usability Engineer" is listed as an Ubuntu job?03:35
pwnguinbecause canonical is special, duh.03:37
moosepantsScottK, crimsun_: After uncommenting the line that specifies the components, and do a pbuilder update, it still only pulls from main. Do I have to do a complete pbuilder create again?03:38
crimsun_update --override-config03:39
nxvlwhen are revu days?05:01
nxvlare there some programmed already?05:02
persianxvl: They were once announced for every wednesday, but nobody has been leading them.05:02
persianxvl: This being wednesday somewhere, you might advertise your package, and see if anyone comments.05:05
nxvlpersia: i have, on the server-team list05:10
ajmitchthen hope that the small overlap of people will look at your package05:11
nxvlalso they talked about it in today's server meeting05:12
* ajmitch decided to miss that meeting05:13
persianxvl: Asking here is more likely to target a MOTU to review, unless it's server-team specific :)05:20
=== LucidFox is now known as GamingFox
HobbseeScottK: it's because canonical have a wish to hire inside the ubuntu community, if they can.05:26
* ScottK doesn't think it's accurate to describe it as an Ubuntu job.05:27
persiaThat page is frustrating for all sorts of reasons.05:28
persiaI liked it better when there was another position posted, but it went away.05:29
=== nenolod is now known as happinessturtle
ajmitchhello Hobbsee05:29
Hobbseeheya ajmitch05:30
ajmitchtalking about the LP jobs?05:30
=== GamingFox is now known as LucidFox
dholbachgood morning06:30
=== happinessturtle is now known as nenolod
nxvldholbach: good $TZ_TIME_OF_DAY06:35
nxvldholbach: i was waiting for you06:35
nxvldholbach: i replied to you on revu06:35
nxvldholbach: the amd64 error seems to be a weird/random error06:35
dholbachnxvl: aha?06:36
wgrantIt's not OOo, so it can't have weird/random errors!06:36
nxvldholbach: i have build augeas on my ppa and it build for amd6406:36
dholbachnxvl: alright - I'll take a look later on06:37
nxvldholbach: i also made some changes early today (in this tz) and uploaded again, maybe it fixes the build error06:38
nxvlbut, how did you build it? pbuilder or just debuild06:38
=== dholbach_ is now known as dholbach
wgrantjpds: Are you planning to have Bugzilla 3.0.4 synced from Debian? It's there now.07:11
kirklanddholbach: hi there, would you have time to review a package merge of mine, and sponsor an upload?07:30
kirkland(or anyone else for that matter...)07:31
kirkland^ audacious merged for intrepid07:32
kirklandtjaalton: hey, it looks like you were the last one to upload, perhaps you might reivew?07:33
persiakirkland: It still needs a merge?  I thought nenolod had put together the necessary distribution detection in the build system.07:33
kirklandpersia: http://merges.ubuntu.com/a/audacious/REPORT07:34
persianenolod: ?07:34
nenolodi haven't had an opportunity yet.07:34
nenolodit'll be in
persianenolod: Is that likely in a few weeks, or should we merge again for now?07:35
nenolodi'd merge, cause 1.5.2 does not have a set release date yet.07:35
nenolodwe're looking at mid-july probably.07:35
persianenolod: Makes sense.  Thanks.07:36
dholbachkirkland: would you mind following  http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SponsorshipProcess ? I'm doing a bunch of sponsoring right now and I'd process it in the queue (or somebody else if I'm too slow) :)07:37
kirklanddholbach: oh, sure, no problemo!07:37
dholbachrock on!07:38
wgrantHmm, I find it interesting that (on LP) canonical-server's emblem is ubuntu-server's emblem but with an Ubuntu logo on top.07:42
kirklandnenolod: persia: any chance one of you can review/upload?  I have filed a bug in LP: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/audacious/+bug/24284107:42
ubott2Launchpad bug 242841 in audacious "please merge audacious_1.5.1-1" [Undecided,New]07:42
persiakirkland: neither of us has permission to upload that :)07:45
kirklandah, okay, no worries07:45
persiaWait, it's in universe?  I thought it was in main.07:46
kirklandi should call it a night anyway07:46
kirklandpersia: yeah, universe07:46
persiakirkland: I'll look at it later then.07:46
nenolodthe merge is fine07:47
* dholbach takes a look at libjibx-java07:57
wgrantScottK: Bug #217256 has CVE-2008-183[5-7] associated with it, but I can't see any relevance. Can you please confirm their status?08:10
ubott2Launchpad bug 217256 in clamav "ClamAV Upack Processing Buffer Overflow Vulnerability" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21725608:10
pwnguingah i hate the forums08:20
pwnguinthere's a bug report in a closed forum that's valid; i'd like to add a reply to tell him to subscribe in LP, but it's closed so no comments =(08:21
persiawgrant: Would you mind reminding me of the incantation to allow Java to work in a build chroot?  I'm not finding your several prior repetitions in my logs.  I promise to write it down somewhere useful this time :)08:43
slytherinpersia: Just got your mail. Is the time for meeting in UTC?08:46
persiaslytherin: Yes.  You may also want to join #ubuntu-java, which seems to have a little more traffic now, although still not much.08:47
wgrantpersia: echo "buildd shared/accepted-sun-dlj-v1-1 boolean true" | debconf-set-selections08:55
wgrantThat's what I've found from my logs, though there might be something else - I'll check the rebuildd chroots.08:55
persiawgrant: Thank you very much.08:57
wgrantThat seems to be all.08:57
directhexi think the opensuse build service has a package to set that setting as part of their debbuntu buildds08:58
wgrantHopefully it will be unnecessary soon, anyway.08:59
jpdswgrant: yes, I know, I haven't had time to file the request tho..09:29
wgrantjpds: Thanks.09:30
pwnguinwgrant: ive a question about xournal -- have we really not merged with debian since feisty?09:30
wgrantJust wondering, as it has its share of CVEs.09:30
wgrantpwnguin: We have new upstream releases, but have not merged with Debian.09:31
wgrantAnd I'm not TIL any more, so...09:31
pwnguinright, but you started it ;)09:31
pwnguinwe're fine09:32
wgrantI did introduce a new upstream release, but merged with Debian soon after.09:32
pwnguini just wanted to make sure i wasnt crazy09:32
wgrantHas there been anything to merge?09:32
pwnguindoubt it09:32
wgrantIt seems odd that we've had two well-spaced uploads by different people, but no merges.09:33
pwnguinthe latest debian upload happened in  june 3rd09:33
pwnguinas an NMU09:33
wgrantNew upstream release?09:33
wgrant(sorry, eating at the moment, so can't really check much)09:34
pwnguinbasically they're catching up with ubuntu ;)09:34
wgrantWe're ahead in something? That'd be a first.09:34
pwnguini was reluctant about it, but we've got precedent and a really angry upstream09:34
wgrantOh, did you NMU it?09:35
wgrantOr angry about us?09:35
pwnguinangry about us09:35
wgrantWith our X changes?09:35
pwnguinfor not shipping a new version in hardy09:35
wgrantDid they bother to tell us pre-release?09:35
wgrantThen they should run off and complain to themselves.09:36
pwnguini might ask in a week or so if there's any plans09:36
pwnguinfor intrepid09:36
wgrantWe can't actually feasibly monitor 12000 upstreams, I'm sorry.09:37
pwnguinbut they're really not what you'd call a reliable upstream release engineer09:37
pwnguintwo releases in the past year shipped with point releases days later because of terrible bugs09:37
pwnguinwith simple fixes at least09:38
wgrantIf they want to interact with Launchpad and get somebody on their side to upload it, that might be good.09:38
pwnguinim reluctant to suggest to an MIT math professor and fedora user that they should switch to a closed source LP09:38
pwnguinwhat does this "interact with launchpad" entail for them?09:39
DktrKranzDoes anybody know if there's a list of compatible hardware for Ubuntu Mobile Edition?09:39
wgrantFile bugs if they notice issues with the Ubuntu package, I guess.09:39
wgrantpersia: ^^?09:39
pwnguintheres tons of bug reports in the xournal sourceforge related to ubuntu, but mostly it looks like its because we're the only usable group around ^_^09:40
pwnguinDktrKranz: you'll know its compatible because it was sold to you preinstalled, I'd say09:40
wgrantDoes his pet distro not have it?09:40
wgrantpwnguin: I know persia runs it on some strange hardware.09:41
pwnguinwgrant: xournal appears to only be available in fedora 709:44
pwnguinbut maybe im reading their website wrong09:44
wgrantAren't we up to Fedora 9?09:46
pwnguini think so?09:46
wgrantOh, Fedora 7 and only 7?09:46
directhexnice to see fedora's met its goal of having a proper ps3 version by fedora 709:47
directhexof course, ubuntu's now officially junk on that front, so glass houses & all that09:47
wgrantdirecthex: I believe that kernel fixes are on the way, though they won't make
pwnguinhow do you upgrade a kernel fix when it wont boot?09:48
pwnguindist-upgrade from 7.10?09:48
wgrantpwnguin: By waiting for 8.04.2 or a specially-rolled PS3 image, I would suggest.09:48
directhexwgrant, perhaps one day the ps3 will be a second class citizen, rather than third class09:48
wgrantdirecthex: Or perhaps people should be using proper PCs.09:49
wgrantAnd leaving gaming consoles to be gaming consoles.09:49
pwnguindirecthex: wake me up when ubuntu runs on the wii :P09:49
pwnguintill then, go bug BenC, since he's the one who's using a PS3 as a video player09:50
slytherinhow are the ps3 kernel images compiled?09:51
wgrantSame way as the rest, no?09:52
pwnguinone bit at a time?09:52
pwnguinor maybe byte09:52
pwnguinit should just be a ppc image09:52
pwnguinits not like you get great access to the awesome hardware underneath09:53
directhexyou get some cell access, which makes for an interesting tinker toyu09:54
Hobbseedirecthex: of course, this is the advantage in not having totally-volunteer based stuff, instead of only mostly-volunteer based stuff.09:54
Hobbseedirecthex: still, you can be one of the ones who is personally responsible for it, if you want it09:54
Hobbseethere's another guy already doing stuff with it, and has been in #ubuntu-devel over the past few weeks about it, iirc.09:55
directhexi lack the required kernel wrangling knowledge09:56
Hobbseethen get it.09:56
Hobbseearmchair wishing, while it might be fun, really doesn't get you anywhere.09:56
* Hobbsee is sure there's documentation around, if you're determined enough to find it.09:57
* ajmitch wanders in, sees a whole lot of complaining, wanders out again09:57
* wgrant complains about ajmitch's hasty exit.09:58
Hobbseebut, y'know, clearly it's unfair that a volunteer hasn't put in the time and effort to do what you want to see done...09:58
pwnguinwhich volunteer?09:58
pwnguinits just a slight bit unfair when colin and ben start something and walk away. but not enough to trigger my sympathy gland :)09:59
Hobbseepwnguin: i thought it started with an X.10:00
pwnguini dont follow10:01
Hobbseepwnguin: yeah.  likewise, it's unfair when any person stops writing a program or functionality that I want.  Or don't start writing it in the first place.10:01
Hobbseepwnguin: oh, right.  any volunteer.10:01
Hobbseethe guy who keeps being in -devel about it starts with an x, iirc.10:01
pwnguinHobbsee: well, there's this bit nobody rembers about the CoC10:01
Hobbseepwnguin: stepping down responsibly means not getting rid of mission criticla systems.10:02
pwnguinwhere it says step down gracefuly. i'd argue that looking for replacements is part of that10:02
Hobbseeand such10:02
directhexthere's work, and there's banging your head against a brick wall. using the fedora example, patches to get the distro working "out of the box" have been festering in the fedora bugzilla for over a year, but those who can implement the back-end changes required are disinterested in doing so10:03
directhexat any rate, moaning about ps3 linux feels FAR more productive than fighting with kerberos on mac right now.10:03
pwnguinbut this is a bit unfair. colin did notify everyone that he was stepping down, to my recollection10:03
Hobbseeso, what you're syaing is that anyone who develops something, and has it in ubuntu, is required to provide support for it indefinetly, and to give users other possibilities for it, indefinetly, no matter when the last time they did something on it was.10:03
Hobbseei'm afraid i can't agree with your interpretation of the CoC then.10:04
pwnguinyes, you've perfectly summarized my sentence with a paragraph10:04
Hobbseethe GPL doesn't even require that, to my knowledge.10:04
pwnguini dont know enough about the ps3 situation to really place any blame for the state of the community (or lack thereof)10:05
pwnguinbeing that i lack 600 dollars10:05
* Hobbsee wonders how many of the ubuntu developers are prepared to support anything they write, for the rest of their earthly lives.10:06
pwnguini never said that, you did :P10:06
StevenKpwnguin: Right, so I wrote Linda, a package checker, and it was in Ubuntu. It's since been removed, but if you want to use it, you'll ask me for support because I wrote it?10:06
Hobbseeas a summary of your statement, yes.  Which you then agreed with.10:06
pwnguintheres no reason to get snippy; apparently i misplaced a </sarcasm> tag10:07
directhexit's the "if it doesn't work for you, fix it or bugger off" snippiness. i use it all the time in #mythtv-users10:08
pwnguindirecthex: no its "sarcasm reads like idiocy online" snippiness10:08
directhexi assume everything i read is idiocy. especially on docs.info.apple.com10:09
pwnguinwell thanks.10:09
pwnguinanyways, im of the general put up or shut up scenario with a community supported ps3 image. colin's a smart person, i imagine he made it clear how things stood when he started it and how things stood when he left10:11
Hobbseepwnguin: interesting that you class things as snipy and as sarcasm, when people naturally pull apart your claims.10:11
pwnguin^ that is missing some thougt10:11
Hobbseegives you a great way of not expanding your views at all.10:11
=== sebner_ is now known as sebner
sebnerdamn wlan -.-11:04
james_wpersia: hi, are you still ok for tomorrow?11:08
sebner\sh: you seem to have great fun with Leonov, hmm :)11:08
sebnerdholbach: linkchecker fixed and uploaded. \o/11:17
dholbachsebner: I uploaded it :)11:18
sebnerdholbach: ha! nice. I never know if nobody comments. and I couldn't find a changes_file11:18
sebnerdholbach: anyway. dirty but working :D11:20
dholbachno, that's fine11:21
sebnerdholbach: but strange since in Debian it doesn't FTBFS but also there it should :\11:21
=== sebner_ is now known as sebner
sistpoty|workhi folks11:40
james_whi sistpoty|work11:40
sistpoty|workhi james_w11:40
sebnerhuhu sistpoty|work :)11:42
sistpoty|workhi sebner11:42
\shsebner: you not? :)11:44
sebner\sh: I didn't use it yet. I can't even start it ^^11:45
\shsebner: why not? what's the problem? read the README ;)11:46
sebner\sh: ah. readme seems to be interesting xD11:48
sebner\sh: nice but it seems that the Qt version is somehow forwad11:54
jdstrand\sh: hi! are you working on the ruby1.9 merge?11:55
jdstrand\sh: I am going to take it if not11:59
\shjdstrand: please do :)12:00
jdstrand\sh: ok12:00
* sebner is too afraid to take on of \sh merges ^^12:01
tjaaltonTheMuso: re: vdr-plugin-console; I think that merging vdr (which I'll do next week) should make the change obsolete. After that, most of the plugins should be syncable12:29
kostmohow does one make a newline in the package description in debian/control?12:44
kostmothe method described in http://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-controlfields.html#s-f-Description doesn't work for me12:44
sistpoty|workkostmo: with " ."12:45
geser" ." doesn't work for you?12:45
kostmolol my bad12:45
kostmoi forgot "." was a "full-stop character"12:45
kostmoI was thinking "newline" for some reason12:45
kostmocan text be bolded or formatted in any other way in the description?12:47
sebnergeser: fire up your ACK-script. I have some syncs in u-u-s queue :P12:48
sistpoty|workkostmo: not really. only thing is that two leading spaces will iirc create verbatim text (useful for e.g. lists)12:48
kostmook, thanks12:49
kostmoso I finally got all the kinks worked out of my package and successfully uploaded it to my PPA, I would now like to get it into Universe12:52
kostmoit says that one should file a Launchpad bug for needs-packaging -- is there a template for this kind of bug?12:54
geserkostmo: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages/ExamplePackageRequest12:57
kostmoah, thanks!12:57
tjaaltonsiretart: re:vdr; yes, I am. mostly offline this week, but if you have questions you can mail me and I'll answer when I get back13:25
siretarttjaalton: I wanted to ask you to provide backports of your vdr packages for hardy, if applicable/necessary13:49
siretarttjaalton: in the MOTUMedia ppa. I started to do so in the past, but if you are preparing uploads to intrepid it would be less efford to upload them to the ppa as well13:49
tjaaltonsiretart: right. I'll merge vdr next week and file sync-requests for the plugins as necessary. backporting should be easy13:51
siretarttjaalton: cool. I'll add you them to the motumedia team, so that you can upload yourself. just apply to the team and I'll approve you13:52
tjaaltonsiretart: ok, I'll apply next week when I have more bandwith ;)13:53
DktrKranzsoren: new network-manager-vpnc snapshot uploaded to intrepid. You maintain it in Debian, biebl was thinking to move it to collaborative maintenance under pkg-utopia team, can I be of any help?13:54
sorenDktrKranz: Er... It's already there.13:55
sorenDktrKranz: "Maintain it in Debian" is not exactly accurate, though.13:55
sorenI'm *supposed* to.13:56
DktrKranzsoren: ah, I noticed right now...13:56
sorenEvery time I have to work on it, I end up spending a few hours yelling and screaming at GNOME's svn and then at svn-buildpackage and more often than not, I give up at some point.13:56
DktrKranzsoren: anyway, if you need help/manpower/anything, I'd like to help13:58
sebnerDktrKranz: huhu, so new debdiff for libnxml? yes or no?13:58
DktrKranzsebner: prepare it, so sponsors will choose between them :)13:59
sebnerDktrKranz: *you* are my sponsor :P13:59
* DktrKranz looks at his reference book, no indication he is sebner's soley sponsor :P14:00
geserDktrKranz: your copy is outdated :)14:01
sebnergeser: ha! thx :P14:01
DktrKranzgeser: already? damn!14:02
DktrKranzwasn't it 0.6.6?14:02
sebnergeser: thx for ACKing my syncs. How big is the queue currently?14:11
DktrKranzsebner: I see 64 bugs waiting14:12
sebnerDktrKranz: great. so the times are over with >300 waiting bugs ^^14:13
DktrKranzwell... if you look at subscribed bugs you'll get 92, but I usually look at http://tinyurl.com/6dawf814:15
sebnerI see :)14:16
DktrKranzand it was > 300 because of DebianMaintainerField bugs :P14:17
DktrKranznow they're gone (only 2 missing, but pending upload)14:19
sebnergood we fixed them *grins*14:20
DktrKranzsebner: don't worry, there will always be :)14:24
* directhex awaits a merge in main. and one in debian14:24
azeemanybody whether LaserJock is really busy recently, or just not on IRC a lot?15:26
sistpoty|workazeem: afaict he's really busy with his PhD15:27
wgrantazeem: He is taking a break from Ubuntu, for reasons which sistpoty|work has mentioned.15:27
azeemk, I shall send him a mail then15:28
sebnerpersia: uqm-music and *-voice is debian new \o/15:44
wgrantsebner: Didn't we just sync from Mithrandir's repo within the last couple of days?15:51
sebnerwgrant: yes15:51
sebnerwgrant: but Debian didn't want to include them because they are so big but now it's in new15:51
wgrantsebner: Aren't they no more than a couple of dozen megabytes?15:55
* wgrant looks.15:55
sebnerwgrant: dunno. but Debian didn't want them. They are/were talking about a data repo. dunno15:56
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james_w\sh: isn't there a typo in the Replaces: of clalsadrv?16:15
james_wlibclasadrvc2 instead of libclalsadrvc216:15
james_wI assume it's no longer important, as now we are post-hardy these can be dropped?16:16
\shthink so16:17
james_wit appears the packages in question were pre-dapper.16:17
mouzI packaged touchfreeze (with apachelogger's help). I hope one or two motu would like to review the packaging. The needs-packaging bug is bug 240636. I uploaded it to revu (http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=touchfreeze).16:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 240636 in brasero "close without saving dialog duplicates hotkeys" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24063616:27
mouzoeps wrong bug16:27
mouzbug 24063716:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 240637 in ubuntu "[needs-packaging] touchfreeze" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24063716:28
JazzvaI have prepared 3 merges, if anyone is willing to review. All of them are mozilla extensions, and since our and Debian packaging for extensions differs a lot, all are prepared by grabbing orig.tar.gz from debian, updating the source, and then modifying our packaging, if needed. The packaging is available in bzr branches mentioned in the bugreport.16:28
Jazzvabug 241160, bug 241669, bug 24167116:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 241160 in livehttpheaders "Please merge livehttpheaders 0.14-1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)." [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24116016:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 241669 in foxyproxy "Please merge foxyproxy 2.7.5~dfsg.1-1 from debian unstable to intrepid" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24166916:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 241671 in ctxextensions "Please merge ctxextensions 4.1.2008050601-1 from debian unstable to intrepid" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24167116:29
JazzvaThanks :)16:29
wgrantJazzva: Is it really necessary to have such a deviation from Debian?16:31
wgrantThat is generally strongly frowned upon.16:31
Jazzvawgrant, mozilla team prepared package mozilla-devscripts, which contains xpi.mk script. It makes extension packaging and maintaining a lot easier16:32
wgrantJazzva: Are you attempting to push this to Debian?16:32
Jazzvawgrant, there are plans to include mozilla-devscripts package in Debian, but for now it doesn't exist there. That's why such a big difference exists16:32
wgrantJazzva: Right, that's fine then.16:33
Jazzvawgrant, yes, when mozilla-devscripts is included in debian, I suppose they'll start using xpi.mk, so the merge changes won't be so big.16:33
* sistpoty|work heads home... cya17:09
norsettohallo all17:59
geserHallo norsetto18:00
norsettohi geser18:00
persiaDktrKranz: There's not a list, but it ought at least boot on anything McCaslin or Menlow.18:02
* persia should put up a wiki page18:02
persiajames_w: Certainly.  10:00, right?18:02
persiasebner: Indeed.  Life is amusing that way.  Anyway, we'll pull from Debian when we can, as the err.no packages are likely to not be there after lenny (as the domain is changing).18:03
james_wpersia: great. My email says "10:00 UTC on Thu 26th June"18:03
persiajames_w: Right.  Any pet bug you want reviewed in the session?18:04
james_wpersia: not that I can think of. Perhaps petitioning #ubuntu-bugs might get you something.18:06
persiajames_w: Good idea18:06
* persia is happy at the idea of someone else picking the stacktrace18:06
slytherinCan anyone please tell me where has this document moved - http://doc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/packagingguide/C/index.html ?18:40
jpdsslytherin: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide18:40
persiaWell, it didn't exactly move, but it's roughly the same content.18:43
slytherinIn the packaging guide the example copyright file contains word 'The Ubuntu Packaging:', is it appropriate?18:56
persiaslytherin: In which context?  At the top, or at the bottom?18:57
slytherinpersia: at bottom, where it specifies packaging copyright18:57
slytherinI mean shouldn't it be debian packaging or simply packaging18:58
persiaslytherin: I usually just say "Packaging" there.18:58
slytherinpersia: thanks18:58
persiaOn the other hand, it's not wrong as long as the package is only done for Ubuntu: someone ought negotiate or change it if they want to put it somewhere else.18:58
persiaProbably better if the guide dropped the word "Ubuntu" in that context.18:58
persiaslytherin: Would you mind fixing that?18:59
slytherinpersia: I will do it.18:59
persiaslytherin: Thanks.19:00
slytheringeser: had advocated my package on revu and left minor comments. I fixed those and re-uploaded it. Now the main page says no advocates. Ii is a problem, isn't it?19:36
geserslytherin: not really, I just need to check the package again and readvocate it19:38
slytheringeser: Ok. Take your time, I am in no hurry. :-)19:38
persiaslytherin: More generally, when you update a package, previous advocations are removed, as there is no guarantee your changes are also advocated.  As you've just seen, often a quick ping will get you back your advocation.19:39
geserslytherin: as your changes were minimal a look at the debdiff was enough for me to check the changes and readvocate.19:42
slytheringeser: Thanks. :-)19:42
tarheelcoxnI have a pbuilder problem. http://pastebin.com/f59859618 ... Could someone please tell me why the install of the pbuilder-satisfydepends-dummy.deb package fails the way it does? more importantly, how do I fix it?20:27
Jazzvanorsetto, for bug 227577, when you say to just keep Ubuntu package as is and the rest, you mean not to mention Debian's changelog entries?20:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 227577 in imagezoom "Please merge imagezoom 0.3.1-1 from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/22757720:29
norsettoJazzva: yes, forget debian, keep the package as an ubuntu one20:30
norsettoJazzva: just bump version to 0.3.1-0ubuntu2 with those changes and its good to go20:31
Jazzvanorsetto, but maybe it's better to mention it as a merge (true, a big one), and get our version higher than Debian's, which will remove it from MoM.20:32
DRebelliontarheelcoxn, I have had a very similar problem today with pbuilder.20:33
DRebellionWill post my log20:33
Jazzvanorsetto, also, when we start merging with Debian at some point in future, their changelog entries we skipped will show up.20:33
tarheelcoxnDRebellion: excellent20:33
DRebellionAny ideas?20:34
norsettojazzva: so what? It doesn't make any sense to marge with debian if the only diff is that they add the homepage field in debian/control.20:35
gesertarheelcoxn: have you universe enabled in your pbuilder?20:36
geserDRebellion: the same question for you too ^^20:38
Jazzvanorsetto, I thought it might be confusing for someone who works later on this (or similar) package, when our and Debian's changelog entries get mixed up.20:38
DRebelliongeser, I have this in /etc/pbuilderrc: COMPONENTS="main restricted universe multiverse"20:38
DRebelliongeser, I have to go for a short while. tarheelcoxn, I will be interested to see the outcome. ;)20:39
* tarheelcoxn looks at his rc20:39
geserDRebellion: please also check inside your pbuilder: pbuilder login and then "cat /etc/apt/sources.list" and check if universe is also listed20:39
tarheelcoxnlooks like I only had main enabled20:41
tarheelcoxngeser: thanks good catch.20:41
* tarheelcoxn tries again20:41
tarheelcoxnit works this time20:44
tarheelcoxnDRebellion: edit your /etc/pbuilderrc and try again20:44
DRebelliongeser, will do20:49
DRebelliongeser, hmm, only main is listed20:53
DRebelliongeser, after I changed the /etc/pbuilderrc , I just did pbuilder update. Should I have created a brand new chroot?20:53
geserDRebellion: try pbuilder update --overwrite-config20:55
DRebelliongeser, I have just edited the /etc/apt/sources.list inside the chroot and am now running apt-get update20:56
DRebelliongeser, that should fix it, right?20:56
geserDRebellion: that works too but only if you do pbuilder login --save-after-login else your changes get discarded20:56
DRebelliongeser, damn20:57
DRebelliongeser, okay, will do pbuilder update --overwrite-config20:57
tarheelcoxnafter I had changed mine I did a sudo pbuilder create --debootstrapopts --variant=buildd20:58
tarheelcoxnnow I know about --overwrite-config :)20:58
DRebelliontarheelcoxn, i believe there is also --override-config20:58
DRebelliongeser, Error: Unknown option [--overwrite-config] was specified20:59
geserDRebellion: then it's --override-config :)20:59
DRebelliongeser, right21:00
geserI didn't look it up in the manpage and apparently remembered it wrongly21:00
DRebelliongeser, thanks. Its working now. :D21:15
LimCorehi, is this a good place to discuss general ubuntu "wish" idea?22:07
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directhexLimCore, depends. what's your opinion of "patches accepted" as a reply?22:19
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FalkenHi everyone23:52
FalkenI'm still looking for MOTUs to review my package. Can someone have a look at http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=flabber23:53
Falkenthanks in advance !23:53
* cody-somerville takes a peek.23:54
cody-somervilleFalken, maintainer field must be a Ubuntu e-mail address if I remember correctly.23:56
cody-somervilleFalken, see your e-mail to: XSCB-Original-Maintainer23:56
cody-somervilleand Maintainer to: Ubuntu MOTU Developers <ubuntu-motu@lists.ubuntu.com> (or whatever it is).23:56
* ScottK hands Falken and cody-somerville https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebianMaintainerField23:58
Falkenthanks for the advice, I'm having a look23:59
ograwell, only for packages that are actually in debian, no ?23:59
ScottKogra: No.  All packages.23:59

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