
champion__can anyone help me with a firewire issue00:36
rhpot1991_laptopmaybe if you tell us what the problem is00:37
champion__i am running testlibraw and it si sayinh failed with error:Resource temporarily unavailabl00:38
champion__gscanbus is also freezing on me00:39
rhpot1991_laptopchampion__: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MythTV_Firewire00:42
rhpot1991_laptopdocumentation there is pretty good00:43
champion__mythprime is also freezing on me00:44
champion__I saw that site before00:45
champion__does mythprime freeze with anyone else?00:51
rhpot1991_laptopchampion__: you have the most recent version?00:53
rhpot1991_laptopand did you use the -v flag to see whats going on?00:54
champion__yes, when i use -v it freezes at00:54
champion__ERROR reading oPCR0: Invalid argument00:54
champion__Skipping ghost node 000:54
champion__those are the last two lines00:54
rhpot1991_laptopchampion__: PM majoridiot on the forums00:55
champion__kind of a noob here, how do i do that00:56
champion__what forums?00:57
champion__figured it out00:58
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a1fa_anybody running zoneminder?02:39
mutationis there an updated imdb script that also grabs the description of the movie when i grabs the poster image03:20
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Joemama_i just installed mythbuntu05:21
Joemama_and i dont know my root password05:21
Joemama_er well i did a few days ago anyway05:21
Joemama_i dont think it even asked05:21
Joemama_its not the same password it asked me to give the user05:21
rhpot1991_laptopjust sudo05:26
rhpot1991_laptopthere is no root account by default05:26
Joemama_i was doing the troubleshooting for the UPnP thing05:27
Joemama_and it told me to type05:27
Joemama_route add -net eth005:27
Joemama_and it said Operation not permitted05:27
Joemama_so i thought i needed to be root or something05:28
Joemama_the UPnP server wont show up, do i need to enable it somewhere?05:29
Joemama_i checked ifconfig, it said my local address is
Joemama_so i ran the setup thing again05:29
Joemama_and put that in as the ip05:29
Joemama_any suggestions?05:35
tgm4883Joemama_, AFAIK, the mythtv UPnP server is enabled by default05:43
tgm4883and for root access05:43
tgm4883you run sudo before the command you want05:43
Joemama_just type sudo ?05:43
tgm4883sudo 'command'05:43
Joemama_oh, testing05:43
AlsM1hello, where'd the mythtv-users go?05:46
Joemama_that route thing didnt fix it05:47
Joemama_its still not working05:47
Nostahlheyey all anyone know how to switch default video player05:47
Joemama_AlsM1 im in the channel right now05:48
AlsM1I can't see it05:48
Joemama_whois me05:48
AlsM1is there a reason I might not be able to see it05:48
Joemama_not that i can think of05:48
Joemama_where are you looking?05:49
Joemama_what version of mythtv comes with mythbuntu?05:54
AlsM1well I'm trying to figure out when I can get mythtv for Windows06:05
rhpot1991_laptopAlsM1: there are builds (or ways of doing it yourself) out there, check wiki.mythtv.org06:10
rhpot1991_laptopAlsM1: might also want to check out the mythtv player, let me find a link06:10
rhpot1991_laptopAlsM1: http://sudu.dk/mythtvplayer/ , the installer should also be on your mythbuntu CD, just toss it in and the autolauncher has a button to install06:11
Bob24is it possible to add video streams in mythbuntu so you can stream them?08:03
Nostahlwhat streams bob08:07
Bob24live video tv and videos08:11
Bob24.asx .ram08:11
Nostahldo you have astream for discovery channel and such08:12
Bob24just discovery and only works sometimes08:17
Nostahlhow long is it suppose to take to load myth weather08:17
Bob24im wondering if u can add the sopcast streams and tv ants streams in their08:18
Bob24few seconds08:18
Bob24what u suggest?08:23
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Nostahlanyone available to help me get irrecord started15:44
Nostahljust need some help with syntax to get it running15:44
Nostahlwoot got it goin16:45
Nostahlwhere did the menu option for watching online video go16:56
toorimaa couple of weeks a go i updated my 8.04 and was forced to do a dist-upgrade to get the kernel to update, now it says again that kernel is kept back, just checking that i should do dist-upgrade on lts release?23:26
CalebrownHi, I'm trying to install mythbuntu 8.04 on a 1Ghz 512MB ram machine with a hauppauge 150 card and basic on-board video.  The install starts, and then I just get tons of crazy colors on my screen.  I've tried safe graphics mode and get the same problem. Any ideas?23:56

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