[00:00] mneptok: oi, i've got sensitive skin [00:00] Daviey: i'm wearing the frictionless "contact bodysuit" you sent. [00:00] * Daviey considers looking at the pics he took of mneptok at UDS.. doing certain impressions :) [00:00] *and* the headdress [00:02] url [00:02] Myrtti: the costume absorbs all light. it is physically impossible to photograph. [00:03] mneptok, any excuse to try and get someone to strip you [00:03] mneptok: these impression ones aren't.. infact i took lots in quick succession - i reckon i could make an animated GIF :) [00:04] did you know that Daviey is banned from 99% of the known universe [00:04] !qotd [00:04] Factoid qotd not found [00:04] oops [00:04] Daviey: that will be useful in dispelling notions like - < unavailable> mneptok thank you, you are the most sensible person i have talked to in a few hours [00:04] :) [00:04] ok, i need to reduce irssi clutter [00:05] hmm ... let's see what's new on the Ubuntu UK podcast ... [00:05] . /foreach window /wc [00:05] should do it [00:05] all i got was an odd smell and a flushing sound ... [00:06] mneptok: yah.. we a little late with this episode :( [00:06] speaking of WC .... [00:06] http://thedailywtf.com/Articles/The-Stalled-Server-Room.aspx [00:08] heh [00:09] "Are you using the bathroom?" "I'm working on load balancing." "Is that a yes?" [00:10] I'm wiping it clean, then i'll reload. [00:11] sorry, i already had lunch. [00:13] try flushing the cache [00:16] let me get a log dump first [00:30] mneptok: those logs from the ladies restroom? [00:36] * Daviey patches mneptok's backdoor vulnerability [00:37] Daviey, he enjoys that [00:42] * nickrud looks around: "I must be in the wrong channel" [00:42] Flannel called the ops in #ubuntu (el1te) [00:47] /me drinks marmite tea [00:49] * Myrtti has never had marmite [00:50] Myrtti, you should nip on over to the UK shope and get some :) [00:50] or vegemite [00:54] Ugh. Marmite. [00:54] \o/ marmite hilight [00:55] A product which advertises itself with the slogan "I hate marmite" has to have something wrong with it [00:55] tis yum [00:55] Dave2: c'mon, you know you loves it [00:55] i just started eating it last week and i loves it [00:55] http://www.marmite.co.uk/hate . [00:55] my friend who emigrated from NZ thinks i'm absolutely bonkers [00:56] Dave2: the local blue cheese is promoted also with "hate" [00:58] Hello to everybody from Greece [00:59] Use ububtu. VERY satisfied [01:00] Any replies? [01:00] tasos: how can we help you here? [01:01] Thanks for the reply. No need for help right now. [01:01] Just chatting [01:01] tasos: this channel is not exactly public, you know [01:02] ok didnt know. Sorry. Leave now [01:02] tasos: come back if you ever need any help from ops [01:03] Thanks a lot [02:30] bazhang that is the third warning for ^ocen on language [02:31] Jack_Sparrow, second I saw (yours and mine) [02:31] I had two earlier [02:31] then 4 [02:32] make that 5 with mnep-tok [02:32] Now he wants to argue the point [02:36] nathangrubb called the ops in #ubuntuforums () [02:37] if the floodbots survive this ... [02:39] fools [02:39] :) [02:57] malv in -ot [05:29] In ubottu, ace_suares said: !ubuntuguide is Lots of tips and tricks (DVD, Flash, skype, googleearth) can be found on: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Hardy [05:35] pottytheshitter called the ops in #ubuntu+1 () [06:17] * Myrtti sighs [06:17] morning [06:22] !test [06:23] fail? [06:23] !test [06:23] well, life is full of fail [06:23] * Myrtti shrugs [06:24] meh. Don't I know that [06:24] From outori-netplaza.utanet.fi ( icmp_seq=3 Destination Host Unreachable [06:25] stdin: [06:28] !test [06:29] !test [06:29] I wonder where my phone is [06:30] call it, you can follow the ringer [06:30] Failed! [06:31] !test [06:31] Failed! [06:31] no lag, back [06:31] well... it is my bot. [06:32] so I sent jussi01 a sms already [06:33] now just wait [06:34] too many bots, too little time [06:35] the ops need a central server of their own with these useful little toys on it. More than one access [06:52] my fingers feel cold and I'm all in goose bumps [06:52] * Myrtti sighs [07:14] * jussio1 sighs [07:14] * Myrtti hugs jussio1 [07:15] does anyone here have experience setting up a svn server? [07:19] * Myrtti wants to go back to bed [07:20] Myrtti: me also [07:20] I'm also cold, feeling sick and generally awful. no hangover though... "count the blessings" eh. [07:21] Myrtti: thqnks for the prompt bot fix, Im trying to contact the guy, but no answer [07:21] thank nickrud [07:21] I wouldn't have noticed [07:22] * Myrtti goes to stare the innards of her fridge [07:23] * Myrtti pokes a package of bread [07:26] jussio1: you prolly noticed I dropped some of the channels from ubott2s join list [07:27] Myrtti: no, I didnt, but what ever :) [07:27] I took those off I deemed not horribly important [07:27] I don't want to put excess stress on the virtual before we know how it handles the vital ones [07:28] so far the loads look reasonable, I alerted the Jackass also to have a look at the host machine's loads [07:28] 1 user, load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00 [07:28] * Myrtti shrugs [07:28] * stdin wakes up [07:29] hello stdin [07:30] morning :) [07:31] poor nubotu, he's probably still repeating that message, every 4 mins :p [07:31] but it's being lost in the ether [08:06] Paint It Black! [08:10] * Myrtti yawns [08:18] lo [08:18] * Myrtti looks at her bed [08:19] ok, I'm going back to bed. [08:19] If you can't take ubott2 down any other way, just kick her hiney [09:07] Please, can you help me remove my password from the #ubuntu channel records? [09:08] jjido: can't be done [09:08] jjido: change your password 1000+ have already seen it [09:08] jjido: it'd be far easier to just change your pass [09:09] mmh. that is hard. It is a "weak" password that I use at many places where I don't need a better one. [09:09] it's already logged by ubuntulog, irseek and any number of unofficial log bots [09:09] plus peoples individual logs [09:10] it'd be impossible to remove it from all logs everywhere [09:10] I am not doing that Nickserv thing again. How about the official log? [09:10] jjido: the logs won't be removed, and 1000+ people have seen it [09:10] if you don't want to change your password - thats your call [09:11] yes I want to. I am sure I will forget some sites where it is used though. [09:12] we don't have any control over ubuntulog, canonical host it [09:12] firefox won't tell you? [09:12] you don't have to change every password, just your irc one [09:12] either way, learn to a) not put your passwords into public irc channels, and b) use a password safe. [09:12] ikonia: depends if the password is the same as he uses elsewhere. [09:13] yes, but as we don't know his users names or other locations, its a risk he can choose to manage [09:16] * Hobbsee raises an eyebrow at ikonia [09:16] if the guy uses one password for many things, isnt it likely that he uses the same username for many things too? [09:17] as I said a risk he can choose to manage as changing a password for him seemed to be an issue [09:18] best to change them all then [09:21] jjido: and as suggested, keep a listof passwords on a non networked computer or handwritten in a notebook [09:40] Daemonax in #ubuntu - running gnusense won't stop asking for support [09:40] ignores anyone who asks him to stop asking and points him at the rigt channel [09:40] could someone please nudge him properly [09:42] nalioth: thank you [09:54] merh [09:55] morning [09:57] * Myrtti groans, loudly [10:16] is bot down? [10:16] he left and never rejoined #ubuntu-mozillateam [10:16] gnomefreak: yes, the ISP is having issues [10:17] we have ubott2 but she is for more pressing things [10:17] jussio1: ah do we have temp bot with bug script? [10:17] gnomefreak: should be sorted out before the day ends [10:17] stdin: ^^ [10:18] jussio1: ok cool [10:18] stdin, jussio1: just a reminder; you should have all the same rights to ubott2 as ubottu... [10:18] Myrtti: yes, of course [10:18] all I did for ubott2 on that part was to add myself as admin too [10:27] * Myrtti sighs [10:27] AGAIN one of THOSE days [10:27] milk has gone bad [10:27] am I losing it? I'm losing it. [10:27] how the hell... [10:29] Amaranth: how can you quit, not change your nick and then reappear out of thin air and be voiced by chanserv? or am I having some STJUUUPEDH ignore again? [10:29] dear Gaia, I need caffeine and hugs [10:29] eh? [10:29] * Amaranth hugs Myrtti [10:30] Myrtti: are you ignoring JOINS? [10:30] not that I know of [10:31] 12:30 1 #channel foo: CRAP MSGS NOTICES SNOTES CTCPS ACTIONS JOINS PARTS QUITS KICKS MODES TOPICS WALLOPS INVITES NICKS DCC DCCMSGS CLIENTNOTICES CLIENTCRAP CLIENTERRORS [10:31] 12:30 2 fibubot: ALL [10:32] :S [10:32] I'm totally losing it [10:32] *BOJOJOING* [10:33] surely in order to lose it, you once had to have it? :) [10:33] ... good point [10:33] nvm then [10:33] <--meanie [10:33] ubott2 replaces ubottu? [10:33] bazhang: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [10:33] bazhang: for now [10:34] hopefully only until the end of the day [10:34] thanks :) [10:35] Myrtti, :) [10:35] I just love the ident of ubott2 [10:35] haha [10:35] "mommy!" [10:36] o.0 [10:36] well it is on my server, after all [10:37] what hath thou wrought? [10:38] "it wasn't me it was the one-armed man" [10:38] hehe [10:42] hehe [11:50] * Myrtti sighs [11:52] idn is all about the o4o [11:57] i know [11:57] have to warn him *every* time. [12:00] bazhang, you're allowed to crack it with him if he does what everyone was saying he was doing last night [12:01] wanna ask ppk|frigginxchat why he is doing that to xchat? [12:01] elky, plus f for me in there would be a big danger :) [12:05] jussio1: http://ihasahotdog.com/2008/06/24/cute-puppy-pictures-dey-not-end-up-on-interweb/ [12:11] * Myrtti looks at her coffee mug [12:12] /me watches Myrttis coffee mug look back [12:12] it does look back [12:12] it has pictures of teddy bears [12:12] dipping cookies into their tea mugs [12:13] http://www.newtons-law.com/ [12:15] hm [12:15] http://www.newtonstore.co.uk/products.php?id=P4377550E06048 [12:20] yay! [12:22] @time new_york [12:22] gnomefreak: Current time in America/New_York: June 25 2008, 07:20:30 - Current meeting: Bugs for Hugs Day [12:22] gnomefreak: Current time in America/New_York: June 25 2008, 07:22:02 - Current meeting: Bugs for Hugs Day [12:22] WTH [12:22] when did he join in [12:23] @login [12:23] bazhang: The operation succeeded. [12:23] bazhang: The operation succeeded. [12:23] WHAT THE HELL [12:23] I can't see him join in any of the channels [12:24] eh [12:24] Hes in #ubuntu [12:24] s/he/she/ [12:24] woops [12:24] I didn't see her join #ubuntu, didn't see her join here [12:24] WTH [12:25] what the hell? [12:25] Right before bazhang said yay [12:25] ;5~14:15 <+Myrtti> hm [12:25] 14:15 <+Myrtti> http://www.newtonstore.co.uk/products.php?id=P4377550E06048 [12:25] 14:20 <+bazhang> yay! [12:25] 14:22 <+gnomefreak> @time new_york [12:25] 07:15:50 http://www.newtonstore.co.uk/products.php?id=P4377550E06048 [12:25] 07:20:33 >>>> ubottu (n=supybot@unaffiliated/jussi01/bot/ubottu) has joined #ubuntu-ops [12:25] 07:21:26 yay! [12:26] WTH?! [12:26] 07:22:42 @time new_york [12:26] ok, ditching autorealname [12:26] it must be it [12:26] That caused a few problems for me as well, but mostly in regards to repeating join messages [12:28] autorealname? [12:29] >14:25 -!- Gralco (Eric Kuzmenko) [n=eric@ip70-171-22-212.ga.at.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:29] irssi script to show realnames when people join [12:30] Pici: Myrtti thanks i saw it already [12:30] this is really insane [12:31] yipee!! [12:31] AndrewB: yipe!? [12:32] er, not AndrewB, sorry. [12:32] Myrtti: it takes a while to join all the channels [12:32] ok, I lost it again [12:32] need more coffee [12:33] ah, interesting [12:37] bazhang: aww... I had a witty response all lined up [12:37] Pici, hehe [13:18] is it just me or is the singlelogin setup between launchpad and ubuntu wiki gone awol? [13:22] elky: singlelogin? I've never had the same username for both [13:22] * elky shrugs [13:23] bnrubin on LP and BenjaminRubin on Wiki [13:31] you dont sign in with your email address? [13:32] oh, yeah, I guess I do. [13:32] I think I'm just confused [13:32] i'm melissa on LP and MelissaDraper on wiki, but i sign into both as my email [13:32] however, im certain it used to be a shared cookie thing... seems to not be anymore [13:32] Dont mind me [13:33] is anyone other than PriceChil_d an admin in ubuntuforums.org? [13:33] i mean in this channel [13:34] !jdong | gnomefreak [13:34] gnomefreak: jdong: yes, but you're FULL OF CRACK! [13:34] jpds: i havent seen jdong post anything in over a month nor reply to my email [13:34] o_O [13:34] gnomefreak: vorian too iirc [13:35] gnomefreak: probably most of the people on #ubuntuforums access list too [13:35] elky: it may have been reset, with the switch to the newer moin? [13:35] hmmm [13:36] PriceChild and or vorian using the Go Advanced button tells you to use Post Quick Rply (im thinking this is a bug) [13:53] Hobbsee, maybe, but i logged out of launchpad and logged back in, but it didnt share the session [14:03] I need more time offline [14:04] !staff [14:04] Hey nalioth, jenda, rob, SportChick, seanw, Dave2, Christel, tomaw, Gary or PriceChild, I could use a bit of your time :) [14:04] Zeee (n=Zeee@bl4-186-55.dsl.telepac.pt) is making the rounds with spam for some sexy-lena website, spammed #ubuntu a little bit, but I'm getting reports from some users now too. Its no longer in channel. [14:11] Appears to be gone [14:12] Dave2: Thanks for taking a look [15:23] ahh, much better [15:23] (dinner ) [16:04] * Myrtti headdesks, gets more coffee [16:04] ooh coffee [16:04] evolution has decided to thread conversations.... [16:05] PriceChild: it's evolution. [16:05] Myrtti: ? [16:07] it does by default idiotic things. You see the light at the end of the tunnel? it's not the end of the tunnel. it's the train. Don't use evolution, it will spell a curse on you and your offspring up to four generations, making cows go bare and crops rot on fields. [16:07] run as fast as you can [16:07] I like it threading [16:07] but it never did it before, and I'm confused as to whether it simply thought it would be a nice present for my return. [16:08] don't all the clients do it by now? [16:08] anyway [16:08] run run run as fast as you can [16:08] RUN FORREEESSSTTT [16:08] RUN! [16:08] ... [16:08] fco,l [16:09] I guess that's my cue? [16:09] Myrtti: has now lost it ;) [16:09] I can't run anymore [16:09] wth [16:09] ok. [16:10] ... [16:10] unavailable is driving me a little crazy [16:11] smack him [16:12] same here [16:12] you want me to smack him? [16:12] awwww [16:12] you shouldn't have [16:33] Pici Join the club [16:33] dream as well [17:01] Pici: thanks [17:02] Myrtti: hm? [17:02] I really can't stand him ma'amin and sir'ing all the time [17:02] Yes, M'lady [17:03] * Myrtti blinks [17:03] * Myrtti looks at her smelly jeans, GNOME lanyard and pink t-shirt, then looks around her [17:04] ah he's okay [17:04] Why, thank you for understanding my quandaray. dear Sir! [17:04] he is really young is all. [17:05] bazhang: sure, but here in Finland people Sir and Ma'am people over 60 [17:05] Here too [17:05] india is different though Myrtti [17:05] I know, but IRC is supposed to be informal ;-) [17:05] IT CAME FROM FINLAND!!!!!11 [17:05] :-> [17:05] it came from outer space [17:06] The answer is.. Swamp Thing [17:06] the finns will never let us forget linux came from suomi [17:06] Jack_Sparrow: oh dear, you've seen me today? [17:06] bazhang: and IRC, and ssh [17:06] ! and irssi [17:06] Factoid and irssi not found [17:07] and ubottu [17:07] I was thinking of the old Johnny Carson skit.. the envelope has the answer he gives the question [17:07] * Pici puts the envelope up against his forehead [17:07] the amazing kreskin :) [17:08] Pici: pray tell, what do you see? [17:08] FYI http://nostarch.com/ Hacking The Art of Exploitation 2nd Edition [17:11] Myrtti: sorry bout ubottu going down for a min without telling you - we just did some rerouting, now my box has a new ip. [17:11] ooooooooh it'll be allright... that would be 2 hugs then. I'll send you the invoice by email. [17:12] lol [17:12] hugs exchange rate to euros is about 1:3 [17:12] so either 2 hugs or 6 euros to Finnish Red Cross [17:13] Unicef will do too [17:13] Myrtti: hugs :D [17:14] fair enough [17:14] "it's business that pays out" [17:21] Jack_Sparrow, haha that explains it :) [17:23] Myrtti I wont donate to the american red cross. [17:24] Unicef? [17:24] Over here they farm every disaster for donations and return about 10% to the community 50% for advertising for collections and multi-million dollar payrolls for the directors.. Look up past directors.. Find Mrs Bush [17:25] Didnt mean for that to drift into political.. just using that as a reference [17:25] well any charity you deem worth it [17:26] Myrtti I donate to aspca, and homes for abused women and children [17:26] I personally prefer Greenpeace, Amnesty International and local Animal Rights association, but those are often considered too aggressive here [17:26] well, not Amnesty, but...a [17:26] anyways [17:26] hmm [17:27] * Tm_T does red cross and plan [17:27] Flat earth society gets my vote [17:27] * Myrtti gives a ttttiiiiight hug for Tm_T [17:27] <3 [17:27] * Myrtti sighs [17:30] why sigh? [17:31] oh, nothing :-| [17:33] Myrtti is complicated [17:33] * Pici grabs lunch [17:34] Pici: I've never claimed to be uncomplicated creature [17:34] :-) [17:34] Pici: hu-mans, you know [17:39] more sangria. Definitely, more sangria [17:48] Myrtti: I'd say no [17:48] I know you would, dear [17:48] and you should listen to me [17:49] "yes daddy" [17:49] ;) [17:49] ::rolleyes [18:04] Can I become a IRC op helper? [18:04] holler !ops when you see someone misbehaving [18:04] (sorry for the hilight folks) [18:06] .... [18:06] Myrtti: is that he only thing I have to do? [18:06] it's a start [18:06] ok [18:06] unavailable [18:06] you think ;-= [18:06] in #ubuntu [18:06] sorry, that is the username [18:08] just smack him [18:08] more than that at this point. [18:12] * PriceChild <3's evolution threading stuff [18:13] I can't stand threading unless mailinglists [18:13] or newsgroups [18:14] * Myrtti sneaks to the fridge to get more sangria [18:15] * Myrtti looks around to check unca Jussi can't see [18:16] the other Jussi comes along and steals the sangria [18:16] eeeeek [18:16] tut tut [18:17] king tut [18:17] * Myrtti gives innocent puppy eyes [18:18] I've done nothing! HONEST! [18:18] doesn't work on me [18:18] * Myrtti slumps, whimpers [18:18] meep [18:18] * jussi01 curls up in the corner with the sangria..."mine" [18:18] jussio1: ... [18:18] you've been reading my logs. [18:19] ::rolleyes [18:19] huh? [18:19] OH nevermind. [18:20] CARRY ON, NOTHING TO SEE HERE [18:20] O.O [18:20] * Myrtti whistles [18:23] so, what's the weather been like? [18:23] (note elegant way of trying to change the subject) [18:23] Pretty comfortable here lately, its nice [18:41] we've had rain [18:41] the midsummer was a drag [18:41] nothing but rain an hails [18:42] odd clear spell here and there [18:58] * jpds is dying for some rain. [18:58] tis ompaul! [19:00] tis indeed and in persona [19:00] s/persona/texta/ [19:01] but what more does one need? [19:01] tis more than the letters of past days [19:02] atleast IRC has instant response [19:02] * Myrtti shuts up [19:02] tidim [19:02] * Tm_T hugs Myrtti [19:02] * Myrtti headdesks [19:02] * ompaul watches #ubuntu [19:02] Myrtti: was I still in between? [19:03] Tm_T: hehe [19:03] oh noes dear [19:03] you was fine [19:04] shame, I like it rough at times [19:04] * Tm_T hides [19:04] 0.0 [19:04] * Myrtti slaps your hiney [19:04] shush. [19:05] ...I was talking about friendly hugs, nothing more [19:06] yeah, ROIGHT [19:06] :-> [19:06] ;) [19:06] * Tm_T huggles Myrtti again [19:06] * Myrtti huggles back, tightly [19:20] what is with all the vague descriptions today [19:20] * Myrtti looks bazhang innocently [19:20] I knows nutin, I tell you, nutin [19:20] nut thing [19:20] variations on my msn is broke halp [19:20] * PriceChild thinks Myrtti's been having too much sangria [19:21] !halp [19:21] Hi! I'm #ubuntu-ops's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots [19:21] * Myrtti slaps PriceChild [19:21] haha Pici [19:21] that is classic. [19:21] :O [19:21] how rude [19:22] but it's such a nice hiney [19:22] * Myrtti hides [19:22] DUCK AND COVER [19:22] I prefer geese. [19:23] * Myrtti slaps Dave2 too [19:23] :o [19:23] * Dave2 runs off to his mum. By which he means "walks", and "PS2". [19:23] * Myrtti rolls her eyes [19:24] Dave2, you are quackers [19:24] * Dave2 rolls Myrtti's eyes back [19:24] You lost these [19:25] * Tm_T hugs ompaul [19:25] ompaul, *groan* [19:25] Tm_T, hi [19:25] ompaul: quackquack [19:25] * ompaul invokes http://youtube.com/watch?v=4jzGIaZcGcM [19:28] * Tm_T invokes http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PJQVlVHsFF8 [19:29] ompaul: BUT I WANT A HUG TOO! [19:30] cd /home/Myrtti; sudo apt-get install hug [19:30] ;-) [19:30] * Tm_T hugs Myrtti tight firm and long [19:30] oh noes, its DAVID [19:32] ... [19:32] * Myrtti invokes http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=inQNN_Gl_cA [19:33] unavailable wonders why "installing drivers" in windows is so complicated for some people [19:34] he can be helpful at times; but too much of that imo [19:58] * Myrtti looks at her glass [19:58] last drops [20:50] watch ornj in #u I have to take care of something here [21:05] OMG LOL Now playing "You're My Heart, You're My Soul" by Modern Talking. [21:05] :-D [21:05] oooh! [21:05] I wanna [21:42] *!*@adsl-dc-401c2.adsl.wanadoo.nl (nick Rick_ ) , auto spam on join #ubuntu [21:43] if someone klines him, please clear the ban from bantracker if you like [21:43] nickrud: you kickbanned him? [21:43] yes [21:43] nickrud: its kind of hard to confirm then :/ [21:44] ah, what would be a better procedure then? [21:45] best procedure is to tell a staffer to they can /cycle and k-line :) [21:45] s/to/so/ [21:45] stdin, ok, one more data point on this thankless job ;p [21:46] he's responding to PM though so lets see [21:47] I doubt he is at this point... [21:48] true, i'm just slow at my reporting [22:05] ok, now its looking a bit better, whadda-ya-all-think? http://jussi01.com/ [22:07] IH [22:07] "hrm, dunno what to put here yet" LOL [22:07] :D [22:08] * Myrtti huggles jussi01 [22:08] :) [22:08] * jussi01 huggles Myrtti [22:08] :-D [22:08] ih [22:09] ok then, Im off to bed... [22:09] nini [22:12] something tells me I'm not going to get to bed early tonight [22:12] oh? [22:13] its late already, 10pm [22:13] mostly https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-members-kde4/+archive/+builds?build_text=&build_state=all and https://launchpad.net/+builds say to me "you ain't goin' nowhere" [22:14] stdin, love [22:14] staring those pages will hardly make the process go any faster? [22:14] probably not, but I'm waiting on them to get the next batch up [22:15] *patpat [22:15] stdin: question number one: are you getting paid for this? [22:15] answer number one: nope :p [22:15] question number two: if not, what is your excuse and is it REALLY worth it? [22:16] my excuse is, people want the beta 2 and so do I [22:16] also, I'm the only one doing it right now, and I don't want (more) hate messages/mail [22:17] tell them to shove it [22:17] by making it delayed [22:17] Myrtti: I have told a few to already ;) [22:17] your excuse for delay is that you're afraid of mistakes if it's done in haste and you tired [22:17] shove that to their throats and have it over with [22:18] it's no haste, I've been working on it since saturday [22:18] PPAs are just slowing me down [22:18] even more a reason to go sleeping now [22:18] I will sleep, but not yet [22:18] since you've been working on it sunday, surely two more hours mean nothing? [22:18] (before midnight though) [22:18] saturday, I mean [22:19] * Myrtti tucks stdins hand, shoves him to bed, tucks him in and puts off the lights [22:19] nni [22:19] I should do it as fast as reasonably possible, as everyone's packages are broken :p [22:20] * Myrtti rolls her eyes [22:20] but right now I'm getting my dinner (yes, at 22:20) [22:22] I'll do what I can in the next hour or so, but (like I did last night) I'm not going to say up all night [22:22] like I did with the 4.0.0 :/ [22:24] theres a good boy [22:25] after you've had your dinner, go brush your teeth and change for jammies, then you'll be aaaaall set for nini :-P [22:26] I may even get some warm milk too :D [22:29] awwww [22:41] nini everyone [22:42] night [22:57] win 4 [22:58] fail 1 [23:24] * Mez black hats his way onto the internet [23:57] * Dave2 throws white paint on Mez [23:57] lol