[00:00] any other idea guys thats a bit odd ? [00:00] johanjof: bios settings? [00:01] If I install any kernel server, it will be faster in my laptop? [00:01] i want to make openftpd platform independent but i get it compiled to work with shared libraries,and then when i want to run it on other machine its giving errors about shared libraries. How can i avoid it ? [00:01] Hi, might anyone help me to connect to a WIFI with WPA, because the driver in NDISwrapper " wpa_supplicant didn’t seem to work, even with the Dell driver but WEP worked" ? [00:01] hi all [00:01] rexnubulr: hmmm im not sure, it did that after a fresh install of gutsy with alternate installation (I wanted the minimum X possible) [00:01] is there any version of ubuntu that uses the 2.4 kernel that has the BTAUDIO module enabled? [00:01] kelvin, not all drivers hardware supports WPA [00:02] live cd prefered [00:02] err drivers/hardware [00:02] hi, i'm having the following problem in hardy, can anyone help? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=835069 [00:02] johanjof: You should use the alternate CD, and install a CLI only box [00:02] kelvin, are you sure your hardware supports it? [00:02] i want to make openftpd platform independent but i get it compiled to work with shared libraries,and then when i want to run it on other machine its giving errors about shared libraries. How can i avoid it ? [00:03] Blaqlight: No how I find out that? [00:03] No, [00:03] can i buy a penis [00:03] wind0r: That's off topic for this channel, #ubuntu-offtopic would be one place for it, although there are probably better ones [00:03] ops [00:03] sorry [00:03] WRONG [00:03] CHANNEL [00:03] Commie_Jebus: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [00:03] Blaqlight: Intel 3945 http://ndiswrappaer.sourceforge.net/joomla/index.php?/component/option,com_openwiki/Itemid,33/id,list_g-l/#j [00:04] did anyone hear me. is there a version of ubuntu live cd that has btaudio enabled? i dont mind it being older [00:04] flannel: hmm sorry ? I installed xorg package and gnome-core [00:04] johanjof: Nothing, you've already done that it seems [00:04] Daviey: that will be useful in dispelling notions like - < unavailable> mneptok thank you, you are the most sensible person i have talked to in a few hours [00:04] I don't want an icon to appear on the desktop when I mount an external drive. Is there a way I can do this? [00:04] oops [00:04] why offtopic [00:04] i need support [00:05] with this shit [00:05] i do tio [00:05] wind0r: You don't need Ubuntu support, you need support re: compiling [00:05] hi, i'm having the following problem in hardy, can anyone help? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=835069 [00:05] what version of ubuntu had btaudio support in the live cd [00:05] I found a soultion! [00:05] is it possible to use mplayer to generate video thumbnails in nautilus? [00:05] yea but on ubuntu [00:06] Is there a solution from remotely accessing a windows box from a gnu/linux box? [00:06] flannel: the strange thing is that as soon as i install gnome-screensaver and stop the screensaver settings there, it works. It is very odd that without this package, blank screen saving is active. I wonder why ?! [00:06] is there anyone here that actually has ran ubuntu for a long time and knows what version has btaudio support? [00:06] not a hard question [00:06] Matthew12: I've done it but I can't remember how [00:07] johanjof: the "lets start a screensaver" timer could be built in by default, and once you install -screensaver it reliquishes control [00:07] yoyoned: well thank you :) [00:07] who uses Bacula? [00:07] does anyone know what im talking about [00:07] btaudio [00:07] ...This is retarded. ;< I updated from 7.10 to 8.04 and now the package manager doesn't work. :/ [00:08] Matthew12: http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/ubuntu/hide-removable-drive-icons-from-your-ubuntu-desktop/ I don't think thats exactly what I did, but its worth a try [00:08] mouseboyx, the best way is either remote desktop or a VNC client/server. [00:08] el1te: you mean bluez-audio? [00:08] flannel: would you think that there can be some echo command somewhere on /proc that could remove this behavior ? [00:08] yoyoned: hey, thanks I'll check that out [00:08] booktree audio...its usually used for tv cards [00:08] is it possible to use mplayer to generate video thumbnails in nautilus? [00:08] Blaglight, is there ssh for windows that actually works? [00:09] johanjof: I'm sure there's a way to disable it, yes. I'm less sure it'll be in /proc [00:09] can anyone tell me if there is an Ubuntu equivalent of peer guardian [00:09] Im not sure.I don't use windows anymore. [00:09] Ah, ok. [00:09] I'm trying to start postgreSQL and I get the following error: "couldn't create lock file /var/run/postgresql/.s.PGSQL.5432.lock": permission denied. What can I do? I ran 'sudo chmod +rwx' in that directory but I still get the message [00:10] Schuenemann: is postgres already running? [00:10] hi, i'm having the following problem in hardy, can anyone help? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=835069 [00:10] Flannel, no [00:10] is there a separate channel to discuss UME and eee support? === IdleOneGEU is now known as IdleOne [00:10] Schuenemann: Was it running and you shut it down dirty? [00:11] Flannel, yes [00:11] with kill [00:11] jesus christ [00:11] evoirement variables are not stored if i close my terminal session when i export them, what am i doing wrong? [00:11] can someone tell me if there is a version of ubuntu that has btaudio support [00:11] h2a [00:11] Flannel, the only file in that directory is 8.2-main.pid [00:11] pulling teeth here [00:11] Schuenemann, regarding the Eee, have you seen the wiki? [00:11] Hi, might anyone help me to connect to a WIFI with WPA, because the driver in NDISwrapper " wpa_supplicant didn’t seem to work, even with the Dell driver but WEP worked" ? [00:11] steve|pearce, what is the Eee? [00:11] el1te: You were asked a question, you haven't answered. Also, people in here are volunteers. [00:11] i mean tikihead sorry [00:12] mini book [00:12] o0 [00:12] Schuenemann: its a portable computer from asus [00:12] steve|pearce : yes. i have [00:12] Flannel i did answer [00:12] i thought you ignored it [00:12] tikihead, what is it you need to know? [00:13] Flannel, is there any problem in killing its process? [00:13] !prefix | el1te [00:13] el1te: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :) [00:13] a 4okavo vashe? [00:13] <]RandoM[_> anybody know how to connect to a vpn with openvpn? i googled it it's all setting up openvpn the server.. [00:13] yoyoned: that did it. Thanks! [00:13] steve|pearce : i'm just working through getting a cli install done on my eee and then proceeding with the ubuntu-mobile package. just wondering if anyone had any luck/tips/tricks w/ that [00:13] Flannel booktree audio...its usually used for tv cards [00:13] OTVETTE NA MOY OTVET! [00:14] !english iceq_ [00:14] SUKI!!!111 [00:14] Factoid english iceq_ not found [00:14] hi, I'm installing KDE4, but it isn't taking the place of KDE 3.5. How do I remove KDE 3.5? [00:14] !english | iceq_ [00:14] iceq_: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat [00:14] iceq_, stop that nonsense [00:14] hi guys [00:14] !english iceq_ [00:14] yo [00:14] :( [00:14] sry [00:14] what does it mean [00:14] hi [00:14] maksim@ubuntu:/var/log$ find /media/data/Music -type f -iname '*.mp3' -print0 | xargs -0 /var/log/id3v2.plxargs: /var/log/id3v2.pl: terminated by signal 11maksim@ubuntu:/var/log$ [00:14] iceq_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [00:15] i dont understand Bacula [00:15] Schuenemann: You should always try and shut stuff down properly, because it allows it to do everythign it needs to. (like remove lock files). Um, it *may* be that postgres wants that directory to have certain permissions, butI'm not intimately familiar with postgres, you might try asking in #postgres [00:15] Flannel did you see what i responded with [00:15] Hi, might anyone help me to connect to a WIFI with WPA, because the driver in NDISwrapper " wpa_supplicant didn’t seem to work, even with the Dell driver but WEP worked" ? [00:15] el1te: I did [00:15] and? [00:15] Anyone have an idea how I can get ubuntu 8.04 to detect my 600g data striping array. i think my mobo uses nvidia drivers of some sort to maintain it [00:15] DrLame !! OMG [00:16] I swear, every piece of hardware I have is made by an opensource hating evil company >< [00:16] * DrLame adds a question mark after array [00:16] Hai Dream =) [00:16] ^^ omg! [00:16] Nvidia? [00:16] lol [00:16] DrLame: then you probably need nvidia drivers for it [00:16] Flannel, I thought the same, but I ran sudo chmod +rwx and nothing [00:16] el1te: Are you sure there was one? [00:16] I think so. That's what it says when it checks the array on bootup [00:16] DrLame: that's fakeraid for you... =/ [00:16] Schuenemann: right, but it may want it to not be writeable by others, or whatnot, to protect the integrity of that file [00:17] help me please [00:17] Slart: makes sense... but I'm VERY linux newbie. How would suggest getting these drivers? [00:17] Flannel im new...im just going to all the distro channels trying to find a live cd that has btaudio support [00:17] Schuenemann: for instance, certain files in your homedir need to be 644, etc. [00:17] i dont care if its an old release [00:17] DrLame: I'm guessing there aren't even any drivers.. there usually isn't [00:17] i need to apply perl script to all my mp3 but recieves erro [00:17] r [00:17] Dream: No malloc for you? =) [00:17] tikihead, when you have the install complete, you should be able to pull in ubuntu and xserver with "apt-get install ubuntu-desktop". As for UME, see here: https://launchpad.net/netbook-remix. Once its in, you'll want to set up gnome-sessions for maximus and ume-launcher I believe [00:17] Flannel, why I don't see that file? [00:17] >_< cba to log on malloc [00:18] is it possible to use mplayer to generate video thumbnails in nautilus? [00:18] lol, cba? [00:18] Schuenemann: It might not be there. [00:18] DrLame: and if you create a software raid for use in ubuntu I think you'll have problems using it in windows.. [00:18] I need to find something to do that doesn't require bandwidth. hmm a nice rpg would be good if I can find a good one. [00:18] el1te: Ah, well, you're asking in a rather horrible fashion. Its a card? Whats the card model? [00:18] Maybe I'll break it back up into 2 hdds then [00:18] !games | Blaqlight [00:18] Blaqlight: Information about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php [00:18] I've got Sigmatel 9200 sound card, and it seems that it's stopped working after installing a -386 kernel (which I did to make virtualbox work) -- any ideas? [00:18] tikihead, for ubuntu performance fixes, this site is a life saver: http://www.ubuntu-eee.com/index.php5?title=User_Guides [00:19] maksim@ubuntu:/var/log$ find /media/data/Music -type f -iname '*.mp3' -print0 | xargs -0 /var/log/id3v2.pl GET ERROR : xargs: /var/log/id3v2.pl: terminated by signal 11 [00:19] steve|pearce : I was hoping I didn't have to install the entire bloat of ubuntu-desktop. I was going for running UME on Hildon [00:19] it is a ati tv wonder ve....tv card and it uses the conexant 878a chip [00:19] Flannel but im doing a project [00:19] DrLame: it sucks.. but I think that's the way it is.. if you were using a real raid card you might find drivers for both linux and windows.. but those cards cost money [00:19] Flannel to turn it into an oscilloscope [00:19] el1te: Thats what you *should* be asking about. Support for ATI tv wonder aydda yadda [00:19] Flannel so it needs to be the BTAUDIO module [00:19] is it possible to use mplayer to generate video thumbnails in nautilus? [00:19] tikihead, /me googles Hildon [00:20] i am getting right to the point cause its no longer a tv card [00:20] Flannel: hi man, do you remember me? :) [00:20] tikihead, im running fluxbox on a thin setup myself so far [00:20] pen: you mean thumbnails for file icons? or like a screenshot collection? [00:20] Flannel its an oscilloscope that uses BTAUDIO [00:20] el1te: Again, it doesn't quite work that way. [00:20] ParanoyaM: Howdy [00:20] steve|pearce : I've done the other way with the netbook remix, that's pretty neat [00:20] the hell it dont [00:20] BTAUDIO [00:20] Does anyone here have a HP PSC printer using hplip or another driver for linux? [00:21] !attitude | el1te [00:21] el1te: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines [00:21] 1300 people here and no one can figure out if ubuntu previous live cd has btaudio support? [00:21] Slart: I'm running a $250 asus mobo, so I thought I WOULD be getting real stuff... === katz__ is now known as _katz_ [00:21] lol [00:21] lol [00:21] el1te: Stop being annoying and rude. You're being helped. Stop being stupid [00:21] i understand about volunteers....but no one has the knowledge to know about btaudio support? [00:21] erm, anyone ideas, how to run Bacula? [00:21] Flannel, NO U. [00:22] Slart, thumbnails for videos [00:22] DrLame: hehe.. think again.. real raid cards use their own memory, a small processing unit etc etc.. they start at ~$300 .. just for the raid card [00:22] i have an HP2133, the built in camera works within skype using /dev/video0 (using the test feature in skype) but camorama says it cant open /dev/video0.. any ideas? [00:22] hey guys, I have a question, I'm taking a C Programming course, and so far I've been doing most of my coding using gedit and gcc. I remember seeing someone have Eclipse set up for C with a working debugger and all. I've googled around, and I've installed Eclipse with the C programming plugin, I think it was called CDT, but not much luck. Is there a tutorial on setting eclipse up properly for C programming, so it rivals Visual Studio? [00:22] el1te: Like I said, it *doesn't* work like that. You don't necessarily have a driver for that particular chip on the board. Calm the hell down, and be patient. [00:22] maksim@ubuntu:/var/log$ find /media/data/Music -type f -iname '*.mp3' -print0 | xargs -0 /var/log/id3v2.pl GET ERROR : xargs: /var/log/id3v2.pl: terminated by signal 11 SCRIPT: cat /var/log/id3v2.pl: http://pastebin.ru/294774 [00:22] dude SATA RAID cards start at way less than $300 [00:22] Slart: ouch. My dreams of raid 5 go crashing down =D [00:23] el1te: I can tell you that the little bluetooth thingy in gnome has an option for enabling bluetooth audio.. I've never used it myself but it's there [00:23] NetEcho: i do [00:23] Flannel i been in here for an hr on the same question....how much longer? [00:23] el1te: fine. Find it yourself. [00:23] NetEcho: what is the model you need help with? ive got the c3100 running beautifully [00:23] !patience | el1te [00:23] el1te: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines [00:23] like i said no one in here knows? [00:23] can i install ubuntu from a seperate partition? or do i need to do it from a disc/usb etc ? [00:24] nope, no one knows or cares [00:24] what are you talking about....if you cant find it just say so [00:24] elite whats the question? [00:24] el1te, neither do you so..... [00:24] it is irrelevant in a cosmic sort of way [00:24] Slart, ? do you know how to do that? [00:24] whats an optimal size for the swap for a system that has 4GB of ram [00:24] sam_delta im looking for any ubuntu live cd that has btaudio support [00:24] IanXX_: Do you plan on hibernating? [00:24] btaudio is normally a module for tv-cards [00:25] el1te, why not just build it into a module or add it yourself === swhitt is now known as swhitt|away [00:25] i have 1 gig free space that sit [00:25] ok [00:25] and then.. [00:25] pen: thumbnails for videos... I'll have to ask again.. do you mean 1. icons for files in nautilus, or 2. collections of screenshots [00:25] elite i believe you can make your won custom live cds, want me to find the link for it? [00:25] IanXX_: laptop? [00:25] sam_delta do i have to have a linux enviroment running? [00:25] how do i uninstall XGL [00:25] Slart, the first one obviously [00:26] hi, i have a laptop without cd drive, with ubuntu 6 i downloaded the ubuntu 8.04 but i want to do a fresh complet reinstall is there a way to make the iso on a usb stick so i can do the installation via usb stick else of a cd-rom ? [00:26] Slart:desktop [00:26] tomaspg: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromLinux is one method [00:26] hey gang. did an update a few hours ago and saw about 30 packages come across including some compiz stuff. just rebooted and now my X is pretty borked. anyone else seeing similar issues? [00:26] el1te, just boot the live cd, setup btaudio then save the packages to the usb stick and install every time [00:26] elec how can i setup btaudio if the kernel dont ahve it [00:26] how do i uninstall XGL [00:26] Slart, nautilus uses totem to generate thumbnails for video icons [00:26] !!!!!!! [00:27] elite, i believe you can make it from the normal live cd, ive heard you just boot into the normal live CD, make any changes/install new things, then remake the live cd from the current enviroment. i have never make that, but i can point you into some instructions [00:27] Slart, I want to change it to mplayer [00:27] * Dream yawns [00:27] NetEcho, im going to guess you are looking for the ppd, search for your model in here: http://www.openprinting.org/printer_list.cgi [00:27] Commie_Jebus, apt-get remove xserver-xgl [00:27] hi, i have a laptop without cd drive, with ubuntu 6 i downloaded the ubuntu 8.04 but i want to do a fresh complet reinstall is there a way to make the iso on a usb stick so i can do the installation via usb stick else of a cd-rom ? [00:27] pen: I think thumbnails are being generated by some kind of script which then calls a chosen program to generate an image.. different programs are used for creating snapshots of video files.. images of text files, images of pdf's.. it's a gnome thing or a nautilus thing.. I can't remember the name of the script but it's in there somewhere [00:27] sam_delta the current live cd does not have btaudio support [00:27] Dsbeerf: I don't know about usb, but I know another way without cd if you have a good network connection [00:27] btaudio = bluetooth audio? [00:27] book tree audio [00:27] now how do i do a automadic login [00:27] IanXX_: I would use 2G for swap.. that's what I have for my 4GB system.. I still haven't used any of it [00:27] Slart, there is no documentation about this. I don't know where to start [00:28] I guess the question I've got is what's the easiest way to get a functioning xserver without ubuntu-desktop [00:28] tikihead: sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg [00:28] el1te but you can install it yourself, then remake live cD? mayb recompile the kernel duno [00:28] Slart:ok [00:28] IanXX_: if you want to use suspend, I believe you'll need as much swap as ram [00:28] pen: well.. there are some documentation.. at least there was when I searched for it about a year ago.. but it wasn't much [00:28] thanks Flannel [00:28] sam_delta most live cds dont have a dev envitroment and usually wont work anyhow [00:28] Hi, I just installed 8.04 on a spare computer, but it wont boot into the gui desktop, I just get busybox. It runs fine off the live cd part of my cd, but once installed its not booting to the desktop. [00:28] jrib: suspend? isn't that hibernate? suspend still keeps the machine running afaik [00:29] jrib:ok 4gb then [00:29] hi. i need some help to stop a warning at boot. it is related to https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/206129 my problem is that editing the /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist and /etc/modprobe.d/aliases did not worked. i thi9nk i just have to stop the module to load at boot but i don't know how to do it. anyone can help me, please? [00:29] Launchpad bug 206129 in linux "Warning during boot: WARNING: Error inserting padlock_sha (/lib/modules/2.6.24/12-generic/kernel/drivers/crypto/padlock-sha-.ko): No such device" [Medium,Triaged] [00:29] el1te , alright, sry bout that, have you looked into another distros? [00:29] Tachikomatic_-> are you sure you were able to install it completely? [00:29] As far as I know it did [00:29] pen: I remember using google a lot to find info on this... I can't remember what I searched for.. but I remember it took me several days to find any info at all [00:29] !backup [00:29] There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning [00:29] Tachikomatic_-> try to re-install to make sure.. [00:30] Dsbeerf: do you have broadband === swhitt|away is now known as swhitt [00:30] !sbackup [00:30] sbackup is a tool to create complete and/or incremental backups (which can be scheduled to be automatic, and can be done over a network). It is available in !Universe [00:30] i have installed of that disk several times on other computer without a hitch, and this one was the same as all the others [00:30] sam_delta yes i have and closest i found so far was damnsmalllinux 4.2.3 and it has btaudio working and picks up my tv-card BUT the "MYDSL" apps wont let me change to that /dev/dsp [00:30] !universe [00:30] The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories [00:30] Slart, can y ourecall? [00:30] Slart, recall? [00:30] :( [00:30] Tachikomatic_-> aparently this time it didnt work, so try again [00:30] no one in here knows when btaudio stopped being used? [00:31] when installing a program with apt, how would i find out what version is being installed? [00:31] el1te: i don't [00:31] :) [00:31] pen: nah.. I tried searching a bit just now but I didn't find anything I recognized... I just gave up on that project [00:31] well, the install cycle went all the way through, and I got to the point that it told me to remove the cd, close the tray and press enter [00:31] yea but isnt there a maintainer in here? [00:31] simcop2387-lap-> you can then dpkg -l |grep pkgname to find out [00:31] simcop2387-lap: apt-cache policy === russ is now known as ^Ocean^ [00:31] who maintains ubuntiu [00:31] Slart: thanks [00:32] el1te: It didn't stop being used. Its not in the stable kernel yet. [00:32] el1te: canonical.. and lots of volunteers I guess [00:32] dont those guys hang out in here? [00:32] !who | Tachikomatic_-> [00:32] el1te: i'd imagine so [00:32] Flannel i thought it was depricated [00:32] el1te: how active they are is another question [00:32] well crap... [00:32] i cant believe they arent active in day time [00:33] in usa daytime [00:33] desktop switcher in hardy is annoying ! is there any way to disable the gitter animation movement thingy ? [00:33] day time for who? [00:33] el1te: Not according to the internets. Again, I was trying to explain this to you, but you kept spamming about being ignored. [00:33] Flannel i clearly said btaudio [00:33] jen: check the !ccsm... there are settings for all that stuff [00:33] !ccsm [00:33] ccsm is To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu 8.04 (Hardy), install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion [00:33] Flannel and you asked me what btaudio was and i told you booktree [00:34] el1te: Try debian. See : http://www.mythtv.org/wiki/index.php/Btaudio [00:34] anyone know why i keep getting compiz updates when i dont use compiz? [00:34] Slart: cheers bro ! === champion is now known as champion_ [00:35] SeaPhor: because compiz is installed, even if it isn't active [00:35] Flannel they didnt start making live cds till after everyone else did [00:35] SeaPhor: it's installed by default [00:35] hola [00:35] como les va' [00:35] what is the oldest ubuntu live cd [00:35] ? [00:35] todo bien? [00:35] ZhErOs: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [00:35] soy de Argentina [00:35] is this the place to get firewire help? [00:35] where is a list of all the ubuntu live cd distros === champion_ is now known as champion [00:35] FloodBot1 chupala gato [00:35] !ar | ZhErOs [00:35] ZhErOs: La comunidad local de Argentina se puede encontrar en #ubuntu-ar y en su canal de offtopic: #ubuntu-ar-cafe === champion is now known as champion__ [00:35] am i allowed to scream? [00:35] hijo de una putisimam madre... [00:35] como va? [00:35] thanx Slart [00:35] el1te, easily found on google [00:36] el1te: 4.10 was the earliest. Please, go to #ubuntu-offtopic to continue this discussion, as its getting further offtopic as we speak. [00:36] Flannel do you know what "YEAR" the first ubuntu live cd came out [00:36] ZhErOs: this channel is english only.. speak english or go to the argentinian channel, #ubuntu-ar [00:36] okz [00:36] Flannel by you telling me to goto debian is offtopic [00:36] TankeYou [00:36] you're welcome, ZhErOs [00:36] Tank [00:36] I'm using Ubuntu 7.10, and it has an OLDDDD ATI Sapphire card(From back before video cards had fans and looked fancy :P), and for some reason, the resolution is 1440X900, which really makes VNCing to it suck. How can I change the resolution down to 1024X768 or 800X600? When I try to do it through System>Admin>Screens and Graphics, and then I test it, it has a grey kinda fuzzy screen, with the box asking me if I wanna kee [00:36] p the settings. [00:36] Bye [00:36] stupid piece of crap - WHY can't I get back to my normal screen res? HELP! [00:36] my question still stands....was there an ubuntu live cd that had btaudio enabled is offtopic? [00:36] omg [00:37] elite, 4.10 warthy is the first ubuntu distro [00:37] ok checking [00:37] thank-you [00:37] well, thanks off to reinstall yet again :P [00:37] so el1te he could not find that info on google === OH_no_you_didnt is now known as oh_no_you_didnt [00:38] IdleOne, the "just google it" attitude is a bad one remember :P [00:38] IdleOne when no one in the "#ubuntu" channel knows you think google does? [00:38] omg [00:39] is it possible to use mplayer to generate video thumbnails in nautilus? [00:39] steve|pearce, the attitude is wrong if the person asks one time and gets RTFM as an answer but when the person claims to know what they are talking about and does not want to search for themself the answer is valid === tom_ is now known as Jinxed-Ubuntu [00:39] im at ubuntu.com and the only thing i see i can dload is 8.04? are there other links there that will let me get older versions? [00:40] el1te: Again, google would've found it for you: http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/releases/4.10/ [00:40] el1te, just change the URL for the 8.04 download page :P [00:40] i dont know if i want the OLDEST release [00:40] i want to browse all releases [00:40] change ur nick to NotEl1te [00:40] and read changelogs [00:40] el1te, http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/releases/4.10/ [00:40] 2 people found the link on google... look at that [00:41] IdleOne your telling me i cant ask for links to ubuntu in the ubuntu channel? [00:41] wtf [00:41] in compizconfig which is the setting for the above mentioned annoying workplace switcher animation thingy ? [00:41] I'm telling you stop being lazy we are not search engines we help people who need help not people to lazy to find the answer [00:41] if i cant ask ubuntu questions what can i ask....want to talk about my car or my tv? [00:41] I'm using Ubuntu 7.10, and the computer it's on has an OLDDDD ATI Sapphire card(From back before video cards had fans and looked fancy :P), and for some reason, the resolution is 1440X900, which really makes VNCing to it suck. How can I change the resolution down to 1024X768 or 800X600? When I try to do it through System>Admin>Screens and Graphics, and then I test it, it has a grey kinda fuzzy screen, with the box asking [00:41] me if I wanna keep the settings. [00:41] my dog? [00:42] IdleOne im telling you go fuck yourself [00:42] !ops | el1te [00:42] el1te: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jdavies, bazhang or jussi01! [00:42] lol [00:42] IdleOne: can you or someone else here help me with screen res? [00:42] Pidgin isnt working [00:42] is it possible to use mplayer to generate video thumbnails in nautilus? [00:42] !fixres | q_a_z_steve [00:42] q_a_z_steve: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto [00:42] !coc | el1te [00:42] el1te: The Ubuntu Code of Conduct to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/ [00:43] nickrud, that would mean he would have to open firefox and read... doubt he will do that. [00:43] now i'll stop [00:43] :/ === russ is now known as ^Ocean^ [00:46] Heya all. Is there some way to find out if/when the new ATI proprietary drivers [released June 18] are going to make it into ubuntu's main repositories? [00:46] <^Ocean^> whats the command too configure compiz ? [00:46] ^Ocean^: have you installed compiz-settings? [00:46] <^Ocean^> apainrtly not ahaha [00:46] any idea why my wireless randomly stopped working on my laptop? [00:46] ^Ocean^: lol.. search synaptic for it.. i think its called compiz-settings-manager [00:47] ^Ocean^: then once its installed, its under System/Prefs/Advanced Desktop Settings [00:48] whats the command to remove something? i thought it was sudo apt-remove but i was wrong [00:48] test [00:48] !apt > whik (read the private message from ubottu) [00:48] test [00:48] whik: apt-get remove [package], or apt-get purge package [00:49] thank you [00:49] i thought vncserver would allow remote controll of myhost? i have to use x11vnc? or perhaps a settings I have not enabled? am trying to control a fedora.. [00:49] what is the proper way to remove a kernel module? i have a problem related to https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/206129 and i can't fix it. help would be apreciate. [00:49] Launchpad bug 206129 in linux "Warning during boot: WARNING: Error inserting padlock_sha (/lib/modules/2.6.24/12-generic/kernel/drivers/crypto/padlock-sha-.ko): No such device" [Medium,Triaged] [00:50] root0: You could blacklist it [00:50] i have vsftpd and would like a way to monitor it, $ ps -fe | grep vsftpd just doesnt show enough,,, [00:50] tail -f /var/log/vsftpd.log [or whatever its log is called] ? [00:51] SeaPhor-> monitor which? man watch to see if it can do what you'd like [00:51] quien entiende castellano? [00:51] Flannel, editing /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist did not worked. same with /etc/modprobe.d/aliases. am i doing something wrong? [00:51] amenado, ty, i'll look into it [00:51] !es | enzo [00:51] is anyone here familiar with mythprime? It keeps freezing on me [00:51] enzo: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es. [00:52] ok, soy nuevo aqui [00:52] has anybody ever installed postgresql in ubuntu? What is the default password? [00:52] Hey guys, anyone here have experience with TV tuners? [00:53] spoon man [00:53] Yep... in windows XP MCE, lol [00:53] :-P [00:53] RabidLockerGnome: Yes [00:53] RabidLockerGnome: I've got a pvr-150 I have a mythbuntu box [00:53] yes, enzo? [00:53] RabidLockerGnome: I have setup 2 pvr-150 in a mythbox as well [00:54] I've got a tuner, using the Bt878 chipset, can't get it to work at all [00:54] help me [00:54] my GPU is an ATI radeon 9600 [00:54] I dont understan how use it === chaky_ is now known as chaky [00:54] RabidLockerGnome: ATI AIW? [00:54] how to use what? [00:54] ok it wont remove it says that the package cant be found when im looking at it under usr/local/games [00:55] enzo: use what? [00:55] spdf, no, Leadtek [00:55] RabidLockerGnome: Read that wrong.. ignore AIW question.. [00:55] i use have used linux for two weeks [00:55] WinFast TV of some sort [00:55] sorry for my english [00:55] enzo: great [00:56] i am using 8.04....where did that install program go that used to be in older ubuntus? [00:56] amenado, how would i monitor (real-time) when a user logs on and what directory user is in at the moment? and what port user is logged in thru? [00:56] RabidLockerGnome: Yeh, that's what it looks like. Uses the BTTV drivers, and v4l [00:56] yoyoned, where are you from? [00:56] enzo: US [00:57] ok [00:57] spdf, thanks. how should i go about installing those [00:57] it the firts time i used linux === Dream-ubu is now known as Dream-Ubuntu [00:57] ??? [00:57] enzo: do you need help with anything [00:57] RabidLockerGnome: check dmesg | grep -i bttv [00:57] RabidLockerGnome: You should see something about it in there, if the card is recognized [00:58] no, i wanna play wormux [00:58] online [00:58] swimnmaniac: havy wou tried synaptic [00:58] yeah where is that [00:58] i cant find it anymore [00:58] spdf, yes, its recognized and bttv is all setup [00:58] swimnmaniac: System > Admin > Synaptic Package Manager === Dream-Ubuntu is now known as Dream-BUntu === Dream-BUntu is now known as Dream-Buntu [00:59] its not there [00:59] enzo: have you been able to install it [00:59] thats teh strange thing [00:59] im using NX to vnc into my seedbox [00:59] which is using 8.04 [00:59] yoyoned, i was reading & i here [00:59] it wont let me un rar a .rar file either [00:59] i 'm lost [00:59] <^Ocean^> is there a meta package i can install that will install all the Dev things and stuff so i can compile Apps from source ? [00:59] ^Ocean^: build-essential [00:59] swimnmaniac: alt-f2 and type synaptic === swhitt is now known as swhitt|away [01:00] spdf, http://paste.ubuntu.com/22737/ [01:00] RabidLockerGnome: Does the i2c attach line look like it detected properly? (ie. NTSC) [01:00] anyone know of any laptops with a free bios? [01:00] danny123: free bios? [01:00] open [01:01] oh, no don't know of any. [01:01] Hi, might anyone help me to connect to a WIFI with WPA, because the driver in NDISwrapper " wpa_supplicant didn’t seem to work, even with the Dell driver but WEP worked" ? [01:01] yoyoned? where are you? [01:01] does it matter really [01:01] enzo: what have you done so far [01:01] spdf, http://paste.ubuntu.com/22737/, doesn't seem like it did [01:01] is anyone here an experienced programmer? or could someone point me in the right direction? [01:01] main problem deals with parsing an image for information [01:01] kelvin: what is yoru wireless devvice? [01:01] Gopher99: there are usually channels for the language you are programming in [01:01] Gopher99, isn't there an API for that? [01:02] I don't know, which is why i'm asking [01:02] IndyGunFreak: Interl Wireless 3945 [01:02] i donot understand [01:02] *Intel [01:02] Gopher99: and there's ##programming too [01:02] and i don't know which language would be proper to use [01:02] kelvin: hmm, i thought intel worked out of the box w/o ndiswrapper... i could be wrong... i use Atheros and wpa works fine. [01:02] can anyone tell me if there is an Ubuntu equivalent of peer guardian? [01:02] RabidLockerGnome: Looks like its detected as Philips PAL_BG (FI1216 and compatibles) [01:02] enzo: type the following in a terminal: sudo aptitude install wormux [01:03] can anyone tell me if there is a Linux equivalent of peer guardian? [01:03] wormux is installed [01:03] IndyGunFreak: ohh [01:03] spdf, does that mean I need to change the card= section? [01:03] enzo: then why can't you play [01:03] tmapj, deluge can grab ip blocklists [01:03] it wont let apply any changes [01:03] RabidLockerGnome: Appears so, There's a list on... http://www.mythtv.org/wiki/index.php/Bttv [01:03] i wanna play online [01:03] spoon_man where can i get IP block lists [01:04] me da un error [01:04] !info dansduardian | tmapj [01:04] tmapj: Package dansduardian does not exist in hardy [01:04] !info dansguardian | tmapj [01:04] swimnmaniac: you have to run sudo synaptic [01:04] tmapj: dansguardian (source: dansguardian): Web content filtering. In component universe, is optional. Version (hardy), package size 287 kB, installed size 1516 kB [01:04] IndyGunFreak: I work for me out some time ago when I had old version of Ubuntu, now this time with 8.04 it don't dont work out the box [01:04] kelvin: have you seen this... http://linuxtechie.wordpress.com/2008/04/24/making-intel-wireless-3945abg-work-better-on-ubuntu-hardy/ [01:04] spdf, looking at that list, my card type appears correct [01:04] RabidLockerGnome: card=34, type=? [01:04] IndyGunFreak: No, I will check and let you know [01:04] the tuner type needs to be changed, spdf [01:04] how do i use a freakin .rar file in ubuntu [01:05] nothing will open it [01:05] enzo: I'll download and try it, but it will be a few minutes [01:05] RabidLockerGnome: Yeh, the card is detected properly.. Just the type will need to be fiddled with.. type 2 possibl [01:05] spoon_man where can i get IP block lists? [01:05] ok [01:05] swimnmaniac: install unrar [01:05] try google, for one [01:05] what is the exact command [01:05] synaptic doesnt work [01:05] there are ip blocking databases all over the net [01:05] ## programming is full of idlers, haha === jordan is now known as NetEcho_ [01:05] RabidLockerGnome: rmmod bttv, rmmod tuner, modprobe bttv card=34 tuner=2 (in theory) [01:05] spoon_man, what should i search for [01:05] kelvin: nevermind, i thoughtt hat related to WPA.. [01:06] swimnmaniac : sudo apt-get install rar [01:06] swimnmaniac: in terminal:sudo aptitude install unrar [01:06] i did that [01:06] blocklists, maybe? [01:06] get some dkpg error [01:06] hello I'm doing heavy numerical processing and it would be nice to have the latest gcc, is there any way to install gcc 4.3 with a dpkg-reconfigure in /usr/local or under different name? [01:06] ok lol [01:06] swimnmaniac: sudo aptitude update [01:06] swimnmaniac: whats the error once you get it installed you can just double click the file [01:07] couldnt rebuild cache [01:07] swimnmaniac, copy the error to pastebin [01:07] cant [01:07] dont ask why [01:07] <^Ocean^> is there no more xmms in ubuntu ? [01:07] !xmms | ^Ocean^ [01:07] ^Ocean^: xmms is no longer being developed, see http://bugs.debian.org/461309 for more details. Concider using audacious instead. [01:07] i need to update some key it says for wine [01:07] IndyGunFreak: Sorry my english is not perfect, you said that tutorial don't work for me? [01:07] ^Ocean^: use xmms2 [01:07] ^Ocean^: xmms2 is pretty neat, have to say [01:07] ive removed firefox using apt.. i still have the firefox icon on my gnome panel and when i click i get "Firefox is already running, but is not responding. To open a new window, you must first close the existing Firefox process, or restart your system" consequently if i reinstall firefox with apt i still get this error [01:07] spdf, i've reloaded it correctly, but it still fails with tvtime [01:07] !xmms =~ s/Concider/Consider/ [01:07] kelvin: i don't think so, its more related to constantly getting kicked off or having a bad connection. [01:07] I'll remember that jrib [01:07] <^Ocean^> i installed xmms but i dont much feel like a console mp3 player ahaha [01:08] RabidLockerGnome: Try mplayed /dev/video0 [01:08] ^Ocean^: oh ok [01:08] RabidLockerGnome: er, mplayer [01:08] IndyGunFreak: oh ok, you have another suggestion? [01:08] <^Ocean^> i want a gui for the most part [01:08] ^Ocean^: install audacious, it will change your mind, its great.. :) [01:08] RabidLockerGnome: I've got an ivtv card here, so I'm not certain how to change channels on a bttv [01:08] ^Ocean^: audacious will do you well... [01:08] ah [01:08] kelvin: sorry I don't, i have very limited wireless experience, and its more related to madwifi and Atheros. [01:08] ^Ocean^: then why not rhythmbox? [01:08] well i'm not concerned about changing channels, spdf, just getting it not to fail lol [01:09] enzo: join the #wormux channel type /j #wormux [01:09] IndyGunFreak: Ok no problem thanks for your help [01:09] <^Ocean^> well ill check out audatios [01:09] !wireless | kelvin maybe this will help [01:09] kelvin maybe this will help: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs [01:09] ^Ocean^, audacious has a graphic equalizer, which is sadly rare in the linux world [01:09] What does it take to see windows networks? Sometimes it works, sometimes it dont. [01:09] ^Ocean^: ok, rhythmbox has improved greatly over the last years [01:10] IndyGunFreak: I will check [01:10] ^Ocean^: less intensive, less bugs [01:10] Rhythmbox is good, I use it for my Ipods. [01:10] spdf, mplayer: could not connect to socket, mplayer: No such file or directory [01:10] Does anyone know if the new ATI catalyst drivers [released a week ago] will be pushed into the official ubuntu repos anytime soon? And if not, if there's some safe way to install them directly downloaded from the ATI website? [01:10] I was using mpc/mpd then I installed Ubuntu and fired up rhythmbox to see the state it was in, and was impressed [01:10] Chunky_Ks: i wouldn't get your hopes up.. ATI is always a little bit slow when it comes to linux [01:10] Hi, is there a software to make DVDs from AVI files? Must be with simple gui, and support all kinds of subtitles. [01:10] Chunky_Ks, check out http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Hardy_Installation_Guide [01:11] Olof_, try devede [01:11] has anyone gotten their redhat certification? I wondering what I should expect when i attend. [01:11] not sure what you exacly need, though [01:12] maynards-girl what do u wanna know abt certification ? [01:12] anyone know why my button 3 for compiz stopped rotating my cube? ctrl alt button 1 works but isnt what i use [01:12] Schuenemann: does it support subtitles? [01:12] hell [01:12] o [01:12] hi [01:12] i need help with some simple stuff [01:12] someone please pm me [01:12] hi. How do you translate $cmd &> $log_file [01:12] Olof_, it does, but if you're talking about creating those DVD menus, I don't think it can do that [01:12] spdf, I'm thinking my GPU might be causing trouble as well. [01:13] !someone | swimnmaniac [01:13] swimnmaniac: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? [01:13] spdf, when running tvtime, I get an error: No XVIDEO port found which supports YUY2 images [01:13] hi. How do you translate $cmd &> $log_file from bash to dash. In dash it goes into background and the redirect is ignored. [01:13] is there any way I can make the date/time/calendar notification thing in the taskbar work for my ics calendars? [01:13] i need to unrar something [01:13] and i need to fix dpkg [01:13] i'm looking for something that syncs directories locally. for example takes a directory full of documents and another full of documents and deletes or adds them as is approriate [01:13] Help. i'm stuck at the final window for connecting my intel Pro/Wireless 3945ABG on hardy. Nothing I enter seems to work in the last window, tittled Wireless Network Key Required. It asks for wireless security type WEP 128, 64 in Hex or ASCII, and LEAP. And as far as authentication it asks for either Open Network or Shared Key. [01:13] SpookyET: try removing the & [01:13] some key error when i do apt-get install [01:13] Starnestommy: still ignored [01:13] Hey, how do I change the refresh rate for when I am showing on an external screen?! [01:14] ?? [01:14] swimnmaniac: stop hitting enter every 4 words, there's 1300 people here and its hard to follow everytyhing you say [01:14] swimnmaniac: open a terminal and run sudo apt-get update [01:15] !paste | swimnmaniac after you run apt-get update.. go here and paste the error... adn give me the link [01:15] swimnmaniac after you run apt-get update.. go here and paste the error... adn give me the link: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) [01:15] i did! i get an error that i cannot copy and paste in here bc i am vncing into my box and the error is some error with wine [01:15] swimnmaniac: you can vnc with out wine... but try apt-get install ubuntu-keyring [01:15] swimnmaniac: wel,l "some error" isn't very descriptive and makes it near impossibleto help you [01:15] RabidLockerGnome: Hmm.. I'm seeing something about not using the fglrx ati drivers for that reason [01:15] <^Ocean^> hmm, After a fresh install i get no sound [01:16] ^Ocean^: what sound device? [01:16] <^Ocean^> audacious says its playing but its not [01:16] <^Ocean^> i have a creative sb live 5. [01:16] knew it. [01:16] <^Ocean^> 5.1 [01:16] ^Ocean^: make sure under the voume controls to have master and pcm unmuted and volume up [01:16] same dpkg error! ahhh [01:16] <^Ocean^> they are [01:16] swimnmaniac: do you think you can type the error out [01:16] ^Ocean^, you may need to change your settings in System>Preferences>Sound -- setting everything to ALSA is usually the best bet [01:17] can i PM you please [01:17] spdf, i'm going to try something real quick, thanks for your help, hopefuly i wont be back... [01:17] is there a tool for automatic discovery of locally networked computers? [01:18] swimnmaniac: just type it in here as long as it isnt really long. maybe someone else has this problem and could learn from you [01:18] <^Ocean^> spoon_man, just set them all manualy, any test i run i here no sound === Pocke1 is now known as pocke1 [01:18] anyone know how to connect this Ubu machine with my Mac? [01:18] have you tried OSS? [01:18] admin@ks29970:~$ sudo apt-get install rar [01:18] E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem. [01:18] admin@ks29970:~$ dpkg --configure -a [01:18] dpkg: requested operation requires superuser privilege [01:18] admin@ks29970:~$ sudo dpkg --configure -a [01:18] Setting up initramfs-tools (0.85eubuntu39.1) ... [01:18] ^Ocean^: type aplay -l in the terminal and tell us if it shows you sound card [01:18] swimnmaniac: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [01:19] <^Ocean^> yup [01:19] <^Ocean^> ard 0: Live [SB Live 5.1 [SB0220]], device 0: emu10k1 [ADC Capture/Standard PCM Playback] [01:19] swimnmaniac: if thats the problem you just fixed it [01:19] pastebin wont give me a url [01:20] http://paste.ubuntu.com/22740/ [01:20] swimnmaniac, after you ran sudo dpkg.... did you get an error? [01:20] <^Ocean^> Jester45, it lists my card [01:20] that is the error after sudo dpkg [01:20] the "setting up" line isn't an error [01:21] ummm [01:21] spoon_man, his error is line 13 [01:21] how do i fix this error? [01:21] well 11 to 13 [01:21] Jester45: do you know about how to change refresh rate with "Clone" or anything. [01:22] he is missing Cannot find /lib/modules/2.6.24-16-generic so he needs to get his kernel [01:22] yeah [01:22] cart before the horse, swimnmaniac [01:22] get my kernel? [01:22] i have a server here with ubuntu on it [01:22] is there an equivalent utility to winXP/vista's robocopy? [01:22] i simply to to unrar something [01:22] that is it [01:23] p7zip [01:23] !enter | swimnmaniac [01:23] swimnmaniac: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! [01:23] swimnmaniac, go to System>Administration>Update Manager -- what do you see there? [01:23] but i cannot install anything because of this dpkg error! [01:23] swimnmaniac: something is missing from your system this has nothing to do with unrar [01:24] q_a_z_steve: p7zip ... to me? [01:24] swimnmaniac: the error tells you what you need to run. Did you do that? [01:24] how can i mount iso images in ubuntu 8.04 ? [01:24] !iso | devil [01:24] devil: To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning. [01:24] jrib, http://paste.ubuntu.com/22740/ that is the error he gets [01:24] my system is uptodate according to update manager [01:24] devil: !google [01:24] jrib: look at his paste it is trying to generate a initrmfs but failes because he is missing his modules [01:25] well that's a puzzler [01:25] IdleOne: thanks [01:25] * AndrewGearhart claps for jrib ... a 3 point response [01:25] q_a_z_steve: xrandr can changer efresh rates i believe, have you tried that ? [01:25] <^Ocean^> any other suggestions on a fresh install getting sblive too work ? [01:26] glitsj16: I'll see whether that will do the job. [01:26] hey I dislike ubuntu are there any other distros out there that have the same level of compatibility that ubuntu does? [01:26] I want to make a timelapse, I need a webcam program that can take pictures every ten seconds. Camorama only goes down to minutes. Whats a good program to use? [01:26] sorry my bad english [01:26] i need go to ubuntu irc spanish [01:26] www.distrowatch.com Endafy take a look [01:26] cheese [01:26] Endafy, OpenGEU [01:26] i need go to ubuntu irc spanish [01:26] !es [01:26] En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es. [01:26] swimnmaniac: did you manually delete anything outside your HOME? === Paddy_EIRE is now known as PaddyEIRE [01:26] cheese is a good webcam program [01:27] Endafy: dont ask ubuntu people about other distros... we use ubuntu not the other ones [01:27] youknowme: screenshots or live video? [01:27] Jester45, not really... we can use more than one :p [01:27] anyone know how to setup a leopard-ubuntu share? [01:27] !samba [01:27] Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT. [01:27] !samba | kshah [01:27] kshah: please see above [01:27] well Jester45 im sure there are those who use more than just ubuntu :-P [01:28] Schuenemann: well maybe that question is better for #linux [01:28] Endafy, but offtopic here [01:28] q_a_z_steve: not screenshots, not live video. A snapshot every ten seconds. [01:29] that came out wrong... i use gentoo also but it seems wrong to ask what other distros to go to because you dont like this one [01:29] youknowme: from what source, a camera? [01:29] hello, my panel is noit showing anymore after I tried to fix a boot error I keep getting in fstab, I cannot see applications, system, places, the time, etc.... [01:29] glitsj16: grandr same diff? [01:29] Jester45, as long as we point them to open source I don't see any problems with that [01:29] Jester45, he could ask in ##linux [01:29] glitsj16: otherwise what repository do I need? [01:30] tstiffler88, do you have a panel on the bottom of the screen? [01:30] spoon_man, no, I have AWN [01:30] q_a_z_steve: i'll check where i got xrandr from, hang on [01:30] hey, I downloaded a file archive which comes in parts. It has a set of files with extensions .r00, .r01, etc. how do I extract them so that they all combine? [01:30] Hey, my machine froze and i rebooted while update manager was installing linux-headers, now it's in an inconsistent state, how do I fix? [01:30] youknowme: make a script that takes a snapshot every 10 seconds, or are you having trouble getting the snapshot (i lost your orginal question) [01:30] IdleOne, Jester45: http://forum.ovh.com/archive/index.php/t-35779.html has a suggestion, but I don't know what the files in /var/lib/initramfs-tools/ actually do [01:30] hm... maybe I'm not correctly phrasing my question... because 7zip didn't get me very far... I'm looking for a way to compare date modified dates between two different (largely identical) file storage locations... so I can use my thumbdrive as a transportation mechanism for working on stuff one one computer... and on another... [01:31] the7thmagus, that's a RAR file [01:31] the7thmagus: install unrar then double click on one of the ,r## files [01:31] IdleOne, Jester45: just looks like a checksum [01:31] alright, thanks [01:31] AndrewGearhart: rsync? [01:31] jrib... checking it out! [01:32] Hey guys, i rebooted while update manager was installing linux-headers, now it's in an inconsistent state, how do I fix it? [01:32] q_a_z_steve: it's libxrandr2, which provides xrandr command .. grandr is the gtk interface to that yes [01:33] AndrewGearhart: yes rsync is what your looking for once setup you will just run the command to sync between the computer and drive [01:33] hello, I believe that my fstan is incorrect in what it is trying to boot, I keep getting erros when booting [01:33] i'm sorry, that's fstab [01:33] tstiffler88: pastebin your fstab and the errors [01:34] hello, i have a quick and simple question regarding bootloaders, grub, and a tri-boot scenario of winxp, win vista, and ubuntu linux [01:34] jrib, Jester45: thanks. looking into how to use rsync at http://everythinglinux.org/rsync/ [01:35] Jester45: ok, give me one moment [01:35] !ask | davers [01:35] davers: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) [01:35] !ask | davers [01:35] lol [01:35] jinx! [01:35] Jester45 Jester45 Jester45 [01:36] is there any way to speed up mozilla [01:36] feed it kittens [01:36] my mozilla is super slow compared to my windows systems [01:36] Jester45: http://pastebin.com/m4a7db486 [01:37] Jester45: need I setup an rsync server daemon? or can I simply setup a shell script to run a synchronization? [01:37] crusher, is the Mozilla UI itself slow, or is your connection slow? [01:37] i just installed ubuntu on my laptop after a few tries :P.. thing is, im stuck at 800x600 screen resolution? anyone know how i can fix this? first time linux user :l [01:38] help? I have a problem with a package in an inconsistent state - details at http://paste.ubuntu.com/22749/ [01:38] spoon: my mozilla is slow...I have 3 other windows systems running IE7 and they run circles around my ubuntu systems [01:38] <^Ocean^> How do i get a creative soundblaster live 5.1 card working ? under hardy ? [01:38] AndrewGearhart: im not completly sure i think you have to go the daemon way but it should stay inactive untill synced with [01:38] gnome system monitor says i'm using 50% cpu but the processes list says i'm only using about 6%. is there something else i should at for cpu usage? [01:39] !res | tomaspg [01:39] tomaspg: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto [01:39] katharos: did you try to reinstall the package as the error mentions ? [01:39] Hey Gang. What package(s) have the DYMO LabelWritter 400 drivers/ppds??? [01:39] trying to setup wireless - atheros chipset, ar242x - with ndiswrapper. ran -i on the inf file, then -l shows ath_pci as alternate driver. it's blacklisted in /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist. no ath module is loaded. where's that alternate driver coming from? [01:39] glitsj16, i tried to remove it with apt-get, but i just got an error [01:40] crusher: yeah but what's slow about it - the GUI, or does it load webpages slowly [01:40] oh, okay. well, i installed ubuntu first, on a tiny 8gb partition. then i installed vista on top of that in a separate 50gb partition. and i just finished loading a backup of my winxp install onto a 40gb partition. in my most recent boot, before i restored winxp, all i had was the vista bootloader, which jets straight into vista. and my question is this: what's the best way to go about installing a multi-OS bootloader at this point? i don't ahve [01:40] or, how do I FIND out which files have the DYMO LabelWritter 400 drivers/ppds? [01:40] katharos: it states twice that you want to try to reinstall it, not remove it [01:40] !grub | davers [01:40] davers: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto [01:41] glitsj16, doing that now, thanks (sheepish) [01:41] hiptobecubic^ do all the ubuntu system have the correct video drivers run glxinfo |grep direct and if that says yes its not your video slowing it down [01:41] poprocks: my ubuntu systems load pages much slower than my windows systems [01:41] crusher: I know you asked spoon_man but most of us rely on our IRC client's highlighting features to know we got a message directed to us :P [01:41] rannel, dang, you guys really like your exclamation-point commands [01:41] newbie question incoming... whats a consol and where do i find it :l [01:41] !dymo [01:41] Factoid dymo not found [01:41] davers, read the links [01:41] (sigh) [01:41] !cli | tomaspg [01:41] tomaspg: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal [01:41] tomaspg: Its a terminal, programs > acessories > terminal [01:41] spdf, i had a totally wild tuner setting, but now the tuning works for the most part :) [01:41] katharos: no guarantee that will work , but is a start :) [01:41] bazhang, kk [01:41] glitsj16, seems to be working :) [01:42] crusher: do you have the same problem with, say, opera or konqueror? [01:42] glitsj16, I have to reboot now, but i think it'll work. thanks :) [01:42] poprocks: any help I can get from any person with knowledge of how to speed up my ubuntu boxes, with regard to mozilla, would be greatly appreciated [01:42] katharos: great, one less thing, goodluck [01:42] Jester45, i have the nvidia drivers manually installed. the cpu issue is new. as in this boot only. infact it has gone back to normal. but why would it be running at 50-60 for ten minutes without any intensive processes running? and why did it stop? [01:42] crusher, it may be that your video card acceleration is not enabled, I dunno [01:42] i would like to use a hp cd writer 12series as a second cd drive. My Compact writable dvd drive works fine, but I can not get Ubuntu to recognize the hp drive. Any ideas. HP says there is no linux driver available. [01:43] okay, thanks. this is just the document i needed; take care [01:43] poprocks: I have the same problem with opera also. I have not tried konquerer [01:43] davers: you can use grub to multiboot a guide is https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows [01:43] spoon_man: how do I speed up my video card acceleration [01:43] hiptobecubic: might be an intensive cron job that was running , keep an eye on it to see if the issue returns [01:43] if i install wine on my machine, to which directory does it instaal itself? coz im confused by the Drive letter on wine, looks like on win [01:44] crusher: interesting, ok so it seems like more of an ubuntu networking problem rather than mozilla specifically - video card accel won't help there, but it's a good thing to have enabled anyway, for other reasons [01:44] offline: It installs itself to ~/.wine/ [01:44] I don't have problems with speed doing other things on the ubuntu systems...its just surfing the net [01:44] offline: dpkg -L wine will tell you. When you install programs in wine, they end up in ~/.wine/ [01:44] offline: and, inside of there, you'll see ~/.wine/drive_c/ Which is wine's C drive. It looks like windows, because the programs think they're running in windows [01:44] crusher, look in System>Administration>Hardware Drivers [01:44] offline: ~/.wine/ [01:44] how do I do a automadic login [01:45] I am having several problems currently with ubuntu and am pondering switching to another OS as I cannot seem to find a fix. My fstab seems very messy, and I receive an error upon booting that requires me to press "ctrl + d" before I can get to the login screen. I also no longer have a panel and cannot add one to my desktop (i believe because of the fstab error). Also, I have three partitions on my drive and I would like to go to ju [01:45] partition, if anyone can help with any of those, I would greatly appreciate it [01:45] Commie_Jebus: System > Admin > Login screen setup [01:45] @all thanks.. that tells a lot. :) and how do i access the ~/.wine dir ? [01:45] Commie_Jebus: system -> admin -> login window -> security -> automatic logins [01:45] offline: ~ is your homedir, so you go there. Its hidden though, so you'll need to hit ctrl-H to view hidden folders [01:45] offline: view -> show hidden files in nautilus. ~ means HOME [01:45] offline, cd ~/.wine in a terminal [01:46] offline: 'nautilus ~/.wine/' [01:46] 4 different solutions :) [01:46] also CTRL+H [01:46] many ways to get a job done [01:46] spoon_man: flannel beat you to that one [01:46] thank you [01:46] D: [01:46] poprocks: I don't know how to specifically network my ubuntu boxes with my windows systems...but [01:46] I wub gnome [01:46] <3 [01:46] <^Ocean^> I dont Get it, I have 20 controls in my mixer and the the only controle that does anything is Wave surround [01:46] I will be going to Atlanta tomorrow for a week and a half and wanted to set-up VNC. I will be using tight VNC as my viewer in Atlanta but am not sure how to set up vnc on Ubuntu [01:47] ndiswrapper+atheros - anybody? you mean i gotta go to #debian? [01:47] @all ohhh thanks once again :) i just got more and more interested with linux [01:47] thank guys [01:47] Hey Gang. What package(s) have the DYMO LabelWritter 400 drivers/ppds??? [01:47] poprocks I have shared the public folder with my windows systems so they windows systems can share files with my ubuntu boxes by placing files in the public folder [01:47] linuxguymarshall, system > preferences > remote desktop settings [01:47] !vnc | linuxguymarshall [01:47] linuxguymarshall: VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely. It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX [01:48] crusher: that's fine, I was more referring to a network driver problem [01:48] crusher: can you check out system->admin->hardware drivers? [01:48] new at this, is there a list of generic commands somewhere to put into the command line to get a feel for it? [01:49] !cli | Jericho [01:49] Jericho: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal [01:49] hiptobecubic^: I have not idea how to set that up. All it gives me is vncviewer mwilliams-desktop:0 I have no idea how to work with this [01:49] i know I'm probably sounding annoying now, but I really need some help cause I can't do anything that I need to do with this computer, and I would hate to have to install ubuntu, or some other linux install for the 6th time [01:49] poprocks but I still cannot get my ubuntu boxes to see the shared network files on the windows systems [01:49] tstiffler88:What do you need? [01:49] Jericho, go to terminal and hit tab key twice and answer y [01:49] also help works [01:50] linuxguymarshall, just make sure it says that outside connections are authorized and you probably want to make sure that you have password protection on. do you have a computer you can test it on? [01:50] thanks! exactly what i was looking for [01:50] poprocks I checked out system> hardware drivers and it says that there are not proprietary drivers in use on this system [01:50] linuxguymarshall: replace mwilliams-desktop with your ip address, and make sure your port is forwarded if your leaving town [01:50] hey anyone know how i can get this vid to play full screen its on visual basic http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/beginner/bb308774.aspx? [01:50] linuxguymarshall: i'm having several issues. The first one which is most important is that I have lost my top panel and cannot seem to be able to put it back [01:50] hiptobecubic^:Yes but do I just type in my IP on TightVNC? [01:50] linuxguymarshall: would suck to get away from the house but cant login from out side of the LAN [01:50] poprocks I am having the same problem on 3 different ubuntu boxes...strange huh [01:50] crusher: what though, internet speed or file sharing [01:50] hey anyone know how i can get this vid to play full screen its on visual basic http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/beginner/bb308774.aspx? [01:51] tstiffler88:Right click the bottom panel and click add panel [01:51] linuxguymarshall, you have to make sure taht your lan ip is available to the outside world via port forwarding, but in theory yes [01:51] <_how_> acefalo: teste [01:51] linuxguymarshall: i do not have a bottom panel, I have the AWN dock down there [01:51] poprocks but my windows systems can load webpages in about 1/4 of the time [01:51] poprocks yes it is internet speed that I am having trouble with [01:51] crusher: I understand, but I think we're looking at 2 distinct problems here [01:52] tstiffler88:I think there is some command to do it but I dont know it. Make a new account from the terminal and log in [01:52] poprocks yes you are correct... these are 2 different problems [01:52] anyone? [01:52] crusher: so which one do you want to focus on first, lol [01:52] hiptocubic^:I have tried on my PPC Mac and WinXP desktop but no luck [01:52] poprocks I am more interested in the internet speed problem [01:52] linuxguymarshall: i just added a menu to the AWN that allows me to see the menus that were in the panel, is there a setting in administration or system that will let me add a panel? [01:53] tstiffler88:Maybe. [01:53] I just apt-get installed Sun's Glassfish server... where would I find Javaee.jar??? [01:53] crusher: ok... right now I'm just trying to get you to find out what network card/driver you're using [01:53] poprocks I tried for almost a week to get my ubuntu boxes to see my windows files....to no avail so I said forget about trying to fix them [01:54] crusher: beyond that, all I could really do is google around to see if there are any known problems with it [01:54] !res [01:54] The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto [01:54] linuxguymarshall: ok, well..I can wait for that for now, I am having another issue with my fstab. It has extra mount points in it and I'm not sure which one to go with [01:54] I'm thinking about getting a laptop with a VIA C-7/M processor. How well do you guys think Ubuntu will run on that? [01:54] poprocks hey thanks for trying [01:54] !hcl | will check here [01:54] will check here: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection [01:55] tstiffler:Explain more [01:55] Ah thank you [01:55] as far as the windows systems go, it's hard to know without more info, but if you try manually entering the URI into the file manager (ie, smb://MACHINE/SHARE) and see if you get any errors === swhitt|away is now known as swhitt [01:55] It runs gOS out of the box, which I think it based on Ubuntu. [01:55] linuxguymarshall: here is what my fstab looks like, http://pastebin.com/m4a7db486 I have two sda7 (one which is commented) and I don't know which one to use [01:55] does anyone know how to set up ssh authentication via public/private keys [01:55] ? === gOLDfish is now known as afallenhope [01:57] tstiffler88: Are you wanting to change your mount point or what? [01:58] anyone know how to fullscreen an msn vid? [01:58] could use desktop zoom if you couldnt find another way [01:58] linuxguymarshall: I want to have the right one mounted, and the other one removed. I get an error when I boot about sda7 already being mounted when it tries to boot, and I have to hit ctrl +d before I can login [01:58] an msn vid? [01:58] its likely going to be blurry [01:58] anybody good with power management? [01:58] nope lol [01:58] I can't restore from sleep without rebooting [01:59] Hi. Can someone please tell me is there some quick way of making ADSL Sagem 800 (eagle-usb) modem working under 8.04 Ubuntu? I've been have having problems with ubunut recognizing it since maybe 6.04 [01:59] tstiffler88: something like this http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-368654.html [01:59] Good day fellow Ubuntians. [01:59] Ello' [02:00] cya friends [02:00] The place seems quiet for some reason. [02:00] maimster:hey anyone know how i can get this vid to play full screen its on visual basic http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/beginner/bb308774.aspx? [02:00] I'm trying to install WinFast TV200 XP. A tuner card. And I followed the instructions on http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-280481.html and it still isn't working. Any suggestions? [02:00] david__ Checking now... [02:00] linuxguymarshall: i don't think that will help me too much [02:01] milaks Are you using the ethernet port or are you trying to do wireless [02:01] crusher: have you tried tweaking your /etc/sysctl to check if you get better speed yet? [02:01] linuxguymarshall: what if I just make a backup of all of my files and everything, and then reinstalled ubuntu after wiping out the other partitions? do you think that this may solve all of my issues? [02:01] david__ I can hear it but I can not see anything. === Eneloop86 is now known as Eneloop [02:02] maimster me too [02:02] that's my problem [02:02] question em i coll or em i coll ? [02:02] david__ Let's see can we download it. [02:02] and btw how do you hightlight your chats? [02:02] ShinjinAkage Using a tutorial from the forums that is 2 years old is un-likely to work [02:02] ool ool [02:02] well it turns into a bin file? [02:02] tstiffler88:Try googling or the ubuntu forums. I would stay and help but I have to go make a house call. You could back up your files and reinstall but then that would probably take longer than a fix [02:02] glitsj16 I have not tried to tweak that etc file/folder [02:02] Jack_Sparrow: That might explain it. I didn't look at the date. [02:02] maimster and idk how to open those [02:02] david__, every time you include a channel user's name in a sentence, it will highlight for them [02:03] linuxguymarshall: alright, thanks so much for the help. [02:03] crusher: ok, i'll paste a few things you can try, hang on [02:03] spoon_man, thanks [02:03] spoon_man, so this is highlighted for you? [02:03] glitsj16 thanks [02:03] yes [02:03] spoon_man, cool [02:03] bizzare, i'm trying to use su -l to login as root, but it says "authentication incorrect" [02:04] crusher: are you on broadband connection ? [02:04] david__ What in the world is a .wvx file? [02:04] can anyone help me get my sony bluetooth headset working? [02:04] ive never changed my root password :X [02:04] Can someone please tell me is there some quick way of making ADSL Sagem 800 (eagle-usb) modem working under 8.04 Ubuntu? I've been have having problems with ubunut recognizing it since maybe 6.04 [02:04] m0u5e: try sudo -i [02:04] maimster, idk [02:04] Starnestommy: doh, that worked [02:04] glitsj16 I am definitely broadband [02:04] maimster, for me it was bin when i downloaded it w/ ff3? [02:04] how come sometimes it takes a few minutes ofr a new item to apear on my menu [02:04] Starnestommy: my root account should be enabled though... i wonder why su -l doesn't work [02:04] glitsj16 good question though [02:05] Quick question. [02:05] Commie_Jebus, your pc might be slow and old like mine? === StephenZ[asleep] is now known as StephenZ [02:05] does anyone know of a program to enable night vision mode in linux (similar to noctturn on osx)? [02:05] milaks Are you using the ethernet port or are you trying to do wireless [02:05] can anyone help me get my sony bluetooth headset working? [02:05] Does anyone know how to install a program on a drive that isn't the boot drive? [02:05] crusher: okay, try if these changes make any noticeable difference, if something is unclear in the instructions, i'm here ok .. http://paste.ubuntu.com/22752/ [02:05] david_: naw this is a quad core/4g ram/geforce 8800 [02:06] Commie_Jebus, HOLY..... [02:06] jack-desktop, it's usb (ADSL) broadband [02:06] fancy smancy [02:06] seth@seth-desktop:~$ sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart [02:06] sudo: unable to resolve host seth-desktop [02:06] * Reconfiguring network interfaces... [02:06] StephenZ What is the format of the partition you want to install it on? if fat32 or ntfs.. it probably wont work [02:06] what is the best way to make a backup of all of my files, wipe clean all of my paritions, and combine all partitions into on new fresh install? [02:06] Anyone know the problem there? [02:06] SoulKeepe1: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [02:06] Jack_Sparrow, no wireless [02:06] can anyone help me get my sony bluetooth headset working? [02:06] Jack_Sparrow: NTFS. Why won't it work? [02:06] Jack_Sparrow: I don't really understand what file system Ubuntu uses. [02:07] tmapj, isn't there a bluetooth prog included in ubuntu? [02:07] milaks https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/24150 [02:07] SoulKeepe1: pastebin the contents of /etc/hostname and /etc/hosts [02:07] SoulKeepe1: echo " $(hostname)" | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts [02:07] tstiffler88: copy them to an external drive or flash drive [02:07] So, I keep getting stupid errors for sudo. [02:07] Unable to resolve host seth-desktop [02:07] :/ [02:07] Jack_Sparrow, thanks I'll check that page right away [02:07] glitsj16: thanks for the url. I am there now trying its tweaks [02:07] StephenZ Permissions will be an issue [02:07] david__, yes but for some reason, it cant connect to my headset [02:07] Jack_Sparrow: What if I'm root? [02:07] StephenZ Nope [02:07] tech0007: thanks, how would I go about cleaning the partitions? just instaill my new ubuntu over them? [02:07] tmaj, sorry dude i don't even use bluetooth [02:08] Jack_Sparrow: Well... If permissions will be an issue, is there any way that that can be fixed or worked around? [02:08] david__ Hmm.. Trying Wine and explorer. [02:08] anyone here use bluetooth? [02:08] tstiffler88: if you have 10 minutes before wiping everything, i could assist you in trying to cleanout that fstab .. crusher: should be noticeable immediately after the sysctl reset, hope it works for you [02:08] david__: and its DDR3 and PCI 16x 2.0 :D [02:08] Jack_Sparrow: Other than reformatting the drive to whatever Ubuntu uses. xD [02:08] tstiffler88: yes, during install you can delete all partitions and use guided [02:08] StephenZ format the partition to one that supports permissions [02:08] when im trying to reconfigure my resolution settings with the sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg command, all i get is some stuff about my keyboard instead? [02:08] mamster: okay... [02:08] glitsj16: you have know idea how happy I would be, :) [02:08] crusher: you might want to clear your browser cache as weel after doing those [02:09] Commie_Jebus, right right just make me jelous [02:09] Jack_Sparrow: Right. Can I move files from one NTFS drive to another NTFS drive with Ubuntu without problems? [02:09] david__: exactly [02:09] StephenZ You could setup some sort of lvm.. but I would not be able to help you with that as I dont care for that soultion [02:09] Hi [02:09] tstiffler88: in the meantime, collect your UUID's , we will need those .. "sudo blkid" should give you a clear picture [02:10] StephenZ yes you can read and write ntfs with no prob.. just not install a linux program onto them === kahrytan is now known as Guest42621 === spoon_man is now known as spoonman_away [02:10] Jack_Sparrow: Right. Well, looks like I have a few hours of file transfers to look forward to... And then I'll be back. XD [02:10] glitsj16: would you like me to put them in pastebin? [02:10] Can someone help me out. Gnome/nautilus is acting up. i can't open anything. Highlight on tops work but thats it. [02:10] anyone here use bluetooth? [02:10] k [02:10] tmapj: what do you need help with? [02:10] hello [02:11] tstiffler88: yes please, drop the url in pm if you want, i'll be back in 5 minutes okay [02:11] tstiffler88, i need help connecting my sony bluetooth headset [02:11] maimster, i don't have ie for wine cause i only wanted 1 browser so if you could tell me how it works i'd really appreaciate it [02:11] which double as earphones [02:11] tmapj: ok, give me one moment [02:11] david__ It didn't work. So forget that one. [02:12] maimster, okay well thanks for trying [02:12] ok [02:12] maimster do you have itunes for wine? [02:12] david__ Other than getting your hands on a Windows box. I don't know any quicker way. [02:12] maimster lol kk [02:12] david__ Nah I don't use itunes at all. [02:12] i just restarted X and a brief message appeared that a module failed to load, i missed the exact one. which log do i need to look in to find out which did not load? [02:12] tmapj: do you have the bluetooth manager installed in ubuntu? [02:12] david__ Very basic computer user here. hehehe... [02:12] can someone please help me [02:13] hi everybody i am using fedora7 and having problems with ldap installation [02:13] yes the icon is in my system tray [02:13] can anybody help me [02:13] pratap: you can't be serious [02:13] !ask | Guest42621 [02:13] Guest42621: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) [02:13] or what do you call that in linux [02:13] bastid_raZor, /var/log/Xorg.0.log holds the last start/attempt for X; it's good until you try again [02:13] ubuntu* [02:13] maimster, yeah right w/ ubuntu! it took me a week in hours to get sound from flash [02:13] tech0007: and i did state my problem. [02:13] david__ I mainly use wine for running windows services and such. It does a great job with that. [02:13] pratap Fedora has a channel of their own [02:13] tmapj: ok, great, can you make sure that you type my name before making the statement, it's easy to lose things you might say in here [02:13] IndyGunFreak: i am serious. [02:13] nickrud; thanks. [02:13] tstiffler88, OK [02:13] can someone please help me with my above problem? [02:13] Jack_Sparrow: Ubuntu OP, Master of the Obvious.. :) [02:13] david__ I cheated I just searched google and found someone that was already doing it. Then copy what they did. [02:14] pratap, we have enough trouble remembering all the ubuntu details, don't even go there ;) [02:14] maimster think that [02:14] jack_Sparrow: i tried to login into fedora channel but it said i am banned from that channel i dont know y [02:14] tmapj: sthank you very much, I usually call it the panel, but system tray is fine and recognizable [02:14] how much trouble can i get into editing the xorg.conf file? [02:14] maimster is how we all do it [02:14] am i doint something wrong... I try to enter the following command and I get this error sudo: gedit: command not found [02:14] maimster well cya gtg [02:14] pratap /join #fedora-ops and find out [02:14] tstiffler88, ok [02:14] david__ Yapper! Gotta love google. [02:14] pratap: then maybe you'd have better luck in either #centos or #redhat or #linux [02:14] tmapj: have you tried setting it up already? and what happened when you did? [02:14] jack: thanks i will try it [02:14] Hey, my gnome-panel disappeared. (It crashed, so I killalled, now it won't reappear, running "gnome-panel" states that it is already running). I've tried restarting X to no avalil. Any ideas? [02:14] I keep trying to use xvidcap [02:15] I try to enter: sudo gedit /etc/sysctl.conf [02:15] My response was more polite than... pratap: you can't be serious [02:15] and it just closes itself when I click record [02:15] I have an nvidia card should I do sudo apt-get install nvidia-settings ? [02:15] Jack_Sparrow: i thought he was kidding, seriously... and i agree, it was...lol [02:15] !resetpanel | ffm (try this) [02:15] ffm (try this): To reset the panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel » [02:15] and I get this error...sudo: gedit: command not found [02:15] how difficult is it to add a game, say... Civ IV onto a machine running ubunto? [02:15] try nano instead of gedit [02:15] how much trouble can i get into editing the xorg.conf file? i need to change the availabe resolution options ? [02:15] nickrud: Thanks muchly. [02:15] can someone please help me with my above problem? [02:16] crusher please use gksudo gedit ... it is safer than just sudo for a gui app [02:16] xavura i will try it [02:16] !helpme | Guest42621 [02:16] Guest42621: Avoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !patience [02:16] I'm on a Windows/Ubuntu dual boot system, and I can't get the wired network to work, even when using the same settings as Windows [02:16] jack_sparrow I will try gksudo insted [02:16] jack and Indy : i am very new to linux and had never used irc chat rooms and i was damn serious and u guys making fun of me [02:16] i need help... [02:16] Is anyone aware of any problems with xvidcap on Ubuntu 8.04? [02:16] tstiffler88, I've tried setting it up already. It gives the error message: "Couldn't display "obex://[00:1A:80:78:18:47]/"." Error: Host down [02:16] Please select another viewer and try again. [02:16] jack : anyways thanks to u both [02:16] Guest42621 Please hold off asking for help ... just repeat the quesation every couple minutes [02:17] hello guys [02:17] Indy : thank you very much [02:17] Hi, I'm updating a wiki page but need a piece of info. Does anybody know if you can label a reiser4 filesystem with the older reiserfstune? [02:17] Guest10501: ??? [02:17] i need one suggestion, what partition format is the best for data storage? [02:17] Guest42621: ??? [02:17] tmapl: it gives that error after you do what? [02:17] i need help getting a Wireless Adapter to Work [02:17] pratap, not making fun of you, they're not like that Try the following factoid, then rejoin #fedora [02:17] Guest10501: Sorry, wrong user. [02:17] !register | pratap [02:17] pratap: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick » to select your nickname. === Guest42621 is now known as kahrytan [02:18] what i'm looking for is the best partition format able to be recovered andthe best to avoid data loss, i think ext3 is not good enough for that.... === DefaultTAS is now known as Default [02:18] gsdg: what is your wireless adapter? [02:18] fairynatsuki: Yeah, it is. [02:18] Netgear wpn111 [02:18] tstiffler88, after i click "connect" [02:18] fairynatsuki: assuming you enable full-journaling. [02:18] ffm, it is ggood otr not? [02:18] pratap, I thought there was an #fedora-ops myself :) [02:18] tmapj, ok, give me a moment [02:18] fairynatsuki: Yes. [02:18] hey can anyone help me with a generic networking issue? or where can i find help with it perhaps? [02:18] fairynatsuki it is one of the better choices and easier to get help if you need it [02:18] ffm, how can i enable full-journaling? [02:18] fairynatsuki: hold on a min... [02:18] any console app to access telnet BBSs? [02:18] tmapj: would you like to pm me with this? make it easier [02:18] :) [02:19] Please. Gnome/nautilus are locked up. Only highlight (mouseover) on icons and buttons work. [02:19] yes [02:19] anyone know how to fix ubuntu not coming out of standby mode? [02:19] also, what if i lost the partition table, can i still get the lost files? [02:19] fairynatsuki: see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ext3#Advantages [02:19] what kind of procedure is involved in adding a game from a cd onto ubuntu? [02:19] i need to change the options of resolutions i have. does anybody know how to? [02:19] nickrud : i am extremely new to chat rooms in irc and i dont know anything can u tell me which channel is for fedora [02:19] greenpeanut that is usually an issue with the video card driver... that is where I would start my searching [02:20] what's the best ftp software? [02:20] I have an nvidia card should I do sudo apt-get install nvidia-settings ? [02:20] thanks ffm, but... can you help me to enable full journaling? [02:20] pratap: '/join #fedora' [02:20] pratap type: /join #fedora [02:20] Jack_Sparrow thx [02:20] Please help. Gnome/nautilus are locked up. Only highlight (mouseover) on icons and buttons work. [02:20] i need help getting a Wireless Adapter to Work [02:20] fairynatsuki: see http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=107856 [02:20] alguien podria ayudarme a con mi targeta msi vox de tv en ubuntu [02:20] kahrytan: you can try killing nautilus (it should auto-restart) [02:21] fairynatsuki: and don't do what they say, replace writeback with "full" (iirc) [02:21] tech0007 : i tried #fedora and it said i am banned from fedora [02:21] m0u5e: I rebooted. It is locked up. killing it, reinstalling it. etc. [02:21] Jack_Sparrow: Har, transferring some 85 gigs from one drive to another... Fun times. [02:21] havy entra a ubuntu-es, te ayudan en español [02:21] * havy27 [02:21] tech0007 : so i came into this chat room to get some suggestions [02:21] pratap: that happend to me as well when i first joined this channel. i emailed the ops [02:21] kahrytan: :( [02:21] im trying to save the xorg.conf file but it wont let me save it, anybody knows what to do ? [02:22] m0u5e: I think it has to do with VirtualBox. It took control of mouse so I killed it. [02:22] tech0007 : ok i will try it thanks [02:22] gracias [02:22] tomaspg: use sudo or gksudo [02:22] Gah! I installed recordmydesktop and it isn't listed in "Applications" [02:22] Where it is? [02:22] tomaspg: are you editing it as root? using dudo? [02:22] fairynatsuki: to be more accurate, append "journal" to the mount options in fstab. [02:22] tomaspg: sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.bkup [02:22] StephenZ I guess we will see you tomorrow [02:22] hey, where can I find the text to the "Experience Ubuntu" video? [02:22] ffm, but the ext3 faq told me there's no way to recover deleted files... :S [02:22] fairynatsuki: yeah. [02:22] freenode going down [02:22] m0u5e: have you used virtualbox? [02:22] My system's wired network connection is not working even after giving it the same static IP settings as Windows, I uninstalled the network-manager and installed Wicd which says it connects to the IP but pinging websites and Firefox does not work. [02:22] Jack_Sparrow: Nah, in about three hours. [02:22] fairynatsuki: it's the same in most linux FSs. [02:22] kahrytan: no i haven't :( [02:22] ffm, how can i recover them? [02:22] fairynatsuki: Other than backups. [02:23] fairynatsuki: If you _delete_ the file, it'll be overwritten. [02:23] fairynatsuki: that's the way the filesystems work. [02:23] Jack_Sparrow: And I've got Dawn of the Dead '74 to keep me company. [02:23] ffm, and what about partition table deletion? [02:23] Please help. Gnome/nautilus are locked up. Only highlight (mouseover) on icons and buttons work. Related to killing Virtualbox w/ it took control of mouse. [02:24] fairynatsuki: back up the table. [02:24] i know we can recover fat32 cause they're easy to be recognizxed, but ext3... [02:24] mmmm [02:24] fairynatsuki: Why would this happen? [02:24] fairynatsuki: In any case, it's the same with _all_ linux fss. [02:24] kahrytan: did u try restarting the pc? [02:24] tech0007: yes. [02:24] is there a better application then Limewire for ubuntu? Limewire crashes all the time [02:24] ffm, :O i see [02:24] kahrytan, open terminal and type top and see if there are any processes like vbox still running === Eneloop51 is now known as Eneloop [02:25] !netsplit [02:25] is there a better application then Limewire for ubuntu? Limewire crashes all the time [02:25] lol [02:25] gotta love those nesplits.. [02:25] seeing as half the network went kaput [02:25] !frostwire | NetEcho_ [02:25] !P2p [02:25] ubottu lag [02:25] Does frostwire work better? [02:25] wow! what happened [02:25] bazhang: I cant open terminal but looked in tty [02:25] You have lag, I don't have lag [02:25] ubottu is on the other side of the split [02:25] NetEcho: ithink so.. [02:25] NetEcho_: Yes. [02:25] Starnestommy: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [02:25] bazhang, have you had issues with limewire as well? [02:26] o.0 [02:26] !netsplit | fairynatsuki [02:26] HOLY FREAKING HECK [02:26] wow [02:26] what happened? [02:26] someone dislikes freenode today [02:26] naa,it happens [02:26] !netsplit [02:26] !frostwire | NetEcho_ [02:26] More like leguin freenod.net went down for a bit. [02:26] Son of a gun! [02:26] oy [02:26] bazhang, don't worry about the factoid [02:26] I know about frostwire [02:26] Please help. Gnome/nautilus are locked up. Only highlight (mouseover) on icons and buttons work. Related to killing Virtualbox when it took control of mouse. [02:26] NetEcho_: or just use gtk-gnutella and avoid the VM [02:26] dmwaters just ann. it [02:27] * IndyGunFreak prefers frostwire over limewire [02:27] mneptok, tis for my mom [02:27] NetEcho_: and ... ? [02:27] she's never used linux before [02:27] what's happening? [02:27] fairynatsuki: TBH, no. [02:27] NetEcho_: frostwire is a totally open source version of Limewire. For installation help, please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FrostWire [02:27] !frostwire | NetEcho_ [02:27] !netsplit [02:27] netsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like Freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit === Eneloop86 is now known as Eneloop [02:28] omg [02:28] fairynatsuki: Just back up your user's data. [02:28] I am not able to connect to the wired network on Ubuntu even after entering the same static IP settings as Windows, Wicd says it is connected to the IP but none of the network functions work [02:28] all I did was type "!netsplit" [02:28] Please help. Gnome/nautilus are locked up. Only highlight (mouseover) on icons and buttons work. Related to killing Virtualbox when it took control of mouse. [02:29] NetEcho, gnutella-gtk or frostwire [02:29] I joined a minute or so ago... [02:29] sorry ffm [02:29] ...and there was nobody here. [02:29] <^Ocean^> So after upgrading too Hardy, my sblive funtionality has gone too shit ... How do i fix it [02:29] bazhang, trying frostwire now [02:29] I have Ubuntu installed on my computer, but need a partition of Windows. Is it possible for me to install it without formatting the harddrive? [02:29] djGentoo|cZ: because of a netsplit [02:29] i lost what we were talking in this whole caos, haha [02:29] ^Ocean^, no cursing [02:29] kahrytan, did you try rebooting the machine? [02:29] Thought so. [02:29] fairynatsuki: np. [02:29] spoonman_away: Yes. [02:29] ^Ocean^ Again. please watch the language.. "G" rated [02:29] What I meant was that that must have been massive. [02:29] did you say you don't know how to backup the partition table? === spoonman_away is now known as spoon_man [02:29] phloat: only in VM [02:29] OMG [02:29] not that again [02:29] no [02:30] fairynatsuki: Yes. [02:30] 。。。。 [02:30] <^Ocean^> sigh [02:30] they're rerouting [02:30] default did you try auto dhcp [02:30] kahrytan, open terminal and type top and look for remaining vbox processes [02:30] netsplit [02:30] ffm, yes you don't know, or yes you know? [02:30] !netsplit [02:30] <^Ocean^> I dont remember this channel being this strict in the passed [02:30] netsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like Freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit [02:30] can anyone tell me why when i connect to a vpn via network manager to a pptp vpn that is why i cant ping any of the machines on the vpn ? [02:30] bazhang: I looked in tty. Doesnt look like it. [02:30] ^Ocean^,then you mis-remembered [02:30] i just got a messege saying ubottu has quit [02:30] phloat, you can use the live cd to run gparted and shrink the ubuntu partition, making room for windows\ [02:30] yea they're delinking and relinking servers [02:30] fairynatsuki: I don't know. [02:30] ffm, yes you don't know, or yes you know? [02:30] bazhang: I can't open terminal in gnome, obivously [02:30] ok [02:30] i just got a messege saying ubottu has quit [02:31] ^Ocean^: this channel has always had a ban on profanity [02:31] bazhang, yea frostwire doesn't crash [02:31] please recommend a ftp client for ubuntu [02:31] ffm, thanks, for your help, then you said the best option is ext3 among others? but enabling journalling? [02:31] BCM43: stop repeating. [02:31] anyone ? [02:31] hvgotcodes: Nautilus [02:31] fairynatsuki: Yes. [02:31] <^Ocean^> Yeah, but its deffintion of profanity seems too be covering more and more words [02:31] hvgotcodes: gftp, ncftp [02:31] ffm, you said, don't do what they said, what i must avoid to do in the url you gave me, and what ii must do then? [02:31] ffm: sorry, it was right before the huge amount of people joining [02:31] !ot > ^Ocean^ [02:31] Default, did you try auto dhcp [02:31] Jeez, with each of those user dumps, my Pidgin freezes. [02:31] bloodrock yes I tried dhcp === osxdude|overhere is now known as osxdude|laptop [02:32] Please help. Gnome/nautilus are locked up. Only highlight (mouseover) on icons and buttons work. Related to killing Virtualbox when it took control of mouse. [02:32] vpn connects but on the vpn network i cant ping any of the machines even tho ifconfig shows me connected === swhitt is now known as swhitt|away [02:32] ? [02:32] fairynatsuki: Ok, _just_ "gksu gedit /etc/fstab" and paste the contents into a pastebin and give me the link. [02:32] It still wasn't able to connect [02:32] ext3 isn't a jounaling filesystem? I know ReiserFS is but that isn't? [02:32] Default, did you setup the default dns and gateway [02:32] kahrytan: usually, you can get the mouse back by hitting ctrl [02:32] bloodrock: It is. [02:32] <^Ocean^> So after upgrading too Hardy, my sblive funtionality has gone too sub-standard quality ... How do i fix it [02:32] Blaqlight: *It is. [02:32] ext3 is a jfs [02:32] Is it easy to install a new video card? I want to install a GeForce 2 MX to replace my crap Intel integrated chipset. [02:32] ^Ocean^, dont argue about it. [02:32] ok, give me a second [02:32] hah no idea nautilus could do that [02:32] I set up the gateway [02:32] is it solid? [02:32] ett3 is [02:33] Thats what I thought [02:33] ext2 is not [02:33] airstrikeivanov: mhm. [02:33] I am not sure about the default DNS [02:33] danbhfive: control what? [02:33] Is there an easy how-to for this matter? I've never done it before. [02:33] nickrud; i did not notice any failed modules in Xorg.0.log .. is it still possible for a module to have failed to load? [02:33] ext3 is [02:33] ffm What? [02:33] airstrikeivanov, run sudo dpkg-reconfigure -pcritical xserver-xorg , that will cause X to choose the best open source driver available for whatever card it finds. Then you can choose a proprietary one later if you like [02:33] !netsplit [02:33] netsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like Freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit [02:33] <^Ocean^> Bazhang: I was not Argu'ing about it, I was stating a fact that 2 or 3 years ago , I was never hassled for using the dreaded S word [02:33] danbhfive: I can still use kb/mouse. [02:33] oh wow netsplit. [02:33] airstrikeivanov, run sudo dpkg-reconfigure -pcritical xserver-xorg , that will cause X to choose the best open source driver available for whatever card it finds. Then you can choose a proprietary one later if you like [02:34] awe that thing again and again... [02:34] anyone ? [02:34] bloodrock: sorry, wrong user. [02:34] Please help. Gnome/nautilus are locked up. Only highlight (mouseover) on icons and buttons work. Related to killing Virtualbox when it took control of mouse. [02:34] bastid_raZor, hm, I would expect something. [02:34] !repeat | kahrytan [02:34] kahrytan: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience [02:34] is nautilus solid in its ftp support? [02:34] hvgotcodes: Yes. [02:34] hvgotcodes: It's an old protocol. [02:34] sweet [02:34] that rox [02:34] nautilus is very good at alot of things, FTP among them. [02:35] Default, was network manager not working that you uninstalled it [02:35] Blaqlight: More accurately, it uses gvfs, which is good at ti. [02:35] ffm indeed [02:35] im ckserv ghost dak dutman [02:35] ckserv ghost dak dutman [02:36] nickrud: I am installing my old GeForce, because apparently my Intel card keeps messing up. Games keep locking up the entire computer (which is a video driver error from what I gathered at #winehq) [02:36] bloodrock: Yeah I just wanted to try something different after not being abke to get it to work [02:36] Looks like i will have to reinstall Ubuntu since no one can help me fix it [02:36] nickrud; from what i remember seeing it said make sure this module loaded before running a script.. it was that uninformative.. sadly. maybe another X restart to try and catch it? === dak__ is now known as dak [02:36] I am having trouble with wicd can any one help me [02:36] airstrikeivanov, yeah, just run that command now, then stick in the card. Make sure you turn off the onboard in bios [02:36] defa wired or wireless [02:36] kahrytan: Try asking in the forums., [02:36] wired [02:36] bastid_raZor, it's a plan ;p [02:36] nickrud: Can you give me the command again? [02:36] kahrytan, likely happened when you killed vbox; try remove (purge) that first [02:36] is any one using wicd [02:37] airstrikeivanov, sudo dpkg-reconfigure -pcritical xserver-xorg [02:37] ugh [02:37] so no one knows why vpn dont work once you're connected ? [02:37] kahrytan I might suggest an occasional backup of your system [02:37] defa is linux seeing the netcard at all [02:37] Jack_Sparrow: lol... [02:37] this is getting old.. the netsplits. [02:37] nickrud: xserver-xorg postinst warning: overwriting possibly-customised configuration [02:37] file; backup in /etc/X11/xorg.conf.20080624183719 [02:37] Is that what I'm supposed to see? [02:37] airstrikeivanov, that's fine [02:37] ffm, look http://pastebin.com/d31b498df [02:38] hey I trying to have a static ip on ubuntu when I type in the static ip address and all the info I need I can't do anything online [02:38] airstrikeivanov yes [02:38] ses [02:38] Okay, time to install then. [02:38] airstrikeivanov, like it says, it's saving the old one in case you want it later [02:38] Be back in a moment! [02:38] is there something special I need to do to use a static ip? [02:38] fairynatsuki: ack, ext2! [02:38] ffm, i think i must convert this ext2 filesystem to ext3... [02:38] ffm: Ubuntu has locked up. I cant even open firefox. [02:38] ffm: I cant do anything X related. [02:38] Jack_Sparrow, I'm seriously considering turning off join/part for a while [02:38] c_lisp: sudo ifconfig IP netmask bcast [02:38] kahrytan: I don't know. Ask in ubuntuforums.com [02:38] ffm, sorry, i don't know who installed the linux and avoiding the ext3 issue, but i have to reinstall the system [02:39] I'm going to try to set the default DNS servers [02:39] fairynatsuki: No, you don't. [02:39] fairynatsuki: (have to) [02:39] k [02:39] fairynatsuki: You can upconvert. [02:39] nickrud I just did [02:39] kahrytan, try a new user, see if you have the same issues [02:39] !ext2 | fairynatsuki [02:39] Factoid ext2 not found === Konigstein is now known as Konig [02:39] !ext3 | fairynatsuki [02:39] fairynatsuki: ext3 is the default filesystem on Ubuntu, and the most popular on Linux. You can read/write from Windows to ext3 via http://www.fs-driver.org [02:39] nickrud: how do i in cli? [02:39] fairynatsuki: Ok, nvm. Try http://www.troubleshooters.com/linux/ext2toext3.htm [02:39] kahrytan, sudo adduser [02:39] you learn something new every day [02:40] Can someone help me with an Ubuntu video card? (I have nVidia) - I need to enable accelerated graphics and have ABSOLUTELY no idea where to start. :( [02:40] 00:05.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation MCP51 PCI-X GeForce Go 6100 (rev a2) is the exact card.. [02:40] !nvidia | gabe [02:40] gabe: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto [02:40] plik get no such device [02:40] envyng-gtk gabe === Eneloop51 is now known as Eneloop [02:40] I need the bcast and everyting in network manager also [02:41] bazhang, that's working well now? (envy-gtk) [02:41] nickrud: still there [02:41] gabe, System>Administration>Hardware Drivers [02:41] nickrud: Right click works. [02:41] kahrytan, with a new user logged into gdm? [02:41] c_lisp: oh yeah, you need to specify which network card first, so prolly ifconfig eth0 (or1) etc [02:41] * IndyGunFreak sighs [02:41] geesus [02:41] nickrud: yes. [02:41] nickrud, yeah; its in the restricted modules now so no more breakage at kernel upgrades [02:41] ffm, thanks for the links [02:41] hey, I left an SSH session open at work--can I kill it from home? [02:41] Can someone help me with the error I am getting when trying to load Frets on Fire: http://pastebin.com/m5bdac455 [02:41] Wow the server is nuts tonight. [02:41] :\ [02:41] gabe, System>Administration>Hardware Drivers [02:41] MrObvious: they're doing routing work :/ [02:42] Thank you, MrObvious. [02:42] anyone on I can talk to about getting a generic cloak? :D [02:42] bazhang, ah, the true problem with it. Thanks [02:42] my butthole is warm [02:42] spoon_man: Okay [02:42] #freenode Konig [02:42] is there a good SSH program for windows that I can use to VNC into my router? [02:42] ffm, but maybe iit is a good idea for me to reinstall this system, somebody deleted the /boot partition, and there's nothing installed in this ubuntu, so instead of being fixing the /boot of an empty ubuntu... [02:42] is there a blog article or something that points out the differences and similarities between Ubuntu and OpenSUSE 11. i already tried google. [02:42] shingalate1, not here [02:42] trimeta: ask now. [02:42] kahrytan, try doing a reconfigure of your xserver. A step [02:42] fairynatsuki: ouch. [02:42] Blaqlight: putty is awesome [02:42] fairynatsuki: yeah, maybe a good idea. [02:42] thanks bazhang [02:42] !o4o shingalate1 [02:42] Factoid o4o shingalate1 not found [02:42] djGentoo|cZ: Doing my job. ;) [02:43] ffm, but let's asume this is an ext3 partition, so, what i have to set in? [02:43] nickrud: It could be mouse problem? [02:43] fairynatsuki: hrm... [02:43] fairynatsuki: http://pastebin.com/pastebin.php?diff=m2d65ba15 [02:44] (Reiterating my question because of the netsplit or whatever) Anyone here know what updates were pushed with the 2.6.24-19 kernel? In particular, are there security reasons to reboot a system with this kernel? http://www.ubuntu.com/usn makes no mention of it. [02:44] nickrud: how do i reconfigure? [02:44] kahrytan, could be. you can use the keyboard to move around the icons and such; ctl-alt-escape selects the desktop and panels, left-right-up-down arrows move selection, enter activates [02:44] Blaqlight: I'd recommend either PuTTY (just for ssh) or Cygwin (for a full Linux-like environment). [02:44] kahrytan, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg. But checking your mouse isn't a bad idea either [02:45] putty is fine, I don't want to use cygwin. [02:45] ffm, thanks, i'm looking at it now :) [02:45] I already am using ubuntu. [02:45] nickrud: I can use keyboard [02:45] if ubuntu freezes and i have to reboot the computer, where do i get the log for the debug messages? [02:45] Blaqlight: Sure, but for those rare occasions when you're forced to use Windows, it's nice to still have some Linux stuff. [02:45] I installed recordmydesktop with apt-get install [02:45] and I can't find it [02:45] kahrytan, then you do probably have mouse issues, hardware of software === caplink811-log is now known as caplink811_log [02:45] like, it isn't showing in Applications [02:45] KNY: You could figure out which instance of bash (or whatever) is being run by that shell and kill it. [02:46] Xavura, it is cli iirc [02:46] trimeta, thanks [02:46] it is? [02:46] xavura try alt ctrl backspace then log back in [02:46] nickrud: it's software related [02:46] Xavura, gtk-recordmydesktop [02:46] trimeta, those instances are extremely rare. lol thank god. [02:47] I've installed Ubuntu on a USB key. I can boot off from my computer and it works like magic. Will I experience any problems if I try to boot off the usb from another computer? [02:47] nickrud: I prematurely terminal virtualbox while it had control. [02:47] ffm, that's too easy! hehe, thanks a lot for your help, and i believe what you said, about ext3 there's a lot of help here and there ;) [02:47] for the front end xavura see nick's suggestion [02:47] nickrud: I prematurely terminate virtualbox while it had control. [02:47] oops [02:47] kahrytan, I'm not at all familiar with the mouse subsystem in linux. Have you tried rebooting? [02:47] nickrud: yes [02:47] kahrytan, remove purge vbox [02:47] tengo dos targetas de tv una interna y otra esterna pero no puedo ver tv en ubuntu alguien me echaria una manito? === pascutti2 is now known as pascutti [02:47] Sometimes, when I load a youtube video, Firefox completely exits. Has anyone had this happen, and is there a solution? [02:47] kahrytan, don't have a clue why the mouse would be doing that. bazhang seems to have a clue [02:47] !es | havy27 [02:47] havy27: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es. === Konig is now known as Havish [02:48] ffm? [02:48] Matthew12: If you've got a 64-bit system, and are using nspluginwrapper to use the official 32-bit Flash client, then yea, I've had that happen to me. === The_JoKeR is now known as SplinTer0616 [02:48] nickrud: Nope. I tried to remove vbox. didnt work === Havish is now known as Konigstein [02:49] como entro a ubuntu-es [02:49] fairynatsuki: np. [02:49] havy27: /join #ubuntu-es [02:49] fairynatsuki: sorry, my connection is flaky. [02:49] i've installed kubuntu but want to see what gnome is like. is there an easy way to install gnome? is the best way to apt-get install gnome-desktop-environment? [02:49] <^Ocean^> Any one had problems with soundblaster live 5.1 and Hardy ? [02:49] havy27, /j #ubuntu-es [02:49] kahrytan, you'll need to reboot or manually remove the vbox kernel modules. Reboot is simplest === Konigstein is now known as Havish [02:49] verbose, ubuntu-desktop [02:49] trimeta, My laptop is only a month old, but I don't think it's a 64-bit system. [02:49] Hi guys, for some reason I can't open an .asf stream that I have always been able to open. [02:49] nickrud: i did reboot [02:49] bazhang: thanks [02:50] kahrytan, I doubt the uninstall removes the kernel, but I'm not sure. did you purge it? [02:50] Matthew12: Most modern processors are 64-bit, but it depends which version of Ubuntu you downloaded and installed. [02:50] emma: with VLC? [02:50] Is it possible that the update to FF3 final got rid of my plugins? [02:50] fairynatsuki: feel free to message me additional questions about this if I'm not around (use "/msg ffm" or "/msg memoserv send ffm" if I'm offline) [02:50] nickrud: yes [02:50] verbose, its a big download :) [02:50] emma: Unlikely. [02:50] emma: Heya! [02:50] kahrytan, then I"m at a loss [02:50] I've installed Ubuntu on a USB key. I can boot off from my computer and it works like magic. Will I experience any problems if I try to boot off the usb using another computer? [02:50] mneptok: This is a link, and usually I open it right in FireFox. [02:50] ffm hello there. [02:50] emma: sudo apt-get install mozilla-plugin-vlc [02:50] nickrud: i cant access panels via kb [02:50] Okay. === kat is now known as Guest71260 [02:50] kahrytan, try creating a new user first [02:50] emma: They reviewed your ban? Nice. [02:51] emma: restart Fx for the plugin to be recognized. [02:51] !offtopic | ffm [02:51] ffm: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! [02:51] ffm - definitely not a good place to talk about such things :) === djGentoo|cZ is now known as djGentoo|away [02:51] font rendering in ubuntu is so much better looking than it is in windows. [02:51] trimeta, I'm pretty sure I downloaded the 32-bit Ubuntu...either way. Do you have any ideas on where I might look for a solution to this? [02:51] !netsplit === Eneloop86 is now known as Eneloop [02:51] netsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like Freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit [02:51] !netsplit [02:51] mneptok: Okay thanks. :) [02:51] nickrud: Im using irssi in tty, btw. I can also backup ~/ and reinstall [02:51] zaklinux, "boot off the USB using another computer"? [02:52] anybody familiar with gpodder? [02:52] wow, the bots are using bots [02:52] thanks a lot ffm :) [02:52] holy netsplit batman! [02:52] Matthew12: Not really, if it's just intermittent; if it's happening consistently, every time you you try to view a YouTube video, you might have bigger problems. [02:52] kahrytan, that's one avenue. Maybe someone who knows your answer will come through. You need to weigh the benefits/debits [02:52] Hi guys. I downloaded a package source from Intrepid, and am backporting it to Hardy. I would like to change one of the depends to a previous version of a library, however the source.orig.tar.gz doesn't have a debian directory with the control et al. Should I just edit the .dsc file and modify the depends there? [02:52] man, these netsplits are gettin crazy [02:52] spoon_man: yeah, can I walk up to any computer and boot from the USB and have my Ubuntu ready to go? [02:52] zaklinux: Sort of. [02:52] nickrud: Debit would be hour or two out of my time. [02:52] You have to set up the BIOS first. [02:52] !usb | spoon_man [02:52] spoon_man: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent [02:52] But in theory, yeah. [02:53] hey when I rebooted my static ip work from setting it up from network manager is there a way I could of done it wihtout rebooting I had even tried /etc/init.d/networking restart but it didn't do anything [02:53] ygfgff [02:53] trimeta, usually after an exit, I'm able to view the video in question. so it's just an annoyance I guess. [02:53] So as long as the BIOS allows me to boot from USB, in theory it shouldn't matter where the initial install was done. [02:53] zaklinux, the Ubuntu on the USB drive is just for installing [02:54] spoon_man: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent [02:54] you must have used a method I'm not familiar with [02:54] zaklinux: Yes, that's the beauty of a USB install... [02:54] why does gpodder save in such a weird format? [02:54] spoon_man: nope, I installed a permanent version of Ubuntu on portable USB key. Allows me to do updates and all. [02:54] anyone else having trouble with nvidia after the recent mintUpdate? [02:54] !usb [02:54] For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent [02:55] ah, I've heard of that zaklinux [02:55] spoon_man: you see my links? [02:55] Persistent install is the one you want. [02:55] Looking For Ubuntu California [02:55] I'm trying to boot from cd; how come there is no option to 'start ubuntu or install from disk'. The only option is 'install to the hard disk'? [02:55] anyone know how I hyper link? [02:55] BCM43, I wasn't sure if the two of you were talking about the same thing [02:55] spoon_man: ah, yes we were [02:55] pccc: do u have the livecd or alternate cd? [02:56] no i will not make out with you [02:56] nickrud: do you know vbox command to open? [02:56] jack-desktop: please stop [02:56] tech0007: I didn't hit the checkbox for the alternate cd... i just downloaded the default [02:56] spoon_man: http://www.pendrivelinux.com/2008/04/14/ubuntu-804-usb-hard-drive-install/#more-372 enjoy! [02:56] I have an ISO on my desktop [02:56] tech0007: so i assume that's the livecd? [02:56] BCM43, ? [02:56] Can't get it to play === djGentoo|away is now known as o_g [02:56] jack-desktop: your comment [02:56] Ubuntu 8.04 [02:56] Thanks for your answers everyone! Have a great Linux day! [02:56] kahrytan: You mean something like "VBoxManage startvm 'vm-name'"? [02:56] pccc: you should doublecheck the iso you burned [02:56] kahrytan, no, I don't have it installed in linux. virtualbox? [02:57] BCM43, you act like i've done it many times =/ [02:57] why double check it? [02:57] BCM43, the trick is to ignore it === ffm is now known as ffm|sleep [02:57] philh: :| [02:57] snd-hda-intel don't play? I can fix it compiling my own kernel. It's so trivial.. compiling a kernel is for human beings! :D [02:57] spoon_man: I did that, it's enabled, now what? [02:57] tech007 [02:58] I give up. Ubuntu is broken. [02:58] why doublecheck it? === Havish is now known as Konigstein [02:58] Street360: i got the options to try the livecd first when i used the livecd iso [02:58] gabe, sorry it's been pretty busy in here, what were you working on? [02:58] Street360: Because the LiveCD should have an option with something like "Start Ubuntu" in the name. [02:58] tech0007: you can only try on the live cd [02:58] spoon_man: nVidia video card drivers [02:59] anyone knows is firefox 3 out for linux ? [02:59] BCM43: yup [02:59] mad_max02: Yes, it's out everywhere. [02:59] Nope this is a Html Tutorial [02:59] gabe, all you should need to do now is reboot [02:59] In the folder I see 3 ISO Images [02:59] tech0007: oh, ok, i thought you were asking a question, sorry [02:59] mad_max02: linux, yes... not sure if the ubuntu package is 3.0 yet or still b3 [02:59] as I click on the image..it isn't playing [02:59] zcat[1], how can I check that ? [02:59] zcat[1]: The topic says it's in Hardy. [02:59] if ubuntu freezes and i have to reboot the computer, where do i get the log for the debug messages? (sorry for asking again but i had a too small console buffer) [02:59] !info firefox [02:59] firefox (source: firefox-3.0): meta package for the popular mozilla web browser. In component main, is optional. Version 3.0+nobinonly-0ubuntu0.8.04.1 (hardy), package size 64 kB, installed size 120 kB [02:59] tech0007: is there any way to check whether it's the live cd by looking at the files on the cd? [02:59] i appear to be running 3.0, so i guess it is [03:00] Can someone talk to me about VNC's for a bit? i have a few questions :) [03:00] philh: I [03:00] Err.. [03:00] zcat[1], its final see the /topic [03:00] spoon_man: Private Message? [03:00] I get an error when trying to open [03:00] I've been seeing '3.0' in the info since well before it was out.. but yeah, the package is apparently proper 3.0 [03:00] pccc: dont have the iso atm,sorry [03:00] CShadowRun: What sort of things about VNCs? [03:00] do I have to installWine?? [03:01] Install Wine?? [03:01] Street360: What are the names of the iso files you have? [03:01] trimeta well basically i want something the same as RealVNC in windows, there is a linux port of this, but theres things saying it doesn't work in ubuntu for some reason [03:01] Learn Html [03:02] Video Professor [03:02] If I have an executable file and I want to be able to call it from the command line, how would I do that? I tried putting it in /bin and /sbin but if I type the filename I get nothing? [03:02] trimeta and i also keep hearing people say you have to leave your computer logged in in order to VNC home, which is silly. Can't you just have control over exactly what is on the screen (Like in windows?) [03:02] MrSmurfing: .exe? [03:02] MrSmurfing, what file [03:02] I click on the ISO and get an error [03:02] It's a linux binary [03:02] pccc: and can you also check if you've d/l the desktop edn not the server one [03:02] MrSmurfing, which one [03:02] MrSmurfing: ls -l /path/to/name/of/file [03:02] tech0007: i have the 64-bit server edition; there is no livecd for server? [03:03] CShadowRun: there's a way to run vnc on a virtual x session, can't remember how to setthat up though. Have done it in the past [03:03] it's called starutil [03:03] That is Inside Totem Movie Player [03:03] !info starutil [03:03] Package starutil does not exist in hardy [03:03] CShadowRun: If you're using VNC with Linux, you basically need to run your X session from within the VNC server; that X session needs to stay logged in, but you can detach it from your home computer and use it from the remote one. [03:03] zcat[1] i don't think i want that either, that makes me not see what is currently on the screen. [03:03] I lost my tray icons, how do I get them back? [03:03] pccc: server edn does not run the gui [03:03] Am I blind, because I can't seem to find the mod_gzip package for apache2 [03:04] Miesco: Right-click on the panel and add the notification area? [03:04] It's an executable to allow me to log into a pretty rare type of wifi radio [03:04] trimeta so i can't just have a simple VNC that runs and doesn't matter if i'm logged in or not, and shows me exactly whats on the screen (like in windows) ? [03:04] tech0007: oic, that's right. i installed the gui separately. well, thanks [03:04] Don't worry [03:04] it's deflate [03:04] CShadowRun: I don't think you can vnc into the gdm login.. never seen that done. [03:04] I can call it with it's full pathname and it works fine. [03:04] that's no good :( [03:04] MrSmurfing: ls -l /path/to/name/of/file [03:04] how do you list the users in a terminal? [03:04] So if you want to VNC home your expected to leave your computer unlocked? [03:04] That's really silly [03:04] MrSmurfing: then its path is not in your shell's $PATH variable [03:04] CShadowRun, or you can just lock it [03:05] isn't lock the same as the gdm screen? [03:05] powertool08: w [03:05] CShadowRun, not as far as i know [03:05] mneptok: Ok, I guess that's my question, how do I add it's path to my shell's $PATH variable? [03:05] and what happens if i need to reboot while i'm away? [03:05] CShadowRun: you could use xdmcp or ssh -x [03:05] trimeta: is that all users, or just those logged on? [03:05] MrSmurfing: export PATH="$PATH:/your/new/dir" [03:05] powertool08: Just those who are logged on. [03:05] CShadowRun, remote X would be more flexible, as zcat suggests [03:05] but other peoples computers don't have any of that [03:05] or xmove for already running apps [03:05] j/#ubuntu-es [03:05] CShadowRun: yeah, if xscreensaver has the screen locked you can still vnc that [03:06] trimeta: how do I list all [03:06] powertool08: If you've got root access, you could look at the contents of /etc/shadow, though that will include fake users (created for various programs) as well. [03:06] lol, this is so over-complicated [03:06] como entro a ubuntu-es [03:06] CShadowRun, how many people do you know that VNC to their home machine on a regular basis? [03:06] I have an ISO Image Can't Play .. [03:06] philh atleast one, me. [03:06] heavy27: /join #ubuntu-es [03:06] it may be because i don't live in the world of windows but i can't say any of my friends would [03:07] I have a dummy terminal laptop i take with me everywhere i go. [03:07] I get an error in Totem [03:07] not without ssh tunneling at least, and i'm guessing that's over-complicated for you [03:07] trimeta: thanks [03:07] quick question, everytime i press ctrl alt backspace it turns off my computer [03:07] Street360, you're trying to open an ISO with Totem? [03:07] CShadowRun: I generally use putty if I'm on a windows machine, but that's text only. Most of my friends use Linux so I can use ssh -x to run gui programs a lot of the time (although I still mostly just use plain ssh even then) [03:07] hehe i just want a simple remote control like i could get on windows [03:07] heavy27: escrive/empuje "/join #ubuntu-es" (no "") [03:07] CShadowRun: Seriously, ssh-tunneled VNC is perfectly usable, and you don't lose security by leaving your main computer logged in (since you need to ssh into it to get to that logged-in session). [03:08] Street360, have you tried mounting the ISO? [03:08] which package has the source code for the endgame screensaver? [03:08] but when i'm away and using someone elses computer, they have a web browser, and that's all [03:08] i can't go installing putty and things on other peoples computers [03:08] https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNC [03:08] read the part about VNC with LOGIN [03:08] CShadowRun, what happened to the laptop? [03:08] CShadowRun: If you can install a VNC client on their computer, you can install PuTTY. [03:08] anyone know how to get the wpc11 v4 working in hardy? [03:08] MoreOvaltine ty :p [03:08] Anyone got some good suggestions on how to migrate from Windows to Ubuntu without losing all my files on my NTFS partition? I think I have around 100gbs worth of files I would need to transfer and I only have a 30gb drive as my second (which is what Ubuntu is on right now) [03:09] CShadowRun: you can run putty of a sub stick.. or just download it and delete it when you're done, it's a tiny program [03:09] Christoph_82: Ubuntu can read NTFS filesystems. [03:09] Anyone know how I can get JRE plugin working for FF3? It works for FF2. [03:09] philh sometimes i can't get my laptop on other peoples internet connection, or the battery runs out, and i end up using someone elses computer [03:09] CShadowRun: Putty doesn't use the registry. You can run it from a flash drive or the like. [03:09] s/sub/usb [03:09] sudo apt-get install opera won't work [03:09] Christoph_82 Dual boot [03:09] !opera === ballzee is now known as Sinister [03:09] opera is an advanced and free (only as in price) web browser. Install it via Applications->Add/Remove..., making sure that "Show commercial applications" (dapper only) is checked. For more info on opera please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OperaBrowser [03:09] What do I need to type to get Opera (Browser, 9.5) [03:09] yea, usb drive could be an option, but still quite irritating baring in mind that i can just http:// into my windows machine. [03:09] Hi, im trying to install Skype, i went to their website and got a .deb, when i went to install it it says "An older version is available in the software portal" how would i go about getting that older version? Because i cant get this newer verison (the .deb) to install. [03:09] CShadowRun: i believe you can use the java vnc with this [03:09] Trimeta: I know, but I don't have enough space on my 30gb drive for some installs, I want to use my 200gb drive for Ubuntu [03:10] MoreOvaltine cool, i'll start reading that page, thanks :) [03:10] CShadowRun: Lol took me a long time to find that [03:10] Christoph_82 You really wont need 200 gig for ubuntu... [03:10] hehe [03:10] Christoph_82: best to copy your files to an external drive [03:10] I don't see "Show Commercial Applications" [03:10] Jack_Sparrow: I know I don't "NEED" it, I want to switch everything around [03:10] is it a good idea to make a root password? [03:11] rainwalker: NO [03:11] rainwalker: NO [03:11] Why does my pc shutdown when i press CTRL+ALT+BACKSPACE?? [03:11] rainwalker, in linux mint? [03:11] that's what I thought [03:11] bazhang: yep [03:11] Christoph_82 Then you NEED to make a full backup or borrow a big external drive [03:11] !mint || rainwalker [03:11] | rainwalker: The following are some examples of Ubuntu derived distributions that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes, please consult their websites for more information: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mintsupport), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), Ubuntu Ultimate [03:11] Jack_Sparrow: For instance I need to install COD 4, not enough space. [03:11] MoreOvaltine: That's not a shutdown. [03:11] Xavura: what is the error when u try 'sudo apt-get install opera' [03:11] Makuseru, the "software portal" is Synaptic or the Add/Remove program [03:11] That's a Xorg restart. [03:11] MoreOvaltine: it shuts down? or goes black and returns to the login screen? [03:11] SeveredCross: everytime i press it it shuts it down [03:11] is there a way to install a RPM under Ubuntu (Apparently the java plugin Ubuntu has doesn't work , I have websites still telling me to install JRE and giving me this .rpm) [03:11] my wpc11 v4 wireless card worked in previous versions of ubuntu, how do I get it working in hardy? [03:11] spoon_man: i search "Skype" in it and i get no results [03:11] MoreOvaltine: Uh, your computer is screwed up then. [03:11] Package opera is not available, but is referred to by another package. [03:11] This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or [03:11] is only available from another source [03:11] E: Package opera has no installation candidate [03:11] Jack_Sparrow: *Sigh* I know.. my question was if there might be another way around it [03:11] Xavura: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [03:11] NetEcho_: the plugin does work [03:11] !alien | NetEcho [03:11] NetEcho: RPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous) [03:11] Daisuke_Laptop: It actually turns off [03:12] bazhang: it's not specific to linux mint [03:12] NetEcho_ Not a goot idea to alien an rpm [03:12] MoreOvaltine: that's not good. [03:12] makuseru, in Synaptic or Add/Remove? [03:12] !info opera [03:12] opera (source: opera): The Opera Web Browser. In component partner, is optional. Version 9.27-20080331.6hardy1 (hardy), package size 5544 kB, installed size 12836 kB (Only available for i386) [03:12] Jack_Sparrow, the RPM is from java.com [03:12] NetEcho_: don't install rpms. Have you followed the wiki on java? [03:12] Add/Remove and Adept [03:12] I have an nvidia card should I do sudo apt-get install nvidia-settings ? [03:12] Pogo.com is telling me java isn't installed [03:12] MoreOvaltine: That indicates a very weird problem. [03:12] Christoph_82 DOnt risk what you cant replace [03:12] and links me to the site on java.com [03:12] Daisuke_Laptop: before it just put my computer in standby... [03:12] What should I do? [03:12] which only has .rpm and source [03:12] NetEcho_ It does not matter where it came from. [03:12] NetEcho, install java via the synapted [03:12] Ctrl-Alt-Backspace shouldn't put your computer to standby either. [03:12] Xavura: Did you try apt-get update to clear out any weirdness? [03:13] no body can help with my linksys wireless card? [03:13] Jack_Sparrow, http://java.com/en/download/linux_manual.jsp [03:13] LOL weird bios?? [03:13] MoreOvaltine: That has nothing to do with the BIOS. [03:13] How Ctrl-Alt-Backspace is handled is up to X. [03:13] NetEcho_: Look at the Ubuntu howto's on installing Java. [03:13] The JRE install that apt installs doesn't work for this website [03:13] I'll try update [03:13] Jack_Sparrow: Well then do you know if Wine can run programs from my NTFS partition? [03:13] NetEcho_: 'sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre' [03:13] trimeta, according to ubuntu I have 2 instalations of java [03:13] SeveredCross: could it be i disabled acpi? [03:13] Makuseru, in Add/Remove, you'll want to choose "All available applictions" in the Show menu [03:13] I did update [03:13] MoreOvaltine: Shouldn't matter. [03:13] I still get the same error. [03:14] Again, Ctrl-Alt-Backspace is supposed to restart X. [03:14] tech0007, that version is installed [03:14] is Wine 1.0 too new to be fetchable via apt-get? the latest one my ubuntu fetched is 0.9.46, looks like the most recent one prior to 1.0 was 0.9.6 [03:14] SeveredCross: I know it is supposed to, it will restart xserver, the the computer will shut down. [03:14] Christoph_82 A question better asked in winehq.. but yes.. they can [03:14] tech0007, apt says its already installed and when I try to launch games on pogo.com it doesn't work [03:14] makuseru, I recommend Synaptic instead of Add/Remove, because I don't see it in the latter [03:14] SeveredCross: then** [03:14] tech0007, pogo.com requires 6.6 [03:14] NetEcho_: Which two Javas do you already have installed? [03:14] makuseru, you may also need the medibuntu repository [03:14] Maybe you could uninstall the "bad" one and reinstall sun-jre. [03:15] Also, totally random but there seems to be a fish swimming on my screen [03:15] !medibuntu | makuseru [03:15] makuseru: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org [03:15] NetEcho_: is sun-java6-bin installed? [03:15] tech0007, I ran that command and it said its already installed [03:15] Why is there a fish swimming around on my screen? [03:15] Xavura: Did you free the fish? [03:15] I don't think so [03:15] tech0007, yes [03:15] What fish? lol [03:15] NetEcho_ -jre is a different package from -bin [03:15] Free the fish? [03:15] SeveredCross: so what should i do? [03:16] !ot > Xavura [03:16] tech0007, just ran it for -bin its installed [03:16] Huh? [03:16] I am so very confused [03:16] tech0007, could it be -plugin? [03:16] Xavura, this is support not chat. [03:17] I noticed, there's a fish on my screen and it won't go away [03:17] nor can I install Opera [03:17] so I'm seeking support [03:17] Is that a problem? [03:17] !enter > Xavura [03:17] NetEcho_: yeah try it, and check tools->addons in FF for java [03:17] NetEcho_: Could you "aptitude search java" and tell us all the javas you have installed? [03:17] Xavura: http://www.linuxtutorialblog.com/post/gnome-easter-egg-free-the-fish [03:17] !opera | Xavura [03:17] Xavura: opera is an advanced and free (only as in price) web browser. Install it via Applications->Add/Remove..., making sure that "Show commercial applications" (dapper only) is checked. For more info on opera please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OperaBrowser [03:18] There is NO "Show commercial applications" [03:18] bazhang I thought they pulled opera from HArdy repos.. [03:18] Xavura, read the last link there [03:18] I'll check it out. [03:18] tech0007, It allowed me to open the window now but the applet loads as grey and does nothing [03:18] Jack_Sparrow, thought it was either on medibuntu or canonical partner repos [03:18] On that website it says [03:18] "(I have yet to discover how to get rid of that annoying fish again...)" === jedimind is now known as jedimind|foodstu [03:19] Xavura: Just restart gnome-panel to make it go away. === jedimind|foodstu is now known as jedimind|foods [03:19] Beryllium: Go to http://www.winehq.org/site/download-deb where it tells how to add their repository. After that you can apt-get install it [03:19] NetEcho_ do u have the java(TM) Plug-in 1.6.0_06 in FF? [03:19] Whats a good dictionary in the repository? [03:19] bah. I just sudo cp'd all my Firefox 2 plugins to the FF3 plugins directory and JRE still isn't working [03:19] I don't know what gnome-panel is or how to restart it :P [03:19] Xavura: Log out and log back in. [03:19] Ok, thanks. [03:20] teamz, 1.6.0_06+b02 [03:20] err tech0007 [03:20] Xavura: log out [03:20] hehe [03:20] NetEcho_: lol, try clearing your cache and restart FF [03:20] tech0007, fresh install [03:21] tech0007, did install a java console addon and it seemed to work then [03:21] NetEcho_ thats nice [03:22] tech0007, thanks for your help [03:22] NetEcho_ np === genii_ is now known as genii [03:22] how should i name video files from youtube? *.flv or *.swf ? [03:23] Trying to setup wireless with an Atheros chipset - ar242x. Got ndiswrapper and setup went w/ no error messages. However, ndiswrapper -l shows ath_pci as an "alternate driver". I blacklisted ath_pci and ath_hal and uninstalled the restricted drivers. There is no ath_anything loaded. Where is that alternate driver coming from, and how do I stop it? [03:23] i just did an upgrade from gutsy to hardy. everything seemed ok, but when i reboot it hangs as soon as graphic image of ubuntu with the progress bar [03:23] I am still unable to play an .asf file that I have always listened to in firefox. I have installed the vlc mozilla plugin, although that is not one of the options for playing this file in the preferences. [03:23] tech0007: I think .flv is more accurate, but file names don't really matter much. [03:23] how do i pass to grub not to show the graphical startup indicator [03:23] It's actually a link -- http://mmslb.eonstreams.com/ktrsam.asf [03:23] trimeta: thats what i thought...im saving them as swf [03:23] hey tech0007 can you help me with a java issue too? [03:23] I'm not sure why I can't get any audio there. [03:23] I added the Opera repository and PGP Key [03:23] McQuaid remove quiet and splash [03:24] Now should I just do apt-get install opera? [03:24] !ask | Naisenu [03:24] Naisenu: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) [03:24] Yes. I have asked three times and noone's answered [03:24] Keep trying, someone will eventually. [03:24] Xavura: Did you enable the partner repositories in your sources.list file? If so then yes it should work now [03:24] yet others coming after me get answered [03:24] Jack_Sparrow but can i pass it from startup or do i have to edit menu.1st via live cd first? [03:24] tech0007: i always save them as .flv [03:25] anyone know how to add a print menu option on the right click in Gnome? [03:25] I have no idea, I just followed the tutorial https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OperaBrowser [03:25] !mint > unavailable [03:25] McQuaid You can pass from startup.. e then e [03:25] i think it's better to get opera from the source. works great. [03:25] Naisenu: pls repeat ur question, i didnt catch it [03:25] just e then e? [03:25] wolfen69: You've got the source for Opera? Awesome! [03:25] Yeah, I did use Opera's repository as they said you get security updates quicker [03:25] Trying to get JRE working in FF3, it works in FF2. I just sudo cp'd all my Firefox 2 plugins to the FF3 plugins directory and JRE still isn't working [03:25] sudo apt-get install opera worked, I just tried it. Thanks for the help [03:26] would anyone here like to puzzle over the output of sdparm? [03:26] anyone know why someone would make ubottu pm me mint?? [03:26] ok sounds good. thx [03:26] np [03:26] youre the one that did it man [03:26] unavailable: Didn't you do it yourself? [03:26] Heh, Opera looks like a Vista app or something. [03:26] yah to remember what it said [03:26] isn't opera closed source? [03:26] Oh, dissociative identity disorder. Never mind. [03:26] the new opera is awesome [03:26] Soulwarp: it is [03:26] im talkin about earlier today [03:27] Is hydra or brutus available in any repo's? [03:27] Soulwarp: I was joking, he meant "downloading it from the official site." [03:27] The new Opera doesn't match Ubuntu though. [03:27] trimeta: gotcha [03:27] !mint > unavailable [03:27] and again... [03:27] why [03:27] i have an official distro [03:27] weird the Mp3 player won't mount when I plug it in [03:27] it may not "match", but it works great. [03:28] unavailable, the first pm was you -- !mint > unavailable the second was Jack_Sparrow -- !mint > unavailable [03:28] Naisenu: NetEcho_ what addon did u install to make pogo.co work for u? [03:28] unavailable It looked like you wanted it with the command you gave earlier [03:28] is there a separate chat for system76? [03:28] btw i finally got e-sword working with wine [03:28] tech0007, I installed the Java Console [03:28] hay all i need some help here. suddenly my etho on my acer 2920 can not be detected after i apt-get upgrade [03:28] bobsda again, i was talking about *earlier today* [03:28] NetEcho_: ok tnx [03:29] thinman1189: Nope [03:29] Does anyone have any ideas why I previously was able to listen to the following link in FireFox but now ubuntu is unable to play it -- http://mmslb.eonstreams.com/ktrsam.asf [03:29] so, sdparm, anyone know how to handle it? [03:29] Naisenu: Tools-> Addons in FF3, check if you see java plugin [03:29] unavailable because many of your questions dont make sense for someone using ubuntu [03:29] tech0007, ever have an issue that where you plug a USB mp3 player in and the player goes to sleep and Ubuntu doesn't load it? [03:29] which? [03:29] emma: Do what philh said for Naisenu. [03:29] unavailable Please stop the offtopic [03:29] genii: ok, thanks.... anyone know how easy it would be to dual boot xp on a system76 comp? [03:29] (Only for Windows Media, not Java.) [03:29] tech0007: No Java in there. [03:30] trimeta: sorry, I don't know what that was, could you paraphrase it? [03:30] NetEcho_ dont have an mp3 player, but that same thing happens when i tried my PSP, it doest mount automagically [03:30] Naisenu, pogo games? [03:30] emma: Tools-> Addons in FF3, check if you see Windows Media Player. [03:30] no a Java based chat room on a website [03:30] rtrt [03:30] err * [03:30] I'm trying to install ubuntu amd64 on an intel Core 2 quad. However, Whenever I get to run the live CD or try to install from the live CD, I get dropped to the initramfs prompt. What can I do to troubleshoot this situation. dmesg is giving me very few hints. [03:30] "automagically" [03:30] Naisenu: type 'sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install sun-java6-bin sun-java6-jre sun-java6-plugin' [03:31] Naisenu, try sudo apt-get install sun-java6-* [03:31] Soulwarp: haha [03:31] i've already got that installed and run that [03:31] It works in FF2 [03:31] Naisenu, try with the * [03:31] baegle To get live cd to run this often helps..At start or install press F6 and remove Quiet and Splash from the command line. If it still fails.. Repeat and after removing quiet and splash add noapic acpi=off before the "--" [03:31] Isn't there a way to make Opera use your native OS' look [03:31] I was missing a few packages it seems as well [03:31] It's ugly [03:31] baegle: Try from an external USB cd drive [03:31] tech0007: i havn't had trouble mounting my psp [03:31] trimeta: yes it is one of the plugins. [03:31] Anyone know if it would be easy to dual boot xp on a system76 comp? [03:31] Xavura: Install a theme which matches Gnome? Does Opera have themes? [03:32] thinman1189 I would suggest you look in supported hardware [03:32] Jack_Sparrow, is there somewhere I can go in Ubuntu to try to mount usb devices that don't auto-mount? [03:32] Soulwarp: could be my memstick,it isnt genuine, it works on the other one [03:32] tech0007: it usually detects it [03:32] Yep [03:32] emma: To be honest, I've never gotten asf files to play natively in Firefox, so maybe I'm not the best person to help you... [03:32] I think the Opera Web site is psychic... [03:32] emma do you mean playing it directly in fx? or using fx to open it with movie player? [03:32] is there a way to stop gdm autologin once, ussually i have my sisters computer login automatically but would like to be able to stop the autologin when i need to do something occassionally [03:32] Hey guys just did an apt-get install on kubuntu-desktop and when I restarted I get an error could not start kstartupconfig check your installation [03:32] tech0007: oh i see [03:32] hmm ok i booted hardy removing quiet, splash to see where it's hanging, it's hanging on my network card [03:33] ircalias: You could log out after it's already logged her in. [03:33] strange thing is though, the old gutsy kernel (which was fine) hangs at the nic as well [03:33] hi guys i need sum sed/grep/awk advise. I have a newline seperated file and i want to transform it from /([abc]+)(\t(.*))?/i into some kind of "$1\t; $2" [03:33] unavailable: I used to be able to listen to it with some plugin in firefox, but I will be content to get any thing to play it in any manner at all. [03:33] how is this possible? [03:33] no error, just found nic .... [03:33] does anyone know if anyone is working on pppd/pptp/vpn ? [03:33] Soulwarp: is there a workaround memsticks that arent genuine? [03:33] perl would be fine, too [03:33] ubilicious: maybe you could try sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop^ [03:33] A friend of mine using Windows is telling me that they are able to open it and play it. [03:33] trimeta: i know about that but can you not stop the login without doing that? [03:33] genii: Awesome, thanks!! [03:33] emma try pasting the link into movie player see what happens [03:33] NetEcho_ there is an option in the menus for automounting removeable devices.. I have run across some usb's that are a problem.. but mostly it is when they are not properly unmounted from a systrem theat thay get locked down [03:33] baegle: I had this exact issue on an Asus P5K board, it was the controller for the IDE/SATA which meant installer could not understand what device it was using to boot and drops to busybox. But usb cd works to at least get it running [03:33] tech0007: i connect mine via usb [03:33] i cant open ect/icecast2 becuase i dont have permision, what do i do? [03:34] unavailable: you mean totem? [03:34] Soulwarp: same here [03:34] Dream, sudo [03:34] ok [03:34] danbhfive: Sorry I thought that was a given [03:34] emma yep but you might get the same error i just did [03:34] for some reason it's trying to read from FD0 even when there's no disk in it and it's getting an I/O error on it [03:34] Jack_Sparrow, it usualy does auto-mount them but this specific mp3 player goes straight to sleep mode when I plug it in to the PC Basicly PC zzzzzzz - zzzzzzz Mp3player [03:34] tech0007: let me find my psp and try it again [03:34] Dream sudo gedit /etc/icecast2 [03:34] good morning! [03:34] Hey, the openoffice channel is quiet, so I'm giving this one a shot. Does anybody know how to turn on autoscrolling on openoffice Word? [03:34] danbhfive it was sudo [03:34] I get an error saying it does not have permission. [03:34] oops... wrong forum. Sorry. [03:34] Jack_Sparrow, its also the first time I've plugged this one in [03:34] yep [03:34] NetEcho_ you can try sudo /etc/init.d/hal restart to try and get a usb drive recognized.. [03:34] emma me too [03:34] ubilicious: and the ^? [03:34] Jack_Sparrow, will do [03:34] where are most program files located in ubuntu [03:34] emma got a page that links to it?? [03:35] all over the place [03:35] HealthyElijah: The binaries are in /usr/bin, or maybe /usr/local/bin. [03:35] danbhfive oh sorry thought that was a typo [03:35] it ain't windows to have program files [03:35] Naisenu: still there? [03:35] what is the "lost+found" folder? [03:35] HealthyElijah: The libraries, etc., are in different places. [03:35] trimeta: thanks [03:35] tech0007: Yes it's d/l'ing the source ... all 17MB of it [03:35] thati s where you shred your pet and put pics o0f it [03:35] trimeta: I am trying to find my synergy config file [03:35] Naisenu: do u get any output when u type 'locate libjavaplugin_oji.so' [03:35] HealthyElijah: Most config files are in /etc. [03:36] Windows Vista (pronounced /ˈvɪstə/) is a line of operating systems developed by Microsoft for use on personal computers, including home and business desktops, laptops, Tablet PCs, and media center PCs. Prior to its announcement on July 22, 2005, Windows Vista was known by its codename "Longhorn".[1] Development was completed on November 8, 2006; over the following three months it was... [03:36] Jack_Sparrow, nope didn't make a difference [03:36] ...released in stages to computer hardware and software manufacturers, business customers, and retail channels. On January 30, 2007, it was released worldwide,[2] and was made available for purchase and download from Microsoft's website.[3] The release of Windows Vista comes more than five years after the introduction of its predecessor, Windows XP, the longest time span between successive... [03:36] HealthyElijah: lost+found is where the filsystem check program puts things it finds which may be salvaged files when it checks the drive after a cold reboot for instance [03:36] ...releases of Microsoft Windows. [03:36] Windows Vista contains many changes and new features, including an updated graphical user interface and visual style dubbed Windows Aero, improved searching features, new multimedia creation tools such as Windows DVD Maker, and redesigned networking, audio, print, and display sub-systems. Vista also aims to increase the level of communication between machines on a home network, using... [03:36] tech0007: ScanDisk memory stick pro duo brand [03:36] ...peer-to-peer technology to simplify sharing files and digital media between computers and devices. Windows Vista includes version 3.0 of the .NET Framework, which aims to make it significantly easier for software developers to write applications than with the traditional Windows API. [03:36] PorkExpress: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [03:36] tech0007: hold on ... it's still installing [03:36] Microsoft's primary stated objective with Windows Vista, however, has been to improve the state of security in the Windows operating system.[4] One common criticism of Windows XP and its predecessors has been their commonly exploited security vulnerabilities and overall susceptibility to malware, viruses and buffer overflows. In light of this, Microsoft chairman Bill Gates announced in early... [03:36] (or possibly /etc//) [03:36] HealthyElijah: per-user config files will be in the user's home, usually in hidden directories. [03:36] emma got a page that links to it?? [03:36] genii: so i should keep that folder [03:36] lol [03:36] Vista FTL! [03:36] Is there a way to install ubuntu from inside a ubuntu install? I need to install another copy of ubuntu to the same hard drive.... [03:36] hey anyone, why are the ubuntu repos bad on the update, I noticed that some of the apps out like two versions back, and yet i upload the newest versions and they work on the latest ubuntu ? [03:36] HealthyElijah: Delete it or not as you like. It makes it automatically when needed [03:37] security wholes need to be patched ! [03:37] jamisnemo: why? [03:37] Soulwarp: both 4G (notgenuine) and 1G (genuine) say Sony, but i doubt it [03:37] jamisnemo: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromLinux [03:37] hrm, I just went System->About Ubuntu, and it said I was running Gutsy Gibbon 7.10 ... is it just apt-get distupgrade to upgrade to 8.x? [03:37] dubby: Which holes are not patched? [03:37] unavailable: hmmm. Yes from the page itself, it looks like I was able to start something. [03:37] Hello, does anybody know how to turn on autoscrolling in openoffice :) [03:37] tech0007: from the locate command: /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun- /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun- [03:37] danbhfive, because I don't have a cd drive or live cd with me.... [03:37] unavailable: I think maybe the page (it is a radio station in St. Louis) has changed it's protocol some how so that people have to be forced to navigate to the page in order to play it? [03:37] fd0 is floppy yes? [03:37] Flannel, I'll check it out thanks [03:38] Naisenu: hmmm....u should have the java plugin by now in FF [03:38] trimeta on samba there is a couple remote exploits patched with the two newest versions of it, yet the one on the ubuntu repose are the vulnerable ones [03:38] lemme try and find the sec focus [03:38] jamisnemo: well, I was going to suggest that you try a vm. But it depends on your needs. G'L [03:38] emma maybe [03:38] tech0007: Yes... the magic "should" ... [03:38] danbhfive, alright thanks [03:38] dubby, the ISO will only include program versions which are pretty much proven to work with the distro [03:38] dubby: It's possible the Ubuntu versions have patches for the security holes, but aren't actually the new versions. [03:38] man this is fantastic [03:38] Vista can go fuck itself for all I care at this point [03:38] i need to develop kernel stuff so running in vmware is kind of a pain === jedimind|foods is now known as jedimind [03:39] unavailable: get your sword stuff working? [03:39] tech0007: However ... I do not. Which is, to be honest, driving me bananas. [03:39] genii: when you said USB cd you mean a cd drive that connects via USB? [03:39] Beryllium: No. dist-upgrade only upgrades kernel releases within a distribution. To do dist to dist upgrade you need package update-manager [03:39] !language > oobey [03:39] mneptok yep, using esword. [03:39] oh. Good to know. :) [03:39] baegle: Correct. An external drive connected through USB port [03:39] tech0007: And no, it is not in the Tools > Addons > Plugins section. [03:39] heh, sorry. anyway, off to my regular server. [03:39] spoon_man: Are you there? [03:39] genii: That's not really correct, but answers his question. [03:39] unavailable: gnomesword hates you? [03:39] hey, Um I am a completely new user to ubuntu so err I'm having some trouble with certain things. [03:39] gnomesword dont like bbl files [03:39] what I really need is a working PXE booter... but the one I have doesn't work... [03:40] SSDf, describe your problems [03:40] genii: hmmm, I don't have one of those..... [03:40] pxe installer rather [03:40] trimeta: http://www.securityfocus.com/bid/29404/ [03:40] right now getting audio to work [03:40] Flannel: Well it also upgrades apps to whatever next is available [03:40] hay all i need some help here. suddenly my etho on my acer 2920 can not be detected after i apt-get upgrade [03:40] well rather [03:40] though that is a bad example [03:40] It plays audio files etc [03:40] Sup bros [03:40] genii: No, I meant the requiring update-manager part. [03:40] !enter | SSDF [03:40] SSDF: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! [03:40] Is there a way on Linux to run Windows programs faster than XP? :( lol [03:40] dubby: http://www.ubuntu.com/usn/usn-617-1 [03:40] deejaypip, need OO.o help? [03:40] Does anyone uses FastCGI? [03:40] hey guys, im trying to compile THC hydra. ./configure goes ok, but i get errors on make. http://pastebin.com/f3db8a5fc -- what can i do to resolve them? [03:41] philh: yes. i went to the OO.o chanell but it's dead [03:41] Some of my softwares runs far too slow (especially some intensive with the sound card, like Audition, FL Studio, and a few others) [03:41] deejaypip You just need to be patient.. they are never as busy as we are [03:41] Kcaj, wine on my machine runs things faster then they run on xp yes [03:41] deejaypip, Tools>Options>View then change middle mouse button from paste clipboard to autoscroll [03:41] tech0007: You got any ideas there? [03:41] Flannel: I'll research more :) [03:42] pilh: thanks! [03:42] trimeta: you saying that the 3.0.28 package has the 3.0.30 fixes in it? [03:42] dubby: The 3.0.28a-1ubuntu4.2 has the fixes, yes. [03:42] OK I am having problems with setitng up my audio, certain things work But other such as getting beeps etc during notifications or logging on are still not working. [03:42] ok nvm [03:42] :-) [03:42] Naisenu: did u try renaming your .mozilla dir? [03:42] Wonderful; thank you so much. My OO.o is working great. /quit [03:43] tech0007: In Home or /usr/lib? [03:43] Jack_Sparrow, because of ubuntu lacking support for my mom's 2gb rechargable mp3 player she just got punked for my 1gb AAA battery mp3 player :P [03:43] why in the world would the live CD be trying to read from fd0? [03:43] dubby: http://www.ubuntu.com/usn/usn-617-1 [03:43] Naisenu: home dir [03:43] damnit I need to learn vista but I also need linux..... [03:43] nice way to copy ;-) [03:43] * jamisnemo flips coin [03:44] tech0007: name it to what? [03:44] jamisnemo: Dual-boot? [03:44] My 1gb mp3 player worked perfectly [03:44] NetEcho_ most mp3 players have a mode that lets them look like a flash or removeable drive.. all of mine work.. 4 diffedrent ones [03:44] trimeta, I'm already about to set up a quad boot :( [03:44] tech0007: Could I just copy it and rename it? [03:44] I think I'll use vmware for vista... [03:44] NetEcho_ The ipod ones.. are a different matter [03:44] Jack_Sparrow, this one is a pretty cheap one so tis probably an issue with it [03:44] Naisenu: skip that one...whats the output of 'file /etc/alternatives/xulrunner-1.9-javaplugin.so' [03:45] Jack_Sparrow, Sylvania 2gb cost like $10 at the grocery store [03:45] jamisnemo: Keep in mind that Vista has pretty steep HD and RAM requirements, so it might not be so great in a virtual machine. [03:45] arr that's what I'll do [03:45] dubby: i didn't copy, i looked it up. [03:45] NetEcho_ read the manual. there is almost always a way to get it to read [03:45] dubby: try it sometime :P [03:45] but hey I just got myself a rechargable mp3 player [03:45] tech0007: /etc/alternatives/xulrunner-1.9-javaplugin.so: ERROR: cannot open `/etc/alternatives/xulrunner-1.9-javaplugin.so' (No such file or directory) [03:45] Jack_Sparrow, tis fine I wanted this one instead of mine anyway lol [03:45] NetEcho_ what make and model.. let me try and look it up [03:45] trimeta, I know.... but I don't need speed... I just need to learn where stuff is in it... [03:45] can i install 32bit apps on 64bit Ubuntu? [03:45] Naisenu: aha.. [03:45] genii: did you receive the message "no common CD-ROM device found." [03:45] NetEcho_ np [03:45] Jack_Sparrow, since mine works she gets mine lol [03:45] Bodsda: If you've got a /usr/lib32 directory, then yes. [03:45] !chroot > Bodsda [03:45] (which I think you do.) [03:46] danbhfive: I get 2 conflicts 1 is between libgd2 and libgd2-noxpm and the other is with libgpod3 with libgpod3-nogtk [03:46] i need help guys, the gnome is slow on my machine.. how can i install xfce ?? [03:46] Jack_Sparrow, i think chrooting is a bit overkill [03:46] Naisenu: i got '/etc/alternatives/xulrunner-1.9-javaplugin.so: symbolic link to `/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun/jre/plugin/i386/ns7/libjavaplugin_oji.so' [03:46] i need help guys, the gnome is slow on my machine.. how can i install xfce ?? [03:46] my audio output is in use by some unknown application and i can't play any sounds.. how can i find out what app is using it so that i can terminate it? [03:46] airstrike: sudo lsof /dev/dsp* /dev/audio* /dev/mixer* /dev/seq* /dev/snd/* [03:46] tech0007: Okay. So.....? [03:46] Bodsda that is the accepted way of running 32 bit apps on 64 bit os... I personally dont recommend people use 64 bit [03:46] waveflow: apt-get install xfce4 [03:46] trimeta, i have a /usr/lib32 and cant install 32bit apps [03:46] how do i show file extensions in my nautilus [03:47] Bodsda: I actually only use 32-bit Ubuntu, so it's possible Jack_Sparrow is correct. [03:47] Some of my softwares runs far too slow (especially some intensive with the sound card, like Audition, FL Studio, and a few others) [03:47] Is there a way on Linux to run Windows programs faster than XP? :( lol [03:47] (I use 64-bit Gentoo.) [03:47] (sorry I missed any previous answers) [03:47] airstrike: or restart the audio subsystem with "sudo invoke-rc.d pulseaudio restart" [03:47] baegle: Something to that effect, yes [03:47] Naisenu: are u done with the d/l? FF looks for its plugins in the right dir so its not finding your java plugin [03:47] all i got was 'mixer_app', which i can't terminate [03:47] Also [03:47] Jack_i dont suppose theres anyway of changing from 64 to 32 without reinstalling is there? [03:47] Kcaj: Try Wine, otherwise probably not. [03:47] i thought vncserver would allow remote controll of myhost? i have to use x11vnc? or perhaps a settings I have not enabled? am trying to control a fedora from an unbuntu.. [03:47] genii: I'm not getting that problem. Did you have SATA opticals? I have IDE opticals [03:47] airstrike: that's mixer_applet2. [03:47] Kcaj, what apps [03:47] Kcaj /join #winehq and ask there [03:47] Is WINE known to run faster than Windows sometimes? [03:47] HealthyElijah, i didn't realise it hid them [03:48] Mostly FL Studio [03:48] tech0007: Yes the d/l is done. The only thing it couldn't do was d/l the doc. [03:48] apt-get install xfce4 <---im a noob, should i type anything b4 this, will i have the option to run gnome or xfce during boot??? [03:48] Bodsda: reinstallation is easiest. and you just had your "64 bit isn;t a great idea" lesson. ;) [03:48] philh: in mine it is. [03:48] !appdb | Kcaj check here [03:48] Kcaj: There are some linux native audio programs you might want to try out [03:48] waveflow, yes - via the session button in gdm [03:48] Also what is best text editor for the Loonicks? [03:48] baegle my sata optical works fine here.. [03:48] I mean, in general [03:48] Kcaj check here: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org [03:48] waveflow: type sudo before it. You may want to install xubuntu-desktop instead [03:48] wth [03:48] waveflow, the little session button where you login [03:48] ubottu lag [03:48] baegle: I have IDE optical drives but the controller for it is integrated with the SATA controller and so it did not work out-of-box. [03:48] You have lag, I don't have lag [03:48] waveflow: you'll want "sudo" at the beginning [03:48] none of those solutions worked ;( [03:49] ubilicious: did other packages install? [03:49] genii: That's kind of bunk that I have to buy new hardware just to install Ubuntu [03:49] Kcaj: CLI or GUI? [03:49] airstrike: why don't you kill the pids? [03:49] danbhfive: all of them did but those 4 gave me probs [03:49] mneptok, a few times now ive gone to install a deb from a site andd the debi installer moans about wrong architecture, so yeah im quite annoyed atm,.,.i dont think il be using 64 bit for about a year now [03:49] lesson learned [03:49] Bodsda: it's a bummer of a lesson, i'll admit [03:49] even if i kill mixer_applet2, the problem remains [03:49] that's weird.. [03:50] my system is 1.7ghz 384ram... should i install the xubuntu?? or get the xfce running on ubuntu instead? [03:50] airstrike: what problem? [03:50] baegle: If you have some ancient hard drive cntroller card around it would work to use for installing. [03:50] waveflow, there is no reason to reinstall [03:50] ubilicious: its not important. Did it fix your problems? [03:50] mneptok, luckily, ive learned quite a few lessons in the past, and i have a seperate /home pasrtition, but is there anyway of preserving my installed apps? [03:50] genii: you mean like a PCI IDE controller or something? [03:50] baegle: Yes [03:50] !clone [03:50] Bodsda: you can backup a package list [03:50] To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « dpkg --get-selections > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo dpkg --set-selections < my-packages && sudo apt-get dselect-upgrade » - See also !automate [03:50] well time constraints.. :) so what do u guys suggest [03:50] Naisenu: if u still dont see java plugin in FF, u have to do symlinks manually [03:50] baegle, are you using the main CD or alt? [03:50] baegle: Like a Promise TX133 or something [03:50] waveflow, if you want - open terminal - sudo tasksel and select the xubuntu desktop [03:51] danbhfive: Oh I didn't know that would fix it I thought it was debug feature or something [03:51] Glynn_Talbert [03:51] tech0007: Do I need to create that folder for it? [03:51] Jack_Sparrow found out why, it has some form of propriatary windows driver [03:51] danbhfive: I will try it [03:51] waveflow: Getting xubuntu running on an Ubuntu is the same as running xubuntu. Theyre the same distro, just with differnet GUIs [03:51] NetEcho Ugh.. sorry [03:51] * mneptok hugs his PSP [03:51] <[1]Coded1> is there a kernel boot param for 8.04 that will copy the CD to ram, i tried "copy2ram" but didnt work [03:51] Jack_Sparrow thats fine I have a windows desktop whereas my mom is never allowed to touch windows again at home [03:51] waveflow: see http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/purexfce [03:51] emma u still there? [03:52] Bodsda: Out of curiosity, what 32-bit app do you nead? [03:52] *need [03:52] genii: I'm using the main CD. [03:52] Naisenu: '/etc/alternatives/xulrunner-1.9-javaplugin.so' should point to '/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun/jre/plugin/i386/ns7/libjavaplugin_oji.so' [03:52] does anyone has used FastCGI? [03:52] trimeta: the Flash plugin is the killert [03:52] Jack_Sparrow, mneptok -- well, time to see if i still have a 32bit live cd lurking around [03:52] -t [03:52] genii: and no, I don't have an IDE controller [03:52] trimeta, THC hydra [03:52] Yes. [03:52] unavailable: yes. [03:52] Bodsda Wish we had an easier way.. [03:52] emma http://lightningstream.surfernetwork.com/Media/player/scripts/player.aspx?call=ktrs [03:52] bbl === elisboa is now known as elisboa-off [03:52] bookmark that [03:53] Hi guys.. I am trying to get wireless working on this laptop and im having no luck.. Everytime I try and download something from the ubuntu fourm i get permission denied [03:53] tech0007: As the last paste stated i don't think it has that /alternatives folder [03:53] I guess I'm going to have to try new software. Any chance the alternate installer would have better luck? [03:53] bbl [03:53] can i install xfce via gnome?? i find terminal hard [03:53] http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=197102 [03:53] baegle: As philh suggests perhaps try the alternate. It does have some more drivers on it like nvidia SATA controller drivers and marvell SATA controller drivers. [03:53] unavailable: I think the most likely explanation at present is that the radio station changed it's stream protocol or link while I was unaware of it. [03:53] Jack_Sparrow, me too ;~) if i keep writing on my wall how many times ive reinstalled il have to buy new wallpaper soon [03:53] Bodsda, most of what you install is installed to somewhere in your /home dir,, so you may have to reinstall the app, but your settings should be there [03:53] emma: what station? [03:53] it appears the above is the direct link [03:53] SeaPhor, ty ;~) [03:53] Why would I get access denied on the fourm? [03:53] unavailable: yes try this, I found this also: mms://nick11a.surfernetwork.com/ktrs [03:53] Bodsda: There are ways to install 32-bit Flash on a 64-bit system, though frankly they can be flaky. [03:53] tech0007: Can I not just cp the .so file into the /usr/lib/firefox-3.0-3.04b/plugins/ dir? [03:54] Naisenu: you can try that [03:54] trimeta, actually, flash works perfectly, but THC hydra doesnt [03:54] mneptok: It's a station in St. Louis which I like to listen to at midnight Central Standard Time. Because it has Coast to Coast AM with George Noory :) [03:54] waveflow, sure. System-->Adminstration-->Synaptic [03:54] problem is audio not playing any sounds on rhythmbox or any other player [03:54] Bodsda: Ah, I wasn't sure what that was. [03:54] mneptok: ktrs [03:54] (I didn't know it was a program) [03:54] woah [03:54] what i currently have open: xchat, pidgin, azureus, nautillus and nicotine.. [03:54] niice [03:54] tech0007: Gah cp'd the file there and nothing. [03:54] don't know how those could affect any of that [03:54] emma: i have it working [03:54] airstrike: pastebin the output from that sudo lsof command, please, then tell me the url. [03:54] Naisenu: and there's one more, '/usr/lib/xulrunner-addons/plugins/libjavaplugin.so' should point to `/etc/alternatives/xulrunner-1.9-javaplugin.so' [03:54] trimeta, its a remote password cracker, brute force dict attacks. im testing my dads web security [03:55] Bodsda, i have unfortunately had to fresh install about 8 times in the last 6 months,,, no biggie any more [03:55] mneptok: yep for some reason this link works but the original one did not *shrugs* [03:55] Bodsda: You could just switch to Jack the Ripper, I'm pretty sure that works on 64-bit systems. [03:55] :( [03:55] SeaPhor, true, but its a pain in jacksie [03:55] %s/Jack/John/ [03:55] I have no clue how to get the wireless to work here :( [03:55] tech0007: Is it mkdir in the terminal to make a directory? [03:55] hey i am trying to locate my music files on my external usb hard drive and i know its mounted at sdb but i can't find where they are located on the filesystem [03:55] trimeta, that wont work for cracking a username and password on a website i dont think [03:55] hey guys what is this error ? E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem. [03:55] E: _cache->open() failed, please report. [03:55] Bodsda: Ah, perhaps not. [03:55] http://paste.ubuntu.com/22766/ - there it is, verbatim [03:56] emma kudos to coast to coast [03:56] Naisenu: ok lets do this one step at a time...'cd /etc/alternatives' [03:56] tech0007: Done [03:56] waveflow, you cancel apt when it didn't want to - open terminal type, `sudo dpkg --configure -a` [03:56] GGGRRRR i dont have 32bit Live CD anymore!!!! [03:56] waveflow, did you try manually running dpkg --configure -a? [03:56] Naisenu: 'ls xulrunner-1.9-javaplugin.so' [03:56] choreboy: You could use "find /media/sdb | grep music_file" (assuming you mounted the hard drive to /dev/sdb). [03:56] Trying to setup wireless with an Atheros chipset - ar242x. Got ndiswrapper and setup went w/ no error messages. However, ndiswrapper -l shows ath_pci as an "alternate driver". I blacklisted ath_pci and ath_hal and uninstalled the restricted drivers. There is no ath_anything loaded. Where is that alternate driver coming from, and how do I stop it? [03:57] airstrike: please preface statements to me with my nick, thanks! [03:57] crimsun_, sorry, my bad [03:57] tech0007: ls: xulrunner-1.9-javaplugin.so: No such file or directory [03:57] sudo dpkg --configure -a <-- ill type this and this should fix the problem??? [03:57] Looking for input about Gnome-Do. What's the benefit? What does it do? [03:57] only one way to find out [03:57] airstrike: and you made a typo: it's /dev/seq*, not /dev/sed* [03:57] waveflow: It's the first thing to try, and if it gives no other errors then it'll work. [03:57] Naisenu: 'sudo ln -s /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun/jre/plugin/i386/ns7/libjavaplugin_oji.so xulrunner-1.9-javaplugin.so' [03:58] http://do.davebsd.com/ [03:58] Bodsda, on the other, have you tried cain and/or able? [03:58] unavailable: yeah now you have the link also. C2C should come on in about 2 hours. [03:58] btw when im in the terminal, how do i get back to gnome?? [03:58] tech0007: It apparently does not exist. Tried a "locate xulrunner-1.9-javaplugin.so" and got a new comand prompt [03:58] can anyone see my posts? [03:58] hey folks [03:58] :( thats 1am my time [03:58] sugaryse: did you say something? [03:58] SeaPhor, their available for linux? [03:58] waveflow: alt+f8 [03:58] ow thanks [03:58] the terminal is a window *in* gnome, waveflow. you just close the window when you're done. [03:58] !info cain [03:58] hi all. how to enable window transparency in Ubuntu [03:58] Package cain does not exist in hardy [03:58] tech0007: Okay that appears to have worked [03:59] ctrll alt f1 to go to terminal then clt f8 to get back? [03:59] crimsun_, sorry.. got the same output, though.. what does that warning mean? [03:59] Yes.. I am trying to get my wireless working the driver is a broadcom BCM94311MCG [03:59] !test [03:59] Failed! [03:59] dang [03:59] hi all. how to enable window transparency in Ubuntu [03:59] I have a whole article on this.. on ubuntus website and its telling me permission denied when I try and download the link [03:59] Naisenu: now 'cd /usr/lib/xulrunner-addons/plugins/' [03:59] https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx/Feisty_No-Fluff sugaryse [03:59] airstrike: well, first, the warning doesn't matter. Disregard it. Second, why are you using OSS devices like /dev/mixer instead of the ALSA ones? [03:59] tech0007: Done. [04:00] Naisenu: 'file libjavaplugin.so' [04:00] hi [04:00] Bodsda, lol, i thought they were native, since they come on the PHLAK live cd? [04:00] Brian88, using compiz [04:00] tech0007: libjavaplugin.so: ERROR: cannot open `libjavaplugin.so' (No such file or directory) [04:00] can anyone help me ??? ubuntu ps3 [04:00] SeaPhor, according to this site -- http://sectools.org/crackers.html -- they dont run on linux [04:00] ok, I have dvds that are supposed to be 4.7 gigs, but my brasero only sees them as 4.4, and it won't let me burn a 4.3 gig iso because it says the disk can't fit it. WHY? [04:01] Naisenu: 'ln -s /etc/alternatives/xulrunner-1.9-javaplugin.so libjavaplugin.so' [04:01] !ask | Mrqlondon [04:01] Mrqlondon: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) [04:01] Mrqlondon, #ubuntu-ps3 [04:01] thanks baz [04:01] anyone know how can i make liferea the _default_ feed reader in firefox? i've googled about this but not yet found an answer. thanks in advance. :) [04:01] Naisenu: oops forgot the sudo... 'sudo ln -s /etc/alternatives/xulrunner-1.9-javaplugin.so libjavaplugin.so' [04:01] how to enable window transparency in Ubuntu.... [04:01] crimsun_, i've always used them and they worked fine.. i assume i would get everything working again if i just rebooted, but i'd rather find out what the problem [04:01] anyone do a ubuntu psx? [04:01] waveflow: ctrl+alt+f7 to get back [04:01] Brian88, using Compiz [04:01] tech0007: Hehe. Yes figured that out with a permission denied. But yes done. [04:02] airstrike: start from a clean slate. Reboot. [04:02] hi all. how to enable window transparency in Ubuntu???????? [04:02] Naisenu: ok..'cd ~/' [04:02] airstrike: then poke me. [04:02] Naisenu: 'mv .mozilla .mozilla.bak' [04:02] * unavailable pokes crimsun_ [04:03] tech0007: Appears to have worked ... [04:03] Naisenu: close and restart firefox,,,then cross your fingers,,,if that wont work...i'll go bananas too [04:03] This is actually the first time I've set up Ubuntu in a true desktop environment and its kicking Windows' ass [04:03] tech0007: Already closed FF3. Will reopen. [04:03] hi all. how to enable window transparency in Ubuntu?????????????????????????????? [04:03] how can I install tarlimit via terminal [04:03] and what is the syntax of it [04:03] ? [04:03] !repeat | brian88 [04:03] brian88: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience [04:03] ok, I have dvds that are supposed to be 4.7 gigs, but my brasero only sees them as 4.4, and it won't let me burn a 4.3 gig iso because it says the disk can't fit it. WHY? [04:04] !compiz | Brian88 [04:04] Brian88: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion [04:04] I just installed pearpc, but can't figure out what command starts it. It isn't "pearpc" and there is no entry in the Gnome menu.... any ideas? [04:04] saltedlight you beat me to it [04:04] !tarlimit | melol2 [04:04] tech0007: The first bad news. JRE is not in the Tools > Addons > Plugins. Testing site that had the Java plugin. [04:04] unavailable, :-" [04:04] Brian88, in compiz [04:04] sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg only configures keyboard/mouse. My monitor's stuck at 800x600 when it should be 1680x1050. help? [04:05] What's the default contents of /etc/X11/default-display-manager ? Can someone check for me? (I don't think ubuntu version matters, but if it does then Server 7) [04:05] Reformer, i've no idea but have you tried opening a terminal window and typing pearpc? === |-Dream-| is now known as Dream [04:05] brb [04:05] http://sourceforge.net/projects/tarlimit/ [04:05] is there any app for controlling windows (resizing, minimizing, setting the position)? I'm trying to do this with a xkeybind... [04:06] how to install that via terminal [04:06] Naisenu: type 'about:plugins' in FF address bar...look for libjavaplugin_oji.so [04:06] ? [04:06] tech0007: And ... "Click here to download plugin" or "Additional plugins are required to display all the media on this page." *headdesk* [04:06] My friend tried to install Ubuntu on a AMD Athlon 3000 A PATA hard drive, 160GB. and it hung at the formatting phase of the install, he used the 32 bit livecd, did he use the wrong one? [04:06] pccc, mine is just /usr/sbin/gdm [04:06] reformer >> src/ppc CONFIGFILENAME [04:06] ionstorm, did it fail on multiple attempts? === tuna-fish is now known as tuna [04:07] philh, yes [04:07] reformer in your source dir [04:07] the dpkg error is still there... the configure a didnt work.. [04:07] Reformer: ppc --help You might want to make a virtual hd or so first and maybe have a Mac cd around [04:07] saltedlight: thanks [04:07] http://pearpc.sourceforge.net/getstart.html [04:07] Naisenu: try this link http://java.com/en/download/installed.jsp?detect=jre&try=1 [04:07] can some1 pm me to fix dpkg error , very much appreciated [04:07] melol2: dpkg -i name_of_file.deb [04:07] tech0007: Shockwave Flash, Totem Web Browser Plugin 2.20.0, Windows Media Plugin 10, DivX Web Player, QuickTime Plugin 7.2.0, Demo print plugin for unix/linux, and default plugin [04:08] How can I resize a partition in Server 7.10 since I can't boot from a live cd? [04:08] ionstorm, in theory the 32bit livecd should be absolutely fine on such a machine, it is worth giving the alt CD a got instead though [04:08] waveflow: Pastebin the error and give us a link; it's scrolled fairly far back. [04:08] tech0007: Takes me here: http://java.com/en/download/help/testvm.xml?ff3 and JRE is not working on your system. [04:08] nm [04:09] Naisenu: what do u get when u type 'locate javaplugin.so' [04:09] E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem. [04:09] E: _cache->open() failed, please report. [04:09] bazhang: how to set it. I've installed Compiz [04:09] here it is [04:10] Brian88, ask in #compiz-fusion [04:10] waveflow: sudo dpkg --configure install -a [04:10] hello [04:10] tech0007: http://pastebin.com/m415c9a34 [04:10] I'm stuck at 800x600 on a 1680x1050 monitor :( [04:10] then at terminal after typing such it said not enough space something , error status returned to 1 [04:11] pccc, try using gparted; maybe you need to install it. but i'm not sure how and what to do if the partition is mounted as / [04:11] waveflow: Is your hard drive full? [04:11] not really [04:12] Naisenu: looks fine...do u have FF2 and FF3 [04:12] whats so big with virtual desktops [04:12] what are the best programs like amule [04:12] btw the alt f8 to get back to gnome doesnt work.. [04:12] tech0007: Yep. And Opera. [04:12] I just need one desktop [04:12] waveflow: alt-f7 [04:12] ow [04:12] rabiddachshund, if you have nvidia video card, you can try nvidia-settings. [04:13] saltedlight: installing now. Thanks [04:13] Naisenu: can u check this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=644864 [04:13] waveflow: By "not really" how much free space do you mean is on it? [04:13] commie_jebus having > 1 looks kuul [04:14] commie_jebus and helps when you have lots of windows open [04:14] Naisenu: i only ahve FF3, dunno if this thread is applicable to u with multiple browsers [04:14] im getting permission denied when trying to download from ftp - [04:14] does anyone know which channel I should go to for help on autoconf and make? [04:14] can i have in /etc/hosts a something.net mirror.something.net so that when i go to something.net it takes me straight to mirror.something.net [04:14] is that possible? [04:14] sugaryse login? [04:15] im following https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx/Feisty_No-Fluff [04:15] @tama00 /etc/hosts only accepts ip addresses [04:15] saltedlight: uh oh. Black screen [04:15] huh? [04:15] im doing the wget with the ftp info to download the .exe package [04:15] ole maybe i can do it with the ip then :) [04:15] im gonna try [04:15] is AMP (Apache MySQL PHP) included in Ubuntu CD? [04:15] this sux, it says no space [04:15] @tama00: sure grab the ip for what you want it to point to [04:15] !lamp | Brian88 [04:15] Brian88: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+) [04:15] tech0007: Okay. Odd. I only have a .mozilla.bak in my ~ [04:15] awesome thanks [04:16] btw the install -a ...its already installed [04:16] how well is changing wm supported etc.. I'm going to noob but would menu's etc adjust or do I need to configure it all in myself? [04:16] neeed sudo [04:16] got it''' [04:16] e.g. gnome to flux etc [04:16] Sertse, diy [04:16] Naisenu: you should have .mozilla and .mozilla.bak [04:16] k [04:16] tech0007: I do not. [04:17] how do i check the space left of my hd? [04:17] best to do a base install a new parititon then ;) [04:17] You told me earlier to do a mv ~/.mozilla ~/.mozilla.bk is that not a rename function? [04:17] Sertse, fluxbuntu distro has it all configured [04:17] waveflow, df -h in a terminal [04:17] tech0007: That last was for you. [04:17] Hey, I recently became unable to access any https sites - does anyone have any ideas of what I might need to mess with? [04:17] Naisenu: i did, FF will create a new .mozilla dir to store its profiles [04:18] yay it works thanks [04:18] tech0007: Well apparently it did not as I do not have one there. [04:18] waveflow or right click any file > properties window will show you free space [04:18] can dpkg run without sudo? [04:18] melol2, no [04:18] lol [04:18] nickrud, any way to install deb without sudo? [04:18] Reformer: Getting anywhere with pearpc? [04:19] Naisenu: did u install FF3 from the repo or from mozilla.org? [04:19] rabiddachshund, you'l have to start it with gksu or sudo to be able to modify the resolution _and_ to save the setting in xorg.conf. after that edit xorg.conf to disable the nvidia logo. [04:19] tech0007: Under /usr/lib/firefox-3.0-3.0b4/plugins, libjavaplugin.so and libjavaplugin_oji.so are owned by root. [04:19] melol2: No, installing programs is generally something that's going to require sudo. [04:19] melol2, no, you need to write to the system files, which are only accessible with admin privs. What's your problem? [04:19] there, i have a free space of 13.8gig but when i dpkg install -a it says not enough space??? can some1 help me [04:19] nickrud, how bout tar files [04:19] tech0007: It's been so long ago ... but it appears to be from SPM as it is marked as installed in SPM. [04:20] saltedlight: well... I VNC'd into it and changed the resolution to what it should be. It works, but it's off center by about 25% [04:20] trimeta, how bout tar === Starnestommy is now known as sheep [04:20] files [04:20] is there a way to get risk on ubuntu for free? [04:20] melol2 it can be done, yes. You can compile stuff into your home dir and run them from there [04:20] Naisenu: SPM? [04:20] Reformer: http://gentoo-wiki.com/HOWTO_PearPC is informative, from where it has "Setting up your virtual computer" on downwards [04:20] * unavailable thinks melol2 is asking suspicious questions o_0 [04:20] tech0007: SPM = Synaptic Package Manager [04:20] rabiddachshund, i think you have to enable the nvidia restricted driver if you have an nvidia card. [04:20] is there any app for controlling windows (resizing, minimizing, setting the position)? I'm trying to do this with a xkeybind... [04:20] /j #debina [04:20] melol2: If you do that, you'll probably want to pass some extra stuff to the ./configure script so it knows where to install. [04:20] dpkg --configure install -a <-- this says not enough space,, but i have 13.8gig left on my hd [04:20] ok, im kinda annoyed that i just wasted an entire day trying to update to ubuntu 8 [04:20] * melol2 thinks unavailable is being too nosy 0_o lol jk [04:20] * nickrud did that on his server 'out there', needed a couple support things [04:21] what must i do to get my updated updated [04:21] I did [04:21] lol [04:21] waveflow, put the complete error on paste.ubuntu.com [04:21] genii: No... I'm getting errors. [04:21] Naisenu: weird thing is its not creating a new .mozilla dir [04:21] is there a config file for my alsamixer settings? it keeps defaulting to the wrong sound card [04:22] tech0007: Okay. Now that I closed it, it created one. [04:22] spoonman, can you disable the sound card you don't want in the bios? [04:22] it's not enabled [04:22] I am running an ATI Radeon card and want to run compiz. What drivers do I need for xgl to work or what do I need to do to enable xgl? [04:22] is there a way to get zsnes's sound to work [04:22] Reformer: Reading the link I gave might give you some insight [04:23] jaaja [04:23] nickrud the mixer keeps pointing to "Intel ICH5" and has been ever since I did a hard reset [04:23] guys, i need to update my updated, PLEASE help me! ive been at this all day and its really bothering me [04:23] hahahaa [04:23] spoonman, sorry, sound is one of those things that seem to take a phd to handle correctly (or at least some time spent on learning, which I haven't done) [04:23] dont worry [04:23] !ati | tofaffy|lappy [04:23] tofaffy|lappy: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto [04:23] spoonman: asoundconf list [04:23] spoonman: which of those cards do you want to be default? [04:23] genii: Working on that now, thanks :) [04:24] tofaffy|lappy, and you don't use the xgl X server any more [04:24] Reformer: np [04:24] if i want to creat one user acount that cannost be possible ... login to change anything there i can use the adduser --disable-login right?! [04:24] vaportrail123new: What problems have you had updating? [04:24] genii: Unfortunately, I can't find my config files that guide is telling me to copy. [04:24] spoonman: asoundconf-gtk is a nice little package with which to set your default card [04:24] hi, anyone have some tutorials about installing ubuntu with wubi inside windows [04:24] crimsun_ I have an Audigy 2 platinum that was working fine [04:24] im using an old ver of ubuntu, and it gives me verification errors. the ubuntu.com told me i need to update the updater, it just didnt tell me how [04:24] dolphin_noel: Yes [04:25] byonix: It's really easy, you don't need a tutorial. [04:25] is there a way to get zsnes's sound to work? [04:25] ive tried downloading an iso of ubuntu 8, reinstalling windows so i could run the cd (it was .exe), and even then it failed [04:25] Has anybody had issues with Firefox 3 not displaying a location toolbar? [04:25] System auto called for Update. I updated and now it repeatedly asks me to restart? [04:25] genii adduser username8 --disable-login ... right?! so if anyone wants try to crack it it simple cant because it is not ... one username to be login right?! [04:26] Also, Visual Effects don't work anymore. [04:26] i love this is OS, but its really annoying me lol [04:26] spoonman: I need the output from that command [04:26] join #zsnes [04:26] vaportrail123new ubuntu 8's cd iso shouldnt be an exe [04:26] oops [04:26] sorry, forgot the slash [04:26] i pasted the error in paste.ubuntu.com already [04:26] ripdisk: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [04:26] i pasted the error in paste.ubuntu.com already [04:26] crimsun_, asoundconf list , then asoundconf set-default-card for that issue? [04:26] it is [04:26] name is waveflow [04:26] dolphin_noel: It won't be possible to login with "username8", correct [04:26] i pasted the error in paste.ubuntu.com already [04:27] nickrud: no, he shouldn't use an asoundrc for that. [04:27] why is the firefox package still at 2.0 and the firefox 3.0 package still at beta 5?? [04:27] crimsun_, heh, I knew I shouldn't try :) [04:27] dolphin_noel: It will be possible to su to that name [04:27] waveflow, could you give me the link? [04:27] can some one find me a bittorrent for the ubuntu im looking for? [04:27] Using HArdy [04:27] !info firefox | aib [04:27] aib: firefox (source: firefox-3.0): meta package for the popular mozilla web browser. In component main, is optional. Version 3.0+nobinonly-0ubuntu0.8.04.1 (hardy), package size 64 kB, installed size 120 kB [04:27] so when is this policykit crap going to get sorted out [04:27] !info policykit [04:27] policykit (source: policykit): framework for managing administrative policies and privileges. In component main, is optional. Version 0.7-2ubuntu7 (hardy), package size 49 kB, installed size 340 kB [04:27] nickrud i could almost hear you saying that [04:27] genii yes but this only works if there is one root acount ... but if i disable the root acount nathing can be done rigght?! [04:27] crimsun_, the output is ICH5 and Audigy 2 [04:27] http://paste.ubuntu.com/22773/ [04:28] spoonman: echo options snd slots=snd-emu10k1,snd-intel8x0|sudo tee -a /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base [04:28] * swansk needs some help. Description on the way. [04:28] spoonman: you'll need to reboot after you issue that above command in a Terminal [04:28] tech0007: Just for the fun of it. I downloaded the JRE package from Sun. How do you run a .bin file? [04:28] waveflow, I need to see the exact output from the command, often there's a real clue in the terminology [04:28] where can i find a list of available boardgames for ubuntu? [04:28] waveflow: Instead of "it says something like," could you paste the exact error? [04:28] crimsun_ I will try that, thank you [04:28] genii so when i want to use the root i creat one from system restore ... [04:28] Hardy was a little bit of a bust for me [04:28] dolphin_noel: Root account is normally disabled. But anyone with sudo rights can do su command. So usually that first username you made during install [04:28] vaportrail123new you got 32 or 64 bit proc? [04:28] i dont know how to copy and paste in the terminal [04:28] trimeta:can i use the ubuntu repo inside windows [04:29] Does anyone know where to get the latest version of TinyXP? [04:29] Naisenu: 'chmod +x [file].bin && sh ./[file].bin' [04:29] byonix: No, wubi will set up a dual-boot system. [04:29] leachim6, what is the issue. [04:29] @trimeta i dont know how to copy paste in the terminal [04:29] vaportrail123new you got 32 or 64 bit proc? [04:29] i just want to use the updater [04:29] how do i get a newer version of the updater [04:29] nvidia GeoForce FX 5500 acting up, no more Visual Effects, Penguin Racer doesn't work (blank screen) and keeps asking for restart [04:29] 32 [04:29] and what's wrong with ubuntuforums.com [04:29] it won't load for me [04:29] waveflow, sorry, missed that. highlight the text in the terminal, then press the middle button in the box on the browser [04:29] waveflow: Then type one character at a time. Or, if you used gnome-terminal from within X, you can highlight something and then middle-click to paste. [04:29] Everything worked under Feisty [04:30] vaportrail123new you from usa? [04:30] anyone else having an issue with the b43 wlan driver complaining about transmission errors in dmesg? I'm talking 20-30 in a row, then sometimes seizing up input and screwing with my trackpad [04:30] ripdisk: http://ubuntuforums.org/ [04:30] genii so i init the computer from restore and creat one acount that can have root acess and do what i need ... and then i simple ... delete the acount so after thta the acount that dont have login canoot be possible to change right?! [04:30] vaportrail123new, what version of ubuntu are you trying to update? [04:30] yupo [04:30] yeah that's what i meant [04:30] it won't load [04:30] and i'm just trying to get my sound to work in zsnes [04:30] any1 can tell me how can I get simply accounting or Quickbooks in here (I am from Canada)....thanks === jedimind is now known as jedimind|beer [04:30] !enter | ripdisk [04:30] ripdisk: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! [04:30] it says 6.10 [04:31] vaportrail123new http://ubuntu.media.mit.edu/ubuntu-releases/hardy/ubuntu-8.04-desktop-i386.iso [04:31] I want to bind compiz's "EXPO" function to button8 and button9 (thumb and pinky buttons) this way it works like an apple mightymouse. compiz config tool won't allow mouse chording. any thoughts? [04:31] I'm tired of telling people the issue .... i'm just going to install hardy server ... which doesn't come with policycrap [04:31] vaportrail123new take that iso, burn it and reboot with it in your cd rom [04:31] Nasra: dunno Quickbooks will run in Wine, you can try running it w/in a vm [04:31] leachim6: why don't you just use gutsy (7.10)? [04:31] okies [04:31] thanks man [04:32] vaportrail123new, you need to change your sources, gksudo /etc/apt/sources.list and change them to use old-releases.ubuntu.com . Then you will be able to update the updater. [04:32] tech0007: I don't have it how can I run it if don't have it..... [04:32] http://paste.ubuntu.com/22775/ <--here it is [04:32] Nasra: run what? [04:32] bleh [04:32] thanks man [04:32] dolphin_noel: It would be difficult to change without access to the console of that machine. To boot it into single user mode for instance, or use a livecd to bypass the security on hd [04:32] waveflow, ok [04:32] crimsun_, because I like hardy's core features and it's LTS [04:32] vaportrail123new: Also: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HardyUpgrades#head-db224ea9add28760e373240f8239afb9b817f197 [04:32] vaportrail123new, unavailable's advice is much better [04:32] tech0007: Quickbooks [04:32] I'm sure it will be fixed in an update eventually [04:33] leachim6: 7.10 is still supported, but sure, that's your choice. [04:33] could you tell me what exactly to type in term once i get there [04:33] crimsun_, that and and asoundconf-gtk seemed to do the trick, thanks :) [04:33] hi kenalan doonkz [04:33] dolphin_noel: Keep in mind what you would be doing is effectively a one-way process [04:33] Nasra: QB is proprietary ...check this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=175213&highlight=accounts+receivable [04:33] tech0007: Well that was great fun: result of the sh ./[longnameoffile].bin http://pastebin.com/m63d508ab [04:33] so I can to remote into my machine and have control over my current x session, what would I use to do this? I am on gnome. [04:34] tech0007: okay ...let check that...thanks [04:34] Why would Hardy keep asking me to restart after an update. [04:34] so I want to remote into my machine and have control over my current x session, what would I use to do this? I am on gnome. [04:34] waveflow: Did you make a separate partition for /boot? [04:34] after ksudo /etc/apt/sources.list, what should i do [04:34] Naisenu: use sudo [04:34] i did [04:34] crimsun_, I still have gutsy on this box ... but it's only on a 10gb partition and I don't feel like migrating it [04:34] genii but to do this they need to have fisic acess to the computer [04:34] gksudo /etc/apt/sources.list rather [04:34] and I have no room on the drive to resize [04:34] @trimeta yes, i allocated 50 mb [04:34] dolphin_noel: Yes. [04:34] vaportrail123new, that won't do anything [04:34] genii right :) [04:34] tech0007: sudo chmod +x jre-6u6-linux-i586.bin && ./jre-6u6-linux-i586.bin [04:34] waveflow: And is /boot nearly full? [04:34] you have to do gksu gedit /etc/apt/sources.list [04:34] mikeb55: xdmcp [04:35] oh i think i know what to do [04:35] i dont know , how do i check it? [04:35] vaportrail123new, the real command would be gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list , then changing all the url's to old-releases.ubuntu.com . But use the iso that unavailable gave you and install the latest [04:35] Naisenu: where did u get this? [04:35] waveflow: First "sudo mount /boot", then "df -h" [04:35] dolphin_noel: This is also the only way you could add a user back in with sudo rights again [04:35] tech0007: Sun. [04:35] anyone else having an issue with the b43 wlan driver complaining about transmission errors in dmesg? I'm talking 20-30 in a row, then sometimes seizing up input and screwing with my trackpad [04:35] ok [04:35] Naisenu: 'chmod +x jre-6u6-linux-i586.bin && sudo ./jre-6u6-linux-i586.bin' [04:36] genii so finish possible data corruption ... [04:36] :) [04:36] waveflow, see trimeta . Or, put the results of df -h and cat /etc/fstab on the pastebin [04:36] mikeb55, look at the later part of this,,, http://www.wood-bee-co.com/woodbeeco/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=40&Itemid=63 [04:36] screenlets>desklets [04:36] tech0007: This page: http://java.com/en/download/linux_manual.jsp?locale=en&host=java.com the second link. [04:36] Naisenu: 'sudo ./jre-6u6-linux-i586.bin' [04:36] /dev/sda3 46M 41M 2.9M 94% /boot <--- i think its full [04:36] in administration , configuration shure ... [04:37] waveflow, yep [04:37] waveflow: Paste the output of "ls -lh /boot" to the pastebin. [04:37] what should i do? [04:37] wut wut [04:37] dolphin_noel: Well, at least intruders from logging in and doing damage in that way. Data corruption can be a result of other things than that as well (bad HD, etc) [04:37] How do you install a font? [04:37] waveflow, you're gonna delete some stuff in that partition, do the dpkg --configure -a , then do some cleanup. see trimeta ;) [04:37] !font | Leefmc [04:37] Leefmc: Font installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer [04:37] ty [04:38] anyone know what programming languages it takes to build a website that utilizes a database? [04:38] waveflow: Basically, when you past that output we'll be able to see how many old kernel versions you have, and then you can uninstall a few. [04:38] nickrud, ok when i ran the live cd before install, i set my network to static ip, then installed and it kept the settings from the live cd... is that a fluke or is ubuntu designed to be like that? i.e. if i change the config in the live session, then install from there, will my settings be kept? [04:38] http://paste.ubuntu.com/22776/ [04:38] here [04:38] SeveredCross: :D [04:38] thanks guys for the help. i look forwards to using ubuntu [04:38] unavailable, hm, never installed from a live cd [04:38] david__: php integrates well with mysql or postgre [04:38] I got it working!!!! [04:38] sweeeeet [04:38] unavailable, or a recent one anyway [04:38] hmmm [04:38] genii, just php and msql? [04:39] now... if only the 7 hour 27kb/s download would speed up -.- [04:39] what is NDISWRAPER? is that a program which wraps windows drivers for nix [04:39] apo_: :D [04:39] waveflow: I'd probably "apt-get remove linux-image-2.6.24-16-generic" [04:39] yay [04:39] I've just added a second drive to my system for storage. How do I give myself regular user access to write to it? [04:39] david__: If you have a mysql database you can interface to it fairly easily with php, yes [04:39] just hit 100 kb/s. wonder why that is... [04:39] mikeb55, you get that? [04:39] !ndiswrapper | sugaryse [04:39] sugaryse: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs [04:39] genii, k thanks alot [04:40] david__: np [04:40] hocmin, with the disk mounted, chown : /path/to/mountpoint [04:40] vaportrail123new because you said something about it? [04:40] hocmin, with sudo, of course [04:40] tech0007: Still nothing! [04:40] weird question, but has anyone ever beat the OS at connect four? i found it to be impossible >< [04:40] genii shure :) but intruders and to one probably bether security probably is one good idea :x [04:40] vaportrail123new: yes. and it's damn near impossible [04:40] When I try to install linux it says "The ext3 file system creation in partition #1 od SCSI1 (0,0,0)(sda) failed" [04:40] vaportrail123new good luck... try chess too. [04:40] nickrud, thanks, but that'll only give one account access to it, right? [04:41] i get this error [04:41] waveflow@waveflow-desktop:~$ apt-get remove linux-image-2.6.24-16-generic [04:41] is there some "user" group in ubuntu that I could give write privileges to? [04:41] E: Could not open lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (13 Permission denied) [04:41] E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), are you root? [04:41] waveflow@waveflow-desktop:~$ sudo apt-get remove linux-image-2.6.24-16-generic [04:41] E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem. [04:41] waveflow: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [04:41] oh god [04:41] !paste | waveflow [04:41] waveflow: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) [04:41] holy waveflow use pastebin [04:41] waveflow: Sorry, I should have said to do that with sudo. [04:41] hocmin, you did say yourself ;) [04:41] ow sorry [04:41] sudo is your friend [04:41] genii: Hmm.. I've got pearpc started just fine now, but it doesn't recognize any "bootable" partitions. I've setup my Leopard .ISO as the cdrom in ppc.conf. [04:41] so is pastebin [04:41] How do you scan for viruses on ubuntu? ;P [04:41] nickrud, right. My mistake for not being more clear [04:41] (kidding hehe) [04:41] dolphin_noel: If you're that set on blocking them maybe make the default shells for the users without logins something which is not a valid shell. So not /bin/sh or so but /bin/false [04:41] rofl @ leefmc [04:42] !virus [04:42] A/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=21 [04:42] Naisenu: did u follow http://java.com/en/download/help/5000010500.xml#100? [04:42] When I try to install ubuntu this happens.. "The ext3 file system creation in partition #1 od SCSI1 (0,0,0)(sda) failed" [04:42] unavailable: I was kidding btw :p [04:42] dolphin_noel: So if some way they su to that user they have no shell anyhow [04:42] are there any cool easter eggs within the OS? [04:42] hocmin, you can do it several ways: giving group write to the disk, and adding any user you want to be able to write there to that group. Or, just make it writeable by all [04:42] Can I get help? [04:42] tech0007: The only thing I haven't done is this part: "ln -s /usr/java/jre1.6.0/plugin/i386/ns7/libjavaplugin_oji.so" [04:42] leefmc well... you install avg using wine, then make it scan your windows drive [04:43] Is there a good color picker in the repos? [04:43] unavailable: haha [04:43] does anyone know the default installation path of Mozilla ffx3 [04:43] Reformer: Bummer. I haven't used it extensively enough to really help from here [04:43] hocmin, which do you prefer? [04:43] genii: Okay... thanks anyway. [04:43] secret: pure guess, but possibly an issue with the hard disk?? [04:43] LeefMc: to add fonts from windows. go to the C/windows, copy the Fonts foder, paste it in your home folder, not in the documents folder, change the folder name with .fonts, restart x server, the windows fonts can be use in openoffice [04:43] PrimoTurbo: try agave [04:43] ok when i ran the live cd before install, i set my network to static ip, then installed and it kept the settings from the live cd... is that a fluke or is ubuntu designed to be like that? i.e. if i change the config in the live session, then install from there, will my settings be kept? [04:43] Vaport:How Do I fiix it...? [04:44] genii yes understand thanks for the idea :) [04:44] still E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem. [04:44] have a lot of people had problems with the new -19 kernel? [04:44] unavailable: the latter [04:44] dolphin_noel: np [04:44] i mean.. to remove such file the dpkg is still there [04:44] secret: if its a hardware issue, u can try slow formatting it, or buying a new hard drive [04:44] genii i'm only a litle newbie to :x that why i'm making this questions :x [04:44] so i cant remove it [04:44] waveflow: OK, you're going to have to do things the hard way. [04:44] radams so if install whatever in live session then run setup it will have all i did in the live session on my install? [04:44] but i'd reccomend backing anything you dont want to nuke [04:44] tech0007: File already exists. [04:44] unavailable: yes. [04:45] niice [04:45] lol the hard way :D [04:45] but, again, thats just a pure guess at the problem [04:45] waveflow: Do the following after someone other than me says it's a good idea: sudo rm both of the files ending in .bak, and then try sudo dpkg --reconfigure -a again. [04:45] Vaport:Well there is no existing OS on the PC and What is slow formatting? [04:45] Naisenu: does java work in other browsers? [04:45] does anyone know the default path that i can find mozilla ffx3 [04:45] Hey guys im using pmi to suspend my laptop ive been using an alias for pmi action suspend is there a way to setup suspend to work when i shut my lid? Command line/config files prefered [04:46] fbthpg: you can use which to find commands in your path [04:46] fbthpg: Do you mean the Fx 3 executable, or the libraries, or what? [04:46] which commandname [04:46] hmm... secret, dunno what to tell you. has the hard drive been used before? [04:46] sup [04:46] fbthpg: try the locate command, like "locate firefox" [04:46] i need the installation path... im re-installing a new flash plugin [04:46] secretcode6 you may also be able to zero it out with http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=395937 [04:47] Vaport:Yes,It was a windows 98 pc I removed the OS and it has been sitting in my house doing nothing ever since [04:47] hmm... specs? [04:47] fbthpg, dpkg -L firefox-3.0 lists where the files are [04:47] tech0007: FF2, yes. Opera, yes. [04:48] thx nickrud [04:48] fbthpg, you should use sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree libflashsupport , rather than installing the plugin by hand [04:48] question: what to use for ubuntu: opera or firefox3 [04:48] interest [04:48] Naisenu: fresh hardy install right? [04:48] fbthpg, if you're manually installing a plugin, the path should be /usr/lib/firefox-addons [04:48] vaportrail123new: question: vanilla or chocolate cake? [04:48] vaportrail123new: If you want Java issues, don't use ff3 [04:49] Should I manually install Ubuntu [04:49] ? [04:49] lol fair enough [04:49] tech0007: Old version of something. I can't remember. [04:49] spoonman... negative [04:49] but i've been wrong before -- FF3 has like 5 different folders scattered across the OS in which plugin files can be found [04:49] ^^not kidding [04:49] holy bejeezus! my download speed just hit 305kbps!? [04:50] waveflow, I just saw what trimeta said about rm'ing the .bak stuff, that should work just fine [04:50] how to set the equalizer in rhytmbox / ubuntu [04:50] tech0007: How do I check version number again? [04:50] vaportrail... ive seen turds move faster than that [04:50] so should I maulay install instead of guided or not? [04:50] Naisenu: which software? [04:50] maunly* [04:50] tech0007: Ubuntu [04:50] Secretcode6: You mean manually partition? [04:50] Trimeta:Yes [04:51] Naisenu: 'lsb_release -a' [04:51] spoonman, lol, yeah I've had different installs of hardy have different links. there's more than one in the alternatives system also [04:51] niasenu i have java issues and i use fx3 [04:51] tech0007: 7.10 [04:51] troof === sheep is now known as Starnestommy [04:52] spent a half hour with a guy, tracking his down. didn't match mine at all [04:52] Should I maunly partion or not? [04:52] unavailable: Exactly my point. I've been talking with tech0007 for gods knows how long to get the damned thing working [04:52] fbthpg, if you want to install flash, you may just want to try navigating to youtube or something and letting it automate the process [04:52] naisenu 8.04.1 [04:52] that's what I did [04:53] unavailable: Congrats. 7.10 [04:53] Secretcode6, depends, if you're installing on a free drive, just let it do guided. [04:53] secretcode6 you have anything on there you wanna keep? [04:53] Secretcode6: If you're worried that the guided will clobber your existing Win98 partition, then use manual. [04:53] Naisenu: gutsy had issues w/ java, i did something to make it work but ican rmember [04:53] Secretcode6: If you don't care what gets wiped, use guided. [04:53] spoonman, i did... and i opted to install a open-source flash plugin that.. blows [04:53] haha, gnash? [04:53] how much kbps does irc generally use [04:53] tech0007: So upgrade to the Heron? Or fresh install? [04:54] Naisenu: fresh install of hardy is best [04:54] fvthpg i used sun and it works *when it wants to* [04:54] fbthpg, gnash can be kind of assy [04:54] it is... [04:54] But Guided won't work [04:54] errr [04:54] I gave up on gnash after about 5 minutes [04:54] vaportrail123new: for me it's around 100 bytes per second [04:54] i mean adobe [04:54] I get error "The ext3 file system creation in partition #1 od SCSI1 (0,0,0)(sda) failed" [04:54] trimeta: I always use manual. I want a seperate /home partition. It makes it a LOT easier to install from scratch later on! (You can even try Suse or RedHat and you /home will be preserved....) [04:54] tech0007: Then I have to remember everything I did to get it working. Like dual-monitors :P [04:54] and its a pita to get rid of [04:54] that smells about right [04:54] fbthpg, do the install I gave you above, then run sudo update-alternatives --config firefox-addons-flashplugin [04:54] er, less than that [04:54] Naisenu: haha [04:54] fbthpg, that will let you switch away from gnash [04:55] Naisenu: backup your conf files ie xorg.conf [04:55] Speaking of dual monitors, is it normal for Compiz not to work with dual monitors? Worked fine on a single. [04:55] Naisenu: I have 3 monitors (and two video cards) and it works fine ! [04:55] secretcode6 then try manual [04:55] ok [04:56] what should I check in maunal? [04:56] ace2001ac: I added my second monitor and it just failed to enable Compiz [04:56] again. thanks [04:56] I think the only thing I miss about Windows at this point is software-based preamps [04:56] well set most as ext3 format box checked mount point "/" [04:56] hey guys. i have a laptop with a screwed up lcd display (8.04) that ive hooked up to an external monitor. for some reason, no matter what i do, the image appears to be too large for the external monitor... can anyone help? [04:56] Naisenu: i spent couple of hours last tiem i tried to make java work when i had gutsy...i remembered i googled the error when i ran FF3 in terminal [04:56] for some reason I can't launch frostwire anymore [04:56] Secretcode6: how large is your disk !? [04:57] then set the rest *anyone got any suggestions* mb as swap [04:57] tech0007, I think when fixing Java for firefox it broke it for frostwire [04:57] IDK [04:57] unavailable i usually use 2gb for swap [04:57] can anyone help with Cairo dock on Hardy? [04:57] NetEcho_: is frostwire like limewire? coz i dont use either [04:57] ok [04:57] cadwgawn [04:57] ANd the only other thing that bugs me about dual monitors is that I want it to treat each monitor as it's own. So I have this goofy looking tiled wallpaper on a 1900x1200 (i think) [04:57] tech0007, its the opensource version of limewire [04:57] cadwgawn whats up? [04:57] um... hi? [04:58] NetEcho_: i use torrent [04:58] aata I use twice the Ram for swap with a max of 4GB [04:58] hello ! [04:58] unavailable for laptops, ram + 100mb , for most anything else 512mb is good enough [04:58] cadwgawn whats up with cairo dock [04:58] Naisenu: switch Xinerama off. [04:58] thx nickrud [04:58] around the dock, theres a black border, and then the labels dont show up [04:58] ace_suares: How and where? [04:58] !hi| Amber [04:58] <[cE_ExEmPhe_Fz_Y> nunna rumedd [04:58] Amber: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! [04:58] !hi Cadwgawn [04:58] Factoid hi cadwgawn not found [04:58] !hi | Cadwgawn [04:58] Cadwgawn: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! [04:58] tech0007, my mom has never heard of torrents [04:58] tech0007, http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/mf8f168b [04:59] unavailable: For swap, I usually go with 0.5 or 1 more GB than you have RAM. If you plan to suspend-to-disk at some point in the future, you need at least as much swap as RAM. [04:59] cadwgawn right click choose settings [04:59] Naisenu: in /etc/X111/xorg.conf [04:59] Naisenu: in /etc/X11/xorg.conf [04:59] k [04:59] anyone got any ideas on the monitor problem? ace_suares perhaps you can help? [04:59] NetEcho_ whats taht? [04:59] Secretcode6: how large is your disk !? [04:59] ace_suares: Well if i'm gonna upgrade to Hardy ... I might as well wait. *sigh* [04:59] tech0007, thats the error === glenn is now known as Guest69784 [04:59] cadwgawn ooh actually youre gonna have to go to system > preferences > appearance [04:59] aata: what vid card ? [05:00] k [05:00] Anyone here use limewire [05:00] err frostwire [05:00] k ... gonna go do some laundry :P [05:00] ace_suares its a dell notebook... not exactly sure but must be some integrated business [05:00] netEcho_ have [05:00] awright, work is over (love my job, I get to play around) see you all [05:00] <_rage_> I use frostwire [05:00] NetEcho_: used to [05:00] NetEcho_: frostwire works detects openjdk, not sun java [05:01] tech0007, it worked before I installed the sun-java stuff for firefox [05:01] now what? [05:01] cadwgawn click the "visual effects" tab and select "extra" [05:01] I don't recall ever setting up root account.... and when I go to su root, the authentication fails.... what are my options ? [05:01] done [05:01] aata: 'lspci |grep -i vga' [05:01] tech0007, according to synaptic OpenJDK is installed [05:01] cadwgawn now close that [05:01] bye nickrud ! [05:01] NetEcho_ 'about:plugins' in FF to see which java is being detected [05:01] k [05:01] unavailable, rainwalker any idea for this error http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/mf8f168b [05:01] captainmorgan, you can just use sudo instead of su [05:02] all I set up was my account, which has root level access [05:02] CaptainMorgan: If you really want to log in as root (which you probably shouldn't do), you could do "sudo passwd". But really, why do you want to su to root? [05:02] !sudo | CaptainMorgan [05:02] CaptainMorgan: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome), or !kdesu (KDE) [05:02] NetEcho_ frostwire wants sun's java [05:02] tech0007, firefox is the working one [05:02] tech0007, Java(TM) Plug-in 1.6.0_06-b02 [05:02] I understand sudo, I'm trying to simply view root's crontab and: "sudo crontab -u root" fails [05:02] trimeta: 'sudo -s' works too. [05:02] NetEcho_: no clue [05:02] tech0007, firefox started working after installing sun-java6* [05:02] ATI Technologies Inc Radeon RV250 [Mobility FireGL 9000] (rev 01) [05:02] ace_suares ^^ [05:02] tech0007, at the same time that broke frost wire [05:03] NetEcho_: did you select sun's java? [05:03] ace_suares: Also true, and this is probably what CaptainMorgan should do. [05:03] rainwalker, where? [05:03] spoonman and nickrud.. now i am getting no video at all... [05:03] and nothing telling me i need to install adobe flash [05:03] NetEcho_: just a sec [05:03] aata: well google 'ubuntu compiz Radeon RV250 [Mobility FireGL 9000]' for a start [05:03] fbthpg: nickrud is gone. [05:04] fbthpg, in Firefox, or in general? [05:04] k, thanks! [05:04] firefox [05:04] netEcho_ does /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk/jre/lib/i386/motif21/libmawt.so exist and do you have r/w access? [05:04] !dvd [05:04] For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs [05:04] NetEcho_ forgot the cli to choose java version in ubuntu [05:04] fbthpg, sounds like you need to remove your flash and install the non-free version [05:04] !mediabuntu [05:04] Factoid mediabuntu not found [05:04] CaptainMorgan: I wouldnt edti the root crontab; I would just edit /etc/cron.d/yourfilename and then put * * * * * root command [05:04] !medibuntu [05:04] !medibuntu [05:04] medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org [05:04] cadwgawn that should have fixed it [05:04] unavailable, hold on trying a complete removal/install of forstwire [05:04] hmm ace_suares my xorg.conf doesnt recognize as ati... just as a configured device [05:05] aah [05:05] how do i go about doing that [05:05] CaptainMorgan: but for the * * * * * you need to fill in sane values. [05:05] ace_suares, I'm aware :) thanks [05:05] aata: pastebin your xorg.conf please [05:05] Does anyone have any experience with PearPC? I've got the hard disc image and Leopard ISO, but when starting PearPC, it says "0 bootable partitions." And it doesn't seem Google knows anything about this... [05:05] NetEcho: gtk-gnutella is another option if that keeps giving you java trouble [05:05] ace_suares, I simply wanted to view if root *had* a filled crontab or not and that cli was failing... all's good now. cheers. [05:05] unavailable, /motif21/ doesn't even exist [05:06] netecho_ https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FrostWire [05:06] CaptainMorgan: okelidokeli ! [05:06] Reformer: That's offtopic here, try #macosx or something [05:06] Flannel: Well, it IS an Ubuntu app. === spoonman is now known as spoon_man [05:06] NetEcho_: "sudo update-alternatives --config java" [05:07] NetEcho_: select sun java [05:07] rainwalker: you took the words right out of my fingers haha [05:07] how to put songs into ipod using rythmbox [05:07] Reformer: Is it? So it is. Have you tried #pearpc? [05:07] CaptainMorgan: you should have done ' sudo crontab -l'. It answers: no crontab for root. === Secretcode6 is now known as _secretcode6_ [05:07] Flannel: Yeah... I was alone :) [05:07] rainwalker, unavailable tech0007 thanks again [05:07] did, ace_suares, later- I was forgetting the "-l" [05:07] :) [05:07] yep === gaminggeek_ is now known as GG_laptop [05:07] NetEcho_: did it work? [05:08] CaptainMorgan: you solve your own problems ;-)) === _secretcode6_ is now known as [secretcode6] [05:08] rainwalker, sure did [05:08] sweet [05:08] I had to do that too a while back [05:08] aata: whatg about the pastebin for xorg.conf ? [05:08] ace_suares http://pastebin.com/m7f126e4d === gaminggeek_ is now known as gglaptop [05:08] If anyone is considering purchasing new memory for their computer, I have something I would like you to review before making a decision. http://geil-usa.pissedconsumer.com/geil-memory-support-stinks-and-the-company-scams-its-customers-20080624125207.html [05:08] aata: sorry i was too hasty :-) [05:08] rainwalker, I've switched my mom completely over to ubuntu... so far so good === gglaptop is now known as GGlaptop [05:09] ace_suares dont worry abt it :) [05:09] geil has always been crap [05:09] <[secretcode6]> Ok I try to install linux and on step 7 this pops up "The ext3 file system creation in partition #1 od SCSI1 (0,0,0)(sda) failed" Help [05:09] NetEcho_: that's good, you're lucky...I've only ever had luck with ubuntu on my laptop [05:09] how to install pigdin ? [05:09] spoon_man: I've had some bad problem so I wanted to share my experience with the internet. [05:09] * rainwalker glares at the stupid lifebook that won't work [05:09] rainwalker, I've only ever ran it on my laptop until today [05:09] Amber it's already installed [05:09] aata: I don't :-) But what a weird xorg.conf ! are you sure thatw as in /etc/X11/xorg.conf ? [05:09] rainwalker, but I gave my mom this machine which has similar hardware to my laptop [05:09] aata: sorry, have to ask ! [05:10] Amber: that comes pre-installed .. are you on ubuntu 8.04 ? [05:10] NetEcho_: rainwalker: i usually keep one version of java [05:10] http://packages.ubuntu.com/hardy/all/cl-base64/filelist <--- How on earth is one supposed to get help on this package? [05:10] NetEcho_: ug, you don't know how lucky you are that it works [05:10] <[secretcode6]> excuse me can I get assistance? [05:10] tech0007, I only had openjdk until FF went nuts on me because of it [05:10] #lfs-cn [05:10] rainwalker, what kinda issues you having? [05:10] anyone know how to add a print option to the right click menu in gnome? [05:11] [secretcode6], it sounds like you have a hardware problem, or no space on the partition you want to format [05:11] !question | [secretcode6] [05:11] !question | secretcode6 [05:11] rainwalker, hold that thought I'm just gonna switch over to my system in a min or two [05:11] [secretcode6]: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) [05:11] secretcode6: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) [05:11] !ask | [secretcode6] [05:11] [secretcode6], hardware problem as in "broken" [05:11] weird ubottu is asleep ? [05:11] [secretcode6]: just ask, don't ask to ask a question :) [05:11] ace_suares yup... def sure. whats weird abt it? [05:11] <[secretcode6]> Spoon Man: so what do I do... [05:12] how do you susped through console? === RAdam1 is now known as radams [05:13] hello world! [05:13] ELHO === Eneloop51 is now known as Eneloop [05:13] !netsplit [05:13] netsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like Freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit [05:13] horray [05:14] [secretcode6], have you tried doing a google search on the error message? === daurnimator is now known as zz_daurnimator [05:14] welcome back other side of freenode [05:14] cripes not again [05:14] wow that was scary [05:14] [secretcode6], have you tried doing a google search on the error message? [05:14] rainwalker back [05:14] Hello [05:14] how do you suspend through console? === zz_daurnimator is now known as daurnimator [05:15] [secretcode6], have you tried posting this problem on ubuntuforums.org? [05:15] ff [05:15] radams: Press Ctrl+Z while your app is running. [05:15] b [05:15] rainwalker I now have Ubuntu running successfully on my laptop, and mom's PC [05:15] b [05:15] b [05:15] b [05:15] b [05:15] b [05:15] b [05:15] mug please stop flooding [05:15] ace_suares? [05:15] *blink& [05:16] that was a huge split [05:16] aata: i believe there was a netsplit. Last thing I heard from you was: ace_suares dont worry abt it :) [05:16] rainwalker they've been re-arranging the servers for a while today [05:16] about 100 users [05:16] aata: last thing I said was [05:16] aata: I don't :-) But what a weird xorg.conf ! are you sure thatw as in /etc/X11/xorg.conf ? [05:16] [00:09] aata: sorry, have to ask ! [05:16] but yea what kind of issues u having rainwalker? [05:17] Hello! Would you know a lighter than Gimp software that could use a set of colours on an indexed image? [05:17] like PGM [05:17] NetEcho: yeah but I wasn't in this channel before, there are significantly more people in here...that split froze pidgin! [05:17] rainwalker I can't stand pidgin for IRC [05:17] ace_suares gotcha. i had asked why it was a weird conf fie [05:17] file88 [05:17] its either X-Chat , irssi or Windows Clients [05:17] NetEcho: depends which problems you're talking about...? [05:17] * unavailable wonders if starting frostwire did it [05:17] * radams 's pidgin survives netsplits just fine [05:17] i haven't found pidgin to be very good for IRC [05:17] rainwalker you said you haven't been lucky with ubuntu on systems other than your laptop [05:17] http://packages.ubuntu.com/hardy/all/cl-base64/filelist <--- How on earth is one supposed to get help on this package? [05:17] ah === arashO|o is now known as arashO|away [05:18] aata: cause it only says configured device. It should say lots of other stuff. [05:18] * unavailable 's radio stayed on the whole time [05:18] NetEcho: didn't work on my friend's comp, it wouldn't boot...my other friend's macbook didn't like it very much...but the worst so far is this stupid fujitsu lifebook [05:18] rainwalker what kind of Macbook? [05:18] pre-intel or intel? [05:19] exactly ace_suares go here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=727371 [05:19] NetEcho: the newest one [05:19] so intel [05:19] weird it should run fine [05:19] aata: dont you have something under 'system->pref->screens' ? or instead of pref, 'admin' ? [05:19] yeah that's what I thought too [05:19] but if I had a macbook I wouldn't install ubuntu on it heh [05:19] <-- loves OS X [05:19] NetEcho: I was just showing it to my friend [05:19] I actually have ubuntu themed to look like OS X lol [05:19] <-- loves anything free [05:19] didn't make such a good impression :( [05:20] rainwalker maybe after a few more releases [05:20] Have they figured out how to share an HP printer from Ubuntu onto a Windows network? [05:20] Ubuntu is still fairly new in the Linux distro world [05:20] does anyone provide free phone support for ubuntu? [05:20] I swear there was a battery optimization program on Ubuntu [05:20] wee1 just ask your question here [05:20] NetEcho: ugg...this lifebook is just hell though [05:21] rainwalker heh I hear ya man [05:21] ok... still having issues with firefox and either java or flash [05:21] wee1: use ekiga :-) [05:21] that was the question [05:21] nothing asking me to dl&install either [05:21] aata: well that thread is very extemsive, did you follow all the advices and got it to work ? [05:21] wee1 I mean technical question, not asking for phone support [05:21] NetEcho: ooh ! [05:22] ace_suares nope just screen resolution where it detects secondary monitor and i can even change resolution but that doesnt solve my problem. [05:22] NetEcho: bad refresh rate, dvds won't play (yes, I have codecs and players), sound works but volume control doesn't (keyboard shortcuts only), and updating the kernel breaks wireless even though it works perfectly with the same card for me [05:22] i don't have one...just try to understand what people will do if they need phone support...not trying to go OT but just curious [05:22] how to make pc to pc call plz [05:22] alright whats the proper way to restart apache 2 on 8.04? [05:22] hello guys... can you tell me what to do if during a Software update it leaves it unconfigured because of some conflicts.. [05:22] rainwalker dvds won't play on a lot of laptops under ubuntu unfortunatly [05:22] how do I reconfigure it.. [05:22] ashish: skype [05:22] theshadow: sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart [05:22] ace_suares i would but there are 2 or 3 diff procedures on that thread... which should i follow? === spoon_man is now known as spoonman_away [05:22] aata: hmm I had to use Xgl to enable compiz on my nvidia G70 [05:22] i want to call another computer [05:22] NetEcho: well I did everything I've always done [05:22] I can play dvds fine on my laptop with ubuntu [05:22] Flannel: yea thats not working I get apache2: bad user name ${APACHE_RUN_USER} [05:22] rainwalker I think DVD playback is even fubard on my dell [05:23] This had happened for my Samba upgrade [05:23] wee1: people just go to irc for support. Or to the forums [05:23] !forum | wee1 [05:23] wee1: The Ubuntu forums can be found at http://www.ubuntuforums.org. There is also a channel on IRC Freenode #ubuntuforums. [05:23] ashish: skype.com [05:23] Lucifer666 unless they fixed it from 7.10 to 8.04 I've never got it work [05:23] aata: try one then the other untill it works !? [05:23] ace_suares will do [05:23] theshadow: Your configs are messed up then. Pastebin your apache2.conf file [05:23] NetEcho: tried 4 distros and still none will work completely [05:24] I have it working with totem with libdvdcss2 [05:24] aata: dual or triple head can be very challenging. but as time progresses it gets easier. IF your card is fully supported. [05:24] brazillian channel ? [05:24] so anyone know how to make frostwire connect to freenode? [05:24] !br | PalyBoy [05:24] PalyBoy: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado. [05:24] !br [05:24] Lucifer666 trying it now [05:24] unavailable: frostwire isn't an IRC client [05:24] took me awhile to find libdvdcss2 [05:24] it has chat in it [05:25] Flannel: it has chat [05:25] !ubuntuguide | Lucifer666 [05:25] Factoid ubuntuguide not found [05:25] !br [05:25] Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado. [05:25] rainwalker: Said chat probably isn't IRC [05:25] flannel and its chat appears to be irc [05:25] ubuntuguide ? [05:25] Hi ppl [05:25] Flannel: actually, it might be, I haven't used frostwire in forever [05:25] Lucifer666: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Hardy#Installing_DVD_Support [05:25] hey does any one know how to mpunt all devices automatic and not by terminal? like if i plug in anything could change them or have root privilage over it [05:25] oh [05:25] how do I search for conflicted files using command line svn [05:25] I have a question regarding compiz fusion (I think that's it) [05:26] I got it working [05:26] rubydiamond: svn status [05:26] google always helps [05:26] Xavura: ask [05:26] Lucifer666 so is libdvdcss2 under Synaptic? [05:26] Flannel, I want to find only conflicted files [05:26] I have everything working great [05:26] NetEcho: medibuntu [05:26] no NetEcho [05:26] I downloaded it off some site [05:26] rainwalker? [05:26] want me to email it to you [05:26] whats medibuntu? [05:26] NetEcho: http://www.medibuntu.org/ [05:27] how can i set up vlc player to open every file type it's capable of opening by default? [05:27] How do I make a Creative Zen Vision:M (MTP device) work on hardy? [05:27] my linux box has an Intel i950 agp chip, I think ... it wasn't working right in Feisty. What are the odds it'll cooperate in Hardy? :) [05:27] hey does any one know how to mount all devices automatic and not by terminal? like if i plug in anything could change them or have root privilege over it [05:27] rainwalker restricted drivers? [05:27] Why i could not upgrade FireFox-2 to FireFox-3.0 automatically ,while i found FireFox-3.0 released in sources..is there any wrong with me? [05:27] There is this thing, where you can portions of the screen do different things, if the mouse rests in said area for x amount of time. Say you could have it so you rest the mouse at the top of the screen and it opens a terminal (or whatever). My problem is, it's too sensitive. I only have to rest my mouse there for about a quarter of a second, I'd like to change it to a higher value as I keep accidentally triggering these little [05:27] areas... [05:27] NetEcho: what? [05:27] how to install virtualbox in ubuntu (not OSE version)?????? [05:27] rainwalker is it not included with ubuntu because of restricted drivers ect? [05:27] kujuil [05:27] rubydiamond: svn status | grep C [05:27] j [05:27] Net want me to email that package to you [05:27] p;o [05:27] If that made any sense at all. [05:27] k [05:27] Lucifer666 hold up I'll let you know [05:27] thanks Flannel [05:27] hey does any one know how to mpunt all devices automatic and not by terminal? like if i plug in anything could change them or have root privilage over it [05:28] Xavura: I don't think there's a way to adjust the time [05:28] hgyy [05:28] KennethP_: What version of Ubuntu are you on? [05:28] KennethP_: sorry [05:28] Hardy 8.04 [05:28] NetEcho: no, because it's proprietary [05:28] how to install virtualbox in ubuntu (not OSE version)?????? [05:28] eh [05:28] Kelen: What version of Ubuntu are you on? [05:28] rainwalker ok so restricted software heh [05:28] 8.04 [05:28] actually I can give you the link [05:28] I thought you were talking to me, nevermind. [05:28] Brian: search for it in www.sun.com [05:28] does anyone know how to use pptp vpn's in hardy... i installed network-manager-pptp but it doesnt give me the option to setup a connection?? [05:28] NetEcho: yep, like codecs for DVDs, mp3, wma, etc [05:28] rainwalker: I'm pretty sure there is a way to change it, I'm sure I found it the other day but I have since lost it [05:28] Flannel: 8.04 [05:28] rainwalker mind if I pm you? [05:29] Xavura: do you have ccsm installed? [05:29] NetEcho: sure [05:29] Kelen: And you installed -2? [05:29] how to install virtualbox in ubuntu (not OSE version)?????? [05:29] how to install virtualbox in ubuntu (not OSE version)?????? [05:29] how to install virtualbox in ubuntu (not OSE version)?????? [05:29] please answer or I will flood [05:29] how to install virtualbox in ubuntu (not OSE version)?????? [05:29] how to install virtualbox in ubuntu (not OSE version)?????? [05:29] Brian88: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [05:29] I couldn't tell you, rainwalker. [05:29] how to install virtualbox in ubuntu (not OSE version)?????? [05:29] hey does any one know how to mpunt all devices automatic and not by terminal? like if i plug in anything could change them or have root privilage over it [05:29] Brian88: you will be kicked [05:29] Flannel: Yeah,, i installed FireFox2.0 [05:29] Kelen: so, just install firefox 3, and remove 2 [05:29] lol [05:30] lunick: please don't ask multiple times, people will answer if they know [05:30] !ops please answer or I will flood [05:30] Brian88: that's really not the way to get help. [05:30] http://download.videolan.org/pub/libdvdcss/1.2.0/deb/ [05:30] you can get it from that link Netecho [05:30] how can i set up vlc player to open every file type it's capable of opening by default? [05:30] Brian88: if u want the sun version http://www.sun.com/software/products/virtualbox/get.jsp [05:30] amirman84: in nautilus, right-click on the file, then click on the "Open with" tab [05:31] ok [05:31] Lucifer666 yea I got it from Medibuntu [05:31] How do I properly format a disk drive for use by Ubuntu? [05:31] Flannel: But i wanna install FireFox3 by ways upgrade automatically, is that possible for me? [05:31] libdvdcss2_1.2.0-1_i386.deb is the one you want [05:31] Is there a FAQ somewhere why Ubuntu didn't have to go the Iceweasel route? It doesn't make sense to me. Don't they modify Firefox more heavily than even Debian does? [05:31] !mtp [05:31] Factoid mtp not found [05:31] excuse me, i was wondering if any of you really good looking people know how i can set up vlc player to open every file type it's capable of opening by default, please. [05:31] Kelen: No. Why would you want to do that? Just use the package [05:31] amirman84: i just told you how [05:32] Kelen: you will eventually get updates via the Update Manager for firefox [05:32] how do i delete files in terminal? [05:32] hi... [05:32] vox: you did? sorry, i'll scroll up, stuff gets lost easily in here. [05:32] fbthpg: rm [05:32] rm [05:32] thx [05:32] anyone know a volume applet for the kde bar? [05:32] fbthpg: "rm name-of-file" [05:33] amirman you can do it in the properties of the files you want to open with vlc [05:33] I found out how to fix my problem. System > Preferences > Advanced Desktop Effect Settings > General Settings > Edge Trigger Delay. [05:33] Kelen: firefox-2 and firefox-3 are different packages. In Hardy, you should have firefox-3 by default. [05:33] NetEcho you get that working yet [05:33] Xavura: Great ! Thanks for sharing !!!! [05:33] amirman84: I think this guide will tell you http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=766683 [05:33] Flannel: OK, i just not sure i can remove FireFox2 clearly, so, i wanna install -3.0 by automatically upgrade.. cuz i am a beginner.. :( [05:33] Xavura: sorry, I was about to tell you that but got distracted :/ [05:34] Where do I set up file sharing? [05:34] Lucifer666 seems to be working [05:34] No problem, I figured I'd say how to do it in case it'd prove useful to anyone :\ [05:34] hello how to make pc to pc call plz [05:34] ahh, vox, yeah, that fix seems to be only for specific files [05:34] JordiGH: http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/79 [05:34] Flannel: http://pastebin.ca/1055512 [05:34] swansk: right-click on any folder ! [05:34] Lucifer666 about to try and watch a dvd [05:34] To a Windows network. I need to set like "MSHOME" [05:34] Flannel: fyi the /etc/apache2/envvars file looks fine [05:34] Flannel: I'm reading that, but I don't get why Ubuntu doesn't have to change the name... [05:34] hello how to make pc to pc call plz [05:35] I never got around to watching one I just tested it [05:35] <__ryan__> skype ftw [05:35] Kelen: ah! Alright, that's easy. just go to synaptic, find firefox-2, and check "remove completely" (or, "complete removal") [05:35] ashish_: h! what do you mean by pc to pc calls ? what language are you ? [05:35] JordiGH, short version: Debian decided to rebrand because the Firefox logo has copyright restrictions [05:35] JordiGH: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2006-October/021981.html might also help [05:35] Flannel: That blog post is really fuzzy. Mike Conner said to Debian, "modifications means no trademark grant." [05:35] I just got out of the Navy lastn friday Been getting everything working on this laptop [05:35] spoonman_away: It was more Mike Connor who said to Debian, "you can't use the trademark (not the copyright) if you modify it." [05:35] Lucifer666 but it seems to wanna default to the commentary version of the video [05:36] What player are you using [05:36] totem doesnt seem to want to give me an option [05:36] Lucifer666 totem it would seem [05:36] rainwalker: that page had a lot of info, i dont think it had what i was looking for though [05:36] same difference [05:36] try using kaffeine [05:36] kaffeine? [05:36] That's the one I like using [05:36] available as normal soft? [05:36] hot to install yahoo messenger in ubuntu 80.04 [05:37] hot to install yahoo messenger in ubuntu 80.04 [05:37] sudo apt-get install kaffeine [05:37] hot to install yahoo messenger in ubuntu 80.04 === spoonman_away is now known as spoon_man [05:37] Ashish: First, stop spamming the channel. [05:37] Lucifer666 I'll try it [05:37] Ashish_: second, just use Pidgin, the bundled program. [05:37] Is Mozilla just having more control over Ubuntu's Firefox? [05:37] <__ryan__> ashish_, if you want to get into the chats, you can use YahElite in Wine. [05:37] !im | ashish_ [05:37] ashish_: The Instant Messenger Client Pidgin (formerly Gaim) (http://help.ubuntu.com/community/GaimHowto) supports MSN, Jabber, AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ and IRC. See also !Kopete [05:37] Flannel: That's what that second link you gave me seems to suggest. That Mozilla is approving the changes that Ubuntu makes? [05:37] Anyways greyhound lost my bags so I wont have my dvds til they get my bags where ever they are [05:38] I obtained a 1 GB memory stick. It has the file system fat16. Should I keep this file system or change it for use with Ubuntu? [05:38] hello all [05:38] ok pidgin does not support voice chat [05:38] JordiGH: yeah. You might get better answers in #ubuntu-mozillateam [05:38] !ot Flannel [05:38] Factoid ot flannel not found [05:38] !ot| Flannel [05:38] Flannel: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! [05:38] Pidgin sucks [05:38] i want voice chat and cam too [05:38] When I go to "network" there is "Windows Network". I can see many groups, but their names are messed up because their in Korean. I click on one and it won't let me "see" inside the group probably because of the Korean language problem. [05:38] Flannel: OK, i will do it.. thank you a lot.. [05:38] bullgard4: you can keep it like that [05:38] ace_suares: hmm? [05:38] what may be plugins [05:38] Just as useless as Gaim [05:39] Lucifer666 trying kaff right now [05:39] wow [05:39] Kaff even plays the previews [05:39] Lucifer666: RONG, pidgin is a fantastic app, sorry sir you are just RONG [05:39] bullgard4: vfat has some limitations (e.g. you can't use characters like ? or :, which can matter for some music files), but if you want to use your stick with non-GNU-based systems, you probably ought to keep vfat on it. [05:39] Kaffeine is nice [05:39] ashish_: use ekiga [05:39] Flannel: tought you were talking about FF branding issues! Sounds OT to me... [05:39] alex_mayorga: There are no better alternatives? [05:39] theshadow: Well, I actually don't know. I'm still on dapper, and here those two (user and group) are just hard coded [05:39] ace_suares: It's not. [05:40] amazingjxq first its wrong and second everyone is entitled to their own opinion, since I only use MSN I dislike pidgin because aMSN has way more functionality [05:40] Amirman I use it because I haven't found anything better yet [05:40] err [05:40] is there an application for ubuntu to use a usb joypad as a midi controller/device? [05:40] he left [05:40] Flannel: just a sugeestion. [05:40] Flannel: *suggestion [05:40] Lucifer666 for MSN aMSN is great [05:40] PM me if you think you can help me share files on a windows network and most important share my printer. [05:40] <__ryan__> has anyone with an HP laptop got their webcam to work? [05:40] what other protocols do you use? [05:40] !samba | swansk [05:40] swansk: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT. [05:40] bullgard4: if you're going to use it in other operating systems fat32 might be the best option IMHO [05:40] JordiGH: GParted says that the filesystem is 'fat16', not vfat. Can you comment? [05:40] I have a yahoo account and aim but I hardly use either anymore so it doesn't matter [05:41] ace_suares under ubuntu file sharing is pretty easy I find [05:41] THANKS [05:41] I'm gonna try and share my printer as well [05:41] <__ryan__> amsn is buggy [05:41] bullgard4: vfat is just a generic term that includes several FAT filesystems. [05:41] __ryan__ how do you find? [05:41] You know you can use k9copy to copy dvd images to your hard drive [05:41] I haven't had any issues with it [05:41] MSN BAHHHH [05:41] them burn them with k3b [05:41] works great [05:42] JordiGH: Ah, thank you very much for explaining. [05:42] NetEcho: swansk has problems with it not me [05:42] <__ryan__> NetEcho, i get TCL/TK errors all the time in 0.97 [05:42] bullgard4: There's FAT12 (MS DOS) FAT 16 (Windows 95), and FAT 32 (Windows 98), iirc. [05:42] __ryan__ I've never had an error like that [05:42] ok [05:43] i just downloaded that iso i was told to, yet its the same as the other one! [05:43] <__ryan__> NetEcho, are you runnig .97 [05:43] __ryan__ I'll find out 1 sec [05:43] i want to install ubuntu 8 [05:43] My problem might be Korean. [05:43] __ryan__ aMSN 0.97 (12/25/2007) [05:43] ubuntu 8 is great [05:44] well kubuntu [05:44] <__ryan__> NetEcho, i don't know then maybe i got a lemon :P [05:44] vaportrail123new: Same one as what? And, which one is that? [05:44] __ryan__ could be any number of issues really hard to tell [05:44] last time i burned the iso, it wouldnt boot from the disk [05:44] <__ryan__> NetEcho, yeah since i can't get webcam drivers working i don't really care for amsn anyway lol [05:44] is your pc set up to boot from disc [05:45] swansk: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/samba/+bug/90318 [05:45] Lucifer666 for the first time ever I think my laptop has full functionality [05:45] ubuntu-8.04-desktop-i386.iso [05:45] Launchpad bug 90318 in samba "Windows workgroups unusable when in Korean" [Undecided,Incomplete] [05:45] yes [05:45] Lucifer666 even under windows I couldn't get everything to work properly lol [05:45] anyone here [05:45] ? [05:45] sweet Netecho [05:45] !ask | jasonwood [05:45] jasonwood about 1208 people [05:45] jasonwood: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) [05:45] no jason [05:45] same here [05:45] vaportrail123new: Alright, How are you burning it? [05:45] the 1208 people thing is lieing [05:45] <__ryan__> the one thing i can't get on my laptop on ubuntu is my built in webcam [05:45] my laptop came with vista [05:45] oh [05:45] hehe [05:45] just straight drag and drop of the uncompressed files [05:46] When I was in the Navy I just kept windows on it [05:46] where do you come? [05:46] Lucifer666 3 years and my laptop has never worked this well [05:46] That's good [05:46] any people with a working MTP based MP3 player that might enlighten me please? [05:46] i am from china [05:46] __ryan__: better you give us make of laptop and lspci of webcam !? [05:46] you? [05:46] Linux makes everything better [05:46] vaportrail123new, you have to create a bootable disc using the ISO -- dragging the ISO to the CD won't do that [05:46] Flannel: I was forget told you, i removed FireFox3 B5 immediately after the system installs finished.. is that any wrong for me to install FireFox-3.0 again ? [05:46] Ok, can I still share my files and share my printer, even though I can't access THEIR computers and THEIR printers because of language issues. [05:46] jasonwood: what is the tow-letter code of china ? [05:46] except when ryan messes everything up [05:46] ok, how do i do that [05:46] jasonwood: two-letter code. [05:46] Lucifer666 it was funny I put Ubuntu on my mom's PC earlier and was like "If my printer works before I install anything I'm gonna laugh" sure enough it worked before installing anything [05:47] Kelen: nope, just reinstall it. [05:47] what is tow-letter? [05:47] !cn | jasonwood [05:47] jasonwood: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw 或者 #ubuntu-hk [05:47] that depends on what CD burning software you're using -- and that software probably has a help file that explains everything it can do, so... [05:47] tech0007: ty !!! [05:47] That's cool [05:47] hi all! I want to chmod my files at webserver (user www-data). I want to rw-rw---- access rights. When i doing 'chmod -R 660 path' after that I see (ls -al) ?????????? ? ? ? ? ? index.php [05:47] what's wrong?? [05:47] I have a T61p and am looking for help getting the CD/DVD drive to be quieter when I'm playing music. [05:47] i dont really know [05:47] hehe [05:47] The important thing is sharing my printer regardless of whether or not I can access other computers on the network. [05:47] <__ryan__> ace2001ac, it's an HP dv6315 and it's internally connected via usb this is the output though > Bus 005 Device 002: ID 0c45:62c0 Microdia [05:48] int20: what kind of filesystem is it on? [05:48] well, what if i dont have any burning software, im just using the windows wizard thing [05:48] Starnestommy: reiserfs [05:48] vaportrail123new: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto [05:48] Flannel: OK, thanks again.. :) [05:48] int20: filesystem or hardidsk problem ? drive mounted via sshfs ? [05:48] is the following possible: make space_down, space_up = ' '; space_down, key_x_down, key_x_up, space_up = 'mod3-x' ? [05:48] thanks [05:48] vaportrail123new: The windows wizard own't work. Windows doesn't know how to properly burn an ISO [05:48] ace_suares: no problem... [05:48] vaportrail123new, you need software that specifically burns ISOs [05:48] ace_suares why does dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg no longer give me the option of selecting vid card drivers? [05:48] Lucifer666 any idea how to set the default media player? [05:49] Wait never mind found it [05:49] !iso | vaportrail123new [05:49] vaportrail123new: To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning. [05:49] Ive tried hdparm -M 128 /dev/cdrom, but that failed saying acoustic = not supported [05:49] prefered apps [05:49] If I can share my printer I don't have to reinstal windows. [05:49] just download "iso recorder"- it puts an entry into the context menu to burn an iso [05:49] thanks man, using that how to [05:49] __ryan__: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=280121 ???? [05:49] I never tried to set a default player [05:49] ace_suares: any ideas? [05:49] or not [05:49] Lucifer666 it just trys to open Totem when I pop a movie in === spoon_man is now known as spoonman_away [05:50] int20 did you answer my question ? [05:50] aata: dpkg-reconfigure -phigh ? or -plow ? [05:50] which ubuntu are you using [05:50] 8.04 [05:50] System->preferences->removable drives & media [05:50] ace_suares: with HDD - no problems, and I don't know how to check sshfs at this hdd or not. [05:51] tech0007 THANKS [05:51] well, if all goes well ill be back in like an hour [05:51] wait that wasn't for me lol [05:51] can anyone help with nvidia card? [05:51] tech0007 do you know how to change the default media player for dvds? I thought it was under prefered apps but apparently not [05:51] I have a new device manager on my taskbar it always asks me what I want to do with external media [05:52] int20: your problems sounds like it is a mounted sshfs volume, but are you saying it's just one computer with a hard disk ? no network connections ? [05:52] ace_suares i get this sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg [05:52] xserver-xorg postinst warning: overwriting possibly-customised configuration [05:52] file; backup in /etc/X11/xorg.conf.20080625095116 [05:52] Are you using kubuntu or ubuntu [05:52] ace_suares: yes, no network connections [05:52] int20: hmm [05:52] but no screen to reconfigure pops up [05:52] ace_suares: /dev/sda3 on /var type reiserfs (rw,relatime) [05:52] maybe reboot and use 'recovery mode' and then try e2fsck /dev/hda1 (or /dev/whatever your partitions are). [05:53] int20: maybe reboot and use 'recovery mode' and then try e2fsck /dev/hda1 (or /dev/whatever your partitions are). [05:53] hey guys, a while back I remember running a battery optimization/fixing program on Ubuntu, but I can't seem to find it. does anyone else know the program? It seemed to give life back to a dying battery, not just dimming the LCD and all that power saving stuff. [05:53] ace_suares: when i do" chmod -R 777 - it looks okay... [05:53] rwxrwxrwx :) [05:53] int20: so e2fsck -y /dev/sda3 (at your own risk !) [05:54] ace_suares: thank you, I try. [05:54] int20: VERY weird. i had a client with a RAM problem and that f*** up reiserfs badly. [05:54] int20: try reboot and run memtest (press ESC when Grub is loading !) [05:54] anyone know how to make Kaffeine the default dvd player? [05:54] int20: or reiserfsck ? [05:55] given two hard drives both SATA one 250Gb and the other 160GB which one would you guys put ubunut on ? [05:55] NetEcho: kubuntu or ubuntu? [05:55] tech0007 ubuntu [05:55] IanXX_: on both using Raid 1 [05:55] NetEcho: try in Nautilus, edit->preferences. media tab [05:55] ace_suares: reiserfsch report no problem [05:56] *reiserfsck [05:56] int20: hmm did you reboot in recovery mode ? [05:56] int20: or just unmont /dev/sda3 ? Dont do fsck on a mounted drive ! [05:56] tech0007 it doesn't show any other media stuff other then totem and rhythmbox [05:57] in shell, how can i leech files www.page.com/node1.txt www.page.com/node2.txt www.page.com/node3.txt in a for loop? [05:57] NetEcho: check this post http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=333714 [05:57] <__ryan__> ace2001ac, that worked mint i'm not sure why i never found that before thanks [05:58] ace_suares:ok [05:58] rabbit-: for i in `seq 1 3`; do echo "leeching $i"; wget -b www.page.com/node$i.txt; done [05:58] Is there a way to change the font color on the clock that appears in the gnome panel [05:58] alex_mayorga: Thank you for your information. [05:58] rabbit-: for i in `seq 1 3`; do echo "leeching $i"; wget -b http://www.page.com/node$i.txt; done [05:58] thankyou [05:58] hello everyone [05:59] ace_suares:don't both drives need to be the same size ? [05:59] hi LTSimmons [05:59] What are you guys doing in here? [05:59] IanXX_: no you loose 250-160 GB, but you can make that a un-raided drive and mount it under /noraid :-) [05:59] I have Ubuntu on one HDD and Windows XP on another, when I try to open the Windows HDD from within Ubuntu it gives me some type of error about not being able to mount the drive, what do I do [05:59] LTSimmons: this is a help channel [06:00] LTSimmons: read the topic [06:00] Xavura: what is the error!? [06:00] !ntfs| Xavura [06:00] Xavura: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see /msg ubottu NTFS-3g or /msg ubottu FUSE [06:00] iam using ati 8.6 drivers and get graphics corruption, someone see this? [06:00] bullgard4: not a problem [06:00] Well, i guess I had a couple questions [06:00] vozniak ? Steve !? [06:01] Thanks [06:01] !ask | LTSimmons [06:01] LTSimmons: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) [06:01] hehe not, but i want [06:01] Is there a way to change the font color on the clock that appears in the gnome panel [06:01] vozniak: just kiddin'.. I am Steve :-) [06:01] Another one for you. [06:01] I just did apt-get install smartmontools then I did sudo hddtemp /dev/sda and it says hddtemp command not found [06:02] Xavura: you need to enter the fullpath for that command [06:02] Xavura: are you sure hddtemp is part of smartmontool ? dpkg-query ehhh. [06:02] someone see 8.6 ati drivers corruption? [06:02] Xavura: -L. dpkg-query -L smartmontools [06:02] Amarok is awesome [06:02] I don't know, someone told me it was ace_suares [06:03] !info hddtemp | Xavura [06:03] xavura: hddtemp (source: hddtemp): Utility to monitor the temperature of your hard drive. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.3-beta15-38 (hardy), package size 51 kB, installed size 276 kB [06:03] Lucifer666: it really is [06:03] Okay, my bad. Do these have to be Ubuntu specific questions? My question had more to do with IRC [06:03] tech0007: another kudo to you ! [06:03] So I need to install hddtemp, is it seperate? [06:03] Like sudo apt-get install hddtemp or [06:03] Lucifer666: does amarok support MTP players such as Creative Zen ? [06:03] LTSimmons: ask in #ubuntu-offtopic or ##club-ubuntu [06:03] !ot | LTSimmons [06:03] LTSimmons: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! [06:03] hi can any help me how to setup panel properties [06:04] Xavura: yes [06:04] I could never get a creative zen working with it [06:04] muva: what are you trying to do? [06:04] someone else getting graphics corruption with wine and 8.6 ati drivers? [06:04] So I got a better mp3 player [06:04] lol [06:04] ok, cool. Where do I find a list of channels? [06:04] ace_suares no luck whatsoever [06:04] tech0007 I do the gconf-editor thing but Nautilus doesn't recognize it [06:04] LTSimmons: type /list [06:04] LTSimmons: the channels is mentioned in ubottu's answer, isn't it ? [06:05] actually i had remove the panel where the windows will be minimised how to enable it [06:05] aata: in none of the three solutions ? [06:05] LTSimmons: yeah /list is fun. [06:05] someone else getting graphics corruption with wine and 8.6 ati drivers? [06:05] LTSimmons: not! [06:05] alright, thanks [06:05] ace_suares so far i replaceed the relevant sections of xorg.cong [06:05] vozniak: I have nvidia, sorry. [06:05] cong [06:05] conf [06:05] Lucifer666: sadly I can't afford a new one just yet :( [06:05] muva you removed the entire bottom panel? [06:05] ace_suares though i do have 197 updates [06:06] yes [06:06] :P [06:06] ace_suares trade with me ;/ [06:06] muva: right-click on the top panel, click new panel [06:06] aata: do the updates first :) [06:06] How do I find out what my HDDs are called, I want to check the hddtemp for both [06:06] I'll see if I can find something alex === arashO|away is now known as arashO|o [06:06] i actually want to remove some things but unfortuneately it has been removed [06:06] vozniak: no way. I am very happy with them. (two dualhead G70's). I have 3 screens and compiz and cairo-dock ! [06:06] muva right click the top one, say new panel. Then right click the bottom panel, and add to panel => window list [06:06] Lucifer666: thanks [06:06] ace_suares its 200mb! its gonna take me ages at 256k [06:06] have you ever tried Gnomad [06:07] 2 hours at least [06:07] muva: then right-click on that new panel and add the stuff to it [06:07] aata: start it and go to sleep :-) and maybe read http://www.howtoforge.com/local_debian_ubuntu_mirror [06:07] ace_suares: i dont like much dock's [06:07] !ot | Lucifer666 (better asked on #offtopic) [06:07] Lucifer666 (better asked on #offtopic): #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! [06:07] or kzenexplorer [06:07] Im having a problem burning dvds... The burn stops halfway through no matter what program i use to burn [06:07] ok i will just try for that thanks [06:07] on 8.04 [06:08] Xavura: look at 'mount' or 'df -h' [06:08] !hi |nicrud [06:08] nicrud: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! [06:08] hi back ace_suares ;) [06:08] * ace_suares tought nickrud was asleep :-) === spoonman_away is now known as spoon_man [06:08] I can't access OTHER computers, because of KOREAN, but my co-worker CAN USE MY SHARED printer. YEAH!!!!!! I don't have to install Windows again. [06:08] ace_suares nah, got about an hour to kill, talking to crazies is a fine unwinder [06:08] is there anyone that can help me [06:08] ace_suares this still really irritating though i have to look to my shiny new 17" monitor for 3/4 of the screen and my screwed up, broken lcd for the other 25% [06:09] my eyes hurt [06:09] * ace_suares slaps nickrud with a (crazy) trout ! [06:09] vozniak, what are you trying to run in wine? [06:09] spoon_man: Warcraft III Frozen [06:09] what is the name of the name of that app where tabs are minimised [06:10] aata: hmmm so you have 75% on one screen and 25% on the other ? sounds like a resolutuin problem. [06:10] muva window list [06:10] Lucifer666: I was about to install gnomad2 [06:10] Does anyone know where i can go to get help with my dvd burning problem [06:10] * swansk is away [06:11] hi folks [06:11] aata: http://www.seismo.ethz.ch/linux/xinerama.html [06:11] "As of Ubuntu 6.04 (Dapper Drake) there is slightly more NTFS writing support through a very experimental NTFS FUSE module. Using this seems to work but is NOT recommended. Do you want to use this?" [06:11] i dont see that applet in add to panel list [06:11] !away | swansk [06:11] what is your problem elvis [06:11] swansk: You should avoid changing your nick in a busy channel like #ubuntu, or other Ubuntu channels - it causes unrequired scrolling which is unfair to new users. (Please set your preferred nick in your client's settings instead.) The same goes for using noisy away messages; use the command "/away " to set your client away silently. See also «/msg ubottu Guidelines» [06:11] I don't know whether to answer yes or no. [06:11] muva at the very bottom [06:11] Lucifer666: I actually installed mtpfs but the device is still not detected, I don't know if I need to reboot for it to pick up [06:11] !away > swansk [06:11] If I say no, can I still write to the NTFS drive? [06:11] I try to burn dvds on 8.04 and no matter what it burns and stops halfway through [06:11] !ntfs > Xavura [06:11] try kzenexplorer or gnomad2 [06:11] Xavura: no. [06:12] says there is an I/0 error i believe [06:12] ace2001ac: I'm following the bloody tutorial [06:12] thanks pal\ [06:12] Xavura what version of ubuntu are you instaling? [06:12] You can always remove them if they don't work [06:12] elvis: bad drive ? works under other os ? [06:12] I downloaded the script and it's asking me things I'm not sure on [06:12] it has been done [06:12] howdy guys - how can i install wpasupplicant offline? the computer i want to install it on doesn't have net but i do have access to internet on another and can transfer a dpkg via memory stick - i had a look in archive.ubuntu.com but i don't know how to navigate it [06:12] I am not installing any version of Ubuntu, I am using Ubuntu [06:12] Xavura what script!? [06:12] I just pulled it from a windows box and it worked there [06:12] what are you using to burn the dvds [06:12] http://media.ubuntu-nl.org/scripts/diskmounter [06:12] Xavura please don't say automatix [06:12] Any application K3b and the other one that is default [06:12] * RAdam1 prepares to cry [06:12] That script [06:12] adante: try google 'ubuntu package packagename' [06:13] what script is "that script" [06:13] Xavura ah, what version of ubuntu? from 7.04 on, ntfs write support is well supported [06:13] http://k9copy.sourceforge.net/ [06:13] http://media.ubuntu-nl.org/scripts/diskmounter [06:13] that's what I use for burning dvds [06:13] I'm using 8.04 Hardy [06:13] works great === RAdam1 is now known as RAdams [06:13] I think it might be a larger issue than that though since same thing happened on 2 different programs [06:13] Xavura then you should say yes. [06:13] ace_suares: ah nice, thanks [06:14] Make sure you have all the prerequisites [06:14] * ace_suares is dazed and confused after trying to follow hundreds of lines of cross-conversation... sleepy time! [06:14] adante: np hope it helps. [06:14] adante: check the dependencies !!!!! [06:15] I've got a feeling it didn't work. [06:15] If I go to places, I see "82.3 BG Media", that's my Windows HDD right? [06:15] Does anyone know where I can get a program that can materialize mountain dew ? [06:15] GB* [06:15] Xavura may be. [06:15] someone else getting graphics corruption with wine and 8.6 ati drivers? [06:16] browse it and see, xavura ;) [06:16] Lucifer666: metaphysics.py, invoke "import mountaindew" [06:16] If I click on it I get "Cannot Mount Volume - The volume uses the file system which is not supported by your system." [06:16] hi all ,, what is the command which lists my hardware? [06:17] MulticastUbuntu: lspci lsusb [06:17] vozniak: thnx [06:17] lucifer666 sudo apt-get install pee [06:17] RAdams is that some kind of joke [06:17] MulticastUbuntu: lshw [06:17] I thought the script I downloaded and ran was supposed to mount it? [06:17] what happens to the source file if a cut-n-paste operation fails? [06:17] rofl [06:18] Lucifer666: didn't you know python can do anything? http://xkcd.com/353/ [06:18] nano_ depends on what was cut [06:18] E: Couldn't find package pee [06:18] unavailable, please elaborat? [06:18] i need to configure Philips Semiconductors SAA7134/SAA7135HL Video Broadcast Decoder (rev 01) :S does anyone know something about it ? [06:18] unavailable, what do you mean "depends on what was cut' [06:18] If this has erased my Windows HDD I'm going to be so pissed [06:19] Lucifer666 humor is more appropriate in -offtopic (sad in a way, but that's why it's there) [06:19] I go to /media/ and it's empty. [06:19] Don't mess with python [06:19] Unavailable: How does one format a disk through Ubuntu? I'm fairly certain it's a simple command... Just don't know what it is. [06:19] MulticastUbuntu: dont see nothing about, try forum and google ;/ [06:19] !info mythtv [06:19] Xavura I know the guy that wrote the script and just looked at it again, it doesn't format anything [06:19] Well /media/ is empty. [06:19] vozniak: yep i m doing right now :) [06:19] !mythbuntu > tech0007 [06:20] Xavura put a copy of /etc/fstab on paste.ubuntu.com [06:20] Ok [06:20] StephenZ: there's a couple of ways to format a disk. fdisk is probably the tool you need, depending on what you're doing. try man fdisk [06:20] nano_ aah you mean cut and paste the whole file... i thought you meant text inside [06:21] nickrud: Is it ok to paste it here? [06:21] Radams: "man fdisk" in the console? [06:21] Or should I pm it, I don't know what it contains [06:21] StephenZ: the easer way probably is gparted [06:21] !pastebin | xavura [06:21] Xavura: is it an ntfs ? Sometimes when you dont close XP down good, it's 'dirty' and you need to restart Win to 'repair' [06:21] unavailable, yes i mean the whole file [06:21] Xavura no, put it on paste.ubuntu.com [06:21] why cant i get my aterm to transparent [06:21] I have. [06:21] Xavura ah, then give me the link here, so I can look at it ;) [06:21] But it doesn't contain anything that I don't want people seeing, right? [06:21] Vozniak: I can get that in the Add menu? [06:21] Ah ok http://paste.ubuntu.com/22783/ [06:21] Xavura nah, it's ok [06:22] StephenZ: sudo apt-get install gparted [06:22] RAdams: fdisk is for disk partitioning...mkfs is for formating [06:22] stephenz: gparted is probably easier, vozniak is right. fyi, "man" and then a command in console gives you the manual page [06:22] StephenZ: fdisk is NOT for fomatting. It's for partitioning. You need mke2fs ! [06:22] 大家好,我 该如何设置 ,才可以令其默认是thunderbird接收邮件 [06:22] 8-) [06:22] so does anybody know what happens to a source file in a failed cut-n-paste operation? [06:22] Xavura run sudo mount -a , then look again [06:22] !cn | london [06:22] Vozniak and RAdams: Thanks. Nabbing that, now. [06:22] ubutto is sleeping [06:22] bummer [06:23] nickrud: mount: unknown filesystem type 'ntfs-fuse' [06:23] Xavura: on hardy, ntfs should run natively. [06:23] Isn't that the experimental thingy, fuse something or other [06:23] Xavura then that script is outdated, do gksudo gedit /etc/fstab , and change ntfs-fuse to ntfs-3g [06:24] nano_: huh ? what do you mean by that ? [06:24] anybody can say if ubuto repos openJdK is full compatible with sun-jdk? [06:24] "ubuntu" [06:24] Xavura where did you find the link to that script? [06:24] vozniak do a search for it on google, it just passed the sun stress test [06:24] nickrud: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions [06:25] Xavura thanks, that needs updating [06:25] ace_suares, say i say cut-n-paste a file, and the target drive runs out of space....and the cut-n-paste operation has to be aborted....what will happen to the source file, will parts of it be deleted, all of it? [06:25] nickrud: np [06:25] vozniak: http://developers.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=08/06/19/1754255 [06:25] I need new music [06:25] nickrud: my question is about ubuntu version of openjdk [06:25] nano_: as long as you dint' save the original file, just press CTRL-Z ! [06:25] does anyone know how to access my clipboard? [06:25] vozniak compare the version in ubuntu to the one that was tested, I guess [06:26] nickrud: doing [06:26] vozniak I'm using the sun one, so I'm not sure about it [06:26] nano_: oh.. i get you now. The original file will PROBABLY not be deleted before the other file is SUCCESFULLY written. That's unix for you! [06:26] is a daemon required when using speedstep ? [06:26] nickrud: a guess openjdk not stable yet [06:26] Xavura success? [06:27] ace_suares, wow, thats neat...aer you 100% sure? [06:27] 大家好,我 该如何设置 ,才可以令其默认是thunderbird接收邮件,ubuntu8.04 [06:27] nickrud: /media/ is still empty and clicking on "82.3 GB Media" in "Places" gives me "Unpriveleged user can not mount NTFS block devices using the external FUSE library. Either mount the volume as root or rebuild NTFS-3G with integrated FUSE support and make it setuid root. [06:27] akafrank: I can access your clipbiard just fine ! (just kidding) [06:27] !cn | london [06:27] ace_suares, like bits and pieces of the source aren't being deleted as they are copied to source, are they? [06:27] :-* [06:27] okay, found the program i need, but i'm having trouble compiling it (i'm not good at this bit, due to huge, annoying gaps in my coding knowledge) [06:27] london: your charset is not compatible ;/ [06:28] london: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw 或者 #ubuntu-hk [06:28] * ace_suares playing ubottu [06:28] u guyz have a blast...too geeky 4 me! [06:28] nano_: that would neve rhappen on a *nix system [06:28] !test [06:28] Myrtti: beep beep [06:28] ace_suares, that is good to know...... [06:28] Thank you [06:29] Hey, is there a really simple way to set up an online file server? Most guides just say how to set one up in the home :-S. [06:29] nano_: yes it is :-) [06:29] oh, ace_suares that was one crazy smart thing to do [06:29] !test [06:29] godgryphon: fileserver is FTP or SAMBA server? [06:29] !proftpd | godgryphon [06:29] ace_suares, i was cut-n-pasting a 4.1 gig *.iso file, and after 4.0 gigs were moved, i got an error saying that the source file is too large. I have ample space on both the source and destination drive. Is the file too large to be cut-n-pasted??? [06:30] Anyone seen the new hulk movie [06:30] I don't know how to make a samba server go online. [06:30] i'm trying to compile and install a program called aseqjoy [06:30] nickrud: d*mn... doing it again :-). Come to trust on ubottu havent' we !? [06:30] !offtopic | Lucifer666 [06:30] so lol [06:30] Most guides I find just say how to set it up in the home. [06:30] Lucifer666 last warning about offtopic stuff [06:30] Vozniak: In GParted, will I need to unmount the NTFS disk that I need to format, before being able to format it? I may be missng something. [06:30] nano_, you are prob copying to a drive that is formatted with the fat32 filesystem [06:30] but ./configure fails saying it can't find libasound [06:30] Failed! [06:30] Lucifer666: offtopic is for #ubuntu-offtopic or ##club-ubuntu [06:30] nano_: i think a *nix system would say so BEFORE trying to execute. [06:30] Factoid proftpd not found [06:30] nano_, file size limit is 4 gig [06:30] Lucifer666: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! [06:30] skillet_, yes that is exactly what im doing [06:30] StephenZ: yes, you need to unmount before you can format [06:31] nickrud: Did I break something? :S [06:31] Thanks, Killeroid. [06:31] ace_suares running the update 1.26 hours remaining [06:31] StephenZ: yeap you need umount, [06:31] Xavura you shouldn't have, why? [06:31] aptitude search libasound replies that i have "libasound2" [06:31] When I format it, what should I be formatting it to? [06:31] ext3? [06:31] skillet_, fat32 screws me again ... :( [06:31] StephenZ: Man ! Gparted is NOT for fomatting! Stop what you are doing ! [06:31] ace_suares, thnx man [06:31] nano_: fat32 will screw you forever [06:31] nano_, im afraid so [06:31] Ace_Suares: Okay, stopped. Why? [06:31] nickrud: Did you see the errors I posted? [06:32] Ace_Suares: Accorting to the program itself, that's exactly what it's for. [06:32] and why would i make an apt mirror if i dont have superfast broadband!!! [06:32] hi..... [06:32] aata: go shoppng or sleep ;-) [06:32] according* [06:32] ace_suares: gparted is for format and part [06:32] the funny thing is that i only have fat32 so that if i need to have this drive accessed by windows, i ll have compatability...other than that i could be careless about fat32 [06:32] Xavura no, I was distracted and it scrolled off my screen. A sec [06:32] ace_suares yup gonna go buy some books [06:32] can some one help me install the latest java plz [06:32] I'll paste it, if you want. [06:33] ace_suares: gparted IS for formatting. fdisk is NOT. some person who was tired and half-paying attention (cough me cough) told him fdisk. gparted is fine [06:33] nickrud: /media/ is still empty and clicking on "82.3 GB Media" in "Places" gives me "Unpriveleged user can not mount NTFS block devices using the external FUSE library. Either mount the volume as root or rebuild NTFS-3G with integrated FUSE support and make it setuid root." [06:33] Method2oo7: sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jdk sun-java6-plugin [06:33] <__ryan__> gparted can be used to format.. [06:33] <__ryan__> but why would you [06:33] __ryan__: gui [06:33] could the 2 in the name of the library be causing this, or could it be an amd64 issue? [06:33] nano_, there's an app you can use to access ext3 from an NTFS-based OS, if you want to make the switch sometime [06:33] * nano_ eat [06:33] RAdams: StephenZ: okay, i didn;t know that, format away then :-) [06:33] ace_suares: when did gparted stopped being one of the ebst apps used to format disks? [06:33] <__ryan__> it's way easier to type mkfs.* /dev/blah [06:33] So, being as I intend to use this harddrive as a secondary file drive, and from which to run programs that take up a large amount of disk space (and thus, do not belong on my primary drive), which format should I format as? [06:33] <__ryan__> :P [06:33] Xavura http://paste.ubuntu.com/22784/ last line, make the edit in your fstab so it looks the same (ntfs-fuse replaced with ntfs-3g) [06:33] or was it ext2... [06:34] gparted is the easier choice to format something [06:34] StephenZ: ext3 [06:34] __ryan__: easy for someone who is comfortable using terminal. for those who can grok a gui better, gparted is a good choice. [06:34] saint-takesh1: i think you need a -dev. [06:34] spoon_man, thnx [06:34] <__ryan__> RAdams, i suppose so yeah [06:34] Anyone here coding in ruby ? I want to switch from c/c++/c# ... but these tutorials are moronic :( [06:34] nickrud: If I mess up the editing, will it break anything? [06:34] Killeroid: Thanks. [06:34] saint-takesh1: sudo apt-get install libasound2-dev [06:34] Sock: #ruby [06:35] nano_ http://www.fs-driver.org/index.html [06:35] Is there a maximum file size limit in ext3? [06:35] RAdams ok tnx [06:35] someone have ati and last drivers? [06:35] ace_suares: thanks, i'll try that just now [06:35] StephenZ: if you wanna use access that drive from windows then fat is better but if you are accessing the drive from a unix installation only then ext3 [06:35] Xavura nothing that can't be fixed easily. This is only affecting your windows partition, everything else is just fine. Only edit the last line [06:35] Killeroid: Yeah, I'm going full-Ubuntu. [06:36] Holy cow. [06:36] Sock: ruby is offtopic, pleas got to #ror or #ruby, and yeas, I am coding a bit in ruby-on-rails. [06:36] I think it's actually done. [06:36] Can it really format that fast? [06:36] nano_: yeah, there is a maximum file limut but if i remember correctly its 8TB [06:36] *and [06:36] nano_: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_file_systems (16GB to 2TB, depending, read the ext3 article) [06:36] StephenZ: yes, it can [06:36] hi [06:36] how to check if installed wireless network card? [06:37] Wowee. [06:37] so i just installed ubuntu hardy and its performing very poorly [06:37] displayconfig-gtk says im using vesa graphics? and a plug and play monitor? [06:37] yay! finnaly! [06:37] Killeroid, RAdams : that is intense......the other day, i thought i heard talk about ext4, i don't know what ext3 is missing, therefore, why bother with ext4 [06:37] ubuntu ver 8.04! [06:37] i have 4gb of memory (3.2 allocated) [06:37] nickrud: My line matches exactly, it was already like that. [06:37] london lspci shows all your pci cards, lsusb your usb cards [06:37] warcaptain, you may have to enable hardware acceleration -- ATI or nVidia? [06:37] Right, so who would be willing to help me figure out how to install something? -Probably- shouldn't take long at all - I'm just horrifically inexperienced. [06:38] im using embedded Intel GMA 3100 [06:38] nano_: trust me, ext3 hs a lot of failings, i really cant wait for ext4 [06:38] thanks to all you ppls who helped me get this installed ^^ [06:38] london: you yant check manufaturer name or driver instalation stats? [06:38] it worked rather well on Gutsy and exceptionally well on Vista [06:38] !synaptic | StephenZ [06:38] StephenZ: synaptic is Ubuntu's Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto [06:38] * ace_suares is leaving da house ! Good nicht everyone! Kudo's to nickrud, tech007, and the others. Sorry that I didn't know that gparted could do 'mke2fs -j -m0 /dev/sda4' :-) [06:38] Xavura did you do sudo mount -a ? [06:38] ace_suares is forgiven [06:38] Yes. [06:39] i want to use wirdless [06:39] Killeroid, what failings...please mention a couple [06:39] hola [06:39] anyone? [06:39] ace_suares: thanks :) that worked. i feel foolish for not figuring that out....in my first-switched-to-linux days i always installed the -dev packages for everything, just in case. [06:39] ace_suares: GN [06:39] warcaptain, you may have to enable hardware acceleration -- ATI or nVidia? [06:39] alguien que hable español ?? [06:39] is there an option on vncviewer to specify which user it would use to log on if it is tunneled through a ssh? [06:39] nm [06:39] Xavura that is extremely odd. That is the correct line. [06:39] !test [06:39] Failed! [06:40] dang [06:40] where is ubotu? [06:40] taking a nap [06:40] oh [06:40] the factoids still work [06:40] spoon_man: I just said I am using Intel embedded GMA 3100 [06:40] nickrud: :S [06:40] Xavura ah, dang, I'm not using an ntfs disk here and forgot, the regular ntfs is the new way (I'm thinking halfway between that script and now). Change ntfs-3g to just ntfs . Sorry [06:41] nano_: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ext3#Disadvantages [06:41] Killeroid, thnx [06:41] nickrud: No problem, if it wasn't for you then I wouldn't even be this far... [06:41] Killeroid: stop stealing my links out of my clipboard! [06:41] warcaptain: run 'displayconfig-gtk' [06:41] nickrud: Done. Anything else? [06:41] Killeroid: Now that I try creating a new folder in the drive I just formatted and mounted, it's saying access is denied. [06:41] i want to check drive [06:41] RAdams: blame google :) [06:42] Xavura I just wiped this disk and reinstalled without windows, so I didn't have my usual trick (look at my system before opening mouth) [06:42] again, as i already said, it says im using no graphics card (generic vesa drivers) and a plug and play monitor [06:42] how to check wireless drive [06:42] StephenZ: you need to mount the drive [06:42] i try to select the right adapter and monitor and it says the configuration doesnt work [06:42] Killeroid: I did. [06:42] oh a question, anyone else here got ATI2900XT ? The linux drivers are crap, they run the card at to high clock, and it uses much power and cooler is totaly waking everyone in the building :( [06:42] !wireless | london [06:42] london: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs [06:42] how do i downclock on linux ? [06:42] Sock: Too high a clock? Lies and blasphemy - there is no such thing! [06:43] Well. Until the chip melts. [06:43] Sock: what drivers are you using? [06:43] Xavura try the sudo mount -a again [06:43] london: you want check driver manufaturer or status of instalation? [06:43] * RAdams offers to show pictures of "too high a clock" to StephenZ === dmsuperman is now known as [dmsuperman] [06:43] StephenZ: what did you format the drive as and where did you mount it afterwards? [06:43] the ATI drivers i got trough add/remove [06:43] Bring it, RAdams. [06:43] Hey gang, I know about Squid proxy for Linux, but what are the best solutions for a proxy server for windows? With login control (best integrated with the Active Directory), site logging, and access control? Thanks :) [06:43] Sock you could try the latest 8.6, envy-gtk will help you install them [06:43] Killeroid: Formatted it as ext3, mounted it on the only mount point I was given: /media/TH4NG [06:44] TH4NG being the name of the drive. [06:44] * nickrud thought he would _never_ recommend envy [06:44] nickrud : do i have to recompile the kernel ? [06:44] i really don't want to do that :) [06:44] nickrud: You are going to love me... http://paste.ubuntu.com/22786/ [06:44] StephenZ: did it mount correctly? no errors? nice drive name btw, made my chuckle [06:45] anyone know how to use cpu frequency scaling? [06:45] Sock no, you'll compile a new module for the kernel, but it's automated now, and from what I'm told it does it automatically on a kernel upgrade [06:45] Killeroid: No error message popped up, no. [06:45] hyphenex: Hit google up, although I recall that there are few good free ones about :( [06:45] warcaptain: sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg [06:45] is there anyway to "Undo" an update that was done via Update Manager [06:45] And thanks. It started out as TH1NG, following the Addam's Family theme I've been using for the past decade... But then I kept adding/switching HDDs. [06:45] Xavura we see that all the time. I always recommend rebooting into windows and letting windows clean up after its own mess [06:46] nickrud: So it should be working now? [06:46] Driver version 8.47 [06:46] tech0007: ive done that before [06:46] it still says im using no video drivers & plug & play monitor [06:46] Xavura yep, that message means that linux is knows how to mount it now, but is being careful [06:46] warcaptain: did u try changing 'vesa' to 'intel' in xorg.conf [06:47] nano_ not simply, no [06:47] nickrud: /media/ is still empty and the drive in Places still gives a mount error. [06:47] Xavura did you reboot into windows? Linux won't mount it until you get it marked as 'not in use', let windows do that [06:47] tech0007: i tried changing it to intel in displayconfig-gtk [06:48] it doesnt even let me do it [06:48] nickrud, basically, today i updated my compiz stuff, and ever since, im getting annoying brief horizontal lines - that are temporary - across my screen...? [06:48] hey im recompile my kernel because of a patch, and got the linux-source-2.6.24 package, and when i recompile will it be comparable to the packaged 2.6.24-19! what makes the 19 part? [06:48] Sock: in synaptic package to underclock ati is called rovclock [06:48] nano_ haven't seen that here (but I also haven't updated) [06:48] hot damn! the option NvAGP set to 1 in xorg.conf DOES fix suspend problems with nvidia-glx-new! [06:48] nickrud: Do I have to do anything after booting into Windows [06:48] i keep geting "unable to launch the application" when trying to install sun java 6u6 [06:48] StephenZ: unmount and try mounting again "sudo mount /dev/hdxy /media/TH4NG" [06:48] warcaptain: 'sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf' [06:49] legend2440: if it works it will be a life saviour tnx. a a lot :) [06:49] well i fixed something on a computer today, i can go to bed. night all. good luck xavura and stephenz [06:49] can some one help [06:49] StephenZ: replace hdxy with correct disk [06:49] RAdams: thanks [06:49] !ask | Method2oo7 [06:49] Method2oo7: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) [06:49] Nicke, i didn't have any prob's before the update, now it seems like the update created these annoying lines.....do you typically update yourself at first opportunity? [06:49] Xavura nope. Just boot into it, if it's an external safely remove it, then shut down normally and boot back into linux. It should be mounted automatically on boot === kat is now known as Guest32767 [06:49] it's internal. [06:49] Xavura the first it in that sentence is 'windows' [06:49] tech0007: why does it say 'Configured Monitor' for everything?? [06:49] Ok, thanks [06:49] well not monitor [06:49] but it says 'Configured' so and so for everything [06:49] Killeroid: In this case, TH4NG? [06:50] i keep geting "unable to launch the application" when trying to install sun java 6u6 can some one help [06:50] Rather than HDxy. [06:50] Or you mean sdx? [06:50] warcaptain: hardy has minimal use for xorg.conf, it usually detects the right card but it still can be set in xorg.conf [06:50] well it does a crappy job [06:50] that auto-detection is probably why it takes forever to start up [06:50] warcaptain: lol [06:50] nickrud, what option in /etc/fstab will make a drive be mounted automatically at boot? [06:50] legend2440: looks exacltly the thing i wanted 10x [06:50] i sit at the ubuntu loading screen for like 2 minutes [06:51] Method2oo7 are you installing 6u6 from the ubuntu repositories? [06:51] hello what is a good program to make disk images [06:51] schnoowork: dd [06:51] no from the java site [06:51] tech0007: so im not sure what to put in for these values [06:51] where is lenovo e290m wireless drive [06:51] schnoowork: the make them or burn them? [06:51] nano_ simply having it listed in fstab. you would add the option noauto to prevent automounting at boot [06:51] schnoowork: partimage or ntfsclone [06:52] warcaptain: back it up first 'sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.bak' [06:52] Method2oo7 sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre sun-java6-plugin , that will install 6u6 for you [06:52] nickrud, thnx [06:52] hey ppl. I need the symbols font, but can't find it with aptitude. Anyone know what it's called? [06:52] hey, how can I prevent myself from needing to type modprobe ndiswrapper every time I boot up? [06:52] tech0007: it shouldnt be too hard to restore a backup of this.. everything is default [06:52] how dumb [06:52] StephenZ: "sudo fdisk -l" and find the drvie you wanna mount, use its device name [06:52] Method2oo7 as a general rule just about anything you would install from a website in windows is installed from the package repository in ubuntu [06:53] tech0007: right anyways, its backed up [06:53] I have 8.04 installed, and everything is ok, but the screen resolution for the gdm login is so big, I can't get to the options button that lets me choose my dm. [06:53] warcaptain: 'sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf'...look for Section "Device" [06:53] someone have ati and last drivers? [06:54] Killeroid: Tried it, didn't work. [06:54] StephenZ: what didnt work? [06:54] Well, I unmounted it, then remounted it with the command you gave me, then tried creating the folder agani. Same error. No permission. [06:55] Werdna: try putting your modules in /etc/modules ;) [06:55] Rav1 I think you would want ttf-opensymbol [06:55] tech0007: right, im just not sure what to type in [06:55] is there a GPG frontend for Ubuntu where you can Manage and create GPG keys for encrypting folders? [06:55] StephenZ: oh, did you first create the folder that you are mounting to (sudo mkdir /media/TH4NG) before mounting? === mmattice is now known as Guest69627 [06:56] NetEcho: seahorse? [06:56] Well, it was mounted there before as NTFS. [06:56] warcaptain: add Driver "intel" in "Device" section [06:56] do I have to use the gconfigurator to choose the gdm screen resolution? [06:56] macrobad does it create a menu item somewhere? [06:56] And trying the command brings up "File Exists," so.. Yeah. [06:57] macrobad nm found it [06:57] ahh brasero can do disk dumps so thats ok :) [06:57] i play runescape and i have to use "unsigned applet using default java" but i want to use "signed applet using default java" can some one help === skillet_ is now known as skillet [06:58] StephenZ: wait, i thoguht you said you coudn't mount the disk [06:58] schnoowork: brasero isn't good for burning live cds [06:58] *thought [06:58] NetEcho: if gnome-keyring is not good enough... As for the seahorse, yep it does. See http://www.gnome.org/projects/seahorse/ [06:58] nickrud: thanx, but it seems in my opensymbol that this is ordinary letters... [06:58] No, I could mount the disk, fine. It was last night I couldn't mount it. [06:58] Someone helped me with that. [06:59] It mounts fine... Mounted up as NTFS, then unmounted it, formatted it as EXT3, mounted it back, and tried to make a new folder. [06:59] The problem arises there. [06:59] I lack permission to make that folder, for some reason. [07:00] StephenZ: what command did you use to mount the disk? [07:00] Rav1 there are symbols in there, but unicode. Not sure what you're looking for then [07:00] how do i change my monitor to Samsung Syncmaster 2253BW [07:00] macrobad does it always take a while to generate a key? [07:00] First time, I did it with Gparted. [07:00] StephenZ: You may create a folder as a root, and then change its ownership so that you could write anything there [07:00] how can i backup the movie Jumper can some one help [07:01] Method2oo7: what do you mean by "backup"? [07:01] ok, big picture: I want to be able to reboot my system, and still have remote axx without logging into the system. long story: I have my password set in 'Remote Desktop Prefences', which I am guessing is vncserver, now how do I set this to all vncserver to run, even at the login screen ? [07:01] StephenZ you need to change the permissions of the folder it's mounted to, after it's mounted. What kinds of permissions do you want? Owned by you, or writeable by others? [07:01] NetEcho: yes, it depends on the key algorithm, and its length. Generally, the program is waiting for random input (from a billion of different places) [07:01] So long as I can write to it, I don't care. [07:01] copy to my computer [07:01] I'm the only user of this computer. [07:01] StephenZ sudo chown : /path/to/mountpoint [07:02] warcaptain, you can usually ignore specific monitor settings unless you're experiencing issues [07:02] macrobad so does using the encrypt file/folder option act sorta like OS X's file vault? [07:02] nickrud: It seems to be working now, thanks for all the help. [07:02] is anyone successfully sharing files via samba while ufw is running? if so, can you tell me what applicable rules you had to set? [07:02] Nickrud: Last time I used "chown" it boned my whole OS. [07:02] Xavura I don't think I'll forget that ntfs-3g is depreciated ;) [07:02] Got a question though, when I go to "Places" it is listed, as I stated earlier, as 82.3 GB Media. [07:03] help! How do I resize partitions from Ubuntu Server 7.10? I can't resize while I'm using the OS, and there is no live cd to boot from.. [07:03] StephenZ yes, it's a powerful command. That's why the /path/to/mountpoint has to be right [07:03] Can I not rename it, to say "Windows HDD" or whatever. [07:03] If so, how. [07:03] tech0007: so now i save it and ctl+alt+bkspc? [07:03] In this case, /media/TH4NG, right? [07:03] warcaptain: yup [07:03] xavura, my windows partition is similarly named (just a different GB number, natch) [07:03] and I can still boot into windows [07:03] [07:04] brb [07:04] spoon_man: How do I rename it, if I right click it I have no option to rename or anything [07:04] NetEcho: Sorry, I've never used OS X. What seahorse does is key management and desktop integration, the rest is done by GnuPG: it encrypts the file with strong cryptography. So, you'd need to store your private keys in a safe place only. [07:04] Are there any free programs that work in Linux for recording what is on your screen? [07:04] Xavura yes, you can give it a label. Install ntfsprogs, unmount the drive (umount /path/to/drive) run sudo ntfslabel /path/to/drive