
Xand3rhey, pleas review my package http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=kiconedit00:02
Xand3rRiddell: can you review it?00:05
RiddellXand3r: hmm, you made an entirely new package00:07
Riddellthere's an existing package that you should have used00:07
Xand3ri am so tired00:07
Riddellgrab that and copy over the debian directory00:08
Xand3rRiddell: now i have it overwritten and now?00:16
Xand3rplease help me becaus i am tired an i dont want to do somethin useless and dont find an end00:17
RiddellXand3r: dch -i  test it compiles  make a source package  upload to revu00:17
Xand3rdch -i?00:17
Riddelladds a changelog entry00:18
Xand3rwhat i have to paste?00:19
Xand3rnew upstream version?00:19
Xand3rRiddell: set the maintainer to me?00:22
Riddellchange the version number as appropriate in changelog00:23
Riddelldon't change maintainer, it's not important00:23
Xand3rRiddell: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23216/00:26
Riddellthat looks fine00:26
Riddelltest it compiles00:26
Riddellmake source package00:26
Riddellupload to revu00:26
Xand3rRiddell: i think it is up00:40
RiddellXand3r: you tested it compiles?00:43
Xand3rwith pdebuild00:43
Xand3rbut wait00:43
Xand3rlintian of the deb sais that tere is no man page for the bin00:44
Xand3rbut there is one00:44
Xand3rso what i have to do?00:45
RiddellXand3r: does it get installed into the .deb?00:47
Riddellif not put "debian/kiconedit.1" into debian/manpages and recompile00:50
Xand3rRiddell: that are the dirs in doc http://paste.ubuntu.com/23219/00:50
Riddellno manpage there00:51
Xand3rdoesnt seem to be an man in it00:51
Riddellif that manpages file fixes it, dch -i; debuild -S; dput revu ..00:51
Xand3rbut i didnt changed something00:51
Riddellput "debian/kiconedit.1" into debian/manpages00:52
* Riddell offline for a bit, CD testing00:52
Xand3rRiddell: to put the kiconedit.1 in a manpages dir didnt changes anything01:04
Riddellnot a directory01:04
Riddelljust a file called manpages which contains a single line01:04
Xand3roh ok01:05
Xand3ri building now, this take some time with pbuilder01:07
Xand3rRiddell: i think that litle trick has fixed it01:15
Xand3ri hope01:15
Xand3rmom i past the less01:16
Xand3rRiddell: what you thinking abaut?01:18
Riddelllooks perfect Xand3r01:19
Riddelldebuild -S01:19
Riddellno -sa needed01:19
Riddellthat adds the .orig to the upload but it has already been uploaded01:20
Xand3roh ok01:21
Xand3rbut it is to late, i noticed it for the next time01:21
Xand3rits up now01:22
RiddellXand3r: I need to go to bed, I'll get it in the morning, thanks01:23
Xand3ri have to thank01:24
=== jtechidan is now known as JontheEchidna
harolddongdolphin crashes with using file menus or when right clicking on blank space within the file manager03:31
harolddongis anybody else having this problem?03:32
Gosusomebody alive here?04:39
* Hobbsee waves a hand vaguely04:40
Gosuhow i can directly scaner control under win32? trough usbscan.sys without TWAIN and where i can get scaner low lewel instructions docs?04:52
Hobbseesurely somewhere like ##windows is a better place to ask that.04:54
\shsomeone fcked python-kde4 up06:38
ArbyRiddell: kgrab and kgraphviewer merged. files on lichts08:27
RiddellArby: thanks, kiconedit was done also09:42
\shRiddell: is pykdeextensions usable for pykde4?10:06
\shapachelogger: something is really weird with pykde410:09
\shthere are files missing10:09
\shbut symlinks are set somehow10:09
Arby Riddell: kio-gopher done10:11
\she.g. /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/PyKDE4/ :  indexof.py -> /usr/share/pyshared/PyKDE4/indexof.py pykdeconfig.py -> /usr/share/pyshared/PyKDE4/pykdeconfig.py etc. whereas the .pyc files are installed10:11
apachelogger\sh: cool10:28
\shapachelogger: pyqtconfig is also missing :)10:29
* apachelogger sense a headache10:29
apacheloggerwell, first shower10:30
Riddell\sh: no10:38
Riddellthere's no pykdeextensions10:38
Arbyanybody able to tell me what that means --> http://paste.ubuntu.com/23270/10:48
Arbyin the context of kopete-cryptography failing to build10:48
RiddellArby: there's a header file it can't find I expect10:53
Riddelllook in FindKopete.cmake and see what .h file it wants10:53
\shRiddell: it needs to be ported to new world order for kde410:55
\shat least the kdedistutils10:55
Riddellcmake works fine for me10:56
=== tictric is now known as ticoff
ArbyRiddell: there is no file FindKopete.cmake. There is CMakeLists.txt10:59
Arbychanging find_package(Kopete REQUIRED) to find_package(Kopete-kde4 REQUIRED)10:59
Arbygets me alittle further10:59
Arbydoes that make sense?10:59
RiddellArby: no /usr/share/kde4/apps/cmake/modules/FindKopete.cmake ?11:00
Arbyare we talking about the source tree here or the main system?11:01
Riddellmain system11:01
Arbyah, my bad I misunderstood11:02
Riddellit's part of kdelibs5-dev11:02
Riddelland seems to be searching for kopete/kopete_export.h11:02
Arbyok found it now11:04
Arbyhmm, why would it fail to find that?11:07
Arbykopete is installed11:07
Arbykdelibs5-dev is installed11:07
Arbycould there be a path set wrongly somewhere?11:08
Riddellwhere is kopete/kopete_export.h?11:09
ArbyI have no idea, that's the point. I only just managed to find FindKopete.cmake11:09
Arbywhere would header files normally go11:10
Riddellit is in kdenetwork-dev?11:10
smarterRiddell: g-p-m now builds fine on amd64 with latest python-kde4, could you please upload it?11:15
Riddellsmarter: where is it?11:15
\shsmarter: did you include all the fixes from my ppa pykde4 package?11:16
RiddellArby: I see it in /usr/include/kopete/kopete_export.h in kdenetwork-dev11:16
\shsmarter: even the symlinks from apachelogger? :)11:16
RiddellArby: so if you build-dep on kdenetwork-dev it should work11:16
Arbyright thanks, would take me forever to find that11:16
smarter\sh: I didn't touched python-kde4, I just built gpm today and it's working :)11:17
\shapachelogger: could you do me the pleasure and fix pykde4 for ppa? :)11:17
smarterRiddell: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-members/guidance/powermanager-ubuntu11:17
ArbyRiddell: hmm, it already build-deps on kdenetwork-dev-kde4 is that older or newer than kdenetwork-dev11:19
ArbyI can't keep up with all the name changes11:19
Arbywell either way it seems to work11:21
Arbynow it's moaning about lack of kdepim11:21
RiddellArby: that's the old name11:24
apachelogger\sh: ah.... couldn't some just fix that upstream :S11:25
\shapachelogger: for the "standalone" pykde4 everything was allright...I wonder why the kdebindings pykde4 is bugging11:26
apacheloggerprobably the same reason as for all the other languages11:26
apacheloggerheavy cmake tuning11:26
apacheloggerkdebindings is the new plasma :S11:28
ArbyRiddell: could you sanity check something11:28
Arbyk-c failed with http://paste.ubuntu.com/23277/11:28
Arbyso I edited Kdepim to kdepim in FindKdepim.cmake11:28
Arbyand it appears to fix the error11:28
Arbydoes that seem reasonable11:29
Arbyor did I do something odd11:29
apachelogger\sh: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23278/11:29
RiddellArby: hmm, is there a kdepim .pc file?11:30
\shapachelogger: yepp11:30
apachelogger\sh: anything else?11:31
\shapachelogger: the amd64 dl patch? in __init__.py?11:31
apacheloggeralready in11:31
apacheloggerat least in intrepid11:31
\shthen go11:31
\shppa is important ;)11:31
apachelogger\sh: intrepid is more important11:31
apacheloggerotherwise we forget to merge the changes and have to do all that stuff all over again11:32
\shmake two uploads then ;)11:32
* apachelogger is wondering how big kde4bindings is anyway11:32
=== Czessi_ is now known as Czessi
apacheloggersomeone might have to sponsor my upstream bandwith isn't the awesomest ;-)11:32
ArbyRiddell: not anywhere obvious. for a small value of obvious11:34
\shapachelogger: do you need a new tarball? :)11:35
apachelogger\sh: new tarball is probably even more broken11:35
ArbyRiddell: locate kdepim | grep pc doesn't find it either11:35
apacheloggerArby, Riddell: maybe we just don't install it?11:36
Arbyapachelogger: install what kopete-cryptography or the .pc file?11:37
Arbywhatever a .pc file does?11:37
apacheloggeras a matter of fact11:38
apacheloggerArby: is pkg-config actually pulled in by the build-deps?11:38
apacheloggerRiddell: http://aplg.kollide.net/kubuntu/kde4bindings/kde4bindings_4.0.83+svn823405-0ubuntu7_to_ubuntu8.debdiff11:40
Arbyapachelogger: the build-deps are http://paste.ubuntu.com/23279/11:40
Arbynothing saying pkg-config11:40
apacheloggerArby: well, check the build log ;-)11:41
gnomefreakpkg-config isnt brought in by anything from what it looks like11:41
gnomefreakits not part of build-essential but im not sure the package you are working on11:42
apacheloggeremonkey: which form of travel should I use?11:42
emonkeyapachelogger, ask scotty for beaming11:43
emonkeywould be the fastest way11:43
apacheloggerthat would be indeed most reasonable11:43
* apachelogger actually thinks train travel is a bit awkwardish these weeks11:43
apacheloggerthough probably also very international ;-)11:44
RiddellArby: do you have /usr/share/kde4/apps/cmake/modules/FindKdepim.cmake ?11:44
Arbyapachelogger: apparently not pulled in11:44
emonkeyapachelogger, in Switzerland the trains are mostly very nice cooled down11:44
ArbyRiddell: yes11:44
emonkeyapachelogger, the zurich airport is 12min with S-Bahn from here11:44
apacheloggerhm, I am in 20 minutes at the airport in linz ;-)11:45
Riddellso it needs that packaged as part of kdepim11:45
Arbythat sounds like trouble11:46
ArbyRiddell: where did that not-installed info come from?11:47
RiddellArby: kdepim package11:48
Riddellsource package11:48
Arbyoh OK, I thought there was something wrong with my debian directory11:49
Arbydoes that mean we need to re-package kdepim?11:49
Arbyor is there a reason that is not installed11:49
Riddellonly that it hasn't been needed yet11:50
Riddellif it's needed it shouldn't be hard to put the relevant files in a kdepim-dev package11:50
Arbydepends on the value of hard, easy if you know how :)11:51
ArbyI can try if you can explain what to do11:52
Riddellapt-get source kdepim11:52
Arbyand it can be done in < 2h11:52
Riddelledit debian/control and add a kdepim-dev package11:52
Riddellin debian/kdepim-dev.install put all the header files and .so files listed in not-installed11:53
Riddelltest it compiles (the long bit)11:53
Riddelladd changelog11:53
* Arby pokes apt-get into life11:53
ArbyRiddell: should kdepim-dev have the same build deps as kdepim?11:58
Arbyand iff not what should it have?11:58
rafallo_how can I use phonon in pyqt4 ?11:58
RiddellArby: yes11:59
Riddellrafallo_: I don't think it's built with phonon yet12:00
nixternalgood morning!12:01
rafallo_Riddell, it's a pity, thanks12:01
ArbyRiddell: what do I need in debian/control besides this http://paste.ubuntu.com/23283/12:02
RiddellArby: make the description more generic12:03
Riddellcopy this http://packages.ubuntu.com/hardy/kdepim-dev12:03
RiddellArby: also I believe binary:Version is better than source:Version, although I'm not too sure what the difference is12:04
Arbyok I just copied that from kdepim12:04
Riddellintrepid alpha 1 candidate CDs available for testing12:08
Arbyis it that time already12:08
nixternalRiddell: which version of KDE 4 are they running?12:08
Riddellnixternal: beta 212:09
Riddellalternates only12:09
nixternalgroovy, you planning on releasing it soon, or can I test this weekend?12:09
nixternalI would love to re-image all of my machines and that might be the way to go12:10
RiddellI believe they're due to be released this european evening12:10
nixternalahh, dang I don't have time right now to test12:10
nixternalRiddell: anything need to get done this weekend? I am home alone so I will have some free time12:11
nixternalplan on doing a couple of really long bike rides, but those are only a few hours (~6) long12:11
Riddellthere might be hardy .1 images to test12:13
nixternalk, also need to get the Release Notes rocking again too12:13
Riddellyes, alpha 1 would benefit from them12:13
nixternalneed to make some wiki updates12:14
Riddellsalut Tonio_12:14
nixternalhowdy Tonio_!!!12:14
Tonio_salut Riddell !12:14
Tonio_I should get an internet connection back this we....12:14
Tonio_I can't wait to have time to contribute a bit....12:14
nixternalhehe, you and I both Tonio_ :)12:14
nixternalnew job is killing my time12:15
Tonio_nixternal: super congrats for going core !12:15
nixternalI miss hanging out here all day being a bum12:15
Tonio_nixternal: have plans or todo list on the kde4 side ?12:15
nixternalnot yet, will work on all of that this weekend12:16
nixternalunless Riddell has some stuff he would like me to work on12:16
Tonio_I've been spending the last days looking at the packages and structure to get used to it since I focussed most of my effort towards to kde3 till now12:16
nixternalactually, a virtual keyboard for KDE 4 is in my sights right now12:16
nixternalI pretty much have the KDE 4 structure down...I will build from SVN this weekend to see where everything is at upstream to get an idea on how to prepare for us12:17
Tonio_so basically, next month = new appartment, and then kubuntu, kubutu and kubuntu again12:17
Tonio_nixternal: I've been really impressed by the changes between beta1 and beta2....12:17
Tonio_amazing speed to get things grown up12:17
nixternalits funny...I could sit here all day on the computer, no problems12:17
nixternalbut all day at work on the computer, when I come home, I don't want to get on it :?12:17
nixternal:/ rather12:17
nixternalmy x-wife sent me an email this morning asking if I was ignoring her cuz I am not online at night :)12:18
Tonio_nixternal: that happens to me sometimes....12:19
Tonio_nixternal: for month I can feel the need to in front of the computer12:19
nixternallast night when I got home I went out for a really beautiful 25 mile bike ride into the sunset....I need to get a new camera that is smaller12:19
Tonio_nixternal: and for a short period that just makes me sick12:19
nixternalTonio_: I think the problem is using Gnome at work all day makes me a little stoopid :P12:19
Tonio_nixternal: what I do is generally don't force myself to contribute, cause that would imply leaving one day for bad reason12:19
Tonio_nixternal: listening to ours needs is important to contribute on the long term12:20
nixternalright, that is why I plan on getting some stuff done this weekend12:20
Tonio_it is not the first time I take a break with ubuntu/kubuntu12:20
Tonio_not the first time I'll be back for month to finish the work too :)12:20
nixternalya, I have never taken a break, and I don't want to, just that free time is limited due to the amount of travel to and from work12:20
nixternalplus, it is summer time here and it has been so nice outside and I have kind of been enjoying it a bit12:21
nixternaloh man, today starts the Taste of Chicago...that means the trains will be full for the next week :/12:21
RiddellArby: your kfax package had hardy in the changelog12:26
Arbyoops sorry12:26
ArbyI'll rebuild when kdepim finishes12:26
Arbythis may be some time :)12:26
RiddellArby: no problem, I changed it and uploaded12:27
Arbyoh ok, thanks :)12:28
=== ticoff is now known as tictric
Riddellstdin: patch for kdeedu http://kubuntu.org/~jriddell/tmp/kubuntu_01_marble_fix.diff13:46
* stdin uploads13:46
Riddellcreate a series file too of course13:47
Riddellapachelogger: how did you get on with the amarok merge?13:47
stdinyeah, I remembered from kde4bindings13:47
apacheloggerRiddell: you really should read backlog ;-) .... I pushed already to launchpad13:49
apacheloggerjust needs a sanity check and upload13:49
Riddellapachelogger: does the debian maintainer still use bzr?13:51
apacheloggerRiddell: SVN http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-kde/kde-extras/amarok/trunk/debian/?op=log&rev=0&sc=0&isdir=113:52
apacheloggerbtw, since I decided not to visit emonkey this weekend I have quite some time to do .... work :D13:53
Riddellup goes amarok13:57
Riddellso kfax was 4:3.5.9-0ubuntu1 and is now 4:3.3.6-kde4.0.83-0ubuntu113:58
Riddellthis makes launchpad unhappy13:59
Riddell4:3.5.9really3.3.6-kde4.0.83-0ubuntu1 seems ugly13:59
apacheloggerRiddell: epoch 5?14:00
Hobbseethey've downgraded version number?14:00
Riddellmaybe, problem is if debian does something different14:01
Riddellit has moved to extragear and changed to using the internal version no the kde version14:01
RiddellArby: kpovmodeler failed, probably needs libqt-opengl-dev added14:03
ArbyRiddell: ok, still waiting on kdepim14:03
Arbywill get to it eventually14:03
ArbyRiddell: hang on a minute, I haven't done kpovmodeler yet14:05
ArbyRiddell: that's the previous version14:06
ArbyI'll fix it in 4.0.83 if no-one else gets there first14:06
RiddellArby: I've changed kfax to the elegant 4:3.5.9really3.3.6-kde4.0.83-0ubuntu114:06
ArbyI saw that, pretty :)14:07
jeroen-hi folks14:10
jeroen-I'm looking for the Kubuntu colorscheme for KDE4?14:10
jeroen-oh sorry wrong channel14:11
Riddellsame as the KDE one14:12
jeroen-Riddell: yes I tried that, but I cant use my KDE3 colorscheme in KDE414:14
ArbyRiddell: stuck with kdepim it's complaining about14:14
Arbycp: cannot stat `debian/tmp//./usr/include/kaddressbook/interfaces/configurewidget.h': No such file or directory14:14
RiddellArby: is there such a file?14:14
Arbywhen the file is clearly present at14:14
Arbysorry kdepim/kdepim-4.0.83/kaddressbook/interfaces/configurewidget.h14:15
RiddellArby: but is it under debian/tmp ?14:15
stdinRiddell: I notice there's no kdepim-dev package, and there's a load of .h files not installed14:15
Riddellstdin: that's just what Arby is working on14:15
Arbystdin: guess what i'm doing now14:16
ArbyRiddell: apparently it isn't14:16
Riddellstdin: it hasn't been needed yet, but kopete-crypto wants it14:16
ArbyI thought debian/tmp was generated automatically14:16
RiddellArby: so the kaddressbook devs have decided it shouldn't be installed, just remove from kdepim-dev.install14:16
Riddellthen run   dh_install --sourcedir=debian/tmp --list-missing14:16
Riddellwhich will check if the .install files match up to what's actually there14:17
Riddellonce everything does match up14:17
stdinthat paste ^ are the .h/.so files that aren't installed14:17
Riddelldebuild -nc  to do a final build, make sure the kdepim-dev .deb is sane, send us a debdiff14:17
ArbyRiddell: and if things don't match up do I remove them?14:18
Arbye.g kaddressbook/contacteditorwidget.h14:18
Arbyquite a lot seems to not match actually14:20
RiddellArby: yes14:20
Riddellyou might be better just to empty kdepim-dev.install, run that command and add in the .h and .so files it lists14:21
gribeludoes anyone know where i could report a bug related to planet.ubuntu.com ? rss 2.0 feed stopped working a few days ago :/14:29
gribeluhumm.. that's an irc channel i guess?14:30
Hobbseegribelu: that being said, mine appears to be working?14:30
Hobbseeno, it's a project on launchpad.14:30
gribeluisn't it empty for you?14:31
gribelu1.0 works14:31
selckinwget it14:31
gribelumaybe firefox is going nuts then14:31
gribeluand /or it's malformed14:31
Hobbseeit appears as blank for me, but it's definetly downloading more posts.14:31
gribelui think it's malformed than.. the source isn't empty but firefox refuses to render it14:32
apacheloggerRiddell: sorry, I forgot to commit the manpages for amarok14:33
apacheloggerPushed up to revision 179.14:34
selckinakregator works14:34
\shapachelogger: now you bugged everything ;)15:08
\shshermann@wz-pc-010:~/workspace$ ls -la /usr/bin/pykdeuic415:08
\shlrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 38 2008-06-27 16:06 /usr/bin/pykdeuic4 -> ../share/kde4/apps/pykde4/pykdeuic4.py15:08
\shwhich is wrong for ppa :)15:08
apacheloggerfrom a productivity point of view15:08
apacheloggerletz burn kde4bindings beta2 and use beta115:09
* \sh fixes it now15:09
apacheloggerbecause I am pretty much fed up with the quality of kdebindings releases15:10
ArbyRiddell: progress of sort15:20
Arbygot kdepim to build now15:20
Arbybut kdepim-dev won't install because it requires version 0ubuntu2 of all it's deps15:21
Arbywhich have been built and installed with dpkg15:21
Arbybut are apparently invisible15:21
Arbybecause dpkg still thinks the system has 0ubuntu115:21
Arbyany suggestions?15:22
Riddelldid you install them before kdepim-dev?15:22
\shapachelogger: ppa11 is uploaded15:22
ArbyRiddell: not at first no15:22
apachelogger\sh: :S that revision number makes me wonder15:22
Arbytried kdepim-dev, failed, installed deps tried again15:22
Arbyfailed again15:22
RiddellArby: what does apt-get -f install do ?15:23
\shapachelogger: ppa10 was it before .)15:23
Arbyit want's to remove kdepim and kdepim-dev among other things15:23
apachelogger\sh: yeah, that made me wonder as well15:23
Arbyshould I let it15:23
apachelogger\sh: need 11 revisions to get one small portion of the complete module to work properly is .... pretty bad15:24
apacheloggerwhich is exactly why I think the release quality of kdebindings needs to be improved15:24
apacheloggera lot15:24
\shapachelogger: well, better to do it in a ppa...and not in our official archives15:24
apachelogger\sh: since the archives are more b0rked than the ppa... ;-)15:25
stdinapachelogger: I think I took up to ~ppa9 to get it to build15:25
apacheloggerRiddell: can one use intrepid yet?15:25
ArbyRiddell: apt-get doesn't help, it removes kdepim and kdepim-dev15:25
* apachelogger thinks about formatting all disks15:26
Arbythen I installed the deps of kdepim-dev again and got an identical error15:26
\shshermann@wz-pc-010:~/workspace/leonov-kde$ kopete(10363) KXMLGUIClient::setXMLFile: cannot find .rc file "jabberchatui.rc" in "kopete/jabberchatui.rc"15:26
\shkopete(10363) KXMLGUIClient::setXMLFile: cannot find .rc file "jabberchatui.rc" in "kopete/jabberchatui.rc"15:26
\shkopete(10363) KXMLGUIClient::setXMLFile: cannot find .rc file "jabberchatui.rc" in "kopete/jabberchatui.rc"15:26
\shkopete(10363) KXMLGUIClient::setXMLFile: cannot find .rc file "jabberchatui.rc" in "kopete/jabberchatui.rc"15:26
\shASSERT: "identityItemHash.contains(idnt)" in file /build/buildd/kdenetwork-kde4-4.0.83/kopete/kopete/config/accounts/kopeteaccountconfig.cpp, line 18115:26
\shthis is pretty bad15:26
Riddellapachelogger: today's daily CD working nicely for me15:26
apacheloggercool, thanks15:27
RiddellArby: what does apt-cache policy kmail show ?15:27
Arbyhmm, Installed: 4:4.0.83-0ubuntu215:27
Arbythat's odd15:28
Arbyseems to be some confusion between apt, dpkg and me15:28
apachelogger\sh: maybe the env variables are messed up in that prompt?15:28
\shapachelogger: nope15:28
\shapachelogger: fresh install from ppa :)15:28
apacheloggerkopete-kde4: /usr/lib/kde4/share/kde4/apps/kopete_jabber/jabberchatui.rc15:28
stdinkopete starts fine for me15:28
apacheloggersame here15:28
\shapachelogger: via CLI?15:29
apachelogger\sh: as well15:29
\shbah...this damn mixed up kde3/kde4 system...15:29
ArbyRiddell: complete output of apt-cache policy kmail15:29
apachelogger\sh: you should have used neon :P15:30
\shapachelogger: nope..I should have upgraded to intrepid already ;)15:30
* apachelogger is really looking forward to intrepid :)15:30
\shor we should have never mixed it up in the first place15:31
apacheloggerin fact, I could install kde4 on my laptop15:31
ArbyRiddell: I'm out of time.15:36
RiddellArby: looks like you have the right version installed15:36
ArbyRiddell: I won't be able to work on this again until monday15:36
ArbyI know15:36
Arbycan't figure out what's wrong15:36
ArbyRiddell: dpkg consistently reports this http://paste.ubuntu.com/23315/15:37
Arbywhich is a lie15:38
Nightroseanyone else getting dolphin to crash when hovering over a video file?15:40
Nightrosein 4.1 beta 215:41
apacheloggerknown issue15:41
apacheloggeralso happens for PDF IIRC15:42
RiddellArby: all very strange.  however if it compiles it should be fine, send me the debdiff and I can upload15:42
Nightrosepdfs seem fine here15:42
Riddellor put the .diff.gz and .dsc on lichts15:43
Arbyok that's quicker15:43
ArbyRiddell: the only diff.gz I have is for kdepim rather than kdepim-dev, is that right?15:44
RiddellArby: yes15:45
Riddellsince it's the source we care about15:45
ArbyRiddell: something is wrong here, the diff is for 0ubuntu115:47
ArbyI think I've mangled something15:47
ArbyI'll have to fix it later15:47
ArbyI really really have to leave15:47
Arbymeeting someone off a train15:48
ArbyI hate leaving things half done15:48
* Arby --> gone15:48
Xand3rhi @ all16:02
Riddellhi Xand3r16:02
=== coreymon is now known as coreymon77
mitsarionashi... i just installed the latest kubuntu intrepid iso...should i file a report or something?18:24
apacheloggermitsarionas: report about what?18:27
mitsarionason the iso testing tracker maybe...18:27
Riddellmitsarionas: I don't think it's being tracked on the testing website, just tell me what the build number and architecture was and how well it works18:27
mitsarionasit's the 20080627 alternate i386 one... installed just fine :)18:28
apacheloggerRiddell: http://cdimages.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/daily-live/18:29
Riddellmitsarionas: excellent, thanks18:29
Riddellapachelogger: alternates only so far18:29
Riddellubiquity not ready for alpha 118:29
mitsarionasnp :)18:29
* apachelogger downloads alternate18:29
Riddellmitsarionas: hardware or virtual install?18:29
* apachelogger is wonder what happened to mhb18:34
RiddellI think he decided to move on to other opportunities18:35
Riddellyes, a shame18:37
seeleit wasn´t a girlfriend > coding decision?18:39
apacheloggerwell, I understand that he was pretty unhappy about not getting enough appreciation for his work18:39
apacheloggerwhich is the shame really18:39
seelei dont know if that was really the primary reason, but ii think t did exasperate how he was feeling about contributing in general18:40
* seele wonders where Artemis_Fowl has been..18:43
Riddellmitsarionas: seem we are tracking them, please add your result http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/build/all/all18:50
mitsarionasRiddell: i hope there's no rush, need to do something first :/19:08
mitsarionasi'll add it as soon as i can :)19:09
=== ^SaRgE^ is now known as d3ce1t
james_wHi all.20:37
james_wI was wondering if amarok_play_audiocd.desktop should be/has been forwarded to Debian?20:38
james_wit seems like they would like to have it, unless I'm missing some reason why it wouldn't be applicable there.20:39
Riddelljames_w: maybe one for apachelogger20:59
=== skreech is now known as DASkreech
apacheloggerRiddell: oxygen-cursor-theme is missing from the installation23:01
mitsarionasadept crashes as soon as it loads in my intrepid install... but i guess not just for me, right?23:23
DASkreechIntrepid installs KDE4 by default now?23:27
DASkreechSweet ;-) 4.1 ?23:31
mitsarionasyeah ;)23:32
* DASkreech grins. One step closer to 4.2 Remix Cds :)23:34
apacheloggerit would be quite useful to have debug symbols for adept :P23:34
apacheloggernvidia broken in intrepid23:34
apacheloggerI should have lived with hardy23:34
DASkreechI'm trying to23:35
DASkreechI keep running sstupid KDE 4.1 live CDs though :(23:35
DASkreechI'm going to try and stick on Hardy till Koffice starts shipping betas23:36
=== vore is now known as erov
mitsarionasthere's also some weird bug in kdesudo or something...it seems like it wants the root password23:38
apacheloggermitsarionas: yeah, on my todo23:38
DASkreechRiddell: ping23:39
DASkreechwhen LinuxMCE announced the KDE partnership and they were shipping on Kubuntu discs was that just with KDE or were they partnering with Kubuntu as well?23:40
apacheloggeroh, I see the light, my home tarball transfer is finishing soon :D23:44
mitsarionasone more thing... dolphin seems to freak out when i hover over gzip'ed files... but i guess that too is already on someone's todo :)23:44
supert0nesthats me for either rar or video23:46
mitsarionasjust checked, it was the information panel that did it... closed it and now no problem23:49
apacheloggerthat is a bug in beta223:51
mitsarionasapart from a few things, it's pretty usable though... guess in a month or so i'll switch entirely to intrepid :)23:56

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