
asac_sbeattie: ?00:01
sbeattieasac_: sorry, was just wondering about the nss and nspr tasks of the firefox3 tracking bug 23769000:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 237690 in xulrunner-1.9 "[New Upstream] Firefox 3 RC2 is available" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/23769000:02
sbeattiewas wondering if they should be marked invalid or fixed-released since they've gone out the door, I think.00:03
sbeattie(at least for hardy)00:04
* calc is going to get dinner00:05
* beDrung is going to bed00:05
beDrungcalc: i am back in 9 hours for testing00:06
=== asac_ is now known as asac
calcbeDrung: ok00:09
liwslangasek, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/coreutils/+bug/24337500:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 243375 in coreutils "coreutils 6.10-6 fails to build from source" [Undecided,New]00:19
slangasekliw: <yoink>00:22
slangasekliw: I don't suppose there are any bugs on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/coreutils we could triage out while we're at it? :)00:22
slangasekliw: the patch needs to change the maintainer field of the package, in line with https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebianMaintainerField; care to spin me an updated patch quickly, with this change and also adding the bug number to the changelog?00:26
liwslangasek, sloppy of me, just a minute00:26
liwslangasek, updated debdiff in LP00:34
liwslangasek, wrt triaging: do you mean also fixing them, or just juggling bug states in LP?00:37
slangasekdoes someone want to flick the ears of the mysql maintainers for creating metapackages that depend on packages with versioned names which contain executables without versions in their names, that then fail to conflict/replace one another?00:38
slangasekliw: thanks, grabbing.  As far as triaging, I just meant juggling bug states - it's clear to me by looking at the bug list that no one has been over this page in some time, I already found one invalid bug about a user who wanted ls to not honor LC_COLLATE00:38
slangasek(bug #201302, that)00:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 201302 in coreutils "/bin/ls in es_ES.UTF-8 don't show ordered files correctly" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20130200:39
slangasekliw: I understand if you have more high-priority things to do, anyway; I'm just mentioning it in passing because there are always more high-priority things to do, which is how the bug lists get long in the first place :)00:40
liwslangasek, indeed00:41
liwI'll stick to doing other things for now, though00:41
liwslangasek, my two install tests under qemu are still running, by the way00:44
slangasekpff, slow00:44
liw(boy qemu is slower than kvm)00:44
liwactually, I'm going to have dinner before I fall asleep... let's hope the tests finish in the mean time00:48
zulslangasek: whats wrong with mysql?00:49
slangasekzul: well, bug #20869500:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 208695 in mysql-dfsg-5.0 "Cannot upgrade to mysql-server-5.0" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20869500:49
slangasekzul: which is, basically, a design failure of the packages00:49
slangasek"yes, we'll have mysql-client-4.1 and mysql-server-4.1 in the archive at the same time, so you can pick between them, and we'll have mysql-client as a metapackage to depend on the default version for you, and then we'll cause upgrade failures when you try to switch mmmkay"00:50
slangasekheh, s/mysql-server-4.1/mysql-client-5.0/00:50
slangasekok, the build-deps for coreutils are disturbing00:51
zulslangasek: ah yes I remember that one00:51
zulslangasek: they should kicked in the shins00:52
slangasekI was opting for something a little less violent, because I never know when he'll decide to get me back at a conference :)00:52
zulslangasek: heh :)00:53
liwslangasek, coreutils' build-deps? how are they disturbing?00:57
slangasekliw: lots of X libs00:57
slangasek(pulled in indirectly)00:58
liwoh, indirectly00:58
mitsarionashi... could i ask something about autoconf/automake here?01:14
* slangasek eews at 20264201:23
brycemitsarionas: this channel isn't the right place for that, unless it's specifically related to ubuntu packaging issues01:23
mitsarionasbryce: where could i get such an answer?01:28
brycemitsarionas: depends on the aspect of your question, but look for a channel/forum devoted to providing software development assistance01:29
mitsarionasok, thanx :)01:31
=== cprov is now known as cprov-out
bryceslangasek: ok I think I'm done looking at -geode for today.  I still can't fathom why the symlink would break LTSP.  I've proposed dropping that change and deploying the remainder, and require the LTSP folks to file a bug explaining what the problem is.03:19
slangasekbryce: ack, g'night then :)03:19
bryceslangasek: the "ltsp needs the symlink dropped" is at the level of a rumor as far as I'm concerned03:20
* slangasek nods03:20
bryceslangasek: anyway I just put a new -geode without that into hardy-proposed which I think you can deploy for 8.04.103:20
bryceer, s/I think/I recommend/03:20
brycetrading off "possibly maybe leaving ltsp still broken" against "definitely break people currently configured to use 'amd' and make them rightfully angry" doesn't seem like a good enough trade.03:22
slangasekyes, the way in which it was presented to me suggested that the presence of the symlink itself might break things because of X trying to grab the driver twice or something; but in that case, we should still be able to stow the symlink in the transitional package for the benefit of those users with static xorg.conf, maybe?03:25
bryceeven there, I don't quite understand how that could happen03:31
brycemaybe I'm dumb, but I'd really like to see the actual issue documented in a bug report before we put an sru'd change out for it03:32
slangasekI agree, especially in light of the reservations you've expressed as someone who knows X far better than I03:32
brycewho knows, maybe there's some other way whatever the issue is can be worked around03:32
slangasekoh, that reminds me, I owe you a pipe-a quirks bug report :)03:33
bryceah yes03:33
brycehey I've got two others pending, if you send yours, I can do all three together03:33
RAOFcjwatson: You're right about the gnome-do-plugins needing to Replaces gnome-do-plugin-{amarok,rhythmbox}.  I haven't done it yet, in part because there'll be a new gnome-do 0.5 package in Debian soon, and the plugins package will need to change.03:41
slangasekfiled as bug #24340503:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 243405 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "Need a Pipe-A quirk for 8086:27a2" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24340503:41
slangasekbryce: ^^03:47
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asobiis there any plans to have second life in the repo?04:21
Hobbseenot unless someoen packages ti?04:25
RAOFIs it actually redistributable?04:26
StevenKI didn't think it was.04:26
persiaLast I heard there were still remaining issues.04:26
asobidoes anyone like to see it or should i not hope04:28
persiaasobi: It's been discussed several times before.  If you are willing to investigate the licensing, and open a bug reporting that it ought be packaged if the license is indeed free, that would be the best way to proceed.  Note that the existence of this bug will not automatically lead to it being packaged, but it will be the first step in the process.04:30
asobioh. i was not aware it had been brought up previously04:31
persiahttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages may be helpful if you pursue that route.04:31
bliZZardzpersia : what is the general method to be followed to package a new lib/tool...?04:31
bliZZardzpersia : wow..you answered it :)04:32
* persia tries to anticipate04:32
* bliZZardz bows :)04:32
asobii guess there's not enough demand for it04:34
asobibesides licensing issues04:34
TheMusoyay for lost changelog entries. :S05:32
pittiScottK: I'm on vac today and off in 10 minutes, so I'm afraid I don't today; doko might06:53
pittislangasek: debhelper> of course I don't mind, please go ahead06:53
* Hobbsee throws pitti a gummybear06:54
pittislangasek: ugh, backwards C:/R:? might have slipped my attention, but I thought the original patch was correct06:54
pittiHobbsee: yay, thanks06:54
calcgah ppa's only allow release pocket uploads07:07
* calc wishes it would work for any standard pocket name07:08
calceg hardy-proposed should work along with hardy07:09
=== greeneggsnospam is now known as jsgotangco
calchttp://www.engadget.com/2008/06/27/celebrate-bill-gates-day-with-us/ <- :-)07:22
slangasekpitti: yeah, I think we both missed the backwards C:/R:, I looked at the earlier upload and it was there :)07:24
calcbtw the video is very funny if you haven't seen it yet ;-)07:25
* calc wonders how long before /. picks it up07:25
brycecalc, :-)07:29
calcbryce: uploading to my ppa now, i had uploaded earlier but it rejected it07:31
calcbryce: my first upload to a ppa actually, i found out it only accepts release pockets07:31
bryceyeah ppa's are surprisingly limited07:31
calci thought it would be better to upload it there than to a p.d.o directory07:32
calcer p.u.c07:32
calcmuch better than uploading it to p.d.o obviously ;-)07:32
bryceyeah I set up some ppa's for xorg stuff, but really I find it a lot easier to use people.u.c07:33
slangasekliw: did you ever get any results back from those qemu installs?07:34
dholbachgood morning07:35
bryceheya dholbach07:38
dholbachhi bryce07:38
bryceslangasek: btw your quirk is in intrepid, sent upstream, and just now in hardy-proposed.07:47
=== dholbach_ is now known as dholbach
* calc headed to bed08:21
dholbachhi seb12808:27
seb128hey dholbach08:28
slangasekbryce: thanks :)08:28
slangasekbryce: hmm, I don't actually see it in the hardy-proposed queue08:29
slangasek(not that it would go anywhere until after .1, but)08:29
bryceoops, build system rejected it08:30
=== tkamppeter_ is now known as tkamppeter
slangasek... build system?08:31
brycewell, whatever it's called08:32
bryceMD5 sum of uploaded file does not match existing file in archive08:32
bryceFiles specified in DSC are broken or missing, skipping package unpack verification.08:32
dholbachhi mvo08:32
mvohey dholbach08:32
* bryce tries again08:36
=== fta_ is now known as fta
ion_Oh noes, a painful new Gtk theme. :-(09:30
ograion_, ?09:33
ion_ogra: White text on a grey background.09:36
ograah, cool !09:37
ograin intrepid ?09:38
* ogra still has to run hardy09:38
ion_Not that nice. :-)09:38
ograi saw a pre-version in prague09:38
bryceion_: primer gray?09:39
gnomefreakyeah i got that as well09:42
gnomefreakalso gajim dont work since the update ;)09:42
Nafallognomefreak: what update?09:42
gnomefreakfor some reason appearance got changed to custom thats why its like that09:43
gnomefreakNafallo: the merge yesterday09:43
gnomefreakNafallo: you were in #-mozillateam during this topic09:43
Nafallognomefreak: someone merged it? :-(09:43
Nafallognomefreak: just because I am on a channel doesn't mean I'm actively reading it.09:43
gnomefreakNafallo: fta said see doko it seems he dropped patches09:44
gnomefreakone of them fits the error im getting09:44
* Nafallo headdesks09:44
Nafallognomefreak: ehrm. launchpad know nothing of such a merge...09:45
gnomefreakNafallo: fontconfig was merged yesterday09:45
Nafalloaha. context helps :-)09:46
gnomefreakNafallo: https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/intrepid/+source/fontconfig/2.6.0-1ubuntu109:46
Nafallognomefreak: oki. I'll look in to it later. thanks for telling me.09:48
seb128bug #24313009:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 243130 in fontconfig ""/etc/fonts/conf.d/53-monospace-lcd-filter.conf", line 17: invalid constant used : lcdfilterlegacy" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24313009:48
gnomefreakNafallo: np i think we found issue in it09:48
gnomefreakseb128: thanks09:48
seb128there is a patch waiting for sponsoring09:49
Nafallothought it would not be gajim's fault :-)09:50
gnomefreakNafallo: well so far its the only app that is affected from what i can see09:51
gnomefreakim sure there is more but i havent found them yet09:52
=== cprov-out is now known as cprov
cjwatsonRAOF: so should I sync gnome-do-plugins or not? if I do, somebody needs to make sure the Replaces is added in intrepid fairly soon; alternatively, feel free to just upload 0.4.0-1ubuntu1 to intrepid with that directly, or we could leave the whole thing until intrepid+110:12
RAOFIs there any reason we can't wait for gnome-do-plugins 0.5 to be sorted out in Debian and then sync that?10:13
RAOFA: Yes.  Because we'll still need to do the Replaces: dance.  I'll upload a 0.4.0-1ubuntu1.10:14
liwslangasek, the amd64 qemu install is _still_ running, the i386 just finished (was waiting for me to press a key while I slept)10:15
gnomefreakSeeker`: i was just informed that patch on the fontconfig bug but i didnt personally look at it10:15
MacSlowIf I have make-targets named like "confflags-gnome" in a debian/rules file... does this imply I need to have additional maintainer-scripts for these to properly work?10:16
dholbachsoren: what do I do if I see only "parallel0 console" in KVM?10:30
dholbachdid I press some funky button somewhere?10:30
liwI have "ATQ0 V1 E1" on qemu's serial0 console10:33
dholbachI had a desktop some seconds before, now a black screen that just says "parallel0 console"10:33
dholbach"Send 'ctrl-alt-f<n>'" seems to do nothing10:33
liwdholbach, ctrl-alt-3 (not f3) takems me to that console in qemu, try ctrl-alt-110:33
dholbachliw: thanks!10:34
liwthese are qemu/kvm consoles, not linux virtual consoles, thus 123 not f1f2f310:34
liwdholbach, you're welcome, I was majorly confused by them myself :)10:34
liwcjwatson, my alpha1 amd64 installation has "You shouldn't call /sbin/grub-install. Please call /usr/sbin/grub-install instead!" on tty410:35
liwcjwatson, it's also probing devices and searching for the GRUB installation directory (find /boot/grub), so I guess that was just a warning... but it hasn't finished the grub installation in 12 hours since10:36
cjwatsonRAOF: because we're past the normal merge deadline10:40
cjwatsonRAOF: there's no reason why the Replaces couldn't be added in Debian, FWIW10:40
cjwatsonliw: that warning in itself is definitely a no-op, because it then execs /usr/sbin/grub-install10:41
liwcjwatson, yeah, I see that from ps output; strace to /usr/sbin/grub isn't showing any output10:41
cjwatsonliw: did i386 work?10:42
liwcjwatson, I did an encrypted install with i386, and it worked, but I don't know if it uses grub10:42
liwyes it does10:43
liwsyslog does not indicate that anything interesting has happened since grub found its installation directory... dhclient did a DHCPREQUEST and got an ack10:44
cjwatsonnot sure I know what to do, I'm not in a position to do an amd64 test myself I don't think10:47
liwanything I can do extract more data?10:47
liwI'll start another test on amd64 in the mean time10:48
cjwatsonan strace -f -s 1024 of the whole of grub-installer wouldn't hurt10:48
cjwatsoneasiest way to do that is to go back at the user/password prompt, set the debconf priority to low, and then go on from there, which will let you work through step by step; when you get to just before grub-installer, attach strace to the main-menu process10:49
cjwatsonI'm groping in the dark though, it could be that grub is just busted on amd64 right now ...10:49
liwno output from that strace either10:50
liwah, going back, just a moment10:50
liwhm, I killed the grub-install process and the installer is now happily finishing the installation10:51
cjwatsonit may well fail to boot10:51
liwsince the process died, shouldn't it have noticed that and treated it as an error?10:51
liwindeed, boot seems to fail, does not seem to load grub from bios10:52
cjwatsonI'm rather surprised it didn't10:52
cjwatsonI don't see anything obviously wrong in main-menu or di_exec_mangle_status10:53
cjwatsonoh, I suppose it goes through udpkg10:54
liwit was running from a postinst script, yes10:55
cjwatsoneven so, ought to work10:55
cjwatsonunless busybox sh eats the exit status or something10:55
liwthat would be weird of it, but it wouldn't the first time busybox was weird10:56
liw(I had to create a tail-recursive shell script once, on a box where busybox's while was broken)10:56
cjwatsonanyway, main-menu bug if you like, I'm not going to investigate right now :)10:57
liwhm, my second attempt at amd64 resulted in an error at the partitioning stage10:57
liw"EXT3-fs: group descriptors corrupted"10:57
liwI'm beginning to suspect qemu10:58
liwand I get that again on another qemu instance, so it's repeatable11:04
davidedmundsonhey, I have a launchpad question, do I ask here or is there a specific launchpad channel?11:36
sistpoty|workdavidedmundson: #launchpad ;)11:36
jpdsdavidedmundson: maybe: #launchpad11:36
davidedmundsonprobably should have guessed that..11:36
liwslangasek, I had to mark the amd64 qemu test install as a failure :(11:38
james_wis "sambashare" a group that only Ubuntu would care about?12:15
james_w(i.e. not Debian?)12:15
james_walso "lpadmin"12:16
liwdebian has lpadmin12:21
liwprobably created by cups12:21
\shbryce: do you happen to know if this gnome screen resolution tool also works with an ATI Fire GL graphics adapator? It has only one dvi output but a bridge to attach two screens12:36
\shbryce: it detects both screens but doesn't switch to dual screen mode12:36
wgrant\sh: Sounds like a bug in fglrx...12:44
\shwgrant: I just installed fglrx-envy...12:46
\shwgrant: failsafe session works...I think it's more compiz12:51
\shwgrant: well, not with dual screen12:51
wgrant\sh: I don't think Compiz interacts at such a low level. It may be that it won't support DRI over such a large area.12:51
\shwgrant: ubuntu fglrx driver doesn't support the firegl...13:06
\shlet's see for envy13:06
ograKeybuk, ping13:24
tseliot\sh: the gnome screen resolution tool won't work with the fglrx driver if you're trying to set up multiple screens. The fglrx driver doesn't support RandR 1.2 yet.13:28
\shtseliot: I managed to get it with envy drivers...and the amdcccle13:31
tseliot\sh: yes, that's the only tool which should work with the fglrx driver.13:32
\shwell...it worked..after a reboot it doesn't come up anymore :(13:34
emgentheya tseliot13:35
tseliotemgent: hi13:36
tseliot\sh: sorry but I'm not an expert with the fglrx driver and multiple screens.13:37
emgent"pizza? nah.. this is an italian resturant"13:37
tseliotemgent: hehe13:38
\shtseliot: well, xorg.conf was zero byte ;) because of a crash...praise beta software ;)13:38
tseliot\sh: maybe amdcccle should be launched as root (with sudo) in order to write to your xorg.conf13:40
\shtseliot: well, yes..but it's crashing when you are in 3d mode on kde4.1beta2 ;)13:43
tseliot\sh: heh13:44
ograhmm, since scott doesnt seem to be around, and pitti being on vacation today, does anyone know if with dropping the multiuser argument from update-rc.d the versioned dependency on sysv-rc is still needed ?13:47
penfold_99 is anyone here working on kvm?14:09
dholbachpenfold_99: try #ubuntu-virt14:10
penfold_99dholbach: -virt look like a ghost town at the mo so i though i would try here14:13
persiapenfold_99: You may find that even the quietest of Ubuntu channels may spark to life with the posting of an interesting question.14:15
Hobbseepersia: an interesting, *on topic* question14:16
jdstrandseb128: hi! is there a way to tell gvfs to rescan the network for samba servers? maybe a HUP or something?14:21
seb128jdstrand: hey, I don't think so, stop gvfs-smb-browse and it'll respawn automatically?14:23
jdstrandseb128: ok. I'm new to gvfs, and did just discover gvfs-ls too. I'll play around. thanks!14:24
seb128jdstrand: is that still about this "playing video on smb shares doesn't work correctly"?14:24
jdstrandseb128: yes14:24
jdstrandseb128: so far, I can't reproduce it14:24
=== asac_ is now known as asac
seb128jdstrand: hey me neither, I've a NAS and playing videos on it over smb stills work correctly14:25
jdstrandseb128: does that NAS use vfat?14:25
seb128jdstrand: I guess so, not sure how to verify though14:26
jdstrandseb128: it is something off-the-shelf?14:26
jdstrandseb128: zul tried a bunch of combinations too, and couldn't reproduce it14:27
beDrungcalc & bryce: wohoo! first test show: ooo 1:2.4.1-1ubuntu2~ppa1 works. I will do more testing and report if there are any regressions.14:27
jdstrandseb128: I did see, tucked away in one of the attached smb.conf files, that a share had a comment of 'vfat hd'14:27
seb128jdstrand: yes, that's a landrive network disk doing smb and ftp which we have for some years14:28
jdstrandseb128: so I'm am going to try that too in the off chance it's a filesystem thing14:28
cjwatsonjcastro: would it be possible to get some packages that are really Ubuntu-specific excluded from the upstream report?14:28
cjwatsonjcastro: for example, for ubiquity and ubuntu-meta it usually doesn't make sense to forward bugs upstream because we *are* upstream14:29
jdstrandseb128: hey sweet, killing gvfsd-smb-browse worked14:30
jcastrocjwatson: yes that's on the todo14:32
jcastrocjwatson: same thing with removing all the redundant kernel ones14:32
cjwatsonjcastro: ok, cool - is it just a hardcoded list right now?14:32
jcastroyeah it's just autogenerated from launchpad and sorted by open bugs14:32
cjwatsonI mean the list of packages that are checked there14:33
cjwatsonoh, right, you mean you just pick the top n packages?14:33
* ogra restates his quesion since there are now more people in the channel ...14:33
cjwatsonjcastro: I would have looked at the Help tab to answer these questions as the page indicates, but there isn't one ;-)14:33
ogradoes anyone know if with dropping the multiuser argument from update-rc.d the versioned dependency on sysv-rc is still needed ?14:33
jcastrocjwatson: I am in the middle of putting together a list of improvements for improving the report to send to kiko as we speak actually.14:33
jcastrocjwatson: yeah that's weird, because it used to be there14:34
cjwatsonogra: I don't believe so, not if the corresponding Debian version doesn't have it14:34
ogracjwatson, thanks then i think i'm through with hotkey-setup and we can just sync ...14:34
ogra(that was a pita ... not synced since ages and tons of changes)14:35
jcastrocjwatson: feel free to send any more feedback on the report, I've already gotten ideas from asac/seb128 that will make it more useful14:37
seb128jdstrand: I get the issue now here playing a video on my etch debian gateway over samba14:39
seb128jdstrand: downgrading libsmbclient 3.0.28a-1ubuntu4.3 to  3.0.28a-1ubuntu4 make it work correclty14:39
calcbeDrung: great :)14:39
seb128jdstrand: I can get you details if you need some, the server is a running etch and the disk is an ext314:40
seb128jdstrand: hum, it still plays fine after upgrading again, weird14:42
seb128jdstrand: seems to be an authentification issue14:44
jdstrandseb128: on phone...14:44
seb128it was still playing correctly after upgrading because it has the authentification still active14:44
seb128but login doesn't work using the new libsmbclient14:44
seb128jdstrand: alright, I'm around if you need informations after your call14:45
MacSlowKeybuk, I just looked at gimp and GTK+... there seems to be no need to merge anything... already done14:59
seb128MacSlow: I just updated GTK to 2.13 and we are mostly in sync on debian usually, what did you want to change?15:01
MacSlowseb128, nothing... I just remember Keybuk's comment from yesterdays meeting where he stated that I should also work on merging gimp and gtk... which has obviously happened already before yesterday15:02
seb128hum, I didn't read a such comment during the meeting15:03
MacSlowseb128, like you said... you worked on GTK yourself15:03
MacSlowseb128, ah... found it... it was from the meeting last week... -> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/Meeting/2008-06-1915:07
MacSlowseb128, the exact list of apps I should merge wasn't stated... for some reason I still had that in the back of my head.15:08
superm1lamont, elmo , infinity : I have a package that needs to be overridden in p-a-s.  I was referred to one of you to handle it when you get a moment.  The package is coreavc, and it should only build on i386, lpia, and amd64.15:10
lamontsuperm1: email is the right way to request that15:11
superm1lamont, okay.  sorry, wasn't aware of proper procedure15:11
lamontno worries - finding the file is generally the challenge people have :-)15:13
ion_Wow. system-config-printer in Intrepid is neat.15:26
gesermvo: I'm looking why my pbuilder with gdebi tries to install recommends, have you an idea how to get gdebi --apt-line --root ... not list the recommends?15:42
zuljcastro: ping can you add openldap's its (http://www.openldap.org/its) to your upstream bug list for launchpad. It uses a hacked version of jitterbug15:49
mvogeser: there is currently no direct support for this, easiest is problably to add "APT::Install-Recommends "false"; to /etc/apt/apt.conf in the pbuilder chroot15:57
* mvo needs to fix that15:57
gesermvo: I've already tried that16:02
gesermvo: have you an idea why I get different output depending if I call gdebi from outside the pbuilder (with --root) and from inside? see http://paste.ubuntu.com/23318/16:02
geserhmm, looks like gdebi takes the apt config from the "host" if called with --root and not the one from the chroot16:04
jdstrandseb128: hey (long call)-- how is the etch share setup in smb.conf? is there a way to get gvfs to forget it authentication (like the gvfs-samba-browse thing you told me about before)?16:05
mvogeser: yeah, that sounds like it - that is a bug, could you please file it?16:05
jdstrandmvo: hi! so I see that apt.conf has the ability to do https, can it also do http basic auth?16:10
seb128jdstrand: totem is not using gvfs16:10
seb128jdstrand: not sure, maybe restart gnome-keyring, though if you don't select the option to use this one it should not do it16:11
seb128jdstrand: the samba server is using security = user and a classic share16:12
seb128comment =16:12
seb128path = somedir16:12
seb128guest ok = no16:12
seb128and I'm using my user login and password to connect16:12
jdstrandseb128: cool, I check it at and let you know16:14
gesermvo: filed as bug #24355016:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 243550 in gdebi "gdebi --root doesn't use the apt config from the chroot but the one from the "host"" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24355016:14
mvogeser: thanks!16:15
jcastrozul: I don't think lp supports that bug tracker.16:18
zuljcastro: is there a way to get support added?16:18
jcastroyeah, I'll need to file a bug with the lp team16:18
jcastrozul: there's a few projects where we don't have bugtracker support, like CUPS(!) and some other not-so-pupular bug trackers.16:19
zuljcastro: hmm ok thanks16:19
jcastrozul: I'll bug someone about adding support. :D16:20
jcastrozul: looks like a fix was commited for mysql/php bugtracker though16:22
zuljcastro: sweet :)16:22
jcastroMacSlow: thanks for your report, I got it all in!16:42
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seb128jdstrand: I can do debugging on the samba issue if required16:52
jdstrandseb128: thanks. I really want to see if it was a -security update, or the -updates package. -updates came out right before I started on the -security update, so it isn't clear what introduced the problem17:02
jdstrand(I patched -updates for -security, as per our policy)17:02
beDrungcalc: your ooo version works without any problems on all machines i have tested it. so thumbs up. ooo can go to -proposed17:18
hmullerWhy is it that -lm is not necessary on the gcc command line, when functions from math.h are included?  I've tried ##c and #gcc to no avail.17:34
jdstrandseb128, zul: well, I still can't reproduce it with a gutsy server, using security = user and the 'classic share'17:35
jdstrandthis is with gutsy and hardy clients17:36
zuljdstrand: the original bug report was for dapper wasnt it?17:36
jdstrandzul: dapper server, hardy client. but people have said dapper, gutsy, hardy servers and gutsy and hardy clients17:36
jdstrandzul: it's just all over the place17:36
zuljdstrand: yeah that bug report is a mess17:37
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jdstrandzul, I'm going to start focusing on hardy server and clients. I've posted more info in the bug, maybe I'll get more details17:38
zuljdong: cool17:39
zuljdstrand: cool17:39
seb128jdstrand: I rebuilt without the security change, installed the libsmbclient only and that fixes the issue17:40
jdstrandseb128: so you removed *just* security-CVE-2008-1105.patch and it works?17:41
jdstrandseb128: ok, that helps, but I still can't reproduce it locally. can you paste your smb.conf file?17:41
jdstrandseb128: and are you just using a location of smb://foo/share/file from totem?17:42
seb128I'm calling "totem smb://...." on the command line rather17:43
jdstrandseb128: are the perms on the file 744 for the file you are accessing (owned by same user as one accessing the share)?17:45
jdstrandbtw, totem smb://... works just fine17:45
seb128jdstrand: the file 744 owned by an another user17:46
jdstrandseb128: ok, both work here17:47
seb128changing the owner to the user makes no difference17:47
jdstrandseb128: no, here either, just trying to make sure we have the same environment17:47
jdstrandseb128: do you have the smb.conf file handy?17:48
seb128jdstrand: sec17:48
pwnguinok this is wierd. firefox wants to save a php file when i post a comment on sabdfl's blog =(17:49
keesseb128: can I pick your brain about tracing a signal connect callback?  I'm not clear where an argument is coming from...17:50
seb128kees: I've to run in a few minutes but if that's quick I can have a look, tell me about it ;-)17:52
keesseb128: it's between rhythmbox and totem-pl-parser.  let me paste context17:53
keesseb128: http://pastebin.osuosl.org/879217:54
keeswhere does "metadata" come from?17:54
keesI don't see it in the g_signal_connect_object, and the signal definition seems to think it only takes a string?17:55
keesseb128: oh, nevermind.  I think this is a straight up crasher -- I can't even load _valid_ .pls files.17:58
seb128kees: ok, didn't look yet, I'm busy on this samba thing and I've to run18:02
calcbeDrung: thanks! :)18:27
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calcslangasek: i have an update for OOo for hardy18:37
calcslangasek: is it safe to stick it in -proposed or do i need to hold it off a bit18:37
calcit fixes a crasher bug on gnome/kde18:38
slangasekcalc: doesn't hurt (me) to upload and have it sit in the queue18:42
slangasekcalc: how about bug #220817 along the way?18:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 220817 in openoffice.org "Xubuntu Hardy: ubiquity installs Open Office during installation" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/22081718:42
calcslangasek: ah yea i should fix that too :)18:44
calcslangasek: looks like the updates to ooo-build fix at least 3 crashes and fixes amd64 plugin (not sure if we should actually enable building that for a update though)18:45
calcboth the gnome/kde crashes and a svg crash as well18:45
slangasekno, you shouldn't enable building something in an update that wasn't being built before18:49
calcok i'll leave that turned off then18:52
sbeattieis it intended for post 8.04.1 release?18:58
ogracr3, you said your testing of the nsc/geode changes was successfull, didnt you ?19:09
ogra(we need a comment on the SRU bug)19:09
calcsbeattie: i guess, it is important but doesn't have to be on the disks19:20
calcsbeattie: a large number of users (other than myself) under gnome and kde have OOo crash on them, i never was able to reproduce it but i found a patch for it in ooo-build and got an affected user to test it and it works19:21
cr3ogra: crap, komputes didn't append to the bug? I'll do it for him, one moment...19:22
sbeattiecalc: okay, when it comes through, I'll try to prioritze verifying it.19:23
calchow do you escape a space using scp?19:23
calci'm trying to copy with a space in the filename across the network using scp19:23
ogracr3, bug 21963019:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 219630 in xorg "please add "geode" to driver list in hw/xfree86/common/xf86AutoConfig.c" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21963019:23
calcah you have to quote and \\ escape it19:24
calcthats just weird19:24
cr3ogra: done19:25
ogra*merci even19:26
* ogra hugs cr3 19:26
cr3ogra: right back at ya!19:26
calcsbeattie: i'll try to get it uploaded by tomorrow19:26
calci need to track down the bugs to mark and update the changelog entries, etc19:27
calcand need to fix and verify the language support bug is actually fixed19:28
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slangasekcr3: bug #219630 - you mentioned using xserver-xorg-video-nsc 1:2.8.3-2ubuntu3.3 successfully, which I guess was an intrepid-only upload - so that comment was just for comparison?19:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 219630 in xorg "please add "geode" to driver list in hw/xfree86/common/xf86AutoConfig.c" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21963019:57
cr3slangasek: yes, I believe q-funk had provided that driver for testing purposes a little while ago before updates made their way to hardy-proposed19:58
slangasekcr3: right; only minimally germane to the SRU validation, for which we need tests with the actual hardy-proposed packages (which you've also done, thank you :)19:59
pgibHello.  I am a developer for the program LMMS.  (Which is already included in universe)  we are about to release an alpha of the next major release.20:06
pgibhow do I get in touch with the MOTU maintainer for LMMS?20:06
Picipgib: #ubuntu-motu20:06
pgibOK. thanks.20:06
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PiciWhich I why I asked what you were looking for ;)20:06
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PiciBefore, in #ubuntu, but nevermind.20:07
pgibah ok - I missed it20:07
pgibtha channel is _very_ busy20:08
jdstrandhi slangasek! Would you mind peeking at #241448 and letting me know if I missed anything. seb128 was able to reproduce it with an etch server and hardy client, but I cannot with many different combinations.20:13
slangasekjdstrand: I think I already tried to reproduce that myself and failed to do so20:17
jdstrandslangasek: interestingly, seb128 was able to reproduce it with an etch server and hardy client20:18
jdstrandslangasek: he gave me his smb.conf-- nothing out of the ordinary, except 'security = user'20:19
slangasekthat's not out of the ordinary either, it's the default20:19
jdstrandI tried with it (well, with path adjustments) and it works fine (on feisty server-- same version as etch)20:19
jdstrandslangasek: people mentioned DivX 4/5-- tried with different ones, no problems20:20
slangasekI can't imagine how the codec should make any difference20:21
jdstrandslangasek: I don't have a large (ie movie length) DivX around, but wonder why file size would be an issue (1 1.7GB MPEG-2 worked fine btw)20:21
jdstrandslangasek: he did say removing the CVE-2008-1105 from samba and just installing libsmbclient from that build seemed to fix it...20:21
jdstrands/CVE-2008-1105/patch for CVE-2008-1105/20:22
jdstrandanyhoo, it's a mystery to me20:22
slangasekjdstrand: er, very strange20:24
jdstrandtotally. well, I pushed it back on the user's asking for more info. hopefully something useful will come up20:24
jdstrandslangasek: thanks20:24
slangasekcody-somerville: hi, have you or anyone else on the xubuntu team had a chance to test out the alpha-1 candidate images?21:13
calcwow this was easy to fix21:14
calcit was actually already supposed to be fixed but i managed to break it with the ubuntu changes21:14
sistpotyslangasek: should bug #184218 still be fixed in hardy? (if so I might make use of my new core-dev powers, or criticize the debdiff *g*()21:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 184218 in pbuilder "FTBFS in latest archive rebuild test" [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18421821:16
slangaseksistpoty: I think that's below the threshold of bugs worth bothering about21:19
sistpotyslangasek: ok, thanks... could you decline the nomination then?21:20
slangaseksistpoty: once a nomination's been accepted, "decline the nomination" == "mark the hardy task 'wontfix'"21:21
slangaseksistpoty: so you're welcome to do this yourself :)21:21
cody-somervilleslangasek, some people are testing right now but I didn't get a chance to upload that SRU we discussed earlier this week21:21
slangasekcody-somerville: SRU's aren't relevant to alpha-121:22
cody-somervilleslangasek, oh, alpha-121:22
slangasekcody-somerville: is anyone testing alpha-1, or just 8.04.1?21:22
cody-somervilleslangasek, I'm downloading alpha-1 right now21:22
slangasekok, cool21:22
sistpotyslangasek: ah... I thought you'd have the option to reject it (iirc I'm seeing this for nominations of universe)21:22
slangaseksistpoty: you can only reject a nomination before it's been accepted; this is a UI blemish that we discussed with kiko in Prague21:23
sistpotyslangasek: ah, thanks for the info21:24
jdstrandkirkland: so thinking about sessions counters and pam_ecryptfs, if a user logs in and the counter is incremented, then hits ctrl+alt+backspace, what happens? either it works right, or the counter doesn't decrement and we can never get the auto unmount until reboot21:31
jdstrandI'm just thinking OTOH here21:31
kirklandjdstrand: i would hope that ctrl-alt-backspace would trigger a session close21:32
kirklandjdstrand: a generic pam session close, in which case my decrement counter code would run21:32
kirklandjdstrand: i haven't tested that yet, of course21:32
jdstrandkirkland: I would hope so too, but it illustrates my line of thinking that the counters, if implemented, would have to be very robust21:32
jdstrandnot that you wouldn't make it robust mind ;)21:33
kirklandjdstrand: tbh, i've been testing login/ssh heavily in my kvms.... not yet gotten to anything graphical21:33
jdstrandkirkland: btw, how does it handle multiple logins?21:33
kirklandjdstrand: mount.ecryptfs_private notices that it's already mounted and exits gracefully21:34
* jdstrand nods21:34
jdstrandkirkland: could have a little daemon that polls21:35
kirklandjdstrand: hmm, i think i have an interim solution.........21:35
kirklandjdstrand: there is an ecryptfsd already, but i'm trying to avoid using it21:35
kirklandjdstrand: here's what i think i'm going to implement for now....21:36
jdstrandkirkland: does it server this function?21:36
kirklandjdstrand: no, it's for advanced key management21:36
kirklandjdstrand: stuff we're not yet using, openssl, public keys, TPM chips21:36
* jdstrand nods21:36
kirklandokay, so here's what i'm going to do by end of day, so that I can leave this in a functional state.....21:37
kirklandjdstrand: pam_session_close will unmount the ~/Private directory21:37
kirklandjdstrand: which might potentially unmount it while other instances of the user are still logged on21:37
kirklandjdstrand: perhaps inconvenient, but erring on the side of protecting the user's encrypted data....21:38
kirklandjdstrand: okay, so the UNMOUNTed mountpoint, ~/Private is currently permed 500 (to keep from inadvertently writing data to it)21:38
jdstrandkirkland: you may run into errors if the user is accessing it at the time of unmount21:38
kirklandjdstrand: and there's a file in there called....21:38
kirkland"NOT MOUNTED - Run mount.ecryptfs_private to mount this directory"21:39
kirklandjdstrand: i'm going to make that a symlink to "mount.ecryptfs_private"21:39
jdstrandkirkland: a side-step is not to support console or ssh at all yet, and add the pam stuff to gdm21:39
kirklandjdstrand: ooh, bad.... then i get even more questions as to "why are you working on this?  aren't you on the server team?"21:39
kirklandjdstrand: nah, it really, really, really belongs in PAM21:40
jdstrandheh-- well, yes21:40
kirklandjdstrand: i think i can convince you of that21:40
kirklandjdstrand: any way.....21:40
jdstrandkirkland: no, /etc/pam.d/gdm21:40
kirklandjdstrand: oh,21:40
kirklandjdstrand: hmm, perhaps....21:41
jdstrandnot *in* gdm, but in the pam stuff for gdm21:41
kirklandjdstrand: anyway, doing what I described above 1) unmounts, erring on the side of protecting user data, 2) provides an easy mechanism to re-mount (the instructional symlink) for users still logged in21:41
jdstrandanyhoo-- point taken on server-- I was just thinking of an easy way to get you out of here before your vacation21:41
kirklandjdstrand: actually, i'm pretty happy with that (1) (2) punch for now.21:42
calcslangasek: i have a update ready, just working on getting the changelog in shape21:42
calcslangasek: i have to leave in a bit to help my father build his new pc, but should be able to get the upload done by the end of the night21:43
* slangasek nods21:43
jdstrandkirkland: sure, it woks fine for the next week or so. it's less than user-friendly in the long run, but you obviously know that :)21:43
kirklandjdstrand: yup21:43
kirklandjdstrand: i'm afraid i'm going to need some user accounting gurus to help out here21:44
slangasekcalc: ok.  I'll plan to do a full ISO run before accepting OOo in any case, so that we have as current as possible of images if it fails validation.21:44
kirklandjdstrand: after i'm back21:44
calcslangasek: ok sounds good21:44
jdstrandkirkland: actually, this instructional filename is interesting. I'm not sure how it will fly with platform (eg cjwatson), but if you define your entry points as anything using common-auth, then if people are doing something outside of that, and it's not mounted, then they get the helpful message21:46
jdstrandkirkland: of course, it kinda blows up if the user removes the file21:46
kirklandjdstrand: that dir is permed 50021:46
calcif i want to reference a bug that i am explicitly not fixing in the upload if i just do something like Bug: #foo that won't mark it fixed right?21:46
calconly if i do LP: #foo does it close it?21:46
kirklandjdstrand: so it would take a very conscious effort to blow away that file21:46
kirklandjdstrand: ie, you'd have to +w it, then rm it21:47
jdstrandkirkland: I *might* be able to swing that, personally ;)21:47
ScottKcalc: To the extent Launchpad's actual behavior matches the documentation, yes.21:47
* calc is referencing that a patch will fix the firefox plugin when rebuilt for intrepid21:47
jdstrandkirkland: sure21:47
sistpotycalc: I'm usually using LP: <number> (instead of LP: #<number>) when doing so21:47
kirklandjdstrand: what i like about symlinking it to the executable is that a user can just double-click in a Nautilus/GUI environment21:47
kirklandjdstrand: or run it in a CLI21:48
jdstrandkirkland: it's an interesting idea21:48
* calc is having a hard time tracking down the bug number in any case21:48
sistpotypoor calc21:48
jdstrandkirkland: there is the problem of if they click it that way, it is no longer 'counted', but it is 'mounted'21:48
kirklandjdstrand: i'm ditching the counting all together for now21:49
jdstrandkirkland: and if you did increment there, which is easy enough, how will you decrement?21:49
kirklandjdstrand: i have to think that out "robustly"21:49
* calc might have done something dumb like accidentally close the bug21:49
kirklandjdstrand: there's some code in libpam-mount that sort of does this21:49
kirklandjdstrand: badly, in my experience, i might add21:49
jdstrandkirkland: yeah, clearly your current path is good for the short term21:50
kirklandjdstrand: it uses something called pmvarrun21:50
kirklandjdstrand: i could make the file name even more descriptive...  "This directory has been unmounted in order to protect your data.  Yadda yadda"  :-)21:51
jdstrandkirkland: getting back to my daemon idea-- it could be setup to automatically unmount after a while. this coupled with your symlink idea (or maybe something else) might be interesting.21:52
* jdstrand notes that it is surprising how complicated this little problem is21:53
kirklandjdstrand: yeah, that's a good idea21:53
kirklandjdstrand: i like the idea of a timeout21:53
calcis anyone else having timeout problems to bugs.l.n21:54
gpocentekcalc: yes21:54
kirklandjdstrand: like a screensaver, but for your encrypted data21:54
jdstrandkirkland: oh nice analogy21:54
calcgpocentek: glad it isn't just me :)21:54
jdstrandcalc: awfully slow here21:55
jdstrandcalc: it did make it though21:55
calcjdstrand: it realized i am preparing a ooo upload and went down :)21:55
jdstrandcalc: it is bracing itself21:55
jdstrandlp takes a deep breath, then... 'ok go!'21:56
ScottKcalc: Your route to launchpad.net doesn't happen to go through iad8.alter.net does it?21:57
kirklandjdstrand: ln -s /sbin/mount.ecryptfs_private "$MOUNTPOINT"/"THIS DIRECTORY HAS BEEN UNMOUNTED TO PROTECT YOUR DATA --  Run mount.ecryptfs_private to mount again"21:57
kirklandjdstrand: that'll hold for now ;-)21:58
slangasekliw, cjwatson, soren: so if we're having issues with intrepid not booting as a guest in KVM, does it make sense to include jeos in alpha-1?  I guess VMWare is also a target for this, so if we tested it there it'd be good to inclued?21:58
calcScottK: no level3 the whole way21:58
calcScottK: well once it leaves att anyway21:58
ScottKOK.  I'm having trouble reaching launchpad too, but it seems packets are getting eaten in there.21:58
calcits working for me again21:58
liwslangasek, I don't know what the intrepid/KVM issues are (soren?), but if it doesn't work, then it's not really useful to include jeos, imho21:59
slangasekliw, cjwatson, soren: oh, it looks like linux-image-virtual is also still a casualty of the kernel reorg, right; ignore me, marking jeos off as "not-for-us"21:59
mptkirkland, the instructional filename thing reminds me of "Where are all the files?", which is a small text file that appears if an HFS+ volume is mounted as HFS21:59
* ScottK too.21:59
kirklandmpt: is that a good think or a bad thing?21:59
slangasekliw: well, we don't even have the JeOS kernel in intrepid right now, so. :)21:59
* kirkland ducks and covers?21:59
liwinstructional filename?21:59
mptkirkland, neither, just a possibly useful precedent21:59
liwslangasek, kernels are overrated21:59
kirklandmpt: ah, cool, good to know....21:59
kirklandmpt: what about symlinking such a file to a script/program that can solve the problem for you?22:00
slangasekliw: kernels in general, or the Linux kernel in particular :)22:00
kirklandmpt: that's the one step farther I'm trying to go with this (as a short term, stop gap solution, until we get the rest of the interface business in place)22:00
bryceslangasek: hey, I've got a patch ready for testing on the amd issue22:00
ograliw, hmm ? how would you modprobe gnome without a kernel22:00
liwslangasek, any kernel, we could reduce _so_ much bloat if we had custom-written I/O routines in ASM for each application22:01
slangasekbryce: am I going to claw my eyes out when I see it? :)22:01
* liw needs to go to bed soon, /me thinks22:01
ograslangasek, its pretty sweet ...22:01
mptkirkland, that seems like a grand idea to me. Bonus points if you can avoid using the words "mount" or "unmount" :-)22:01
bryceslangasek: I posed the patch itself to #219630, and am uploading x86 debs for testing here:  http://people.ubuntu.com/~bryce/Testing/geode/22:02
kirklandmpt: :-)  let me see what I can do!22:02
slangasekliw: ah yes, TorvalDOS22:02
bryceslangasek: actually there was very similar code for dealing with ati/atimisc conflicts22:02
slangasekbryce: hmm, then couldn't this have been done in the same for loop? :)22:03
bryceslangasek: I tried that initially, but notice that it returns rather than breaks, since it assumes there's only one driver22:03
bryceif I were to commit this upstream, yeah I'd want to rework that loop so both things can be taken into account22:04
brycehowever keeping it separate I figure makes the patch easier to review/understand22:04
ion_linux-...-generic in intrepid fails to boot on my 586 laptop because it’s missing cmov. (Will report a bit later.)22:05
slangasekbryce: well, I don't notice that because the diff doesn't provide that much context :-)22:06
slangasekion_: is this a new development? I would have expected cmov to be the baseline for -generic already, and cmovless 586 would need -38622:06
ion_slangasek: I wouldn’t mind installing -386 if it existed. ;-) I assumed it had been merged to -generic or something. Anyway, i’ve been using hardy -generic without any problem whatsoever in the past.22:08
ion_If a -386 kernel’s going to be built in the future, i’ll manage with the hardy kernel until that time.22:11
ograiirc rtg's plan was to move 386 to universe22:14
ograwhich makes it indeed hard if you need it in the installer22:14
ion_Heh, indeed.22:15
* ogra just remembers the issue because he was asked about ltsp .... where it doesnt matter if the kernel comes from universe since its netbooting 22:16
ograion_, so, the easy fix is to make your laptop a thin client ... and yu will even have a spare disk then22:18
ion_ogra: Heh, i wouldn’t mind doing that if i had something to use as a server for said thin client. My desktop box barely handles a single session. :-) I could consider stopping using Gnome, of course...22:20
ograwell, ltsp runs the session on the server :)22:20
ion_That’s what i meant, my desktop box isn’t fit to run two sessions simultaneously, unless i make the session more lightweight. I might do that.22:21
ograah, well, gnome cant handle that anyway ... you would have to log out the local user22:22
ion_Yeah, that, too. :-\22:22
ogra(at least two times with the same user doesnt work)22:22
ion_Yeah, i’d want to use the same user and the same session both locally and remotely.22:23
ion_Read: identical session22:23
ion_Oh, and firefox doesn’t handle that very well either, unless that’s been fixed. :-\22:24
ograsame for openoffice22:24
ion_For “Office” purposes, i mostly use LyX and Gnumeric.22:24
* ogra doesnt have such "purposes" .... only mail attachments he need to open :)22:25
ion_Oh well, i could just run xlinks2 in the remote session, that’s what i’m doing on the laptop anyway. It would choke with Firefox. :-)22:26
hungerIs debian import freeze in effect or was it postponed?22:32
ScottKAutosync has been run for that last time.  Other than that it really has no effect.22:34
hungerScottK: Thanks for the info. I was getting afraid that git-core will not get updated this release cycle:-)22:35
brycehunger: I'm sure an exception would be allowed for that22:36
ScottKAll it takes is a developer to deal with it.22:36
ScottKI'm fairly certain I don't want to be touched it last on Git.22:37
hungerScottK: Well, it is not compatible with svn 1.5, so it will probably take a new git release to make both updates possible.22:37
hunger... at least I could not build git-core with the subversion backport I have installed.22:38
slangasekbryce: so this xorg -configure fix is only in your people repo now?23:01
slangasekbryce: I think we should go ahead with pushing it to -proposed, both to move up the timeline and to make it easier for users to test23:02
bryceslangasek: alright, I'll put it in hardy-proposed23:04
bryceslangasek: ok uploading now23:06
slangasekcody-somerville: alpha-1 downloaded ok, or still downloading?23:21
cody-somervilleslangasek, I'm finishing some stuff up for work atm. When do you need it tested by? I thought Alpha 1 was not until July 10th.23:22
slangasekno, that's alpha 2...23:22
slangasekalpha 1 is today, with whatever we can manage to get out23:22
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