
e-jatelo ..12:04
e-jathow/where should i apply for cloaking ?12:07
jpdsubuntu/member cloaks or just a normal cloak?12:10
* e-jat is a new ubuntu members .. 12:11
jpdsLaunchpad page please?12:11
jpdsnalioth, PriceChild ^12:12
jpdse-jat: congrats!12:13
e-jatjpds, thanks ..12:13
jpdse-jat: oh. And make sure you've setup your nick as per: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#nicksetup12:15
=== e-jat is now known as e-jat_
=== e-jat_ is now known as e-jat
e-jatam i added ?12:19
jpdsYou'll have to wait till one of those two gets back^12:19
e-jatone of those two :) owh ok ..12:20
jpdsThey're probably sleeping or something..12:21
bazhangpricechild is around12:21
e-jatits ok ..12:53
e-jatill wait for them ..12:53
bazhangcongrats btw e-jat :)12:54
e-jatbazhang, thanks12:55
jpds_!hi > jpds12:57
PriceChilde-jat: please set an email with nickserv /msg nickserv help set email13:15
e-jatPriceChild, k13:58
e-jatPriceChild, done ..13:58
PriceChilde-jat: please check your email13:59
e-jatPriceChild, verified ..14:00
PriceChilde-jat: done14:02
e-jatthanks ..14:02
=== _Kamus_H_Zwisch is now known as Kamus_H_Zwisch
=== UdontKnow is now known as \0
=== \0 is now known as UdontKnow
=== johanbr_ is now known as johanbr

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