
=== kiko-afk is now known as kiko-zzz
ruiboonhi i have been having some problems in using the email interface of launchpad. replies to bugmail/answermail does not update the lp pages03:27
cody-somervilleruiboon, are your e-mails signed?03:27
ruibooncody-somerville: yes03:28
cody-somervilleis your gpg key uploaded to launchpad?03:28
ruiboongpg key is uploaded to lp. i am able to push to bzr branches, so i dont think it is key issues03:29
wgrantruiboon: You don't get any error emails returned from LP?03:29
ruiboon(sorry abt that, bzr uses ssh key and not pgp)03:29
ruiboonwgrant: i have not received any emails (errors or not) from LP. they are not in my junk folder either03:30
wgrantruiboon: I believe somebody else has been having similar problems, and LP folks haven't been able to explain it yet...03:32
ruiboonwgrant: i see.. i guess that i am not the only one03:33
whsPPA told me: 05:14
whsThe source usplash-theme-clubuntu - 0.18ubuntu1 is already accepted in ubuntu/hardy and you cannot upload the same version within the same distribution. You have to modify the source version and re-upload. but I cannot find the package anywhere else05:14
Hobbseewhs: what is your launcphad ID?05:16
whsHobbsee# whs05:16
Hobbseewhs: it's because you've uploaded it before, even though it's clearly been delete.d05:18
whsHobbsee# thank you.05:18
Hobbseecprov: why is this happening now?  Shouldn't deleting it one month and 17 days ago be enough?05:18
Hobbsee(it's showing up in https://edge.launchpad.net/~whs/+archive?field.name_filter=usplash&field.status_filter=any )05:19
whsit show Specification is now considered "Started". when I change blueprint implementation from Unknown to Beta Available 05:42
kiko-zzzHobbsee, wgrant: thanks for helping report the timeout oopses yesterday, we figured out what it was and nailed it overnight.10:27
Hobbseekiko-zzz: you're welcome.  what was it?10:28
kiko-zzzHobbsee, 40M rows in the session table, created by robots who don't use cookies and never visit us again!10:28
Hobbseekiko-zzz: tasty...10:28
kiko-zzzI wonder how many rows remain there10:28
* kiko-zzz can't query the prod db anymore10:28
wgrantkiko-zzz: Is that why I was getting OOPSes regularly last week which were errors with SQL requests timing out while verifying my cookie?10:29
kiko-zzzwgrant, last week? wow, yes. our OOPS reports simply ignored the session DB before -- not sure why even.10:30
kiko-zzzI wish we had picked this up before, deleting those rows was not easy10:30
kiko-zzzhad to make a script to delete them in 100K batches as deleting them all at once blew up the DB10:30
wgrantkiko-zzz: Might have even been a couple of weeks ago. I was only able to confirm that it was that issue on one day, so other days could have had a similar issue...10:30
wgrantkiko-zzz: Wouldn't the Rosetta string tables have even more immense rowcounts?10:31
kiko-zzzwgrant, yeah, but we don't try deleting from those tables during web requests10:31
wgrantSo it creates a session even if you're not logged in?10:33
kiko-zzzyes, I believe in order to know what to do when you log in, but I'm not sure10:35
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cprovHobbsee: no, we already discussed that before, versions are blacklisted for ever in ubuntu and PPAs.10:53
Hobbseecprov: ah, sensible, although that will probably confuse people.  when did that take place?10:54
cprovHobbsee: 1 year ago10:54
cprovwe could be less fascist and only blacklist source that had binaries, but I failed to see major benefits on that.10:56
Hobbseeright, so people are just under the delusion that they can delete things, then use the same version number.10:56
cprovHobbsee: yes, and that's mentioned in the help for +delete-packages.10:57
wgrantcprov: The help tab is history.10:58
wgrantSo the comment on that page is buggy.10:58
wgrantAnd that page is in trouble in general.10:58
wgrantI would hope that adding further documentation to that page would be RC.11:00
Hobbseewgrant: RC?11:01
wgrantHobbsee: Release-critical. Same as anywhere else.11:02
* Hobbsee thought it might have some special launchpad definition11:03
wgrantOh, it does, I'm sure. But the expansion and general meaning is (I believe) the same.11:03
cprovwgrant: mpt is aware of it and it will be fixed soon (pretty vague, I know, but ...)11:06
wgrantcprov: 1.2.6 or not?11:07
cprovwgrant: I can't tell precisely, sorry :(11:08
cprovkiko-zzz: can you ?11:10
wgrantReleasing with that page importantly referencing a nonexistent feature of itself seems a little bad.11:11
kiko-zzzcprov, what's the question?11:11
cprovkiko-zzz: when will the help-tabs be fixed ?11:12
kiko-zzzcprov, what help tabs?11:13
wgrantkiko-zzz: Exactly.11:13
kiko-zzzoh, you wanna know where that will be rendered?11:14
kiko-zzzwell that's a damned good question11:14
kiko-zzzthere is JS for this:11:14
kiko-zzz            src="https://edge.launchpad.net/+icing/rev6536/inlinehelp.js"></script>11:14
kiko-zzzbut WTF.11:14
kiko-zzzwell if it's not fixed monday it will be fixed right after that11:15
wgrantkiko-zzz: There is a Soyuz page that depends on it, and it's confusing users as is... Having no possibility for users to see it is likely to be even worse...11:16
cprovI personally don't mind about where they will be presented, I'm more concerned about *when* they will be available again, but yes I will be fixed by Monday anyway.11:16
kiko-zzzcprov, wgrant: be sure to help ensure mpt clarifies this on monday! I won't be here so I need your help.11:17
cprovkiko-zzz: ok, I will.11:18
=== abentle1 is now known as abentley
psyhhix_hy everyone12:01
wgrantHi psyhhix_.12:01
kiko-zzzhey psyhhix_ 12:02
psyhhix_bazaar.launchpad.net seems to be down and i cant find "easy-drm-modules-installer" anywhere12:02
psyhhix_can u help me out?12:02
kiko-zzzdown? man, we need to knock loggerhead on the head really hard.12:02
wgrantIs the new LH being rolled out with 1.2.6?12:02
wgrantI hear it actually works.12:03
kiko-zzzwell, it would work if it didn't exhaust file descriptors on the server!!!12:03
kiko-zzzwe're working on a fix for it but it might have to be rolled out later in the week12:03
lagaincrease the number of file descriptors?12:04
kiko-zzzlaga, and postpone the inevitable!12:04
wgrantNasty problem.12:04
wgrantkiko-zzz: You're not doing a very good job of sleeping, I have to say.12:05
kiko-zzzmwh has a solution but doesn't know if it'll cause other problems...12:05
=== kiko-zzz is now known as kiko
kikoI give up12:05
kikoI wake up at 5:30 and try and go back to sleep but fail12:06
kikoit's like that every day!!12:06
lagawell, when do you go to bed? 8pm? ;)12:07
kikolike 10pm12:08
laga7.5h. works for me. :)12:08
kikoI should sleep 8.5 at least. my memory is failing me.12:08
qenseis there a way to create a link that points always the latest revision of a file in a bzr repo?12:12
kikopsyhhix, bazaar.launchpad.net should be back. I wanna kick LH in the nuts.12:13
kikoqense, what sort of link?12:14
qensee.g you've got the file test.py in the repo lp:test of the project with the name test12:14
qensehow do you link to the latest rev of test.py?12:14
kikoqense, symlink, hardlink, URL..?12:14
qensewithout having to update the link every time someone commits12:14
kikoqense, how about using bazaar.launchpad.net for that?12:15
* kiko chuckles at the irony12:15
qenseI could only find a way to link to the file in a certain revision12:15
wgrantIt's actually not possible with LH, AFAICR.12:16
kikoyou can do it indirectly by fetching a link from http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~joostvb/mailman/pgp-smime/files12:16
kikobut tbh12:16
kikoit's such an easy thing to fix you should file a bug on it and remind us of it frequently12:17
kikoi.e. just provide a redirect from files/BUGS to whatever revision it has12:17
qenseok, I'll do that12:17
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twcookattempting to add a mirror for http://www.openehr.org/svn/ref_impl_python/TRUNK it fails saying it's not a branch. What am I missing?13:11
kikotwcook, you want a code import for SVN, not a mirror13:18
kikotwcook, https://help.launchpad.net/VcsImports13:19
twcookwell, I really wanted to mirror my SVN 13:19
twcookOk, I also submitted a request for import and it's pending review so I'll wait for that13:20
twcookreading the help though I thought that I cannot convert an import to a mirror so what's the point of the mirror option?13:20
kikotwcook, it's for mirroring existing bzr branches. you don't want that. :)13:28
twcookahhhhhh, tnx for the clarification 13:28
Hobbseewhy does https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/intrepid/+source/kdepim/4:3.5.9-0ubuntu3 show me hardy builds?  i asked for the intrepid version, as indicated by the URL.13:43
kikohardy version? where?13:44
* Hobbsee scratches head in confusement.13:44
Hobbseeleft hand portlet?13:44
kikooh, the builds13:44
Hobbseebuilds portlet.13:44
kikoit's because it was built on hardy13:44
Hobbseeit was also built on intrepid.13:45
kikoand just forwarded or synced to intrepid13:45
Hobbseewell, okay13:45
kikoare you sure?13:45
kikoI think it wasn't13:45
kikoa version is only built once13:45
Hobbseeactually, it would have been forwarded.13:45
kikoin the repo13:45
Hobbseebut i should still have been able to access the binaries without manual url's.13:45
kikobut it is13:46
Hobbseeoh, it's probably the same anyway.13:46
kikoclick on the build and expand the resulting binaries13:46
kikoit /has/ to be the same by definition :)13:46
kikothe paths in the pool are the same 13:46
Hobbseefair enough13:46
Hobbseeoy, apt!  please go fishing.13:46
=== kiko is now known as kiko-afk
mptGoooooooooooooooooooooood afternoon Launchpadders!15:30
mptcprov, when what will be available again?15:30
Hobbseehey mpt!15:30
Hobbseeelmo: is there any chance we can get some sort of spam filter running on the @lists.ubuntu.com mailing lists?16:15
Hobbseea whole lot of this is obvious spam...16:16
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whshttps://translations.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/hardy/+source/update-manager/+pots/update-manager/th/+translate doesn't look like LP18:30
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twcookI realize that these are probably volunteer positions but just how long does it take to get a translation file reviewed and posted?20:41
twcookalso a code import from SVN?20:41
\sh<project-leonov@lists.launchpad.net>: host forster.canonical.com[]22:20
\sh    said: 550 Administrative prohibition (in reply to end of DATA command)22:20
\shnow it worked22:21
=== Yhouse|off is now known as Yhouse

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