
=== DanaG1 is now known as DanaG
phungSCIM used to show up in Hardy's top panel (alpha/beta). How do I bring that back?03:10
mib_3lmofdhi, anyone can help to subdownloader?03:19
cyphaseno desktop cd for alpha 1?04:46
WelshDragonNo live CD's for alpha one. You'll need to use the alternate CD :)04:50
WelshDragoncyphase ^^04:50
DanaGHow to run a bug jam?05:01
DanaGMmm, bug jam.  Tasty.05:01
DanaG!find kdecorations05:07
ubottuFound: Segmentation05:07
DanaG!find libkdecorations05:08
ubottuFound: Segmentation05:08
DanaGaah, just append '4'05:09
ZirodayIs alpha 1 released yet?06:05
Zirodaywait never mind06:06
=== lamalex_3 is now known as lamalex_2
annaIntrepid is still not alpha, is it?08:12
SebastianAlpha 1 is out.08:14
annaSo the topic could be changed to ALPHA instead of PRE-ALPHA :-)08:45
=== effie is now known as effie_jayx
LeeJarrattIs this for talking about Intrepid Ibex?15:26
elkyLeeJarratt, yes.15:29
LeeJarrattIs there a way I can download the new theme in intrepid, without having to upgrade to Alpha 1?15:30
javaJakeThe Alpha 1 release currently crashes in VirtualBox.15:57
javaJakeAre there any ways around that or any fixes?15:57
scizzo-javaJake: For people to help you its good to say what happens when virtualbox crashes16:01
scizzo-javaJake: do you mean that you run virtualbox in Ibex or running ubuntu ibex in virtualbox?16:01
scizzo-javaJake: and if so what is the error you get?16:01
WelshDragonIs there anyway to actually show that you're running ibex on a laptop and not a desktop?16:02
scizzo-WelshDragon: only in lspci I would say16:05
scizzo-WelshDragon: not 100% sure though16:05
scizzo-WelshDragon: or dmesg16:05
WelshDragonWill have a quick look, ta :)16:05
javaJakescizzo-: I ran Ibex in VB16:06
scizzo-javaJake: ok so it crashes in the virtualbox16:06
scizzo-javaJake: however when does it crash? at boot? when running?16:06
javaJakescizzo-: and there's very little in the way of error messages. Just tells me a "critical error" occured, and this happens when the kernel is loading/just run.16:07
javaJakeI can post the log and screenshot generated if desired16:07
javaJakeThere are some generic, repetitive on-screen error(s) :P16:07
scizzo-pastebin the errors16:07
WelshDragonlspci mentions the mobile chipset, thanks scizzo-  :)16:08
scizzo-WelshDragon: np16:14
javaJakeSorry for being a dense "ive got a problems" person to start with :P16:16
scizzo-javaJake: you just upgraded from hardy on that image?16:17
kotodoes someone know where to get ubuntu-modules-2.6.26 for intrepid? they are missing on my system :(16:18
scizzo-koto: you mean the linux-ubuntu-modules-*16:18
kotoscizzo: yep16:18
kotoscizzo: they are missing on my system and I need uvcvideo16:19
scizzo-koto: sudo apt-cache search linux-ubuntu-modules16:19
kotoscizzo: I can only install 2.6.2416:19
scizzo-those modules are there?16:19
scizzo-2.6.24 that is?16:20
javaJakescizzo-: no, I downloaded the ISO16:20
kotoscizzo: yep, but the latest kernel is
kotoscizzo: so I need modules for this kernel16:20
kotoscizzo: or is there a way to build these modules from source?16:20
scizzo-koto: sounds like those modules are not build yet by the developers then16:20
scizzo-not sure though16:20
scizzo-javaJake: so install went fine and so on...then when booting the virtualbox image you get this?16:22
scizzo-koto: doesn't apt-cache show linux-openvz tell you anything about the current version then?16:23
kotoscizzo: but I'm confused because intrepid uses kernel as the standard kernel now. and they already ship restricted modules and other stuff as well. I just need this uvcdriver :)16:25
kotobtw, that's the difference between amd64 and ia64? how can I find out which one I have installed?16:26
crdlbkoto: ia64 is intel's itanium, you don't have that16:27
kotocrdlb: but amd64 sound like an AMD chip - I don't have one16:28
crdlbit's not16:28
crdlbAMD just designed it, so they're in the name16:29
crdlbintel calls it EM64T, but it's identical16:29
kotocrdlb: ok, thanks. do you know anything about the 2.6.26 modules?16:30
=== Sebast1an is now known as Sebastian
javaJakescizzo-: sorry, lost ssh for a moment17:34
javaJakescizzo-: back. I'm trying to boot the CD.17:34
javaJakeSo I can install. :)17:34
javaJakeIt crashes after I select Install from the disk menu17:34
javaJakeWell, after I select it, and after it says "Loading" and the screen goes black, anyway17:35
zerwasis someone here using the intrepid theme with hardy?17:40
zerwaswhen i activate it it looks like the engine is missing17:40
WelshDragonAny known problems with xchat in intrepid?17:54
RAdamshiya. I've got a laptop running hardy here, but I'd like to install the .25 kernel. I realize I will have to do some fixing, for instance, I might have to grab the very newest nvidia driver, and some other patches, but is it possible to just enable the intrepid repos and grab the kernel so I have the option to boot to it? I believe the .25 family has a fix for a problem I'm having17:54
DanaGargh, damn flash!19:25
DanaGIt only works for ONE page per run of Firefox/19:25
selckingood websites don't use it anyway19:26
=== DanaG1 is now known as DanaG
DanaGYeah, but like 100% of online video sites use it.19:29
cyphasei'm running the alpha 1 alternate cd in virtualbox, and as soon as it loads that first language dialog, it freezes19:46
AtomicSparkcyphase, not to be a smartbutt or anything, but I wouldn't really expect an alpha 1 to work on many machines. :P19:50
AtomicSparki couldn't get 8.10 to work on my laptop till after release. :\19:51
cyphaseAtomicSpark: i understand it's an alpha :). but i think i should at least be able to choose the language in the boot screen, before even the installer19:52
cyphaseAtomicSpark: 8.04* :)19:52
AtomicSparkyes yes. there have been problems with installers before in betas. i suppose you could burn it at a lower speed. you can't even get to the verifier i assume.19:54
=== threethirty is now known as threethirty_away
=== hydrogen_ is now known as hydrogen
maccam94how are features now decided? in edgy through gutsy, there were Community____Ideas pages on the wiki, but hardy didn't have any such pages, and i don't see any for intrepid either23:01
maccam94i'm talking about pages like https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommunityFeistyIdeas23:02
rpedromaccam94: search for "ubuntu brainstorm"23:29

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