
HewIs it appropriate to ask a user to install a package from Intrepid on their Hardy system to test if their issue has been solved?01:01
bdmurrayNot really.01:01
Hewbug #203144 was marked as fixed in Debian, so I think it would be useful for the reporter to test with the latest version in Intrepid. What's the best way to do this? Should I ask them to test on an Intrepid livecd?01:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 203144 in supertuxkart "Supertuxkart didn't work anymore on hardy heron after the last update" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20314401:03
bdmurrayTesting with a LiveCD is a good idea but I don't think alpha 1 every came out01:08
Hewbdmurray: yea, looks like it has been postponed to me as well. They could do it on a daily build, but there's no rush so I'll follow it up later on with an alpha. Thanks for your help :-)01:12
bdmurrayHew: No problem01:13
greg-guh oh, my LP karma is starting to go down, dang summer internship interfering with bug triaging :)01:44
* amireldor_ is away: I'm busy, sorry02:26
Hobbsee!away | amireldor_02:26
ubottuamireldor_: You should avoid changing your nick in a busy channel like #ubuntu, or other Ubuntu channels - it causes unrequired scrolling which is unfair to new users.  (Please set your preferred nick in your client's settings instead.)  The same goes for using noisy away messages; use the command "/away <reason>" to set your client away silently.  See also «/msg ubottu Guidelines»02:26
* amireldor_ is back (gone 00:00:08)02:26
* amireldor_ is away: I'm busy, sorry02:27
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amireldor_Hobbsee, sorry i was testing ex-chat features02:27
Hobbseeamireldor_: i'm sure that's not a feature.  i'ts a bug :)02:28
Hobbseeamireldor_: and please, not in #ubuntu and such.02:28
amireldor_Hobbsee, nah, the bug is inside my brain :) i'm a loco team leader hence the LoCo02:29
* amireldor_ is away: I'm busy, sorry03:13
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gnomefreaki cant remember the link to subscribe to all bugs in a project in LP can someone give me an example please10:15
RAOFgnomefreak: https://edge.launchpad.net/do/+subscribe10:16
RAOFBon apetit10:16
gnomefreakRAOF: thanks10:17
gnomefreak:( this might not work10:18
gnomefreakha thanks RAOF i did get it to work10:21
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motin_0Hey guys15:28
motin_0I am running into falsely reported duplicates15:28
motin_0how can I revert a bug's duplication status?15:28
motin_0by having the bug falsely reported against the other one, it is not getting the attention it deserves, and other bugs which really are duplicates cannot be marked as such against it because it is already marked as a dupe...15:29
motin_0Here is the false duplicate: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager/+bug/10525115:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 105251 in network-manager "NetworkManager wrongly releases DHCP IP (dup-of: 45696)" [Undecided,New]15:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 45696 in network-manager "NetworkManager can't find interface on resume from suspend" [High,Fix released]15:31
motin_0as the marked dupe target is "Fix Released", this bug will _never_ get fixed...15:32
motin_0I have been triaging bug the last 6 hours15:33
motin_0there are many bugs that would benefit from the ability to choose "Wishlist" importance, and adding the "feature-request" tag - but I do not have account privileges to do so...15:34
motin_0how can I apply for a membership in the bug squad?15:35
motin_0check my related bugs: https://bugs.launchpad.net/~motin  you will find that I am a genuine ubuntu supporter and a valid triager15:35
techno_freakmotin_0, you can go to "mark as duplicate" link on the left, and remove the shown bug number, click change15:42
motin_0techno_freak: I get an error message when trying that, sorry15:43
motin_0no wait15:43
motin_0motin_0: there is simply no number there15:44
techno_freakmotin_0, if you are not in bug control but would like to change, please report it here so people can look at it and change it as required. if you would like to apply for bug control, ping bdmurray15:44
techno_freakmotin_0, i just now unmarked it from a duplicate15:44
motin_0techno_freak: ok great15:44
motin_0I guess I'll be posting my proposed changes here until bdmurray gets back to me15:44
techno_freakmotin_0, then comment it to the bug report15:45
motin_0thanks techno_freak15:45
motin_0now those bugs are correctly sorted15:46
techno_freakmotin_0, welcome :)15:47
bliZZardztechno_freak , you did not answer a corollary to motion_0's Q : what is the criteria for membership in the BugSquad?15:48
techno_freakbliZZardz, read /topic15:50
techno_freakmotin_0, read /topic15:50
motin_0techno_freak: thanks, just applied15:51
bliZZardzQ : if compiz is not part of the repos(before Gutsy), should all the bugs(which conform to it) be marked 'Invalid'? (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Responses also states the same) - i wanted to confirm this.15:55
techno_freakbliZZardz, bugs on compiz over which release?15:58
bliZZardztechno_freak : check that link - search for 'compiz' in that page.15:59
bliZZardztechno_freak : or read my prev msg carefully :)16:00
techno_freakbliZZardz, it clearly states ""So the first step will be to find out which package version they have installed. In the event that it is not from the Ubuntu repository the bug should be set to Invalid. ""16:01
techno_freakbliZZardz, so you have to first comfirm whether the compiz version is the one in ubuntu repos or not16:02
techno_freakif it is not, then mark it as invalid16:02
techno_freakfrustration building up over bug #38512 :[16:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 38512 in rhythmbox "Window close should close, not quit" [Unknown,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/3851216:15
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motin_0Hi all16:53
motin_0I have a suggestion to change the importance of a certain bug from "Wishlist" to "Confirmed", since it's status is "Fix Released": https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager/+bug/9610316:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 96103 in network-manager "NetworkManager does not allow more than one active NIC" [Wishlist,Fix released]16:54
techno_freakmotin_0, wishlist to confirmed for a fix released bug?17:04
motin_0techno_freak: yeah, at least not keeping "Wishlist" since the bug was never a wishlist bug to start of with17:04
techno_freakmotin_0, fix released is a higher level to confirmed, so you need not change a fix released to confirmed17:05
techno_freakmotin_0, importance is different from status17:05
motin_0techno_freak: yeah I am clearly mixing it up since I do not have an insight in what importance levels are available17:06
techno_freakmotin_0, if you are not clear please do not do anything without getting clarified here17:06
techno_freakmotin_0, may be asking the one who marked it as wishlist and fix released might also help17:07
motin_0techno_freak: no, I wouldn't and can't change the importance17:07
motin_0techno_freak: as a learning case, what would be an appropriate Importance level? is it even relevant to care about the Importance level for Fix Released bugs? it would only be for historical reasons17:08
techno_freakmotin_0, importance is marked for triaged bugs, so we know how important is to attend the bug. once it is fix released, then you need not worry too much about anything until someone reopens the bug17:09
motin_0techno_freak: ok great, then I can move on17:10
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motin_0Ok guys, now I'm finishing my 8h bug triaging - thanks for the support17:45
Iulianmotin_0: 8 hours - that's great!17:57
motin_0Iulian: yeah and I'm totally starved and very craving for some human contact atm :P so I'm off to a house-warming party. cheers all!17:58
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\shbdmurray: ping18:58
\shbdmurray: bug #24376718:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 243767 in leonov "unique user agent" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24376718:58
pppShould I raise a bug on problems with the patched NVIDIA .09 driver on Intrepid? The driver is patched by an Ubuntu dev to get it working on the 26.6.26 kernel. Asking due to it being patched20:03
bdmurray\sh: pong20:13
\shbdmurray: please reply to my comment on bug #243767 :) thx :)20:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 243767 in leonov "unique user agent" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24376720:14
lupo__hello everybody21:21
lupo__i'm looking for the right place to report a bug in the kde-guidance package21:22
lupo__ah, got it. never mind :)21:25
pppSince no one replied, I reported it amongst other bugs on Intrepid alpha in https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/24381721:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 243817 in ubuntu "Patched NVIDIA 173.14.09 Unstable on Intrepid" [Undecided,New]21:45

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