
spasticteapotI have a rather thorny problem: I would like to install Xubuntu on a machine with 192mb of RAM and a sketchy CD-ROM drive.03:03
spasticteapotIs there a way to boot the "Alternate Install" CD off of a pen drive?03:03
th0rspasticteapot, only if your computer bios supports booting off a pen drive03:04
spasticteapotth0r: This may be a problem - it's a bit long in the tooth.03:05
th0ryup...kinda figured that03:05
th0rI have a similar laptop and just gave in and put xp on it....it seems to run better on limited resources03:05
spasticteapotth0r: I severely doubt that.03:06
spasticteapotOnce you start removing unnecessary ram-hogs like Evolution and Firefox, Xubuntu is far better.03:07
th0rit just runs my website....doesn't have to do much. The pcmcia slot is fried, so I have to use usb for wifi, and the wifi dongle I have ubuntu didn't recognize03:07
spasticteapotAnd there's always AntiX03:07
spasticteapotth0r: You run a server...on WinXP?03:07
th0ryup....xp pro03:07
th0ruse abyss for the web server software....absolutely hate iis03:08
spasticteapotI've never had an XP box that didn't crash on a regular basis.03:08
spasticteapotOr end up full of spyware.03:08
th0rwould much prefer ubuntu...but for the wifi. I really should just dump the box and buy another.03:08
j1mcth0r: you could try the minimal install cd03:08
spasticteapotth0r: Are you using 8.04?03:09
th0rjlmc, I got ubuntu installed OK, but it wouldn't recognize the wifi, so I went back to xp on that box. This is my main machine, and it is on hardy03:09
th0rspasticteapot, yeah...this one is 8.0403:09
spasticteapotEven my Linksys WUSB11 adapter - which was until recently unusable with any linux distro - works under 8.04.03:09
th0rspasticteapot, agreed for the most part. This one uses an atheros chipset for wifi and worked out of the box, but the other one gave me problems and it just wasn't worth messing with03:10
spasticteapotth0r: You do realize that wifi adapters cost about $7 nowadays?03:11
th0respecially for a website no one but me visits <smile>03:11
th0rspasticteapot, a fried pcmcia and a usb1.1 slot....not worth $7 <smile>03:11
spasticteapotth0r: Bah. Send it to me if you don't want it.03:12
th0rspasticteapot, like I said...I hate to throw it away. It runs fine as is...sits in a corner and runs the little personal website I tinker with03:13
spasticteapotI'll offer you...$8 for it!03:13
th0rif I sold it, I would have to depend on the internet for entertainment instead of my own network <smile>03:14
spasticteapotYou can get old PCs on Craigslist for $20.03:14
th0rspasticteapot, I am a laptop fan. I have three running here right now. I am into one via rdp that is encrypting a usb drive with truecrypt, I am watching hulu and talking here and on #ubuntu here...and the third laptop is running the website03:15
th0rsix years living on a boat, and now an rv....don't have room for a pc <smile>03:16
spasticteapotYou lived on a boat???03:17
th0ryup..a 28' sloop. Sailed it single-handed for six years (well...I have the dog but he refuses to help)03:17
spasticteapotAnd you're on land now?03:19
th0ryup. Working as a net admin for a small wireless isp. money didn't last forever <smile>03:19
spasticteapotSo, how do you connect to the internets?03:20
th0rspasticteapot, that's ok though...I had a great six years03:20
th0rI have a motorola canopy, 5.7GHz radio. that links to our equipment on one of the water towers in the area. I live about 20 miles outside of Dallas, Texas03:20
th0rdoes anyone here use fusesmb? I have it autostarting and while it finds the network drives and maps them OK, it won't let me into them. I have to unmount and remount fusesmb to get it to work03:23
mrwislrhello everyone04:04
mrwislranyone alive?04:04
mrwislri am having a strange problem with xubuntu and firefox04:05
mrwislrwhen i click on links to download some files "mostly document files"   it only gives me the option to save file or cancel no option to open with04:06
mrwislri have installed gnome-firefox-support   that was suggested but that didn't do anything04:06
mrwislrall the helper applications seems to be in place properly04:07
mrwislrso i'm not sure what the deal is04:07
LukipelaSo, i installed Xubuntu.. but it only uses about 3/4 of my laptop screen, i have huge black lines around the side, is there a solution for this.. ?09:05
* Lukipela dance09:05
LukipelaOne would think there would be community support at this time of night, where are the bigger nerds when i need them?!09:10
mnemochi, how can one get the translations for "Applications" and "Places" from command line?10:12
mnemocthanks ,-)10:35
xubuntuuserHow can you edit the system menu?12:36
jarnosAnybody have used removable drives that have several partitions with Xubuntu?12:56
jarnosI mean is there anyone online that has experience in using removable drives that have many partitions by Xubuntu.13:02
jarnosI am wondering, if you see several items in Thunar and what happens, if you try to eject one.13:15
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Mat-Cauthonhey.. can somebody help me with a problem concerning mediakeys? i've used settings -> settings manager -> keyboard | shortcuts to add commands for my mute, decrease and increase volume keys14:58
Mat-Cauthonhowever when i recorded the shortcut it did register that a key was pressed, but it showed as an empty field in the shortcut column14:59
Mat-Cauthonat the time a added the second shortcut it gave me a message that the key was already bound (although i was using a different mediakey)14:59
Mat-Cauthoni confirmed anyways and had 3 entries with an "empty" shortcut assigned to them15:00
Mat-Cauthonwell, they did actually work to some degree, except that the volume up button responded only every once in a while15:00
Mat-Cauthonso i deleted those shortcuts and wanted to do the mapping using xev and xmodmap15:01
Mat-Cauthonbut for some reason those bindings still seem to be in place :-s15:01
Mat-Cauthonalthough i've deleted them in the keyboard settings gui15:02
Mat-Cauthonin xev i get a FocusOut, FocusIn and KeymapNotify event15:04
Mat-Cauthonwhen pressing any of those 315:04
Mat-Cauthonuh.. nobody here or just nobody here who can help me? ^^15:07
Riottawhat keyboard Mat-Cauthon ?15:13
Mat-Cauthonwell, the internal one on my dell xps m17015:17
Jonny0starsnot exactly a xubutu specific question but its too busy in #ubuntu15:27
Jonny0starsis there anyway to force apt-get to install a specific version of a package15:28
Jonny0starsi cant build eeepc kernel headers because a package is to new15:28
Mat-Cauthoncan somebody tell me where the shortcuts created using the xcfe settings manager -> keyboard settings GUI are saved?16:10
fufumimihi, what's the difference between desktop and alternate cd?16:29
Odd-rationalefufumimi: the alternaitve cd is text-mode only. the desktop cd is a live desktop environment16:32
ubottuThe Alternate CD is a classical text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD.  Look for the alternate checkbox on the Ubuntu download page - See also !minimal - Torrent at http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04/ubuntu-8.04-alternate-i386.iso.torrent16:32
ubottuThe Ubuntu Desktop CD is a "LiveCD" which can be run without altering existing files on your harddrive. Especially useful for testing your hardware's compatibility, it also includes an install option.16:32
fufumimiwhich is recommended?16:32
Odd-rationalefufumimi: well, what are you trying to install on? the alternative cd needs less ram. so if you have < 400 mb, use the alt cd16:33
Odd-rationalealso the alt cd has more options, like full disk encryption.16:34
Odd-rationalebut the desktop cd has a live xubuntu desktop on it.16:34
fufumimierm i got 1.2g ram on the laptop..and i dont need encryption.. so i guess i will take desktop instead16:35
fufumimii guess if i can install ubuntu on the laptop fine..xubuntu should work too16:35
Odd-rationalefufumimi: correct. just faster... :P16:36
fufumimiyup..i just tried ubuntu..sluggish..but nicer than windows16:36
Odd-rationalefufumimi: well, did you have compiz on? that usually slow things down considerably.16:37
fufumimii guess so but still its sluggish...and it installs stuff that i dont need..lol16:37
PathagenXHey. I apt'd the latest xfce and it ?messed around with the gamma for gtk2? i purged xfce but the weird settings remained.17:13
PathagenXany ideas on causes/solutions?17:13
gopphi how do I get wifi via the cli in ubuntu17:15
goppI tryed iwconfig wlan017:16
goppI tryed iwconfig wlan0 up17:16
goppbut I could not get it17:16
Valsumtry iwconfig17:26
Valsumthen iwconfig eth1 (or the one you have your dev on) scan17:26
Valsumthen iwconfig essid <nameofconnection> and that's it17:27
Valsumiwconfig eth1 essid <name>17:27
Valsumyou might have to type ifconfig eth1 up before scanning17:27
PathagenXalso I am fixing this problem http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=4040893 need to reinstall libopenexr2c2a but dpkg is saying: Bus error (core dumped). How do I reinstall something when dpkg is packing a sad?17:28
goppValsum thanks17:32
Valsumnp gopp17:32
goppValsum lastquestion what about security17:32
ValsumPathagenX: sorry, dunno17:32
goppI setup wpa17:32
Valsumhmm didn't it ask for your password after 'iwconfig eth1 essid <name>'? seems I forgot17:34
Valsumah yes it was, afterwards, 'iwconfig eth1 key s:<pass>'17:36
Valsumand remember to use sudo in all the process ;)17:37
Valsumone last step I forgot, and Google reminded me: sudo dhclient eth117:37
Valsumbah he had left and I had missed it :P17:40
goppI can't get to seem to get wireless up18:00
dellanyone have any problems with java applets with FF3 on xubuntu?18:21
dellare the updates listed in update manager really that important? most of them are related to stuff i never use18:24
ValsumI think I'm having some troubles with java in ff too, and I recommend updating ;)18:25
oreni want to add support to writing in japanese. i went to Language support and checked in japanese. what else should i do?19:11
floatinggo check in some options if you have a tag for support for complex languages19:31
floatingim not on xubuntu now, but i had problems with it too..19:31
floatingi tagged it and untagged and tagged...19:31
orennow i am trying to replace us with jp in xorg.19:32
floatingyou dont have to do that i think19:32
floatingthere are some websites that has help for installing scim19:33
floatingtype ubuntu scim in google19:33
orenfloating: wife ga nihon jin desu19:34
floatingaa okkee desu =)19:35
orenafter replacing us with jp in xorg and restarting, i still write only in english, what's going on?19:36
floatingits little bit complex... so complex that i dont have time to start checking the things in more detail right now |(19:37
orenok. i'll take a look.19:37
floatingactually it can be really simple.. but if there is a problem... then not19:37
orenfloating: btw, i check the option to enable complex characters but after reboot it's uncheck again.19:38
floatingUnder Xubuntu 8.04, you will need to install scim-bridge-client-gtk via synaptic in order to successfully check the "Enable support to enter complex characters" option, in the Language Support menu19:38
orenfloating: got it. will do it now.19:39
floatingif apt-get scim-bridge-client-gtk doesnt help.. then there is some other scim-xxx-x-xxx-qt  that you might have to install19:39
floatingi forgot the name19:40
orenand do u swicth between languages with the icon on the top bar?19:41
floatingi have a japanese keyboard, so i press the カタカナひらがな button to switch19:44
floatingperhaps alt-shift switches by default too19:44
floatingthere is the scim bar where you can switch the keyboard too ^^19:45
floatingi actually use only the japanese keyboard, i switch between input method19:45
floatingyou can also switch between keyboard layouts instead19:45
orenafter adding the package u mentioned i can check the complex characters checkbox. but still, my icon shows only the us flag and alt+shift does not change the language.19:50
oreni try click on open office and gedit. not sure if i'll find anything.19:52
oren(i mean right click)19:52
orenright click in open office, 'set language'. i set japanese as default. still no change...19:54
oreni changed the xinput.d file..20:12
oreninstead if xim i put scim-bridge20:12
oren: scratch his head.20:15
oren:me scratch his head.20:15
* oren test20:15
* oren scratch his head.20:16
* j1mc test20:16
j1mcoren: what is your question?20:16
orenj1mc: swith between english and another language.20:17
orenj1mc: switch20:17
Kiba`Applications -> System -> Language Support -> Default Language?20:18
oreni installed scim-bridge agent, edited my xorg to us,jp, edited xinput.d file but nothing helps.20:18
orenKiba`: let me try20:19
Kiba`well, not sure if that's actually what you want :x20:20
Kiba`also, i'm a total beginner :-s20:20
orenKiba`: rebooting. i am trying it but i don't realy want to have default japanese. let see anyway.20:20
orenKiba`: i want default english.20:21
Kiba`do you want to change the language itself or do you just want to type in japanese?20:21
orenKiba`: it looks like my xfce is japanese now...i want the ability to write in japanese/english.20:22
orenKiba`: the funny part is now i still can't WRITE in japanese..20:23
Kiba`press ctrl+space20:23
Kiba`or i think that was the combination SCIM used20:24
orenKiba`: when i do it i can't write anymore but see a new small bar in the right bottom corner.20:25
orenKiba`: what is this?20:25
Kiba`um, that should be the SCIM thingy20:26
orenKiba`: but i can't write anything. only after hiting ctrl+space again i can. but in english.20:27
Kiba`maybe try in another application20:28
Kiba`not sure if you can actually type japanese characters into the terminal20:29
orenKiba`: actually when i type ctrl+space i can write into a buffer and hit enter. then it paste whatever i typed to the doc. but it's wierd english. no japanese.20:30
siggjeni have a problem setting up my new RAID system20:47
siggjenWhen i make a new partition it will only become 747 GB large20:47
siggjenand there is 2.73TiB available /:20:47
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nikolamsyslogd and klogd just went crazy after I used a kvm virtual machine with Virtual Machine manager.21:22
nikolamI shut down Vm`s but syslogd and klogd are using so much cpu now21:23
oreni got japanese in gedit using scim. when i try it in open office it display dibrish. do i need to install font for open office?21:28
hvgotcodeshey how much smaller is xubuntu than ubuntu?21:32
orenhvgotcodes: mine is 4 inch smaller. i think it's xfce that makes the difference.21:34
hvgotcodesoren: ha21:34
hvgotcodesi meant how much less space does an initial install take up21:34
orenoh...about 350 grams less, as long as u don't install gnome.21:35
hvgotcodeshey this is a serious question21:36
orenhvgotcodes: i think it can fit in 1 gb. if u want to save space install the alternate version. let me find the link.21:36
orenhvgotcodes: last week i installed debian. it's around 400 mb with no X. with X it's around 600 mb. try to beat that!!21:37
hvgotcodesthats pretty good21:37
hvgotcodesi think on my new laptop im going with xubuntu instead of ubuntu21:38
orenhvgotcodes: install the bare-bone debian. add X and add your favorite window manager/desktop environment.21:38
orenhvgotcodes: mine is dwm - it's 20k !!! written in c. very speedy as u can guess.21:38
orenhvgotcodes: good choice. there is nothing u loose. only the bloat..21:39
hvgotcodesyou know i couldnt find a hardy guide for getting the latest awesome installed21:39
orenhvgotcodes: i started with awesome, than xmonad and now i am in dwm. for life..21:39
hvgotcodesin the end though i want eye candy21:40
hvgotcodesso compiz the xfce for me21:40
orenhvgotcodes: ok..21:40
hvgotcodesim getting an m1530 with 4gb or ram and the 256 nvidia 8600 m21:40
hvgotcodes2.5ghz penryn21:40
hvgotcodeshey man are you having trouble getting to gmail?21:41
hvgotcodesgmail wont load for me21:41
oreni just googled for u: "What I can tell you is that a complete install from the live CD (Xubuntu), including Abiword, occupies a total of 1.3 GB."21:43
oreni found it on a forum.21:43
orenabiword is the lightweight replacement for open office.21:44
orenand u also get gnumeric to replace excel.21:45
hvgotcodesi want to avoid gnome bloat21:45
orenhvgotcodes: great. i am searching for u. xubuntu alternate. it allow u to customize your xubuntu, unlike the regular install.21:47
orenhvgotcodes: and don't be scared of debian, go to #debian and tell us your hardware and we will tell u if it's going to work well.21:48
Kiba`can somebody tell me why my bootsplash screen consists only of strange vertical stripes? :-s21:51
Kiba`err, horizontal21:51
orenxorg issue? did u edit xorg.conf?21:52
Kiba`not yet, no21:53
orenhvgotcodes: get the xubuntu alternate cd from here: http://mirror.anl.gov/pub/ubuntu-iso/CDs-Xubuntu/8.04/release/21:58
orenhvgotcodes: btw, it's the same installer as debian. text base.21:58
hvgotcodesoren thanx for the advice22:02
hvgotcodesim pretty sure all the hardware is supported'22:03
hvgotcodesnot sure want text based installl22:03
hvgotcodesoren: have you tried arch?22:05
orenhvgotcodes: no. only ubuntu/xubuntu/damn small/puppy and debian.22:07
hvgotcodeswas thinking about it but don't want to mess with configs22:08
hvgotcodes*buntu is right for mw22:08
orenhvgotcodes: arch don't use apt for package management. people say apt is the best so i am sticking with debian-based.22:08
hvgotcodesis the alternate cd text based/22:12
orenyes. don't worry.22:15
hvgotcodeslike text but with graphics, or like command line gentoo style?22:15
orentext with nice menu. let me google for it.22:16
hvgotcodesyou are very helpful thanx22:17
orenhvgotcodes: i love to help and always get help when i need it.22:18
orenhere is a page with screenshots of the debian installer which i think is used by the alternate xubuntu: http://www.code-monkeys.org/d-i/debian-installer.html22:26
orenhvgotcodes: my last message is for u22:26
orenhvgotcodes: if u just want to try different linux distros u can install virtualbox. it's a great virtualization app.22:27
orenhvgotcodes: r u familiar with the virtual machine concept?22:28
hvgotcodesoren yeah22:29
hvgotcodesi like ubuntu22:29
hvgotcodesi just want xbuntu because i never use anything in gnome22:29
orenhvgotcodes: great. if u r scared of the text based install just get the regular xubuntu cd.22:32
hvgotcodesnot scared -- just want ot be up and running as soon as i can after i get the machine22:37
hvgotcodesit allows one to customize installed softare? like check here if you want open office, etc?22:38
oreni don't remember what kind of customization u get. if u want fast, just get the regular xubuntu. if u want more control get the alternat.22:42
djouallahwhere to change default os to boot ?22:47
whileimherhi. Is there any way to make a panel be double layered. What I mean is to have it be twice as high as it normally is but have double the items. Does that make sense?22:47
Odd-rationaledjouallah: from the grub menu. press esc while grub is loading during boot up.22:48
Odd-rationalewhileimher: you can put two panels... one below another...22:48
whileimherYeah that is what I mean I think22:49
Odd-rationalehvgotcodes: no, the alternative cd (nor the desktop cd for that matter) does not allow you to pick and choose packages to install... i wish though...22:49
whileimherI need to have a bit more room to store my icons and such.22:49
whileimherIts amazing how fast KDE apps work on XFCE. Faster than even when I used KDE as my desktop23:06
Genelyk  uhmm23:08
Genelykon bug , duoble bar in splashboot23:09
Genelykand not configure  my video Ati23:09
djouallahgoo d work guy, just installed xubuntu on a dell laptop, to be short, it is a damn good work23:19
hvgotcodesi can apply gtk themes to xfce right?23:24
orenhvgotcodes: what's gtk themes?23:25
hvgotcodesgnome is built on the gtk library23:25
hvgotcodesi think other wm/DEs can use gtk themes23:25
hvgotcodesso metacity is for the window borders, gtk actually themes all display elements23:26
hvgotcodeswhen you see screenshots that are dark, its a gtk theme....23:26
orenhvgotcodes: got it.23:33
Genelyknot icon of firefox  , in panel top    , alpha 123:37

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