
jelmerChristopheT, You need to run ./setup.py build_ext --inplace00:04
Peng(Which is exactly what make runs.)00:04
Pengjelmer: Why doesn't setup.py do it automatically?00:04
jelmerpeng: it does00:04
jelmerpeng: Well, if you have some way to make that the default00:04
jelmerthat's deep inside distutils though00:05
jelmerpatches are welcome :-)00:05
LarstiQyou can replace the default build command object with one that does that?00:05
PengI've heard rumours about distutils. I'm afraid to go anywhere near it. :)00:05
jelmerLarstiQ: It's the build_ext command unfortunately00:06
LarstiQjelmer: yes, but I mean making './setup.py build' do an inplace extension build (too)00:07
bacowait a moment, imagine you restrict the log in via ssh or http, whichever you want, to a server, both are the same fake for the repo, right, your server is secure, but as bzr not having an auth method, anybody can personify another developer just setting his email variable in his bazaar.conf, and commit mistakes to blame someone else, that's a security error00:53
PengThat is true.00:53
PengYou could have developers always PGP-sign their commits.00:53
jelmerLarstiQ: Rather just recommend everybody to use make :-)00:54
LarstiQjelmer: what a copout! ;)00:55
LarstiQbaco: supposedly you merge from people you trust, not random strangers00:55
bacoPeng: I think I misted that doc, but wouldn't be easier to have an auth method in the server? that would require to run a server each time, the smart-server for example, mmm... nasty00:57
bacoLarstiQ: then I wouldn't merge anybody, neither myself00:58
LarstiQbaco: I'm not sure what you mean with it being easier to have an auth method in the server.00:59
bacoLarstiQ: I was imaging the svn model, which forces you to give a correct user and password01:00
bacobut this requieres to have a server running somewhere01:00
Pengbac: The thing is, with a DVCS, people will often be pushing each others' commits around.01:01
bacoPeng: they do need at least an ssh server running, there is no difference in having another server that forces them to auth correctly, using that for setting the commit-er field01:04
Pengbac: Say you're working on a feature in a branch, committing frequently. I notice a bug and fix it. You merge my fix. Now when you finally merge your feature branch into the trunk and push it, you'll be pushing both your revisions and one from me.01:07
LarstiQbaco: not really, there are many ways you can exchange revisions01:10
santagadathe signing of the revisions could be an useful feature01:10
bacoPeng: I don't get your point01:11
LarstiQbaco: your method works in a centralized setup, not in a decentralized one.01:12
PengAugh, dammit. I'm sorry again, bac.01:12
PengDammit. I keep doing that.01:12
* LarstiQ hands Peng the second part of cola01:13
PengLarstiQo: :)01:13
LarstiQhaha :)01:14
LarstiQbaco: perhaps it helps to get clear what exactly it is you are after. As santagada said, bzr supports signing commits with gpg, that (and verifying them) can take care of trusting who authored a commit.01:15
bacoLarstiQ: I understand, that could be also done by faking persons in local commits an then merging you lose  the control, but again, you fix at least the centralized model01:16
LarstiQpardon me?01:17
santagadabaco: it is already fixed with signing01:17
LarstiQbaco: I didn't follow you01:17
bacoLarstiQ: I was referring to (21:12:51) LarstiQ: baco: your method works in a centralized setup, not in a decentralized one.01:18
santagadabaco: read about signing, then tell us why this doesn't fix your problem01:18
LarstiQbaco: mja, I don't see a lot of merit in doing it for a centralized workflow when the tool supports decentralization.01:19
LarstiQbaco: and in my experience, it's a non-issue.01:20
bacosantagada: no anybody I work with knows about the private-public key scheme, but they know that when they see 'Password:' they have to enter one01:20
baco*not anybody...01:20
santagadabaco: this is mostly a tool issue... it has to be fixed, but it is not a problem with bzr01:21
santagadabaco: why not use svn then?01:21
santagadabaco: I worked with a team of people that couldn't understand keys or distributed scm at all... the easiest thing was just using subversion then.01:22
LarstiQbaco: aha, I think I understand your situation now.01:23
bacosantagada: I like the best of both worlds, decentralization, works for me working at home01:23
LarstiQbaco: do you think things will go wrong if you just trust your peers to set their committer id correctly?01:23
santagadabaco: bzr-svn01:24
santagadashould solve your problem of working at home01:24
bacoLarstiQ: I am really paranoid, I don't allow any ssh connection to my station, I just don't trust01:26
bacosantagada: yeah, that's a solution, I just wanted to promote bazaar because I like it, but I can not without solving those problems. I think is a good solution for working in many situations, but is strongly based on trust, or experienced users (like the ones who know about public-private keys) :-(01:29
LarstiQbaco: to me shell access to your machine is a bit different than trusting people's claim that it's their work01:31
santagadabaco: I'm not from the bazaar project so I can't express what they want, but maybe they can be everything to everyone. fixing your problem is just going to bring one completely unuseful and dangerous feature to the project01:31
LarstiQsantagada: we do try to be :)01:32
LarstiQwell, to some extent01:32
santagadaLarstiQ: I can't access bzr with my svn client... try to fix this :D01:32
LarstiQin the context of a versioning control system mainly for source code, the idea is to support different workflow styles01:32
LarstiQsantagada: there is a project for that, though I think long dormant01:33
LarstiQbaco: so, if someone would mail you a bundle, would you be willing to merge that?01:33
santagadaLarstiQ: did you see the linuxhater blog post about bzr?01:35
LarstiQbaco: or, if each coworker pushes their work to their own home directory on a central server where only they have access, would you be willing to merge from one of those?01:35
LarstiQsantagada: looking at it now01:36
bacoLarstiQ: is almost the same situation, but in a workgroup in which someone wants to harm a coworker an scheme like svn solves my problem01:37
LarstiQsantagada: that seems to be a general lament about the amount of different dvcsen, that's an old concern01:37
bacoLarstiQ: I know it's a really wried situation, but could happen01:38
LarstiQbaco: if they really want to hurt you they'll crack the password, or worse, break your fingers.01:38
lifelessbaco: you can use bzr just like svn in this regard if you so desire:01:39
santagadaLarstiQ: I still wish that mercurial and bzr would just merge... both projects that have almost the same goals using almost the same tools01:39
lifelessbaco: setup a server, have everyone push and pull against a central branch there01:39
lifelessbaco: via webdav, or bzr+http, or bzr+ssh01:39
LarstiQbaco: trust will have to enter the picture somehow01:40
santagadabaco: why not have each user have its own accound on the main server01:40
santagadaif someone tamper with commits you can discover who did it01:40
bacoLarstiQ: I preferred the conspiring plot instead of physical aggression :-P01:41
lifelesswell, they can't tamper with history without bzr alerting everyone else anyway01:41
lifelessback later folk01:41
bacolifeless: with bzr+http or bzr+ssh they auth against the server, but the commit in the repo could be made by sancho <sancho@panza> or don <don@quijote> for the same log in account at separate times01:43
santagadabaco: but you can track wich user did what01:44
bacosantagada: no if you branch the trunk to another server losing the log-ins history01:44
LarstiQbaco: you could conceivably set the committer id server side01:45
LarstiQbaco: but if you want to go to all these lengths, I'd really try to invest my effort in educating my coworkers about signing and verifying commits.01:45
LarstiQbaco: but frankly, I trust my coworkers.01:46
bacoLarstiQ: I do insist when I say I am a paranoid bastard01:46
bacoLarstiQ: how could you set the id server side? not only with bzr, I guess01:48
LarstiQbaco: I've not verified this all works, but something along the lines of using the smartserver and generating new revisions to actually commit with the commiter id changed to server side approved ids.01:49
LarstiQbaco: note that that is very nasty to do, because then you will have to throw away your local revisions and pull from central again.01:50
LarstiQbaco: and I don't think it actually buys you anything01:50
LarstiQbaco: as soon as you outside that central server, people have control over their committer id again.01:50
LarstiQbaco: really, the committer id is not meant to give a secure way of identifying who is responsible for said commit.01:51
bacothen blame is not a secure command to say who introduced a bug01:52
LarstiQbaco: before going back to my girlfriend I'll suggeset two avenues of attack for you: 1) educate on gpg signing (bzr supports this in the tool) 2) trust people01:52
LarstiQbaco: no, 'secure' doesn't enter the equation01:53
LarstiQneither is svn blame01:53
bacoimagine you dismiss the wrong person for that01:54
LarstiQbaco: if your assumption is that people are out to harm you and hide their tracks, I wouldn't stop at assuming they can't do with the server whatever they want. Including doing and svn dump and restore.01:54
LarstiQbaco: using the wrong tool for the job.01:54
LarstiQbaco: the only thing that can ever work is signed statements. Digitally, that would mean gpg.01:55
LarstiQ(for that sceneario)01:55
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bpetersonis there a Bazaar equivalent to svn:keywords?03:51
bpetersonie can I replace a keyword with the current revision?03:52
bob2no, I think people generally use "bzr version-info" in a build script03:55
lifelessLarstiQ: I would have suggested 'peer review' actually.05:39
lifelessLarstiQ: as in - noone commits to trunk unless there is someone else with them, etc.05:40
lifelessLarstiQ: because of his concept of firing people that introduce bugs :)05:40
enobrevis there a way to link files from other branches / repositories when pushing to another branch?06:25
enobrevor even directories?06:26
bob2ala svn-externals?06:43
enobrevbeen so long since svn that i'd forgotten the name07:38
ToyKeeperD'oh.  bzr.dev and bzr-svn trunk started out better, but its memory use exploded after it finished grabbing revisions.11:07
Jc2ki hear the worst leak is in sqlite now :)11:09
* ToyKeeper wonders how to get swap usage data per process11:11
ToyKeeperThe versions in hardy used about 600MiB RAM to branch this repo, but the dev versions are up to about 2 GiB if I count swap.11:13
ToyKeeperanyhoo, the current head revisions are both better and worse.  :)  http://launchpadlibrarian.net/15674458/bzr-svn-memuse.png12:10
weigon_does someone have an idea on: https://bugs.launchpad.net/svn2bzr/+bug/230341 ?12:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 230341 in svn2bzr "ValueError: need more than 1 value to unpack" [Undecided,New]12:13
weigon_I run into the same problem12:13
jelmerToyKeeper, Wow, I wonder what that sudden memory increase comes from12:36
jelmerat least part of the memory usage is caused by memory leaks in the python sqlite3 bindings12:37
ToyKeeperjelmer: Yeah, I was pretty surprised.12:38
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lifelessjelmer: could be versionedfiles copying13:30
lifelessjelmer: did you implement streams memory-efficiently ?13:30
weigon_is gustavo niemeyer here from time to time ?13:32
weigon_what's his nick ?13:33
jelmerlifeless: he's not using stacked stuff at all13:34
lifelessjelmer: oh13:34
jelmerlifeless, there's no versionedfiles involved in that case13:34
lifelessToyKeeper: was it building a tree ? or just a branch fetch ?13:34
ToyKeeperlifeless: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr-svn/+bug/24393913:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 243939 in bzr-svn "'bzr branch' over svn uses a lot of RAM" [Undecided,New]13:35
jelmerlifeless, it's memory leaks in the python bindings and sqlite3 bindings13:35
jelmerlifeless: I can reproduce them here, but debugging them is pretty hard13:35
lifelessjelmer: after its grabbed the revisions though, it builds a tree; that could be local KnitVFs issue13:36
jelmerlifeless: hmm, that would be convenient :-P13:54
jelmerlifeless: I'm sure there's bzr-svn- or svn-specific memory leaks as well still though13:55
lifelessjelmer: right, I'm just noting that it needs more analysis :)13:59
lifelessjelmer: and my question to ToyKeeper will help14:00
lifelessToyKeeper: if you could answer it that would be great14:00
bob2apropos #75700, how ghetto is extracting the version from the deprecation symbol's string14:00
ToyKeeperlifeless: The spike happened just after it finished fetching all the revisions, and started on the next step.14:01
lifeless22:34 < lifeless> ToyKeeper: was it building a tree ? or just a branch fetch ?14:01
ToyKeeperI only know what it printed onscreen, which didn't include that much detail.14:01
lifelessToyKeeper: well, did you end up with a working tree?14:02
ToyKeeperYes, the result seems to work fine.14:03
jelmerToyKeeper: You'd want http://svn.gnome.org/svn/sawfish/trunk rather than http://svn.gnome.org/svn/sawfish14:04
jelmerToyKeeper: Or perhaps bzr svn-import http://svn.gnome.org/svn/sawfish14:04
lifelessToyKeeper: so 'yes it was building a working tree'14:04
lifelessnext thing would be to try fethcing into a treless branch14:05
ToyKeeperlifeless: Oh, sorry, I parsed that as "functional result".  Yes, it included a working tree.  :)14:05
ToyKeeperjelmer: Yes, I plan to fetch only the trunk for a real conversion.  90% of the files are in tags/, and that's wasteful.  I used the repo root just as a test case.14:06
jelmerToyKeeper: That's an unfair comparison with git-svn then though14:06
ToyKeeperI fetched the repo root with git, too.14:07
jelmerAh, ok. Sorry14:07
jelmerI wasn't aware it could do that14:07
ToyKeeperThe behavior of git is mostly irrelevant.  I just wanted a vague idea what people might expect after using other tools.14:12
* jelmer tries to reproduce14:17
ToyKeeperI hope the gnome server admins don't mind me sending hundreds of thousands of http requests as I poke at this.14:24
Jc2kpoke what :o14:25
Jc2kToyKeeper: why are you poking sawfish via svn14:25
Jc2kbzr branch http://bzr-mirror.gnome.org/bzr/sawfish/trunk ??14:26
ToyKeeperJc2k: The sawfish project is considering moving to git or bzr, so I'm looking into the migration details.14:26
Jc2kwell its already kinda migrated to both :)14:27
Jc2kyou can get an rsync of the sawfish module svn stuff if you want to keep running conversions though14:27
Jc2keither ask bkor or i can throw up a .tar.gz on my webspace for you14:28
jelmerconversion of sawfish trunk here took 20 minutes14:28
jelmerunfortunately I was away for a bit while it was building the working tree :-/14:29
* LarstiQ chains jelmer to his chair14:32
ToyKeeperJc2k: Any chance of getting tag data in those mirrors?  :)14:34
Jc2kToyKeeper: git-mirror has tags, bzr-mirror.. i don't know how to, but the tags exist as branches14:35
ToyKeeperIn any case, whether or not grabbing from root makes sense, it does help expose a memory issue.14:39
jelmerhmm, this appears to be related to the number of write groups I use in bzr-svn14:45
nanderssonIs there a faster way to push/pull to central repository than using the prefix sftp:// ? I've got a shared key solution today but I've heard something you could still use SSH without having to use sftp?15:21
LarstiQnandersson: bzr+ssh://, the drawback is that that requires having bzr on the remote side. If that is no problem, it will be faster than sftp://15:22
LarstiQnandersson: http://doc.bazaar-vcs.org/latest/en/user-guide/index.html#id6015:23
nanderssonLarstiQ, Thanks for that!15:24
LarstiQnandersson: np :)15:25
* LarstiQ heads off to Parkpop15:25
jelmerLarstiQ, enjoy!15:27
nanderssonI'm a first time Launchpad user and I've created a new empty branch, factoryx-java, that I try to push to with: bzr push lp:~niklas-andersson/+junk/factoryx-java15:49
nanderssonbut I get this error: bzr: ERROR: Transport operation not possible: http does not support mkdir()15:49
datonandersson: try running `bzr lp-login` first15:50
nanderssonaha, thanks!15:51
nanderssondato, Thanks a lot! Now I'm up'n running15:54
datonandersson, great15:54
nanderssonHow do I get Eclipse 3.4 into Ubuntu 8.04 without breaking the repository?16:22
nandersson...or Eclipse 3.3 even..16:23
bpetersonis there something like svn:keywords in Bazaar?17:39
Kinnisonbpeterson: I believe someone has written a plugin to do them18:02
Kinnisonnasty things though they are18:02
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jelmerbeuno, ping19:04
jelmerToyKeeper, still there?19:20
jelmerwhatever happened to your diff panel patch ?19:21
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beunoemgent, pong19:47
beunojelmer, pong19:48
beunoemgent, ignore me :)19:48
jelmerbeuno: was just wondering if you had time to do some patch reviewing for bzr-gtk19:48
beunojelmer, sure, I can spare an hour or so after I eat something   :)19:48
beunoes BB up?19:48
beunoit is, cool19:49
beunoI'll get to it in a while19:49
beunois there a release date for 0.95?19:50
jelmernot yet19:52
jelmerI would like to get daniels signature checking fixed19:52
beunosounds like a good idea19:53
beunoI've been toying with the idea of getting bzr-search integrated on there19:53
beunoit should't be too much work19:53
beunoI've just been crazy busy19:54
jelmerYeah, that would be a really neat thing19:55
beunomost of the backend stuff can be re-used from Loggerhead, so it's more about the interface19:56
beunoanyway, off to get food. I'll try and go through the whole batch when I get back19:57
beunoand, btw, I just re-poked the DD about bzr-upload19:57
jelmerah, thanks19:57
beunobut I suppose it may be time to find someone else...  :(19:57
jelmeroh, ok19:57
beunoI can keep on poking, just don't want to keep on delaying it19:57
beunothanks for packaging that, btw  :)19:58
enquestI keep getting this error when updating. But I don't get on wich file bzr: ERROR: [Errno 13] Permission denied20:15
enquestCan I force or see some log to know where the error is?20:15
jelmer~/.bzr.log may be able to tell you20:20
jelmerbeuno: Is there a loggerhead example up somewhere that does search?20:25
Jc2kjelmer: http://bzr-mirror.gnome.org:8080/$MODULE/trunk20:29
jelmerJc2k, ah, thanks :-)20:31
jelmerbeuno, J2ck: coming up with the right UI would be the hardest bit I guess20:37
jelmerI just sent a patch that allows indexing branches from "bzr viz"20:38
bacoIf I rename a repo, and one of it's branches, manually, the only thing affected would be the Working trees generated as checkouts of this branch?21:02
jelmerbeuno: Just saw a bzr-upload upload, thanks!21:11
enquestjelmer, there is no .bzr/log21:17
enquestor .bzr.log21:18
jelmerenquest: .bzr.log in your home directory21:18
enquestjelmer no there is not much more info in there21:19
enquestit crashes when always when updating a file21:19
enquestjelmer, here the traceback http://dpaste.com/59818/21:20
jelmerenquest, no idea what's going wrong, sorry21:21
jelmerwb LarstiQ21:21
LarstiQjelmer: thanks, firewall problems ftl21:25
davidstraussIs there a good tool for browsing bzr repositories on the Web?21:25
LarstiQdavidstrauss: do you mean something like loggerhead?21:26
LarstiQdavidstrauss: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~bzr/bzr/trunk/revision/351321:27
davidstraussLarstiQ: yes, but i couldn't find good info on it21:28
LarstiQdavidstrauss: what kind of info are you looking for?21:30
davidstraussLarstiQ: Documentation for it21:30
davidstraussLarstiQ: many of the related sites seem to be down or devoid of information21:32
davidstraussLarstiQ: for example, http://www.lag.net/bzr.dev/changes21:33
lifelessdavidstrauss: hi, what sort of info do you want? https://launchpad.net/loggerhead/ is the home for loggerhead these days21:41
davidstrausslifeless: thanks21:41
thumperlifeless: morning21:50
lifelesshi thumper21:50
thumperlifeless: do you have a date for the move across the ditch?21:51
lifelessenquest: for some reason the rename is failing21:51
lifelessenquest: renames on window et permission denied when a file is open - is it possible that you have a file in your tree open in an editor ?21:51
enquestlifeless, I found it ther was a directory not in the right permission but bzr didn't tel me wich one21:52
lifelessthumper: not yet, currently getting budget size from bank21:52
lifelessenquest: cool; could you file a bug please?21:52
thumperlifeless: fun, fun21:52
lifelesshow much is the house you want? I don't know, how much can I ask for? well it depends on the house ...21:53
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beunojelmer, seems the poking finally payed off!22:02
beunolifeless, hey!22:02
lifelesshi beuno22:02
beunohow did the search talk go?22:03
* beuno branches22:04
lifelessit was taped as well22:04
beunoanything interesting come out of it?22:04
lifelessnothing major22:05
jelmerlifeless, Search seems to depend on weave_store existing, is that right?22:10
jelmerlifeless, I've got a pending merge request that adds an Index button to bzr viz22:11
beunonot pending anymore  :)22:11
lifelessjelmer: I was going to update it for bzr.dev in the weekend22:11
lifelessjelmer: but I had some stomach updaset and spent most of it in bed taking drugs :(22:12
jelmerlifeless: ah, ouch :-/22:12
lifelessyah not fun22:13
lifelessstill hurts a bit now, but fingers cross I'll get some code written22:14
ferringbcurious, anyone seen issues w/ create_signatures (gpg) for bzr 1.5 on gentoo?22:14
ferringb...specifics being the signing generally just hanging22:17
lifelessI wouls strace -ff and see whats happening22:18
* ferringb mutters, was expecting that suggestion22:19
ferringbwas hoping someone had a solution that didn't involve me debugging it myself ;)22:19
lifelessferringb: (no I haven't heard anyone else complain)22:19
lifelessferringb: I expect its the gpg command doing something you don't expect22:19
ferringbgpg-agent specifically seems to be implicated22:19
bjwebb_why should i choose bzr over git?22:22
ferringblifeless: reminds me, noticed your nick a couple of times in trac-bzr discussions- any comments on that pkg?22:23
ferringblifeless: specifically, areas of improvement, if it's still actively maintained, etc22:23
lifelessjelmer: uhm -22:23
lifeless  File "/home/robertc/.bazaar/plugins/svn/fileids.py", line 20, in <module>22:23
lifeless    from bzrlib.knit import make_file_knit22:23
lifelessjelmer: which url should I pull from to fix that ?22:24
lifelessbjwebb_: because its better overall ?22:24
lifelessbjwebb_: (sorry if that sounds flippant)22:24
bjwebb_for example?22:24
lifelessless tightly coupled to ext3 internals, less portability issues, more hackable (written in python), more approachable UI22:26
lifelesstracks renames22:26
lifelesswhat I hear from git refugees who start using bzr is that bzr is 'nicer' and 'more pleasant' and 'not in their way'22:27
bjwebb_oooh, tracks renames22:27
jelmerlifeless: 0.4 branch22:27
bjwebb_any good bzr hosts than propreitarypad?22:28
uwsbjwebb_: any web host will do22:28
lifelessbjwebb_: http://kubasik.net/blog/tag/bzr/22:28
lifelessbjwebb_: point 922:28
lifelessbjwebb_: really sums up what we are trying to achieve - and I think we _are_ achieving it22:28
lifelessbjwebb_: alioth, savannah (though their support is in beta and not yet polished)22:29
lifelessbjwebb_: oh, if it matters - bzr is a GNU project22:29
bjwebb_it is now, nah, doesn't really matter to me22:29
bjwebb_all that matters on the ethical side is that it is free software22:30
bjwebb_so bzr does branches as directories in the way that cvs and svn do22:30
lifelessI read that as 'can you checkout arbitrary subdirectories of a branch'? (Is that a fair translation?)22:31
lifelessjelmer: whats the url22:31
jelmerlifeless, http://people.samba.org/bzr/jelmer/bzr-svn/0.422:32
jelmerIt's also registered in launchpad, I believe as lp:~jelmer/bzr-svn/0.422:32
lifelessjelmer: its rich-root, or subtrees22:33
jelmerlifeless: rrp22:34
uwsare those repo formats documented somewhere?22:34
uwsI often have no clue what to use22:34
uws(and why I should choose)22:34
berto-i'm having trouble using bzr-svn.  when I try to branch an svn repo I get the message "Unable to load bzr-svn extensions - did you build it?"  After downloading the svn plugin I ran "make" in the svn dir.  anything else I need to do?22:35
jelmerhttp://bazaar-vcs.org/BazaarFormats, although it doesn't appear to be up to date22:35
RAOFAre reports about the svn-1.5 branch of bzr-svn wanted?22:35
jelmerRAOF: the 0.4 branch should work fine with subversion 1.522:35
RAOFberto-: Right.  That's something I'm meaning to report; the modules seem to be installed a directory or two too low.22:36
lifelessuws: yes22:36
RAOFjelmer: I take that to be a "no", then. :)22:36
lifelessuws: in the doc/developers/repository-formats.txt i think22:36
jelmerRAOF: Well, reports are always welcome :-)22:36
uwsbzr help init   has some info as well it seems22:37
berto-RAOF: what can i do to make it work?22:37
jelmerRAOF: I just wouldn't recommend using that branch if you're just looking to try out bzr-svn as opposed to working with it22:37
jelmerberto-: You installed bzr-svn in ~/.bazaar/plugins/svn ?22:37
berto-jelmer: yes, sir.22:37
RAOFjelmer: I was just kinda interested.  Depending on how the mood takes me, I may actually hack on it, too.22:37
RAOFWell, the reports are: the modules are installed in the wrong place, and they generate a bus error in ra.c on x86-64 :).22:38
jelmerberto-: Any errors in ~/.bzr.log ?22:38
lifelessbjwebb_: I read your lasst question as 'can you checkout arbitrary subdirectories of a branch'? (Is that a fair translation?)22:38
bjwebb_not quite22:38
jelmerRAOF: The bus error was fixed about a week ago - are you using a recent revision?22:38
berto-jelmer: 1 sec, i'm going to clean out my log and repro the error22:38
bjwebb_i get the impression that in svn adn cvs branches are just directories22:38
bjwebb_wheras in git they are kindof abstracted22:39
RAOFjelmer: Yes.  Pulled as of yesterday.22:39
jelmerRAOF, and rebuilt?22:39
RAOFYes, but I'll check again.22:39
lifelessbjwebb_: ah; so in cvs a branch is orthogonal to directories, they are identified by tags22:40
lifelessbjwebb_: in svn a branch is just a directory22:40
bjwebb_whats it like in bzr?22:40
lifelessin git and bzr and hg etc branches are first class objects22:40
berto-jelmer: the last interesting bit looks to be: UnboundLocalError: local variable 'version' referenced before assignment22:40
berto-jelmer: i can send you the entire traceback if you wish.22:40
lifelessbjwebb_: that said, I strongly believe that we have gone too far22:41
jelmerberto-: Any chance you can pastebin it?22:41
lifelessand need to restore some of the flexibility that cvs/svn displayed in this area22:41
pygiin any DVCS branches are first class22:42
berto-jelmer: http://paste.pocoo.org/show/78162/22:42
* pygi hides22:42
lifelesspygi: :)22:42
jelmerberto-: That's odd - what revno of bzr-svn are you using?22:43
* pygi is practicing for the book xD22:44
berto-jelmer: revno: 1368, just downloaded it last night.22:44
RAOFjelmer: Gah.  Apparently I _hadn't_ rebuilt.  Sorry for the noise.22:44
berto-jelmer: i'm working on cleaning out some other stuff.22:45
jelmerberto-: Did "make" create a ra.so file in your plugin directory?22:45
berto-jelmer: yes it did.22:45
berto-jelmer: ra.so client.so wc.so and repos.so22:46
=== bjwebb_ is now known as bjwebb
berto-jelmer: i see pycurl errors in my .bzr.log; is that from bzr-svn?  i should install pycurl, working on that ...22:49
lifelessberto-: you don't need pycurl22:49
berto-lifeless: ok, thanks.  wonder what the pycurl error is all about then ...22:50
lifelessberto-: its probing for it is all22:50
jelmerberto-: What is the error exactly?22:50
lifelessberto-: it possibly needs to be toned down :)22:50
berto-lifeless: jelmer: here's the entire log: http://paste.pocoo.org/show/78163/22:52
jelmerRAOF: I've add some code to make bzr-svn warn when the extensions are out of date22:56
* LarstiQ thought that was some sort of acronym at first22:57
jelmerberto-: please update your version of bzr-svn and try again22:58
lifelessjelmer:  http://rafb.net/p/uWYMxK12.html22:59
jelmerlifeless, you need to have libsvn-dev installed22:59
lifelessjelmer: then the exception could note that :)23:00
berto-jelmer: i'd go about doing that by running "bzr pull" ?23:01
jelmerberto-: yep, followed by 'make'23:01
berto-jelmer: i really messed something up: bzr: ERROR: Cannot lock LockDir(http://people.samba.org/bzr/jelmer/bzr-svn/stable/.bzr/branch/lock): Transport operation not possible: http does not support mkdir()23:02
lifelessberto-: if you have a checkout, use 'bzr update'23:02
jelmerlifeless: It certainly could :-)23:02
lifelessberto-: pull always affects the branch, and a checkout (or bound branch) will try to affect the master23:02
jelmerlifeless: I'll see if I can add that at some point23:02
lifelessjelmer: it already tries to be helpful ...23:03
lifelesscc1: warnings being treated as errors23:03
lifelessra.c:979: warning: â defined but not used23:03
lifelessra.c:998: warning: â defined but not used23:03
berto-jelmer after running "bzr update" i'm still on revno 1368.23:03
jelmerberto-: Looks like I accidently replaced that symlink with a copy23:04
berto-looks like i checked out the stable branch; should i have checked ot a dev branch?23:04
jelmerberto-: Should be fixed now, please try again23:04
lifelessjelmer: you have mixed tabs/spaces in these files; bit of an eyesore with 4-wide tab setting23:04
berto-jelmer: merging ...23:05
lifelessjelmer: I've unset my CFLAGS to build23:05
jelmerlifeless: Fixed, will push later23:06
jelmerlifeless: There are no unused variables - you are probably compiling with heavy optimization?23:06
berto-jelmer: looks better, but still getting an error: ImportError: dlopen(/Users/berto/.bazaar/plugins/svn/client.so, 2): Symbol not found: _apr_array_make23:06
berto-jelmer: i think i need to rebuild my svn's python bindinds now.23:07
lifeless echo $CFLAGS23:07
lifeless-g -O2 -Wall -Werror -fno-strict-aliasing23:07
jelmerberto-: No, this is probably a bug in bzr-svn23:07
jelmerberto-: It no longer uses the standard Python subversion bindings23:07
jelmerberto-: what platform are you on?23:07
berto-jelmer: oh, i see.  os x23:07
berto-jelmer: so, these instructions are obsolete?  http://bazaar-vcs.org/BzrForeignBranches/Subversion#mac-os-x23:08
jelmerberto-: yes, for the development branch of bzr-svn23:08
berto-jelmer: and i spent forever figuring out building subversion properly last night, *sigh*.  ;)23:08
LarstiQberto-: always a useful skill :)23:08
berto-LarstiQ: not reallly complaining, just that one thing leads to another, to another.  kinda reminds me of when i used to use redhat and rpm didn't have any sort of auto-dependency bits.23:09
berto-jelmer: if there's anything you'd like me to test on OS X, let me know.23:10
jelmerberto-: Sorry :-/ It'd be nice if somebody with Mac OS X can update those instructions at some point23:10
jelmerberto-: I'm pushing a fix that should take care of that unresolved symbol23:10
berto-jelmer: once i get this working, i'll do it.23:10
berto-jelmer: the instructions are going to be much easier if the python svn bindings aren't even needed anymore.23:11
jelmerooh, somebody improved the message displayed when a lock is active23:13
jelmerberto-: Thanks23:13
jelmerberto-, pushed23:14
jelmerplease try again with r138723:14
jelmeryou may need to run "make clean; make" after updating23:14
berto-kind of a tangent, but anyone know how i can tell "make" not to build -arch ppc?23:16
jelmerbeuno: Thanks for the reviews23:16
jelmerberto-: instead of make you can also run "./setup.py build_ext --inplace" - perhaps it's easier to override for that23:16
beunojelmer, np. One to go, the progress bar one. Left the largest for last23:18
jelmerbeuno: Ok, I'll start merging23:18
berto-jelmer: ImportError: dlopen(/Users/berto/.bazaar/plugins/svn/client.so, 2): Symbol not found: _svn_auth_first_credentials23:19
berto-jelmer: Referenced from: /Users/berto/.bazaar/plugins/svn/client.so23:20
LarstiQjelmer: aaah, I think I might know where my svn-push problem lies23:20
jelmerHmm, it's probably going to take a long time if I keep pushing changes for each of these23:21
LarstiQ(a missing prefix, lp:bzr-svn/0.4 warns about it, 0.4.10 didn't)23:21
berto-jelmer: do you want me to get patches some other way?23:22
berto-rsync or something?23:22
jelmerberto-: in setup.py, line 106, can you add "svn_subr-1" to libraries ?23:22
* LarstiQ growls at having to enter authentication endlessly23:22
LarstiQas in, at least every revision :(23:22
jelmerLarstiQ, what sort of prefix?23:22
LarstiQjelmer: repo path, pushing to /misc/plagg while /misc didn't exist23:23
LarstiQjelmer: it's a known problem that I have to authenticate more than once?23:23
jelmerLarstiQ: Yeah, but that's all in bzr itself23:24
berto-jelmer: line 106 in setup.py lands me in the middle of setup's packages param's list23:24
LarstiQjelmer: right. I'll just enter it the 102 times now.23:24
berto-jelmer: setup.py is revno: 1387, timestamp: Mon 2008-06-30 00:09:57 +020023:25
jelmerberto-: That should be the line with23:25
jelmer          SvnExtension("client", ["client.c", "editor.c", "util.c", "ra.c", "wc.c"], libraries=["svn_client-1", "svn_auth-1"]),23:25
beunohrm, jelmer, I get this when trying to see the diff from a revision in bzr viz:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/23812/23:26
beunois that a known issue?23:26
berto-jelmer: that's line 109 for me.23:26
jelmerbeuno: Not until now :-)23:26
jelmerberto-: ah, ok23:26
jelmerberto-: s/106/109 then :-)23:26
berto-i need to figure out a problem where -lapr-1 doesn't work with leopard's linker.23:28
berto-if i swap -lapr-1 with /usr/lib/libapr-1.dylib it works fine, but doing that 7 times for each gcc command that fails is a pain.23:28
jelmerdoes "apr-config --link-libtool" return that perhaps?23:30
berto-jelmer: [berto@bolt][1422]$ apr-1-config --link-libtool23:30
berto- -L/usr/lib -R/usr/lib -lapr-123:30
berto-leopard was released with a new linker and i've run into this ever since.  i finally need to just figure out the solution.23:31
lifelessjelmer: 1.6b3 suppport pushing now23:33
jelmerlifeless: Hmm?23:33
beunojelmer, ironically, you removed that from bzrlib: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~bzr/bzr/trunk/revision/pqm%40pqm.ubuntu.com-20080529152850-mdjpxxj9futs06vu?start_revid=pqm%40pqm.ubuntu.com-20080627225315-j2xpbsvjyya1s97y23:34
jelmerbeuno: yes, but only because it was broken anyway there23:34
beunoright, we let a patch in from Javier which introduced it23:35
beunolet me see what I can do23:35
lifelessjelmer: pushed23:35
beunolifeless, for bzr-search?23:35
lifelessjelmer: you wanted bzr-search for VersionedFiles23:35
beunoyay!   :)23:35
jelmerlifeless: awesome, thanks23:35
lifelessjelmer: trying bzr index now via the .texts and .inventories stores23:38
LarstiQjelmer: check, bzr.dev + 0.4 succeeds in pushing the tree23:39
jelmerLarstiQ: Ah, you're finally done entering your passwords ? ;-)23:39
lifelessjelmer: (by which I mean, svn co foo foo; cd foo; bzr index)23:39
LarstiQjelmer: 110 times..23:39
LarstiQsome setup at the start, and then once for every of the 102 revisions23:40
LarstiQjelmer: but bzr1.5 + 0.4.10 tracebacked23:40
jelmerlifeless: I hope there's enough of them implemented23:41
jelmerLarstiQ: What was the traceback exactly?23:41
lifelessjelmer: it hasn't failed yet; but I think its going to be _slow_23:42
lifelessjelmer: if it doesn't fail, I'll file a bug23:42
* jelmer already sees the lp bug mail coming in: "[NEW] bzr plugins work too well together"23:43
LarstiQjelmer: tried with 1.5/0.4.10 again, prefix didn't help23:45
jelmerLarstiQ: what was the exact backtrace?23:46
LarstiQjelmer: http://rafb.net/p/23kX4935.html23:48
jelmerLarstiQ, thanks23:49
LarstiQjelmer: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr-svn/+bug/242979 perhaps?23:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 242979 in bzr-svn ""PROPFIND request failed on '/svn/!svn/bln/7739'" [Undecided,New]23:49
jelmerLarstiQ, that's a different error code23:49
jelmerberto-, any luck?23:50
* LarstiQ meant https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr-svn/+bug/24095423:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 240954 in bzr-svn "SubversionException: ("PROPFIND request failed on '/svn/gazpacho/!svn/bc/2621/tags/branches'", 175007) " [Undecided,Fix committed]23:50
LarstiQbut that looks different23:50
jelmerLarstiQ: Yeah, that could indeed be related23:50
berto-jelmer: i compiled the long way and still get the same error i sent you earlier.  i'm trying to figure out if it's something i did wrong.23:51
jelmerberto-: Did you add "svn_subr-1" to the libraries list for "client"?23:51
berto-jelmer: 1 sec ...23:53

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