
Xand3rapachelogger: that makes no sens for me, all three packages are virtual, says pbuilder00:00
Xand3rmaybe an update helps00:00
Xand3rapachelogger: -.- still pbuilder says that the other packages ar virtual00:12
Xand3ri have no clue how to fix it00:23
mhbgood evening folks00:25
Riddellnazdar mhb00:26
mhbhow is kubuntu?00:27
Nightrosewe missed you mhb :)00:28
mhbhello again... curse this connection00:28
mhbno you didn't :o)00:28
Nightrosewe did00:28
Nightrosewe were just wondering the other day where you are00:28
mhbI had some more exams to finish00:29
mhbbut now I am finally free00:29
Nightroseah cool :)00:30
Nightrosedid you rock them? ;-)00:30
mhbof course00:30
Nightrosehehe great00:30
mhbwhat's new here?00:31
mhbis KDE4 still just about plasma?00:31
Riddellalpha 1 is working surprisingly well00:32
mhbthat's good to hear00:32
Riddelloh, I've gained a dog00:34
Riddellthat's new00:34
mhbwhy does it keep disconnecting? :o(00:35
Riddellyou missed my dog newness00:35
mhbI guess I did00:35
mhbwhat was that?00:35
Riddellwe stole a dog00:36
mhbfrom where?00:36
Riddellsomeone wanted it killed, so we stole it instead00:36
Riddelland charged them for killing it00:36
Riddellnever a dull moment when you stay above a vet surgery00:36
mhbthat's nice00:37
mhbis he having a good time with you?00:38
Riddellseems to be00:38
Riddellmhb: how is Praha?00:39
mhbsunny and hot00:40
Xand3rRiddell: pbuilder sais that libvamp-sdk1 is a virtual packages, i that true?!00:40
Xand3ri think not00:40
Xand3rbut im a newbe00:40
RiddellXand3r: doesn't look like it is00:41
Xand3rbut why pbuilder sais it00:41
mhbRiddell: so you say intrepid works fine, right? I guess I'll try and update to it, then.00:42
NightroseRiddell: big dog? or a puppy?00:42
Riddellmhb: that's not my exact words :)00:43
RiddellI've also not tried updating at all00:43
Riddellit broke my wifi is about the worst thing for me00:44
RiddellNightrose: neither00:44
mhbRiddell: my wifi unfortunately never worked out of the box00:44
Riddellnothing to lose then :)00:44
* mhb reboots00:45
* Riddell snoozes00:45
Nightrosegood night Riddell00:45
Xand3rNightrose: did apachelogger says anything about he is right now?00:46
Nightrosehe is busy right now :P00:47
Nightrosewhat do you need?00:47
Xand3rinformation why pbuilder says the packages wich he has to install are virtual, they arent virtual, but if he dont installs them i dont know the complet depends and i cant finisch my work00:50
apacheloggeryou may show me the log!00:50
apacheloggeralthough I am now going downstairs to get myself a whiskey00:51
Riddellonly properly spelt whisky allowed in this channel00:52
Xand3rsorry for asking00:53
* apachelogger kicks that e and blames the beer he had earlier00:53
m1ts4r10n4sso only scotch drinkers here? :)00:55
mhbany progress on the configuration tools?00:57
mhbfor Kubuntu00:57
mhbor is everyone too excited about KDE4 to care00:58
apacheloggerXand3r: plz throw over the packaging, so I can try00:59
apacheloggermhb: configuration tools?00:59
Xand3rapachelogger: ?00:59
apacheloggerXand3r: send me the source packaging01:00
mhbapachelogger: yes01:01
apacheloggerwell, apparently I am too excited about KDE 4 ;-)01:01
apacheloggermhb: configuration tools as in a replacement for guidance?01:02
mhbconfiguration tools as in "our tools suck, but no developer ever cared enough to do anything about it"01:03
* apachelogger would, if he had a clue about python :|01:03
mhbI meant what we discussed during UDS, mostly01:04
apacheloggerwell, master Riddell will know01:04
=== m1ts4r10n4s is now known as mitsarionas
Xand3rapachelogger: is on the way01:05
apacheloggerXand3r: .orig missing01:09
Xand3rapachelogger: is away01:11
apacheloggerXand3r: are you sure your pbuilder is intrepidish and not hardyish?01:13
apacheloggerXand3r: it doesn't give that message for me01:14
apacheloggerXand3r: sudo pbuilder create01:14
apacheloggermayb eit helps01:14
apachelogger*maybe it01:15
Xand3rif i make pbuilder creat he wants to creat an hardy01:16
JontheEchidnaDamn, kdebase has a lot of ancient bugs01:17
JontheEchidnain LP01:17
apacheloggerXand3r: then change your .pbuilderrc01:20
Xand3r~/.pbuilderrc not exist01:22
apacheloggerXand3r: cp /etc/pbuilderrc ~/.pbuilderrc01:22
Xand3rapachelogger: again the same01:33
apacheloggerXand3r: run pbuilder update and paste the output01:35
Xand3rapachelogger: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23624/01:42
apacheloggerXand3r: you are missing universe01:44
Xand3rhow can i add this01:45
apacheloggerin pbuilderrc01:45
Xand3r? how, i cant see here main01:45
apacheloggerXand3r: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23625/01:46
apacheloggerrun update01:49
Xand3rnow making update01:49
apacheloggerthen it should work01:49
Xand3rok thx01:49
Xand3rsame error01:55
apachelogger*thumbs up*01:55
apacheloggerXand3r: plz paste the output of update01:55
apacheloggerGet:1 http://archive.ubuntu.com intrepid Release.gpg [189B]01:56
apacheloggerGet:2 http://archive.ubuntu.com intrepid Release [65.9kB]01:56
apacheloggerGet:3 http://archive.ubuntu.com intrepid/main Packages [1238kB]01:56
apacheloggerFetched 1304kB in 1min19s (16.4kB/s)01:56
apacheloggerXand3r: update --override-config01:57
apacheloggeror something like that01:57
Xand3r*thumbs up*01:58
Xand3rit works01:58
Xand3ri it possible to have pbuilder un compressed?02:02
apacheloggerI told you 2 times already :P02:02
apacheloggerXand3r: sudo pbuilder login02:02
apacheloggerunpacks the chroot and drops you in02:03
apacheloggeryou also get the path where the chroot is, so you can throw your sources in02:03
Xand3rno i want that the base is uncompressed all time, cause it takes much time compressing and decompressing02:04
apacheloggerprobably possible somehow02:05
apacheloggerXand3r: still you need a clean tree for every build02:05
apacheloggerso you need a new uncompressed version everytime eitherway02:05
Xand3ri am tired02:17
Xand3rtomorrow i will finish it02:17
* yuriy cheers on JontheEchidna 03:13
asobibackports for gutsy only seems to include firefox 3 beta4. any plans to update to full release?04:29
=== akonadi is now known as nihui
dAsKrEEcHmhb: KDE4 is all about the clocks!06:58
=== jords_ is now known as jords
mouzXand3r, apachelogger: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MouzMouz/PermanentPbuilderChroot09:12
mhbjpds: hi09:14
jpdshow's it going? :)09:15
mhbquite well, thank you09:16
mhbjpds: what about you?09:16
mhbjpds: have you managed to do anything major for intrepid yet?09:16
jpdsmhb: No, unfortunatly...09:18
mhbjpds: too bad :o)09:20
mhbkubuntu needs active people, otherwise we're going to rot...09:20
mhbwell, s/we're/it's/09:20
mhbit's not me anymore, after all :o)09:20
jpdsmhb: Well, I'm hard-disk less, which makes things difficult...09:23
mhbdo you have any tips on how to "fix" a lag in irssi? Once in a while, it starts saying there's lag and disconnects after the 300s ... but the connection works fine09:29
jpdsmhb: Do you have anything taking up much bandwidth? ("lsof +M -i" should show) - my lag is usually caused by other programs taking all the resources.09:31
mhbjpds: hmm, no, it shows just IRC.09:32
jpdshmm, prehaps trying a different Freenode server? (closer by?)09:33
jpdsmhb: "/links" gives a list of them.09:35
mhbjpds: thanks09:38
mhbjpds: I must say I still don't feel ready to work on Kubuntu again09:41
mhball that stuff I can't agree with (PackageKit, KDE4 all about some plasmoids, shipping apps just because they're KDE, even when they're inferior and crashy)09:42
* jpds just needs a break for a while.09:42
tomamhb: that sounds depressing10:13
mhbtoma: not really, it's just opinions10:13
tomamhb: sure, so you are working on other stuff now?10:14
mhbnot yet (had to finish my exams) but I hope to do some work during the summer10:14
apacheloggermhb: sweeeeet11:41
apacheloggerXand3r: hoy11:41
apacheloggerXand3r: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MouzMouz/PermanentPbuilderChroot say thank you to mhb11:41
Nightroseapachelogger: i think you mean mouz ;-)11:41
Nightrose'lo Xand3r11:41
* apachelogger can't ready today11:41
apacheloggerXand3r: say thank you to mouz11:41
Xand3rthanks mouz11:42
apacheloggerI just fell out of bad11:42
Xand3rapachelogger: i wondering how you can be awake11:42
apacheloggerI thought about not going to bed at all11:43
apacheloggerNightrose: got a coffee for me?11:43
* Nightrose hands apachelogger a cup of black coffee11:44
Xand3rapachelogger: slowly i get all depends11:44
apacheloggerNightrose: merci11:44
smarterhey there11:49
Xand3rurg undeclared name in src/Window.h:12611:52
Xand3rwhat i have to do?11:52
Xand3rthat is what i got http://paste.ubuntu.com/23686/11:53
Xand3ri have realy no clue what i have to do now11:56
tomapaste  src/Window.h:12611:58
Xand3rtoma: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23690/11:59
tomaXand3r: sorry, can't help you. abs should be defined by the cmath include12:04
Xand3rbut #include <cmath>12:05
Xand3ris uncomment12:05
tomano, that is how it is supposed to be12:06
toma# is not a comment in c++12:06
Xand3rok i have no clue about c++, thx for your help12:10
Xand3ri found with google that gentoo fixed the probme-.-12:13
smarterI found a replacement for kmilo: http://kde-apps.org/content/show.php/osdvolume?content=8317612:14
Xand3rtoma: but you cant view the patch12:15
tomaXand3r: yes i can, patch looks sane12:15
Xand3ris it possible that you can write a patch for me?12:18
tomaXand3r: why, what is wrong with that patch?12:18
Xand3ri have thought wrong12:20
Xand3ri cant see the patch12:20
tomaXand3r: want me to paste it somewhere for you?12:20
Xand3rif you want to12:20
tomaXand3r: http://rafb.net/p/KHkKy182.html12:21
Xand3rtoma: thanx a lot12:26
tomayou're welcome12:29
apacheloggersmarter: kmilo did more than volume :P12:56
apacheloggersmarter: but go ahead and give the app a sanity check and package it12:56
smarterthere's a little problem with it12:56
smarterit uses kmix dbus calls12:56
apacheloggersmarter: so?12:57
apacheloggerIIRC we did nothing different with kmilo12:57
smarterwhich is fine, but kmix seems to have "globalmaster" and "localmaster"12:57
smarterand you can only change globalmaster via kmix gui12:57
smarterand the dbus calls use the localmaster12:57
apacheloggerthen we should get it fixed in kmix, right? ;-)12:57
smarterI asked for a kmix dev on #kde-devel 'cause I don't really know the code and don't see why there's too types of master12:58
Xand3rapachelogger: i coud cry13:15
Xand3rthe depends took a long time, the patch too and now after the patch another error -.- http://paste.ubuntu.com/23695/13:16
apacheloggerp.u.c and p.d.o both unreachable13:18
* apachelogger senses the world end13:18
apacheloggerXand3r: I hope you know what the problem is :P13:19
Xand3rotherwise i would not cry13:20
apacheloggerXand3r: you should learn reading build errors13:20
apacheloggerXand3r: scroll to the line where the error seems to appear13:21
apacheloggerthen read in it's surrounding whether there is some very noticable error13:21
Xand3rsrc/ladspa/RubberBandPitchShifter.h:18:20: error: ladspa.h: No such file or directory13:22
apacheloggerwell, pretty obvious what you need to do ;-)13:22
apacheloggerXand3r: in 93% of build errors this one is due to a missing external dependency13:23
Xand3rdelet the import?13:23
apachelogger5% due to internal include error due to earlier build error13:23
apachelogger2% due to broken $world13:23
apacheloggerXand3r: why would you delete an import? Oo13:24
Xand3rcause it imports an file wich not exist13:24
apacheloggerto reuse my sentence from yesterday13:25
apacheloggerusing that attitude you could just remove all the sources, then you have a 100% probability that don't get any include errors13:25
apacheloggerXand3r: ever wondered why you need build-dependencies? ;-)13:26
apacheloggerthis error is exactly why13:26
apacheloggerthe -dev packages pull in loads of .h files, some of these .h files get included in the .cpp/.h files and get used while compilation ... one could say the -dev packages ship files other developers can use to improve the own lazyness/producitivty13:27
apacheloggerXand3r: using that knowledge, how are you going to fix this build error? :P13:28
Xand3rladspa-sdk-dev -.-13:28
apacheloggerXand3r: well, almost ;-)13:29
apacheloggerXand3r: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/intrepid/+package/ladspa-sdk13:29
apacheloggerldspa-sdk-dev is the old one13:29
apacheloggernowadays we jsut have ladspa-sdk13:29
Xand3roh ok thx13:30
apacheloggerthough I think -sdk-dev would be working as well, since -sdk lists it as provided13:30
Xand3rapachelogger: the script wants to creat an /user/includes/rubberband dir13:37
Xand3rbut it gets permissions denied13:38
apacheloggerXand3r: paste your debian/rules13:42
Xand3rapachelogger: was meinst du?13:47
apacheloggerXand3r: add13:51
apacheloggerexport DH_VERBOSE=113:51
apacheloggerthen build again13:51
apacheloggerand paste the buildlog afterwards13:51
* apachelogger is all of a sudden in packaging mood13:52
Xand3rapachelogger: looks like the same error13:54
apacheloggerI need the output :P13:55
Xand3rapachelogger: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23702/13:57
apacheloggerXand3r: either you fix the buildsystem to respect DESTDIR, or you determine all files that need to be installed manually and use debian/install13:59
apacheloggereitherway you should drop upstream a mail asking for a more dynamic buildsystem13:59
Xand3rmom i had a mistak13:59
apacheloggerXand3r: ?14:00
Xand3rtoo embarrassing14:00
Xand3rapachelogger: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23703/14:05
apacheloggernow that didn't change anything :P14:06
apacheloggerXand3r: /usr/bin/make -C . install DESTDIR=/tmp/buildd/rubberband-1.0.1/debian/rubberband/14:06
apacheloggerthe buildsystem doesn't respect DESTDIR14:06
apacheloggerso you can patch the buildsystem to either respect DESTDIR or at least run install to the proper directory14:06
apacheloggeror just install all the files manually14:07
apacheloggeror you make upstream fix the buildsystem and stop the packging until upstream did so14:07
Xand3rwhat means the build system doesn't respect DESTDIR?14:09
smartermake install DESTDIR=foo << things should install in foo/14:09
smarterbecause the Makefile should do something like install bla $DESTDIR/bin/14:10
Xand3ryea but if the build system dont respect it, my system is the bad on or?14:10
smarterthe Makefile do something like install bla /usr/bin14:10
Xand3rit shuold14:11
smarterit doesn't use $DESTDIR, the path is "hardcoded"14:11
smarterthis is a bug in the app, not in your system14:11
smarterit should not be too hard to fix14:11
smarterbut you should send upstream a mail about this14:12
apacheloggereveryone should just use cmake14:12
Xand3rfor some one like you it would not be hard, i am sitting hier several hours to come at this point14:13
Xand3rapachelogger: ^^14:13
smarterapachelogger: +1 ;)14:13
apacheloggerXand3r: you sit there serval hours14:13
apacheloggernext time you do it in one hour14:13
apacheloggerthen in 5 minutes14:13
Xand3ri hope14:13
Xand3ri becom agressive i see the time pass and nothing is finished14:14
Xand3rso what would be the best?14:15
Xand3rapachelogger: what do you think?14:16
apacheloggerlet me try something14:16
apacheloggerwhat a load of deps -.-14:21
Xand3rdo you want to know all i found?14:21
* apachelogger runs apt-get install the 5th time14:21
Xand3rdebhelper (>= 5), autotools-dev, cdbs, pkg-config, libsamplerate0-dev, libsndfile-dev, fftw3-dev, vamp-plugin-sdk, ladspa-sdk14:22
Xand3rhave fun14:22
Xand3rapachelogger: what are you tryig?14:23
apacheloggerbuilding :P14:24
apacheloggeroh, finally14:24
* apachelogger launches a make -j514:24
apacheloggerXand3r: something is wrong with your packaging14:25
apacheloggeror maybe my pbuilder14:26
apacheloggervery strange14:26
* apachelogger investigates14:26
apacheloggermy pbuilder14:27
Xand3rwhat is with you pbuilder?14:28
apacheloggerXand3r: before make-install gets executed you have to run configure --prefix=DEBINSTALLTHINGY14:30
apacheloggerthen make install should work properly14:30
* Xand3r gets headaches14:35
smarterXand3r: https://perso.duckcorp.org/duck/cdbs-doc/cdbs-doc.xhtml14:35
smartershould help you14:35
apacheloggeruh, works like charm :)14:36
smartertry DEB_CONFIGURE_EXTRA_FLAGS := --prefix=$DESTDIR14:36
apacheloggerno no14:37
smarterno? (:14:37
apacheloggerit needs to be executed after make14:37
apacheloggerbut before make install14:37
apacheloggerthe makefiles are bound to @prefix@14:37
smarter<tab>./configure --prefix=$DESTDIR14:38
apacheloggerI'd prehook it14:38
apacheloggercommon prehook actually14:39
apacheloggerotherwise it gets executed for every package14:39
apacheloggersmarter: cdbs has a prehook for almost everything14:39
apachelogger# This rule is called before the common-install target.  It's currently only14:40
apachelogger# used by debhelper.mk, to run dh_clean -k.14:40
Xand3rmy headaches become worser14:42
apacheloggerXand3r: why?14:43
Xand3rim feeling like, i am at the begining of all, i had never learnd a thing -.-14:43
apacheloggerXand3r: I think you are overrating that14:44
apacheloggerXand3r: you already did what is needed right now14:45
Xand3ri think i dont understand what to do exactly, after hours of work14:45
apacheloggerXand3r: open the Makefile.in in an editor14:45
apacheloggerthere you find14:46
apacheloggerINSTALL_BINDIR      := @prefix@/bin14:46
apacheloggerand a couple of others14:46
apachelogger@foobar@ is usually a variable from the buildsystem14:46
apacheloggerin this very case @prefix@ is exactly the --prefix=foobar from ./configure14:47
apacheloggerso INSTALL_BINDIR directly depends on what prefix is passed to ./configure14:47
apacheloggerwith a normal build ./configure will be executed _once_ with _/usr_ as prefix14:47
apacheloggerthat is why you make install fails14:48
apacheloggerthe makefiles use @prefix@ for the install target... which is /usr right now14:48
apacheloggerso what you need to do is to change @prefix@ just before you run make install14:48
apacheloggerby executing ./configrue --prerfix$(DEB_DESTDIR)14:49
apacheloggerwhere DEB_DESTDIR is a var for debian/rubberband in this case14:49
apacheloggerXand3r: so you do what you already did once ... digg through cdbs and search a target appropriate for this use14:49
apacheloggeras I stated above the IMHO best target is in buildcore.mk and is called common-install-prehook-arch14:50
apacheloggerso you just add14:50
apachelogger[TAB]./configure --prefix$(DEB_DESTDIR)14:50
Xand3rlooks easy14:51
apacheloggerXand3r: well, it is, that's why I said you overrate the problem here14:51
apacheloggeryou basically did that already for another package, the only difficulty here was to find out that you can influence the make install prefix with ./configure14:52
Xand3rbut if i fail at such a easy thing14:52
Xand3rbut if i fail at such a easy thing14:53
Xand3rubs wrong window14:53
apacheloggerXand3r: become more self-confident and stop overrating problems :P14:53
Xand3rthats my mum telling me every day14:54
Xand3rconfigure: error: unrecognized option: --prefix/tmp/buildd/rubberband-1.0.1/debian/rubberband/14:57
Xand3rmistak found14:58
apacheloggerXand3r: --prefix=15:00
apacheloggerhey nixternal15:00
Xand3rapachelogger: i knoe15:00
apacheloggerso much for you fail at easy things :P15:00
Xand3ras i said mistake found, i realy found it :p15:01
\shapachelogger: please play kiss: crazy crazy nights on radio amarok ;)15:01
apachelogger\sh: I don't have a dj setup right now15:02
\shapachelogger: das ist dumm ;)15:02
apacheloggerbesides, I am not member of the amarok team anymore, so I guess I shouldn't do that at all ;-)15:02
\shapachelogger: what?15:03
\shapachelogger: since when and why?15:03
\shapachelogger: but for heavens sake, we could setup an red5 server and do some rock shows on leonov.tv ;)15:04
Xand3ri gonna hate this package15:04
\shXand3r: you can't hate something what you never loved ;)15:05
apachelogger\sh: for about a week now, due to missing motivation and certain team members behaviour15:05
apacheloggerXand3r: why?15:05
\shapachelogger: really sad to hear15:05
apacheloggerXand3r: $(DEB_DESTDIR)/usr15:05
apachelogger\sh: well, leaves more time for KDE and Kubuntu ;-)15:06
Xand3rwhat would i do without you?15:06
apacheloggerXand3r: think for yourself :P15:06
Xand3r^^, i think i would not package any thing, so thanks for your help15:06
* apachelogger should stop that15:07
apacheloggertoo much help distrubs the process of learning15:07
Xand3ryou sound like my teacher15:07
Xand3rapachelogger: when we could meet us again? it was realy funny in berlin, the next linuxtag is too far away15:09
Xand3rapachelogger: now i am at the point with the lib file -.-15:12
Xand3ri have no clue how i can give sonames15:14
apacheloggerXand3r: froscon15:16
Xand3rfroscon, placed where?15:16
apacheloggerst. augusting15:16
apacheloggerXand3r: http://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-sharedlibs.html15:16
Xand3rapachelogger: my way http://tiny.cc/KJERm15:20
apachelogger\sh: dpkg-deb: building package `leonov' in `../leonov_0.0.1-0ubuntu1_i386.deb'.15:20
Xand3rapachelogger: using ldconfig?15:21
\shapachelogger: rocker rocker :)15:21
* \sh loves apachelogger...15:21
apacheloggerXand3r: ?15:21
Xand3rapachelogger: if you ask, i was wrong15:22
apacheloggerXand3r: http://maps.google.de/maps?f=d&hl=de&geocode=&saddr=obbornhofen&daddr=Sankt+Augustin,+Rhein-Sieg-Kreis,+Nordrhein-Westfalen,+Deutschland&mra=pe&mrcr=0&sll=50.627306,7.978334&sspn=0.970474,2.845459&ie=UTF8&ll=50.590212,8.025513&spn=0.97123,2.845459&z=915:22
apacheloggermy way :P15:22
Xand3ryou pasted my way :p15:23
Xand3rapachelogger: building/configur the lib with ldconfig?15:23
apacheloggerscru it tough15:24
apacheloggerXand3r: can you please write a proper question15:24
Xand3rapachelogger: 1. i want to build a shared lib?15:27
apacheloggeryou almost always want to build a shared library15:27
Xand3rthe only thing i have to do is to rename librubberband.so to librubberband.so.soversion15:29
Xand3ror is there any mechanism?15:30
Xand3ror did i get something wron?15:32
apacheloggerXand3r: does it not hav a soversion?15:32
Xand3rif it had one it would not come the error15:32
apacheloggerXand3r: what is the exact error?15:32
Xand3rE: rubberband: sharedobject-in-library-directory-missing-soname usr/lib/librubberband.so15:33
apacheloggerI have no idea :P15:33
apacheloggerXand3r: defenitely not rename15:33
apacheloggerXand3r: just ignore the error for now and throw the .so in the librubberband0 package15:34
Xand3rnever done somthing like this15:34
apacheloggerof course you did15:35
apacheloggerthe transitional package?!15:35
apacheloggerXand3r: just add a new binary stanza to debian/control15:35
apacheloggeraccording to spec it has to be named librubberband015:35
Xand3rwait a mom15:35
apacheloggerwhere 0 is the soversion, but since it does not have one at all -> 015:35
apacheloggerthen you install the files using debian/rubberband.install debian/librubberband0.install ....15:36
brandonperry_hi, I tried to install kde4.1-beta 2 from the PPA for leonov, buleonov says it still isn't installed15:36
brandonperry_am I missing some thing?15:36
apacheloggerbrandonperry_: #leonov please15:36
brandonperry_ok, thanks15:37
Xand3rapachelogger:  the new control http://paste.ubuntu.com/23711/15:39
apacheloggerXand3r: Depends: rubberband15:40
apacheloggerXand3r: but finish the package splitting15:40
apacheloggerwe can do the fine tuning later on15:40
apachelogger\sh: https://launchpad.net/leonov/+announcement/569 <-- typo release vs. released15:42
apachelogger\sh: http://leonov.tv/content/leonov-launchpad-desktop-client-first-coming "Right now the GTK & QT frontends are not separate, which will be done in one of the next releases." <-- QT vs. Qt15:43
\shapachelogger: login, I'll approve you, and you can change it yourself? ;)15:45
Xand3rrubberband.install http://paste.ubuntu.com/23712/15:46
Xand3rlibrubberband0.install http://paste.ubuntu.com/23713/15:46
Xand3rapachelogger: what du you think about?15:47
apacheloggerXand3r: what about a -dev package ;-)15:48
Xand3rno, pleas15:49
apacheloggerXand3r: get a random lib package and take a look at it15:49
apachelogger\sh: Invalid CAPTCHA token.15:49
apacheloggerOpenID registration failed for the reasons listed. You may register now, or if you already have an account you can log in now and add your OpenID under "My Account"15:49
Xand3rapachelogger: ?15:50
\shapachelogger: well known openid drupal bug15:50
* apachelogger demands usability15:50
\shapachelogger: drupal still needs an account, even when you come with openid...it's really a known bug15:50
apacheloggerwell, drupal may create the stupid account based on the data provided by my openid server15:51
\shapachelogger: yes..that's the bug ;)15:51
apachelogger\sh: ok, pending approval15:51
\shapachelogger: you are now "project member"15:52
apacheloggerhooray! :D15:53
* apachelogger hands \sh a beer15:53
Xand3rapachelogger: of wihch project?15:54
apachelogger\sh: now I would just need permission to edit that page ;-)15:55
apacheloggerXand3r: leonov15:55
Xand3rah ok15:55
\shapachelogger: now?15:56
apachelogger\sh: nope15:56
Xand3rapachelogger: what i have to finde in that file?15:58
apacheloggerXand3r: whcih file?15:58
Xand3rthe random lib file15:59
Xand3r[16:49] <apachelogger> Xand3r: get a random lib package and take a look at it16:00
apacheloggerfind out what belongs to the lib package16:00
apacheloggerwhat to the -dev package16:00
apacheloggerand if available in the -bin package16:00
\shapachelogger: now..damn..I'm on the run16:03
apachelogger\sh: nope :P16:04
apacheloggeranyway, we have more important stuff to do16:04
apachelogger\sh: backspace in the password field makes leonov goes down16:04
\shapachelogger: it's a story..and you have now the permission :)16:04
\shapachelogger: file bug /me is on the run to get drunk very soon ;)16:04
apachelogger\sh: what packaging would you propose?16:05
apacheloggerl-kde & l-gnome, depending on l-common16:05
apacheloggeror l depending on l-kde | l-gnome?16:05
\shapachelogger: hmm...leonov depends on leonov-common and leonov-kde | leonov-gnome16:06
\shapachelogger: we just have a problem with py-lp-bugs16:06
\shapachelogger: right now, it's a version not released16:07
apachelogger\sh: I think l-common doesn't make much sense if we create l which depends on kde|gnome16:08
Xand3rapachelogger:  lib http://paste.ubuntu.com/23721/ ; lib-dev http://paste.ubuntu.com/23722/ ;  bin http://paste.ubuntu.com/23723/16:09
apacheloggerXand3r: usr/lib/pkgconfig/rubberband.pc16:09
apacheloggerbelongs into -dev16:09
apachelogger.a as well IIRC16:09
\shapachelogger: we deal with that tomorrow :) btw....0.0.1a.tar.gz is available with a serious bugfix ;)16:09
apacheloggernot sure about .cat16:09
apacheloggerXand3r: are the .cat files binaries or plain text?16:09
\shanyways off now :)16:09
\shcu later16:10
apachelogger\sh: have fun16:10
Xand3rapachelogger: how i can find it out?16:12
apacheloggerXand3r: file CATFILE16:13
apacheloggerif it doesn't tell that it is a binary please paste it's content16:14
Xand3rit is in the deb how i get that file?16:14
apacheloggerXand3r: dpkg-deb --help16:15
Xand3rvamp-rubberband.cat: ASCII text16:18
apacheloggerpaste please16:18
Xand3rvamp:vamp-rubberband:rubberband::Time > Timestretch Analysis16:19
Xand3rthats all16:19
apacheloggerlooks very -devish to me ;-)16:19
Xand3rapachelogger: thats all?16:21
Xand3rthe control16:21
Xand3rapachelogger: now the fine tuning?16:22
apacheloggerXand3r: send me the source packaging16:22
apacheloggeror upload to revu16:23
Xand3rin the control i dont build the dev16:23
=== wolfger__ is now known as wolfger
Xand3rapachelogger: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23725/16:24
Xand3rthats the control16:24
Xand3rwhy upload things i know they aer not finished16:25
apacheloggerline 6 needs a line break -> exceeds 80 characters per line16:29
apacheloggerXand3r: librubberband0 needs a Depends: ${shlibs:Depends16:31
apachelogger-dev doesn't depend on rubberband16:31
apacheloggerbut needs shlibs:Depends as well16:31
apacheloggeralso -dev needs to depend on librubberband0 (= ${binary:Version})16:31
Xand3ri only can install a dev if i have the base so i need the depend on rubberband16:32
apacheloggerXand3r: wasn't it who you told me that a -dev package always pulls in the lib as well?16:32
apacheloggerXand3r: rubberband is not the base16:32
apacheloggerlib is the base16:32
apacheloggerI have never seen a -dev pulling in a binary package16:32
apacheloggerbinary as in -bin16:32
apacheloggerXand3r: lib and -dev need different sections16:33
apacheloggerXand3r: oh, btw, the (= ${binary:Version}) is super important for -dev16:34
apacheloggerotherwise you might cause all sorts of breakage16:34
apacheloggerBuild-Depends: debhelper (>= 5), autotools-dev, cdbs, pkg-config, libsamplerate0-dev, libsndfile-dev, fftw3-dev, vamp-plugin-sdk, ladspa-sdk, librubberband16:34
apacheloggerthe package can't build-depend on a package that is built form it16:34
apacheloggerso what does librubberband0 do there?!16:35
Xand3remm emm, dont knoe16:35
apacheloggerlib and -dev need descriptions16:35
apacheloggerthe description for rubberband is....16:35
Xand3rits from the HP16:36
apacheloggerthat doesn't make it good16:36
apacheloggerRubber Band is free, open source software written16:36
apachelogger by Chris Cannam. It is distributed under the GNU General Public License.16:36
apachelogger Proprietary licensing for commercial applications is also available.16:36
apacheloggerI, as a user am not interessted who wrote that if I wanted to know, I would look into the debian coprgithy file, same for license16:36
apacheloggerand since it is in ubuntu universe it is of course floss16:36
apacheloggerso that is redundant16:36
apacheloggerI, as a user, also don't want to get a commercial application license16:37
apacheloggerI don't even know what that means16:37
Xand3ri want to package not to descript it16:39
Xand3rapachelogger: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23727/16:41
Xand3ractual control16:41
apacheloggerXand3r: s/actual/current16:41
apacheloggerand you want to provide best use experience to our users, so you want a good description16:42
apacheloggerrubberband depends librubberband0 (= ${binary:Version})16:42
apacheloggerPackage: librubberband016:42
apacheloggerSection: utils16:42
apacheloggermissing whitespace in Depends:${shlibs:Depends} for the lib16:43
apacheloggerwell, add descriptions to the lib and -dev and I am happy16:43
Xand3rSection lib?16:43
apacheloggerXand3r: you might just want to copy the rubber band description and make it reflect, that this is the library/development stuff16:43
apacheloggerXand3r: does that section exist ;-)16:44
Xand3ri don know16:44
Xand3ri search16:44
apacheloggerthat is what I meant when I said that too much help distrubs learning :P16:44
Xand3rit is libs16:44
apacheloggerthen use that16:45
Xand3ri do16:45
Xand3rapachelogger: current version http://paste.ubuntu.com/23728/16:48
Xand3ri hope i done everything you wanted16:48
apacheloggerBuild-Depends: debhelper (>= 5), autotools-dev, cdbs, pkg-config,16:51
apachelogger libsamplerate0-dev, libsndfile-dev, fftw3-dev, vamp-plugin-sdk, ladspa-sdk,16:51
apachelogger librubberband0 (= ${binary:Version})16:51
apacheloggerDescription: Shared libs for rubberband16:51
apacheloggerDescription: devel files for rubberband16:52
apacheloggerXand3r: those contain things I don't like16:52
Xand3r[17:42] <apachelogger> rubberband depends librubberband0 (= ${binary:Version})16:52
Xand3rso why it is wrong16:52
Xand3ri know not for building for using16:53
Xand3rapachelogger: but what is with the short description?16:54
apacheloggerlook at them16:54
Xand3ri do16:54
apacheloggerand try to think like a user who has to read it16:54
Xand3rapachelogger: where is the problem, i have no16:57
apacheloggerdevel means?16:57
apacheloggerlibs means?16:57
apacheloggerwhy is Shared upper case and devel not?16:58
Xand3rapachelogger: changed the things17:02
apacheloggerSection: devel17:04
apacheloggerXand3r: there is a better one17:04
smarter"These is the shared library" << should be this17:04
smarter"These is the shared library" << should be "This is"17:04
Xand3rsmarter: thx17:04
Xand3ri think apachelogger lost the endurance, with me and my faults17:06
smarternot really important, but for multiple binary packages, the usage is to do Description: <general description>[newline]<dot>[newline]This package contains the shared libs/developement headers/whatever17:06
smarterXand3r: see for example libavcodec1d and libavcodec-dev17:08
Xand3rsmarter: ?17:11
smarter[18:06:32] <smarter> not really important, but for multiple binary packages, the usage is to do Description: <general description>[newline]<dot>[newline]This package contains the shared libs/developement headers/whatever17:11
Xand3ri only know the wy to read the discription via adept, but there are no dots shown, so ther exist a nother way or?17:14
smarterXand3r: try with apt-cache or aptitude17:17
smarterapt-cache show <package>17:17
Xand3rok thx17:18
smarterIf you're not already familiar with apt-get/apt-cache/aptitude/dpkg you should learn to use them17:18
Xand3rof cours17:18
Xand3rnow i know what you mean with the dot17:19
Xand3rrubberband is now up on revu17:30
Xand3rsmarter: maybe you could review my package? http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=rubberband17:43
smarterbut I will not be able to ack it, IANAM ;)17:44
Xand3rok nevermind, bt if i could shure that all is right i am happy17:45
Xand3rtake now libdevel17:56
Xand3rsorry apachelogger saw your comment right now17:56
Xand3rbut this is up now18:00
smarterXand3r: reviewed18:01
smarteryou could also add in the patch file a comment saying that you took the patch from Gentoo18:02
crimsun_(The pedigree of a patch should actually be clear always, so, yes, it should/must be in the changelog or named appropriately.)18:02
Xand3ri think to put it in the change log wo be better18:03
=== _neversfelde is now known as neversfelde
apacheloggerXand3r, smarter: comment out dh_verbose rather than removing it18:20
apacheloggermakes me happier, as I will always switch to verbose when revuing :P18:20
Xand3rin the changelog * FTBFS solved with the rubberband-1.0.1-gcc43.patch from gentoo18:22
Xand3ri that ok?18:22
Xand3rsmarter i dont got wich information is infront an wich is after the <dot>18:23
smarter[18:08:18] <smarter> Xand3r: see for example libavcodec1d and libavcodec-dev18:24
apacheloggerXand3r: librubberband0-dev.install is missing a final newline18:25
Xand3roh i fix it18:25
apacheloggerdh_install -prubberband18:26
apachelogger        cp -a ./usr/share/man/man1/rubberband.1.gz debian/rubberband/./usr/share/man/man1/18:26
apacheloggercp: cannot stat `./usr/share/man/man1/rubberband.1.gz': No such file or directory18:26
apacheloggerdh_install: command returned error code 25618:26
Xand3rhow that could be18:26
Xand3rbut in the old deb the rubberband.1.gz existed18:27
apacheloggerthink about it18:29
apacheloggerlook at the path18:29
Xand3ri had build it and had no problem18:29
apacheloggerXand3r: do you know the problem yet?18:31
Xand3rnow cause i have not this problem18:31
apacheloggerof course you have18:32
Xand3rand cant imagen how you coud have one18:32
apacheloggerbuild it18:32
apacheloggerXand3r: what file is that?18:32
Xand3rurg i have the same error18:32
Xand3rapachelogger: that is the manpage18:32
apacheloggerright, did you ever install a manpage via debian/install?18:33
apacheloggerwith cdbs?18:33
apacheloggerand from  a directory other than debian/?18:33
Xand3ri had18:34
apacheloggershow me18:34
Xand3rthink conflict in my brain18:34
apacheloggerXand3r: man dh_installman18:34
apacheloggerwhat is that thing doing18:35
apacheloggerdo you see the conflict?18:35
Xand3ristalls my man page18:35
Xand3rit installs an manpage.1 and i have put an manpage.1.gz?18:36
* apachelogger uberheaddesk until his brain drops out18:36
apacheloggerXand3r: did you ever think about why you actually need to create a manpage?18:37
apacheloggerwell, because upstream doesn't install one18:37
apacheloggerin the erroring .install however you list an upstream manpage for installation18:37
apacheloggereven though upstream doesn't install manpage18:37
apacheloggerthat is a bit pointless, right?18:37
Xand3rbut my dh installs the manpage not the upstream18:40
* apachelogger needs a drink18:41
apacheloggerXand3r: look at the path18:41
apacheloggerscrew it18:41
apacheloggerXand3r: remove the god damn first line in rubberband.install18:41
apacheloggerand fix the other paths to start with debian/tmp/18:42
* apachelogger gets some wine18:42
Xand3ram i so horrible?18:43
crimsun_he's just frustrated, that's all.18:46
crimsun_(try asking in #ubuntu-motu if you have further questions.)18:46
apacheloggerit just hurts18:49
* ScottK-laptop hands apachelogger some valium.18:49
apacheloggerScottK: cheers18:49
apacheloggerXand3r: dh_installman installed the manpage in the initial package18:50
apacheloggerthats the reason it got listed18:50
apacheloggernow you try to install that file, even though it doesn't exist because you yourself add it so dh_installman can install it18:50
gnomefreakwhat is default sound server in Kubuntu hardy? PA or something else21:10
apacheloggerartsd on KDE 321:10
apacheloggerthe void on KDE 421:10
gnomefreakapachelogger: it doesnt use PA21:42
gnomefreakpulse audio == PA21:42
apacheloggerI didn't say it does21:43
apacheloggergood thing it doesn't21:43
gnomefreaki dont want to backport libflashsupport since it still causing crashes21:43
gnomefreaki was hoping to get away with asound-plugins for depend on flash 1021:43
gnomefreakbut if its not default the user would have to change it to default other wise libflashsupport will be needed21:44
gnomefreakapachelogger: thanks for the info21:45
smartergnomefreak: I don't understand, I don't have libflashsupport installed nor PA and flash (mostly) works?21:46
smarterhola jpds21:46
gnomefreaksmarter: flash 9?21:47
gnomefreaksmarter: talking about flash 1021:47
smarterflash 10 requires libflashsupport or asound-thing ?21:47
gnomefreakthe deps were changed due to sound and crashing21:47
gnomefreaksmarter: yes21:47
* smarter downloads flash10 and test21:47
jpdssmarter: hallo.21:48
gnomefreaksmarter: give me a mintute i will pastebin them21:48
gnomefreaksmarter: my PPA has them21:48
gnomefreaksmarter: http://pastebin.mozilla.org/47249821:49
gnomefreak |Depends: libflashsupport21:49
gnomefreak  Depends: libasound2-plugins21:49
gnomefreakthat is important part21:49
smartergnomefreak: flash10, konqueror4, no asound-plugins, no libflashsupport and no crash21:53
smarterI'm on 64bits so I'm using nspluginwrapper too21:55
=== pgquiles_ is now known as pgquiles
gnomefreaksmarter: thats why21:55
gnomefreaknspluginwrapper doesnt need those IIRC21:56
gnomefreakits been a while since i build it but it runs off itself i think21:56
smartermaybe we should use nspluginwrapper on 32 bits too? (:21:57
smarterflash seems a lot more stable with it21:57
gnomefreaksmarter: i doubt it since its a wrapper for 32 from 6421:57
smarterI know, but it probably works(maybe with some tweaking) on 32bits too21:58
smarterbeside, flash right-click menu look funny in konqueror without nspluginwrapper22:05
gribelusmarter: i'm using it on 32bit22:06
gribeluat least when it crashes it doesn't take firefox with it22:07
smartergnomefreak: see ^ :p22:07
gribeluand works great on konq422:07
gribelusomeone posted a deb package on ubuntuforums so i gave it a shot.. liked it, kept it :)22:07
gnomefreakgribelu: i didnt say it doesnt work on 32 bit i dont see a reason for it just more clutter. and flash is always gonna be a BS app since they give linux the leftovers from windows22:08
gnomefreakgribelu: was it me?22:08
smarterlet's hope gnash will become a good replacement for flash22:09
gribelugnomefreak: yeah but it does help me.. i'm a webdev, always have MANY tabs open in FF and when flash crashes it takes FF down too22:09
gribeluwith the wrapper it doesn't crash the browser, just the wrapper :)22:09
gnomefreakgribelu: right since firefox isnt runing in nspluginwrapper so it will only crash apps in nsplugin-wrapper22:10
gnomefreakthats how it is ablet o be used in 64bit22:10
gnomefreak32bit flash running against 64 bit FF22:11
gribeluanyway for me the wrapper is a great thing.. i wouldn't mind having it as an optional package in the repos :D22:11
gribelui mean for 32bit22:11
gribeluthen again flash10 beta seems more stable (not too much :) )22:12
gribelumaybe the final version will be better22:12
gribeluat least they added pulseaudio support so now there's no need for that lib i forget the name.. it caused many problems22:13
smarterapachelogger: I found a solution for kvpm with DEB_DH_INSTALL_SOURCEDIR and debian/install to avoid the "../" :)22:16
Xand3rsmarter: can you help me with my package?22:16
smarterXand3r: what's your problem?22:16
Xand3rsmarter: he watchs tv22:16
smarterthen I'll let him do so22:16
Xand3remm i got configure-generated-file-in-source but i dont understand the explenation from the lintian.debian hp22:17
Xand3rso i dont know what to do22:17
smarterthe orig tarball contains a config.log file which is usually generated by ./configure22:17
smarterlintian asks you to add a "rm path/to/config.log" in the clean target of debian/rules, and to ask the upstream devs to remove this file from the tarball22:18
Xand3rah ok so i ad this path first of all?22:19
Xand3ris the the position of the command important?22:20
smarterXand3r: how did you got your orig tarball?22:20
Xand3rfrom the hp22:21
smarterI've downloaded upstream tarball and there's no config.log, so you must have done something with it22:21
smarterit's a .tar.bz2, did you repack it to .tar.gz?22:21
Xand3rof course22:22
smarteryou should always document that sort of thing22:22
smarterthe best way is to add a debian/watch file22:22
smarterand then a "get-orig-source" in debian/rules which download, tar xf, and repack the app22:22
Xand3rsmarter: it is not in the orig.tar.gz22:23
Xand3rits in the normal dit22:23
Xand3rmay i tried to compile it times ago and forgotit22:23
smarteryep, it's in your diff oO22:23
smarterfakeroot debian/rules clean should remove it22:24
smarter(to see how to do the debian/watch and get-orig-source thing, look for example at my package of kvpm: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-members/kvpm/ubuntu)22:24
Xand3rsmarter: sudo make -f debian/rules clean done nothing it says there is no rule to make clean22:26
smarterremove the config.log file, build in the source dir, then fakeroot debian/rules clean and see if the file is removed22:27
smarter(and you should you fakeroot, not sudo make -f)22:27
Xand3rthis is no fakeroot22:27
smartersudo aptitude install fakeroot22:28
Xand3rok there is but i didn't used it up to now, exept if i use the command pdebuild22:30
Xand3rbut there is an more important error: sharedobject-in-library-directory-missing-soname, i could i fix such a thing?22:30
smarterXand3r: try dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot && fakeroot debian/rules clean22:31
smarterand see if the config.log file is still there22:31
smarterdon't know, never packaged a library22:31
smartertry with lintian -Ii <file.changes> and pastebin the error22:31
smarter(I == uppercasel i)22:32
Xand3rthe dpkg-.... dont work, unmet  depends22:34
smarterXand3r: then download the deps22:35
Xand3rurg yea22:35
smarteryou could simply remove the config.log, redo pdebuild and see if the config.log is still in the .diff.gz22:36
Xand3rsmarter: the result of lintin -Ii http://paste.ubuntu.com/23795/22:36
Xand3rsmarter: that is what i will do22:36
Xand3rsmarter: and i have a debian-changelog-file-is-a-symlink22:43
Xand3ri understand what it is22:43
Xand3rand that is not the best22:43
smarterit's normal with cdbs22:43
smarterignore this warning22:43
Xand3rthe firstime allowed, i cant belive it^^22:44
Xand3rbut the soname is tricky22:45
Xand3ris here some one who has packaged some libs already and could help me?22:48
gnomefreakScottK: if you are here alien-arena builds fine and works fine i upoaded it to PPA22:49
Xand3rok the current version is up on revu now, open error is the soname of the lib, if you know a solution, pleas tell me http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=rubberband23:19
Xand3rso i go to bed, c ya smarter an thx for your help23:28
smarter'night Xand3r23:28
_gunni_apachelogger: Just in case you are here and remember the discussion about kmilo yesterday, i found this today: http://www.kde-apps.org/content/show.php/KOSD?content=8145723:37
_gunni_Have to leave for bed now, so wont reply if you answer.23:37
firephotoi updated my cmake when it came down with the beta2 repo and now i get nice clean cmake output with the kde svn building but no details if it bombs out. any pointers on where to look? i'm using the bashrc scripts btw.23:43
ScottKgnomefreak: Did I approve that one (lost track as I approved ~20 today)?23:47
gnomefreakScottK: not yet you wanted someone to build it23:47
gnomefreakits built and tested and on my PPA for checking if you need23:48
ScottKgnomefreak: What bug and please say so in the bug if you haven't?23:48
gnomefreaki did :) hold on ill get it23:48
gnomefreakScottK: bug 20095423:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 200954 in hardy-backports "Get Alien Arena 2008 (v7.0) into hardy" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20095423:49
gnomefreakalthough without changing it you really cant use source from PPA since PPA doesnt allow *backports as targets23:50
ScottKThat's not a problem.  The archive admins had a script they use to pull straight from Intrepid.23:51
ScottKApproved.  Thanks for testing.23:51
gnomefreakScottK: np any others you need tested let me know23:52
ScottKSure, but anything that's not marked confirmed probably needs testing, so feel free to go after anything that interests you.23:53

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