
codsterwhat is the command to mount a HDD?00:08
ActionParsnipcodster: sudo mkdir /mnt/drive00:09
CrellHi folks.  I've recently upgraded my Thinkpad T61 from Gutsy to Hardy.  Although audio was working previously and ThinkWiki claims it should "work out of the box", I am getting no audio output.00:09
ActionParsnipcodster: sudo mount /dev/sdc /mnt/drive00:09
CrellThere are no errors from the application; just no sound is emitted.00:09
CrellAny idea what I should check next?00:09
ActionParsnipCrell: updates can cause issues, clean install is much better00:10
ActionParsnipCrell: google for ubuntu T61 and you might get a walkthrough00:10
CrellSo I've heard.  I don't think a full reinstall is fesible at the moment, though.00:10
codstermount poiint does not exsist00:10
ActionParsnipCrell: you may just have to remodprobe some module00:10
ActionParsnipcodster: yeah you gotta make it, read the first command i wrote00:11
codsterthere we go00:11
ActionParsnipcodster: read EVERYTHING when someone helps00:11
yurimxpxmanI can't change the resolution in zsnes.. doesn't seem to give me any reason for the error. Any ideas?00:12
ActionParsnipcodster: you can mount anyplace you want really00:12
ActionParsnipyurimxpxman: do you have 3d accelleration00:13
yurimxpxmanActionParsnip: yes00:13
CrellActionParsnip: Nothing useful from Google yet, save for links to the article I'm already reading on thinkwiki.00:13
ActionParsnipyurimxpxman: run it from command line without &, you'll get some outputs00:13
greenfishx3who do you automatically sudo a whole kde session?00:14
Crellgreenfishx3: You don't want to do that.00:14
ActionParsnipCrell: ive seen too many folks get issues with upgrades so I always clean install00:14
greenfishx3Crell, yeah but I just like to know hte answer sir :)00:14
ActionParsnipgreenfishx3: do you mean install all of kde00:14
ActionParsnipgreenfishx3: sudo apt-get install kde-desktop00:15
ActionParsnipgreenfishx3: use tab autocomplete for the package, i dont know exactly what it is00:15
Crellgreenfishx3: Oh, I thought you wanted to run KDE itself as root, not install KDE.00:16
greenfishx3I do that as well00:16
ActionParsnipCrell: ive talked to some idiots that do, so annoying00:16
greenfishx3sorry english isnt my native language00:16
CrellActionParsnip: Yeah, as I said, you don't want to do that. :-)00:17
greenfishx3a friend is asking how to sudo an entire kde session00:17
greenfishx3yeah but its his call00:17
ActionParsnipgreenfishx3: id advise against, it doesnt actually achieve anything at all00:18
Dragnslcrgreenfishx3- the package you want is kubuntu-desktop00:18
yurimxpxmanActionParsnip: it just says -> Could not set 1440x900-GL video mode.00:18
ActionParsnipDragnslcr: cheers bro00:18
elsebahello i'm into trouble00:18
ActionParsnipyurimxpxman: can you do 1024 x 768>00:18
elsebai need some help00:18
ActionParsnipsup elseba?00:18
yurimxpxmanActionParsnip: no00:19
greenfishx3ActionParsnip: yeah I get it but he still wants to do  it :)00:19
ActionParsnipgreenfishx3: his loss00:19
leonardo_hola, alguien que hable español??00:20
ActionParsnipyurimxpxman: what graphical output you using for zsnes?00:20
ActionParsnip!es | leonardo_00:20
ubottuleonardo_: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.00:20
yurimxpxmanActionParsnip: I dunno... I don't know how to check, either. There's nothing about it in the man page.00:20
leonardo_ok, gracias00:20
CrellActionParsnip: Any idea what I would need to modprobe, if that is the solution?00:20
* Crell hasn't had to dick around with audio drivers in years.00:21
ActionParsnipCrell: i wouldnt know. you'll have to search round. Its usually something small like that00:21
elsebaActionParsnip: when system starts, video configuration is 640*480 and i can't change that. Moreover, i "loose" near 3 cm of screen00:21
greenfishx3so youre not gonna tell me is that it? then please say so sir, otherwise im just taking up space00:21
ActionParsnipyurimxpxman: check the settings, try using opengl00:22
greenfishx3okay then00:22
ActionParsnipgreenfishx3: log in at command line then run it as sudo00:25
ActionParsnipor have him log in as root00:25
greenfishx3ActionParsnip: hes running it on vmware, so theres no danger00:26
ActionParsniptell him hes an absolute idiot from me too00:26
greenfishx3he tells me, the password isnt saved, so he has to do it everytime00:26
greenfishx3sure lol00:26
ActionParsnipstill doesnt warrant it, it achieves nothing and leaves your system vulnerable to nastys00:26
ActionParsnipits one of thereasons linux is more secure than linux00:27
greenfishx3ActionParsnip: but this is on vmware....00:27
ActionParsnipthen itll get compromised as if it was running natively00:28
yurimxpxmanis there a command to automatically configure your xorg.conf file for an nvidia driver?00:28
ActionParsnipif he keeps a backup of the image then its not so bad but its effort that can be avoided00:28
greenfishx3ActionParsnip: my apologies for asking then00:28
ActionParsnip!nvidia | yurimxpxman00:29
ubottuyurimxpxman: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto00:29
phrekwhat is a good program to burn avi files to dvd..to play in a dvd player?00:29
ActionParsnipphrek: devede is ok00:31
ActionParsnipasrock might have a linux driver too00:38
m1ts4r10n4shi... question... if i have some some scripts that i want in my path...do i make a dir, put them in, and add it to my path? or it there a more elegant solution?00:50
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intelikey> stdin01:00
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myk_robinsonhey. quick compiz question. My "cube" is only two sided.. cant seem to find and option to fix this. Anyone able to ehlp?01:15
myk_robinsoni dont seem to have the horizontal desktop setting for some reason..01:19
mrksbrdi need help with a .tar file.....I installed the build-essential package.....in the directory where I extracted file, but when I attempt to do ./configure I get this error..........bash: ./configure: No such file or directory01:52
dragon_hello all01:54
mrksbrdhello dragon01:54
dragon_all of us are linux users?01:54
mrksbrdu new to linux?01:55
dragon_yes new to linux01:55
dragon_still learning01:55
dragon_where can I find free software for Ubuntu01:56
mrksbrdwhat r u looking for?  anything special?01:56
dragon_brutus and all that's stuff. someboy tried to get into my network today and I want to return the favor01:56
mrksbrdlol...a little hack-back?01:57
dragon_i do have his IP. yes01:57
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about brutus01:58
dragon_i'll have to keep researching LOL01:58
mrksbrdu can try a simple remote connection01:59
dragon_still learning the commands in linux01:59
BluesKajor howdy02:09
mrksbrdhey blues02:09
mrksbrdu anygood w/.tar files?02:10
BluesKajI've installed a few02:10
mrksbrdi cannot get this one to even start the procedure02:11
BluesKajtar -xzvf nameoffile.gz ?02:11
mrksbrdattempting to install decss....every way I try i'm running into deadends02:11
mrksbrdi have it extracted already in my home directory02:12
mrksbrdbut when i go to run ./configure02:12
mrksbrdtells me no such directory02:12
mrksbrdonly file that is in there is makefile02:13
BluesKajtry make, sometimes theres no .cof02:13
intelikeymrksbrd you can't run what doesn't exist.   try  make02:13
mrksbrdwhen I do ./makefile or ./make still same error02:14
mrksbrdi'm lost02:14
BluesKajnot./make , just make02:14
intelikeyyou don't do either of those.  you do   "make "02:14
mrksbrdfrom terminal right02:15
intelikey!b-e | mrksbrd02:15
ubottumrksbrd: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)02:15
mrksbrdthis is what i see in terminal now02:18
intelikeyand ?02:19
mrksbrdwhat next? is that it?02:19
intelikeysudo make install02:20
mrksbrdmake: *** No rule to make target `install'.  Stop.02:20
intelikeyare you sure there are no READ.ME INSTALL.TXT install.sh   or anything in that dir?02:21
intelikeythere really should be a howto with the source.   or an install script or something02:22
mrksbrdthere is a readme .....but even that is like reading german to me......i wish automatix was still up & running it was so simple that way02:23
intelikey!find css-auth02:24
ubottuPackage/file css-auth does not exist in hardy02:24
mrksbrdthis is what the readme states02:25
intelikeyreset ?   reset is a common linux command for resetting the terminal/console02:27
mrksbrdthat's what it says I don't know......this can't be this difficult to do02:28
intelikeymrksbrd where did you get this source,  i'll have to look at the package before i can help you.02:29
mrksbrddecss site02:29
mrksbrdi just did a search for decss02:30
* BluesKaj wonders whether libdvdcss2 accomplishes the same thing as css-auth interms of stripping DRM and regional codes from the dvd.02:30
intelikeyBluesKaj one can only hope.02:31
BluesKajmrksbrd, what are trying to do with the app , copy dvds ?02:38
intelikeyi think i scared him off.02:40
BluesKajhe's still here, googling maybe02:42
intelikeyreading from slashdot even ?02:42
mrksbrdi'm still here @ work....switching back & forth02:42
BluesKajmrksbrd, I02:43
BluesKaj'll repeat02:43
BluesKajmrksbrd, what are trying to do with the app , copy dvds ?02:43
mrksbrdmake duplicates ;)02:43
BluesKajthen you really don't need auth-css. libdvdcss2 will do it along with kubuntu-restricted-extras02:44
gizmobayCan someone tell me how I can shift the image on my screen? It's clipped off a bit on the right02:45
intelikeymrksbrd you do realize that those files are dated 1999  ?     try the ubuntu way  as BluesKaj has mentioned, if it doesn't work for you i'll try to help you with the css-auth02:46
mrksbrdlibdvdcss2....i tried that file as well says something like it may be outdated or mayy be packaged in with something else02:47
ubottuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs02:47
intelikey             ^02:47
ubottumedibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org02:48
intelikey             ^02:48
BluesKajmrksbrd, kubuntu-restricted-extras as well02:48
BluesKajand of course ffmpeg02:49
BluesKajin case you run into avi files along the line02:49
snakeshey guys. does anyone know how I can check and fix an HDD for bads under linux, app o something like that?02:50
mrksbrdlet me double check the repos, but i'm pretty sure that is in there as well02:53
intelikeysnakes badblocks ?02:55
intelikeysnakes yeah.02:55
intelikeysnakes man badblocks ;man fsck02:56
snakesI'm getting some errors on it 'cause of 'em, and I got some data that needs recovered for work02:56
snakesI did that, 'cause I've been searchin' on google a lot, but didn't help me much02:56
intelikeysnakes can you mount the fs ?02:56
intelikeysnakes if you can mount it.   copy out the needed data.02:57
snakesit's mounted, it's another HDD with data on it02:57
snakesthat's the tricky part, it's failing on me when copying02:57
snakesI am going to change it, not gonna keep it like this, but I need the data02:58
intelikeycan you isolate the file containing the bad sector/s02:58
snakesI dunno how to02:58
snakesI'm new in linux02:58
appuhow to install gnome in kubuntu02:58
intelikeydoes it throw  i/o error messages ?   or just fail to read ?02:58
snakesjust fails02:59
intelikeyappu sudo apt-get install gnome   or any other package manager02:59
appuintelikey thanks for the support03:00
intelikeysnakes note the path to the data, then open a konsole and cd to that path.03:00
intelikeyappu welcome.    if you want the "ubutnu" experance then   sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop    but if you just want to add gnome   i sujest the gnome package.03:01
intelikeysnakes any error cd'ing to there ?03:01
intelikeyok good03:01
apputhanks again, i never knew the difference,03:02
intelikeysnakes sudo cp -a * ~/     # you can translate * to one file, one dir or just * for everything there.03:02
LetsGo67How do I use an iPod in iTunes in Ubuntu?03:03
ubotturockbox is an open source firmware replacement for audio players from Archos, iRiver, Apple (iPod), and iAudio. See http://www.rockbox.org/ to get started!03:03
LetsGo67KDE based?03:03
snakesalso once failed like this, when playing music from it, the songs appeared not to be there, was running a playlist, and the songs were playing for a few seconds then they were no longer appearing, so did the direcotries, they were all disapearing one by one03:03
intelikeyLetsGo67 no.  but you probably just want amarok03:03
LetsGo67No Shuffes for RockBox.  :(  (By the way, using Xubuntu)03:04
geek_LetsGo67: apparently amarok has ipod support03:04
intelikeyLetsGo67 #xubnntu has xubuntu support03:05
ubottuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs03:05
ubottuFor information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod03:05
intelikeywe're flattered that you prefer us here.   but it's easier on all if you use the channel that pretains to your release LetsGo6703:06
mrksbrdok i officially give up..........the repo is in there but still cannot find the file.....thanks anyway guys03:06
intelikeymrksbrd check your pm's03:07
mrksbrdsorry closed that window out03:07
intelikeyi repeted.03:07
intelikeysnakes does the copy fail/succede ?03:08
snakeswait, gotta plug in the HDD03:08
mrksbrdty for all your help03:09
intelikeyyou cd'd to something that wasn't there ?03:09
intelikeymrksbrd welcome03:09
intelikeyand without errors too...  snakes is talented!03:10
jalshow come i can't copy a file even using sudo?03:10
jalsdoesn't that override everything?03:10
intelikeyjals to where ?03:10
jalsi'm trying to move template files for right click menu cos there's a bug03:11
intelikeyjals it doesn't override readonly file systems03:11
jals /usr/share/templates/ to /usr/lib/kde4/share/templates03:11
intelikeyjals umm close kde and do it from a console03:11
jalsi am03:11
jalsi get cp: omitting directory `/usr/share/templates/'03:12
intelikeyand; sudo mv /usr/share/templates/ /usr/lib/kde4/share/03:12
intelikeycp is not recursive without a switch03:12
intelikeyman cp03:12
jalsthat's the issue i guess03:12
intelikeythat's what we're here for03:13
jalsdidn't fix the crashing bug03:13
jalsbut maybe a reboot will03:13
intelikeyto make you feel that way when you see what you did... :)))03:13
nitini just downloaded scid ( a chess database program) using apt-get, but it doesn't show in the k-menu-games -03:14
snakesok, so now I've plugged it back in, and it's running fine, I hate it when it's playing with me like this. I'm transfering the data now to mymemory stick03:14
snakesand maybe if I have time and will still be working,I'll transfer my music too03:14
intelikeysnakes just copy out the data to a safe place.03:14
snakesintelikey: thanks for the help03:15
* intelikey reminds * anger is no substitute for keeping good backups03:15
jalswoop, that did fix it03:16
geek_intelikey: hell yeah03:17
intelikeynitin check your kmenueditor   see if you have some things "hiden"03:17
intelikeygeek_ heaven yes.  hell no.03:18
batatatem muita gente q fica aki03:19
batatasem falar nada03:19
batataoffline a horas03:19
ubottuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de03:19
intelikeybatata sorry i don't speak it.03:20
d1os_miothats greek03:20
batataoh man03:20
d1os_miobatata, what language was it?03:20
batataare you a suporter03:20
batatai use kurumin03:20
ubottuPor favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.03:20
batataits based on kubuntu03:20
batatai couldnt configure ubuntu03:21
batatato use internet directly from a pc with windows03:21
batataand i had to install this kurumin(national distribtution)03:21
intelikeyyou just add the "default gateway" to the routing table.    now from the windows side i don't know what you have to do.03:21
batatathis distribution haves samba and other hot stuff we need03:21
jhowOla... alguem ai poderia me ajudar com uma duvida sobre o FIREFOX 3????03:22
batatathe pc is conected directly in the windows pc03:22
batatafala ingles mano03:22
geek_batata: crossover cable?03:22
nitinintelikey: i was able to run it by typing scid in the terminal.03:22
batataaki é internacional03:22
batatahave you kde 4?03:23
geek_batata: run internet connection sharing on the windows system. plug in the linux system :)03:23
jhowyep. Batata, u can help me?03:23
geek_was easy the last time i tried03:23
batatain this distribution03:23
batatain the ubuntu no03:23
jhowhi, someone can help me about FIREFOX 3?03:23
intelikeynitin yes   but that doesn't "slove your problem"  kmenuedit  should.03:23
batatahey guys03:24
batatawhat system requirements for kde 4?03:24
ubottuKDE 4.0.5 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. Packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-4.0.5.php - Support in #kubuntu-kde403:24
batatabut its not final03:24
batataits unstable03:24
jhowI want to know how to install firefox 3 in my kubuntu. Because a just know install programs with the official reposotories03:24
intelikeyit's incomplete03:24
batatakubuntu 8.04 vem com kde 4?03:25
intelikeyjhow the official repos are all that is "officially supported" here too03:25
=== silver is now known as silvelix
batatato com o kurumin aki e veio o kde 3.503:25
silvelixhi epimeth03:25
silvelixhi crashmaster03:26
mrksbrdjhow: sudo apt-get install firefox thru terminal or use add/remove03:26
batatausa o synaptic03:26
ubottuFirefox 3 Final is currently in the Hardy package repositories.  For best results, do not install via archives downloaded from mozilla.com.03:26
jhowYep, but the ff3 is not on apt-get03:26
batatazsnes dont play sounds here03:26
intelikeyjhow the bot says otherwise03:27
intelikey!info firefox303:27
ubottuPackage firefox3 does not exist in hardy03:27
mrksbrdintelikey....would you finally belive I found a .deb file for it under medibuntu repos......03:27
* mrksbrd is now going to bash his head with a hammer03:27
silvelixi downloaded it from firefox.com03:27
intelikeymrksbrd yes.    i had the bot post that hour ago03:27
intelikey!ff3 | silvelix03:28
ubottusilvelix: Firefox 3 Final is currently in the Hardy package repositories.  For best results, do not install via archives downloaded from mozilla.com.03:28
mrksbrdlol.....didn't see it....must have been away from the pc03:28
jhowYeah,, i too downlaoded it from mozilla.com but i don't know how to install it correctly03:28
silvelixiĺl install it through adept?03:28
intelikeymrksbrd it helps when you are looking for help to check what the helpers are saying that might help you.    so next time help us help you by recieving the help we offer  ;/03:29
silvelixjhow: yea me too itś in .tar extension03:29
intelikeyif that helps ...03:29
silvelixadept only has ff203:29
* mrksbrd says sorry & won't let it happen again03:29
jhowyeah... just have ff2 or the ff3 beta i want the ff303:30
=== asobiCrash is now known as asobi
asobihow can i get ark to extract files with foreign characters?03:30
* mrksbrd begs for forgiveness03:30
nitinwill firefox 3 be added in gutsy repository03:32
intelikeynitin prolly not.   backports  maybe.  but don't count on it.03:32
intelikeyyou do have backports active ?03:33
jhowwhen, nitin???03:33
intelikeyinteresting that ubottu says ff3 is in the hardy repos and yet when asked to find it, says it's not in the hardy repos.03:34
intelikeyubottu you are a moron03:34
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about you are a moron03:34
Dragnslcr!info firefox03:34
ubottufirefox (source: firefox-3.0): meta package for the popular mozilla web browser. In component main, is optional. Version 3.0+nobinonly-0ubuntu0.8.04.1 (hardy), package size 64 kB, installed size 120 kB03:34
intelikeyubottu no, "you are a moron!"03:34
ubottuintelikey: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)03:34
asobihow does one update to ff3?03:36
intelikeywhat release are you running ?03:36
intelikeyasobi ?03:37
intelikeyget the .deb from mozilla  if they have a .deb03:38
intelikeyelse get what ever they have for ubuntu03:38
silvelixi have ff3 in tar how can i install it?03:39
silvelixiḿ new to linux03:39
Jucato!info firefox-3 gutsy-backports03:39
ubottuPackage firefox-3 does not exist in gutsy-backports03:39
intelikeyextract the contents   cd into the dit it makes    read the README03:39
Jucato!info firefox-3.0 gutsy-backports03:39
ubottufirefox-3.0 (source: firefox-3.0): lightweight web browser based on Mozilla. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.0~b4+nobinonly-0ubuntu1~gutsy1 (gutsy-backports), package size 1058 kB, installed size 3676 kB03:39
Jucatointelikey, asobi ^03:40
intelikeyJucato it is in the backports ?   ok.    tov03:40
intelikeyhere you take over a while,  i'm out.03:40
asobiext3 is a bad fs03:40
Jucatointelikey: can't03:40
JucatoI'm leaving03:40
asobiso it's in repo?03:40
intelikeyasobi yes.03:40
intelikeyso the bot says03:41
Jucatoasobi: yes. enable the gutsy-backports (Unsupported updates) repository03:41
asobilast i checked it was dev stuff03:41
intelikey!info firefox-3.0 dapper-backports03:41
ubottu'dapper-backports' is not a valid distribution03:41
Jucatoasobi: http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=firefox&searchon=names&suite=gutsy-backports&section=all03:41
Jucatosee all firefox-related packages in gutsy-backports03:42
asobihow do i enable the backport repo03:43
intelikeyi didn't think it was supposed to make the back-porch of gutsy   but obviously i'm not paid to think...03:43
ubottuIf new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging03:44
ubottuThe packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories03:44
ubottuThe packaging guide is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages for information on getting a package integrated into Ubuntu - Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment - See also !backports03:44
intelikeyasobi  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources03:45
silvelixhi epimeth03:45
intelikeysilvelix not likely that he's around his box.   that looked like a "time out + reconnect"03:46
silvelixcan you help me connect to galaxynet03:47
silvelixi have a friend who will teach me kubuntu there03:47
intelikeynever tried.  so probably not.03:47
silvelixok thanks anyway03:47
intelikeyis it IRC ?03:47
silvelixthis is my first time using konversation03:48
intelikeytry /server irc.galaxynet.<*>       .net or .org or what ever it is.03:48
asobihow can i get ark to extract files with foreign characters?03:48
intelikeyasobi not sure what you're asking,   utf8 chars in the file names   or what ?03:49
stofferI installed libdvdcss2 so I could play dvd's, and it worked for a couple, but now I've got one that doesn't work03:49
stofferkaffeine is saying to install libdvdcss again03:50
stofferis there anything else I need?03:50
asobiaccents shows up as ? in the rar, when i try to extract, it won't let me03:50
intelikey!dvd | stoffer have a look here03:50
ubottustoffer have a look here: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs03:50
intelikeyasobi umm set your session to unicode/utf8 ?03:51
intelikeykmenu settings language  ?03:52
intelikeyasobi that's just out of my league,  i don't actually use kde03:52
ubotturar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free03:53
intelikeymaybe use the konsole and   ^03:53
intelikey!info unrar-free03:53
silvelixintelikey: thanks galaxynet is working now03:53
ubottuunrar-free (source: unrar-free): Unarchiver for .rar files. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:0.0.1+cvs20070515-1 (hardy), package size 40 kB, installed size 124 kB03:53
intelikeysilvelix welcome.03:53
asobithe ff3 i got is a beta03:57
* intelikey hides.03:58
veccioraHelp! My Kubuntu error!03:58
intelikeyhelp it error ?     i can do that... >:]03:59
veccioraI don't know but now KDM always run in not 4:3.03:59
veccioraThe jumping icon after clicking an item in the menu now just the colour not the icon.04:00
silvelixok there is one problem i can solve04:01
silvelixin my toolbar04:01
silvelixthe digital clock04:01
intelikeyvecciora   sudo dpkg-reconfigure kdm4     i think.    unless you mean it's starting the wrong session.  then logout and select session /login/ make default04:01
silvelixi cant find my current time04:01
intelikeykde's clock is a joke.04:01
intelikeyand a bad one at that.04:01
veccioraThe desktop running fine in 4:3.04:02
silvelixi have installed ff304:02
stofferwhere can I download libdvdread3?04:02
stofferI don't have synaptic installed04:02
veccioraBut it wasn't 4:3 in KDM.04:02
silvelixit is in the adept manager04:02
stofferin a deb that is04:02
stofferthe tar isn't ./configuring for me04:02
veccioraI've never encounter the screen resolution problem in Ubuntu.04:03
ubottumedibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org04:03
veccioraDoes it's mean I must reinstall Kubuntu?04:03
* intelikey </rolls eyes>04:04
veccioraThe most annoying thing in Ubuntu is screen resolution problem.04:04
shoklowitzHi everyone. I have a small doubt. I'm running Kubuntu, and I need to set it up so that I can lock the screen so that my colleagues can see the information on the desktop without being able to log in.04:04
shoklowitzvecciora: Do you have an nVidia graphics card by any chance?04:04
stofferis libdvdread included within libdvdcss?  Because I don't see libdvdread on medibuntu04:04
shoklowitzAnyone know how I can set up a transparent screen lock?04:05
intelikeystoffer err umm i dont think so.    but. it may be in another repo...04:05
intelikey!find libdvdread04:06
ubottuFound: libdvdread-dev, libdvdread304:06
intelikey!info libdvdread304:06
ubottulibdvdread3 (source: libdvdread): library for reading DVDs. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.7-8ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 57 kB, installed size 196 kB04:06
veccioraI like Ubuntu.04:06
intelikeythey have declassified it to universe now04:06
veccioraBut I have a problem with it.04:06
veccioraIt's about screen resolution.04:07
shoklowitzvecciora: Do you have an nVidia graphics card?04:07
vecciorashoklowitz: I've ATi04:07
shoklowitzHas your card been detected?04:07
intelikeyshoklowitz have you tried setting the screensaver to a blank picture and adjusting it to transparent ?04:07
vecciorashoklowitz: Dunno.04:07
nuxilhi all.. i have  this strange issue. some of  the kde apps cant use internett,, like ktorrent | konqueror. etc etc.anyone got a clue why?04:07
shoklowitzGo to04:08
shoklowitzMenu>System>Hardware Drivers Manager04:08
veccioraOften my Ubuntu be error.04:08
veccioraI'm use KDE.04:08
shoklowitznuxil_: which apps are able to access?04:08
veccioraOften my Ubuntu run in 4:3 and often no.04:09
nuxilshoklowitz konversion is about it,04:09
veccioraThis make me confused.04:09
shoklowitzUm Vecciora check in system>hardware drivers manager04:09
nuxili think. kde is confused about my nic devises. because. all other apps works  fine "gtk"04:09
vecciorashoklowitz: There is no such menu like that.04:10
shoklowitzYou mean Konversation?04:10
intelikeynuxil konsole command " ping -c 1 "04:10
nuxili block ping04:10
nuxilintelikey, its not a fw issue04:10
intelikeythat's not testing fw it's testing dns04:11
veccioraAm I need to install fglrx?04:11
nuxilmy inet is eth2 and i think. kde thinks its eth0 somehow04:11
asobii downloaded a .bz2 for ff3, what do i do with it?04:11
shoklowitzvecciora: Open up your terminal window04:11
intelikeybut i'll stay out of it...  suits me just fine.04:11
shoklowitzAnd type sudo kde-jockey04:11
ubottuIn KDE, use « kdesudo <program> » (Gutsy) or « kdesu <program> » (Feisty and earlier) to run graphical applications with root privileges when you have to. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)04:12
shoklowitzIntelikey, could you tell me the technical difference between kdm and kdm-kde4?04:12
veccioraMy real problem is often Ubuntu run in 4:3 and often not in 4:3 like 1280:960.04:12
intelikeyshoklowitz sorry. no.04:13
veccioraIt must 1280x1024.04:13
nuxilintelikey, its related to kde. bc all other types of apps works "gtk" ones.04:13
shoklowitzI understand that Vecciora, but you might need to check if you have the drivers for your card installed04:13
intelikeynuxil check the bug reports04:13
ubottuThe Ubuntu forums can be found at http://www.ubuntuforums.org. There is also a channel on IRC Freenode #ubuntuforums.04:14
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots04:14
vecciorashoklowitz: So I must install fglrx?04:14
intelikeyit's there nuxil   ^04:14
vecciorashoklowitz: My monitor can't run finely. Always be blank with a "HV Frequency Over Range" message after fglrx installed and used.04:15
shoklowitzFirst you'd probably want to check if your card has been detected, it might running with generic drivers. For example, my laptop would run at low resolution on generic drivers, once I installed the nVidia drivers it worked at higher resolutions.04:16
vecciorashoklowitz: Yeah it was detected.04:16
shoklowitzThe quickest way to find out if your graphics card has been detected, I think, would be to start kde-jockey04:16
shoklowitzSo it shows up on Kde-jockey?04:16
vecciorashoklowitz: Command not found.04:16
shoklowitzsudo kde-jockey04:17
mr---t-he's using Ubuntu I think04:17
vecciorashoklowtiz: There is no command like that.04:17
nuxilintelikey, where? what keywords you search on04:17
shoklowitzmr-t: What's the equivalent on Ubuntu?04:17
mr---t-I don't know what you are trying to do04:18
veccioraDoes it function? sudo apt-get install fglrx-driver04:18
intelikeynuxil craineal ram,   i've see that same symptom described a houndred times in here.   and the answer is on the forums   also there was a bug report on it.04:18
nuxilhuu craineal ram?04:19
mr---t-But he should ask in #ubuntu04:19
shoklowitzVecciora, I believe you might find this useful: http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Hardy_Installation_Guide04:20
vecciorashoklowitz: Thanks04:20
shoklowitzIt covers the installation of Ati Graphics04:20
veccioraI'm use Kubuntu 7.10.04:20
intelikeyhmm 7.10 and kde404:21
mr---t-kde or gnome04:21
veccioraKubuntu 7.10 is the best OS for me until I've encountered this problem. :P04:21
shoklowitz7.10 Guide is here: http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Gutsy_Installation_Guide04:21
Dr_willis_the ati drivers do seem tohave improved for my machines in the Latest release.04:21
shoklowitzThe wiki itself is devoted to ATi drivers for Linux machines, so I think you'll be fine if you follow the steps.04:22
intelikeyDr_willis_ what chip ?04:22
shoklowitznVidia cards have always been a breeze to get working on most distros04:22
veccioraWhich is better? ATi or nVidia?04:23
intelikeyshoklowitz i wish my nv card was supported.04:23
veccioraSorry for asking that.04:23
intelikeyS3  :)04:23
shoklowitzThey're both great as graphics cards in themselves, but it seems Nvidia cards or better supported on Linux.04:23
shoklowitzWhich one do you have intelikey?04:23
intelikeya non-supported one.04:23
intelikeyan old one04:24
shoklowitzAh, well, old hardware *is* sometimes hard to get working. Have you tried legacy driver packages?04:24
veccioraThere is no X1050 in the list.04:24
veccioraBut there is 9600.04:24
ubottuBoot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto04:24
intelikeyyep it's not supported in legacy04:25
asobiwhat's the chan for kubuntu dev?04:25
ubottuInterested in becoming an Ubuntu Developer? Get started here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment04:25
shoklowitzWould anyone know how to set up a transparent screen lock?04:26
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about kubuntu-dev04:26
shoklowitzYou could just try #kubuntu-dev04:26
asobii did04:26
shoklowitzor #kubuntudev or some variation04:26
shoklowitzGoogle it?04:26
intelikey/list *ubuntu*04:27
veccioraHow can I make my driver provide FireGL X11 extensions?04:27
shoklowitzHere you go:#kubuntu-devel04:27
shoklowitzSorry, didn't see it04:28
shoklowitzThere's a list of channels here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat04:28
shoklowitzDoes anyone know the technical difference between kdm and kdm-kde4?04:29
shoklowitzI'm trying to set up a transparent screensaver so that I can use it as a screenlock, so that colleagues can view my desktop and information on it without being logged in. However, when I install a package of kde screensavers, it asks which display manager I'd like to use, kdm or kdm-kde4. I don't want to choose until I know the difference.04:30
Dr_willis_kde4 has its own login manager using the kde4 libs and stuff.. it looks different04:31
Dr_willis_stick with kde3 if you want.04:31
shoklowitzAnd I think on my last kubuntu install I had picked kdm-kde4 and my log in manager changed.04:31
Dr_willis_if you want to change later 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure kdm' will let you select the others.04:31
shoklowitzDr.Willis: I'm using Kubuntu Hardy, what display manager is on by default?04:31
Dr_willis_shoklowitz,  if you are not using the remix version with kde4. then you are using the kde3 kdm04:32
shoklowitzkd3 isn't listed as an option, I have kdm, and kdm-kde404:32
Dr_willis_K d m = 'kde display manager'04:32
Dr_willis_kdm is the kde3 one.04:32
Dr_willis_You are making way too big a deal out of this. :)04:33
shoklowitzSo most probably I'm using Kde3 eh?04:33
Dr_willis_that would be my guess.04:33
shoklowitzWell, I *am* a bit of a n00b. Bear with me :P04:33
Dr_willis_all kdm does is ask you for your name/password, and lets you pick what session. It may have a few other extra fetures you may use. But kdm3 or kdm4 wont matter much i imagine. they do the same basic job. just the looks may differ04:34
phrekdoes anyone use adesklets?04:35
shoklowitzOk. So in the list, kdm most probably means  kde3 right?04:35
intelikeyshoklowitz he said that four times.04:36
shoklowitzOk now I'm confused. Kdm is the login manager, while kde is the display manager.04:36
shoklowitzSorry Intelikey.04:36
intelikeykde is the "K desktop environment"04:36
intelikeywhen i start kde i do it from gdm04:37
shoklowitzSo you're using the Gnome Login manager to login04:37
intelikeywhen i use a gui yes04:37
intelikeyi normally don't use any gui though04:38
Dr_willis_blasphmy! :)04:38
intelikeytruth.  call it what you will04:39
veccioraI've fix it!04:39
shoklowitzThat's awesome. I bet using only text must five you a much better understanding of how things working.04:39
Dr_willis_intelikey,  you use that 'dos thing?' :)04:39
shoklowitz*of how things work.04:39
Dr_willis_and those haxor tools like screen. and  bash! :P04:39
intelikeylol  denial of service    or   disk operating system   or some other expansion of dos  ?04:40
Dr_willis_DrDos :)04:40
veccioraHelp me!04:40
veccioraI've a new problem.04:40
shoklowitzHaha. teh l33tness it blindz meeh!04:40
phrekanyone use adesklets?04:40
veccioraJumping icon below the pointer now just look like a plain colour.04:41
intelikeyshoklowitz the good doctor is playing.   he also spends a lot of time in a shell04:41
veccioraLike when I execute Kopete it was just a plain blue color icon jumping.04:41
veccioraNot the Kopete icon.04:41
shoklowitzI used terminal a lot when I was using Gentoo. But never exclusively.04:42
shoklowitzvecciora: I think this calls for a Visit to Dr.House.04:42
shoklowitzYou blue-myoscopialinfarctionitis.04:43
veccioraHow can I fresh reinstall KDE?04:43
veccioraIt seems my KDE broken or something.04:43
shoklowitzI think it's best that you install kubuntu instead of installing ubuntu and then kde ontop of it.04:43
Dr_willis_vecciora,  its a 'windows mentality' that when somthing messes  up you 'remove/reinstall' that rarely works under linux.04:43
intelikeymight first rm -r ~/.kde*04:43
shoklowitzThat way you'll have easier access to things like the drivers manager on kde.04:43
veccioraDr_willis: Okay04:44
intelikeyDr_willis_ don't forget the old   'reboot will fix anything' ism.04:44
Dr_willis_shoklowitz,  it shouldent matter. ive isntalled ubuntu-desktop on kubuntu, and kubuntu-desktop on ubuntu.04:44
veccioraintelikey: I've rebooted twice.04:45
shoklowitzDr.Willis: actually sometimes when I install kubuntu, my soundcard won't work. I pop in the DVD again, and it works fine the next time. I've done fresh installs on Hardy about 6 times, and it happens without fail every second time. So I guess sometimes reinstalling does work :P04:45
intelikey    see   ^04:45
shoklowitzI know you can do that, but it gets awfully cluttered, and you have to work the small bugs that occur because you've got both.04:46
Dr_willis_shoklowitz,  the only differance sound wise from ubuntu to kubuntu is that ubuntu now uses that Pulse audio stuff.04:46
intelikeyshoklowitz the fix would be to list the module in /etc/modules   and it would work "all the time"04:46
Dr_willis_shoklowitz,  if you are installing with  the same dvd on same machine.. you really should be getting identical installs.. if somthing is not, i would wonder if the dvd dosent have a issue. or some odd hardware issue/bug04:47
* intelikey votes for "bug"04:47
shoklowitzI am. Which is odd. And the DVD is pretty fresh, I verified the md5 and the burn check.04:47
* intelikey never got an identical install using ubuntu media. only after i made my own install disk...04:49
shoklowitzIt is my own install disk.04:49
intelikeybut when you install to /dev/hda rather than a partition you have to really tinker with upbiquity04:49
Dr_willis_you are sooo leet...04:50
intelikeyi learned it from you...04:50
Dr_willis_Im the Dr of Love.. not Leetness04:50
shoklowitzomg lrn 2 spl itz teh l33tnezz04:50
shoklowitzhaxX0r n00bz04:51
intelikeybut really,  why is "teh" such a common pissmelling ?04:52
shoklowitzI know this dude. I installed blackbox on his window machine and set it up for him. So now he's got his transparent DOS console, and pretends he's a haxX0r whenever someone's around by typing in something like ping
shoklowitzI think it's just one of those typographical errors that occurs a lot.04:53
shoklowitzThat or 4chan made it popular.04:53
Dr_willis_my irc clint auto fix;s that spelling mistake04:53
shoklowitzI think 4chan is behind half the internet fads right now.04:54
Dr_willis_i cant even type t e h without it getting fixed.04:54
Dr_willis_I think you give 4 chan too much credit. :)04:54
shoklowitzAnonymous, LOLcats, Soviet Reversal.04:54
Dr_willis_4chan the next 'all your base, and starwars kid' :)04:54
shoklowitzWhich reminds me of the Soviet double reversal :))04:54
* mr---t- scratches his head04:54
shoklowitzDidn't 4chan spread the all your base video?04:55
shoklowitzCan't remember.04:55
shoklowitzAt least Weezer won't have trouble looking for material for a new video04:55
Dr_willis_I rember ftp sites with collections of funny videos way befor i ever heard of 4chan, or youtube04:55
intelikeywhat's youtube ?04:55
Dr_willis_now all those sites have been mirrored and converted to worse looking  flash video...04:56
shoklowitzI've never ftp-d much04:56
shoklowitzExcept to edit my webpages04:56
=== pierre-luc is now known as Pigeon`
intelikeyftp was d'bom back in the day04:56
shoklowitzI wish I had been born earlier, so I wouldn't have to be the GUI dependant idiot that I am now.04:57
asobiis ext3 unstable?04:57
* shoklowitz t04:57
asobii feel files are corrupted04:57
Dr_willis_asobi,  why would you think that?04:57
asobii never have problems in ntfs04:57
asobiext3, i do :/04:57
Dr_willis_files can get corrupted. on both..04:57
shoklowitzis it a funny tingly feeling?04:57
asobiit's more of a file won't extract under ext3 feeling04:57
intelikeyasobi ext3 is  ext2 + journal     so short answer is no.   but in reality i have had a few issues with ext3 that i never had with ext204:58
asobisays it's corrupt or crc doesn't match04:58
nuxilcorrupt diwnload04:58
asobiexcept, i would rewrite with the same file and it would work04:58
asobimaybe fragmentation?04:59
* shoklowitz is away.04:59
intelikeyhow big is this file ?04:59
intelikeyprobably not then04:59
asobihence my conclusion of ext3 being a bad fs ~_~04:59
intelikeyif you had mesured in g rather than m   maybe.04:59
intelikeyasobi so mount it ext2  and see if it helps.05:00
baudthiefHelp... I accidentally shift+deleted a bunch of folders from my desktop, the mouse jerked and selected more folders than I needed to delete - I cancelled as soon as the dialogue appeared but they're gone05:00
intelikeyyou can tell the kernel to handle that at boot time.05:00
asobiwouldn't that wipe my hdd?05:00
baudthiefany way to recover?05:01
intelikeyasobi as i said   ext3 == ext2 + journal05:01
asobioh, so i can just edit fstab?05:01
intelikeyasobi you can.05:01
asobidon't suppose i can mount it as ntfs?05:02
intelikeybaudthief first umount the fs   or at least remount it ro  then check on recovering files on <your fs here>05:02
intelikeyasobi no.05:02
intelikeyasobi ntfs doesn't support the permissions needed for a *nix system05:03
baudthiefintelikey: Thanks!05:03
Dr_willis_mounting a ext3 as ntfs?  Huh?05:03
asobii use ntfs and ext3, so far ntfs works better @_@05:04
intelikeyDr_willis_ and "reboot fixes everthing"05:04
Pigeon`i just installed kubuntu, so different of ubuntu :O05:04
Dr_willis_Except that ntfs dosent have the permission features that ext3 does.. and ntfs under linux was considered risky untill recently. :) and ntfs is not very well documented..05:04
intelikeyPigeon` not under the hood.   down there it's all linux05:05
=== root is now known as Guest49671
Pigeon`heh yeah graphicly05:05
Pigeon`i'll have to adjust05:05
intelikeyPigeon` rule one in kde "right click everything"05:06
intelikeywhen in doubt    right click05:06
Pigeon`oh ok05:06
intelikeyoh and be sure to right click05:06
Pigeon`i was wondering how to change my nickname in kopete :P05:06
intelikeymaybe     right click ?05:06
intelikeyor /nick new-nick05:07
intelikeyi don't think i have ever seen kopete   and only konversation one time.05:08
mr---t-in kopete you have to change it in configure05:09
Pigeon`is there a gaim of pidgin in kde lol05:09
intelikeyi used xchat back before it was 2.005:09
ubottuThe Instant Messenger Client Pidgin (formerly Gaim) (http://help.ubuntu.com/community/GaimHowto) supports MSN, Jabber, AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ and IRC. See also !Kopete05:09
shoklowitzFunpidgin ftw!05:09
intelikeyinstall as normal05:09
Pigeon`good i like pidgin05:10
Pigeon`ill try to install it05:10
shoklowitzThose devs on pidgin were real ***** about it though.05:10
Pigeon`same as ubuntu? sudo apt-get install pidgin ?05:10
intelikeyyou have ubuntu05:10
Pigeon`well i had05:10
intelikeyjust maybe not ubuntu-desktop05:10
Pigeon`oh ok05:11
intelikeyh a v e    have ubuntu05:11
Pigeon`i understand lol05:11
intelikeydpkg -l | grep "ii  ubuntu"    :)05:12
Pigeon`i've changed to kubuntu because my gnome f*cked up05:12
shoklowitzThere's 4 engineers in a car. An electrical, a mechanical, a chemical and microsoft certified professional.05:13
shoklowitzSo the car breaks down and shuts off.05:13
shoklowitz The electrical engg says there might be a problem with the electrical system and the cam or the spark plugs might be out,05:13
shoklowitz the mechanical engg says there may be a broken engine or transmission part, the chemical engg suspects something emulsified somewhere.05:13
shoklowitzThe microsoft engg looks at everyone and says, why don't we roll the windows up, shut the car off, get out, get back in, and restart the car?05:14
shoklowitzBad joke :|05:14
shoklowitzI continue to surprise myself with my poor sense of humor.05:15
intelikey"Dr_willis_ don't forget the old   'reboot will fix anything' ism."     <<< way up there ^05:15
Pigeon`i think i'll love kubuntu! :)05:16
intelikeyshoklowitz i like this one.     Q; what is the differance between a duck?    A; one leg is both the same.05:16
shoklowitzBetween a duck and what?05:17
intelikeybut you have to use that after about forty bad jokes for it to hove full impact05:17
intelikeyshoklowitz just wait.  you'll get it after while.05:17
shoklowitzHow does a blonde kill a fish?05:17
intelikeycpr ?05:17
shoklowitzShe drowns it :|05:17
shoklowitzThere's this blonde girl, completely depressed, telling her friend she's gonna commit suicide05:18
ubottu#kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!05:18
* intelikey wonders if mr---t- is blond ???05:18
shoklowitzSo she's like, " I'm done with life. I'm going to jump off my 2nd floor apartment".05:18
mr---t-/no but my wife is05:18
intelikeyoh    :)05:19
shoklowitzHer friend tells her she won't die if she jumps of the 2nd floor05:19
shoklowitzSo the blonde says, " that's okay, I'll jump twice ".05:19
intelikey37 to go.05:19
shoklowitzYou'll be dead by #2005:20
shoklowitzDied of PJ Syndrome.05:20
intelikeywhat's PJ Syndrome?05:20
shoklowitzPoor Joke Syndrome. That counts as well.05:20
shoklowitzWhy was the dude staring at the Orange Juice carton?05:21
intelikeyas if we didn't see it comming   </yawns>05:21
mr---t-because it said concentrate05:21
asobiis there a gui for 7zip?05:21
asobijust installed and looks like it's only cmd line :/05:21
shoklowitzI thought I had the bad humor market cornered.05:22
* shoklowitz is away.05:22
mr---t-no too much supply not enough demand05:22
intelikeyasobi not that i know of...  but ark may be able to use 7zip05:22
asobiark is horrible05:23
intelikeyyou have my permission to remove it from your system05:23
asobii need a replacement first05:23
intelikeykonsole  is nice05:24
intelikeyreplaces ark quite well05:24
intelikeyactually i like mc for things like that05:24
segfault_ did anyone use "GCONV" before and had issues with05:24
intelikeyyou just decend into the archive as if it were a dir05:24
Pigeon`how do i install vlc media player?05:24
asobigui replacement i mean05:24
asobiuse adept to install anything05:25
segfault_I get the following error "gconv: command not found"05:25
intelikeyPigeon` sudo apt-get install vlc05:25
* intelikey thought konsole was a gui to the shell05:25
intelikey</scratches head>  ???05:26
Pigeon`no that wasnt my question haha, how do i put vlc like i dont know how to say that, if i click on a .avi i want it to open with vlc05:26
intelikeyoh right click on one and open with other type vlc and click remember05:27
intelikeydid i mention   "right click everything" ?05:27
intelikeyi could have swarn i told Pigeon` to "right click everything"  .....05:28
Pigeon`yeah thx lol05:28
intelikeyyou just thought i was joking   didn't you ?05:28
Pigeon`i know how to open with vlc05:29
Pigeon`but i dont want to right click each time05:29
intelikeyprefered applications05:29
intelikeyi'd have to start X and load kde to look that up.05:29
intelikeysounds like too much trouble for a guy as lazEE as i am.05:30
nickishappyI'm having problems with streming audio in FF3 in kubuntu hardy - sound is distorted05:30
Pigeon`oh well still dont work05:31
Pigeon`hmm if i want to double click and not one click, can I?05:31
intelikeyPigeon` yes     kcontrol   to the rescue05:32
Pigeon`ok lol what is kcontrol :O05:32
intelikeyPigeon` assuming it's kde3    kcontrol is the answer to all kde questions.05:32
mr---t-pigeon click system settings  defaults05:32
Pigeon`well its kubuntu hardy05:32
intelikeyPigeon` alt+f2  kcontrol05:32
intelikeythere you find the configuration tool of tools05:33
intelikeythe wizard extraordenare05:33
Pigeon`run command?05:33
mr---t-if you want to do it with a gui do what i said05:34
nickishappyit looks like konqueror still works fine05:34
intelikeymr---t- that is a gui05:34
intelikeymr---t- or are you implying that if you ever touch the keyboard it's not "graphical" ?05:35
Pigeon`welllllllllllll i cant find it05:35
intelikeyit's there.  it's all there.05:36
mr---t-no I think some people need more mouse work LOL05:36
mr---t-I he's an x window guy05:36
Pigeon`hmmm lol05:36
Pigeon`yeah well i got like 1000 choice05:36
Pigeon`witch one is the double click one lol05:37
Pigeon`oh found it!05:37
Pigeon`well i hope05:37
intelikeyyeah and kcontrol is the "tool of tools"   if you want to configure anything kde kconrtol is the place to be.05:37
Pigeon`good thx05:37
Pigeon`and i need firefox next lol05:37
intelikeyPigeon` just click apply and  test it05:37
intelikeyhave to apply changes in kde it's not like gnome on that point.05:38
mr---t-intelikey:  btw I like the fact in linux youcan do both gui an non05:38
intelikeyme too05:39
Pigeon`The program 'firefox' is currently not installed.05:39
Pigeon`wow go kde go05:39
intelikeyadept to the rescue05:39
intelikeyor   sudo apt-get install firefox05:40
intelikeynot for cli apps05:40
intelikeybut yes for gui ones05:40
ubottuIn KDE, use « kdesudo <program> » (Gutsy) or « kdesu <program> » (Feisty and earlier) to run graphical applications with root privileges when you have to. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)05:40
mr---t-I thought ff had issues with sudo05:41
intelikeyinstalling it ?05:41
intelikeynews to me.05:41
mr---t-yeah it;s in that link unless i didn't understand05:41
intelikeybut hey. i don't know everything05:41
Dr_willis_why would you run firefox with sudo?05:41
intelikeywhy would installing a package care if it was sudo or kdesu that called apt ???05:42
Dr_willis_intelikey,  they are refering to 'gui' apps mainly05:42
intelikeyDr_willis_ then i missed something... again.05:43
Dr_willis_Im old skool and tend to still use 'sux'05:43
Pigeon`damn lol 231 update05:43
Dr_willis_intelikey,  :) of course kdesudo may print out a nicer ask for passwqord dialog also. :)05:43
intelikeyDr_willis_ yeah  but will it facilatate a gui ask for eula acceptance  ?05:44
intelikeyif not.  then  sudo is as good as kdesudo on apt-get ... ff05:44
intelikeyif ff3 has an eula05:45
dragon_hello all05:49
dragon_anyone knows were I can find a free antivirus for ubuntu05:50
Dr_willis_intelikey,  thats a feature of the apt-get system.. i think it will.05:50
Dr_willis_intelikey,  it some how sees display being set. and uses the gui dialog. instead of the curses one.05:51
intelikeyreally.    nice.   i'll start sujesting kdesudo on anything that "might" have an eula05:51
Dr_willis_of course if this is about the JAVA EULA 'i cant hit ok' problem. the fix is to hit 'tab' to move to OK then enter. :)05:51
intelikeyyeah i remember that.  even thought i have never seen it myself05:52
intelikeybut again kdesudo might help with that.05:52
Dr_willis_java is about the only thing i rember having that idiotic eula issue.05:53
intelikeywell looks like the excitement has died down in here...06:01
intelikeythink i'll vanish for a few.06:01
intelikeyshalom #kubuntu people !06:01
=== Invisible_Slacke is now known as Invisible_Slack
=== pierre-luc_ is now known as pigeon``
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP306:42
=== Killerfox512 is now known as Killerfox|Away
Dr_willis_lets see.. i get a program via cvs with --> svn co http://svn.gnome.org/svn/cheese/trunk cheese06:59
Dr_willis_it makes a cheese dir with the code.. i go into it.. and  i forget what to make it actually compile.. :)07:00
aldoalgueem me ajuda07:04
aldoalguem fala em portugues07:05
baudthiefUgh no ext3 recovery tools worked, my data is gone :(07:12
baudthiefAny such thing as an automated backup tool? Ie: one that will backup my machine everyday at 3am or something?07:13
Dr_willis_several ways to do that.07:13
Dr_willis_rsync, and a cron job is one way07:13
baudthiefsounds good07:14
Dr_willis_i recall some other tools also. but cant rember their names.07:14
baudthiefi'll read up on rsync now, thanks07:14
Tidussync is quite good for backups like that07:14
Tidusrsync *07:15
Dr_willis_hello aldo07:15
Tidusseems I can't type today07:15
aldotens kubuntu em portugues07:15
aldokubuntu the portugues07:16
Dr_willis_!info backup-manager07:16
ubottubackup-manager (source: backup-manager): command-line backup tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.7.6-3 (hardy), package size 111 kB, installed size 604 kB07:16
Dr_willis_Backupninja lets you drop simple config files in /etc/backup.d to07:16
Dr_willis_coordinate system backups.07:16
Dr_willis_:) ninja backups!07:16
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about pr07:17
Dr_willis_'as used by real ninjas'07:17
aldokubuntu pr07:18
aldo#kubuntu es07:19
aldothe book on the table07:23
arashiis 'sudo apt-get update' used to renew or add new 'installers' to adept?07:45
Invisible_SlackI have the nvidia restricted drivers install, restarted xserver after I ran the nvidia-xconf as root and its not doing 3d rendering anyone give a helping hand?07:46
Invisible_Slackarashi, its used to pull down basicly your file to update it so it knows the newest version of programs installed07:46
arashioh ok.... what about drivers for my hardwares? Do I need to update them the same way? or they are searchable (from the net)07:48
Invisible_Slackdrivers are mostly built into the kernel... unless its specific and manufatures will have unless its something in the restricted drivers07:48
Dr_willis_update/upgrade - will get any new updates in the repositories.07:49
Dr_willis_that restricted-drivers tool gets any drivers for 'special' hardware also.    Once ubuntu gets released. theres normally not a lot of updates.07:49
Dr_willis_except for bug/security fix's07:50
Dr_willis_the nvidia stuff can be a bit of an annoyance to get working right it seems. Ive had to twiddle with them a bit.07:50
Invisible_Slackdr_Willis, I've installed the nvidia repository drivers, ran the nvidia config and it put "driver nvidia" but it won't do 3d rendering07:51
Invisible_Slackdr_Willis, any suggestions07:51
Dr_willis_you could look at the x logs. I tend to stop the kdm service, and use 'startx' to see what  exactly X is saying on startup.07:52
Dr_willis_double check the xorg.conf file also.   I also enable the show the nvidia logo feature as well. so i can be sure the nvidia driver is loading07:52
Invisible_Slackno EE's on the xorg.log07:53
Dr_willis_http://pastebin.com/f44aea062  is my xorg.conf for my nvidia based laptop07:53
Dr_willis_its rather minimal.07:53
Dr_willis_how do you know its not doing 3d rendering?07:54
Dr_willis_http://pastebin.com/f738cd3cf      is my xorg.conf for my nvidia 8800gtsxxx desktop machine.07:55
Dr_willis_its a littel different from the laptop07:55
Invisible_Slackdr_Willis, because when I do grep command it says no rendering07:56
Dr_willis_you mean 'dri'  - thats  not the same as no 3d rendering.07:56
Dr_willis_glxinfo  | grep direct07:57
Dr_willis_direct rendering: Yes07:57
=== Killerfox|Away is now known as Killerfox512
Manyfoldscim-latex rendering for konservation doesn't work! how to debug?08:01
Invisible_Slackdr_Willis, well mine is basicly yours.. let me restart xserve to see if I get the nvidia logo08:05
K`zanHi Folks, did the distro upgrade and now my USB file systems won't automount anymore, anyone have any thoughts on this ?08:06
Dr_willis_I hate it when 'auto mounting stuff' breaks. :(08:08
willi_ballenthinis there a ubuntu package of the newer versions (0.9.4ish) anywhere?08:09
Invisible_Slackdr_Willis, Thnx its working but for some reason the nvidia manager keeps telling me that xorg isn't working right..08:10
Dr_willis_willi_ballenthin,  newer versionof what?08:10
Invisible_Slackdr_Willis, I'll try to get compiz working later after work need some sleep before I have to work 12 hours today.. thnx again for your help08:10
K`zanSeems to see it in dmesg but it never shows up in anything else.08:11
K`zanStarting to think that going to 8.04 was not a good thing :-(.08:11
Dr_willis_whats your video card anyway?08:11
Dr_willis_oops wrong nick. :) heh08:12
Dr_willis_im getting confused.08:12
Dr_willis_I always do clean installs. never upgrades.08:12
willi_ballenthinDr_willis_:  wow sorry, digikam08:13
willi_ballenthindk how i missed that crucial piece of info, haha08:13
Dr_willis_could check that getdeb site i guess.. or use the source.08:14
willi_ballenthini was having a little trouble with the source08:14
willi_ballenthinbut ill try again08:14
K`zanWell, I can run wincrap when I need to get stuff off the usb filesystems.08:17
K`zanThanks anyhow folks.  Night.08:17
Dr_willis_K`zan,  ua could just mount it manually08:18
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)08:20
JurgentjeHi... anyone in here who knows how I can change the default ownership of NTFS-drives? (I have a USB-harddrive with some partitions in NTFS, they are assigned to root by default, so I can't write to them - sometimes I can't even access them - in my normal login)08:30
hunt0rhi, does anyone know in wich package the nepomuksearch kio slave is? I'am using the kde4 beta-2 packages08:30
Dr_willis_Jurgentje,  install/run the ntfs-config tool. and i think theres some check boxs that should enable that.08:31
Dr_willis_Jurgentje,  also theres the ntfs-3g tools that support read/writeing  of them. I dont have any external ntfs. so cant verify the steps of whats needed.08:32
JurgentjeDr Willis: I can access them too.. but every time again I have to "re-enable" them in the control panel08:32
Dr_willis_control panel? hmm. they just auto mount when i click on themhere.. but these are internal. not external08:33
Dr_willis_ntfs-config has a check box for 'enable write support for external drives'08:33
Dr_willis_Not sure if thats the proper fix or not.08:34
Jurgentjewell... apparently not, I had it installed (thought so, wasn't sure) and box was checked08:34
Dr_willis_as a final option you could just add a proper entry in the fstab and manually mount the things08:35
pigeon``hey i just installed kubuntu and took firefox but i can't even check video on youtube :/08:40
pigeon``do i need some plugins or anything?08:41
jussi01pigeon``: yes08:41
pigeon``witch one?08:41
jussi01pigeon``: install kubuntu-restricted-extras08:41
jussi01pigeon``: that give you the whole lot08:41
eightmillionanyone have any experience with synaptic touch pads?08:41
jussi01eightmillion: some, but you are best off asking the question and seeing if somone knows the answer08:42
eagles0513875morning all08:42
eightmillioni just installed ksynaptics and now my vertical scroll doesn't work right08:43
pigeon``thx alot jussi01 :)08:43
eightmillioni can barely get it to work at all08:43
Manyfoldhow to install flash on x64?08:43
masonhey does anyone know about getting things to work in KDE4?08:43
eightmillionit's like the detection area is too small08:43
jussi01!flash64 | Manyfold08:43
ubottuManyfold: You can run Flash, Real, and Java plugins in AMD64 bit computers with Firefox. see the steps to follow at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxAMD64FlashJava08:43
Manyfoldis this also possible with konqueror?08:44
masonhey ubottu do u know if there's any way to get firefox to work in KDE4?08:44
masonor how to get flash/real/java/wma/ etc. to work with Konqueror in KDE4?08:45
willi_ballenthinmason: i have both working08:46
willi_ballenthinalthough i dk what i did special to get them working08:46
masono did u just use apt-get?08:46
willi_ballenthinyeah, i believe so08:47
willi_ballenthinthere are some flash packages that should be compatible with konqueror08:47
willi_ballenthini know flash works within konqueror, and kontact for me08:47
willi_ballenthinso i assume it was some global package08:47
masonif only i knew the name...08:47
willi_ballenthinlet me look08:47
Jurgentjenuman: what's your point?08:48
masono good will try that right now08:48
=== jords_ is now known as jords
jussi01mason: kde4 support can be found in #kubuntu-kde408:54
masonthank you willi & jussi!08:58
masonI figured out the problem installing firefox08:58
numani want to get help for using mono on ubuntu08:58
masoni was doing it from the adep package manager08:58
numanbecause i want to run some windows based application like tracker checker for torrent sites08:59
masonin the Add/Remove Programs, it tried to download pkg "mozilla-firefox".  But now, it's just plain firefox09:01
Ange|ushello guys09:10
Ange|usim using ssh from windows xp to ssh to my linux computer downstairs09:10
Ange|usi can login and everything, right now im using kvirc from puty to chat09:10
Ange|usbut, is there a possible way to ssh to an already open kde seasion ?09:11
budgAnge|us: x11vnc09:12
Ange|usbudg:  im not using vnc, im uing putty to ssh from windows09:14
Ange|usi can run x11 apps already from it09:14
Ange|usbut i want to use an already open kde session that is open on my kubuntu pc downstairs09:15
Ange|usis that posible?09:15
budgyeah thats x11 forwarding, but to use a open session you need x11vnc09:16
Ange|uswhere do i need it , on the windows computer?09:16
pigeon``Can i have like 2 taskbar at the bottom of my screen?09:17
budgno the linux box09:17
Ange|usand how do i connect to the already open sesion from the windows computer?09:17
budgstart x11vnc on the linux box, then use a windows vnc client to log into it09:18
Ange|usso it cant be done from putty?09:19
budgno, but you can use putty to port forward x11vnc09:20
Ange|usyeah i done that budg09:21
Ange|usi can open x11 apps09:21
Hondo_KitsuneOk, i am at a bit of a loss here. How do you sync your contacts between Kopete and Kontact?09:22
UbutuskAmégis működik09:24
UbutuskAaszem a sorrenden csúsztam el09:25
jpds!en | UbutuskA09:25
ubottuUbutuskA: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are english only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat09:25
ubottuMagyar nyelvű segítséget az #ubuntu-hu csatornán talál09:25
mluser-homeDoes anyone know if Intrepid will have kde 3.5.x available, or will kde4 be our only choice now?09:30
dr_WillisWell given the state of kde4.. I plan on using 3.5 for a long time. :)09:35
jussi01mluser-home: it will be available, but not default if I understand correctly09:36
mluser-homejussi01: Thanks :)09:39
zorglu_q. i would like to remove the periodic updatedb, how can i do that ?09:44
dr_Williszorglu_,  i think its in the crontab. lets look.09:45
mercureewould there be any difference between the amarok i got with kubuntu and the one i can get with medibutnu?09:45
dr_Williszorglu_,  its called i belive from /etc/cron.daily/mlocate    removeing that file should make it stop running daily09:46
mercureeyay i got it :D09:46
zorglu_dr_Willis: nice, thanks09:46
dr_Williszorglu_,  however the 'find' script in that same location says IT updates the locate database09:46
dr_Willisso im not sure what mlocate does then. :)09:47
dr_Willisit may be doing some related tasl09:47
zorglu_dr_Willis: it is ok. you gave me the place to look. if i got further issues, i will look there :)09:48
dr_WillisHeh not sure what  /usr/bin/updatedb.mlocate  actually does.. cant find a man page for it09:51
dr_WillisUnless its because mlocate is one of the ways of doing the database/locate stuff.09:52
zorglu_dr_Willis: it is the refresher of "locate blabla" no ?09:52
dr_Willisbut the find script calls 'updatedb' for that.09:52
dr_Willisthen the other script calls  the updatedv.mlocate, but both seem to be the same binary09:53
dr_Willisso it may be one is doing some optmizations09:53
zorglu_smell like clean :)09:54
|hunter|hi, I am currently using kde4 beta 2 packages but I cant find the package for this nepomuksearch:/ io slave mentioned here: http://blog.lydiapintscher.de/2008/06/14/folderview-is-the-awesome/  is there any way I can get this on my desktop?10:00
ubottuKDE 4.0.5 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. Packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-4.0.5.php - Support in #kubuntu-kde410:02
=== |hunter| is now known as hunt0r
Manyfoldi have kde 4.1 :)10:17
zorglu_oh they fixed the ultra-wide window border. nicer10:19
zorglu_only the change of color remains :)10:19
zorglu_computer design is hard for color guys. you cant get away from blue+clear :) no black, no purple :)10:20
dr_Williseverytime i try to use a dark theme.. somthing looks like poo with it.10:21
dr_WillisI tend to use greys.10:21
ubottu1337 i5 nigh-inc0mpr3h3n5ib13 70 u5 n00bs, 4nd n0b0dy c4r35 if UR 4 1337 h4x0r. Giv3 i7 4 r357.10:25
ubottuKubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness from KMenu -> System -> Desktop Effects - further help in #compiz-fusion10:28
ubottuThe packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories10:31
dr_WillisHmm.. they totally changed that factoid.10:31
Ange|usbudg:  i did connet to my linux pc from vnc, with x11vnc but then no one else can use the pc or i get disconnected10:32
Jahromeomy adept package manager just shows hourglass, then closes and doesnt do anything10:33
Jahromeomy package manager wont open - and i dont know how to edit sources via konsole10:34
Dr_willis_Ange|us,  you can use the 'vnc4server' or 'tightvnc' package and have a vnc session thats not the 'current desktop'  thus users on the local machine wont even notice it.10:41
ActionParsniphey all10:44
ubottuThe packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories10:46
Ange|usDr_willis_:  so  i would be able to use my open kde sesion from fathers windows xp , and my girlfriend would still be able to use her kde sesion at the same time ?10:46
Dr_willis_you  would run 'vnc4server' and have IT run a kde session, that session wouldbe totally inthe background 'hidden'10:47
Dr_willis_you would only seeit whenyou connect to it with a vnc client.10:47
Dr_willis_vnc can be slow.. and using kde4 may make it even slower.10:48
pigeon``anyone know how to put a garbage can on the desktop?10:48
Dr_willis_In theory you could have a dozen vnc sessions each running kde4, or any other desktop.10:48
ActionParsnipAnge|us: just use ssh with x forwarding :D10:48
Ange|usi cant...10:49
Jahromeoif i run adept_manager from the kmenu - it just shows hourglass and doesnt loads - just dissapears off taskbar - if i load it from konsole via adept_manager string - it opens - what gives?10:49
Dr_willis_ActionParsnip,  he said he was on a windows machine as the client however.10:49
Ange|usi need to use an already open sesion10:49
Dr_willis_Ange|us,     that will make it even more sluggish10:50
ubottuTo install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto10:52
Jahromeowhat do i need to load to view my ntfs drives?10:57
ubottuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see /msg ubottu NTFS-3g or /msg ubottu FUSE10:57
ActionParsnipntfs-3g is awesome10:58
Jahromeowhats it do ActionParsnip10:59
ActionParsnipJahromeo: lets you mount ntfs partitions with read and write capabilities10:59
JahromeoActionParsnip: and its easy to use?10:59
ActionParsnipJahromeo: you wont be able to delete files with special permissions though, or change permissions10:59
JahromeoActionParsnip: no editing of fstab etc ?10:59
ActionParsnipJahromeo: you'll see an FS like you do with / or /home11:00
Jahromeoso you dont really have write acess?11:00
ActionParsnipJahromeo: yes you edit /etc/fstab11:00
ActionParsnipJahromeo: you can create new files11:00
JahromeoActionParsnip:  so the tool doesnt do it for you ntfs-3g11:00
ActionParsnipJahromeo: tool?11:00
ubottuntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions11:00
Jahromeonevermind its only a driver11:00
Jahromeothought it was a tool11:00
ActionParsnipJahromeo: yuo install ntfs-3g and edit your fstab to mount using ntfs-3g11:00
ActionParsnipJahromeo: no, its not hard though. the link above tells you how11:01
dawhello, can you tell me what is the difference between ubuntu generic and ubuntu server, I heve both options in my grub after install... ?11:01
Jahromeocoolio  , thanks ActionParsnip11:01
ActionParsnipJahromeo: editing config files isnt hard dude11:01
JahromeoActionParsnip:  im a noob tho and i bork my installs pretty easy :P11:02
ActionParsnipJahromeo: just create a backup first then edit away, if it goes bad simply roll back11:02
ActionParsnipJahromeo: do you create backups of .conf files etc?11:02
JahromeoActionParsnip:  and my knowledge of the cl is limited to tail, grep, chmod, etc :11:02
ActionParsnipJahromeo: you dont need cli to edit conf files11:02
ActionParsnipJahromeo: jsut use sudo cp /etc/fstab /etc/fstab.backup11:03
ActionParsnipthen kdesudo /etc/fstab11:03
crazy_busI installed samba, and selected share for a folder, but I can't seem to find my computer on a windows computer.  I can find windows networks on my computer so I think it's working.  What should I do?11:03
ActionParsnipyou can now edit away knowing your original is safely copied to fstab.backup11:03
JahromeoActionParsnip:  how do you then restore it?11:03
ActionParsnipJahromeo: if you just go running in without and screw it you have nothing to recover with11:04
ActionParsnipJahromeo: sudo cp /etc/fstab.backup /etc/fstab11:04
ActionParsnipJahromeo: that will copy the backup over the top of the malfunctioning file11:04
ActionParsnipJahromeo: if you look at the command its fairly self explanatory dont you think?11:05
daw <crazy_bus> you must set a domain name for microsoft networks11:05
Jahromeoim making a note of it, ta ActionParsnip11:05
ActionParsnipJahromeo: if you look at it its not decieving11:05
dawcan anyone tell me what is the difference between kubuntu generic and kubuntu server in grub ?11:05
Jahromeoalso ummm what is that new multi purpose im proggy that has like skype/msn/yahoo/etc all in 1, forgot its name , its kind of like pidgin but has skype in its beta11:06
Dr_willis_server kernels have some different tweaks - not sure what.. but theres some differances11:06
dawso i must look into tech docs ?11:06
jon_i want to add a new linux OS to the grub menu i just installed11:10
jon_i have kubuntu running how do i do it?11:10
jon_the new os is installed to /dev/hdd511:11
daw<jon_> u must edit /boot/grub/menu.lst and add new os starting options11:13
dawoptions depends on the new system that you've installed, check docs11:14
=== trym74 is now known as Tyrian
crazy_busdaw: I set a random domain name.  What do I do now?11:17
daw<crazy_bus> check that: http://kubuntu101.blogspot.com/2005/11/how-to-share-files-using-samba.html11:21
daw <Dr_willis_> i found that generic kernel uses CFQ I/O scheduling but server kernel uses Deadline scheduling...11:22
dr_Willisdaw,  You say that as if i have the slightest CLUE what those words mean..... :)11:22
dr_Willisdiffernt scheduling.. :) i understand.. ehh11:22
dr_Willisas for the specifics. :)  well...11:23
dawso generic is better for desktop and laptop i think11:23
dr_WillisI would imagine so.11:24
dawi asked becouse vbox machine changed my grub menu and prefers server kernel ....11:25
dr_Willisi wonder how you installed the server kernel.11:25
dawits default in Kubuntu dvd i think11:26
dr_WillisI cant imagine why the Kubuntu DVD would default to the server kernel.11:27
dawi cant too11:28
crazy_busdaw: I had already followed that guide, and I still can't access11:28
dawbut i have two kernels installed11:28
dawmaybe vbox has install it ... :|11:29
dr_Willisvbox dosent install stuff at all as far as ive seen11:31
dr_Willistheres the vbox client extras you can get.. but thats about it11:31
dawhah i know now, i have installed virtualbox-ose modules for linux-image-2.6.22-14-server11:32
dawand it depends on  linux-image-2.6.22-14-server11:33
dawbut why it changed my grub menu ;/11:34
dr_Willisthosr are for running vbox ON the server.11:34
Hondo_KitsuneOk, i am at a bit of a loss here. How do you sync your contacts between Kopete and Kontact?11:34
TonehogKtorrent doesn't seem to have uPnP working properly. Do I need a uPnP daemon installed? If so, what's the package name?11:52
dr_WillisIm not even sure wha tthe uPNP plugin does in ktorrent11:53
dr_WillisI thought it found the upnp routers and set up port forwarding.11:53
dr_WillisIt does seem to be working here.11:54
dr_Willisat least its showing it saw my router and set up forwarding11:54
TonehogDr_Willis: would you be so kind as to check and see if you have libupnp2 installed? Perhaps it's missing a library.11:56
dr_Willisit is NOT installed11:57
dr_Willisi was thinking it it required specifc features of the router11:57
TonehogMy router is uPNP enabled.11:58
llutzupnp = security nightmare :(11:58
dr_Williswhats really weird - i set up static port forwarding on the router to this OTHER machine. :)11:59
dr_Willisand this one took them back.11:59
dr_Willisactually wait.. its using different ports it seems11:59
TonehogLlutz: how is it a nightmare?11:59
dr_Willisany ap could in gtheory set itself up as a server I guess.12:00
llutzTonehog: you allow an application to configure your router... from security-view a nightmare. upnp will show some nice effects in future, hackers like it :)12:00
TonehogLlutz: I've never configured my router using uPNP, other than port forwarding. I can see it's "potential," though.12:01
ncfi1013_i uninstalled compiz but i still have to run "kwin --replace12:02
ncfi1013_kwin --replace &12:02
ncfi1013_killall compiz compiz.real12:02
ncfi1013_forget those three lines i messed up in writing it12:03
dr_Willisncfi1013_,  removeing compiz goofes somthing else up.. ive seen this asked in here like 4 times this week. :)12:03
dr_Willistheres some link, or default/alternative that dosent get set right i belive.12:03
ncfi1013_let me start over12:03
dr_Willisand no - i dont know the exact fix. :)12:04
llutzTonehog: portforwarding is what malware needs to reach your computer through your router. so make sure only those ports are forwarded, you really need.12:04
TonehogLlutz: no different than NAT spoofing, no?12:06
llutzTonehog: easier12:06
TonehogLlutz: I kinda figureed.12:07
TonehogWell, it appears that I'm getting tracker stats, although no DHT. I assume I'd need port forwarding for DHT to work properly.12:08
MilitantPotatoTonehog: I had to forward ports and configure the IP tables in linux  to get DHT working correctly12:11
dr_WillisHmm showing 'DHT 204 addational nodes' here in ktorrent.12:13
dr_Willisthat means its working right?12:13
patrickhey guys, im looking for some help with my sound. New install of kubuntu 8.0412:14
TonehogPatrick: using alsa sound drivers?12:15
patrickpossibly. How do I check?12:15
TonehogOpen terminal.12:16
TonehogLsmod | grep snd.12:16
patrickSound was working on the initial install, however when i updated some packages using adept and upon reboot I had no sound12:16
ncfi1013_i uninstalled compiz but i still have to run "kwin --replace & killall compiz compiz real" every time i log in or else my window borders are messed up and i have no system tray. i have deleted all compiz and emerald settings files that i could find and have set the session to load a clean session on startup but nothing seems to help12:16
patrick@ Tonehog: what am I looking for from the lsmod output?12:17
TonehogPatrick: soundcore is alsa, I think.12:18
patrick@ Tonehog: soundcore               8800  1 snd12:21
TonehogPatrick: try 'lsmod | grep snd'12:22
patricksame output12:23
patrickon another note, how do I get amarok to eject my ipod properly?12:24
TonehogPatrick: your alsa configuration is blank, it appears, or is trying to load the wrong modules.12:26
TonehogPatrick: regarding amarok, I haven't tried working with my iPod yet.12:26
patrickHmmmm how do i force it to load the correct module?12:26
TonehogPatrick: gimmie a second, I'll look it up.12:27
patrickThanks Tonehog12:28
TonehogPatrick: 'asoundconf'12:28
_dennisterwell channel, my best advice for would-be hardy-users: install gutsy first, then use dist-upgrade to hardy....which is totally against the conventional wisdom that a clean install is always the best & safest12:30
dr_WillisWhats best for you - may not be best for me. I will stick with my Clean Installs.12:31
_dennisterbesides my hardware & crashing issues with this pc (which was also present with gutsy from the get go) at least this way my xorg isn't giving me hassles and my cds/dvd drives are both usable12:32
_dennisterdr_Willis: so a clean install worked well for you?12:32
dr_WillisIve done clean installs on about 6 machines so far in the last month with no hassles.12:33
dr_Willis3 of them were laptops12:33
dr_Williswell one laptop was a hassle.. but it was a Pent 1, with 64mb of ram.. :) put puppylinux on that one...12:33
dr_Willisbut that would of been #712:33
TonehogDr_Willis:  would have put slackware on a little laptop like that.12:34
_dennisterwhen i did my server install right after the release, I couldn't (and still can't) get multimedia working because the installation mixed up the two optical drives12:34
dr_WillisTonehog,  in some ways puppy is a cut down slackware. :) it can use the slack 12 packages. simetimes..12:35
_dennisterdr_Willis: do you know of a testing app to really put a newly-built pc through its paces...testing for temp, hd functionality, etc? I'm looking for something similar to the windows testing apps12:36
TonehogDr_Willis: oh, OK. I had really good luck with Slackware and i386 setups.12:36
dr_Willis_dennister,  i saw some  Benchmark tools in the repos.. and there was some  'burn in' tools i think.12:36
_dennister"burn in" tools? what do they do?12:37
dr_Willis_dennister,  and there was some new benchmarking suite just released recently12:37
dr_Willisthey run the pc at high load for a long time12:37
_dennisterso why aren't they called benchmarking too? why a different name/description?12:38
patrick_how do i configure it?12:38
dr_Willis_dennister,  its not 'recording' anything.. its just making the machine work.12:38
dr_Willisrun memtest from grub for a few hours as a good test also.12:38
TonehogPatrick: I'm looking it up now.12:39
_dennisterah, ok, and benchmarking records stats & stuff12:39
TonehogPatrick: http://ubuntu.sun.ac.za/wiki/index.php/ALSA12:39
_dennisterdr_Willis: i ran memtest all night on this pc...ram sticks are not the issue apparently...got to be hdd or mobo now12:39
dr_Willisreplace the hdd I guess.. :)  and hope its that.. replaceing the MB is a pain.12:40
_dennisterstill getting mouse & keyboard unresponsiveness right at startup, sometimes before kubuntu even loads...kernel panics, too12:40
dr_Willissounds MBish to me....12:41
dr_Willisif you are sure the ram is good.12:41
dr_Willisunplug the HD. use a live cd for a bit. see it still happens12:41
_dennisteralso crashing during livecd use12:41
TonehogDr_Willis: couldn't it be the nvidia module?12:41
dr_WillisThat sounds very bad then.12:42
dr_WillisLive cd is proberly not using the nvidia driver.12:42
_dennisternor is it using the hdd12:42
TonehogWhat about ACPI?12:42
dr_Willisrip it apart. :) give it a good cleaning/dusting...  check all cables.12:42
dr_WillisLook for cut wires.. found an ide cable once that was cut just a little bit. by a sharp edge on the case.12:42
_dennisteri just rebuilt it...spotless...even optical drives were given good hour-long wet cleans12:43
dr_Willisdead moths across pins is a bad thing also. :)12:43
dr_WillisI would say its time to get a new MB then.. and start moving stuff over.12:43
dr_WillisHow old is this MB?12:43
_dennisteryeah...not much point in reinstalling all software on another hdd if mobo is problem12:44
TonehogIs there any benefit to using the pulseaudio drivers as opposed to using ALSA?12:44
_dennisteri bought it in 2004...built my son's pc then12:44
_dennisterluckily, because it's my son's, I'm not on a deadline12:45
dr_WillisWell a few years back there was a bit of a 'issue' with some not up to spec. made capaciaters.12:45
dr_Willisthey could die/act weird after some time.12:45
_dennisteryes, i heard about that...think it was the elite/ecs group that was making these bad capacitors12:46
patrick_@ dr_willis: oh yeah my Dell Optiplex fell foul to that issuer12:47
_dennisterthe board itself was only used for maybe 6-8 months, then swapped for a better one, but then swapped back in after my son fried the better one, the cpu, and video card with champagne inside the box12:47
dr_WillisI think i got a pc with the issue also.. it crashes on first power up.. i gotta reset.. then it boots ok.12:48
dr_Willisbut every power up.. it fails to see the hd.. or crashes.. or somthing odd..12:48
dr_Willishit reset.. it takes off.12:48
_dennisterthe frying and first rebuild with linux happened last september...i got it back a few weeks ago and cpu had to be replaceed right off the bat12:48
dr_WillisThe most valueable part of that machine - is proberly the case/ps :)12:50
_dennisternot in this "case", heheheh ...case is a chemming entry level server case...snazzy and cool to look at, but soooooooo many vents and stuff it collects so much dust and other dirt in 3-6 months it's not even funny12:52
dr_WillisVents for coolness.. vs.. dust...12:52
dr_WillisI got a P900 case that has a 200mm fan. and so many other fans/holes.. it may as well be totally open with a desk fan blowing onit.12:53
=== patrick is now known as patrick_
_dennisterwell, the vents may be designed for coolness, but unfortunately the 4 fans also suck in the dirt along with the cool air12:53
=== patrick_ is now known as osotogari
osotogarianyone have any idea how to use asoundconf to configure alsa??12:54
_dennisteri tried to talk my son into a better case, but he's still enamoured with this one12:54
Rioting_pacifisthow do i uninstall something i installed with make install12:55
dr_WillisI rember these Penguin Cases from a few years back.. :) never did get one.12:55
dr_WillisRioting_pacifist,  go to the source dir  and hope that 'make uninstall' works12:55
dr_Willisor hopefully it installed to /opt/ or /usr/local and you can manually remove things12:55
jasonagowhen will be the next lts of kubuntu12:56
jasonagowhen will be the next lts of kubuntu?12:56
dr_WillisHmm.. thats like every 3 years?12:56
pimtry the internet12:56
ubottuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server.12:56
pimlatest is 6.0612:56
Hondo_KitsuneCrud, I have to format my PC12:57
pimso +3 years would make it 9.0612:57
dr_WillisLatest LTS was Ubuntu Hardy.   8.0412:57
pimso June 200912:57
gareth_yes but not for Kubuntu...12:57
gareth_because of KDE 4...12:57
dr_Williskubuntu makes its own rules. :)12:57
dr_Willisit wasent really specific. :)12:57
Hondo_Kitsunesome nasty bug got on it and my HDD space was dissapearing every time i restarted12:57
jasonagosupposed to be the Kubuntu hardy is LTS just like the ubunut version...what I can't understand is why kubuntu hardy is not LTS...12:57
dr_Willisjasonago,  kde4 for one big reason12:57
jpds!khardy | jasonago12:58
ubottujasonago: Kubuntu Hardy Heron expects to ship with both KDE 3 and KDE 4 as 2 separate disks. KDE 3 should be offered by shipit. The KDE 3 CD will be commercially supported for 18 months and KDE 4 will be community supported12:58
Jucatodr_Willis: in this case, no. it's completely Canonical's12:58
JucatoKubuntu had not choice in the matter at all12:58
jasonagois it very crucial for us to move from kde3 to kde4?12:58
pimnot yet12:59
pimBut it will be12:59
Jucato"crucial"? not for a long time12:59
Dragnslcrjasonago- Kubuntu 8.04 isn't LTS because KDE4 isn't ready for general use yet, and the KDE developers won't be supporting KDE3 for the 3 years that Kubuntu would need12:59
osotogariis kde 4 default in kubuntu 8.04?12:59
jasonagoI think the kde3 people should first solve some caveats of kde3 before jumping to kde4...not unless the only solution is to debunk kde3 and adopt kde412:59
Rioting_pacifistthx dr_Willis, uninstall didnt work but all the files were listed  and in /usr/local13:00
Dragnslcrosotogari- there are separate installers for KDE3 and KDE413:00
Jucatojasonago: there are no "kde3 people"13:00
_dennistercases...ahhhhhhhh...i've got a lovely indwin server tower here I'm loathe to use as a server because the removable chassis is sooooo useful in my testing bench13:00
_dennister*inwin...and then someone gave me two totally rad server towers that don't seem to have a name/model...but 2-3 feet high, on casters, both sides swing out...13:01
Jucatojasonago: KDE 3 will continue to exist as long as someone uses it. and even then it will still be available for download always (KDE has, as far back as KDE 1.1). updates and bugfixes may or may not come in the future. no promises there13:01
jasonagoJucato: ah ok thanks for that...13:01
jasonagoUhm, one more thing, will kubuntu run successfully to Asus eee??? Or its better with the ubunut netbook spinoff?13:02
TonehogOops :)13:02
osotogarianyone have any idea how to use asoundconf to configure alsa??13:03
TonehogOsotogari:  http://ubuntu.sun.ac.za/wiki/index.php/ALSA13:03
fredthemonkeyhi its me again :D13:05
ronr_laptophi, I'm running kubuntu, the kde 4 remix, how do I configure my wireless connection? kwifimanager claims to find no networks, but there surely are a bunch of networks in reach (amongst which my, wep key secured, network to which I want to connect)13:05
engineeroh not again13:05
engineerronr_laptop don't use wep13:05
fredthemonkeyhow can i change the icon for my mp3 player on the desktop?13:05
fredthemonkeybecause it has always the ipod icon i painted my own one and now i want to change it13:06
ronr_laptopengineer: then use what? and why not?13:06
fredthemonkeyis there a way?13:06
engineerwpa2, wep is easily crackable13:06
engineerno, there's not13:06
jon_neone know the solution to error 17 in grub?13:06
ronr_laptopengineer: ok, that's a good reason13:07
engineerjon_ http://www.gentoo.org/doc/en/grub-error-guide.xml13:07
ronr_laptopengineer: and once I change the AP settings, how do I connect with kubuntu?13:07
engineer!hi | bardack_13:07
ubottubardack_: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!13:07
bardack_hi.... italian channel of ubuntu?13:08
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!13:08
engineerronr_laptop the same way you did before13:08
bardack_grazie mille13:08
ronr_laptopengineer: my question was how to connect in the first place :D BTW, which wpa2, wpa2 or wpa2-psk?13:08
jon_does grub not recognise reizer fs?13:09
engineerof course not13:09
engineermust be ext313:09
engineerthat's why you keep /boot in a separate partition13:10
engineerand the / in another one if you want to use reiser fs13:10
engineerthen /boot should be ext3 that is13:10
jon_but musix(a distro) allows / on reiser13:10
engineerwell i don't know then13:12
_dennisterok, installing "stress" package from repository13:12
jon_any ways i will try ext313:12
engineerinstall reiserfs-progs13:12
engineerbut i don't think it will help13:12
ncfi1013_how do i manually edit bash startup13:12
_dennisterunfortunattely searching for 'burn' or any combination of that gives me optical disk burning stuff...not burn-in tools13:13
ronr_laptopI'm using wpa2-psk now, but kwifimanager still won't find the network, is kwifimanager the right app the connect with?13:13
PhilRodncfi1013_: I guess you want to edit ~/.bashrc13:13
llutz_dennister: cpuburn13:13
_dennisteryes, that one i did see...and the warning :)13:14
_dennisterthis mobo probably isn't worth saving, but i don't have that many k6 boards here...if he was willing to plump for a pentiumd chip and new ram i have a lovely board for him13:16
dr_Williswalmart.com proberly has a $200 machine thats 4x that old thing. :)13:19
_dennisterdr_Willis: i agree, but he's just bought a lovely $500 used laptop...he wants to use this as a multimedia server13:20
dr_Willis$500 used? gesh.13:20
_dennisteri know...but it was one of his best friends who wanted to sell it...not that old, pretty powerful13:21
dr_WillisIts amazing the power in laptops these days13:21
dr_WillisGot a $800 one the other day with 4gb ram. 250gb hd..13:21
_dennisterthat friend saved his hide during one of the worst moves from hell i've ever seen...and put him up for two weeks until the new apartment was ready13:21
dr_WillisHeh heh13:22
patricki cant get this sound problem fixed13:22
patricki might just reinstall and see if that fixes it]13:22
_dennisterand I've experienced some baaaaaaaaad moves in my time, lol13:22
_dennisterok, downloaded 'stress' and now how to use it? lol...why can't newly-installed programs show up in the menu?13:23
dr_Willis_dennister,  because most likely its a cli command13:23
dr_Willis!info stress13:23
ubottustress (source: stress): A tool to impose load on and stress test a computer system. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.18.9-1 (hardy), package size 19 kB, installed size 92 kB13:23
_dennisteryep...i actually tried that first...the results were just not apparent right away...13:24
=== Gaaston is now known as Gaasthon
_dennister'man stress' says 'info stress' gives you a full manual, but its in tex...so what i see is the shortest table of contents ever...lol...why can't they make manuals in good old pdf format?13:28
timriI just upgraded to 8.04 and found out that smplayer has the "wrong" (non-KDE) fileopen dialog. Can I change it myself, or is smplayer not compiled with kde-support?13:29
_dennistertex seems even more cryptic and hard to navigate than the man pages...i don't understand why you have to learn a whole new program just to learn how to use another one13:30
* timri wonders if there's a KIO slave for info (like there is for man)13:31
dr_WillisTeX is impressive. :)13:31
dr_Willisthe man page is in TeX weird?13:31
timriKInfoCenter says: yep, there is a info slave. Cool13:31
dr_Willis  Texinfo is not the same as 'Tex' :)13:32
Jucatotimri: yes there is13:33
_dennisterwhat's so good about it?13:33
dr_WillisHmm the stress info page.. is one of the better  Info pages ive seen.13:33
ubottutex is a language for describing a document, commonly used especially for scientific publishing. Information and instructions for installing TeX and other related packages can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LaTeX13:33
timriJucato: I know, I just saw it in KInfoCenter->protocols :)13:33
dr_WillisTeX is NOt the same thing as the texinfo page format :)13:33
dr_WillisMany books are done with TeX13:33
dr_Willisand/or LaTeX13:34
_dennisterok, well i typed 'info stress' into terminal, and got virtually nothing in terms of info...googling got me more13:34
jon_i changed to ext3 now error 1513:36
dr_Willis_dennister,  huh? i got a rather verbose info page.13:36
dr_Willis_dennister,  perhaps you dont relize that some of those text items are 'links' to other  pages13:36
dr_Willis_dennister,  info stress, then use the tab key to go to the links.13:37
_dennisteri guessed that they were links, but there's no info as to how to access the links...ok: tab13:37
dr_Willisinfo info13:37
jon_can anyone tell me a solution for grub error 15 im trying to run a just installed musix distro13:38
TimSIs there a video catalogue type application? I have a lot of videos in different folders and I want a nice way of looking at thumbnails of them all for me to find the video I want to watch.13:38
_dennisterdr_Willis: tabbing is just hopping me around the same menu13:39
dr_Willis_dennister,  its going to the 4 different  links here.13:39
dr_Willis_dennister,  in konqueror do a --->  info:stress13:40
timriTimS: Digikam does that13:40
TimStimri: For videos?13:41
_dennisterdr_Willis: thanks...info info in terminal just gave me another man page...lol...one manual to understand another manual to understand another manual, to make a tool work13:41
dr_Willisan info page. :) not a man page.13:41
dr_Willisinfo predated the web stuff I recall...13:41
dr_Willisby a good # of years13:42
timriTimS: Sure. Even Konqueror (or any app using the thumbnail kio) can show thumbnails of videos13:42
_dennisterok, so never try tex info tools in terminal...in a web browser13:42
dr_Willisthey work fine in my xterm window :)13:42
TimSYes, but the videos are all in different folders, I want to view the all without changing videos.13:42
timriTimS: "want to view the all without changing videos" does not compute13:43
TimSSorry, I want to view the tumbnails for all my videos without changing folders.13:43
timriTimS: Anyway both Digikam and Konqueror (Ctrl+F) can show all files from a hierarchy in one window.13:44
_dennisterok, cpu test came back fine, now "dispatching hogs" for hdd test :)13:45
TimSUsing search, I see what you mean, i would never have thought to do that! Brilliant.13:45
_dennisteri love that line..."dispatching hogs"13:45
timriTimS: It gets even better: In Konquerors icon view (which is what you want) you can filter on name VERY fast (little edit box in the toolbar)13:46
TimSYeah, I like the filter box.13:46
_dennisterneed to make a pot of coffee and have a cancer stick...bbs13:47
yakuziwhat's the best way to have a dual head on an ati radeon 9600pro if you know on vga is a CRT which should run on 1280x1024@85Hz, on dvi is 20" tft 1680x1050@60Hz the problem is i've clone mode...and i want as in windows extended desktop13:47
TimStimri: The only slight problem is the huge search pane across the top of Konqueror.13:47
TimSAll I need is to search my home dir for *.avi.13:48
timriTimS: use the locate IOslave like: locate:/*.avi13:48
timriTimS: It has the benefit of not using the big search pane13:49
TimSAnyway to limit it just to one folder?13:49
TimSWell, one folder includeing sub-directories13:49
sharpe_ukanyone run into problems with getting nvagp to load instead of the regular gart module on 8.04?13:49
timriTimS: Hmmm... good point. Don't know though13:50
BluesKajkonqueror locate:file ?13:51
engineerTimS find ~TimS -name "filename" -print13:53
TimSNeeds to be inside a GUI :(13:53
TimSAnyway, need some lunch.13:54
dennisterlol...hdd stress crashed pc...will try to replace hdd first13:57
dennisterBluesKaj: don't you ever want to move to ireland or someting from canada?13:58
BluesKajHi dennister , hmm ...why do you ask ?13:58
dennisterall of our isp's are doing the comcast fraud now...crtc will probably let them do it, too, and now with bill c-61...13:59
dennisterhanding over our tech rights to any corporation who wants to put a drm lock on...13:59
dennisterwe pay more for everything, the us dumps all the bad hardware on us...14:00
dennisterthere's absolutely no competition in canada...they're all colluding to rip us off14:01
BluesKajyeah, sympatico admits to bit shaping , so I called them about it and threatened to go cable. They said , oh we just do it in the cities. :P14:01
negativi'm lucky not living in America, i see...14:01
dennisterlol...and you can't even go to a competitor now because bell is throttling all its wholesalers' cutomers, too14:02
BluesKajI'm out in the boonies here, 5K souls with Hispeed dsl , which hasn't slowed down at all.14:02
BluesKajerr 5k ppl in my town that is14:03
dennisternegativ: yes, and canada is worse in some respects, especially with harper's conservatives handing over our laws to american corps...they only thing we have over americans is good public health care14:03
dennisterlol..._dennister has only now left...i shut down that crashing pc 5 minutes ago14:04
patrickok reinstalled Kubuntu and sound is now working14:04
patrickwe will see if it still works when i update my packages14:05
negativdennister: you have big connection timeouts...14:05
sharpe_ukok Im stumped, I blacklisted agpgart and amd64_agp I set Option "NvAGP" "1" in xorg.conf, dmesg doesnt show any errors and shows the nvidia module been loaded and lsmod after a clean boot shows agpgart 1 nvidia14:06
sharpe_ukyet cat /proc/driver/nvidia/agp/status still shows disabled :|14:06
sharpe_ukanyone have any idea's what I('ve inevitably) missed?14:06
dennisterany irish shamrocks in the channel? any chance a disabled pensioner frp, canada can move over to your country and live off your equivalent of the dole? ? heheheh14:06
BluesKajdennister, if BCE gets sold to the Ontario Teachers Pension Fund and their american partner then it's vulnerable to a took over, then split up and assets sold off like that Icahn predator is trying with Yahoo.14:06
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dennisteryou mean there's hope for bell being dismantled? it deserves it, u know14:07
BluesKajerr takeover14:07
negativbye-bye guys...14:07
BluesKajyup agreed , dennister14:07
dennisterof course, their biggest asset is their monopoly over all phone lines in the country...and anyone buying that asset will have the same power as bell14:08
dennisterand will use the same underhanded, fraudulent practices...just like rogers and every other isp does14:09
dennisteranyway...i guess i'm tired of that topic...it's in the hands of these blasted conservatives and their hired henchmen...and the liberals will not bring them down because stephan dion is a total wimp and doesn't want an eletion, either14:11
BluesKajthing is , there will be a lot of yelling about monopolies by the crtc, if BCE is taken over.Right now Bell has the CRTC in it's grasp cuz their both to blame for this situation.14:11
dennisteryep...there's a bit of hope because crtc's head is now speaking up for net neutrality...but i'm not going to hold my breath14:12
dennister<------------going back to rebuilding that pc14:12
dennisterswap hdd first, then install gutsy, then dist-upgrade to hardy14:13
dennisterif that doesn't solve the probs, then its swapping the mobo14:13
dennisterboth are a lot of work, but i don't think there's any way around it...not going to make an unstable system stable with software14:14
dennisterttyl pps14:15
timrisharpe_uk: I dont know what you're trying to achieve, but iirc some of these things are case sensitive ("NVAgp")14:15
ubuntuHow can I downgrade my Ubuntu?14:15
ubuntuI want to downgrade Hardy to Gutsy.14:16
archlixwhy do you want to do that ubuntu14:16
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veccioraarchlix: Because I want to use 7.10 repository.14:17
sharpe_uktimri, Ive formatted it case wise exactly as it is in the docs14:18
yakuziis there anyone who knows how to get dual head working on an ati card with the restriceted drivers? i've clone mode now and i want extended desktop, is it needed to change xorg.conf?14:18
sharpe_uk>timri, it looks like I need to modify grub to force it not to load the agpgart module by default14:18
timrisharpe_uk: ah, ok. In any case, the very fact that you have the  /proc/driver/nvidia/agp/ directory is a good sign14:19
sharpe_uknever had these problems on slackware (and grub is something I dont know much about (always preferred lilo))14:19
veccioraI think it's the time to backup my /home.14:19
timrivecciora: Try to google for "apt pinning"14:19
veccioratimri: Okay.14:19
ubottupinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto14:21
sharpe_uk>timri, irritating becuase on this chipset nvagp is significantly better :|14:22
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BluesKajtimri, maybe a judicious sources.list edit to hardy sources would have helped14:25
BluesKajdowngrading cuz the sources are gutsy seems unproductive to me14:26
timriBluesKaj: Sorry, that was in response to...?14:26
BluesKajapt pinning14:27
timriBluesKaj: ah, ok. "<vecciora> archlix: Because I want to use 7.10 repository." lead me to suggest that14:28
timriAnyone here using smplayer on Hardy ?14:29
freddangreetings all14:29
BluesKajsometimes ppl like vecciora, have to be queried a bit more about their goals in order to help them than just giving a quick answer.14:31
john_hi, does anyone have that link that explains how to upgrade to kde4 beta14:33
john_oops meant to ask that in #kde14:34
BluesKajjohn_, http://blog.nixternal.com/2008.06.05/hardy-kde-41-beta-1-completed/14:34
john_ah that was the one BluesKaj, thanks14:35
john_is beta 2 out yet?14:35
BluesKajyes john_, id you follow the sources.list edits in the tutorial, and sudo apt-get update, you'll get the upgrade to beta 214:36
john_right, i was about to ask if that was the case14:36
sigma_12which desktop environment does intrepid alpha one use?14:39
psycoeek I need help.14:43
psycoI can't eject my cd drive.14:44
dr_Willisbe sure all processes are not using it14:44
dr_Williscd out of /media/cdrom, close any apps  and so on14:44
JdGordonis there a known issue trying to run the 8.04-kde iso in vkm? (amd64)14:45
JdGordonit keeps trying to start X and then looks like it crashes out as soon as the deskotp loads14:45
psycoWhen I unmoint or eject : http://pastebin.com/m37ecc1fc14:45
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto14:45
JdGordongrr... ctrl-alt-backspace killed the wrong X :p14:46
john_what is people's preferred irc client here?14:46
john_i usually use xchat but i'm trying out konversation as this is a fresh install14:47
psycodr_Willis: I dont know how to close those arguments http://pastebin.com/m37ecc1fc14:47
dkkongMy sound just stopped working in hardy. I just checked the Info Center and it says my soundcard isn't detected even though it was working.14:48
nitinjohn: i installed firefox 3 on my gutsy, but when i start it, it is in offline mode. how to fix it?14:51
nitinjohn: it always starts in offline mode, is there a way to prevent this.14:51
sigma_12why doesnt elisa work in kubuntu?14:52
BluesKajdkkong, updates?14:52
timrinitin: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox-3.0/+bug/19188914:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 191889 in firefox-3.0 "[MASTER] "Offline Mode" feature fails to detect proper online state for networks that are managed outside of network manager." [Medium,In progress]14:53
dkkongBluesKaj: , not that I've done recently14:53
BluesKajdkkong, try,  lspci | grep audio ..look for the audio controller14:55
dkkongBluesKaj: I get nothing from that command14:55
BluesKajdkkong, ok, cat /proc/asound/cards14:57
dkkongBluesKaj: cat: /proc/asound/cards: No such file or directory14:57
nitinwhat is tcl14:58
odi_script language14:58
odi_amsn is using tcl / zk ;)14:58
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BluesKajdkkong, does ' lspci ' give any clue about audio of any kind ?14:59
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dkkongBluesKaj: No, it used to, but no longer does14:59
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nitini need to compile scid. i have downloaded the bz2 file. and when i typed ./configure, it asks to install tcl15:00
odi_type sudo apt-get install tcl8.515:00
BluesKajdkkong, do you have a pci or onboard card ?..should have asked this first15:00
odi_and the dev package!15:00
dkkongBluesKaj: Onboard Intel Sound15:01
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about intelaudio15:01
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about intel15:01
BluesKajI know there's an issue with some intel souncards15:02
dkkongFrom an update, or from the start?15:03
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BluesKajdkkong, laptop?15:04
pimWhat's a good musicplayer for linux?15:04
dkkongBluesKaj: Deskto15:04
nitinodi: you mean sudo apt-get install linux-kernel-devel?15:04
geekpim: i like kopete. personallt15:05
geeksorry, distracted15:05
odi_nitin: no, the tcl devel package, try "sudo apt-get install build-essential tcl8.5 tcl8.5-dev"15:06
yakuzican anyone help me with setting up dual head on ati card? i've the idea i need to adjust the xorg.conf file so i've two sections for screen etc but i've no idea how15:10
Armagguedescan someone name me an alternative for Dreamweaver (does it even run on wine)?15:12
geekArmagguedes: kompozer IIRC...15:12
_EmuKCan anyone tell me if there is a opensource look a like from flash MX ?15:12
FilippArmagguedes: I think wine was designed for Dreamweaver15:12
geeki might have spelled it wrong, its a fork of NVU15:13
Armagguedesyeah its KompoZer alright15:14
Armagguedesok cheers geek Filipp15:14
Armagguedesi'm gonna see if i can make due with komp15:15
patrickhello all, how do i get kde 4?15:15
Armagguedesif not, i'll default to wine+dreamweaver15:15
Dr_willis_!kde4 | patrick15:15
ubottupatrick: KDE 4.0.5 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. Packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-4.0.5.php - Support in #kubuntu-kde415:15
nitinhow to fix bug?15:16
odi_sudo apt-get install kubuntu-kde4-desktop15:16
BluesKajdkkong, make sure linux-restricted-modules and kubuntu-restricted-extras are installed.15:16
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nitinif a bug in program is fixed, then should i upgrade the program to fix it or is there any other way?15:21
geeknitin: yes15:23
tekstacyWhere does Kontact store the addressbook?15:25
nitingeek: i have my pendrive connected to my pc now, but when i right click on its icon, there is no ' remove safely option'. can i unplug it directly.15:26
geeknitin: you could either use the umount command, or just make sure no writing is going on15:27
nitingeek: i managed it, i used umount command, and then i right clicked on the icon and there was 'safely remove option'15:28
tueHey! i somehow managed to mess up my wireless connection information, ie. knetworkmanager start up, but with status: "No active devices". By doing sudo wlanassistant i can connect normally. So what i basically would like to do is to throw out all my network configurations and reinstall, since i know the defaults work. How is that possible?15:31
tueie something like dpkg --reconfigure <everything related to the wireless>15:33
ubottuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de15:34
frothirin kopete i get a message that im inactive and connected every 10s, damm irritating, anyone knows how to turn it off?15:37
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[GuS]Hi Guys.. I wanted to ask, why there is no Qt4.4 phonon on repositories? I only see KDE phonon libs only...15:49
joker_can enny one help me config my vido card to work on the tv??15:52
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joker_dose ennyone  know how to set up a grafics card to run 2 moniters??pleas15:57
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patrickHi Kaffine seems to be stuck in an endless loop when trying to install a codec pack which is already installed16:15
joker_can i get a lil help to figure out how to get voice on  the chat roomes??pleas im new on linux16:21
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eagles0513875is there a way i can make my kde layout of the k menu look like that of windows vista16:25
eagles0513875anyone know how i can make my start menu look like this http://www.xpde.com/shots/startmenu.png16:27
BluesKajjoker_, no voice on freenode16:27
eagles0513875BluesKaj: whoooooooooooooh16:28
dkkongI couldn't get my onboard soundcard to detect, so I turned it off in the bios and installed a PCI card. The card is detected via lspci, but still no sound. Help?16:29
eagles0513875BluesKaj: any idea how i can get my machine looking like http://www.xpde.com/shots/startmenu.png16:30
jussi01dkkong: asoundconf -list then asoundconf set-default-card <cardname-here>16:32
BluesKajeagles0513875, yeah use windows xp pro :)16:33
dkkongjussi01: The -list just gives me a usage guide16:33
eagles0513875BluesKaj: never16:33
dkkongasoundconf set-default-card16:33
eagles0513875BluesKaj: i wanna trick people im using xp by making my install look like it16:34
BluesKajwell, eagles0513875 that's what it looks like to me16:34
dkkongNvm, it's just not listing the card16:34
jussi01dkkong: sorry, should be asoundconf list16:34
jussi01no -16:34
eagles0513875BluesKaj: doesnt the big x bottom left give it away that its not lol16:34
dkkongYup, but it doesn't list the card at all16:34
BluesKajeagles0513875, not to ppl who know little about linux16:35
jussi01dkkong: is it there in lspci ?16:35
phoenixxhey, can someone help me with my tv card(saa7134 chip) ?16:35
dkkongjussi01: Yes16:35
eagles0513875BluesKaj: i know16:35
eagles0513875but where i am alot of people dont know much about linux16:35
jussi01dkkong: could you give the lspci line about it?16:35
dkkong04:04.0 Multimedia audio controller: Creative Labs SB Audigy LS16:36
jussi01dkkong: weird, that should definately work out of the box16:36
* jussi01 has an audigy216:37
BluesKajeagles0513875, then you won't have any probs hiding the fact that your desktop is not XP16:37
dkkongjussi01: That's where I was lost too. It autodetected and ran on the last PC I had it in running hardy16:37
eagles0513875BluesKaj: someone in offtopic said its xfce desktop16:37
jussi01dkkong: something wrong with your setup then16:37
BluesKajeagles0513875, dunno , could be16:38
patrickHi Kaffine seems to be stuck in an endless loop when trying to install a codec pack which is already installed16:38
dkkongdmesg seems to be clear, I guess a reinstall is in the future16:39
BluesKajdkkong, check in adept for linux-sound-base16:40
dkkongBluesKaj: Check for installation, or install it?16:41
dkkongBluesKaj: It's installed16:41
BluesKajdkkong, and alsa-base is installed ?16:46
phoenixxhey, i installed a package called ntlm_auth and now my media players doesn't work rigth (no sound and/or no video)! is there any realationship?16:46
dkkongBluesKaj: It's installed too16:47
BluesKajdkkong, try ,  asoundconf set-default-card "Creative Labs SB Audigy LS"16:56
dkkongBluesKaj: Still nothing17:00
BluesKajyeah dkkong , you prolly won't know until you check alsamixer in the terminal17:02
dkkongBluesKaj: alsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such device17:02
patrickHi Kaffine seems to be stuck in an endless loop when trying to install a codec pack which is already installed17:05
BluesKajpatrick, which codec pack ?17:06
patrickit doesnt say on the pop up window17:07
patrickseems that it only happens on certain files17:07
patrickand those which i try to play over my network17:07
andyho623can someone tell me real quick how to input my ip address in kde4, I forgot how! LOL! thx!!17:13
FFForevercan u guys help me figure out why ff hangs at the end and gmail won't load?17:14
BluesKajpatrick, describe your network17:17
john_how are you supposed to know what version of pidin is in adept17:18
john_it doesn't give a version number17:18
scythI'm having problems with installing kubuntu 8.04. My graph card is NVIDIA 6600 PCIe. It's a known issue... so.. when trying to start the installation, my computer freezes and I have to do a hard-reset. This happens when trying to start the X, so the driver is not working correctly17:25
scythI had this problem a year and a half ago, but I managed to "ctrl+c" kdm on boot, and reconfigure the defoult xorg.conf... but I can't do this now17:26
scythany other ideas ?17:26
althairSalut !17:26
eagles0513875scyth: i have one and it works fine with gutsy havent tried hardy cuz i currently dont have access to the machine17:39
eagles0513875scyth: i would try boot into single user mode and reconfig the xorg17:40
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scytheagles0513875, ok, will try it17:41
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eagles0513875scyth: that will take you into cli only btw no x no kdm no nothing that should give you a chance to reconfigure17:41
scythI know I have to change "nv" to "vesa" in order to work17:42
eagles0513875scyth: thats weird though cuz on gutsy didnt have to change anything17:42
eagles0513875then again i have not been on that machine since december17:42
scythI've tried gutsy also .. but no luck17:42
scythit's an old problem with nvidia17:42
scythit's not ubuntu's fault... I only wanted a way to edit xorg.conf in a simple maneer17:43
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d1os_miokubuntu rulez17:57
tuehm. im getting the following error when installing compiz-kde: compiz-kde: Depends: compiz-core (= 1:0.7.4-0ubuntu6) but 1:0.7.4-0ubuntu7 is to be installed17:58
SebNaitsabesany virtualbox users in here?  ideally the cloused source version.  since that's the one that has USB suppourt17:58
tueany ideas on how i could resolve this?17:58
tueI mean, force it to ignore this dependency or something.18:00
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emlHey, what package do I need for k3b to convert mp3s into wav?18:06
jussi01eml: soundkonverter does that iirc18:06
emlDoes it work as a library/plugin for k3b also?18:07
emlI'm looking for something like that18:08
emlI was here with the same issue about a month ago, can't remember the package's name though :P18:08
psycoHello, how do I mount a CD with "- mount the CD/DVD without the 'unhide' option. "18:17
john_how do i configure kwin's desktop effect?18:21
tuehey, how can i use apt to download a deb package? ie. i want to use dpkg --force-depends, and thus i need the deb file.18:40
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crimsun_tue: depends on what you mean by "apt".18:43
tuewell, for example, apt-get install -d compiz-kde would do the trick, where it not that compiz-kde has broken dependencies and thus apt-get wont download it.18:44
andyho623can someone help me figure out why my other box can't connect to the internet? I've already edited /etc/network/interfaces and /etc/resolv.conf and restarted networking, but I get a fail on it.. I dont get it.. should be workin..18:44
crimsun_tue: both apt-get and aptitude are capable of downloading (but not installing) packages as long as the packages reside in deb sources in your apt cache18:44
tuecrimsun_: yah, but it fails, since the package of compiz-kde is buggy (i think)18:44
crimsun_tue: so you want to use aptitude download compiz-kde18:44
tuecrimsun_: thanks18:44
tuecrimsun_: Do you know anything about where i should report this error?  i mean in the compiz-kde package.18:47
ncfi1013_i uninstalled compiz but i still have to run "kwin --replace & killall compiz compiz.real" every time i log in or else my window borders are messed up and i have no system tray. i have deleted all compiz and emerald settings files that i could find and have set the session to load aclean session on startup but nothing seems to help18:48
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash18:48
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ncfi1013_I uninstalled compiz but I still have to run “kwin –replace & killall compiz compiz.real” every time I log in or else my window borders are messed up and I have no system tray. I have deleted all compiz and emerald settings files I could find and have set up the session to load a clean session on startup but nothing seems to help18:55
andyho623well I think I mighta found some info.. just ran sudo dhclient eth0 and it came back with DHCPDISCOVER on etho0 to port 67 interval 7 and a few more.. and then.. No DHCPOFFERS recived. No working leases in persistent databse - sleeping. Any clues how to fix this?? I'm pretty sure it should be
ShadowKnightHey all.19:04
ActionParsniphey all19:09
ncfi1013_I uninstalled compiz but I still have to run “kwin –replace & killall compiz compiz.real” every time I log in or else my window borders are messed up and I have no system tray. I have deleted all compiz and emerald settings files I could find and have set up the session to load a clean session on startup but nothing seems to help19:09
aborymHow do I specify a password when I mount an nfs share? it says reason given by server: Permission denied19:10
ActionParsnipncfi1013_: kde4 or kde3?19:10
ActionParsnipaborym: you need to use sudo19:10
aborymActionParsnip: I did19:10
=== trym74 is now known as Tyrian
ActionParsnipncfi1013_: put a bash script in .kde/Autostart19:10
ActionParsnipaborym: users cannot mount, make sure the user you are accessing nfs has access to the share19:11
ncfi1013_how do i do that. you have go real slow with me. im new to this19:11
ActionParsnipncfi1013_: yuo'll need #!/bin/bash at the start followed by the usual line you execute. put an & at the end of the command19:12
ActionParsnipncfi1013_: in ~/.kde/Autostart add any text file you want19:12
ActionParsnipncfi1013_: add the 2 lines, it will run it when you log on19:12
ActionParsnipncfi1013_: glad one more person has realised how worthless compiz is19:13
=== root is now known as Guest59698
ActionParsnipGuest59698: logging on as root is the worst idea ever19:14
ubottuAn open source flash replacement.  It is still beta software. For current status or for more info http://www.gnu.org/software/gnash/19:15
ShadowKnightGuest59698: just type sudo before you run the command.19:16
ShadowKnightHi ActionParsnip.19:16
ActionParsniphi ShadowKnight19:16
ActionParsnipShadowKnight: more root idiots eh19:17
ActionParsnipShadowKnight: but i dont like restricted system access :(19:17
ShadowKnightWhoops, I just typed rm -r /* in my command line!19:17
uwe__hey guys, someone knows how to compile?19:17
ShadowKnightKidding, kidding.19:18
ShadowKnightuwe__: usually, just run ./configure19:18
ActionParsnipuwe__: read the readme in the source19:18
ShadowKnightuwe__: then make19:18
ShadowKnightuwe__:  then make install19:18
ActionParsnipuwe__: you'll need build-essentials19:18
uwe__it says all the time gtk+ 2.4 not found19:18
uwe__by running configure19:18
ActionParsnipuwe__: thats because its a gnome app19:19
ShadowKnightuwe__: run synaptic and install gtk+ 2.4 -dev19:19
aborymActionParsnip, how do I do that? I don't see any option to give permission to users19:19
aborymActionParsnip where do I set that?19:19
ActionParsnipaborym: what system is the share on?19:20
ActionParsnipaborym: winslow or linux?19:20
uwe__I'm using kubuntu, synaptic will still work?19:20
ShadowKnightuwe__: yes.19:21
ActionParsnipaborym: you using samba?19:22
aborymyeah, samba works fine19:22
uwe__gtk+ 2.4 doesn't exist T_T19:22
ActionParsnipuwe__: use cli and use autocomplete19:22
ActionParsnip!samba | aborym19:22
ubottuaborym: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.19:22
aborymI know what samba is. I'm asking about NFS19:23
ubottuHi! I'm #kubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots19:23
ActionParsnipaborym: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/nfs-server-and-client-configuration-in-ubuntu.html19:23
ActionParsnipaborym: looking good?19:26
aborymI tried that. It doesn't say anything about user/password19:27
uwe__sorry somebody needed my help!19:27
ActionParsnipaborym: i always use samba as a standard interface19:27
ActionParsnipaborym: id google round bro19:27
uwe__so I have to install cli-common?19:27
ActionParsnipuwe__: what for?19:28
uwe__<ActionParsnip> uwe__: use cli and use autocomplete19:28
aborymYeah but I have a linux based media player which supports both samba and NFS, but streaming over samba performs like crap so I wanna test NFS19:28
aborymIt says in the manual that NFS will work much better19:28
ActionParsnipuwe__: yeah use sudo apt-get install lib and press tab to autocomplete, then narrow it down19:29
ActionParsnipaborym: maybe you could tweak your client to cache more video, if its over wireless at any point then it sucks anyway, wifi is shit sloqw19:30
aborymNo, it is over wired ethernet. It's slightly sluggish when streaming 1080p videos over samba19:30
ActionParsnipaborym: try telling your apps to cahce more before playing19:31
aborymSo I thought I'll transfer files over samba and NFS between my fedora and ubuntu laptops, and see if there's any difference in speed19:31
szakulechow do I do a quick & dirty creation of a .deb?19:31
uwe__I'm totally lost... where I have to type those lines in synaptic19:31
ActionParsnipuwe__: you dont, open konsole and type in there19:32
EagleScreenszakulec using pbuild is the faster19:32
uwe__I tried there too but nothing happened19:32
ActionParsnipuwe__: sudo apt-get install <some package>19:33
uwe__some package?19:34
ActionParsnipuwe__: well replace that with what you need19:34
ActionParsnipuwe__: let me get it for you19:34
=== pim is now known as pim_
ActionParsnipsudo apt-get install gnome-libs19:35
uwe__there are over hundert packages which starts with gtk, I have no idea which is the right one19:35
ActionParsnipuwe__: use tab to autocomplete so you know its right19:35
ActionParsnip!hi | slow-motion19:35
ubottuslow-motion: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!19:35
uwe__if I press tab it says there are over 32000 different packages...19:36
WildChild7hello there. Can anyone tell me how to figure out what's the name of cdrom ?19:36
ActionParsnipWildChild7: try mount in konsole19:36
ActionParsnipuwe__: try gnome-libs19:37
ActionParsnipuwe__: id try finding a kde equivelant19:37
WildChild7ActionParsnip: /dev/sr0 on /media/ATONEMENT type iso9660 (ro,nosuid,nodev,uid=1000)19:37
WildChild7ActionParsnip: so the devuce bane us /dev/sr0 ?19:37
ShadowKnightuwe_: you may find it easier just to search for the package using synaptic. ActionParsnip, quit confusing him with the command line.19:38
ActionParsnipuwe___: it might be libgtk2.0-common19:38
ShadowKnightActually, it probably ends in -dev if he wants to compile.19:39
ActionParsnipShadowKnight: yeah, im not too versed with gnome libs, they are silly19:39
uwe__that's already install but I need a gtk with the version 2.419:40
uwe__not lower19:40
uwe__anyway thanks for helping me, I think there's no possibility to install it...19:40
ShadowKnightuwe_: search for gtk 2.4 in synaptic. If you have the hardy repositories activated, it should come up.19:41
uwe__even with the search tool I'm just getting weird package names19:45
uwe__anyway thanks again, I'll stop to try for now19:45
ShadowKnightOkay. Compiling is a bit hard. What were you trying to compile?19:45
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about gens19:46
ShadowKnightah. I see.19:47
uwe__it's an emulating program for the sega mega drive, I wanted to listen some backgroundmusic from a old game19:47
ShadowKnightI see. The website has only dos versions though?19:48
ShadowKnightWhat were you compiling?19:48
uwe__a linux version of gens19:48
uwe__there is no dos version, just for windows and linux19:48
ShadowKnightI mean hole-in-the-wall when I say dos.19:49
ShadowKnightit seems there is a package for it. Dgen , it's called.19:50
uwe__I tried dgen currently19:50
uwe__same thing, failed by compiling19:51
uwe__checking how to run the C preprocessor... gcc -E19:51
uwe__checking for c++... no19:51
uwe__checking for g++... no19:51
uwe__checking for gcc... gcc19:51
uwe__checking whether the C++ compiler (gcc  ) works... no19:51
uwe__configure: error: installation or configuration problem: C++ compiler cannot create executables.19:51
ShadowKnightWell, this is a package, so you don't need to compile it.19:51
ShadowKnighttype this into Konsole : sudo apt-get install dgen19:52
uwe__hoe did you know that I don't have to install it?19:52
ShadowKnightPackages install themselves. No compliling is needed.19:53
ShadowKnightnow, I just installed it myself. If you type dgen into Konsole after you install it, it'll give you commands that you can run roms with.19:54
sigma_12!info dgen19:54
ubottudgen (source: dgen): Sega Genesis/MegaDrive emulator. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1.23-9 (hardy), package size 233 kB, installed size 1056 kB19:54
ShadowKnightand if you type man dgen, it's give you the manual page.19:54
uwe__it seems it's wokring... I think19:56
uwe__thanks for explaining :D19:56
uwe__really, thank you very much19:56
uwe__it's impossible to find those sound files from an unkown game like that19:56
ShadowKnightyou're welcome.19:57
extralllican anyone suggest how to config mod_evasive + mod_security to prevent bruteforce .htacesss password hacking???19:57
ShadowKnightuwe__:  just know that it's a lot less hassle to look for packages in the repositories than to compile from source. Try it yourself next time!19:58
nairHi everybody. Does anyone have any tip to speed up internet connection? I have disabled ipv6 module and the connection is really very slow considering I'm on a 1Mbps Adsl.20:02
ShadowKnightHmm... Now that I've installed the emulator... I suppose I won't be sued if I download ten year old Sega roms... muhahahah.20:02
mercureegotta love amarok! http://www.spirithostonline.com/images/snapshot1.png20:05
nicolassssshola alguien puede ayudarme?20:15
nicolassssshello some body help me?? i have a problem for install kubuntu with apic20:16
nicolassssspleasee!! por favorr!!20:16
ShadowKnightnicolasssss: what is apic?20:17
nicolasssssthe command noapic20:17
nicolasssssif i not write this command in the kernel start command my screen paint black color20:17
nicolasssssyou can help me?20:18
ShadowKnightnicolasssss: I'm sorry, I don't know anything about that.20:18
nicolasssssi have a gforce 6100 on board20:18
munk_can someone help me with vmware? i need to configure it and i get some errors when i try20:21
dwidmannShadowKnight: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apic20:21
dr_Willis!vmware | munk_20:23
ubottumunk_: VMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository (package "vmware-player", only for Feisty and Edgy), and http://www.easyvmx.com/easyvmx.shtml can create VMs for it. Instructions can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware - See also !virtualizers20:23
munk_dr_Willis, it doesnt work on the last version?20:24
dr_WillisI belive there are some issues with hardy and vmware at this time.20:24
dr_WillisI use virtualbox mainly now a days.20:24
iwagnesalut tlm20:27
madmax_i am finshed to download alternative kubuntu , now how can i do OEM Kubuntu?20:29
=== pablo is now known as Guest21513
Armagguedesdoes anyone know of a cellphone compatible with KDE (specifically kaddressbook), so i can import/export contacts?20:32
madmax_i am finshed to download alternative kubuntu , now how can i do OEM Kubuntu?20:34
jussi01Armagguedes: I am fairly sure the n95 does20:34
ShadowKnightbbl everyone20:35
=== ShadowKnight is now known as ShadowKnight-awa
=== ShadowKnight-awa is now known as SKnight-away
Armagguedesjussi01, anything from sony-ericson?20:36
jussi01!away > SKnight-away20:36
ubottuSKnight-away, please see my private message20:36
jussi01Armagguedes: sorry, no idea about sony ericson20:37
jussi01!portables | Armagguedes this may help20:37
ubottuArmagguedes this may help: Guides for smartphones and portable devices can be found here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/20:37
Armagguedescool mate20:38
madmax_i am finshed to download alternative kubuntu , now how can i do OEM Kubuntu?20:42
madmax_i am finshed to download alternative kubuntu , now how can i do OEM Kubuntu?20:42
madmax_i am finshed to download alternative kubuntu , now how can i do OEM Kubuntu?20:42
madmax_i am finshed to download alternative kubuntu , now how can i do OEM Kubuntu?20:42
=== SKnight-away is now known as ShadowKnight-awa
=== ShadowKnight-awa is now known as SKnight-away
ubottumadmax_: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines20:43
=== SKnight-away is now known as ShadowKnight-awa
=== bmk789__ is now known as bmk789
jussi01ShadowKnight-awa: please dont20:44
* geek also seems to think madmax_\s question makes no sense20:44
ShadowKnight-awaSorry, just testing the command.20:44
ShadowKnight-awalast time20:44
=== root is now known as Guest66932
geekmadmax_: however the answer to your question is on the wiki, if i understand it properly20:47
geekmadmax_: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuOEMInstaller20:51
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dragon_good afternoon everyone21:14
dragon_does anyone know where I can fide a program that hides my ip for ubuntu (ie peerguardian)21:14
dragon_hello ben21:18
ben_any one speak french?21:19
ben_quelqun parle francais21:19
=== oilinki3 is now known as oilinki
geekben_: there's a french channel...21:19
jussi01!fr | ben_21:19
ubottuben_: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr21:19
ben_any girl here21:20
ubuntuis there any polisch chanel ?21:20
ubottuMozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl21:20
=== ubuntu_ is now known as Luisnuxero
geekben_: its the internet, where men are men, women are women, and little girls, FBI agents21:20
ubuntuno, women are men :P21:21
ben_geek can you traduct that21:21
ubottu#kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!21:21
geekben_: nope21:21
geekubuntu: my bad, jetlag21:22
ben_i dont speak very well english21:22
jussi01ben_: use the french channel then21:22
ubuntuanyone know how to recovery lost partition ?21:23
ubunturecover *21:23
snovahow was the partition lost?21:24
dwidmannubuntu: try testdisk21:24
ubuntudont laugh... i connect new drive and all data dissaperd ...21:25
ubuntui realy don't know how :|21:25
snovaneither do i.21:25
=== ShadowKnight-awa is now known as SKnight-away
snovawhen did you discover (or how) it was missing?21:26
SKnight-awayWho's watching the Euro final?21:26
jussi01SKnight-away: did you read the pm from the bot21:26
geekubuntu: testdisk21:26
jussi01!ot | SKnight-away21:26
ubottuSKnight-away: #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!21:26
SKnight-awayI used away and back.21:26
ubuntui'm looking this testdisk21:26
jussi01SKnight-away: which client are you using?21:26
snovaubuntu: it might not really be gone. maybe you just can't access it21:26
SKnight-awayWell, yes, you don't want me to change it, so I don't.21:26
SKnight-awayThat's what it's set to.21:27
SKnight-awayHang on.21:27
snovaubuntu: what filesystem was on it? how did you find out it was gone?21:27
ubuntusnowa: ext3 ant xfs and hmm, system isn't loading and fdisk -l (live CD) says that there isn't any partitions21:28
=== ShadowKnight is now known as NightShade
snovaubuntu: well, i don't know much about fdisk21:28
snovaubuntu: but are you trying to boot from it?21:28
ubuntusnowa: ther's no parition tables on hdd21:29
snovaubuntu: well, i was hoping it was just a mistake21:29
snovaubuntu: (please spell my nick correctly, V not W, though it doesn't mean anything)21:30
jussi01!tab | ubuntu21:30
ubottuubuntu: You can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.21:30
ubuntuoh, sorry :)21:31
snovaubuntu: it's not important21:31
snovaubuntu: what is hdd?21:32
snovaubuntu: i can't find it21:32
ubuntuwoohoo, testdisk worked21:32
snovaubuntu: any good news?21:32
ubuntuall data are back21:33
snovaubuntu: huh. i wonder what happened.21:33
Red_WraithOkay, settings all fixed.21:33
ubuntusnova: i know what, mu PC hate me :D21:33
Red_WraithI'm ShadowKnight, btw. It seems someone registered my nick within the past hour. ><21:33
snovaRed_Wraith: really? /whois doesn't report anything.21:34
Red_WraithWell, I had problems logging in as ShadowKnight.21:35
ubuntuk, brb i'll check can i boot my PC21:35
Red_WraithKept asking for a password.21:35
snovaRed_Wraith: hmm. which client?21:35
snovaRed_Wraith: oh, so am i.21:36
Red_Wraithanyway, so I went all the way and registered this one.21:36
snovaRed_Wraith: try /nick ShadowKnight anyway, unless you already have21:36
szakulecif you know the password, switch to the Ubuntu IRC tab, and type /msg NickServ identify password21:37
Red_WraithNo, apparently changing your name here pisses certain people off.21:37
Red_WraithI don't know the password, someone ELSE registered it.21:37
szakulecunless someone got your password, the only other way to get the account is to have it lapse after 2 months, and someone asks for it21:38
Red_WraithI didn't have a password. ShadowKnight was unregistered.21:38
dwidmannperhaps someone saw it, decided they liked it, and decided to use it??21:39
Red_WraithI guess so.21:39
Red_WraithHmm. Nice victory for Spain... Who else saw the final?21:39
jussi01Red_Wraith: #kubuntu-offtopic please21:40
Red_WraithMmm. Vigilant ops today.21:41
Red_WraithSo, is it worth it to get the KDE4 beta?21:41
dwidmannooh, seems Blizzard has announced Diablo 321:41
dwidmannRed_Wraith: jussio1 is vigilant every day.21:42
snovai tried installing kde4, but i got wierd results21:42
dwidmannRed_Wraith: and yes, it's worth grabbing the KDE4 beta21:42
snovamostly graphics related21:42
Red_WraithIs the only improvement the eye-candy?21:42
dwidmannRed_Wraith: improvement over which version of KDE? 3.x? Well, the interface is definitely a bit nicer .... some of the apps are more functional, some less so. Most of it seems to be stabilizing with the 4.1 beta2.21:43
snovai think it should be left to improve for know, or the applications at least. quite a few of my favorite programs are trying to port. i think it's best left until they finish and stabilize.21:44
Red_WraithMmm... I guess I'll hold off a bit. I had enough trouble getting my graphics card to work in my current setup.21:44
dwidmannsnova: Intrepid will be KDE4 only I think .... however, apps that don't have a KDE4 port will have the KDE3 version included.21:44
Red_WraithWhen does intrepid come out?21:45
dwidmannIn about 4 months.21:45
snovaoh good.21:45
szakulechere's how to decide if you'd like KDE 4.1: if you like being ahead of the curve, and know that IT'S NOT A clone of KDE 3.5x, and are willing to accept more features for *slightly* less stability, then do it21:45
ubuntuAll glory to the TestDisk :)21:45
dwidmannubuntu: glad to hear that it worked for you ... it has saved my butt a few times in the past too :)21:46
Red_WraithDamn. I just installed 8.04 from 6.04 with about 14 hours of pain, and now another distro comes out? ergh...21:46
dwidmannRed_Wraith: every 6 months.21:46
Red_WraithI hope it's more stable than Hardy.21:46
snovai'm still using 7.08 for now.21:46
Red_WraithIt was the week of hell till I got it to work right.21:46
ubuntume to21:46
dwidmannGuess I can't comment, I've found Hardy pretty stable ...21:47
geekdwidmann: its entirely likely someone would have a port, if they liked it21:47
Red_WraithOh well, I gained a lot of valuable linux experience.21:47
Red_Wraithwhat about amarok?21:47
dwidmanngeek: well, it's a lot of work to port the apps ... some of the devs for some of the apps are waiting, others are in progress and just won't be ready in time.21:47
snovaamarok is still porting21:48
geekdwidmann: true but someone would do it anyway21:48
dwidmanngeek: a lot of them are just being re-written from scratch21:48
Red_WraithEhhh... I can't live without amarok... I'm sticking to 3.21:48
geekdwidmann: i mean, someone would probably maintain a 3.5.x family for ibex as a community project21:48
dwidmannRed_Wraith: you can run amarok 1.4.x in KDE421:48
dwidmanngeek: ah, I see what you're saying now21:49
Red_Wraithdwidmann: I still think it'21:49
Red_Wraiths not worth the trouble.21:49
dwidmannRed_Wraith: how can it be considered trouble when pretty much everything is automated ... you just install "kubuntu-kde4-desktop" and everything is taken care of, how is that trouble?21:50
geekdwidmann: in my opinion 3.5.x and 4.x are totally different beasts21:50
dwidmanngeek: kind of ... though 4.x will have a definitive upper hand before long21:50
ubuntugeek: and wich is beter ?21:51
dwidmanngeek: maybe after 4.3 or so21:51
snovai had some problems with it. for one, Kicker kept showing up on top of Plasma :-)21:51
dwidmannsnova: killall kicker?21:51
geekubuntu: right now... 4.x needs a LOT of work21:51
geekeventually, it will be a matter of what you want, and what you run21:51
snovadwidmann: that's pretty much what i did21:52
dwidmannMy main roadblock at the moment is the lack of dualhead support ....21:52
snovaisn't that an X thing?21:52
dwidmannsnova: partially.21:53
dwidmannsnova: but the DE needs to support it properly also.21:53
* geek wishes that running KDE 3 and 4 together would keep KDE 4 apps seperate on 3 and vice versa21:53
Red_Wraithdwidmann: that's trouble when OpenGL dissappears for no apparent reason and apt-get says interesting stuff like "deleting 432 files". I barely control c-d in time when that happened... still lost some important stuff.21:53
Red_WraithThis was the hardy install.21:53
dwidmanngeek: at least it gives you a (KDE3) or (KDE4) respectivelly in the menu21:53
dwidmannRed_Wraith: weird ...21:54
dwidmannbrb folks21:54
geekdwidmann: still annoys me enough not to do it right now21:54
=== tinfoil is now known as tin
eduardoplmy alt f2, alt f1 and print screen shotcuts just stopped to work, does anyone know why?22:12
Red_WraithWhat did you do right befor eduardopl ?22:13
eduardopli have no idea22:13
eduardoplwhat usually causes that?22:13
Red_WraithI don't know. I haven't heard of such a problem before.22:14
Red_WraithWhat usually happens when you press F1? The Kmenu pops up?22:14
eduardoplalt f1 won't work though22:15
Red_WraithDid you try rebooting?22:15
snovaf1 opens the help for me22:15
Red_Wraithsnova, I meant alt f122:15
snova(of course, the kmenu isn't around now, so i can't test it)22:16
Red_Wraithanyway, I have to leave for a few minutes. Food!22:16
=== Red_Wraith is now known as RWraith_away
K350Finns här någon som är duktig på php och regular expressions och som har tid ochlust at thjälpa till lite?22:18
urbinekit's me ( ubuntu)22:18
urbinekis there something like HDD Regenerator for linux ?22:19
urbineki don't like to turn off my PC for 11h to check 160 GB :S22:19
geekurbinek: fsck?22:20
urbinekwill it work like HDDRegenerator ( deleting bad blocks )22:20
snovaurbinek: it checks for problems and fixes them22:20
snovaurbinek: or tries to, anyway22:21
urbinekphysically ?22:21
geekit takes its time, but it usually will work when nothing else does22:21
urbineklogical aren't problem22:21
snovanot sure what you mean.22:21
snovait runs when you computer boots, and executes a quick check22:21
urbinekbad block can be logical and physical22:21
RurouniJonesHDD regenerator looks like snake oil to me22:22
snovawhat filesystem are you using?22:22
urbinekphysical mean that surface is damaged22:22
snovait doesn't take 11 hours for me....22:22
urbinekRurouniJones: why ?22:22
RurouniJonesIf your HDD is physically damaged then no software can undo the damage22:23
urbineksnova: to check 100MB it ned 23 sec 160 000 MB...22:23
RurouniJonesAll it could do us unmark bad sectors and say they are good again22:23
RurouniJonesAt which point integrity goes out hte window22:23
urbinekRurouniJones: I want mark those sectors22:23
urbinekI know how HDD regenerator works22:23
RurouniJonesRan that just for curiosities sake.22:24
urbinekOS Support:22:24
urbinekWindows 2000/2003/9x/XP22:24
RurouniJonesYou want to mark bad HDD sectors as good?!22:24
urbinekNo, i wa't mark them as unused22:25
urbinek(OS, was not there :P )22:25
urbineki want to block those sectors, that is what HDD regenerator does22:26
RurouniJonesThat is what most programs do22:26
RurouniJonesLike checkdisk22:26
RurouniJonesor the linux equiv that I can't remember at the moment.22:26
urbinekbut it's correct errors in partiton table22:27
coilim trying to reinstall grub22:28
coilhow do i do that...22:28
coilim on the live cd and its not workin22:28
urbinekpm me22:28
jussi01!grub | coil22:29
ubottucoil: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto22:29
coiljussi01: didn't work22:33
coiljussi01: still not booting22:38
john_are there any handy guides to setting up a lamp server on a regular kubuntu install?22:56
Armagguedescan someone name me an alternative for Dreamweaver (does it even run on wine)? i have komposer lined up, but its development seems to have ceased ~1 year ago.....22:58
Armagguedesis it still good?22:58
john_kate :p22:58
geekArmagguedes: yes23:00
snovaassuming dreamweaver is wysiwyg html editor, Kompozer is OK. i've used it a little.23:00
=== fabrizio is now known as oiz
=== RWraith_away is now known as Red_Wraith
maxitenerifeoe oeo eoeoe23:02
Red_WraithI'm back.23:02
Red_Wraithcelebrating the Euro Cup?23:02
maxitenerifeonly me23:02
bobbo85hi all i just switched from ubuntu hardy to kubuntu kde 423:12
d1os_miobobbo85, how do you like it so far?23:13
bobbo85i'm actually feeling a lot more lost than i thought i would, but i have a good feeling about it still23:14
=== ubuntu is now known as Luisnuxero
bobbo85My screenlets are showing up in the bottom panel as individual windows, does anyone know how to change this?23:17
=== ubuntu is now known as _j_j_
=== Red_Wraith is now known as ShadowKnight
=== ShadowKnight is now known as Red_Wraith
ubuntual gun español23:49
ActionParsniphey all23:53
ActionParsnipis there an app for amarok XUL remote for mobile phones?23:56
syntaxblackkbfx is not overiding the normal start menu23:59
syntaxblackit looks the same23:59
syntaxblackhelp needed23:59

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