
aa_hi everyone00:27
aa_the one thing I am really missing on launchpad is some wiki/web space00:27
aa_I would not need anythign fance, but a directory where I could upload some html files would be really great00:27
aa_or just a miniature wiki00:28
aa_the html would be for stuff like generated api documentation00:28
aa_and the wiki would just be like a wiki00:28
aa_any thoughts?>00:28
persiaaa_: A "Project Homepage" feature?00:44
aa_persia: something like that, yes00:50
thumperaa_: it has been talked about for a while00:57
thumperaa_: and it is something a number of launchpad devs would like to see00:57
thumperaa_: personally I'm hoping it will arrive soon00:57
aa_thumper: if you build it, they will come!00:58
=== rockstar` is now known as rockstar
shirishhi all can somebody subscribe to bug #24381907:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 243819 in xmoto "xmoto crashed with SIGSEGV in atoi" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24381907:16
shirishI'm running on launchpad version 1.2.6 and cannot use the drop-down menu or see anyway to subscribe self for the package. 07:17
Hobbseeshirish: bottom of the subscribers panel, if you've got the new version07:17
Hobbseeah, no, that's still the old version07:18
Hobbseewhy can't you use the drop down menu?07:18
shirishHobbsee: I don't know, I tried clicking on it but nothing's happening. I refreshed the page couple of times but still no go. 07:19
* Hobbsee subscribes you07:19
* shirish thanx Hobbsee07:19
Hobbseehm.  wrong shirish.07:19
shirishsent you my details in private07:20
* Hobbsee subscribes the right one07:20
shirishthanx again. 07:21
* shirish logging out07:23
* Hobbsee looks for who to shoot.08:00
Hobbseeoh, someone else got him08:00
Hobbseewe need an address for ~ubuntu-core-dev set.08:00
=== Kamping_Kaiser is now known as Birthday_Kaiser
=== Yhouse is now known as Yhouse|off
\shLEONOV is OUT to the PUBLIC ! http://leonov.tv/content/leonov-launchpad-desktop-client-first-coming14:31
Birthday_Kaiser hm.14:34
Birthday_Kaiseri'm torn between thinking its a really cool idea, and continuing complaing about the web ui :P14:35
LarstiQalways welcome ;)14:35
* Birthday_Kaiser waits for screenshots to load14:36
Birthday_Kaiseri'll be interested to see how it turns out, because i do like the idea14:37
Hobbsee\sh: i'm surprised you didn't wait till the api gets published.14:38
\shHobbsee: release early, release often :)14:38
wgrantHobbsee: That's what I said.14:39
Birthday_Kaiser(adendum: once it works ;))14:39
Hobbsee\sh: true, but i hope it doesn't give you too much rewriting, every time they change LP.14:41
Hobbseemind you, if it's based off py-lp-bugs, then you'd only have to rewrite one thing each time it changes, not both.14:41
\shHobbsee: thekorn is doing great work :)14:42
\shHobbsee: and it's really not difficult to exchange the backend of leonov :)14:42
=== _neversfelde is now known as neversfelde
=== Yhouse|off is now known as Yhouse
=== abentle1 is now known as abentley
=== fta_ is now known as fta
=== mikeos_ is now known as mikeos
desrthi.  is it possible to have my @ubuntu.com email address deactivated?23:42

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