=== root is now known as UdontKnow [14:28] hmmmm [15:33] <_Lux> Hi [15:34] <_Lux> PriceChild: Can you please explain the process to get a cloak? [15:35] _Lux: you need an alternate nick and an email set. [15:35] <_Lux> alternate nick ... [15:35] _Lux: so what do you want to be your alternate nickname? [15:35] <_Lux> ok, I check [15:35] <_Lux> Lux_ [15:35] <_Lux> (too easy?) [15:35] (For example, I have PriceChild and Pricey) [15:35] Sorry, someone else already owns Lux_ [15:35] <_Lux> Hmpf [15:36] <_Lux> mompls [15:36] <_Lux> Does /Lux work? [15:37] Not sure if that's a valid nickname. [15:38] <_Lux> It is [15:38] <_Lux> PriceChild: Do you know the syntax for NickServ? [15:39] _Lux: which nick do you want as your alternate? [15:39] you need to "/nick alternatenick" [15:40] <_Lux> I take /Lux [15:40] Then "/msg nickserv group" [15:40] Yeah I'm not sure / is a valid character in a nickname.. [15:40] <_Lux> Stephan has /sh [15:40] <_Lux> So I ment it would be valid, but it is not [15:40] Well /nick /Lux then :) [15:41] _Lux: why not Lux- ? [15:41] ah, /sh has \sh [15:41] Lux- is also good [15:41] <_Lux> jussi01, good id === _Lux is now known as \Lux [15:41] <\Lux> \Lux works [15:41] (You can group quite a few different nicks) [15:42] <\Lux> Done [15:42] Ok now, /msg nickserv help set email [15:42] <\Lux> /msg nickserv help set email [15:42] without the leading space :) [15:42] <\Lux> Yip, sorry [15:43] <\Lux> E-Mail set === \Lux is now known as _Lux [15:45] <_Lux> PriceChild: Alternate nick set, e-mail set as well [15:45] _Lux: done. [15:45] <_Lux> PriceChild, Wow, that is fast. Thank you [15:46] No probs, === dantalizing_ is now known as dantalizing === dantalizing_ is now known as dantalizing [22:01] <[NikO]> hi there [22:01] <[NikO]> * mohaa (i=1000@lgp44-4-88-160-59-56.fbx.proxad.net) a rejoint #ubuntu [22:01] hi [NikO] [22:01] <[NikO]> this person send some rm -rf / on u-fr [22:01] <[NikO]> so take care about it [22:01] <[NikO]> we ban him [22:02] Has he said it in #ubuntu? [22:02] not for the moment [22:02] <[NikO]> but i think it s his night'joke [22:02] Thus, no bannage till he does it. [22:02] he join #ubuntu just after ban [22:22] who, mohaa or mcpeter [22:23] oh, he left already [22:24] I'm guessing mohaa cos he's in -fr channels [22:26] Myrtti, eu not McPeter :)) [22:26] it's me [22:27] * Myrtti raises an eyebrow [22:28] :)