
vadi2http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/idea/10435/ <- idea to add the ubuntu RSS feed by default, not just BBC00:43
morhadhi, how can I use shortcuts ctrl+v, ctrl+c, ctrl+x with thunderbird 2.0 if I type non latin message?02:46
JenFragglehey guys, are we still using bughelper for ff?11:39
VolansHi all13:06
=== Kamping_Kaiser is now known as Birthday_Kaiser
ftaJazzva, seems liferea is broken again. I can't raise it13:49
Venus_Marshi Volans13:49
Volanshi Venus_Mars13:50
Venus_MarsI got my uploading working :-)13:50
Volansgreat! :)13:51
Jazzvafta, how? why?13:51
ftaJazzva, no idea13:51
JazzvaNew version that overrided our fix?13:51
ftait appears as iconified in the window selector13:51
Jazzvaiconified in the window selector?13:52
Venus_MarsAnyone has an idea about the progressmeter?13:52
ftaJazzva, the list applet in the panel13:52
Jazzvafta, right. But what you mean iconified? Is the package in intrepid?13:53
JazzvaI'm gonna try it soon, as soon as I'm done with some template I'm finishing13:53
ftaJazzva, when I want to raise it in the current desktop, it's listed as [liferea] (hence it's iconified)13:53
ftait's still our version.. hm13:55
Jazzvamaybe there're some changes in gtk...13:55
=== Double_D is now known as Sergeant_Pony
ftadebian bug 22499314:50
ubottuDebian bug 224993 in dlocate "/usr/share/man/man1/dlocate.1.gz: not fast alternative for dpkg -l" [Minor,Closed] http://bugs.debian.org/22499314:50
ftadebian bug 20647014:51
ubottuDebian bug 206470 in grep "LC_CTYPE=C speeds 'grep a' 800 times!" [Normal,Closed] http://bugs.debian.org/20647014:51
ftadebian bug 18137814:51
ubottuDebian bug 181378 in grep "grep is extremely slow" [Normal,Closed] http://bugs.debian.org/18137814:51
ftadebian bug 32987614:52
ubottuDebian bug 329876 in grep "grep runs amok" [Normal,Closed] http://bugs.debian.org/32987614:52
ftacould someone running intrepid have a look at bug 243717 and eventually confirm it? i'm turning crazy here14:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 243717 in grep "case sensitive grep broken with UTF8 in intrepid, breaking scripts" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24371714:58
Volansfta: sorry I don't have Intrepid installed on VBox15:00
ftaJazzva, ^^ ?15:01
Jazzvafta, only in chroot...15:02
ftadoesn't matter15:02
Jazzvain 5 minutes :)15:02
ftaok, thanks15:02
Jazzvafta, sorry for the delay. Tested now with what testcases you provided and works for me17:54
ftaJazzva, hm17:54
ftaeven echo Y | LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8 grep -i '[y]' ??17:55
JazzvaThough, I only updated grep. Maybe it's problem in some other component17:55
Jazzva(hardy)sasa@SID:~$ echo Y | LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8 grep -i '[y]'17:55
ftahardy is ok17:55
Jazzvait's intrepid17:55
Jazzvajust left the name from the previous chroot :)17:56
ftai'm troubled17:56
Volansfta: you know who is responsible of packages.ubuntu.com? It seems down18:10
NafalloVolans: Canonical sysadmins18:13
VolansNafallo: are you sure? I remember that was not under their control (but maybe I'm wrong ;))18:20
Volansand I think that there ins't sysadmin on sunday18:20
[reed][12:28:28PM] packages.ubuntu.com has address
[reed][12:28:31PM] domain name pointer sulfur.canonical.com.18:28
Volans[reed]: ok it is sysadmin world then...18:29
Volansasac: are you there?19:00
* Volans go to dinner maybe come back later19:14
Volansbye bye19:14
gnomefreakasac: fta_ i need a list of dbgsym packages to obtain backtraces with, i can only think of a few.19:59
fta_gnomefreak, what for ?20:01
fta_damn, bzr is a pig: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23765/ :(20:01
gnomefreakto dbg crashes20:01
gnomefreakdebug even20:01
fta_gnomefreak, i mean which package20:01
gnomefreakfta_: all that are needed for thunderbird20:02
gnomefreakexample firefox ones would include libnss-dbgsym and such20:02
=== fta_ is now known as fta
gnomefreakfor a complete listing for firefox is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MozillaTeam/Bugs20:02
gnomefreakbut we have nothing for any other mozilla apps and i will be adding them (im thinking on a different wiki though. like wiki.ubuntu.com/bugs/debugging  or something of the sort.20:03
ftafor pkg in $(apt-cache depends firefox-3.0 | grep Depends: | awk '{ print $2 }') ; do dpkg -l $pkg-dbgsym > /dev/null 2>&1; if [ $? = 0 ] ; then DBGSYM="$DBGSYM $pkg-dbgsym" ; fi; done ; echo $DBGSYM20:11
ftareplace firefox-3.0 with whatever pkg you want20:11
ftabut that's only for direct depends, not indirect ones20:12
ftai have something a bit more complex to figure out the full list, if you're interested20:13
gnomefreakfta: i would like direct and indirect if you can paste commands to pastebin please incase i dont get it done now.20:15
ftai've already written something like that inside mozilla-devscripts20:19
ftait's in minefield-packager.mk.in20:19
gnomefreakok will look at it in a bit thanks20:19
ftait's not directly usable for your need, but the idea is in there20:20
gnomefreakill look at it maybe tomorrow as im working on my hardy chroot and building alien-arena for hardy20:28
gnomefreakfta: the one above is one command starting with $(apt-cache * right?20:30
gnomefreakfta: the command above the command starts with $ (apt-cache right?20:32
gnomefreakfor pkg in == comment right?20:32
gnomefreakso $ would start comand20:32
gnomefreakwello lets try it20:33
gnomefreak$(apt-cache depends firefox-3.0 | grep Depends: | awk '{ print $2 }') ; do dpkg -l $pkg-dbgsym > /dev/null 2>&1; if [ $? = 0 ] ; then DBGSYM="$DBGSYM $pkg-dbgsym" ; fi; done ; echo $DBGSYM  doesnt work syntax error at do20:33
ftaI usually write is with `` instead of $()20:33
gnomefreakbash: syntax error near unexpected token `do'20:34
gnomefreakfta: you mean with the '{ print $2 }')?20:35
ftayou need the full line. it starts with : for pkg in $(apt-cache ...20:35
gnomefreakoh i thought for pkg was a comment20:36
ftano, like that: for pkg in `apt-cache depends firefox-3.0 | grep Depends: | awk '{ print $2 }'` ; do dpkg -l $pkg-dbgsym > /dev/null 2>&1; if [ $? = 0 ] ; then DBGSYM="$DBGSYM $pkg-dbgsym" ; fi; done ; echo $DBGSYM20:36
gnomefreaki get nothing :(20:36
gnomefreakoh wait i think i know why20:36
gnomefreaknope still no output20:37
gnomefreaki thought maybe because i was in intrepid without pittis repos but i tried it in hardy with pittis repos and still no output20:37
ftait's slow, let it run, the output is at the end20:37
gnomefreakfor pkg in $(apt-cache depends firefox-3.0 | grep Depends: | awk '{ print $2 }') ; do dpkg -l $pkg-dbgsym > /dev/null 2>&1; if [ $? = 0 ] ; then DBGSYM="$DBGSYM $pkg-dbgsym" ; fi; done ; echo $DBGSYM20:38
gnomefreakfta: it drops back to $prompt20:38
gnomefreakim not killing it20:38
gnomefreakbe back in a minute going for smoke20:38
gnomefreak(hardy)gnomefreak@Development:~/alien-arena/alien-arena-7.0/debian$ for pkg in $(apt-cache depends firefox-3.0 | grep Depends: | awk '{ print $2 }') ; do dpkg -l $pkg-dbgsym > /dev/null 2>&1; if [ $? = 0 ] ; then DBGSYM="$DBGSYM $pkg-dbgsym" ; fi; done ; echo $DBGSYM20:43
gnomefreakcant use firefox as a file browser :(20:46
ftawhat do you get for: dpkg -l libc6-dbgsym20:49
gnomefreakbtw fta can you build -dbg packages for firefox-3 in your PPA it crashes everytime i open it but never closes20:49
gnomefreakNo packages found matching libc6-dbgsym.20:49
ftado you have: deb http://ddebs.ubuntu.com intrepid main universe ? or equiv20:51
gnomefreakno not intrepid i was using it in hardy chroot where i have the ddebs repos20:52
gnomefreaki didnt htink intrepis was up yet20:52
gnomefreakadding them now for intrepid20:53
gnomefreakim getting really ucking tired of little shit crashes20:54
gnomefreakgedit is crashing as well20:54
ftaahh, finally i have the new prism ready, with a totally new packaging, and the new xulapp feature from mozilla-devscripts21:10
* fta is happy21:10
gnomefreakbug 21264821:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 212648 in linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24 "[nvidia-new, hardy] certain websites in firefox causes X restart due to lack of wfb symlink" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21264821:25
gnomefreakdamn first try21:25
* gnomefreak wonders why it wasnt fixed yet21:26
* gnomefreak thinks Mozilla should have lists for windows and linux instead of combined (it makes it hard to tell what platform user is using21:40
ftaif someone feels brave enough to beta test my tutorial to learn how to package a xulapp, i'd appreciate feedbacks: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MozillaTeam/XulApps/Packaging21:53
ftait's a bit more complex than the xpi tutorial, but it should be accessible anyway.21:55
ftaJazzva, gnomefreak: ^^21:55
Jazzvafta, sorry... no time at the moment. I suppose I'll do it later if I don't fall asleep. I want to try it :)21:56
gnomefreakfta: ill look maybe test this week sometime21:56
* gnomefreak needs opinions i think i will send them to mailing list21:57
Volansgnomefreak: Hi, have you 5 minutes to speak about meeting schedule?21:57
gnomefreakVolans: yes21:57
Volanshere or in pvt?21:57
gnomefreakhere is fine what is your thoughts21:58
Volansfta: I can look at it as a newby of packaging if you are interested in not-so-technical feedback21:58
gnomefreakim reading it atm21:58
Volansgnomefreak: I have done the schema of the date of next meetings and the date for the email alerts21:59
Volanssome little questions:21:59
gnomefreakVolans: ok21:59
Volans1) I think that use 6 weeks + 1 day is better in order to move the day of the meeting in the week if you don't have particular reasons to do that always on sunday as the last meeting22:00
Volansyou agree on that? we have to ask asac?22:00
gnomefreakfta: FIXME: xxxx22:01
gnomefreakwhat should replaces xxxx22:01
gnomefreakVolans: well we can set a standard for day of meetings22:02
ftaVolans, that's fine, try it and let me know what is too obscure for you22:02
gnomefreakthan once we have that we can make the rest just change times are22:02
Volansok fta22:02
gnomefreakfta: shouldnt you tell them how to find build-deps22:02
Volansgnomefreak: you prefer the meeting always in the same day?22:02
gnomefreakVolans: yes22:03
gnomefreakexample CC meeting is alwasy on first and third tuesday per month22:03
gnomefreakwe wont beablet o do that22:03
VolansI have used the idea of CC-loco meetings that for members approval change the day of the week at every meeting22:03
Volansbut for me it's the same... only tell me the day of week you prefer22:04
ftagnomefreak, "fixme xxx" is obviously something that needs to be written. here, it's debian/copyright golden rules, feel free to add that part :)22:04
gnomefreakim not against it but since members might have a say free day one monday a month it would work but changing day is fine just cant do much until i get feed back from tasks set at meeting22:05
gnomefreakfta: sorry my fault i was a line behind22:05
Volansfta: don't forget to talk about exception in license for example for artwoks22:05
gnomefreakwhen i say debian/copyright i thought it was for code block above22:06
gnomefreakfta: i like it22:07
Volansgnomefreak: 2 question: at what time of the day? always the same or changing it a little? (obviously if -meeting channel is available)22:08
gnomefreaktime of day will alwasy change22:09
gnomefreakand will always be in -meeting22:09
gnomefreakthose are things we cant change. if we want people to come we need to keep it in -meeting and leave this open for other things like it normally is22:09
Volansok last question: in the agenda wiki page: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MozillaTeam/Meetings we have to put only the next meeting or all the scheduled meetings?22:11
gnomefreakpeople cant always attend at same time22:11
* Volans remembers that asac tell us to organise the next 6month meetings22:11
gnomefreakVolans: cant put anything there yet22:11
gnomefreakVolans: give me time to find out how far everyone is on tasks first and than i can figure out first meeting date/time22:12
Volansit will not be 6 weeks after the last? :)22:12
gnomefreakVolans: the next meeting is goign to be a "where are we now" meeting or "has everyone finished"22:12
Volansah... ok I don't have understand that at the meeting itself... sorry22:13
gnomefreakno this one will be soon. i was hoping june but it looks like i am the only one that finished anything thats why i need to get with everyone and find out is a status meeting will need to take place22:13
gnomefreakif you look at meeting agenda/minutes you will see where asac said june if were good or july22:13
gnomefreakthat is what we were talking about22:14
gnomefreaklike the wiki updating will need more than 6 weeks22:14
gnomefreaki have to make a few wikis as well since i removed 1 we needed :(22:14
gnomefreakbut im thinking of changing that to a new subwiki22:15
Volansyou can recovery the one removed from wiki I think ;)22:15
gnomefreaksomethign like that and also need a to-do wiki listing the tasks that we need done having someone take the task and when done add done to wiki22:15
gnomefreakVolans: not really interested in that since im thinking about changing it from roadmap to something else22:16
Volansok, then we plan the 6weeks meetings based on the next one, correct?22:17
gnomefreakVolans: right22:17
Volansok, no problem I will wait the next :)22:17
gnomefreaki was going to send out a mailing list post (my comment above about it) to determine where we are adn also about wiki pages22:17
gnomefreakfta: this is more like flock than extensions right?22:20
gnomefreakand only for new packages (ones we dont already have in repos)22:20
* gnomefreak might look for one we dont have and package it per wiki22:20
ftathis tutorial is for xulapp, ie application that could be built with --with-libxul-sdk22:21
gnomefreakfta: mobil is one example but we already have it in archives22:21
ftafennec ? i don't think so22:21
gnomefreakfennec? ok why rename to mobil than22:22
gnomefreakhg clone http://hg.mozilla.org/mobile-browser22:22
ftano, mobile is the internal name, like ff is brower, sm is suite, tb is mail, etc22:22
gnomefreaksee you are using it but than telling them its something else and remaking control and friends from stratch22:22
gnomefreakmobile-browser is already a package we have maybe that is wher eim getting confused22:23
ftai guess the tutorial is not clear then. the app is really called fennec, but the module is called mobile and the branch mobile-browser22:24
ftathose are 3 different things22:24
gnomefreakmaybe explain that more in the begginging?22:24
ftai thought i did22:24
gnomefreakassuming this is for new packagers22:24
gnomefreakfennec is maintained by upstream within a Mercurial (hg) tree, the branch is called mobile-browser. Move to your working directory, then clone the branch:???22:25
gnomefreakthat par22:25
Volansfta: I have undestand that the application name is Mercurial (hg) and the branch mobile-browser. The "fennec" name seems to appear at some point magically22:25
Volansat least for me22:26
gnomefreakVolans: We will work with fennec the Mobile Browser from Mozilla, very similar to prism in structure, but easier.22:26
gnomefreakthat is in same section as license22:26
VolansYeah I have read now better the line22:26
gnomefreakat the top of wiki22:26
Volansfennec is maintained by upstream within a Mercurial (hg) tree, the branch is called mobile-browser. Move to your working directory, then clone the branch:22:26
gnomefreakbut still only really explains 2 of the 322:26
gnomefreakpeople would need to know what Mercurial is (im a bit fuzz on that as well TBH)22:27
Volansit's ok... maybe only more evidence on fennec, like Fennec or bold or italic22:27
gnomefreakoh and What The Fuck is hg :(22:27
gnomefreaksee im thinking hg is mainly Mercurial "branches"22:31
ftajust reworded that part a but22:31
ftadamn, that wiki is slow22:31
gnomefreakfta: it has been for weeks22:32
* gnomefreak gets better understanding but im wondering why Mozilla would name a package in mercurial after a package they already have with simular or same name22:33
ftafennec is just a tiny firefox for mobile, why do you think they already have that ?22:34
ftagnomefreak, oh, mobile-browser from moblin ? it's different, afaik22:36
gnomefreakoh thats not mozilla22:36
ftahttp://www.moblin.org/repos/?p=projects/mobile-browser.git;a=tree   => mibbrowser22:37
ftahttp://hg.mozilla.org/mobile-browser => fennec22:37
gnomefreakah ok22:38
gnomefreakis evverything under hg.mozilla.org packageable per that wiki?22:38
gnomefreakim thinking of doing it with elkhound but i cant find anything about what it is22:40
* gnomefreak starting to get the idea this isnt related to mozilla directly22:41
ftaI don't think everything is "packagable" in there, you need a real xulapp22:41
gnomefreakfta: is ther ea place to find them? "real xulapp"22:42
gnomefreakit looks like elkhound == pork but wont compile on anything newer than 4.2gcc22:43
gnomefreakthat isnt as helpful as it sounds22:45
gnomefreakmaight want to have a backup branch since there isnt much on hg.mozilla22:46
gnomefreaki found a list of apps at http://www.mozdev.org/projects/top50.html but cant tell if they are xulapps22:47
gnomefreakas in not sure if they will work with that wiki22:47
gnomefreaklike im thinking of https://www.mozdev.org/projects/overview/prefbar/22:48
gnomefreaksince everyone wants google tool bar maybe if they have this they can have something that works ;)22:48
gnomefreakis gpg broken for anyone else?22:51
gnomefreakgpg --edit-key doesnt work it drops me to $prompt22:52
gnomefreakim trying to delete a uid from it22:52
ftagnomefreak, http://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/XULRunner_Hall_of_Fame22:53
ftagnomefreak, Volans, Jazzva: i've just updated the wiki. let me know if it's better now22:56
gnomefreakthanks :)22:56
gnomefreakfta: ok22:56
gnomefreakfta: does gpg --edit-key give you a gpg prompt on intrepid?22:57
Volanssurely better the explanation of app, tree and branch fta ;)22:58
gnomefreakcrap i screwed the cersion up :(22:59
* kim_ pokes triona some more22:59
ftagnomefreak, it doesn't as it's not the right syntax, you need to pass a user-id23:00
gnomefreakhmmmmmm let me try23:00
gnomefreakfta: this sucks i cant delete user it tells me you must use a uid23:02
gnomefreakCommand> deluid 123:02
gnomefreakYou must select at least one user ID.23:02
gnomefreakCommand> deluid ubuntu.ase@gmail.com23:02
gnomefreakYou must select at least one user ID.23:02
gnomefreak[ unknown] (1). John Vivirito <ubuntu.ase@gmail.com>23:02
gnomefreakis the one i want to remove from my gpg as its using it to sign and decrypt and i dont want it to23:03
gnomefreakit wont let me use any combo for some messed up reason23:09
ftagnomefreak, delete by key-id23:13
ftagpg -kv23:13
ftathen gpg --delete-keys XXXXXXXX23:13
ftawell, depends if you want to remove a user or just a uid23:15
gnomefreaki just want to remove a user from a key23:17
gnomefreakor even select primary23:17
gnomefreakbut no form of the uid works23:17
ftagpg --edit-key XXXXXXXX23:19
Volansgnomefreak: you use TB?23:19
gnomefreaki did that now deluid wont work23:19
gnomefreakVolans: yes23:20
ftauid 2 (or whatever number you want to delete)23:20
ftathat's it23:20
gnomefreakCommand> deluid 123:20
gnomefreakYou must select at least one user ID.23:20
gnomefreakfta: thats what im saying it isnt working23:20
Volansfor simplicity I change sometimes information in OpenPGP in TB and works well23:20
ftaselect your uid 1st. using "uid 1"23:20
gnomefreakuid 1 deluid?23:21
ftathen "deluid" alone23:21
gnomefreakor 2 commands23:21
fta2 commands23:21
gnomefreakit doesnt work23:21
gnomefreak1 or 2 commands23:21
ftapaste me what you get23:21
gnomefreakah there it goes23:22
gnomefreaktypo :(23:22
gnomefreakfta: thanks23:22
gnomefreakok alien-arena is fixed23:22
ftawhat was the problem?23:23
gnomefreakfta: it neeed to be backported and i forgot dch -i ups the version so i had to reversion it and push23:24
gnomefreakJazzva: where would the license be in an extension? im thinking this isnt a full source that was zipped23:31
Jazzvagnomefreak, usually in root23:32
gnomefreaklol ther eisnt a root :(23:32
gnomefreakgnomefreak@Development:~/pwdhash$ ls23:32
gnomefreakCVS       chrome           install.js   stanford-pwdhash-1.5.zip23:32
gnomefreakMETA-INF  chrome.manifest  install.rdf23:32
gnomefreakthats all i have23:32
Jazzvaroot == ~/pwdhash :)23:32
Jazzvaroot directory of that extension23:32
Jazzvathen it might be missing... I think that you can just e-mail the upstream about licensing, and then state their reply in debian/copyright23:33
Jazzvae.g.: License23:34
Jazzva<GPL text goes here>23:34
gnomefreakwell i found Root23:34
Jazzva(confirmed in e-mail)23:34
JazzvaBut you might just ask them to add one23:34
Jazzvafound root? I didn't mean to go to /, I said root as the main directory in exension layout. In this case, that is ~/pwdhash23:35
gnomefreakthe person "working" on this extensions says its bsd so im looking for it since i dont know what version bsd23:35
gnomefreakgnomefreak@Development:~/pwdhash/CVS$ ls23:35
gnomefreakEntries  Repository  Root23:35
gnomefreaki know you didnt mean it23:35
gnomefreakbut i found it ironicly23:35
Jazzvathat's cvs stuff :)23:35
Volansgnomefreak: what in stanford-pwdhash-1.5.zip ?23:35
gnomefreakVolans: ?23:35
gnomefreakwhats in it?23:35
gnomefreakgnomefreak@Development:~/pwdhash$ ls23:36
gnomefreakCVS       chrome           install.js   stanford-pwdhash-1.5.zip23:36
gnomefreakMETA-INF  chrome.manifest  install.rdf23:36
Volansmaybe the author have placed in the zip the equivalent of the xpi23:36
gnomefreakinstall.rdf nor chrome has it23:36
gnomefreakVolans: nope you are seeing it all23:36
gnomefreakincluding the zip since it doesnt make a new dir for unzipped parts23:36
Volansfor the license maybe in some subfolder of chrome...23:37
gnomefreakgnomefreak@Development:~/pwdhash/chrome$ ls23:38
gnomefreakCVS  stanford-pwdhash23:38
Volansgnomefreak: I think you have this: http://crypto.stanford.edu/PwdHash/stanford-pwdhash-1.5.zip23:39
gnomefreakinside stanford is a bunch of crap nothing with license23:39
VolansI'm searching23:39
gnomefreakgnomefreak@Development:~/pwdhash$ wget http://crypto.stanford.edu/PwdHash/stanford-pwdhash-1.5.zip23:39
gnomefreakthat is the one23:39
Volans./chrome/stanford-pwdhash/content/md5.js:6: * Distributed under the BSD License23:39
gnomefreaki could go with cvs and i may do that maybe it has missing crap23:40
gnomefreakin md5?23:40
gnomefreakwhy would they put it there23:40
VolansI have grepped "bsd"23:40
Volansit's a javascript23:40
Volansmaybe shown it in some part23:40
gnomefreaki didnt check it since its for md5sums i assumed23:40
VolansI don't have tried the extension23:40
gnomefreakJazzva: we only take bsd 2 and 3 right?23:41
VolansI love grep, I use a little script I call "trova" thats "find" in italian with some usefult multi grep ;)23:41
gnomefreakVolans: can you try getting firegpg to build and install?23:41
gnomefreaki have a branch but i need to work on it i can give you upstream branch if you want23:42
gnomefreaki build it but it wont install from .deb23:42
Jazzvagnomefreak, dunno...23:42
Volansgnomefreak: I don't understand... what do you want?23:42
gnomefreakBSD (2- and 3- clause)23:42
gnomefreakJazzva: that is what i was going off of23:42
gnomefreakVolans: im working on firegpg and it builds but it doesnt install from .deb23:42
gnomefreakonce its built23:42
Volansand you want I try to install it?23:43
gnomefreakVolans: let me fix locale branch tomorrow i have some things to change and than you can grab it and build it to install it otherwise i have no way of getting you the .deb to install it23:46
Jazzvagnomefreak, i suppose only 2 and 3, yes23:47
gnomefreakJazzva: i added coment on bug to ask upstream if its 1 2 or 3 and ill talk to asac to find out why not 123:47
Volansgnomefreak: ok, if you want tommorrow I can try to install it from deb23:47
Jazzvagnomefreak, that was what I didn't know too... the 2 and 3 refers to bsd 2- and 3-clause license, both compatible with gpl. and original bsd (4-clause) license is not compat with gpl23:48
JazzvaI also thought it was a version number, but now I found out it isn't23:49
gnomefreakits not?23:51
gnomefreakthat extension doesnt include a license at all im seeing23:51
Volansgnomefreak: no means of what BSD license... then I think you have to ask one of the authors here: http://crypto.stanford.edu/PwdHash/#staff23:51
gnomefreakjus tthe first block of one23:52
gnomefreakcan someone decide if we should leave ubuntu task on extensions since we are using firefox extensions i dont see a reason to leave ubuntu task there23:54
Volans"ubuntu task"?23:56
gnomefreakit seems this package is incomplete since there is no license as seen here http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=pwdhash23:57
gnomefreakVolans: look at https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/firefox-extensions/+bug/216892 it has 2 tasks one ubuntu other firefox extensions23:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 216892 in ubuntu "[needs-packaging] pwdhash" [Wishlist,Fix committed]23:58
gnomefreakwe shouldnt need ubuntu and should be removed once we change it to firefox extensions23:58

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