
=== DanaG1 is now known as DanaG
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Cimikwwii, your dark theme looks quite good, compliments :)12:09
kwwiiCimi: thanks :-)12:21
kwwiiwe still have quite a ways to go, but it is a good start12:21
CimiI mean the colors12:21
CimiI have few doubts about the base12:22
Cimianf text12:22
Cimimaybe I will change text[normal] to something more brownish12:22
kwwiiI'll be putting a newer verison in pretty soon12:23
Cimiplease make a .tar so non-ubuntu users (eheheh) can try it too12:24
kwwiihehe, I'll do that12:26
_nilux_hi there!12:28
Cimikwwii, which options did you use?12:30
_nilux_i came across a theme in the alternate ideas (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Incoming/Intrepid/Kith_Intrepid), and wanted to know about it's feasibility with the current gnome version12:32
kwwiiCimi: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23936/12:37
kwwii_nilux_: if someone would write a gtk theme and a metacity theme it should probably work12:38
kwwiisome of the glow around windows and such isn't easily possible but most of it should be12:39
Cimikwwii, I'd like to remember you that you can have different options between different widgets12:39
_nilux_thanks kwwii!12:39
kwwii_nilux_: no problem, glad to be of help12:40
kwwiiCimi: yeah, I realize that but haven't done too much testing with that yet12:40
savvashttp://www.picoodle.com/view.php?img=/4/6/30/f_ubuntuibex0m_0114b53.png&srv=img26 <- if only i had that ibex like that in svg.. with a usable license :\14:42
kwwiisavvas: there are plenty of ibex pics available from which you can create vectors14:47
savvasthat one was my favourite14:48
savvashttp://www.rowlandward.com/imageGallery/Penny/NUBIAN IBEX.jpg14:48
savvasmerged it up from this one, could be a great base14:48
savvastoo bad it's copyrighted14:49
kwwiiI have been working on taking several pics (all of nubian ibex's funny enough) to create one good vector version14:54
savvasnice :)14:55
savvaslet me know for a sneak peek :P14:55
kwwiiI should have something done this week, I'll post it14:59
qu1dpr0I posted my vector ibex in the hardy style at the wiki under AbstractIbex. Any comments would be welcome.15:05
kwwiiqu1dpr0: cool, I'll check that out later15:20
psyke83kwwii: I replied to your mail16:13
=== bdmurray_ is now known as bdmurray
kwwiipsyke83: cool, my wife's grandfather just passed away, can't really talk now...bbl19:21
qu1dpr0does bot ubuntulog keep a log of this chatroom, and if so, is it avail to be looked at by anyone?19:25
psyke83kwwii, damn, sorry to hear that. Take care, man19:26
qu1dpr0kwwii, my apologies as well, I didn't notice the prev message and do not mean to appear insensitive. I hope things go as well as they can under the circumstances.19:30
psyke83qu1dpr0: here you go: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/19:33
qu1dpr0ah, thank you psyke8319:35
dashuaPretty nice.23:24
soninki'm looking for help with usplash23:58

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