
xivulonevand, could you please make sure you have wubi/hardy.cdiso rev 505 selfextract in the new ISOs?09:55
xivulonI have tested it and looks good here09:55
xivuloncould you also please test #136682?09:56
CIA-48oem-config: cjwatson * r474 oem-config/ (configure configure.ac): bump to 1.4012:52
CIA-48oem-config: cjwatson * r475 oem-config/ (6 files in 2 dirs): Switch to glade-3.12:57
evandxivulon: will do13:57
xivulonevand thanks14:17
tjaaltoncjwatson: btw, you asked about the input/hal/xorg stuff on ubuntu-x@ a couple of weeks ago. You mentioned that "expert help" is available if needed, so who should I contact to get it going?-)15:01
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=== evand_ is now known as evand
xivulonevand, I can see in http://people.ubuntu.com/~evand/wubi/ that wubi-selfextract is as of the 24 of june, cannot download now, is wubi-selfextract 505 going in the ISO?22:06
evandxivulon: 505 is there.  I've already told slangasek about it.22:07
xivuloncool thanks22:08
xivulonthat is selfextract correct?22:08
mario_limonciellevand, i forget, what was the limitation in switching the time zone selector to strictly time zones rather than the current "city" implementation?22:18
cjwatsonmario_limonciell: the city is needed to infer the country in order to build a complete locale22:23
cjwatsonit's the most economical way to get both country and timezone22:24
mario_limonciellah because locale can't be necessarily inferred from keyboard selection22:24
cjwatsonabsolutely not22:24
cjwatsonwe tried doing that (the other way round, admittedly, but I think the effects are pretty similar) for warty and lots of people were using keyboards that didn't match their country very well22:25
cjwatsonplus there isn't a complete correspondence anyway22:25
mario_limonciellwould it be sensible to maybe just ask the preferred locale as another question then to make that time zone page easier for people to understand?22:25
cjwatsonthe only thing you can do to connect locales and keyboard mappings is to use one as a reasonable default for the other; anything more is doomed22:26
cjwatsonI don't really want to ask another question that for most people could be inferred from that one22:26
cjwatsonI'd rather we continued to try to improve the city selector UI22:26
mario_limonciellunderstood.  they are all fairly intertwined22:26
cjwatsoncountry<->timezone have a much tighter correspondence, even though it isn't perfect for quite everyone22:27
mario_limonciellperhaps a better suggestion then:22:27
xivulonI still like zoom map widget but with partial zoom window22:27
xivulonlike magnifying lens22:27
mario_limonciellasking the timezone first, and then fine tuning that with cities in that time zone22:27
mario_limoncielland picking the one closest to you22:28
cjwatsona large number of people have no idea what timezone they're in22:28
cjwatsonthey know where they are22:28
xivulonI agree, picking the city is easier than the timezone22:28
mario_limonciellreally?  I guess having a very US centric view, that's surprising22:28
cjwatsonmy experience is that the US is unusual here: everyone talks about being on Eastern or Central or whatever22:29
xivulonwe had this idea of highlighting the timezone on hoover/city selection, is that going to happen?22:29
cjwatsonthat's rare from what I've heard elsewhere22:29
mario_limonciellat least in portions of the US (for example where I live), choosing the closest city picks the wrong time zone22:29
cjwatsondo you not know that that city over there keeps different time?22:29
cjwatsonthat strikes me as the sort of thing you'd know about nearby cities22:29
cjwatsonbeing able to highlight the timezone is looking increasingly plausible; Ted Gould found a data source we can use22:30
mario_limonciellwell that's the thing, i'm new to TX, so i didn't realize parts of it would be on different timezones22:30
cjwatsonhow would asking for the timezone and picking the closest city have helped, then? :-)22:30
cjwatsonah, you knew what timezone you were in22:30
cjwatsonI do contend that's a fairly rare situation22:31
mario_limonciellwell I know that i'm central time since US people know these thigns :)22:31
cjwatsontimezone highlighting will help a lot, I think22:31
mario_limonciellyeah i agree22:31
mario_limonciellwell and what was it i just saw that highlighing in... mozilla lightning22:31
mario_limonciellwhen you receive ical notifications, you can select which timezone to adjust them to, and they highlight the map properly22:32
cjwatsoninteresting, didn't know about that22:32
cjwatsonTed sucked it out of the CIA Factbook I think22:32
mario_limoncielljust noticed it myself today and it reminded me that this was bothersome22:32
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cjwatsonin Europe, you'd get people going "huh, am I on Western Europe time or Central Europe time?"22:33
cjwatson(this is a particular trick question because very few parts of we generally refer to as Western Europe are actually on Western Europe time)22:34
mario_limonciellah :22:34
cjwatsonit's also worth remembering that the timezone you're in right now isn't sufficient, due to daylight savings madness22:35
cjwatsoncf. Indiana22:35
cjwatsonor is it Arizona? I forget22:35
mario_limonciellused to be indiana22:35
cjwatsonthe city is particularly good because that maps *directly* to the notation in the timezone database22:35
mario_limonciellthey abolished that now though, and have committed to eastern time only22:35
cjwatsonright, and for those people who picked a relevant city in Indiana, they got automatically transitioned to that with no configuration changes required22:36
mario_limonciellideally i suppose for the US: if there was an accurate representation on that map for the time zones and cities in those time zones, say clicking a region in TX near my area, perhaps that would automatically map to the closest city actually in the time zone that is in the database22:37
mario_limonciellthat would be the happiest medium I could see22:37
cjwatsonyeah, that's what I'd like to see too22:37
cjwatsonI'm not sure everyone can point accurately to their location on an unmarked world map, but with city and timezone markings that should be enough context for most22:38
cjwatsonI'm still not sure about the auto-zooming; the attempt at that in hardy went, frankly, very badly indeed22:38
cjwatsonusers found it disorienting and difficult to control22:39
mario_limonciellespecially in the oem-config context.  i found the ubiquity map more usable than the oem-config one22:39
cjwatsona magnifying lens *might* work but we need to be very careful; crude attempts at rendering something like that could actually come out worse, if it doesn't look and feel like a lens22:40
mario_limoncielldid the idea of breaking the map up into continents come up?22:40
mario_limonciellso you have a different graphic you show when you pick your continent22:40
cjwatsonI don't think so22:41
cjwatsonwouldn't the different shapes be tricky?22:41
cjwatsonI suppose it might stand some chance22:41
mario_limonciellwell you figure to go with square boxes22:42
cjwatsonI don't mean that kind of shape, more the different aspect ratios22:42
cjwatsonNorth America is much taller than Asia22:42
cjwatsonbut they all have to fit into the same sort of shape of window22:42
mario_limonciellwould have to use the same size for both, and use multiple snapshots for the bigger continents22:42
mario_limonciellafrica would probably need two for example22:43
* cjwatson contemplates using a bit of insomnia to tackle bug 6405822:43
CIA-1console-setup: cjwatson * r73 ubuntu/debian/ (changelog config.proto):23:39
CIA-1console-setup: If console-setup/layoutcode is preseeded but not marked as seen, then23:39
CIA-1console-setup: set the default layout but don't lower the layout question priority or23:39
CIA-1console-setup: preseed console-setup/ask_detect (LP: #64058).23:39
CIA-1casper: cjwatson * r515 casper/ (debian/changelog scripts/casper-bottom/19keyboard):23:49
CIA-1casper: Support ?= (set value but don't mark as seen) preseeding syntax for23:49
CIA-1casper: console-setup/* (LP: #64058).23:49
CIA-1console-setup: cjwatson * r74 ubuntu/debian/changelog: releasing version 1.25ubuntu223:50
CIA-1casper: cjwatson * r516 casper/debian/changelog: releasing version 1.13423:54

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