
ubottuIn ubottu, Xpistos said: that xpistos is the greatest04:47
bazhang<Neo_The_User> If you have Ubuntu 8.04 what actual version of Ubuntu are you using?04:58
Hobbseeubuntu version 42.04:58
nickrudanother crazy brit clone04:59
nickrudgood thing he left, I was about to take up some slack05:04
bazhanghis ban was clearly lifted too early05:04
nickrudwas lifted, eh? I don't think that's a nick I'll forget05:05
bazhang* Neo_The_User (n=neo@c-24-12-190-159.hsd1.il.comcast.net) has joined #ubuntu so it would be /cs b Neo_The_User ?05:05
bazhangseeing as he is banned in ot, xubuntu, and one other channel (need to double check at btlogin)05:07
nickrudbazhang yeah, or forward him hre05:08
nickrudif you're up for it05:08
bazhangthat user name is still banned though nickrud ; at least according to btlogin05:08
bazhang*!*neo@*12-190-159.hsd1.il.comcast.net seems to what I should ban, right?05:09
nickrudthe details of how bans work, how people get around them is on my to do list, but not very high up05:09
bazhanghate to mess it up and ban all comcast users though :)05:10
nickrudI depend on that script from seveas myself. And yes, I remember some situation where a few extras got caught in your net ;)05:11
bazhangmost of canada iirc :)05:11
nickrudhahahha. I'm gonna be incommunicado for a while, inspector lewis is on. I am a big colin dexter fan, wondering how this series is.05:12
bazhangsweet :)05:12
bazhangrelevant pastebin for Neo-->http://paste.ubuntu.com/23865/05:15
nickrudgack, this bot is driving me carzy?06:50
Myrttiwhich bot06:50
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about firefox206:50
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about firefox306:50
nickrudtrying to update firefox 306:50
ubottuMyrtti: The operation succeeded.06:50
nickrudfirefox3 is <alias> ff306:51
ubottuFirefox 3 Final is currently in the Hardy package repositories.  For best results, do not install via archives downloaded from mozilla.com.06:51
nickrudit hates me06:51
Myrtti!firefox3 is <reply> foo06:51
ubottuBut firefox3 already means something else!06:51
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about firefox306:51
nickrudhates you too :)06:51
Myrtti!search firefox306:52
ubottuFound: firefox3*06:52
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about firefox306:52
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about firefox3*06:52
Myrtti!forget firefox306:53
ubottuI know nothing about firefox3 yet, Myrtti06:53
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about firefox306:53
Myrtti!firefox3 is <reply> foo06:53
ubottuBut firefox3 already means something else!06:53
Myrtti!no firefox3 is <reply> foo06:53
Myrttipardon moi, but WTF06:54
Myrtti!firefox3 is <alias> ff306:54
ubottuI know nothing about firefox3 is <alias> ff yet, Myrtti06:54
Myrtti!firefox3 <alias> ff306:54
ubottuI know nothing about firefox3 <alias> ff yet, Myrtti06:54
Myrttiok, it hates me06:54
nickrudyeah. Thought it was me for a while, then realized it's not working. What's with the *06:54
nickrudnote the ff , not ff306:54
ubottuFlannel called the ops in #ubuntu ()07:30
FlannelAnyone awake?  floods in #ubuntu07:30
Flanneland no, floodbot won't take care of it07:31
ubottuHey nalioth, jenda, rob, SportChick, seanw, Dave2, Christel, tomaw, Gary or PriceChild, I could  use a bit of your time :)07:31
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (flood)07:31
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (clone flood)07:31
Hobbsee[16:32] [Whois] lnX is a user on channels: #lugtucuman #open-eslack #slackware-es #tuquito-es07:32
Hobbsee[16:32] [Whois] lnX is online via irc.freenode.net (http://freenode.net/).07:32
Hobbsee[16:32] [Whois] lnX has been idle for 5 hours, 55 minutes, and 16 seconds.07:32
Hobbseeokay then?07:33
Myrttiis he the one doing this?07:34
HobbseeMyrtti: same IP07:34
Hobbseenalioth: thanks07:34
Hobbseemneptok: ping?07:37
Hobbseenalioth: i've got a problem user here.07:48
Hobbseenalioth: guy spamming me in pm07:48
Hobbseei think i banned him earlier07:48
naliothyes, you did.07:49
naliothhe's not in any channel, just /quote silence him07:49
Myrttihe is07:49
Myrttijust joined #ubuntu07:49
Hobbseehttp://rafb.net/p/QraU2978.html and such07:49
Hobbseeban went in slightly late07:50
Hobbseegotta love the quality of people on this network.07:50
MyrttiHobbsee: welcome to IRCnet07:51
MyrttiHobbsee: you'll love freenode immediately07:51
* Myrtti sighs08:22
* jussi01 wakes up08:23
Myrttifor crying out loud08:29
* jussi01 raises an eyebrow...08:30
Myrttisomeone wants me to to sign their openpgp key just because they've signed mine08:33
naliothMyrtti: didn' you both sign at the same time?08:33
naliothya snooze ya lose  :(08:34
MyrttiI need my porridge08:34
* jussi01 overslept today08:37
* Myrtti huggles everyone09:10
GaryI needs huggles :'(10:02
* Myrtti considers making a hug ticket system for LRL10:03
ubottuwols called the ops in #ubuntu (please make Unislash ask his windows questions elsewhere)10:05
elkyMyrtti, we may need to consider moving wols on10:10
* elky waits for the torrent of abuse10:14
soundrayelky: that was *way* over the top10:14
elkysoundray, wols is not a nice person10:14
soundrayelky: considering that wols had settled down and was actually trying to help10:14
elkysoundray,  he wasnt. he's constantly berating our users like that10:14
soundrayelky: one shouldn't be kicked for "not being a nice person"10:15
elkysoundray, he was flaming, he needed to be removed10:15
elkysoundray, he was asked twice by me alone to cease, and he's only been removed. there's nothing over the top about that10:16
soundrayWhat happened to wols could easily have happened to me...10:17
elkysoundray, just because others can make the same mistake, doesnt mean we dont enforce the no-flaming rule.10:17
soundrayI still think there Unislash gave much more reason for a reprimand10:17
soundrayHe was utterly advice-resistant10:18
elkythat's no reason to be flamed10:18
soundrayAnyway -- not my decision. I hope wols comes back again to help. I know that I wouldn't.10:19
elkyi dont like his version of help. i see enough of it in #debian10:19
naliothquite so.10:22
elkyfor example:10:22
elky* osh_ (n=osh@user209.85-195-3.netatonce.net) has joined #debian10:22
elky* Shisui has quit ("Quitte")10:22
elky* Gunirus_ has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))10:22
elky<osh_> In postfix, how do I rewrite the email address so that it doesn't show  <root> root@my.box.com?10:22
elky<wols> osh_: #ubuntu10:22
elkythat is not a helper i advocate for.10:22
naliothwe try not to treat our ignorant users as stupid cows10:22
naliothignorance can be overcome - stupidity is forever10:23
elkysoundray, we daily get complaints about wols from at least one unique individual10:24
Myrttielky: I agree10:27
Myrttielky: I dislike him greatly10:27
Myrttihis attitude is disturbing10:27
elkyMyrtti, he must whois everyone who joins #debian, seriously10:28
Myrtti... could be, I whoissed everyone who joined #ubuntu for a while to get realnames10:29
Myrttithought that was my client doing it10:29
elkyhmm, im being trolled by wols in #debian now. i think this has gone past namespace10:31
Myrttilovely character10:31
elkyever so10:32
soundrayOkay, I'm taking it all back and admit that I was wrong.10:35
MyrttiI've seen him doing "since you've not listened to me, I'm putting you on /ignore"10:36
Myrttimore than once10:36
elkyMyrtti, i reguarly end up on that list. i've been derided by him in #debian for asking debian questions about debian things, from a debian machine, just because he knows i run ubuntu too.10:39
Myrttihow ... rude!10:40
jussi01sigh... [13:01:56] <flaccid> asraniel__, your girlfriend is probably not suited for linux. mac os x or windows is probably more appropriate11:03
Myrttiwhere is he so I can emp him11:04
elkyjussi01, what was the context?11:07
jussi01elky: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23919/11:08
naliothi'm handling it11:09
Myrttihellokitty emp?11:10
elkyum, had that been his father complaining about buggyness, would it have been bad to say his father was not suited?11:10
jussi01BonezAU: Hi11:11
BonezAUjussi01, Hi are you able to help?11:11
jussi01BonezAU: Im looking at the situation now11:11
flaccidi just got banned for no reason.11:12
flaccidi would like to lodge a complaint against an op11:12
Myrttijolly good11:12
naliothflaccid: speak your piece ( and you were not banned )11:12
flaccidnalioth, tried to say that i used the word 'dumb' when the logs clearly show that i did not.11:12
elkysome context for those who did not witness this might help11:13
flaccidbanned from speaking in #kubuntu at least11:13
elkypastebins are common enough11:13
flaccidwhich is pretty insulting considering i help more than the person who muted me11:13
jussi01BonezAU: Unfortunately jack_sparrow is not around at the moment, he was the one who banned you.11:13
naliothflaccid: if i say that your intelligence quoteient lies somewhere in the antarctic temperature range, this is the same as calling you "dumb", but not so succinctly.11:13
BonezAUjussi01, oh ok.. umm when was this ban put in place do you know?11:14
jussi01!patience | BonezAU11:14
ubottuBonezAU: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines11:14
flaccidnalioth, that sentence doesn't make any sense11:14
elkyflaccid, he was calling you mute?11:14
flaccidi've never met you so you cannot judge me on that level11:14
nalioth1214820116 05:01 < flaccid> asraniel__, your girlfriend is probably not suited for linux. mac os x or windows is probably more appropriate11:14
elkysince 'dumb' means mute as well.11:14
flaccidand what is wrong with that? i never used the word dumb11:14
jussi01BonezAU: yesterday.11:14
BonezAUjussi01, I was not on IRC yesterday11:14
Myrttiok, could we handle one thing at a time?11:15
flaccidcommon sense would depict if you are a new user to linux and it hard crashes on you frequently then maybe another OS is better for your hardware11:15
jussi01BonezAU: could you wait a moment please :)11:15
naliothflaccid: i never said you used the word 'dumb'.  you were very inconsiderate with your statement, which for all intents and purposes calls the girlfriend "dumb"11:15
BonezAUjussi01, unless it was my flat mate... oh dear.. i'll be off to talk to him11:15
BonezAUjussi01, sure11:15
flaccidcan an operator please address my problem with nalioth11:15
flaccidnalioth, you seem to be the only one interpretting it that way...11:15
Myrttioh, REALLY11:15
elkywhen someone provides me with context, i may have some basis on which to address11:16
flaccidi've seen people make this same comment dozens of times, they didn't get muted. i mean this is freenode not censornode isn't it?11:16
jussi01flaccid: elky and Myrtti are attempting to do so.11:16
flaccidim a regular helper and it appears that ops lack respect to me11:16
elkyflaccid, you're being inciteful now, and i do not appreciate that. it makes me less inclined to abandon a deadline to help you11:16
* Myrtti growls11:16
flaccidelky, thats funny because nalioth was the one who was originally incitefull11:17
elkyflaccid, you are not doing yourself *any( favour at all11:17
Myrtti13:04 <+Myrtti> where is he so I can emp him11:17
flaccidits only human to be frustated when this happens and i feel your pain11:17
flaccidelky, thats fine, i'll just stop helping people and contributing and submitting bugs and ....11:18
Tm_Tflaccid: please dont11:18
elkyflaccid, i havent the time to deal with your rudness. you're not excused to do so by anyone else's behaviour.11:18
* Myrtti lols11:18
flaccidso will someone fix this up for me or do i just discontinue my 50hours a week helping the project?11:18
Tm_Tflaccid: calming down would help now11:18
jussi01http://paste.ubuntu.com/23924/ for context11:18
flaccidfixing my problem would help even more11:18
elkythank jussi01 i may be able to now11:19
Tm_Tflaccid: fixing without calming down is hard to do11:19
elkyand stop being so impatient, this is *not* the only thing im tryign to do right now11:19
flaccidim totally calm. there is no tone on irc.11:19
Tm_Tflaccid: there is ;)11:19
elkyflaccid, your comments have been nothing but inciteful.11:19
MyrttiI've been on IRC too long, I note again11:19
flaccidelky, so were nalioth and yours.11:20
* Tm_T hugs Myrtti 11:20
Myrttiwhere to start...11:20
Myrttiflaccid: first of all11:20
* flaccid waits 10mins11:20
Myrtti"Wrongdoings of others do not justify yours"11:20
elkyflaccid, it would have been less than that if you had have provided me context from the start. I am *not* in #k*11:20
flaccidthe channel is logged11:20
elkyjussi01, provided context, i am able to start looking11:21
flaccidMyrtti, i don't need your lecture ok, thanks anyway.11:21
elkyflaccid, i am doing numerous things. i am not at people's beck or call11:21
flaccidhow many ops are in this channel?11:21
Myrttiflaccid: well thanks, then I'll just take a step back and not even try to help you11:21
flaccidMyrtti, no you have it the wrong way around. you would be helping the project, not me.11:22
Myrttisince you clearly don't need my point of view11:22
Myrttito be honest, from what I gathered from the paste of jussi01...11:22
elkyflaccid, your comment in #k appears to be supporting someone say his girlfriend 'does not make the difference'. i can see how nalioth has interpreted it as you joining an insult.11:22
Myrttiwell that settles it then11:22
* Myrtti wipes her hands11:22
Myrttiso, any plans for dinner?11:23
* jussi01 takes a deep breath11:23
Tm_TMyrtti: my place11:23
jussi01BonezAU: you are up!11:23
MyrttiTm_T: oooh!11:23
elkyyou then accused naliioth of beeaking the CoC because he interpreted it that way.11:23
jussi01BonezAU: please repeat what you just told me in pm11:23
* Myrtti rolls her eyes11:23
Tm_Telky: gone11:23
naliothelky: flaccid has gone.11:24
elkynalioth, lift the ban. i think it was just unfortunate words. im about to rile him in PM for being so rude as to not wait for me to get to the issue.11:26
naliothit was only a 10 minute quiet11:26
elkyso he's talking there again already?11:26
naliothevidentally so11:26
elkyfor the record: /MSG flaccid you know, waiting would do you alot of justice, and be courteous since im risking a conference paper submission for your pride, your comment in #k appears to be supporting someone say his girlfriend 'does not make the difference'. i can see how nalioth has interpreted it as you joining an insult. you then accused naliioth of beeaking the CoC because he interpreted it that way. the ban was only a mute, and lifted lon11:27
elkyg before you parted #ubuntu-ops. next time, dont be so damn rude -- you wasted my time.11:27
soundrayelky: the 'does not make the difference' statement was not from flaccid11:28
elkyi know it wasnt. read the words around the quote11:28
soundrayelky: but what about the statement '[13:01:56] <flaccid> asraniel__, your girlfriend is probably not suited for linux. [...]'11:29
soundrayWasn't that the real CoC breaker? ;)11:30
elkysoundray, no, should it be?11:30
BonezAUjussi01, Thank you, I found out it was my flatemate on my PC last night when I was not here11:31
BonezAUjussi01, I have changed my password and created him his own account on my ubuntu box so it wont happen again11:32
soundrayelky: sounds very disrespectful11:32
elkysoundray, against what?11:32
soundrayelky: against the girlfriend11:32
naliothelky: flaccid insulted the girlfriends intelligence11:33
jussi01Does anyone have any objections to me lifting the ban on BonezAU? it was set by jack_sparrow - you can see it on the bt11:33
naliothit's the same as saying " you're too dumb to run linux "11:33
soundrayelky: I think it's insulting, and it's degrading a person to something material that can be 'compatible' or 'incompatible', like hardware11:34
elkyerk, now i have to find a way to stop flaccid inform me that we are a service to him.11:34
Myrttiwe need FSoE11:35
Myrttisorry, but we do11:35
Myrttijussi01: seems ok to me11:35
elkyi would comment but it'd end up at a CC meeting.11:35
Myrttiwell I need it atleast11:35
MyrttiI know a certain Finnish person who'd I'd use it on11:35
elkyi have just placed flaccid on ignore as he would not cease PMing me after numerous requests to cease.11:36
naliothelky: /quote silence ( then you can watch him put his foot in his mouth in public )11:36
elkywell by ignore, i mean, i cease responding.11:37
elkyhe's still rabbiting at me, very rudely11:37
Myrtti"mental woolly sock"11:37
Myrttistuffed into his mouth11:37
Myrttias we Finns use the "internal woolly shirt" in the wintertime11:38
elkyi cannot comment as it would be wrongly interpreted as a threat.11:38
jpdsHmm, he left.11:38
Myrttielky: mental bananas in your ears?11:38
Myrttibananas are good mmmkay11:39
* Myrtti flips11:39
elkyjpds, no great loss if my PM log is anythign to go by. we apparantly owe him and should exalt him from every wrongdoing becase he helps people (gee, where've i heard that one before). i am apparantly also supposed to suck something.11:39
ubottuelky: Error: Your hostmask doesn't match or your password is wrong.11:45
elkyi hate you, ubottu11:45
=== elky is now known as elkbuntu
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about login11:50
elkbuntushe's all laggy11:51
naliothisn't it @login and @btlogin ?11:51
elkbuntuyeah, i was waiting for a the btlogin in pm, and wanted to see if she knew about logins11:53
Myrttinote to self: boiling water is boiling11:53
elkbuntuMyrtti, really?11:53
elkbuntudid someone deal with bonez yet?11:53
Myrttinote to self, 2: sieve is a thing that passes things through11:54
elkbuntujussi01, did you finish with bonez?11:56
jussi01elkbuntu: no. I got busy here. would you mid finishing it up?11:57
elkbuntui would actually. it's 9pm and ive only got a heading for the 'due in 3 hours' paper presentation, and i go to bed in 90 minutes11:57
* bazhang waits for neo_the_user to show up again11:58
ubottuOli`` called the ops in #ubuntu (komila)11:58
Myrttistill therE?11:59
bazhangtalk about overreaction12:00
Myrttibazhang: I didn't ban him ;-)12:00
bazhangyet :)12:00
bazhangI meant oli not you Myrtti :)12:01
* Myrtti pokes BonezAU 12:03
bazhangsince we are sharing pastebins; here is neo_the_user from earlier-->http://paste.ubuntu.com/23865/12:10
elkbuntuis it a full moon somewhere?12:12
PiciOn the moon.12:12
bazhanghis name is banned but the @etc.com has been unbanned (not by me)12:12
bazhang<kibibyte> is it true that ubuntu will be take over by microsoft12:13
PiciYeah, watching him.12:13
elkbuntuas i asked before...12:13
BonezAUMyrtti, I am here, sorry12:21
Myrttiand so is Jack_Sparrow, I note12:22
BonezAUyes, he is12:23
ubottuIn #ubuntu, soundray said: ubottu, no, fat32 =~ s/write/NTFS write/12:24
ubottufat32 is <alias> windowsdrives - added by Seveas on 2006-06-18 00:07:4812:24
ubottuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see /msg ubottu NTFS-3g or /msg ubottu FUSE12:24
Pici!windowsdrives =~ s/write/NTFS write/12:25
ubottuNothing changed there12:25
Myrtti!windowsdrives ~= /write/NTFS write/12:25
ubottuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see /msg ubottu NTFS-3g or /msg ubottu FUSE12:25
Pici!ntfs =~ s/write/NTFS write/12:25
ubottuI'll remember that Pici12:25
Pici!no fat32 is <alias> ntfs12:26
ubottuYou are editing an alias. Please repeat the edit command within the next 10 seconds to confirm12:26
Pici!no fat32 is <alias> ntfs12:26
Jack_SparrowMyrtti Sort of awake and here12:26
MyrttiBonezAU: I note that you've been removed from the channel before12:26
Jack_SparrowPici thanks for adjusting that12:26
BonezAUMyrtti, really? When was that?12:26
MyrttiMay 15 2008 15:00:55 UTC12:27
BonezAUMyrtti, that's interesting.. perhaps there is more to it than I know about. As I said earlier, my flatmate now has his own account on my box and will no longer auto-login with my user account and have access to IRC under my nick12:28
naliothJack_Sparrow: can you do the honors?  ^^12:29
Jack_SparrowThese excuses that it wasnt me it was my room mate are wearing thin.12:29
BonezAUJack_Sparrow, I am sure they are wearing thin - I can assure you that this is genuine though. I have taken action to prevent it from happening again12:30
BonezAUI regularly contribute to the IRC channel and have been using ubuntu for quite a while.. I enjoy contributing to the community as much as I do getting assistance12:31
Jack_SparrowWere you not demanding that since you often helped out in the channel you deserved your answer now and deserved to repeat12:31
BonezAUI am not sure what you are talking about12:31
Jack_Sparrowthe pm after the ban yesterday12:32
BonezAUIs there an IRC log or something so I can see what was written using my nick?12:32
Jack_SparrowSure is12:32
BonezAUWhere do I find this?12:32
BonezAUI have stated my case, I don't know why it's so difficult to be unbanned... I want to get back in the ring and help others12:33
BonezAUI have made the changes to ensure it won't happen again12:33
BonezAUThere's not much more to it ?12:33
Jack_SparrowIt is difficult as I dont believe it was your room mate... I am still reading .. give me a sec12:36
Jack_SparrowYou were only logged in for three minutes when you started Hello? because you felt you were being ignored12:39
BonezAU?? I was not even home last night12:40
Myrtti  ... so...12:41
elkbuntuhrm... was i disconnected from freenode or just my bip?12:41
Picielkbuntu: I'm guessing just bip, you havent left here.12:42
BonezAU... so... as I said earlier, I have removed the auto-login to my gnome session, changed my password and created my flatmate his own user account on my ubuntu pc12:42
elkbuntu*another* roommate story?12:42
Jack_Sparrowelkbuntu Yes.. but the room mate must know his habits quite well12:43
Jack_Sparrow[14:25] <BonezAU> I always help others, but can't get a straight answer to my question12:43
BonezAUJack_Sparrow, yes he does, we share a similar interest in computers and ubuntu, he could come on here right now and take over from me and you'd never be able to tell the difference12:44
elkbuntuBonezAU, just so you know: roommate is the excuse of the month... we need photos of you busting your cohabitor before we genuinely believe it.12:45
elkbuntuwe dont believe alot of the stories we get. call it learned cynicism.12:45
BonezAUthat's fine, you can believe what and who you want, you are entitled to12:46
BonezAUbut this feels like a police investigation12:46
BonezAUit's a damn irc channel12:46
elkbuntuBonezAU, its an irc channel of 1200 people.12:46
BonezAUyou can unban me, monitor me, and kick me out if you don't like what I am doing12:46
elkbuntuit's not 'just' an irc channel.12:46
BonezAUyou can't just presume that i am a bad person12:46
elkbuntuwe can actually. we rarely do so without cause though.12:47
Jack_SparrowWe can review your bahavior that has got your account banned twice so far.. we do have that to go on.12:47
elkbuntuJack_Sparrow, if he's 'rectified' the situation, let him back in. he knows it wont be so easy if it happens again.12:47
BonezAUwell I see #ubuntu as a valuable source of information and I enjoy being a part of the community12:47
elkbuntualways nice to get that thankyou.12:49
Jack_SparrowIm waiting for his first question to be the one that got his room mate banned12:49
BonezAUyeah lol lol12:49
elkbuntuBonezAU, what now?12:50
Jack_SparrowBonezAU Is there anything else12:50
ubottuPlease keep in mind that this channel is for operator/abuse questions only, and we ask you to part when you have no further business here, in order to keep track of users with pending inquiries.12:50
BonezAU [ryanakca] idle 16:29:23, [tonyyarusso] idle 06:47:10, [juliux] idle 53:03:26, [JanC] idle 13:25:22 - Why the special rules for me?12:52
elkbuntuBonezAU, those are not idlers, they're helpers.12:52
BonezAUmaybe I want to help too12:52
BonezAUthey are still idlers12:52
Jack_SparrowAgain wanting special treatment?12:52
elkbuntuBonezAU, dont argue.12:53
Jack_SparrowI am rethinking my decision12:53
elkbuntunot worth it12:59
elkbuntuyou can however tell me what you think of my proposal abstract!12:59
elkbuntuthe topic being working with proprietary software companies from a FOSS advocacy pov...13:00
elkbuntuTitle: Keep Your Enemies Closer: FOSS versus The World13:00
elkbuntuAbstract: By the time of the GNU project was founded in 1983, proprietary licencing software had become the norm. 25 years later, the software liberation movements are increasingly gaining ground and coming closer to bringing back the "good old days" However, we're not there yet and sometimes we need to work with those who we do not trust or agree with. This paper asks that critical question: Should we, or shouldn't we?13:00
bazhangshould not.13:02
bazhangnice proposal by the way elkbuntu13:02
PiciDoes ubottu do the "see my private message" for all !$0 > $1 now? even if there are ($comments) ?13:13
* Hobbsee eyerolls13:14
Hobbseeflaccid ending up here again...13:14
bazhangmore roommates in the mix?13:14
bazhang /j #ubuntu-roommate13:14
Hobbseeor #ubuntu-lame-excuse-for-the-week-decisions13:17
* Hobbsee wonders...13:18
ikonialimcore in #ubuntu is about to kick off as usual13:18
Hobbseeoh, excellent.13:18
* Hobbsee sharpens her stick13:18
ikonia"this is rubbish etc etc"13:18
ikoniastandard issue13:18
PriceChildHobbsee: whatcha doing?13:19
MyrttiBonezAU: yes?13:19
HobbseePriceChild: nothing to concern you.13:19
PriceChildOk then, was referring to you going +o in #ubuntu, which concerns me.13:19
* Hobbsee coudl be doing any number of things.13:19
PriceChildEither way, I hope you would be polite enough so not be so accusatory.13:19
MyrttiBonezAU: anything we can help you with?13:20
* bazhang checks the phase of the moon13:20
Hobbseeaccusatory?  you were the one accusing me of doing something sinister, by being concerned.13:20
* Myrtti coughs13:20
* Myrtti larts bazhang 13:20
Hobbseeas it was, i'm watching limcore, and looking at old bans.  is that okay by you?13:20
* bazhang is defeated13:20
HobbseePriceChild: also, not telling you what my infinite plans are are not being impolite, nor being accusatory.13:21
* Myrtti twiddles her thumbs13:21
Myrttinow that's disturbing13:21
Myrtti0 days 0 hours 28 mins 51 secs13:22
* Pici hugs #ubuntu-ops13:33
MyrttiI guess I'll have to start waiting for Severed Fifth since... Lugradio is quitting13:33
* Myrtti larts bazhang 13:34
MyrttiI like Jono's voice.13:34
* Myrtti has a trembling lower lip13:34
* bazhang is doubly-larted13:34
Myrttirightly so13:35
PiciMyrtti likes Jono13:36
* Pici runs13:36
MyrttiI like you too13:36
* Myrtti shrugs13:36
MyrttiI'm past Jono already :->13:37
Myrttiand no, I will *not* comment more13:37
DavieyMyrtti: If you knew how much gas Jono releases during the night.. i wonder if you'd be so keen :)13:40
* Myrtti shrugs13:41
MyrttiI love my mom too?13:41
MyrttiBonezAU: yes=13:41
BonezAUHi Myrtti13:41
PiciBonezAU: Can we help you?13:41
BonezAUHow are you13:41
BonezAUHi Pici13:41
Myrttifine thanks, I'd like to know what we can do to you now?13:42
Myrttiyou surely have some reason to come here?13:42
Picis/to/for/  maybe.13:42
Jack_SparrowBonezAU We made the no idling policy quite clear yet you continue to rejoin...13:43
BonezAUNo, no reason, I just like to hang out13:43
BonezAUIt's IRC after all13:43
BonezAUand i'm entitled to join whatever channel I want without breaking the freenode policies13:43
MyrttiBonezAU: sure you are13:43
Myrttithough, we as operators can also ban you13:43
PiciBonezAU: Channels still have their own policies though.13:44
Myrttifor not adhereing to the channel no-idling rule13:44
BonezAUYou can, but you would need a valid reason to do so13:44
Jack_SparrowI am ready to reinstate the ban in ubuntu13:44
BonezAUThat is not a freenode rule13:44
MyrttiBonezAU: so?13:44
BonezAUWell as you reside on the freenode network, you have to abide by their rules13:44
Myrttichannel rules extend freenode rules13:45
Myrttifreenode rules do not run channel rules over13:45
BonezAUWell i'm not causing anyone any trouble by idling in this channelk13:45
BonezAUI would just keep quiet if you didn't keep targeting me13:45
* bazhang points to the /topic13:45
Jack_SparrowBonezAU You are not allowed to idle in this channel13:45
MyrttiBonezAU: we keep track on issues handled here by keeping idlers off13:46
BonezAUokay, well I won't idle13:46
BonezAUI'll just keep talking13:46
BonezAUthere's no grounds to ban me for simply talking13:46
Myrttiother than disrupting our work13:46
PiciBonezAU: This channels logs are available if you are curious as to what goes on here, but this *is* a working channel13:46
BonezAUThat's not against the freenode policies13:46
PiciBonezAU: Try #ubuntu-offtopic if you just want to chat.13:46
PiciBonezAU: Freenode doesnt run this channel, we do.13:46
BonezAUWhy are others allowed to idle in here13:47
BonezAUeven though you continue to pick on me for idling13:47
Hobbseebecause they're operators....13:47
BonezAUwell I don't see them operating13:47
BonezAUI see them idling13:47
Hobbseeand are here to deal in operator-based discussions.13:47
BonezAUWhy are you singling me out13:47
Picithats enough.13:47
* Myrtti yawns13:48
bazhang<BonezAU> /cs k Jack_Sparrow13:48
bazhangand then quit13:49
elkbuntuhow he even knows the script shortcuts i dun wanna know13:53
bazhanghe saw it a few moments before he got kicked13:53
Jack_SparrowI hit space before the /cs earlier13:56
Jack_Sparrowfat fingers in the am13:56
bazhangremovus interruptus13:57
Myrttibazhang: no, actually ircus interruptus13:57
bazhangMyrtti, haha13:58
Jack_SparrowPriceChild Will expect him to return soon13:58
PriceChildJack_Sparrow: hmm?13:58
PiciSeeing how hes banned again in #ubuntu, probably.13:58
bazhangPriceChild, ^^13:58
Jack_SparrowSure .. it was his room mote13:58
bazhangremove the mote in your roommate before you troll on ubuntu13:59
PiciIts everyone's roomate, brother, cousin, friend, split personality, doppleganger, etc...13:59
Myrttidoppleganger ex's are scary14:00
bazhang /j #ubuntu-exorcism14:00
Jack_SparrowAbby........  Abby Who?     ....      Abby-Normal14:02
bazhangclassic movie14:02
Jack_SparrowYoung Frankenstein14:02
bazhangfrau bluchner14:02
PiciI've never seen it :|14:02
HobbseePici: you forgot the pet cat.14:02
HobbseePici: and baby.14:03
bazhangand wolf14:03
Hobbseebazhang: people can keep wolves as pets?14:03
Jack_SparrowPici black and white.. mel brookes  classic14:03
bazhangHobbsee, not safely :)14:03
Jack_SparrowHobbsee yes, father in law has one14:03
bazhangthey tend to take over user accounts and spam in #ubuntu14:04
Jack_SparrowI'll paste a picture of the beast when I find one14:05
bazhangPici, it is a must-see :)14:06
Picibazhang: I'll put it on Netflix14:06
ubottuIndyGunFreak called the ops in #ubuntu (guano)14:26
Hobbseeis 124-171-7-116.dyn.iinet.net.au a common address?15:34
Hobbseewell, a known address for #ubuntu or something?15:34
ubottujoaopinto called the ops in #ubuntu (Narley , abusive lang)15:37
Picithat was fast15:37
bazhangwhoa that was sooper fast15:37
jpdsPici: That's Captain Jack Sparrow for you. ;-)15:38
bazhangm3talgod> great! thank you very much for your support! <--one of the bright spots for today :)15:39
jpdsHobbsee: meh, *stabs*15:43
Hobbseejpds: heh, yes15:45
* Myrtti sighs16:44
Jack_SparrowMore sangria for Myrtti16:44
Myrttinope, none of that16:44
Piciwhy is Myrtti sighing?16:45
MyrttiI think I'll get a cup of chamomille16:45
Myrttiand then perhaps tweak my Skype16:45
PiciI think I'm going to upload a hackergotchi head16:46
Picimy own ;)16:47
jussio1Myrtti: server going down for approx ½ hour, please ready ubott217:00
jussio1heya Pricey17:01
Myrttimmm marinated zucchinis17:03
jussio1oh ssh you17:04
Myrttiand chicken17:04
Myrttiwell... not yet17:04
Myrttijust was popping the zucchinis in the marinade17:04
* jussio1 is still trying to figure out what to cook for dinner17:04
Myrttibasic summer food17:04
Myrttiwell that was something new17:05
Myrttiex... whatever17:07
jussio1Myrtti: you have ex's on the brain17:07
Myrttijussio1: don't tempt me to grab the brain bleach bottle17:08
MyrttiI had too much of that already on Thursday17:08
* Myrtti finds receipts from Thursday in her purse and cringes17:27
nalioththis year, Myrtti ?17:31
Myrttithis year, last Thursday17:31
naliothah, that's good then.17:32
naliothbeats finding receipts from 200417:32
Myrttireceipts from bars I don't remember been to17:32
naliothoooh, fun times17:32
Myrttitwo bars17:32
Myrttithough I remember commenting the football match to a couple of English fellers17:33
Myrttioh SIGH.17:34
ZirodayHi, the bots dont seem to be working17:36
MyrttiI guess that's my cue17:36
jussio1yep. sounds it17:36
jussio1ok, go for it17:37
Myrttialready launched17:37
Myrttioh sigh17:38
MyrttiI forgot to sync the database17:38
Myrttioh well17:38
Zirodayso is our dear ubottu back up17:39
Zirodaybecause were useless without him17:39
Myrttithat's just the temporary one for the duration while ubottu is being relocated17:39
Myrttibe gentle to HER17:39
Myrttithey're both females.17:39
naliothMyrtti: you can sync it with the bot running17:39
Myrttiah, true17:40
Zirodayokey dokey17:40
Myrttiwhat is18:05
PiciSomeone in #kubuntu was asking if another user was a bot.18:05
* Myrtti yawns18:12
jussio1Pici: who was that someone?18:19
Picijussio1: rickest thought ilya was a bot18:20
Myrttioh, there was an extra chicken thingie in the package18:31
naliothtwo clucks for the same buck? fun times  :)18:32
PiciI was thinking .deb package for a moment.18:32
jussio1arrrgh, I kill you (firefox)18:32
jussio1Myrtti: look who I met last night: http://lifematta.com/jussi01/event/11407/18:34
Myrttieveryone has eaten again?18:38
PiciI has a head: http://planet.ubuntu.com/heads/bnrubin.png18:40
* jussio1 counters Myrtti with this: http://lifematta.com/jussi01/event/11404/18:53
jussio1nom nom18:54
Myrttiaaaaaaaaannnnd epiphany...18:54
Picithe browsr? or the philosphical thing?18:54
Myrttithe browser18:55
Myrtticrashes on that link18:55
jussio1Myrtti: dunno what it is, but firefox has bee crashing like crazy also - see my killing earlier18:55
PiciIt was a cake with about two inches of icing on it18:56
Myrttiis that the cheesecake?18:56
jussio1yes, its the cheesecake18:56
Picioh, so thats not icing?18:56
jussio1Pici: its not icing18:56
jussio1its very yummy, but quite rich...18:57
Myrttiwe don't do icings in Finland really18:58
Myrttiwhipped cream if anything18:59
MyrttiI've once had US style layer cake with icing and it was horrible19:01
Myrttimy skin oozed preservatives and artificial aromas for weeks19:01
naliothMyrtti: home made is best19:03
MyrttiKILL IT19:20
* Myrtti grumbles19:21
ompaulone emp cannon pointed at $bank (there is a pun there somewhere)19:21
naliothMyrtti: WITH FIRE?19:21
Myrttiburning oil19:22
* Myrtti twitches her fingers19:22
* Pici gives Myrtti back her stapler19:23
MyrttiI've got a few select nouns and adjectives reserved for those .... gits.19:23
Myrtti... GRRRR19:28
PriceChildDid ubott2 not rejoin all channels?19:32
PiciSeems that way.19:32
Piciits not in -offtopic at least.19:32
PriceChildOr is it another bot down? (just chucked it into -uk)19:33
Myrttiit did not join all channels19:33
MyrttiI've taken some of the channels it joins off because there is no guarantees of how much load it can take19:33
PriceChildsounds smart19:34
Myrtticurrently the loads are ok, but there's not been any testing on it, so I'd rather not risk it19:34
MyrttiI don't even dare to think what the loads would be if it were ubottu instead of ubott219:34
Myrttisince then people would pm it19:35
Myrttis/would/would know to/19:35
Picino, the first way made sense.19:36
* nalioth needs to get his remote servers supybot capable19:36
ubott2Factoid login not found19:37
ubott2Myrtti: The operation succeeded.19:37
Myrtti@join #ubuntu-uk19:37
ompaulPici, ~ in the past we have had people troll no end when they "discover" there is no longer support for 5.0419:39
ubott2ASULutzy called the ops in #ubuntu (Anon9189)19:42
Piciwell, hes not getting unbanned20:03
Pici15:03:05 <FloodBot1> WARNING: Neo_The_User appears to be abusive20:04
naliothdynamic account20:04
naliothoh, him.20:04
naliothyeah, floodbot1 is the understater of the year on that one20:04
Picinalioth: What do you think about people in ##politics trolling about DoSing #ubuntu ?20:05
naliothPici: they troll about everything in there20:05
naliothit is the same feculent scum that used to infest #Politics, you know20:05
PiciI stayed out of there20:06
nalioth#politics is closed.  all the scum was flushed to ##politics20:07
* Myrtti sighs20:38
ubott2In ubott2, cliff_ said: ok at this link http://xorg.freedesktop.org/releases/X11R6.7.0/doc/radeon.4.html but confused as to what to do next is there a remote desk top i can activate and have you help me?20:48
jussio1cliff_: hi20:48
jussio1cliff_: dont streess about it we saw20:49
cliff_man this so so diffrent then widows20:49
jussio1cliff_: if you tell the bot x is y then it reports it to us here.20:50
jussio1[06/30/08 22:47:56] < ubott2> In ubott2, cliff_ said: ok at this link http://xorg.freedesktop.org/releases/X11R6.7.0/doc/radeon.4.html but confused as to what to do next is there a remote desk top i can activate and have you help me?20:50
jussio1cliff_: why did you join here?20:51
cliff_oh ok20:51
cliff_well do you know if you can help me?20:51
jussio1cliff_: join #ubuntu for help20:51
Tm_Thi kids21:02
* Myrtti yawns21:06
jussio1Myrtti: unfortunately looks like an overnight thing :/ think you bot will be ok?21:25
* jussio1 sighs21:26
Myrttilooks like it21:26
Myrttithe loads have been relatively cool21:26
jussio1great :)21:26
Myrttiyeah, could take even more strain21:26
MyrttiI'm tempted to rename her ubottu and check where the loads would go21:27
Myrttithey're about 0.05 now21:27
Myrttibut I really can't be bothered, considering going to bed and sleep21:28
Myrttihave to go to damned Helsinki tomorrow21:28
Myrtti... yeah.21:38
Myrttianyway, good night21:38
ikoniaare any of the USA guys awake ?21:56
tonyyarussoIt's 4:00 PM here.22:10
ikoniaHmmm, I may be sorted, so I'm ok22:10
ikoniathank you though22:11
=== gnomefre1k is now known as gnomefreak
stdinMyrtti: ping23:41
bazhang* FloodBot1 has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) uh oh23:44
naliothi'll fix it23:45
* gnomefreak wonders why dana always has issues that noone else has :(23:45
gnomefreakevery release he does this and its everyday23:46
gnomefreakmost of it is him hacking something in /etc or / for that matter23:46
naliothfloodbot1 is now running on a remote server23:47
* bazhang hugs nalioth 23:47
bazhangarch might be better for danaG23:47
gnomefreakhonestly after looking at access list i only see 4 or 5 people that havent been around for a while (this is to the person that cares who is oped in #ubuntu)23:49
gnomefreaki so want to mute him/her on some days or tell him/her to join #ubuntu-offtopic since it was a problem he/she introduced23:49
bazhanghim iirc23:49
gnomefreakhacking intrepid is stupid for 123:49
gnomefreakor any dev sysle23:50
gnomefreakIMO if its his hack its offtopic\23:50
bazhangbut will he admit its his hack is the question23:51
gnomefreaksometimes after 3-4 days of complaining23:51
gnomefreakit gets very old and i think its more of an attention getting tacktic23:52

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