
estani've tried cleaning out my /var/lib/apt/cache/archives/*.deb and have it refetch everything, still same :/00:00
EagleScreenmaltedik is it not possible take an error fro msome log file o something???00:05
maltedikEagleScreen: /var/log/syslog or the command "dmesg" might help00:08
WindowSmasherAny help setting up dual monitors with ATI?00:14
WindowSmasherAny help setting up dual monitors with ATI?00:17
WindowSmasherKubuntu 8.04, ati graphics driver, dual dell monitors, clone only. I can't get it to extend the desktop. Please assist00:24
ErtainHello everyone.  When I use Gimp it doesn't detect my scanner.  It didn't have this behavior before (not since I upgraded to Hardy).  The same happens in Kooka.00:29
aleidaciao, vorrei iscrivermi a questo canale, come devo fare per registrarmi?00:43
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stdin!it | aleida00:43
ubott2aleida: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!00:43
jimmy51_homein the monodevelop package in the repository current?  (v1.0)00:48
ubott2Factoid monodevelop not found00:49
MachinTrucChoseHi. Anyone here use multiple accounts on their computer?00:50
estani don't get it, when i search at packages.ubuntu.com, it says that the package mysql-client-5.0 is supposed to contain /usr/bin/mysqladmin, but it doesn't. i have it installed and i have no /usr/bin/mysqladmin, and dpkg -l mysql-client-5.0 says it's not in that package.00:50
estanis there anywhere else i can search for contents of packages except package.ubuntu.com?00:51
estanerr. dpkg -L i mean.00:51
kronomanany translator app for kubuntu?00:59
kronomanyou know, i.e from english to spanish, something like google trans00:59
tuxwulfWhich is the latest stable? 8.10, right?01:11
Dragnslcr8.10 will be released in August (hence the 10)01:14
DragnslcrEr, October01:14
DragnslcrI'll shut up now01:14
tuxwulfOoooh is THAT where that number comes from.. I see... Thanks Dragnslcr...01:31
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Guest47756evening guys, anyone have the authentication method for pop.att.yahoo.com handy, the wonderful AT&T people dont know what their own auth method is01:37
Guest47756and/or will not tell me01:37
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szakulecwhat's my best bet for sharing an internet connection between two computers w/o any extra hardware?02:14
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maltedikszakulec: setting one up as router02:20
maltediki made it once. but this was years ago. there are tutorials on the web02:21
dorian_do you know an IRC server for bucharest?02:24
szakulecI'd thought of that, but all I really want to do is share my stable wireless connection with my media computer 3 feet away that gets a shaky wireless signal02:26
bougatayaanyone can help me install itunes please...02:35
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gradehi would like to ask hw can i see my bluetooth phone using kubuntu03:03
gradehi would like to ask hw can i see my bluetooth phone using kubuntu03:05
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tfnsnhow to reset the menu03:07
tfnsnand the desktop settings to kde303:08
tfnsni dislike kde 403:08
ubott2For instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup03:08
tfnsnand i wanna use03:08
tfnsnkde 3 with hardy 8,403:08
intelikeyi think something may be screwy   i just rm'd almost 6g and now i have 2.8g free   ?03:09
mr---t-on your login in screen choose options and just make kd3 default03:09
intelikey/dev/hdb       17G   14G  2.8G  83% /03:10
intelikey/dev/hda      74G   29G   45G  40% /home03:12
intelikeybut what i rm'd wasn't in /home it was in /opt03:12
intelikeyi know,   i'll reboot and see if it fixes it03:12
* mr---t- thinks intelikey has been drinking the kool aid03:15
* intelikey looks in his glass at the koolaid and wonders how he knew...03:15
intelikeyno i'm serious.   i rm'd a copy of my downloaded archives  alsmost 4g from /opt   but  df -h says that / only has 2.8g free      </blinks>03:17
intelikeyif i had used konq i could understand that.  "trash"  but i used   "rm"    o.O03:17
sub[t]rnlmr---t-'s koolaid rootkit just happens to be 1.2gigs, too...03:18
* sub[t]rnl taps his nose03:18
* intelikey picks his03:18
* mr---t- obstains03:19
intelikeyob ?03:19
intelikeyoh ab03:19
* mr---t- has O shaped abs03:22
boggystudiosI can't get my computer to resolve domain names.03:23
boggystudiosI have my default gateway set but it isn't even asking the dns server anything03:24
boggystudiosI can tell because I run wireshark on the dns machine and it isn't picking up anything03:24
boggystudiosintelikey: /etc/resolv.conf is empty, what should be in there?03:25
intelikeymr---t-   "obstanance makes the heart grow flonders"03:26
intelikeyboggystudios maybe the ip of the dns03:26
intelikeyboggystudios example   nameserver
boggystudiosintelikey: thanks that did the trick.03:27
intelikeyboggystudios welcome.03:27
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* mr---t- is still a gui cripple03:27
intelikeyboggystudios normally one will have both a primary and backup dns listing.     nothing special about the lines they are just two listings   as exampled above03:28
* intelikey gets back to looking for the missing gigabytes03:31
intelikeyi have always wondered why they don't pronounce gigabyte like they do gigolo   ???03:33
intelikeyor maybe that's verse vice'a03:34
=== ShadowKnight is now known as Red_Wraith
mr---t-It should be jigabyte03:35
Red_WraithHello all.03:35
nitinwhat are win32 codecs03:36
ubott2medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org03:36
intelikey'ave a look thar ^03:36
intelikeyheh.   "thar"    southern US slang for "there"   heh.03:37
nitinintelikey: are win32codecs distro independent?03:38
mr---t-the bots different03:38
intelikeynitin the codecs may be.  the packages are not.03:38
intelikeyhmm i haven't doen a thing but i now have 2.9g free   ;/03:39
intelikey/dev/hdb      17G   14G  2.9G  83% /03:39
nitinintelikey: tar.bz2 packages can be installed in any distro?03:39
intelikeynitin pretty much  yeah.03:40
intelikeybut that sounds like a slockware package03:40
intelikeyslockware   hehe03:40
intelikeyand this is a qwerty keyboard   explain how i missed the A and hit the O   lol03:41
nitinintelikey: yesterday i compile mplayer, possibley with some errors, but it works!03:41
intelikeynitin umm and you made a tarball of the build ?03:42
intelikeywhat are you trying to say nitin ?03:42
intelikeyspell it out man.03:42
nitinintelikey: now i'm playing my favourite songs with it03:42
intelikeydon't leave use wondering.03:43
intelikeytov    glad it is working for you.    good to hear that you have "built" something on that sustem.03:43
intelikeyimproves the learning curve and all that raw.03:44
intelikeyyeah   good.03:44
* mr---t- stills wonders whats tov?03:45
mr---t-good that Iwonder?03:46
* intelikey hides.03:46
* mr---t- total victory03:46
* intelikey slips a firecracker under mr---t- 's shoe and lights it.03:47
CostaRicanQuakercan anyone help me install this xubuntu alternate iso cd into the computer03:47
CostaRicanQuakeri don't know how to do it without the graphic interphase which is always getting stuck anyway03:48
CostaRicanQuakeri don't know if i should format my harddrive first then boot up with windows and reinstall it03:48
CostaRicanQuakeras my prtitions seem messed up, it says i have 72 mb for ntsf but i only have 40 gb on my harddrive when i go to y pc on windows03:48
intelikeyCostaRicanQuaker there should be a boot option when it first fires up.    command line install    or something like that03:49
CostaRicanQuakerand i've never installed without the graphic interphase...so if there's any tutorial03:49
CostaRicanQuakeron the alternate cd?03:49
intelikeyCostaRicanQuaker yeah03:49
CostaRicanQuakerwill i have a partitioner?03:49
CostaRicanQuakerif i chooes the whole harddrive03:49
CostaRicanQuakeras in erase and create new partition03:49
CostaRicanQuakerwill i be able to then run the windows install03:50
dauoalagiowhere is the system settings config file?03:50
CostaRicanQuakerand reinstall windows and have the windows cd make its own partition03:50
intelikeyi haven't see the cli installer sense hoary  but probably.03:50
gradehey guys thanx 4 the help :D03:50
dauoalagiowhere is the system settings config file?03:50
CostaRicanQuakeris there some sortof tutorial on how to install manually?03:50
intelikeydauoalagio /usr/share/kde*   ????03:51
dauoalagiointelikey: is that where the font config is written to? I'm trying to edit the font size through CLI03:51
intelikeydauoalagio or the ~/.kde*03:51
dauoalagiointelikey: it's not under .kde03:51
intelikeydauoalagio err  ask Jucato03:51
dauoalagiois Jucato here?03:52
dauoalagioJucato: you here?03:52
* Jucato is gone again03:53
intelikeythanks Jucato03:53
dauoalagiothank you@03:53
dauoalagioJucato: that doesn't have the settings for font size.03:55
intelikeyyes it does.   search fonts03:56
intelikeyor font03:56
intelikeylike   font=DejaVu Sans,12,-1,5,50,0,0,0,0,003:56
intelikeythe 12 is the size   no ?03:56
Jucatoor *Font=DejaVu....03:57
* Jucato double checks03:57
dauoalagioJucato: all mine says is update_info03:57
intelikeyin section    [General]03:57
dauoalagioJucato: the issue is that i just installed kde kubuntu and the font size is easily over 100.  it won't let me get to system settings to fix it.03:58
Jucatodauoalagio: have you changed your fonts before?03:58
wastrelwhat's the kubuntu photo viewer?03:58
dauoalagioJucato: no it's fresh.  and it's under .kde4 because im on kde4.  just so you know incase it makes a differenec03:58
wastrellike fspot but not broken03:58
Jucatodauoalagio: yes it would make a difference :/03:59
intelikeywont let you ?    move the window with the mouse ?     alt+left_mouse    drag window03:59
dauoalagioJucato: yeah I am under that file in .kde403:59
Jucatowastrel: digikam or gwenview03:59
wastrelfor kde4 which?03:59
dauoalagioJucato: it only has [$Version]03:59
intelikeynow he says kde403:59
Jucatodauoalagio: well basically that file starts as a bit empty until you change some settings, then that file gets filled03:59
dauoalagioJucato: how can i edit the fonts then?  what is the font config line?04:00
intelikey!kde4 | dauoalagio and for the record.04:00
ubott2dauoalagio and for the record.: KDE 4.0.5 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. Packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-4.0.5.php - Support in #kubuntu-kde404:00
Jucatodauoalagio: and see intelikey's tip on how to move a window04:00
Jucatoeven if the window borders go beyond the screen, you can still move it04:00
intelikeydauoalagio like i said   add the section   [General]   and below it add the line    font=DejaVu Sans,12,-1,5,50,0,0,0,0,0     or   font=DejaVu Sans,8,-1,5,50,0,0,0,0,004:01
dauoalagioJucato: I tried asking kubuntu-kde4 and I know how to move the windows around.  I go into settings and go to appearance but the window freezes.  It makes me terminate it.  Thats why Im doing it under CLI04:01
wastrelso gwenview seems to be for photo viewing, does it have catalog management or is that more a digikam thing?04:02
* intelikey thinks it's not frozen but the popup window is not seen. alt+tab04:02
Jucatowastrel: more a digikam thing04:03
nitinintelikey: the work of win32codecs is same as that of libxine-ffmpeg which enables to play popular audio and video formats04:03
intelikey"popular" nitin ?     not popular around here.  we like free formats.04:03
wastrel3 < Jucato> wastrel: more a digikam thing04:04
wastrel23:03 < nitin> intelikey: the work of win32codecs is same as that of libxine-ffmpeg which enables to play popular audio and video formats04:04
intelikeyyou mean "restricted formats"  not popular04:04
Jucatonitin: not exactly. "the same" in general, but the specific formats supported are very different04:04
* intelikey wonders if wastrel's paste was an oops, or had a meaning ?04:05
wastrelhrm sorry yes that was a mis-click04:06
intelikeythought it must be.04:06
dauoalagiointelikey: if it's a pop up wouldnt it show up in my taskbar?04:07
wastreldidn't even notice til you hilighted my nick :]  busy trying to figure out how to import my photos into digikam04:07
intelikeydauoalagio ummm   not sure in kde404:07
Jucatodauoalagio: no. not the system settings ones04:08
intelikeyah there you have it.04:08
dauoalagiointelikey: so alt-tab wouldn't be the issue.04:08
intelikeyerrr i mean   "thar ya have it."04:08
dauoalagioJucato: i added the [General] with the font thing that intelikey put but it did nothing after a re-login04:09
intelikeyalt-tab should show you what is avalable.  and might reviel if it is a popup   po pup  or pop up04:09
dauoalagiointelikey: there is only one window >_>04:10
intelikeyok.   file a bug04:10
intelikey!but | dauoalagio04:10
ubott2Factoid but not found04:10
intelikey!bug | dauoalagio04:11
ubott2dauoalagio: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots04:11
intelikeyso sawly bloss04:11
dauoalagiointelikey: there is no bug.  the font config just needs to be rewritten or written, apparently.04:12
intelikeythat  would indeed be a bug.04:12
intelikey  dauoalagio    you can also add   fixed=DejaVu Sans Mono,12,-1,5,50,0,0,0,0,004:12
intelikeytaskbarFont=DejaVu Sans,12,-1,5,50,0,0,0,0,004:13
intelikeytoolBarFont=DejaVu Sans,12,-1,5,50,0,0,0,0,004:13
dauoalagiointelikey: there are no fixed fonts that i am dealing with.04:13
intelikeymenuFont=DejaVu Sans,12,-1,5,50,0,0,0,0,004:13
intelikeydauoalagio that kde3 but fonts "should" be the same04:14
intelikeyand i'll quit there.04:14
* dauoalagio wants to take this outside04:16
intelikeyya mean throw down ?04:17
intelikeyman if that's what ay mean.  i'll do a drive by cussin' on yo **s    </tough act>04:18
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intelikeyyah  howdy04:29
intelikeythat user name is that a half a word ?04:29
moshehi, every time i take out a wifi pc card, ubuntu freezes - how do i stop the device to remove it safely?04:32
drbrownis anyone aware of of keyboard issue which causes the arrow keys when held down to input corresponding numbers? as in > types a 6?  These arrow keys are not part of the Num pad either04:32
intelikeymoshe pcmciautils might help you ?04:34
intelikeymoshe or possably k network manager04:34
albuntumoshe knetworkmanager is perfect in hardy so try it04:36
intelikeyperfect ?04:37
moshe_didn't help ifconfig wlan0 down04:37
albuntuintelikey i ment i like it :) i had no problem with it04:37
moshe_albuntu: you mean to turn off the interface?04:37
intelikeyiwconfig ?04:38
moshe_iwconfig doesn't turn on or off04:38
wastrelifdown wlan004:38
albuntumoshe if you want to disable it try to disable it in system settings if thats what you mean04:39
moshe_albuntu: no i was trying to disable right before removing the pc card04:39
moshe_so the box won't freeze04:39
wastrelyeah maybe rmmod the kernel module04:40
wastrelthat's a nasty sort of problem :/04:40
mr---t-right click on the network icon, options , disable wireless04:41
intelikeymoshe pcmciautils might help you ?   <<<  you looked thar ?04:41
moshe_ifdown: interface wlan0 not configured04:41
moshe_intelikey: going to try now04:41
Moonstormcan i drop kde3 and do a full upgrade to kde4 and still have a functioning system?04:42
moshe_intelikey: pccardctl eject doesn't do anything..04:43
intelikeyMoonstorm define functioning system04:43
Moonstormwell, like my kde3 system04:44
intelikeyMoonstorm then    no04:45
pumpkinI'm new to ubuntu, is anyone willing to help?04:45
intelikeypumpkin i can't help you be new to it, you already are.04:46
intelikeypumpkin do you have a real question ?04:47
pumpkinlol, good point04:47
pumpkinyes i do have a real question04:47
pumpkini just realized i'm using a really old version of ubuntu and that's why i can't get many things to work04:47
pumpkincan i just update or do i have to do a complete reinstall?04:48
wastrelyou can update but you have to use the proper method04:48
pumpkinold like 2. something04:48
intelikeypumpkin    first what version.     lsb_release -a04:49
n3klHi.  What do I need to do to get wpa to request a dhcp address?  I am using kubuntu 8.04 kde4 packages with wpa_supplicant and knetworkmanager.  Don't know if running both causes a problem.04:49
pumpkinlol, i honestly don't know, I'm really new to this04:49
intelikeythere's no such thing as 2. ubuntu    started in 404:49
pumpkini was looking at the boot screen04:50
pumpkinit's a couple of years old04:50
wastrelpumpkin: do you know how to open a terminal (command line) window?04:50
intelikeypumpkin open a konsole.   type in    lsb_release -a04:50
wastrel6.06 is dapper iirc04:52
intelikeydapper drake.04:52
intelikeyok you need to just reinstall with a hardy install dvd04:52
wastrelyou can upgrade from dapper04:52
wastrelreinstalling might be easier however :]04:52
wastrelmy current box at work has been upgraded since dapper04:53
intelikeytoo many hops to update without issue04:53
pumpkinokay, thats what i was afraid of lol04:53
wastrelactually isn't dapper->hardy explicitly supported as LTS->LTS ?04:53
pumpkini'm not sure04:54
intelikeyerr sorry misread that04:54
wastreli was thinking you'd need to hop through edgy->feisty->hardy like i did :]04:55
pumpkinthis is something i'm very new to so i've spent a lot of time reading the manual online and stuff04:55
intelikeyboth are lts  in gnome  but not in kde only dapper is04:55
pumpkini have kde04:55
intelikeyanyway.  easiest hoop for you to jump through pumpkin is a clean install.04:56
pumpkinokay, i can do that04:56
wastrelyeah that's probably the best idea04:57
pumpkini'm also trying to get slackware off of the computer04:57
pumpkini never use it04:57
intelikeypumpkin you can "if there are seperated out   keep your old home.04:57
n3klI have taken an interfaces and a wpa_supplicant.conf file directly from a working debian config and installed them in kubuntu 8.04 KDE4.  Now when I boot, wpa_supplicant auto connects to the correct network of choice, but does not grab a dhcp address.  What Should I be doing differently?  http://www.pastebin.ca/1059653  <-- interfaces file.04:57
intelikeypumpkin good. you have a slack install  if the partition/disk is >4g you can just overwrite the slack install with your new ubuntu and kill three flees with one scratch04:58
pumpkini have 40 for slack and 40 for unbuntu04:59
wastreln3kl: try changing manual to dhcp  on the iface ath0 line :]05:00
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n3klwastrel: is that a debian -> ubuntu thing?  The docs state differently, which is the only reason I left it.05:02
wastreln3kl:  i don't know, just think it might be worth trying.  you're not getting dhcp so presumably dhclient isn't running?05:04
wastrelyou can set the interface to use dhcp ... :]05:04
wastrelwhat if you bring up the interface and run dhclient manually05:04
intelikey http://www.isc.org/products/DHCP05:06
intelikeywhy apt  Ign http://archive.ubuntu.com dapper-updates Release  ?05:07
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intelikeyreset: standard error: Invalid argument05:14
nitinwhat is bitmap font05:14
intelikeyheh.  samba has updates.   samba is something that have never used and probably never will.05:16
intelikeyone would have to run M$ os to need/use samba   no ?05:16
wastrelyou can use samba linux<->linux05:16
intelikeywastrel ok.    but why would one ?05:17
n3klwastrel: Ok.  I have set dhcp, and now the system is not connecting to the proper network.05:17
n3klif I do ps aux | grep dhcp, I see that dhclient is started on the correct interface, so that is a good sign.05:18
wastreln3kl: you can set the network with iwconfig05:19
wastreliwconfig essid <network>05:19
n3kliwconfig *ath0* essid network05:19
n3klbut, yes, I know.  The point is to have the system to connect at boot, not manually.05:19
n3klWhat else do you think might be causing this?05:20
n3kldoes wpa-roam exist on ubuntu?05:20
wastreldunno, i'm not actually very conversant with wireless configuration.  still a bit of a black art as far as i'm concerned.  you can put wireless-essid <essid>   in your ath0 config in the interfaces file05:21
wastrelto connect with the proper network.05:21
n3klwhat about it05:22
n3klwastrel: well, thanks for the response at lease.  First I have gotten in teh #*ubuntu channels =]05:24
intelikeyn3kl if you can't get it from here.  you can try ##linux   some times you get lucky thre.05:26
wastreli keep meaning to fix my wifi yes to work on boot05:26
wastrelbut i'm lazy and let network manager do it for me nowadays05:26
n3klYeah, but this is a ubuntu specific thing.  I have been using linux for many years.  Thus, #kubuntu05:27
geegahow to get the sound icon in the taskbarr05:27
n3klIs there a "defacto" place for all things ubuntu or something?  WHere can I get help?05:27
geegavolume controller05:27
wastrel#ubuntu is the "correct" place ,but it's a zoo nowadays.05:28
geegai am using kubuntu 8.005:28
n3klgeega: try kmix05:28
nitinis there a way to get bitmap fonts?05:28
wastrelhelp.ubuntu.com but it's not going to go into the gory details of the interfaces file.05:28
intelikeyn3kl still worth a shot ;/05:28
wastrelmaybe the mailing list but i think you're going to need a general document on wpa_supplicant voodoo05:28
wastreli can configure a network for wep in intefaces05:29
n3klintelikey: alright... thanks05:29
wastrelbut wpa i haven't figured out yet.05:29
n3klwastrel: well, when you figure it out, you let me know05:29
wastrelok, talk to you in 2015 :]05:29
geegasomething i am done05:30
intelikeytwenty fifteen that is.05:30
geegamy task bar is gone.. i have only desktop workspaces and time kind off05:31
geegawhat to do . to get back the task bar05:31
intelikeyright click / add applet05:31
geegawhen i do that05:32
geegai can see only add widget and panel settins05:32
geegaboth are not helping05:32
geegai am in kubuntu 8.005:32
geegai don't like kubuntu 8.0 :((05:32
intelikey!kde4 | geega05:33
intelikeythere is no kubuntu 8.005:33
intelikeythere is no month 005:33
geegaok i am using kde405:34
geegais that any way to get it back the task bar05:34
intelikeyrelease cycles are   year.month05:34
intelikeykubuntu 2008.0405:34
intelikeythe bot is not around when you need it.05:35
intelikeyfor the record.: KDE 4.0.5 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. Packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-4.0.5.php - Support in #kubuntu-kde405:35
intelikeystreight out of the bots mouth ^ that is.05:36
nitinintelikey: where can i get bitmap font, any idea?05:37
intelikeynitin apt-cache search fonts | grep bitmap05:39
intelikeynitin my guess would be that you have "some" bitmap fonts already installed,  and some truetype05:40
intelikeymy second guess would be that for a definition of "bitmap fonts" wikipidia.org would beet google.com 2:105:41
intelikeynitin anything else while i'm here ?05:42
intelikeybut google hates me anyway. so i may be biased.05:44
neptunepinkyo peeps, I've got an issue.05:48
intelikeynitin apt-cache search fonts | grep bitmap05:48
intelikeymy second guess would be that for a definition of "bitmap fonts" wikipidia.org would beet google.com 2:105:48
Becker_11<Becker_11> I've just done a fresh install of kubuntu and adept has wanted to install over 100 updates which I okayed. the install has stopped at 92% while "configuring new version ssl-cert" what should I do it hasn't advanced in over 6hours ??05:49
intelikeyneptunepink congrats,   i used to have one of those  ;/05:49
neptunepinkNone of my hard drives can be accessed from my main computer. They aren't detected by the bios. I've tried plugging them in with both IDE cables. I know the hard drives aren't broken, as they work on another computer05:49
neptunepinkintelikey: I hope it didn't have to do with "yo"05:49
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neptunepinkAnd I *think* this started while the computer is running.05:50
Becker_11<Becker_11> I've just done a fresh install of kubuntu and adept has wanted to install over 100 updates which I okayed. the install has stopped at 92% while "configuring new version ssl-cert" what should I do it hasn't advanced in over 6hours ??05:50
intelikeyneptunepink :)     no it had to do with being the wrong type ide cable    and yes there are two  that plug just alike.05:51
neptunepinkBecause I was just using it, (Over NX, 'cause that's my thing) and it froze. Responded to ping, all that...05:51
neptunepinkintelikey: Oh? Uhm...05:51
neptunepinkintelikey: Well, I tried it with the cable that usually goes to the optical drives...05:52
intelikeyneptunepink at least that's worth looking into.05:52
neptunepinkintelikey: There's some that have a twist in them, isn't there? Maybe I'm thinking of floppy cables...05:52
intelikeyneptunepink what i'm saying (mind you i'm lagging pretty badly)   is that the "old style" ide cables wont support the new drives.      i don't recall the specs but the bus speed is the reason.05:54
neptunepinkBecker_11: I don't think there's anything you can do except to close it. You'll need to ask someone what to do after that.05:54
Becker_11neptunepink great05:54
intelikeyneptunepink yeah floppy cables have a twish in the second stage.   but that's not relavent05:55
eiliiiok this might be a strang question ... where is the config file for the kmenu ... you know how you can edit that menue and organize it the way you like it ... i would like to find that file and cp it to an other box ...05:55
intelikeyBecker_11 the what to do after that is     sudo dpkg --configure -a && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade05:55
intelikeyneptunepink the bot is  asleep05:55
neptunepinkokay then...05:56
neptunepinkubott2: You suck. I want the old ubotu back05:56
Becker_11intelikey thanks for that05:56
neptunepinkubott2: At least I could remember what your name is05:56
intelikeyeiliii ~/.kde/share/config/kmenu   errr no  ~/.kde/share/config/kicker maybe    not really sure.05:57
neptunepinkintelikey: Well, barring cables, any idea what the problem might be? Any pointers that don't start with G or 0x? (/me thinks ide controller, whatever that is. Is there a way to replace it?)05:58
intelikeyBecker_11 welcome.05:58
neptunepink#kubuntu is so much more helpful than #ubuntu. All the smart people must use KDE05:59
intelikeyneptunepink heh  that don't start with 0x80  :)))    one.  you might look into hdparm    it can do neet tricks with drives.    oh   wait.     sudo modprobe ide-disk06:00
intelikeyneptunepink then    lsmod | grep ide06:00
eiliiiintelikey: no found it in ~/.config/menus/06:00
neptunepinkah, but I can't boot up from a hard disk ;)  I don't know about the optical drives, I will have to take a look at them...06:01
intelikeyand pastebin it's output06:01
eiliiibut thanks anyway intelikey :)06:01
intelikeyeiliii kew!06:01
* neptunepink takes notes06:01
intelikeyneptunepink you can boot a live CD   ?06:02
intelikeyneptunepink how new old is the box we are talking about ?06:03
intelikey                     /06:03
neptunepinkintelikey: no idea, I suspect if it won't work with hard drives, it won't work with cds. I think it's oh, gosh, 5-6 years old?06:03
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intelikeyneptunepink try to boot a live cd    see what it does.06:04
neptunepinkright, at some point in time I shall. :)06:04
intelikeyalso   if someone has gorked your nvram  you might get into bios setting and change something (auto detect a disk maybe) and save changes then try it.06:05
neptunepinkoh, wow, now there's a really good idea!06:05
eiliiilinuxwizard is now known as lizard lol06:05
neptunepinkintelikey: err, someone?06:05
* intelikey doesn't like to talk about nvram as it incites riot06:06
neptunepinknuxw had joined this channel06:06
neptunepinkintelikey: I don't know anything about nvram. :)06:06
ilya_I try to compile brlcad.org from source, command make interrupts few times... My question is wether "make" or "gnu make" is the same as automake 1.9?06:06
neptunepinkmake isn't the same as automake06:07
neptunepinkYou use automake on sources that you get from cvs, IIRC06:07
intelikeyneptunepink good,  stay out of it.   we'll all sleep better  !06:07
intelikeyilya_ also install "build-essential"   and see if that helps.06:08
ilya_yes, I have already installed it, but...06:08
neptunepinkilya_: then install automake. :P06:09
PogonipHow do I stop my system from automatically starting my mythtv user during boot up?  Mythtv isn't working so my system keeps restarting and I want to login as my other user.06:09
* intelikey remembers formatting nvram and mounting it... (kids don't try this at home!) kind of thing.06:10
ilya_In fact I haven't got anything from tarball yet,.. That time I had installed all 'autyomakes' from repositoy06:10
neptunepinkintelikey: That sounds like something I'd want to try. ;)06:10
eiliiiPogonip: do you have an entry in ~/.kde/Autostart/ for mythtv?06:10
intelikeyPogonip ?   you mean autologin ?    kdm or kdm-kde4 ?06:10
PogonipNot sure, I can06:10
eiliiiPogonip: ?? can i what ???06:11
intelikeyneptunepink heh.  the box forgot how to save bios settings     :)   is that something you'd like to see yours do ?06:11
PogonipNot sure, I can't get this thing to stop long enough to figure out what system it's booting to.  probably kdm06:12
neptunepinkintelikey: Maybe not. Perhaps you can set up an offset... how big is nvram? KBs?06:12
intelikeyPogonip at the grub prompt (boot menu)   edit your kernel line and add   1   to the end of it.06:13
PogonipWhat will the 1 do?06:13
eiliiiPogonip: you might want to log in via console ... on the log in screen press ctrl+alt+f1 and log on ... check if mythtv is in .kde/Autostart/06:13
ilya_Is it 'normal', that ReiserFS on 70 Gb's partition has eaten 1Gb of RAM?06:14
intelikeyneptunepink depends on the bios and the nvram initial size     one probably could setup an offset    but the size is small at best.   a few k   20k would be big06:14
intelikeyPogonip boot you to a root shell06:15
neptunepinkHmm, I wonder how big grub is...06:15
PogonipCntr+alt+f1, that's what I need.  It's been awhile since I longed in to Ubuntu and I couldn't figure out how to get to the consule.  Thank you.06:15
neptunepinkilya_: We don't use that filesystem anymore.06:15
ilya_Why?!! it seems 2 be the fastest?!!06:16
intelikeyPogonip in that root console userdel your user that is hosed  (it will not erase the home dir nor contents)  and set a root passwd    then exit06:16
neptunepinkilya_: Because the author killed his wife? Also, he named it after himself, which is pretty suspect.06:17
sigma_12besides adept and synaptic what can i use for package management?06:17
intelikeyPogonip and if my replys seem incohearant   i'm lagging about 30 seconds.06:17
ilya_Maybe, his wife was a bad one ;-). We don't need to discuss slimy stories...06:18
intelikeyilya_ eaten ram ?06:18
neptunepinkintelikey: Stop torrenting!06:18
=== Killerfox|Away is now known as Killerfox512
Jucatoilya_: what does ReiserFS have to do with RAM?06:18
Jucato(or more precisely, how are you determining that it's the filesystem that's eating RAM?)06:18
intelikeysigma_12 apt-get aptitude dselect06:18
ilya_yes, just because reyserfs, 1.700 Mb of RAM (no swap i have) was "deactivated"06:18
intelikeyneptunepink it's not.  it's a file transfer but it's not a torrent.06:18
neptunepinksure, sure.06:19
Jucatoilya_: I seem to have trouble understanding your sentence06:19
intelikeyJucato yeah that's my Q06:19
intelikeyilya_ ?06:20
intelikeyyou no will to engrish ?06:21
ilya_Well, reiserfs is the fastest, but it takes a Gb of Ram 4 each 60 Gb of partition while I like to use no swap, and i have only 2 Gb of RAM for 3D modelling and fem/fea06:21
neptunepinkilya_: You could unmount it. :P06:21
intelikey"reiserfs is the fastest, but it takes a Gb of Ram" <<< based on what ?06:21
neptunepinkOoooo, now there's an idea... mount filesystems only when you're accessing them06:22
intelikey^5 neptunepink06:22
Jucatoilya_: the filesystem used doesn't have anything to do with how much RAM is used... there is no relation. no filesystem will take an amount of RAM based on how large the partition is06:22
Jucato(if it does, this would be the first time I've ever heard of such a thing)06:22
neptunepinkintelikey: Well, I was thinking of at the software level. Kindof like laptop hard drives, where they spin down06:22
intelikeyneptunepink M$ did that with dos-106:23
neptunepinkThink of all the electricity you could save.06:23
ilya_on my previous installation 2 asus laptop06:24
neptunepinkeven better idea: the computer turns itself off when you're not using it. :P06:24
neptunepinkNow, if the computer went into suspend mode, but woke up on ssh connections.. that would be pretty amazing.06:24
ilya_seriously, few years ago i saw words "the miracles of productivity on server systems - about reiserfs", and in new laptop, i wanted 2 use it... Finally i have installed /root to 15 Gb 'place'... Not so much comfortable...06:24
intelikey<neptunepink> Think of all the electricity you could save. <<< not!   takes more to spin them back up every 10 seconds than to keep them whearling.    accessing includes read and write...06:25
neptunepinkai noes. :]06:25
ilya_Is there a way 2 go 2 Suspend Mode and 2 stay connection to cell phone alive? Do i need to configure it thru files and scripts instead of KPPP in this case?06:26
neptunepinkilya_: #kubuntu-aol :P06:27
Jucatoilya_: can you please type in complete words?06:27
Jucato(ha! bot's gone)06:27
neptunepinkI know, now we actually have to tell people how to fix their problems. So lame.06:27
intelikeybeen gone for hours.06:27
ilya_to jucato: so, my case was: 'no swap' + fast journaling file system06:27
intelikeyi mean  been gone 4 hours 206:28
* Jucato kicks intelikey in the groin06:28
Jucatoilya_: it still has nothing to do with RAM being used *because* of reiserfs06:28
* intelikey slips a firecracker under Jucato 's shoe and lights it.06:28
Jucatointelikey: you do know that the firecracker's gonna hit you in the groin, right?06:28
intelikeyother shoe06:29
neptunepink:o If I get a new hard drive, I want to have my home be mounted across both hard disks06:29
intelikeyneptunepink unionfs06:30
neptunepinkI thought unionfs was more for writing readonly media.06:30
xjohnthomasxhey can anyone help me get my wireless settings to work again.. i did a synaptic fix broken headers thing, and now they dont work, and the network-admin program doesnt even recognize that there is a wireless card.. though the restricted drivers seem to recognize that there is a restricted driver which sees a intel proset wireless card.. argghhh.. it was working fine the last months, and now in the last five minutes it st06:31
Viking667Got a weirdo question for you lot. my wife's machine (which I'll refer to as zoom) has two panels (top/bottom). When she starts up, the top row of icons appear somewhat obscured by the panel, yet they shift down from under the panel when she does a "Organise by Name" from the Icons context menu on the desktop.06:31
ilya_but reiserfs is a journalling file system, and it was created for server systems, before next my attempt, i guess it was reiserfs. what has taken 1.7 Gb of RAM just in new, 'naked' Kubuntu 8.04 installation06:31
Viking667What I'm trying to get is for those icons to STAY where they're put. Not shift back up on the next login. I've also turned on "Lock icons in place".06:32
akumaquihola alguien que hable español06:32
neptunepinkakumaqui: #kubuntu-es06:32
JucatoViking667: I have a feeling you're using Gnome/Ubuntu?06:32
Viking667no, kubuntu. Hardy.06:32
* Jucato wonders since when KDE had 2 panels an an "Organize by name" in the context menu...06:33
xjohnthomasxjucato can you help me with mywireless when youre done there06:33
intelikeyilya_ i seriously doubt that anything has eaten a gig of ram on your system.    i also doubt that english is your first language06:33
Viking667Jucato: hang on a mo. I'll peel the exact names, seeing as I'm pullingthis from memory at the moment.06:33
Jucato!ram | ilya_06:33
intelikeyilya_   http://ubuntu.pastebin.us/?show=d5b3fd74e06:33
Jucatoxjohnthomasx: sorry. I'm not exactly good with wireless06:33
geegahow to install kde3 from kde406:33
Jucatoer.. stupid I forgot no bot heheh06:34
JucatoViking667: well, KDE doesn't have a 2-panel setup either. only Gnome does. unless of course you set it up that way06:34
* Viking667 goes and refills his helmet with hot tea.06:34
Jucatogeega: install "kubuntu-desktop"06:34
geegado we need to install kde-core too06:34
neptunepinkJucato: Can you do long division without a calculator? ;)06:34
intelikeygeega no06:34
geegaonly kubuntu-desktop06:35
intelikeygeega the kubuntu-desktop is a meta package, and all you'll need06:35
Jucatoneptunepink: huh what? O.o06:35
Viking667I set it up that way, as wife wanted stuff at top and stuff at bottom. Panel at bottom contains kicker, system tray, and some quicklaunch thing. Top panel contains launch icons plus clock plus a couple of other things... I'll get to those in a moment.06:35
Jucatoilya_: "A quick FAQ on Memory Management: http://gentoo-wiki.com/FAQ_Linux_Memory_Management For Lubos Lunak's desktop memory usage comparison, see: http://ktown.kde.org/~seli/memory/desktop_benchmark.html"06:35
intelikeyPanel at bottom contains kicker <<< classic :)06:35
Viking667Right. Desktop=> ContextMenu=>Icons=>Sort Icons=>By Name...06:36
ilya_i\m going 2 the link, and, really, I had not even studied english well...06:36
Viking667intelikey: well, she's been using kubuntu since ... oo... Feisty.06:36
intelikeyViking667 sorry for the rude chuckle but kicker is the pannel06:36
Viking667Yeah, I know.06:37
neptunepinkJucato: Err, like those new math students who are dependant on the calculator to do the math, you/everyone is dependant on the ubott2 to give answers to support questions in the #ubuntu channels?06:37
Viking667but are there TWO kickers, in that case? (And what the **** is katapult?)06:37
Jucatoneptunepink: you can't expect me to have a memory the size of ubottu's database do you?06:37
intelikeyno not two kickers  but kicker displaying high and low06:37
neptunepinkViking667: It's a program that gives you quick access to programs (and files). You press alt-space (or w/e) and type the name, and it auto-completes it for you06:38
intelikeyi setup a kde one time with 6 pannels06:38
intelikeywent all around the screen06:38
Jucatointelikey: me too. none of them have 100% width :)06:38
intelikeyJucato right.06:38
neptunepinkMy goodness.06:38
xjohnthomasxintelikey  youre good with wireless.. arent you.. i think ive talkedto you before.. for some reason i have a weird wireless problem.. itw as working fine on my laptop running ubuntu feisty 7.04.. and i did a synaptic fix broken headers thing.. and then the wireless stopped working and it isnt even being seen in my network admin program.. just wired and roaming.. or whatevre..06:39
* Jucato prepares to kick intelikey again in case he redirects to me06:39
intelikeyxjohnthomasx first assumption is incorrect, and thus the rest is moot.06:39
intelikeybut Jucato is a netowrking guru  :)))06:39
* intelikey </dodges>06:39
* Jucato goes kick intelikey in the groin06:40
* Jucato dons firecracker-proof shoes06:40
Tm_Th i kids06:41
JucatoViking667: anyway, yeah, desktop icon placement is very finicky in KDE 3... unfortunately, I don't know if it has a fix at all06:41
intelikeyxjohnthomasx we may have talked indeed,  but not about wifi    i have none, and thus it would be hard for me to learn about wifi06:41
xjohnthomasxjucato.. you said you didnt know about wireless.. can you please help me when you are done maybe06:42
Jucatoxjohnthomasx: yes I don't know about wireless, which is why I can't help06:42
intelikeyxjohnthomasx sorry.   me and Jucato have a standing joke about that.   if you read the content you'll see it.06:42
intelikeyi mean quite frankly   i just flat lied to you about Jucato knowing anything06:44
intelikeyworry.   anything about networking    ;/06:44
Viking667'm back.06:44
Viking667Are we STILL working on kde3? Yeesh.06:44
intelikeyViking667 <Jucato> Viking667: anyway, yeah, desktop icon placement is very finicky in KDE 3... unfortunately, I don't know if it has a fix at all06:45
Viking667I saw that, thank you. That's what prompted my comment.06:45
xjohnthomasxintelikey.. could you try to recommendsomeone who is hlepful instead of having childish fun at our expense.. we are trying seriouslyto use and propagate theuse of linux and ubuntu in the world.. and you are not helping with making jokes at our expense..06:46
* Viking667 starts up the package manager.06:46
intelikeyduely noted and recorded xjohnthomasx06:46
* eiliii giggles06:47
eiliiithat is a support # you are not supposed to have fun here :)06:47
intelikeyeiliii i know.   ops used to cook me for it.06:48
JucatoPress F1 for Help...06:48
Jucatomore details please?06:48
eiliiihelp is a starter06:49
Jucatoa "starter" implies something follows... right?06:49
Viking667just seems strange that under Feisty, the desktop icons behaved. Under Hardy, they don't seem to, yet we didn't change anything much aside from the distro (says him with his tongue in his cheek)06:49
* Jucato waits\06:49
JucatoViking667: I think the KDE version changed too06:49
Viking667... interesting. We have 4:3.5.9 here.06:50
Jucatoand in feisty?06:50
Viking667no idea, sorry.06:50
JucatoI think it would be 3.5.8 if not 3.5.7... anyway, it could be a bug. but I've never been able to get desktop icons to fall in line :)06:50
intelikeydapper is  KDE: 3.5.206:51
CostaRicanQuakerI erasked the whole partition and tried installing xubuntu from the alternate CD which i got from a torrent at the suggestion of someone after i couldn't install from the liveCD nor from the alternate i got from the website, didn't work, then i tried the other cd on which i burned the kubuntu alternate  and it also didn't work, specifically xubuntu said that these two operations couldn't be done: select and install software and build LTSP root06:51
CostaRicanQuaker, kubuntu gave me some error during "installing base system" so i tried an old kubuntu cd i had from canonical  version 5.10 didn't work, so i am on ubuntu right now, 5.10 to be specific it was the only one that worked also sent from canonical years ago06:51
* neptunepink hugs intelikey06:51
eiliiiwow thats something to chew on ... :)06:51
CostaRicanQuakerhelp, come from windows xp, i want to install xubuntu, but i don't even know how to download an image or burn it06:51
CostaRicanQuakeron this distro06:51
neptunepinkIt worked! :D I put the hard drive's cable in the place that was occupied by the cd drives06:52
ubott2Xubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels06:52
neptunepinkintelikey: Actually, never mind, it worked the way it was originally set up anways.06:53
CostaRicanQuakerso i can install xubuntu with all its programs from ubuntu without having to get an iso image and burn it and all of that?¿06:53
JucatoCostaRicanQuaker: yep. just install "xubuntu-desktop" from Ubuntu06:54
CostaRicanQuakerwhere? i mean i can't see konsole's homologue here06:54
CostaRicanQuakerwhere do i find the thingy where i type sudo etc06:54
intelikeyneptunepink heads up.   you pluged/repluged the ide cable.   and now it works.     first thought.  loose or dirty connection.   you may want to pay close attention to that now.06:54
intelikeyCostaRicanQuaker ctrl+alt+f1  will take you to a console.   and alt+f7 should bring you back to the gui06:56
eiliiiCostaRicanQuaker: ctrl+alt+f1 to log on a terminal06:56
intelikeyeiliii but it's kinda mean to not tell them where they parked their gui06:56
intelikeyyou'll leave them with the "reboot will fix anything" boobie hatch06:57
intelikeyeiliii i did that the first few times i tried to help someone find a console.   then learned what it was doing to them...   just thought you might like to know.06:59
CostaRicanQuakeri typed the alt comand you gave me06:59
CostaRicanQuakerand i didn't note the one to get back06:59
CostaRicanQuakermay i please have it again i'm going to write it down this time07:00
intelikeyCostaRicanQuaker ctrl+alt+f1  will take you to a console.   and alt+f7 should bring you back to the gui07:00
intelikeyCostaRicanQuaker a quick intro07:00
CostaRicanQuakerthen i type sudo...07:00
CostaRicanQuakeri forgot what i had to type to get xubuntu :(07:01
intelikeywhat you are doing is "switching tty's"    the gui by default runs in tty7    and tty's 1-6 by default are setup as login consoles.    you can also open other ttys  up to 256 of them.07:01
intelikeythe alt+<   or alt+>   will move one tty the dir you press   < being the left arrow and > the right.07:02
intelikeyyou can   shift+page_up   to see text that scrolls by to quickly in a console too.07:03
intelikeynow.    the command.    sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop07:03
intelikeyk ?07:03
intelikeyanything else ?07:03
CostaRicanQuakernot just yet, i'll be right back07:04
CostaRicanQuakerE couldnt' find package07:05
CostaRicanQuakerby the way07:05
CostaRicanQuakerthis is ubuntu 5.1007:05
CostaRicanQuakeri think that has something to do with it07:05
robotgeekwow, that is old.07:05
intelikeyalso of note.   the left alt key is assumed unless otherwise noted  because they are not the same the left and right alt keys   while left_alt+f1 will take you to tty1  right_alt+f1  would take you to tty13 if it were active.07:06
CostaRicanQuakeri know, that's the only thing that would actually install07:06
CostaRicanQuakerok so use left alt key07:06
sheppIve jut installed kubuntu 8.04  .. I want to install Sysnaptic       How ???07:07
intelikeyCostaRicanQuaker i think the repos are only on a "old releases" server now.07:07
eiliiiwow here is a giant helo around the sun ... !!!07:07
intelikeyJucato have the address for the 5.10 repos ?07:07
CostaRicanQuakerwhat do i do then?07:07
intelikeyCostaRicanQuaker if it was me. i'm upgrade it to 6.6 then install xubuntu-desktop07:08
Jucatointelikey: I'll try to look07:08
CostaRicanQuakeri will07:08
CostaRicanQuakerhow do i do that?07:08
intelikeyCostaRicanQuaker hold just a sec.07:08
CostaRicanQuakerthank you intelikey07:08
intelikeywhat was the codename of 5.10  was that breezy ?07:09
Jucatointelikey: seems like substitute "old-releases.ubuntu.com" for "archive.ubuntu.com"07:10
robotgeekshepp: you should be able to install it from adept.07:10
robotgeekintelikey: yes07:10
intelikeyJucato ok  ty.07:10
sheppNot there ??? Where do i point to ??07:10
Jucato(of course use "breezy" instead of "hardy" or whatever)07:10
intelikeyCostaRicanQuaker ok.  i'll make you a sources.list file  are you behind a firewall ?07:10
CostaRicanQuakeri think not, how do i check though?ç07:11
intelikeyjust a sec and i'll test it for you.07:12
CostaRicanQuakerhow do i type at? alt 64 doesn't work07:13
CostaRicanQuakershift +2 neither07:13
intelikeyCostaRicanQuaker check your irc clients other windows07:14
CostaRicanQuakerdid i accept?07:14
intelikeynot yet07:14
CostaRicanQuakerlet me clcik again07:14
CostaRicanQuakeri clicked several times07:14
CostaRicanQuakernothing happens07:14
philsfhello, when I delete emails in IMAP accounts in kmail, they go to the local trash, instead of the IMAP's one. How can I make kmail use the remote trash, for each account?07:15
intelikeytype in   /dcc get intelikey07:15
intelikeyor is it  /dcc get intelikey sources.list07:15
* intelikey thinks back to when just saying that would disconnect several in here...07:16
CostaRicanQuakerintelikey, does that mean i'm behind a firewall?07:18
=== root is now known as Damien
DamienDoes anyone know of a program that I can make techno-ish music with? Sort of like fruity loops for Windows07:19
intelikeyCostaRicanQuaker type in /exec gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list07:20
intelikeytell me what it does07:20
CostaRicanQuakertype it on here or type alt ctrl f1 ?07:20
intelikeystart with the slash07:20
intelikey/exec gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list07:21
CostaRicanQuakerit asked me for my password07:21
CostaRicanQuakerand something popped up07:21
intelikeyyou see lines like   deb http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ breezy main universe multiverse restricted07:21
intelikeywell they wont match that exactly but the same format07:22
intelikeyhmmm   what is in there ?07:22
CostaRicanQuaker here07:22
CostaRicanQuakerintelikey start with the slash07:22
CostaRicanQuakerintelikey /exec gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list07:22
CostaRicanQuaker (gedit:8821): GnomeUI-WARNING **: While connecting to session manager:07:22
CostaRicanQuaker Authentication Rejected, reason : None of the authentication protocols specified are supported and host-based authentication failed.07:22
CostaRicanQuakerthis poppped up right after i typed what you told me btw07:22
CostaRicanQuakerum...like a notepad with some options to save and such copy paste07:23
intelikeyhmm that's not the live CD running there is it ?07:23
* intelikey is now confused07:23
CostaRicanQuakerthere are two windows by the way07:23
CostaRicanQuakerand gedit07:23
CostaRicanQuakertheyre both empty07:24
CostaRicanQuakerlike the file is empty07:24
CostaRicanQuakerdo i close it?07:24
intelikeybut you have a gedit open   correct ?07:24
intelikeykeep it.07:24
CostaRicanQuakerhow about sources list?07:24
intelikeyclose it07:24
intelikeyin the gedit menu click file/open07:25
CostaRicanQuakerthat closed gedit too07:25
CostaRicanQuakerhow do i reopen gedit?07:25
* intelikey scratches bald spot...07:25
intelikey/exec gksudo gedit07:26
intelikeylets go that way07:26
CostaRicanQuakershould i type that?07:26
CostaRicanQuaker (gedit:8902): GnomeUI-WARNING **: While connecting to session manager:07:26
CostaRicanQuaker Authentication Rejected, reason : None of the authentication protocols specified are supported and host-based authentication failed.07:26
CostaRicanQuakertht popped on the channel07:26
CostaRicanQuakerand gedit open07:26
intelikeyok in it's menu  file/open07:27
intelikeynavigate to  /etc/apt/sources.list07:27
CostaRicanQuakernow what do i open07:27
* Viking667 kicks his sucky DSL modem again, and applies an aluminium bat to it, loaded with concrete core.07:27
intelikeyViking667 it's the agency doing it07:28
Viking667uhm.... neither the IRC server nor myself are even _in_ the flaming country concerning the Agency.07:28
intelikeywe're watching you   <.<    >,>07:28
* Viking667 so SO badly wishes he could do ASCII anims here.07:29
=== Cable is now known as dacableguy
intelikeyhehhe.   but don't07:29
Viking667imagine Kitt's LEDs moving, back and forth.07:30
shtoomHi, when I run d3lphin on hardy its taking forever to start and lot hard disk reading is going on07:30
CostaRicanQuakerit lists home file system07:30
CostaRicanQuakercd rom drive07:30
CostaRicanQuakercdrw drive07:30
intelikeythe  .. means up one dir07:30
CostaRicanQuakerand floppy drive07:30
CostaRicanQuakerso what do i do'07:30
intelikeystart in home  file system   and  .. .. /etc/apt/sources.list07:31
intelikeyerr are they sperate   home and  file system ?07:31
intelikeyfile system then...  if they are.07:31
=== dacableguy is now known as dacableguy86
CostaRicanQuakerso what do ido again? i didn't get the dots07:31
intelikeyyeah    file system   /etc/  /apt/07:32
intelikey sources.list  is the file you want to edit.07:32
CostaRicanQuakeri opened it07:32
intelikeyyou in it ?07:32
CostaRicanQuakerthere are lots of ··...hmm how do you type the number sign on this thing?07:33
intelikeydelete everything in it.07:33
CostaRicanQuakerdeb cdrom:[Ubuntu 5.10 _Breezy Badger_ - Release i386 (20051012)]/ breezy main restricted07:33
CostaRicanQuaker## Uncomment the following two lines to fetch updated software from the network07:33
CostaRicanQuaker# deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu breezy main restricted07:33
CostaRicanQuaker# deb-src http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu breezy main restricted07:33
intelikeydelete everything in it.07:33
CostaRicanQuakerthts what it says at the top07:33
intelikeydelete everything in it.07:33
CostaRicanQuakeri erase everything?07:33
intelikeydelete everything in it.07:33
=== dacableguy86 is now known as Cable
intelikeythen paste in this one line07:33
CostaRicanQuakeri erased every single line07:33
intelikeydeb http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ breezy main universe multiverse restricted07:33
intelikeypaste in that one line   ^07:34
CostaRicanQuakerok done07:34
intelikeysave and exit it07:34
CostaRicanQuakerok done07:34
intelikey/exec gnome-terminal07:35
shepp# deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu breezy main restricted07:35
shepp<CostaRicanQuaker> # deb-src http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu breezy main07:35
CostaRicanQuakerwait wait07:35
CostaRicanQuakerso what do i do now, i didn't get that? do i type exec gnome etc...on here or do i go to the blank screen?07:35
intelikey/exec gnome-terminal07:35
CostaRicanQuaker(gnome-terminal:9098): Gtk-CRITICAL **: gtk_accel_label_set_accel_closure: assertion `gtk_accel_group_from_accel_closure (accel_closure) != NULL' failed07:36
CostaRicanQuaker 07:36
CostaRicanQuaker (gnome-terminal:9098): Gtk-CRITICAL **: gtk_accel_label_set_accel_closure: assertion `gtk_accel_group_from_accel_closure (accel_closure) != NULL' failed07:36
CostaRicanQuakera window opened07:36
CostaRicanQuakerentitled sebastian at sebastian07:36
CostaRicanQuakeri am sebastian by the way nice meeting you07:36
intelikeyyou have a command prompt there ?07:36
intelikeyok.   in it.    sudo apt-get update07:36
CostaRicanQuakerit says done07:37
CostaRicanQuakerit "fetched"07:37
* intelikey wonders if he mentioned he doesn't use gnome nor any gui and never used 5.10 ...07:37
CostaRicanQuaker3017 kb07:37
intelikeyok.   in it.    sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop07:38
CostaRicanQuakerit sys 104 additional mb of hard drive will be used07:39
CostaRicanQuakerdo i want to continue?07:39
CostaRicanQuakery !07:39
intelikeyno it's true. i have never seen ubuntu 5.10    in fact i have only seen to releases   5.4 and 6.607:39
=== Cable is now known as Cable_
CostaRicanQuakerso you installed a way older ubuntu07:39
=== Cable_ is now known as Cable
intelikeyand of corse you did say    yes   to that Q did you not ?07:39
CostaRicanQuakerbut kept upgrading07:40
intelikeyupgrade ?   no.07:40
intelikeyi use the lts for a reason.07:40
CostaRicanQuakerthen how did you...go from 5.4 to07:40
intelikeywell i did upgrade that in one jump just to see how much trouble it caused   but clean install of 6.6 on most of my stuff07:41
intelikeyLTS==Long Term Support    ubuntu releases an lts release every few years.07:41
CostaRicanQuakerit's downloading a lot of stuff07:41
CostaRicanQuakerthe console?07:41
intelikeywhat about it ?07:41
intelikeythat's where i do most everything,  the console  yes.07:42
CostaRicanQuakeris that the name of the thingy that's getting xubuntu? isnt' it konsole or console07:42
CostaRicanQuakerunpacking setting up unpacking07:43
CostaRicanQuakerso you dont use your mouse at all?07:43
CostaRicanQuakerok it looks like it's done07:44
CostaRicanQuakeras it asks me for a comand again07:44
intelikeywell no.     what you are using there is a terminal emulator.    konsole (the kde terminal eumlator) and gnome-terminal which you are now seeing/using (the gnome terminal emulator) and xterm (i think is what xfce uses as a terminal emulator)  all provide a standard shell (bash)07:44
CostaRicanQuakerso what do i do now?07:45
intelikeyCostaRicanQuaker i do use the mouse.   gpm is the "general purpose mouse support package"   it makes the mouse work for copy and paste in the console.07:45
intelikeyCostaRicanQuaker one Q at a time.  i type slow.07:45
CostaRicanQuakeryes, i thank you rather for your patience, english isn't even my first language07:46
intelikeyCostaRicanQuaker you now logout.   "not reboot, just logout"   and at the login prompt you select the session and login back in.07:46
CostaRicanQuakeron the gnome terminal? or how do you mean?07:46
intelikeyi mean the entire gui.07:46
CostaRicanQuakerlike system07:46
CostaRicanQuakerlog out07:46
intelikeyirc  terminal and all  yes.07:47
CostaRicanQuakerso i log out and it will ask me ubuntu or xubbuntu07:47
intelikeyat the login prompt you can select the session07:47
CostaRicanQuakerand i can pick either?07:47
intelikeythere is a button you click it shows a menu07:47
CostaRicanQuakerok, i'll brb, don't go please07:47
* intelikey hides07:48
intelikeyah man and i have duty tomarrow too....07:48
CostaRicanQuakerintelikey: i made it my default thingy07:50
CostaRicanQuakernow i ahve a further question07:50
CostaRicanQuakerhow do i get rid of the gnome environment?07:50
intelikeyCostaRicanQuaker that's not too hard but the bot has the easy answer on that.  you can ask ubottu !purekde   tomarrow and it will tell you all about it.    just substitute xubuntu for kubuntu  in it's instructions.07:52
CostaRicanQuakerhow do you mean?07:53
intelikeyCostaRicanQuaker if you want to upgrade to hardy   (and i'm not sujesting it,  just saying you can try it if you want )   you'll have to edit that sources.list again.   and change to      deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ dapper main universe multiverse restricted07:53
CostaRicanQuakerno i mean, i want to stay with xubuntu07:53
intelikeyCostaRicanQuaker ! is a special char that attentions the irc robot "when its here"07:53
CostaRicanQuakerithought ubotu was always there07:54
intelikeythat ^ would tell you how to get rid of gnome07:54
intelikeyno it's down for repairs07:54
Cablerepairs eh?07:54
CostaRicanQuakernow i ahve a further question07:54
CostaRicanQuakerhow do i donload07:54
intelikeyit would sujest kubuntu-desktop  but you use xubuntu-desktop and the rest should work.07:55
CostaRicanQuakerdownload* an image file for my girlfriend07:55
ubottuIf you want to remove all !Gnome packages and have a default !Kubuntu system follow the instructions here « https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureKDE »07:55
CostaRicanQuakerto install xubuntu in her laptop07:55
intelikeyCostaRicanQuaker download ?    web-browser    is the normal way.07:55
intelikeyyou mean like   using dd to make an image of the partition and using ssh to transfer it ?07:56
CostaRicanQuakerif by dd you mean the...er...shell emulator?07:56
intelikeyno.  dd is a shell command07:57
intelikey       dd - convert and copy a file07:57
CostaRicanQuakerwait a sec please07:58
CostaRicanQuakeri'm a little lost07:58
intelikeyCostaRicanQuaker you will want to learn how to use "man pages"      open a terminal  and type in    man intro ;man man      and start reading.07:58
intelikeyCostaRicanQuaker i don't mean to be giving you "the bumbs rush"   but here's your coat and heres your hat what's your hurry... bye.          i really have to go,  i have duty tomarrow. also.07:59
crackheadanyone in here really good with wireless????08:00
CostaRicanQuakerintelikey: do you know the name of xubuntu's konsole?08:00
intelikeymaybe someone else can help you now.08:00
intelikeyCostaRicanQuaker either   xterm   or     x-terminal-emulator   should work.08:01
intelikeyi have to go.   shalom.08:01
CostaRicanQuakerpeace unto you too08:01
=== desti_T2 is now known as desti
geegahow to get theme manager in kubuntu kde 3.5.9 desktop08:23
geegai couldn't see in the appearance08:23
eiliiialt+f2 --> kcontrol geega08:29
* eiliii boots into xp to play ... sad but true .. 08:40
* philsf would like korganizer to keep several backups, like kaddressbook08:47
philsfis there a way to auto-remove duplicate entries in korganizer? I messed up the cal entries syncinc with the palm, and everything has two duplicates08:47
marsdtnhi all08:52
marsdtnhi all08:52
alexeiHi, why cannnot I log by SSH in by neither publick key authentification nor password in my newly installed Kubuntu box? Dont see no error messages in /var/log/messages.09:12
eiliiiwhat exactly happens if you try alexei09:12
alexeidebug1: Offering public key: /home/matveev/.ssh/id_rsa\ debug3: send_pubkey_test\ debug2: we sent a publickey packet, wait for reply\ debug1: Authentications that can continue: publickey,password09:14
alexeithats the output of ssh -vvv hostname09:14
eiliiitry ssh username@ip09:14
=== philsf_ is now known as philsf
eiliiithe username must be a user on the remote box09:15
philsfis there a way to auto-remove duplicate entries in korganizer? I messed up the cal entries syncinc with the palm, and everything has two duplicates09:15
alexeieiliii: Oh, I can indeed log-in as another user that is listed in remote /etc/passwd. But I cannot log in as myself --- a user from NIS/YP database.09:17
alexeiHow can I make SSH accept also the users that are not explicitly listed in /etc/passwd?09:17
tim_hi all09:18
ubunturos!hi | tim09:19
ubottutim: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!09:19
geegado we need to install compiz with beryl09:19
geegaor combiz is diff and beryl is diff09:19
geegacouldn't able to understand that09:19
flaccidgeega, yeah now its compiz fusion09:19
ubunturosgeega: compiz-fusion is a combination of it!09:19
eiliiialexei: as far as i know you can only log on an existing account ... so if there is no alexei account on the remote box you will not be able to log on sa alexei09:19
ubunturosgeega: if you are using 7.10 / 8.04 you'll  have compiz-fusion without the manager, if I'm not wrong09:19
geegaif i use combiz fusion.. i can able to rotate only window workspace..09:19
eiliii!compiz | geega09:19
ubottugeega: Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness from KMenu -> System -> Desktop Effects - further help in #compiz-fusion09:19
geegaalt+tab is not working at all09:20
tim_is there kubuntu sticker that come with it from SHIPIT???09:20
flaccidtim_, i didn't receive one this time09:20
geegaand title bar is going away when i start compiz fusion09:21
flaccidgeega, help is #compiz-fusion09:21
eiliiiask in #compiz-fusion geega09:21
flaccid!compiz-fusion geega ensure you have followed09:21
ubottuflaccid: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)09:21
flaccid!compiz-fusion | geega ensure you have followed09:21
ubottugeega ensure you have followed: Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness from KMenu -> System -> Desktop Effects - further help in #compiz-fusion09:21
flaccidoh they have changed it ah well09:21
alexeieiliii: I _am_ logged in as myself on that box with KDE on console. It's SSHD that does not accept network accounts for whatever reason.09:22
flaccidalexei, if you have set up other auth than the default pam with system accounts then you probably won't find much help here09:23
ubottuHi! I'm #kubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots09:28
CostaRicanQuakerhey guys i know its the wrong chatroom no one responds in the other one i'm on xubuntu and i can't create a folder on the front desktop09:28
CostaRicanQuakerand i can'tseem to be able to type the at sign and the number sign not even in the character map do i find them09:29
flaccidCostaRicanQuaker, we don't help with xubuntu here. but you can check permissions on /home/user and /home/user/Desktop09:29
CostaRicanQuakercan you exdplain that? check permissions?09:30
flaccidkde comes with a character map program09:30
flaccidCostaRicanQuaker, yes. in kde you can right click and goto properties to check permissions or do ls -ld ~09:30
eiliii_CostaRicanQuaker: ls -la ~/Desktop and see if you are the owner09:31
CostaRicanQuakerdo i type this into the shell?09:31
CostaRicanQuakeri mean terminal09:31
flaccideiliii_, the -d switch is needed09:32
CostaRicanQuakerer konsole09:32
ActionParsni1hey all09:32
flaccidCostaRicanQuaker, yes09:32
eiliii_yes CostaRicanQuaker09:32
CostaRicanQuakerhold on09:32
eiliii_and right flaccid09:32
flaccidbasically check ls -ld ~ and ls -ld ~/Desktop09:32
ActionParsni1is there a mobile phone with XUL connectivity. I use amarok via the web interface plugin and would like to control it via my next phone09:32
CostaRicanQuakeri can't type the little curly thing09:33
ActionParsni1I already have webmin and ktorrent web interface enabled so thats all ready09:33
flaccidCostaRicanQuaker, usually next to 1 shift + `09:33
ActionParsni1CostaRicanQuaker: ~09:34
ActionParsni1you mean that ^09:34
eiliii_or /home/username/09:34
flaccid~ = tilda09:34
ActionParsni1its called a tilde09:34
CostaRicanQuakerhow do i type it?09:34
flaccidflaccid> CostaRicanQuaker, usually next to 1 shift + `09:34
eiliii_shift + `09:34
ActionParsni1CostaRicanQuaker: i use shift + top left key, on UK keyboard its on the right09:34
ActionParsni1anyone know the keycode ?09:34
flaccidyou can also copy and paste from here to konsole etc.09:35
ActionParsni1that works too09:35
eiliii_~ is short for /home/youUserName/ CostaRicanQuaker09:35
flaccidwell $HOME/`whoami` :p09:36
ActionParsni1~/ == $HOME$09:36
flaccidoops i mean just $HOME09:36
becker_11hi I have renoved the applications menu widget from my kubuntu 8.04 instilation by mistake  how can I get it back pls??09:36
CostaRicanQuakerwhat was the command again09:36
flaccidbecker_11, wrong channel, goto #kubuntu-kde409:36
ActionParsni1i have an alias so i can type home at cli and it does clear; cd ~/; ls09:36
eiliii_ls -ld CostaRicanQuaker09:37
CostaRicanQuakersebastian@sebastian:~$ ls - la ~ /sebastian09:37
CostaRicanQuakerls: -: No such file or directory09:37
CostaRicanQuakerls: la: No such file or directory09:37
CostaRicanQuakerls: /sebastian: No such file or directory09:37
becker_11.04 instilation by mistake  how can I get it back pls??09:37
becker_11<CostaRicanQuaker> what was the command again09:37
becker_11<flaccid> becker_11, wrong channel, goto #kubuntu-kde409:37
becker_11<ActionParsni1> i have an alias so i can type home at cli and it does clear; cd ~09:37
eiliii_no space CostaRicanQuaker09:38
CostaRicanQuakerwhat does that mean?09:38
eiliii_ls - la ~/sebastian09:38
eiliii_ls - ld ~/sebastian09:38
flaccidCostaRicanQuaker, please use pastebin and keep in mind !enter. you need to do ls -ld ~; ls -ld ~/Desktop09:38
eiliii_ls - ld ~/sebastian/Desktop as well09:38
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about pastbin09:38
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)09:39
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about past09:39
CostaRicanQuakerhow do i open pastebin?09:39
* ActionParsni1 thinks ubottu should read some shistory books09:39
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)09:39
eiliii_CostaRicanQuaker: ^^09:40
ActionParsni1CostaRicanQuaker: go to the link, paste yor stuff, hit paste, copy the address in the address bar09:40
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about pastebinit09:40
flaccidpastebinit is a cli binary that needs to be installed, kind of makes things more complicated for novices :p09:40
eiliii_how to confuse a bot09:40
CostaRicanQuakerdid it work?09:41
ActionParsni1CostaRicanQuaker: you need to give us the link09:41
ActionParsni1flaccid: its sweet though :(09:41
eiliii_no CostaRicanQuaker you have to past the url here so we can see it09:41
flaccidActionParsni1, kind of09:41
CostaRicanQuakerhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/24163/ ?09:41
ActionParsni1CostaRicanQuaker: thats it09:41
ActionParsni1CostaRicanQuaker: use it lots for large texts09:41
flaccidCostaRicanQuaker, thats not the commands we pasted. you put a space in.09:42
CostaRicanQuakerwhere did i put the space?09:42
flaccidCostaRicanQuaker, ls -ld ~/Desktop09:42
flaccidbetween - and ld09:42
ActionParsni1ls - ld ~/sebastian should be ls -ld ~/Desktop09:43
ActionParsni1CostaRicanQuaker: you cant just throw spaces into commands it wont work dude :)09:43
eiliii_CostaRicanQuaker: use the <tab> to complete the path that way you will know if you do it right09:44
eiliii_~/De+<tab> will complete the path09:44
CostaRicanQuakerthats' what that commadn did09:45
CostaRicanQuakerso what do i do now?09:45
flaccidCostaRicanQuaker, hmm what does file ~/Desktop say ?09:46
CostaRicanQuakerif i type it into the konsole?09:47
ActionParsni1CostaRicanQuaker: the command is: file ~/Desktop09:47
flaccidi gtg run. catchyas09:47
CostaRicanQuaker/home/sebastian/Desktop: directory09:48
eiliii_drwxr-xr-x  3 sebastian sebastian well its a directory ActionParsni109:48
eiliii_that belonges to sebastian ... so he should be able to create new files ...09:49
CostaRicanQuakerso i type drwxr-xr-x into the thing?09:49
pookeyHi all - what's the correct current method to get 'wobbily windows' etc under ubuntu ?  the Xgl guide  on the community wiki says not to fololw it... and I'm not relaly sue Xgl is the technology I should be looking at either. Someone suggested compiz - I've enabled the desktop effcts in (KDE4's) settings, but they aren't working (they don't apper broken, they just aren't doing anything)09:49
eiliii_CostaRicanQuaker: cd Desktop; mkdir test does that create a folder called test?09:50
ActionParsni1pookey: have you installed your graphics driver?09:50
pookeyActionParsni1: I'm using nvidia drives with twinview09:50
CostaRicanQuakerapparently not09:51
eiliii_what is the error09:51
CostaRicanQuakersebastian@sebastian:~$ cd Desktop;mkdir test09:51
ActionParsni1pookey: have you installed compiz-fusion?09:52
ActionParsni1pookey: then run compiz --replace09:52
pookeyActionParsni1: ok, got it - thanks09:52
CostaRicanQuakersorry about that09:52
ActionParsni1pookey: if you lose windows decorators you need a line in your xorg.conf09:52
CostaRicanQuakereiliii: yes09:53
ActionParsni1pookey: it gets old really fast man. Its fairly worthless but for people who like a slow prety gui its bliss09:53
Spaceghostwhat version you recomended that me download?09:53
Spaceghost# Download Kubuntu 8.04 (Hardy Heron)09:53
Spaceghost or # Download Kubuntu 8.04 (KDE 4 Remix).09:53
pookeyActionParsni1: oh, it does slow down the gui a lot?   I just like expose style window switching09:53
eiliii_so now try the gui way ... right click on your desktop and create a new folder ... that should work as well09:53
Spaceghostkde 4 is the final version? or a beta?09:53
eiliii_so now try the gui way ... right click on your desktop and create a new folder ... that should work as well CostaRicanQuaker09:53
Spaceghosthave bugs?09:53
pookeyActionParsni1: I had a powerbook, I got so used to it :)09:53
AlgyzSpaceghost:  better download ubuntu and install kubuntu-desktop09:54
CostaRicanQuakereiliii: how? i don't see an option09:54
ActionParsni1pookey: like minimise effects etc, why care, I just want the thing out of my sight09:54
SpaceghostI prefer download the less mb that i can09:54
CostaRicanQuakeroh wait09:54
CostaRicanQuakeryou're right09:54
Spaceghostbecause my internet have a limit of trafic09:54
eiliii_CostaRicanQuaker: oh you are not using kde ...09:54
CostaRicanQuakereilii it created a new folder09:54
pookeyActionParsni1: yeah, I'm not so bothered about  that - just improved window switching , and task bar previews are pretty useful too IMO09:54
CostaRicanQuakerbut i had to go into desktop manager09:54
CostaRicanQuakerand there it is09:54
CostaRicanQuakerbut it's not on the actual desktop09:55
AlgyzSpaceghost:  then you'll get support for 36 mnth instead of 18 for kubuntu09:55
CostaRicanQuakerno i'm on xfce09:55
eiliii_sorry can't help then CostaRicanQuaker sorry use if i use gui kde ... nothing else ...09:55
ActionParsni1pookey: previews are cool, you can switch windows with alt-tab09:55
CostaRicanQuakerso the basic different here is that yours is kde and mine is xfce?09:56
pookeyActionParsni1: expose does improve the UI IMO though, if it adds a lot of slowdown to my desktop though I'm not interested09:56
ActionParsni1run it for a few days, see how you like it09:57
nitinhow can i get bitmap font for linux09:57
ActionParsni1give it a chance, compiz seems to pull users to ubuntu09:57
eiliii_you might so start reading about the cli to learn some basics ... you can get around nowerdays but i find it usefull to at least know some common cli commands ... once you learned them you end up using them more than the gui CostaRicanQuaker09:57
ActionParsni1pookey: then they realise its actually quite usable09:57
pookeyActionParsni1: thanks for your time :)09:59
ActionParsni1pookey: np bro09:59
ActionParsni1pookey: help where you can09:59
eiliii_yes CostaRicanQuaker i have no idea about the xfce desktop ... how it works ... i had a look at fluxbox and some other ... i know fluxbox uses the right click to open the menu ... and afaik xfce is the same ... CostaRicanQuaker09:59
ActionParsni1CostaRicanQuaker: with linux you can run any desktop you like, enlightenment is anoth good example10:00
ActionParsni1CostaRicanQuaker: its that customisable, in windows you get pretty much what you are given10:01
CostaRicanQuakerfrom what i remember kubuntu was simpler or kde was10:02
ActionParsni1CostaRicanQuaker: fluxbox is very lightweight, you can run it ontop of kde stuff so you get a light gui with the cool apps10:02
eiliii_i personlay like kde because it's logic, looks good and runs on my mid tech box fine ...10:02
ActionParsni1CostaRicanQuaker: if you are comfortable with kde, use it10:02
CostaRicanQuakerbut the thing is10:02
ActionParsni1i like fluxbox due to lightness10:02
CostaRicanQuakeri want my girlfriend10:02
CostaRicanQuakerto get xubuntu10:02
CostaRicanQuakerbecause she has an old computer a laptop10:03
CostaRicanQuakerfrom around 200010:03
CostaRicanQuakerso my concern is that she can get it so i can help her10:03
ActionParsni1CostaRicanQuaker: what spec?10:03
CostaRicanQuakerno clue just yet10:03
CostaRicanQuakerhaven't seen her since yesterday10:03
ActionParsni1doesnt matter how old it is, you want chip type, speed and ram amount10:03
eiliii_computer specs CostaRicanQuaker not your girlfriends :)10:04
pookeyif it's less then 400mhz, I'd suggest something other then KDE10:04
ActionParsni1stick fluxbuntu on it and yu got a sweet rig, takes a bit of getting used to due to the kde stuff not being there10:04
ActionParsni1but it'll chat and web like the best of em10:05
* pookey loves his KDE for a reaon he cant' explain10:05
CostaRicanQuakeri dont knoww her laptops specs eiliii10:05
* ActionParsni1 likes kde due to experience and fluxbox for lightness10:05
eiliii_well xfce is also not so difficult to learn ... just sit down and play with it CostaRicanQuaker10:05
ActionParsni1CostaRicanQuaker: if you play with xfce, you might prefer it to kde10:06
CostaRicanQuakerwell on the otehr room the xubuntu room10:06
CostaRicanQuakeri got a person helping me10:06
* eiliii_ likes kde or init 310:06
CostaRicanQuakertelling me it's just a matter of right clicking and selecting create launcher an option that doesn't show up when i right cliock on my desktop10:06
ActionParsni1CostaRicanQuaker: dont bother, use cli10:07
ActionParsni1CostaRicanQuaker: what app you wanting to run?10:07
ActionParsni1via desktop shortcut10:07
CostaRicanQuakerthe only reason why i preffered xfce was because of my gf's computer being oldie and the thought tht it woudl be faster than kde10:07
CostaRicanQuakeri want to have my "My stuff" folder on the desktop10:07
ActionParsni1CostaRicanQuaker: ok and what is that in the file system?10:07
CostaRicanQuakernow if i click on file manager and go to desktop and open it, there it is a folder named my stuff which i created10:08
ActionParsni1CostaRicanQuaker: ~/My stuff?10:08
CostaRicanQuaker~/Desktop/My Stuff10:08
ActionParsni1CostaRicanQuaker: yes thats the link, but where does it point to?10:09
ActionParsni1CostaRicanQuaker: or have you made a folder on the desktop?10:09
CostaRicanQuakerthat was my intent but instead i went to file manager opened desktop and created folder and that's the only way i can get to that folder, i'd rather hve it be an icon on the desktop10:09
eiliii_CostaRicanQuaker: ls -s /path/to/my/stuff/ ~/Desktop will get you a shortcut on the desktop10:10
ActionParsni1CostaRicanQuaker: im trying to get that for you10:10
CostaRicanQuakerok le me paste that into terminal10:10
ActionParsni1CostaRicanQuaker: it wont work10:10
CostaRicanQuakeroh ok10:10
CostaRicanQuakerthen what do i do10:10
ActionParsni1CostaRicanQuaker: he was wanting you to use some fuzzy logic10:10
ActionParsni1CostaRicanQuaker: dude10:10
ActionParsni1CostaRicanQuaker: you want a mystuff link on your desktop10:11
ActionParsni1CostaRicanQuaker: imagine in windows, you copy the folder and then right click desktop and click paste shortcut10:11
ActionParsni1CostaRicanQuaker: yes?10:11
ActionParsni1CostaRicanQuaker: ok, where is the folder you WOULD copy if you were in windows?10:12
ActionParsni1where is the thing to make the shortcut to10:12
* ActionParsni1 plays a drumroll10:12
CostaRicanQuakerC://Home/desktop/My Stuff ?10:12
ActionParsni1CostaRicanQuaker: so its already on your desktop/10:13
alexeiflaccid: your hint was useful, setting "UsePAM" to "no" in /etc/ssh/sshd_config seems to solve the problem with SSHD not accepting NIS passwords.10:13
ActionParsni1alexei: hes not here10:13
CostaRicanQuakerwell yes ActionParsnil i guess technically speaking but i dont' see the icon10:13
ActionParsni1CostaRicanQuaker: i see10:13
* CostaRicanQuaker feels dumb10:14
ActionParsni1CostaRicanQuaker: btw its just ~/Desktop/My Studd10:14
ActionParsni1CostaRicanQuaker: theres no drive letters in Linux10:14
ActionParsni1CostaRicanQuaker: ok now we have some info10:14
eiliii_CostaRicanQuaker: i realy sugest you read some books about linux ... like the ubuntu bible or what ever ...10:15
ActionParsni1CostaRicanQuaker: if you right click on the desktop can you click lnk to location10:15
eiliii_ActionParsni1: he uses xfce10:16
ActionParsni1eiliii_: ok, gimme a sec10:16
CostaRicanQuakeri actually prefer kubuntu to this....thing10:16
CostaRicanQuakerthe only reason why i got it was because i thought it woudl bebetter for isabel10:16
eiliii_give him one day of intensive reading ActionParsni110:16
ActionParsni1CostaRicanQuaker: i didnt know you sed xfce, i assumed kde with this being a kde room10:17
CostaRicanQuakerwell, nobody talks at the xubuntu room10:17
CostaRicanQuakeri think the person helping me10:17
CostaRicanQuakerwas in this room10:17
CostaRicanQuakerand downloaded xfce jsut to help me10:17
ActionParsni1CostaRicanQuaker: if you right click desktop do you get "create launcher"10:18
CostaRicanQuakerthe person on the xubuntu room does10:19
CostaRicanQuakeri don't10:19
eiliii_like i said read some books abbout linux that will make things more easy for you and us ... end of story CostaRicanQuaker (at least for me) :)10:19
CostaRicanQuakerok here's what i'll do10:19
=== ocs is now known as faLUCE
CostaRicanQuakeri'm going to get rid of xfce10:20
CostaRicanQuakerit's too complicated10:20
CostaRicanQuakerand annoying10:20
CostaRicanQuakeri'll install kubuntu instead10:20
eiliii_CostaRicanQuaker: you can have 10 desktop installed in linux all you have to do on login ... choose which you want to use10:21
ActionParsni1CostaRicanQuaker: you can get all you need via the rightclick menu10:21
eiliii_just apt-get install kde-desktop ...10:21
CostaRicanQuakerand let my girlfriend's computer work on kde10:22
ActionParsni1CostaRicanQuaker: or assign a sortcut key...even faster :)10:22
CostaRicanQuakershe's on windows xp anywy and i always has viruses so yeah10:22
CostaRicanQuakerbetter than windows in the end10:22
ActionParsni1if its a low end lappy you dont want xp on it10:23
eiliii_xp is only good for games anyway10:23
eiliii_that's the only thing that is not jet running in virtualBox :(10:24
ActionParsni1eiliii_: wine / cedega / crossover-office10:24
CostaRicanQuakerok i've a question10:25
CostaRicanQuakerkubuntu is installing10:25
CostaRicanQuakerhow do i get rid of xubuntu?10:25
ActionParsni1CostaRicanQuaker: check in your package manager for xfce-desktop10:26
eiliii_ActionParsni1: it's a lot of configuration for games like lord of the rings and in the end it doesn't work so ... dual boot xp end of story ...10:26
CostaRicanQuakerActionParsnil: cant i do it from the konsole?10:27
ActionParsni1eiliii_: just sack off gaming. easier10:27
JucatoActionParsni1: probably "xubuntu-desktop"10:28
Jucato!purekde | CostaRicanQuaker10:28
ubottuCostaRicanQuaker: If you want to remove all !Gnome packages and have a default !Kubuntu system follow the instructions here « https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureKDE »10:28
ActionParsni1CostaRicanQuaker: sudo apt-get --purge remove xfce (press tab to autocomplete)10:28
Jucato(has instructions for removing Xubuntu as well10:28
CostaRicanQuakerhow do i get rid of the packages from xubuntu as well?10:29
eiliii_i still don't get it why remove now in a hurry ... it's not that big ... and you might like it later once you learned the basic in kde10:29
ActionParsni1sudo apt-get --purge autoremove10:29
JucatoCostaRicanQuaker: read the link the bot gave you10:29
CostaRicanQuakerok ok10:29
CostaRicanQuakerso i imagine that for this case it would be sudo aptitude remove xubuntu-desktop10:30
ActionParsni1CostaRicanQuaker: makes sense10:30
CostaRicanQuakerhowever i don't know the names of the packages in it10:30
Jucato(except that I don't personally trust either apt or aptitude's "smart" removing...)10:30
* Jucato sighs10:31
CostaRicanQuakeri mean it lists the instructions to remove packages from old gnome versions10:31
eiliii_thats why you do an autoremove after10:31
CostaRicanQuakerbuti don't know which to type10:31
* eiliii_ holds his breath10:31
CostaRicanQuakerlike sudo apt-get xubuntu purge autoremove ?10:31
JucatoCostaRicanQuaker: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purekde10:31
* Jucato didn't realize that the link has changed10:32
ActionParsni1CostaRicanQuaker: its in the link10:32
ActionParsni1CostaRicanQuaker: its a howto10:32
JucatoCostaRicanQuaker: use the 2nd one I gave. it has instructions for Xubuntu10:32
Jucatoer.. for removing Xubuntu10:32
CostaRicanQuakeroh cool10:33
CostaRicanQuakerthank you Jucato10:33
CostaRicanQuakerthat's really helpful10:33
Jucatoeiliii_: let him if he wants to. he might want to keep things neat. in any case, as long as he doesn't wipe out his apt archives, he doesn't need to download them again next time he wants to install10:33
CostaRicanQuakerthis won't remove any files iv'e sved though right? i just downloaded this partitioner in order to reinstall windows xp10:34
eiliii_you are right ... i like my system neat as well, i just see so many things that can go wrong in this special case Jucato10:34
Jucatoeiliii_: the guide I linked to is more or less trustworthy. he's been maintaining that guide for quite some time now10:35
Jucatoit makes sure that only those that need to be removed are removed10:35
eiliii_no it will only remove xfce stuff CostaRicanQuaker10:35
Jucato(in fact, I trust it more than autoremove...)10:35
eiliii_well if there is a problem we will problably the first to know :)10:36
* eiliii_ drops a needle10:40
CostaRicanQuakerkubuntu takes quite a while to load10:41
CostaRicanQuakerhmmm eillii10:42
CostaRicanQuakeri got a DOS like screen on the shell/konsole thingy10:43
eiliii_also here <TAB> for completion CostaRicanQuaker10:43
CostaRicanQuakerwhat do i choose?10:44
eiliii_i see only the option <OK> CostaRicanQuaker10:45
CostaRicanQuakerit asks me to chose10:45
CostaRicanQuakerbetween gdm10:45
CostaRicanQuakerand kdm10:45
JucatoCostaRicanQuaker: depends. what do you want to use for your login screen? gdm (gnome's) or kdm (kde's)10:45
eiliii_choose kdm CostaRicanQuaker10:46
Jucatothen choose kdm :)10:46
eiliii_this should be only a one time setup routine or Jucato10:47
kblinhi folks10:48
kblinseems like yesterday's update to my trusty 7.04 install broke the nvidia driver. is that a known issue?10:49
dimanhi everyone10:49
eiliii_did you install a new kernel kblin10:51
eiliii_kblin: and with update you mean upgrade or dist-upgrade10:52
CostaRicanQuaker^even then get rid of the packages?10:53
CostaRicanQuakerwith the other link? i meanit says it got rid of the packages10:53
CostaRicanQuakeri'm gonna log out and log abck in to start on kubuntu10:55
CostaRicanQuakerhow do i burn an image iso file10:56
CostaRicanQuakerwith k3b?10:56
eiliii_click on the image CostaRicanQuaker10:57
CostaRicanQuakeron the icon for the file or an option forimage?10:58
CostaRicanQuakeri don't see one on k3b10:58
JucatoCostaRicanQuaker: 2 ways. you see in the main window something like "Further Actions". click on it10:59
kblineiliii_: I ran the adept updater. if that installed a new kernel, I guess I did. I didn't dist-upgrade, as 7.04 is the last version I seem to be able to reliably run vmware on10:59
Jucatothen choose Burn CD Image. or go to the Tools menu directly10:59
CostaRicanQuakerok i went to k3b11:01
eiliii_vmware + fucked up nvdia kblin ???11:01
CostaRicanQuakerand edit boot images11:01
CostaRicanQuakerand then picked the one i was going to burn11:01
Jucatoeiliii_: language please11:01
CostaRicanQuakerit says emulation type and it has listed floppy disk11:02
CostaRicanQuakershould i leave tht checked or harddisk?11:02
CostaRicanQuakerit's for partition magic11:02
JucatoCostaRicanQuaker: huh?11:02
kblineiliii_: the joys of having to run Wine tests on real hardware as well as windows boxes in a VM11:03
JucatoCostaRicanQuaker: what exactly are you doing?11:03
kblinget me decent free software alternatives for this stuff and I'll gladly run it11:03
CostaRicanQuakeri went to k3b clicked on this button that said edit the boot images fo this project to mke it bootable, under data disk(i saw no image or iso option on default) then i went and selected the image i want to burn which is partition magic from a box11:03
eiliii_CostaRicanQuaker: there are like always more than one way how to burn an iso ... navigate to it via your file browser and click on it or open k3b and choose burn iso and than browse to it ..11:04
kblinbut virtualbox network handling is fiddly and virt-manager sucks even more, especially on a single-processor box11:04
JucatoCostaRicanQuaker: didn't you see what I typed? and if it's a CD installer you shouldn't make it bootable11:04
CostaRicanQuakerits an iso11:04
Jucatojust go to Tools -> Burn CD Image (or DVD)11:05
Jucatoan ISO of what?11:05
eiliii_kblin: i didn't even know that nvidia runs in vmware so i am not the right person to talk to ... sorry can't help11:05
kblineiliii_: no, not nvidia inside of vmware11:05
ioanjust go to Toold and select burn cd/dvd iso image11:05
CostaRicanQuakerjust did so11:05
kblinlook, let's ignore vmware for now11:05
eiliii_Jucato: i understand that he is trying to burn an .iso ...11:06
kblinI updated, and now X is busted. So I'm trying to fix that11:06
* eiliii_ is also very hot at the moment :)11:06
Jucatoeiliii_: yeah.. and if it's an installer cd, it shouldn't be made bootable. something he said earlier sort of tells me he tried to11:06
geegai want to install gnome.. i don;t like kde.. now i am using kubuntu11:06
geegahow to go back to gnome11:06
Jucatogeega: install the package "ubuntu-desktop"11:07
CostaRicanQuakerit's 4 am here11:07
CostaRicanQuakerand k3b made the most hideous trumpet noise11:07
CostaRicanQuakerhow do i turn that off for future instances?11:07
JucatoSettings -> Configure Notifications11:07
eiliii_option ... mybe11:08
geegaif i change the desktop.. will it screwed up something :(11:08
Jucatogeega: it *shouldn't*11:08
geegaok thank jucato. i am started downloading now :))11:09
geegalet see11:09
eiliii_geega: you "should" be able to install and use multiple desktops ...11:09
eiliii_CostaRicanQuaker: are you trying to install xp after you installed linux ...11:11
CostaRicanQuakeryes...i share this computer with my mom11:11
CostaRicanQuakershe only uses windows11:11
kblinhm, nm, no time to play with this right now11:12
eiliii_xp install will destroy grub ... so you will not be able to boot into linux anymore ... let me find the link how to fix that11:13
ioanyou should install windows first11:13
CostaRicanQuakerbut hte problem is when i tried to boot up with windows xp install cd it showed two partiitions one was the swap and the other the one where kubuntu is on now and it only gave the option of writing it on top of either and i thought that might erase kubuntu altogether so ijust burned an iso of parted magic to liberate some space from the partition where kubuntu is11:13
CostaRicanQuakeryou know what ihad to go through?11:13
CostaRicanQuakeri had burned an iso of xubuntu11:13
CostaRicanQuakerand iso of xubuntu alternate11:13
CostaRicanQuakerand iso of kubuntu alternate11:13
CostaRicanQuakernone of them worked11:14
CostaRicanQuakerwouldn't install11:14
CostaRicanQuakerhad to look for an old ubuntu 5.10 cd11:14
CostaRicanQuakersomeone in the chatrooms helped me upgrady11:14
CostaRicanQuakerthen get xubuntu11:14
CostaRicanQuakerand get rid of gnome11:14
CostaRicanQuakerand know i just got rid of xubuntu and got kubuntu11:14
eiliii_well use gparted or whatever partitions program to make on xp partition ...11:15
ioanbut xp will erase the grub boot manager -11:16
CostaRicanQuakerok so what do i do? let windows erase....no way11:16
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CostaRicanQuakerinstall windows, format partition then run gparted or partedmagic and make free space for ubuntu to reinstall it to upgrade to kubuntu again?11:17
ubottugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto11:17
JucatoDo that when that happens ^^^^11:17
eiliii_http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=224351&highlight=live+cd+grub CostaRicanQuaker11:18
ioanthe easiest way to install windows amd linux is by installing windows first11:27
eiliii_ioan: yes but running grub to recover grub is a 2min task11:29
suwarnohow to install driver modem lenovo N100 using ubuntu 8.04 ?11:30
ioanright eiliii_11:30
eiliii_lenovo N100 driver ??? suwarno11:31
eiliii_afaik that's a notebook or?11:31
ioansuwarno do you have the driver?11:31
eiliii_lag or slow typing :)11:33
eiliii_ 17:34:14 up 2 days, 44 min,  1 user,  load average: 0.86, 2.21, 1.9611:34
eiliii_ups sorry11:34
milcohello to everyone11:34
ioanif you have the driver for your modem type make ,make clean and make install-i did so when i had a modem connection11:34
suwarnoeiliee..: i have not driver11:35
suwarnoi want the modem go up11:35
eiliii_what is your language suwarno11:36
suwarnousing ubuntu 8.0411:36
suwarnoi am from indonesiaaaaaaaaaa11:37
suwarnowhere are u from eiliee..11:37
eiliii_suwarno: thailand11:38
eiliii_there should be a kubutu-indonesia11:39
ubottujoin ke #ubuntu-id untuk membahas ubuntu dalam bahasa Indonesia11:39
eiliii_thanks Jucato11:39
suwarnoeilie: i dont know...coz i am newby...11:40
eiliii_np suwarno more easy for you to ask in bahsa indonesia :)11:42
_dennisterg' morning channel...1st question: what could cause a mobo bios to not remember certain settings? specifically, this one usually detects the 2nd, slave optical drive (set to auto) when I manually enter 'auto, enter, esc' but after I save these settings and exit the bios...it still doesn't detect it along with the other drives........please note this is not always the case, just most of the time, and I've already flashed the bios to try11:42
_dennisterand resolve this problem, to no effect11:42
_dennisterperhaps i should add that this problem persists once k/ubuntu is loaded (drive isn't detected), but other times loading the OS causes the drive to be detected and working fine11:45
DistroJockey_dennister, flat CMOS battery?11:47
_dennisterby flat u mean shaped like a quarter? if so, yes11:47
DistroJockey_dennister, hehe, nope, dead as in no power11:47
_dennisterhmmm...keeps other settings though, like date (but not always correct time)11:48
DistroJockey_dennister, does sound like it's dying11:48
DistroJockey_dennister, how old is it?11:49
ioanbye everybody11:49
_dennisteroh, wonderful...i don't know actually...i just swapped this asus a7v mobo in...was gifted to me11:49
_dennisterold mobo was definitely dying as I was trying to rebuild this thing...except for the drive & bios issues, everything else is working beautifully...even got my sata controller working11:51
DistroJockey_dennister, It's around 8 years old11:51
DistroJockey_dennister, http://www.dansdata.com/a7v.htm11:51
_dennistersounds about right...even uses sdram, unlike other boards of this era that I'm used to working with11:52
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DistroJockey_dennister, try a newer battery, if that fails get a newer board are my suggestions :)11:53
_dennisteraren't the cmos batteries specific to the board though? have to be specifically designed for the board and obtained from asus?11:55
flaccidthats pretty loco11:56
ct529hi everybody11:57
flaccidyeah loco = crazy11:57
ct529I would like to see the changelog of a package before upgrading it. Is that possible? I have tried both adept and apt-get with several options, but I have not been able to do it.11:57
_dennisteri rebuild a lot of older systems actually, to give away to others, trying to keep as much of this stuff out of the landfills as possible11:58
flaccidim not sure there is a changelog per pkg11:58
FoxIIIct529: You can use the get-selections option of dpkg before and after install which will show you which packages are installed.11:58
flaccid_dennister, yeah i do too. my best server is made off the streets. i totall support us hardware savers!11:58
ct529flaccid: hi there .... you know the bug when running openoffice? I solved it by removing the package openoffice-kde ....11:58
ct529FoxIII: no,11:58
ct529FoxIII: I need to see the changelog before installing the package not after :)11:59
flaccidct529, did you file a bug report or comment an existing one to help them fix it?11:59
_dennisterflaccid: i know what loco means, in a general sense :-) to what are u referring to? the idea of getting a new battery specifically designed for this board from asus?11:59
ct529flaccid: not nyet, discovered it only yesterday!11:59
FoxIIIah, I'm with you. Not sure on that then. Unless you use the ubuntu package site.11:59
_dennisteror am i wrong and can i use any battery?11:59
flaccid_dennister, i've never heard of batteries with chips in them11:59
flaccidct529, the community would love it if you could help in that way :)12:00
flaccid_dennister, i've used any battery in the past, first i've heard of this but then again its not like you need to replace cmos batteries much, but it hasn't been a problem for me in the past (at least 10times)12:00
ct529flaccid: yes i will. I have just seen that some openofice packages have been published, I do not know if they also solve the problem. Tha was the reason for my question.12:00
flaccidct529, hmmm maybe you can try the new package out and see if it works and if it doesn't then i guess follow up the bug12:01
_dennisterflaccid: well that's great to know, thanks! I was under the impression cmos is specific to board because of the last time I tried flashing bios and wrecked the mobo :)12:01
flaccidya coolio12:02
_dennistergoodness knows I have 1 lovely mobo here from 2004 that's toast because my son spilled champagne in it...there went the mobo, cpu, and high end graphics card12:03
_dennisterhow he did this when the cpu box was tucked away under a desk i don't know12:04
ct529flaccid: I cannot find the bug anymore on launchpad, because I do not have it anymore .... :) .... do you remember it by any chance?12:05
flaccidct529, hmmm sorry i can't. submit a new one and then if you cannot match up the duplicate then someone will do that eventually for you..12:06
_dennisterI learn so much in here from guys like flaccid :-)12:06
_dennisterbbs...going out for a cancer stick12:07
flaccidtell the ops that :p12:07
ct529flaccid: found and yest it was apparently solved by the new packages, it is in the bug report .... I will try the new packages and then confirm (or not)12:08
flaccidnice job ct529 !12:08
ct529flaccid: thanks to you for your help!12:09
ct529see you later!12:09
dan__hey.. I suck.. I can't figure out how to format my main drive.. anyone wanna help me? :)12:09
flaccid!format | dan__12:10
ubottudan__: Partitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in !GNOME under !Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For !Edgy and later, see !fstab and !DiskMounter12:10
flacciddan__, qtparted will do fine12:10
dan__thanks guys.. but isn't there a comman I can do from the terminal?... like "format c:"? :P12:11
flacciddan__, yes, depends on what filesystem you need to format12:11
dan__flaccid: um.. says "ext3"12:12
flacciddan__, so you want to format this existing linux partition with the ext3 filesystem?12:12
Ange|ussudo mkfs.ext /dev/partition12:13
Ange|ussudo mkfs.ext3 /dev/partition *12:13
DistroJockeydan__, see: man mkfs12:13
flaccidmyself i would do sudo mkfs.ext3 -b 4096 /dev/partition12:14
dan__flaccid: no.. when I checked the drive it said "Filesystem: ext3".. I just wanna delete everything. :P12:14
flacciddan__, so your question is to delete a partition?12:14
_dennisterDistroJockey: thanks to you, too, for diagnosing the problem12:15
dan__flaccid: no. heh. I sending it to be repaired so I wanna delete everything :P12:15
DistroJockey_dennister, you're welcome12:15
flacciddan__, as in the whole disk?12:15
dan__flaccid: yep12:15
dan__flaccid: i need to reinstall anyway12:15
eiliiicd /media/to/delete rm -rf *12:15
flacciddan__, it needs to be done from a livecd or something ie. the disk cannot be mounted12:16
DistroJockey_dennister, sorry I didn't say much further, was in another channel :)12:16
flaccidlet me just look up the right way to zap12:16
dan__flaccid: oh. thanks. :)12:16
mmo|Does anyone know if there is (or will be) a solution for images looking ugly when zooming in firefox 3?12:17
flacciddan__, you don't want it recoverable right?12:17
_dennisterDistroJockey: u told me what i needed to know (what the problem was), and flaccid took it from there, providing the fix12:17
ActionParsni1lo all12:17
DistroJockey_dennister, cool :)12:17
_dennisterI'll rescue the battery from the msi board, plop it into this one, and see what happens12:18
lemon13gcξερετε πως ωγαίνουν οι servers k ta channels?12:18
flaccid!find wipe12:18
ubottuПожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke12:18
ubottuFound: ewipe, wipe12:18
dan__flaccid: yea..12:18
Pici!gr | lemon13gc12:19
ubottulemon13gc: #ubuntu-gr και #kubuntu-gr για Έλληνες χρηστές  /  #ubuntu-gr kai #kubuntu-gr gia Ellhnes xrhstes12:19
flaccid!info wipe12:19
ubottuwipe (source: wipe): Secure file deletion. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.21-3 (hardy), package size 42 kB, installed size 132 kB12:19
flacciddan__, use wipe as above12:19
flaccid!find zap12:19
ubottuFound: adzapper, dvb-utils, zapping, zaptel, zaptel-source12:19
dan__flaccid: right, thanks12:19
DistroJockey_dennister, should do the job :)12:19
ActionParsni1flaccid: nice one with !find12:19
flacciddan__, man page or google will help with the command params, its pretty basic12:19
_dennisteri just have to wait until this gparted operation is finished...another half hour or so12:20
flaccidyeah these old ibm programs are cool and save you do an echo to the /dev/dev12:20
dan__flaccid: heh... yea. for you guys. ;P thanks12:20
flaccidnp have fujn12:20
flaccidjust an fyi, wipe and zap are on windows as well and probably other systems too12:21
_dennisternext question: anyone know of a good link to get xp home edition computers working via samba with this soon-to-be-installed 8.04 server?12:21
lemon13gcmirc gia linux mint yparxei?12:21
DistroJockeyflaccid, I would have gone for a sudo fdisk /dev/sdxx  and then delete the partitions myself12:22
eiliiilemon13gc: english please12:22
_dennisterall the links i've seen so far use xp pro, which is better and I'm more experienced with getting to work with samba12:22
flaccid_dennister, the samba guides are fine on the wiki12:22
flaccidDistroJockey, thats still easily recoverable12:22
lemon13gcdo you know where can i find mirc for linux mint12:22
flaccid_dennister, shouldn't matter12:22
DistroJockeyflaccid, not sure they wanted total destruction12:23
flaccidlemon13gc, not here. try google or something.12:23
flaccidDistroJockey, it sounded like the user did. it was going in for repair12:23
flaccidie. prevent the repairer getting personal information via recovery etc.12:23
_dennisterI'm afraid i've never yet been able to get an xp home computer working with a ubuntu samba server, although I must admit I haven't tried often......i hate xp home12:23
eiliiiis there a mirc for linux ??? and why would you like to use mirc in the first place12:23
DistroJockeyflaccid, ahh, fair enough. I stand corrected.12:23
flaccid_dennister, don't worry im a samba expert. i've had all windows versions running fine in a mixed unix environment12:24
flaccidi stand flaccid!12:24
Ange|usflaccid: then teach me how to make my mother's winxp computer mount a share from my linux computer12:24
flaccidAnge|us, whats the problem?12:26
_dennisterflaccid: that's great to know...now just to catch you when I have at least one of the xp home computers in front of me...my son is coming with his laptop tonight...for a tutoring session and to pick up this server12:26
flaccidcoolio. yeah samba is not a simple beast it gets a bit crazy but yeah12:26
_dennisteruser security level i assume?12:27
flaccidin essence, you never change any config of the smb server on the windows machines? why? there is no config lol12:27
flaccidsecurity = user always as share mode is near impossible to not have issues with12:27
_dennisteri know i use security = share here, because I'm the only person here12:28
flaccidthats most likely the issue to begin with. security = share is not what it appears to be...12:29
flaccidi gtg pickup my g/f, bb in about 1 hour or less12:30
_dennisterbut my son was, until about 8 months ago, very anti-linux/pro winblows, and he now has a new roomate who's probably never seen a linux machine in his life12:30
_dennisterflaccid: later then :)12:30
flaccidok i got out of getting her heh. so im staying12:31
flaccidbut will have to go at some point to spend time with her. so if people have samba issues now is a good time to discuss if possible12:32
_dennisterand the channel thanks you, her, and anyone else who helped you get out of it, lol12:32
flaccidher mum lol12:33
_dennisterwell, I don't think i should start the server apps just yet...once this gparted op is done, I halt, take care of the battery and bios/dvd drive, I should do the version upgrade to 8.04...then take care of the server apps12:34
flaccidanyway. there is jack all you can do on the win boxes for troubleshooting when trying to connect win->unix. so it comes down to the samba logs on the *nix server in question and using smbclient on a local *nix box or the localhost12:34
_dennisterso use the *nix box as a wins server, or as a wins client to the laptops?12:35
flaccidso after having a valid config in user mode which has map to guest = bad user then if you have problems troubleshoot with smbclient and check logs and go from there (after doing smbpasswd per user)12:35
flaccid_dennister, no wins required.12:35
* flaccid throws wins in the bins12:36
rysiekcompilerwriter: yellow12:36
* ActionParsni1 offers socks12:36
LupusHow can I get Amarok to convert my OGGs to MP3 for transfer to my media device?12:37
rysiekjussi01,  compilerwriter: are you there, guys? got the korganizer problem sorted-out12:37
jussi01what was wrong?12:37
rysiekjussi01: it was just dumb, actually12:37
ActionParsni1Lupus: i wouldnt convert a lossy formet to another lossy format, it will sound horrendous12:37
* jussi01 giggles12:37
ActionParsni1Lupus: id rerip the cd with mp312:38
rysiekjussi01: you see, the "whole day" display and the "by-the-hour" display are on a split-iew12:38
_dennisteroh, ok...i certainly like how hardy makes samba easier...but my clean install on anotehr machine did a really bad thing with getitng the dvd drive and cd drive mixed up...can't use either one, really, for commericial disks12:38
LupusActionParsni1: Not necesarilly... it's just 1 transfer12:38
rysiekjussi01: so one can adjust the sizes of each - and possibly hide one if not needed12:38
rysiekjussi01: guess what.12:38
Dr_willis_dennister,  mixed up how? normally they are links from /dev/dvd to /dev/whatevertheactualdeviceis12:38
flaccid_dennister, not sure what you mean there but sounds fixable12:39
rysiekjussi01: yup. the "by-the-hour" part was simply hidden. I just noticed it today12:39
_dennistera recent and previous gutsy--->hardy dist-upgrade did everything beautifully12:39
ActionParsni1Lupus: the ogg has already degraded the quality, and mp3 will strip more quality. i'll find how to do it and id love you to compare12:39
Dr_willisthere are ogg2mp3 scripts out.. basicially you do  ogg to wav, then wav to mp312:39
rysiekjussi01: there even was the slider visible (as usually in a Qt app)...12:40
LupusActionParsni1: I don't doubt that it does... I doubt it'll be a difference enough for me to notice considering it'll playing from my media device12:40
ActionParsni1Lupus: grab ogg2mp312:40
_dennisterDr_willis: what happened is that the cd drive shows up in devices as the dvd drive, and vice versa...i have all the required codecs, but no matter what i try, I'm told i need the same codecs I already have installed12:40
_dennisterit's a recognized bug12:40
Dr_willis_dennister,  codecs dont have much to do with that at all.12:40
flaccidyeah thats a bug, nothing to do with samba :o12:41
Dr_willisJust mount the things manually perhaps?12:41
ActionParsni1Lupus: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-software-2/convert-ogg-to-mp3-306172/12:41
ActionParsni1Lupus: try it man12:41
rysiekLupus: you can use K3B to convert it, GUI style12:41
flaccidi had that bug too12:41
flaccidthere is also soundkonverter12:41
rysiekLupus: just create a new audio-cd project, add all the oggs you want and hit 'convert' instead of 'burn'12:41
rysiekLupus: and, as  flaccid notes, there is soundKonverter app in the repo12:42
_dennisterDr_willis: i know, but because the devices are mixed up in /dev, I'm always getting the messages that I need codecs installed...but I have those same codecs that the messages are referring to already installed12:42
flaccidand rysiek's k3b is probably easier heh12:42
Dr_willis_dennister,  the devices as in /dev/cdrom and /dev/dvd? you could figure out which one is the correct one and tell the programs to use /dev/sdc0 or whatever the actaual device name is.12:42
flaccid_dennister, yeah there are bugs for that behaviour for sure12:43
Lupusrysiek: The device isn't exactly famed for it's quality, it's good enough to listen to but it doesn't win awards...12:43
ActionParsni1Lupus: is it an ipod :D12:43
* ActionParsni1 laughs12:43
LupusChrist no.12:43
Dr_willisHmm.. i dont even thinki have any machines with cd only drives any more. :) gave away the last one last week.12:43
Lupusrysiek: I'm looking for the ease of just putting the files I listen to directly to my device from Amarok12:43
ActionParsni1Lupus: good man12:43
_dennisterDr_willis: yes, precisely...i can temporarily change how the devices are identified, but then a reboot changes it back to the problematic config12:44
LupusActionParsni1: It's my phone... which I'd LIKE to play ogg but since I got it for free I won't argue.12:44
flaccidLupus, the dudes in #amarok might be able to help a bit more as well12:44
rysiekLupus: yeah, try #amarok, there might be some amarok script for that12:44
rysiekactually, there *should* be one12:44
_dennisterthat's why i'm doing this an installation with gutsy, getting the multimedia workiing properly, then doing the version upgrade...this seems to prevent the above bug12:45
_dennisterhah! gparted op almost done :)12:46
_dennisterepimeth: hi there...did you get the minimal cd from the link i memo'ed u with?12:47
flaccidyeah that stuff was dominant in gutsy then fixed in hardy mostly iirc12:47
epimeth_dennister: nope... no memos for me :-(12:48
_dennisterI'm looking forward to getting my son's pc out of here so I can go back to my other systems...been given tons of P3's recently, and I love P3's12:49
_dennisterepimeth: it was on Thursday...you asked me to memo u with it, showed me how to memo u, and i did12:49
flaccidnon celeron p3 = stable12:49
epimeth_dennister: while that may be true, I have no memos....12:50
_dennisterwhen i'm working on p4's and k7 systems, the case fan and power supply requirements are what holds me back a lot of times...p3's can be extremely fast, quieter, and less demanding12:51
flaccidits partially like that at least12:51
epimeth_dennister: you aren't registered... you might not be able to send memos12:51
_dennisterepimeth: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD12:52
_dennisterepimeth: actually, i was using my registered nic (on a different machine) when i memo'ed u12:52
_dennisterbut never mind...i love minimal install cd's...not so many updates after install is done12:53
epimethseriously... I'm totally bookmarking it.  cheers!12:54
Fyl0nI've downed 8.10 Kubuntu and the memtest86+ does not work correctly!12:54
Fyl0njust to let you guys know :)12:54
flaccid!bugs | Fyl0n12:54
ubottuFyl0n: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots12:54
_dennisternp...i get so much help on this channel it's good to know I can return the favour sometimes, at least12:55
flaccidminimal is only good for servers/non guis but yeah12:55
flaccidit rox for servers. even though i wouldn't use ubuntu as a server myself12:55
epimethflaccid: actually, I wouldn't mind.  it takes a bit longer to secure than debian but the packages are much more user friendly12:56
_dennisterflaccid: no? what would u use?12:56
Fyl0nbugs.launchpad is down12:56
epimethflaccid: but on the other hand, when you get a server running on debian you get a good feeling :-)12:56
flaccidepimeth, yeah debian is what i use for linux server, no reason for ubuntu..12:57
flaccid_dennister, i use bsd systems like freebsd when i do server12:57
_dennisternot that I intend to switch this server...my son's still too much of a reluctant linux newb to give him something else now that he's finally warming up to linux12:58
epimethflaccid: lets just say that I set up my dhcp and dns servers in ubuntu much quicker than I did in debian... I did it in debian first so I had the experience, but in ubuntu the default files have a lot more documentation12:58
flaccidyeah well samba is going to be pretty much the same on any unix12:58
epimethlol... useless without rtfming :-)12:58
epimethat least if you want anything more than just a file share12:59
flaccidepimeth, ah i guess i see your point. i kind of archive my configs for those services so it doesn't matter which OS. but i can see your point12:59
epimethyea well I messed up and didn't save them :-/12:59
flaccidi gtg have dinner bbl12:59
_dennisterbut i got given a lovely dual-p3 server board 2 days ago, so I'll be building more of a true server in one of my many beautiful server towers here13:00
CostaRicanQuaker&j #xubuntu13:00
_dennisterflaccid: later13:00
CostaRicanQuakeri am on ubuntu 5.10 i think its name is breezy or something like that13:00
epimethflaccid: I tried freebsd once... I could not figure out how to do *anything*... but then again it was my second nix experience after Mandrake so in retrospect I think I aimed a bit too high13:00
CostaRicanQuakeri need you to help me change the repositories to new ones13:00
CostaRicanQuakeri know i have to go to this gedit type file where i have to erase everything13:01
CostaRicanQuakerand paste something new13:01
CostaRicanQuakeri did it a couple of hours before with someonne elses help but i dont know how to do it on my own13:01
flaccidepimeth, the freebsd handbook is all you need. cia0 for now13:01
flaccid!enter | CostaRicanQuaker13:01
ubottuCostaRicanQuaker: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!13:01
CostaRicanQuakeri need this to be able to upgrade to kubuntu13:01
epimethCostaRicanQuaker: you have to upgrade in stages... you can't upgrade straight from 5.10 to 8.1013:01
_dennisterk, gotta reboot and fiddle with hardware a bit...now that the gparted op is finally done...later folks13:01
CostaRicanQuakeri iknow i know but i did it before13:02
Dr_willisI belive one can upgrade from one LTS to another.. but  ive never tried that.13:02
CostaRicanQuakersomehow this guy helped me do it, there was this gedit type file with lots of # init and i had to erase them and paste something new some new repos or something and then i did somehting like sudo apt get install kubuntu desktop13:02
epimethCostaRicanQuaker: it might be faster to just reinstall... but if you want to upgrade anyway, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes#From%205.10%20to%206.06%20LTS13:03
Dr_willisCostaRicanQuaker,  its 'kubuntu-desktop' :)13:03
CostaRicanQuakerand it went well btui had to reinstall windows and since grub was killed then i had to reinstallubuntu but i relly wnt kubuntu long story since last inght the alternate and live cds wouldnt work etc13:03
Dr_willisYou can repair grub without reinstalling.  Grub is one of those tools thats worth reading up on and learning the details of.13:04
epimethCostaRicanQuaker: you should probably download the newest CD, too :-)13:04
CostaRicanQuakeri already diod this13:04
CostaRicanQuakerit was nice and easy with13:04
CostaRicanQuakerthis guy who helped me on here, so all i need is some sort of code i have to paste into where all the ## lines were and then sudo apt get install something like that13:05
epimethDr_willis: speaking of which... why doesn't at least the alternate CD offer that?  I should mention that in the brainfarm or whatever canonical called it....13:05
epimethCostaRicanQuaker: the link I sent you has all that info13:05
Dr_willisepimeth,  ive think ive seen it mentioned on brainstorm, and yes. i think there should be a 'repair the boot loader' option on the live cd as well13:06
Dr_willisand perhaps some other fix-common-problem tools as well. :)13:06
kurumintem aqui alguem q fale portugues13:06
CostaRicanQuakerok then i-ll bookmark it and check it out laer i gotta go have breakfast with my girlfriend13:06
kuruminse tem por fvr responde tou um pouco perdido13:07
epimethDr_willis: how about a "read my mind and do whatever I want you to" option?13:08
Dr_willisepimeth,  'sudo apt-get install esp' :)13:08
epimethkurumin: hablas espanol o portugues?13:09
DistroJockeyepimeth, #ubuntu-es13:10
epimethDr_willis: thats like xkcd's real programmers joke...13:11
epimethDistroJockey: I wa asking kurumin if he was speaking spanish or portugues, so I can tell him which channel to go to... but thanks :-)13:11
DistroJockeyepimeth, ohh, so sorry13:11
epimethDr_willis: http://xkcd.com/378/13:14
epimethDistroJockey: itsok13:16
leaf__Hey, baby!!13:19
clusbyAnyone know if there are any digikam 0.1 packages around?13:23
=== root is now known as Guest21448
=== luke_ is now known as TheFuzzball
TheFuzzballdoes anyone know how to stop SVN from pausing while checking out KDE?13:39
TheFuzzballIt pauses and I have to kill svn which means I have to cleanup and then when I run svn up I have to delete a big load of what I just downloaded because it is complaining that the file is already there, and then when I finally get it updating it just pauses again 5 minutes later.13:40
TheFuzzballdoes anyone know a way around this?13:40
rysiekTheFuzzball: try #svn or #kde13:43
rysiekTheFuzzball: it should be more within the topic there, and more people should be able to help13:44
TheFuzzballok, thanks :)13:44
TheKiNGI need assistance.13:45
TheKiNGIf I try to install Kubuntu via the boot menu, it stops at Loading local scripts13:45
TheKiNGSometimes it will go directly to the terminal without me telling it to.13:46
TheKiNGNow I'm trying to use Wubi13:46
TheKiNGAnd no matter what, the program says the drive is in use by another program13:47
TheKiNGEven when it isnt.13:47
nitishanyone there13:47
nitishI have a problem in my Kubuntu System13:48
nitishSometimes it connects to the net and sometimes it doesn't13:48
nitishI have tried n still not found the cause of this problem13:48
=== nitish is now known as Noroi
=== erwin_ is now known as vaiursch
Noroianyone around?13:50
ubottuvirtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available in !Gutsy as 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox14:06
nullkuhlguys, i am trying to install hardy heron now, when i read the preparing disk space part, i choose manual, but it keeps sacnning disks for ever and i think the process freezes, can any one help plz ?14:48
nullkuhlguys, i am trying to install hardy heron now, when i read the preparing disk space part, i choose manual, but it keeps sacnning disks for ever and i think the process freezes, can any one help plz ?14:50
=== luke_ is now known as TheFuzzball
* eduardopl is away: Gone away for now.15:17
=== nitish is now known as NoRoI
NoRoIAnyone around here in IRC?15:23
trappistnot me15:23
trappistirc is for losers15:23
NoRoIi dunno about that...15:23
jussi01NoRoI: can we help you?15:23
NoRoIyeah i need help15:24
NoRoIIn Ubuntu15:24
* jussi01 slaps trappist's hand, naughty!15:24
trappistjussi01: you're right :/15:24
NoRoII cannot run video files15:24
jussi01NoRoI: ubuntu or kubunut15:24
NoRoIkubuntu sorry15:24
jussi01NoRoI: let me guess wmv files?15:24
NoRoIall type of video format files15:25
jussi01NoRoI: you know how to install things?15:25
NoRoIhmm yeah15:25
jussi01NoRoI: install the kubuntu-restricted-extras package15:25
NoRoII had installed the win32 codecs also15:25
NoRoIsudo apt-get install kubuntu-restricted-extras15:26
NoRoIthat's it right15:26
jussi01correct, although I prefer aptitude15:26
jussi01just change apt-get and aptitude15:26
NoRoIaptitude instead of apt-get15:26
NoRoIthen anymore settings needed15:27
NoRoII am a newbie to linux so asking...15:27
NoRoISorry if i am a bother15:27
jussi01shouldnt be15:27
jussi01NoRoI: that package also gives you flash and mp3 etc15:28
NoRoIabout the internet configs15:29
trappistya know, I hope all these openoffice updates are more important than they look.  downloading 100+MB of updates every coupla days is getting obnoxious.15:29
NoRoISometimes it connects and sometimes it doesn't15:29
NoRoIeven the pon dsl-provider command doesn't work15:30
jussi01NoRoI: Im sorry, I dont have an answer to that problem. hopefully someone else can help.15:32
jussi01NoRoI: remember everyone here is a volunteer15:32
NoRoIThanks man for the video files problem15:32
NoRoIvolunteer for??/15:32
jussi01NoRoI: Helping people with their problems15:33
NoRoIyeah i will try my best to contribute too15:33
Dr_willisi wonder if im the only one that often removes openoffice..  since i rarely use it and i dont want to have the huge updates.15:34
jagggyhey, where does kde save his menu's ? (the start menu is the one i'm looking for)15:38
nitinDr_willis: in openoffice is there something like alt+ (say 0197) and it displays certain character like winword?15:38
Dr_willisnitin,  no idea. Only thing i ever use openoffice is the spread sheet. and i rarely use that.15:39
NoRoIIs it required to install opengl drivers for 3D desktop effects?15:39
Dr_willisHmm.. someone wish to check http://www.700wlw.com/main.html and see if the 'listen live' link works for them under linux?  They suggest using the mozilla-mplayer plugin (which i have installed) but its not working for me.15:39
NoRoIbecause i am not able to activate the desktop effects15:40
Dr_willisNoRoI,  OpenGl drivers? Hmm.. i dont recall ever installing such a thing.15:40
Dr_willisI do install the 3d drivers for my Video card. if thats what you mean.15:40
NoRoIyeah more or less that's what i mean15:40
NoRoIBut the main point is my desktop effects ain't getting activated15:41
Dr_willisYou need the actual 3d drivers for your video card , then  you can try 'compiz --replace' in a terminal and look for error messages15:42
NoRoIwell its inbuilt15:42
NoRoIN the cd setup won't work in kubuntu15:43
EagleScreenple a channel to talk about Intrepid features?15:43
NoRoISo i dunno what to do @ Willis15:43
Dr_williswhats 'inbuilt' ?15:43
JucatoEagleScreen: #ubuntu+115:43
JucatoDr_willis: builtin15:43
Jucatoor built-in15:43
NoRoIbuilt in15:44
Dr_willisNoRoI,  that dosent mean you dont have to install drivers for it...15:44
EagleScreenthere isnt #kununtu+1 ?15:44
Dr_willisI have onboard nvidia, and onboard intel, and onboard ati... and so on..15:44
NoRoII don't know where to get the drivers from?15:44
Dr_willisNoRoI,  #1  - determine what chipset the card is..15:44
NoRoIhmm i am a newbie15:44
NoRoInvidia nforce15:45
Dr_willismost all the 3d drivers are installable with the hardware-driver tool.15:45
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto15:45
jagggywhere does kde save his menu's ? (the start menu is the one i'm looking for)15:45
Dr_williskde generates the menu from the various .desktop files15:45
Jucatojagggy: there is no single place ala Windows, if that's what you're looking for15:45
Dr_willisuser changes to the menus are saved in the users .kde dir I belive.. or somewhere in their home.15:46
jagggyDr_willis and what about the menu that pops up when you click the K in the left down corner?15:46
Jucatoit's a combination of .desktop files per item (as Dr_willis mentioned) and XML files that determine the general structure/category15:46
Dr_willisjagggy,  what other menu are you talking about?  thats the only one i know of. :)  and thats the one i was talking about15:46
Jucatoit (basically, or tries to) follows FreeDesktop.org standards15:46
jagggyok :p15:47
Dr_willisYea. Freedesktop.org is doing some good work in this area.15:47
Dr_willisand other areas.15:47
Jucatojagggy: it's a bit more complicated if you come from Windows, but it's more flexible and powerful in the long run (and works across desktops)15:47
NoRoIso what do i do for the 3D drivers?15:47
jagggyJucato i don't come from windows, i come from fluxbox xD15:48
Jucatoah well, I heard fluxbox didn't comply :P15:48
Jucato(j/k... I heard nothing)15:48
NoRoIanymore IRC channels??15:50
Jucato(patience would help :)15:50
NoRoIi am just asking15:51
NoRoIThis is my first time here also :D15:51
Dr_willisMemo to self.. rember plug in laptop when using it at home.. :)15:52
JucatoDr_willis: I learned that too while deeply engaged in a game :)15:54
JucatoNoRoI: what video card? Have you checked K Menu -> Settings (or is it System?) -> Restricted Drivers (or something...)?15:54
NoRoIwas installing that15:55
NoRoINow i will check it15:55
NoRoIWhat is the command for uninstalling an application??15:57
Jucatosudo apt-get remove <package_name>15:58
NoRoIi did the sudo apt-get install kubuntu-restricted-extras16:00
JucatoNoRoI: um.. that's not for drivers....16:00
NoRoIbut i don seem to find the restricted extras in system16:00
Jucatothat's for codecs and plugins.. nothing to do with hardware16:00
hyakuheiHi all, I currently have a LUKS/LVM ubuntu install. Is there a way to make the installer see this properly so I can format/install kubuntu into the current lvm '/' root without clobbering all of my other files ?16:01
butchoyhow can I add another panel?...16:01
NoRoIwhat's for the drivers then?16:02
JucatoNoRoI: K Menu -> System -> Restricted Drivers (or something like that)16:03
Jucatoit's already installed by default16:03
NoRoInope not there16:03
JucatoK Menu -> Settings?16:03
Jucatowhat version of Kubuntu?16:03
NoRoIi had Ubuntu 8.0416:04
Jucatodo you have a K Menu -> Settings menu?16:04
NoRoIyeah i have16:07
butchoy_how can I add a new pane?...16:07
butchoy_sorry if my question is repeated..16:07
NoRoIsudo apt-get install kubuntu-restricted-extras lol din for codecs either16:07
NoRoIStill video files do run16:07
butchoy_so i need to be a sudoer?...16:08
jon__hi i am on kubuntu hardy heron aand i have an audio problem16:08
jon__i cannot record sounds on my mic input16:08
JucatoNoRoI: sorry.. K Menu -> System -> Hardware Drivers Manager16:08
jon__it sounds on the speakers but does not record in apps like krecord16:08
NoRoInothing is there in that16:08
JucatoNoRoI: I said "Restricted Drivers" earlier. wrong name16:09
NoRoIwell i don have anything in the hardware Drivers manager either16:10
Jucatoit was supposed to be Hardware Drivers Manager.. if it's not there, can you please check if jockey-kde is installed16:11
NoRoIits there16:12
NoRoIBut within that nothings present16:12
alfredhello i am a german boy16:12
JucatoNoRoI: btw, you haven't answered what video card you have16:12
NoRoIvideo card16:12
=== alfred is now known as ajb
JucatoNoRoI: what video card? what brand/model?16:13
NoRoIits builtin16:13
Jucatohm.. I don't think there's a driver with 3d acceleration for that...16:13
Jucatowhat is the output of "glxinfo | grep render"?16:14
Jucato(run that in Konsole)16:14
NoRoIdirect rendering: Yes16:15
NoRoIOpenGL renderer string: Mesa DRI UniChrome 20060710 x86/MMX+/3DNow!+/SSE216:15
NoRoI0000:   f0000001  00000300  f0000006  0000000116:15
NoRoI0010:   f000000b  00000000  f000000c  0018020016:15
Jucatoah, it's using software rendering16:15
NoRoI0020:   f000000d  00180200  f000000e  8020002016:15
NoRoI0030:   f0000002  00000000  f0000003  0000000016:15
Jucatoyou don't have to paste everything!16:15
NoRoI0040:   f0000004  00000000  f0000000  f000200116:15
NoRoI0050:   f000000b  00000000  f210f110  0001000016:15
NoRoI0060:   cccccccc  cccccccc  cccccccc  cccccccc16:15
NoRoI0070:   cccccccc  cccccccc  cccccccc  cccccccc16:15
NoRoIfire_buffer: DRM_VIA_PCICMD returned -2216:15
NoRoIthis is the output16:15
NoRoIsorry for that16:16
Jucatonext time, don't paste *everything* in here :/16:16
Piciuse a !pastebin next time16:16
NoRoISo temme the solution ???16:16
jon__anyone can help i cannot record mic in16:16
JucatoNoRoI: it's using software rendering, except that.. it's a unichrome... I don't think desktop effects wil work with that...16:16
* Jucato is not sure about the video card...16:17
NoRoIhow do it to work with the hardware?16:17
Jucatowell, you just have basic funtionality.. no fancy effects as far as I know16:18
=== mira is now known as MirA
jon__ hi all!, i cannot record my mic input using any software runnig hardy kubuntu i have tried jack but no avail. the mic input sound can be heard on the speaker, also audacity doesnt even detect the mic, inbuilt soundcard16:31
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about mic16:32
jon__Dr_willis mic as in microphone16:32
jon__ubottu mic as in microphone16:32
ubottujon__: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:32
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about microphone16:32
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about record16:33
Dr_willisSorry  - i cant even find a factoid on it.16:33
TheKiNGIs anybody there?16:33
=== jon__ is now known as crator
Dr_willisTheKiNG,  Lots of us16:33
TheKiNGcan you help me?16:33
ubottuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?16:34
TheKiNGwell...i tried to install kubuntu16:34
TheKiNGand... it never shows up16:34
TheKiNGKDE never shows up at all16:34
TheKiNGmost of the time the loader stops at Loading local scripts16:34
TheKiNGright now, its just a black screen16:35
Dr_willisloading local scripts is the last thing the init system does.. X should of started befor that.16:35
Dr_willis do you see a LOGIN: prompt?16:35
TheKiNGit stops right there.16:36
Dr_willisthats weird. What version of Kubuntu was this? hardy/8.4 ?16:36
ernesto-new icq version? pidgin does not work... ... somehow16:37
Dr_willislaptop/desktop? what video card?16:37
TheKiNGS3 Video card.16:37
Dr_williss3? ICK ICK ICK>>>>> :)16:37
crator      can anyone tell me how to reset my audio system in kubuntu?16:37
TheKiNGbut the point is is that my other kubuntu versions work16:37
Dr_willisI see quite a few people with S3's and problems in here eveyr week..  not sure of the proper way to fix them either.16:38
Dr_willisthe older kubuntu works eh? now thats interesting.16:38
TheKiNG7.04 worked fantastic.16:38
Dr_willisYou may want to try disabling the framebuffer  console from the boot menu, and  use 'nosplash' so you can see any error messages.16:38
Dr_willisat least that way you can hopefully get to the console, and see a login, and any error messages.16:39
Dr_willisYou could try alt-ctrl-f1 now - and see if its a black screenbecause its on tty7 and showing a dead X :)16:40
ernestoanybody out there knowing something about the icq problem ?16:40
TheKiNGDr_willis: its in the terminal16:43
TheKiNGit wont start X16:43
Dr_willisernesto,  you might want to check the forum.16:43
Dr_willisTheKiNG,  At least you can begin troubleshooting now.16:43
TheKiNGi dont know how to disable framebuffer.16:43
Dr_willisTheKiNG,  I edit my /boot/grub/menu.lst to make the 'nofb' option the default16:44
ernesto... i will thx16:44
ernestobut which forum :P ?16:44
Dr_willis# defoptions=quiet splash --> becomes    # defoptions= nosplash nofb16:45
Dr_willisfor most of my needs. :)16:45
Dr_willisthen rerun 'sudo update-grub' after changing the file. that way nosplash/nofb is the default for all kernels. :) just in case..16:46
Dr_willisYou can reneable it later.16:46
Dr_willisso if you got a login: then you can login, and try 'startx' to see what sort of error messages you may get16:46
TheKiNGi got nothing16:46
Dr_willisNo messages/information at all? startx does what ? just returns?16:47
TheKiNGhold on16:47
TheKiNGscreens found but none has a usable config16:48
Dr_willissounds like the x config is confused. Been seeing that a lot under the latest release. :(16:48
Dr_willisYou could try -> sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg16:49
Dr_willis  16:49
Dr_willisit might make a better config for you16:49
=== ciko is now known as jst
Dr_willisI often cheat and have my old X configs archived. :) on a few box's ive taken the older ubuntu x configs and copied them to hardy.16:50
Dr_willisThe newer X stuff tries to do a 'keep xorg.conf minimal, and auto configure as needed' mentality.. and it has issues at times16:50
TheKiNGstill the same errors.16:51
Dr_willisYou may want to check the forums for any other s3 users and what they may of done.16:52
Dr_willisI got mad at one problem box..and deleted (renamed) my xorg.conf so i dident even have one.. then just tried 'startx' and it worked.. :)16:52
Dr_willisx totally auto-configed that time.16:53
Dr_willistotally suprised me.16:53
TheKiNGwell..there is a fix16:55
TheKiNGbut... i cant get it16:55
TheKiNGbecause it wont work16:56
TheKiNG(on the CD)16:56
Dr_willisYou may want to try installing with the alternative cd. if you cant get the live cd working.16:56
Coggzhi all, i have a major problem with tzdata package...16:56
Dr_williswell good luck. Bed time for me16:58
sigma_12whats so good with ext4 compared to ext3?16:59
mueslihigher number16:59
ActionParsniphey all16:59
sigma_12gee i would think so16:59
ActionParsnipreal quick question16:59
ActionParsnipIve paired my phone with bluetooth17:00
mueslisigma_12: http://www.linuxinsight.com/first_benchmarks_of_the_ext4_file_system.html17:00
ActionParsnipif i change its mode from connectable to discoverable will it still comuniocate with my phone but block all other connections??17:01
Coggztzdata: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1017:01
Coggzwhat do i do17:01
* eduardopl is away: Gone away for now.17:05
* eduardopl is back.17:05
jussi01!away > eduardopl17:05
ubottueduardopl, please see my private message17:05
sub[t]rnlCoggz➜ are you installing with apt?17:05
Coggztried apt-get, aptitude and synaptic17:07
sub[t]rnlhave you tried to --reinstall with apt?17:08
Coggzall make that error17:08
Coggztzdata: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1017:08
sub[t]rnldoes the shell script send the error when you try to remove the package?17:10
timriI want to file a bug, so I type "bug" in the searchbox on Ubuntu.com, but I am redirected to the "Employment" page, with a list of available jobs. So now I want to file two bugs. Question: where?17:11
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots17:12
timrisub[t]rnl: Thx17:12
NoRoIanyone here tell me how to solve video problem inkubuntu17:13
NoRoII cannot view video files...17:13
sub[t]rnlCoggz➜ show me cat /var/lib/dpkg/info tzdata.postinst |head -n 117:13
timri"Sorry, something just went wrong in Launchpad. We’ve recorded what happened, and we’ll fix it as soon as possible."... must be my lucky day :)17:15
boggystudiosAfter installing the nvidia drivers and turning off my computer for the night I wake up and the screen resolution is set to 640x480, any ideas why?  It was working fine to begin with.17:18
timriboggystudios: Had the same pb here (geforce 6150 + old IBM G41 monitor), needed to edit xorg.conf manually17:19
NoRoII have a problem viewing video files17:19
NoRoIany solution to it????17:19
Coggzcat: /var/lib/dpkg/info: Is a directory17:20
Coggzcat: tzdata.postinst: No such file or directory17:20
timriNoRol: Could you be more specific17:20
NoRoIi did sudo apt-get install kubuntu-restricted-extras17:20
NoRoIBut no use17:20
sub[t]rnlCoggz➜ sorry, cat /var/lib/dpkg/info/tzdata.postinst |head -n 117:20
boggystudiosNoRol: I will try that.17:20
NoRoII cannot view any .avi or .wmv or .mpg17:20
timriNoRoI: What player are you using?17:20
jussi01!pm > NoRoI17:21
ubottuNoRoI, please see my private message17:21
NoRoItried it on all available players17:21
Coggzsub[t]rnl: #! /bin/sh17:21
jussi01NoRoI: what is the error message?17:21
NoRoIoh sorry ubottu17:21
NoRoIIts my first time here so din't know the rules17:21
jussi01ubottu is a bot17:21
ubottuYes, I can confirm that I am a bot. http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots for all information.17:21
NoRoII will keep that in mind17:21
sub[t]rnlCoggz➜ odd, try removing the tzdata files in that directory then removing the package then.17:22
NoRoIIf its a .mpg file17:22
NoRoIThen it says no proper codec or something like that17:22
NoRoIN if its .avi,.wmv17:22
jussi01NoRoI: and you are sure the kubuntu restricted extras package installed correctly?17:23
sub[t]rnlCoggz➜ rm /var/lib/dpkg/info/tzdata* && sudo apt-get --purge remove tzdata17:23
NoRoIthen the video is run with a tria type colouring and the mouse moves in frames17:23
NoRoII did what u told17:23
NoRoIN it did install with sudo aptitude install kubuntu-restricted-extras17:24
maltedikmay i be the only one whos icq-protocol in kopete went down (7.10)?17:25
ubottuPlease ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit AND help you. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first, some find it rude.17:25
NoRoIany solutions @ jussi17:26
jussi01NoRoI: please just try this command again  sudo aptitude install kubuntu-resticted-extras      - to make sure everything went right. if it is already installed it will say no packages to install (or something similar)17:27
jussi01NoRoI: patience!17:28
jussi01!tab | NoRoI17:28
ubottuNoRoI: You can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.17:28
CoggzYou are about to do something potentially harmful17:29
CoggzTo continue type in the phrase ‘Yes, do as I say!’17:29
NoRoIit says 0 packages installed17:29
NoRoImeans all packages were properly installed17:30
CoggzThe following packages will be REMOVED17:30
Coggz  language-pack-en* language-pack-en-base* language-pack-kde-en*17:30
Coggz  language-pack-kde-en-base* locales* sun-java6-bin* sun-java6-jre*17:30
Coggz  sun-java6-plugin* tzdata* ubuntu-minimal* util-linux* util-linux-locales*17:30
Coggzany idea???17:31
sub[t]rnlyeah, don't do that17:31
Coggzseriously not cool, i presume17:32
sub[t]rnltry reinstalling the tzdata package now that you've remove the problem scripts from /var/lib/dpkg/info17:32
Coggzok, ill try17:32
jussi01NoRoI: hrm, which graphics card do you have and which driver are you using?17:33
NoRoIwell my graphic support is builtin17:33
NoRoII am using an Asus BOard17:34
jussi01NoRoI: please go to terminal and type lspci17:34
Coggzsub[t]rnl:  unfortunately, my pc is running as the same speed as a snail on weed, so it is taking ages to do anything17:34
jussi01then look for the graphics card and tell me what it is :)17:34
sub[t]rnlCoggz➜ hehe, not a problem17:34
Coggzsub[t]rnl: it is for me, i typed in the reinstall command, and nil17:37
sub[t]rnlstill giving error status 10?17:37
NoRoIVia technologies17:38
lakis1982hi .. i have installed java on my kubuntu but when i open firefox and i go into a site with java applet it shows me a message saying missing plugins required .... why ???17:38
lakis1982with konqueror sites with java applets open with no problem17:39
jussi01NoRoI: please give me the whole line (just 1 line)17:39
NoRoIthere are so many lines17:39
NoRoIVGA compatible controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. K8M890 [Chrome9] Integrated Video17:40
jussi01NoRoI: I mean the one pertaining to your gfx card17:40
jussi01NoRoI: ahhh17:40
NoRoIwhat do i do?17:41
jussi01NoRoI: have you installed the restricted driver?17:41
jussi01!ati | NoRoI17:41
ubottuNoRoI: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto17:41
jussi01NoRoI: there is a how to there17:41
alexeiHi, all! What is wrong with QT font handling here: http://imagebin.org/21832. How do I fix it? KDE fonts are displayed all right. I inhereted home directory with rc-files from SuSE.17:41
Coggzyes, exactly the same as before sub[t]rnl17:42
sub[t]rnlCoggz➜ ugh, not sure.  is dpkg complaining about dependencies?17:43
CoggzSub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)17:44
sub[t]rnlCoggz➜ try using -f with apt-get to install/remove the package..  gotta run for a bit17:44
Coggzthanks for teh help17:45
sub[t]rnlCoggz➜ found something on launchpad, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/tzdata/+bug/15144917:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 151449 in tzdata "E: tzdata: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 10 E: util-linux: dependency problems - leaving unconfigured" [Undecided,Fix released]17:45
sub[t]rnlthink theres a solution at the bottom17:45
sub[t]rnltry installing util-linux (if it isn't) and have a look at the link17:46
=== acer_ is now known as minori
NoRoIshould i use ati or nvidia?@jussi17:48
jussi01NoRoI: neither - see the via drivers section17:48
Coggzsub[t]rnl: what would happen if i did remove all those programs that are dependant on tzdata, then reinstalled them?17:48
NoRoIits for openchrome17:50
NoRoIMine is Unichrome i think17:50
Haza1Afternoon folks. can someone tell how to fix a problem i have with loading the adept program17:51
Haza1I get the message that another program is being run and i have to close it first17:51
Coggzdo you have synaptic open?17:51
Coggzor any other package program?17:51
Haza1Although ive restarted my desktop and this application (that i cannot see) is still running as far as adept is concerned17:51
hannibalmoin leute17:51
Haza1Coggz: Not that i know of mate17:51
Coggzthere is a lockfile somewhere... i cant remember where, but i think you must delete it then it will work17:52
Haza1Coggz: So this may be a bug?17:52
ubottuIf an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »17:52
Coggzor, look in proccess manager and kill apt(synaptic etc..)17:52
jussi01NoRoI: patience!!17:53
Coggzthanx jussi0117:53
Haza1jussio1: That sounds like a complex command. can i ask what it does? :)17:53
Letaurohi everybody.... I'm from buenos aires.....17:53
timrialexei: Do you have enableXft=true and useXft=true in your qtrc ?17:53
jussi01Haza1: removes the lock file then fixes dpkg17:53
Haza1jussio1: I will take your word for it and give it a shot! :)17:54
Haza1And that is two seperate sudo commands above right?17:54
jussi01Haza1: its from the bot so therefore sanctioned by the ops :)17:54
Haza1jussio1: Just one long command?17:54
Haza1sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a    <--17:55
jussi01Haza1: you can run it all at once, th ; seperates them17:55
NoRoIglxinfo | grep render gives Mesa DRI UniChrome 20060710 x86/MMX+/3DNow!+/SSE2 @ jussi17:55
jussi01makes things a little easier17:55
Haza1jussio1: Coggz. Cheers guys. I will give it a shot :)17:55
NoRoISo openchrome won't work17:55
jussi01NoRoI: read: http://wiki.openchrome.org/tikiwiki/tiki-index.php?page=The+Different+Unichrome+family+display+drivers17:56
Haza1jussio1: Coggz. Heheh, looks like adept may have crashed when i was *trying* to instal PostgreSQL17:56
Coggzalways a simple explanation... Haza117:57
Haza1jussio1: Coggz: Thats fixed it guys. Thanks a bunch! :)17:57
alexeitimri: yes and yes. I empirically fixed that. My $HOME contained ~/.fonts.conf with ?agressive? AA-settings. I renamed it. No idea why KDE did not respect the same QT settings ...17:58
Coggzim having 'fun' with apt/dpkg17:58
Haza1One more question. Any good recommendations for desktop capturing software for Kubuntu? Something lightweight and easy to use?17:59
CoggzHaza1: i have had lots of probs with desktop capturing...18:00
Haza1Coggz: Really? :(18:00
CoggzHaza1: if you find anything please pass it to my email18:01
Haza1No problems Coggz!18:01
lakis1982my java in firefox does not start after installing java18:02
lakis1982but java in konqueror does start normally18:02
Coggzbye dudes :]18:03
alexeinow fo general education of a former suse user: what is the closes equivalent of "rpm -qf /some/random/file" which tells the package name?18:06
jussi01lakis1982: tried installing the kubuntu-restricted-extras package?18:06
llutzalexei: dpkg -S file18:06
timrilakis1982: For firefox you also have to install the plugin18:06
lakis1982i installed kubuntu restricted but it didnt work either\18:07
alexeillutz: not bad! I thought I will have to live without it! Thanks.18:07
lakis1982the firefox plugin is installed but it doesnt appear it the plugin list when i write about:plugins in firefox18:07
lakis1982i have also restarted pc18:08
llutzalexei: it's a nice life without rpm :)18:09
=== hawkeyex is now known as Hawkeye-X
Hawkeye-Xdoes anyone know how to partition a HD? I want to make room (about 50G's) for Vista for games.18:11
jajbinksHawkeye-X the easiest way is to use a software like partition editor or gparted or qtpartede18:12
jajbinksHawkeye-X assuming your primary os is linux18:13
Hawkeye-Xok. partition editor wouldn't let me resize the current size of linux18:13
Hawkeye-Xand qtpartede doesn't work on Kubuntu for some reason, and I can't find gparted18:13
jajbinksHawkeye-X if you do it with partitoion editor18:13
Hawkeye-Xon my menu18:13
jajbinksHawkeye-X you cannopt resize it because it will erase the disc18:14
timrialexei: By the way dpkg -S only works for installed files that are in packages (not for stuff created by the postinstall scripts etc.). Also it (obviously) knows nothing about not-installed packages. Use packages.ubuntu.com for those.18:14
Hawkeye-Xso what's my next option?18:15
Sylphid|workhow can i control OSS mixing in KDE?18:15
Hawkeye-XI mean, if I could find a virtual PC that runs on linux18:15
Hawkeye-XI'd run Vista over Linux18:15
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats18:15
timriHawkeye-X: http://gparted-livecd.tuxfamily.org/18:15
jajbinksHawkeye-X if im not wrong vista has an inbuilt partition editor that resizes without loosing data18:15
Hawkeye-Xk, binks18:16
Hawkeye-Xif it doesn't work I'll kill you :P18:16
joe__how do you install firefox?18:19
alexeiHawkeye-X: I doubt jajbinks meant Vista can resize _linux_ partitions as well... BTW when I was installing Kubuntu the installer offered me to resize and preserve SuSE the partirion!18:19
ubottufirefox is the default web-browser on Ubuntu. To install the latest version, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion Installing plugins: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxPlugins18:20
jajbinksalexei you are right forgot win cannot recognise ext3 :(18:20
lakis1982ln: creating symbolic link `./libjavaplugin_oji.so': Permission denied18:20
lakis1982why does it says permission denied18:21
lakis1982what should i do ?18:21
timrilakis1982: http://xkcd.com/149/18:21
alexeijajbinks: he will find that out, the hard way... :-)18:22
NoRoI2i cannot find drivers for VIA Technologies, Inc. K8M890 [Chrome9] Integrated Video @ jussi18:22
jajbinksalexei hehe18:22
Sylphid|worklakis1982, use sudo18:22
lakis1982should i add sudo in front of the command?18:23
rockprincesslakis1982: having a firefox issue?18:24
NoRoI2jussi u there18:24
lakis1982cant start java with firefox18:24
rockprincesslakis1982: hold on, i'll give you THE perfect link....let me dig it out ;)18:24
lakis1982ok ythanks18:24
=== hawkeyex is now known as Hawkeye-X
Hawkeye-Xjust checked Vista install. no sign of any partition resizer18:25
rockprincesslakis1982: this will fix your problem ;) http://ubuntusite.com/how-to-make-java-plugin-work-in-firefox-kubuntu-hardy-hero/18:25
Hawkeye-XAll I need to is resize my Linux partition to make space for Vista18:25
alexeilakis1982: do you see java plugin listed in "about:plugins" ?18:25
lakis1982i cant see it in the list18:26
joe__how do you change the screen resolution?18:26
Hawkeye-XAll I need to is resize my Linux partition to make space for Vista - can anyone help? even a virtual PC that will load Windows will help18:26
=== NoRoI2 is now known as NoRoI
rockprincessjoe__: go into kde > system settings > monitor/screen18:27
timriHawkeye-X: I already pointed you at http://gparted-livecd.tuxfamily.org/18:27
timriNoRoI: OpenChrome9 on linux is pretty much a disaster at the moment. If you are brave, try: http://linux.via.com.tw/support/downloadFiles.action18:28
lakis1982id did this to create symlink but it does not work18:28
timriNoRoI: I wont help you with it thoug ;) ....18:28
alexeilakis1982:  then trace "libjavaplugin_oji.so", firefox must be able to find it. I dont know more, new in Ubuntu.18:28
rockprincesslakis1982: what does it say? do you get an error message?18:28
NoRoIi am looking for VIA Technologies, Inc. K8M890 [Chrome9] Integrated Video @ jussi18:29
lakis1982no it saYS FILE EXISTS18:29
NoRoIN i cannot find it18:29
Hawkeye-Xtimri: ok will give it a shot18:29
Hawkeye-XI just had to find a blank DVD, lol18:29
NoRoI@ timri18:29
rockprincesslakis1982: i guess you already restarted firefox?18:29
NoRoICannot find it on Via Arena18:29
rockprincesslakis1982: which version of java did you install?18:29
lakis1982exactly th same that the site says18:29
joe__how do we install firefox?18:29
* Hawkeye-X mutters 'damn slow downloads' 18:30
rockprincesslakis1982: what does "java -version" say? without the "18:30
alexeilakis1982:  you cannot overwrite existing links! Look where the link is pointing by "ls -l linkname". If it is pointing nowhere "rm" it and recreate.18:31
rockprincessjoe__: sudo apt-get install firefox3 or you go into kde > system > adept and install it fromt there18:31
NoRoIanyone here who can help me?18:31
lakis1982java version "1.6.0_06"18:31
lakis1982Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_06-b02)18:31
lakis1982Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 10.0-b22, mixed mode, sharing)18:31
jhutchins_wkHawkeye-X: One of the exercises of this channel is to avoid using foul language, even by implication or substitution.18:31
NoRoIi cannot find drivers for VIA Technologies, Inc. K8M890 [Chrome9] Integrated Video18:31
NoRoIMy built in graphic card is unichrome18:31
minhaajsomebody told me to back up home var and etc to back up18:32
minhaajand i am screwed now18:32
minhaaji can't get my programs t work18:32
timriNoRoI: http://linux.via.com.tw/support/beginDownload.action?eleid=2&fid=15718:32
Hawkeye-Xwhen is "damn" considered foul?18:32
jhutchins_wkminhaaj: Um, you can't get programs to work because you did a backup?18:32
minhaaji have all the programs in my home directory18:33
minhaajbut they won't work18:33
jhutchins_wkHawkeye-X: Yeah, primary, derived from "taking the lord's name in vain".18:33
keith_Hawkeye-X what are you downloading18:33
joe__how do we install firefox??18:33
minhaajthey have shortcuts on desktop but no programs18:33
minhaajjoe__:  got apt-get and type firefox18:33
Hawkeye-Xkeith_: gparted live tux18:33
minhaajand instal it18:33
Hawkeye-Xi just remembered that I had a torrent running18:33
jhutchins_wkjoe__: aptitude install firefox18:33
Hawkeye-XI stopped it, speed went up18:33
Hawkeye-XEarlier I was getting 9718:33
minhaajany idea i could get my programs to work ?18:34
lakis1982i made it18:34
lakis1982thanks a lot18:34
jhutchins_wkminhaaj: Did you reinstall then restore from backup?  Or did you do a backup that removed what you backed up?18:34
ubottufirefox is the default web-browser on Ubuntu. To install the latest version, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion Installing plugins: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxPlugins18:34
dfaureXrealvnc segfaults in kubuntu gutsy :((  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/vnc/+bug/15567218:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 155672 in vnc "Xrealvnc seg faults in gutsy" [Undecided,New]18:34
minhaaji tar.gzed the home var and etc directories18:34
minhaajand simply pasted the contents in relevant directories in new installation18:34
minhaajand it won't work18:34
minhaajwhen i overwrite etc my kubuntu simply crashes18:34
minhaajwhen i paste var it crashes18:35
minhaajwhen i rewrite home it would give me my configurations and desktop and programs back18:35
minhaajbut it won't work18:35
minhaaji mean most of them won't work18:35
minhaajonly kopete, and konversation works18:35
jhutchins_wkBlanket pasting /etc and /var is pretty much guaranteed to mess up the system.18:35
minhaajso how do you do it ?18:36
jhutchins_wkminhaaj: The only safe thing to restore is /home.18:36
minhaaji tried sudo18:36
minhaajyea but even that doesnt run my program18:36
jhutchins_wkI think you're about ready for another reinstall then.18:36
minhaaji have reinstalled.18:36
minhaajand i am updating18:36
minhaaji was just wondering if there is a way to get these programs running ?18:36
minhaaji have all my settings already in home with all my data saved18:37
minhaajcan synaptic help in fixing the brokenpackaes ?18:37
jhutchins_wkYour desktop icons should still point to the right programs.  I would get back to a clean /var and /etc, restore /home, then work with us on specific programs until we locate the general problem.18:37
minhaaji do have clean var and etc18:37
alexeiminhaaj: dont ever overwrite /etc! Your files from old home you can always unpack into subdirectory of you new home and pick whatever you need.18:38
minhaaji have restored home only18:38
minhaajalexei:  huh ?18:38
jhutchins_wkminhaaj: No, you've overwritten the config files with older versions, and /var contains important libraries.  You can't just paste the old ones over it.18:38
minhaaji didnt touch var and etc18:38
minhaaji just restored home18:38
minhaajits working fine. only problem is it won't load some programs18:39
minhaajprograms are in home with all profiles and settings saved18:39
jhutchins_wkminhaaj: If you do an upgrade, as opposed to a clean install, you will preserve what needs to be saved in /etc and /var, but at this point you have no way to get back to a clean pre-upgrade system.18:39
minhaajit just won't run18:39
timriminhaaj: Run them from a Konsole to find out why.18:39
jhutchins_wkminhaaj: Give us a specific example of something that fails.18:39
minhaajmozilla thunderbird, firefox, googleearth18:40
minhaajthey just have links on desktop, but they wont work18:40
minhaajbut they have folders .firefox in home18:40
minhaajwith all profiles and settings saved18:40
timriminhaaj: just reinstall them18:40
jhutchins_wkminhaaj: Bingo.  You changed versions, that software installs in version-specific directories, so your paths are wrong.  Delete your shortcuts and create new ones.18:40
jhutchins_wkminhaaj: Alt-F2 mozilla-firefox should work.18:41
minhaajhow do i create new short cuts ? i cant find executable files in .firefox18:41
minhaajjhutchins let me try what is the alt+f2 command for firefox ?18:41
jhutchins_wkminhaaj: at a console type "which mozilla-firefox"18:41
alexeiminhaaj: those icons are just pointers, right-click->properties->edit the commad as you like. So that when you click on Googleearth, firefox pops up, why not?18:42
timriminhaaj: they are not yet installed, you can do that now (synaptic)18:42
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minhaajthey ARE installed timri18:42
minhaaji have their folders in HOME18:42
timriminhaaj: and those contain your settings, not the programs themselves (normally)18:43
minhaajso if i install the program, my settings would be updated in programs ?18:43
minhaaji am annoyed by the fact that you cant back up in linux18:44
timriminhaaj: The newly installed versions would use those settings, yes18:44
minhaajtimri you sure ?18:44
timriminhaaj: Learn how to use aptitude-create-state-bundle  :)18:44
minhaajwhat is that timri ?18:44
timriminhaaj: It creates a snapshot of the installed programs...18:45
minhaajso ?18:45
minhaajhow does that help back up ?18:45
timriminhaaj: ... that you can restore with aptitude-run-state-bundle18:45
alexeiminhaaj: your old settings are in $HOME/.firefox the new firefox itself is somewhere in /usr/18:45
keithwhy would my usual nick still be in use after several minutes of being disconnected from the server?18:46
minhaajahh since i have new /usr/ in clean installation i need to do firefox again and during the process firefox would automatically detect a folder already in home and it would use these settings by default ?18:46
timriminhaaj: A propos backing-up: I use rdiff-backup for that18:46
timriminhaaj: correct18:46
minhaaji have read documentation on rdiff-back up18:46
minhaaji just can't make out18:46
timriminhaaj: rdiffbackup /home /mythumbnaildrivemount/home18:47
minhaajwhat do you EXACTLY need to back up ONLY your settings, configurations, applications and kubuntu related configs18:47
minhaaji dont care about my data its already backed up18:47
minhaajmythubmnaildrivemount ?18:47
timriminhaaj: Yeah, or /media/disk or whatever it's called ;)18:47
minhaajoh so you mean backing up on usb ?18:47
timriminhaaj: Yeah I backup to an external drive (amongst other things)18:48
minhaajthats what i'd do18:48
minhaajso you run this command in konsole ?18:48
timriminhaaj: yep18:48
minhaajdont you have to install rdiff first ?18:48
minhaajor its kubuntu built in utility ?18:48
timriminhaaj: Kubuntu has the "Keep" program (it uses rdiff-backup)18:49
timriminhaaj: However, shouldnt you be busy installing firefox, thunderbird and google earth? ;)18:49
minhaaji am updating packages18:49
minhaajits taking time.18:49
minhaajtook me  2 hours to get that friggin back up to run :s18:50
minhaajwish linux had something like norton ghost18:50
minhaaji have used keep it doesnt work18:50
minhaajfor me atleast18:50
=== emilsedgh_ is now known as emilsedgh
Sylphid|workminhaaj, http://www.partimage.org/Main_Page18:51
minhaajthats pretty techie Sylphid|work18:53
minhaajthere should have been easy way to back up linux18:53
drifminhaaj: more easier thaan SystemRescueCd which boots?18:53
minhaajwhere does adept-updater download updates by the way ? nobody would like to update kubuntu each time you install it18:53
minhaajhow does that work systemrescue cd18:54
drifminhaaj: read the page18:54
timriminhaaj: /var/cache/apt/archives/18:54
minhaajone thing that i didnt tell you is that i am using kubuntu with wubi18:54
keithIs there an op here who could kick compilerwriter (me) off so that I am not here persistently with two nicks?18:54
minhaajbut you said never blanket over write etc and var18:54
* timri knows nothing about wubi18:54
minhaajhow do you back up and restore var and etc if we are not supposed to paste it over clean var and etc install ?18:55
Githzeraiminhaaj: Have u tried Clonezilla ?18:55
minhaajnope whats that ?18:55
Githzeraiminhaaj: Distro for cloning partitions, akka Ghost18:56
minhaajdistro ?18:56
Githzeraiminhaaj: http://www.clonezilla.org/18:56
minhaajyep reading.18:57
Githzeraiminhaaj: Simple live CD based on Debian. It cn be very usefull18:57
minhaajthats the problem i dont USE cd based install18:57
minhaaji use wubi18:57
minhaajfor some weird reason my kubuntu cd won't install18:58
minhaajplus i need windows for office18:58
minhaaji mean MS office18:58
Githzeraiminhaaj: It can clone even ntfs partitions ;)18:59
Jahromeohi im looking to take a screenie of my cube rotated in kubuntu - print screen is not bringing up the snapshot capturer while screen is rotated - so if i print screen what editor can i paste in to18:59
GithzeraiJahromeo: Set time delay in Ksnapshot ;)19:00
Jahromeois there nothing else to do?19:00
Jahromeoubuntu is just print screen and paste19:00
minhaaji have ntfs partitions19:00
minhaajsince i use wubi with windows19:00
Jahromeois there no editor i can open and paste gith19:00
Jahromeolike a default program like mspaint19:01
andriijashow do i install firefox 3.0 final in hardy?19:01
Sylphid|workJahromeo, install gimp or krita19:02
Githzeraiandriijas: Use hardy-backports repo19:02
NoRoIits already installed in Hardy19:02
checkobhi, is there any workaround for the pidgin icq bug?19:02
Jahromeowindows deselect when mouse moves off them - how do i fix that19:04
andriijasGithzerai: can only find beta519:05
Piciandriijas: FF3 final is in the updates repository.19:06
rockprincesscheckob: better ask the pidgin guys, the icq issue is less than 3 hours old! kopete guys are struggling as well19:06
andriijasPici: i have the updates repo, still it says deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/mozillateam/ubuntu hardy main19:07
andriijasit says b5 in apt-cache show firefox19:07
maltedikfor all icq-kopete-sufferers: theres a workaround on http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=16550219:08
ubottumaltedik: Error: Could not parse XML returned by KDE: Connection timed out. (http://bugs.kde.org/xml.cgi?id=165502)19:09
Piciandriijas: Can you pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list file?19:13
timriJahromeo: Both Krita and the Gimp are fairly "heavy" apps. For simple stuff, I prefer kolourpaint19:13
Jahromeothanks timri19:14
=== user__ is now known as Diluv1orh
timriJahromeo: Re: your "windows deselect" problem: Start SystemSettings go to "Window behavior" then set the focus policy to "Click to focus"19:17
Jahromeothanks timri19:18
Jahromeothe guys in compiz got me sorted19:18
andriijasPici: http://pastebin.com/d13b3496f19:31
artur_What are the system requeriments for the Kubuntu 7.10 ?  How much of Mhz? RAM? GB? and so on19:31
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about chess19:31
* joseph snickers19:32
Sylphid|workartur_, Desktop install requires at least 256MB of RAM and 3GB of available hard drive space.19:34
NickPrestaartur_, you could probably get away with a ~700Mhz processor and 256MB of RAM. However, optimal would probably be 1.2Ghz, 512MB of RAM.19:35
shadowhywindhi, does anyone know of a way to copy a existing ubuntu installation to an external bootable hdd?19:37
artur_NickPresta: the same could be said for 8.04, or not?19:37
NickPrestaartur_, yep19:38
artur_NickPresta, thank's!  indeed i'll try to use this in a 750 Mhz with 256MB19:39
andriijashow do i reset my taskbar to its original settings?19:40
NickPrestaartur_, I would say that you'll be fine. You can always turn off the extra eye candy in KDE if you notice any slowdowns19:40
NickPrestashadowhywind, there are many backup options here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem19:41
shadowhywindNickPresta: thanks19:42
artur_NickPresta, sorry, but what you mean with 'extra eye candy' ?  i'm sorry19:42
NickPresta!hi | neotonic19:42
ubottuneotonic: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!19:42
neotonicI need some help...i am buntuused to U19:43
neotonichow i am used to ubuntu19:43
NickPrestayou use ubuntu?19:43
neotonicyes and Kubuntu now19:43
NickPrestawhats the problem?19:43
candiveubotto, hi19:43
neotonicwhere is tyhe Snyoptics package manager in Kubuntu?19:44
rabinneotonic: It's better to apt-get remove synaptic.19:44
NickPrestaneotonic, in Kubuntu, there is Adept (similar in nature). However, you can use Synaptic if you really want (you can still install it)19:44
rabinneotonic:  it's a bullshit software use kpackage19:44
neotonici just needed to know the name of the package manager lol19:45
NickPrestaAdept, by default19:45
rabinneotonic: use Kpackage19:45
neotonici cant find it...19:46
artur_artur_: my grub Menu was duplicated, i saw the /boot/grub/menu.lst  and there i could see the menu wrote more the once. To solve this should i just comment the lines that i want exclude from the menu?19:47
neotonicI only found Adept Manager19:47
NickPrestaartur_, yeah. But when the update script is run again (if you're editing something inside the 'automagic' area) the lines will be put back. If you're outside that 'automagic' area, you're fine19:48
NickPrestaneotonic, you can use that19:48
neotonicI am tripple booting my laptop19:49
rabinneotonic: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE19:49
neotonicUbuntu, Kubntu and Windows Vista19:50
artur_NickPresta:  thnx!!19:50
=== neotonic is now known as Dr-Pepsi
Dr-PepsiWhy isnt my Compiz working? I installed the settings manager, and checked the setings i wanted19:53
ubottuDoesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.19:53
rabinDr-Pepsi: can you please inform us about the graphics card19:53
Dr-Pepsiit works on Ubuntu, nVIDIA GeForce 8600M GS 1GB19:54
Dr-Pepsi512mb detiucated19:54
ubottuKubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness from KMenu -> System -> Desktop Effects - further help in #compiz-fusion19:55
rabinuse compiz-fusion19:56
rabinupdate package Xorg19:56
MattMunichhi @ll19:56
NickPrestahi, MattMunich19:56
Dr-PepsiMattMunich:  Hi19:56
MattMunichI have a problem with working with kde4.1 applications in German; eg Kontact seems to be partly in English and partly in German. Is that true? or have i missed something?19:57
MattMunichmy distributuion is kubuntu 8.04, my kde is 4.119:57
Shirakawasunayou mean the beta?  Perhaps you should ask in #kde19:58
Shirakawasunasince it's beta :D19:58
MattMunichi was referred to this channel from #kde19:59
_dennisterg'evening channel...any other samba experts online here, seeing as how flaccid isn't?20:00
_dennisteronline that is :)20:01
NickPrestayou should ask in #kubuntu-kde4 if it is a KDE4 problem with Kubuntu20:01
NickPrestawhich you did :)20:01
=== sjckk is now known as sjck
_dennisteri've edited my smb.conf for a simple samba configuration (security=share), and my shares are visible via a w2k laptop, but that's it...haven't added samba users, edited fstab, or anything else yet20:03
tom_hi, i'm kinda new to linux and kubuntu...20:04
_dennisterquestion: is it necessary to edit the fstab file for my samba shares so they'll mount at boottime?20:04
ubottuKubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness from KMenu -> System -> Desktop Effects - further help in #compiz-fusion20:05
tom_i've just received a free kubuntu 8.04 cd and installed it. after installation, i went through apt-get update and apt-get upgrade and now kubuntu won't start in normal mode20:05
tom_i have to go through recovery mode and then choose proceed normal boot20:05
tom_the problem is, i get a kernel panic, something like it couldn't mount unknown disk (0,0)20:05
tom_any ideas what could be causing it and how it can be fixed?20:06
_dennistertom_: what kind of drive is it? and are you in livecd mode, or in the installation?20:08
tom__dennister: i'm in the installation. if i choose recovery mode in grub and when i get the recovery menu (normal, xfix, console) i choose normal boot, it starts normally...20:08
tom_hdd is sata, i'm not sure what brand it is, should i check?20:09
_dennistertom_: and "xfix" is?20:09
_dennisterno, don't worry about the brand20:09
tom_it says that xfix would fix the X Windows system....20:10
_dennisterok...i'm used to other methods of fixing xorg...xfix seems to be working for you20:10
tom_what do you mean?20:11
tom_that is one of the options in the recovery menu20:11
tom_i was just describing them, to make clear the steps i take to be able to boot normally.   in grub i choose recovery mode, in recovery menu i choose continue boot - works.    in grub ichoose the default ubuntu - kernel panic.20:12
_dennisterxfix must be new to hardy...and i've never seen a "recovery menu", just recovery mode, which is a console method...no menus...I'd better not try to help you, but let some of the more experienced hardy helpers assist20:12
=== miguel is now known as Guest642
tom_this is a nice clean menu ;)20:13
tom_it took me a day to fix X from the console last time i've tried kubuntu20:13
_dennistertom_: sorry...let's see, if ur new to kubuntu and this channel...there are lots of very good tech support people in here usually20:14
_dennisterare you used to other linux distros?20:14
tom_i've tried pclinuxos and hated it and i've tried previous versions of ubuntu and kubuntu and i always had some problems with the drivers, either audio or video20:15
tom_now it seems there's a problem with the hdd :P20:15
minhaajyea thats what i thought20:15
_dennisterok, good then...but it's too bad ur having trouble...it's usually one of the easiest distros...i'm building one here for a reluctant linux user20:15
minhaajbecause kubuntu is good with hardware detection20:15
minhaajubunti IS the best distro20:16
_dennisteryes, very...it detected my sata controller when the bios didn't :-)20:16
minhaaji was able to my bluetooth in it which i couldnt use in windows20:16
minhaajubuntu is a miracle20:16
minhaajso is linux. and credit goes everyone20:17
minhaajme and you20:17
_dennisterminhaaj: could you help tom_ with his hdd then? he's using hardy, and i'm not that good with hardy yet20:17
minhaajwhats the problem tom ?20:17
tom_i installed kubuntu 8.04 from a cd i got in the mail, everything worked fine20:17
ubottuKubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness from KMenu -> System -> Desktop Effects - further help in #compiz-fusion20:18
tom_i configured the internet connection, rebooted to make sure everything was fine20:18
tom_ran apt-get update and apt-get upgrade and rebooted once more20:18
tom_now if i choose the default option in grub, i get a kernel panic20:18
minhaajtell me the exact error tom20:19
minhaajdid you google it ?20:19
tom_ something like it couldn't mount unknown disk (0,0)20:19
tom_ummm doh, no20:19
tom_brb, rebooting to check the exact message :)20:19
minhaajheh ok20:19
Dr-PepsiI got Compiz Working20:19
_dennisterDr-Pepsi: congrats...with hardy?20:20
_dennisterok...back to my samba configuration...20:21
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=== Soul is now known as Lord
=== Lord is now known as Guest17200
visik7hi guys,20:23
visik7will kubuntu 8.10 have kde4.x by default ?20:23
=== Guest17200 is now known as Lord_Drestor
minhaaji hoep so20:23
minhaajalthough kde4 sux20:23
visik7no it doesn't20:24
visik7kde4 is here to rules the world :)20:24
visik74.0 sux but 4.0 is old20:24
minhaajkde4 is here to mess up ubuntu20:24
anabelleMy PC doesn't keep XORG settings after reboot!!!!20:24
NickPresta4.0 is a beta release with many things 'incomplete', but as 4.1 Beta 2 is a beta and still has some things incomplete20:25
anabellewhat can it be?20:25
tom_ok, now i got a whole different message with a stack trace20:25
minhaajanabella did you try saving session ?20:25
minhaajtom google it20:26
tom_i've got ubuntu 8.04 kernel 2.6.24-16 and it froze saying "kernel panic - not syncing - attempted to kill init!"20:26
minhaajseems like you are having a conflict20:26
Lord_DrestorHi men, I have a problem with lyric and amarok, is something with ruby 1.8, but i don't know how to solve it and see the lyrics again20:26
terettes15hi!! i need help installing the new firefox 3.0 on my kubuntu linux computer20:26
visik7tom_: after what ?20:26
_CrashMaster_terettes15: What kind of problem are you encountering?20:26
tom_visik7: i get that when i boot normally20:26
NickPrestaLord_Drestor, what seems to be the problem?20:27
minhaajtom http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-software-2/explained-kernel-panic-not-syncing-attempted-to-kill-init-353920/20:27
Lord_Drestori am going to paste it20:27
terettes15i dont know how to install the new firefox, when i dl it it only comes up has a file20:27
terettes15and not a .deb20:27
minhaajterettes15:  go to apt-get20:28
_CrashMaster_terettes15: Open a terminal. Type "sudo apt-get install firefox"20:28
minhaajor sudo apt-get install firefox20:28
ubottupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)20:28
minhaajLord_Drestor:  paste in pastebin20:28
_dennisterok, quickie question: can i change how updatedb is done by simply moving slocate script from cron.daily to cron.hourly?20:29
minhaajno idea20:30
terettes15i think it worked20:30
minhaaj_dennister:  did you try man updatedb ?20:30
_CrashMaster_of course it worked. It always works. :P20:30
minhaajgreat terettes1520:30
terettes15thank you20:31
minhaajlinux DOES work.20:31
_CrashMaster_If you speak the special Linux language, anyway :)20:31
minhaajit just doesnt make you dumb and pre configure things for you like windows20:31
_dennisterminhaaj: i've read it many times before, but all the advice i've ever read goes into so much depth about how to ...my son is coming in an hour and I just don't have the time20:32
Lord_Drestorthis is the problem http://paste.ubuntu.com/24301/20:33
terettes15all it did was reinstall firefox 2.0, not firefox 3.020:33
_dennisterminhaaj: i know linux works :-) been using it for 2 years on many, many systems, even had a working gentoo system, a mythtv box...20:33
minhaajwow nice20:34
NickPrestaLord_Drestor, it just appears that the Lyrc site is down (http://lyrc.com.ar). I would wait a bit and see if the site comes back up20:34
minhaajterettes15:  go to apt-get20:34
minhaajthere you can get firefox 320:34
minhaajits listed under internet20:34
minhaajsimply uncheck firefox2 and get firefox 320:34
_dennisterso ppl: can I quickly change how often updatedb gets done by simply moving the script from cron.daily to cron.hourly?20:34
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Lord_DrestorNickPresta, ok thank you if it doesn't change i will be back here LOL20:36
NickPrestaLord_Drestor, okay, but there really isn't anything we can do about it :) You could try GoogLyrics http://www.kde-apps.org/content/show.php/GoogLyrics?content=7385020:38
arogarthhello @all20:40
terettes15now its saying firefox is malformatted20:40
arogarthi have a question20:40
Lord_Drestorok thanks bye20:40
arogarthi will compile kmediafactory
arogarthat the end of configure it shows me configure: error:20:41
toborhi all, I am using Firefox 1.5, ( on LTS 6.06) and I am thinking about upgrading so that I can and some extensions. does anyone know if the current repositories for LTS 6.06 include a later version of Firefox?20:41
arogarthon depends ImageMagick => 6.020:41
arogarthhow can i fix it20:41
NickPrestaarogarth, sudo apt-get install imagemagick20:41
arogarthi have installed it20:42
_dennisterok, more important question regarding samba: to mount samba shares at boottime i have to edit fstab, right? and make a smbpasswd file it can access?20:42
NickPrestaarogarth, try: libmagick++9-dev20:42
_dennister<--------needs flaccid for a simple samba config20:43
NickPresta_dennister, you want to mount a cifs share at boot time?20:43
_dennisterNickPresta: sorta...i just prefer to use smbfs cause cifs sucks20:44
andriijashow do i make firefox look prettier in kubuntu?20:45
NickPresta_dennister, as far as I know, smbfs has not had development in the last couple years and CIFS is now what you should be using.20:45
toborNickPresta: Samba and CIFS are the same project, CIFS was Microsoft's new name foe that functionality20:46
_dennisterand yes, smbfs is being deprecated...but i struggled with it for some time a few weeks ago, and it never worked for me...even with the help of people like genii...smbfs still works20:46
arogarththx, it works20:46
_dennisterNickPresta: sorry ^^20:46
arogarthi have had installed libmagick++10-dev20:46
arogarthbut this dowsnt work20:46
NickPrestatobor, okay. I'm just going with what is said here: http://samba.org/samba/smbfs/20:46
arogarththx a lot20:46
NickPresta_dennister, sorry. I use CIFS to mount my windows shares. I haven't used smbfs in a very long time20:47
_dennisterNickPresta: but perhaps we should try to mount a share it temporarily from terminal before we make it permanent in fstab20:47
NickPresta_dennister, yeah, for sure20:48
toborNickPresta: oh, well they certainly know more about what's going on Van ideal! :-)20:48
_dennisterNickPresta: if we can make cifs work today, i'll be forever in ur debt20:48
tobors/Van ideal/Than I do/20:48
toborspeech recognition software :-(20:48
NickPresta_dennister, try something like this: mount -t cifs -o ip=LOCAL.IP -o OPTIONS //SHARENAME/path/ /local/path20:50
_dennisterNickPresta: here's the point where I'm at: edited smb.conf, added smbpasswd for my user, made directories/mountpoints in /media/sambashare for those shares20:50
NickPresta_dennister, have you seen http://www.swerdna.net.au/linhowtosambacifs.html ? It explains what you want to accomplish (I think)20:52
_dennisterNickPresta: no i haven't seen that one before...just tons of others like it...am trying now to follow ur earlier direction with terminal command20:53
NickPresta_dennister, mount also accepts 'username' and 'password' options: mount -t cifs -o ip=LOCALIP,username=USERNAME,password=PASSWORD //SHARENAME/path/ /local/path20:54
_dennisterNickPresta: ok, got an error 22 = Invalid argument after I entered: sudo mount -t cifs -o ip= -o username=scott //storage /media/sambashare/storage20:55
_dennisterprobably cause i had 2 "-o" right?20:56
_dennisterno wait...cause there were spaces between options20:56
NickPresta_dennister, yeah. just a comma - no spaces20:56
_dennisterstarting to remember now...mount command is very similar to fstab line20:58
_dennisteri think i did it...now to test20:58
mboxi cant connect to icq ... server says kopete version is too old... any advice?20:59
timrimbox: workaround: http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=16550221:00
ubottuKDE bug 165502 in ICQ and AIM Plugins "ICQ doesn't connect (Client to old)" [Major,Resolved: fixed]21:00
aeight> #kopete ;)21:00
tom_hi again21:01
tom_minhaaj: problem solved21:01
_dennisterNickPresta: yes!!! it mounted and i can now browse it from the w2k laptop21:01
timri_dennister: If you use a password, better move it to a separate credentials file.21:02
tom_all of a sudden adept thought of notifying me about other updates which apt-get has missed. it updated my kernel to 2.6.24-19 (from 2.6.24-16) and now it works fine21:02
minhaajgreat tom_21:02
minhaajsee you are smart21:02
tom_so i guess the lesson here (at least for me) is to stop using apt-get if you have adept21:02
NickPresta_dennister, the fstab line looks like this: //SHARE/path/ /path/path/ cifs rw,user,uid=YOURUSERNAME,gid=YOURGROUP,umask=0222,nls=utf8,ip=,username=USERNAME,password=PASSWORD 0 021:02
minhaajdidnt apt-get update work for you ?21:03
NickPrestatimri, _dennister ah yes. the credentials option and file. That makes more sense :)21:03
maltediktom_, maybe you didnt use "apt-get dist-upgrade"21:03
tom_minhaaj: that's what messed it up in the first place21:03
_dennisterNickPresta: yes, i'm used to doing that...the main thing is that I can now browse the server share and play the music on it through the w2k laptop...thx...will edit fstab now, then create the smbcredentials file, then mount it all to test21:03
tom_true, maltedik21:03
tom_i forgot about that one21:03
maltedikalways add the "dist-"21:04
minhaajgreat. but apt get works fne for me21:04
timri_dennister: Just a question: why do you want to mount it at _boot_ time, why not at login?21:04
maltedikits the "dist-" what makes apt-get so special! ;)21:04
_dennistertimri: good question; i hadn't thought of that...all the howtos i've tried to follow in the past said to do it at bootime21:05
tom_i see21:05
_dennister<---------follows direction :-)21:05
minhaajmaltedik:  apt-get dist-upgrade ?21:06
timri_dennister: You dont even need root permissions with something like fusesmb21:06
_dennisterperhaps that is at the heart of my past troubles? particularly with cifs...wonderful...never heard of fusesmb b421:07
maltedikminhaaj: yeah. the upgrade without the dist doesnt include kernels21:07
minhaajahh ok21:07
minhaaji never did that. guess i should try it21:07
minhaajits stable ?21:07
_dennisterNickPresta: is timri correct, and automating something at login is better than at boot?21:07
maltediki always use it21:08
tom_one more thing, i have an ati radeon x800 gto, do you think it would be wise to install proprietary drivers?21:08
minhaajhmm great.21:08
minhaajyep tom_21:08
minhaajtry fglrx21:08
tom_currently kubuntu sees it as "ATI Radeon"21:08
maltedikminhaaj: but you have to reboot to use the new kernel...21:08
minhaajahh ok21:08
timri_dennister: ? Did I say "better" ?21:08
minhaajbecause i have seen people whine about kernel upgrade21:08
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minhaajso i guess it screws some people up21:08
minhaajbtw maltedik you did me earlier today. told me to back up home etc and var21:08
minhaaji did so, i was only able to restore home21:09
minhaajetc and var restoring would crash kubuntu21:09
minhaajtook me 3 hours to get things reinstalled21:09
minhaajthanks buddy21:09
_dennistertimri: no, u didn't, but ur solution sounds more logical than doing it at boot...one of the troubles i was having with cifs before is a bit complicated to explain, but there seemed to be a conflict between root, mounting certain drives through fstab, and the smbuser21:10
maltedikminhaaj: i didnt _told_ you anything21:11
minhaajyou did :)21:11
minhaajanyways thats how we all learn21:11
timri_dennister: I too was hit by the transition to cifs (ah, "general error 11" how I miss you)21:11
tom_wtf.. cat steps on ash tray, bed is full of cigarrette ashes, i slap the cat, the cat starts purring21:12
_dennistertimri: and since NickPresta seems to be taking a break (or helping someone else) i'd appreciate your opinion, as u seem to know what ur talking about :) better to mount all samba shares at boot, or login?21:12
minhaajtom_: try #kubuntu-offtopic21:12
_dennisteryes, i got all sorts of errors...even genii tried to help me, and he really knows what he's doing with linux...i met him personally21:12
kakooniaHey.. from some reason the keyboard layout switching shortcut goes only one way.. someone knows how to fix this?21:13
timri_dennister: If it's system wide I mount at boot (e.g. I use a share to backup to, that's mounted at boot), the rest gets mounted for each user at login (with smb4k mainly - although that's not as stable as I would like)21:13
timri_dennister: A genii -- the smell of coffee fills the room :)21:14
_dennistertimri: can u wait 5-10 minutes and then hold my hand a bit while I try this? I gotta run to go pee and have a cig...i'm so excited :)...........ok,k i elect to do it at boot then, because it needs to be system wide.........back in 5-10 minutes21:14
timri_dennister: heh, sure21:14
kakooniasomeone can help me out with this wierd problem?21:15
sourcemakeris it possible to log all the access.log from apache to mysql?21:15
Sylphid|work!ask > kakoonia21:16
ubottukakoonia, please see my private message21:16
minhaajok my back attempt has done me bad21:16
minhaajany idea how i can install the missing files in etc and var ?21:16
sub[t]rnlsourcemaker➜ mysql has a load function to read regular files21:17
sourcemakersub[t]rnl: ok... thanks21:17
sub[t]rnlLOAD DATA infile /path/to/access.log INTO TABLE newtablename (field1, field2, field3,)21:17
sub[t]rnlsomething like that21:18
_dennistertimri: ur not genii are u? logging in from your vacation spot?21:21
timri_dennister: Nope21:21
dwidmann_Okay, so I'm a bit out of touch with my inner bash. Can someone refresh my memory on how to play with the range thing, ie: something like "touch [1-4]blah" would make 1blah, 2blah ....  .......21:22
timri_dennister: By the way, the center of France is a terrible vacation spot21:22
_dennisterok...it was the coffee line...u obviously are familiar with him...lol21:22
sub[t]rnldwidmann_➜ touch {1..4}blah21:23
dwidmann_thanks sub[t]rnl21:23
_dennistertimri: ok, let's get the fstab line working, k?21:24
timri_dennister: go ahead21:24
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minhaajtimri dude that home restore has done me21:25
minhaajevery program i open, an error pops up21:25
timriminhaaj: In a good way?21:25
minhaajin worst way21:25
minhaajhow do i add additional files for etc and var ?21:25
minhaajhow can i fix broken packages ?21:26
mboxtimri: thank you!21:26
_dennisterok, i've got the share unmounted again...will create the smbcredentials file...just the user and the password, right? and then i need to change the perms so it's not readable except by root21:26
enterusernamehow do i enable automounting again where the screen pops up when i put a new cd21:26
enterusernameor an ipod?21:26
testiamarok isn't playing m4a files for some reason. How can I ensure, that m4a is supported by amarok?21:26
enterusernameI think i byaccidently disabled the pop up screen21:26
timri_dennister: yep. Tip: open konqueror here: man:/mount.cifs21:27
timrimbox: You're welcome21:27
sub[t]rnlenterusername➜ are you talking about the hal layer? or just getting icons on the desktop?21:29
enterusernamewell i think its a mixture of hal with kde?21:29
_dennistertimri: goot tip, i had the contents of smbcredentials slightly incorrect already21:29
enterusernamewhen ever i put a disk or ipod in i would get a pop up window21:29
timri_dennister: heh. By the way you can use the # sign as a shortcut for man:/ (no space)21:30
sub[t]rnlenterusername➜ right click desktop, configure desktop, behavior, and check to see if your device icons are enabled21:30
_dennisterok, how to make smbcredentials read-only, except by root?21:30
timrienterusername: also start Systemsettings -> notifications -> storage media21:30
timri_dennister: chmod 0500 smbcredentials21:32
_dennistertimri: was that meant for me?^^ my son has arrived now, and i need to quickly get this finished21:32
sub[t]rnl_dennister➜ probably don't want that to be read only.. you'll want to hide that from everyone21:32
flags8192Скажите пожалуйста, как в кубунту slonax запустить21:32
_dennisteryes, ur right21:32
yesitisjustmemy laptop has build in thing to connect ethernet cable and i  also have a pcmcia card it gets detectedn and dongle cable lights up but yet won't connect with either build in or the card yet it always connects fine to desktop is there something i am missing?21:32
_dennistertimri: and now the fstab line...21:33
joebob777as7I want to set up remote printing? is there an easy way to do that without setting up a vpn? if not is there an easy way to set up a vpn?21:34
timri_dennister: just take your mount command leave out the -o, put the options in the correct spot21:34
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joebob777as7I mean for internet printing btw21:35
yesitisjustmeis it possible for a internet provider to block like other computers on your house like a laptop and only allow desktop to connect to internet?21:36
sub[t]rnlyesitisjustme➜ negative21:36
_dennistertimri: sorry, now that i have fstab open in terminal i can't see what my mount command was21:36
timri_dennister: use konsole instead of a terminal :) (Alt+F2 konsole enter)21:37
sub[t]rnljoebob777as7➜ ssh tunneling would be a better choice21:37
_dennistertoo late now...so far i've got: //netbiosname/sharename mountpoint cifs ... now i need the options21:38
yesitisjustmewell it detects the card ok i don't what else to try also the building ehternet port also couldn't browse21:38
sub[t]rnlthough you can vpn vial a ssh tunnel, but that would be an extra layer taking up resources21:38
timri_dennister: you had the options 15 mins ago21:39
* timri scrolls back21:39
joebob777as7sub[t]rnl. I know but my mom doesn't know what to do and she's on a windows box...21:40
timri_dennister: " <NickPresta> _dennister, the fstab line looks like this: //SHARE/path/ /path/path/ cifs rw,user,uid=YOURUSERNAME,gid=YOURGROUP,umask=0222,nls=utf8,ip=,username=USERNAME,password=PASSWORD 0 0"21:40
sub[t]rnljoebob777as7➜ what exactly is she trying to do? print to a remote server from her windows box?21:41
timri_dennister: Of course, you omit the username and password and add credentials=/path/to/smbcredentials21:41
joebob777as7sub[t]rnl, is there a way to ssh tunnel and set up the printer on my ubuntu server here?21:42
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sub[t]rnljoebob777as7➜ you bet.21:42
joebob777as7sub[t]rnl, would that just be a local 631 tunnel?21:42
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_dennisteroptions so far are: credentials=/etc/smbcredentials,rw,user,umask=0222,nls=utf8 0 021:43
_dennistertimri: sound right?21:43
sub[t]rnlport can be arbitrary, then ssh will port forward21:43
timri_dennister: looks about ok (0 0 is not technically part of the options of course)21:43
sub[t]rnljoebob777as7➜ have a look at this http://www.linuxjournal.com/article/546221:44
_dennisteryes, of course...what does 0222 mean in terms of umask?21:44
joebob777as7sub[t]rnl, i've used gstm before but what's the ssh command for that?21:44
sub[t]rnljoebob777as7➜ not sure, would have to look it up.21:45
_dennisterready to test21:45
timri_dennister: But the point is: you have mounted it manually already, you should use the same options in fstab21:45
timri_dennister: sudo mount -a21:45
_CrashMaster_sub[t]rnl: What key combo are you using to get that nifty arrow character?21:45
sub[t]rnl_CrashMaster_➜ tab21:46
_CrashMaster_Oh, that's your default autocomplete character?21:46
joebob777as7sub[t]rnl ssh myhomeuser@myhomenetwork.net -L 1234:myprintserver.net:631?21:46
_dennistertimri: yes, i used the mount -a...it works! now to get my son to try it from his laptop21:46
timri_dennister: Erm.. didnt he have a w2k laptop?21:47
sub[t]rnljoebob777as7➜ yeah, that would forward 1234 to myprintserver.net 631 port21:49
_dennistertimri: it was my w2k laptop, and it was able to access the server's newly mounted fstab shares...my son who's arrived has a fairly new xp home laptop21:50
_dennisterthis samba server i've been building for him goes home with him tonight21:51
timri_dennister: Ah ok, for a moment I was afraid you thought you needed to mount in Linux to make a share available in Microsoft Windows :)21:51
timri_dennister: perhaps a good idea to install openssh-server on it so you can remotely administer it21:52
timri_dennister: but that's for another day21:53
_dennisterno, no./..he's testing now with his laptop...way ahead of u there...openssh-server was configured, and tested as workiing properly b4 i cam online for samba help21:53
sub[t]rnlwhat is the default umask in kubuntu anyway.. mines 077 but i'm not sure if thats default21:53
sub[t]rnlthink i've changed it over the years21:54
timrisub[t]rnl: No idea. tt doesnt matter a lot with samba if you use the attributes to store Windows specific stuff in21:54
sub[t]rnlyeah was talking linux side21:55
sub[t]rnlwhats in your /etc/profile timri21:55
sub[t]rnlcat /etc/profile |tail -n 121:55
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timrisub[t]rnl: 02221:56
sub[t]rnlah ha21:56
timrisub[t]rnl: i.e. no execute21:56
timrisub[t]rnl: But we were talking about samba and I use "map hidden" etc.21:56
sub[t]rnlyeah, righto21:57
sub[t]rnljust had a brain fart and couldn't recall what stock umask was in kubuntu.21:57
_dennisterppl, let me introduce you to my son, scott21:57
sub[t]rnlhey there scott.21:57
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timriok, I'am off to bed bye everyone22:00
vipexCan i get IDLE (Python GUI) to kubuntu?22:04
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vipexCan i get to kubuntu this IDLE (Python GUI)22:05
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sub[t]rnl!info idle22:07
ubottuidle (source: python-defaults): An IDE for Python using Tkinter (default version). In component main, is optional. Version 2.5.2-0ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 2 kB, installed size 68 kB22:07
korryI upgraded my notebook to 8.04 recently and now my fan runs constantly and the system feels very hot... any ideas? I *think* that the problem goes away if I don't run KDE422:08
sub[t]rnlkorry➜ run top or htop to see if there are any run away processes22:08
korrysub[t]rnl: I've done that (many times)... top doesn't show anything suspicious22:08
sub[t]rnlkorry➜ cat /proc/acpi/thermal_zone/cpuwhatever/temperature22:12
sub[t]rnlif its supported22:12
korrysub[t]rnl: I'll try that as soon as I boot...  what would that tell me?22:13
sub[t]rnlhow hot said cpu is running22:13
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_dennisterok, scoot's gonna do my dishes b4 dinner while i work on his laptop :-) cya's later22:14
sub[t]rnlthink it relies on lm-sensors, and not sure if that comes default, but it's worth a look22:14
_dennistertimri: ty so much for everything :-)22:14
joe__when I change my ip to static it just doesnt connect to my router anymore... why?22:18
NiKeCRu666i have no sound after hibernate my lapyop :( please help :(22:28
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rohandoes kubuntu use pulseaudio by default?22:29
rohananyone having a (near-)fresh kubuntu install please give me the output of "apt-cache policy pulseaudio"22:29
NiKeCRu666uhmn i dont know =(22:29
rohanNiKeCRu666: ok, can you please just show me what output you get22:30
NiKeCRu666on pastebin of ubuntu?22:30
rohananywhere is fine22:30
NiKeCRu666ok here it is22:30
NiKeCRu666$ apt-cache policy pulseaudio22:30
NiKeCRu666  Instalados: (ninguno)22:30
NiKeCRu666  Candidato: 0.9.10-1ubuntu122:30
NiKeCRu666  Tabla de versión:22:30
NiKeCRu666     0.9.10-1ubuntu1 022:30
NiKeCRu666        500 http://pe.archive.ubuntu.com hardy/main Packages22:30
NiKeCRu666sorry is in spanish, i can translate it if you dont understand22:31
rohanNiKeCRu666: ok, no problem. that's on a default stock install of kubuntu 8.04 right?22:31
NiKeCRu666rohan, yes22:32
NiKeCRu666my laptop is an acer aspire 4720z22:33
rohanNiKeCRu666: thanks22:33
NiKeCRu666no no,thank you for helping me22:34
rohanhehe, how did i help you? :o22:34
NiKeCRu666at least you are trying to xD22:35
HighHoNiKeCRu666: change your mirror or wait, seems like the file is just unavailable at the moment, maybe due to syncing22:38
NiKeCRu666to change mi mirror?22:39
NiKeCRu666my mirror?22:39
sgallingerdoes kubuntu support fglrx ?22:43
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=== DieKatze8677 is now known as keith
kemalhi, i will update hardy to kde 4, is it stable? ist here anoyne who experienced ?  thx22:53
ImLizhi everyone, I have an issue with kopete, when I change my display pic others can see it but I'm stuck with the old one, is that fixable???22:54
kemalkopete but which version?22:55
DragnslcrImLiz- you might try asking #kopete22:55
ImLizversion 0.12.222:55
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kemalwhat is channel's name of kde4 for hardy?22:55
compilerwriter2How in blazes does one get compilerwriter one offline so that I don't have to masquerade as myself22:56
ImLizthanx dragnslcr22:56
kemalyou can update it22:56
kemali have 0.12.722:56
kemalusing kde 3.5.922:57
ImLizoh mine uses 3.5.2 :-/22:57
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kemalyou can use adapt manager for update it22:58
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kemalrun  :     kdesu adept_manager22:58
ImLizthen what?22:59
kemalyou can see upgradeable packages on there22:59
kemaljust push fetch updates button23:00
ImLizI don't see any new versions listed23:03
kemalthen you must edit your software sources23:05
kemalquit from adapt manager and run  kdesu adept_installer23:07
kemalclcik on the software sources23:08
tom_how do i set a pppoe connection to auto-reconnect on disconnection? or is it like that by default?23:09
=== compilerwriter2 is now known as compilerwriter
kemalthen, go updates tab and  click on the box called unsupported updates, "you have own risk", it may be not stable because of unsupported"23:10
shoklowitzHi, I'm getting a black screen after a few minutes of idle.I tried setting the screensaver off by editing kdesktoprc > [screensaver] enabled=false, which didn't work. I also tried editing xorg.conf and adding the lines suggested here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=401104, but that only bricks kdm for some reason and I have to go into recovery mode to restore xorg.conf.23:10
shoklowitzAny ideas?23:10
kemaldown to konsole from kdesktop during kde running?23:11
shoklowitzI edited kdesktoprc manually, if that's what you mean23:12
kemalshoklowitz: ?23:12
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shoklowitzI don't think it's a screensaver issue, I think it's just some sort of idle setting built into kde. There's a thread on it here, which deals with exactly what I'm having a problem with : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=40110423:13
shoklowitzBut for some reason, when I append those lines to the end of xorg.conf and restart X, it won't start kdm/kde23:14
shoklowitzIt says: kdm is not the default....23:14
shoklowitzand then proceeds to not start kdm,kde/X23:14
kemalkdm is kde configure module23:14
kemalrun kdm and reconfigure it23:14
kemalmaybe there is a problem in your settings23:15
shoklowitzWell, it seems to work for other people. It took care of their idle blank screen problem, could you have a look at the code for me?23:16
kemalof course23:16
kemalwhere is it's location23:17
shoklowitzIt's here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=2462529&postcount=923:17
* tom_ posts his question again (sorry for d/c):23:18
tom_does a pppoe connection reconnect automatically if it disconnects?23:18
kemal# If you have edited this file but would like it to be automatically updated23:18
kemal# again, run the following command:23:18
kemal#   sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg23:18
shoklowitzWon't that remove any changes that I made to it?23:19
kemalthese letters are in xorg.conf file23:20
shoklowitzI saw that before, but won't that erase what I just inserted into the file?23:20
kemali have no any lines which you wrote on your link23:20
kemalno Section "ServerFlags" in my xorg.conf23:21
shoklowitzI know, these lines are to prevent the screen from going blank when the computer is idle23:21
kemaldont use blank screen for screensaver?23:22
=== mike is now known as pulaski
shoklowitzI'm not using a blank screen. My screen saver is turned off :\23:24
kemalhow did you set it off?23:25
kemali cannot see any option for this23:25
kemalmoreover, screensaver is useful for your screen23:26
shoklowitzYou can edit your kdesktoprc file and change [screensaver] enabled=false to turn off your screensaver23:26
Schuenemannhow do I search for a file? I always forget23:26
kemalSchuenemann: strigi23:27
shoklowitzI need to disable the screensaver because I have a transparent screen lock, so that the screen can be locked but activity on the monitor can be seen. This useful since co-workers need to be able to see information as it shows up on my screen.23:27
Schuenemannkemal, I was looking for the command find something23:28
shoklowitzHowever when the screen blanks out every few minutes, it's a problem.23:28
kemalok Schuenemann sorry23:28
shoklowitzSchuenemann: http://www.perpetualpc.net/srtd_commands_rev.html23:28
shoklowitzHope that helps23:28
=== rjb is now known as drbobb
tyfonhmm.. for console its setterm -blank 0 to disable the blanking of screen.. but im not sure if that is what blanks X screens too :p23:29
kemali can do that you said with "science" screensaver23:29
kemalin screensaver settings23:30
shoklowitzscience, is it part of the default screensaver package, or is it something else?23:30
shoklowitzLemme look at it23:30
Schuenemannshoklowitz, how about recursively23:31
kemalif you cannot solve a problem, you can wlak aorund it ;)23:31
kemalwalk around23:31
kemalhope that helps23:31
shoklowitzScheunemann: explain23:32
Schuenemannshoklowitz, find in subdirectories23:32
shoklowitzYou need the command to scan subdirectories as well?23:33
shoklowitzkemal: the science screensaver blurs the background.23:34
Schuenemannshoklowitz, yes...23:34
shoklowitzalso, I don't think it displays any changes happening on the desktop23:34
shoklowitzLet me look that up for you Schuenemann23:34
psyke83hi, I'm maintaining a guide on the forums and I need to verify - does Kubuntu 8.04 come installed with PulseAudio?23:34
kemalshoklowitz: click on the setup for science screensaver and decrease minimum for "motion"23:35
BluesKajshoklowitz, try unchecking the "start automatically" box in System Settings/Desktop/ Screensaver23:36
kemalyour co-workers can see your desktop but anyone cannot be change anything if you set a password for SS to stop it23:36
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shoklowitzBluesKaj: It's already unchecked.23:37
kemalbecause of kscreensaver package installed23:37
kemalremove it23:37
kemalis it correct? i am not sure :)23:38
shoklowitzI have a utility for that kemal, it's called xtrlock. I had already changed the motion settings, the background is obscured in color as part of the screensaver. Moreover, this is not a screensaver problem.23:38
joe__when I change my ip to static it just doesnt connect to my router anymore... why?23:39
shoklowitzMaybe you're using a dynamic service?23:39
kemalshoklowitz: it may be a reason: your video card driver23:40
shoklowitzOh wait, you're router.23:40
joe__it was possible in windows23:40
joe__I had the same problem in ubuntu too23:40
shoklowitzMy bad, you should be able to set your IP to whatever you want, as long as your router gets to handle your identity dynamically23:41
kemalshoklowitz: displayconfig-gtk23:41
kemaltry it maybe helps23:41
kemalScreens and Graphics23:42
kemalPackage: displayconfig-gtkSimple tool to change xserver settings23:42
kemalSimple gtk tool to change xserver settings like graphics card driver or monitor.23:42
kemalIt uses the guidance backend to manipulate the xorg.conf.23:42
kemalrank: four stars from users23:42
kemalbye for now23:43
joe__i has problemz23:44
BluesKajwhat's with is this "my bad" BS , please speak English ,not ghettoese23:45
joe__I change my ip to static instead dhcp, and it doesnt give me any ip at all23:46
=== m1ts4r10n4s is now known as mitsarionas
pulaskiHi I run hardy 8.04. I'm trying to install a third party beta driver for my Sound Blaster X-Fi card. I've read that on 2.6 kernels the ALSA source include directory is "parsed automatically from the running kernel" if is is in the standart place.  I need to confirm that the path to the ALSA source include directory is in the standard location.  Does anyone know the absolute path to the ALSA source inlude direcoctory?23:59

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