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Bodsdahi guys, i was reffered here by someone as  a bug i made on launchpad hasnt been addressed, i wondered if someone could take a look for me -- https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/22442402:39
Bodsdaquiet bunch03:09
Bodsdahey hwilde03:12
Bodsdahwilde, you anygood with wifi bugs?03:14
hwildei like to fry them up so they're crunchy, then either white or dark chocolate.03:14
hwildehigh in protein too if you're an atkinser03:14
Bodsdahwilde, would you mind taking a look at this for me -- hi guys, i was reffered here by someone as  a bug i made on launchpad hasnt been addressed, i wondered if someone could take a look for me -- https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/22442403:16
Bodsdadamn, wasnt meant to repost the whole post03:17
IamReckBodsda, it seems like hard problem, the individuals that have the experience and knowledge to help you will probably not be looking in here all the time.  I would post on the forums, or wait for a while more here.03:17
hwildelol cpu spike when using youtube?03:18
hwildetry getting the updates.03:18
BodsdaIamReck, ive posted on UF numerous times, and in #ubuntu, bug has been on LP for a while, not even a comment, and i cant even isolate the app/device causing the cpu spikes -- just whatever app is using the internet03:18
Bodsdahwilde, updates?03:18
Bodsdahwilde, its not a prob with FF03:19
hwildewhere's the bot03:19
Bodsdahwilde, thats not my bug, nor anything related, youtube was just an example03:19
IamReckdid you reinstall Firefox?03:19
BodsdaIamReck, yes plent of times, but apt lags machine, as does xchat/irssi -- anything which uses internet03:21
hwildeI would get rid of network manager03:21
hwildebut that's just a personal thing03:21
Bodsdahwilde, how would that help?03:21
RAOFThat suggests that it _may_ be a kernel problem, or possibly some form of dns-lookup issue.03:21
* hwilde stares at Bodsda 03:21
BodsdaRAOF, classic 'works on windows' so its not dns, and ive changed my dns's no joy, ive even tried windows driver with ndiswrapper to no avail03:22
hwildewhy don't you try different wifi hardware03:23
RAOFOther options include: something in your stack doesn't like ip6 lookups.  Or...03:23
hwildespecifically chipsets03:23
RAOFhwilde: That would be most helpful, yes, but presumably Bodsda doesn't actually have access to a wide range of wifi hardware :)03:23
Bodsdahwilde, because im skint03:23
Bodsdaipv6 is disabled in FF03:24
IamReckBodsda, do you have the same issue when you use a live cd?03:24
hwildeBut you said it WAS working before?   Go back to that point and then wait for updates03:24
IamReckmaybe some weird install/cd defect03:24
BodsdaIamReck, yes03:25
Bodsdahwilde, i never said that03:25
hwildeBodsda, so it never worked?03:25
IamRecksame problem on a Live CD?03:25
Bodsdahwilde, worked yes, problem free no03:25
BodsdaIamReck, yes03:25
hwildepray for updates or buy supported hardware :/03:25
IamReckwhat hardware do you have?03:26
BodsdaBelkin F5D7050 usb dongle03:26
Bodsdahwilde, i have no money, buying stuff is not an option03:26
RAOFYou might want to follow the top part of this: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeamBugPolicies , and move the bug to the appropriate kernel package.03:26
IamReckYou running Ubuntu off a USB driver?03:27
BodsdaRAOF, apropriate kernel? -16 & -19 ?03:27
IamReckUSB key03:27
hwildedamn google is smart03:27
Bodsdahwilde, wrong version03:27
RAOFBodsda: linux-source-2.6.24 is going to be the right package methinks.03:27
Bodsdait uses the rt73 chipset03:27
hwildesup now03:27
BodsdaRAOF, ok cheers03:27
RAOFBodsda: Also, it worked properly in beta 5?  Can you remember which kernel that was?03:27
Bodsdahwilde, actually go to the page dude03:28
hwilde$ wget http://www.ralink.com.tw/data/RT73_Linux_STA_Drv1.0.3.6.tar.gz }}}03:28
hwildedude get the drivers03:28
BodsdaRAOF, no i cant -- and i dont even trust my memory enough anymore but its worth a shot, if i could find out the kernel03:28
Bodsdahwilde, keep up, ive tried that03:28
hwildelsmod | grep -c rt7303:29
Bodsdameh, ive reinstalled since then03:29
hwildeget the drivers man03:29
RAOFI wonder if we could find an alpha 5 Hardy livecd image...03:29
hwildeI've got the release candidate image somewhere03:29
Bodsdano, bin there done that hwilde -- it doesnt fix anything03:29
IamReckBodsda, same issue on 7.1003:30
BodsdaIamReck, dunno, couldnt get wifi to work on 7.10, then hardy beta 5 OOTB worked03:31
IamRecksry, I think I already asked, what kind of computer are you using?03:31
BodsdaDesktop - AMD 1800 64bit, running hardy 32 Desktop03:32
Bodsda1.5 gig ram03:32
Bodsdaalso tested on 64bit ubuntu with same problem03:33
hwildeSo it did work at some point?  Go back to that point.  Then watch what upgrade breaks it03:34
Bodsdathat point (if my memory works) is hardy beta 5, for which i cant find an iso03:34
hwildeoh cmon03:35
hwildeyou can find anything if you look hard enough03:35
Bodsdafound it03:36
BodsdaAlpha 5 includes the 2.6.24-8.14 ( kernel. This brings in03:36
Bodsdabut thats very old no?03:36
Bodsdaanyone got a tuto on downgrading the kernel?03:37
hwildedamn bot is on vacation03:37
Bodsdaubottu2 says03:37
BodsdaAttempting to downgrade to an older Ubuntu version is explicitly not supported, and may break your system.03:37
Bodsdai know that damn bot03:38
Bodsdaif i ask this in #ubuntu il get killed03:39
Bodsdaoh well, could be funny03:39
RAOFBodsda: It might also be nice if you could test an Intrepid livecd (if there's one of those available).03:40
BodsdaRAOF, ooo, new stuff, sound like fun -- il look into it03:41
BodsdaRAOF, cheers for ur help, im gonna be lagged to hell while these download so will be unresponsive for a while -- cya03:42
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Rocket2DMnRAOF, there aren't any livecds for intrepid yet03:47
Rocket2DMnnot until alpha2 i believe03:48
IamReckyes, not until alpha 204:08
IamReckalpha 1 is working well for me though04:08
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BodsdaThere is an alternate though05:48
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qensewow, that's quite a radical change at the project overview page the LP team made11:39
qensejust the ubuntu project overview page though11:40
* techno_freak checks11:42
IulianGood morning afflux.12:17
affluxHi Iulian!12:18
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calcanyone know why 'actions' section doesn't show up for bugs anymore?16:20
calcit doesn't appear on the main page about the bug, you can get to it if you try to mark the bug as duplicate but that is a bit dumb16:21
PiciI remember seeing something about a bit of a re-design of launchpad's UI.16:22
calcto make it unusable? :)16:22
* calc should go ask someone on launchpad channel about it16:22
Picicalc: I have an email from June 12th about 'a change in the layout of bug pages' its sent to the LP beta testers group16:23
* calc probably should make a note of what he uses often that isn't available instead of just complaining its different16:24
calcthough making huge changes to a gui could be considered a bug itself16:25
calcsee Office 2007 ;-)16:25
calcok its all there just much different way16:27
* Hobbsee answered in LP, too16:27
thebishopis there a fix for this gio dependency bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gio-standalone/+bug/18294517:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 182945 in gio-standalone "gio-standalone should be remove, gio is in glib now" [Undecided,Fix released]17:01
bdmurraythekorn: ping17:07
thekornbdmurray, hi17:07
bdmurrayI'm looking at bug 244452 and I'm curious why the self tests in intrepid.merge didn't catch it.17:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 244452 in python-launchpad-bugs "launchpad.net/edge were changing layouts for reporter/activity log, py-lp-bugs doesn't work " [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24445217:08
thekornI ask myself he same today17:09
thekornthere are two reasons:17:09
thekorn1.) there is no error in parsing tthis page: order of elements just changed and the xpath statements where just valid17:10
thekorn2.) not enough test cases17:10
bdmurrayokay, that makes sense to me then17:11
bdmurrayDo you know why the patch adds a print statement?17:12
thekornstephan added this for testing, i changed this patch before committing it to the branch17:12
bdmurrayokay, I'll do the same for the SRU then17:12
bdmurrayHave you thought about the debbugs e-mail I sent a bit ago?17:17
thekornno, sorry, not yet, will do it tonight17:18
bdmurrayokay, thanks!17:18
qensehello bddebian17:45
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savvashey, where should I file a bug about typos in Packages.gz / Packages.bz2 ?17:47
savvasfor example, in http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/hardy/universe/binary-i386/Packages.bz2 at "Package: xfce4-battery-plugin", it says "Origianl-Maintainer:" instead of "Original-Maintainer:"17:50
bdmurrayyou'd fill the bug about that package17:50
savvasit's going to be a looong night.. :)17:52
savvasbdmurray: how do we call this info? deb package info?17:54
bdmurraysavvas: I confirmed it via 'apt-cache show PKGNAME'17:54
savvasok, but how do we call this info collectively?17:56
savvas"xfce4-battery-plugin - typo in deb package information" sounds a good title ?17:56
bdmurrayyes, that sounds like a good title to me17:57
savvasok thanks17:57
savvashm.. I'll have to try them all, not to file separate bug reports for the same typos, brb17:59
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UbuntuuserHello i am new here i was woundering if smoeone could help me with a new install issue of ubuntu i just installed it and it wont see my wireless drviers but it says its supported and should automatically be detected18:48
Ubuntuuseris there anyone here?18:50
qenseUbuntuuser: the support channel for Ubuntu is at #ubuntu :) this channel is for the managing of bugs18:50
Ubuntuuserif it is suppose to be automatically detected and is not is that not a bug?18:51
Tyfiushow or where can I report a launchpad question that does not belong there?18:54
Tyfiusor mark it as invalid18:54
qenseUbuntuuser: could be, but this channel is used by the team that manages the bugs and makes sure bugs are marked properly and complete for the developers18:54
qensefor supportive questions you can go to #ubuntu or #ubuntu-{langcode(like nl,fr)}18:55
qenseif you want to report a bug you can do that at https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+filebug18:55
Ubuntuuserok sorry qense i will try18:56
qensenp :)18:56
Ubuntuuserthanks for the info18:56
qensewe get a lot of people asking for support18:56
Ubuntuuseri would imagine18:56
Ubuntuuserperhapps it should be re-worded or suggested in the help forums to go to the other channel er perhapps i missed it18:57
Ubuntuuserbut anyhow thank you18:57
qensehow did you find this channel?18:57
Ubuntuuseri click on a link to see supported wireless cards matched the numbers18:57
Ubuntuuserthen it said if it wasnt detected and should be its a bug to go here18:58
qenseit is indeed very likely a bug18:58
Ubuntuuserbahh all in good time i am a patient man i will figure it out im sure18:59
qenseok :) good luck. Did you try www.google.com/linux ?18:59
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thihi guys19:40
thihave you a special strategy to find a package that you want to fix?19:41
siretartthi: look at bugs in your pet packages and start working :)19:48
thiso simple :-)19:50
thido i have to use that developer release of ubuntu?19:51
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james_wthi: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/UsingDevelopmentReleases19:57
thiok, thx19:58
ionz2is anyone familiar with gdal and hdf4 on hardy?20:49
dieffel_hi! Any of you have problems with playing .SRT subtitles with .AVI files in VLC ?21:01
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dieffel_my VLC 0.8.6e does'nt autoload the subtitles. I've renamed the files very simply to 1.av & 1.srt, and they are placed in the same folder. It works perfectly if I specify the sub-file in the settings.21:11
dieffel_1.avi & 1.srt that is.21:12
keeshow do I subscribe people to a bug now?21:15
keesoh! there it is21:15
keesnm :)21:15

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