[00:00] pochu: Might still push an NBS just for cleanup: it still gets overwritten by the sync cleanly. [00:00] * persia believes in archive consistency [00:01] persia: but there are tons of sugar-* packages... I don't know whether I'll break them by updating just a couple of them [00:02] pochu: An rebuild upload should never break anything: if it does, that exposes a more serious bug (which is a good thing). If you were changing anything other than the changelog, I'd be inclined to agree with you. [00:03] persia: but it needs more than a rebuild. The depends is hardcoded, not picked by shlibs [00:04] What! Grr. ${Python:Depends} should be smarter about these things so that isn't necessary. I totally understand your reluctance. [00:05] hmm, actually that only picks up python2.x dependencies, not modules [00:05] surely that would be a great improvement... :) [00:05] Right. Wouldn't it be nice if it parsed the code and pulled those things required by import statements? [00:06] Of course, maybe this ought be dh_python-autodepends to make it more optional, but... [00:06] yup. although as they aren't needed at build time, then we would need to maintain some sort of list for that... but that would still be nicer than the current situation [00:07] You'd probably need something mirroring the shlibs/clilibs files, though. [00:08] Oh, I see, because it's difficult to programatically determine what binary package provides which module. [00:08] Yes. [00:08] RAOF: And then you'd need build-dependencies, which doesn't really solve it. [00:08] Right. [00:08] * persia hugs C [00:08] and also it's not trivial to detect if something is a hard dependency or just something optional [00:10] Right. No compilation step to parse and verify the current build-depends to generate the depends. [00:10] time to go to bed, good night! [00:20] persia: do you have some merge that I can do? [00:24] devfil: Not that I have organised, but I've a list of upstream updates that need to be investigated. Would you be interested in that? [00:24] persia: sure [00:25] devfil: You can find 57 packages that may benefit from an update to upstream from http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/uehs/no_updated.html [00:25] persia: ok, thanks [00:26] now I'm uploading wxwidgets2.8 [00:26] Note that in some cases, these represent a bug in the watch file, rather than a need to update, but they all ought get cleared from the list. [00:26] ok [00:26] devfil: 2.8.8? Excellent. Thanks for taking over all the wx stuff: it really needed attention. [00:27] uploading/working [00:27] 17:01 < londar> scottK sucks [00:27] persia: I'm workin' to make it very lintian clean and to fix some bug, a huge work [00:27] is ScottK making friends again? [00:28] hrmf. i specifically asked about this at UDS, and was told, "there has not been enough money minted in the history of civilization...." [00:28] rejection. it's what's for dinner! [00:29] Minting is so 17th century. These days you can just memcpy() money. [00:30] devfil: Indeed, and requires lots of attention and close work with Vadim. [00:31] persia: I and Vadim will work to a new rules more clean for the 3.0 version [00:31] or maybe 2.9 [00:32] Will there be a 2.9 in the archives? I thought 2.9 was mostly a dev branch, and not considered a good app target. [00:33] Also, the guideline is to only have two versions of a library in the archive at any given time. We're already breaking this with WX, but it's likely good to look at what 2.6 apps can be ported to 2.8 and try to get those patches distributed before we push 3.0 [00:33] My experience with 2.4 -> 2.6 was that many applications worked properly with no more than a change of build-dependencies. [00:33] persia: I and Vadim have talked about 3.0 but a 2.9 version is in development [00:33] There were about 10 that were stubborn, but I expect them all to be sorted for intrepid. [00:34] persia: we need to open a bug for this, to port packages to 2.8 [00:34] devfil: 2.9 as a stable base, or will it become 2.10 for release? [00:34] devfil: Please, lots of bugs, rather than just one. [00:35] persia: if I understand right 2.9 stable release and in future 3.0 [00:35] devfil: I started the 2.4 -> 2.6 work before I was MOTU: my workflow was: test the build, if good, test the app, if good, open a bug in Debian with the note and a attach a patch to a linked Ubuntu bug for upload. [00:35] That way nobody got huge volumes of bugspam for no reason :) [00:40] persia: this is the changelog for the new version (for now): http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/24366/ [00:41] devfil: How do you generate a reliable md5sum in get-orig-source? [00:42] devfil: Also, that changelog is definitely up to your usual diligent standards. Nice work. [00:42] persia: creating a tar an using gzip -9fn [00:43] this doesn't change the md5 of the .orig.tar.gz for each launch of get-orig-source [00:43] devfil: You also don't want Standards-Version:, just 3.8.0. The only thing that might change in would be spelling mistakes, etc., and you don't want to have to upload (and build) the package again just for that. [00:44] I'm unable to find another solution and this seems to work [00:44] persia: ok [00:44] devfil: -fn looks great! Would you be willing to update the wiki page on get-orig-source to reference that: it would likely improve everyone's get-orig-source. [00:45] persia: give me the link for the page [00:46] s/for/of/ [00:47] devfil: It's embedded in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/Complete I can't figure out if it belongs in Solutions or Tips, and with the way that page is constructed, there's no easy way to give you a link to both. [00:47] View RAW to see the links to the pages you actually have to edit. [01:00] persia: done, but I don't know if it is the best solution to adopt... [01:00] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/Examples/ChangingTheOrigTarball [01:01] devfil: Why do you think it oughtn't be adopted? Isn't it better to have reliable md5sums? [01:02] persia: I don't know if there are other solutions [01:03] devfil: Oh. Right. It might not be best, but it's better than the old solution. Thanks for finding it. With luck, if there is a better solution, someone else will post that. [01:03] persia: ok ;) [01:07] persia: do you know where I can get a list of all section that I can use in a doc-base control [01:07] devfil: I don't. Sorry. [01:10] persia: ok, no problem [01:21] persia: it`s normal that ubuntu-ar.org use google adsense in official website? [01:22] emgent: I've not seen that, but I don't know. You might want to ask on a LoCo channel, or someone on LoCo council. [01:22] ok i will do. [01:22] thanks. [01:29] emgent: i don't think it hurts, since the LoCo council accepts that LoCo teams make its own money for sponsoring their stuff [01:29] emgent: so they don't need to depend on canonical [01:30] it`s true [01:30] but.. we can`t see if this euros is for loco team [01:31] anyway i dont think that it`s corrected.. i saw banner with Microsoft Messenger.. [01:32] example: Download Windows Live Messenger 9! [01:32] or.. [01:32] Anti Virus Download [01:34] i saw that because i'm working on loco team CMS census for ubuntu-whitehat [01:53] bigon: hi. what will be the consequence of ubuntu1build1? [01:54] Nafallo: Where did you find that? [01:54] persia: latest uploaded gajim [01:54] That's just plain wrong. Ought be ubuntu2 [01:54] ajmitch: I think that's only the third time I've gone to ops and asked to have someone kicked. He'd just been kicked from several other channels too. [01:55] persia: I've came to the same conclusion. [01:56] BTW, I got another case of kmos induced damage fixed today (who know if it'll ever be done). [01:56] I thought that stopped quite some time ago? [01:56] He'd convinced pitti to remove the debian-maintainers keyring from Ubuntu which leaves some big holes when you run who-uploads. [01:57] He did, this is damage done 6 months ago I just now noticed. [02:03] persia: well, there are some cases in which we use buildX [02:04] persia: it's just for saying: no changes just rebuild [02:04] persia: as in openvpn [02:04] but i agree [02:04] no point for doing that [02:04] should be different version number [02:05] nxvl: build1 is used if there isn't already ubuntuX [02:05] If there is, the X becomes X+1 [02:05] heh [02:05] well, yes, everytime i have seen it is without the ubuntuX part [02:08] nxvl: Basic rule is: For packages unmodified from Debian: Rebuild-only: change *only* the changelog, and add "buildX". For any other changes, also change debian/control to have an Ubuntu maintainer, and set an Ubuntu version. For packages already modified: just increment the ubuntu revision. [02:09] persia: yes, as wgrant pointed i was talking about a different scenario [02:09] i'm just with a brain in backward mode [02:10] need to have a rest [02:12] nxvl: Take a day, and sleep all day. When you wake, don't get out of bed, or reach for your computer, but just go back to sleep. [02:13] :D [02:13] i love you too [02:15] i will this saturday [02:15] finally i have nothing to do [02:21] nxvl: **cough** MIR **cough** [02:24] ScottK: **cough** augeas **cough** [02:25] btw [02:25] First I have to figure out how adding domains to be signed broke my dkim-milter. [02:25] what MIR to add it to my ToDo [02:26] nxvl: Anything on this list that's not claimed: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ClamavSpamassassinInMain?action=show [02:28] * nxvl wrotes it on the ToDo [02:30] Great. Thanks. [02:31] Stupid space in the domain list. That problem's fixed. [02:31] been there [02:36] Testing the last server now and then I need to tell the customer he's set up. [05:37] persia : the chat that we had yday (you, me and Bodsda) - is it present in U wiki? If not, i can format it suitably and put it in [05:45] bliZZardz: It's in there. Search for "watch file". [05:45] There's more there as well. [05:45] Anyway, most of what we covered was from MOTU/Contributing (in the topic) [05:46] out of curiosity : which engine is being to search in the wiki? Lucene/Solr? [05:53] search engine? lol. [05:53] bliZZardz: its moinmoin, and I don't think its quite that advanced [05:55] lifeless : i asked because, i found it little slow. Is there any effort that is already on for trying it out with other 'engines'(like lucene) ? [05:55] so, moinmoin 1.8 looks like it has xapian integration [05:56] http://www.google.com/search?q=moinmoin+search&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=com.ubuntu:en-US:unofficial&client=firefox-a [05:56] we're not runnin 1.8 yet === asac_ is now known as asac [06:30] ScottK: still there? [06:31] hi! [06:31] good morning [06:31] hi nxvl [06:33] dholbach: is there any way to make a docs files for all the binarys in one package? [06:33] i want to install some of the package of augeas that are common to all of them [06:34] and i was wondering if there is some way to install them in all the binarys and not specify one by one [06:38] nxvl: Why would you want to duplicate the docs that way? Wouldn't it be better to have a -docs package that the others Recommend: ? [06:38] Think of the poor users with small hard drives [06:38] mm [06:38] right [06:39] i was thinking about the README and NEWS file [06:39] which are !important [06:42] Good Morning folks :) [06:45] nxvl: I think that those used to get copied by default with dh_installdocs. CDBS has some hack to make it all symlinks. [07:15] hi there [07:16] looks like we need to backport all messengers that support ICQ protocol :( [07:17] it has changed and pidgin 2.4.1 is unable to communicate via ICQ [07:17] * cody-somerville wonders if an SRU would be more appropriate depending on the how invasive the patches are. [07:18] damn ICQ [07:18] Serega: did you have link on the problem? [07:20] nxvl: no actually I have several friends on ubuntu and my own laptop with kde3 (kopete is hurt too) [07:21] * Serega googles [07:22] nxvl: pidgin 2.4.2 works well though [07:22] i don't use ICQ [07:23] nxvl: I propose to include updated messengers to 8.04.1 [07:23] updated==backported [07:24] should I file a bug? [07:24] if there is no one [07:24] yes [07:24] okay [07:24] I guess it is several bugs. Per-messenger [07:25] just file the one yo know are present [07:25] you* [07:26] there are already some filed [07:26] Bug #244591 [07:26] Launchpad bug 244591 in pidgin "Cannot connect to ICQ ("The client version you are using is too old.")" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/244591 [07:32] also for kopete [07:32] Bug #244646 [07:32] Launchpad bug 244646 in kopete "kopete cannot connect to ICQ: client too old" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/244646 [07:33] Serega: please confirm it, don't file a new one [07:34] nxvl: of course, thank you [07:36] I'll lurk for upstream changes, I hope it is fixed already [07:36] if you find the report, please link it to the LP one [07:40] Serega: maybe someone in #kopete knows something? [07:40] jpds: ooh, cool, thank you! [07:40] * Serega got lost in kde bugzilla :) [07:51] lol, looks loke, ICQ guys have just recently reverted their chagnes [07:52] *looks like [07:54] motu-sru folks: somebody pinged me about 221205 - how does it look to you? [08:18] <\sh> bug #221205 [08:18] Launchpad bug 221205 in soundtouch "compiling pgAdmin from source gives an warning about underquoted soundtouch.m4 line" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/221205 [08:23] <\sh> dholbach: wtf has soundtouch to do with postgres? [08:24] \sh: you get m4 warnings for everything you have in /usr/share/aclocal [08:25] * \sh bangs head on his desk...bad bad autofoo [08:44] <\sh> dholbach: updated [08:54] hi all [08:58] i'm interested in MOTU, i see this https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/200783 on the mentoring, just wondering what to do with that then? [08:58] Launchpad bug 200783 in ubuntu "[needs-packaging] ChibiTracker -- a portable impulse tracker" [Wishlist,In progress] [09:00] ApOgEE : read the MOTU getting started(as cited in the comments). this pkg requires packaging. Also, check whether it has already been included as part of Intrepid or not. [09:03] bliZZardz, I can't see anybody is assigned to that, can I just put me on it? [09:04] \sh: great [09:07] I'm afraid I'm still on going reading and learning the MOTU getting started. that's why I asked if this is correct or do I have to do something else first [09:09] ApOgEE-: did you check whether the package has been included in Intrepid or not? [09:15] bliZZardz, i can't find it in Intrepid [09:15] bliZZardz: what are you looking for? [09:16] i'm searching for ChibiTracker [09:16] syltherin : not me but ApOgEE [09:17] slytherin, I'm just getting started in MOTU.. ;D [09:17] ApOgEE - have you read the packaging guide? [09:18] ApOgEE - do read it and try the sample package, if this the first time you are packaging. [09:19] bliZZardz, ok [09:26] bliZZardz, i'm using gutsy now, do i have to install intrepid first? [09:26] ApOgEE-: 18:17 < bliZZardz> ApOgEE - have you read the packaging guide? [09:27] 18:18 < bliZZardz> ApOgEE - do read it and try the sample package, if this the first time you are packaging. [09:28] ApOgEE-: you can use pbuilder which creates a chroot for building packages. [09:29] i'm going through https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/UsingDevelopmentReleases but i got small hdd here... [09:30] i'll continue on my home machine which got bigger HDD size then ;D [09:32] ApOgEE-: you don't need to run intrepid to build package. As I said pbuilder is a nice tool. [09:33] slytherin, ok === dholbach_ is now known as dholbach [09:46] slytherin, still Retrieving and Validating, is my 600MB free space sufficient? [09:47] ApOgEE-: yes, it is [09:48] ApOgEE-: please note that pbuilder by default creates chroot for your version of ubuntu. You will have to change that in /etc/pbuilderrc. You should really read packaging guide. [09:49] i'm reading... [09:54] persia: FYI ... I have started working on batik 1.7 and should have package ready by coming Tuesday. [10:11] ApOgee : read the packaging guide, then the pbuider guide and then again the packaging guide. try out the sample packaging example [10:50] Hobbsee: just noticed that wie habe 0.3.8 soundkonverter. Can I file a normal sync bug or again a fakesync? I think the first one, hm? [10:54] *have [11:11] sebner: what did you mean with taoframework? [11:14] slomo: I just saw that it's pretty outdated in debian and ubuntu (and didn't ever build there). Though upstreams seems to be active (again) [11:14] * sebner --> lunch [11:14] sebner: well, updating it probably makes sense, yes :) [11:17] wgrant (or any ubuntuwire sysadmin around): is it possible to host a script on ubuntuwire? [11:20] DktrKranz: What kind of script is it? [11:22] wgrant: it provides a list of packages uploaded by a given contributor (since dapper, actually) [11:23] It can be useful for MC members to review MOTU applications, since it provides a full list of uploads made [11:23] (so sebner will realize he's close to 200 uploads) [11:24] I guess that's a good idea, as the bugfix which will make /~somebody/+packages useful has been deferred indefinitely. [11:24] What does it need? [11:24] just bandwith :) [11:25] and python, but I guess it's satisfied [11:25] What does it need to grab? [11:25] $distro-changes mailbox [11:26] Aha. [11:26] So not much bandwidth at all. [11:26] about 100 mb each run [11:27] Ah, right, forgot it would have to grab the whole thing each time. [11:27] I'm not sure we can rsync it somehow [11:27] But sure, throw the script at me and I'll put it up. [11:27] couldn't you grab the https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/hardy-changes/2008-July.txt.gz files? [11:28] That's probably a better idea. [11:28] it'd make extracting the data a tiny bit more complicated, but you'd only need to get new files [11:29] mh, maybe in association with some bash script which does cat new >> list [11:29] I guess it's ok [11:29] just to avoid to download stable releases each time [11:30] just pull currentyear-currentmonth.txt.gz :) [11:30] I would have presumed you would just grab the current release. [11:30] But I guess that wouldn't get SRUs or anything. [11:31] wgrant: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/24439/ [11:31] this is current one [11:31] I'll try to make it more bandwith-relaxed [11:32] (and more cool at sight than it actually is) [11:33] Sounds good. [11:33] FYI, a example output is here: http://www.linuxdc.it/download/ubuntu/uploads/ [11:33] no sorting, no formatting, just works [11:34] * DktrKranz moves to lunch, cya [11:34] <\sh> hey jono [11:35] hey \sh [11:36] <\sh> DktrKranz: sort them regarding uploaded packages ;) [11:42] if anyone wants to give it a try [11:43] r.pinson.free.fr/ubuntu/pdebuild-distribution.sh [11:43] http://r.pinson.free.fr/ubuntu/pdebuild-distribution.sh [11:43] this is a script like pbuilder-distribution.sh for pdebuild [11:44] it's called from within the source package, runs pdebuild in mountbind mode, logging the build in /var/log/pbuilder, runs debsign and optionally dput [11:44] I'd be happy to get some feedback if anyone tries it [11:44] :) [11:45] DktrKranz: I thought that looked wrong, and I was right - a Soyuz bug left quite some uploads off -changes :( [11:48] DktrKranz: if you upload my merges, of course 200 :P [11:52] hi folks [11:52] huhu sistpoty|work [11:52] hi sebner [11:53] * AstralJava wave [11:53] +s [11:54] Oy gurus, what is the distribution-to-be for packages aimed at intrepid in debian/changelog? [11:55] AstralJava: intrepid [11:56] raphink: I think you might want to move the --help in the args parsing up a bit: http://paste.ubuntu.com/24444/ [11:57] wgrant: Thanks, but REVU doesn't seem to like it: http://revu.ubuntuwire.org/revu1-incoming/pencil-0807021250/lintian [11:57] AstralJava: Then I need to beat lintian with a stick. [11:57] :D [11:59] thanks jpds, done [12:05] jpds: to launch the script, you have to make a symlink to it, e.g. ln -s pdebuild-distribution.sh pdebuild-i386-intrepid [12:05] jpds: and the configuration for the pbuilder must be in /etc/pbuilder/i386-intrepid [12:05] in this case that is [12:06] as in, there must be a /etc/pbuilder/i386-intrepid/pbuilderrc [12:12] is it just me or is p.u.c dead? [12:13] Doesn't seem to open for me neither. [12:14] RainCT: been like that for a while.. [12:25] I'm wondering if autosyncs are still processed!? [12:27] sebner: we are post DIF, right? [12:27] normally [12:27] BUT [12:27] look at https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/intrepid [12:27] Latest uploads [12:27] sebner: hmm, looks like they are being processed. [12:28] hehe === Kopfgeldjaeger2 is now known as Kopfgeldjaeger [12:31] dholbach, ping [12:31] dholbach, I just wrote an e-mail to -MOTU and it got caught in moderation because it is too long :P [12:32] dholbach, I think I may have sent it twice by mistake as gMail was acting up. Can you please ensure that you only approve one and that the one you approve has full content? (ie. it should end with my signature) [12:33] nixternal ^^ [12:33] cody-somerville: relax.... :) [12:33] you sent it 4! times :) [12:33] Ouch :/ [12:33] write shorter emails! [12:33] I'll moderate it once [12:34] 5 times [12:34] Weird. I only clicked the send button once after gmail said "Error, we couldn't send your email" [12:34] cody-somerville: lol [12:35] must be important, if it's sent so often *g* [12:35] lol [12:36] Weird for sure. [12:37] wb jono, our mighty man === philwyett_ is now known as philwyett [12:41] cody-somerville: It was so long that even gmail couln't send it in one attempt. :-P [12:41] slytherin, :P [12:42] cody-somerville: that's really a huge mail O_o [12:43] It isn't *that* long, is it? :P [12:43] ^^ [12:47] uhm.. does LP have file lists for packages? [12:49] sebner: :) [12:49] !apt-file | RainCT [12:49] RainCT: apt-file is a program that can tell you which package(s) contain(s) a given filename. To install it and generate the database it needs, run "sudo apt-get install apt-file && sudo apt-file update" [12:50] jpds: I don't like that. I'm not sure but last time I tried it I think it wanted several hours to create the database [12:51] Its also not necessarily accurate. [12:51] RainCT: Took a few minutes here. [12:51] how does it work? === thekorn_ is now known as thekorn [12:53] I'm guessing it greps the Contents-$arch.gz from the repo. [12:54] oh, that file has a complete file list for all packages? [12:56] ah ok I see [12:56] cody-somerville: I agree that SRU is appropriate for the ICQ problem. === LucidFox_ is now known as LucidFox === gnomefre1k is now known as gnomefreak [13:06] SRUs are happening for ICQ/pidgin [13:07] Laney, bug #? [13:07] Bug #244591 [13:07] Launchpad bug 244591 in pidgin "Cannot connect to ICQ ("The client version you are using is too old.")" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/244591 [13:07] hardy one is already uploaded waiting approval [13:08] Laney: though we don't need to fix intrepid version since 2.4.3 is out (with the fix) [13:09] sebner: Yes, right. I only did that because I read on the SRU page that the same fix had to be done in the dev version [13:32] wgrant: gah! it was during hardy, IIRC... some syncs were not processed [13:39] DktrKranz: And also security uploads, which is why I'm so empty. [13:40] emgent: Are you around to look to have a look at if Bug #244804 affects released versions? [13:40] Launchpad bug 244804 in mercurial "mercurial: insufficient input validation allowing file renames out of repository " [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/244804 [13:43] wgrant: are security uploads published somewhere? [13:43] I guess so [13:43] DktrKranz: They are now. [13:44] oh... changed-by: Ubuntu Installer [13:44] But there were several months where they weren't announced anywhere. [13:45] that's another point, and since I think there's no way to fetch changes file from Launchpad [13:45] we're stuck [13:45] ScottK: is there a reason why there are still auto-syncs? [13:46] sebner: What do you mean? Auto-sync is off. [13:46] not really [13:46] ScottK: https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/intrepid [13:47] I've uploaded nautilus-python twice (~14 hours ago and ~1 hour ago) without getting an accepted or rejected... the package is in universe. Anyone has an idea what could be the issue? [13:49] pochu: Where did you upload it? [13:49] sebner: Hmmm. Dunno. [13:49] pochu: It was signed with an appropriate key, and had a correct Maintainer and Changed-By? [13:50] ScottK: hrhr. The magic of opensource xD though it steals me syncs xD [13:50] ScottK: to ubuntu [13:50] emilio@saturno:~/tmp$ dput ubuntu nautilus-python_0.5.0-0ubuntu4_source.changes [13:51] pochu: Can you pastebin the .changes? [13:51] wgrant: sure, but looks fine [13:51] http://pastebin.com/f289ccdc6 [13:52] the .upload says: [13:52] Successfully uploaded nautilus-python_0.5.0-0ubuntu4.dsc to upload.ubuntu.com. [13:52] for the 4 files [13:52] Looks fine. [13:52] cprov: Can you take a look at what happened to pochu's nautilus-python uploads? [13:53] Looks like someone ran autosync and then stopped it at 'p'. [13:53] wgrant, ScottK: thanks for looking into it [13:53] ScottK: It does. Oops. [13:54] Unfortunately it appears not to have gotten the mercurial package with the CVE fix in it. [13:54] ScottK: lol, true. maybe this person noticed that it should be off but they could finish it as well ^^ [13:54] ScottK: I've requested a sync for it [13:55] pochu: I saw. Thanks. [13:55] someone should look into the released versions and see if they are affected. [13:56] Anyone got an ICQ number that I can add for testing? [13:57] #ubuntu is getting edgy (no pun intended) about this ICQ issue, is there a rough ETA for when this will make it in to -updates so that I can add that info to a factoid? [13:57] Frankly, I didnt even know this many people still used ICQ [13:58] Pici: It's awaiting approval for hardy-proposed. Guess it will be some time tomorrow after 8.04.1 is released. [13:58] Laney: For it to be in -updates or in -proposed? [13:58] Pici: -proposed, the fix has to be verified [13:58] Pici, proposed is locked until all CD builds are tested, get more CD testers to speed it up ;) [13:59] erm, isn't it a 1 one line patch ? [13:59] joaopinto: Almost [13:59] I mean the code part only :P [14:00] Hi MOTUs! [14:01] Someone could review my package on REVU please? [14:01] The packages is rt-tests (http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=rt-tests): A set of programs that test and measure various components of "realtime" kernel behavior, such as timer latency, signal latency and the functioning of priority-inheritance mutexes. [14:01] Please be patient with me it's my first package. :-) [14:01] Thanks in advance! [14:01] joaopinto: Pushing updates without verification is a very bad idea. However trivial. [14:01] The rebuild could make them unusable, or break them in subtle ways. [14:01] The patch might not work perfectly. [14:01] We have QA. [14:01] Its a bad habit to get into, i agree. [14:02] joaopinto, no matter how small it is, uploading isnt possible until all CDs are tested [14:02] There's always going to be someone annoyed at whatever bug a SRU is intended to fix - that's why they're SRUed, they're serious. But that's no excuse for skipping on the QA [14:02] in case there is a regression found during CD tests the archive has to be clean as it was when the CDs were spun [14:03] ok ok, but there is also flexible QA :P [14:03] so only the one fix to fix the found regression gets in [14:03] so help testing he CDs and we'l be faster getting the fix in [14:03] *the [14:04] how are the packages promoted from -proposed to -updates ? Is there a formal requirement ? [14:04] how come 8.04.1 has come so fast. I remember Dapper point one took more than this. [14:04] yes, some quarantaine and at least two positive comments on the according bug [14:04] Because it was more planned up front. [14:04] slytherin: Because our release team said it would. [14:04] Folks. For all your SRU process questions, please see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates [14:04] :-) [14:05] joaopinto, what cody-somerville said [14:13] I've uploaded a new version of my package "webstrict" on REVU (http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=webstrict) but it isn't displayed... should I have to wait? (it was yesterday) [14:14] what is the best way to package python modules into .debs? [14:18] slayton: Does it use Python disutils? [14:19] i.e. has a setup.py. [14:19] jmehdi: by accidant, I just synced the keyring on revu [14:19] yes [14:19] jmehdi: so, I guess webstrict_1.0-0ubuntu3 should appear soon [14:20] oh, seems like it already has :) [14:20] jmehdi: no, landed once again in rejected... let me take a look [14:20] slayton: I think if you grab the source package for pyyaml it'll look reasonably clear. [14:21] sistpoty: ok thanks [14:21] jmehdi: oh, you're key doesn't seem to be on any keyserver... can you send it to one please? (ideally keyserver.ubuntu.com) [14:21] pyyaml? Ok I'll check it out [14:22] sistpoty: ah ok, I'm going to do that [14:22] (it's a new key with my full name) [14:22] jmehdi: ok, tell me once you're done, then I'll update revu's keyring again (unless persia wants to volunteer for practice ;)) [14:23] ScottK: do you mean that pyYAML is an example of how to make a deb from a python module, or it is used to make debs? [14:24] It is an example. [14:27] sistpoty: key sent [14:41] jmehdi: ok, upload should show up within 10 minutes now [14:49] are there any docs somewhere about setting pbuilder up to use intrepid? [14:49] oy vey it is hot in Chicago today [14:49] murrayc: I'm looking at bug 243163. Is 1.7.1 an stable release? [14:49] Launchpad bug 243163 in glom "Hardy: Please update glom from 1.16.14 to latest (1.6.17)" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/243163 [14:50] null_vector: all you need is to change distribution to "intrepid" in pbuilderrc [14:50] thanks [14:50] pochu: No, even numbers are stable releases. Only Intrepid should take 1.7.x. [14:51] null_vector: if you want to have more than one chroots then maintain more than one pbuilderrc in your home directory and have different paths for base.tgz in those files. [14:51] murrayc: it's for Intrepid. I guess it follows the GNOME schedule, so 1.7.x is alright? [14:51] I normally use pbuilder-dist but I don't have an intrepid script in /usr/share/debootstrap/scripts [14:52] pochu: The bug is about gutsy. But yes, please also take the latest for intrepid. [14:53] pochu: I mean, it's about hardy. [14:53] sistpoty: ok I see it, thanks [14:53] null_vector: Update your debootstrap from hardy-backports. [14:53] jmehdi: you're welcome [14:53] by the way should I ask someone to review my new package, or is an "automatic" process? [14:54] murrayc: ok, thanks [14:54] pochu: I'm really interested to see that new SRU process in action. I'd like to blog about it working wonderfully. [14:54] ScottK: makes sense, sorry [14:55] null_vector: No problem. [14:56] ScottK: you played with JeOS yet? [14:56] Nope. [14:56] protonchris: are you working on the hardy update? (bug 243163). If you don't mind, I'll do the Intrepid one [14:56] Launchpad bug 243163 in glom "Hardy: Please update glom from 1.16.14 to latest (1.6.17)" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/243163 [14:56] The one time I tried it, it fell over and I didn't have time to investigate. [14:56] I would like to check it out, but I am not the biggest fan of the VM atmosphere behind it [14:57] if there was an anti-vm kernel option, I would force this company to switch in a second [14:57] I don't feel like maintaining our own kernel [15:13] protonchris: or do it yourself, and feel free to ping me if you seek sponsorship [15:13] protonchris, murrayc: I've created a Hardy task [15:31] join #gstreamer [15:32] * ScottK hands slayton a '/' [15:37] hi [15:37] do you already have new pidgin packages [15:37] +? [15:38] maix: are you asking for the ICQ problem? [15:39] eys [15:39] maix: the fix should be there in updates in 1-2 days AFAIK. [15:40] maix: They are in preparation, and going through a QA process. Unfortunately, there's a freeze on updates right now due to the point release, but it should be soon. [15:40] because someone from our team made some new packages and they made a blog post and recommended to download it (from an unsigned repo, which also contains other packages) [15:41] (it's the official german loco site) [15:43] and i think that's really bad (because of security, the other packages, and that users should not be tought that its pretty normal to use external repos) and want to convince them to stop that ;) [15:43] persia, and gutsy? [15:44] Gutsy will probably be uploaded first because gutsy-updates isn't frozen. [15:44] maix: I suspect updates will go back to all supported releases, but I'm not one of the people who can confirm that for sure. [15:45] ScottK, thats what i expected, too [15:48] 16:47 < seb128> pitti: maybe you could approve the pidgin gutsy sru? [16:00] <\sh> since when is motu-council a moderated list? [16:01] \sh: since always? [16:01] It's always been moderated, but allows posts by subscribers by default. [16:01] pochu: Yeah, I was working on the glom updated for hardy. To me it looks like the update has to go into intrepid first. So that is what I am doing now. [16:02] pochu: I will need sponsorship :) [16:02] protonchris: ok, feel free to ping me if you need sponsorship [16:02] heh [16:02] :) [16:02] <\sh> now the ml manager is totally confused [16:03] <\sh> I send an email as reply as sh@sourcecode.de and ml bouncer send back to an email address which is not even known to launchpad. [16:03] pochu: I haven't done an SRU before. So I will probably hit you up for some help. [16:03] \sh: I hear there are some confusions with email addresses and LP right now :( [16:04] <\sh> hmm [16:04] <\sh> that's why one email didn't come to the right place...and the other one with a correct sender was send back to the wrong email addr ,) [16:04] <\sh> wow [16:04] protonchris: sure [16:05] I wasn't aware the ML were integrated with Launchpad. [16:05] Seems rather more a bug than a feature. [16:05] protonchris: basically, do the fewer changes you can to the packaging, and use a good version (e.g. 1.6.17-0ubuntu0.1) [16:06] <\sh> ScottK: I was registering a new user to LP with team@leonov.tv (which actually comes to my sh@sourcecode.de mailbox) [16:06] <\sh> ScottK: now I'm getting moderation request mails from lists.ubuntu.com, because the ML manager thinks I send via team@leonov.tv which is definitly not true [16:06] \sh: I've now two copies of your mail from the new address, but with your name. [16:07] <\sh> persia: this is totally wrong === Syntux_ is now known as Syntux [16:08] Heya gang [16:08] \sh: Yes, indeed. [16:09] bddebian: Welcome back. [16:09] Hi persia, thanks [16:10] bddebian: boo! :) [16:10] :) [16:10] pochu: In -motu? [16:10] persia: sorry? [16:11] I think he means that is my -bugs greeting :) [16:11] Hi bddebian [16:11] <\sh> oh lol...ml is not wrong [16:11] Heya geser [16:11] \sh: Mail client issue? [16:11] <\sh> persia: much better...hyper postfix magic [16:12] \sh: RIght. mail servers are pernicious beasts. [16:12] persia, „They are in preparation, and going through a QA process.“ -> can one already download them? i would help to test [16:13] maix: Best to check the bug in LP to determine the current status. [16:13] <\sh> persia: i have a very nice setup here...but was setting up for canonical_maps the wrong tablename now it rewrote all sh@sourcecode.de mails with team@leonov.tv ...which is totally nice, but wrong [16:13] ah k [16:13] <\sh> the fun part...he send out two mails somehow [16:14] hi bddebian [16:15] pochu: "A hardy task"? Is there a URL? [16:16] pochu: Or is that just a thing you add to the current bug report? [16:19] murrayc: sorry, that's the task in the bug report, so we can track it for both Intrepid and Hardy [16:20] murrayc: it will be uploaded to Intrepid, and then to hardy-proposed to make sure it doesn't break badly (which I guess it won't ;) ) and then copied to hardy-updates [16:20] pochu: It=1.6.x? [16:20] yes [16:20] Then you'll do a 1.7.x in interpid? [16:21] do you want that? [16:21] Yes, Intrepid should have 1.7.x. Well, when's the freeze date? [16:21] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IntrepidReleaseSchedule, August 28th [16:22] although GNOME modules can be uploaded even after that date [16:22] pochu: Hmm, I guess we should wait until I am more sure that we can do a 1.8 by then. There's some difficult work still to do. [16:22] they have a general exception [16:22] pochu: Thanks for all the work and explanation. [16:22] murrayc: ok, and no problem :) [16:22] pochu: "GNOME Module" is not well defined. [16:23] Official ones, I mean [16:23] Glom is not in any official GNOME release set. [16:23] right, so I guess it doesn't then... [16:23] but seb128 will know better [16:23] \o_ [16:23] hey cody-somerville [16:26] oops, heya sistpoty|work [16:26] Hi cody-somerville [16:26] Heya bddebian :) [16:26] Heya pochu :) [16:30] persia: now I understands why minutes of the MC meetings are called "minute" [16:31] norsetto: It was an exceedingly quick meeting. Not much business pending council right now. [16:31] norsetto: this one could have been Seconds too ;) [16:32] pochu: Is there something else you wanted to be on the agenda? [16:33] persia: nope, it was just a joke ;) [16:33] pochu: Just checking that I didn't miss anything. [16:47] cprov: did you have the time to look into what happened to my nautilus-python uploads? [16:49] * sistpoty|work heads home [16:49] cya [16:52] pochu: ppa ? [16:53] cprov: no, intrepid [16:54] pochu: a really strange DB lock error, please re-upload it. [16:54] cprov: I did it twice, but I'll do it again :) [16:55] Uploading to ubuntu (via ftp to upload.ubuntu.com): [16:55] Successfully uploaded packages. [16:55] pochu: I can only see one. [16:57] cprov: the first one was about 17 hours ago more or less [16:58] although I'm not really sure about it... i didn't get an Accepted mail :) [17:01] pochu: this time it worked [17:02] pochu: yes, I can see the other one now [17:02] pochu: both with the same error [17:02] cprov: yeah, thanks for checking it :) [17:02] pochu: did upload at the same time to a ppa ? [17:02] cprov: nope, not me at least [17:04] pochu: strange, let me know if something similar happens again [17:04] cprov: ok, I'll do [17:04] pochu: and sorry for that inconvenience :( === andy_ is now known as xtknight [17:05] cprov: the strange thing is that I uploaded 7 packages in 3 hours, and all of them worked fine, it was just python-nautilus... [17:08] has anybody here ever used easy-deb? [17:21] Hi, can someone review my packages on REVU ? [17:21] http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=hwreport [17:21] http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=webilder [17:41] ScottK: yeah i will take a look. now is in my todolist radar. Thanks === thekorn_ is now known as thekorn === Kopfgeldjaeger3 is now known as Kopfgeldjaeger [18:11] emgent: hey for applications seems to run good. great that you apply. good luck (or already congratulations) :) [18:12] for = your xD === rzr is now known as RzR [18:20] %%%%%% [18:20] *ù*$$$ [18:21] !;%§.;;;;; [18:21] jmehdi: huh [18:21] §/§ [18:21] ! [18:21] I see [18:21] Cat On Keyboard? [18:21] *!µµµµµµµ [18:21] ==pp$ [18:21] p^ [18:22] spider on keyboard? [18:23] = [18:23] !ops [18:23] Help! Hobbsee, Riddell, sladen, fbond, mneptok, gnomefreak, Seveas, dholbach, elkbuntu, PriceChild, or jpatrick! [18:24] laga: can i help you? [18:24] nalioth: oh, Riddell just solved the problem. :) [18:26] Riddell: ban? just we kick as a warning? [18:30] oh, ok [18:35] evand: Hi Evan, I have updated the patch for bug #223812 and also added a debdiff for intrepid. [18:36] Launchpad bug 223812 in powernowd "[hardy] Regression: powernowd no longer works with nforce2 cpufreq driver" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/223812 [18:37] Riddell: dunno, was just a suggestion ;) [18:46] hefe_bia: great! Thanks! [19:23] sebner: what is the point of asking for a sync of sauerbraten-data alone? [19:28] norsetto: the point is that it builds fine and sauerbraten itself is just in incomming :) [19:28] norsetto: and I filed the bug for sauerbraten but just not subscribed u-u-s [19:36] geser: you have exams in august? strange [19:43] yes, as the semester ends august and the next one starts september [19:43] and I have 4 exams in the last august week :( [19:48] lol i had exams by the end of July xD [19:48] used to have* (not studying anymore) [19:53] is the decision whether something lives in universe or multiverse a straight test of dfsg/non-dfsgness? [20:01] geser: my sister is studying too and has no holidays xD === ivoks_ is now known as ivoks [20:06] directhex: no various factors involved. Build dependencies are also important. A package with build dependency in multiverse will also leave in multiverse. [20:07] can merges still be done? [20:08] RoAkSoAx: sure why not? [20:08] slytherin, just main was freezed right? [20:09] RoAkSoAx: AFAIK, only autosync from debian unstable has stopped. [20:09] ok thanks :) [20:10] RoAkSoAx: And if main is freezed at all then it is for 8.04.1 [20:11] ok :)ç [20:11] for 8.04.1 only hardy-proposed/-updates is frozen [20:13] slytherin, that's the problem. i have a package, which builds several "glue" backends for different web servers (but does NOT build-dep on anything related to them). currently, whilst all backends are built, only the apache glue is inserted into a package. i have a request from a user for the fastcgi glue to be packaged also - but fastcgi itself is non-free, so i can't build it then Depends or Recommends it (where the package would [20:13] be worthless without fastcgi anyway) [20:15] directhex: why not create a separate binary package for fastcgi glue so that it can live in multiverse. [20:16] slytherin, well, hence the question - can the multiverse package come from a single source package, or do i need to twat about splitting it into 2 different distinct source packages? [20:16] directhex: I am not aware of that completely. Better post to MOTU ML. [20:19] directhex: afaik a universe package can build a multiverse one (as long as you don't need something from multiverse to build) and the reason for multiverse is the depends [20:21] geser, brilliant. is there any documentation on the process, or even better, an example package i can poke with my pointy stick? [20:23] directhex: I don't know of any, you could ask an archive admin about it [20:23] about the process [20:23] directhex: pointy sticks are (c) here around [20:24] i'll make my own own open-source ripoff called a pokey stick, then! take that, big business [20:26] geser, best place to nab one? #ubuntu-devel ? [20:27] yes, #ubuntu-devel [20:38] heya norsetto :) [20:38] heya people [20:38] heya emgent, or should I say, master emgent? [20:39] emgent: \o/ [20:39] hi all, I've got a question regarding the (LP: #xxxx) syntax in changelogs: what's the way to mark an entry fixing a list of bugs? [20:39] norsetto: did you comment? [20:39] (LP: #xxxx, #yyyy, #zzzz) or something else? [20:40] norsetto: master? [20:40] sebner: heya :) [20:41] emgent: nice application and very good feedback =) [20:41] sebner: we will see [20:42] emgent: end then PARTYYYY [20:42] thekorn: I think that is correct, but I don't remember for sure. [20:43] sebner: nah, hard work. [20:43] thekorn: try asking on #launchpad [20:43] emgent: pffffffffffffff [20:43] slytherin, ok thanks at least it looks better than (LP: #xxxx) (LP: #yyyy) (LP: #zzzz) [20:43] :-) [20:44] norsetto: mentor reception is ok now? [20:44] emgent: has always been ok [20:47] ok nice, i saw now the newest member :) [20:47] s/member/members/ [20:48] thekorn: that's correct, yes [20:48] pochu, hi! and thanks [20:49] thekorn: np :) it can be in more than one line, like https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/gutsy/+source/tracker/0.6.3-0ubuntu1 [20:50] pochu, ok good example, and it obviously does not even need a closing bracket at the end ;) [20:50] emgent: not yet motu and already mentor? ^^ [20:51] sebner: mentor reception [20:51] thekorn: heh, good catch :) [20:52] emgent: all the same ^^ [20:52] sebner: https://launchpad.net/~motu-mentoring-reception [20:52] sebner: he's mentoring MOTUs to become contributors! ;) [20:52] pochu: it would make sense if he is a MOTU (though he will become one very soon) [20:52] geser: need advice. I have to repack batik source (1.7). But on old repacked source jar files in lib directory were deleted. But I believe these files should be deleted in clean target in rules file, right? [20:53] pochu: ah xD rofl rofl rofl [20:54] slytherin: are those jar files redistributable? [20:54] do you have source for them? [20:54] geser: their source is in ubuntu archive already. [20:54] sebner: anyway I'm not in motu-mentoring-recepion [20:54] emgent: not *yet* [20:55] <_boto> i would like to know what licensing conditions must exist for dependencies of an open-source software in order to get packed as ubuntu package [20:55] sebner: no. I think thate there are sufficient members at the time. [20:56] after Cesare mail, i saw now that more people joined it. [20:56] emgent: ok then ^^ but nice when you are MOTU. so I can annoy you to upload my stuff and DktrKranz has time to relax and can stop complaining =) [20:56] <_boto> i would like to provide an ubuntu package for an open-source application [20:57] <_boto> but i am not sure if we meet the proper conditions [20:58] <_boto> e.g. the application uses FMOD [20:58] _boto: what is FMOD? [20:58] Can anyone tell me how to properly rebuild a package with modified binary (image) files in the source ? [20:58] <_boto> it is a multi-platform sound lib [20:58] <_boto> http://www.fmod.org [20:58] sebner, you should apply *yourself* and avoid annoying sponsors :) [20:58] sebner: need the council motu judgement first. [20:59] DktrKranz: bah :P [20:59] * DktrKranz plans revenge [20:59] DktrKranz: lol :) [20:59] emgent: few days and finished =) [20:59] Can anyone tell me how to properly rebuild a package with modified binary (image) files in the source? Or build an easily installable package that overwrites files from an existing package (is that an option?) [21:00] * sebner hides [21:00] <_boto> slytherin, the project itself is LPGL licensed, some depenencies however are only freely usable for non-commercial use, such as FMOD [21:00] slytherin: did you say, that the old version was repacked and the jar files removed from the .orig.tar.gz? [21:00] sebner: we will see [21:00] geser: Yes, but let me make sure. [21:00] sebner, my revenge will catch you. the only place you're safe hasn't built yet [21:00] rofl [21:01] slytherin: do you know the reason why the jar files got removed? [21:01] The dependencies have to go in multiverse then. [21:01] _boto: ^^ [21:01] _boto: that sounds like non-Free license. [21:01] <_boto> is there a chance for our application getting a package hosted by an ubuntu update server? [21:01] Which means the project has to go there too. [21:01] DktrKranz: do something that nobody awaits. give a bad comment on my application! xD [21:01] geser: no idea, nothing there in changelog. [21:01] <_boto> slytherin, yes, FMOD is non-free for commercial use [21:02] Scottk: is Qt in multiverse? [21:02] _boto: So it can get in, but only in multiverse. [21:02] sebner, you want it? you got it! [21:02] <_boto> slytherin, the same is true for ReplicaNet (our networking library) [21:02] norsetto: No. It's Free. [21:02] DktrKranz: great :D [21:02] <_boto> ScottK, mulitverse? [21:02] ScottK: wasn't that free for non-commercial projects only? Hmm, that was long ago perhaps [21:02] norsetto: A long time ago. [21:02] ScottK: can "only for personal use" licensed stuff get into multiverse? [21:03] <_boto> currently we provide a tar.zip, just uncompress it and start it where you like [21:03] ScottK: this just shows our age ;-) [21:03] As long as it's distributable, yes. [21:03] * slytherin tries to help norsetto get out from cave. :-P [21:03] norsetto: qt is still dual licensed, so you can get a commercial license for it, but it's also GPL (Skype uses it for example). [21:04] * norsetto resists, the cave is too comfortable (its even got running water) [21:04] _boto: Just recognize that most of the developers care about if stuff is Free or not and so while it can get in, it will be a lower priority. [21:04] <_boto> ScottK, which developers do you mean? [21:05] _boto: most of the people here :) [21:05] <_boto> ah, i understand [21:05] _boto: those in the caves [21:05] <_boto> hehe [21:05] lol [21:05] So, one last time then I won't ask again for quite a while... Can anyone tell me how to properly rebuild a package with modified binary (image) files in the source? Or build an easily installable package that overwrites files from an existing package (is that an option?) [21:06] <_boto> i mean, i would care about making a package out of the tar.zip. there are some docs on internet about it [21:06] <_boto> i have to admit, i don't know how hard it will be, hehe [21:06] I currently get this error - dpkg-source: unrepresentable changes to source [21:07] mpetersen: yes, you can't add or change binaries in the .diff.gz, binary stuff can only be in the .orig.tar.gz tarball [21:07] mpetersen: if its for your own use just repack the tarball [21:08] <_boto> ScottK, how is the process of making an ubuntu package? does the motu team do that? what has an open-source developer have to provide? [21:08] <_boto> sorry for so much questions :-/ [21:08] is there a flag to pass pdebuild to repack the tarball? [21:09] mpetersen: you have to do it manually [21:10] norsetto: thanks [21:10] mpetersen: copy the directory somewhere, remove the debian/ directory from it, tar -czvf .orig.tar.gz , and replace the existing .orig.tar.gz with this one [21:10] _boto: I think you should start with https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages [21:10] norsetto: it would be nice if you will comment on my application ;) [21:10] mpetersen: when I say manually, that could also be with a script of course, but you have to make your own based on your needs [21:10] <_boto> ScottK: thanks :-) [21:10] sebner: application? where? [21:10] RainCT: in 1 or 2 months [21:11] sebner: ah ok :) [21:11] just already asking xD [21:11] norsetto: follow RainCT's directions for a one of then? [21:11] s/one of/one off [21:11] sebner: I want to see a package made from scratch, else I will give a negative comment :P [21:12] RainCT, don't suggest things, or he will flood REVU too :P [21:12] RainCT: I already told you it's on my todo list. and why do you think did I say: in 1-2 months [21:12] DktrKranz: arghhh [21:12] mpetersen: I would just unpack the tarball, make my changes and repack it as an .orig.tar.gz [21:12] DktrKranz: I filed a few syncs from debian incomming. tomorrow I'll subscribe u-u-s :P [21:12] * DktrKranz superhides [21:12] oh just about 10 [21:12] DktrKranz: we will have to add a "dark hole" feature to REVU, which silently deletes 90% of sebner's uploads :P [21:13] RainCT, s/0%/9%/ [21:13] damn, now he has read it [21:13] xD [21:13] RainCT: its there already, its called "norsetto", it doesn't delete them, just mark them invalid [21:14] * sebner slightly feels a little bit down xD [21:14] siretart: I'd appreciate it if you'd add Bug #244998 to your list of Lauchpad sins. [21:14] Launchpad bug 244998 in launchpad "No apparent way to report bug affecting another project" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/244998 [21:14] RainCT, no black holes, just archiving by default [21:14] norsetto: hahaha. you're our hero :) [21:14] * sebner thinks that leaving ubuntu development would be the best xD [21:15] sebner: omg, no, if you leave you may even get a life [21:15] <_boto> ScottK: our application needs about 10 dependencies, some of them are often already installen on an ubuntu system such as freetype ... [21:15] RainCT: right. too dangerous xD [21:15] * sebner feels ignored by norsetto -.- [21:16] _boto: do you have a link ? [21:16] <_boto> ScottK: our current tar.gz package includes the pre-build dependencies which are not that common to most ubuntu installations such as osg ... [21:16] DktrKranz, RainCT : though soon I'll make holidays. 2 weeks ireland :D [21:16] one more question... how would I build a kernel module to replace a module included with linux-ubuntu-modules? I built the package sucessfully, but I either have to force-overwrite the ubuntu-modules one, or ? [21:16] <_boto> yes: http://yag2002.sf.net or the user site http://www.vr-fun.net [21:16] sebner: I hope you like rain [21:16] _boto: It's better to break them out into separate packages. [21:16] sebner, you can assist Jeff Dunham from now on... good luck and enyoy your holidays (and we'll do the same) [21:16] sebner: uhm.. the Launchpad guys will wonder why the traffic dropped a 50% [21:17] rofl [21:17] rofl [21:17] rofl [21:17] I'm really wondering. I'm not doing that much and there are other contributors also doing a lot work but everybody complains to me xD [21:18] sebner: well, you're sebner [21:18] norsetto: bah. I asked you if you will comment on my application (I also want every kind of feedback ;)) [21:18] RainCT: and? [21:18] I wonder where hellboy is [21:18] <_boto> ScottK: is it possible to include pre-build libraries into installation folder? or must all depenencies be placed into system wide folder /usr/libs ? [21:18] DktrKranz: in hell? XD [21:19] sebner: I certainly will, especially if you quote me as a sponsor [21:19] _boto: It is possible, but highly discouraged. [21:19] _boto: it's possible, but it's bad form I think... you should build a separate lib package if you wanted it distributed... [21:19] <_boto> i understand [21:19] <_boto> the necessary libs would get installed system wide then? [21:20] norsetto: well I can't remember if you sponsored something but I want to hear your opinion though DktrKranz may kidnap you before you can comment xD [21:20] Anyone? how would I build a kernel module to replace a module included with linux-ubuntu-modules? I built the package sucessfully, but I either have to force-overwrite the ubuntu-modules one, or ? [21:20] trying to avoid having two modules obviously. drbd specifically [21:20] sebner: I said I will comment, I didn't say my comment will be positive [21:20] <_boto> hmmm, it would mean that i have to make ubuntu packages for some open-source libs, what would possibly hurt the lib developers hehe [21:21] norsetto: that's why DktrKranz may will kidnap you ;) [21:21] sebner, two negative comments so far, better asking Fedora how to package [21:21] _boto: why can't you build a second lib package? [21:21] <_boto> i don't know if CEGUI has an ubuntu lib package!? [21:21] * sebner will start with suse development =) [21:21] _boto: is that crazy's eddy gui? [21:21] <_boto> mprtersen, making a lib package ist not that problem [21:22] <_boto> norsetto, yes [21:22] _boto: its in Ubuntu already [21:22] <_boto> norsetto, the newer version is in ubuntu, we need an older version, 0.4.1 it is [21:22] you can't use 4.4 ? [21:23] _boto: well, that's a problem. can't you get it to work with the new one? [21:23] norsetto: and as I said, I want to hear your opinion because I just don't want just *positive* comments [21:23] <_boto> RainCT: it will take a while until we have ported our code to the newer version [21:23] <_boto> we have much code basing on 0.4.1 [21:25] sebner: you're a strange guy... ;) [21:27] * RainCT -> dinner [21:27] RainCT: hf [21:27] <_boto> mpetersen: you mean we should make a second lib package? [21:27] Anyone here know how I can build a package with a module that replaces a linux-ubuntu-module? [21:27] <_boto> would the package better contain the lib sources and build them on installation? [21:27] without have to --force-overwrite [21:27] _boto: you [21:28] <_boto> mpetersen: me? [21:28] _boto: yes you :D [21:28] <_boto> hehe, what is me? [21:28] _boto: I thought it didn't exist. You want an old version of an existing library.. that's a different story [21:29] I thought your app had some library files or something. [21:29] or you wanted a lib that was distrubted [21:29] <_boto> our app needs some dependencies [21:29] er distributed [21:29] <_boto> yep [21:30] I was suggesting that you package your deps that aren't already being distributed. The old verison of cegui makes thing harder. I take it there were big changes bettwen 0.4.1 and 0.5.0 ? [21:33] <_boto> mpetersen, yes the step from 0.4 to 0.5 broke some interfaces [21:33] <_boto> i see, at least openscenegraph and osgcal are already available as packages :-) [21:34] <_boto> cool, physfs too [21:34] <_boto> amazing [21:34] Wahoo. We got our own section on the clamav web site now: http://www.clamav.org/download/packages/packages-linux [21:34] ScottK: and you will also comment :) [21:35] sebner: I wrote it. [21:35] <_boto> oh, i have problems connecting the server [21:36] ScottK: hmm /me has a brain like a sieve <-- if you know this sentence [21:37] mpetersen: Contributors can also help with getting existing packages updated. [21:37] _boto: ^^^ [21:38] ScottK: ? [21:38] <_boto> ScottK:? [21:38] <_boto> hehe [21:38] [16:33] <_boto> mpetersen, yes the step from 0.4 to 0.5 broke some interfaces [21:38] afternoon [21:38] <_boto> hehe [21:38] If we have an old version, you can help with getting it updated. [21:38] He wants the old version back in there... [21:39] <_boto> lol [21:39] <_boto> nono [21:39] <_boto> i don't want get the old version into ubuntu lol [21:39] however, my kernel module might fall in this category. I want drbd 0.8.2 instead of the distributed 0.8.0, but in hardy :D [21:39] <_boto> however our app needs the old version, what to do? [21:40] Ah. [21:40] so I'm wondering how I can build a package that over-rides the distributed module... [21:40] Sorry, just skimming the conversation. [21:40] mpetersen: Kernel packaging is a bit specialized. You might ask in #ubuntu-kernel. [21:41] * norsetto wonders what voting system to use to vote for the new voting system [21:41] Ok, I know how to build the module, but I need to overwrite the existing file, or ? some alternative? I'm worried I'll end up with 2 drbd modules, or a package that has to be installed with dpkg --force-overwrite [21:41] I doubt I can get them to update in hardy... it's a fairly major change. [21:42] I'll join kernel to ask though. [21:42] mpetersen: why do you think you will end up with two files? Does the module name also contains version number? [21:44] slytherin: no. it builds a module called drbd.ko. I can either replace the one distributed with linux-ubuntu-modiles (requires install with force-overwrite) or install to a different location, which ends up having 2 modules. [21:44] I could rebuild all of linux-ubuntu-modules, but... [21:44] that seems like more work than I really need to do. I'll force-overwrite if I have to... [21:44] mpetersen: if you want to replace, then use 'Replaces:' in the control file. [21:45] Ahh, that's probably what I'm looking for... [21:45] I wasn't thinking they'd update the official kernel, but they may be able to advise you of the best way to do it. [21:45] Except that will replace the entire binary package, not just one kernel module. [21:45] <_boto> ScottK: i can look how far i can go with dev lib packages which are already provided by ubuntu and try to build VRC [21:45] Yeah, I want to be able to replace a single file... [21:46] I might as well just rebuild the linux-ubuntu-modules if I want to go that route. [21:46] That's probably what you'll end up with. [21:46] mpetersen: There's another option; you could dpkg-divert the l-u-m file and install your new one. [21:46] <_boto> ScottK: is it possible to get some help in setting up the package builder later? [21:48] Probably, but probably not from me. I'll be gone for the evening in about an hour. There is usually someone here who can help. [21:48] * _boto thinks VRC may not be that important for ubuntu users, hehe [21:48] <_boto> thanks for your help so far :-) [21:49] RAOF: can you give a little more details on how that would work? or is it covered in a maintainer guide somewhere? [21:49] _boto, what's VRC ? [21:49] _boto: it's easy to get pbuilder installed and working.. :D it'll be harder to get your package to build... [21:50] <_boto> mpetersen: yes, we provide a dev pack with sources which is about 100 megs big lol [21:50] mpetersen: It's a little involved, but bascially what you do is: get your package to put your file where you want it to be. Then, in the preinst you call dpkg-divert to move the existing file away and in the postrm you undivert it. [21:50] <_boto> joaopinto: look here: http://www.vr-fun.net [21:51] mpetersen: An example might be better; my PPA nouveau packages do this (the libdrm source package is what you'd be looking at). [21:51] <_boto> wow, it sounds very complicated lol [21:51] hum, only a binary package, any plan to provide the source before the packaging attempt :P ? [21:52] <_boto> i would try to set the proper dependencies into the VRC package and hope nothing would be in conflict or missing, except CEGUI [21:52] <_boto> joaopinto: the source is available too [21:53] oh it is, sourceforge [21:53] <_boto> see in FAQ or here: http://yag2002.sf.net [21:54] I will give it a try [21:54] hum, autotools, not bad to start with :P [21:55] during `pbuilder --build`, I want to set LANG=en_us.UTF-8 instead of LANG=C. How can I do that? [21:55] (trying hook-scripts A didn't work) :( [21:56] <_boto> joaopinto: you will need also the dev pack as one dependency is not provided in ubuntu; ReplicaNet it is; it must be linked statically [21:56] RAOF: that sounds easy enough, drbd.preinst just needs to execute 'dpkg-divert --add --rename --divert /lib/modules/2.6.24-19-server/ubuntu/block/drbd/drbd.ko /lib/modules/2.6.24-19-server/ubuntu/block/drbd/drbd0.8.ko' [21:57] <_boto> the dev pack is in berlios, see the support subpage [21:57] _boto, are there any build instructions ? [21:57] and then delete the diversion on removal [21:57] mpetersen: Yup. Pretty much. [21:57] <_boto> joaopinto: look into the shell script buildall in the dev pack [21:57] ok, found it [21:57] <_boto> if you want, i can assist you ;-) [21:58] <_boto> you won't need to build the osg libs as they can be installed on ubuntu as dev package [21:58] <_boto> building osg takes a while [21:58] <_boto> it is a fat source package hehe [21:59] the dev libs is still downloading :P [21:59] <_boto> joaopinto: if you want more details just jump into #vrc channel [21:59] <_boto> i hope you got the latest one ;-) === ajmitch_ is now known as ajmitch [22:17] geser: still there? [22:17] slytherin: yes [22:18] geser: I am about to fix hopefully last problem in the way of upgrading batik. Will you be there for some time to sponsor a debdiff? [22:18] hi null_vector :) [22:18] gn8 folks =) [22:18] good night sebner [22:19] RainCT: u-u-s queue is waiting for you :P <-- syncs :P [22:19] * RainCT runs... away :P [22:19] slytherin: probably not, I want to go to bed soon [22:19] sebner: na gut... überredet.. ich schau mir mal einen an :P [22:20] geser: Define soon. [22:20] geser: I will be done in 5-10 minutes [22:20] around 30 min [22:24] \sh: Did you see http://alcopop.org/log/2008/07/02#debgtd [22:27] geser: bug 189125 Please let me know if you see any problem in debdiff. [22:27] Launchpad bug 189125 in xmlgraphics-commons "Missing classes due to building without com.sun.image.codec.jpeg.JPEGCodec" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189125 [22:31] Laney: why is bug #243254 incomplete? [22:31] Launchpad bug 243254 in vegastrike "Please sync vegastrike 0.5~svn12126-2 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)." [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/243254 [22:32] RainCT: It blocks on the merge of -data [22:33] slytherin: looks good [22:34] geser: Ok. Thanks. Now I also have to collapse on bed. It is 3 am here. :-D === maix_ is now known as maix [22:34] <_boto> sleep well slytherin ;-) [22:34] slytherin: do I see it right, that the package need to be moved to multiverse? [22:35] geser: The package is already in multiverse. It was never moved to universe. The gcj change was an attempt to fix FTBFS. But I was not careful enough. [22:35] slytherin: https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xmlgraphics-commons lists universe [22:36] geser: rmadison says multiverse. [22:37] geser: also it says multiverse on packages.ubuntu.com [22:37] xmlgraphics-commons | 1.2.dfsg-1ubuntu1 | intrepid/universe | source [22:37] that's what rmadison tells me [22:38] geser: Oh. Suurce says universe but binaries are in multiverse - libxmlgraphics-commons-java | 1.2.dfsg-1ubuntu1 | intrepid/multiverse | all [22:39] slytherin: I'll upload the debdiff but it won't build till the source is also in multiverse [22:39] geser: Do I need to file a bug for it? [22:40] DktrKranz: The axyl / axyl-lucene sru looks good, upgrade went fine. Is there anything I can test for the envvars change? [22:40] slytherin: I guess not, just talk to an archive admin about it and refer to me if needed [22:41] geser: Ok. Will do that tomorrow. [22:42] geser: Bye for now. See you tomorrow. :-) [22:51] albert23: good, thanks. About envvars, it just needs to install without warnings with apache2.2 [22:52] (and thanks to notifying it, I missed accepted mail) [22:53] DktrKranz: That's fine too then. I will comment in the bug. [22:54] I'll do it too, so we can forget this (since debian fixed it as well) [22:58] albert23, now I remember what happens without envvars: [22:58] adduser: To avoid problems, the username should consist only of [22:58] letters, digits, underscores, periods, at signs and dashes, and not start with [22:58] a dash (as defined by IEEE Std 1003.1-2001). For compatibility with Samba [22:58] machine accounts $ is also supported at the end of the username [23:06] * DktrKranz notes we have several SRU in -proposed for universe (much more than those in main), let's verify them1 [23:08] <_boto> good night [23:34] Fear not folks. I limited myself this time :P [23:37] pochu, persia: ping