
saivannasac : can I do something to help bug 230209 getting fixed?03:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 230209 in thunderbird-locales "upgrade thunderbird locales for 2.0.0.x and include new upstream translations" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/23020903:04
saivannasac : Also when you will have time for it, I would need some guidance concerning the standalone glue (bug 232402)03:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 232402 in chmsee "chmsee FTBFS in Hardy" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/23240203:05
=== asac_ is now known as asac
xipietotechey, any idea why the ppa doesn't have firefox loaded in it?06:46
asacxipietotec: which ppa are you talking about?07:46
xipietotecthe hardy ppa for mozillateam07:47
gnomefreakhas a new kernel been uploaded to intrepid in last 24-48 hours?09:28
asacxipietotec: why would hardy need a ffox in PPA? its in the main archive ;)09:39
gnomefreakisnt it09:40
gnomefreak kernel in intrepid?09:42
gnomefreakwtf :(09:42
gnomefreakasac: have you heard of an issue with nvidia cards and the 2.6.26 kernel09:42
gnomefreakasac: what do you think about adding spamassassin to deps for tbird since it is default junk catcher and it isnt installed until you install it10:30
asacgnomefreak: it doesnt really work nicely together with tbird, does it?10:31
asacdoes it work at all?10:31
gnomefreakasac: i always assumed i had it until today :(10:31
gnomefreakasac: what is a better app to use?10:31
asacgnomefreak: well. spamassasin is only useful if you run your own incoming mailserver10:31
asacgnomefreak: evolution uses it in a special way, but tbird doesnt know nything about spamassassin afaik10:32
gnomefreakah ok10:32
gnomefreaki thought it did because under junk settings it wants to use spamassassin10:33
gnomefreakalthough tbired handles spam fairly well i just wish it would look at a few different things before deciding if its spam or not10:35
gnomefreaknss 3.12 is released10:37
armin76asac: bumb!10:37
armin76gnomefreak: old news10:37
armin76i told asac that 7 days ago :P10:37
gnomefreakwell i figured that :(10:37
asacarmin76: -proposed is frozen10:37
asacwill enter today10:37
asacffox security was released early in the middle of the night10:38
armin76asac: bumb 1.1.10!10:38
asacthey said: 2nd July10:38
gnomefreakthat message was from june 18 why am i just getting it on the 30th10:38
asacbut then pushed it on 1st Jul10:38
asac(late pacific time)10:38
gnomefreakpeople are still using trying to cross compile firefox 1.510:39
asacarmin76: i dont feel responsible for seamonkey alone10:39
asacgnomefreak: why?10:39
gnomefreaklet me read it :)10:39
asacgnomefreak: if there is anyone doing serious 1.5 work he should come in here pronto :)10:39
gnomefreakI  have cross compiled firefox- for MIPS. But when i run sample10:40
gnomefreakbrowser application named TestGtkEmbed i got only initial browser window10:40
gnomefreaknothing else.10:40
gnomefreakasac: its from one of mozillas mailing lists10:40
gnomefreakdev-apps-firefox mailing list10:40
asacah ok10:41
asacgnomefreak: have a link?10:42
gnomefreakyeah let me look10:42
gnomefreakasac: can you please see what this guy really wants on bug 17420810:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 174208 in mozilla-thunderbird "[suggestion] Gnome-Calender integration into Thunderbird" [Wishlist,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17420810:43
gnomefreakasac: http://groups.google.com/group/mozilla.dev.apps.firefox/browse_thread/thread/63be612c7d2000ce#10:44
gnomefreakthats the link for that topic10:44
asacsaivann: ping me when back10:44
asaci am here now ;)10:44
asacgnomefreak: triaged10:57
asac(calendar bug)10:57
gnomefreakasac: thanks10:58
gnomefreakasac: how the hell did you find that upstream bug so fast? you knew about this wishlist bug?11:05
asacgnomefreak: no. i know that its a commmon wish ;)11:13
asacgnomefreak: i search upstream the "Calendar" component11:13
asacfor Evolution11:13
asacor Gnome11:13
asaccant remember ;)11:13
asacthere are just a few hits11:13
asacso important is to refine your search by specifying a good component on the advanced search page11:14
asacgnomefreak: can you please connect sunbird LP project to the lightning-sunbird package?11:15
asacand setup the proper bugtracker?11:15
gnomefreakis it possible to subcribe to upstrea mozilla bugs?11:15
gnomefreakasac: it is isnt it?11:15
asacor give ownership to mozillateam :)11:15
asacgnomefreak: no i dont think so11:15
asacif i connect lightning-sunbird bug with upstream it suggests "Thunderbird" project11:16
asacand if i select sunbird explicitly it states (Unreviewed)11:16
asacso there is something wrong for sure ;)11:16
gnomefreakok ill look at it and you want everyting to be under lightning-sunbird right?11:16
asacoh $DEITY11:18
asacthis guy really has shaking windows ;)11:18
asacBug 23382411:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 233824 in firefox-3.0 "firefox is shaking when the screen is very small" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/23382411:18
gnomefreakasac: driver == mozillateam but i have to figure out who andrew mcmillian is11:21
asacgnomefreak: he? you can also change registrant to mt11:22
gnomefreakyou would think11:22
asacdriver doesnt change a think11:22
asacgnomefreak: you just need to register package for the trunk series11:22
asaci think11:23
asacpleaes try ;)11:23
gnomefreakim working on it11:23
gnomefreakcan you find me upstream bug tracker link for sunbird11:23
gnomefreakim not getting anything for lighting-sunbird only sunbird project11:24
asacgnomefreak: sunbird is ok11:24
asacassociate that with lightning-sunbird package11:24
gnomefreakjust need a bug tracker than. not sure how to do that (associate with lightning-*11:25
asacgnomefreak: should be easy11:25
gnomefreakasac: https://edge.launchpad.net/mozilla11:25
gnomefreakwhy is he maintainer11:26
asacgnomefreak: mpt?11:26
asache is launchpad dev11:26
Volansasac gnomefreak... news on the questions I have posed for the meetings schedule?11:26
asacand i guess he created mozilla as mozilla is a use-case of a complex multi-project project ;)11:27
asacwhich launchpad devs like to use to explain things :-D11:27
gnomefreakVolans: i didnt get that memo what day/time were you looking at?11:27
gnomefreakasac: is this something we change or just leave it? im thinking this is differrnt from our project for mozilla11:29
asacgnomefreak: i dont think we need to change that for now11:30
gnomefreakasac: do you happen to have our page on the mozilla project11:31
Volansgnomefreak: not sure to have understand your question... I mean the 2 question I have posed here to you and asac in order to decide the day ok week and time of the meetings and if start the planning now or at the next meeting11:31
gnomefreakVolans: please refresh my memory11:32
Volanswe have to do the meetings schedule for the next 6 months, I have tell you that I have prepared a date list, but you tell me that will be better to start after the next meeting because it will be a "where we are" meeting (iirc)11:33
Volansthen first of all decide if we have to start now or not with the meetings schedule11:34
gnomefreakasac: is this what you wanted? I still need upstream bug tracker link but look in bottom right and you will see lightning and lightning-sunbird11:34
gnomefreakasac: i guess you want to use https://bugzilla.mozilla.org for bug tracker11:35
gnomefreakoh yeah i left off saying that asac had said "something in july or june if we are good" i dont remember the first part of that convo but its on the minutes wiki for our meetings11:36
gnomefreaki had been sidetracked when i said i was getting it more apps were crashing11:36
gnomefreakasac: wtf is Infodomestic Spatial Objects, Ubuntu,11:37
Volansgnomefreak: you refer to this minute? "Target initial m-e-d report for end of July (or if we are good June)"11:37
gnomefreakVolans: ah that would be it11:37
VolansAs I have understand this will not be a meeting but a report...11:38
asacfta: isnt beta bandaid patch dropped in intrepid?11:38
Volans(if I have understand correctly)11:38
gnomefreakok i was thinking it said something else. ok lets make first meeting ~ end of july early august.11:38
asacgnomefreak: lightning isnt a sunbird package11:38
asacits unrelated11:38
asacremove it please11:38
asacjust lightning-sunbird11:38
gnomefreakVolans: you are right i was mixing 2 things together11:38
Volansnp :)11:39
asacgnomefreak: yu can change bug tracker in "Change details"11:39
gnomefreaki cant remove it samnit11:39
gnomefreakasac: i know but i needed to know if you wanted to use the mozilla.org bugzilla in general like firefox thunderbird11:40
gnomefreakVolans: can you set it up and email it to eitehr mailing list or my email address11:40
asacgnomefreak: yes thats right11:40
asacgnomefreak: please try to get lightning package out of the connected packages list ;)11:40
Volansgnomefreak: ok. asac: you said that you prefer a fixed date for meeting (saturday or sunday iirc)11:41
gnomefreakasac: working on it11:41
asacnot really high prio as it shouldnt hurt except for the unpopular lightning package11:41
asac(whatever that is)11:41
asacVolans: yes, i think a fix day sounds reasonable11:41
asacbetter to remember11:41
gnomefreaklightning is packaged from lightning-sunbird so you can see how i figured its same source package11:41
* gnomefreak cant promise weekends11:41
Volansok, and for the time of the day, something about 18 UTC?11:41
gnomefreakthats 2pm EST11:42
gnomefreaki think11:42
Volansyou know where are located the M-T and M-E-T members?11:42
gnomefreakyes it is that is fine (i woulkd guess) i do yard work on weekends so i cant really promise i can make  it on weekends11:42
gnomefreakyou mean med11:43
Volansmozilla extension11:43
gnomefreakmozilla extension devs11:43
Volansyep, sorry11:43
gnomefreakyes the LP page. go to your LP page and under teams they are there11:43
* Volans go to make a little stat on that11:44
gnomefreakVolans: thanks11:44
gnomefreakasac: https://edge.launchpad.net/sunbird11:50
VolansRESULTS :EU CET (UTC+1): 6 | US EST (UTC-5): 5 | EU UTC : 2 | US CST (UTC-6): 111:50
Volansso basically 8 people in europe and 6 in US, central or eastern time11:50
gnomefreakVolans: est is -040011:51
gnomefreakuntil oct./nov/11:51
gnomefreakthan we are -050011:51
Volansgnomefreak: all timezones observe daylight saving time/summer time11:51
Volansthis are the winter times, that are "fixed"11:52
Volansnow all are shifted of 1 hour11:52
gnomefreakVolans: yes and no but either way EST is either -0500 in oct-nov. and -0400 in aprilish11:52
gnomefreakUS EST (UTC-5): 5 should be -4 at this time11:52
Volansalso europe is +2 at this time11:52
gnomefreakbut i have noticed that most things on here is wrong half the year during -040011:53
Volansand the 2 people at UTC now are on BST that is UTC+111:53
gnomefreakasac: are you ablet o locate our mozilla project in LP? I thought it was mozilla but that isnt it as you saw before11:54
Volansthen in practice we need a time that will be not too late for europeans and not too early for US peolples11:54
gnomefreakVolans: 18 UTC is fine im just telling you there may be a lot of time i wont beablet o make it but i wont know until a week or a dday before11:55
asacgnomefreak: dont know what you mean11:56
asacwhat mozilla project?11:56
Volanson both saturday and sunday? or you have a day that is better11:56
gnomefreakas`ill look for it. asac figure out how to change the bug superviser and such on https://edge.launchpad.net/sunbird please i cant find it anywhere11:57
* asac looking11:58
asacVolans: gnomefreak: why not the same day/time like last meeting11:58
asacwe havent received any complain at least ;)11:58
gnomefreakasac: it doesnt matter. im just telling you some weekends are going to be a meeting without me but ill have to read it a day or 2 later11:59
asacgnomefreak: i dont think we need a bug supervisor11:59
gnomefreakwhat is wrong with say this time on the weekend?11:59
asacmy guess is that you can only set that if that project uses launchpad as bugtracker11:59
gnomefreakasac: fine its done than11:59
Volansin conclusion: all meetings on sunday at 18 UTC for summer time and 19 UTC for winter time. You agree?12:01
asacfor me its fine12:02
gnomefreakyou know what send it to mailing lists witha  few times days and see what everyone else says12:04
gnomefreakor ill set up a poll on LP for it12:04
gnomefreaklet me find out how far in advance we can book -meeting(s)12:04
gnomefreakwaiting for reply atm12:05
Volansgnomefreak: we have an automatic system for early alert on ML?12:06
gnomefreakVolans: what do you mean?12:06
Volansin order to send automatic alert to ML prior of the meetings12:07
gnomefreakVolans: no12:07
gnomefreakhas to be sent by hand that isnt an issue i can do that a day or 2 before the meeting12:07
gnomefreakit will be posted in /topic anyway12:07
Volansasac in the meeting suggested an early advice 2 weeks in advace only on ML, one 1 week before to ML + all members and last reminder the day before...12:08
VolansI have finished now the date plannig for all those alerts :)12:09
asacVolans: cool12:10
asacVolans: how do we want to maintain the schedule?12:10
asacis there a thing like a shared google calendar maybe?12:10
Volansshared google calendar can be fine... LP doesn't have nothing similar?12:11
Volansor there is a geek system... a txt file in the mozilla-team code section :)12:11
VolansI think google calendar can send reminder automatically12:11
VolansI will investigate it after launch12:12
Volanswe have also to decide the text message to send for the 3 different alerts12:12
* Volans away for launch, come back in 45 minutes12:13
gnomefreakasac: i will have them on fridge like always12:18
gnomefreaklaunching lunch?12:19
gnomefreakhint subscribe to fridge.ubuntu.com ical or rss and you will see when meetings are12:19
gnomefreakthe way google and firefox work together really isnt good so google calendar isnt best option (thats why fridge.com is there12:20
gnomefreaki can send them by hand if you dont want to plus ubuntu planet blogs and the /topic of channel12:20
asacgnomefreak: ok12:21
asacnever used the fridge ;)12:22
gnomefreakuse sunbird and it can alert you when meeting is (you set time)12:22
gnomefreakasac: looks like seb is having issues with xulrunner :)12:36
gnomefreakasac: let me know when you have a spare 5 minutes (maybe in an hour or later as i would like to get stuff done before pitching this idea nad starting it12:46
* Volans back12:57
Volansso gnomefreak you have decided to not use google calendar?12:58
=== gnomefre1k is now known as gnomefreak
gnomefreakVolans: right we have alot of other ways to track them including ubuntu.fridge.com the topic of this channel ubuntu planet since i do that most of time anyway plus sunbird/evo/lightning icals rss feeds and so on13:01
gnomefreaki got intouch with one of my contacts at ubuntu-news since it took over for #fridge and he said there isnt a set advanced meetings rule so i can have all 6 or so added when we decide on time and day date13:02
gnomefreaki would suggest sending me the file/write up or mailing it to mailing list to let memebers decide best time and day date for them13:03
gnomefreakIIRC we only had 4 people at our last meeting on a sunday13:03
VolansI was thinking google calendar only for internal maintenanace, I mean set it with the date and (if possile) set it to send the automatic alerts to ML, just it, not to share it with members13:04
gnomefreakit would be nice to have reed and others there as well13:04
Volansif you prefer we can set a poll for the day of the week?13:04
gnomefreakVolans: you can do that. I thought you meant people getting a google calendar for themselves13:04
VolansI see a problem with work days... if we make it at 18 UTC is after work in europe, but working time in US...13:05
gnomefreakVolans: well that is what email was for, i would rather not set up a poll in LP (i can do fairly easy) but it has issues last i remember13:05
gnomefreakVolans: yeah i know since we are around the world its gonna be hard for everyone to be there but the more we have there the better. Once we have dates/times or what not from most people i will blog about each meeting to get people to come so we can get input from around ubuntu community13:06
gnomefreakfta: did you find a bug on LP about grep -i13:07
fta2no, i filled one13:09
gnomefreakfta2: can i get bug number i have people asking about it sinc ethey are seeing it13:10
fta2bug 24371713:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 243717 in grep "case sensitive grep broken with UTF8 in intrepid, breaking scripts" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24371713:12
fta2for me, it is severe13:12
gnomefreakfta2: thanks13:12
gnomefreakothers are saying same thing but so far no ubuntu scripts/packages have seen issues that im aware of13:12
gnomefreakso sever/critical isnt really a grgeat setting until its know to be a show stopper (and they released a1 with this issue13:13
fta2at least, it should move to confirmed13:15
gnomefreakfta2: i added to confirmed addded my comment from weekend and marked as high13:17
gnomefreaktook me a bit since i was relaying the bug number to #ubuntu+1 where it is being talked about13:18
gnomefreaki really hate getting new cells13:39
asacVolans: almost back ;)13:50
Volanssorry for the long query :)13:51
gnomefreakim gone for a little while14:11
Volansasac: perhaps have you see the service I have linked you? gnomefreak proposed to make a sort of poll in ML asking for best day/time for meeting14:12
gnomefreakjust list some times days dates and ask people what ones work best for them as we always do14:12
* gnomefreak still not here14:13
asacjcastro: http://www.asoftsite.org/s9y/archives/145-NetworkManager-0.7-is-back-New-PPA.html14:43
asacjcastro: wanna spread the word? (only hardy packages are available atm)14:43
asacVolans: yes i saw it14:46
asacVolans: i can also schedule the email with "at" on my local system14:47
asacjust thought that whatever calendaring tool we are using should be able to do the same14:47
Volansyes of course, the only difference is that that one is server based (i.e. do not need you pc is on) but if you have a server it's the same14:48
asacVolans: my gateway is always on ... which is where this irssi client runs on14:48
asacand my mail goes through it too14:49
Volansgoogle calendar can work for members alerts only if you subscribe ALL the members AND they reply confirming, I think is not the best.. a CC or BCC list of members of MT and MED will be better14:49
asacthing is that i am not sure if my mail will get higher spam ranking when using that service as it doesnt go through my authenticated provider14:49
Volansmaybe doing a test on one ML hosted by the same server of that of MT14:50
Volansabout the gnomefreak's proposal to "poll" the ML with some dates?14:51
asacVolans: i am testing that site now14:52
asaclets see if the mail arrives in 10 minutes ;)14:52
asacVolans: ok that worked15:02
Volansgood :) but if you prefer to cron-it on you machine is the same...15:02
=== jt1 is now known as jtv
Volansasac: works!15:30
asacVolans: good. will you draft the announcements? i can give you the account data if you want to schedule them ;)15:35
VolansI can send you the drafts and the schedule or set it for you directly in the site, as you want15:36
asacVolans: please set it directly :)15:45
asacVolans: what email do you prefer?15:45
Volansfor send me access?15:45
Volansthat on LP is fine or volans AT ubuntu that is an alias for that15:46
asacVolans: done15:46
asacVolans: my email == ubuntu email that is ;)15:47
Volansyeah is clear! trying access15:47
Volansok, when finished to set all I will advice you15:48
Volansasac: as I can't use a parametrized date I have to create one "template" per mail per meeting, so before doing the copies please take a look there where I have created the 3 reminders for the next meeting.16:41
Volansfeel free to modify the subject and the text and tell me when done ;)16:41
Volans(I have used Saša's last meeting announcement mail with minor changes)16:43
asacVolans: why do we need parameters? cant we use the same text for all three?16:44
VolansI have used different subjects.... hoping this can help to focus on the right reminder ;)16:44
Volansbut we can also use one template per meeting and send it 3 times16:45
Volansmmmh sorry I see now16:45
Volansthat I have used the incorrect date for the meeting... ops16:45
Volans(I have place the first reminder date instead)16:46
VolansI will fix it afte16:46
asaclooks good so far16:50
asacVolans: maybe the last reminder should read "in 24h" instead of tomorrow16:50
asacand send at 1800 UTC ;)16:50
Volansthen I leave the 3 different subjects and texts?16:51
asacVolans: why not ... you already created them ;)16:52
Volansok :)16:52
asacwe can review that procedure for next meeting imo16:52
Volansthe system can send you an alert 3 days before each email is sended... I set it on?16:52
asacVolans: yes. good idea16:54
Volansasac: last thing... you said to send the last 2 reminders also to all members of MT and MED... I will add it to the "automatic system"? CC o BCC ?17:01
asacVolans: Bcc I think.17:08
asacotoh, if we want to follow up CC is beter17:08
Volansfollow up?17:09
Volansyou mean for the replies?17:13
Volanssorry only a my brain core dump... restarted :)17:15
Volansyes for follow ups is better CC hoping that nobody disagree17:16
asacVolans: yeah, lets use CC. noone complained on jazzvas announce17:18
Volansok! as best practice says... I have another LAST question... with this schedule we have a meeting on 26 october that is a Daylight saving time change date AND 3 days before the final release of Inprepid... maybe you will want to change this date...17:18
asacVolans: ok i think we should push it back a week ;)17:28
asacbut the meeting after that can still be at the same date17:28
asace.g. 5 weeks after that17:29
Volans5? you mean 717:29
asacVolans: the one after the one that gets pushed back17:30
asacso its 12 weeks after the next week again17:30
asace.g. meeting 1 on date X ... meeting 2 on date X + 7 weeks (pushed back a week due to release); meeting 3 on date X + 12 weeks17:31
asac(so back on schedule)17:31
Volansmaybe I have misunderstood your back... back in the past (10 october) or in the future (2 november)?17:31
asacbut i dont mind ;)17:31
asacpush back always means push further away :)17:31
asacif i push back work it doesnt mean it gets done earlier, right ;)?17:32
Volansright! my fault, it's clear17:32
VolansI have only 4 members (1 of MED and 3 of MT) without any public email on LP or Wiki, I have to try to contact them?17:36
Volans/I have only/I have found/17:36
asacVolans: who in MT doesnt have an email?17:43
Volansreed, hjmf and crimsun (using irc nicks)17:44
Volansasac, max 3 recipients per email... I discover it after having created the 2 group of members... DAMNIT!17:45
Volanswe can't use launchpad team notification for the alert to all members? perhaps using an alias...17:45
asac[reed]: can you make your email in launchpad public?17:46
Volansin MED there are 2, jetsaredim and rzr17:47
asacrzr: ^^17:47
asacVolans: not sure. i think hjmf is hjmf@ubuntu.com17:48
asacVolans: but he is subscribed to mailing list iirc17:48
Volanshis LP nick is hmontoliu17:49
Volans@ubuntu.com email are always LP nick@ right?17:49
asacVolans: good point17:49
asacerr. not sure ;)17:49
asacbut i think so17:49
asacVolans: crimsun is @ubuntu.com too17:50
Volansbut the whole thing is useless if we don't have an alias for MT and one for MED due to the 3 recipients per mail17:50
asacgnomefreak: ^^17:51
asaccan you figure out if we can mail _all_ team members without having their emails?17:51
VolansI'm looking at:   No contact address (Launchpad notifications are sent to all team members)... we can use this in some way?17:51
asacmaybe ask in #launchpad17:51
asacno idea :/17:52
asacyou can ask on #launchpad. they should know17:52
Volansok I will ask, I'm searching on LP (I'm admin of a team) but finding nothing... only apply for a ML17:53
asacVolans: yeah. we could use mailing list if all members get subscribed by default17:55
asacbut i doubt thats how it works17:55
Volansevery member can choose to add him automatically or not to the ML of a team he join and for the team he is added by others17:58
* Volans waiting for reply in #launchpad atm18:03
Volansasac: found a solution... on this service 3 recipients but can be increased upon request... can I made the request for you? there is a contact form18:10
asacVolans: as long as it doesnt involve costs or some obligations, feel free18:14
asacVolans: otherwise tell me where, so i have to carry the risk on my own :)18:15
Volansit seems not, see here: http://www.lettermelater.com/forum.php?id=7218:15
Volansand here: http://www.lettermelater.com/forum.php?id=7118:16
asacVolans: ok. i think we dont need to CC them explicitly18:16
asacif they are not subscribed to ML, so be it18:16
asacwe can send a separate mail reminding everyone that subscribing to that low-traffic mailing list is highly recommended18:17
Volansa one time email?18:17
VolansI think that suggest also to subscribe to modification on this wiki page: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MozillaTeam/Meetings can be useful18:18
=== rzr is now known as RzR
* RzR back in da place18:19
asack ... have to pack things and travel cities18:30
asacwill be back in 2 - 2.5h18:30
asaccu later18:30
Volansbye :)18:30
VolansI have to go.. come back later bye19:04
=== Arlan is now known as arlan
arlanAll, I'm a new Ubuntu user, with limited experience and time, but I'd like to help out.  What's the best way to get started???19:24
saivannasac : ping19:58
saivannarlan : You can do a lot of things, depending on what you want to do to help the ubuntu community. But first of all, did you have a special interest for mozilla? (we're in mozilla channel)20:00
asacarlan: ^^20:01
asacsaivann: i am on train ;)20:01
asac3G card, yay!20:02
saivannasac : Oh, does that mean that it's not the appropriate moment to speak ?20:02
saivannasac : Yeah, mobile networks.. so great :)20:02
asacsaivann: not sure ;)20:03
asaci am in a shitty train without any kind of amplifier20:03
asacso connection has high latency and already dropped once20:03
saivannasac : Oh.. I get it20:03
saivannasac : I'll ping another day then ;)20:04
asacsaivann: but besides from that its a great time ;)20:04
saivannI'll ping you*20:04
asacsaivann: no ... go ahead ;)20:04
asacjust dont beconfused if i dont reply instantly20:04
saivannasac : Oh okay! Well I just wanted to ask you some help about bug 232402 and the standalone glue, which I can't get to work20:05
saivannasac : Of course :)20:05
ubottusaivann: Error: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: The read operation timed out (https://launchpad.net/bugs/232402/+text)20:05
asacsaivann: how far do you tget?20:05
ubottusaivann: Error: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: The read operation timed out (https://launchpad.net/bugs/232402/+text)20:05
asacarlan: there are several things you can do20:05
asacarlan: one thing is bug triage20:06
asacthats a task where you can contribute as little as you want20:06
asacwhile still doing an important contribution20:06
saivannasac : I don't understand your question20:06
asacsaivann: whats your problem with standalone glue :)20:06
asachow can i help you?20:06
* asac reading bug20:07
asacarlan: another task that requires a bit more time (but not much) is helping in organizing the extension packaging effort20:07
saivannasac : I tried to apply the standalone glue as described in the wiki pages that you gave to me but whatever I try finally ends with configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables20:07
saivannSee `config.log' for more details.20:07
saivannasac : Is there a existing package that could be a good example for me. I'm pretty sure that I do something wrong20:08
asacsaivann: CFLAGS=pkg-config is wrong20:08
asacsaivann: it has to be CFLAGS=`pkg-config ...`20:08
asace.g. note the '`'20:08
saivannasac : Ah..20:08
saivannasac : ^^20:08
asacotherwise the CFLAGS are illegal and the compiler fails on the most basic tasks20:08
saivannasac : I try it right now20:08
asacso you get "cannot create executable" :)20:09
asac(sorry for giving background)20:09
asacarlan: still there?20:09
saivannasac : In your opinion, should I remove completely "DEB_CONFIGURE_SCRIPT_ENV += LDFLAGS=" -Wl,--as-needed,-rpath,/usr/lib/xulrunner-1.9"" ?20:09
asacsaivann: yes, rpath has to go20:10
asacsaivann: i am not sure how that variable is used20:10
asacmaybe you want to add CFLAGS="..." there... but not sure20:10
saivannasac : -Wl and --as-needed are not necessary?20:10
asacsaivann: no ... those are not needed ... but shouldnt hurt to keep20:11
asacso just drop ,-rpath ...20:11
saivannasac : Ok, trying..20:11
saivannasac : With CFLAGS=`pkg-config ...` , build ends with a lot of /usr/lib/xulrunner-devel-1.9/lib/libxul.so: undefined reference to `JS_CallFunction'20:16
saivannasac : I will try with CFLAGS="pkg-config ..."20:16
asacsaivann: does chmsee use javascript directly?20:18
asacsaivann: e.g. is JS_CallFunction used?20:18
asacsaivann: oh. thats during linking20:18
asacsaivann: you need pkg-config --libs libxul-embedding-unstable as LDFLAGS i guess20:19
saivannasac : Yes, I get a lot of this, like if xulrunner was not found20:19
armin76wtf happened so firefox is going to be out on 15th july?20:19
saivannasac : Ok I try it20:19
asacarmin76: annonucement?20:19
saivannasac : Is that correct?  :  DEB_CONFIGURE_SCRIPT_ENV += LDFLAGS=" -Wl,--as-needed,--libs libxul-embedding-unstable"20:20
asacsaivann: nope20:20
asacsaivann: search the source20:20
asacthe Makefiles20:20
asacthere must be some linker tweaking already20:21
saivannasac : You mean that we should patch the sources!20:21
asacsaivann: cant tell without looking as i dont know how chmsee buildsystem works20:21
asacsaivann: does it use automake?20:21
saivannasac : Mmmh..20:21
asace.g. are there Makefile.am?20:21
saivannasac : Yes, and configure20:22
saivannasac : There's not LDFLAGS in makefile.am yet20:24
saivannasac : It uses debhelper20:25
asacsaivann: search for LIBADD20:26
asacin Makefile.am20:26
saivannasac : Does not exist either20:26
saivannasac : Makefile.am is pretty short! Only 50 lines20:27
asacsaivann: ok in src/Makefile.am20:27
asacthere is LDADD20:27
saivannasac : However, Makefile.in exists20:27
asacthat references GECKO_LIBS20:27
asacwhich is certainly defined in configure.in/ac20:27
asacsaivann: ok look for the gecko checks in there20:28
asacyou need to add your own there or modify an existing one to use libxul-embedding20:29
asacinstead of XXX-gtkmozembed20:29
saivannin configure.ac, I only have this which contains GECKO :    AC_SUBST(GECKO_LIBS)20:29
asacsaivann: try to read that file a bit20:29
asacdefines GECKO_LIBS20:29
asacyoull figure ;)20:30
saivann   PKG_CHECK_MODULES(GECKO, $gecko_provider-gtkmozembed, enbale_gecko=yes, enbale_gecko=no)20:30
asacsaivann: right20:30
asacthats wrong for us20:30
asaci think the best is to add a new target (e.g. like mozilla) for xul1.9 on top that uses libxul-embedding-unstable20:31
asacand then use --with-gecko=xul1.9 in debian/rules20:31
saivannasac : Oh I must admit that you lost me about adding a new target, am-I able to take this job in your opinion?20:32
asacsaivann: not sure. if you want to learn new things (like how configure works)20:32
asacthis is a great task20:32
asacif not, push it away20:32
asacoh ... train arrives ;)20:32
saivannasac : I like to learn it, but I want to avoid lost work20:32
asaccu in 15 minutes or so20:32
saivannasac : I right20:32
asachave to walk and cant type then ;)20:33
saivannasac : Ok, @++ :)20:33
* asac moves20:33
arlanasac: Thanks for the information...sorry for the delay...currently at work and was called away.  Thanks for the information!  Will start triage asap and go from there...20:38
saivannarlan : Don't hesitate to speak in #ubuntu-bugs, that's the main place to work on bugs20:43
arlangood to know!20:44
saivannarlan : Bug triaging is a very interesting task that is easy to learn, and if you like it and learn a lot of things about bug triaging, you might become a member of the bug control team and assign priorities20:44
saivannarlan : :)20:45
saivannarlan : Another good trick is to read the ubuntu wikis (http://wiki.ubuntu.com/) which are generally full of informations about this, and never hesitate to ask questions in ubuntu channels20:45
asacarlan: I'd suggest that you concentrate on Incomplete bugs20:56
asacfor now20:56
asacand bring them into Confirmed state20:57
asac(or invalid)20:57
asacarlan: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MozillaTeam/Bugs/TriagersHandbook20:58
asacthats the most compressed form we currently have20:58
asaclook at it, then go through a bunch of Incomplete bugs against firefox-3.020:58
asacand see if there is missing something in the handbook20:58
asacor if you can deal with them20:58
asacsaivann: arlan: ubuntu-bugs has no real clue yet on mozilla bugs20:59
asacso better start here ;)20:59
asacarlan: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox-3.0/+bugs?field.searchtext=&orderby=-importance&search=Search&field.status%3Alist=INCOMPLETE_WITH_RESPONSE&field.status%3Alist=INCOMPLETE_WITHOUT_RESPONSE&assignee_option=any&field.assignee=&field.bug_reporter=&field.bug_supervisor=&field.bug_commenter=&field.subscriber=&field.status_upstream-empty-marker=1&field.omit_dupes.used=&field.omit_dupes=on&field.has_patch.used=&field.has_21:00
asacthose are the incomplete bugs21:00
saivannasac : Wow, you've been fast21:00
saivannasac : I just found that chmsee 1.0.1 is now in intrepid and according to chmsee website, 1.0.1 was a release to fix compatibility with xulrunner 1.9, so I believe that this is already fixed in intrepid21:01
saivannasac : I wonder if 1.0.1 could be copied to hardy-proposed, because actual chmsee does not start at all in hardy.21:02
saivannasac : Yes, 1.0.1-1ubuntu1 in intrepid is already fixed, uploaded 2 days ago21:06
arlanasac: saivann:  thanks much for the assitance!21:11
asacsaivann: have you tried to build it in hardy?21:18
asacsaivann: try to upload it a PPA21:18
asacif that works we send it to -backports21:18
asacand start SRU for hardy-proposed21:18
saivannasac : That works, I just tested21:18
asac(or at the same time)21:19
saivannasac : Is it possible to ask for a SRU even if it's a new upstream release?21:19
saivannasac : diffstat seems to show that there has been more than just minor modifications in the code between 1.0.0 and 1.0.121:19
asacsaivann: yes. try to do a diff -ur of the orig.tar.gz21:19
asacif its comprehensible its ok21:19
asacotherwise we can rip the important bits out and add it as a patch21:20
asacsaivann: paste diffstat please21:20
saivannasac : http://paste.ubuntu.com/24543/21:21
saivannasac : I built it in hardy using pbuilder (configured with hardy rep)21:23
saivannasac : What would be the correct version for a SRU (for my PPA upload)21:23
asacsaivann: just diff the configure.ac and src/Makefile.am21:25
asacand paste that please21:25
saivannasac : Ok21:25
asacsaivann: and gecko-utils21:25
saivannasac : http://upload.leservicetechnique.com/diff.tar.gz21:29
asacsaivann: thats not a diff ;)21:31
asacthat tarball contains the actual files21:31
asacsaivann: oh. i see21:32
asaci ment one diff in a paste for all ;)21:32
saivannasac : Oh, sorry, are the files that I provided sufficient?21:33
asacsaivann: a bit cumbersome ... but its ok :)21:33
saivann^^ ok21:33
* saivann translating cumbersome21:34
asacsaivann: http://paste.ubuntu.com/24549/21:35
asacthats how i expected it ;)21:35
asacsaivann: ok, can you read diffs?21:35
saivannasac : In you opinion, what's the better alternative. Patches only for xulrunner compatibility or SRU for 1.0.121:35
saivannasac : Yes21:35
asacsaivann: not sure yet.21:36
asacsaivann: whats the diff of the other .c and .h files?21:36
asacsaivann: if you look at the diff i pasted, then you can remove the first two hunks from configure21:37
asacand the GLADE rename part21:37
saivannit starts at line 3921:37
saivannasac : Are you asking for the "complete" diff between 1.0.0 and 1.0.1 ?21:38
asacgecko utuils is ok ... thats the static glue code21:38
asaci mean21:38
asacsaivann: try to use filterdiff ... filter out all the Makefile.in configure and intl-* changes21:39
asacthat should make the diff comprehensible21:39
asace.g. cat fulldiff.txt  | filterdiff -x*/configure -x*/Makefile.in -x*/intl-* -x*/aclocal.m421:40
asacfilterdiff is in patchutils package21:40
saivannasac : Yes I have it, I was reading the manpages21:40
asacso basically every file that has ridiculous changes in diffstat is subject for removal21:41
saivannasac : This is brilliant, I note filterdiff to the useful packaging tools :)21:42
saivannasac : http://paste.ubuntu.com/24551/21:42
asacgreat that you like filterdiff ;)21:43
asacok Changelog is probab ly filterable too ;)21:43
saivannasac : I love what you learn to me when I try to work on a challenge like this one21:43
saivannasac : You're right21:44
asacsaivann: you need to remove more ... it is */intl* and ChangeLog and */*.m4 that i dont care about at least21:44
asacanyway i think i can deal with it as it is21:45
asacso its basically just copyright and glue code21:45
asacplus rename of CHME_ to GLADE_21:45
saivannasac : In case you want a proper one : http://paste.ubuntu.com/24553/21:46
asacok so what you want are the files i mentioned (minus the CHME_ GLADE_ rename)21:46
saivannasac : Ok21:47
asaci think thats a good start21:47
asacyou can use filterdiff -i*/gecko_utils.* and so on to get the initial bits you want21:48
asacso configurea.ac + Makefile.am + gecko_utils.* + chmsee.c21:48
saivannSo should I create a patch which will be based on 1.0.1 version of gecko_utils.*, chmsee.c, configure.ac and MakeFile.am?21:48
saivannAnd propose it for SRU21:49
asacsaivann: start with the complete diff ... extract a smaller patch with just the changes i mentioned21:49
asacby using filterdiff ... and then the editor ;)21:49
saivannasac : Yes... that makes sense21:50
asacif you have that patch we should test it and then submit as SRU backport ;)21:50
saivannasac : I do it right now21:50
asacbut lets first get this patch and go on from there21:50
asacas the packaging side needs a few more tricks i have to tell you ;)21:50
asacmaybe we miss a hunk here, but you can probably redo the procedure after adding the missing part ;)21:51
saivannasac : Yes of course, we're working in the good direction21:51
asacand while you are at it look at the gecko_utils.cpp chnges to understand the code requirements of the standalone glue21:51
asac(and try to understand how configure.ac was patched to support libxul-embedding)21:52
saivannasac : I must admit that even if I know the purpose of the standalone glue, I still don't understand how it works, but I'm always looking at the code.21:52
asacsaivann: the how can be arbitrarily complex21:53
asacsaivann: i can tell you more about this later ;)21:53
asac(give a shallow view)21:53
asacin the end the standalone glue is a ugly hack to reduce system dependencies of standalone binaries that want to use xulrunner ;)21:54
saivannasac : I tend to believe you :) And it's even harder to understand it for me because I'm not talking in my native language here21:55
saivannasac : I do understand that part of the puzzle ;)21:55
asachehe ... not mine either ;)21:55
saivannasac : Really?!21:55
saivannasac : Wow :) That's cool, english is a good compatible-language21:55
asacwell. quite related, right21:56
asacsaivann: anyway, since i am not a native speaker it might happen that i really talk incomprehensible things ... so ask  ;)21:57
saivannasac : Of course, I would say the same about me ;)21:57
asaclet me know when you have our " minimal patch" ;)21:58
[reed]asac: ok21:58
saivannasac : you told me that -@CHMSEE_LIBS@ \21:58
saivann+@GLADE_LIBS@ \ can be removed from the patch?21:58
[reed]asac: do you know if an emergency update is being pushed for Pidgin?21:59
saivannasac : Ok, that should not be too long21:59
asac[reed]: whats up with pdigin?22:00
asac(sorry, i might be a bit uninformed)22:00
[reed]bug 24459122:00
asacsaivann: do you know how to edit patches?22:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 244591 in pidgin "Cannot connect to ICQ ("The client version you are using is too old.")" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24459122:00
[reed]I just found the bug22:00
[reed]reading now :)22:00
asacsaivann: e.g. how to adapt the hunk header if you remove lines22:00
* asac reads bug22:01
asac[reed]: from the comments i think its properly dealt with already22:02
saivannasac : I only know how to remove complete hunks without causing problem to the patch, but if you want to teach me (and have the time for it), I would be glad to be your student22:02
asacpitti and seb128 are on it so should go out quick22:02
asacsaivann: use emacs ;)22:03
saivannasac : As simple as that :)22:03
asacsaivann: anyway ... if you remove a normal line, substract one from both length fields22:04
saivannasac : Before all, should I remove  -@CHMSEE_CFLAGS@ \ +@GLADE_CFLAGS@ \22:04
asacsaivann: if you remove a + line, substract one from the right side length22:04
asacfor - the left side length22:04
saivannasac : Ok, logicall22:04
asacsaivann: yes the GLADE rename has to go from Makefile patch too22:04
asacsaivann: at best keep backups of the original small patch22:05
asacin case your edits break the patch ;)22:05
asac[reed]: 3.0.1 when?22:05
[reed]builds starting today, I think?22:06
saivannasac : "GLADE rename has to go from Makefile patch too" does that mean that I should remove or keep these lines in the patch?22:06
[reed]week or two?22:06
asac[reed]: this non-sync release approach will definitly cause a mess advisory wise :)22:07
armin76asac: 15 july says the wiki page22:08
armin76same as
[reed]maybe they are going out the same day22:08
[reed]I've been too busy lately22:08
asacok, so hopefully is not an emergency release, but a get-back-in-sync push22:09
armin76asac: http://wiki.mozilla.org/Releases/Firefox_3.0.1 http://wiki.mozilla.org/Releases/Firefox_2.0.0.1622:09
saivannasac : So far, here's the patch : http://paste.ubuntu.com/24554/22:11
asachmm ... so far no bug queries linked from 3.0.01 release page22:12
asacfta: i would take the tags a source for starting to produce origs from. they move tags in the past :(22:13
asacsaivann: yeah. configure.ac has still GLADE rename at top, but i guess you know22:13
ftaasac, yep, that's FIREFOX_3_0_1_BUILD1 in fact22:14
asacfta: no ;) ... what i mean is that they used cvs admin to move tags in the past :)22:14
ftamy rss feed shows 'new' or 'updated'22:14
saivannasac : Ok, removing..22:15
ftaso i know when they move tags22:15
saivannOh, I'll be away for the next 30-40 minutes22:15
asacfta: if they use that procedure22:15
asaclets hope they do22:15
asacbut i wouldnt be too shocked if someone forgets about it ;)22:15
asacok ... i am afk for 30 minutes i guess22:17
saivannasac : Before I go, I think that we should also update default-prefs-xulrunner.js (which is empty in 1.0.0 and not in 1.0.1)22:18
asacsaivann: most likely yes22:18
saivannasac : Ok, I will add this to the patch when I'll be back22:19
saivannasac : Thanks for your support22:19
* saivann is away22:19
asacfta: when do we want to put 3.1 in universe?22:34
ftaby itself, it's already usable, but without addons.22:35
ftacould be now, or when we have a ppa with addons bumped to 3.122:36
asacyeah. i think there wont be real refactoring and breakage as 3.1 is supposed to be a mini cycle22:37
saivannasac : I'm back and working on the patch..23:36
asacsaivann: rock!23:37
saivannasac : Do you know how to adjust the head of a hunk? Ex. @@ -24,64 +23,41 @@23:37
saivannasac : Because I need to remove ~20 lines at the beginning of the patch23:38
asacsaivann: follow the rules i outlined above23:38
asacremove a normal line ... substract one from both23:38
asace.g. ,63 ,4023:39
asacremove a minus line will remove just from left23:39
asace.g. ,6323:39
asacremoving a + line needs adjustment onright side only23:39
asace.g. ,4023:39
saivannasac : Ok! I get it..23:40
saivannasac : and the number before the virgule? 24,64 becomes 24,63, but what 24 represent in this?23:40
asac,64 is the length of the hunk with all the - lines23:40
asac,41 the length with all the + lines :)23:40
asaci think the - and plus in front just indicate that its the source and the target23:41
asac-24, means line 24 in the source23:41
asacyou usually dont need to adapt that23:41
saivannasac : Ok.. Ok!23:42
* saivann continue is works23:43
* saivann continues *his* works23:43
saivannasac : Well if my understanding is good, I will have to change 24 too because I will remove the first 20 lines of the patch23:46
asacsaivann: patch might be smart enought to detect the offset23:46
asacif so you can update the lines by just diffing the results again ;)23:46
saivannasac : Yeah... sounds easier23:47
asacsaivann: the diff mode of emacs is quite powerful and allows you do to a bunch of things. consider to look at it at some point (not now ;))23:47
asacthere probably exists something similar for vim23:48
asacnot sure about other editors ;)23:48
asacfor instsance in emacs you can split hunks23:49
asacso you could split this one and remove the first out of the split :)23:49
saivannasac : I installed emacs and tryed it but I did not understand how to work with patches during the ~2 minutes I tried it23:52
asaclook when you have more time23:52
asacnot everything at one23:52
ftawoo, big!  Get:56 http://archive.ubuntu.com intrepid/universe openarena-data 0.7.7-1 [280MB]23:55

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