
joebob777as7ok i figured out my printer tunneling and I can now see it on my ubuntu-server in my lan. I now need some help figuring out how to share it with my lan...00:48
mm_202Hey guys, can someone help me with a question about /proc/[pid]/stat ?02:05
mm_202Im trying to get the user & system time that the process has consumed.  But /proc/[pid]/stat seems to provide the information in 'jiffies'.02:06
mm_202I want something more like what getrusage() returns.02:06
lukehasnonameMy god, the w3m debate is still raging02:15
nxvlyes, i'm just ignoring those messages02:16
nxvlit will never end02:16
nxvlas the GUI one02:16
lukehasnonameNo one replied when I brought up the fact that it's 3MB installed02:16
nxvli'm ignoring them before it02:17
ScottKlukehasnoname: We need to get it easier to have different variants so that all parties can be satisfied.  Both the minimalists and the generalists have good point.02:23
lukehasnonameI understand that we want to make everyone happy02:23
lukehasnonamebut... damn02:24
lukehasnoname72 posts on it02:24
lukehasnonamewhen do you hit the sack, ScottK02:27
ScottKNot for a while yet.  Several hours at least.02:28
lukehasnoname... when do you get up?02:29
lukehasnonameI mean02:29
lukehasnonameit's what, 2:30?02:29
ScottKOne (or very few) sizes will never satisfy everyone, so there's no point in arguing much over specifics.  We need more sizes.02:29
ScottKlukehasnoname: What timezone?02:30
lukehasnoname2:29am Wednesday (BST) - Time in London, United Kingdom02:30
ScottKRight.  I get up about 11AM your time.02:30
lukehasnonameso you sleep from 5am-5pm ... awesome. I envy you. BTW, what's your take on NetDirector, did you look at it? I might finally have a friend with good internet to host my server so I can play with software.02:32
ScottKI didn't look at it yet.02:33
ScottKFrom the one technical answer I got about config files it sounds to me like they punted to the admin all the tricky stuff.02:34
lukehasnonameit looks worth checking02:42
lukehasnonameto me, anyway. Create users with unique roles based on services, and be able to manage large numbers of servers at once, as well as other functions02:43
ScottKI agree it's worth looking into.02:58
lukehasnonameCan I add newer release repos to older installs, and things function?03:19
lukehasnonamesuch as adding hardy repos to a feisty or gutsy install03:19
ScottKSome packages will work, some won't.  If you want a newer package in a release, backports is the usual method.03:24
ScottK!backports | lukehasnoname03:24
ubottulukehasnoname: If new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging03:24
Jberg88Hi I am trying to add a folder to my drupal install in the /sites/all diretory but I don't have to right permission to do so via FTP03:40
lukehasnonamesudo chmod 777 /sites/all/03:45
lukehasnonameor chown /sites/all/ to you03:45
rodneykwhats the best monitoring packages in the ubuntu repository besides nagios04:24
Kamping_Kaisernot sure we should be encouraging chmod 77705:15
LMJrodneyk : I have to admit I really love Hobbit to monitor all my company servers & Network05:40
ScottKsommer: Are you around?05:46
ScottKsommer: php-clamavlib is uploaded to Debian.05:57
uvirtbot`New bug: #242846 in openldap2.3 (main) "update-manager could not update otrs. " [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24284609:26
=== uvirtbot` is now known as uvirtbot
sommerScottK: that's awesome :-)13:19
* sommer reading the email reply13:20
ScottKsommer: PTS hasn't fully updated, but see the first item in News http://packages.qa.debian.org/p/php-clamavlib.html13:21
hubuntuis there a deb for a newer version of mediawiki than the one in the repositories? Etch has 1.7 but we have 1.1 ??!!13:23
ScottKNo.  We have 1.11 in Hardy.13:24
sommerScottK: heh, cool13:26
hubuntuoh... sorry saw 1.1.11 not 1:1.1113:26
hubuntuhope that doesn't end in ubuntubash.org13:27
Deepsit's about as funny as everything else on there, so it could well do13:30
nanderssonWhere looks Mac OS X for the Bzr plugin-directory?13:36
ogranandersson, did you ask in #bzr ?13:41
* ogra doubts many people in #ubuntu-server use OS X13:41
nanderssonogra, sorry :) I was in the wrong channel13:42
BlinnyI have a cron script (named 'backup') in /etc/cron.daily. Although I have 3:25AM for the runtime in /etc/crontab, it doesn't get around to running until 7:30AM. What could be causing this, other than the 'a' named scripts (0anacron, apache2, apport, apt, aptitude) somehow taking four hours to run?14:07
Shanixhi all, would anyone know how to setup a floating IP between 2 servers? not DHCP nor dynDNS.org14:09
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_rubenShanix: "a floating ip" ??14:41
uvirtbotNew bug: #225229 in net-snmp (main) "agentXPerms configuration directive is ignored" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/22522914:42
Shanix_ruben, yeah, the redhat clustering suite14:46
ScottKAnyone around that uses amavisd-new that could install a new version for testing in the next few days?15:12
mindframe-what version of ubuntu does this belong to? SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_4.2p1 Debian-7ubuntu315:25
mindframe-I'm thinking Dapper... is this correct?15:26
lukehasnoname_looks like it15:29
ScottKlukehasnoname_: Yesterday you recommended someone might chmod a file to 777 to solve a problem.  Please don't do that.15:30
* soren concurs15:31
lukehasnoname_I concur since I didn't ask him how secure/important that dir was15:33
lukehasnoname_soren: cool link, I didn't know you could track like that in LP. I admit I haven't explored it much.15:35
sorenRegardless... "chmod 777" is never a good solution. At the very least, don't provide it as a default solution unless explicitly told that the server is not networked and physically locked up in a box somewhere out of reach of children and such.15:38
mindframe-how can i get a list of security vulnerabilities associated with  OpenSSH 4.2p1-7ubuntu3 ... obviously fixes were backported15:38
lukehasnoname_soren: ok15:39
sorenmindframe-: Look at the changelog. Same page.15:39
ScottKmindframe-: http://changelogs.ubuntu.com/changelogs/pool/main/o/openssh/openssh_4.2p1-7ubuntu3.4/changelog15:39
ScottKsoren: The Launchpad 'changelogs' aren't really changelogs at all, but an incomplete amalgamation of some of the things mentioned in .changes files for the release.  To get the full debian/changelog you need to go to p.u.c.15:42
ScottKThere are open bugs on this in Launchpad, but it's not a high priority.15:43
ScottKIt seems odd to me that data correctness and completeness don't rate highly for them, but there is obviously a lot I don't understand about Launchpad development.15:43
sommerjdstrand: I sent a patch to the ldapscripts author that allows them to work from a non-configured workstation... just fyi16:12
sommeralso sent one allowing some more functionality to the template system16:13
sommerjdstrand: for reference it came up a week or more ago that ldapscripts needed to be run from a workstation configured for ldap authentication16:14
_rubenShanix: never used RHCS, but do use linux-ha's heartbeat app in production failover setups16:22
jdstrandsommer: nice16:23
Shanix_ruben, thx16:23
hubuntuonce the drupal package in installed under hardy where can I add the www path for it? DO I have to add a "sites-available" file and create a database for drupal or is there a path for me to start the installation?16:35
arakthoranyone know where to find good documentation on snmp and mib?16:37
lukehasnoname_Does anyone have personal recommendations on books covering LDAP, SANs, or Linux VM?16:46
sommerlukehasnoname_: this one's dated but pretty good: http://oreilly.com/catalog/9781565924918/16:48
sommerlukehasnoname_: there's also mastering openldap by packt publishing... don't have a url16:48
lukehasnoname_I see it on amazon16:49
lukehasnoname_there are several there, I was seeing if y'all had used any of them16:49
sommerI've used both the ones I recommended :-)16:50
lukehasnoname_I'll check those out, esp. the Packt one since it's Open specific. If anyone asks, "Beginning Ubuntu Server Administration" and "Linux Networking Cookbook" are both really terrific16:53
lukehasnoname_In fact, the LNC has a really good chapter on OpenLDAP that I had forgotten about... I tell you, that book is very good.16:56
henoHi nijaba, are you able to do a JeOS test install?16:59
henowe also need the default + crypted LVM server case covered17:00
uvirtbotNew bug: #244925 in openldap2.3 (main) "slapd reports wrong ssf using gnutls" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24492517:51
ScottKmathiaz: All the MIR for the Amavisd-new/DKIM spec are approved, so you can mark that off your list.19:25
mathiazScottK: awesome :)19:38
mathiazScottK: what's the next step then ?19:38
ScottKThe next step is for me to add configuration changes to the default config for amavisd-new.  I'm trying to get an NMU sponsored in Debian first so that we don't have two uploads.19:39
ScottKThen it's testing.19:39
ScottKSince libmilter got approved today too, I'll also unsplit amavisd-new-milter at the same time.19:40
HomeSickAhello all, wanted to set up a private network with a private domain. network will have about 30 or so computers both ubuntu and windows. i woud like to run a 'central' server on ubuntu server 8.04. the network has 10 computers on a lan router, we would like to bridge that to a wireless router so ppl can also connect wirelessly. i would like the server to have a domain called server.lan.com so that ppl can jsut put that in their i19:49
ivoksso, where's the problem?19:50
luke_has_no_nameivoks: I think he wants to know how to19:51
HomeSickAyes lol19:51
HomeSickAhow to ;p19:51
ivoksso, that server should be dhcp server19:52
HomeSickAthat server should 'run' the network19:52
HomeSickAwil the wireless users get affected? i mean doesnt the wireless router tend to do all the work?19:52
ivoksand wifi router should have dhcp service disabled, and only pass packages19:52
ivoksit should work if you disable dhcp service on it, and set an IP that would be in the same range as server19:53
HomeSickAok, does ubuntu ship with that as a standard?19:53
ivokswith dhcp server?19:53
ivoksyes, it's on CD19:53
HomeSickAubuntu server edition that is19:53
HomeSickAok sweet19:53
HomeSickAim not getting 'and set an IP that would be in the same range as server'19:54
HomeSickAwhere do i set that19:54
ivoksdhcp3-server is the name of the package19:54
ivokson the wifi router19:54
HomeSickAok, so i set the wifi router to have an ip address?19:54
ivoksubuntu server has an IP, it offers over dhcp
ivoksthen your wifi router should have
HomeSickAok im getting that19:55
ivokshaving a caching DNS server would be cool, too19:55
HomeSickAcaching DNS server?19:56
HomeSickApls explain :D19:56
ivoksDNS server which doesn't have local domain, it just stores queries from other domains19:56
HomeSickAwhat domains are u talking about ;/ im lost. im just creating a private network, no internet19:57
ajsharpThis isn't really an ubuntu specific question, it's more of a dns question but....is creating an A record for every subdomain (www.example.com) equivalent of creating cname records to the servers main A record (example.com)?19:59
HomeSickAi see i see19:59
HomeSickAi see i see: By default, BIND installs on Ubuntu configured to act as a caching DNS server19:59
HomeSickAi read a guide on bind920:00
HomeSickAi read a guide on bind9?20:00
HomeSickAis that the way to go?20:00
=== ivoks_ is now known as ivoks
ivokswhere were we?20:04
ivokslast i said was caching DNS and i got lost after that20:05
HomeSickA<HomeSickA> i see i see: By default, BIND installs on Ubuntu configured to act as a caching DNS server20:05
HomeSickA<HomeSickA> i read a guide on bind920:05
HomeSickA<HomeSickA> i read a guide on bind9?20:05
HomeSickA<HomeSickA> is that the way to go?20:05
ivoksit's been a while i configured my last dns, so i don't remember how it works out of the box20:06
HomeSickAthinnk i need to get the bind package20:06
ivoksbut, i guess you'll need jus couple of configuration lines in named.conf.local20:06
uvirtbotNew bug: #244968 in likewise-open (main) "Upgrade likewise-open to 4.1.0" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24496820:06
ivoksto allow wueries from other machines20:06
ivoksright, bind920:06
HomeSickAsaw it there, think thats the solution hey20:07
ivoksi'm afraid of those 'perfect setups' :/20:07
HomeSickAlol thing is, im not too familiar with the server commands hey20:07
HomeSickAand thats prob all that i can find for now20:07
RoAkSoAxHomeSickA, https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/serverguide/C/dns.html20:08
ivoksyou could try ebox...20:08
ivoksit's kind of a gui and easy linux server for begginers20:10
RoAkSoAxHomeSickA, this might help ya too: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/serverguide/C/ebox.html20:10
Luke_Lor NetDirector (try it and tell me how it works) haha20:10
HomeSickAthank you ivoks and RoAkSoAx :]20:11
HomeSickAlol Luke_L im scare ;p20:11
ivoksHomeSickA: i would suggest newer ebox packages; it has great file sharing module20:11
HomeSickAwhat does ebox do actually, should i use it as an alternative to ubuntu server?20:12
RoAkSoAxHomeSickA, ebox its for Ubuntu Server administration through http20:13
HomeSickAaahh, does it manage packages already installed on the ubuntu system, like bind or an ircd?20:13
Luke_LHomeSickA: ya20:14
HomeSickAthink that will usefull20:14
zulivoks: it has a file sharing module?20:14
ivokszul: samba20:14
HomeSickAim so excited20:14
ivokszul: really cool new module; with detailed permissions20:15
HomeSickAneed to wait for my friend to bring the server edition cd this weekend so we can try al this20:15
zulivoks: coolio20:15
ivoksi have one great movie for all sys admins:20:15
HomeSickAivoks any other helpful hints?20:16
ivoksHomeSickA: i don't know... :)20:18
HomeSickAoh yes20:18
Luke_Lwhere are the IRC logs?20:19
HomeSickAi have one more q, i set up dancer-ircd. ppl can connect fine to it, but why does it take so long to connect - there is like a 10 second pause20:19
HomeSickAit has something to do with IdentLookups im sure20:22
ivoksHomeSickA: right, that's normal20:34
HomeSickAknow how to fix it though?20:36
HomeSickAcan't seem to find the appropriate command to slot into ircd.conf20:37
ivoksby enabling ident service, which isn't something you want20:37
ivoksor disabling it at irc server, right20:37
HomeSickAyea, how on earth do i do that mate? ;[20:40
ivoksdon't know; i've never set up an irc server20:41
luke_lI just thought about the fact that FreeBSD's package selection at install time is a pretty good example of what people want in Ubuntu21:30
luke_lIt's not as detailed as the FAI or the more specific "flavor" spec that ScottK wants but it's the same in principle21:31
ScottKThe hard part isn't the package selection, but the integrated configuration that goes with it.21:31
luke_lright I was tihnking initally about the "minimal vs. full" debate that was going on21:34
luke_lyou mean like what qualifies for each?21:38
luke_llike does w3m stay in minimal, haha21:38
ScottKFor that, you're right, package selection is sufficient.21:39
ScottKFor what I'm trying to do in the flavor spec is get a set of packages with a set integrated configuration.  That's a harder bit.21:39
colin_I'm trying to install Ubuntu server on my Compaq Proliant DL380 G1, but it does not reconizes my raid controller correctly21:59
colin_does anyone know a solution for this?22:00
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HomeSickAhello, should i install the lamp bundle during the server installation or should i install each part separately?22:28
hads6 of one half a dozen of the other :)22:28
ScottKIt depends on if you want to do more work or less.  If you want less, just install the LAMP stack.22:29
HomeSickAwhat about the configuration?22:29
HomeSickAcan i install the lamp bundle, then just configure it the way http://tinyurl.com/65jzxw states22:30
luke_lbut LAMP install is just as easy and probably does what you need22:35
uvirtbotNew bug: #245015 in php5 (main) "php5 install does not work" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24501522:41

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