
tjaaltonbah, bedtime ->00:17
tjaaltonok, the moment of truth.. restarting X08:11
tjaaltonno drama, things just work08:14
tjaaltonexcept compiz, hmm :)08:15
tjaaltonhuh, "Failed to load module "glx" (module does not exist, 0)"08:16
tjaaltonah, the path of the object has changed08:18
tjaaltonmvo: soon you'll be able to test your r5xx ;)08:18
mvohey tjaalton! that is great, looking forward to it :)08:21
tjaaltonmvo: need to fix the xserver build first, seems that tormod was right after all. gl.pc needs to find a home or no glx08:22
* mvo nods08:22
tjaaltoner, mesa & xserver build08:22
tjaaltoneverything else seems to be working though08:23
tjaaltonmvo: glx works now, but compiz gives me a white screen. Any ideas how to debug?09:18
mvotjaalton: white screen may mean that compiz is confused about direct vs. indirect rendering09:19
mvowhat does it print on the terminal when it starts? or what got captured in ~/.xsession-errors?09:19
mvoit may have other causes too09:19
tjaalton"failed to create drawable"09:20
tjaaltona number of times09:20
tjaaltonmvo: with LIBGL_ALWAYS_INDIRECT=1 I can get something, but mostly some corrupt window borders and the rest is black09:25
tjaaltonmvo: apparently it's a known bug10:06
mvoaha, a driver bug?10:09
tjaalton12:08 < MrCooper> the white screen is another reported bug, GLX_EXT_texture_from_pixmap being  incorrectly advertised with direct rendering with DRI110:10
tjaalton12:09 < MrCooper> sadly those bugs seem to be getting ignored10:10
tjaaltonin mesa, yes10:10
tjaaltonso, since we really need to get these uploaded within the next week, compiz might need to blacklist intel for now10:12
seb128so anybody has an idea of what changed between hardy and intrepid which makes compiz unusably slow? 10:19
tjaaltonseb128: have you tried the older kernel?10:19
tjaaltonhardy kernel..10:19
seb128tjaalton: no, why would that makes a difference? just curious10:19
seb128I tried to downgrade the xorg server, compiz and libx1110:20
seb128ok, will try that next then10:20
tjaaltonmesa could also be the culprit, but since it's the stable branch now in intrepid I find it hard to believe it would break like this10:21
tjaaltonok, the intel bugs are https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=14441 and https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1547710:38
ubottuFreedesktop bug 14441 in Drivers/DRI/i965 "Compiz shows only black screen on i965" [Normal,Assigned] 10:38
seb128tjaalton: ok, that's neither linux nor mesa, any other candidate? ;-)10:45
tjaaltonseb128: nothing comes to mind :/10:47
tjaaltontormod might have an idea since playing alot with ati AIUI10:47
seb128I'm installing sysprof to see where it's spending cpu10:49
seb12859.68% ressources use in r300_dri.so10:50
tjaaltontry the 32bit alpha1 livecd10:51
tjaaltonif the hardy installation was 32bit?10:52
seb128it is10:52
tjaaltonso to rule that out try a 32bit intrepid...10:52
seb128but the new installation was hardy amd64 which worked fine10:52
seb128and I upgraded to intrepid10:53
seb128and the trouble started10:53
seb128ok, tried again without ia32-libs which has a r300_dri.so10:54
seb128still as slow10:54
seb128sysprofing a dialog resize shows it's spending 95.71 time in X10:54
tjaaltonall I can say ;(11:00
tjaaltonbut, you'll get new mesa/xserver soon anyway :)11:00
seb128I downgraded those to the hardy version and still the same issue so I doubt it's due to those11:01
seb128trying to install some dbgsym to get details in the sysprof logs now11:01
tjaaltonsigh, my laptop doesn't stay suspended.. when I close the lid it resumes16:00
tjaaltonat least hibernate works :)16:01
tjaaltongone ->16:01
pwnguinmy laptop has an annoying habit of having the display come back on after five minutes or so17:49
pwnguinclose the lid, leave, come back to a closed lid with a display on =(17:49
brycetjaalton: great news on the xserver front20:13
tjaaltonbryce: well, the intel dri driver is buggy so compiz doesn't work20:50
tjaaltonmaybe you can try to make intel do something about it. the bugs are well known for some time now20:51
tjaaltonI'm also making mesa to use the new autotoolized build system.. it's getting better but still some work to be done20:53
brycetjaalton: for now maybe just list the known issues on the X/Drivers page that we note as new with xserver 1.521:11
tjaaltonbryce: yep, and probably blacklist intel from compiz until the bugs are fixed21:22
brycetjaalton: how long until all the new components will be in the archive?21:24
tjaaltonI need to finish mesa, which might take a day..21:30

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