
=== threethirty is now known as threethirty_away
bri-hI'm having a problem with sound - everything  except adobe flash 10 seems to work.  I've done lots of searching and have found some info on problems in hardy but none of that has fixed my problem.  Is the sound setup different in intrepid?02:48
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bri-hMaybe a better way to ask - is there any documentation on the sound architecture for intrepid so I can try to sort this out?02:55
h3sp4wn_using alsa ?02:58
bri-hh3sp4wn_: yes - using alsa03:01
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DanaGOIL: ERROR liboiltest.c 361: oil_test_check_impl(): illegal instruction in mmxCombineAddU03:04
DanaGOdd.  That's one thing I get when running Pulse on an old Athlon XP-M 1400 laptop.03:04
h3sp4wn_maybe its using sse ?03:04
RAOFDanaG: And does it then crash?03:05
DanaGNope, I think it works, actually.03:05
DanaGYeah, it's working.03:05
crimsun_LetterRip: make sure your l-r-m and nvidia-glx* bits are in place.03:53
LetterRipcrimsun_, will do03:53
RAOFcrimsun_: But there aren't appropriate nvidia-glx*/l-r-m packages for Intrepid, are there?03:54
crimsun_...which is what I was alluding to.03:54
RAOFFair enough.  Sorry.03:54
crimsun_OTOH, I suppose one could install the drivers manually, etc., and keep all the pieces.03:54
RAOFIncluding a little bit of patching to make the kernel module actually build.03:55
crimsun_sigh, new Flash 10 beta.04:25
RAOFWith bonus baby-eating action?04:26
crimsun_we'll see.  I'm updating the source package currently.04:26
crimsun_I suppose I should demote the versioned dependency on libflashsupport|libasound2-plugins to recommends04:27
RAOFYa.  Not hard depends, but wanted in all but exceptional cases.04:27
crimsun_dude, Adobe, you suck04:31
crimsun_thanks for flipping the version string :/04:32
ethana2flash 10 works with PA04:32
crimsun_10,0,1,218 -> 10,0,0,52504:32
ethana2I tried it, just removed all the other stuff for flash 904:32
ethana2you can't have libflash whatever04:32
RAOFThe new version has a _lower_ version string?04:32
ethana2gotta purge them04:32
crimsun_RAOF: yep!04:32
crimsun_Debian unstable doesn't even bother to use upstream's version string in the source package version04:33
crimsun_(and rightly/smartly so)04:33
RAOFHm.  I suspect there's a better way to generate a gtk gui in C# than this.04:39
DanaGI'm glad I installed the nsplugin wrapper.04:43
DanaGIt seems like I can only get ONE closure of a tab with flash with audio.... and after that, ALL flash-with-audio things die.04:43
DanaGAll of them.  I end up having to restart Firefox.04:44
DanaGI'll bet if I didn't have nspluginwrapper... it'd be CRASHING firefox.04:47
crimsun_RAOF: mind uploading http://adhd.irule.net/~crimsun/flashplugin-nonfree_10.0.1.218+, please?04:50
crimsun_(the tar.gz and _source.changes are also present)04:51
RAOFcrimsun_: You're unable to upload?04:51
crimsun_RAOF: correct, I'm no longer in either upload group.04:52
crimsun_(tested, verified working with hardy-* and intrepid)04:52
crimsun_ok, battery's nearly drained, and I need to catch the train.04:54
RAOFI'll upload to intrepid.04:55
RAOFHave fun training ;)04:55
DanaGcrimsun_: you sure do seem to travel a lot.04:55
DanaGI hope it's for things where it's a good thing.04:56
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DanaGMmm, power outage.04:56
DanaGMmm, laptop.  And cable modem and router on a UPS.04:57
burnernice, flash talk.  it actually works to fullscreen flash with compiz enabled now :)04:57
ethana2I don't know how much they try to make modems and routers efficient04:57
ethana2but if you run them off UPSs, well, I hope they're good04:57
DanaGOh, and our "Telephone over Coax" thingy, too.04:59
DanaGPerhaps we should give that one a SECOND ups for safety.04:59
ethana2I call it 'VoIP'04:59
DanaGIt's not, though.04:59
ethana2whatever ;)04:59
DanaGIt's modulated in some way, but I don't believe it's VoIP.  Unless it has its own internet connection, that is.05:00
DanaGargh, ubuntu-mobile's media player app sees only two songs.05:05
DanaGAnd yet, the folder I'm using it with has many many many songs.05:05
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ubottuLaunchpad bug 244883 in ubuntu "(ppc arch) dont find cdrom /dev/hdb (mac-mini)" [Undecided,New]08:02
hyperairisn't it sdb?08:22
DanaGShould be scd008:23
hyperairoh right08:23
DanaGHmm, isn't Bluetooth 2.0 EDR  supposed to use USB 2.0?08:23
hyperairor /dev/sr008:23
sacardebut in dmesg I find "/dev/hdb cdrom"08:43
hyperairthat's strange08:49
hyperairoh well08:49
sacardeI have detect in dmesg: hda (hd) and hdb (cdrom)08:49
sacardeis a mac-mini-ppc08:49
BUGabundo_workhi there09:09
BUGabundo_workwho was the dev that ask for a better way to do the upgrades of depencies of packages?09:10
BUGabundo_workI just noticed the I have some updates for pidgin, while others are still building09:10
sacardemay I make a base installation from cd-netinstall-debian and then09:13
sacardeconvert it to kubuntu ?09:14
hyperairif you mess around with /etc/apt/sources.list you may be able to do it09:16
hyperairbut no guarantees09:16
hyperairyou'll probably have a lot of old config files09:17
sacardeI ask to mi09:23
sacardehow it is possible detect hdb in dmesg09:23
sacardeand not found /dev/hdb ?09:23
BUGabundo_worksacarde: why not just use the ubuntu netinstall?09:26
BUGabundo_workare Inetboot, and you don't even need the CD... just grub and fast Net09:26
sacardewhere is it for 8.10 ?09:26
BUGabundo_workno live cd for 8.1009:27
BUGabundo_workjust alternate09:27
hyperairwhy no livecd i wonder?09:28
hyperairthis must be the first time they've released without a livecd09:29
sacardewhat mean: ubuntu netinstall ?09:29
BUGabundo_workhyperair: too many troubles! and hardy point release got it delayed09:34
molgrumnvidia drivers soon please? :)09:34
BUGabundo_worksacarde: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/intrepid/main/installer-i386/current/images/09:35
sacardeI am in ppc09:35
BUGabundo_workI wish molgrum... no 3d for me! no games, no compiz, no showing off how Ubuntu is beautiful09:35
BUGabundo_worksacarde: there is also images for 64bits09:35
sacardeno ppc09:36
molgrumwhat is the holdup BUGabundo_work?09:36
BUGabundo_workfrom what I've been told, there were lots of changes to kernel ABI09:37
BUGabundo_workand there is an huge delay in doing the lbm modules for it09:37
molgrumah :(09:37
BUGabundo_worksacarde: ppc AFAIK is no longer supported09:38
molgrumthat sucks09:38
BUGabundo_worksacarde: http://openlab.jp/oscircular/inetboot/09:38
BUGabundo_workits great to boot up the machine without any CD or disk09:38
BUGabundo_workof course, just to boot GDM it takes 200MiBs of packages09:39
sacardeBUGabundo_work, but oscircular need a livecd09:50
BUGabundo_worksacarde: use hardy 8.04.109:51
BUGabundo_workand dist-upgrade09:51
sacardeto 8.10 ?09:51
sacardemay it?09:51
BUGabundo_workthere is no licevd for 8.10, I'm sorry09:52
BUGabundo_workeither you dist-upgrade or use the alternatecd09:52
sacardealternate cd non detect my cdrom09:52
BUGabundo_worksacarde: keep your eyes on http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/09:53
sacardeI know09:53
BUGabundo_worksacarde: both alternate cd and livecd work the same way09:53
BUGabundo_workthere should not be any diference with your cdrom drive09:53
BUGabundo_workwhen you say its doesn't detect, what exactly do you mean?09:54
sacardein dmesg I view it: hdb09:54
sacardebut I dont find /dev/hdb09:54
BUGabundo_workon bios Boot?09:54
BUGabundo_workafter install?09:54
sacardeI choose "install" kernel09:55
BUGabundo_workI've seen some bug reports on trouble using the CD09:56
BUGabundo_workcheck out LP and subscrive to the one that fits you best09:56
BUGabundo_workthe alternate and live images installer are a bit diferent, and _may_ cause that behaviour09:56
BUGabundo_workbut if they do cause you trouble, then it's a bug09:56
BUGabundo_workdo hardy live cd and alternate cd work for you sacarde ?09:57
sacardeI no try09:57
BUGabundo_workcan you please try hardy 8.04.1 live cd?09:57
sacardeI looking for a workaround intrepid problem09:58
BUGabundo_workand if you already have a grub instaled you can try the inetboot09:58
BUGabundo_workbut what is your prob exactly?09:58
BUGabundo_worknot mouting the CD drive?09:58
sacardein dmesg I view it: hdb09:58
sacardebut I dont find /dev/hdb09:58
BUGabundo_workbut is it a fresh install (via alternate cd / net boot) or upgrade from hardy?09:59
sacardefresh install from alternate10:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 244883 in ubuntu "(ppc arch) dont find cdrom /dev/hdb (mac-mini)" [Undecided,New]10:00
BUGabundo_workI have no experience with ppc, I'm sorry10:00
BUGabundo_workcan you please post the line from dmesg?10:00
sacardehdb: MATSHITACD-RW CW-8124, ATAPI CD/DVD-ROM drive10:01
sacardemay be a module specific mnissing?10:01
sacardeI try to load : cdrom, but not resolv10:02
BUGabundo_worknot even /dev(scd0 ?10:03
sacardeI am serching only hd*10:04
sacardeI try10:04
BUGabundo_workdo a ls /dev/sc then hit tab twice10:04
BUGabundo_workdo a ls /dev/cdr then hit tab twice10:05
sacardeif it exist... what I have to do? installer would find hdb I think10:06
sacardeln -s <whatfind> hdb        ?10:09
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molgrumcan anyone answer, what's going on with nvidia drivers?12:12
hyperairnot done yet12:16
s0u][ighthello guys12:19
s0u][ightwhat is the kernel of the new developed ubuntu? 2.6.25?12:20
s0u][ight:D so the driver for the intel pro wireless 4965 is changed with this version?12:21
hyperairi have no idea12:21
hyperairthe only thing i know about intrepid is that nvidia is broken at the moment12:22
hyperairand i refuse to use it compizless12:22
s0u][ightuse opensource drivers ;)12:22
s0u][ightif possible?12:22
hyperairnouveau not shipped12:22
hyperairand nv doesn't support 3d12:22
hyperairwoo hoo12:22
hyperairthe question is... "what open source drivers?"12:23
s0u][ightare there no open source drivers for the nvidia cards i thought there were :s look in the site of compiz ;)12:23
s0u][ightthe only thing i hate about ubuntu is the frequency of updates :@12:24
hyperairdon't you mean rarity?12:27
hyperairi hate the way ubuntu's a static release distro12:27
hyperairbut otherwise it's nice12:27
hyperairanyway the only open source drivers for nvidia cards are nv and nouveau12:28
hyperairof course there's vesa12:28
s0u][ightvesa? :)12:28
hyperairbut that's just a generic driver with no 2d/3d acceleration12:28
molgrumhrm, how would one install nouveau on 8.10 then?12:28
hyperairit's not in the frigging repo12:29
hyperairso much for "ubuntu will support the nouveau project completely"12:29
s0u][ighti don't understand why nvidia gives the source code of their hardware they only distribute binairies :@12:29
molgrummaybe they just haven't had the time yet12:29
hyperairi think it would take less time to release source code12:30
molgrumis ati open source yet?12:30
hyperairthan to release binaries12:30
hyperairi have no idea12:30
hyperairi heard ati was going open source12:30
hyperairthen no more news about it12:30
molgrumi'll switch to ati if they go12:30
hyperairi don't have the money to keep switching12:30
hyperairso i'm still using my ancient nvidia card12:30
molgrumwas thinking in the future :)12:30
hyperairnvidia geforce4 mx12:30
hyperairdoesn't even work with the 1xx.xx.xx drivers12:31
s0u][ightnvidia for ever sorry but never really liked ati and catalyst12:31
s0u][ightintel graphics family is welcome too :D12:32
s0u][ightbut i have to say that ati's linux drivers are better then its windows ones XD12:33
hyperairlol why?12:35
s0u][ightwell according to my ati experiance12:36
hyperairi see12:36
s0u][ightto be honest i don't understand the mentality of men selling hardware not opensourcing their drivers... the more people developping the better it gets12:39
hyperairum according to them, it will expose the secrets they have put into the hardware12:40
hyperairand people like ati can take advantage of them12:40
hyperairor so it seems12:40
s0u][ightwell companies like these could win the hole market for themselves with just a few modifications in their philosofy :(12:42
hyperairphilosophy you mean12:42
hyperairand whole12:43
s0u][ighttnx for correcting my mistakes ;)12:43
molgrumboth the gnome sound server and gnash is playing sounds in my pc speaker...13:27
molgrumsince i upgraded to 8.1013:27
Picimolgrum: Have you concidered searching for or logging a bug?13:28
molgrumi might have found something..13:35
HobbseePici: there's info on the forums on how to fix it13:36
Hobbsee(search for posts by me, and you'll find it)13:36
PiciHobbsee: I see. /noted13:36
molgrumok i blacklisted the pc speaker module :P13:39
hyperairit's pcm_pcsp isn't it13:40
hyperairit changed eh13:40
hyperairit used to be pcspkr13:40
molgrumchanged to snd_pcsp13:41
hyperairmy pc speaker's spoilt or something so it makes some loud scratchy sound. i was worried my hard disk was grinding to a halt when it booted up13:41
molgrumsame here13:41
molgrumit can actually play stuff so you can hear it, but there's a loud grinding noise that accompanies13:41
hyperairah isit?13:42
hyperairso my pc speaker isn't spoilt after all13:42
hyperairannoying grinding sound13:42
Picimolgrum: I've been informed that there is a post on the forums to resolve your issue.13:43
hyperairother than blacklisting pcspkr?13:43
molgrumfound it actually :)13:44
molgrumthanks Pici13:44
Picimolgrum: Yep, that was it13:44
G_009update time!14:39
G_009i'd like to have that proprietary nvidia driver to run opengl stuff.. but nv is doing fine14:41
molgrumnot for 3d :/14:41
G_009i can still run all the default programs without issues .. so that's good14:43
G_009except for f-spot ..  came back to using rhythmbox again too; very smooth in 8.10, so much that it made me drop quodlibet14:45
molgrumi can't run any GLX apps14:46
G_009thats out of the question at the moment14:47
G_009actually.. i lied .. not all the default programs.. there is a real ugly totem bug that's not allowing me to play DVD's14:50
lamalexG_009: there have been noticable rhythmbox improvements from 8.04 -> 8.10?15:01
G_009my library loads quickly .. in previous versions it would get stuck in an endless loop; visualization doesn't use up 100% cpu; dragging progress bar is efficiently fast; i think all of it has to do with how kernel is so sexy, but rhythmbox is packed full of features too15:06
G_009am not even using swap15:09
G_009as in , i set up the system with no swap15:09
G_009still smooth15:09
* DanaG loves having international keyboard. When I went to bed last night, I set my status to "S£€€P(ing)."15:43
tom__hi all, anyone know if redirected direct rendering will make it into intrepid?16:57
tom__ethana2 yea16:59
tom__+gem and whatever's needed now16:59
ethana2not last I heard16:59
tom__ethana2 darn :(16:59
ethana2I was disappointed, but whatever--16:59
ethana2they know what they're doing16:59
tgillespie_ethana2 i hope so17:01
molgrumis OSS4 in ubuntu yet?17:07
ethana2do we even ship OSS with PulseAudio?17:08
hyperairwhat? oss with pulseaudio?17:11
hyperairhighly doubt it17:11
DanaGI've tried OSS4 with PulseAudio.  It doesn't work.17:12
DanaG(And besides, oss4 hard-locks my system.  Not kernel panic, but actual hard-lock.)17:13
hyperairdid you try module-oss-sink?17:13
hyperairor whatever it was called17:13
hyperairi think pulseaudio needs to be compiled with oss4 support in order for that to work then17:14
penpulseaudio with oss4?17:14
penis it better than alsa?17:14
hyperairno scratch that. it is better than alsa17:14
DanaGNot for me.17:15
hyperairwell when it works17:15
penbut I'm using ubuntu how do I test oss4 to see if it's really better than alsa? because oss4 are supposedly better with blast soundcard not others?17:15
hyperairwhen it works, it's better than alsa17:15
DanaGAnd the mixer is way cryptic, too.17:15
hyperairerm ossv4 is supposed to have software mixing17:15
hyperairso a regular integrated sound card should work to17:15
DanaG(though it IS a bit fun having individual pin control on HDA devices)17:15
penDanaG, what do you mean by that?17:16
DanaGYou can set mic-in to be another headphone jack, for example.17:17
DanaGThough, they call things "Front green" and such -- and none of my ports is actually colored.17:17
penhyperair, DanaG are you guys using intrepid?17:18
hyperairi'm using archlinux until the devs get nvidia up and working in intrepid17:18
* hyperair is annoyed with the broken nvidia modules in intrepid17:18
penhyperair, it breaks in intrepid?17:19
penhyperair, how?17:19
hyperairmore like17:19
penhyperair, it's fine in hardy17:19
hyperairof course it is17:19
hyperairthey REMOVED IT in intrepid17:19
DanaGThere's a forum thread on how to fix nvidia in intrepid.17:19
hyperairbut not for legacy nvidia users17:19
DanaGIt takes some patching of the installer itself.17:19
hyperairi'm using 96.43.0517:19
DanaGDang.  Legacy.17:19
* hyperair is pissed17:19
peni'm using the 17x17:19
hyperairyay for j0017:19
DanaGFor people with ATI, at least the open-source drivers ALL do 2D acceleration.17:20
DanaGnv doesn't accelerate 2D, from what I've seen when using it.17:20
penDanaG, I thought ati is releasing linux driver?17:20
hyperairwhile i'm waiting for ubuntu to get nvidia back up and working i guess i'll continue engaging in a nice and heated debate on whether en_GB uses AM/PM for time or not17:20
DanaGYeah, ATI has the closed-source fglrx, AND the open-source 'radeon' and 'radeonhd'17:20
hyperairi absolutely refuse to believe that en_GB has no AM/PM, but that's how it is in upstream gnome.17:21
hyperairi wish ubuntu had nouveau17:21
penhyperair, nouveau?17:21
hyperairor some other non-existent nvidia driver17:21
DanaGNo suspend == I won't use nouveau.17:21
hyperairno suspend?!17:21
molgrumDanaG: that forum thread.. is it for example worth looking for if i have 8800gts?17:21
hyperairmolgrum: yes it is17:22
molgrumi really want to get glx working17:22
DanaGAnything 6-series and newer.17:22
molgrumok thanks17:22
penI see17:22
hyperairgeforce4 here T_T17:22
penonly the new graphic cards17:22
hyperairi feel neglected17:22
hyperairleft out17:22
penwhat character is taht?17:22
DanaG"thorn" (AltGr-T on US International)17:22
DanaGAltGr is right alt.17:22
penhow do I press it?17:23
DanaGaah, the ¬ is altgr \17:23
penit's not coming out17:23
DanaGþ is altgr t17:23
hyperairon en_GB it's altgr + - + ,17:23
ethana2what layout?17:23
pendo you hold it?17:23
ethana2my altgr + t is that dead key17:23
peni'm using us layout17:23
DanaGI'm using US International (AltGr DeadKeys)17:23
ethana2colemak here17:24
ethana2DanaG: ahh...17:24
DanaGAnybody know where to print the layout, so you can actually READ it?  The gnome thingy prints it unreadably.17:24
ethana2by the way, does colemak Just Work in intrepid yet?17:24
ethana2I'll be on alpha 2 or 3 updating my bug....17:24
DanaGI'm going to use some "Keyboard Layout Manager" thingy in Windows to make the same AltGr-Deadkeys layout.17:24
ethana2I'm tired of having to mess with it so much17:24
penDanaG, how do you make AltGr?17:25
ethana2use a layout that has it, press the alt to the right of the space bar17:25
penethana2, but for me it's not generating any character at all with that pressed17:25
G_009this should be addressed upstream17:26
ethana2G_009: ?17:26
penethana2, gtg, next time...:p17:26
ethana2I almost wish they'd just remove colemak or something17:27
ethana2if we have to install it ourselves to get a working implementation anyway17:27
ethana2really, they need to steal our backspace feature for all you guys17:27
ethana2caps behavior: backspace17:27
ethana2that would fix all of this17:27
DanaGYou could try setting "caps is additional CTRL" perhaps.17:28
ethana2it is my backspace.17:28
ethana2as per the colemak spec17:28
ethana2ctrl isn't as good of use for it as backspace is17:28
ethana2ctrl won't help you typing 120 wpm17:28
ethana2at all17:28
molgrumhttp://news.softpedia.com/news/New-Nvidia-Linux-Drivers-Brings-Support-for-Kernel-2-6-26-88135.shtml these news say that the drivers work on 2.6.2617:30
DanaGAah, so they fixed the "gives backspace AND caps"?17:30
hyperairwhat's gives backspace and caps?17:31
hyperairsay.. which locale is international english?17:31
ethana2they fixed it?17:32
ethana2hyperair: in the colemak layout, the caps lock key is backspace17:32
DanaGdid they fix it?17:32
ethana2gnome doesn't handle this elegantly17:32
hyperairO_o i see17:32
ethana2not that I know of17:32
ethana2so to change the function, there's three elements to that17:33
ethana2mapping it backspace17:33
ethana2removing lock capslock17:33
ethana2and setting repeat on for that keycode17:33
ethana2it's better to have gnome intercept it and set it backspace and have the layout leave it alone17:34
hyperairmolgrum: that article only shows the status of the new driver17:34
hyperairmolgrum: what about the legacies?17:34
ethana2oh hey, what's up with nvidia's mobile chips?17:34
ethana2they were dying left and right or something17:35
hyperairO_o? they were?17:35
ethana2I just ordered a geforce 8400m gs in my new ubuntu 1420n from dell17:35
ubottuUbuntu bug 1420 in rosetta "IRosettaStats current interface doesn't suit database/pofile.py very well" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/142017:35
ethana2so I'm concerned, as you can imagine..17:35
ethana2seemed like most of the folks having problems were on the m1330 XPS17:35
hyperairthat's not very nice17:36
hyperairi was thinking of getting an m153017:36
hyperairwhich is pretty much similar to the m133017:36
ethana2I don't remember which one comes with ubuntu17:37
ethana2do they have more than like, 4 offerings now?17:37
hyperairsay.. how good is ati on linux?18:00
Oli``hyperair: somewhere between poor and useless depending on your requirements18:04
Oli``hyperair: it's not always bad but when I moved to Linux, I dumped my aging ATI card for a shiny nvidia one. If you can afford it, I reckon that's the best course of action atm18:06
tom__hyperair: although ati are moving in the open source direction18:06
tom__hyperair: nvidia are binary only, and seem that way for a while, poor out of the box18:07
lamalexOli``: that's not true, I've had great luck with ati18:09
lamalexit just depends what you need it for18:09
joaopintoI also had no issues with my previous ATI card on Linux18:10
tom__Oli``: ati used to be *very* poor though, maybe youre remembering those times18:10
lamalexThese days I would say ati > nvidia18:10
Oli``pish - their driver is open but it's still a pain in the arse at times18:10
lamalexeven if it's not all there *yet* you're supporting a company who has chosen to open up vs. shut us out18:11
Oli``(not that the nvidia one isn't, in fairness)18:11
hyperairso currently how is the ati driver on ubuntu or linux in general?18:11
hyperairi mean nvidia finally got rid of black windows and all18:11
lamalexhyperair: depends on the card18:11
hyperairso i really have nothing to say against it18:11
hyperairunless you count in the lousy xrender support18:12
hyperairand weird resolution/refresh rates18:12
tom__hyperair and kernel devs will hate you XD18:12
lamalexI get whiteouts on my nvidia where I have to kill X18:12
hyperairi know.18:12
hyperairi really couldn't care less about the licensing18:12
hyperairi just care that it works18:12
Oli``hyperair: amen18:12
tom__hyperair are you looking to buy?18:13
joaopintoWindows works :)18:13
Oli``joaopinto: that's news to me18:13
tom__joaopinto thats disputable.....18:13
hyperairi'm trying to choose between a dell xps and a dell studio18:13
hyperairwindows sucks big time18:13
tom__hyperair what cards do each have?18:13
hyperairand no it doesn't work ;)18:13
hyperairxps's got nvidia 8xxx18:13
joaopintonot less disputable compared to the NVidia driver working :)18:13
hyperairstudio's got ATi18:14
hyperairsome mobility card18:14
lamalexati /what/18:14
hyperairi can't remember the number18:14
lamalexthat's important18:14
tom__hyperair what are you looking to use it for?18:14
hyperairjoaopinto: very much disputable. windows has no compiz fusion18:14
hyperairtom__: compiz, CS, some old games18:14
Oli``Well I've got a 8800 here and it's just dandy in Twinview 1920*1200*2 mode18:14
hyperairand smooth performance18:15
joaopintohyperair, and since when is "compiz" a requirement :) ?18:15
tom__hyperair is it only between those 2?18:15
tom__computers i mean18:15
lamalexOli``: do you have compiz running in that high res?18:15
Oli``lamalex: yeah18:15
lamalexI didn't think compiz could do > 2048x204818:15
Oli``smooth as a button18:15
hyperairjoaopinto: it is for me18:16
crdlblamalex: compiz can do whatever your GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE can18:16
hyperairtom__: pretty much18:16
hyperairtom__: the rest don't depend on GPU18:16
tom__hyperair considered an intel chip?18:16
crdlbrecent nvidia cards have 8192 ** 218:16
hyperairtom__: yeah. but i'm looking at a dell studio 15, which doesn't have anything other than ati18:17
hyperairwhereas xps has a choice of nvidia or intel18:17
hyperair256 MB ATI Mobility Radeon HD 345018:18
hyperairhow's that?18:18
hyperairgood or bad?18:18
tom__hyperair radeon hd is good ive heard18:18
hyperairis it?18:18
hyperairokay, so i should consider it after all =\18:18
tom__hyperair didnt ati/amd just write/commision an open source driver?18:18
tom__hyperair dont trust me though :)18:19
hyperairyeah but is it ready?18:19
hyperairuntil the driver's ready, i don't wanna get it. but the laptop should be chosen in a time span of 3 months18:19
Oli``Sounds like the Binary is still the way you want to go for performance18:20
lamalexhyperair: Xorg wiki says that card should work with the radeonhd driver18:20
tom__hyperair: apparently 3d's not ready yet, sorry for the bad info18:21
hyperairoh damn18:21
lamalexgo with intel anyway18:21
hyperairnvidia it is then18:21
hyperairhow well do old games work with intel?18:21
lamalexYou're playing cs dude18:21
hyperairso it's fine?18:21
lamalexit's like 15 year old game, imagine the hardware it was designed for18:21
Oli``They should be fine on older games, yeah18:21
lamalexand still the greatest game18:22
hyperairokay lemme rephrase: how does a new intel card compare with an ancient nvidia card?18:22
Oli``7 years old, I think, but still18:22
hyperairsay nvidia geforce4 mx18:22
lamalexit's older than 7 years18:22
tom__hyperair the x3100 is good isnt it?18:22
hyperairi have no idea what x3100 is =\18:22
lamalexOli``: came out in 9918:23
hyperairi'm honestly lost when it comes to GPUs beyond the nvidia geforce4 mx.18:23
Oli``lamalex: 1999 as a mod18:23
Oli``=) wikipedia to the rescue18:23
lamalexhaha :)18:23
lamalexso when did halflife come out18:23
hyperairit's all greek to me18:23
tomd123hl stole so much time away from me, it's really sad18:24
lamalexyou could make an argument for CS being an older game since it  was a mod18:24
lamalexbut we digress :)18:24
Oli``end of 98, apparently18:24
lamalextomd123: tell me about it18:24
G_009it stole half life from you18:24
lamalexI wasted so much of early middle school to those games18:24
tomd123lamalex: let's just say it lasted several years..18:24
shadow420hey I need to adjust my screen resolution  to see properly how do I do that I am using xfrc18:25
tomd123G_009: I hope not, that means I'm over due.18:25
hyperairmaybe i'll look at the inspirons18:27
Oli``hyperair: you could get something other than a dell18:27
hyperairhmm i looked18:28
hyperairnot impressed18:28
Oli``..with any other PC brand?18:28
hyperairthey're either pricey or underspec'd or both18:28
shadow420well I have an old dell I am using and I have had no problems with them18:28
shadow420I do mean old18:29
Oli``build your own18:30
lamalexcustom builds++18:30
lamalexexcept you lose warranty support18:30
Oli``if you can handle the more dubious usability aspects of Linux, you can handle the building side of things18:30
Oli``warranties are for girls18:30
shadow420a P3 1.0Ghz  512MB Of Ram Nvidia Graphics Card18:30
Oli``spare parts for the win18:30
* lamalex looks down and shrugs18:30
shadow420hey warrenties are thre for a reason18:31
tom__yea, wish i still had my warranty, dam backlight18:31
Oli``components still have warranties18:31
G_009if you have ever played with legos .. you can put a computer together.. just dont get electrocuted18:32
tom__anyway, ciao y'all18:32
shadow420infact my new system is going to have alot of power and it's a dell I just prefer dells plus I can custommize the basic setup to suit my needs I will be back got to reboot18:33
hyperairOli``: i'd build it if i were getting a desktop, but this is alaptop we're talking about18:38
Oli``hyperair: oh that's very true18:39
hyperairso much easier to build a comp than buy a prebuilt one18:40
lamalexOptions means decisions, and I don't know about you, but I am not good at deciding18:41
shadow420I need to fix my display to use my required driver18:43
G_009they have what its called barebone kits with everything you need..  that leaves you with which one you want ..18:43
G_009and play lego with it18:44
G_009i'd always try booting up in recovery mode and use Fix xserver option; "works for me"18:46
ShackJackHI all trying to install Kubuntu 8.10 under Vbox from the ISO, but it keeps hanging @ Preparing xfonts-base (after the username, etc.. is chosen)... Anyone else experiencing this or thoughts on how to nudge it along?19:05
ShackJack(cpu steady @ 50%, so I assume it's trying to do *something*)19:06
ethana2dual core?19:10
ethana2ShackJack: two core CPU?19:10
G_009maybe you need to do a chksum check on it19:12
stdinI think there may be a bug when installing on VMs, or so I've heard19:12
shadow420I need to get my screen fixed it's annoing to see some text not show up19:13
ShackJackethana2: Yes - two core...19:16
ShackJackG_009: O.K. yep willl try a checksum - I think I overlooked doing that...19:16
ShackJackstdin: K - thanks for the tip...19:17
ethana2sounds like a race condition19:17
ethana2if you only had one core, it'd take your machine unresponsive19:17
ShackJackethana2: Kinda seems that way....19:17
ShackJackIs Ibex Alpha rockin' KDE 4.1?19:18
* ShackJack shuts down VM19:18
ethana2so we get unified KDE, gnome, and wine themes right?19:20
ethana2I didn't see that in the spec for intrepid, but it'd be nice if my desktop didn't look like a complete....19:20
ShackJackI tried the Suse KDE live cd... wasn't too crazy about it, but figured I give KDE another shot... (Though it just seems awkward, some of the interface decisions they make)19:20
ethana2like the main panel at the bottom, eww19:20
ShackJackYeah, and those funny icons that appear when hovering over plasma thingies... Ever heard of right-click? :P19:21
* ShackJack running the "Check CD for defects" (ISO under VM)19:22
kristjan_what xorg version will come with intrepid? 1.5?19:25
ethana2haha yeah19:36
ethana2that cashew is ugly, I don't want it there all the time, that's ridiculous19:36
ethana2right click FTW19:36
=== TheInfinity_ is now known as TheInfinity
ShackJackMmmm... cashews....19:49
ethana2they're tasty19:49
ethana2but we have context menus for a reason19:49
ShackJackI may give the SUSE install a go for now to try out KDE 4... I'm sure it can be tweaked to my likings, but you're right the ever-present cashew is a stupid design choice.... put it in the tray or the taskbar if anything...19:51
ethana2I have my gnome /perfect/19:51
ethana2no arrows on the ends of scroll bars19:52
ethana2no window title redundancy19:52
ethana2it's in the window list, not the grab bar19:52
ShackJackWindow Title Redundancy?19:52
ethana2which is half thickness of course, to save space19:52
ethana2yeah, no sense putting it in the window list /and/ title bars19:52
ethana2I'm a function oriented minimalist-- if it has minimal function, I find it disorienting19:53
ShackJackI have a very "Windows"-esque setup... Single panel across the bottom with the single "start" menu type button, some quick launchers, the window list buttons, follow by a sysmon, notification tray and clock & weather...19:53
ethana2I didn't switch to linux because of linux19:53
ethana2I switched because of gnome19:54
ethana2controls belong on the top, content on the remainder of the screen19:54
ShackJackI poached the Visa Segoue font, which looks very nice on my 15" 1680x1050 screen and use a mac-esque theme "Aqua Advanced"... (it has colored buttons, but not so big and they're on the "right" side of the window19:55
ethana2your cursor should never have to go across the screen center line, vertically19:55
ethana2my theme is white against black, with dark gray around19:55
ShackJackBy controls, you're referring to your having a top-panel?19:55
ethana2deep blue glossy widgets19:55
ethana2top panel, grab bar, menu bar, all those19:55
ethana2bar thingies-- I don't show status bars because they're at the bottom19:56
ethana2the way to help with visual noise isn't spreading it out19:56
ethana2it's eliminating it19:56
ShackJackGotcha... like I said I'm a bit brainwashed from Windows over the years, so I stick with that type of setup... Works for Me (TM)19:56
ethana2I have never had that mindset19:56
ShackJackI never liked the two-panel default setup at any rate - waste of space...19:56
molgrumaudacious crashing on x86_6419:57
ethana2I even find the english language frusrating enough to switch to lojban19:57
ethana2ShackJack: two panels for small screens19:57
ethana2on wide, one at the top19:57
ethana2it should be done automatically, but it's easy enough to do yourself19:57
ShackJackSomething about having the panel at the top and then the window title right beneath bother me...19:57
ethana2as I said19:57
ethana2it's not19:58
ethana2because I removed it from grab bars19:58
ethana2it's only in the window list, where it belongs19:58
ShackJackI'm not sure I know what you're referring to by "grab bars"?19:58
ethana2and close together?  yeah, that's what makes it fast19:58
ethana2no titles in them, so why call them title bars?19:58
ethana2I use them to grab windows, so I call it my grab bar19:58
ethana2and also, as I said, half height19:59
ethana2like 12 px or something19:59
ShackJackTrue - yes you have no titles ;-)  I don't imagine a lot of ppl have there's set like that, though it's an interesting take...19:59
ethana2I think19:59
ethana2many others employ 'works for me'.......19:59
ethana2I am simply not one of those people19:59
ShackJackGrab Bar - I get's it... Of course, ALT+Drag works too :P19:59
ethana2yes it does19:59
ethana2but I double click to (un)maximize20:00
ethana2thus no maximize button on the grab bar20:00
ethana2I click the window list entry to (un)minimize, thus no button for that either20:00
ShackJackTrue, in this case, though the paradigm (the single bottom panel desktop) is so widely used, it makes others using my system instantly familiar...20:00
ShackJack(plus with proper title bars) :)20:00
ethana2familiarity is overrated20:00
ethana2and 'proper' is relative20:00
ethana2....we should take this to #offtopic......20:01
ShackJackFor some people yes, but not when it comes to O/S's and apps...20:01
ShackJackTrue we should - though the channel is very quiet... going now20:01
ethana2(sorry about that folks, I forget that a lot)20:01
jonpackardHi. Is anybody else getting a screen flicker (black) using the nv driver? I have a Nvidia Gforce 8600GT.20:09
molgrumjonpackard: i have the exact same problem20:12
molgrumusually when it changes resolution or is under heavy cpu load20:12
jonpackardThanks and I'm going to try NOVEAU driver next to see if it works better.20:17
ethana2good luck20:18
ethana2you want 3d or what?20:18
ethana2I mean, I suppose it's possible that you may not20:18
jonpackardI haven't used it before but I'm also gonna try the NVIDIA....eh...20:18
ethana2but if you have an nvidia gpu in the first place...20:18
jonpackardI might try the 3D20:18
jonpackardDepends on what works20:18
molgrumi don't even know how to install nouveau20:19
molgrumdidn't find it in synaptic20:19
jonpackardI'll see if I can find it and I'll let you know20:19
molgrumwould be nice20:20
jonpackardlol yea - Well gonna go, wife just got home.20:20
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=== DanaG1 is now known as DanaG
kristjan_ethana2: gnome had once rounded corners in screen, which was cool ... in a way20:37
kristjan_*rounded screen corners20:37
ethana2I actually wouldn't prefer that20:37
ethana2mixed geometry is more complex than sticking to one thing20:38
ethana2I like to keep things looking sharp20:38
ethana2with non-rounded corners and reflections and whatnot20:38
kristjan_did I just lie to you or it used to have rounded corners?20:40
kristjan_ok I found some proof: http://involution.com/images/gnome22.gif20:45
ethana2eww, it's like, mac or something21:08
* assasukasse is away: 22:09
jonpackardis anybody else having trouble with nautilus? at first I thought it was related to my graphics glitching out under the nv driver but it's happening with the vesa driver too (im using geforce 8600gt).. error message:22:15
jonpackard** (nautilus:8452): WARNING **: Unable to add monitor: Not supported22:15
jonpackardSegmentation fault22:15
awalton_1the warning is meaningless, not all gvfs backends support monitoring, so you get that. the crash otoh, isn't.22:16
awalton_1run nautilus in gdb and catch the crash, file it on launchpad22:17
jonpackardi looked at the man file for gdb.. usage is gdm [program] [core or process]22:20
jonpackardwhat do i need to give it for the core or process?22:20
awalton_1if nautilus is already running, quit it first: nautilus -q22:21
awalton_1then, gdb nautilus22:21
awalton_1when it crashes, follow the procedure here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Backtrace22:21
awalton_1that will give us the maximum amount of information to work with22:22
jonpackardok i did nautilus -q and it shut down..22:22
jonpackardran gdb nautilus and it gave me a gdb prompt22:22
awalton_1type "run" and press return22:23
jonpackardwhen i go to open my home folder from the places menu the folder shows on the screen for a spli second and then disappears22:23
jonpackardhere's what i got after typing run in gdb...22:24
jonpackard** (nautilus:8864): WARNING **: Unable to add monitor: Not supported22:24
jonpackardProgram received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.22:24
jonpackard[Switching to Thread 0xb6964b90 (LWP 8867)]22:24
jonpackard0xb728fc2c in ?? () from /lib/tls/i686/cmov/libc.so.622:24
awalton_1right. now we need to follow the steps outlined on the backtrace page22:25
jonpackardcool thanks! i never knew how to do that before =)22:25
awalton_1it's very helpful to us when we're trying to fix problems.22:25
awalton_1just copy and paste all of the data you get into a file, file a bug and attach it22:26
awalton_1if you want to leave the bug number in here after you get done copying the trace and uploading it and such, I'll take a look at it later22:28
tomd123does anyone else have no sound after logging in (but you hear the sound at the beginning of the login screen, not the one after you log in)22:39
jonpackardi had to switch to ALSA.. my pulseaudio had no sound.. using HDA Nvidia (nForce 430)22:40
tomd123ok, then it's not just me then :)22:41
tomd123jonpackard: did you report it/ is it reported?22:42
jonpackardi haven't reported it or checked it yet.. working on a bigger problem.. my nautilus and now my gedit crash with segfaults =)22:43
tomd123lol, are they using a developement version of nautilus/gedit <:)22:44
tomd123nvm, i'll let you find the solution in peace, cya22:45
jonpackardhmm seems my gedit is fine now but my nautilus is still borked22:48
jonpackardawalton: I saw your comments on bug 245290.. i think this is my same problem.. im installing those debugging symbols you were talking about now22:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 245290 in nautilus "[intrepid] nautilus crashes after last upgrade" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24529022:55
jonpackardmy dbg still says "no debugging symbols found".. am I doing something wrong?22:56
awalton_1could just be saying you don't have debug symbols for some other library. if it's important, the stacktrace will have a lot of question marks, and it's not very usable22:58
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awalton_1with the right symbols installed, when you do backtrace full, you'll get a nice pretty display of all of the variables, symbols, etc. for every function up to the crash (most of the time anyways)22:59
jonpackardthanks :)23:00
jonpackardbug 245290 updated with backtrace23:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 245290 in nautilus "[intrepid] nautilus crashes after last upgrade" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24529023:07
awalton_1jonpackard, you're still missing symbols there, try installing the debug package for nautilus.23:11
awalton_1secondly, I think it's actually a different bug, we seem to be trying to make a themed icon with no icon names, which is definitely a bug23:11
jonpackardwhen i try to open a nautilus window (ex. my home folder), the nautilus window tries to open several times and then finally stops.. it flashes on the screen23:13
awalton_1yeah, whatever the bug is, it's crashing nautilus over and over again, and the session manager keeps restarting it23:15
awalton_1one of these days, the session manager will learn not to do that, but that day may be in a star trek future...23:15
G_009and that was after todays update?23:16
awalton_1G_009, getting a similar issue?23:17
G_009just wondering if you also rebooted your system at any point23:17
awalton_1not me, but I'm not having the trouble :)23:18
awalton_1I'm also up to trunk with glib and nautilus though, so it could be something we already fixed and don't know it yet. though I kind of doubt it.23:18
G_009i see.. me neither .. but i dont want to do a system restart and find out23:19
jonpackardill reboot and check again23:19
awalton_1jonpackard, and install those nautilus symbols ;)23:20
jonpackardany idea about the package name?23:21
awalton_1nautilus-dbg iirc23:22
Amaranthawalton_1: why would the session manager not restart a crashed application?23:23
awalton_1Amaranth, in an infinite loop?23:24
Amaranthi thought it only tried 10 times23:24
jonpackardinstalling nautilus-dbg.. hope thats the one23:24
awalton_1it's definitely tried more than 10 times here :)23:24
Amaranthanyway, isn't that the application's fault?23:24
Amaranthit tells the session manager to restart it23:24
awalton_1absolutely. but you'd think it'd be able to say "hey, wait a second"23:24
jonpackardBBL rebooting =)23:24
Amaranthshould create a file on launch then remove it after 30 seconds or something23:25
Amaranthand if it detects the file don't put itself in restart mode23:25
Amaranththen it'll crash, try to launch, crash again, try to launch, crash again, and stay gone23:26
awalton_1I'd be happy with "this application has crashed $HUGE_NUMBER times. [Report Crash]"23:26
awalton_1but it's not my area. I'm just a lowly fm hacker.23:27
awalton_1it's strange to me that all of these gio-related crashers are only starting to happen now, I could swear the code hasn't changed that much since 2.1623:29
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jonpackardrebooted.. nautilus problem still there23:41
esacanybody running alpha in vmware ? it booted and i logged in, and now it is just sitting at a brown screen23:47
jonpackardesac: ive had really good success with virtualbox (non-ose).. you can get it at virtualbox.org23:56
jonpackardif you decide to try it, I have two tips...23:58
jonpackardIf you get a kernel panic.. don't panic, just reset your guest.. it may take a couple tries but it happens right away so it's not a problem23:59

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