
=== tomaw_ is now known as Guest95848
=== Ekushey- is now known as Ekushey
=== Guest95848 is now known as tomaw
blizzkidmorning all09:24
=== [NikO]_ is now known as [NikO]
=== whatever is now known as UdontKnow
[NikO]nalioth ping :)13:15
PriceChild[NikO]: can I help?13:18
[NikO]i just have a question for nalioth i think, about floodbot :)13:19
PiciHe didn't write the floodbots. He only hosts one (or two) of them.13:19
[NikO]ah ok13:20
PiciPerhaps we can help you anyway, what was the question?13:20
[NikO]if they are supybot, and also, in this case, if the flood plugin source is available somewhere13:20
[NikO]flood / badwords13:20
PiciNo, they are not supybots, they are written in php, and unfortunately the source is not available at this time.13:21
[NikO]ok, thanks13:21
[NikO]i thinks we ( u-fr ops ) will write two plugins for supybot13:21
PiciSounds good, supybots are pretty easy to extend.13:22
PriceChildInforming glade88 about the naming policies wrt his delhi loco team channel16:57
PiciHow is it named now?16:57
PriceChildits also empty and i have no idea why he thinks creating this subteam is a good idea16:58
PriceChildHe asked me for help opping in there, so moved onto the above16:58
=== [NikO] is now known as [NikO]3
=== [NikO]3 is now known as titigrosminet
=== titigrosminet is now known as [Nik0]
=== highvolt1ge is now known as highvoltage
davmor2Hello I would like an irc cloak please.20:03
Tm_Tyou are an ubuntu member?20:06
Tm_TI see20:06
ubottuMany Ubuntu IRC channels prohibit access from !proxies such as !TOR due to a high level of abuse. You can however obtain a hostmask cloak: see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#cloaks20:06
ubottuInformation about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname.20:06
Myrttiplease follow all the steps in that link20:06
Myrttiincluding setting up alternate nick and email address20:07
davmor2Many thanks20:07
Tm_Tokies indeed20:18
SyntuxI'm trying to register a new Ubuntu- channel, I wonder if I need IRCop help for that as the chanserv registration command not giving any output.22:40
naliothSyntux: which one?22:47
Syntuxnalioth, #Ubuntu-Arabic  https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-arabic22:47
Syntuxnalioth, can you help or do I have to wait until chanserv is back; that's if it's down.22:56

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