
pochudevfil: pong00:11
devfilpochu: I'm uploading wxwidgets2.800:11
devfilI've already uploaded it, but I've changed a bug number in the changelog00:11
pochuuploaded to where?00:12
devfilso I'm reuploading it00:12
pochulet me know tomorrow, I'm off to bed now00:12
devfilpochu: I'm uploading it now, so the best think is to wait ;)00:13
devfiland it needs attention00:13
pochudevfil: you could save bandwidth uploading just the diff.gz to the bug report ;)00:14
devfilpochu: I know, but I prefered this solution to have the orig.tar.gz with the good md5 etc...00:15
pochuah, right00:15
pochuoh, let dato know about it, in case he uploads to Debian, so we have the same tarball and can sync in the future00:16
devfilnow orig.tar.gz generated by get-orig-rules had the same md5 for each launch of rule00:16
pochuthat's great00:16
devfilpochu: yes sure00:16
devfilI prefer firstly a review to see if it is ok00:16
devfils/a/to have a/00:17
pochubut tomorrow :)00:18
pochugood night00:18
devfilgood night00:18
lifelessHobbsee: did I see you mention something about pidgin the other day?00:48
RainCTgood night01:25
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nxvlScottK: around?02:44
taconenxvl: may I contact you in prv ?02:44
nxvlif you have something prv to day02:45
taconelots :-)02:46
emgentif you like feel free to use rapache-devel for this02:46
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Hobbseelifeless: w.r.t?03:06
lifelessout of date client or something03:06
ajmitchprobably the icq mess03:06
Hobbseelifeless: oh yeah - icq being annoying again.03:06
lifelessajmitch: sounds like I'm hitting it :)03:06
lifelesswhats the story?03:07
Hobbseelifeless: they've pushed an update into proposed, afaik.03:07
Hobbseelifeless: every once in a while, icq decides that the old clients are too old, and won't let them connect.03:07
lifelesswith no other changes?03:07
Hobbseeso every once in a while, we have to bump the ICQ version string on the clients.03:07
Hobbseewell, presumably there's changes to the official clients, but not to us03:07
Hobbseeyes, very...03:07
ajmitchchanges probably means more advertising on the official clients03:08
Hobbseeajmitch: very likely.03:08
lifelesscan't pidgin just try a few new numbers and see if one works?03:08
Hobbseegood question - i'm only familiar with the kde3 kopete side03:08
persialifeless: kopete does something similar: if it fails to log in, it grabs the newest version codes from the net, and tries with those.03:09
Hobbseebut i think that's what the kde4 version is doing - auto-updating03:09
persiaHobbsee: Isn't it only auto-updating the ICQ version information, rather than the whole application?03:09
Hobbseepersia: yes, taht's what i meant, sorry03:10
persiaHobbsee: No need to be sorry: I just wanted to make sure I had the right story.  Thanks for the confirmation :)03:11
emgenthello people03:12
Hobbseepersia: no problem03:15
* TheMuso wonders what bitlbee does then, since I'm having no problems.03:16
persiaTheMuso: If you find out, could you port to the others?03:17
TheMusopersia: Perhaps, but I have no reason to dig unless it breaks. :p03:17
persiaRight.  Maybe someone ought put a pointer to using BitlBee as a proxy in the pidgin bug :)03:18
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nxvli think augeas has the correct copyright now03:54
persianxvl: You've checked every single file?03:55
nxvlnot only the *.c files03:56
nxvlalso the .m4 ones03:56
* persia uses `less $(find .)`03:56
persianxvl: And the other files?  No .h?  No .xml?  Nothing else?03:57
nxvli used: find . -name '*.*' | xargs head | less03:57
ajmitchmy head hurts from reading mail about voting methods03:57
persianxvl: Be careful.  Sometimes people put extra licensing conditions and the like below the first 10 lines.03:57
nxvli'm using .c and .h has same licenses03:58
persiaThat's not safe.  The .h files might be more open (e.g. ISC vs. GPL) for a common interface, or more tightly restricted where compatibility with some specific implemenation is required.03:59
nxvlwell, the only !LGPL are the tools used for building and things, and almost all of them are from GNU03:59
* nxvl checks .h files03:59
persianxvl: As long as you're sure :)03:59
nxvlyes, i am04:00
persiaAlso, $(find .) is the same as $(find -name "*.*"), except that it also matches e.g. README (where there is no '.')04:00
nxvlbut a quick look doesn't hurt, don't it?04:00
persiaNever :)04:00
nxvli have read README files carefully04:01
nxvlas well as all the non source files04:01
nxvlnow i'm sure it's correct04:11
persianxvl: Perfect!04:17
null_vectorif a patch closes duplicate bugs how do you show that in the changelog? (LP:XXX)(LP:XXX)?05:19
persianull_vector: Do you mean two different bugs, or are the bugs themselves duplicate?05:19
null_vectorthey're dupes05:20
persianull_vector: Close the master.  Make sure the duplicate is appropriately marked as a duplicate in launchpad.05:21
ScottKnxvl: I'm around for a bit now.05:25
nxvlabout the revu comments05:25
nxvlNEWS didn't install when installing dh_installdocs is runned05:25
nxvlbut it's also not required so i remove it05:26
ScottKnxvl: If it doesn't install automatically, ignore my comment.05:26
ScottKI thought it did.05:26
ScottKSorry about that.05:26
nxvlalso it has informatios about gnulib's license05:26
ScottKIt should be installed.05:26
nxvlwell, no problem05:26
nxvlevery single comment is valid05:26
nxvlthey make me learn and investigate new things05:26
dholbachgood morning05:42
AstralJavaMorning dholbach!06:01
dholbachhi AstralJava06:01
AstralJavadholbach: How's life? You're up awfully early. :)06:03
dholbachAstralJava: life is good - I'm quite busy with stuff, but will leave for holidays in around a week - how are you?06:37
nxvldholbach: you woke up really early today06:38
AstralJavadholbach: Fine, thanks. One and a half weeks till holiday, but I'll manage. Getting around some packaging and merge stuff again. Won't mention anything about the progress of my MOTU voyage, though, as I'm sure you've noticed also it takes a considerable amount of time... :D06:39
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dholbachI almost wake up at that time - it's summer, my girlfriend has to get up early for work, so....06:39
nxvlhere it's winter06:39
\shScottK: nope...but I'll check on it :)06:51
ScottK\sh: I thought you might find it interesting.06:59
\shlet's see..what comes after all launchpad features :)07:05
\shright now I'm planning on offline storage of the lp tasks into a sqlite db07:06
slytherinany archive admins around?07:24
dholbachslytherin: #ubuntu-devel might be a better choice07:25
persiaslytherin: Rarely in this channel.  Try #ubuntu-devel07:25
slytherinWhat is failed to upload error for a build?08:15
dholbachLaney, geser: interview publichsed08:20
* dholbach gets more coffee08:20
persiaslytherin: It typically indicates some issue with bits of Soyuz speaking with each other.  I'd recommend asking someone to investigate on #launchpad.08:21
gnomefreakanyone else having no sound in Intrepid? i enabled everything but stil no sound08:38
persiagnomefreak: cat /proc/asound/cards  Notice the new device.  Change your default.  Ask Hobbsee for details :)08:42
persiaIn other news, you can now make your case warble whilst not interrupting your audio stream :)08:42
gnomefreakHobbsee: what would i need to do to get sound working in intrepid?08:48
aboganiHi MOTUs!08:56
aboganiCould Someone review my package on REVU please?08:56
aboganiThe packages is rt-tests (http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=rt-tests): A set of programs that test and measure various components of "realtime" kernel behavior, such as timer latency, signal latency and the functioning of priority-inheritance mutexes.08:56
aboganiPlease be patient with me it's my first package. :-)08:56
aboganiThanks in advance!08:56
directhexsounds neat08:57
persiaabogani: Quick notes: 1) some of my points from January still stand, 2) You should target intrepid rather than hardy, 3) It's a new package, so still Initial release, 4) My lintian says policy is 3.8.009:07
cody-somervilleScottK, poke09:07
dholbachcody-somerville: he went to bed an hour ago09:08
dholbachGuys... it's sponsoring time!09:09
aboganipersia: Ok Thank you a lot!09:09
persiaRight.  As this thread goes further, I get convinced of the benefits of the one-person, one-vote system.  We just need the right person.09:17
directhexthat reminds me, i was gonna work on some packaging this morning09:17
directhexbleh, new packages means NEW delay09:18
bliZZardzpersia : i plan to do some packaging this weekend. Are new packages being considered for Interpid?09:18
persiadirecthex: NEW delay isn't as bad when fear-of-NEW delay is short :)09:18
persiabliZZardz: Yep.  Look for needs-packaging bugs in LP for candidates.09:19
bliZZardzpersia: i was more ref to those which are not even present there - will those be considered now? or is it better to concentrate on 'needs-packaging' ?09:20
directhexi need to start beating my DD contact with a bigger pole, or start considering a 0ubuntu1 package09:21
persiabliZZardz: Things with needs-packaging are user requests.  If you want something else, you need to put on your user hat, and make a request :)09:21
bliZZardzpersia : follow up Q to the previous, should i also consider backporting the packages that i target for Interpid?09:22
bliZZardzor simply i can take it up later09:22
persiabliZZardz: Anything present in intrepid is potentially available to be backported.09:22
directhexnot anything.09:27
directhex"frameworks" are excluded, for example09:27
bliZZardz persia: i do not understand when you say 'potentially available to be backported'09:29
persiadirecthex: I doubt it: I suspect that if you had a framework that was a development target with no dependencies in the archive, it could be backported.09:30
persiabliZZardz: A request for backporting may be made for any package in the current development archive.09:30
directhexwell, yeah, dependencies is the problem. the cited reason being risk of regression in too many apps, iirc09:31
persiaYou do.09:31
directhexsigh, this is my most complex packaging work so far. time to learn, fast.09:35
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enychrrm. Is  ubuntu 8.04.1  releasing today?09:43
persiaenyc: There's testing.  For current results (which would inform the release manager), you may want to ask in #ubuntu-testing.09:43
enycpersia: ok I shall go look /ask ;-)09:45
enycpersia: and report my findings etc... thanks for channel pointer ;-)09:45
devfilpersia: ping09:53
YokoZarScottK: Wine 1.0 has been in backports for some time, and no bugs filed yet...Would it be appropriate to move it to -proposed now?09:54
persiadevfil: It's *always* better to explain why you want someone.  I suspect that regardless of your question, someone else here will be better able to answer it, but I'm here now: what are you asking?09:55
devfilpersia: http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=wxwidgets2.809:55
devfilif you want to take a look at it09:56
persiadevfil: Right.  You do know that I don't use *any* wx2.87 apps, right?09:56
persiaI'll add it to my review list.09:56
devfilpersia: but you know the package and for me you are the best to check for soname etc...09:57
persiadevfil: I'll review it.  I'll also note that the only reason I know wx is because I was trying to purge an old version: it is familiarity through revulsion, rather than because I like the package :)09:58
* sebner waves :)10:00
* DktrKranz plans revenge10:01
* sebner hides10:01
* DktrKranz notes wxwidgets2.8 is finally in unstable, we should work closely with dato to have it finally in sync10:07
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slytherinpersia: DO you have time to advocate xml-commons-external? If it goes in archive today then I will be able to complete batik upgrade today itself.10:18
persiaslytherin: What does it need?10:19
slytherinpersia: I need seond advocate for my package on revu. geser has already advocated.10:20
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slytherinpersia: for some reason the package is neither on revu nor in archive10:27
persiaslytherin: You'll want to put it in one of those places if I'm going to look at it :)10:28
slytherinpersia: it was there on revu till 2 days ago.10:28
persiaslytherin: http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=xml-commons-external and https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/intrepid/+queue?queue_state=0&queue_text=xml-commons-external should explain the current status.10:31
slytherinpersia: someone already gave second opinion. It is being uploaded.10:31
Laibschgood morning10:31
LaibschHow do I use "bzr bd" with pbuilder to build a package (for upload to a ppa)10:32
slytherinpersia: Cool. I will hopefully have batik updated and uploaded to review by tonight.10:32
persiaslytherin: Note that until xml-commons-external passes both source new and binary new, batik is likely to FTBFS.10:34
slytherinpersia: That is fine. The package review will take time. I will add a note on revu saying it needs xml-commons-external.10:35
james_wLaibsch: you want to use the "--builder" option to bd10:43
Laibschjames_w: Thanks.  I'll give it a try10:43
james_wLaibsch: e.g. "bzr bd --builder pdebuild"10:43
LaibschI did not see it in the man page10:43
persiajames_w: Does that work with sbuild as well?10:43
james_wLaibsch: or, what I do, which is "bzr bd -S" and then use pbuilder-dist on the resulting source.10:43
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LaibschThat sounds good.10:44
LaibschI tried -S, but then failed to sign the packages10:44
james_wpersia: it requires a builder that works from inside an unpacked source package, like dpkg-buildpackage does. I'm not familiar with sbuild.10:44
Laibsch.changes etc10:44
persiaLaibsch: debsign can help with that.10:44
persiajames_w: Ah.  sbuild acts on prepared source packages.  I suspect bd -S is the appropriate workflow for sbuild users (and likely also for most pbuilder users if they expect to get the results into Ubuntu)10:45
slytherinLaibsch: What error does it give when trying to sign package?10:47
DktrKranzdoko: re bug 218963, SRU FTBFSed. If you want, I can have a look at it10:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 218963 in wink "libexpat1 does not contain libexpat.so.0 in 8.04 Beta" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21896310:47
Laibschslytherin: no particular error10:49
dokoDktrKranz: no need, there is a fix in the upload queue10:49
LaibschI just did not get what I needed10:49
LaibschI am not even sure, I used debsign10:49
slytherinLaibsch: not sure if it is related but I usually use options -S -sa10:49
DktrKranzdoko: ah... noticed just now. sorry.10:50
slytherinis anyone able to do proepr session recording with istanbul?11:02
directhexright, i think i'm done working on this package11:22
Laneydholbach: Woohoo!12:07
Laneyhowdy emgent_12:13
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sistpoty|workhi folks12:14
emgenthey sistpoty|work12:17
sistpoty|workhi emgent12:17
IulianHello emgent, sistpoty12:20
sistpoty|workhi Iulian12:20
emgenthi Iulian12:20
LaneyHow's life all?12:21
cody-somervilleDid we ever agree on any standards for DIF exceptions/acks?12:24
persiacody-somerville: We did, but I hadn't sent out the minutes.  I'll write them up now.12:25
cody-somervillepersia, Thanks. I was thinking of tackling the sponsor queue :)12:25
slytherinpersia: is geser aware of java team meeting today?12:25
persiahttp://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2008/06/27/%23ubuntu-meeting.html has the log if you're curious12:25
persiaslytherin: I don't have private information, but I suspect the answer will soon be: "Yes" :)12:26
RainCTis come bored core dev around? :P12:28
RainCT*some even12:28
* sistpoty|work is around, but not bored *g*12:29
cody-somervillesebner, ping12:29
cody-somervilleAre we setting ACKed sync requests as triaged or confirmed?12:33
Hobbsee either12:33
RainCTsistpoty|work: there's the first debdiff from my mentee waiting at #68852, if you want to have a look at it :P12:34
RainCTbug #6885212:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 68852 in findutils "Error in man page, re: -printf \ escape" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/6885212:34
sistpoty|workRainCT: on a first glimpse, looks good. but as I'm at work I cannot build packages here...12:36
cody-somervilleDoes anyone know how to unsubscribe with the new launchpad UI?12:36
sistpoty|workRainCT: if it's not uploaded this evening, I'll give it a closer look then ;)12:37
RainCTcody-somerville: click on 'yourself'12:37
RainCTsistpoty|work: okay, thanks :)12:37
Laneycody-somerville: When it's a red - symbol, it will unsubscribe12:37
* Hobbsee wonders what sharm's regular nick now is?12:37
sebnercody-somerville: pong12:40
cody-somervillesebner, when you file sync requests can you please be more verbose then just pasting the debian changelog?12:40
sebnercody-somerville: once an archive admin told me I shouldn't write more text since it will take them more time to read and check if it's ok O_o12:41
cody-somervillesebner, Do you remember which particular archive admin said that?12:42
sebnerIt confuses them12:43
sebnercody-somerville: though I'm a universe-contributor so you could trust me xD12:43
sebnercody-somerville: buh long ago. I'll check my bug reports12:43
Hobbsee....that's oh so wrong, on oh so many levels...12:43
sebnerHobbsee: hmm?12:43
persiasebner: Please do provide some information including 1) Why any Ubuntu variation can be dropped, 2) what is good in the new version, and 3) whether it compiles & runs under the current development target.12:44
Hobbsee[21:41] <sebner> cody-somerville: once an archive admin told me I shouldn't write more text since it will take them more time to read and check if it's ok O_o12:44
persiaEven if the archive admins ignore it, it helps the rest of us understand why something was pulled or overwritten.12:44
Hobbseearchive admins shouldn't be checking if it's correct anyway12:45
RainCTsebner: bah, I don't trust you anymore :P12:45
Hobbseethat's the job of the sponsor, or the MOTU.12:45
sebnerpersia: well the syncs I filed are real since and they were syncs in the past so nothing to drop, I testbuild everything so the only thing is to write why I sync the new version12:45
Hobbseeand if they can't get that right, they clearly should not be sponsoring / requesting a sync for that particular package.12:45
Hobbseesebner: were you filing sync requests while the autosync was still on?12:46
sebnerHobbsee: nope12:46
cody-somervillesebner, Even if there is no Ubuntu delta, you should mention that.12:46
persiasebner: You write the rationale for the sync and the new Debian changelog?12:46
sebnerHobbsee: btw, why was the auto-syncs going crazy yesterday?12:46
Hobbseesebner: it should be off, so i've no idea.12:46
sebnerpersia: not the rationale ;\12:46
* Hobbsee does not have access to it.12:46
sebnercody-somerville: exactly that was the complain by a archive admin12:47
persiasebner: I think the rationale is the most important part: why should we sync?  Post DIF, we ought have some reason, and pre-DIF all non-auto syncs are overwriting Ubuntu variation.12:47
cody-somervillesebner, Well, if you tell us his or her name we can send Hobbsee after them : P12:48
cody-somervilleIn the mean time, please follow the sync procedure.12:48
LaneyI just use the requestsync tool from ubuntu-dev-tools, which tells you to put a rationale in12:48
sebnercody-somerville: kk, /me becomes too sloppy filing syncs (like motu') :P12:48
sebnerpersia: shouldn't the u-u-c be somehow more trustful than a normal contributor? Besides you are right writing the reason why to sync12:49
persiasebner: Being sloppy about syncs is not ideal, regardless of which groups might accept one as a member12:49
persiasebner: It's not about trust: it's about documentation for people investigating things later.12:50
* cody-somerville nods.12:50
sebnerpersia: how big are my chances to get an ACK when I write: "Shiny new upstream version and still enough time to fix potential bugs" ?12:51
persiasebner: low.12:51
sebnerpersia: that was my work for hardy cycle. you should sponsor/complain more :P12:52
persiaHow about "New upstream provides features X, Y, and Z.  No new dependencies.  Compiles cleanly on intrepid, and runs well in Kubuntu".12:52
sebnerpersia: ok that's the long version of my sentence ^^12:52
persiasebner: Most of your stuff I saw in the hardy cycle had enough documentation that I could understand the reason for it.12:52
* sebner can't remember12:53
geserslytherin: I've seen the announcement for the java team meeting, perhaps I'll attend12:53
persiaYep.  Being just a little wordier than "shiny new upstream: please sync" is all that is required :)12:53
RainCTsebner: hey, my comment was serious :P12:53
sebnerRainCT: hrhr12:53
sebnerpersia: kay, will do in future. just a side-notice. (some) motu's are writing: Dear archive admins please sync + changelog ....12:54
cody-somervillesebner, and if you file sync requests on packages that are related you should probably mention if they need to be synced together or not.12:54
sebnercody-somerville: refer to sauerbraten or simutrans?12:54
sebnerdidn't know that they can do that =)12:55
cody-somervillesebner, well, I don't want to approve one and not the other if it'll cause breakage.12:55
persiasebner: I don't like that behaviour from anyone, regardless of who.  Feel free to complain to them if you don't understand why something is a sync.12:55
sebnerpersia: I look at the changelog and the last ubuntu version and see why it is a sync so I don't mind. it's just, I already told you, that MOTU can do what they want and no one cares and a contributor always get complains (which are mostly good)12:57
persiasebner: MOTU also get complaints.  As I said, please complain if you see inappropriate behavious.12:58
sebnerpersia: the problem is that it don't disturbe me so I would have to complain for others/the rules12:59
persiasebner: OK.  Please spend more time tracking down regression bugs, and develop a new opinion.12:59
ScottKcody-somerville: I'm awake now.13:00
sebnerpersia: kay. Besides I will start packaging things from scratch now so I won't file mass syncs again ;)13:00
ScottKYokoZar: How about you file a bug against WINE to get moved and then ask for positive/negative comments there.  Once we have some good story, then we do it.13:01
emgentrapache 0.4 is out with apache2 modules support13:06
cody-somervilleScottK, :)13:06
ScottKcody-somerville: I got ~ 4 hours of sleep last night, so I may not be entirely coherent.13:09
cody-somervilleScottK, To be honest, I didn't sleep at all.13:09
ScottKcody-somerville: I think the biggest advantage for condorcet is the one you pointed out about not dropping candidates early and so getting a good compromise candidate.13:09
LaneyWe need a ubuntu-dev-keyring package, methinks13:09
ScottKI don't think it matters that it's more complex.  I don't see any other downsides.13:10
ScottKLaney: What for?13:10
ScottKFor who-uploads?13:10
LaneyScottK: For when I dget -x something, I hardly ever have the key so have to do another dpkg-source step13:10
LaneyYes, I could do xu, but it's nice to verify anyway13:11
ScottKLaney: It'd probably be easy enough to script out of LP.13:11
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LaneyI might look into doing it13:13
glatzorhello dholbach, I created the ubuntu-translator-tools package which contains little helpers for translators: firefox search for rosetta, podiff (compares po files), search-translation (allows to search for strings in the locally installed language packs) and enables the ppa with the automatic updates language-packs13:25
glatzordholbach, the ppa is at https://edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-translator-tools-hackers/+archive13:25
glatzordholbach, perhaps it is worth to add it to universe13:26
glatzordholbach, the ppa also includes python-polib which is required by podiff13:26
glatzordholbach, oh, but I would have to update it for intrepid before.13:29
LaibschHow does one merge branches in LP?  Just pull the two branches, push the obsolete to the new branch and delete the obsolete branch?13:42
LaibschI am talking about https://code.launchpad.net/~vcs-imports/subdownloader/trunk for example13:43
null_vectorwhat's the other branch?13:44
LaneyYay, my first SRU is published \o/13:44
DktrKranzLaney: welcome in the club :)13:45
LaneyThanks DktrKranz!13:45
DktrKranzonce started, it's hard to come back13:45
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dholbachglatzor: sounds good - best to get it on REVU and get it reviewed13:47
glatzordholbach, I am just reading the howto13:49
glatzorwould you like to add me to uploaders team?13:49
glatzoror is there a special requirements13:49
james_whey glatzor13:50
glatzorhello james_w !13:50
glatzorok, I should have taken a look a before :)13:51
glatzorajmitch, hi, would you please sync the revu-upload keyring?13:52
sistpoty|workglatzor: sync is already in progress ;)13:52
glatzorthanks sistpoty|work13:52
persiaAnd I was all ready and waiting this time.  I will get it one of these times...13:53
sistpoty|worksorry persia ;)13:54
persiasistpoty|work: No need to be sorry: you should celebrate your response speed :)13:58
sistpoty|workpersia: well, I guess my fast response speed also means that I'm once again procrastinating *g*13:59
sistpoty|workglatzor: done14:00
joshuWhere do i file a version bump for an applicatien?14:09
joshuI'd like to get an application updated.14:09
sistpoty|workjoshu: file a wishlist bug against the package14:10
RainCTjoshu: new bug on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/<source package name>, and tag it "upgrade"14:10
joshuRainCT: Thank you.14:11
Laibschnull_vector: The other branch is https://code.launchpad.net/~subdownloader-developers/subdownloader/trunk14:16
slytherinjoshu: before filing bug make sure that version is not there already in intrepid14:16
LaibschI guess my question is who is supposed to act on the "please merge this branch" flag14:16
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persiaLaibsch: The owner of the branch requested to perform the merge.14:18
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Laibschhm, not really14:20
LaibschI did14:20
persiaLaibsch: Maybe ask in #launchpad?  They usually understand the correct UI better than we.14:20
=== joshu is now known as zhaozhou
LaneyIf I want to deal with the NBS of this library (http://people.ubuntu.com/~ubuntu-archive/NBS/libopenbabel2), will it just be enough to file bugs for a rebuild?14:41
Laney(after b/i/r testing of course)14:42
geserLaney: yes, if it builds with the new library version14:44
Laneygeser: Cool, will do14:44
LaneyJust check that it deps on openbabel3 after the build14:44
geserLaney: please also check if there are easy bugs to be fixed for those packages14:45
* Laney nods, will do14:45
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azeemLaney: libopenbabel3 rebuilds should probably wait till the weekend, the final 2.2 release is due tomorrow, and there's currently still discussions on what the library version should be15:47
Laneyazeem: Oh right, thanks for letting me know15:48
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jmehdiHi, can someone review my package update on REVU? http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=webstrict17:09
* sistpoty|work heads home... cya17:09
sebnerdholbach: standard-version should be 3.8.0 but besides it's a nice vid ;)17:22
dholbachsebner: it was shot, when there was no 3.8.0 yet17:22
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amikropIn debian/control, do the Depends and Build-Depends fields, get filled automatically (and correct)?17:46
bddebianHeya gang17:46
ScottKamikrop: No.17:46
amikropScottK: But what about some ${foo:Depends}?17:47
ScottKFor some cases that works, but not all and it's not for build-dep.17:47
FestorScottK, I could upload (at least send the diff.gz file) of amsn 0.97.1 to Intrepid? I added 2 patches17:57
Festorand I want test17:58
Festoror I should wait to next bugfix release of amsn?17:58
FestorI say that for this:17:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 244876 in amsn "[hardy] Update request for aMSN 0.97.1 bugfix release" [Undecided,Invalid]17:59
ScottKFestor: I'd discuss it with cody-somerville or bigon.  They've both done recent uploads of the package.18:00
FestorI want insert this plugin in amsn package:18:03
FestorI made all work18:03
Festorand I have ready the patch but I need make diff.gz file18:03
Festorthere is https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/amsn/+bug/9960518:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 99605 in amsn "amsn sounds don't play while playing something else" [Low,Confirmed]18:04
Festorand for this18:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 40907 in amsn "[Dapper] Cannot connect to the MSN servers" [Medium,Incomplete]18:05
FestorIs it possible to update your version of aMSN?18:06
Festoror we should use patches?18:06
persiaFestor: Best to update for intrepid, and use patches for older versions.  Check with those most recently in the changelog for closer guidance.18:07
Festorok, but 0.95 of dapper is too old18:09
Festorhi jpds18:10
jpdshi Festor18:10
pochuFestor: 0.97 could be considered for dapper-backports, but not for dapper-updates as it's not bug-fix only, but contains several new features18:11
pochuif there's any specific patch you want to consider, that's different18:12
Festorthe problem, pochu is that it is no easy make a patch for a too old version18:14
Festorbecause I dont know what release fix the bug18:15
persiaFestor: What about it doesn't work?  Protocol?  Version identification check?18:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 40907 in amsn "[Dapper] Cannot connect to the MSN servers" [Medium,Incomplete]18:15
Festor"The servers at Microsoft were upgraded and no longer allow connections via port 80. They have decided that all connections must use SSL."18:16
Festorthis is protocol?18:16
pochuFestor: I think so18:18
persiaFestor: That's protocol, and likely fairly easy.18:18
persiaJust review the upstream changelog to verify that SSL support exists in 0.95, and submit a patch to use that SSL support by default.18:18
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pochuI've just connected with emesene through http18:18
pochuand not https18:18
persiaIf there is no such support, it ought be easy to extract, and then link against the right SSL libraries.18:19
Festorpochu, this is in dapper18:19
pochubut you quoted this:18:19
pochu19:16 <    Festor> "The servers at Microsoft were upgraded and no longer allow connections via port 80. They have decided that all connections must use SSL."18:19
pochuwhich either is wrong or is incomplete18:19
Festorbut 2 users confirm the bug18:20
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ScottKProbably they confirm they can't connect, not the root cause.18:20
FestorI should change report to invalid?18:21
ScottKNo, just don't assume the reported cause is correct.18:21
ScottKThe problem, can't connect, is presumably right.18:21
ScottKSo it's a valid bug.18:21
FestorScottK, and what about this https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/amsn/+bug/99605 ?18:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 99605 in amsn "amsn sounds don't play while playing something else" [Low,Confirmed]18:22
ScottKA bug triager who was interested (i.e. not me) might ask for more information to figure out why.18:22
ScottKFestor: I'm one of 6 people that mind proposed updates to an archive of 20,000 packages.  I can't sort through each one.18:22
Ash-FoxWhich was the last version of ubuntu that didn't have stack protections in libc?18:24
FestorSorry ScottK , I refer to this patch http://launchpadlibrarian.net/15787915/08_use_aplay_for_sound.dpatch18:25
FestorI think that fixes the bug18:25
ScottKTest it first and then we can talk.18:26
FestorI have this patch working now18:26
FestorI there is no problme18:26
Festoronly changes play for aplay18:27
Festorto use ALSA18:27
ScottKcody-somerville: You around?18:27
cody-somervilleScottK, yup18:27
ScottKcody-somerville: Can you look at Festor's amsn patch?  You're a lot more familiar with the package than I am.18:28
Festorthanks! :D18:29
cody-somervilleFestor, Do you have a debdiff?18:29
Festornow no18:30
FestorI should have one?18:30
cody-somervilleFestor, Okay, look at your patch, what makes you think that that it'll affect already existing profiles?18:31
Festorfor already no18:31
Festorfor all are made after the update18:32
FestorI think18:32
cody-somervilleAlso ,it appears that nire was having the same mixing problem with aplay.18:32
cody-somervilleHas the situation changed?18:32
FestorI think that when amsn create a profile takes the default options18:32
cody-somervilleRight so it won't affect people who have already ran aMSN - only people who would install it after your SRU18:33
Festorehh, sorry "Solution: aplay should be used instead of play."18:33
Festorof https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/amsn/+bug/9960518:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 99605 in amsn "amsn sounds don't play while playing something else" [Low,Confirmed]18:33
Festorand I use aplay now18:33
Festorand www.ubuntu-es.org18:33
Festorsuggest use aplay18:33
Festorcody-somerville, yes18:33
cody-somervilleFestor, I'm reading the bug report and nire reports the *same* problems with aplay.18:33
cody-somervilleFestor, so why do you think it'll work now?18:34
Festorbut but something is something18:34
FestorI should repet all that I wrote before?18:34
Festorsorry for my bad English18:34
Festorcody-somerville, We should use alsa always, no?18:35
Festorand where is the problem?18:35
Festorplay command does not exist in Ubuntu18:36
cody-somervilleFestor, If making the change doesn't fix the alleged problem then why make the change?18:37
cody-somerville(in terms of a stable release update)18:38
FestorDo not solve the existing problem, but when a new user installs the amsn will not have the problem18:39
FestorIts the same as xdg patch18:39
FestorI think that when amsn create a profile takes the default options18:39
Festorthen all users without this update18:39
Festorhave the problem18:39
Festorbut new user will not18:40
AstralJavaFestor: play command exists, if you install sox.18:40
cody-somervilleSo you're not actually trying to fix *that* specific bug.18:42
FestorAsh-Fox, for default sox is not installed18:42
Festorcody-somerville, That is not possible18:42
FestorFor this we should change the profile of each user of amsn18:43
PiciI'm only sort of following this, but changing the profile of each user is a bit out of the question, why not just add sox as a new dependency or similar to the package?18:45
FestorThat does not ensure that works18:45
Festorbut aplay yes18:45
Festorfrom ubuntu-es.org18:46
Festorit is in spanish but is understand18:46
pochuperhaps amsn should just depend on sox, it doesn't yet18:47
cody-somervilleIt doesn't qualify under debian policy to be a depend, does it?18:47
cody-somervilleHowever, doing that would be better than modifying the default config to use aplay18:49
Festorsorry but this is not the same case as "- Use xdg-open for file manager, and opening files - not just browser."18:50
persiaIs sox already in Recommends: ?  It may just be a manifestation of not installing Recommends:18:50
FestoraMSN calls for a program that does not exist or is not installed18:50
cody-somervillepersia, It is a suggest18:50
Festorand in this case, you use xdg-open18:51
cody-somervilleFestor, But I wasn't doing an SRU18:51
Festorand what?18:51
Festorthere is the same problem18:51
cody-somervilleFestor, Yes and I'd be happy to sponsor your upload for Intrepid.18:52
persiaIf the default config expects it, I'd argue Recommends: is more correct.18:52
cody-somervillepersia, Thats what I was thinking18:52
pochuaccording to http://packages.ubuntu.com/dapper/amsn it depends on sox18:53
pochu(in dapper)18:54
Festorin hardy no18:54
pochubut we are talking about dapper, aren't we?18:54
pochuor is hardy also affected?18:54
Festorat least I18:54
PiciLooks like it was moved to a suggests for Gutsy.18:54
FestorI talking about hardy18:54
Festorand gutsy18:54
pochuah, ok18:54
pochuso does installing sox solve it?18:55
FestorI dont know18:55
persiaWhy was it moved to suggests?  Somehow I'd think that change ought be associated with a config change (which is hard, and violates policy)18:55
pochu  * Moved sox and docker from Depends to Suggests.18:56
pochunothing else in debian/changelog18:56
persiaSee, that's not very informative :(18:56
persiaShould close a bug or provide an explanation, else we don't understand what happened, and nobody is likely to remember anymore.18:57
Festorok, then we should put sox in Deppends?18:57
pochuwe would first need to verify that solves the issue18:58
ScottKFor Intrepid it sounds like recommends is appropriate (it will get installed by default).18:58
cody-somervilleI'll do an upload to Intrepid right now18:58
cody-somervilleOr do we want to use aplay?18:59
Festorcody-somerville, for amsn?18:59
Festoryou can wait a moment?18:59
FestorI have changes for Intrepid (amsn)18:59
pochuI guess docker was moved because it isn't really *needed*18:59
pochu"    System tray for KDE3/GNOME2 docklet applications "18:59
FestorNow I little busy18:59
pochupossibly same for sox18:59
pochuis sound enabled by default in amsn?18:59
pochuso that was probably the reason19:00
Festorsince feisty/gutsy19:00
Festorthere is the problem19:00
pochuI guess we could put it in Recommends for Intrepid, and make it a depends for hardy and gutsy19:00
persiaIf it's not the default config, I'm not sure we ought make it Depends: that installs it on thousands of systems that may not need it.19:01
pochupersia: it is the default config. aplay isn't19:02
pochuit's not enabled by default, though19:02
persiapochu: Being in the default config and not enabled by default confuses me:  I'm refraining from more opinions on the subject until it's a better time of day locally.19:02
highvoltagehowdy motus.19:03
FestorNow I will try sox19:04
highvoltageI lost my gpg key about 18 months ago (and its backup) and created a new one earlier this year. the problem is that it isn't signed by anyone yet19:04
highvoltagecould I still submit debdiffs if I'd like to fix a bug in a package?19:04
pochupersia: sound is disabled by default, but if you enable sound, it will use play, which isn't installed, so sound won't work19:04
pochupersia: so a) we put sox in depends so it's installed, b) we switch to aplay (but that would mean alsa-tools needs to be in depends) or c) we do nothing19:05
pochuthat's how I see it19:05
persiapochu: Right.  And I'm trusting others judgement on this :)19:05
cody-somervillehighvoltage, Doesn't make a difference.19:06
cody-somervillehighvoltage, You aren't signing the upload :)19:06
highvoltagecody-somerville: thanks :)19:06
highvoltageaaah, ok19:06
FestorI can add a plugin for amsn for Intrepid?19:06
cody-somervilleFestor, Maybe. You'd probably package the plugin and if you felt it should be installed by default we could add it as a recommend.19:07
FestorI say add to amsn package19:08
Festorfor Intrepid19:08
Festorit this19:08
FestorDesktop Integration19:08
FestorI have the changes in de source code19:08
Festorfor make a pacth19:08
Festorit only add a name19:08
Festorand put plugin in plugin dir19:09
* persia syncs the REVU keyring19:09
FestorI think that this plugin it is usefull19:09
cody-somervilleFestor, It probably is19:10
FestorAlso I can make a package19:10
Festorfor only this plugin19:10
Festoror at leat I think xD19:10
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Festorsome advice?19:11
Ash-FoxFestor, sox?19:13
FestorAsh-Fox, no19:13
Festorfor the plugin19:13
Festorfor sox I do not have anyone connected to the msn to test if the sox works19:13
Ash-FoxNo, you told me earlier that "Ash-Fox, for default sox is not installed"19:13
Ash-FoxBut I have no idea what you're talking about.19:14
Festorfor default no19:14
Festorat least in hardy19:14
Ash-FoxWhat is sox to begin with?19:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 99605 in amsn "amsn sounds don't play while playing something else" [Low,Confirmed]19:14
Ash-FoxOkay... I don't really know how this is related to me?19:15
FestorI dont know... xD19:15
FestorI new here xD19:15
Festorsorry, I am new here19:15
* Ash-Fox thinks you mistakened him for someone else.19:15
azeemit was a tab-completion error19:17
FestorI think that yes.... :(19:18
slaytonAnybody here familiar with the Falcon Repository management software?19:20
pochuSeveas, but he's not here :)19:20
stochastichi MOTU, I'm beginning to learn about packaging and I stumbled upon this http://mp3splt.sourceforge.net/mp3splt_page/home.php19:23
stochasticmp3split is in the hardy repos as a command line tool, but there's a mp3split-gtk available19:24
stochasticit even is available as a .deb (listed on their site as a ubuntu dapper deb) is there any reason why it's not in the hardy repos?19:24
Festorstochastic, is this package in Debian?19:26
highvoltagecody-somerville: if19:29
stochasticFestor, debian's site is pretty slow, but I'm searching19:30
highvoltageif I make a change to a package, and the current version number is 3.7-2, then should the new version number be 3.7.2ubuntu0 ?19:30
highvoltage3.7-2ubuntu-, even19:31
highvoltageugh, 3.7-2ubuntu019:31
RainCThighvoltage: no, 3.7-2ubuntu119:31
highvoltagethanks RainCT. why a 1 and not a 0 though?19:32
ScottKExcept in exceptional circumstances we start counting at 1.19:32
persiahighvoltage: If you are a diehard "counting begins at 0" person, consider 0 reserved for later use.19:33
stochasticFestor, it doesn't look like it's included in debian's repos anywhere, just on the mp3split website19:33
ScottKOne reason is that if 3.7-2 is in the previous release and it needs a security update, it can be 3.7-2ubuntu0.1 without conflict.19:33
pochustochastic: it doesn't look like it's in Ubuntu either, at least not as "mp3split"19:34
pochuah, it's mp3splt19:34
highvoltagepersia: ok :)19:35
highvoltageScottK: aah19:35
stochasticnow that I take a look at the .deb gdebi package installer tells me that beep-media-player is an unmeetable dependency, so the .deb would need some work before it can be in hardy19:36
ScottKstochastic: That's generally true of their packages.  They freely admit the don't work to Ubuntu quality standards.19:40
highvoltagecool. I have my very first debdff :)19:44
highvoltagenow what do I do with it?19:44
ScottKHave it for lunch?19:45
highvoltageI guess I'll need to submit it somewhere and have it reviewed/sponsored?19:45
ScottKYes.  What does this debdiff purport to do?19:45
highvoltageScottK: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pyro/+bug/17894819:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 178948 in pyro "No init scripts for Pyro Event Server" [Wishlist,New]19:46
highvoltageScottK: it's a low hanging fruit, so I thought it would be a good first bug to fix with a debdiff19:46
ScottKhighvoltage: Attach the debdiff to the bug and subscribe ubuntu-universe-sponsors19:46
highvoltageScottK: ok, will do19:46
Festorcody-somerville, sox not work19:47
FestorI try at least three times19:47
highvoltageScottK: ok, done it! what should I do next? just wait for one of the ubuntu-universe-sponsors to reply?19:49
persiahighvoltage: Indeed.  Note that the queue is about 3 weeks long, although it's not strict FIFO, so it might be a few days.19:50
ScottKhighvoltage: Is there a reason it needs to be explicitly stopped on shutdown/restart?  Can it just die with the system?19:50
ScottKhighvoltage: How did you test it?19:51
highvoltageScottK: I built the package and installed it in a chroot, and checked whether the /etc/default/pyro-nsd and /etc/init.d/pyro-nsd files existed with the correct content19:52
_botohi joaopinto19:52
highvoltageScottK: sorry, I meant s/nsd/esd/19:52
ScottKSo you don't know if the new init actually works?19:53
highvoltageScottK: I just copied the existing pyro-nsd init and default scripts and did a search and replace so that pyro-nsd would be pyro-esd, such as the bug suggested19:53
highvoltageScottK: hmm, you're right, I haven't thought about it like that yet19:53
highvoltageah, it won't start up, because there's nothing that tells update-rc.d to add it.19:54
* highvoltage was a bit trigger-happy here19:55
ScottKAlso change +# Default-Stop:      0 1 6 to +# Default-Stop:      1 unless there is a reason it needs to be explicitly stopped.19:56
=== ZrZ is now known as RzR
Festorcody-somerville, now 2 users say that with sox amsn sound not work20:01
cody-somervilleFestor, okay.20:02
FestorNeIXeR, cody-somerville -> amsn mantainer20:03
joaopintohello _boto20:03
highvoltageScottK: I've made the changes to the init scripts, and added the relevant update-rc.d parts in the post* scripts. should I now update the package version again, or can I just modify my changes file, since this particular package version hasn't been used yet?20:03
_botojoaopinto: did you encounter any problems with VRC?20:03
persiahighvoltage: Just modify the .changes file.  Versions should only be updated on upload.20:03
joaopinto_boto, didn't had time to work on it yet :(20:03
_botono problem ;-)20:04
_botolet me know if you need help20:04
Festorcody-somerville, So that can be done?20:04
joaopintook :)20:04
_botoit would be great to get it into the aptdep page ;-)20:04
cody-somervilleFestor, I'm not sure what you're asking.20:04
_botomaybe once we can get it also into motu ;-)20:05
FestorHow can you fix the problem?20:05
FestorI get more testers but I need time20:05
NeIXeRim the new tester20:06
cody-somervilleFestor, I'll take a look at it this evening. Unfortunately I'm at work right now.20:06
cody-somervillepersia, Who do I need to talk to re: mdt foo?20:07
ScottKLeave the version number the same.20:07
ScottKhighvoltage: ^^20:08
Festorok, I will try to find more testers20:08
highvoltageScottK: thanks20:11
highvoltageok, bug 178948 updated20:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 178948 in pyro "No init scripts for Pyro Event Server" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17894820:13
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Festorcody-somerville, news20:34
cody-somervilleFestor, feed20:34
Festorin Ubuntu 7.04 when user install sox, amsn sound work20:34
Festorbut in Ubuntu 7.10 and 8.04 no20:34
Festorin Ubuntu 7.10 and 8.04 only works with aplay20:35
cody-somervilleGood work20:35
Festorthis means that for 7.04 only need add a dependecy20:36
Festorbut for 7.10 and for 8.04...20:36
Festoruse patch?20:36
FestorI will try find a user of 7.10 with amsn20:37
Festorfor test again20:37
FestorI have 2 user (one me) of 8.0420:37
Festorand 1 of 7.0420:37
null_vectorfor bug 91237, the patch needs to be edited.  Just edit the patch and list that in the changelog20:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 91237 in iriverter "java library not found" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/9123720:38
Festorcody-somerville, sox of 7.04 is not same of sox of 8.0420:40
FestorThe program has fewer packages20:41
FestorScottK, are you here?20:48
FestorI have new about amule package20:49
FestorIn the end, will require patch 2.2.1 with the patch of 2.2.220:49
Festorbecause, 2.2.2 require libupnp320:50
Festorand hardy -> libupnp220:50
Festorso we wait for patch of 2.2.2?20:50
FestorI could make a package?20:50
Festorwhen 2.2.2 release20:51
Festorpackage for me = .diff.gz20:51
Festorcody-somerville, now I have test in Ubuntu 7.04, 7.10 and 8.0420:51
Festorsox only works in 7.0420:52
Festorwait a moment20:53
ScottKFestor: Let's get 2.2.2 into Intrepid first.  Then we'll talk Hardy.20:55
Festorbut 2.2.2 maybe will have a new feature in amule deb package20:57
FestorI find a amule.schemas for add ed2k links of firefox to amule20:57
Festorand works!20:57
FestorI want add this schemas for Intrepid20:57
ScottKFestor: Get the basic one uploaded and then add that later.20:58
Festorcody-somerville, more news and the last21:04
Festorthe problem is only in Ubuntu 8.0421:04
Festorand only gets sound with aplay21:04
FestorI try all that I know21:05
FestorAnd I get help with some testers21:05
* slytherin dances with joy. batik 1.7 built. :-D21:05
slytheringeser: I want a party from you and persia. :-)21:09
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askandHello, is the procedure of getting something in to universe almost the same as getting something in main?21:53
ScottKaskand: The procedure for getting something into Main starts with getting it into Universe.21:55
askandThat I know :) I just want to know how the procedure for getting something in to universe goes21:56
null_vectorAny special procedure to follow when forwarding patches upstream?21:58
geseraskand: completely new package or already packaged in Debian?21:58
ScottKnull_vector: Where is upstream?21:59
null_vectorfindutils on savannah21:59
askandgeser: there wasnt anything particular at the moment really, just interested :) got links or something22:00
jpds!packguide | askand22:02
ubottuaskand: The packaging guide is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages for information on getting a package integrated into Ubuntu - Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment - See also !backports22:02
geseraskand: there are two ways to get a package into universe: a) get it packaged in Debian and sync over and b) through REVU22:02
ScottKnull_vector: My primary advice would be to NOT tout the advantages of using a proprietary bug tracker like Launchpad.22:08
ScottKnull_vector: Do you know for sure it's an upstream issue not related to Ubuntu or Debian packaging?22:08
null_vectoryeah, bug #20243122:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 202431 in findutils "typo in man page of "find"" [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20243122:10
ScottKIs the man page in the upstream part of the package or in the debian dir?22:13
DktrKranzdoes someone know what happened to {ftp-master,incoming}.debian.org ?22:14
tooba2it's not the first time it's down, in the last days22:15
LaneyDktrKranz: I'm guessing something is down, p.d.o is dead too22:15
DktrKranzI hope nothing critical, last time it was horrible22:15
LaneyWhat was it before?22:16
DktrKranzIIRC, some disk crashed and it went down for a week22:16
ajmitchnot all debian hosts are down, at least22:16
null_vectorit's upstream and I've got a patch ready against HEAD22:19
tooba2packages.debian.org up again22:20
tooba2but slow22:20
ScottKvorian: How's that?22:26
=== ember_ is now known as ember
LaneyIf anyone has time, I've a package (btnx) on REVU which could do with a review :)22:41
ScottKLaney: Generally if you give a link your odds go up.22:44
LaneyScottK: Right, went for terseness. http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?package=btnx22:44
tooba2Laney: in the description there is a typo: "it's buttons" should be "its buttons"22:47
LaneyI knew I should have proof read that closer ;)22:49
Laney(copied from upstream)22:49
LaneyActually, that bit should probably be rewritten a bit anyway22:49
norsettolaney: If the license is GPL-2 change the pointer in debian/copyright to /usr/share/common-licenses/GPL-222:55
Laneynorsetto: Check22:55
tooba2Laney: do you already know about "script-in-etc-init.d-not-registered-via-update-rc.d" lintian error?22:56
Laneytooba2: I did not see that22:56
Laneytooba2: Ah, I didn't run lintian on the deb, good catch!22:58
norsettolaney: also, change Section: universe/utils to utils only22:58
norsettolaney: do we have btnx-config?22:58
Laneynorsetto: That's awaiting REVU too ;)22:59
tooba2open question to expert MOTUs: if they depend each one on the other, does it make sense to split them?23:00
LaneyThey're two separate codebases upstream23:01
Laney(and btnx doesn't technically depend on -config, I've reworded that part)23:01
tooba2I see23:01
norsettotooba2: dependency loops shall be avoid unless necessary (which is the case in only few cases)23:01
Laneynorsetto: Is it valid to put -config as a Suggests: though?23:02
tooba2norsetto: thanks. Good night, everybody (whenever it will be for you)23:02
norsettoLaney: no idea what -config does, will it enhance the btnx package?23:02
Laneynorsetto: It lets you configure it23:03
norsettoLaney: what I mean is, will btnx run without it? Will it be better with it?23:03
LaneySo then you'd have -config depends: btnx and btnx suggests: -config23:03
LaneyYes, it'll be better with it. I don't know if you can configure btnx without -config, actually.23:04
norsettoLaney: well, then btnx-config shall be a dep of btnx23:04
Laneynorsetto: But that would be a dependency loop23:04
norsettoLaney: no, because btnx-config won't depend on btnx23:05
norsettoLaney: from what you tell me, you can install btnx-config (even though it will be useless), while you can install btnx without btnx-config23:06
norsettoLaney: "while you can't install btnx without btnx-config" even23:06
Laneynorsetto: You can install both without the other, but I don't know if you'd ever want to23:06
LaneyI'm thinking btnx-config depends on btnx and btnx recommends/suggests -config, so as not to create a loop if this is legal.23:07
LaneyThere could be a time in the future when we get btnx-config-qt, for example23:08
Laneyor a console version, whatever.23:08
norsettoLaney: it all depends (pun intended) if btnx can be used without the gui23:08
Laneynorsetto: It can be used but not configured AIUI23:09
norsettoLaney: can it be configured manually!?23:10
* Laney checks23:11
norsettoLaney: having this binary in /usr/sbin is against the FHS in my opinion23:13
Laneynorsetto: Right. You can configure it by editing a file in /etc/btnx, although it's not very friendly. But possible.23:13
norsettoLaney: ok, I would make btnx-config a recommend of btnx and no deps in btnx-config on btnx23:15
Laneynorsetto: Are you sure? -config is useless without btnx23:15
Laneyand re: the FHS, btnx runs as a daemon. Does that affect whether it lives in /usr/sbin?23:15
norsettoLaney: it doesn't matter if its a daemon or not, the FHS is pretty clear on what can go there: http://www.pathname.com/fhs/pub/fhs-2.3.html#SBINSYSTEMBINARIES23:16
Laneynorsetto: I will put it in /usr/bin then23:18
norsettoLaney: the alternative is to have btnx stand alone and btnx-config have a dep on btnx23:18
Laneynorsetto: That's what I have now. I think that approach is more correct IMO - just didn't know whether btnx could (or even should) recommend or suggest btnx-config.23:18
norsettoLaney: mind you that the alternative its pretty standrd for programs which have stand-alone guis23:19
LaneyI guess I'm thinking of a situation where you just install btnx and copy the config file around23:20
norsettoLaney: in the README it says "23:21
norsettoYou must install23:21
norsettoand run btnx-config before btnx will work23:21
Laneynorsetto: Yeah, upstream says that. But it does work without it23:21
norsettoLaney: do you need (>= 0.21) for pkg-config?23:22
Laneynorsetto: I got that from upstream23:25
LaneyWhich is another way of saying that I don't know ;)23:25
norsettoLaney: where is that? In his webpage? 'cause there is no version check in his configure23:28
Laneynorsetto: He has a PPA version which has that b-d23:29
norsettoLaney: looks fishy to me, I would just use pkg-config, not that we really want to backport this to dapper but, if its not needed, lets not use it23:30
LaneyOK, I guess it doesn't matter23:30
* Laney also removes debhelper b-d as that is pulled in by cdbs23:31
norsettoLaney: add copyright in debian/copyright, note that there is something funky in revoco.c23:33
LaneyOoh, good catch23:34
norsettoLaney: file revoco.c has no copyrights (it was written by an animal) :-)23:34
norsettoLaney: that is from btnx.c23:35
taconeanimals ?23:35
* Laney has no idea what that means23:35
Laneynorsetto: http://nion.modprobe.de/blog/archives/535-Fun-with-copyright.html23:36
* Laney gets even more confused, very weird23:37
norsettoLaney: and the init file is just s**t, you should rewrite it from scratch23:37
norsettoLaney: forget that. I was looking at the wrong file (phew)23:39
Laneynorsetto: The init file thing?23:39
norsettoLaney: yes, why is cdbs not adding adequate prerm, postinst scripts? God bless cdbs23:40
LaneyHmm, I guess this is why the update-rc.d warning is happening23:41
* Laney digs23:41
norsettoLaney: anyhow, give a through check to the init file, it looks like if it fails will make the package uninstallable and unremovable23:42
LaneyOh whoops, looks like I've had btnx-config installed all along, and it *is* a dep after all.23:46
norsettoLaney: then we have no choice, btnx depends on btnx-config and btnx-config doesn't relate to btnx23:54
Laneynorsetto: Yes, I've done that23:55
LaneyAnd I agree with you about the init file, needs a bit of work23:55
norsettogotta go now, see you all again23:55

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