[00:16] hi, I'd like to file a bug on Launchpad bug thingie about it's inability to sanitize bug reports. Where would it be appropriate? [00:17] is it apport bug, launchpad bug report bug or launchpad bug? [00:23] Myrtti: against malone I should think === Rinchen changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Next meeting, all welcome: Thu 10 July 2008, 1800UTC #launchpad-meeting | Help: https://help.launchpad.net | Questions and spam reports: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com [00:24] changed date for next mtg [01:14] hi all. does LP still automatically close bugs? [01:15] I thought so [01:16] oh well. :/ thanks for the reply. [01:16] kgoetz: did you check the syntax? [01:16] LaserJock: syntax for what? === kgoetz changed the topic of #launchpad to: #easyubuntu [01:17] wtf? [01:17] i wanted the topic *of* easyubuntu :O === LaserJock changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Next meeting, all welcome: Thu 10 July 2008, 1800UTC #launchpad-meeting | Help: === kgoetz changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Next meeting, all welcome: Thu 10 July 2008, 1800UTC #launchpad-meeting | Help: https://help.launchpad.net | Questions and spam reports: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com [01:17] https://help.launchpad.net | Questions and spam reports: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad | Channel logs: [01:17] man [01:17] crazyness. [01:17] ok [01:17] kgoetz: what do you mean by automatically close bugs? [01:18] you mean the Incomplete ones, or closing when uploading? [01:18] LaserJock: it was closing them after 60 days. (incomplete ones?) [01:18] oh, right [01:18] I think that was shut of a long time ago [01:19] I think perhaps it just marks bugs now instead of closing them [01:19] *but* I could be way off [01:20] cool. might start using 'incomplete' again *g* [01:20] well, you don't want to use it for longstanding bugs [01:38] where can i get help on the 'active' vs 'inactive' team member status? [01:38] kgoetz: Inactive just means they've left the team or expired. [01:38] Why does there need to be help on it? [01:38] It's fairly clear. [01:39] wgrant: its fairly clear, if you know what 'inactive' is meant to mean. [01:39] Not...active. [01:40] and when does one go from "not active" to "active"? when awake? when at work? after 666 hours? [01:40] and vica versa i guess [01:43] hmm, that is actually a good point [01:43] mpt: ^^ [01:43] "active" sort of does imply there is a criteria [01:44] and if you don't meet it you're "inactive" [01:51] is there a bug open against LP about being unable to remove bugs you commented on from your bugs list? i thought there was one, but i'm unable to find it at the moment. [01:52] hmm, I wouldl've just gone to the bugs I wanted [01:53] kgoetz: Why not just go to one of the lists that doesn't have the bugs you've commented on? [01:55] wgrant: not sure i follow you [01:55] kgoetz: If you don't want your commented bugs to be in your bugs list, go to one that doesn't include commented bugs instaed. [01:58] how does that work with bugs i'm subscribd to and have commented on? [01:58] tbh this feels rather work-aroundish [01:59] kgoetz: so go to the list of subscribed bugs [01:59] kgoetz: does that not work? [01:59] Much like if I don't want a list of all Ubuntu bugs, I won't go to the page which lists all Ubuntu bugs. [02:00] If I don't want all bugs I've commented on, I won't go to the page that displays them. [02:02] LaserJock: yeah, it does. guess i can ignore the 'all related bugs' link. [02:02] kgoetz: I do unless I want to see everything [02:03] LaserJock: i want to see everything thats still relevent ;) [02:04] afk. company meting ;| [06:46] you know, package subscription is really broken [06:47] it's very inconsistent and difficult to work with that a team can be subscribed to a package, but is subscribed to *none* of the bugs [08:26] Hello, is there anyway to send a message to all team members, a team that I own? [08:35] mwhudson: is the rule that only svn trunk branches are imported definitive? see question #38158 for background. We would like to track an experimental branch of a project in order to provide test packages in a PPA [08:56] Is there any way for us to configure launchpad mailing lists to "reply to list" ? [09:41] cprov: Is there any way to see stable updates now? [09:41] cprov: It seems that copies don't even appear on +queue. [09:42] wgrant: SRU were already there, what do you mean exactly ? [09:43] cprov: Well, one can't see when things move to -updates, or security uploads once s-i-s is used. [09:43] And I'm sure people care more about seeing updates post-release than pre-release. [09:44] wgrant: no, s-i-s won't help it. [09:44] wgrant: the copies have timestamp in the publishing history, no ? [09:45] cprov: Correct, but there's no way to find what was updated. [09:45] I can find what has happened to package X fine, but I don't know to look for package X. [09:45] Whereas previously everything appeared on -changes, as copying was impossible. [09:46] wgrant: uhm, I don't think we have a bug filed about it. [09:46] I guess what is really needed it a feed of BPPs. [09:46] Er, SPPs. [09:46] wgrant: it's a good point, users should be able to see the publishing history per suite [09:47] That would be wonderful. [09:47] Shall I file it? [09:47] a feed of history - nice idea [09:48] wgrant: yes, please [09:48] wgrant: don't get too excited about the 'feeds' right now ;) [09:52] Bug #245434 [09:52] Launchpad bug 245434 in soyuz "Need view of publishing history by DistroSeries" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/245434 [09:53] wgrant: thank you! [09:54] No, thank you for not shooting it down. [09:56] wgrant: err, i never shoot your bugs down, they are always great ideas :) [09:56] I doubt it. [09:58] wgrant: don't, check your reported-bugs list and you will believe me. === Yhouse|off is now known as Yhouse [10:00] True. [10:02] hello, The Smart Package Manager Team has recently started using Translations as the upstream for out translations. I have imported a couple of user contributed translations. they have been stuck in the queue for a few days. What do I need to do to fix this? [10:02] *our [10:03] they are stuck at needs review === mdz_ is now known as mdz [10:36] In the mentoring-reception, we have a bzr branch with some stuff in it. Apparently only me, as the admin, has write access to this branch. Is this correct? Can I extend write access to ALL member of the team? [10:37] norsetto: That's not correct. [10:37] All members of a team owning a branch can push to it. [10:37] can I get some help with the translation feature? [10:38] rasker: I believe there's a bit of a backlog - maybe wait a couple more days. [10:38] wgrant: members of the team are getting this message when trying to push " bzr: ERROR: bzrlib.errors.UnlockableTransport: Cannot lock: transport is [10:38] read only: Templates only have to be approved like this once - updates to them go through automatically. [10:38] norsetto: bzr launchpad-login [10:38] It doesn't know that user's username, so is using HTTP rather than bzr+ssh. [10:39] wgrant: ok, so its probably a setup error on the member's side [10:39] wgrant: actually I think there is an issue with the imported files. These files add languages to a template. Is there any way I can see what problem tranlations is having so I can correct it? [10:39] norsetto: It is. They need to run `bzr launchpad-login ` [10:39] rasker: They need to be approved by a human the first time. [10:40] wgrant: ok, thanks, btw do you have any idea how long it takes for a team mailing list to be approved? [10:40] wgrant: ok I saw that. I have imported a bunch around the same time and they all got in pretty quick (~1-2days) [10:40] norsetto: It is probably inversely proportional to square of the number of times you poke a ML admin. [10:40] Although it will always happen eventually, it can always be sped up. [10:41] wgrant: well, its the first time I poke, and I submitted the request 1 week ago ... [10:42] launchpad is swampped with it's success :) [10:43] wgrant: would the human who looks at the translation provide feedback if there was a problem? or would the files just stay in the queue? [10:43] rasker: It would be a very strange design decision to have them left in the queue. [10:44] So I suspect you'll be complained at if somebody finds a problem with it. [10:44] wgrant: ok cool, thanks for answering my questions [10:46] <\sh> dear launchpad database admin + webadmin: please forgive the test of py-lp-bugs -> fetch projectlists test... [10:47] \sh: I'll be listening to the news for the explosion in London. [10:47] <\sh> wgrant: hehe [10:47] Though lucas succeeded in mirroring all Ubuntu bugs. [10:47] wgrant: since when are you working for LP? [10:48] norsetto: I'm not. [10:48] <\sh> wgrant: well, 94 page requests + start= + batch=75 is not good for the load on the db servers imho...I'll set the batch size to 300 the next size...that should decrease the load a little...;) [10:49] <\sh> and as always: introducing new features is only doable with pain for others ,-) [11:30] Goooooooooooooooooooooooood morning Launchpadders! [11:30] kgoetz, where do you see the word "inactive" anywhere? Can you give an example URL? [11:31] <\sh> phew...fetching the project list works now as expected for py-lp-bugs [11:32] mpt: Only in the portlet on the left. [11:32] Membership: [11:32] 41 active members [11:32] 10 inactive members [11:33] But the body still uses 'active', though not 'inactive'. [11:46] kgoetz, I reported bug 245469 based on your question about excluding bug reports you've commented on [11:46] Launchpad bug 245469 in malone "+assignedbugs, +subscribedbugs, +reportedbugs, +commentedbugs, +bugs are inflexibly redundant" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/245469 [11:47] popey, no, and that's by design. Ask your friendly mail client vendor to add a "Reply to List" button. [11:54] wgrant, ah, I see. Reported as bug 245472. [11:54] Launchpad bug 245472 in launchpad "Team page refers confusingly to "inactive" members" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/245472 [12:01] mpt: kinda knew you'd say that :) [12:01] fact is it's configurable in mailman, it isn't in launchpad [12:01] which says to me that mailman has features that launchpad doesn't [12:01] making it less attractive from a mailman admin pov [12:02] Yes, one of the LP developers is one of the mailman core developers [12:02] or in other words [12:02] barry: your public popey aways [12:02] *awaits* [12:02] as opposed to a private popey? :-) [12:04] * persia suspects a dropped comma [12:06] Personally i dont mind, I use gods own mail client Mutt, so can cope, but some users just hate it [12:06] 12:05:59 < Bassetts> in thunderbird do I "Reply All" to send to the list then? because its saying its going to popey with the list in CC [12:06] ^ it's people like him, users === bigjools_ is now known as bigjools [12:08] popey: There's the replytolist plugin for thunderbird... [12:09] passed that on, thanks persia === mrevell is now known as mrevell-lunch [12:15] Where ended up the "Help" button which was at the left of every page in launchpad? [12:22] andrea-bs: in html heaven :) [12:23] andrea-bs: it is being replaced by a different type of inline help, where appropriate [12:24] intellectronica: interesting, thanks [12:26] intellectronica: can I propose to put help strings in a public bzr branch so the doc team will be able to access them? [12:27] andrea-bs: that's a very interesting idea! maybe talk to mrevell-lunch about it? (once he had his lunch - i wouldn't bother with a hungry mrevell) [12:28] andrea-bs: another option would be to use the translations system somehow [12:28] intellectronica: yes, this would be nice :) === matsubara-afk is now known as matsubara === mrevell-lunch is now known as mrevell [13:06] andrea-bs: Hey, that's a good idea and one we've spoken about previously. [13:07] andrea-bs: I'll speak to some of the other guys on the team about the best way to go about it. [13:07] mrevell: great, thanks [13:08] mrevell: feel free to ping me if you need ;) [13:08] andrea-bs: Sure, will do. I plan to start work on it next week, so expect to hear from me :) === emgent_ is now known as emgent === thekorn_ is now known as thekorn === luisbg_ is now known as luisbg [15:46] hi folks [16:15] hi [16:16] "The server is temporarily unable to service your request due to maintenance downtime or capacity problems. Please try again later." is that expect when trying to access the librarian? [16:16] hum, seems to work again now [16:18] seb128, yep, I quick update was done right now :-) [16:18] ok [16:18] mpt, thanks === salgado is now known as salgado-lunch [17:25] * Yhouse e' away (Sto andando via) === Yhouse is now known as Yhouse|off === salgado-lunch is now known as salgado === asac_ is now known as asac === ryanakca is now known as Guest7804 === ryanakca_ is now known as ryanakca === Yhouse|off is now known as Yhouse [21:16] hello [21:16] any launchpad admin here please ? ^^ [21:19] Rafik: probably. Just ask you question and see if someone knows the answer or can help you in any other way. If its too confidential to ask on a public chanel, then email is probably the way to go :-) [21:20] Hi klette, thanks [21:20] I think I'll send an email :) === Yhouse|off is now known as Yhouse [23:22] Evening all. [23:28] Haha, thanks to that bug, "Launchpad no longer mirrors this branch, because 5 attempts failed.". [23:45] When you first push a branch to Launchpad, how long does it typically take to scan? [23:58] normally a minute or two bbommarito [23:58] at least for updates that's the norm