
AwsoonnI would like to know how I can find out if a commit made to xorg has made it to 8.1000:11
Awsoonnhow shall I do this? commit d3c36fe721edc55636438bc3e0e7a6c03f62784e00:12
bryceAwsoonn: ok first you need to know which package that commit was to00:12
brycenow, there might be an easier way, but here's how I do it:00:13
bryce1.  Go to http://gitweb.freedesktop.org/ and find the package, click on it00:13
bryce2.  Click on one of the 'commit' links00:14
bryce3.  in the Location bar, delete the h=... stuff, and paste in your commit id00:14
bryceso it looks like this might be your commit?  http://gitweb.freedesktop.org/?p=xorg/xserver.git;a=commit;h=d3c36fe721edc55636438bc3e0e7a6c03f62784e00:14
bryce4.  apt-get source xorg-server00:16
bryce5.  Look at the code in the patch for that commit id, and compare it against the corresponding file in the xorg-server code00:16
bryceSometimes it's enough to simply compare the date on the commit log message against the release date of the package.  But there can be some rare cases where that's not enough.00:17
bryceoh, another thing to check, if you *don't* see the code in the codebase, make sure to also peek in debian/patches/ to see if that patch is already present there00:18
Awsoonnok, gotcha. Thanks Bryce00:18
bryce(I'm sure the above sounds like a PITA... and it sort of is, but that's what I do)00:18
tjaaltonyou can also just search for the commit id00:19
tjaaltonselect the branch that the current release has, and search for the commit there00:20
tjaaltonor git pull the source and grep from git log :P00:20
tjaaltongit clone not pull00:22
pwnguinwhat should I do about bug reports in hardware I don't have? they've provided good information, but im not sure I can mark it confirmed00:43
brycepwnguin: if they've provided all the typical info we ask of users as per X/Reporting, then I typically go ahead and mark them Triaged00:44
brycegenerally at that point, unless there's a task for us to do in Ubuntu for them, the next step is to report them upstream.00:45
pwnguintriaged requires super abilities00:47
Awsoonnsomeone with those abilities, 242984 need status set as well00:50
Awsoonnpwnguin: post the bug number and hopefully someone can set it for you :)00:51
LaserJockpwnguin: you don't have such super powers?00:52
pwnguinLaserJock: is this astonishing?00:53
LaserJockpwnguin: I would've thought you had00:55
pwnguinive never needed it00:56
pwnguinmost of the time i can confirm and move from there00:56
pwnguinbut i dont have a usb tablet00:56
bryceI've updated 24298400:56
LaserJockthe "super powers" thing started since I've been a MOTU (and hence automatically have powers) so i forget they exist00:57
AwsoonnI've been waiting a month to break the Kyrptonite shackles :p00:59
pwnguinanother question01:06
pwnguinrecently a Toshiba-Tablet group was formed01:06
pwnguinwhat's the best way to create a group specific list of bugs without interfering with the rest of ubuntu?01:07
LaserJockpwnguin: subscribing the team to the relevant packages?01:08
pwnguinbug tags? subscriptions? assignment seems like it might not work01:08
pwnguinLaserJock: HAL is a relevant package, but not every bug is relevant to toshiba hardware01:08
pwnguinmaybe just subscribing to relevant bugs01:08
LaserJockif you want you can subscribe to individual bugs01:09
brycepwnguin: sounds like a job for tagging01:09
pwnguinif i do that, will it dump subscribed bugs to the ML?01:09
pwnguinbryce: im not sure whether tagging is any better than subscribing01:09
pwnguinadditionally, it pollutes the tagspace ;)01:09
LaserJockpwnguin: it depends on if the ML is is set as the team contact01:09
pwnguini guess the next question is, do I want that?01:12
pwnguinor perhaps, does the team want that?01:12
LaserJockI generally tend to not and then let the bugmail go to all the team members individually01:12
LaserJockbugmail going to a mailing list tends to just turn into spam and makes it harder to really have a discussion01:13
LaserJockon the other hand, if the team is basically just doing bug work then maybe it'd make sense01:14
bryceogasawara: #68440 seems to also be a misfiled kernel bug01:30
bryceok, all of the Confirmed->Triaged tasks are done01:35
pwnguinoh, today's a hug day01:40
pwnguini wondered why people were doing things01:41
* bryce chuckles01:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 244993 in wacom-tools "mapping incorrect with widescreen" [Undecided,Incomplete]01:41
pwnguinbryce: can you think of anything else that report needs?01:41
pwnguini guess i should mark it undecided if i dont know01:44
brycethat's sufficient, it can be set to triaged01:45
brycepwnguin: next step would be to forward it upstream01:45
pwnguini just wanted to have a look at the configuration options again before I did that01:46
Awsoonn39 bugs in Confirmed status.... DONE! Way2Go Bryce~ :)01:47
jkary_hello.  I am using pbuilder to test a patch to apt-get.  I can't seem to figure out how to use pbuilder --login to load the apt package I've built.  Every time I try to test I get the original apt-get version.  What am I doing wrong?02:17
Awsoonnjkary_:  you may want to ask in #ubuntu-devel I think they might know more about that stuff02:40
* persia turns on all the lights03:29
bddebianBOO! :)03:30
RAOFbddebian: To slow to catch persia, it seems :)03:32
persiaRAOF: But today was extra-loud: to compensate.03:32
bddebianAye :)03:33
kgoetzis the 5-a-day build-dep on cdbs a hard dependancy? 0.4.49 i only have 0.4.48 here.03:50
persiakgoetz: I don't see anything special in the 0.4.49 changelog.  You might try with 0.4.48, but no promises.03:52
crimsundoesn't seem to be.03:52
kgoetzthanks both, i'll give it a go.03:53
Awsoonnbug #230571 status should be set to -triaged- but I lack super cow powers, someone care to do the job for me? :)06:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 230571 in xorg "Monitor input not supported" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/23057106:56
LaserJockAwsoonn: done06:58
AwsoonnLaserJock: bug #243860 too if you don't mind. :)07:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 243860 in xorg "Dell Inspiron 1420n Touchpad Stopped Working in Hardy" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24386007:02
LaserJockAwsoonn: done07:04
thekornmorning Iulian08:02
IulianHello thekorn!08:04
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thekornafflux: guten morgen10:22
affluxhuh... thought I wrote "morning" or something. Will make a coffee in a minute :P10:22
affluxa friend of mine is experiencing bug 200841, but he has no idea how to get either a crash file or a stacktrace. Will apport generate a crash file for that issue or do I have to generate a wrapper script for gdm?10:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 200841 in gdm "gdm[5020]: WARNING: main daemon: Got SIGABRT. Something went very wrong. Going down!" [Medium,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20084110:23
afflux(apport, when enabled, of course)10:23
seb128afflux: I'm not sure that apport catches SIGABRTs10:25
affluxhm, looking10:26
persiaafflux: Understanding the bug requires attaching the debugger to gdm, and somehow trapping it for a trace at the time it ends.  Personally, I suspect this is a side-effect of the unsafe-shutdown-for-speed efforts: it's not important that gdm crashes, as long as it reinits cleanly when coming back up.10:26
seb128honestly that would be better placed upstream, I don't think we have anybody in the team knowing well the gdm code10:26
affluxindeed, it does not seem so: sh -c 'kill -ABRT $$'  didn't do anything useful.10:27
seb128and the bug has no detail on the issue or how to trigger it10:27
persiaseb128: Do you not have the message in your logs on reboot?10:27
seb128persia: no, no such message neither on my laptop or desktop apparently10:28
persiaI don't see it either, and the user doesn't provide information about in which logfile they found the error.  I don't think this bug is in a fit state to go upstream.10:29
persiaafflux: Could you maybe track down the specifics of the problem with your friend, update the bug report, and push upstream?  At minimum, it needs the specific log file and some information as to whether this happens every time or just once in a while.10:30
affluxalright, will try so.10:30
seb128persia: right, I was not suggesting to send the current bug upstream, though upstream might have suggestions on how to get useful informations on such issues10:31
persiaseb128: Maybe, although I suspect upstream would prefer to have some guidance as to which logfile, etc.10:32
persiaI also think we ought not have triaged the bug the way we did: we never asked the submitter for any details about the problem beyond an apport trace (which wouldn't happen), and then marked it invalid.10:33
persiaBetter to link and push upstream, I'd think.10:33
affluxis there a way to automate gdb? ie. when catching a sigabrt, do thead apply all bt full10:33
persiaafflux: There are ways to tell gdb to trap sigabrt interactively, and stop for activity.  For a gdm crash, you can probably launch gdb from a VT, attach it to the running gdm, tell it to trap the signal, and write a logfile with the backtrace, and then reproduce the issue.  As long as you put the file in a good location, it should be available for review on reboot.10:35
persiaAs to how to do this specifically, I can only point you at the gdb manual.10:35
* persia *really* likes apport because it saves the hassle of using gdb most of the time10:35
affluxhehe, alright. thanks, I'll have a look.10:36
popeymorning all, I have a problem.. an app causes x to explode sometimes, sending me back to GDM. I know which app and i can probably reproduce it, is there some trace/log of x that I could get to file a bug?11:15
\shpopey: /var/log/X* ?11:15
popeydoesn't seem to be much in there11:15
\shpopey: strace <app> &> strace.app.log11:16
\shand eventually starting X with a higher debug level ;)11:17
popeyok, will trace the app11:17
popeythanks \sh11:17
popeyhow would i bump the xorg trace level?11:18
persiapopey: You may also find some of the resources linked from https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Debugging useful11:20
popeythanks persia11:22
popeymiro.real: Fatal IO error 1 (Operation not permitted) on X server :0.0.11:24
popeyfrom the strace. . not much to go on :)11:24
persiapopey: Excellent find.  Now, install the miro -dbgsyms, and run miro from a VT under gdb (with DISPLAY set).  That lets you get the bt from miro after X crashes.11:38
popeypersia: i started going through https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Backtracing11:55
popeyand in a VT when i do the attach, gdb (and x) freezes, so i can't type "cont"11:56
popeybug 223579 appears to be what I'm getting so i wanted to attach the x backtrace to it11:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 223579 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "X crash: libextmod.so(XvdiPutImage) on i945 when playing videos in miro" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/22357911:56
persiapopey: Can you not get to the BT with Alt-F2 or the like?  Maybe try attaching from an ssh session?11:57
popeyi will try gdm over ssh, yes11:58
popeysorry, gdb11:58
persiaIdeally you'll want to get 20-30 frames of trace, ideally for both miro and X.  There's something about the video rendering and EXT that people have complained about, and this is likely that bug.11:59
popeyok, will see what I can do12:00
persiapopey: Thanks.  Good luck with it.12:00
popeyhmm, whilst gdb is attached, miro crashed this time but didn't take x with it!12:13
popeyah, got it this time12:15
popeycan I dump this "backtrace full" out to disk?12:16
james_w_popey: there's a gdb command to set an output file12:18
popeyonce it's already running and the app has crashed?12:19
popeyor is this something that should be set before?12:19
james_w_set logging file gdb-<program>.txt12:19
james_w_set logging on12:19
popeyah, ok12:19
james_w_I hope that's the right thing12:19
popeyhttp://launchpadlibrarian.net/15820752/gdb-miro.txt does that look comprehensive enough?12:24
persiapopey: That is exceptionally helpful from a miro perspective.12:28
james_w_popey: yep, looks pretty comprehensive. Incomprehensible, but comprehensive.12:28
* persia disagrees with "incomprehensible"12:29
persiapopey: Looks like an issue with the Xv call.  Given the trace bryce found earlier, I'm tempted to blame X.  That said, it's also worth a task against miro, as miro ought detect the failure and give you an error message, rather than blindly continuing to do things assuming X works.12:30
popeythanks for the help guys12:30
popeythat makes sense12:30
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pedro_hey good morning Awsoonn15:27
AwsoonnG'morin' pedro_~15:28
Awsoonnpedro_: What must one do to become approved for Bug Control?15:30
pedro_Awsoonn: ah there's a wiki page with instructions about that https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBugControl15:31
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dholbachGlobal Bug Jam Preparation Session in #ubuntu-meeting in 16 minutes.16:43
* parthan joins in16:55
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bliZZardzw.r.t bug #229575 - this looks like a valid request. i am able to find this right from feisty(not sure abt versions before that :) ) - should this be taken up during packaging?17:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 229575 in python-cherrypy "cherrypy tutorial files in wrong directory" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/22957517:34
yuriybddebian: in LP you can sort by "least recently changed". any way to get this with bugnumbers?17:34
yuriysorry, bdmurray ^17:37
yuriyor perhaps pedro_ ^?17:43
pedro_yuriy: i'm using last comment (lc) and sort for that17:45
yuriypedro_: the man page doesn't mention that one17:47
yuriypedro_: you good with a hug day next tuesday?17:48
pedro_perhaps --help ?17:48
pedro_yuriy: I'm not going to be around a lot next Tuesday but if you want to run the KDE one there that's ok for me ;-)17:49
yuriypedro_: hmm --lc lets me specify a specific date? or can I get it to do before some date?17:51
pedro_yuriy: yes, for example you can use it like: --lc=d:<2008-06-17 and grab all the ones before that date17:52
thekornyuriy, do you mean something like    bugnumbers -p firefox --sort=-recently_changed18:19
thekornthis is not in bugnumbers (yet), but supported by python-launchpad-bugs18:19
thekornI plan to update bugnumbers at the beginning of the next week, so I will add this functionality18:19
bliZZardzi am looking at some old bugs .. bug #174160 - am not sure what(if at all mentioned) the problem is !18:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 174160 in straw "Straw doesn't handle gnome proxy settings" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17416018:21
yuriythekorn: yep, nice18:23
AwsoonnBug #23996418:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 239964 in xorg "xorg;conf lost at hardy upgrade, screen resolution cannot be set" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/23996418:27
Awsoonnthe output of sudo ddcprobe does not give the edid of the monitor, is there something that can be done about this bug?18:28
Rocket2DMnquestion: should this bug be marked as Won't Fix: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gvfs/+bug/244779 - the OP is opening a bug upstream and was using Edgy (no longer supported)18:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 244779 in gvfs "permission denied when removing a directory via SSH" [Low,Incomplete]18:29
techno_freakRocket2DMn, as Edgy is not supported any more [1] it's invalid... [2] but still ask him to confirm whether he can reproduce it with gutsy or hardy?18:45
Rocket2DMntechno_freak, it is unlikely he will try and reproduce it, he's using a server18:45
Rocket2DMnif he does anything, he should just reinstall fresh with Hardy18:46
techno_freakRocket2DMn, please ask him before closing, to be on safer side18:46
techno_freakRocket2DMn, if he doesnt respond, it expires and you can close it.18:46
Rocket2DMnok, should i just ask him to try hardy? or any supported version?18:47
techno_freakRocket2DMn, Hardy (though intrepid would be awesome) ;)18:48
Rocket2DMnyeah but hardy is LTS18:49
ograrather ask him for the upstream bug id and set up a bugtask for that than just closing it as invalid18:50
Rocket2DMnogra, what is a bugtask18:50
ograthere is hardy technology (gvfs) involved18:50
ograyou can click on "also affects project" and link to another bugtracker18:51
ograchanges there will then automatically update the bug in launchpad18:51
Rocket2DMnok, then just add the link huh?18:51
Rocket2DMnwhat status do i put the bug into?18:51
ograsince he said he would open an upstream bug t gnome for gvfs18:51
ograkeep it as inclomplete and ask the guy to give you the gnome bugnumber18:52
ograif he adds that, create the upstream task with the "also affects project" button on the bugpage18:52
Rocket2DMnogra, if i just get the link, is that enough?18:53
ograyou just need the bugnumber18:54
Rocket2DMnso where it says "I have the URL for the upstream bug" I just put the number with a # sign?18:54
ograif you click on "also affects. ..." it will give you a pulldown ... select gnome there, then enter the number into the input field and LP will do the monitoring18:54
Rocket2DMnlike "@12345"18:54
Rocket2DMnshoot #1234518:54
ograLP will moan if you do it wrong ;)18:55
ograand tell you :)18:55
Rocket2DMnAlso Affects Project18:55
ograright thats the button18:55
Rocket2DMnthen click Choose another project18:55
ograbut you need the numer first18:55
ograexactly ... there select gnome18:55
Rocket2DMnis there actually a package that is just "gnome"18:57
Rocket2DMnogra, i requested the information, i will probably come back here if/when the OP responds so i can be sure i do this right19:00
Rocket2DMni have to go right now, thank you for helping19:00
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chrisccoulsongot an intrepid bug here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24/+bug/24518021:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 245180 in linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24 "package linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24-19-generic failed to install/upgrade: " [Undecided,New]21:51
chrisccoulsonlooks like lrm failed to install during hardy -> intrepid upgrade21:52
chrisccoulsonthis guy has reported the same bug 3 times21:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 3 in rosetta "Custom information for each translation team" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/321:52
chrisccoulsonnot sure how to handle this one really. not even sure whether the reporter realises it's a development release21:53
chrisccoulson245382 and 245506 look identical21:53
undadecorI'm triaging a bug report and the reporter is requesting that a package be added to the standard install of the python package.  What is the proper response to these types of reports?22:13

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