
loolhttp://joze100s.wordpress.com/category/samsung/ says it's an arm00:01
amortvigilhow did you find that i spent the whole night to find that lool 00:03
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jerryfanis there any way to emit fake acpi event by command line?09:59
LTSPTNKguys, is it possible to install Ubuntu 8.04 MID on eee pc?10:11
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LTSPTNKI have EEE PC 701 and it wont boot on Ubuntu MID image?10:12
LTSPTNKI mean I burned the image to CD and using USB cd drive10:13
ograit will likely only work on the atom models10:15
ograand you should rather use dd and make a binary 1:1 copy of the image to a usb key an boot from that 10:16
ograi doubt it will "just boot" from an iso you mak of it without modifying bootfiles etc10:17
LTSPTNKbut isnt the 700MHz celeron part of McCaslin platform?10:36
LTSPTNKOr so I thought?10:36
LTSPTNKOgra, how do I make that copy? 10:37
persiaLTSPTNK: Nope.  McCaslin is A100 or A11010:37
LTSPTNKThe Intel processors A100 and A110 are x86 architecture low-power microprocessors (code-named Stealey), with a Dothan core derived from the Intel Pentium M, built on a 90 nm process with 512KB L2 cache and 400MHz front side bus (FSB).10:37
persiaNote that some other chips can boot a McCaslin environment, but aren't properly McCaslin.  The C7-M cannot boot McCaslin.10:37
LTSPTNKand this Celeron is most definatly based on Dothan Core, so it should support all the same features10:38
persiaRight.  McCaslin is Stealey + a matching chipset.10:38
LTSPTNKoff course, the whole platform10:38
LTSPTNKanyway then use normal Ubuntu 8.04 normal image and install the fansy looking interface of the MID version?10:39
persiaNot quite.  Some things are compiled differently for lpia, which makes the interface different.10:40
LTSPTNKbecouse, we have been researching the usage of EEE PC's in school envinroment, but the Xandros, unfortunately, sucks.10:40
LTSPTNKUbuntu would be quite good, but while not having good interface for 7" display, it will not be an option10:41
persiaLTSPTNK: Try using the dd command mentioned earlier to create a USB key with the image, and boot off that.  It may work.10:41
LTSPTNKBut ubuntu would have working samba, likewise and all other things10:41
LTSPTNKdd= and then, havent used linux more than 9 months, so last time i used dd command I just erased my whole hard drive, while I mentioned to erase USB key which had contained sercert things :D10:42
persiaLTSPTNK: Hmm.  I don't have a better solution for you.  You may wish to wait until some other installer becomes available.10:44
LTSPTNKbut do U know the options I should use?10:45
persiadd if=$(downloaded image file) of=$(device path for USB stick) bs=102410:47
persiaThe easiest way to determine the path for your USB stick is to call dmesg | tail immediately after connecting it.10:47
LTSPTNKand path is /media/disk or something else?10:47
persiaNope.  /dev/sd$(something)10:48
LTSPTNKohh u mean device path?10:48
LTSPTNKgparted tells it :)10:48
LTSPTNKthis is something I love with Linux, U can really get help :)10:49
ograpersia, btw i think we urgently need a gui for that dd stuff ... i'f i'm not busy with classmate images on the weekend i'll attack that 11:08
persiaogra: Cool.  Thanks,.11:09
ogra(only needs three gui elements anyway)11:09
persiaFile chooser, File chooser, Status report?11:09
ografile chooser for image, puldown menu with detected USB keys and a progress bar 11:10
ograwell, and to buttons "ok" "go"11:10
persiaHow to differentiate between USB key and other storage?  sysfs tree?11:10
ograerr, "go"  "cancel" :)11:10
ograhal 11:10
ograjust ask hal for all devices that are tagged removabe, then check if they are usb11:11
persiaProbably want to display the volume name as well, for those with persistant USB connections to stuff.11:12
ogravolume name only11:12
persiaHow about auto-unmounting it as well, as nautilus will auto-mount11:12
ograi dont want /dev/something exposed to users :)11:12
persiaI don't like volume name only: I've a couple keys with the same volume name, but track which I connected last.11:12
ogra(probably in brackets behind the name, but not as default)11:12
ogranot sure you ever used my cmpc installer ... :) 11:13
persiaThat works: cater to both classes of user, with /dev-aware as second-class11:13
ograbut i would just take the code i use there11:13
persiaNope: I don't have a cmpc11:13
ograit should roughly work on every celeron with intel graphics (roughly as in you will have probs with wlan etc because thats customized)11:14
persiaShould the cmpc build work on the SR8, or is it too HW specific to even boot?11:14
ograi tried it on the Q1 :) and it worked fine 11:14
ograat the last sprint 11:14
persiaI'll give it a try this weekend then.11:14
ograwell, its supposed to go away anyway at some point in favour of the actual UNR build ... but there is a lot code we cn surely reuse or modify for the intrepid pieces we need11:15
LTSPTNKatleast the image booted11:16
persiaogra: Where is it?  I don't see it on cdimages.u.c, and google isn't playing nice.11:16
* persia should have guessed :)11:16
ograits a bit outdated ... the one i'm working on will be ful lpia11:16
persiaThat's OK.  I'm more just curious about it, as some of it may be interesting, and you've added lots of hacks.11:17
persiaJust put on USB, and boot?11:17
LTSPTNKseems to not work11:19
LTSPTNKit has been in same point for 5 minutes11:19
LTSPTNK#attached scsi generic sg0 type 011:20
LTSPTNKand not writing hard disk11:20
ograpersia, xactly 11:22
LTSPTNKwhat could be problem with this thingie? the SSD hard disk most propably?11:24
persiaLTSPTNK: Rather assumptions in the installer that you have exactly the right arrangement of hardware.11:25
loolasac: Around?11:26
persiaYou could mount the squashfs in loopback and hack it, but it won't install cleanly on your machine because of different device assignment.11:26
LTSPTNKand now one has customized this image for EEE PC?11:26
LTSPTNK^^no one11:26
persiaLTSPTNK: There've been a few Eee users in the channel, but I've not seen any specific reports about what customisation is required.11:31
ogramany of them used atom based devices afaik11:32
LTSPTNKyeah, problem is that here far in the north where Linux was born, everything arrives 6 months later and costs like hell11:33
LTSPTNKso that why I'm having 701 now :(11:33
LTSPTNKany EEE PC users here?11:40
LTSPTNKany advices what should i do with the Image Creator thingies?11:44
asaclool: how can i serve you?11:45
loolasac: I just wanted to tell you that I ported evolution-rss to xulrunner 1.9's libxul-embedding :)11:49
asaclool: hah11:49
loolasac: Following yesterday's theory, I applied it on evolution-rss and got it to build then to not crash11:50
loolasac: So thanks again :)11:50
loolasac: The last xulrunner 1.9 thing I'm more or less tracking is the mbf one11:51
loolasac: Do you think you could dig a tree with it?11:51
loolasac: I'd love to close this upstream and in hardy11:51
asaclool: whats the current state in hardy?11:52
lool(to stop having to use and test xulrunner 1.8 apps)11:52
loolasac: Current state is we are using an old mbf which is 1.811:52
asacits manually patched in the package? or not ported at all11:52
loolIt's not ported at all11:52
asacdidnt you upload something?11:52
loolI would prefer a new upstream release of mbf11:52
loolNo, I tested it11:52
asacok, so you just uploaded to PPA?11:52
loolFirst, it was around UME release and we had other things in the pipe, and I thought upstream would respond quickly11:53
loolSecond, the changes were quite intrusive and we didn't have a patch system or anything to track changes11:53
loolso doing it downstream would have required many cleanups, adding a patch system then adding the intrusive changes11:53
asaclool: ok. I'll look where those bits are and how much i need to reshape them ;)11:53
loolasac: Cool11:53
asacthen push to alioth ;)11:53
loolasac: I would say the top notch thing for upstream would a git tree derived from their master with the last bits of xulrunner 1.9 support as individual commits11:54
loolasac: If you like to look at evolution-rss, it's at svn+ssh://svn.debian.org/svn/pkg-evolution/unstable/evolution-rss11:55
loolasac: It might be crashing on exit, but I don't care too much about that11:55
loolasac: One thing which was different is that the profile path was setup first thing, and this crashes with xulrunner 1.911:55
loolMoving it later fixed this crash11:55
asaclool: yes makes sense11:56
asacyou cannot use any embedding symbols until GRE is booted11:56
asacas they all point to 0x011:56
asaclool: why does it crash on exit?11:57
asaclool: if you use startup_push (not always required), you also need startup_pop on shutdown11:57
loolasac: I didn't check whether this was done properly11:57
loolasac: It might be an unrelated crash11:57
asacmost likely not11:57
loolI'll tell you in a sec11:58
loolAh it's not unrelated, sorry11:58
loolasac: Oh ok, makes sense for the not booted use of symbols11:58
loolasac: Concerning the crash on exit, I'll look at it later, hopefully this afternoon11:58
loolIt was using startup_push() before my changes already11:59
loolI confirmed that disabling the RSS plugin prevents the crash on exit, but I don't know whether it's an historical bug in the rss plugin11:59
loolThe code has tons and tons of warnings, some scary one11:59
loolThere's a gtk_moz_embed_pop_startup ();12:00
loolin gecko_shutdown()12:00
lool#ifdef HAVE_BUGGY_GECKO12:01
lool        if (2 == render)12:01
lool                system("killall -SIGTERM evolution");12:01
lool        gecko_shutdown();12:01
lool        //really find a better way to deal with this//12:01
lool        //I do not know how to shutdown gecko (gtk_moz_embed_pop_startup)12:01
lool        //crash in nsCOMPtr_base::assign_with_AddRef12:01
loolasac: See what I meant :)12:01
loolThat's only set if test "x$GECKO" == "xfirefox" fortunately12:02
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loolasac: Well at least we're not in that case is what I meant12:42
TuxOnejust heard about the MID...can we embed this system in to smartphone?12:44
persiaTuxOne: Maybe, if your smartphone is sufficiently powerful, and you have a dialer app.12:45
persiaThe target for the recent release was the 4-6" handheld segment, but much of the code may also be used in other applications.12:46
TuxOneDoes it run as a VM? something similar to j2me?12:47
persiaIt runs on the device directly.  There are VM images available for preview on a desktop system.12:48
TuxOnecould you please send me the link?12:48
TuxOneah...i got it12:49
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RemsSsbonjour a tous22:43
RemsSsje cherche des gadgets avec ubuntu dedans est ce que ca existe ?22:43

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