[09:31] hey, is there anywhere I can get DEBs for mythtv trunk (0.22) for a frontend box? [09:31] our backend has been 0.22 for a while now and several frontends haven't been able to connect for quite a while [09:32] i tried weeklybuilds.mythbuntu.org but the hardy Packages file is empty [09:32] and gutsy only has 0.21 [09:33] jasperbg: i've been planning to do trunk builds for some time now [09:33] i'll hopefully get to it today [09:33] it helps to keep bugging me ;) [09:33] laga: hah, that would be much appreciated :) [09:34] i need to do some regular weekly builds as well today, so i might just do it ;) [09:35] awesome [09:36] that'll be the latest trunk revision though, so you might have to upgrade your backend [09:36] that's cool, i can do that [09:37] https://launchpad.net/~mythbuntu-trunk-0.22/+archive - watch this space in the next 24 hours. ;) [09:38] ok thanks very much! [13:07] morning all [13:07] Mornin' [13:07] when i first setup mythbutnu i thought i seen a place where i could view rss feeds? [13:07] cant seem to find it now [13:07] I think it's called mythnews [13:08] check your package manager and see if you have it installed [13:08] ok [13:08] ty [13:08] np [13:08] i just setup my first blog [13:08] wanted to see if i could see it on my tv for fun heh [13:08] open synaptic and search for myth [13:09] aye [13:09] and there will be a bunch of different plugins and things...;) [13:09] nother question [13:09] i have a mce remote [13:09] with i think 4 programable buttons [13:09] i wonder if i could program it to turn my tv on and off? [13:09] are they learning keys? [13:09] i beleive they are [13:10] are you wanting the remote to control the tv or mythtv to control the tv? [13:10] just wanting to not have to manualy hit power on the tv etc [13:10] if you want the remote to control the tv then just teach one of learning keys the tv power on/off from its original remote [13:11] i gotta figure out wich one's are the learning keys :) [13:11] RTM [13:11] ;) [13:11] Read [13:11] The [13:12] Manual [13:12] ;) [13:12] aye heh [13:12] hehe [13:12] oh neato an album art scraper plugin [13:12] that is useful [13:12] pulls album art from amazon.com for ya [13:12] where [13:13] http://scraping.icebo.org/index.php/2007/08/07/amazon-album-art-scraper/ [13:14] * Aquahallic has all his album art.. need one for movies....:P [13:14] me too [13:14] well [13:14] i have all for movies but it'd be nice to have one for movies too [13:14] i dont have any for music yet [13:14] imdb.pl in teh contrib dir [13:15] for movies? [13:15] yes [13:15] for mythtv specifically [13:15] OH YEAH.. I remember that from Knoppmyth [13:15] heh [13:15] whats this? [13:16] any of you folks messed with the mythphone? [13:16] i havnt yet [13:16] watched some youtube vid's of it being used [13:16] looked neato [13:17] I'm thinking about setting up an asterisk server here at home... create some SIP trunks and setup mom a mythtv back down south and have her connect back to my asterisk pbx [13:18] ah i found news feeds [13:18] is it mythnews? [13:18] aye i had it installed [13:19] heh.. kewl [13:19] just didnt look in right place heh [13:19] :P [13:19] heh mythtv system stats [13:19] uptime 4 days since i last shut it down *(its realy noisy old computer heh) [13:19] ram 376 mb [13:19] 368 mb used [13:20] swap 854 mb 163 used [13:21] rich@mythbox:~$ uptime [13:21] 08:20:52 up 104 days, 11:56, 2 users, load average: 0.34, 0.34, 0.25 [13:21] rich@mythbox:~$ [13:21] :) [13:22] heh i like the icon's for myth weather [13:24] anyone having luck with flash streaming using winblows media player as the client? [13:24] Aquahallic: flash. windows media player. probably not gonna happen? [13:26] yeah I didn't think so [13:26] VLC? [13:26] flash? browser plugin? [13:27] maybe gnash? or the mplayer plugin? [13:27] or you are probably talking about the asx stream [13:27] well I'm on a winblows machine trying to view my backend [13:27] yeah.. the asx stream [13:27] it tries to load in WMP [13:28] is there another plugin for actual flash stream? [13:28] * Aquahallic thought the asx was flash stream [13:29] it's called the flash plugin [13:29] hrm [13:29] is it in synaptic? [13:29] or I need to compile it manual [13:29] adobe flash? [13:29] install it in your browser? [13:29] the flash plugin [13:30] the actual plugin that goes on the backend itself to transcode to flash [13:30] you'll have to enable the flash player in the settings for mythweb. [13:30] it'll only work for mpeg2 recordings [13:30] hrmm [13:30] k [13:30] no [13:30] how do i change permissions on a folder i forgot [13:30] I think I did that [13:31] you simply get ffmpeg from medibuntu to get audio support and enable the flash plugin in mythweb [13:31] you talking about chmod [13:31] s/plugin/player/ [13:31] yu... did [13:31] I have medibuntu sources enabled [13:31] and I did get the ffmpeg something about mp3 [13:31] I do remember doing that [13:33] hrmm [13:33] so i got the user group set [13:34] for mythnews folder to mythtv group [13:34] http://www.mythtv.org/wiki/index.php/MythNews [13:34] as it says here [13:34] im back in frontend now [13:34] it dosnt appear to be showing anything [13:34] did you restart the frontend? [13:35] it was not on when i edited [13:35] ahh [13:35] i have frontend/backend same machine [13:35] I haven't setup mythnews so I'm not alot of help [13:35] see if yours works by defualt [13:35] sec [13:36] well... if I go to news feeds I just get a blank page [13:36] I've never tried to use it [13:37] same here [13:37] i made sure everything was set the way it told me too [13:37] so I guess the answer would be.. no.. it doesn't work for me by default...:P [13:37] maybe you need to restart the backend also??? [13:38] i'll try that [13:38] restarting now [13:38] what'd ya do... reboot? [13:39] aye [13:39] needed to check if my grub fix worked [13:39] killing two birds one stone :P [13:39] ahh [13:39] all ya really needed to do was /etc/init.d/mythtv-backend restart [13:39] ;) [13:40] you're not in winblows anymore....:) [13:40] aye [13:40] but the grub issue i was fixing :P [13:40] yeah [13:44] no effect [13:46] yeah.. you'll have to look to someone else for help on the news feeds... I haven't messed with them at all [13:46] k [13:46] sorry...:( [14:01] heyey i got it workin heh [14:01] i just had to go into utilities/setup [14:01] info settings [14:01] and check the rss feed there [14:01] woohoo i can read my own blog on myth tv now lmao [17:01] hello [17:01] is daviey here? [17:07] no [17:07] :) [17:07] I'm just about to walk out of the door [17:35] i have a 2.9 cel with gig ram and 500 gig drive ,would moving to a p4 chip improve speed in myht and the guide [19:52] HI, [19:52] After following the"ACPIWake howto" my backend keeps shutting down immidiately after boot. I might have set the idle time to low. How do I prevent the mythbackend from starting when booting but still have the possibility to go in and change some of the mythtv-setup parameters? [19:53] boot into recovery mode? [19:53] and then remove mythbackend from start [19:53] I am new to tthis. Ok with recovery boot but how do I remove the backend from start? [22:19] Anyone know the easiest way to temporarily pause any and all future recording? I need to disconnect my receiver for a little while, and I don't want mythtv trying to record blank shows. [22:36] my friend is tried to install mythtbuntu on his existing ubuntu installation and when he tried to run mythtv-setup it runs a few lines then just stops. no errors, doesnt go back to the prompt. just stops. [22:36] any ideas? [22:37] last thing it stated was "2008-07-04 17:31:58.043 New DB connection, total: 1" [22:58] Jakal: In mythbuntu mythtv-setup is actually a shell script that launches mythtv-setup, it's possible something is failing there I guess. [22:58] Although if you get a DB connection message it's probably not. [22:58] Try more verbose logging [23:49] more verbose logging? how do i do that